Do not wear a native cross. Why am I carrying a native cross

Do not wear a native cross. Why am I carrying a native cross
Do not wear a native cross. Why am I carrying a native cross

One of the most oldest images of the Crubble Jesus Crucified Crucified Jesus is located on the doors of Santa Sabina's Basilica - Church at Aventinian Hill in Rome. It dates back to the 5th century. Before that, Christians did not depict Christ on the cross. Even the so-called Crux Gemmata - Cross, decorated precious stonesBut without a figure of a crucified Christ, - appeared only in the 4th century.

If this is our motto, we will definitely learn how we should be in the church. "The Holy Cross, devastated on the side of the road, now your copy is destroyed by Christians!". Pastoral needs have shown that only a regular program can be held in this place. Initiatives and attempts to build other churches, many of which have always received negative feedback From the communist and dictatorial regime under the pretext that we are Catholic, so Hungarian, so we are not Romanians.

Sad and sporadically there are those who have not yet managed to overcome this concept and mentality even today. Our faith and prayers, and especially believers, were stronger and depressed. We managed to get the land of Calea Republic, number 45, which over time we built with a lot of victims church, parish house and oratorio "Maria Bambina", where we work in decent conditions and even more.

Christians avoided to depict the cross. Not so much because it was forbidden how much due to the controversial nature of the symbol. After all, at least two more centuries after the coming of Christ along the roads of the Roman Empire, crosses were stood with crucified slaves, dying painful death. So the cross was a very ambiguous symbol that causing questions.

Our local and central authorities, Catholic Bishopat Yasi, were offered, and believers agreed that this Wednesday should be called "the Ascension of the Holy Cross". We are pleased that the Greek Catholic and Orthodox Brothers, on the same day on September 14, celebrate the same holiday.

Therefore, this is the cause of joy, true and healthy ecumenism for everyone. In front of Christ, the cross was an instrument of torture for the robbers and their assimilation, and was ashamed to die, singing on it. After Christ, the situation changes radically: from torture becomes a tool of our salvation and liberation. Christ was judged, condemned and executed the crucifixion to the great religious and political figures of that time to bring it out of place and make him silenced him.

The cross should call questions

And that is why I wear a cross. He must call questions - in me! Because, on the one hand, in the crucifixno "no species nor great"(Isaiah 53: 2-3); And on the other, it reminds of this father of the promise: "This is the son of my beloved, in which my favor (Matt. 3:17). The cross, which I wear on the neck, makes me ask himself, "Does I get my father? Will my thoughts adopted by me decisions, words, are? Do I accept my cross? " The wearing of the cross, therefore, is a daily invitation to a simple test of their conscience.

How much do we deserve these honors and appeals from God? That is why many times during the year, especially during the Great Post, we repeat. We bless you, about Christ, and bless you, because your holy cross you have redeemed the world! Christ is clear and categorical when he says: if you do not take your cross and do not follow my sample, you can not be my students!

We are given every day, even several times a day, leave our house, where we probably have a cross in place, in any direction and at each job to see the churches and bells at the crossroads and cemeteries, crosses different sizes And artistically created, which excite admiration. Unfortunately, not always and in each case it happens equally.

I do not wear a crosspaste. The cross, which I wear is not a sign of my personal holiness and not the expression of my views. And wearing the cross does not say anything good about me.

The very fact of putting on the cross cannot automatically become a testimony about who died on the cross. After all, the cross is on many flags and emblems, and people carry them by no means with good intentions.

I wear a cross, because in the world of endless battles and protests he is anchor for my boat of life moored to another world. I wear it in order to remember that the Earth from which I came, and in which I will return, belongs to another world. The cross for me is the gates, for which I am slow to the kingdom of truth and life, the kingdom of holiness and grace, the kingdom of justice, love and the world.

We learn from Jesus, our friend. Every day we take our cross for our debts, and we are very hard to carry it with dignity. We can complain about our cross that it is too heavy and too great: we should not regret. Some of us betray Jesus through inappropriate infidelity, words and relationships.

The one who invites us to this race at the end has the brightest medals. One of them is offered, and not imposed for each of us. IN last years everything more women In Romania, try to defeat traditions and eliminate discrimination against the fact that various institutions, such as Romanian orthodox Church, Protect old Christian habits. Among the church ranks that impose bans on women expects to restore the ice cross on the day of baptism, which believers are not allowed to do, although they often have the necessary physical condition.

I am purchased "expensive price"

Cross is not a talisman or amulet. I wear it not in order to protect myself from an accident or so that something on my path has changed regardless of my will. Even with a cross on her neck, I can knock me off the car, hit cancer or comprehend dismissal from work. In addition, wearing a cross on the neck, I can deceive, spread slander and be a nightmare for those who have to live with me every day. Because the cross does not change a magical way to me nor life around me. The transformation of my life and the world around me can be completed only by God - the king of the world and my heart.

Archbishop Tomish, the one who "broke the ice" and handed the tradition. If in recent years there were cases when women were refused to participate in such rituals, because the debt of men to enter the water to restore the ice crosses thrown by the priest, this year there was an exception to this rule.

The archbishopia of Tomis gave the right to a woman to return one of the ice thrown into the water, an unprecedented situation in the Romanian Orthodox Church. In the Orthodox Church there is no ban on the fact that women jumped after the cross, which priests are thrown into fortress water. There are no customs in the Archbishopianness of Tomis to sign up for certain lists of those who want to jump into the water this year in Constanta, among 20 people who tried to restore the crosses captured by the sea was a woman - Joan Gavrilas said, Advisor to Communications with Archbishop Tomis on this site, adding that the woman was not more than 30 years old.

But the wearing of the cross reminds me of who created the whole world, about who will say in this world the last word. The native cross reminds me that I am purchased "expensive price" (1 Corinthians 6: 19-20), and the one who redeemed me and washed his blood, never leave me.

The cross on my neck is a promise and invitation to work in me and with me. Work together for my salvation. Here and now. At the place where I'm trying to fight now.

A courageous, forced to sign a statement about his own responsibility, that they are willing to resist the consequences. The only condition is that people will attend an hour before entering the sea, pass the medical examination, which is responsible for the ambulance crew and sign an application for their own responsibility. In the sea there is always a boat of the Romanian Agency of Salvation of a Man prepared for consideration of any unpleasant incident that may arise.

On the other hand, women in Romania argue that they cope with extreme situations and that if the church refuses to participate in certain rituals or events, it discriminates them. "Women are happy when they are raised when they are supported." "Any discrimination affects the sensitive soul of a woman." In fact, this is not a weak sex, as it was in tradition, Romanian woman is strong, while she is so much on the shoulders to cry and take over the tasks that he is with confidence that he succeeds.

Jesus climbed the cross to "all attract to yourself " (John 12:32). He died and risen, and yet dramatic story My salvation continues.

Pascal wrote that the agony of Christ would continue until the end of the world. So we still sleep early. I wear a cross, because I need a "awakening call."

Translation S.english Mary Stroganova

Any violation of gender equality contradicts normal equilibrium in society. The pretext may also be a form of protection of women, but women are not as weak, as the church thinks, according to thousands of years. Society goes forward, everything changes. Women, lucky not to risk something they can do.

Human rights defenders in society go further and argue that they are able to realize when they are under threat. "We are a patriarchal society, even the church contributes to this." Woman must obey a man, a woman should be one step ahead of the man, and we think that women are equal to men, especially since they have the power to lead back things that a man must often take.

Of all the world's religions, Christianity occupies a special position in Russia. According to statistics, at least two thirds of Russians adopted the sacrament of baptism. In this sacrament, among other actions, on the neck of a person impose native Cross. About the fact that the tradition of wearing the native crosses came from, why is it worn on the body and whether it is possible to shoot a cross with himself, "this will be discussed in our article about this and friend.

The legacy of Konstantin Brankoven. This is a precious anniversary of whole Romanian breaths, which sees glorious martyrdom - as in other predecessors - the personification of the idea of \u200b\u200bthe country. From all the founders of the country, Brynkovoyan was difficult fate, and not because he died, - but because he offered his life if he betrayed faith, but he refused heroically help to his own death, To the martyrdom of his children. The tragedy exceeds ancient events more or less the same, and the "blood bank" of Romanian history brings an unmatched example in the world.

But there, and let's briefly the facts of the Romanian throne. In the fall, a few years before the Turks failed in their attempt to get into the heart of Europe, the long siege of the vein was complete fiasco. True, the preservation of Christianity contributed to the "betrayal" of the noble princes Serban Cantakuzino Romanian George Duca, it helps him with all means, although their reign and life is threatened. As the practice has shown, the continent was in a protracted war, dictated by the causes of three hegemon of empires.

A bit of history

The custom, together with the baptism, put on the neck of the Novocreditated Cross appeared not immediately. However, the cross as an instrument of salvation was the subject of the greatest honors from Christians from the very foundation of the Church. For example, the church thinker of the Tertullian (II-III century) in its "apology" indicates that the reverence of the cross existed from the first time of Christianity. Even before finding in the IV century, Queen by Elena and Emperor Konstantin life-giving crosswhere Christ was crucified, among the first followers of Christ, the custom was always common to have an image of the cross - both in a reminder of the suffering of the Lord and for the confession of their faith in front of others. From the Acts of the 7th Universal Cathedral (Act 4) We know that the Holy Martyrs Orest (suffered OK.304) and proof (worn in 303) we wore a cross on his chest. About this custom also writes Pontius, the life-writer of the Sacred Martyr Cyprian Carthaginsky (Mind 258 g.), other. Christians wore an image of a cross on the body, most often on the chest and on the chest. If some Christians wore a cross under the clothes because of fear of persecutions either from a reverent desire to avoid raising the shrines with pagans, they were the others who wanted to confess Christ, their faith. Such a bold and decisive confession encouraged the image of the cross on the cross as the most visible place of the human body. Today I have preserved very little external sourceswho would report on this pious tradition of wearing the cross, because in the first three centuries it belonged to the area of \u200b\u200bDisciplinae Arcanae, that is, to the circle of those Christian beliefs and rites, which were kept secret from the pagans. After weakening and subsequent cessation of persecution of Christians, the wearing of the cross became universally custom. At the same time, in all Christian churches began to install crosses. In Russia, this custom was adopted with the baptism of Slavs in 988. In Russian land, crosses were not on the body, but on top of clothes, "How clear indicators christian baptism" They were called Encoupiona - from greek words "Chest". Encolpiona first had the shape of a four-sided drawer, empty inside; With the outdoor side, the image of the monogram name of Jesus Christ, and later - and the cross of various shapes. In this box, particles of power were stored.

Then in the fall of the same year, the princess of Valahia was shocked unexpected death, I regretted about all: that the rank, which was the ruler Serban Cantakuzino, the prince, he frightened even the messenger of the Turks his height and yelling the tiger earthquake of the Palace Vaults, suddenly died in the flourish of life and, as it usually happens, neither the body is well cooled on stretchers that landowners rushed to choose another person. The child miraculously saved nanny. The possibility of his life was connected with the presence next to his uncle, the great scientist Konstantin Cantakuzino, around which he taught a serious book.

The value of the cross

What symbolizes native Cross And what is the need for his wearing? The cross as an instrument of terrible and painful execution thanks to the sacrificial feat of Christ the Savior became a symbol of the atonement and the instrument of salvation of all mankind from sin and death. It is on the cross through the pain and suffering, the death and resurrection of the Son of God makes salvation or healing of human nature from mortality, passionality and the tensions introduced into it the decree of Adam and Eve. Thus, a person who crucifies the crucifixion of Christ, testifies to his concerns of the suffering and the feat of his Savior, followed by hope for salvation, and therefore the resurrection of a person for eternal life with God blessing. This concern is not so much to theoretically recognize that Christ once, more than two thousand years ago, in Jerusalem, was physically and morally, how much is to accept: I, as well as the Lord, is ready to bring daily Himself sacrificing - through the struggle with his passions, through the forgiveness and finding their neighbors, through the construction of his life according to the evangelical commandments of the Savior - as a sign of love and gratitude to him.

He was married at that time with the girl Runer Maria Antoni Voda Pophest, who brought a dowy of serious economy. Prince Bucharest Romanian police opened in style and very effective method, not without risk, of course. All these honors, however, were not only temporary, but also deceptively, because they all would glorify him to betray. This is how Mihai Sakolit's misties - made it difficult for the ruler, forcing their end. Although he led several loyal servants, although he received a message from Constantinople, from the Greek doctor Anton Korai, Brankovan did not take any security measures.

Big honor

For orthodox Christian The wearing of the cross is a great honor and responsibility. Conscious disregard and blasphemous attitude towards the cross in the Russian people always understood as an act of gloomy. Russian people on the crosses swore in loyalty, and by exchanged by the jacket crosses, became crusades. When building churches, houses, bridges, the cross was laid in the base. The Orthodox Church believes that according to the faith of a person through the cross of Christ, the power of God is inspiring (acting). The cross is a weapon against the devil. The church can reliably speak the miraculous, saving and healing power of the cross and cross signs, referring to experience from the life of their saints, as well as on numerous evidence of ordinary believers. Resurrection of the dead, healing from the ailments, protection against angry power - All these and other blessings to this day through the cross are a man Love God.

It is given to us Anton Maria Chiaro, his Italian secretary: "He was so kind that he never believed that he had betrayed." Consequently, until the arrival of Imbrof with a fire agent was only a few days. However, the ruler's possessions were, in fact, much less than their tormentors believed. The ultimate attempt to humiliate: the promise that if they proceed to Muslim religion, they will go with life. Nevertheless, sitting on his knees, not far from them, six unfortunate were admitted to prayer. What heart did this man have to help, in the midst of his impotence, beheaded his four sons?

Nobye superstition

But, despite the life-giving force of the cross, many people trust (follow) various superstitions associated with the cross. Here is an example of one of them: "To see a native cross-anxious sign in a dream, and if you dreamed that you lost a cross, be prepared for troubles that did not slow down to fall on you," the interpreters of dreams claim one voice. But the most common superstition related to the crucifix, tells us that if we find somewhere lost by someone the cross, then it is impossible to take it, as we need to take on other people's sins. However, when it comes to finding lost money, then about other people's sins, especially about someone else's pain, no one remembers. And on the most exciting "serious question" about what it means when the cross was lost, I want to answer the same seriously that it means that a chain or a rope was broken, on which this cross hung. The presence in the man superstitious, that is, in vain, empty attitude towards the cross indicates a majority and even distrust Christ, which means that his atonight sacrificial feat, perfect on the cross. In this case, the hope and love of God and confidence in God's fishery is replaced by distrust and fear of unknown.

How much time character and self-control, like blind faith in justice the case for which he fought! Strokes six martyrs were thrown into dust and thrown into the Bosphorus. Their heads were worn in chopsticks, and then, for three days, they guarded the entrance to the siera and, in the end, took the "waterway".

At the beginning of "Enlightenment" that the animal empires, which contributed to human historythan in blood, robbery and terror, could commit the most shocking family tragedy in european history. Europe, which is between us, also showed condescending cowardice to protect their plebiscitar interests. George Nou from Bucharest, where the lady put a white marble slab with a red frame and a silver lamp with an inscription. Jorga identified a restrained inscription, which for a long time deceived the vigilance of the Turks.

Dubious goals

What is the purpose of carrying native crosses today and do they wear them at all? Here are what answers to this question were posted on one of the Internet forums: I wear as an overag-talisman; Because it is beautiful and probably just helps; I wear a baptism, but not as a symbol of faith, but as a gift to me close to me; I wear because, they say, happiness brings; I do not wear, because I consider it idolatry, there is no indication of this custom in the Bible; The cross does not wear for two reasons: I'm terribly itching the neck from all these chains, and the second - I, of course, believing, but not until the same degree ... So unchurched people with pagan, and even consumer attitude to faith and religion reason . But among this type of people there is a part that does not accept the wearing cross at all, motivating it as follows: "God is and so in the shower"; "In the Bible, God does not command to wear a cross"; "The cross is a symbol of death, a shameful instrument of execution", etc. What only does not think of a person as an excuse of his elementary ignorance in the region christian culture! Thus, most unchurched people do not have christian understanding What is a cross and why wear it on the body. The church suggests that the cross is a shrine on which the salvation of people was committed, testifying to the love of God to us. According to the adoption of the sacrament of baptism, a person begins to be called a Christian, and therefore, those who are ready to testify the loyalty to God through the trust of his life cross and following his commandments. It is about this that the image of a cross on our chest constantly reminds us. Orthodox Christians are called upon by looking at the cross, refer to him with great reverence and responsibility. Such a reverent attitude to the cross and remembering about him as a shrine often keeps a person from committing a bad act. No wonder in Russia, a man who committed a crime said: "There is no cross on you." This phrase carries not literally, the physical meaning of the absence of a cross on the body, but speaks of the lack of remembrance, a serious Christian attitude towards the cross and faith of Christian. In itself, the presence of a cross on the chest does not save and does not matter for a person if it consciously does not profess what symbolizes the Cross of Christ. The reverent attitude to the womb encourages a believer does not shoot a cross from the body without serious need. The fact that special bath crosses from the tree did in Russia, in order not to burn a cross from a metal, says that people did not want to shoot crosses even on a short time (during washing). No wonder in the Russian people they said: "Who with a cross, he with Christ." But there are situations when it requires certain circumstances - for example, operations on the body. In such cases, one should not neglect the requirement of a doctor, it is enough to stand up to the procession and rely on the will of God. The question, to wear or not to wear cross-babes, many people cause fear, because the child allegedly can strangle or the chain on which the crucifix is. But no such accident is not yet known when a child personally strangled himself or inflicts the wounds with a cross. These are just in vain concerns or superstitious prejudices of adults. The only advice to parents is not to wear for children on the neck too long rope or chain. Conclusion The cross is not just a memory of the bottom of baptism and not a relic, which should be stored, not a talisman and not a gift, but a shrine through which God gives a believer, leading the right spiritual life, his grace, consolation and support. It is not by chance that the Russian people folded the wise proverb: "We do not wear a cross, and he wears us." As a visible shrine, a native cross is designed to testify about our faith in Christ, about our readiness to sacrificish and forgive people and live according to the Gospel Commandments. And God forbid us, looking at your cross, often remember the words of the Lord and act according to his call: "If anyone wants to go after me, reject yourself and take your cross, and follow me" (Matt 16:24).

The hero found his quiet sleep in the heart of the city, that he went to intact height. Era Brankovian was unique in the annals of Romanian history as political stabilityand prosperity of unprecedented civilization. She had a correspondent only in the era of Stephen Great, who in two centuries did the great Moldova before cultural Center of Eastern Europe. Even the current path of victory we are obliged to Brankovanu, who cut off her way straight from their vessels into the Palace of the Mogoaho, also founded by him.

Brynkovoyan Here we can talk about a new style in architecture, engravings, tapestries, paintings and decorations in Romanian art. "Brynkovyan Style" is characterized by the inventive weave of the Byzantine elements with a specific Romanian eternal, in its harmonious features of the treasures of the genius and the inventiveness of one people with a creative vocation.

Deacon Konstantin Kyason Source: Orthodoxic site

Wubble on your grandchildren. Babushkina Prayer ..

Put the child on the chair, give the icon in the pen, stand up behind him, bite the hair three hours on his head and read:

Lijah trouble, hands of others, the enemies of human, the languages \u200b\u200bare angry from the servant of a selected, settled (name), the hands of a nonsense, the enemies to be mounted, do not know the languages \u200b\u200bwith the dashie. Amen.

Prayer from despair and depression (very powerful strength!)

Return into a secluded place so that no one disturb you. Light a candle or lamp. Stand in front of the icons (icons are desirable Jesus Almighty, God's Mother and Nicholas the Wonderworker, and, if there is, John of Zlatoust is a wonderful and very strong icon!)
At first, read our prayer, at that moment, thinking only about the Lord and about his help you, do not be distracted by other thoughts.
Now thank the Lord for everything good, what he does, for life your life, even if she does not get better, ask the Lord for all sins of your free and unwitting.
And proceed to reading prayer. Read slowly, picking up, thinking into every word and realizing what you read.

Oh, the Holy Great John of Zlatoust! You're a lot and different dating from the Lord. Esi, and Yako slave is good and faithful, the whole given to you talents are good smartly thanks: this is for the sake of a universal universal teacher who was Yako every age and any title from you. Bea Beets of obedience, the image appeared to eat, young - chastity shouted, my husband - hardworking mentor, older - kindergarten teacher, inkom - the abstinence of the rule praying - the leader from God inspired, the wisdom of seekers - the enlightener, the Vities of Dobrogolitan - the words of Zhivago Source inexhaustible - Mercy Star, Chief - the Board of the Mondogo Image, Truth with Zeper - Densing the inspirer, truth for chanting - patience mentor: Everyone was all, and everyone was sponsings. Over the same Siemi, there was a love of perfection, and I will have a judge of perfection, and I will force the Divine, all the dating in your soul in the soul in one of the same way, and Tyujda love divided by reconciling, in the interpretation of the word of the apostolic to all faithful to everyone. We are Greek, according to one kiyzho, our grace, the unity of the Spirit in the Union of Peace is not imma, but they are vanity, each other annoyingly, the sake of each other is envied: this is for the sake of tranquility, our divided into peace and salvation, but in the enmity and condemnation we are preparing. To you, the saint of God, fall, dug away, and in the crushing of the heart, we ask: the prayers of your discharge from the hearts of our all the pride and envy, we are separated, and in the monster of the udeh, the body of the church is unborn, and in the word of your prayer love each other and the binding of the Father and Son and the Holy Spirit, the Trinity is unique and inseparable, now and in the eyelids. Amen.

If anyone has no icon "Three joys", I will definitely buy - pray to her and see how three joy will come by one joy !!!

Prayer in front of the "Three Joom" icon:
Oh, the Most Holy Devo, the Holy Son of Mati all-building, the reigning hail and the saint church of this cover, the faithfulness and intercession! Do not make the praying of us, unworthy of your slave, but the son of your son and our God, yes, with all of us, with faith and conjunction, before the miraculous way, you give a joy: a sinner everyday doctor, repentance and salvation; essential in the grief and cooking consolation; in troubles and bits staying perfect years; Unwell and unreliable hope and patience; In joy and abundance, thanksgiving in love and abundance of God; Single in the disease healing and strengthening. About Mrs. Prechaya! Soaring all the vigorous your name, and all the people of your assistant cover and intercession: from the enemy of visible and invisible people of your defense and save. Marriage in love and occasion approve; Infants are raising, Yuna's leisureness, clarified by his mind to the perception of everyone who uses the exercise; from homemade Swaders of the sameness of the peace and love of the loving fence, and all of us will give our love to each other, peace and piety and health with grace, yes VSI in the sky and on the Earth lead, Yako solid and a non-Christian presenter of the genus Christianskago, and these leading , you are going to you and you who are your son, with its original father and a one-minded spirit, now and are also confessed and forever. Amen.
And one more icon must be in every home, it helps a lot of unfortunate and mournful people - icon "All mournful joy"!

Prayer in front of the icon of "All Morning Joy":
Bogidifying Queen, insec. Devo, the Virgin Marie, moths are loved with you and the Son of Your Son, Christ's God: Podaati to us leaving the gentlemen, the world, the earth of fruits abundance, the shepherd of the shrine and everything is a kind of salvation. The hails of our and the Russian countries from finding the invalid standing, and from the internecine brave Save. About Mati Bogolyuchive Devo! About the queen idle! Rizoa is your facet of us from all slander, from visible and invisible enemy to protect and save our soul. Amen.

Good luck and well-being!
May the Lord help you !!!

Fifteen God's tips to man.

In order for a person in life, he always accompanied luck, joy and happiness, he must be guided by the right ideas. This article will give 15 rules, the basis for which there is God's commandments.

The rule is first.
God created a person not for suffering - the creation of God should rejoice in life, love and create. Suffer less on life, always remember that there are people who live much worse than you.

Rule second.
Every person sent on this land is not just like that - he must show his divinity and improve something the world. God gives man talents, strength and ability. The gift of God needs to be used to improve the surrounding world, as well as to help those who really need your help.

Rule third.
Try to fill your life and the life of your loved ones - that you will attract favorable circumstances, financial welfare. Conversely, aggression will manifest itself in the constant worsening of the quality of life.

Rule fourth.
In life there is absolutely nothing casual - with its thoughts, words, actions and actions we form our today's reality and our future. So whether you can enjoy, or vice versa, just to suffer, the whole and is dependent on you.

Rule fifth.
With the fourth rule, fifth: Thoughts form events. Learn to think positively, and you will create a redeeming reality. Conversely, irritability, anger, envy, pride attract some failures and bad luck.

Rule sixth.
Whatever circumstances around, always stay calm, keep a positive attitude, believe in your strength and in God's help. And the faith will be given!

The eighth rule.
Everyone can be saved with God's help. God is in each of us. Find it in yourself, and then show it through yourself in your surroundings.

Rule ninth.
Regardless of how difficult is misdeed, the Lord loves each of us anyway. In the Bible it is written: "Looking for and constructing, knocking and disadvantaged to you." However, remember: The Lord always gives what you need at the moment.

Rule tenth.
One of the main divine laws is the "Law of Similarity": if you do not like yourself, then the surrounding you will not love you too. "What measure you will measure, such and you will die." As you feel about others, the surrounding will treat you.

The rule is eleventh.
The cause of human trouble is not in other people, but in it itself. Information of a devastating nature poisoning our life and does not give to be happy.

Rule twelve.
Absolutely everything is already inside a person: both power and glory, and honor, and money. The challenge is to free up all the benefits around you. And this is possible through the strict observance of God's commandments.

The rule is thirteenth.
Do not divide people around you on "bad" and "good." We are, what are, and if your colleague, colleague is bad personally for you, then he is completely satisfied with the other. "Judge not lest ye be judged".

Rule fourteenth.
"Know yourself" - this esoteric rule is quite possible to apply in the surrounding reality. Only no self-confidence and booking! Self-knowledge is the process of opening abilities and talents and their practical application in the outside world.

Rule fifteenth.
For God, there are no such concepts as "wines", "punishment" and those like it. It is important to ask: "Not for what?", And "for what?" The Lord admits the right of everyone to a mistake, and of course, on its correction, to pass the lesson that we need to pass. And all difficulties are given bye. Most the best way Error corrections are to show love for yourself and to the surrounding people.

God does everything so that you are happy !!!

Without a doubt, there is every righteous Christian, which is the whole century ago, even before the start of the era cultural revolution, the liberty and the celebration of the freedom of choice could always be worn and everywhere. But today you can absolutely freely, without the conscience, change the religion and take advantage of the tempting right of choice - to wear or not to wear out of the day a day, a native cross, that the time immemorial symbolizes the main charm (talisman) sincerely believer.

Generally, a native cross (or, as was customary to call orthodox cross, given when baptized in Russia, "Nutor") meant the silent prayer of his owner with Higher forces, His invisible energy relationship with heaven, which can be rewarded and shy for certain sins. By the way, it is a native cross, according to the beliefs and stories from the mouth of the mouth, stopped in a rush of anger, hatred, thirst for revenge of the humiliated, insulted and offended man In step from the crime. However, a native cross promises to remove his carrier from various diseases, curses of malicious people, life tragedies. Although, if you look into the history of Christianity, you can learn interesting fact that back in the years of life of Jesus Christ native Cross In civilized, but so far a pagan society was honored for the main sign shameful executionTo which the most brutal and malicious criminals were sentenced, violators of the peace of mind of citizens, the instigators of the Bunt, dissent, etc. And only after the crucifixion of the Son of God native Cross Believers began to perceive as a panacea (salvation from all tests and misfortunes), the carrier, the harbinger of victory - in battle with the enemy, with the disease, the death of the soul, evil, etc. Because Christ, which is captured on each christian Cross On the crucifix, gave his life in inhuman flour for the celebration of good, happiness, life on earth and forgive every sinner on it.

Later, starting with the inventive era of the Renaissance, inquisitive scientists called a native cross, a peculiar and very concise sketch of the mystery of the universe and genuine truth. And the modern colleagues in the era of incredible technologies dared to name a native cross with a mathematical matrix of a huge and, it seems, endless and not disabled universe. For example, some mathematics argue that it is a native cross is the most convincing confirmation of the famous theory of geometry that two endless lines will definitely cross.

Nevertheless, no matter how much opinions existed, objective and correct is position: a native cross allocates for others and, above all, for the Most High true righteous and believing Christian, therefore this item in which many modern fashion and adherents of various subcultures are inclined to see only bright, expressive, original and emotional and expressive decoration, of course, is the most important christian shrine, Sacred and magic particle of which can purchase every person for themselves. So, one of the prayers says: "The cross is the keeper of the All Universe, the beauty of the church, the kings of the Power, the correct statement, the angels of Glory and the demons of the ulcer."

Native Cross: Conditions for the acquisition and sanctification.

A native cross is awarded to each person who has chosen on his own or unconsciously (for example, in infant age), the Christian faith (one of her three main areas - Orthodoxy, Catholicism or Protestantia), during the sacrament of baptism by a priest who puts on only a baptized man bought Father Symbol of Faith and Satellite of Life. It is the cross indicates believing belonging to a particular church, the relationship with which for the well-being of a person should be necessarily continuous. Therefore, a native crossed church dogma is forbidden to shoot before bedtime and even during swimming. Although in Russia allowed the possibility of a temporary shift of the cross in the bath, where the comfortable wooden cross was trying. In general, wearing a cross for a real Christian symbolizes honor and pride, as well as protection and help, when faith, hope, love and only good thoughts, intentions and feelings inhabit his heart, soul and mind. The native cross is taken to kiss in the process and end of each of his prayer, which, by the way, is accompanied by similar hand gestures (as well as the basis of bookmarks for the construction of any church is also a cross!), Save and Save the words, so that he transported the experiences and requests to heaven .

If this cross was lost during the baptism ceremony, you can buy a new native CrossHowever, it will not have the power of salvation and healing, if it is not consecrated, which is really done only in the conditions of the church and the hand of the Holy Father at the end of the service, which will fulfill its debt through concrete prayers and dipping into the hidden water. In no case can you wear someone else's cross - found! Because how does it say folk wisdom: Everyone has its own cross. That is, a native cross is saturated with energetics of a person (perhaps negative), darkened by his sins and pays the fate of his owner exclusively. If the cross was accidentally found, it is desirable to give it to the Church to charity events, and in case of such a gift from close man All the same should be consecrated before wearing. It is worth noting that in our days, the Orthodox Church condemns the demonstration of the cross with a person: a native cross must be protected from evil eyes under clothes (if possible), although only a few centuries ago, the crosses worn only on top of the robes.

Native Cross: the right choice.

To purchase for yourself, your child or a close person a native cross, which after the consecration procession really will protect and help its owner on a thorny life path, You should know several features of the cross. First, Christians distinguish eight-, six- and four-pointed crosses that can be made of wood (for example, aspen), metal (gold, silver, copper), stone (amber), bones (ivory) and other materials that does not have so iMPORTANT. Secondly, when buying a cross, it is necessary to pay close attention to the view of the crucifixion of Jesus Christ that Catholics acquire more realistic features, symbolizing at the same time painful death of ordinary earthquake and the sacred victory of the Son Most High over evil. And thirdly, for the sincere Faith of the Soul and Love Hearts to the Lord, God doesn't matter at all, what does a native cross hangs on a thread, braid, a chain of noble metal, etc., the main thing is that this fastening is reliable and not Allowed losses.

Thus, each follower christian faith It must be remembered that the consecrated native cross from any material (but correctly forms) must always be worn and everywhere, because it is another way, the kind of connection with God that fulfills wishes. Gives forgiveness, salvation and happiness on Earth.