Where Armenians live. Origin of Armenians, Urartu, Goddess Anait, Semitic Blood

Where Armenians live. Origin of Armenians, Urartu, Goddess Anait, Semitic Blood

The most common issue in the history of armenian research was and continues to remain the issue of origin and formation of Armenianskogonal, which is controversial in some issues. Where does the Armenian people come from, where his cradle is, when it was formed as a separate ethnic unit and since when it is mentioned in the oldest written sources. The controversy of these issues or their individual items is due not only to the diversity of information of primary sources, but also the common political or other interest in these issues. Nevertheless, there are current facts, as well as the level of modern research fully allows you to answer the question of the emergence of the Armenian people and its formation. We raise, first of all, legends on the origin of the Armenian people recorded in the ancient and middle ages, the general line will present the most common theories in historiography, then the current state of the issue under study and the preserved ancient facts about Armenia and Armenians.

The ancient and middle ages about the origin of Armenians were recorded a number of legends, the greatest interest of which, from the point of view of Armenia, (as primary sources), represent Armenian, Greek, Hebrew, Georgian and Arabic versions.

a) Armenian legend

It was created from time immemorial time and reached us with the record of Movses Horanatsi. Separate fragments of traditions are also mentioned in the works of other Armenian medieval bibliographs. In this tradition, two layers can be distinguished, the first - the most ancient layer was created and existed in pre-Christian times. According to ancient legend, Armenians occurred from a god-like hedgeon Ike, who was one of the titanic sons of the gods. This is how Movses Horazi represents his origin: "The first of the gods were formidable and visible, the cause of virtues of the world, and the beginning of a crowded and the whole land. To them and came the generation of titans, and one of them was Ayk Assstoodyan. "

In Christian times, the Armenian tradition is modified, adjusting to the biblical ideas, according to which, after the World Flood, all of humanity has occurred from the three sons of Noah - Hama, Sima and Jafet. According to the new Christian version of Ayk, it is considered a descendant of Jafeta, the son of the Torgoma of the Torgoma, from here and this Armenia is medieval written sources the name "House" and "Trade Nation".

Give says that Ike fought with a Tiran of Meternrech White, won it and in this sign of this Armenians began to celebrate the original Armenian date (according to the famous Armenian Gevonda Alishan was on August 1, 2492).

According to the Armenian version named Hayka Armenian people called "Ai", and the Ayastan country, and by the name of his descendant Aram appeared the names of Armenia and Armenians. Also, numerous names of Armenian Highlands received their names on the names of Aka and other Armenian heroes (from Aragatz Mount and Area Aragatsotn, from Aramais - Armavir, from Yerast - Yerash (Araks), from the balls - Shirak, from Amasia - Masis, from Gegama - Lake Hegharkunik and Gegharkuni region, from Sisaka - Syunik, from Ara Beautiful - Airarat, etc.).

b) Greek legend

A Greek legend telling the origin of Armenians is associated with the beloved and common legend of argonauts in ancient Greece. According to which the Armenian Armenian, who gave them the name of Armenos Tesalsky, who, with Jason and other argonauts, participated in the search for the search for the Golden Rune, settled in Armenia, which was named after Armenia. The legend states that he initially lived in the Tsallyansky (area in Greece) of Armenion. This legend is telling in more detail the Greek bibliograph of the 1st century BC. Strabo, which says that the source of his information was the stories of Alexander Macedon military commanders. Judging by the facts, the conjunction on Armenians was created and associated with the argonauts during the Macedonian campaigns, since earlier sources telling about it. In all likelihood, it had the same political orientation as the legends about the Greek origin of Persians and Medians. There are not enough cases in history when some conqueror for legend for his goals "legal" form in advance is inventing false reasons. Thus, the axial information about the Tsalinsky (Greek) origin of the Armenians cannot be considered reliable. On Western (Frigian) origin, incoherent information also remained from the Greek authors of Herodotus (V centuries) and Euddox (IV century). These the information relate to the similarity in the clothes of Armenian and Frigian warriors and the availability of numerous Frigian words in Armenian. This is definitely the origin of one people from the other cannot be explained. Frygians and Armenians are related nations (have one Indo-European origin), therefore, the presence of single-handed words in Armenian and Frigian language can be considered a pattern.

c) Georgian legend.

Georgian legend was written under the influence and was recorded in the IX - XI centuries. Georgian authors (nameless historian, Leonty of the rover, etc.). According to the Georgian legend from the eight sons of Targamos (Torgoma), numerous peoples occurred, from the older son of Ayos - Armenians, Kartlosa - Georgians, from other sons Many people of the Caucasus. Judging by the endings of our own names, this legend had some kind of Georgian source, which did not reach us. It partly carries the trace of the political situation of that era when the influence of the Bagrates was common throughout the Caucasus. This should be explained by the fact that the Armenian Armenian Hydrenchar was the oldest of the brothers.

d) Arab legend.

Binds the origin of the Armenians with the idea of \u200b\u200bthe emergence of nations from Noah's sons after a flood. It is described in the most detailed in the works of the Arab bibliographs of the XII-XIII centuries of Yakuti and Dimashka. According to this legend from the son of Noah, Yafis (Jafeta) occurred, then His grandson Lantant (bargaining), whose son was Armini (Ancestor of Armenians), agvany (Caucasian Albanians) and Georgians occurred from his brother's sons. This legend considers the relatives of Armenians, Greeks, Slavs, Franks and Iranian tribes. Interestingly, this legend has retained the memory coming from the period of the relationship of the unity of Indo-European peoples.

e) Hebrew legend.

It was recorded on the pages of "Jewish antiquities" of Joseph Flaphia (I century BC - I century AD). According to the source "Uros substantiated Armenia." In Armenian, there is no single point of view about the original source of this information and its accuracy. There is an opinion that in it it is said about the son of the arama Ara's sonlock is beautiful. According to other opinions, the Uros could be the "son of Rus Erima" - the king mentioned in the Wedrops of the Van Kingdom. In Assyrian written sources, the name "Rus" is also mentioned under the name "Ursa", and the name "Erymen" can be interpreted as anthroponyus as well as the name of the genus.

In addition to marked, there are other gifts that tell the origin of Armenians, which, however, to one way or another repeat the aforementioned and not represent interest.

(e) The issue of ethnogenesis of Armenians in historiography.

Starting from the V century until XIX in the issue of ethnogenesis, Armenians were unquestioned by the Armenian version, formed on the pages of the History of Armenia, Movses Horansatsi, which for many centuries for the Armenian people was a textbook and a certificate of genealogy. However, the news that appeared in the XIX century in the XIX century was set the accuracy of the historian's information, and the question of the national version of the origin of the Armenians was delivered to the question.

In the XIX century, a comparative linguistic linguistic was originated, according to which Armenians have Indo-European origins, along with other peoples in prehistoric times, one ethnic unity and occupied one territory, which in science is conventionally called "Indo-European Pranodina". The issue of the origin of these peoples within this theory is associated with the location of Indo-European Pranodina. At different times, various versions of the location of the pranodine prevailed in science (southeastern Europe, South Russian Plains, North of Front Asia, etc.).

In the XIX century, the version of the finding of Indo-European Pranodina in Southeast Europe was widely distributed in comparative linguistics. On the other hand, Greek sources about the Balkan origin of Armenians put forward the theory of the resettlement of Armenians. The view was formed, according to which Armenians leaving the Balkan Peninsula in the VIII-VI centuries invaded in Urartu, won it and after the Falling of the latter in the 6th century created their state (Everdian kingdom). This theory is not based on the aggregate of facts and cannot be considered true for several reasons, it has become and still continues to remain the subject of political manipulations (in particular from the Turkish falsifiers of history).

The following theory about the origin of the Armenian people is a batch or a asiestical theory, according to which the Armenian language is a mixed non-Indo-European language, therefore, Armenians did not participate in Indo-European resettlement and occurred from local Asian tribes. This theory could not resist serious scientific criticism and until then it is denied, because there can be no mixed languages: the third language does not appear from the mixing of two languages.

In the early 1980s, the point of view was revised that Indo-European Pranodine in 5-4 Millennium BC. It was located in the north of anterior Asia, more precisely in the territory of Armenian Highlands, in the districts of Malaya Asia, in the northern intercourse and in the north-west of the Iranian Plain. This point of view to this day is supported by many facts and is accepted by most of the specialists. The question of ethnogenesis Armenians received a new explanation. By itself, the thesis was rejected by the resettlement of Armenians, since Indo-European Praodina was located on the territory where the Armenian people had formed and walked the whole of their formation.

Now you can definitely say that Armenians in 5-4 millennia BC A part of the Indo-European people and at the end of the 4th millennium and at the beginning of 3 millennia were separated from Indo-European community. It was from this time that the formation of the Armenian people began, which occurred in two stages. The first stage, which can be used as a period of generic associations and early state formations, occurred in 3-2 millennia BC. At the second stage, in the V-VI centuries BC The stage of the formation of the Armenian people by creating a unified statehood ended.

Generally said, it can be argued that the Armenian language and all speakers separated from Indo-European community and became independent of 4-3 millennia BC. It is from these times that the Armenian people are mentioned in the territory of Armenian Highlands, where they led their activities , existed and created their history.

Movsisyan A.


Representatives of Armenian communities live in all major countries of the world. Most of all - in Russia, France and the United States. In particular, in many countries, Armenians moved after the Armenian Genocide in the Ottoman Empire.

Armenian language

The most interesting thing is that the Armenians have about 50 dialects, while there are Westernarmian and Easternarmian languages, which tells the vast majority of representatives of this nation. As for East Armenian, this is one of the modern versions of the Armenian language, which is spoken in modern Armenia.

The second variety of Armenian is distributed among the Armenian diaspora, which appeared after the genocide. This group of Armenians predominantly live in North and South America, Europe and the Middle East. Despite the fact that dialects differ very much, Armenians can calmly communicate with each other, speaking on their dialect.

The most difficult to understand the Armenian dialects among the residents of the Syunik region and the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic (Artsakh). It is for this reason that many Armenians do not speak their native language, but perfectly own the language of the country in which they live.

Armenian humor

If you communicate with Armenians, then undoubtedly managed to notice that the bright sense of humor is inherent in these people. They can raise you a mood in a few minutes, tell us a huge number of funny stories, jokes, and make it so that you go with a raised mood next few days.

It is impossible not to note the fact that there are a lot of well-known Armenian humorists in the world. In particular, known to all Evgeny Petrosyan, Garik Martirosyan and Mikhail Galustyan. In fact, despite its cheerful temper and burdens, Armenians are very serious people, especially if we are talking About the people of the older generation, which fell a lot of difficulties.

© Sputnik / Ramil Citdikov

There are forever dissatisfied Armenians. Usually, these are those people who will not find their place in life. The most, in my opinion, are unhappy with Armenian taxi drivers and community drivers. It is clear - driving style in Yerevan and in other cities of Armenia is characterized by special temperament.

Armenian hospitality

If you are a close Armenian man, then, most likely, he is ready for a lot for you, and maybe on everything. Probably, only Armenians know how to give a close person everything without a residue, surround him care, attention and caress.

Armenians love and appreciate the family. In the Armenian family, the parent is a king. And in fact, it's all mutually, because many Armenian parents grow their children in great love and make it all, even impossible. The attitude towards children in our country is special, and this can be called the cult of children. Also an Armenian man is guarding favorite women (mother, sister, wife).

Another national trait is hospitality. If you are visiting the "right" Armenian, then he will definitely treat you anything. But if you agreed to visit the Armenian or Armenian family in advance, then you will find a whole festive treat! And especially, the delicious Armenian brandy.

You can talk about Armenian dishes for a long time, but the most favorites of Armenians of the Kushanya are a dolma (cabbagels of grape leaves), hash - spicy beef legs with garlic, savage - useful soup based on Maconi, Armenian tabula salad from Bulgon's cereals and fine chuckled parsley.

Armenian habits

Most Armenians differ in hard work. If Armenian found a job, he works, not to twist hands.

Solar weather Armenia allows residents of the country to post underwear on the streets. Such a habit is traditional, for example, for the inhabitants of Italy, when a huge amount of clothing is hosted from the building to the building.

© Sputnik / Asators Esayanz

The "classic" Armenian is distinguished by the fact that it loves to consume a large amount of bread and coffee, organizes gorgeous weddings, birthdays, engagement, christening and other holidays. And in fact, Armenian may not be money ... He will take them on credit, will repay the debt for months. But if the soul wants a holiday, he will not be able to deny himself and his loved ones in this.

Armenians love expensive cars, clothing and accessories. Probably, this feature is characteristic of all nationalities.

And many Armenians open all windows in the car, when their favorite song sounds, no matter what kind of music you like or not. But Meloman will pass around the city, listening several times the favorite track, even in winter.

If you have decided in Armenia to take advantage of public transport, and there is no place where you can sit down, then you will definitely be treated.

And the Armenians love to admire each other very much. Borev and Bari Luis ("Hi" and "Good Morning") - this is what can raise a man's mood or becoming a reason for further communication. Not in vain speak Armenia, that "the greeting belongs to God."

© Sputnik / Samvel Sepattyan

Festival "Areniy": truth in fault

Very often, Armenians instead of the traditional "thank you" say "Mercy." Maybe just too lazy every time to pronounce the beautiful word "SHNRAKALUNYUN".

By the way, only Armenian will buy himself a dear gadget - telephone, laptop, tablet or netbook, and he himself will be lazy to study it to properly exploit. He will definitely begin to ask others from others how to configure everything and make earn money.

In fact, the habits of the Armenians are very many, and positive and negative, and the character traits are very diverse. The temperament and mentality of the Armenians is a very difficult thing. However, this article contains all that the Armenian may be distinguished from representatives of other nationalities.

We are glad if the Armenian habits are peculiar to you.

Where did Armenians come from? And who are Zoki? - There is an opinion on the origin of Armenians there are various versions, but the first, and besides, I still have not lost your meaning, the most reliable mention of this belongs to the "Father of History" Herodot. This ancient Greek historian who lived in the V century BC, wrote that the estimated ancestors of Armenians - Frigi (Frigians) moved into small Asia from Europe, from the territory next door to Macedonia. The Bizanty writer Stefan (end of the V century - the beginning of the 6th century) leads a message of the Greek author who lived to him 1000 years ago, which sounds as follows in the translation of prominent easternist I.M.Dyakonov: "Armenians - come from Frigia and in the language very similar on frigians. " Another Byzantine author - Eustafius (XII century), referring to the message of the Greek author who who lived in the ten centuries to him the Greek author, also notes the similarity of Armenian and Frigian languages. Modern researchers based on this information given by the ancient Greek authors, also suggest that the ancestors of Armenians - the tribes of Friga, left the total flow of their homeland on the Balkan Peninsula, moved at the end of the II millennium BC. In Malnya Asia, on the territory of modern Turkey. It is curious that although this relocation occurred in chronological terms during the decline of the most powerful state in the territory of Anatoly - the Hett kingdom, there are no information about frigians in the Hett arts about the Armenians. However, it is known that Friga in the VIII century BC. Created in the valley of Sangaria (modern Sakarya) the kingdom with the center in Gordison and sought to influence political processes in the region. On the events of the subsequent period (VIII-VII centuries BC), the most complete information is given to Assyrian and urtin texts, where there are no information about Armenians. Many interesting about falsification of the facts associated with the origin of the Armenians, told in a conversation with Corr. 1news.Az Famous Azerbaijani Historian Ilgar Niftaliyev. According to him, all written about the ancestors of Armenians regarding the period from the middle of the XII century to AD. (that is, since the alleged resettlement of "Protoarmian" from the Balkan Peninsula in Malnya Asia) and to the fall of the Armenian kingdom at the end of the IV century, it was built mainly on the assumptions and assumptions of Greek and Roman authors, as well as the conclusions of Armenian chronicists who are not confirmed by the results of archaeological Excavations, nor information of Assyrian chronicles, nor philological analysis of the names of places and names of personalities. By the way, Frigian and Armenian languages, although relate to the Indo-European language family, but have quite a lot of differences among themselves. Moreover, the differences are not limited to the lexicological material and some grammatical indicators. On this occasion, at one time, the well-known Russian historical orientalist I.M.Dyakonov wrote: "... the proximity of the Armenian language with Frigian is not very high to bring Armenian from Frigian." It is not by chance in Frigian texts whose contents managed to determine, no fact is given regarding Armenians. As Tigranakert appeared, it is known that Armenians with their peculiar to them resort to various tricks in attempts to substantiate their territorial claims in Karabakh. And one example is the falsification of the facts associated with the identification of the capital of the capital of the Mafic "Great Armenia" in the occupied part of the Agdam district of the Azerbaijan Republic of Azerbaijan Republic of Tigranakert. According to the Azerbaijani scientist Ilgar Niftaliyev, this pseudoide, from the very beginning, was added to the Armenians with a political goal. "The world scientific community has long been accustomed to such" shocking finds "of Armenian fluid. Back in the 60-80s. The twentieth century in the Karabakh Azerbaijani scientists-archaeologists conducted extensive research work. In Agdam, scientists investigated the outskirts of the modern city and relevant to the first half of the II millennium D.N.E. (Middle Bronze Personal) Set Uzerlicktepe, acquired by the fortress walls. Azerbaijani archaeologists were studied on the territory of the villages of Agdam - Shchybabala and land regulations - settlements, acquired by the fortress walls and related to XII-IX centuries BC. These monuments indicate the formation of early urban culture in Azerbaijan, especially in its Karabakh region. As for the temporal and spatial localization of Tigranakert, it follows from sources that the ideas of Armenian fluid simply do not stand criticism. For example, the contemporary of Tsar Tigran, who ruled in the first century BC, Greek geographer Stragon wrote in his "geography" that "... Tigran near Iberias, between this place and Zevgma built the city. He reset a population of 12 Greek cities plundered and called Tigranakert's city. However, fought with Mithridate VI (Pontic Tsar) Lukull (Roman commander, his campaign on Tigranakert dates back to about 69 g. BC) Not only released the population into his native places, but also destroyed the city built up to half, leaving in his place Only a small settlement, "the scientist told. Armenian historian M.Neresyan in the book "The History of the Armenian People from Ancade Time to this Day", published in 1980, notes that Tigranakert was built on the shore of one of the upper tributaries of the Tiger River. Tigranakert, which was also never completed, and was not only outside of Karabakh, but also the Caucasus, in the south-west of Lake Wang, on the territory of modern Turkey. This version also adheres to the authors of the second volume "History of the Ancient World", published in 1989 edited by I.M.Dyakonov. The myth of Armenian Highlands is a lot of connotices about the origin of the so-called Armenian highlands. I.M.Dyakonov noted in this connection: "Since the ancient Armenian tongue is not related to the languages \u200b\u200bof the Avtohthons of Armenian Highlands ... It is clear that he is listed here. The protoarmyan in this area came in the VII - VI centuries BC ... ("Armenian Highlands" - aimed by Armenian authors The term - AM) According to I. Niftaliyeva, the ancient Greek and Roman historians, as well as the Ancient and Armenian chroniclers, there is no concept of "Armenian Highlands ", as it appeared with the easy hand of Europeans at the end of the XIX - early XX centuries. Later, Armenian authors politicized this concept, in its own way interpreting its geographical outlines and sizes. If we proceed from the Armenian version, which was reflected in the Armenian Soviet Encyclopedia, published in the 70s of the last century, this Highlands covers part of the USSR territory (the entire territory of the Armenian SSR, the southern part of the Georgian SSR and the Western part of the Azerbaijan SSR), Iran and Turkey, and It is located between the Iranian and low-majiy plateales, the Black Sea, the Transcaucasian and Mesopotamian plains. It also noted that the territory of Armenian Highlands is 400 thousand square kilometers, and it was entirely part of the territory of the Great Armenia, where the Armenian people were supposedly formed from ancient times. Although in the territory of the so-called. Armenian Highlands is still 600 - 1000 years before the appearance of the ancestors of modern Armenians here, and after their appearance there were various states and various nations lived, for some reason the name of Highlands was marked as Armenian. "But is it true to associate the name of the mountain relief with the name of the people, who for more than millennia did not play any decisive role in the political processes that had a place on the map of the Middle and Middle East, was not a state-forming ethnicity in a given territory, lived for a long time In the boundaries of Muslim Turkic states, and only in 1918, due to a favorable coincidence, for the first time created his national state? "," The scientist wondered, noting the next important detail. "Despite the fact that the Highlands is called Armenian, in the title of the components of its mountain vertices there is not a single Armenian toponym. Most of them are Turkic names: Kabrdag, Agdag, Keroglydag, Zordag, Sichandag, Karachumagdag, Parchhenisdag, Pambugdag or Hachgeduk, etc. These mountain peaks are from west to East Agrrydagsky Ridge - the extinct volcano, which in Armenian historical literature was named Ararat, "said Niftaliyev, adding that in ancient sources this mountain relief is called the Mountain Tavr. By the way, Armenian historians were fascinated by the fantasy about ancient Armenia, which is still confused by ethnic and geographical concepts. "It is known that some countries are named by the name of the people inhabiting their peoples (Turkey, Germany, France, England), others, in accordance with the geographical or administrative name, determining the name of the inhabitants - on the territory (Georgia, Italy, Azerbaijan, etc. ). In ancient times in modern Anatolia, which Armenians consider the cradle of the Armenian people, there were no geographical names that united residents of these localities regardless of their ethnicity. Accordingly, there has never been commonplace, called the name of these geographic concepts. The fact that Armenia is a geographical concept known for a long time. Naturally, all the statements of ancient Armenia, or the army called Armenians, regardless of their linguistic and ethnicity. The name of the geographical space passed to the title of various in the ethnolinguistic composition of the population. This is the same thing that the inhabitants of the ancient Caucasian Albania were called Albanians, although they consisted of an association of 26 tribes that differed in their linguistic and ethnic composition. Thus, Armenians are the collective name of all residents of the army and not expressing the names of any one ethnos, "the historian continued. According to him, between the population and the territory of the ancient Armenia (located outside the Caucasus) and the Armenians and the territory of modern Armenia, no continuity can be traced - neither ethnic, nor linguistic or geographical. According to the estimates of the Azerbaijani scientist, the approval of modern Armenian researchers, which in these places since the first mention in written sources the concept of Armenian has lived ancestors of the current Armenians - the same myth as the statement that Armenians occurred from Noah. "The term, similar to the geographical name" Armia ", is first found in the inscriptions Darius I (522-486 BC) on the Behistunskaya rock (the territory of modern Iran). In this inscription among countries that are part of the Acherienid Empire, "Armin" is also mentioned. In Behistunsk inscriptions, Armin is mentioned in a number of countries that rebelted against the achemenides after the Darius I arrived in 522 BC. But in the inscriptions, nothing reports not about the rebel in the army, nor about the leader of the uprising. We encounter the following information about the territory of Armenia in the aforementioned work of Herodotus "History". According to the Greek Author, Armion, or Armine was located northwest of Lake Wang, in the area of \u200b\u200bthe origins of the Euphrates River. Herodotus included Armenia in the XIII district (satrapy) of the Ahemedid Empire. Moreover, the Greek author, the mention of the name of some tribes who inhabited XIII satrapy calls Caspiev, Etchiev. Consequently, in the territory, which, according to Herodoto, in the XIII Satrapia of the Ahemedidian state, lived various ethnic groups, and in the Behistun inscription, this district was named Armin not on ethnic sign, but on the ancient name of the territory that he had no relation to modern Armenians, " - explained I.Niftaliyev. Armenian Zoki-Jews? By the way, the existing versions about the origin of the Armenian-Zok are also very curious. For example, the Russian ethnographer in the 19th century V. DEVITSKI wrote that Zoki lived in the village of Akulis (Ailis) next door to Ordubad (the current Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic), in 7-8 villages, had an independent language, most of whose words The root was completely different from Armenian. This gave reason to say that Zoki was the remnants of any independent ethnic group, which by accepting religion and the liturgical language of the Armenians were gradually arranged, albeit among themselves to speak in their own language. Developing the topic, Azerbaijani historian supplemented it another interesting fact. According to him, there is also a version that these were Jews, which, by virtue of historical circumstances (the loss of statehood, resettlement), turned out to be the neighbors of Armenians and accepted Christianity. Interestingly, Armenian authors deny this version, assuring that Zoki is the same Armenians whose name does not express ethnic content and happened from the peculiarities of the local dialect. Thus, despite the futile efforts of Armenian pseudoistorians, Zano claims that the Armenian people are autochthonous, real facts reflected in the collections of world scientists, talk about the opposite, which puts under the great doubt the bloated world of the oldest origin of the Armenians. Matanat Nasibova

Candidate of Historical Sciences, Professor Ergu, Senior Researcher at the Institute of Oriental Studies, Armenian Artak Movsisyan is responsible for the questions of the leading and author of the project Vadim Arutyunov. Questions are prepared on the basis of various discussions on the Internet, on the history of Armenia and the Armenian people.

- Often asked the question concerning the origin of the Armenian people, in particular, where does the protoarmy come from?

This is quite a big topic. On the Internet, I have a special lecture by a duration of about an hour about the origin of the Armenian people for those who are interested in, and now I will try to present in a very compressed and more popular form. Speaking about the origin of Armenians, it is very clear to understand that Armenians are an autochthonous people. Armenian legends indicate that Armenians are the indigenous people. The Armenian historian of the 18th century Mikael Chamchyan and other historians, based on the Bible and Armenian sources, went even further. They argued that Armenia is a cradle of mankind, the country where life was revived after the flood, and the Armenians are the indigenous people of this divine, paradise, biblical land, the land of the noeva ark.

But the 19th century came and what happened? When deciphering the clinies found in Armenia, it was discovered that they were not in Armenian, these were a clinopy, called Uranti or Biaynilli's wedges, and the names of the kings - Menua, Argishti, Sarduri, were not mentioned at Movses Horani. Today, of course, it is clear and understandable why they are not, but in the 19th century it gave a reason for doubt. Moreover, the question was raised - where to look for the homeland of Indo-European or Ariii, as some scientists call them, that is, it was necessary to understand where the Praodin Indo-Europeans are. In the 19th century, in the environment of European scientists, it was believed that Praodin Indo-Europeans was in Europe, in the southeastern part of Europe - in the Balkans. That is, it turned out on the one hand that the clinopy found on Armenian highlands were read not in Armenian, the kings were not mentioned in Horagsi, and on the other hand it was considered, the linguistics believed that the homeland of Indo-Europeans was in the Balkans. If it is in Europe, in the Balkans, therefore, Armenians came from there. And such a theory arose that, allegedly, Armenians came from the Balkans, captured the territory of Armenian Highlands, and later created their state. And this, despite the fact that there were clinquing, where the oldest names of Armenia are mentioned, more than 30 times before the famous Behistun inscriptions are mentioned. The first mentions refer to 24-23 centies to the Nativity of Christ. Akkada rulers - Sargon Akkadsky, Naraz-Suen and others, mention the country of Armani, which is the most ancient form of the name of Armenia. And since it was the idea that Armenians were not here, they were seized, it was believed that the similarity of the names of Armenia, Armenians, Ararat was random. If the Armenians were not here, it means that the similarity of the names random. Accident may be 1, 2, 3 times, but not dozens of times, there are hundreds of clinows, where they are mentioned in different versions of Armen, Hai, Ararat. Subsequently, this Balkan theory did not receive development, since it was found that the homeland of Indo-Europeans was not in the Balkans, but in the north of anterior Asia, more specifically in the territory of Armenian Highlands, in the east of Malaya Asia, in the north-west of Iran and in the northern part of the interfluve. And this today confirm not only data of linguistics, archeology, but also genetic engineering, and research at the level of study of DNA gives urgent data. Today we can argue that - Armenians autochthonic people. The period of separation of the Armenian language from Proto-Indo-European, lingules are energized by the end of 4 millennia to R. X, and data of genetic engineering even earlier, by 6 millennium to R. XP., That is 8 thousand years before us. That is, we can clearly talk about the presence of a separate Armenian ethnos for these past 8 thousand years, we can say that Armenians have created all their history on this territory, in Armenian Highlands, which, by the way, not Armenian scientists called Armenian. In written sources, the most ancient Sumerian written sources from 28-27 centuries. to R. XP. The state of Aratta is referred to, which is the most ancient name of Ararat in Sumerian sources.

At different times, Armenians and Armenia had connections with the semitic peoples. Is it possible to say that in addition to the Indo-European start, the Armenians cannot exclude some percentage of semitting blood?

From the point of view of origin there is no. But during the story, saying Semitsky, we must keep in mind including, for example, Assyrians. Of course, they lived in Armenia, were our southern neighbors, in the 4th century we used the Assyrian language and letters, many works of Assyrian authors were preserved only in Armenian, the Assyrians enjoyed Armenian. Contacts were, of course, and some Assyrians assimilated with Armenians. Some very small number of Jews could assimilate with Armenians. Today, when Semitsky say, people for some reason are afraid of this term, understanding about this purely Jews. This is not the case, in the end, do not forget that there was a huge Arab world, the Aramaians who were the southern neighbors of Armenians. From the point of view of origin, we are clean Indo-Europeans. But in the historical section, each people communicates, everyone gives blood and takes, and it is natural. And the latest DNA studies gave astounding results. Even in Chinese genetics, 4 percent of Armenian blood was discovered, which at first glance is very surprising. As a result of which historical events, migration and emigration were observed in which time intervals. It is no coincidence that the proportion of Armenian blood is often found in the blood of other nations, and not only the blood of other peoples is found from us, we did not live, surrounding themselves with a fortress wall. But from the point of view of origin, Armenians are not semitting origin. Although, I must say that according to the Jewish legend, which has been preserved from Joseph Flavia, Armenians are descendants of Aram, therefore they are seven, that is, they are with Jews in relationship. In the legends of many peoples of the ancient and middle ages, information has been preserved that they are related to the Armenians. But it has its simple explanation, because in the ancient and middle ages of Armenia was a powerful state, Armenians were the great people, and the relationship with powerful is always desirable. Here is a very simple explanation.

Considering that these very semites: Assyrians, Jews, Arabs belong to the Armenoid Subrass, it seems to me that there are Indo-European grain in them, thanks to the same Armenians.

There is such an opinion in science, and the author is not Armenian - Igor Deakonov. He put forward the theory in which the Aramaites, in the oldest wedges they call the Akhlama, who came to Armenia since the 14th century before R XP, began to call Ahlamu-Aramians, and then - the Aramaites and Diakonov put forward the view that the name Aram, ethnic Name, they took from Armenians. We know that the French, for example, the name Franc took from the Germans, this is a normal phenomenon. Naturally, such connections were, but it is not necessary to see any ultra-empty phenomena under it, I know that today there is extreme, deliberately politicized opinions, but also.

Many conversations also go around the state by Urart. Who were his inhabitants and in what language did they speak?

Let's start with the fact that the term of Urartu himself dates back to Ashuro-Babylonian variant of Ararat. As in Sumerian sources it was Aratta, and Ararat is always called in the Bible of Armenia. In Ashuro-Babylonian Wednocks there are alternation of sounds AA: Armera, Arbela-Urbil, Ararat Urartu. And what is interesting, in Palestine in the Kumran caves, where they found a huge number of ancient manuscripts of the 1st millennium to R. XP, there instead of Ararat, a URAST is mentioned. Ararat-URART-URARTU, that is, even intermediate transitional link has been preserved. That is, this is one of the names of Armenia. And today it is to say that Armenians are one people, and Hyia is different, or soma, as Georgians are called, the third, it's just absurd.

What basis did you decide that Urartu is an Armenian state? Deciphering the clinopy, they realized that they were not in Armenian. But let's not forget that in Urartu used three letters in the Assyrian Wednesses, Assyrian, in local wedges, relatively speaking, URART or Biaynian, and local hieroglyphic, decoding, which is the most ancient Armenian. Both clinopy are imported, brought from Meternrachia, and local hieroglyphic, which goes back to Armenian rock paints, Armenian. And even these letters already testify in favor of Armenian origin. Many arguments can be brought. For example, the URAR hierarchy of gods is a classic Indo-European hierarchy, with three supreme deities, with a three-stage structure, that is, there is no doubt that it is associated with the Indo-European world. As for the names of the kings, Menua has been associated with Minos, Argishti with Argesthe, etc., which were known in the Indo-European world. There are many criteria: in which case, the state can be considered Armenian, say, Georgian, Russian or Mongolian. Is it possible to consider the dynasty sufficient condition? Of course not. The dynasty may be an Armenian, but the state is not Armenian. For example, in the Byzantium dynasty, the beginning of which in the 867th year to go to the throne put Vasily first, was Armenian by origin, but the state of Byzantium did not become an Armenian state. Or, let's say, the Arshakid dynasty, which was established in Armenia, was Parfyan by origin, but it is clear that Armenia did not become Parfia. And there are many such examples. So in what country is considered to say, Armenian? If the overwhelming majority of the population amounted to Armenians, can we assume that the state was Armenian? Yes and no. No, because, for example, in the eastern regions of the Ottoman Empire, that is, in Western Armenia, the majority of the population were Armenians, but the state was not Armenian. Thus, comparing all the criteria, which of them can be considered decisive? There is only one answer. Namely: it is determining that the interests of which ethnos represent the supreme elite of the state. Stalin was Georgian, but the Soviet Union was not a Georgian state. On the contrary, Stalin all the time spoke about the great Russian peoples, and even had Veligorous views, it was clear that he climbed the throne and had to obey the interests of Russians. Thus, returning to Urartu, the interests of which ethnos he expressed? Of course, Armenians. It was the first all-harmonic state, which entered the entire territory of Armenian Highlands and neighboring areas. And it is not by chance that the final formation of the Armenian ethnos, most of the scientists relates to the time of the existence of the state by Urart. Armenian tribes were numerous, and naturally united in the composition of a single state, merged together during the period of Urart. And if there was another ethnos, then he would have been mentioned somewhere in the future. How can it be that in the 7th century BC e. Uranta is mentioned, and in the 6th century - no, no urarts, no urants. No, because Urartu is Armenia, urants are the same Armenians. I often talk about it in my works, and I would like to know more about that the term Urart was used until the 360s, up to 4th century BC. e. That is, after the fall of the bathing kingdom, the kingdom of Urartu Biainili, the term was used for another 200-300 years. And used as the equivalent of the concept of Armenia. As in the Behistunsk inscription of 520 to R. XP., Which, as you know, is written in three languages, Armenia in the Persian inscription is called Armin, in Elam - Harmina, Babylonian - Urart. In the Ashur and Babylonian texts, Urartu is last mentioned in the Wednocks of the Agemenid Tsar Artaxerks of the Second, which rules up to 360 BC. e. In the Babylonian texts of Armenia is called Urartu, and Armenians are Urarts.

- Then where did the thesis come from, what did Caucasian tribes go from the urates?

Here we are dealing with politics, and in pure form. I will say why. Back in 1890s, a very famous Russian Easternist Nikolsky published a collection of "Clinopy Inscriptions of Transcaucasia". And already in the preface, he writes: "Why are our Russians who are interested in these clinical inscriptions, culture of clinopy? Because Urartu was the first state in the territory of the Russian Empire. " The same thing was in the Soviet period: Urartu was considered the first state, a slave-owner state in the territory of the USSR. That is why it was done quite a lot of work, excavations were carried out, highly large funds were allocated, all this was not done for the sake of beautiful eyes of Armenians. See what happened in the end: Remember what was written in the Soviet history textbooks? The descendants of urants are considered to be Armenians, Georgians, Azerbaijanis. Azerbaijanis ... Turks, the ancestors of which, the Seljuky Turks appeared in these parts at best only in the 11th century of our era, and the Urart existed in the 9th century BC, that is, 2,000 years before. But after all, the Soviet state promoted internationalism, and the descendants of the Urartov were proclaimed by the Transcaucasian peoples, while neither Georgians nor Azerbaijanis corrected with Urartu. And the theory appeared that it was necessary to tear off the Urart from Indo-Easternity. And even recognition was - Boris Piotrovsky himself recognized that the corresponding CC Directive was launched. At the end of the 19th - early 20th century, Urartu was considered an Indo-European state, the Soviet urants studies receives a directive to cut off with Urart from the Indo-European world. Naturally, Urartu, being cut off from the Indo-European world, is also separated from us, but this is our territory, urtin words have been preserved in Armenian. When, in the 1960s, the new thesis is put forward to the deepening of communication with the Russian state, because if this is an Indo-European state, only Armenian, and Armenians began to deal with the Russian Empire after 1801, it was necessary to deepen communication with the north. And then the North Caucasian, East-North-Caucasian and Protodynaya Theory of Rodance of Languages, which has been sharply criticized in the 60s, has been reached into the arena. And Juggyan, our famous linguist, and a German scientist, a representative of the German Language Education School just did not leave the stone from this theory. But the order was laid on top. Unfortunately, studying the history of the study by Urartu, we see that a political order was mainly fulfilled, and not a clean science. We are now working on a documentary about Urartu. I hope he will be ready by the end of the year and will be released in three languages: Armenian, Russian, English. I hope that our viewers, also on YouTube, will have the opportunity to see it and receive answers to all questions. It will be a big film of 2 parts, each duration of 40-50 minutes.

It is known that there are Chechen historians who study a grabar, as they are looking for their roots in Armenian Highlands.

I myself saw the card, where Nakhijevan they consider their city, because their self-concealing of Nohchi, and Avan is a settlement in Armenian. And, it seems, Chechen authors self-confallion Nohcchi also interpret as the son of Noah, Nohchi, Nohchawan and consider their city.

The cult of Goddess Anait is often discussed. Some of her name are almost prostitution. What was the cult of this goddess?

In Armenian sources, the Armenian authors Anait was considered the mother of all virtues. The name Anait itself is translated as immanent, virtuous. In some Greek authors, in particular, Strabo, there is a reference to the fact that the cult of Goddess Anait was distributed almost to all the peoples of the East, but the Armenians loved her especially. It goes back to the geatherism - the scientific name of the sacred prodstation. There was one day in a year, when everyone could copulate with whom he wanted. It should be noted that the Greek authors, often, addressing the east, represented everything in a hypertrophied form, wanting to warm up their interest in their stories.

As for the cult of the goddess Anait from Armenians, it was a day a year, it was the day of the goddess's cult, when fruitless women, just fruitless, was allowed to communicate with another man. And this act of ancient priests is worthy of respect and has no connection with prostitution. We live in the 21st century and the problem of infertility and today is still relevant - non-compliance with chromosomes, etc. What is being done today with the help of medical intervention, then was done in this way. Moreover, it was often done confidentially, the woman did not see the facial to whom he had to communicate, and it had nothing to do with prostitution. And if a child was born from this connection, he was often called anachtashers or a property (Bogodhennaya), he was considered a gift of the mother of the Goddess and no one had the right to accuse this woman, or to call it an immoral or prostitute. This is what I consider manifestation of humanity. And today in the 21st century they love, marry, but often, when there is no opportunity to have children, the marriage falls apart and the couple is divorced. And only respects are worthy that the priests in ancient times were concerned about this problem: and on the day of the cult of the goddess Maternity a fruitless woman was given such an opportunity, and who wants to stick labels, it will already be on his conscience.

I talked Vadim Arutyunov

Recently, an attempt to assign the Armenian side of historical monuments and samples of Azerbaijani culture has become gaining increasing scope. They steal and assign our bad neighbors all - from history to culinary recipes.

From this point of view, a study conducted in the book "Armenian foreign fairy tales" of the head of the State Agency for CopyrightKamran Imanov.

Earlier, the book has already been published, it was also put on the Internet, however, given that the information war against Azerbaijan is gaining momentum, we considered it necessary to render it to the attention of readers.

The book is thorough and argued by the roots, causes and consequences of Armenian falsifications and plagiarism.

We offer our readers chapter from the specified book.

In the "History of the Armenian People" it is argued that "... the cradle of mankind, his praodina is Armenia." Armenians are the most ancient people and the language of Armenians - the oldest of all known. The idea of \u200b\u200bexclusivity and a special mission of the Armenian Ethnic Sheet and today continues to remain maniakal, despite the prevention of some realistic political figures of Armenia that the blowing of exclusivity and rejection is a dead end for the Armenian ethnos. "To see in all enemies - to become the enemy itself for everyone. This is not a way, it is the abyss" (Suren Zolayan).

One of the many faces of the workman of the legend of Armenian exclusivity is the widespread statement by the Armenian opinion that they are the Aboriginals of the Caucasus, the heirs of "Great Armenia from the Sea to the sea." The severity of the Armenians, their inhability for today and in previous "transit" habitats have long been proven by historical science. Herodotus - "Father of the History of Peoples" writes: "The country, located at the Uphrant's top course, was called Armenia." Armenians "lived in the western part of the Highland, referred to as Armenian" (Herodotus, "History; ed." Science ", Lenin-Agrad, 1972). But the opinion of the famous historian and Dyaconov, reflected in his monograph, published in Armenia:" Armenian ethnos It was formed outside the Caucasus "(I.Dyakonov," Preicesting the Armenian People ", Yerevan, 1958). Now it is already well known that Armenia is not the birthplace of the Armenian Ethnic Sheet. And the Armenian scientists themselves are forced to be considered.

Academician M.Abegain: "... where the roots of the Armenian people, how, when, at what time, from where and what paths he came here ... We do not have accurate and clear evidence of this" ("History of Armenian Literature", Yerevan, 1975).

"The ancestors of Armenians came from the Balkans" ("History of the Armenian People", Yerevan, 1980).

As they say the Armenian authors themselves, "the population of the northeastern part of the Armenians themselves, the population of the northeastern part of the Army. This country ... called Arma-Tana, and later Haiaas. Already from there the ancestors of Armenians moved to the southeast of Lake Van (HP in. BC).

Historically, it is known that in the IX century. BC. In Eastern Anatolia, a state of Urartu (Biani) was formed near Lake, which in the middle of the 7th century BC. Attached to Hayaas called Arme. Thus, "Arme", as well as "Haiaas" - the name and self-recognition of today's Armenia proceed from the indicated geographic areas.

It is not by chance that Dyakonov believes that "since the ancient-Armenian language is not related to the languages \u200b\u200bof autochthons of Armenian Highlands, it is clear that he is listed here from the outside."

Moreover, in the early Middle Ages and subsequent, the finding of Armenians on Earth in the Turkic ethnic group allowed them to survive and, ethnically, to preserve. Well-known specialist Levon Dabekyan: "... Armenians with their national existence are really obliged to the Seljuk and Ottoman Turks. If we were left among the Byzantines or other Europeans, the Armenian name could only be preserved in historical books."

With such an Armenian revelation, it is impossible to disagree, since the Armenians themselves in their book "Armenian medieval literature", prepared by the Institute of Literature. M.Abegian and published by the publishing house "Silver Grozha" in Russian in Yerevan in 1986, with reference to his medieval historian of Mead, lead a historical document - a letter of the Byzantine Emperor Mauritius (582-602) of the King of Persia Josrov: "... People (people ( Armenians) ... Lives between us and Mutit ... ". And then it is said that they need to be expelled from the land of Byzantium and Iran. Comments Here, as they say, unnecessary.

According to the historical chronicles, after the Armenian pogroms committed to Byzantium at the end of the first millennium, the Armenian Catholicos to save the nation appeals to the Sultan Sultan Arp-Aslan with a plea for help, and Sultan takes the Armenians to the patronage. We present the opinion of 26 Armenian Catholicos Barses about Sultan Melik-Shahe, improved the position of the Armenian Church after appealing to him: "He managed to create a peaceful and fair government everywhere ... by virtue of his greatness, no one caused the troubles."

But the quotation, taken from the Armenian historian of the Matyevos about the living Armenians on the lands in the Turkic ethnicity, and the ratio of Turks to them. "The Board of Melik-Shaha was pleased with God. His power spread to the distant countries. She brought the calm to Armenians ... He was filled with mercy to Christians, showed a deceic care to peoples ...". And the last quotation we give is the Armenian testimony, which characterizes the Board of Sultan Fatech: "To say that with the conquest of the Sultan Fatech Istanbul (Constantinople), a star was lit for Armenian destinies, it means to emphasize the historical truth ...". It all ended, as you know, the fact that Armenians are trying to impose the world community about the so-called genocide in Ottoman Turkey throughout the world community.

Armenian penetration in the South Caucasus is associated with significantly later times. At the same time, the Armenians were committed to the Armenians in Soviet times with the 2750th anniversary of the Erebuni Fortress, the name of which was identified with Irevan (Yerevan). The distant years of the heyday of the Urartu this Transcaucasian territory, to note the sources, the Urartians were considered as the "Earth Enemy" and which was subsequently conquered. It turns out that Erebuni was laid in an enemy country by Armenians in those years when they were part of the region in the state of Urartu.

Armenians, like the sucked ethnos, settle on the territory of historical Azerbaijan, starting from the XV century, penetrating here from the territories of modern Iraq, Iran, Turkey and Syria. In the XVI century, the process of resettlement of Armenians on the land of Azerbaijani Khanate was intensified, and their penetration into the land of Irevan Khanate, the territory, which, essentially, is today the territory of the Republic of Armenia. It was during these years that Revanhan - the ruler of Khanate - he wrote to the famous Shah Ismail Hatai: "... from Mesopotamia, on the coast of Lake Van, and from there, in the Caucasus, on the Ogzisko-Turkic lands, transplancing in small batches of 5-10 people, Armenians Instead of practicing the craft, as agreed, they seek to settle, build churches and thus try to create the impression that they are the Aboriginals of the Caucasus, and this will bring a lot of trouble in the future ... All this is funded from the hosted in Agul (Echmiadzin) Catholikasat ... ".

Indeed, these were prophetic words, testifying to the origins of the Armenians of the land: first by individual families, then small groups and colonies, and thereby created territorial prerequisites for Armenian statehood at the original lands of Irevan Khanate.

In order to create Armenian statehood on the lands of Azerbaijan in AG, the Armenian Church with the Patriarchal Prestol was translated (Echmiadzin) in the XV century, which took the political and government functions in the absence of Armenian statehood. Since that time, the history of the Hiswood, Nakhchivan and Zangezura seemed to be Armenians as the story of Eastern Armenia.

And, of course, the resettlement of Armenians in the Caucasus, especially in the territory of the Nakhichevan, Irevan and Karabakh Khanni, at the original Azerbaijani land, received powerful impulses after Gulistan and Turkmen. However, if in the XVI century, 15,000 cameral Armenians lived in Irevan Khanate, then, despite the sharp increase in the number of colonists at the time of creation in 1828, the royal government of the Erivan region in return for the liquidated Erivan Khanate, the population of 80% was still Azerbaijanis.

The extrusion of the indigenous Turkic element from the original land in the following years, including the Soviet period, acquired the nature of deportation and, in essence, the resettlement of Armenians was the occupation of Azerbaijani lands. All this was accompanied by the provision of broader rights and privileges over the Armenian migrants compared to those that the local Azerbaijani population had. It should be recalled that after the Gulistan Treaty (1813), Russia consistently eliminated the Azerbaijani Khanation, and in 1822 the Karabakh Khanate was eliminated. And, when a year after its liquidation, in 1823, "Description of the Karabakh province" was compiled, despite the adoption of measures to rejection from here Azerbaijanis, in this document out of 18.563 families registered by the Tsarist administration, only 8.4% accounted for Armenian Meliches.

During the years of Soviet power, along with the eviction of Azerbaijanis from historical places, the territory of Azerbaijan has consistently joined Armenia. If until May 1920, the territory of Azerbaijan was 114 thousand square meters. km, then she was subsequently trimmed by 28 thousand square meters. km and became equal to 86 thousand square meters. km. Thus, it was reduced in the amount of approximately an equal territory of Armenia (29.8 thousand square meters).

Such is briefly the historical chronology of the settlement of the Armenians of the South Caucasus at the expense of the Azerbaijani land, announced by the Armenianness of the historical place of residence of its ethnos. This process could not flow peacefully, he was initiated by Armenian terror, persecuted against the local population, who took the nature of the genocide. He was always covered with historical lies, worm and distortions, the Pharisees in relation to those who gave the shelter by Armenian migrants, and continues to be accompanied by territorial claims to our lands in parallel with the claims on our cultural heritage.