Which means cross with three crossbars. Tat - Cross is plain. Cross Monogram "Trident"

Which means cross with three crossbars. Tat - Cross is plain. Cross Monogram
Which means cross with three crossbars. Tat - Cross is plain. Cross Monogram "Trident"

There are multicultural characters that are found in different parts Lights that accompany humanity for thousands of years, passing through the epochs. These symbols were used and used in religions, magic, everyday life, architecture and have deep meaning. A lot of talismans, coat of arms, figures of rituals were built on their base, they are used in the separation of space and to influence the hidden reality.

This day is May 3, when the South Cross takes the astronomical shape of the perfect cross. It is curious that in the same date it is customary to look at the cross in Andes. The festival of the Cross will not overcome the remote precommunicable custom to worship the constellation of the southern cross?

This syncretism of two Western and Andean visions is again at a meeting, where residents of the Andean community know the deep root of conviction and practitioners will allow us to further strengthen our identity. They gave him the name of Chakan to this astronomical cross. This is a symbol that we see in many petroglyphs, as in Tiaanako, in Bolivia, Parakas and Ceramics Chawn. According to the architect Carlos Mill, the author of the book "The Genesis of Andean Culture", Chakan has antiquity of more than 4 thousand years. Today, the culture of Aimar continues to reproduce the chakan schedule on his canvases.


The emergence of the image of the cross apparently refers to the neolithic when the cross begins to appear in different traditions of each other, becoming more and more geometric; cf. indicative examples From the Balkan or Central European Neolithic and Halcolithic Excavations: dishes with a sign of a cross and snake motif (Tangary, Romania, 4000 BC. er); Four-colored signs on linear ceramics (Bilani, Czechoslovakia). It can be assumed that the individual elements of this figure arose in the upper Paleolithic. In the Posholyolithic era, the cross becomes an almost universal symbol of the unity of life and death, witnessed in a variety of mythopoietic and religious systems (including mystical options and censal forms of mythology), as well as in a degenerate form (household ornament, a sign as such with occasional semantics type "Attention" , "Forbidden", "Stop!", So).

Also: Symbolic elements of the indigenous peoples of Argentina. Celtic Cross or Cross with halo is a cross in which the ring is inscribed. Cross splitters always protrude from the ring, and on the most detailed images the circle moves away from the cross. Celtic crosses are often decorated with weave, nodes, symbols of life, as well as image of a snake, a symbol of rebirth.

The design of the Celtic Cross passes a long way over time, as evidenced by bronze Centurywhich is reflected both in Viking camps and in Indian populations North America. A graphically similar symbol was also used in other non-Christian traditions and occurs among the Indians Plains America. It was very widely used and used for the orientation of the space before each ceremony, as explained by Black Elan in: "The Secret Rites of Indian Siou", "Mail".

In mythopoietic and religious systems, one of the most common symbols, often functioning as a symbol of higher sacred values. The ritual sign of the cross occupies an important place in the symbols of the European-Asian cultural circle, but is also known and beyond - in Australia, Oceania, Precucumbian America. In Africans (Bushmen and Gottentotov), \u200b\u200bthe cross symbolizes the deity, protection in childbirth. The cross in the Assyrians and Celts is the power of the Creator of all things, creative power, the sun. In the Sumero-Semitic tradition, the Babylonian cross with an incomplete moon arises in connection with the lunar deities; Assyrian cross is the four directions in which the sun shines; The cross the sun was only an aristocracy. In Phenicia, the cross meant life and health. In Haldea, the cross depicted six days of creation and six phases of the time and life of the world. In some of the ancient peoples of the East, the cross symbolized a kind of "hungry" tree, on which, according to myth, the god harvest was crucified - he must rise when the tree is sewn in spring.

SAMI famous form Today - Nevertheless, the Celtic Cross decorated with weave. When drawing alternation, the "nodes" correspond to the number of states or modalities of a state in which the creature should go before attaching the upper state or center.

This is a characteristic symbol of Celtic Christianity. The cross is one of the basic symbols of humanity long before the arrival of Christianity. The Celtic cross is found in many places, because Christianity recovered through the Christian gentle part of the symbolism of the pagan.

At the Celts, the cross is a phallic symbol, a symbol of life, fertility.

Druids worshiped the sun and the moon, the concept of a round form was very important in the druid teaching. If a simple circle is a moon symbol, the equilateral cross (TAU) represented equality, the concept of equal movement in all directions at the same time (four directions of the Earth). He saw in the form that catches the wind of any direction, the symbol of the air. Celtic Christianity used and converted symbols and ideas familiar to Druidam, the Priests of the Celts to bring them to Christ.

Christian use combines the Latin cross with a circle, while other uses are based on a regular cross. In addition to Ireland, there is, therefore, Scotland, Wales and Cornwall, although in this last region the cross-pattern is different, and the circle is usually wider than the cross.

The most famous of them are Irish, with the Kells Cross and Monasterbas, or the clone-mammaking, which is probably the oldest, even if the date is accurately established when these crosses have been established for sure. It is also located in Brittany and other parts of France. This is a symbolic soul trip, which is presented here. The soul should access it various levelsto climb on highest level. This is an idea of \u200b\u200bhuman experience, its underwater stones, successes and experience.

Scandinavians and Teutons Tau-Cross are a Torah hammer, personifying thunder, zipper, storm, rain, fertility, and the strength of the gods of the storm.

In the Russian lower tradition, there was a complete identification of the name of the Cross with the name of Christ and with the designation of believers in the cross and in Christ

Gwenved is eternal worldin which the time and change "suspended". It is a fifth element, ether, divine light. The four branches of the cross are four elements: water, air, fire, land with plant representation, solstice and equinox, four seasons, as well as the traditional Celtic separation of the territory in four. The center is a venue and symbolic communication between this world and others, the weave present on the legs of the crosses expresses the infinite movement of evolution and the involution of cosmic and human facts.

(Krestov, "Cross" - Christ - Horses (l) Yane); However, scientific etymology argues that itself russian name The cross comes on behalf of Christ borrowed from germanic languages; cf. Holiday-wrennenec Christ, Crist, Krist (another point of view is erected by this name of the cross to the lat. Crux).

Mayan Tau-Cross - a tree of life and food. Mexicans are a tree of life, four winds and fertility. This is the symbol of Tlalos and Ketzalcoatlia. The hint of the hint of the cross-symbol is applied from the message of the descendant of Inca Garsilaso de la Vega, who writes: "Tsari Inkov owned in Cusco Cross from red and white marble, which is called" Crystalline Jasper "; No opportunity to say, since when they owned them ... The cross was square, the same width and height; He probably made three quarters of the elbow, rather less than the more each crossbar - three fingers in the width and the same in the depth. He was mascked carved from one whole piece, corners carefully decorated, the stone is elegantly polished and brilliant. They kept this cross in one of their royal houses that they call Huaka, which means " holy place". They did not pray for him, but he won it, perhaps because of his beautiful form or for another reason that they were not able to call. " The American Indians have a cross - a form of man, rain, stars, fire from firewood, virginity, four sides of the world and four winds. The North Wind is the strongest, cold and all-facing giant, head and intelligence. Oriental wind - heart, source of life and love. Western - delicate wind from the spiritual country, last sigh and care to the unknown. Southern wind is a place of fire and passion, melting and devouring. The center of the Cross is the land and a person driven by the opposing forces of gods and winds.

Fourth round Underworld Or Celtic Hell, Circle Annum or Anna, is drawn on the circle of Abreda at the intersections with a cross, giving 8 small circles surrounding the central circle, Gwenvan. Therefore, it should be remembered that the Celtic Cross is a summary of the Celtic Cosmogony, a Celtic-Christian symbol inherent in the Celtic peoples, and the expression of their spirit. In no case cannot belong to groups or people who do not have any connection nor cultural, nor national, with feeling.

Montovolo: the sacred mountain of the mysterious Northern Etruscan Dodecapoli. Montotolo: Perhaps the ancient Etrusky Oracular Center. The most famous "oracles" are located around Mediterranean Sea And are places previously engaged in religious practice.

Hindus Vertical Cross is rajas, expansion of existence, sattva or higher celestial states; The horizontal is Tamas, the lower, more terrestrial state. The cross is associated with the sacred gangom and with crossed chopsticks from Fire belonging to Agni.

In Buddhism, the cross means the axis of the wheel of the law and the wheel of Sansary. Gnostics, the cross symbolizes the equilibrium of perfection. In Alchemy, the cross is the natural order of elements, the central point of Kvintessence.

Each center had a stone, usually an oval or hemispherical, also called the umbilical stone, and for this reason, various centers called themselves "PUAP of the world", sometimes opposing each other. Two birds or in the vicinity are often engraved with two birds, located opposite each other who were often pigeons. Oracle was also associated with the "Wood Code": Dodon had an oak, Delph was laurel, etc. The plant served as a "code" to identify the oracular center and, possibly, also served to determine the latitude of the site.

Montotolo is a mountain located in Tuscan-Emilian Apennines, with an ancient sanctuary, whose ancient origin It is still partially unknown, even if it is allowed by many. But for us more interesting is the presence of two engraved pigeons located one opposite another with five holes in the center to form a "cross", which may not be christian crossAnd at the bottom of both sides, two plants are engraved, which look like "lilies", or other spontaneous colors, such as daffodils.

Bailey emphasizes the fiery symbolism of the cross and shows that in all the Languages \u200b\u200b"Cross" (Crux, Cruz, Crowz, Croaz, Krois, Krouz) has a common etymological basis on -Ak, -p or -as, meaning "Light of the Great Fire". Evola suggests that the cross is the synthesis of seven aspects of space and time, because its form is such that it saves how it saves and destroys free traffic; Consequently, the cross is the complete opposite of the typosoros, a snake or dragon, personifying primitive anarchic dynamism, which precedes the creation of space and the occurrence of order. This explains the close relationship between the cross and the sword, as the one, and the other kept in their hands, fighting against the primitive monster.

With a prerequisite made in the oracular centers of the Mediterranean, now it is easy to assume that Montoto was originally an ancient "oracular" center, probably Etruscan, as many finds of Etruscans were found on the slopes of Montotolo. Five crushed holes included in the circle can be a "symbol of the navel of the world", as can be seen on other "Pup" stones. Evidence of the Etruscian Oracular Center in the legends and in the popular traditions of Montoto.

Now we wanted to analyze some ancient legends, about which Monto and some local folk traditionswhich can add other elements to determine with greater confidence that Montoto was a very ancient "oracular center" probably Etruskite. As often, myths, legends and traditions often hide the true events, even if they are sometimes difficult to interpret as for the symbol used, but first of all because they are hidden by veins of centuries or millennia.

Unlike a circle and square, main idea Which as mythological signs is to distinguish between the internal and external space, the cross emphasizes the idea of \u200b\u200bthe center and the main directions leading from the center (from within the outside). Constitution of the viscous center in the Cross puts additional emphasis on the fact that is the highest value of the system that hierarchizes and sacralizes the entire space by determining the lines and direction of links and dependencies. The maximum of the sacred strength of the cross is relying in that sacral spatial center and at that sacred moment, where and when the cross is gained, tested and erected. Indicating the four sides of the world, it underlies all the symbols of orientation: earth, celestial, spatial and temporary. The vertical axis binds the pole relative to the equator, horizontal - correlates with the equinoxies and solstice. At the point of their intersection there is a center. The cosmic axis passes through the points of Zenith and Nadir; The North-South direction is the axis of the solstice, and the East-West - the equinox axis in many cultures of the image of the world system are often given in a cross-shaped design (for example, in the ancient Mayervarvari-Mayer Code). Along with the circle stands structural element Many meditation images and temples biblical paradise with four rivers arising from it. The cross divides the squares to the equal fourth parts (for example, the perfect device of the Roman city with crossed streets, walking from the east to the West and from north to south). Built and at a later time of the city were divided into real "city quarters"; Even medieval schematic maps of the world often (along with the Scheme T) are compiled condo, with Jerusalem in the center. The cross often acts as a model of a person or anthropomorphic deity - the anthropomorphocentricity of the Cross and the "cruciform" of a person with open hands constantly hesitated in the ritual, in folklore (cf. riddles), in mythological and religious plots.

With regard to Montoto, the legend of the snake hidden under the largest custody of the treasure awaiting a kiss from a young woman to resume the human form. As Graves reports, there is also an ancient ballad in Delphi, which tells about the "hero embodied in the snake." As you can see the story, similar stories Montotolo. Even in the estimated oracular center of Montotolo in the legend there is a snake associated with a large stone. A large stone could only be an oval stone with a snake carved on it.

While only the legend remains, but perhaps the oval stone is buried under the church or near. It can only be a custom Sapsana, but may also indicate a vague memoil about the ancient presence of a sacred oval stone in ancient and revered temple on this mountain, which was always called Sacra. It is well known that Eroshi Lukumoni from Dodecaple met in sacred places once a year to commit religious victims and take political decisions after they voluntarily interrogated the gods through Aurisics or Oracles.

At the same time, the cross simulates a spiritual aspect: climbing the Spirit, aspiration to God, for eternity. The structure of the temple [regardless of whether the altar is located in the eastern part of it or in the center (as in the Church of San Stefano Rotondo in Rome, 6th century, or in the Byzantine churches of the same type) and whether the church is round, rectangular ( Square) or connected round-rectangular] The cross is also modeled both in its vertical aspect, reproducing the vertical of the cross (the level of the upcoming, altar on the elevation, the iconostasis, the erected cross, divine characters in the dome and on sails) and in the horizontal aspect, formed by the intersection Nebel [or one nef, determined by the line from the entrance to the altar (West - East)] with a testing or halcidic, cutting oil in the transverse direction (as in the ancient Roman Basilica of St. Peter). Placed in the Mystical Center of Cosmos, it becomes a bridge or a staircase, with which the soul can reach God.

Montotolo can be one of these sacred places, and it can explain ancient tradition Gathering in the procession once a year, May 3, twelve parishes or neighboring municipalities, and in Sacred year They were added on September 8. Twelve parish. It should be remembered that the number of twelve for Etruscans and for all the ancient peoples also had a symbolic and sacred value that could be associated with the twelve constellations.

If all of the above is still not strange coincidences or assumptions, it can be concluded that Montotolo was probably an important "oracular center" already in the Etruscan era and, possibly, the sacred mountain or geodesic center for the ancient Etria, which consists in maximum development In addition to today's Tuscany, part of the Valley of the software.

The cross acts as a geometrized version of the world's tender with the same two main coordinates and a seed cosmological orientation system, but with an aggravated anthropocentric idea. It is characteristic that it is the cross and structurally, and chronologically acts as a mediastinum between the global trees (associated, as a rule, mainly with zoomorphic images) and a person as a geometrized description of the other. The cross can act as a symbol of life and a sign of death. The peculiarity of the functioning of the cross in these two opposite areas is precisely in the constant synthesis of these areas, leading to the chain (or wheel) of births and deaths, to their mutual penetration into each other. Vertical line - Eightweight, spiritual and intellectual, positive, active, male; Horizontal is an earthly, rational, passive, negative and female.

Black Madonna Montsolo and his alleged ancient temple Isis. This story may have been born, because in Montoto there is black Madonna or why as soon as the statue of Isides existed from which Black Madonna is a reproduction. It is difficult to determine the exact correlation, but there must be an attitude between the legend about the church of Isida and the presence of the Black Madonna. Modern historians recognize that the statue of the Egyptian goddess Isis with her son Horus in his arms, which is a historic find found in many places, was the first Madonnaya with a baby.

The Greek Cross with equal rays is the connection of the male and female, vertical and horizontal, positive and negative principles, the emblem of the pockets as the goddess of the intersections, etc. The Greek Cross has four end of equal length.

This cross is more often used as a symbol of Christ, but as a symbol of the Church of Christ.

Probably, many of these statues of Isides represented by black leather, they were renamed Maria, when Europe was forcibly Christianized, for which, many of the Black Madonnes are likely. Probably, the image of Isides was brought by Roman soldiers and was painted in black to point to his African origin, even if in ancient Egypt, Isis conditionally stained in yellow, pointing to the women's deity. Over time, his cult has been strengthened as a religion of salvation and consolation, addressed to all classes with a particular consideration of the poorest.

Skit Crux Decussata, or oblique cross, later called the Cross of St. Andrew, is often present on the ancient coins and steles.

Andreevsky Cross (Cross of St. Andrew) is perfection, number 10. Cross of St. Andrei in the form of the letter X. St. Andrew chosen to be crucified on the cross, different from the Cross of Christ, considering herself unworthy even in the flour to become the Savior. Symbol of humility in suffering. The cross in the image of the letter "X" (Lat. Crux Decussata) was found on the ancient coins and on Stellah - the connection of the Vyshny and underground kingdoms, named later than the Cross. Andrei. The Andreevsky Cross in the form of X, on which, according to legend, was executed by the apostle Andrew and who appears in the form of a cross mark both on prehistoric bone remains and on the magical tools of witchcraft (for example, on the "Knobs", which must drive the witches storms).

The definition of the sanctuary for this little church may seem disproportionate, but instead it would be advisable if it was originally it was important milestone Temple for many people. Most important Religious Festival Montotolo passes after the first week of September, and in the past, this party lasted two weeks.

The source of Castile in Delphi and the source of Cantalia in Montotolo is one more weird coincidence or another very long connection between these two places. North-west of Athens is the sacred mountain, called Parnas, and among the rocky and seated trees of the slopes - the ruins of the ancient and beautiful city Delph, more famous as the highest oracle center of the ancient Mediterranean world. In the next century, other Orthodox centers Ancient Greece, such as dodon and Delos, surpassed the value and became the worldwide center for the Greeks, and then for other peoples of the Mediterranean.

St. Peter "Petrovsky Cross" with a crossbar installed at the bottom, since. According to legend, the apostle has been crucified on his head on an inverted cross.

Teutonic crosses of the Knights of the Teutonic Order are four-time T-shaped crosses that pop up in the era of merindoving and included as "liturgical crosses" in sacred art.

In Austria, the Cross Knights of the Teutonic Order was a political symbol " Patriotic Front", Which hoped to introduce his mark, in contrast to the Swastika of the National Socialism dominating in Germany.

From other types of pre-Christian crosses, T. N. Tau-Cross, or Crux Commissa (Patibulata), that is, transverse in the form of the letter T (gallows).

For the ancient Jews, he was a symbol of the expected Messiah, salvation and eternal life, was used as a talisman ("TAV" - the 22nd letter of the Jewish alphabet, which became the object of far-reaching mystical speculations, which included it in a wide network of compliance; the numerical value "TAV" - 400 ). Tradition connects Tau-Cross with a cross raised by Moses in the desert; cf. Also gesture Oranta; For the ancient Egyptians, Tau-Cross also contacted the idea of \u200b\u200blife and with the male and female principles. Later, this cross was called Christians of the Cross of St. Anthony.

Ankh - the most significant symbol In the ancient Egyptians, also known as Crux Ansata, or "Cross with a handle."

In this cross, two symbols are combined: a circle (as a symbol of eternity) and a Tau-Cross suspended to him (as a symbol of life); Together they denote immortality and eternal life. This cross symbolizes the union of male and female deities, Osiris and Isis. In the hieroglyphic letter, this sign was set with the meaning of "Life", and he was part of the words "welfare" and "happiness."

Ankh was used by women as a protective amulet intended for wearing on the neck, because it was considered that he helps from infertility. The Egyptians depicted ankh on amulets to extend life on Earth. Faith by virtue of Ankha was based on the idea that it was exactly what the key was looking for, which could be opened by the Gate of Death. The symbol of this "key" was put on the walls of the channels in the hope that it would save from flooding and fluid to oscillation of the water level. Some suggest that ankh symbolizes the tree of life: oval is an eternity, and the expansion of the cross in length and width is an irresistible space. It may also symbolize the sun rising above the horizon.

Latin Crux IMMISSA - that is, "Walking", "Lucky Cross"

In the Latin Cross, the longitudinal crossbind of longer transverse. Three upper branches are equal to each other. Traditionally, used as the symbol of the passions of the Lord or Atonement. Five red marks or precious stonesplaced on the cross, - five wounds of Christ.

Other cross with a wheel in the center - Hindus chakra, power, greatness, solarium. The cross, the edges of which are expanding to the tips, symbolizes the opened bird wings that are the emblem of the Knights of Hospitallers. Cross roses (five-floor) - Harmony, Heart, Center Taoist, Cross ~ Tree of Life, Regeneration, Hidden Wisdom, Divine Strength and Board, Life is upcoming; Hammer of the gods of thunder, "Avenger", "crusher", a fighting ax. Double Cross - Solar Symbol of Zeus as God Heaven; It also appears on Buddhist stups and accompanies the Chaldean gods of the sky and the Aryan deities. Cross with hand - an ancient talisman against an evil eye. Cross with a crescent: Crescent is a moonbark, "a female perceiving element; Cross - Mast axis and a phallic symbol simultaneously; together they personify the union of male and female, heaven and land.

The ledged cross is called the coat of arms, in the form of a cross, at the ends of which is a heraldically simplified lease symbol. Sometimes it is called a cross inserted into Lily in which the lower end ends with edges. The leafy cross is an ordinance mark based in 1156 1. Military knightly orders of Alcantara in Castile. The sweat-like fur cross is decorated in the form of arrows of arrows: it was a political symbol and was called in Hungary Nyilaskereszt (crossed arrows); As the emblem of the fascist party in the thirties. He had to remind the arrows of Magyar conquerors and, consequently, about the long majority of Magyar. Jerusalem - dedication (cf. Cross as a sign of faith and loyalty in the context of opposition to the "faithful" believers and "incorrect" unbelievers); In particular, the "Jerusalem Cross" should be mentioned with four small crosses at the ends, which was the coat of arms of the Jerusalem kingdom during the crusades. Five crosses (together) indicate five wounds of crucified Christ. Celtic combination of the cross and a circle, in which crossbars of the cross go beyond the limits of the circle, like the "Irish High Cross", called the Quest Cross or. In short, Quest (eng. Quses - Searches) and indicates the search for knight adventures as a test.

In addition to the circle, the cross personifies the process of creation and once performed the symbol of the sun. The cross in the circle means the mobility of the sun, the wheel of the Sansary and the wheel of the fortune. Christian church It is built so that the building forms a cross inside the circle of church yard. (See also Circle). The Masonic Cross is a cross, inscribed in a circle, meaning the holy place and space center. Four dimensions of space in the celestial circle symbolize the totality, which includes the Great Spirit. This cross personifies the cosmic tree that spreads horizontally over the Earth and relates to heaven through the vertical central axis. The cross, inscribed in the circle - among the peoples of Asia, as well as the Germans - the sun, annual cyclicity; Basis B. creative beginning, health and life; The cross inside the circle (wheeled cross), having a cosmological value, is also a symbol of dividing the year for four seasons. Cross on a circle cross and a ball (usually a cross on a bowl) - Supreme Power, Empire, Celebration of the Spiritual; Cross on a bowl - kingdom, supreme power; The ball, the apple, the Power - one of almost indispensable monarchical insignifice, the emblem of the sun, land; Male and female entity. Cross, Anchor and Heart - Vera, Hope and Love (Mercy). Cross and Pigeon Cross and Pigeon - the autumn of the Cross of the Holy Spirit; Cross from Ground Perunov - the sacred emblem in the hands of Chinese idols and symbolizing the divine power of the true teaching, triumphant over false teachings and worldly misconceptions; Cross with a bedspread - correlated with the stay of Christ in the grave (in the Sumere on the altari and the tomb, it was placed in memory of the sunny God, descended in underground kingdom); The cross in a square in the square is a Chinese earth and stability symbol. The Chinese have a cross in a square - the symbol of the Earth, where the circle means heaven.


One of the most archaic symbols occurring in images upper Paleolithic, in the ornament of many nations in different parts of the world. The swastika is the designation of a favorable, happy object, is depicted in the form of a cross with curved (at an angle or oval; more often - in the direction of the clockwise) ends. The swastika from ancient times is very common in Indian culture, where traditionally interpreted as a solar symbol, a sign of light and generosity. Witnessed in the traditional symbolism of China, ancient Egypt, in early Christianity (t. n. "Hammated Cross"), etc. the newest time Used by the German fascists as the emblem of the Aryan began, which gave the swastika odious character in modern perception.

It is widely widespread, but not everywhere: with the exception of some parts of Africa and Sumer. At all was not met in Central Africa and the bottom Mesopotamia, it is found in Asia and in the Doary civilization of the Indus valley, it is found in many cultures of the old and new light widely used in the Indo-Buddhist Aarea (Jainism, Buddhism, Vishnuism) everywhere meets in Decolumbovy America, both in North and South ; often met by Hettov; found on Cyprus and Troy ceramics; pretty early appeared in Central, Western and Northern Europe; in Iceland, Lapland, Finland, Doharistian Ireland and Scotland; as well as in the Far East, in Central Asia, in India, Mesopotamia, on the stones in mycken, as well as from the Etruscans, at the Celts, at the Germans; She meets in Decolumbovy America, in Indians, in particular, Navakhov.

Accurate and only faithful value Swastika as a graphic symbol indicate it is impossible due to many reasons:

  1. the value of this symbol in the prehistoric period is simply unknown
  2. under the name "Swastik" united similarly, but completely different signs of origin and meaning
  3. significantly the number of images involving the motive of the swastika have a purely decorative meaning.

The swastika, called in the west, a "gammated cross" due to similarity in shape with the letter of the Greek alphabet Gamma, performed a symbol of life. Like the cross, inscribed in the circle, the swastika means a rotational movement around a fixed center, such as the Sun: the start of the beginning towards the world. Rene Heon established a link between this symbol and a double spiral close to the Far Eastern Thai Ji. In the Christian world, the Swastika Center embodies Christ, and the corner "gamma" - four evangelists. As a result of the fact that, unfortunately, the swastika was borrowed by the German fascists, this symbol was degradation - became a disgusting symbol of intolerance and death. The latter was the emblem established in 1918. Tula-Societies and "Erhard Brigades", and in 1920, the Swastasty, interpreted by Hitler as a sign of the "struggle of the Aryan peoples", was placed on the party banner of the National Socialists.

Intersecting swastics, sometimes called "Solomon nodes" symbolize divine incomprehensibility and infertility.

The ends of the cross bent at the right angle indicate the direction of movement in a circle. The reverse swastika is a female symbol - on images on the Lonn triangle of Artemis and Astarta with ends, curved to the right, in the upper mesopotamia, communicated with the female generating start, was often depicted at the bottom of the belly semitic goddess Ishtar.
The direct and reverse form of the swastika is a male and female, sunny and moonstart, the movement of software and counterclockwise, as well as, apparently, two hemispheres, heavenly and chonic power, ascending spring and the setting autumn sun.

Main values:

  1. eternal Cycles, the infinite change of seasons, continuous update, cyclic revival, mystical center, zenith with four sides of light, sun with rays.
  2. The idea of \u200b\u200brotation around the stationary center, manifestation (impact on the world) of the primary start.
  3. Energy (solar), movement of vitality, four sides of light, movement, sunflower, the birth of the lightning, the languages \u200b\u200bof the holy fire; as well as infinity, cycle of life, the power of higher deities; The power of the sun, rain and wind, the unpredictability of the expression of divine desires, the blessing of the Divine, life, four phallos; Health, well-being, happiness, long-life, rebirth, strength, change of generations, creative power, agriculture, adaptation for the birth of fire by friction, knowledge, ascension, takeoff; Penetration into the essence of things ...
  4. Speed, turntables for creating fire (Prometheus sign).
    Space and creative energy;
  5. life, movement, happiness, good luck - India.
  6. Four main forces, side of light, elements.

The Ancient East

Widely used by Hittites. In the cult of the Syrian goddess Agartatis (Phoenician Astarta, greek Aphrodite) - Symbol of life. Certificates that the reverse swasty is a female symbol can be found in the images of Artemis and Astarta, where it is depicted on the triangle of vulva with the ends, bent to the right, in the upper mesopotamia, communicated with the female generating start, it was often depicted at the abdomen of the Great Semitic Goddess Ishtar. Semites she accompanies other sunny symbolsBut it is depicted as a symbol of the female generating force on the pubic in Astarta.


In the Greeks in the Mediterranean, the hooks on the crosses sometimes cooked on crossroads or drove in the form of meander (ornament). It is also depicted in the form of a comprehensive Gamna Gamma letter. Attribute Zeus as God of Heaven and Helios as a sunny God; It is also found at the ger, ceres and artemis.

North tradition

Mielnar, God's hammer Torah. Brigratov in England, when they were associated with a pagan brigital or bride. At Celts, luck, appears with the gods of thunder.
Scandinavians and Teutons in the Severogrertian (Scandinavian) culture, the hook-shaped cross denotes the amulet symbol - "Torah hammer". This is a combat ax or a torus hammer as a god of air, thunder and lightning, good luck. The swastika is also found in Iceland.


In Europe is known primarily as political symbol With Pyangeherman or specifically Germanic meaning.
As the emblem "Aryan" racial purity, the swastika is used before the First World War II members of the Anti-Semitic Socialist Groups in Germany and Austria. Hitler used the dynamism inherent in this symbol for the needs of his party and in August 1920 placed the swastika on the Nazi banners, thereby assigning her invaluable power. "The effect was like a broken bomb," Hitler wrote later.


In Lithuania, the swastika has the properties of a talisman, which brings good luck, and its Sanskrit name is used.


In Russian Orthodox use, the name was called: Rotating Cross, Sunfather, Somaton. This symbol in Russia can be traced from ancient times as an ornament in decorating clothing, household goods, weapons, religious images and structures. According to the materials of archaeological research, Russia is the richest territory for the use of swastika as a religious and cultural and domestic symbol - neither Europe nor India can compare with Russia in abundance of Svastik,

covering Russian weapons, steags, national suit, decorations (temporal silver ring, culture of Vyatichi, XII century; imaginary pins, Novgorod, XII century; rings; buckle, Novgorod, XIII century), houses, household goods and temples, and The swastika is used both as an ornament with a purely aesthetic function and as an overlap symbolism.

Somatic (right swastika)

Presence and patronage of God in everyday life, abundance, happiness, well-being.

Solf, Kolovrat (Left Swastubo)

The patronage of God in the fight against the enemies. The left swastika was depicted on the shields of warriors, on weapons, especially often - on quiver for arrows.
From ancient times before the beginning of the 20th century, the swastika was considered the main symbol in the Russian ornament national costume. It was placed on the chest, on the gate and alert both female and male costumes.


In Tibet is considered a sign of happiness and talisman.


OK is observed. 2000 BC e. In the Doary culture Mohenjo Daro (Indus culture) and in Ancient China. About 700 g. Takes the value of the number of 10,000 in China ("Infinity").
The Chinese: two swastiki are used for the image of Yin and Yang forces. it early form Hieroglyph "Fan", meaning four limits of space and land. Being used as a frame, means "Wan Tzu", ten thousand things or sequences, that is, not having no beginning, nor the end sequence, infinite update of life, eternity. It also symbolizes perfection, movement, relevant law, longitudescence, blessing, good omen, good wishes. She is also a thunder spiral. Blue swastika means the unlimited perfection of the sky, red - the unlimited perfection of the virtues of the heart of the Buddha, yellow - infinite prosperity, green - the infinite perfection contained in agriculture. Watch-oriented Swastika - the power of Yang, counterclockwise - the power of Yin.

North America

In symbolism north American Indians Swastika is associated with a sacred number of four, four winds of the winds, four times the year.

Sanskrit: Swastika - Current good, from "Svasti" - "success", "luck"; And "Asti" - "He is", "he is with me." Popular sign in Hindus, Buddhists, Shintoists.
Hindus: start, discovery, news; sign on the decoration of the gods; sign of the first page of the life account; The sign that is put on the threshold and the doors of the house, as waging from a fire, an evil eye, the attribute of God Ganesh
Krishnaitov - "benefactor" (supuputa), analogue of tartankaruv-reliefers who help the deceased to find a trip over the river in The kingdom of the dead. A sign that four of its shoulders can help the soul in her revival; In the world of animals and plants, in hell, among people on earth, in the world of perfume.
In India - the movement of the Sun in the sky; An indication of how to move around the altar, holy place, left-sided - autumn sun, darkness, black magic, misfortune, destruction, death, night, the sign of the Goddess Kali, the ladies of death, destruction.
The symbol of the Vedic God of Fire and the Divine Carpenter Agni (wands for the extraction of fire), "Mystical Double Asaran", as well as the Dyus, the ancient Aryan god of the sky, and later Indra. Also associated with Brahma, Surway, Vishnu, Shiva and Ganesh as a pioneer and the God of Crossroads. Swastika is sometimes used to seal jugs with holy water from Ganges. As an ancient symbol of Ariyev, the Swastika was considered a noniconial image of their Higher Divine of the Sun, and the Heavenly God of the Dyus.


Buddhists "Printing Buddha Hearts", Esoteric Doctrine Buddha, Sansary Wheel. One of the eight favorable signs on the fingerprint of the Buddha feet.
"Swollen" ends to the left, - Buddhist symbol of an infinite cycle of existence,
Fixed core wheel factory.


In the jaisinum, four arms bent in the elbow indicate the levels of being - the divine world, human world, animal peace and hell.
In followers of Jainism, this is divine power, the creator of the sky and the earth. Four hands symbolize four stages of existence: protoplasmic life, plants and animals, man, celestial creatures.
Swastavistics with three circles above it means three jewels of the right faith, the right knowledge and proper behavior; With a crescent above it - the state of liberation (the growing moon always becomes more complete); Swastube with one circle over the crescent is a status symbol complete knowledge, omniscience.


There was a secret sign of Gnostics and was used instead of a cross in the Christian sect of Manicheev.
Gnostic sects of late antiquity used a kind of swastika composed of bent feet bent as secret symbol, comparable with a three-axis (triskey) cross.


IN orthodox tradition Swastika is an essential symbol and means the presence of God.
The images of the swastika are visible on the icon of Christ-Almighty in the Novgorod Sophia Cathedral.
In 1917, the icon of Our Lady of Lady, we can see the left swastika depicted on the head of the Virgin.


Muslims Asia swastika means four sides of the world and control over four times of the year by angels: West - an angel recorded, south-angel-angel, north - an angel of life, East - an angel announced.


IN medieval Europe - Amulet-guard from an evil eye. Playing important role In the art of drawing up pentacles; She brings happiness. The beneficial effect has only when "foot" is turned clockwise; Otherwise, it has a detrimental effect and is called sauvastics. In the Masonic tradition, it was used as a symbol that dismissed trouble and evil. The ravoy is associated with rotating figures, which originally expressed the ideas of mixing the seed substance in the maternal bowl. It was suggested that the four-year mountains and other four-liter gods carried her symbolism, while Count Goblet D'Alviell suggested that the swastika, Crux AnSata and the winged disk were originally the same symbol, and therefore mutually exclusive. He divided ancient world In two zones of symbolism, while the swastika prevailed "throughout the Aryan world, with the exception of Persia, and Crux AnSata and the winged disk never replaced each other." The cross as the four corners of the square, over which the sun is moving in a circle, turning them into a circle (that is, rounded the square and making the Circassian Aleut Circassic Square, the symbol of the primitive movement of a great breathing, spinning chaos in the center of creation.


The first known images of the pentagram occur from Sumer and Ancient Egypt, countries where magic originated by legend. Five-end stars drawn in clay found in ruins ancient City Uruk, according to scientists, dating about 3500 BC. er

Pentagram ancient Sumer

Pentagram images are found in Egyptian statues. According to his " New Encyclopedia Frank-Free Masonry "Arthur Wate, the Egyptians called the Pentagram" Star of P. P. Anubis. "
Geometric symbol of harmony, health and mystical forcesassociated with the symbolism number five. Being an endless, five-pointed star perceives the value, the strength and perfection of the circle. Like a circle, the pentagram is able to bind evil power and elemental, therefore symbolizes good luck. Five her vertices mean the spirit, air, fire, water and land. It is also a marriage symbol, implementation: five of its rays are the fruitful union of the troika, male beginnings, and twice - female. An inverted pentagram in everyday perception is a symbol of destruction, devil (goat head), lust and coarse instincts.

At the same time, it is believed that the connection of the inverted pentagram with Satan is a trap, which Levi eliphas left in his work. In favor of this version, among other things, it also says that at the beginning of the history of Christianity, the inverted pentagram was interpreted as a symbol of the transformation of Christ.

Pentagram Konstantin

It is the inverted pentagram that is on the press of the Roman emperor Konstantin, who made the Christianity of the State Religion and the Church ranked with the Church.

The soloing of such interpretation should be sought in the works of the ancient Kabbalists. According to them, the inverted Pentagram is "ZAYR ANPIN", the microprosop or the "small face" of the Lord, who form six Nizhny Sephirot on the Kabbalistic Tree of Life: Hesed-Gebra-Tifferet-Netzah-and-Iness. At the same time, Zair Anphin is referred to as the Tifferet, the Denial Son, through the connection with which our world could be saved.

Pythagora and his disciples of the Pentagram are considered as a combination of numbers two and three (respectively - female, earthly and male, heavenly began), which determined its role as a symbol of the Union of Heaven and Earth, mystical harmony, as well as a microcosm (human body and mind). Being a sacred symbol of bodily-spiritual harmony, the Pentagram also serves as a sign of five senses, health and goddess of Gigi.

In this latter case, the vertices of the pentagram depict the letters S, A, L, V, S.

Inserted in the circle (invisible) Pentagram, means silence of the dedicated: five of its ends - a symbol of five years of silence of the student preceding dedication.

It is read that it is thanks to the Pythagoreans "Pentagram finally acquired the occult value."
In 300-150 BC e. The pentagram acts (official) emblem of Jerusalem.


In the Great Redemption Astralclich, letters symbolize the will of the Divine, the Word as an organ of this will; The symbol (tires / shin \u003d 300 \u003d 21 Arcan) means the mechanism of involution, materialization, i.e. The incarnation of this word. In this case, the pentagram is as follows.
The upper vertex will be the material weapons that this will operates in physical terms. This cliché is an imperceptible from Pentagram total astral Plan. She in the mental plan corresponds to the dogmas of the incarnation and redemption (Rosencraser schools of 16-18 centuries).
If in the same symbol you will interpret not as God's will, but as a weak reflection of it, the will of a separate human person, then the symbol will be reduced to an ordinary human pentagram.


Pentagram is one of the most often diverse magic symbols. Usually, it serves as a protective sign (against demons), so its images are often found on buildings (carved on the thresholds, doors and door beams), talismans and amules (rings), trees, rocks. For example, in the Alpine region has big number Pentagrams carved on the rocks during periods late Middle Ages and early new time, the images of which are combined with christian symbols and the designations of the genital organs, also perceived as charging.

In magical practice, the Pentagram is considered as a means of gaining power over earth and other worlds, its images often serve as the basis for various spell symbols and means magic rituals.
Under various names (the star of the microcosm, Palekl Will,) the drawing of Nettesheim Agrippes is widely known, representing a conscious person, whose figure with open limbs is inscribed in a five-pointed star. This image is considered as an image of a complete personality (man-microcosm), the spirit and will of which dominates the materiality of four elements and their own passions (limbs).

In her desire to argue the whole world (quadrangle) and, thanks to the knowledge of the laws governing them, such a person seeks to go beyond its limits (top ray) to a new happy being. At the same time, how such adept uses the spell and mastering agents available to it (in evil or good for the surrounding world) depends only on the thief.

The tilted pentagram represents a figure of a person facing his head down - a symbol of the conquered passions of will or a passive person, allowing evil spirits Subuse his will.

Pretty later "division" of magic on light and blacks contributed to the fastening of a negative value as a symbol of evil, Satan, the perversion of the true nature of man, witchcraft, necromanty and satanism. In this capacity, it is usually called the "witch foot", the "goat hoof" and is often depicted with a goat head inscribed in it. Such sense divergence (in particular, the change of positive value to the negative when turning the mark) is characteristic of all the tradition with a sharp (ethical) opposition of good and evil.

When the magical pentagram is drawn, it is important that it is drawn by one continuous movement and was closed, as presented in one of the scenes "Faust" Goethe, in which Mephistofel cannot leave the doctor's house while the mouse does not break out one of the lines stacked by the Pentacle. It is often emphasized by the importance of the sign of drawing a sign: so the "belomagic" method of drawing requires starting from the left teeth, then lead the line to the right, from there left, down, etc., until the figure is completed in the source point.


Print Solomon, Solomonov Print - Lat. Sigillum Salomonis, Zion Star, Shield (Star) David (David); Lat. Scutum Davidis; Hex pile.
Hexagram is widespread in many ancient cultures and traditions, meeting already on rock paintings Alpine region. Traditional interpretation It seems in it the universal symbol of the harmonic fusion of dualistic opposites. This circumstance can be supported by various colorful triangles: White - from the "Fiery", a male triangle facing the top up; Black - "water" (wet) triangle representing the feminine. "In mythology and religious exercises at all this symbol Always associated with the birth of God or demigod as the highest expression of dynamic consciousness. " Gradually, the dualistic symbolism of the gess in cosmogonical speculation is displaced by the symbolism of the four elements. At the same time, the hexagram is "folded" into four components, including "air" (triangle vertex up) and "earth" (horizontally crossed triangle vertex down).

Hexagram is most used as a "domineering" magic symbol in witchcraft (and heretical) books. As a symbol of Jews begins to be used (steadily, wide) starting from the XVIII century. Currently is one of the confessional emblems of Judaism and state symbol Israel states (depicted on its flag).

In Alchemy initially - the husband-female duality of fire and water. Later - the union of four elements; Kintessence - "Fifth Element"; Pramatriya, which includes natural components.

Stauros (T) In the center of the figure indicates the process of fertilization by a vertical line (activity) of the horizontal line (passivity), i.e. Hints at the need to consider an ascendant triangle initial, and descending reflected. Several interpretations:

  1. The ascending triangle can be called the triangle of Jesus-He symbolizes the evolutional process of our redemption. Then the descending triangle will be a triangle of the Mary element participating in the involutive process of incarnation. Stauros will show that redemption-goal, and embodiment-means.
  2. Considering the pentacle as a sign of the macrocosm, i.e. as general scheme The progress of phenomena in nature, we will call an ascending triangle-triangle of fire, symbol of objection, cleansing processes. The descending triangle will receive the name of the triangle of water, symbolizing the totality of involive, concentrating, complicating processes. StauRos will give us to understand that the life of a thick, oblique, complex there is only a reflection of the life of radiant, thin, simple.

Matter is owned by the existence of the spirit, and not the opposite ...


  • Myths of the peoples of the world
    Encyclopedia: in 2 tons / ch. ed. S. A. Tokarev. - M.: "Sov. Encyclopedia, 1991
  • Kabbalah. What is it? Compiled by B. M. SPb., Ayu, 1999, 160 p. Scientific publication
  • Wilson T., The Swastika, The Earliest Known Symbol and Its Migrations, Wash., 1896< MNME

Symbolism is the sacred science of the secret language of antiquity.

In the process of active evolution, humanity gradually developed, various races, nation, tribes were formed. Multilinguality increased. What language could preserve and transmit knowledge to a person accumulated over millions of years? This is the language of characters. "Only characters and images bring us to the mystery of being" (N.A. Berdyaev).

The symbol language is the language of God, speaking a man and helping him to realize the importance of everything that is. The symbol language is a universal language like Esperanto of space, which understands all people of all time. A notebook, mathematical signs - this is the symbolic language of our Higher Ya.

Symbolism is the sacred science of characters and emblems. Symbols are the language of the Mysteries, the secret language of prehistoric times, the global language of antiquity, the language of the hierophants. This is a language not only mysticism, but also of all of nature. Each law and the force acting in the Universe are manifested and become available to the human limited mind through symbols. The human dialect is not worthy for the transfer of divine ideas; Symbolism is the perfect method of keeping knowledge.

From ancient times, man had one mutual language - Language of symbols, intimient language, language of multilingual signs, allegories, emblems containing ancient knowledge. « On all the land there was one language and one adverb ". It is about the language of characters here.

Esoteric knowledge of the universe was given to humanity through various symbols - numbers, letters, geometric figures. Through them, you can trace the binding thread, which unites all the great religions and exercises with one source. Symbolism is the sacred science of the secret language of the most ancient times, the language of the Mysteries, mysticism.

Symbol - what serves conditional sign Some concepts, phenomena, ideas (anchor - symbol of hope, dove - peace).
Symbolism - symbolic meaningattributed to anything (symbolism of colors, symbolism of the cross).
Symbolism - direction in the literature.
Symbols - expression of ideas, concepts or senses with the help of symbols (symbols).
Symbolism - a figurative expression of ideas or thought. The initial letter did not first have letters, usually the symbol expressed a whole phrase or offer. That is, the character is a recorded allegory, and allegory is an oral symbol. Chinese writing is nothing more than a symbolic letter, where every sign (and several thousands of them) is a symbol.

Symbolism is the perfect method of keeping knowledge. Each ancient symbol is fixed into the future, because The symbol will completely give its mystery when a person can decipher it on seven plans of consciousness. Language symbols, science stars, lines that are captured on the palm - all this identification signs that proper interpretationPoint past, present and future events.

When humanity is aware of all these facts, it will understand the greatness, the appointment and power of the cosmic symbolism, including astrology and prophecies.

The symbol always surpasses the narrow boundaries of the physical mind, the human mind. If the symbol is focused only on the physical mind, the symbolic signs will quickly disappear from the memory of mankind, together with the disintegration of the physical brain, through which only the lowest mind works, therefore the symbol language is addressed to the highest reason, spiritual, to intuition, which grows and persists on Higher spiritual plans. Therefore, the symbol is eternal as the immortal spirit of man.

1. Cross - World Symbol.

Cross - one of ancient characters. What kind of depth, neither excavations were made to whatever gray antiquity treated the ruins of a dilated city, in America, in Europe, in Asia, in Africa - Crosses will be found everywhere. The civilizations from which the millennium are separated, and on which there were no traces on the surface of the earth, in the depths of the land, the image of the cross was kept on the remaining shards of the dishes.

it world SymbolAnd none of the religions should assign it exclusively. In the oldest images, the cross is enclosed in a circle. Later he began to be depicted without a circle. The cross in the highest sense has always served as a symbol of the Spirit. From the sphere of the spiritual cross descended to the external manifestation and served as a symbol of stars in the sky. The cross from prehistoric times serves as a religious and security character in almost every culture of the world. He was the attribute of the gods of Egypt, Assyria, Persia, India, Scandinavia.

"Truly, the cross can be attributed to the deeces of innumerable archaic times .... We find it everywhere, on the statues of Easter Island, in ancient Egypt, in Central Asia, carved on the rocks, and as Tau and Swastika in the Doharistian Scandinavia. " Ancient Arias used a cross as a sign of Agni (fire), because It shows as if two pieces of wood, which were used in antiquity to mining fire.

Almost everywhere, the cross is considered a symbol of fire and light. For Christians, the cross has a double meaning. First, this is a crucifix symbol.

Secondly, this is a symbol of suffering, patience, the symbol of the burden of earthly life; the symbol of the cross of each personwhich crates all the death life with its earthly passions.

The cross has always been a symbol of death and a symbol of life.

Cross like a crucifix symbol.

Crosses for crucifix were various shapes:

of three pieces - as the letter Tau

from 4 parts, boobs

or oblong, the so-called Latin

or oblique

"Crucifixion from ancient times served by sampling cruel and samoy death penalty... The Roman speaker Cicero even considered the mention of the cross execution of a unworthy of a Roman citizen and a free man. But Bogohelovka (the Son of God), who ended his earthly life on this shameful gunner, made a cross with the symbol of the greatest honor and glory, a symbol of salvation and eternal life. "

Many nations in their religion deeply took into account the influence of astronomical phenomena and looked at the cross and as a symbol of equinox and solstice. The basis was based on the belief that certain times The sun is symbolically cut on the 4 corners of the sky.

The cross is a common symbol of American Indians in the north and south. "The Aztec goddess of the rain holds a cross in his hands, and Toltec claims that their deity Cetzalcoatl taught them the sign and rituals of the cross, and therefore his rod, or the scepter of power reminds the Episcopian staff, and his mantle is covered with red crosses."

For Pythagoreans, the most sacred number was 10, whose symbol is oblique cross. Cross B. high degree West by the Japanese and the Chinese. In Japanese I. chinese Languages Hieroglyph for figures 10 - Cross. India also preserves the cross, and not only in sculptures and painting, but also in architectonics (construction artistic works). A huge number of temples in India, like the temples of Christians, take up on a cruciform basis. On mandalas (Circle, disc, model of the universe) Tibet sky is depicted in the form of a cross

The wonderful cross of antiquity was opened in the cave of Elephant under Bombay. Crosses of various types were the favorite motive of the art of Haldei, Phenicia, Egypt and Assyria. For Rosenkreyers, Alchemists and Illuminati, the cross was a symbol of light, because each of the three letters L V.Increased from a particular part of the cross (LAT. LUX-light). The Templars are decorated with crosses.

"Incas had a cross from a beautiful marble or an excellent jasper from one piece of three-quarters of the elbow length and three fingers wide (5cm.)" (Higgins Higgins "Apocalypse"). He was kept in the holy hall of the palace and worshiped to the highest degree. Spaniards decorated this cross with gold and jewels and placed it in cathedral in Cusco.

Plato In his essay, Time also mentions the symbolism of the cross, which served as the sacred emblem long before the cross appeared from the darkness of the unknown in the 1st century. In all the most ancient tombs, the plan of the room has the shape of the cross. "

This is the symbol of the brotherhood of races and people, and it was put on the chest of the dead in Egypt, as he is put on the bodies of the dead Christians, (and the cross in the form of a swastika put on the heart of Buddhist adepts and buddes). Elements that were used for cooking Philosophical stone (Salt, sulfur, mercury, nitrogen), often symbolized by the cross.

The cross formed by four sides of the world also had secret value, and masons in their rituals are still looking for a secret lost word with the help of a compass.

The rotation of the cross is created entire space. Rotating, the cross turns into a swastika - fiery whirlwinds at the ends of the cross flashes the life manifested. Agni, - God of fire lights the fire of life.

The material from which the cross was made, was considered as a significant element of symbolism: the golden cross symbolizes the enlightenment; silver Cross - cleansing; Cross from major metals - humility; Wooden cross - aspiration symbol.

So, from the oldest times, the cross served as a symbol for each people, every religion. He could take various forms, but they are based on the cross.

Cross oblique

Popular symbol, with many values. The word "sign" itself is depicted by a slash. Also in stylistic purposes, the oblique cross was used as one of the symbols of inversion (the permutations of words violating their usual order in the proposal).

In mathematics is a sign of multiplication; This is both "X" - something unknown, a variable value in mathematics; Also who has no name factor, a phenomenon ("X" -luchi, Planet "X", Mr. "Iks");

In biology - women's chromosomes of the X-shaped form.

In mathematics is roman number 10. When this cross is shown horizontally, it means 1000; And the same, with a horizontal line - it is 10,000.

One of the simplest signs in Heraldry, he distinguished those soldiers who successfully stormed the city of the enemy. In the Middle Ages, when most people were illiterately, they put the cross instead of their signature and to confirm the sincerity kissed the "Cross of Christ" in the same way as the Bible kicked. Therefore, at the end of the letter meant simultaneously and the signature, and the kiss.

Expression "Put the Cross" means about the termination of any action. The famous international cross "crossed hands" speaks about the end of the competition, work, movement. Crossed bones (on power electric shields) mean fatal danger, death.

Icestari, at approaches to the settlement, the ocked crosses were put as the personification of the border (and now). In a deeper and esoteric sense, the sign of the oblique cross symbolizes the obstacle, both on earth and on spiritual Plan. To go to a higher spiritual level, it is necessary to overcome the many of its flaws, which also create permanent obstacles (crosses) on the way to light. The sign of the oblique cross indicates the path to achieving the unity of man and God:

Aspiration of the human spirit (to God); improvement;

Aspiration Higher Forces (God) to meet a person, the help of hierarchy (God) to man on his way to cultivation. The connection of these two aspirations indicates the achievement of the unity of a person with space, God.

Those. The cross shows that both peace are spiritual and material have a point of contact, the border that needs to be overcome. The oblique cross makes it clear that there is no insurmountability, there is the possibility of transition through the "narrow gates", which in the cosmic cross are indicated by the intersection point. This is the crossroads of the path - earth and spiritual.

From the point of view of the symbol of consciousness, reason: the upper part of the Cross - the Roman figure "Five", being a symbol of the highest manas, is graphic image of this senior manas, as the V-th Principle, which is included in the highest triad.

The lower part of the cross is aspiration up, the growth of the lowest reason, the lowest manas. The best, high-dimensional accumulations of the earthly mind pass into the state of the highest mind. The victory of the highest mind above the lower is reflected in the word Victoria, as well as the victory in general and in exoteric and esoteric meaning. International gesture raised up average and indicative fingers Speaks about any victory in the fight, in science, in the life situation.

More beautifully illustrates the law "both at the top and below, because Turning it over it, nothing will change. He is universal, and concisely reflects the main law of Toto Hermes (as at the top ...). Earth is a reflection of heaven.

In addition, the cross inside the circle has another meaning in eastern occult philosophy: this is a person inside its own spherical shell (aura).

The oblique cross symbolizes the person standing on Earth, which is still attached by passions to earthly life, but already stretching his hands to heaven. The gate to God is becoming everything, until it turns into a single vertical, aspirated swell.

The quadrature of the circle is the famous task of antiquity about building a square, is equal to this circle, which is an intractable task in general (in a figurative sense).

Cross "Andreevsky".

The image of this cross is found already in Old Testament. The prophet Moses made from copper form Cross and told the people: "If you look at this image and you will avoided, you will be saved through it." The oblique cross (hiding also the name of Christ) is called "Andreevsky" because it was on such a cross that the Apostle Andrey was crucified. In 1694 The emperor Peter the Great ordered to put the image of the Andreevsky cross on the naval flag, which since then is called the Andreev flag.

Godfrey Higgins believes that among the standards who wore the Romans were a crucified figure, the X-shaped (oblique) cross, which is now called the Cross of St. Andrei. "Kenneth R.K. Mackenzie argues that "Cross Andrei is associated occult with the letter A. " Admiral anchor and arrow are stretched in the coat of arms. On the tape "directly and right".

4. Labarum - the sign of the nast

One of the characters that includes the oblique cross is the sign of the nastyar. On the importance of this symbol, about the importance of information that is laid in the sign , it says that it was shown in the vision of E.I. Ryrich, and from 1910. N.K.R. As directed by Lord, M began to sign his paintings by this symbol. This sign is a combination of letters X and P, initial letters The words "Christ", and he was considered a monogramma of I.H., but this sign was known for centuries to the Christian era and was called Labarum. He was the sign of the gods of Egypt - Oziris and Mountain (as well as the Etrury emblem). Subsequently, he began to personify the Christmas of Christ.

Symbols that combine the circle and cross in one sign, as, revered from ancient times. This sign is captured in many temples of ancient mysteries. He was often depicted on vessels, lamps and tombs. It can be seen on the walls of ancient temples, cathedrals outside and inside. In Rig Veda, this sign was a symbol of the Great God of Rudra. (Rudra - Title Shiva).

This sign was put on the forehead and chest of students who passed the highest mysteries and received dedication. The sign of Labarum on the Cross of Emperor Constantine is placed in a circle, which serves as a symbol of unity, completeness and higher perfection.

Therefore, this symbol is a labarum - sometimes called the Cross of Constantine Great. In one legend it says that this cross the emperor saw in the sky and with him - the signature "to win with it." On another legend, he saw such a cross in a dream on the night before the battle and heard the voice "Won with this I will sign." He proclaimed this monogram emblem on his imperial standard instead of an eagle. Having won the battle in 312, became a single emperorRoman Empire.

But the same monogram of Christians used before the Board of Constantine secretly: after the resolution of Constantine Confession christian religionThe monogram has become the official symbol of Christianity, and she was a sign of victory and salvation. After the fall of the Roman Empire in the VVEC, this monogram began to replace on the image of the cross.

For the sacred stone from Orion, which was received by the teacher, the ark was prepared, on the ancient tissue of which are embroidered in the radiance of rays magic signs and ancient inscription: "Sim We win."

From the difficulty Eusevia "Life of Constantine": "To give Christianity a greater attractiveness in the eyes of noble, the priests adopted external vestments and decorations used in pagan cults." Everyone who knows the cult of Mithra, assesses the justice of this comment. Devotee Neoplatonic, West ancient philosophy, Clement Alexandria affected Christian bishops. That is exactly what Konstantin spread. Because of these "external decorations" E.P. Blavatskaya and belonged to Constantine negatively. Why did this character and reached our time? In the encyclopedia of "Eastern Symbolism" K.A. Williams says: "

The key to emptiness. " Emptiness is that absolute nothing, an absolute emptiness of which everything is born. From "nothing" - everything. Opening the key to the secret of emptiness - we will understand the mystery of the universe. Therefore, esoterically - this is the emblem of Vskar, the beginning of the universe, as stated in etc.

The circle, crowned vertical line, can be viewed as a symbol of the highest unrecognizable principle, the absolute, God, who began his manifestation, the initial impulse of the universe - the vertical, going through the oblique cross, which, as they said earlier, there is a symbol of life, and death.

That is, this symbol reveals the purpose and meaning of the descent of the highest to the lower - pierce the spirit (circle and vertical) of the earth's criticism, to drink its spirit and renew again to one, i.e. - The key of the knowledge of the universe.

If the vertical with a circle is viewed as a symbol of a man of a reasonable (circle - head), then the whole sign of Labarum reflects again the crosses of a person through the earth's life.

This symbol is the birth and transfiguration of the human transpression path, climbing overhead, thin, fiery.

Two letters of P and x are not only associated with the name of Christ - the first two letters and the "Christmas of Christ", but they are the first and last letters of the surname Roerich. These two letters reflect the divine idea, which is materialized both in the life of Jesus, who lived over 2,000 years ago and in the lives of our great contemporaries - Roerichs.

Before a person reveals this key "close gates to the kingdom of God", he must pass the path of the cross, where all the human passions are crucified. The body of the deprived with arms crossed on his chest captures a sign. In the ending incarnation, this man passed his "narrow gates", carried his cross.

3. Tau - the Egyptian Cross.

This is the Greek letter "Tau" and Latin "TE". The oldest of all the forms of the Cross. "This sign belonged and now belongs exclusively by the adepts of each country. According to K. McCenzi, "it was a symbol of salvation and sanctification, and as such was adopted as a Masonic symbol in one of the rites - the rite of royal arch."

He was also called the Astronomical Cross, and they used the ancient Mexicans. Hindus put Tau as a sign on the forehead of their chela.

That Hermes was the inventor of the Egyptian alphabet. The letter Tau closed the alphabets of Jews and Samaritans, who called this letter "end", perfection, culmination, security. " Tau is an ancient Egyptian cross, a symbol of life, which then inherited the ancient Greeks. From this letter, the word "God" - TEOS began with the old Greeks. In the sign, the harmony of male and female began, they were still not disconnected, therefore Tau stores the memory of the initial, dual energy - the mother-born (horizontal line), combined with the father and son (vertical). This is a sign of an incomprehensible triad. In addition, Tau, inscribed in the circumference, is a symbol of a bouncyal, dual space energy, which created the world. This is a symbol of the creature, himself born.

Tau was a mystical sign that the spiritual birth revived a man and united his soul (horizontal) with the Spirit (vertical). Tau was a magical talisman and at the same time a religious emblem. He was adopted by Christians through Gnostics (the philosophy of the synthesis of oriental teachings) and Kabbalists, and they received Tau from the Egyptians. The Apostle Paul called Tau "the sign of God Living." The Apostle Paul called this sign and "unknown name."

There is a Masonic tradition that the Solomon temple was built on three foundations, forming a "Triple Tau", i.e. Three Cross Tau. Tau in sideways mystical meaning There is a tree of life. Sometimes such a cross was called Hammerous. Tau-Cross was drawn on his forehead at each participant of the Mitra Mitra (the ancient Iranian deity of the Sun). When the king was dedicated to the Egyptian Mysteries, Tau-Cross was placed on his lips. The Cross Tau was in the tattoos of candidates of Mysteries in the American Indians.

Tau has and androgic symbol. It indicates andfrunity in every manifestation in nature, which comes from the same androgyan deity. On such a cross in the Old Testament, executed execution, core. In the Roman Empire, he was also an execution gun. According to legend, it was such a cross on his clothes the Rev. Anthony Great (PR.250-356), the founder of Egyptian monasses. He lived hermit in the desert, so this cross was called "Antoniyevsky."

The cross of the crucifixion occurs on the chest of mummies. He hung on the neck of sacred "zmiev" in Egypt, i.e. Wise men.

TAT - Cross isometric

The Ancient Egyptian Cross, or Tat. Symbol of froth. This shape of the cross was known and used in mystical purposes for the millennium BC. This shape of the cross was an integral part of various rituals in Egypt and Greece, in Babylon and India, as well as in China, Mexico and Peru. Equilaf cross is a cosmic, as well as a physiological (or phallic) symbol.

As the cross of the crucifixion - he symbolized the revived mortal man, "which by crucifying the carnal man and his passions, was reborn and became immortal. Leaving behind the body of an animal person tied to the cross of initiation, like an empty doll, (ego) -

The soul becomes free, like a butterfly. " The crucifixion "For pre-Christian symbolists was ... False torture during the dedication mysteries; Moreover, the "cross crucifix" relied horizontally to the ground, and not in a standing position, as at the time of Rome, when he became a gallows. "

The cross is placed that since ancient times so revered that he was portrayed on the cover of the Quran, as in the Gospel:

In the Volga region (1 thousand liters BC):

In the Iranian Church (7th century):

Ancient Crete:

"Everywhere the signs of the Cross. And the old Mongol coins of Nestorian Chanov - with a cross, and over the ancient Buddhist monastery near Beijing - a cross, and on Cepraque Sadl - a cross, and the lap of the bridel is equipped with a cross. Even on the stones of Ladak and Xinjiang - crosses ... On the frescoes of monasteries - crosses. On the caftan pattern, on reckless, on beads, in the ladies - the same cross. "

"Not a swastika with jets of fire, but flat, eternal symbol Life and fire. In Chinese caps of Tibetan generals, Ruby Cross-shaped Dorje burns. Horse happiness carries it. Old bronze phibulas (metal clashes for clothing), maybe from the grave - cross in a circle. "

The plane cross was put on contracts and meant "signature worthy of all confidence." Such a cross also fastened the decisions of the cathedrals. This cross also symbolizes the sacred center of the Earth, where the earth's vertical intersects with heavenly vertical. Symbol of 4-sided lights.

These two crossed units symbolize male and female start, Light and darkness, heat and cold, top and bottom, etc., i.e. The duality of the manifested nature.

The symbol of the manifested universe: at the beginning of the manifestation of the spirit of the spirit - a vertical, crosses the line of matter - horizontal. This great cross is inscribed in space.

The plain cross is the symbol of the law of equilibrium, the balance law. It is based on the sustainability of the entire manifested life. This is an equilibrium cross. It symbolizes the completion, flourishing, complete unity of life. This is the dissolution of the floor in the feed, the victory of the soul on everythingWhat prevents her evolution. This cross should become a crown of knowledge and power in the evolution of both man and all mankind.

The symbol of the cross is reflected in the stages of the evolution of humanity, i.e. In the development of indigenous races Initially, humanity 3 races was punishable, which was symbolized by the sign. Then the man became androgynn, but in it two starts - male and female - were not disconnected, therefore only radius was adjacent to the horizontal diameter, i.e. Part of the vertical. But when a person was divided into two sexes, the vertical line in the symbol crosses the diameter, dividing the "father" and "Mother" into two halves -

This sign of the era is already lemuro-Atlantov - spiritually clean people, united with nature. Their earthly nature easily perceived the highest energies.

While a sensible man still heard his highest soul, the equilateral cross from the circle did not go out - the highest and lower nature of man were in harmonious consent. But as soon as the person became physical, and his two starters disconnected as much as possible - they disconnected the circle and cross. The cross came out of the circle, and in man a person separated from his high Nature - Spirit. Equilateral cross

he became a symbol of physical humanity and above all the first Atlantic, the man of Atlantis, who, in the end, became black from sin. This cross is a human symbol. The cross is a human body in which, in which a person constantly crucifies his Higher, his Christ.

In astronomy:

The land of the 4th Circle, the most physical. At his top, she has a kingdom, above which she cannot give birth - the kingdom of human - in the symbol of the cross disconnected for two starts.

For Venus, this sign is its past, and its real life is non-physical.

Latin Cross

(Roman, Greek, both Catholic and Orthodox)

Orthodoxy is one of the main directions of Christianity, religion, finally established in Byzantium in the 11th century, as the East Christian Church.

Catholicism and Catholicism are one of the main directions of Christianity with the church organization headed by the Roman dad.

The Orthodox tradition knows several types of crosses: 4-finite, traditional cross. On hoods - a high monastic headdress with a bedspread.

Latin crosses appeared in the 3rd century in the Roman catacombs, where they were going for the worship of Christians. They were distributed in the same way as Greek. In the Christian west, such a cross is the most common. Often, zealous admirers eight-pointed cross Do not recognize Latin. Old Believers, for example, call it disregarding "Rymysky", i.e. Roman cross. But the cross execution spread over the empire by the Romans and was considered to be Roman. Saint Dmitry Rostovsky says: "And not in terms of the number of wood, not by number of ends, the cross of Christ is worshiped by us, but according to Christ himself, whose blood has been confused."

The Latin Cross brought Buddhist missionaries from India for two or three centuries to R.Kh. In the middle eyelids, he was considered a powerful miraculous means against epilepsy and demonic obsession. Mountains are sometimes presented with a long Latin cross. Assyrians, Egyptians, Ancient Indians, Hindus and Romans had this cross with minor modifications.


Ancient Egyptian hieroglyph. This type of cross is represented by a cross of Tau, but with a crowned circle or halo. He is a sign and earthly life and Eternity - Circle. Circles of An Asat was a symbol of immortality - a symbol of life. it chief symbol Egyptian Freemasonry based in Caliostro graph. Masons obviously forgotten the initial meaning of their higher symbols, if some of their authorities argue that Circles Ansat is just a combination of Yoni and Lingama. It's not like that at all. Handle, or Anse, had twofold symbol, But as phallic - never. As an attribute of Isis, the handle was the global sphere. As a symbol of the law on the chest of Mummy - the sign of immortality, endless and original eternity, which descends into the material world - a horizontal female line. The vertical men's line is a fertilizing male principle in nature, or spirit.

Circles Ansat was discovered on the back of one of the giant statues of Easter Island. He was the key to the mysteries of antiquity.

In the Egyptian mysteries, the candidate passed through all the forms of dangers, keeping the head of Circle of Ansat, to drive the power of evil. Also, the Ansat Circles was associated with water, and in Babylon, he was a symbol of aquatic deities. The ancient Egyptians for measuring the water level in Nile, a tool of a nimetr was used, very similar to Circle Ansat. It was the connection with the Neil that caused this symbol to communicate with life, because Nile depended harvest and, therefore, the life of the Egyptians. The cross was also placed in the grave of Pharaoh, which meant the immortality of the soul. Ankh Egypt was crutch St. Antimony and the Cross of St. Filippa.

Cross eight-spinning

The Orthodox Cross is the most common in Russia. The form of this cross is most consistent with the cross, on which Jesus Christ was executed.

Interpretation of the details of this cross:

The upper short crossbar symbolizes that skipboard with the inscription, which was nailed by order of Pilate. It was written on it: "Jesus Nazi Tsar Judean." ("I.N.R.I.").

The average long crossbar symbolizes the concept of all creation, because here are placed in the ends of the sun (as the image of the glory of God) and the moon (as an image visible world). Here are the hands of I.Kh., through which everything "began to be" (in. 1,3). Hands embody the concept of creation, creativity of visible forms. (Horizontal - matter, physical life ...).

The slanting of the crossbar, to which the legs were nailed, means that in the earth's life of people with the coming of Christ, who went on the ground with a sermon, turned out to be a disturbed balance of staying of all people under the rule of sin (one of the interpretations). In the world began new process The spiritual revival of people in Christ and began their aspiration, movement from the earth to the sky. Kosy crossbind is a symbol of mankind designed to rise, make their way to God.

Another interpretation of the symbol of oblique crossbar. Cross I.Kh. It was erected between the crosses. On which two robbers were executed. One of them pronounced Hulu on I.Kh., And the crossbar, like a scales bowl, bowed down under this terrible weight. This robber was leveled to hell. Another - was released by repentance and the words of I.Kh.: "You will be in paradise to be in paradise", and the cross assumes it to the kingdom of heaven, which is symbolized by the raised end of the crossbar.

At the domes of some temples you can see a cross with a crescent at the base. This is the Cross "rapid" with the crescent.

Very ancient view of the cross. Such crosses are put on the domes of temples. Cross and semicircles mean anchor of salvation, anchor of hope. Another interpretation: Crescent - this is the Bowl of the Eucharistic, in which the body of Christ is located; This is a cradle in which the baby is Jesus.

Cross Monogram "Trident".

On the ancient monument The sculptor Evtropy is carved the inscription talking about the adoption of her baptism. At the end of the inscriptions placed a monogram-trident. THEM. He said: "Like the kingdom of Heavenly Nevance, thrown into the sea and the capturing fish of all kinds" (Matt. 13.47).

A.S.Uvarov in the "Christian symbolism" says that both a trident, as a weapon of fishing, can also be considered a symbol of the kingdom of heaven.

The sacrament of communion is also called the sacrament of the Eucharist (from Greek. "Thanksgiving").

Cross is anchored

This symbol archaeologists found for the first time at the Solun inscription 3 century. A.S.Uvarov in his book reports the plates discovered by archaeologists, in the caves of PretExstan, on which there were no inscriptions, but only an image of a cruciform anchor. The ancient Greeks and the Romans also used this symbol, but the value was given to him by another. For them, it was a symbol of hope for a solid earthly existence. For Christians anchor, cruciform in shape, became a symbol of hope for the steady fruit of the cross - the kingdom of heaven, that the church, like a ship - will deliver everyone worthy of a quiet marina of the eternal life.

Everyone can "take up the presenter hope (that is, the cross), which for the soul there is as an anchor safe and strong" (Heb., 6, 18-19).

Swastika (Cross Jain, Torah Hammer).

Swastika is a cross, splashing fire (N.K. Ryreich).

Swastika - Cross, with curved (less often rounded) in one direction ends. "The most archaic, most sacred and worldwide revered symbol." It was distributed in Europe, and in Asia; He was adopted by all nations. He originated in the mystical ideas of ancient ary.

"The sacred symbol and tool for the ignition of the sacred fire."

Cross four-legged. As a symbol of movement, the swastika was sometimes portrayed with human feet at the ends. At the Scandinavians, this sign was called the hammer of the Torah, because of his mysterious magnetoelectric relationship with Torok, the God of Thunder - Jupiter (Thursday is named after Torah, Jupiter). Thor's hammer - a weapon that the shape of the swastika. European mystics and masons called him a "hermetic cross", as well as the "Cross of Jain". In the monuments of India, the swastika symbolizes the Sun, and the Sun, as times not earlier than two thousand years before AD, it seemed to be a bird. There is an opinion. That the word "swastika" comes from the combination of the words "Su" - the name of the solar bird and the "Asti" - the name of the Divine, personifies two halves.

"The swastika shines on the head of the Great Zmia Vishnu. Swastwood is a summation in several lines of all work of creation, from the indivisible, incomprehensible Parabraman to a tiny lump of protoplasm (MON e.ra). Its four bent end is the constant round of invisible cosmos of forces. Two lines - a cross - means spirit and matter, 4 hooks - the movement of cycles. In approximation to a man. The symbol shows the connection of a person with the earth and the sky. The right hand is raised to the sky, the left - indicates the land. This sign is both alchemical, cosmogonic, anthropological and magical with seven keys to its inner meaning. This sign contains the key to seven cosmos secrets. He is Alpha and Omega of the World Creative Force coming from the Spirit and Circling in Tight Matter. "

It includes a cross and a circle, when rotating all the laws of life.

It is the symbol of a repeating time (like sniped): ends the process of movement counterclockwise, it begins - clockwise, and so infinite. The holy wheel of life will never stop spinning. In this sign, the existence of equal opposites is displayed: one line is horizontal, the other is vertical. One - left, the other is right. Up down. The sides of the world: one line symbol of the North, another foot - West, East. The fall of the spirit into the matter and the climb of matter to the spirit, etc.

"Wherever the ancient fan of Agni choose a place to worship ... He folded two pieces of wood in the form of a cross and with the help of friction mined fire for sacrifice. His symbol (fire-l.k.) is called a swastika, and an instrument made from sacred wood And each Brand is Aranu. Inrani has a swastika, a plank, which Brahmins mining the fire by friction.

In esoteric philosophy is the most mystical and ancient diagram. This is the creator of fire through the friction and the creator of the "forty-nine lights". This symbol was captured on the heart of the Buddha, and therefore is called "Heart Printing". He is put on the chest dedicated after their death. He will be mentioned with the greatest revelation in Ramayana. It is carved on every rock, a temple or a prehistoric monument in India, as well as everywhere where Buddhists left their milestones; It is also found in China, Tibet, Siam, and as a hammer of Torah - among the ancient Germann peoples.

And finally, in the occult, it is also sacred as a Pythagorean Tetractis, the symbol - the twin of which it is.

For Buddhists, Mongols, the Chinese wastust and esoteric, and in exoteric use always meant "ten thousand truths", which treated the secrets of the universe, pristine cosmogony and theogonia. That is why the swastika sign was laid on the chest of all deceased initiates. Some living devoted to this sign forever imprinted fire seal on the body, opposite the heart.

When Dr. Schliman produced three excavations, he also found this sign everywhere, which is evidence that the ancient Trojans and their ancestors were pure Aryans. It can often be found in ancient Rome, and Haldeev, Assyrians, Peruvians, and other nations. But this high symbol of ancient humanity various dark forces tried to humiliate more than once.

And now he decorates the headdresses of idols of the followers of the Bonpo religion, which teachers call Dugpa are sorcerers in Tibetan border lands and generally the general name of all black sorcerer magicians. Under the banner of light sometimes comes darkness. Rapid weapons - twisted high-ethical concepts about good.

Many swastika is associated with the most gloomy pages. newest Story. Hitler's fascism did not accidentally picked up an ancient swastika. Fascism has reached the limit of cruelty, mansionicity and was in the middle of the 20th century a real challenge of Satan with bright divine forces.

Precisely because the swastika began to personify the cruelty, evil, fascism, turned away from her european peoples, staggered from the ancient East wisdom. So the dark forces act: sophisticatedly trying to humiliate and distort the true symbolism of ancient high signs. But Ancient Swastube Can not lose their high and innermost properties. Neither fascism nor sorcerers, nor modern black magicians influence and change it true meaning will not succeed because Swastika is an eternal symbol of Divine wisdom and eternal creative movement in space. The swastika from all the characters is the most philosophically scientific. This is a summation in several lines of all the labor of great creation. This hammer that carries sparks from the fire-space, and these sparks become the worlds. This hammer creation is in constant motion and round as invisible cosmic forces.

In the appendix to a person - a microcosm - this symbol shows that a person has a connection between the sky and the earth: right hand Raised to the sky at the end of the horizontal line, and the left - indicates the land. There are two types of swastika: one ends of the cross bent to the right - through the sun (clockwise), in the other left - against the sun. The right-sided swastika is traditionally considered a symbol of good intentions, fertility and the sun, and the left-sided refers to the field of malicious magic (encycle. Mist).

The curved edges on the Sun are progressive movement, and in reverse side - delaying, - such a swastika is accepted from Shamans "Progressive" movement, i.e. Energy is injected, the manifestation of the Universe is Manvantar. "Delaying", i.e. The manifested universe is collapsed, the praliay begins.

The emblem of the theosophical society combines the symbol of immortality - anch, a mystical star of David, a hermetic snake of the Umoboros and a swastika.

Personal seal of Elena Petrovna Blavatskaya:

So, the swastika is 1) Torah's hammer - at Scandinavians. 2) The Cross of Jaina is European mystics and masons. 3) Heart print, because The sign was captured on the heart of the Buddha. 4) a recurring time symbol. 5) Movement symbol. 6) a symbol of great creation, i.e. Alpha and Omega World Creative Force. 7) Symbol of duality and equal opposites.

Native Cross.

Native Cross is not jewelry. He is - primarily a visible symbol christian faith (In Russia "Tannik"). Orthodox crosses have a very ancient tradition and therefore are very diverse in their own way, depending on the time and place of manufacture. Traditional Orthodox native Cross It has an eight-pointed form.

What to do with the foundation crude? It can be kept at home or give it to someone who needs it. There is a superstition that the native cross can not be taken, because, allegedly, we are thereby taking out other people's temptations and temptations. This is a reasonable superstition, because Each person is given his way, his tests, and wearing the foundation found Symbol will not affect the fate of the founding cross. But, naturally, before putting on the found cross, it needs to be consecrated. The native cross can be given. Well, if it is also consecrated too, and then give.

Mortgage crosses.

There are so-called mortgage crosses in Russia. They were laid (put) in honor of any events. Or they put at the main entrance to the settlement to protect him from the unreasonable guests, from the troubles and adversity.

Other crosses were put at the beginning and end of the trading path. In memory of the passage of the shopping caravan, the so-called world crosses were put in memory (constructed "on the Vovea" - by promise). They arose in Russia much earlier than icons.

The rarest monument of antiquity is known for the famous sovereign cross weighing about 500 kg.

Stored in Tverskoy local Lore Museum. These lands were then included in the Novgorod Principality, it is approximately 1183g. It was put in honor of the end of the deepening of the river bed, which produced Ivanko Halp and the cross of this. "

Constructed crosses and from wood. Above the cross did the roof. The letters of the inscriptions on the cross painted in different colors - Not only for beauty, but also for greater clarity of the inscription. On some crosses, a simple ornament or carved crucifixion could be seen.


1. The Book of Genesis Ch. 21, 2.

2. E.P. Blavatskaya, Etc.

3. Arias (ARYY) -skr - Holy - so called representatives of 1 of the sub-5 indigenous race, which were the best "grains", preserved after the death of Atlantis and settled in Central Asia (where the Gobi Desert is now). Arias formed in the north of India the core of the future powerful Indo-Aryan branch 5 of the indigenous race.

4. Ketzalcoatl - "Pernation Snake". Crucified world savior in Central America, the God of the winds or the Sun. He left the sea, bringing a mysterious cross with him. On his clothes are drawn clouds and red crosses. Huge snakes that can be cut into it from stone, which can be found in different parts Mexico.

Aztec - indian peopleliving in Mexico.

Cetzalcoatl - God-Smya in Mexican legends. His "Differences" says that he was great dedicated. (E.P. Blavatskaya, Dictionary).

5. E.P. Blavatskaya, Theosophical dictionary

6. That Hermes, he is Hermes Trismegist, approximately 2.5 thousand or 30 thousand years BC. One of the teachers of mankind. There are many names. Scandinavian one, Jewish enoch.

7. RM.21.8; In.8.

8. Menli Hall. OKK. an. 95.

9. E.P.B., theosophical dictionary. P.540

10. Nearest suburb of St. Petersburg

11. Abarum (Lat.). Also called the banner that was carried in front

ancient Roman emperors, depicting an eagle on it, as a sign of spiritual power. It was a long peak with crossing it under the right corners of matter. Emperor Konstantin (Ave. 290-337) replaced the eagle a monogram - Labarum with the motto "Won with this" (E.P.B., Tzl).

12. "This emperor, if he once had a vision at all, should be seen by the Olympic Jupiter, in the belief in which he died." [E.E.B., Tzl].

13. Eustian - OK. 256-340 - Bishop of Caesarea (Palestine), is known as Father Church History.

14. Dr. Iran. Deity, the God of the Sun - E.P.B, TEOS. Sl.

15. E.P.B.., Shot.232, 428

16. E.P.B., Etc., T.2.

17. E.P.B.. Disassembled. Isis, T.2, p. 302

18. Open, 14.1

19. E.P.B. Exposed Isis, p.304-305

20. E.P.B. Etc. T.3, p. 142

21. E.P.B. TEOS. Dictionary, 276.

22. E.P.B.., Teos. Slovar, 281

23. E.P.B., TEOS. Dictionary, 276, 500

24. E.P.B.. Etc. t. 2.

25. Dorje - Buddha Title. "Adorge's sign is a chambal sign." E.P.B., Shot.159

26. N.K.rerich, Altai - Himalaya, p.307, 42

27. EPB. Disassembled. Isis, T.2, 303

28. Mountains of the Divine rulers of Egypt, son of Oziris and Isis. Theos. Slovar, p. 276.

29. E.P.B., Disassembled, t. 2, p.303

30. E.P.B. TEOS. Slovar, p.232

31. Evang. from Luke, 23,43

32. E.P.B. TEOS. Slovar, p 293.

33. E.P.B. Etc. t. 2-1, p. 508.

34. Theos. Slovar, St.R 394

35. Theos. Dictionary, p. 293, p. 153 Jains - Large religious association In India, close to Buddhism, but former for many centuries before Buddhism.

36. E.P.B. Etc., T.2-1, p.119.36).

37. E.P.B.. New Panarion.teos. Dictionary, Strop4.

38. E.P.B.., TEOS. Dictionary, p.394

39. E.P.B. Etc., t. 2-1, p.119-120).

40. High Path, KN.2, p. 672


1. E.P. Blavatskaya. Theosophical dictionary. M.: Eksmo, 2003.

2. Esoteric dictionary in 2 t. M.: Russian Spiritual Center, 1993.

3. Encyclopedia of mystical terms. M.: Lockid, Myth, 2000.

4. Menli Hall. Encyclopedic statement of Masonic, hermetic, Kabbalistic and Rosencray Symbolic philosophy. M.: Eksmo, SPB, 2003.

5. Biblical encyclopedia 1891, 1990. Reprint. M., 900C.

6. "How to choose a native cross" ed. Trifonov Pecheneg monastery. M.: "Ark", 2002.

7. E.P. Blavatskaya.New Panarion

8. E.P. Blavatskaya. Etc., etc. 1-1.2; 2-1.

9. Magazines "Delphis": 1997 - 2/10; 1998 - 1.3; 1999 - 2/18; 2004 - 3.

10. A. Besant."Riddles of Life."

11. E.P. Blavatskaya. Exposed Isis, t 1.2.

12. Side Row. Occult philosophy. M.: Sphere, 2001.

13. Agni Yoga. High way, part 2. M.: Sphere, 2001.

14. Temple's teachings, t. 1-1, vol. 1-2.

15. M. Hall. Occult anatomy. M.: Sphere, 2002.

16. Roerich N.K. Altai-Himalayas.

17. Orthodoxy for all. LLC Avenir-Design, Kostroma, 2000.