The largest European peoples. European Nation

The largest European peoples. European Nation
The largest European peoples. European Nation

Despite the fact that Europe does not apply to the regions where the origin of mankind occurred, the man nevertheless appeared here for a very long time: nizhny Paleolitis(The ancient stone age), - apparently, no later than 1 million years ago. Initially, the southern and central parts of Europe were populated. Especially many finds of stone tools of the oldest period made in the caves in the south-west of France. During the period of the upper Paleolithic (40-13 thousand years to paragraphs), people who belonged to the modern human kind - Homo Sapiens have already lived in Europe. In this era, people settled almost all of Europe,

in addition to its northern part. Finally, during the period of mesolitis (13 - 5 thousand years BC. E.) was mastered and northern Europe. At the same time there were differences in the economic classes of people who inhabited different areas of Europe: the inhabitants of the Baltic and Mediterranean seas, they began to engage in fishing, on the coast of the North Sea - sea gathering, in the inner areas - hunting and collecting. Pretty early population of individual regions of Europe began to move to the manufacturing farm, then some groups of fishermen managed to domesticated dogs and pigs. On the territory of Northern Greece, agricultural-cattle settlements arose earlier than in other areas - about 9 thousand years ago. In VI or V thousand BC e. The population of Europe has already skillfully to pay metals, and in I thousand BC. e. On the territory of Europe began the so-called iron age.

Language characteristics of the ancient population of Europe. In which languages \u200b\u200bthey spoke the ancient inhabitants of Europe, it is unknown. Their tribes subsequently dissolved in the mass of native speakers of Indo-European languages, which came to these areas in the III - II thousand BC. e. From the ancient non-invo-European languages \u200b\u200bin Western Europe, only a language has been preserved basque.From Indo-Europeans to Europe before the tribes penetrated pelas-gov, Ellinov(otherwise the Greeks), then italianand celtic tribes.In III - II thousand to n. e. Under the influence of the Ancient Educational Cultural Centers in the south of Europe, an outstanding critical mixing civilization has developed. The culture of Criton-Myckene inherited civilization of the Ellinov (Greeks),arising in I thousand BC. er, and its successor, in turn, became an ancient Rome.

In the Roman Empire (end I c. BC. E. - 2nd half V century. N. Er), in its western part, mass romanization(from the name Roma - Rome) of the European population. The people conquered by the Romans adopted the culture and language of conquerors - latin,however, Latin was mixed with them with local languages \u200b\u200b(mostly Celtic), partly distorting, partly acquiring new forms. So originated vulgar

(folk) Latin, which gave rise to modern Romanesque languages.

Great relocation of peoples. In III-IX centuries.In III - IXVV. Already our era in Europe there was mass migrations of the Germanic, Slavic, Turkic, Iranian and other tribes and tribal associations, later called name Great relocation of peoples.Powerful pulse of this migrating flow gave Turkic-speaking tribes huns.They came to Europe in the IV century. From distant Asian steppes. At that time, the first clash of Europe's residents with Mongoloids occurred. Gunns defeated German-speaking tribes sharp(Eastern ready) and began to be crowded vest Ready(Western ready) who lived on the lands to the north of the bottom of the Danube. Westges with the consent of the Roman emperor moved to the Balkan Peninsula, which was part of the Roman Empire. In 378 They rebelled in alliance with Huns and came from the East Iranian-speaking alanakhdefeated Roman troops. In 410g. Westges captured Rome. After this defeat, the emperor of the Western Roman Empire (section of the Roman Empire to the Western and Eastern occurred in 395) gave way to Westnesss to Aquitain (the southwestern part of the territory of modern France), where in 419 the first German state appeared in the territory of Western Europe - the Toulouse Kingdom . Later, the North-East of the Pyrenean Peninsula and the North-East of the Pyrenean Peninsula also departed. And in the north-western part of it, another German tribe was fixed sveva.In the middle of V c. Other German tribes burgundyand franky- created their kingdoms (Burgundy and Frankish) in Gaul. At about the same time, German tribes angles, saksovand yutovbegan to conquer the British Isles abandoned by the Romans, inhabited at that time by Celts.

In the middle of V c. Huns together with the Ostatians invaded Gallia, but were divided by the combined forces of the Romans and the Hermann settled there and the Danube Plain was gone. With VI by VIII century. On this plain, the dominant positions occupied avara.Subsequently

gunns and Avars completely dissolved in the local population.

In 476 Under the blows of Germans, the Western Roman Empire ceased to exist, and in 493. The accepted participation in her defeat of the Ostrich created their own state that covered the extensive territory from Central Italy to the Danube. In the north of Italy in the VI century. The German-speaking tribe settled langobards.

Thus, the German tribes were widely settled in Western Europe and created their states here. At the same time, various dialects of vulgar Latin preserved in highly novel parts of Europe (on the territory of Gaulia, Iberia, Italy), and the Germans have been assimiced by the local population over time. In the same areas where the cultural influence of the Romans was weak (for example, in Britain), German languages \u200b\u200bprevailed.

On the territory of the Eastern Roman Empire (Byzantium), the main driving force of mass relocations were slavs.In the V-VII centuries. They settled on an extensive territory from the Black and Aegean Seas to Adriatic.

In the VIII century Arabs invaded the southwest of Europe. They won some territories in the Northern Mediterranean (for example, the Pyrenean Peninsula). Arab culture, starting with material - elements of clothing and homemade life - and ending with high samples of Arabic poetry, science, architecture, put the strongest imprint on the culture of the peoples of the Pyrenean Peninsula.

In IX century To Central Europe, the Magyars (Hungar) penetrated the Danube pool. Former pastoral, nomadic tribes, in a new place, they switched to farming, perceived much of the local culture, but they retained and transferred their tendevity (Finno-Ugric), on which Hungarians say now.

IX and X in. were marked by moving from north to south of the Scandinavian tribes (Normanov).They conquered one of the northern regions of France (later "called Normandy) and gradually

manized, that is, they switched to French (developed earlier on the basis of a local version of Vulgar Latin), and also experienced cultural impact on the part of the French. In the XI century Already the nomanized Normans won England. Thanks to the Normans, England experienced a strong French influence, it was the Norman conquest that led to the fact that in English there was a big layer of Romanesque vocabulary. In addition to Northern France and England, Normanams were able to gain a foothold in the south of the Apennine Peninsula and on Sicily Island.

In the XIV-XV centuries. Penetrated into Europe ottoman Turks.They managed to defeat the Byzantium and for several centuries to subjugate the Balkans. In the period of feudalism (VIII-XVI centuries) in different cities of Europe formed jewishcommunities. In the XV-XVI centuries. In Europe appeared gypsyand gradually, "small groups settled in many countries.

Residents of the C8 Verrev0y Europe

Ethnic and Language Composition. In modern Europe there are several dozen of different nations, however, the ethnic composition of its population is less complicated than in other major regions of the world, since almost all European peoples relate to one - indo-European- Language family. The largest branches of this family in Europe are Romanesque, German and Slavic (see Slavs in chapter 14). Ethnic groups whose languages \u200b\u200bbelong to the Romance group, live mainly in the south-west of Europe and in the Basin of the Lower Danube.

The Romance Group includes Spaniards, Portuguese, Galicians (resettled in the North-West of Spain), Catalans (live in northeastern Spain), Andorran residents (these peoples form the Ibero-Romanesque subgroup); The French, Wallona (live in the south of Belgium), Francischweiver (focused in the west of Switzerland), Monegasi (National residents of Monaco) (these ethnic groups are Gallo-Romanesque subgroup); Italy

tSIs including Sardinsev, Italy Schools (inhabit the south of Switzerland), Corsicans (residents belonging to France Corsica Islands), Sanmaintsy (indigenous inhabitants of San Marino, these peoples form Itaallo-Romanesque subgroup); Romanesy (live in the east of Switzerland), incense (resettled in the east of Switzerland and northern Italy), Friela (the area of \u200b\u200btheir distribution - northeast Italy) (these three people are customary to unite into a reto-romance subgroup); Romanians and Aromas (the latter are resettled in the north of Greece, as well as in Serbia) (these two people belong to the Balkano-Romanesque subgroup).

Some of the languages \u200b\u200bof the Romanesque Group are relatives for several peoples: for example, French for the French, Wallon and Francischwiper, Italian - for the Italians and Italy. For the largest number of native speakers of the Romanesque Group - Italian - characterized by many dialects, and some dialects are so different from each other, which part of the linguists consider them in separate languages. The dialectological fraction of the Italian language illustrates such a fact: in 1875, on the occasion of the five hundred years from the day of the death of Joan-Nor Boccaccio (an outstanding Italian poet and the Writer of the Renaissance), the volume of its works in which one novel was reproduced by 623 Italian dialects. The modern Italian literary language was formed on the basis of the Tuscan dialect.

The peoples of the German language group live in the north, northwest and in the center of Europe. Currently, the German group is divided into two subgroups - Western and North. In the past there was also an eastern subgroup, but none of the languages \u200b\u200bof this subgroup was preserved. The East German subgroup, in particular, was the language of the sharp. In the languages \u200b\u200bof the West German subgroup, the Germans, Austrians, Liechtensteins, German-Swiss (live in the north and in the center of Switzerland), Alsace (inhabitants of Alsace - Areas in the east of France), Luk-

semburzhtsy, Dutch (the main people of the Netherlands), Flemish (resettled in the north of Belgium and the South of the Netherlands), Friezes (dispersed in the north of the Netherlands and Germany, in coastal areas), the British, Scots, Scotland and AngloDers (live in Northern Ireland). To the same subgroup usually relate to those who live in Europe the Jews, since previously most of them spoke in the language yiddish,close to German. Now they speak mainly in the state languages \u200b\u200bof those countries in which they live. In North-German, or Scandinavian, the subgroup includes Swedes (except Sweden, they live in the coastal areas of Finland and on the Aland Islands owned by Finland), Norwegians, Icelanders, Farories (live on the Faroe Islands owned by Denmark) and Danes.

A number of peoples of the German group speaks German or in English. So, in German, in addition to the Germans, Austrians say, German-Swiss, Alsace (the last - bilingual and usually know French), Liechtensteins, Luxembourgs (they are three-story and speak in itself German, their Letzburg variant of German, as well as in French ). Interesting is the language situation in German itself. Although the literary language of Germans alone, conversational languages \u200b\u200bin the country two. They are relative, but not mutual understanding. This is Vernenemetsky (on the basis of which the German literary language was created) and the Lowernesec, common in the north of Germany and very close to the Dutch language. In English, except the British, they say the Scots, most of the Irish and some other nations. Language situation in Norway is exactly the opposite of German. Here, with one spoken language, two literary. Attempts to "unite" are not crowned with success, but led to the creation of a third literary language, which, however, did not receive any wide distribution.

The descendants of the ancient indigenous population of Europe - Celts - for many centuries assimilized

it was numerous and german-speaking peoples, and the number of the cocery population was steadily reduced. Nevertheless, the Celtic language group is still represented in Europe. It is divided into two subgroups: Goydelskaya (or Gaelskaya) and Britt-Tan. The Goydelian subgroup includes Irish and Galy. In Irish (called IRS-Kim or Gaelle), they speak in the extreme West of Ireland in the Gaelftat area. The rest of the Irish also know their language (it is also taught at school), but in everyday life used in the main English. Many Irish bilinguals. Galya (or Heylenders) speak their Gaelic. They live in mountainous areas in the north of Scotland. The Brattic subgroup includes Bretonians (residents of the French province of Brittany, they are bilingual and they say both in French and Bretono) and Walessets, or Welsh - the inhabitants of Wales (they preserve their tongue quite well, although some switched to English). Recently, even the roots began to be included in the same subgroup. These are residents of Cornwall (Cornwell) in the south-west of England. The root language has been considered dead for a long time, but now he is actively reborn. It already speaks 150 people and a few thousand are studying it.

In Europe, two independent branches of the Indo-European language family are also represented to which the languages \u200b\u200bof the Greeks and Albanians are. Representatives of the Indoiran branch - Gypsies.

Three ethnos of Europe - Hungarians (13 million), Finns (5 million) and a small people saama (blades)- belong to the Finno-Ugric branch of the Ural language family. Saamas are resettled in the Far North of Europe: in the Arctic regions of Norway, Sweden and Finland.

Maltese (the population of the island state of Malta) refer to the Afrazian (seven-Khamita) language family. Maltese is actually one of the dialects of Arabic, although Latin writing has been adopted in it. True, at present, most of the Maltesers, along with Maltese, know English and Italian.

One indigenous people of Europe - Basis - in language ratio takes an isolated position. Basque language could not be attributed to any language family. Basks live in the north of Spain and in Western Pyrenees - on both sides of the Spanish-French border.

In addition, in Europe, there are currently pretty numerous groups of immigrants (Arabs, Berbers, Turks, Kurds, Indians, Pakistanis, etc.). Arabs and Berbers are more often detached in the major cities of France, the overwhelming majority of the Turks and Kurds settle in Germany, people from India and Pakistan are guided primarily to the UK. In large cities of Great Britain, there were also immigrants from the former English colonies in West Indies and Black Africa.

In addition to resettlements from other parts of light for Europe, intra-regional interstate migrations are very characteristic, which also makes the ethnic composition of the population of countries more than the foral. The main flows of migrants go to France, Great Britain, Germany, Switzerland, Belgium, Sweden. Italians, Portuguese, people from Spain, Poles, in the UK are also sent to France - primarily residents of neighboring Ireland, Germany - Italians, Greeks, Portuguese, Serbs, Croats and others.

Anthropological characteristics of the population.In a racial attitude, the modern population of Europe (not counting the gradually increasing group of immigrants from non-European countries) is more or less uniform: with the exception of Sami, which in their physical appearance occupies an intermediate position between European views and Mongoloids, the main population of Europe belongs to the European-like race. Nevertheless, among the European phones, three groups of anthropological types can be distinguished: north, Southand transition.For the northern group, bright stripes, light skin and blue, gray or blue eyes are characterized by Swedes, Norwegians, Danes, Finns, part of the British (mainly residents of East

of the districts of England), the Dutch, the Northern Germans and a number of other peoples of the North of Europe. Representatives of the southern group of anthropological types of dark hair, relatively dark skin and black eyes. This is what the representatives of the peoples inhabiting the south of Europe look like: Most of the Spaniards, Portuguese, Italians (except Northern), Romanians, Albanians, Greeks, etc. The larger part of the nations belongs to transient racial types, whose representatives in their racial features occupy an intermediate position between Northern and southern groups. They are gluttony, they are somewhat darker than that representatives of the northern group, but not so dark, like the peoples living in the south. The color of the eyes in representatives of the transition group varies greatly: they have blue, gray, blue, green, brown eyes. The transitional group includes most French and Germans, the northern Italians, the population of Belgium and Switzerland, Austrians, Hungarians.

Religion. The prevailing religion of the peoples of Europe is Christianity, presented here by all three of its main directions: catholicism, Protestantismdifferent flows I. orthodoxy.Catholicism adheres to the majority of the population in many countries of South and Western Europe: Italy, Spain, Portugal, France, Belgium, Austria, Hungary, Ireland and some others. Catholics form the most numerous groups, although they do not constitute the absolute majority, also in Switzerland and the Netherlands. Significant groups are resettled in the UK and Northern Ireland. Many followers of the Roman Catholic Church lives in Albania.

The largest flows of Protestantism in Europe are Lutheranism, Anglicism and Calvinism. Lutheranism professes most of the inhabitants of Germany and the overwhelming majority of the population of Scandinavian countries and Finland. The British make up over half of the UK population (in England, the British make up the overwhelming majority, and ang

the Likan Church has the status of a state religion there, this status does not apply to the rest of the United Kingdom). Calvinism confesses a significant part of the population of Switzerland, the Netherlands and Scotland. Distribution in the states of the Central and Northern Europe of Protestantism, which is characterized by civil servants in national languages, a lot has contributed to the development of literary languages \u200b\u200band ethnic self-consciousness in these countries.

Orthodoxy (from among those considered in this chapter of the peoples of Europe) adhere to the Greeks, Romanians and part of Albanians.

In Europe, there is also one country - Albania, where Muslims are the largest religious group. In connection with the non-European immigration, significant groups of Muslims appeared in many European countries.

In major European cities there are also Jewish communities.

German peoples

Germans. The basis of the German ethnos was the ancient German tribal associations of Frankov, Saksov, Bavarov, Alemannov, and others, mixed in the first centuries of our era with a novelty Celtic population and with retails. After the section of the Frankish Empire (843), the East Franc kingdom with a german-speaking population was distinguished. The name (Doych) is known from the middle of the city, which indicates the formation of the German ethnic. The seizure of the Land of Slavs and Prussians3 in X-XI centuries. led to partial assimilation of the local population.

British. The ethnic basis of the English nation was the German tribes of the Angles, Saksov, franits and friezes who won in the V-VI centuries. Celtic Britain. In the VII centuries. An Anglo-Saxon nationality, which has absorbed and Celtic elements. Later, Anglo-Saxons, mixed with the Danes, Norwegians and after the Norman conquest of England in 1066 by immigrants from France, marked the beginning of the English nation.

Norse. The ancestors of Novirezhev - the German tribes of the cattle breeders and farmers - came to Scandinavia at the end of the III milk. BC. e. In the ancient English sources of the IX century. For the first time there is a term "Nordmann" - "Northern Man" (Norwegian). Education in xh! explosive An early referred state and Christianization contributed to the formation of approximately at this time of the Norwegian nationality. In the era of Vikings (IX-XI century), immigrants from Norway created colonies on the islands of the North Atlantic and in Iceland (Farories, Icelanders).

Slavic peoples

Slavs are the largest group related to the origin of peoples in Europe. It includes Slavs: Eastern (Russian, Ukrainians, Belarusians), Western (Poles, Czechs, Slovaks, Luzhican) and South (Bulgarians, Serbs, Croats, Slovenians, Musliman, Macedonians, Bosnians). The origin of the ethnonym "Slavs" is not clear enough. It can be assumed that it dates back to the general-European root, the semantic content of which is the concepts of "man", "people". The ethnogenesis of Slavs probably developed in stages (Protoslav Meadow, Praslavyan and Rannesian ethnolinguistic community). To the second half of the first thousand n. e. Separate Slavic ethnic communities (tribal unions) were formed.

Slavic ethnic community was originally formed in the area or between Oder and the Bolt, or between Oder and Dnipro. In the ethnogenetic processes, various ethnic groups were participated - both Slavic and Neslavyansky: Daki, Thracians, Turks, Balts, Finno-Ugry, etc., Slavs began to gradually move in southwestern, Western and Northern directions, which coincided in Mainly with the final phase of the great resettlement of peoples (U-UI centuries). As a result, in k-x centuries. The extensive range of Slavic settlement was formed: from the modern Russian north and the Baltic Sea to the Mediterranean and from the Volga to Elbe.

The emergence of statehood in Slavs belongs to the UE-GC. (First Bulgarian kingdom, Kievan Rus, Velikomoravskaya Power, ancient Poly State state, etc.). The nature, dynamics and pace of formation of Slavic nations greatly influenced social and political factors. So, in the IX century. The land inhabited by the ancestors of Slovenians was captured by the Germans and became part of the Sacred Roman Empire, and at the beginning of the X century. Slovak ancestors after the fall of the Velikomoravskaya Power were included in the Hungarian state. The process of ethnosocial development at Bulgarians and Serbs was interrupted in the XIV century. Ottoman (Turkish) invasion, stretching for five hundred years. Croatia due to the danger from the outside at the beginning of the XII century. He recognized the power of the Hungarian kings. Czech lands at the beginning of the XVII century. It was included in the Austrian monarchy, and Poland survived at the end of the XVIII century. Several sections.

Specific features had the development of Slavs in Eastern Europe. The originality of the process of formation of individual nations (Russians, Ukrainians, Belarusians) was that they equally survived the stage of the ancient Russian nationality and were formed due to the differentiation of the ancient Russian nation on three independent closest ethnos (XIV-XVI centuries). In the XUI - XUIII centuries. Russians, Ukrainians and Belarusians were part of one state - the Russian Empire. The process of the formation of nations proceeded in these ethnic groups at a different pace, which was determined by peculiar historical, ethnopolitical and ethnocultural situations that each of the three peoples experienced. So, for Belarusians and Ukrainians, the need to resist polonization and madialarization, infidelity of their ethnosocial structure, formed as a result of the merger of their own upper social layers with the upper social layers of Lithuanians, Poles, Russians, etc.

The process of formation of the Russian nation proceeded simultaneously with the formation of Ukrainian and Belarusian nations. In the conditions of the Liberation War against the Tatar-Mongolian IGA (the middle of the XII - the end of the XV century) passed the ethnic consolidation of the principalities of the Northeast Rus, formed in the XIU-XU centuries. Moscow Rus. The eastern Slavs of Rostov, Suzdal, Vladimir, Moscow, Tver and Novgorod lands became the ethnic core of the formated Russian nation. One of the most important features of the ethnic history of Russians was the constant presence of weakly-plated spaces, neighboring from the main Russian ethnic territory, and the centuries-old migration activity of the Russian population. As a result, the extensive ethnic territory of Russians was gradually formed, surrounded by a zone of permanent ethnic contacts with peoples, various by origin, cultural traditions and language (Finno-Ugric, Turkish, Balt, Mongolian, Western and South Slavic, Caucasian, etc.).

Ukrainian people were formed on the basis of part of the Eastern Slavic population, which was previously part of the Unified Old Russian state (IX

XII centuries). The Ukrainian nation was in the southwestern regions of this state (the territory of the Kiev, Pereyaslavsky, Chernigovo-Seversky, Volyn and Galician principalities) mainly in the XIU-XU centuries. Despite the capture in the XV century. Of large part of the Ukrainian lands of Polish-Lithuanian feudals, in the XUI-XUII centuries. During the struggle with Polish, Lithuanian, Hungarian conquerors and countering Tatar khanam, the consolidation of the Ukrainian people continued. In the XVI century There was a Ukrainian (the so-called Starukrainsky) book language.

In the XVII century Ukraine reunited with Russia (1654). In the 90s of the XVIII century. Russia included right-bank Ukraine and the Southern Ukrainian Earth, and in the first half of the XIX century. - Dongy. The name "Ukraine" was used to denote the various southern and southwestern parts of the Old Russian lands in the XII-

XIII centuries. Subsequently (by the XVIII century), this term is in the meaning of "Krain", that is, the country has been fixed in official documents, gained widespread and became the basis for the ethnonym of the Ukrainian people.

The ancient ethnic basis of Belarusians were the East Slavic tribes, partially assimiced the Lithuanian tribes of the Yatvägov. In the IX-XI centuries. included in the Kiev Rus. After the period of feudal fragmentation from the middle of the XIII - during the XIV century. The Land of Belarus was part of the Grand Principality of Lithuanian, then in the XVI century. - The compulsory speech. In the XIV-XVI centuries. The Belarusian people were formed, his culture developed. At the end of the XVIII century. Belorussia reunited with Russia.

Other nations of Europe

Celts (Galla) - Ancient Indo-European tribes, inhabited in the second half of the I thousand BC. e. On the territory of modern France, Belgium, Switzerland, the southern part of Germany, Austria, the northern part of Italy, the North and Western parts of Spain, the British Islands, the Czech Republic, partly Hungary and Bulgaria. By mid i in. BC e. were conquered by the Romans. Celtic tribes treated Britets, Galla, Gelviet, etc..

Greeks. Ethnic composition of the territory of ancient Greece in the III milk. BC. e. There was a motley: Pelasgi, LELLEGES and other peoples that were pushed and assimilated the protogretic tribes - Ahaeis, Ionians and Doriians. The ancient Greek people began to form in the II thousand to n. e., and in the era of the Greek colonization of the coast of the Mediterranean and Black Seas (VIII-VI centuries. BC. E.) The total cultural unity was formed - Ellina (from the name of the tribe who inhabited by Ellad - the area in Fessiona). The ethnonym "Greeks" originally treated, apparently, to one of the tribes in Northern Greece, was then borrowed by the Romans and was distributed to all Hellenes. The ancient Greeks created a highly developed antique civilization, which played a large role in the development of the culture of Europe. In the Middle Ages, the Greeks were the main core of the Byzantine Empire and were officially called Roma (Romans). Gradually, they assimilated the people who migrated from the north of the group of Thracians, Illyrians, Celts, Slavs, Albanians. Ottoman domination in the Balkans (XV - the first half of the XIX century) was largely affected by the material culture and the language of the Greeks. As a result of the national liberation movement in the XIX century. A Greek state formed.

Finns. Finnish nationality was formed in the process of merging the tribes living in the territory of modern Finland. In the XII-XIII centuries. Finnish lands were conquered by the Swedes left a noticeable imprint on the Finns culture. In the XVI century A Finnish writing appeared. From the beginning of the XIX to the beginning of the XX century. Finland was part of the Russian Empire with the status of the Autonomous Grand Principality.

The ethnic composition of the population of Europe as a whole is given in Table. 4.3.

Table 4.3. The ethnic composition of the population of Europe (data is given as of mid-1985, including the former USSR)





thousand people

thousand people

Indo-European family

Romanesque group


French people





German group

Celtic group






Greek group

Albanian Group


Baltic Group



Ural family

Slavic Group

Finno-Ugric Group



The national composition of the population of foreign Europe is heterogeneous, there are one-mounted states and states with a complex structure in ethnic. What kind of countries? What basic groups are allocated by national composition? What factors affected the formation of the ethnic composition of Europe? This and many other things will be discussed in the article.

Factors that influence the national composition of foreign Europe

Currently, more than 62 peoples live in Europe. Such a motley National Mosaic was formed in this territory several millennia under the influence of historical and natural factors.

The plain territories were convenient for the resettlement of people and the origin of ethnic groups. So, for example, a French nation has been formed in the territory of the Parisian basin, the German people had formed on the north-German lowland.

Mountain areas complicated the relationship between ethnic groups, in such territories, as a rule, a motley ethnic composition was formed, this, for example, the Balkans and the Alps.

Migration processes had a significant impact on the national composition of Europe. From the 16th century And before the beginning of the 20th century. Europe was mainly a region of emigration, and from the second half of the 20th century. became the immigration region.

After the revolution of 1917, the flow of migrants hung from Russia to the countries of foreign Europe, the number of which amounted to about 2 million people. They formed ethnic diasporas in France, Germany, Great Britain, Switzerland, Italy, Yugoslavia.

He had a huge impact on the national composition of foreign Europe and numerous internecine wars and conquests, as a result of which many peoples had a very complex gene pool. So, for example, the Spanish people were formed as a result of mixing for several centuries of the Arab, Celtic, Romanesque, Jewish blood. The Bulgarian ethnic has an influence of Turkish dominion for 4 centuries.

From the mid-20th century migration to Europe from former European colonies increased. Thus, millions of Asians, Africans, Arabs, Latin Americans settled in foreign Europe forever. In the 70-90s there are several waves of political and labor migration from Yugoslavia and Turkey. Many of them were assimilated in the UK, France and Germany, which led to a change in the modern appearance of the French, the British and Germans.

The acute ethnic problems of Europe are national separatism and conflicts on ethnic soil. As an example, you can remember the confrontation of Wallon and Flemaders in the 1980s in Belgium, which almost split the country. No one decade has been operating a radical organization that requires the creation of the Basque state in the south-west of France and the north of Spain. Recently, the relations of Catalonia and Spain, in October 2017, in Catalonia, a referendum for independence was held in Catalonia, the turnout was 43 percent, 90% of those who appeared for independence, however, it was recognized as illegal and not having a legal force.

Types of foreign countries in national composition

In this regard are divided into:

  • Mono-ethnic, when the main nation is approximately 90% or more. Such includes Norway, Denmark, Poland, Bulgaria, Italy, Iceland, Sweden, Germany, Austria, Portugal, Ireland, Slovenia.
  • With a predominance of one nation, but with a significant percentage in the structure of the population of the country of national minorities. This is, for example, France, Finland, United Kingdom, Romania, Spain.
  • Bivalnational, that is, two nations prevail in the national composition of the country. An example is Belgium.
  • Multinational - Latvia, Switzerland.

Three types of countries of foreign Europe in national composition are predominant - one-nation, with a predominance of one nation and binary.

In many European countries, there are very complex relationships on inter-ethnic soil: Spain (Basic and Catalans), France (Corsica), Cyprus, United Kingdom (Scotland), Belgium.

Language groups of the population of foreign Europe

According to the language, the overwhelming part of the population of Europe belongs to the Indo-European language family. It includes:

  • Slavic branch, which is divided into two groups: southern and western. In South Slavic languages, Croats, Slovenians, Montenegrins, Serbs, Macedonians, Bosnians, and on Western Slavic languages \u200b\u200bare Czechs, Poles, Slovaks.
  • The German branch, which is divided into Western and Northern Groups. The West German group includes German, Flemish, Frisian, English. To the Severogoerman Group - Faroe, Swedish, Norwegian, Icelandic,
  • Romanesque branch, the basis of her Latin served. This branch includes the following French, Italian, Provencal, Portuguese, Spanish.
  • The Celtic branch is currently represented only by 4 languages: Irish, Gaelle, Wales, Breton. Approximately 6.2 million people speak the language group.

The Indo-European language family includes Greek (there are more than 8 million people) and Albanian (2.5 million people) languages. Also is Indo-European. Before World War II, there were about 1 million gypsies in Europe, in our countries of foreign Europe, they live about 600 thousand.

In foreign Europe speak languages:

  • The Ural Language Family - Finno-Ugric Branch - Finns, Hungarians, Saama.
  • Altai language family - Turkic branches - Tatars, Turks, Gagauz.

A special place occupies the Language of Basque, it does not belong to any language family, it is the so-called isolated language whose historical ties are not installed, the native speakers are about 800 thousand people.

National and Religious Composition of Foreign Europe

The dominant religion in Europe is Christianity, only Jews profess Judaism, and Albanians and Croats are Islam.

Catholicism confess the Spaniards, Portuguese, Italians, French, Irish, Austrians and Belgians, Poles, Hungaries, Czechs, Slovaks.

It should be noted that among Czechs, Slovaks and Hungarians a lot of Protestants.

In Switzerland and Germany, Catholics are about 50%.

Protestantism is confessed by Norwegians, Swedes, Finns, Germans. Moreover, Lutheranism is common.

Orthodox Christianity is distributed in the countries of the South-East and East of Europe - in Greece, Romania, Bulgaria.

However, according to the religious principle it is impossible to judge the national personality of a person. Many nations have taken the religion of the state in which they lived. For example, many Gypsies profess Christianity, but there are entire tabs that Islam consider their religion.

The history of statistical accounting of the national composition of the population of Europe

About 500 million people are living in Europe, the predominant part of the population in anthropological signs is a European-like race. Europe can rightly consider the pranodine national identity of peoples. It was here that national groups began to arise, the relationship between which was created by the history of Europe and not only. Here began to develop statistics of the population, taking into account the national composition. But the principles of identifying one or another nationality in different countries of Europe were different.

Initially, the national affiliation of the people associated with the language affiliation. One of the first countries of foreign Europe, which carried out statistical accounting of the national composition of their citizens, depending on the knowledge of the language, were Belgium in 1846 and Switzerland in 1850 (when the population census sounded the question: "What is your main spoken language?"). Prussia praised this initiative, and when census in 1856, the issue of "maternal" (native) language was used.

In 1872, on the Statistical Congress in St. Petersburg, it was decided to introduce into a list of issues of the statistical accounting of citizens of the country of direct issue of nationality. However, until the 20s of the 20th century, this solution was never implemented.

All this time, the statistical records of citizens in religious or linguistic signs were conducted. Such a position in the census was preserved almost before the beginning of World War II.

The complexity of ethnic statistics is currently

In the post-war time, many countries of foreign Europe or did not at all set the task of accounting for the national composition of the population, or too limited it.

More reliable information are based on the accounting of national affiliation in five countries of Europe: Albania (population census 1945, 1950, 1960), Bulgaria (Captition of 1946, 1956), Romania (Czechat 1948, 1956), Czechoslovakia (1950 census) and Yugoslavia (census 1948, 1953, 1961). All census included the issue of national affiliation and native language.

In countries where only the language affiliation of the population was conducted, the ability to determine the national composition is complicated. This is Belgium, Greece, Finland, Austria, Hungary, Switzerland, Liechtenstein. National affiliation does not always coincide with the language, many nations speak the same language, for example, the Swiss, Germans, Austrians speak German. In addition, many nations were fully assimilated on the territory on which they moved, and the concept of "native language" as a determinant of ethnicity in this case does not work.

Countries such as Denmark, Iceland, Italy, Malta, Norway, Portugal, Sweden, United Kingdom, Ireland, Spain, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Poland, France, have not set themselves the task of determining the national composition of the population when census. First, in these countries the concept of "nationality" is synonymous with "citizenship"; secondly, in some countries there is a relatively homogeneous national composition (Iceland, Portugal, Denmark, Ireland); Thirdly, in some countries there are relatively accurate information on individual peoples, for example, on the Wales in the UK.

Thus, the weak development of statistics on the national issue and multiple changes in the political borders of states created significant problems in the formation of reliable data on the national composition of the population of foreign Europe.

Dynamics of the number of peoples in foreign Europe

The dynamics of the number of nations of foreign Europe was not exactly the same throughout the centuries-old history.

In the Middle Ages, the number of Romanesque peoples increased faster than everyone, as they were more developed in cultural and economically. In the new time, the championship was intercepted by Germanic and Slavic peoples.

The normal natural development of some nations of Europe was violated by world wars. Significant losses during the last World War were the Jewish people, whose number declined more than 3 times, in Gypsy 2 times.

As for future forecasts, in the national composition of the European countries, an increase in the percentage of Slavic peoples is possible and a decrease in the percentage of Germanic.

Factors affecting the dynamics of the number of nations of foreign Europe

One of the main factors affecting the number of individual peoples in the national structure of the countries of foreign Europe is migration, as a result of which the number of people decreases. For example, after the relocation of Jews in Israel, their number in Europe has sharply decreased. But there were exceptions. For example, the Greeks whose number has increased dramatically by resettlement to Europe Greeks from Turkey.

On the dynamics of the number of this or that nation affects the level of birth and mortality, but most of all it depends on the degree of its assimilation in the country of residence. Many second and third generation migrants lose their national identity, almost completely assimiced. So, for example, in France, the Spaniards and Italians gradually become French.

Instead of output

The national composition of foreign Europe is characterized by comparative homogeneity. In Europe, one-demonstrational countries and countries are dominated in Europe, where the overwhelming majority are representatives of some particular nation. There are very few countries, complex nationally, but national questions are very acute.

No science gives an accurate definition of such a thing as the "people", but everyone implies a greater community of people who are compact in a certain territory.

Science Ethnography, studying peoples and ethnic groups, including the most numerous peoples, allocates from 2.4 to 2.7 thousand nations living on Earth today. But ethnographers can rely in such a delicate matter to rely on statistical data, which is called the figure of 5 and a half thousand peoples on Earth.

Ethnogenesis, which studies the emergence and development of various ethnic groups. Imagine in a small review the largest peoples, which have developed in a distant antiquity, and their total number exceeds 100 million people.

Chinese (1 320 million)

The generalized concept of the "Chinese people" includes all residents of China, including people of other nationalities, as well as those having Chinese citizenship, but living abroad.

Nevertheless, the Chinese people are the biggest, both in the concept of "nation" and in the concept of "nationality." To date, 1 billion 320 million Chinese residents live in the world, which is 19% of the total number of residents of the planet. So, the list of the greatest peoples of the world, in all indicators, rightfully headed by the Chinese.

Although in fact those whom we call the "Chinese" ethnically are representatives of the people of Han. China is a multinational country.

The name of the people "Han", which means "Milky Way", and comes from the name of the country "Podnebyny". This is also the most ancient people of the Earth, whose roots go to the distant past. Hanza in the PRC make up an absolute majority, about 92% of the country's population.

Interesting Facts:

  • The Chinese people of Zhuana, who is a national minority in the country, has a number of about 18 million people, which is comparable to the population of Kazakhstan and exceeds the population of the Netherlands.
  • Another Chinese people Huyutz has a number of about 10.5 million people, which is early to the population of countries such as Belgium, Tunisia, Czech Republic or Portugal.

Arabs (330-340 million)

In the second place of Arabs, in ethnographic science are defined as a group of nations, but from the point of view of ethnogenesis, this is one people of the Semitic language group.

Nationality developed in the Middle Ages, when Arabs sat down the Middle East and the northern part of Africa. All of them are united by a single Arabic language and a peculiar writing - Arabic. The people have long come out of the historical homeland, and at the present stage, by virtue of different circumstances, settled in other regions of the globe.

Today, the number of Arabs is calculated at 330-340 million people. Basically, Islam adheres to, but there are Christians.

And you knew that:

  • In Brazil, Arabs live more than in the United Arab Emirates.
  • The Arabs Figu gesture is considered an insult with sexual subtext.

Americans (317 million)

Here is a bright example when you can accurately determine the people, with a practically non-existent concept of "American nation". In a narrow understanding, this is a group of various nationalities that make up the US population and having American citizenship.

For a 200-year history, a single culture was established, mentality, a common language used in communication, which allows us to combine the population of the United States in one people.

Today, US Americans make up 317 million. For the indigenous population of America, Indians, the name of Americans can be used, but on ethnic identification it is a completely different ethnic.

By the way, read the most interesting sights of the United States.

Hinduscan (265 million)

At the moment, Hinduscan has been compactly settled in the three neighboring countries of the South-Eastern Region of the Planet - India, Nepal and Pakistan.

As for India, the largest number of their number lives in the northern part of the state, and the ethnology has about 265 million Hindusans, and the main language of their communication is the various adverbs of the Hindi language.

Interestingly, from the relatives closest to them, Gypsies and Dravids, inhabiting the southern regions of India.

Bengaltsy (more than 250 million)

Among the numerous peoples, the beagles, numbering more than 250 million, occupy their leading positions. Basically live in Asia countries, but there are small diasporas in the United States and the United Kingdom, they are in other European countries.

For the centuries-old history, Bengali retained their national culture, originality and language, as well as the main types of classes. In the Asian region, they live mainly in rural areas, since since since since since ancient times is engaged in agriculture.

Bengali is one of the most complicated on Earth, as a result of the synthesis of the Indoary language and numerous local dialects.

Brazilians (197 million)

A group of different ethnic groups living in Latin America developed in a single Brazilian people. Currently there are about 197 million Brazilians, most of which live in Brazil itself.

The people have passed the complex path of ethnogenesis, so began to develop as a result of the conquest by Europeans of the South American continent. Native American nationalities lived in extensive territories, and with the arrival of Europeans most of them were destroyed, the rest is assimilated.

It so happened that Catholicism became the religion of Brazilians, and the communication language was Portuguese.

Russians (about 150 million)

The name of the most numerous people of Russia occurred as a result of the transition of the adjective "Russian people", "Russian people" into the generalizing noun "Russians", in the concept of the people.

Modern statistical studies suggest that Russians on Earth have about 150 million people, of which most of which lives in Russia. The most numerous people of Russia relates to the Language group of East Slavic languages, and today more than 180 million people consider Russian native language.

Russians are almost homogeneous in the anthropological plan, although they are separated by large territory, are divided into several ethnographic groups. Ethnic has developed during the development of the Russian state from different ethnic groups of Slavs.

Interesting fact: the largest number of Russians outside the Russian Federation and the countries of the former USSR is located in Germany (~ 3.7 million) and in the United States (~ 3 million).

Mexicans (148 million)

Mexicans, who are about 148 million people, unites the common territory of residence, a united Spanish language of communication, as well as an amazing national culture that has developed on the basis of the heritage of the oldest civilizations of Central America.

This people, as well as a vivid example of duality, as those Mexicans who live in the United States, can also be considered American at the same time.
The uniqueness of the people is also in the fact that on ethnicity it is Latin Americans, but the communication language refers them to the Romance group. It is also a nation on our planet, growing the largest pace.

Japanese (132 million)

Conservative Japanese on Earth 132 million, and they live mainly in the historic homeland. After the Second World War, part of the Japanese seized the world, and now only 3 million people live outside Japan.

The Japanese people are distinguished by closure, high hard work, a special attitude to the historical past and national culture. For many centuries, the Japanese managed to preserve, and most importantly multiply their heritage as spiritual and logistical.

The Japanese is particularly special, with some suspicion, belong to foreigners, and reluctantly admit them to their lives.

Punjabtsy (130 million)

Another of the largest peoples compactly lives in the territories of India and Pakistan. Of 130 million Penajabs in the regions of Asia, a small part has settled in Europe and Africa.

The hardworking people have created an extensive irrigation system of irrigated fields, and their main occupation has always been agriculture.

It was Punjabs who, among the first peoples on Earth, created highly developed and cultural civilization in the valleys of Indian rivers. But, as a result of cruel colonial politics, much of the heritage of this people was lost.

Biharians (115 million)

The amazing people of the Biharians, which lives mainly in the Indian state of Bihar, today has about 115 million people. The small part was settled on other Indian states and in neighboring states.

Modern representatives of the people are direct descendants of those. Who in the valleys Inde and Ganga created the first agricultural civilizations on Earth.

Today there is an active process of urbanization of the Bihar residents, and leaving the main classes and the most ancient crafts and crafts, they massively move to cities.

Yavantsy (105 million)

The last major people of the Earth whose number is above 100 million people. According to the most fresh data of ethnology and statistics, Javanese on the planet about 105 million people.

In the XIX century, the data on the origin was given only by the Russian ethnographer and the Miklukho-Maklai traveler, and today there are quite a lot about the ethnogenesis of Yavantans.

They settled mainly on Oceania Islands, and are the indigenous population of the Great Island of Java and the Indonesia states. For many centuries, they created a unique and unique culture.

Thais (more than 90 million)

Already by the name of the ethnos, it becomes clear that Thai act as the indigenous population of the Kingdom of Thailand, and today they have more than 90 million.

The etymology of the origin of the word "Thai" is interesting, which is "free person" in local adverbs. Ethnographers and archaeologists, studying the culture of Thais, determined that he was formed during the early Middle Ages.

Among other nations, this nationality allocates sincere love, sometimes bordering the fanaticism, to theatrical art.

Koreans (83 million)

The people have formed many centuries ago and at one time settled the Korean Peninsula of Asia. They managed to create a highly developed culture, and carefully protect national traditions.

The total number of people is 83 million, but the confrontation led to the formation of two states with one ethnicity, which is at the currently unresolved tragedy of Koreans.

More than 65 million Koreans live in South Korea, the rest in North Korea, as well as settled in other Asian and European countries.

Marathi (83 million)

India among all its uniqueness is also a record holder in the number of numerous nationalities living in its territory. For example, the amazing people of Mariati live in Maharashtra.

Very talented people, followed by high posts in India, Indian cinema filled with marchs.

In addition, the marchs are very purposeful and cohesive ethnos, which in the 50s of the twentieth century achieved the creation of his own state, and today, with 83 million people, this is the main population of the Indian state.

European peoples

It is worth separately touched by the largest peoples of Europe, among which the descendants of the ancient Germans are leading, whose number, according to various sources, ranges from 80 to 95 million. The second place is firmly held by the Italians, who are 75 million on Earth. But the French are firmly settled in third place, with a number of about 65 million.


In the photo: Fountain of the friendship of peoples in Moscow.

Large nations living on the globe, however, as small, have their cultural, national traditions that have developed throughout the long historical process.

Today, there is increasingly experiencing the process of ethnic and national borders. On earth, there are practically no mononational states left, simply in each of them, there is some kind of prevailing nation, and the entire vatonational people unites under the generalized concept of a "resident of the country".

Now more than 60 peoples live in foreign Europe. Motion ethnic mosaic was formed several millennia under the influence of both natural and historical factors. Extensive plains were convenient for the formation of large ethnic groups. So, the Paris pool became the center of the formation of the French people, the German nation has developed on the Severogrerte lowland. Crossed, mountain landscapes, on the contrary, complicated inter-ethnic connections, the most motif of ethnic mosaic is observed in the Balkans and in the Alps.

One of the most acute problems of modern - inter-ethnic conflicts and national separatism. The confrontation of Flemis and Wallonov in the 1980s. I almost led to the split of the country, which in 1989 became the kingdom with a federated device. For several decades, this has been operating the terrorist organization "This", requiring the creation of an independent Basque state in the territories of staying Basque in the north and south-west. But 90% of Basque oppose terror as a method of achieving independence, and therefore extremists have no popular support. The acute inter-ethnic clashes have been shaking the Balkans for more than ten years. Here is one of the main factors - religious.

Significant influence on the ethnic composition of Europe is provided. From the XVI to the beginning of the XX century. Europe was a region of preferential emigration, and in the second half of the past century - mass immigration. One of the first waves of mass emigration to Europe is associated with the revolution of 1917 in Russia, from where more than 2 million people left. Russian emigrants formed ethnic diasporas in many European countries: France, Germany, Yugoslavia.

Numerous wars and conquests were also left their mark, with the result that most European peoples have a very complex gene pool. For example, the Spanish people have formed on the launched centuries of Celtic, Romanesque, Arabic, blood. Bulgarians carry in their anthropological appearance of the indelible signs of 400-year-old Turkish dominion.

In the post-war period, the ethnic composition of foreign Europe complicated due to increased migrations from the countries of the Third World - former European colonies. Millions of Arabs, Asians, Latin Americans and Africans rushed to Europe in search of a better life. During the 1970-1990s. There were several waves of labor and political emigration from the republics of the former Yugoslavia. Many immigrants not only arrived in Germany, France, Great Britain and other countries, but also assimilated and included in the official statistics of these countries together with the indigenous population. A higher birth rate and active assimilation of the seed ethnic groups lead to a change in the appearance of modern Germans, the French, the British.

National Composition of Foreign Europe

Odonational *

With major national minorities













Czech Republic












Great Britain





Serbia and Montenegro Bosnia and Herzegovina Macedonia

* Due to multimillion migration in Turks, Yugoslav, Italians, Greeks

Algerians, Moroccans, Portuguese, Tunisians, Hindus, immigrants from Countries of Caribbean, Africans,


Italians, Yugoslav, Portuguese, Germans,