What stones are suitable for Pisces women - precious talismans for your loved ones. What stones are suitable for Pisces women and men

What stones are suitable for Pisces women - precious talismans for your loved ones.  What stones are suitable for Pisces women and men
What stones are suitable for Pisces women - precious talismans for your loved ones. What stones are suitable for Pisces women and men

Pisces is a mystical, subtle and emotional sign. They are ready to be compassionate and empathic, slightly out of touch with reality. They have an innate intuition, spirituality, musicality.

Pisces woman - what is she?

Pisces women are benevolent, patiently bear everything that has fallen to their lot. We are ready for self-sacrifice and charity. They have a frequently changing mood, impatience. Once in a fantasy world, they can linger there for a long time.

Therefore, for people born under this zodiac sign, astrologers recommend those stones that will save them from useless dreams, help them find solid ground under their feet, reliable partners and true friends in life. When choosing jewelry, many people have a question - what kind of stones are suitable for Pisces. The most preferred are: amethyst, aventurine, pearls, moonstone.

What stones are suitable for Pisces?

Amethyst - gives love to fish

Amethyst was recognized as the best stone for Pisces. It is a stone that gives love. He is able to bring understanding to the family, give passion to fading relationships, and help lonely Pisces find their love. This stone is called a symbol of loyalty and devotion. Also, amethyst has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, it is able to calm the owner. Attracts joy and good luck.

Aventurine is the best cure for bad mood

The second auspicious stone is aventurine. It helps fight melancholy, depression, bad mood... And this is so necessary for Pisces, because they are often visited by negative thoughts. Also, aventurine gives a person insight and insight. Wearing jewelry made from this stone will help bring intruders to clean water.

Pearls - helps to make the right choice

The next suitable organic stone is pearl. He provides Pisces with happy and long-term mutual love, protects marriage from betrayal.... It is believed that pearls absorb all information from their owner, so they cannot be inherited. You need to buy a new piece of jewelry as a gift. It is also worth mentioning that pearls are great for Pisces doing business. It allows you to make the right choice and make the right decision. At the same time, get the maximum benefit for yourself. Protects against rash and impulsive actions, harmonizes and spiritualizes Pisces. Pink and white pearls are most suitable for them.

Moonstone - relieves anxiety

Well, the last stone that can be distinguished for this zodiac sign is the moonstone. It heals Pisces from unhealthy illusions, cures nervous diseases, relieves anxiety.

Secondary stones that are suitable for Pisces women

Also, according to the horoscope, Pisces women can wear jewelry made of Murano glass, mother of pearl, tiger's eye and coral.

What stones are not suitable for Pisces?

Select your Pisces stones:

Questions and answers about Pisces stones

After the birth of a child, all my beauty disappeared somewhere. According to my horoscope I am Pisces. What would you advise in order to return the former cuteness and beauty?

In ancient Egypt, Cleopatra wore pearl necklaces and bracelets. It was believed that this mineral brought beauty and longevity to the owner. She also drank a daily drink of pomegranate juice and vinegar, in which the pearl had previously been dissolved. Many contemporaries claim that it was this drink that helped the queen maintain attractiveness and beauty. It should be noted that pearls are a favorite stone in the East as well. There it is also considered a good way to restore youth.

Just before buying pearls, you need to know that they are suitable only for Aquarius and Pisces. Contains the negative energy of the Moon and brings the owner the loss of hopes and illusions. Astrologers believe that if you buy pearl jewelry, then only beads and bracelets. And only confident, strong people can wear them. A stone can disorganize a weak-willed and weak person. But such negative influences do not affect Aquarius and Pisces.

I want to give my parents decorations for their wedding anniversary. What would you advise to give joy, courage, happiness? Mom according to the horoscope of Pisces.

The stone of happiness is aventurine. It can be white, green, cherry, orange, pink. Contains many inclusions of mica. They, like sparks, cause an extraordinary flicker of the stone in the light when it is turned. Aventurine creates a happy, joyful mood, maintains clear thinking and good spirits. This quartzite is also called the stone of love. It promotes outbursts of mutual love, and in older couples it helps to rekindle the spark of youth.

Aventurine makes emotions festive, bright, gives a feeling of flight. The stone awakens the ability to fantasy and mystical revelations. Helps fight melancholy and bad mood. Sometimes he pushes on subconsciously deliberate and unexpected actions. It is practically not used as an amulet. But they are often used for jewelry. On our site you can see various aventurine earrings, beads, pendants. All of them are distinguished by sophistication, elegance and beauty.

For the past week I have been worried about insomnia. Born on March 5. What is the best stone to buy for a good sleep?

Based on your date of birth, your astrological sign is Pisces. Amethyst is ideal for you, which is a type of quartz and has various colors: lilac-violet, red, pink, purple, etc. With prolonged exposure to sunlight, the stone can darken. Since ancient times, amethyst has been used against insomnia and nightmares. To do this, it was necessary to put quartz under the pillow. Also, amethyst is a great remedy for headaches. Place it on your forehead and the pain will be gone. Women using this stone can get rid of freckles and wrinkles.

My friend - Pisces by horoscope, wants to meet her love, but suffers from a certain shyness. What dyeing to buy for her to attract love?

Moonstone will suit your friend. It is a silvery bluish feldspar. It has an amazing phenomenon of "adularization" - light flicker. This is achieved thanks to the internal structure in the form of lamellas. The sun's rays fall and scatter. Differs in amazing beauty, your girlfriend will surely like it. But the main advantage of the moonstone is that it is able to attract love. Single people should wear brooches with this mineral on the left side. If you wear a ring, then it is still capable of correcting feelings, relieving stress, encouraging creative impulses and imagination.

Select your Pisces stones:

See what jewelry suits women under the Pisces zodiac sign.

A person born under the zodiac sign of Pisces often seems to be a mystery not only to others, but also to himself. Representatives of the sign are naturally endowed with friendliness, sociability and affability. They perfectly understand people, but it can be quite difficult for them to understand their own feelings and actions. Pisces rarely try to change something in the environment, it is easier for them to adapt to the existing situation.

There are many talented and creative people among Pisces.

Representatives of the sign of Pisces are quite contradictory personalities. There are many talented creative people among them, but most people lack the desire to develop their gift. At the same time, they are not at all against recognition, material wealth and other life values, but only rare representatives of this sign can purposefully go in any direction.

Pisces, for the most part, are not alien to the feeling of altruism

An even and good mood is characteristic of Pisces only for a short period of time, more often you can notice swings from apathy to optimism and vice versa. Among them, one can rarely find an egoist; rather, they have the opposite property - altruism, they are ready to come to the aid of their neighbor, forgetting about their own needs.

So, the representatives of the sign are compassionate, friendly, hospitable, sociable and have a penchant for creative activity. However, Pisces also has negative personality traits - they are indecisive, dependent on others, excessively trusting, have no life goals and are prone to depression.

Stones-talismans will help the representatives of the zodiac sign Pisces to find integrity and fully enjoy life.

Talisman stones for Pisces depending on the date

Pisces born in the period from February 21 to March 1 (1st decade) are patronized by Saturn. These people are endowed with romanticism to such an extent that sometimes they live in their dreams, fencing off from the realities of life. Stones with strong energy - amethyst, aventurine, red jasper, tiger's eye or moonstone - will help them to descend a little to the ground.

For people born in the period from March 2nd to March 11th (second decade), Jupiter is the patron saint. Pisces of this period are characterized by openness and honesty. Jupiter awakens in them the desire for recognition of their own merits by others. Pearls, corals, heliotrope, opal and hairy hair will help you achieve what you want.

Representatives of the sign, born in the period from March 12 to March 20 (third decade), are ruled by Mars. These Pisces honor the blessings of life, are distinguished by a cheerful disposition and sociability, but they are somewhat capricious. It is those born during this period who have goals ahead and strive to achieve them without anyone's help. Useful stones for such representatives are alexandrite, diamond, tourmaline, sapphire, emerald, aquamarine and chrysolite.

Talisman stones for Pisces

Opal will help Pisces develop creativity

As talismans, it is advisable for Pisces to choose stones that endow the owner with strength and energy. For example, a beautiful gem is opal. It will bring happiness to love and marriage relationships, opal will provide protection to idealists from individuals who are negatively opposed to them. Opal is good for Pisces of any temperament - it will enhance intelligence, increase physical stamina, make them emotionally stable and develop creativity.

Jet is the main protector of Pisces

Pisces often become defenseless because they care more about protecting others than about their own interests. The function of the protector of this zodiac sign will be assumed by the mascot with a jet. This stone will increase strength of character to overcome difficulties, protect from envy and anger. With such a talisman, Pisces are not afraid of damage and the evil eye. Jet will also give its owner wisdom in resolving problem situations.

Heliodor will bring optimism to the life of Pisces

Heliodor will give Pisces the joy of life. It will eliminate apathy, raise the emotional mood, give optimism and hope. In addition, the gem will show creativity and enjoy the recognition of society. As a result, the self-esteem of Pisces increases, which is a very significant factor for this sign.

Moonstone will bring calm

The moonstone will bring peace to Pisces, remove the effects of stressful situations and make you stop being nervous about trifles.

Aquamarine will add confidence to Pisces

Aquamarine will transfer some of the attention of Pisces from those around them to themselves, forcing them to take care of their own interests. The talisman will add courage, self-confidence and self-esteem to the overly soft representatives of this zodiac sign. Aquamarine will not allow the owner to give all his energy to others, especially those who are clearly not worthy of it.

Chrysolite is the best stone for Pisces women

Chrysolite will allow Pisces women to realize their own attractiveness and increase self-confidence.

Coral will develop intuition in Pisces

Pisces are suspicious, which is why it is difficult for them to stop at any decision. Corals will add confidence in their thoughts and actions to this zodiac sign. Talisman with corals will develop intuition and logic, will help you concentrate on a specific issue. Coral will attract love and material wealth into the lives of these people, protect from the evil eye and help normalize the state of the psyche.

Hematite will help Pisces achieve their goals

If the representative of the sign decides to drastically change his life, then hematite will give him strength and energy for appropriate actions. The talisman with hematite will also make sure that Pisces does not take on impossible obligations. To achieve this goal, hematite will show the best ways and means.

Talisman stones for Pisces women

Cacholong - a symbol of love and happiness

Cacholong, a very rare stone, will be an excellent talisman for a woman of the zodiac sign Pisces, teaching her to trust others and giving her confidence. Pearl opal is a symbol of love and happiness, it can be worn by all Pisces women, both young girls and married ladies.

Aquamarine will help Pisces manage emotions

Aquamarine is a strong stone. He will give the hostess courage, self-esteem, relaxed expression of emotions. Women can also expect peace and tranquility from a mascot with aquamarine.

Moonstone will add tenderness to Pisces women

The Moonstone, thanks to its patroness - the Moon, will make the representative of this sign more gentle and feminine. The talisman with a moonstone will enhance all beautiful feminine traits in a woman born under the zodiac sign of Pisces - attractiveness, gentleness of character, the ability to understand her man.

Talisman stones for Pisces men

Aquamarine will protect the Pisces men from intrigue

For men, aquamarine will help develop their personality, improve contacts with others. A talisman with this stone will increase the intuition of this zodiac sign, allow you to be more interested in new knowledge and apply the information received in practice. Aquamarine will not allow intriguers into the life of the owner, and will soften the owner himself and add openness.

Amethyst will improve health

Amethyst will make the Pisces man believe in his own strength, increase energy, and maintain health. This stone promotes understanding of the world and one's own essence.

Pearls attract good luck

Pearls are good for Pisces businessmen, they attract good luck in business ventures, and bring financial stability. With him, the owner feels confident in his own ideas and actions. At the same time, the talisman makes sure that the owner takes time for his own and family interests, and not just for business matters.

Jade will bring loneliness to Pisces

Astrologers also do not recommend jade. Pisces is not one of the strongest signs of the zodiac, and jade can make the owner fully concentrate on work, forgetting about himself. Jade is able to break contacts and leave the sign representative alone for many years. Pisces is not strong enough to resist the influence of jade. The imbalance of emotions can lead to the fact that at the slightest mistakes or failures, these people will sink into apathy for a long time.

Are you making enough money?

Check if this applies to you:

  • there is enough money from paycheck to paycheck;
  • the salary is only enough for rent and food;
  • debts and loans take away everything that comes with great difficulty;
  • all promotions go to someone else;
  • you are sure that you are paid too little at work.

Perhaps you have been corrupted by money. This amulet will help to remove the lack of money.

Each zodiac sign has its own characteristic, so each representative has its own stones, similar in energy. What stones are suitable for Pisces men? (change key)

How to choose a stone for a Pisces man?

Pisces is considered one of the most mystical signs of the zodiac. Men born under this sign are very sensitive to everything that happens around them. They know how to feel sorry for others and try to help as much as possible. Sometimes they are accused of excessive wastefulness. If a man is overcome by a strong experience, he can withdraw into himself and stop responding to reality.

Often times, Pisces needs support that is hard to find in humans. Then they resort to the help of strong amulets that can give them confidence, masculinity and strength. Minerals help you gain tenacity and become single-minded in order to achieve certain goals. Romantic natures need strong amulets that will give them strength and determination.

Birthstones by date of birth

February 21 - March 1

Stones suitable for the sign are divided into groups according to the date of birth. The first decade of this zodiac sign lasts from February 21 to March 1. Men born on one of these days have a romantic and dreamy character.

Pisces of the first decade is ruled by Saturn, thanks to which they are not like the rest and give the impression of men "out of this world."

These representatives of the stronger sex need powerful stones:

Eye of the Tiger

The stone is perfect for Pisces who are involved in business. He will save you from dishonest partners, help you get a good material profit. The tiger's eye will balance the emotions of a romantic man and enhance his intuitive flair.


The mineral symbolizes great and pure love. It gives the owner good luck, calms the nervous system and brings harmony to the inner world. With its help, a man can avoid a major quarrel with a loved one.


The yellowish gem represents a good mood. It drives away depression, melancholy and bad thoughts, to which sensitive representatives of the first decade are so susceptible. It helps to feel deceit more sharply and not to get involved with dishonest people.

Blood jasper

The stone gives strength and masculinity. Men begin to really look at things, break out of their fantasies and make the right decisions. Mineral will help get rid of complexes and gain self-confidence.

March 2-11

Representatives of the second decade of Pisces were born from 2 to 11 March. They are patronized by Jupiter, which gives the character of openness and honesty. Pisces of this decade are very sensitive to fame and the evaluation of their achievements.

The following stones are suitable for them:


Pisces is practically the only zodiac sign that can "find common ground" with capricious pearls. For married men, the mineral helps strengthen relationships and heighten feelings. Peace and tranquility reign in the family.


The mineral increases the potential of men who are involved in creative professions. It increases physical stamina, protects against enemies and has a beneficial effect on love relationships.


The stone is great for Pisces as it is of marine origin. Mineral helps men who love to travel. It protects against storms and other natural disasters.

12 - 20 March

The period of the third decade lasts from 12 to 20 March. Representatives of the sign born during this period are under the protection of Mars. The character of men is quite cheerful, they know how to find a common language with everyone.

Stones for this decade:


The stone helps men overcome fears and phobias. It instills in a person self-esteem and self-confidence. A man will be able to quickly decide on a new business, which will be successfully completed.


The mineral awakens a sense of justice in Pisces. He rewards hardworking men, instills harmony in the soul and helps to understand their own desires. Aquamarine helps Pisces men cope with stress and depression.


An amazing gem enhances the gift of foresight, which is present in the bud in male fish. It develops intuition and warns the owner of the dangers, acquiring a yellow tint.

Stones by horoscope


The people are called "black pearls". helps a man overcome the craving for daydreaming and begin to look at the world soberly. The mineral protects from and gives a person invulnerability. With its help, you can overcome many life trials. The gem tells Pisces where to look for the right solution.


Brings variety to a man's life. It can act as an amulet that prolongs the life of its owner. With its help, a man can win an argument. In ancient times, the stone was credited with an extensive list of medicinal properties.


According to the horoscope, it suits Pisces well. He develops intuition, enhances the ability to clairvoyance, if any. The mineral protects the man's family from dangerous influences and evil spells. It has healing properties and adapts to the energy of the owner. Rock crystal relieves headaches, lowers temperature, and helps the body to recover after serious illness.

Precious and semi-precious


Protects the Pisces man from dangers, protects from enemies, gossip and conspiracies. It is perfect for people who love gardening, as it protects the harvest from natural disasters. The stone helps to reveal deception, which leaves only loyal people surrounded by a man.

Moon rock

It is a love talisman that normalizes the mental state of a person. If a man is in love, the mineral will help to find a common language with the second half, to establish mutual understanding. Moonstone is suitable for people with an explosive temperament. The gem will calm the man. It is believed that the moonstone can protect humans from the harmful effects of the moon. The mineral is not suitable for people with a rude nature, because it does not want to fight against negative manifestations of personality.

Chrysolite (gemstone)

Gives a man harmony in his soul and helps to normalize relations within the family. The owner becomes calm, peaceful, patient and perfectly finds the language with others. The stone is an excellent talisman for males who work as teachers and invent new things. Mineral helps to make the right decision and removes all kinds of doubts.

Amulets and talismans

Excellent charms for Pisces will be heliodor and jet.

Pendant with heliodor

Jewelry with heliodor will fill a man with strength, give him optimism and hope. The talisman will help the Pisces to open up and realize all their talents. The mineral improves mood, relieves depression and melancholy. The gem can be used to increase your social status and self-esteem by purchasing a heliodor jewelry.

Jet will suit Pisces as a talisman, because sometimes the representatives of the sign cannot resist evil intentions. The mineral will protect a man from gossip, conspiracies, evil eye and damage. He will instill confidence in Pisces, thanks to which a man will learn to defend himself on his own. He will become wiser and more circumspect.

For wealth

Tourmaline is suitable for men who are engaged in creative activities. It intensifies the activities of artists, writers, musicians and artists. Coral will help Pisces in finance and management. It helps you focus, make a decision and boldly take responsibility for it. This mineral is a real salvation for a man who works in a large team. It relieves stress and protects against energy vampires.

For good health

Amethyst has a positive effect on the health of Pisces. It normalizes metabolism, evens out skin color. Mineral helps to get rid of alcohol addiction. The talisman that preserves the health of the Pisces men is a sapphire. It helps to avoid nervous diseases and improves mood. Relieves diseases of white pearls.

For love

Pisces men often break the hearts of women due to their romance, sensitivity and sensitivity. The representative of the sign is rather picky about the choice of the second half, since he makes many demands on her. The talisman with amethyst will help you find a suitable soul mate.

How to wear it correctly?

To achieve the maximum effect of the stone on the Pisces man, it is necessary to follow the rules for wearing jewelry. If a representative of the stronger sex wants to achieve success at work, it is recommended to purchase cufflinks with pearls in a beautiful frame.

It is not recommended to wear several stones at once, because together they will have too strong an effect on a person. As a result, mental disorders and serious illnesses can appear. The Pisces man must choose only one stone for himself.

You cannot take coral on a business trip or a business trip, because it will interfere with focusing on business. Stones cannot be worn all the time, they must be removed so that they can get rid of the accumulated negative energy. It is recommended to store each piece of jewelry separately in a special bag so that different stones do not absorb each other's energy.

Which ones don't fit?

Some stones are known that are contraindicated for wearing by Pisces men. Jade increases performance, but Pisces is too weak a sign for such loads. He will not be able to live long at the pace that the stone sets. After wearing jade, Pisces get nervous system disorders and heart disease. The man has no strength left for anything, he conflicts with others and is depressed.

Pisces men are not suitable for minerals of red shades, which develop depression in them and give rise to fears. Rubies provoke men to cruelty towards loved ones, which destroys families, and also causes a split personality in the spiritual plan. Pisces men are not recommended to wear onyx, sardonyx, topaz and obsidian. These stones increase self-doubt, provoke being in an indeterminate state.

An extensive list of suitable stones allows the Pisces man to make a choice based on his needs and his own taste.

It is believed that Pisces is the most mystical sign of the zodiac. People born under this sign are very sensitive not only to events in their lives, but also to what surrounds them.

They are full of compassion and desire to help others. Because of this, they are often accused of wastefulness and impracticality. From strong experiences, Pisces are able to go deep into themselves and bring them back to the real world is always not easy.

Despite their desire to help people, Pisces themselves often need protection, help and support... It is difficult to find a reliable person, therefore Pisces more often than other signs enjoy the protection and patronage of magical amulets.

Stone for Pisces men

What Pisces men really lack is perseverance and perseverance in achieving the set goal. At the first failure, they are able to become discouraged and give up, believing that nothing has worked out.

The most suitable talisman for such an occasion is amethyst... This beautiful stone with a violet or bluish tint will give Pisces the conviction that the work begun is worth completing. In addition, the stone adds confidence in their abilities.

Pisces are associated with amethyst by one element - the element of water. Like the zodiac sign, the stone patronized by Neptune and Jupiter.

This talisman will be especially important during a period of life full of stressful situations, anxious expectation, and a nervous environment. For example, if there is a lawsuit, a period of a long illness of a loved one, acceptance of bereavement.

Amethyst is also necessary for those men who are not able to control your emotions and feelings... In order to find an internal balance and an external manifestation of restraint, an amulet with amethyst is best suited. This stone will impart masculinity and masculine charm to the strong Pisces sign.

Another stone perfect for men born under the sign of Pisces is aquamarine... This talisman will become a reliable protection against gossip and intrigue. Most of all, it suits people of creative professions, public people, everyone who is constantly in full view of the general public.

Talisman for love

Due to their natural sensitivity, artistry and attention to detail, fish men are more likely than representatives of other signs, become heartthrobs. Pisces needs love, but they are in no hurry to legitimize the relationship.

If pressure is exerted on such a man, then his feeling will cool down very quickly, and he will simply begin to avoid meeting the former object of his passions.

It is important for Pisces to meet exactly the woman who will become a soul mate for him, and only then will he be happy with her all his life. Otherwise, the Pisces man can spend his whole life in search.

Talisman with amethyst will come to the rescue here and will help sharpen the sense of intuition aimed at searching the most important woman in the fate of the Pisces man.

Guardian for health

Amethyst has a good effect on the general health of Pisces. This stone has a positive effect on metabolism, improves complexion, skin condition. In the fight against alcohol addiction amethyst the surest remedy.

The very name of the stone is translated as “not intoxicated”. In the Middle Ages, when the risk of being poisoned was great, amulets were made from amethyst to protect their owner from poisons.

Sapphire wards off serious diseases from Pisces, especially those related to the nervous system. This stone improves mood and increases pep.

An important talisman for Pisces is. It promotes rapid recovery and recovery from various ailments.

Wealth stone

For creative men born under the sign of Pisces, as an amulet tourmaline is suitable. This stone protects creativity. Artists, writers, performers and musicians who have a mascot with a tourmaline will always be in demand and recognized, they will definitely succeed and be loved by the public.

Coral will become a talisman for those fish whose profession is related to management and finance. The stone helps to focus, make timely important decisions, the courage to take responsibility. Thanks to the coral, new opportunities will appear for the implementation of long-planned projects.

This stone is simply irreplaceable in those areas of activity where you have to constantly communicate with a large number of different people. It protects from energy vampires and quickly relieves stress.

By date of birth

It would be wrong to group all men born under the sign of Pisces under one category of people. Even among those who were born under the same zodiac sign, there are important differences.

There are three astrological decades, which in the case of the sign of Pisces are divided as follows:

  1. First decade- from 19.02 to 1.03;
  2. Second decade- from 2.03 to 11.03;
  3. Third decade- 12.03 to 20.03.

Those born in the first decade are characterized by a capricious and changeable disposition. They are restless and strive to regularly change something in their life. Fear of routine and everyday life pushes such people to creative professions and an outrageous lifestyle. The most suitable talismans for them - aventurine, tiger eye, moonstone, jasper.

Pisces born in the second decade are more ambitious. They strive for success and recognition, for them the result is more important than participation. Pearls, opal, coral are suitable for them as a talisman stone.

Those born in the last decade of the zodiacal period are sociable, for them scary loneliness, they tend to relax in noisy companies and be the center of them. They are responsive and always ready to help. For them it is emerald, alexandrite, diamond, sapphire, chrysolite, aquamarine.

Horoscope warning

There are also stones that are categorically contraindicated for Pisces. For example, blue topaz brings discord into the family, and provokes a man into treason. Jade deprives Pisces of the taste for life, turning them into a workaholic. For fish, this behavior is highly undesirable.

Overly sensitive, they are unable to withstand heavy loads. Should be wary of red stones... Such a talisman will suppress its owner. And without that, constantly in need of support and approval, Pisces will simply give up and withdraw to themselves.


How to choose stones for Pisces by date of birth?

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To understand which stone is suitable for Pisces, you need to know in which decade of the sign a person was born.

  • In the first decade ( from February 21st to March 1st) were born romantics and dreamers inclined to change. Their patron Saturn makes them somewhat divorced from real life with its problems. The fish of this period are suitable for magically strong minerals: amethyst, aventurine, carnelian, moonstone, tiger's eye, blood jasper.
  • During from 2nd to 11th March open and honest representatives of the described zodiac sign were born. Jupiter influencing them makes Pisces sensitive to fame and recognition of their merits. A Fish with powerful support will be able to achieve such honors. The following stones are suitable for the sign: heliotrope, hairy, opal, pearls and corals.
  • Representatives of the sign born in the 3rd decade ( from 12th to 20th March), obey Mars. They are funny, sociable and a little capricious people. They claim a lot in life, but they try to achieve all the best on their own. Gemstones of Pisces from this period are diamond, sapphire, tourmaline, chrysolite, alexandrite, emerald and aquamarine.

Read more about stones for Pisces - in the video:

Precious amulets

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Talismans suitable for Pisces should give the sign of strength and energy. The first among such stones is opal. The amulet brings happiness in love and family life. Representatives of this zodiac sign are idealists and dreamers who do not expect a dirty trick from anyone. Precious opal jewelry will protect Pisces from envious people and ill-wishers. The stone gives vitality, increases physical and psychological stamina. Opal enhances the creative and mental potential of a person.

Pisces is a suspicious and hesitant sign of the zodiac. Responsible decisions are given very hard, and even after they are made, the Pisces will doubt. To add confidence, it is advisable for the representative of the sign to have a mascot with corals. It will help to get together in difficult situations, strengthen intuition and improve logical thinking.

Representatives of the last zodiac sign "love" to be nervous for the slightest reason, and in especially tense moments tend to panic. A charm in the form of jewelry with a moonstone is able to calm and comfort in difficult times. The talisman promotes good mood, relieves stress and gives pleasant dreams.

Choosing a stone for a woman

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When choosing which talismans are suitable for a woman born under the sign of Pisces, you should pay attention to cacholong (pearl agate). This rare gem is a wonderful talisman for a woman of any age and marital status. Cacholong attracts love and happiness. The stone is suitable for unmarried girls who dream of finding their destiny. It is useful to wear pearl agate for pregnant women and new mothers. Pisces constantly doubts the sincerity of loved ones, jewelry with a cacholong will give them confidence and teach them to trust.

A female fish, for all the trouble, often forgets that she is a woman. A moonstone talisman can help return softness, femininity and attractiveness. It attracts the attention of men, reveals the sensual side of character. The moonstone, presented by a loved one, acts as a love amulet and keeps relationships. Jewelry with a stone is good for health and female beauty. They act as an indicator of the general condition of the body.

The Pisces woman is restrained in showing feelings, she simply does not have the courage to do so, because she is afraid of being rejected and misunderstood. A charm with aquamarine will give courage and relaxedness to the representative of this zodiac sign. The mineral helps to maintain calmness and peace of mind. The talisman gives strength and energy to achieve goals.

Mineral for men

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A man who was born under the sign of Pisces goes hard towards his success and experiences setbacks for a long time. A suitable talisman for him is a product with pearls. It brings good luck in business, attracts financial well-being and self-confidence. The amulet is especially useful for people doing business and mental work. The Pisces man is an altruist in character, pearls will teach him to value himself and take care not only of others.

The Pisces man often has a limited inner world, so it is difficult for him to find a common language with other people, especially with women. For spiritual development, he needs a talisman with aquamarine. The stone helps to increase intuition, opens consciousness for new knowledge. The amulet does not allow the representative of the zodiac sign to become stale in soul and helps to fight intriguers.

For a Pisces man to believe in himself, he needs outside help. For these purposes, a charm with an amethyst is suitable. It restores the body, increases the energy level. The talisman contributes to the development of a harmonious personality, gives faith in one's own strengths and teaches them to use them. Amethyst helps Pisces to understand the world and themselves.