Myth about Amur and Possible (on Apuluve). Online reading book myths of classical antiquity book eighth

Myth about Amur and Possible (on Apuluve). Online reading book myths of classical antiquity book eighth
Myth about Amur and Possible (on Apuluve). Online reading book myths of classical antiquity book eighth
Goddess in every woman [new psychology of a woman. Archetype goddesses] sick Jean Shinoda

Myth O PSY: Metaphor of Psychological Development

The myth of Eros and psychhery was used in female psychology by several UNGIAN analysts as an analogy; Of these, the most noteworthy Eric Neumann in his book "Amur and Psyche" and Robert Johnson in the book "She". Psyche - a pregnant mortal woman seeking to reunite with her husband, Eros, the God of Love and the Son of Aphrodite. Psyche understands that it should obey the angry and hostile aphrodite to ever reconcile with Eros, so it appears before the goddess. As a test of Aphrodite gives it four tasks having a symbolic meaning.

Each task is a certain ability to develop a woman. Whenever psychhery copes with the task, it acquires a new one, who has not yet inherent in the ability corresponding to Yongian psychology animus or a male aspect in a female personality. Although those women who, like a quiet, need to make an effort for their development, these abilities often seem "male", they are the natural qualities of women like Artemis and Athens.

Psychology's mythological figure represents a mistress (like Aphrodite), a wife (as a ger) and a pregnant mother (as a demeter). Moreover, according to the plot of myf, it also descends into the underground kingdom and returns from there (like perception). Women putting close relations in the first place and react to other people intensively and emotionally, it is necessary to develop the abilities symbolized by each task. Only after that they will be able to evaluate the elections provided and decisively act in their own interests.

Task 1: Scatter grains. Aphrodite leads psyche into the room, shows a huge bunch of grains mixed together - wheat, barley, millet, poppy, pea, lentils and beans - and tells her that she should sort every kind of grain or seed into a separate heap. This task seems impracticable, while many tiny ants do not come to her to help, laying out every grade, grains to the grain, on separate piles.

In the same way when a woman needs to take a critical solution, it must first sort the disorderly mixture of conflicting feelings and rival preferences. The situation becomes especially confusing when Aphrodite applies his hand to her. "Sorting grains" presents in this case an internal task that requires that the woman honestly looked into himself, analyzed their feelings, values \u200b\u200band motives and separated really important from insignificant to her.

When a woman learn to stop in a confusing situation and not to act until clarity arises, it will trust "ants". These insects are analogy of an intuitive process acting outside the conscious control. Clarity can come through its conscious efforts to systematically or logically evaluate and determine the priorities of many elements included in the solution.

Task 2: Get the Golden Fleece. Then Aphrodite ordered psychhery to get gold wool from terrible rams before sunrise - huge, aggressive, horned beasts, beyond with each other in the field. If Psyche entered the herd and tried to take their wool, it would probably be flooded. Again, the task seems impracticable until the green cane comes to her help: he advises to wait until the sun is at sunset when the rams will disperse and fall to sleep. Then she can safely remove the golden wool strands from blackberry bushes, which rams slightly threw.

Symbolically, the golden fleece represents the power that the woman needs to be purchased, without being destroyed when trying to achieve it. When Aphrodite Woman (or Type vulnerable The goddess) goes to the rival world, where other people are aggressively fighting for power and position, it can comprehend pain or disappointment if it is not aware of danger. It can work out or become cynical; Her attentive and trusting soul can be wounded, "flooded legs". Athenas covered by the Arms can be in the thick of the battle, directly invoicing in the strategy and politics, but a woman like a psychhery, watches, expects and gradually acquires power by an area.

Get gold wool and stay in the living - the metaphor of the task, how to achieve power, remaining a compassionate person. As my psychiatric practice shows, it is very useful to keep this task in mind that the woman seeking to self-affirmation. Otherwise, focusing only on the expression of their needs or anger, it turns communicating with him into repulsive confrontation, it makes it possible to achieve the desired and exposing itself in a sharp, destructive aspect.

Task 3: Fill the crystal vial. In the third task of Aphrodite puts a small crystal vial in the hand and says that it should be filled with water from an impregnable stream. This flow falls as a cascade from the source from the top of the highest rock to the very depth of the underground world, and then rises through the ground, returning to the source again. Metaphorically this flow represents a cycle of life into which psychhery should dive to fill its bottle.

When she closely looks into a deep-cutting rock and guarded ice stream protected by dragons, the task of filling the bottle seems impracticable to it. At this time, Eagle comes to the rescue. Eagle symbolizes the ability to see the landscape from a distant perspective and rapidly dive to grab what you need. This is not the usual way of perception for a woman, like a quiet, prone to personal involvement, preventing "trees to see the forest."

It is especially important for female Aphrodite. Saving in close relations of a certain emotional distance, allowing to see the schemes of relations in general, distinguish between important details and to realize what is significant. Then she can assimilate the experience and form their lives.

Task 4: Learn to say "no". In the fourth and last task of Aphrodit, he ordered a quiet to descend into the underground kingdom with a small box for Persephone to fill it with magic ointment of beauty. Psyche equates the task to death. But it can be viewed as a turning point visible from afar and give it advice.

This task is much harder than the traditional test of courage and determination of the hero, because Aphrodite has tried to make it particularly difficult. It is psychhery that she will meet people who will be sortingly praying for her help, and three times she will have to "make their heart insensitive for pity," ignore their molbs and continue to follow. Otherwise, it will forever remain in the underground kingdom.

Keep the target set, despite requests for help, it is very difficult to all except women like bogini virgins. Women with the archetype of the Mother Demeter and helpful perceptons are the most responsive to the needs of other people, and the women type of ger and Aphrodites are somewhere between the first and second.

The task that psychhery performs, three times speaking "no," is the implementation of the choice. Many women prefer to be deceived and deviate from their interests. They will not be able to carry out their intentions or choose what is the best for them until they learn to say "no". Whether it is a person who needs her society or support, or an attraction of erotically charged close communication - while the woman does not learn to say "no" them and its special impressionability, she will not be able to determine the direction of his life.

Thanks to this four tasks, psychhery develops. It develops the abilities and strength, exposing the test of their courage, the vigor of the spirit and determination. However, despite all the acquisitions, its nature and priorities remain unchanged: in chapter angle, it puts a love close connection, risking all his sake, and wins.

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Chapter 2. Features of the development of psychological

Cupid (or Cupid) is an ancient Roman god of love, assistant and a permanent companion of his mother - Venus. He personifies the attraction and continued life on earth and is presented in the form of an angel with a bow and arrows.

Psyche - the ancient Greek goddess of the soul, the personification of breathing. It, as a rule, draw a girl with butterfly wings. The unusual story of love reached us in the form of a novel in the "Metamorphosis" novel called the "Fairy Tale of Amur and Psurely" the author of Apulean, an ancient Roman writer and poet.

The king had three daughters, they were all famous for beauty, but more than others - the youngest name of Psyche. Glory about her exceptional appearance was separated throughout the corners of the world, and people came from everywhere to only admire her. It turned up to the point that it was rapidly rewarded quite divine honors, forgetting completely about Venus, the goddess of beauty.

As a result, Venus was offended and decided to eliminate the opponent. What caused the aid of his son Cupid to help. She pointed to him to his beautiful rival and ordered it to make her lick the most terrible, rejected and unsightly of the people.

The psychhery itself was not happy at all from his beauty. People admired her as a thing, and no one treated her seriously and did not get married.

The burning father she asked for help from Orakula. The answer was: Prsharya in funeral clothes should go to the rock and get married with a nightmarish monster. An even more unfortunate father led daughter to the place where she left her one. The sudden nerve of the wind took the girl in a wonderful castle, flooded with spirits, where she became the wife of a mysterious creature.

The happy life of Psychia was short: when her sisters were consistent, then the envy was filled and decided to destroy her life. They sat down the girl to break the promise of her husband never to try to those who he. Sisters lied to her that in fact he is a dragon, who will eat her and her future child when she will be less expected.

As a result, they persuaded her to kill their spouse at night. Taking the lamp, and armed with a sword, naive psychhery did. She lit the lamp and went to the bedroom. As of the world, she said that her spouse is beautiful Cupid.

The girl was so amazed by the beauty of her husband, that he loved and did not notice how the hot oil drop fell from the lamp. She fell on Amur, and he woke up from pain. The husband was insulted and annoyed by frivolous and distrust his spouses, and flew away from her at the same moment.

Deceived and abandoned, Psyche went to look for her narrowed. She wandered around the world for a long time, until he was forced to come to a bow to his rival - Venus. That still looking for the chance to take revenge on the girl, for which he even sent Hermes behind her. And the burned Cupid, meanwhile, was at her cure.

So it turned out: the spouses were under the same roof, and Psyche had to demolish the harassment of the beauty of beauty, which wanted her death, for which he invented impracticable tasks.

Psychic tests

Venus decided that he would give in love to meet only in case of passing the girl four tasks. All these tasks came up with as impracticable, but some miracle every time it was possible to solve them every time.

In this sense, the psychological analysis of the Myth of Amur and Psychai is interesting. Each completed task made a girl stronger and developed it. She acquired the knowledge and skills that were needed in order to become a woman.


Venus led Psyche into a room with a mountain of various seeds and gave an order to sort everything. According to psychologists, the symbolism of this task is as follows: Before making a final decision, a woman should deal with their feelings. Space and decompose everything around the shelves. She will have to leave fears aside and separated important from insignificant.

In fulfillment of the task, birds and insects helped. At its end, Venus still did not want to let the girl to his son and therefore came up with the next task.


As often, the golden fleece from the Aries was to get the golden monsters, which could be easily trampled. On the way to perform the task, the girl met the reed, who recommended her wait for the night when animals leave the field.

In terms of psychological analysis, this is a metaphor of gaining power to a woman. She must be able to find his strength, without sacrificing neither personality nor the ability to empathy.


The girl had to get water from the forbidden source on the highest rock. Psyche would crash to death if she did not come to her an eagle. Here psychologists read the ability to see a complete picture of what is happening, without which great tasks are not solved.


The last test was to get a casket with ointments from the underground kingdom. Go down to the underworldly equivalent of death. And then reading this: focus on goals and be able to deny people if necessary.

On the way back, you caught a lot of weak people who pray for medicines in her hands. But she had to fulfill the task and not afford to be distracted, despite the sympathy for suffering.

Psyche was not sure that he could cope. This time she was helped by stones, skipping her to the place of storage of Larz. Rock stones are a very important symbol. The only manual assistant psyche in the whole history is like the memory and experience of all women who have been tested before it. They were with her in the most difficult test and instructed the girl: she finally should overcome what they were unable.

The goddess of Persephone gave the girl a box and ordered not to open it. And then, it was rapidly difficult to cope with his nature again: on the way back, she still opened a casket to take a little divine beauty. And the bank was not a beauty, but an underground deadly sleep, immediately covered it. But the story of Amur and Psychai does not break on it.

Long lying the girl somewhere between the world of living and the dead. And at that time, Cupid he underwent from burns, she suffered a moment when Venus could not see him, and went in search of the narrowed. He took a dream with a girl, put it back into a box and a light shock of his arrows awakened psyche. In the wokeered wife, he ordered the casket of his mother and promised to take all the other troubles.

When the task was completed, Cupid took the narrowed on Olympus, where he received the resolution of Zeus to marry the Psyche. To marry a pair in all divine laws, he gave immortality to the girl and ranked the gasts of the gods. A magnificent wedding took place, on which everything was, and even Venus occupied the honorable place and rejoiced for the narrowed. The spouses were born daughter of the wiping, the goddess of pleasure.

The legend about Amur and Psychia comes down to one simple statement: only the Union of Love and the soul gives rise to genuine pleasure and happiness.

Image of Psychei.

In the art of the goddess of the soul presented in the form of a young girl with small wings. It could be a butterfly wings or a small insect. Often, it was depicted emerging from the fire or in the funeral kingdom. In mythology, the butterfly is directly related to the dead.

In the Greek "Psyche" means "soul", and the "butterfly". Sometimes psychhery appeared in the form of an eagle, aspiring up. In a number of works, "Psyche" is also associated with blood, because the blood is the carrier of the soul.

Mortal marriage

Analysis of "Amur and Psychic" gives an understanding of the motive dedicated to the death of the bride. In many fairy tales, he will repeat: always this stepmother or mother-in-law, jealous of the daughter-in-law and sending it to death. From the point of view of Mysteries, every marriage is such a lonely waiting for the bridegroom on the mountain, anticipation of death, fear that he is a monster. In addition, she was given to him against the will and desires.

That is, we are talking about feminity, tender and blooming, subordinate masculinity. For a woman, marriage and deprivation of innocence is a mystery and a moment of transition, as well as the symbolic death necessary for rebirth and gaining a new role - wife. And for a man is a conquest and abduction.

Archetype sisters

As in the myth of Amur and Psyche, and in many fairy tales there are such characters like sisters of the main character. And as a rule, these are envious girls who want to sister evil. They seek a deception that the psychhery betrayed her husband and fell into danger. They also wish her death, like Venus.

Psychologists suggest that sisters in myth reflect the shadow side of the heroine itself. It is her protest against imprisonment, life in captivity: she does not see and does not know his spouse who kidnapped it and mastered her. Psyche considers him a monster who was taught. And even though he is gentle and kind with her at night, she cannot submit until it does an independent choice.

Interesting and the fact that in myth, unlike fairy tales (for example, "Scarlet flower" and "Alenushka") Psyche makes an independent choice. Fabulous heroines are deceived and substituted with sisters: they are one hundred percent victims of circumstances and higher strength and cannot affect anything. Maybe therefore, the fairy tales so quickly and end - their heroines are passive. That is, as a result there is no rebirth. While Psyche after all adventures turns from a person to the goddess.

First contact

Psyche gives back to admonish the sisters (his shadow) and decides to kill her husband and free from captivity. The myth is also interesting because the girl really loves a good husband in him, but hates the monster, which, believes, is sitting in it. She does a difficult choice.

With the oil lamp in hand, psychhery is suitable for sleeping spouse. For one of the versions, she herself wounds about his arrow and finally falls in love with Cupid. Psychologists consider this moment a turning point in the history of feminosis, as before that, the understanding of the relations of men and women was reduced to the divine strength of the first and subordinate, passive adoption and following.

In the work of Apuleting, Psyche itself performs actions, as a result of which meets a man in the flesh (which she had not even had the right to see). That is, she stops being a woman - the victim of circumstances. This is equal to getting out of the dark, from the region of the unconscious. It opens in the light that there is no difference between her husband and the monster. She stops being passive and becomes loving and giving himself consciously.

And at the same time, it does not refuse his female entity, but on the contrary, awakens and strengthens it to the level of Amazon.

Inner Amur

When psychhery sees the narrowed and falls in love with him, the image of his Amur is created inside it. This is the image of her love, the highest expression of that creature, which is now in front of it in the physical fitness. According to one of the versions, the Cupid flies, because it is not in the power to hide with a new way in the psyche head.

The myth of the love of Amur and Psychia is filled with adventures and romance. He tells about the wanderings of the soul, thirsting to merge with love.

Adolf-William Bugro.
Prsharya- "Soul", - In ancient Greek mythology, the personification of the soul, breathing; appeared in the image of a butterfly or a young girl with butterfly wings. In myths, she pursued by Eros (Amur), then she revenge on his harassment, then between them was a gentle love. Although the ideas about the soul are found from Homer, but the myth of psychhery was first developed only by Apulele in his novel "Metamorphosis, or a golden died

The myth says that one king had three beauties of her daughter, of which the youngest - psychhery was more beautiful. Glory about her

beauty passed throughout the land and many came to the city where Psyche lived to admire her. She was even reinforced by God, forgetting Aphrodite. The latter was offended and decided to destroy the rival. After calling his son Erota, she showed him beauty and told him to instill love for the most rejected, ugly and sorry for people. Meanwhile, Psyche felt very unhappy because everyone admired her, like a soulless beauty, and no one was looking for her hands.

In Mount, her father turned to Miletsky Oracle, and God replied that psychhery, dressed in funeral clothes, should be reserved on the rock for marriage with a terrible monster. Performing an oracle will, the unfortunate father brought PSICH in the specified place and left it alone; Suddenly the thief of the wind moved it to the wonderful palace, inhabited by invisible perfumes, and she became a wife of some mysterious invisible creature. The blissful life of Psyche, however, lasted for a long time: envious sisters, having learned about her well-being, decided to lime her and cunning achieved the fact that Psyche violated the spouse to be a promise - not to trust who he. Evil sisters have been involved to her that the invisible spouse is a dragon, which one fine day will eat it with her fruit (psychhery was already pregnant), and convinced her so that she, arms with a sword and lamp that slept him during sleep and killed.

Pulling Psyche obeyed, lit the lamp, and, began to consider his spouse, who turned out to be beautiful Eros; While she, defeated by the beauty of his face, admired sleeping, from the lamp fell a hot drop of oil on the shoulder of God and he woke up from the pain. Offended by treachery and frivolous spouse, he flew away from her, and she, abandoned, went on the ground to look for his beloved. For a long time, I walked around all the lands until I was forced to bow before my rival, Aphrodite, who had long searched for the chance to take revenge as much and sent it to seek her Hermes. At this time, the patient from the burn of Eoth lay from his mother.

Updated under one roof with his spouse, but separated with him, Psyche had to demolish all sorts of aphrodite persecution, which, wishing her death, came up with different impossible work.

So, the psychhery was supposed to disassemble the grains and by childbirth a huge bunch of mixed grain, get the golden fleece with mad sheep, get water from stycase and bring from the underground kingdom from Persephone (Proserpines) with wonderful hair.
Thanks to someone else's assistance, psychhery did everything that she told her Aphrodite, until, she finally recovered Eros.

Raffel. Fresca in (Villa Farnesina) Amur on Olympus in front of Zeus.
Then he turned to the promotion of the Supreme Olympic God and, with his help, he achieved the consent of the celestial marriage with the Psyche, who received immorterate from Zeus and was attached to the host of the gods.

The envious sisters of Psychia were punished for their envy and insidiousness by having crashed about the clutch, jumping from it in the calculation that Marshmallow will take them into the Magic Palace of Erota. From the marriage of Psyche with Eros, the waggery was born, the goddess personiform pleasure.

Francois Bush. Amur and Psychia.

"Cupidon et psyché (jacques-louis david)"

Amur and Psyche. Antonio Canova in the Hermitage.

Amur and Psychee.Antonio Canova.

Illustrations of Maurice Deni. "Amur and Psyche" 1908.

Flying Cupid is amazed by the beauty of Psyche

Marshmallow tolerates Psyche on the island of bliss

Psyche with a candle.

In the presence of the gods, Jupiter gave psychly immortality and celebrates her marriage with Amur.

source-MEF about Amur and Poshee (on Apuluve).

Birth of God Erota (Cupid). - Erota's upbringing. - Type and distinctive signs of God Erota. - The myth of the beauty of Psyche and the jealousy of the goddess Venus. - Psyche, kidnapped by Zephyrir. - Amur and Psyche: a drop of oil. - Persephone box and Wedding Amur and Psychai. - Myth about Amur and Psurely - the myth about the human soul.

Birth of God Erota (Cupid)

The cult of Erota, the God of love, existed in deep antiquity in the Greeks. Erota considered one of the oldest gods. God Eros (in Roman mythology - God Cupid) Ensures the powerful force that entails one living being to another and thanks to which the human body is born and continues.

Eros is not only the God of Love between various sexes, but Eros and God of friendship between men and young men. In many Greek male gymnasiums (schools of wrestlers), the image of God Erota (Cupid) stood next to the statues of God Hermes (Mercury) and Hercules demigod (Hercules).

According to the myths of ancient Greece, the origin of God erotic is unknown, and no one knows who his father, but laterant poets and artists began to recognize the goddess Aphrodite (Venus) and God Ares (Mars) for the parents of God Erote.

Birth of God Erote Cupid [In Russian tradition, this ancient God is also called Amur] served as a plot for many paintings. Of these, a painting of Lesuer, depicting the goddess Venus, surrounded by three graces, is considered one of the best. One of the grace serves the Venus of the Adorable Child - God of Cupid.

God Eros has always been depicted under the guise of a boy, barely reached youthful age. The goddess of Aphrodite (Venus), seeing that her son is almost not growing, asked the goddess Fetyda, what is the reason. Fetida replied that the child of Eros would grow when he had a friend who would love him. Aphrodite then gave Eroto to the comrades of Antarota (translated from the ancient Greek - "divided, mutual love"). When they together - the God of Eot grows, but again becomes small, only Anterte leaves him. The meaning of this ancient allegory is that love or friendship should be divided by another person in order to grow and develop.

Erota education

The upbringing of God Eros Goddess Aphrodite (Venus) very often in antiquity was depicted on chambers and engraved stones. Aphrodite's mother plays with Eros, takes him onions or arrows, teases erotic and sports with him. But the playful child of Eros does not remain in debt from the mother, and the goddess of Aphrodite more than once feels the action of the arrows of God Erota.

Eros, according to antique mythology, is a civilizer, who managed to soften the rudeness of primitive morals. Antique art took advantage of this idea and, wanting to shoot an insurmountable strength of God Erota (Cupid), began to portray Erota by the fierce and ferocious animals.

On many chambers and engraved stones of antiquity, the God of Erach is depicted on Lion, whom he told and turned into a manual beast. It is often depicted with an erro on the chariot, which are pronounced wild animals.

God of Eros (Cupid) is terrible not only to people, but also to the gods. Zeus (Jupiter), foreseen before the very birth of Erota, all the troubles that he will do, ordered the goddess of Aphrodite (Venus) to kill Erota, but Aphrodite hid the Son in the forest, where wild animals focused him.

Antique poets and writers constantly say about the cruelty of God Erota, about the fact that Eros does not know the pity that Ero-inflated wounds causes people to make the most reckless acts and bring to a crime.

An ancient Greek poet Anacreon has several adorable poems on this topic. Here is one of them: "In the middle of the night, at that time, when all the mortals sleep a strong sleep, God is Eros and knocks on my door. "Who knocks there? - I exclaim. - Who interrupts my dreams, full charm? " - "Take out! - God's god of Eros. "Do not be afraid, I'm small, I'm all wet from rain, the moon disappeared somewhere, and I lost the road in the night dark." Hearing the words of Erota, I feel sorry for the poor man, I light my lamp, I open the door and see the child before sather; He has wings, onions, quiver and arrows; I bring it to my hearth, warming his cold fingers in his hands, wiping his wet hair. But barely managed the God of Eros to recover a little, as it takes for the bow and arrows. "I want," says Eros, "to see if the real estate". God of Erochie pulls her, pierces me the heart of the arrow and tells me, pouring into a ringing laughter: "My hospitable owner, rejoice; My bow is completely healthy, but the heart is your patient. ""

Type and distinctive signs of God Erota

In the art of God Erota two very different types: EroT is depicted, under the guise of a charming winged child, playing with his mother, then under the guise of a young man.

The Pio-Clenettinsky Museum is a wonderful type of eruta-youth. Unfortunately, only the head and shoulders are preserved.

The ancient Greek sculptor Prapkitel first gave the ideal type of God the Erota, served as a prototype for all the next statues of this God.

Praxitel was a big fan of beautiful Friene's heterlers, who asked Prapkitel to give her the best of his works. Praxitel agreed to fulfill the request of Friny's heteris, but everything could not decide to indicate which he considers from his statues better. Then Gometer Frina resorted to the next tricks. Fryna ordered one of her slaves to come to Prakkitel, that his workshop argues with a flame; The alarmed artist rushed to the door, shouting that all the fruits of his long-term works were disappeared if the flame would not spare his two statues - Satire and God Erota. Gometer Frina reassured Prapkitel, saying that it was only a test and that now she knows which works Praxitor considers the best. Frina chose himself a statue of erotic.

Gometer Franina brought as a gift the statue of God Erota's work of Praxitel his relatives to his city of FESPIA, just empty Alexander Macedonian. The statue of Erota was put in the temple dedicated to the God of love, and there began to come from different countries only in order to admire these great works of art. "Fespija," says Cicero on this, "now Alexander in nothing, but God appeared Cupidon Prakkitel, and there is no traveler who would not have wrapped in this city to look at this beautiful statue."

Roman Emperor Caligula suffered a statue of Erota Prakkitel to Rome, and Emperor Claudius returned it to the fezzians, Emperor Nero again took her again, and she died in a fire that destroyed most of Rome.

The famous Greek sculptor Lisipp is also the statue of God Erota. The statue of the erotic work of Lisippa was placed in the same temple, where the work of the Praxitor was.

In the Temple of Goddess Aphrodite in Athens was the famous picture of Zevxid, portraying the God of Love Erota, crowned with roses.

To the Roman rule of God, Erota continued to portray the young men, statutory and elegant forms. Only in this era is the God of Eros on the monuments of ancient art in the form of a winged and healthy child. Distinctive signs of the eruta-child - wings, onions, quiver with arrows.

The newest art very often portrayed God Amur. In one of the rooms of Vatican, Rafael wrote Amur on a chariot, vesous butterflies and swans. Almost all museums are pictures of Rafael with the image of the small god of love and the goddess Venus.

Corredjo and Titian wrote a Cupid god in various poses and species, but no one often has portrayed God for Love, like Rubens: Almost in all art galleries you can meet his fat, ruddy and fun Cupids.

In French School, Poussin, Lesuer, and especially Bush, are artists - specialists of the Amurov, Adorable and Merry, but not reminiscent of the perfect type of Prakkitel.

The artist Viene wrote an interesting picture, the plot of which borrowed from an ancient picture, - it is called "Clearing Amururas".

Prudon also left many paintings, the plots for which were various adventures of God Amur. This god often immediately, like a blind man who does not see the goal, keeps his arrows, and that's why poets call love blindly. Correjo and Titian, wanting to yield to this idea, depicted the goddess of Venus, putting on the eye bandage to her son.

Myth about the beauty of Psyche and Jealousy Gogress Venus

In the late times of the antiquity of God Erota (Cupid), they were connected to a psyche, personifying a human soul and depicted under the guise of a charming gentle girl with butterfly wings. [In the Russian tradition of transferring the names of the antique mythology of God Erota (Cupid) in the plots related to the Psyche, stably called Amur, and the whole set of such mythological scenes - myth about Amur and Psyche or fairy Tale about Amur and Psyche.]

The Latin writer Apuli in his novel "Metamorphosis, or a golden donkey" combined the various elements of the myth of Amur and psychray in one poetic whole.

According to Apuluvea, one king had three daughters, all beautiful, but if two senior descriptions could be selected in the human language suitable expressions and praise, for the younger name of the psychhery of this was not enough. The beauty of Psychia was so perfect that it was not amented to any description of a simple mortal.

Residents of the country and strangers were whole crowds attracted by rumors about her beauty, and, seeing Psyche, they kneeling before her and gave her such honors, as if the Goddess Venus itself was before them.

Finally, the rumor spread that psychhery was the goddess of Venus, who came to the ground from the vertices of Olympus. No one has become more ride in the books, no one visited Cyprus Islands and Kiefer, the temples of the goddess Venus remained empty, did not bring more victims on the altars. Only when the psychhery appeared, the people took her for Venus, bowed to Psyche, shouted with psyche with flowers, raised his own prayers to psychhery and brought a sacrifice.

This is awe in front of beauty, so corresponding to the spirit of the Greek people, is perfectly expressed in one of the extensive compositions of Rafael on the mythological theme about Amur and Psyche.

The outrageous goddess Venus, tormented by envy to his happy rival, decided to punish psychos. Venus called on the Son - Amur (Erota, Cupid), the winged God of love, and instructed the Amur to take revenge on her that dares to challenge her the championship of beauty. The goddess Venus requested Amur to inspire the love of the love of man, unworthy Psyche, to the most recent death.

Psyche stolen by marshmallow

Antique myths in Russian poetry: the famous poem O.E. Mandelstam "When a psychhery-life descends to the shadows ..." (1920, 1937). Oh as a symbol of the soul of a person, see:.

Osip Mandelshtam

When a psychhery-life descends to shadows

In a translucent forest, in a period of perverse,

Blind swallow rushes to the legs

With styguish tenderness and a vest of green.

To meet the refugee hurries a crowd of shadows,

Bidding new meeting due

And weak hands break in front of her

With bewilderment and timid hope.

Who keeps the mirror who can a jar of perfume -

The soul is a woman, she likes balancing,

Dry complaints of kropyt, like a strained small.

And in a tender lout, not knowing how to be

The soul does not recognize any weight nor volume

It gets to the mirror, - and the medleet to pay

Pellet copper owner of the ferry.

Both psyche sisters married kings. One of the psychhery, surrounded by crowds of fans, did not find a spouse. Psyche's father, affected by this, asked the oracle of God Apollo, which is the cause. In response, Psychai's father received the order of the oracle to put the daughter on the rock, where the psychhery should expect the marriage union. Oracle Apollo reported that the Psychai's spouse would be immortal that he had a wings, like a bird of prey, and he like this bird is cruel and cunning, inspires fear not only to people, but also to the gods, and conquers them.

Obeying Oracle, the father took the psyche on the rock and left her there to expect a mysterious spouse. A trembling of horror, the beauty of Psyche poured into tears, as suddenly a gentle marshmallow raised the psyche and carried on his wings in a beautiful valley, where he lowered his psyche on a soft grass.

The myth of the abduction of Psychia Zefir served as a plot for many paintings.

Psyche saw herself in a beautiful valley. The transparent river washing the shores covered with excellent vegetation; The river itself stood a magnificent palace.

Psyche dared to cross the threshold of this title; It does not have a sign of a living being. Poland bypasses the palace, and everything is empty everywhere. Only the voices of invisible creatures say psychhery, and - whatever the psychotic wish - all to its services.

And indeed, invisible hands are serviced in a table, covered with disassemble and drinks. Invisible musicians play and sing, delighting the hearing of Psychia.

So goes for several days; At night, visits the psyche of her mysterious spouse - Amur. But Psyche Amura does not see and only hears his gentle voice. Amur asks Psheeti not to try to learn who he is: Only only Psychey will find out, the end of their bliss will come.

In the Louvre is the beautiful picture of Gerard "Amur kisses Psheka".

At the time of psychhery, recalling the prediction of Oracle Apollo, he thinks with horror that, despite a gentle voice, her spouse could be some terrible sorrow.

Amur and Psyche: a drop of oil

Sisters, mourning the sad fate of Psychai, was looking for her everywhere and, finally, came to the valley, where Psyche lives.

Psyche meets his sisters and shows them the palace and all the treasures consisting in it. The sister of Psyche is watching with envy on all this luxury and begin to shower the psycho questions about her spouse, but Psyche had to admit that she had never seen him.

Psyche shows his wealth sisters. Jean Onor Fragonar, 1797

Sisters are accepted to convince PSICE to light the lamp at night and look at the spouse, assuring the psyche that it is probably some terrible dragon.

Psyche decides to follow the Sisters Councils. At night, the psychhery sneaks with a burning lamp in his hand to the lie, on which he rests at any suspect of Love Amur. Psyche at the sight of Amur comes delight. Psyche's love for Amur grows everything. Psychends leans to the Amur, kisses him, and a hot drop of oil falls from the lamp on the shoulder of Amur.

Waking up from pain, Amur immediately flies away, leaving the psycho to indulge in his grief.

This mythological scene from the fairy tale about Amur and is often reproduced by the artists of the newest era. Large famous Picture of Pico on this topic.

Psyche in despair runs behind Amur, but in vain. Psyche cannot catch up with Amur. He is already on Olympus, and the goddess Venus bandages the wounded shoulder to Amuru.

Persephone box and wedding Amur and Psychai

Venus's vitard goddess, wanting to punish psyche, looking for her throughout the earth. Finally finds and makes the psyche fulfill different works. The goddess Venus sends a psyche into the kingdom of the dead to the goddess of Persephone to bring her a drawer from her with her beauty.

Psyche goes down. On the way, the old goddess, which has the gift of the word comes acray. The old goddess gives advice as if to get into the dwelling of Pluto. She also warns the psycho to not give in to more curiosity, which has already been so destructive for her, and do not open the box, which psychhery will receive from Persephone.

Psyche is recreated across the River of the Dead in the Boat Charon. Following the advice of the old goddess, Psyche dies church, giving him a cake with honey, and finally gets a drawer from Persephone.

Returning to the Earth, Psyrya forces all the advice and, wanting to take advantage of beauty for himself, opens Persephone drawer. Instead of beauty, a couple rises from it, who shifts a curious psyche. But Cupid managed to fly away from the mother. Cupid finds a psyche, wakes up her arrow and sends more to the drawer Persephone to the goddess Venus. Amur himself goes to Jupiter and begging him to join the Venus for his beloved. Jupiter gave psychracy immortality and invites the gods to the wedding feast.

The beautiful sculptural group of Antonio Kanov, located in the Louvre, depicts the awakening of the Psyche from the kiss of Amur.

Rafael on one of his decorative panels depicted a wedding feast of Psyche and Amur.

There are many ancient columns with the image of Psychai and Amur; These cameras were given by usably young spouses as wedding gifts.

From the Union of Psyche with the God of Love Amur was born daughter Blessed (happiness).

Myth about Amur and Psyche - myth about the human soul

The whole myth of Amur and Psurely depicts the eternal desire of the human soul to all the elevated and beauty, giving a person higher happiness and bliss.

Psyche has a symbol of the human soul, which, according to the Greek philosophers, the descent of its land lives in close communion with good and beauty.

Punished for his curiosity (\u003d low-mounted instinct), psychhery (\u003d man's soul) wanders on the ground, but it did not stroke the desire for elevated, good and beauty. Psyche is looking for them everywhere, performs all sorts of work, passes through a number of tests, which, like fire, purify Psyche (\u003d human soul). Finally, psychhery (\u003d the soul of man) descends into the dwelling of death and, purified from evil, acquires immortality and always lives among the gods, "Because," says Cicero, - what we call life is in reality death; Our soul begins to live only when it is freed from the barrage; Only dropping these pains, acquires the soul of immortality, and we see that the immortal gods always send the death to their favorites as the highest award! ".

Art depicts psyche always in the form of a tender young Virgin, with butterfly wings on shoulders. Very often on the ancient chambers beside the Psychei, there is a mirror in which the soul, to his earthly life, sees the reflection of deceptive, but attractive paintings of this earthly life.

Both in the ancient and in the new art there are many artistic works depicting this poetic and philosophical myth of psychhery., Yegor A. Polycarpov - Scientific editing, scholarship proofreading, design, selection of illustrations, adding, explanations, translations from ancient Greek and Latin; All rights are saved.

Rudolph Merrtlik

There were once the king and the queen and there were three daughters. Beautiful elder daughters were rushing, but with younger, by name PsycheNo one could compare beauty. The wonderful of all IA Earth was she, from all the countries they flocked and the city people to admire it. Everyone admired her charm and charming and found her like Venus. People even began to forget the real goddess Venus, but they began to be a psyche to the princess.

It enjoyed the goddess. She called on her son Amura. And ordered him: "Strictly punish the beauty, which they began to read more than me. Let her fall in love with the most ordinary man of Light and will suffer all his life from love! "

Eros went to carry out the order of his Divine Mother. However, when I saw a psyche, my head flew out of my head. The beauty of the girl conquered him. The heart of the Amur froze, then beat often, often, and OY wanted to be psychhery to become his wife.

Because of his unearthly beauty, psychhery was very unhappy. Everyone won it, admired her, but no one loved her. Her older sisters have long been married to the sirs of royal surnames from other countries, no one has yet requested the hands of Psychia. The ego was very saddened by the Psyche itself, the king worried her parents guess that his youngest daughter accepted the gods and therefore turned to Oracle with a request to predict her fate.

The priest ordered her psyche into the wedding dress and take the top of a high mountain. There it will grab and will take a cruel monster.

Parents grown for a long time about the fate of their youngest daughter, which was very loved. But unhappy psychhery should comply with what is destined. The king and the queen dressed her in a wedding dress and the sad procession conducted it to the top of the mountain. There left a girl alone and sad, returned home.

Abandoned by everyone, psychhery barely breathed from fear. The heart squeezed the alarm that the monster would appear. How suddenly the light gentle wind grabbed her, raised it into the air and gently lowered the rocks from the top of the rolling and put on a soft grass. Seeing that nothing bad happened to her, I stopped being afraid. She saw a grove in front of him, and in her the palace. Psyche approached him and frozen from surprise and admiration. She did not see anything more stronger and richer. Everywhere gold and silver. She timidly entered into and saw that the ceiling and the floor were lined with ivory and precious stones. Suddenly, as it seemed, someone's voice sounded from behind. Psyche looked back, but did not see anyone. Someone invisible said again, friendly: "Why are you doing so so? Do not be afraid, boldly go into the palace and dispose of it. Relax, you are tired. "

Psychya looked into other rooms of the palace, but did not see anyone. She only heard the voices of invisible creatures serving it.

In the evening, when she gathered to go to bed, a voice rang out again: "Do not be afraid of anyone, dear psychhery, from today I am your husband. Live quietly, you will not need anything. I will take care of you. "

Psyche was delighted and began to live in this palace. The day she spent alone, only at night her mysterious invisible husband came to her. He was affectionate and kind, assured her in his endless love for her. But I could never see him, to know who it was.

Meanwhile, Psychia's parents mourn a favorite daughter, believing that she became a victim of the monster. Both elder daughters, having heard about the feasible parents in misfortune, hurried to come to them to console them in Mount. At that very night, when they arrived in the native house, in a far from here the beautiful palace, the husband said as if, his wife: "Dear wife! You have to be very careful, for a cruel fate threatens us in death. Unlike your parents, your sisters believe that you are alive. They will go look for you. When you hear that they call you, do not respond. Otherwise, you can't hurt me, and you will die. "

Psyche promised to obey her husband's advice. But when he left her at dawn, she felt lonely and buried bitterly. She was upset all day due to the fact that he could not see the sisters. In the evening, when she went to bed, she was very sad. The husband noticed this and immediately guessed about the reason for this. Distressed, he told her: "Do you want, but remember my caution. Let the sisters visit you here. You can give them, but do not listen to their advice and never try to see me. Otherwise, you destroy our happiness and doom to doom to death. "

Psyche again promised to obey his advice, and before the dawn, the husband disappeared.

In the meantime, older sisters climbed to the top of the cliff, where parents left Psheeti, and their missing sister began to call their miserable voices. Sisters votes flew to the palace. Hearing them, Psyche called Marshi. He hugged his wings-winds of frightened sisters, took off with them and lowered the palace. Happily met their psychhery, hugged and invited to her palace. Sisters saw all this beauty and wealth, and black envy covered them. They began to ask them to the psyche, who her husband, yes, what he was. Mighting about your promise, Psyche said that her husband is an adorable young man who devotes all his time to Owot. All days he spends in the fields, forests and mountains. Then she generously gave the sisters and told the Zephyra again to attribute them to the rock.

Once alone, the sisters gave the full will of their envy. They began to complain about fate, rapid on the fact that their sister lives happily with a young husband, while their husbands are old and ugly. And sisters decided to break the happiness of Psheai. Even parents they did not say that the psychhery was alive and happy. I did not want anyone to know about her wealth and well-being.

"Do not believe them," he said. "They will force you to do something to see me." But good remember: if you see me at least once, you will no longer see and never hear. Rejoice: Toddler will be born soon, and you will not be alone. But you must protect our secret. "

I was delighted by the news of Psyche and there lived peacefully, without worrying about anything.

Meanwhile, sisters again went to psychhery. Their hearts were full of malice and hatred. The light breeze delivered the sisters to the palace, they entered it, began to hug a psyche, pretending to see her very happy. After some time, they began her with questionings about her husband. Pulling Psyche thought that sisters sincerely love her. She forgot that for the first time he told them that her husband was young and beautiful. This time she said that he was from the neighboring kingdom, he was engaged in trading and whiskey it was already covered with Sedina. For goodbye, she again richly gave sisters and revealed the arms of Marshi, who took them to the rock.

Left alone, they began to think about how to lime psyche. Now they have no doubt that the younger sister does not tell them the truth about her husband. "Perhaps she herself does not know how he looks like. Suddenly she married someone from the gods and will be honored as a goddess? We can't leave this so. "

Returning to the parents, they did not tell them this time. All night sisters were consulted what to do, and early in the morning were already on the rock. The breeze descended them into the valley. Having killed into the palace, they rushed to embrace psyche, sentencing: "We are experiencing you so much. You enjoy happiness here and do not even suspect what danger you are threatened. We learned that the one with whom you spend the night is a huge snake. It sees many rural residents and hunters when he is going to you in the evening. Someday he will strangle you, and we will lose our favorite sister. " And they buried so complaints, as if psychhery had already died. Psyche covered horror. She forgot that her husband tried her to believe her sisters, forgot his promise to obey his tips. And with tears in his eyes, he turned to sisters: "My dear, you will probably tell the truth. I really never saw my husband. I had to promise him that I would not try to see him. I ask you, do not leave me, advise that I do. "

So evil sisters were convinced that Psyche really did not know who her husband. And they began to teach her insidious councils.

"Before you go to bed, hide in your bed a sharp knife. Do not forget to prepare and lantern. When your husband falls asleep, bulge lamp and kill it. We will wait and worry about you. When your husband is dead, I will bring all the treasures from the palace, and I will get married for whom you wish. "

He persuading the psycho to commit the atrocity, they hurried to leave her palace, because they were not sure that everything would pass as conceived. Frightened and upset, the psychhery did everything as persuaded with his sisters. He prepared a lantern and knife, and when the husband fell asleep with a strong sleep, carefully lit the light and bent over him. Her heart slightly jumped out of the chest from unexpected joy: the god of Amur himself was lying and calmly slept. She looked at all eyes, not believing that it was not a dream. Performed tenderness and love, she, without holding herself, he kissed him several times. And in this moment, the hot drop of oil from the lantern fell on the Amur shoulder. He jumped up and, making sure that the psychhery was deceived by him, without telling her a word, flew away. Trying to delay him, the psychhery grabbed both hands behind his leg and rose with him to the clouds. But here the strength left her, the hands were broken, and she fell on the ground. Noticing this, Amur sank to the nearest cypress and Mili: "You see, psychhery, I did not obey my mother Venus, when she ordered that I inspired you to have a love for the most disadvantaged, the poorest man in the world. Instead, I myself fell in love with you and hid our love from my mother. I made you my wife, and you wanted to kill me for it. Didn't I warn you so that you do not listen to your sisters? But you neglected my warning. I am brutally removing them for hitting you for murder. I love you, but forced to part with you. But you will suffer. " With these words, Amur rose into the sky and disappeared.

Psyche lay on the ground and cried bitterly. I realized that Cupid would not return to her, she got out of the ground and went to Bella Light in search of her beloved.

Amur at that time was lying in the mother's room and moaned from pain caused by the wound on the shoulder. Having learned what happened, Venus hurried home. Enchanted, she approached Amuru, who lay on her bed, and shouted: "Well, you fulfill my orders! Did I not told you to punish the girl whose beauty almost did not exceed mine, so it began to admire more than me, the goddess of beauty. You took her to my wife, for that I will punish you now! And her too, she will not forget me to death! "

The angry Venus ran out of the palace and went to search for Psyche to shove her.

Meanwhile, Psyche wandered through the light in search of Amur. Once she met the goddesses of Demeter and Gera. Psyche shook hands to them, begging for help. But the goddesses were afraid of the wrath of Venus and passed by, without even looking at her.

Psyche realized that no one would help her. And she decided to give himself to the mercy of Venus, Mother Amur. Hopefully find her husband's hot husband.

Just at this time, the full wrath of Venus appeared on Olympus and appeared before the highest God Zeus.

"I ask you, the father of the gods and people," she said, "to command the winged Hermes to help me in search of Psyche." I want to strictly punish her for the fact that she was fascinated by my son Amur and became his wife, without asking me. "

Zeus ordered Hermes to find psyche, and he quickly found her. Having learned that Venus is looking for her, psychhery immediately went to the Gogress Palace.

At the sight of her Venus, angrily screamed: "What, he ventured, finally visit his mother-in-law, a bad resident of the Earth! Or did you come to me in search of a husband, who was so dangerous? Now I will pay you for it. "

Venus clicked his girlfriends, care and sadness, and gave them a psyche on the tallery. They immediately began to work. Then the exterminated and exhausted psychhery appeared before the Venus, which also beat and dragged her hair. Tearing, the goddess relieves in one bunch of millet, poppy, lentils and beans and told the girl: "Here is the work. I will check your skill. Must you until the evening all this bunch of overlooking and decomposing all the grains separately: wheat grains - to wheat, barley - to barley and so on. You will not cope badly. "

Venus gone. Psyche stood in despair, not knowing what to do. Suddenly, an ant aroused before her. When he learned, what a hard thing was entrusted with psychhery, he penetrates her sympathy. Ant quickly called his comrades, and they came to work. It worked so sporing and smooth that all the grains were decomposed on the piles even before the evening.

Returning, Venus saw that her task was executed. The goddess said nothing, threw a piece of a stalk bread and went to sleep.

In the morning, she again called PSICHU and said: "Do you see the grove behind the river? Greeting sheep graze in it. Go there and bring me a block of golden wool. I have long wanted to have it. "

Psyche went on the road, but not to bring the Venus gold wool. The unfortunate girl decided to bust up to end with her torment. But the green reed, growing at the river, told her: "Unhappy psychhery, do not bother to river waves, not a young man's life. I will tell you what to do. Do not go for the gold wool in the heat, at this time the wild sheep swallow and can confuse you. Wait when it starts blowing the light cool breeze and the sheep will go on vacation. While covering under a large plane feet on the shore, and then accurately collect all the gold wools that the sheep leave on the branches of shrubs. "

Psyche did so. When the sheep smashed to relax, gathered a large romoc of gold wool and brought him to Venus. The face of the goddess droinched.

"I don't know, someone helps you or advises you, but you cope with the tasks," Venus said. - I will probably experience you again. See the top of that steep mountain? The dark waters of the black source flow from it, they are running into the nearest valley and the water of the underground kingdom nourish the water. Type and bring me a jar of ice water from this source! " Served a quiet vessel and left.

Psyche went to carry out the order of Venus. Going to the foot of the mountain, she immediately realized that this time she could not cope. The mountain was impregnable, and the water flowed into the valley on closed narrow grooves. Snakes, guarding the waters, lived in crevices on the mountain slopes. Psyche stood motionless, like stone sculpture. Even crying she was not able, for tears dried up.

Suddenly there was no noise of mighty wings over her. From a height, a predatory eagle went down to her and said: "Are you in a state, a reckless girl, to cope with this difficult-processing task? The water of the underground kingdom instinct the horror of even the gods. But give me your jug, I will help you. "

The eagle grabbed the jug claws, waved several times with the wings and rose to the very beginning of the flow. Quickly scored water and brought as crazy. The girl happily thanked him and hurried to Venus.

But this time did not humble the goddess anger, on the contrary, even more exploded. Out of anger shouted at the psyche: "You're probably a wizard, once coped with this business. But it was not the last task. Here is a casket. Go to hell and ask for Persephone for me a little Rumyan, otherwise I spent my own, causing a sick Amur. And come back quickly! "

Psyche realized that her life was nearing an end. But not hesitated a minute. Seeing the tower ahead, decided to rush to it to stop her torment. But the tower spoke to her by a human voice and gave advice, to do what to do in order to safely return from the underworld. Psyche obediently fulfilled everything that advised the tower. When with full to the edges, she rose from the underworld and again saw the sun's light over himself, then he walked the gods that they had retained her life. Then he thought and said: "I coped with such a difficult thing, but I do not know what I am carrying in the box. What if you take some of these Rumba for yourself? How would I like to please my husband to my husband again! "

She carefully opened the box, but there was nothing but eternal sleep in it. He immediately embraced her, and psychhery, as if dead, fell to the ground.

Meanwhile, the wound on the shoulder Amur healed. In punishment, the mother kept him locked in his bedroom. I wake up for your beloved psychray, Cupid could not stand, flew through the window and started looking for her. He found her immersed in a deep dream at the entrance to hell. I understood what happened, Amur, quickly gathered an eternal dream with her age and put it back to the box. Then the arrows woke the psyche and said: "You see how your curiosity is expensive. If I had not arrived on time, you would never have woke up. Now hurry, take my mother this box. I'll take care of the rest. "

Psyche went to Venus, and Amur flew away. He ascended to Olympus and asked Zeus, his father, help him. The lord of the gods was walked over him and convened all the gods for the Council. The gods decided that Psyche deserves to be a wife of Amur. We had to humregulate his anger and consent to their marriage. After that, in front of Zeus appeared and psychhery. Zeus presented her cup with nectar. She drank him and became immortal.

Celebrating the wedding, Cupid and Psyche lived happily and never separated.

MERTLIK R. Antique legends and legends: per. With Cache. - M.: Republic, 1992. - 479 p.