Description of the painting Vasnetsov Three princes of the underground kingdom. Description of the painting B.

Description of the painting Vasnetsov Three princes of the underground kingdom. Description of the painting B.
Description of the painting Vasnetsov Three princes of the underground kingdom. Description of the painting B.

Viktor Mikhailovich Vasnetsova's name is well acquainted not only to fans of painting. Everyone is well remembered by his paintings "Alyonushka", "Bogatyry", "Vityaz on the crossroads" and many others. All of them are written on the plots of works of oral folk art. Another such picture Vasnetsov V.M. I ordered S.I. Mammoths for the rule of the Donetsk railway. The canvas is called "three princes of the underground kingdom."

The picture is written on the plot of the Russian folk fairy tale. It depicts three unusually beautiful girls. They are surrounded by mighty rocks. And behind them extends a sunset sky with pink clouds floating on it. Against this background, the girl looks even more majestic and beautiful. The picture is filled with bright, saturated paints, emphasizing the beauty and wealth of the Russian earth.

Each of the girls personifies the riches of earthly subsoil. They are luxuriously dressed. On one girl standing to the left of the sisters Golden outfit. He sparkles in the rays of the setting sun. The dress is decorated with patterns. This is a Russian ornament. This was decorated with the girls' outfits of ancient Russia. Only embroidered patterns with gold and silver. Nevertheless, the girl herself is more beautiful. It is magnifying and modest at the same time. Fucking shocking eyes, folding his hands, it is the viewer an example of humility and truly royal pride.

The second girl, which the artist placed in the center, is also coarly beautiful, like her sister. Her dress is sleeping with precious stones, spread patterns. Headdress is luxurious. If the first girl is decorated with a golden crown with a small amount of jewels, then the second crown is fully decorated with precious stones. He resembles a star that sparkles the head of the princess.

But the third girl is significantly different from her sisters. She is dressed in a black dress that does not shine the same luxury that the sisters have. Her head does not decorate either the fat, nor the crown. Hair freely falls on the shoulders of younger princes, hands are lowered along the body. And it is this that gives it a special charm. It is no less than magnitude than in other princesses. But her magnifier without royal arrogance. This is the magnifier of a girl, calm, confident, modest, proud. In other words, Vasnetsov portrayed the ideal of a Russian woman in it.

All princes are still, static. It seems that, being on the surface of the earth, they froze. Tsarevna do not pay attention to two men who bent in front of them in a respectful bow. They do not notice the beauty of the sunset sky. They themselves are the beauty and wealth of Russian land.

Viktor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov - Russian artist Painter. His works are very famous in the fabulous genre. Somehow the Chairman of the Board of the Railway Construction in Donetsk S. Mamontov ordered V. Vasnetsov painting. It must be made on fabulous topics. The plot of the picture was the presentation of the people about stored wealth in deep earthly departments. So the work of V. Vasnetov "Three Tsarevna Underground Kingdom" appeared.

The picture shows three princesses. By their appearance, you can determine who is the princess. Woman in gold lush robes - gold princess. The other is all in precious stones and gorgeous robes - Princess of precious stones. And the third, in a simple black dress with open hands and the hair lying on the shoulders - coal princess. It does not have that passing and sputtering that in the rest of women. But it does not spoil it at all, but makes some more attractive.

In the initial plot of the paintings were only two main princes - gold and precious stones. But in 1884, at the request of industrialists, another woman appeared on the canvas - a coal princess. It is also noticeable that the girls' hands are simply omitted at the bottom, and not as in the rest modestly closed ahead. But it gives them even greater magty. Princesses are surrounded by stones. In the right corner of the painting, two men are bowed to them. On the back background of the canvas highlights the bright red sunset sky. It is also slightly edited and rich in brighter paints.

Free Visits Days in the Museum

Every Wednesday you can visit the permanent exposition "Art of the twentieth century" in the new Tretyakovka, as well as temporary exhibitions "Dar Oleg Yahont" and "Konstantin Istomin. Color in the window ", held in the engineering case.

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  • Tretyakov Gallery in Lavrushinsky Lane, Engineering Corps and New Tretyakov - from 10:00 to 18:00 (Cash and Login until 17:00)
  • Museum-apartment A.M. Vasnetsova and House Museum V.M. Vasnetsova - closed
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Victor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov is known for writing paintings based on various Russian legends, which are particularly common among ordinary people. In the eight hundred in the eightieth year, by order of the Russian entrepreneur, the artist created a cloth called "Three Tsarevna Underground Kingdom", which was based on the fairy tale of "Underground Kingdoms". This picture had two versions: in a thousand eight hundred and eighty-fourth year Vasnetsov a little changed the position of the hands of one of the princes to give her more calm and majestity.

In the center of the canvas, three magnificent figures of girls are depicted against the background of gray dull cliffs and gently blue sky, on which pale pink clouds sail. All the back plan only adds beauty to the main character. Each heroine is the richness of the middle of the earth. The girl standing up to the left of others is dressed in a luxurious golden dress embroidered by traditional Russian patterns, and a golden session is banging on his head, which includes several gems.

Despite the whole majestic look, it behaves quite modestly, without showing its superiority. Her sister, which stands in the center, is not inferior to that in beauty and royality. All of the outfit consists of precious stones, even the crown fully consists of them. But it is also an example of royal pride and modesty. Two sisters are majestic and know what position is occupied. But here is the third sister that stands to the right of them, is not at all similar to his relatives. Instead of a bright, dresses destroyed by jewels on a girl wearing a relatively modest black dress, and the head of the girl does not adorganize the crown, nothing else. In addition, her hair freely falls on the shoulders and add it peculiar ease and tenderness. From the girl does not come by the same regal force, as from her sisters, but for some reason it is still impossible to tear his eyes away.

It is its modesty, unobtrusive and calm confidence that it attracts attention and significantly exceeds two other representatives. It enclosed the image of a real Russian girl who never exposes its advantage outside, but behaves restrained and without finance. Also, in addition to the three princes of the underground kingdom, two men are depicted on the canvas that are on the right side. They bowed their knees in front of majestic images. However, girls do not even notice these ordinary people. The heroines simply froze in their poses and do not pay the slightest attention to what is happening around. Perhaps this happened for the reason that they were on Earth, and not in their usual environment. But it is precisely this static attachment adds a magnificent appearance that makes people admire them.

Thus, Viktor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov at his picture "Three Prince of the underground kingdom" depicted majestic girls, each of which is a certain kind of fossils that can be found in the depths of the Earth.

Victor Vasnetsov

Three princes of the underground kingdom


In 1880, the painting "three princesses of the underground kingdom" in 1880 ordered Viktor Vasnetsov. Industrialist and Petssenat Sava Mammoths.
Mammoths, one of the richest people in Moscow, passionately loved art. He was the owner of the estate Abramtsema, one of the most important centers of the Russian art life of the 1870-1910s.

There were stayed and worked by Victor Vasnetsov, Mikhail Vrubel, Nikolay Roerich and other artists.

Savva Ivanovich Mamontov (1841-1918)

In 1882, Mammoths built a Donetsk coal railway. The Cabinet of the Board of the New Enterprise Petshenate decided to decorate the pictures of the young talented artist Viktor Vasnetsov.

The son of Mamontov Vsevolod recalled these paintings: "The first picture was supposed to depict the distant past of the Donetsk region, the second is a fabulous way of movement and the third - gold, precious stones and stone coal - a symbol of the richness of the awesome edge."

Vasnetsov wrote three works for Mamontov: "Three princes of the underground kingdom", "carpet aircraft" and "Battle of Scythians with Slavs". However, the Railway Board considered plots not enough serious for the business situation of a large company, and Vasnetsov's paintings did not accept.



Victor Vasnetsov. Carpet plane. 1881. Nizhny Novgorod State Art Museum, Nizhny Novgorod.
Victor Vasnetsov. Battle of Scythians with Slavs. 1881. State Russian Museum, St. Petersburg


The plot of the paintings goes back to the Russian folk fairy tale "Three Kingdoms - Copper, Silver and Golden", a well-known reader in several options edited by Alexander Afanasyev. In the fairy tale, Ivan-Tsarevich descends to the underground kingdom to liberate his mother, Queen Anastasia is the beautiful, abducted by the villain Voronovich.

On the road, Tsarevich meets the captivities (in some editors of the fairy tale - daughters) of the crow - copper, silver and gold princess. The girls suggest Ivan, how to free the mother, and in gratitude to Tsarevich, returning from the underground kingdom, takes them with him. Returning home, he marries the Golden Tsarevna, and her younger sisters will marry his older brothers.

Fragment of the cover of the book "Russian folk tales" Alexander Afanasyev


Three paintings written for Mamontov, largely determined the further work of Viktor Vasnetsov - from that moment he often refers to the plots of Russian folk fairy tales and epic.

Thanks to the paintings "Vityaz on the crossroads", "Alenushka", "Ivan-Tsarevich on a gray wolf" the artist received recognition among collectors and patrons: Vasnetsov managed to embody the motives of Russian folklore in the images clear with the modern person.

It is no coincidence that it was assigned to designate the extension of the main entrance hall to the building of the Tretyakov Gallery in Lavrushinsky Lane, which became a visiting card of the museum. The artist worked in the unaware style, rethinking the motifs of traditional Russian architecture.


project extension.jpg.

Self-portrait. Viktor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov (1848-1926). 1873. State Tretyakov Gallery
The project of an extension of the main entrance hall to the building of the Tretyakov Gallery, together with V.N. Bashkirov. 1899-1901. Moscow, Lavrushinsky Lane

Golden Tsarevna

According to the Russian folk fairy tale, "three kingdoms - copper, silver and golden", on the plot of which the artist relied, Golden - the most beautiful of the princes of the underground kingdom. When Ivan wins Crow Voronovich, he frees all his prisoners and marries the girl. From the fairy tale Vasnetsov borrows only this character, two other images of princess in Russian folklore are not found.

The Golden Tsarevna is depicted dressed in the deer - common type of clothing in the Dopurerovsk Russia with sleeves to the floor, in which there are rosters for hands. At her head, she is a headdress, which could only wear a unmarried girl (the Makushka remained open, that for a family woman was unacceptable). Usually, the boron was an element of a wedding dress.

Severoruskaya (Novgorod, Arkhangelsk province) Coroon. XIX century. Meeting of Natalia Shabelskaya

Tsarevna precious stones

The artist wanted to realize in the images of girls wealth of the depth of the Donetsk region, so he creates a new image for Russian art - printed gemstones. Like the Golden Tsarevna, the girl is dressed in the deer, under which - a long silk shirt. In her hands, her own way - an element of the Russian national costume, and on the head - a low crown, who in the middle band of Russia was called "Maid-Grey".

The second half of the XIX century is the era of historicism, when Russian artists thoroughly studied people's life, traditional costumes, folklore of their country. Although painters did not always succeed in achieving historical reliability in detail, they sought to convey as more precisely in the works of the color of the epoch.

Morning Streletzka execution. Fragment. Vasily Surikov. 1881. Tretyakov Gallery. Moscow. Streletsky wife is dressed in the traditional child's traditional for Russia, and Peter I soldiers are in European costumes. So Surikov opposes the ancient Russia who goes into the past by a change of Petrovskaya era.

Tsarevna stone coal

Since the picture was intended for the Cabinet of the Railway Board, Vasnetsov found it necessary to portray the coal coal, "black gold" at that time ensured the movement of trains.

Senior princes are dressed in Russian poppy costumes, but on the younger - a more modern fitted dress with a short sleeve (ancient Russian beauty could not appear on people with open hands and uncovered heads).

In 1880, the painting "three princesses of the underground kingdom" in 1880 ordered Viktor Vasnetsov. Industrialist and Petssenat Sava Mammoths.

In 1882, Savva Mamontov built a Donetsk coal railway. The Cabinet of the Board of the New Enterprise Petshenate decided to decorate the pictures of the young talented artist Viktor Vasnetsov. As a result of the agreement specifically for Mamontov Vasnetsov wrote three works: "Three princes of the underground kingdom", "carpet aircraft" and "Battle of Scythians with Slavs".

As the basis of the painting "Three princesses of the underground kingdom", the fairy tale of "Underground kingdoms" is taken. The cloth according to the author's plan was to personify the wealth of the subsoil of Donbass. But the members of the Board did not take the work of Vasnetsov. They counted a fabulous topic inappropriate for office space.

In 1884, Vasnetsov writes another version of the picture, while changing the composition and color. The painting acquires the Kiev collector and the Metzenate Ivan Tereshchenko. In the new version, the position of the hands of the coal of the coal, now they lay along the body, which gave a chime and magty to figure.

The son of Mamontov Vsevolod recalled these paintings: "The first picture was to be depicted by the distant past of the Donetsk region, the second is a fabulous way of movement and the third - gold, precious stones and stone coal - a symbol of the wealth of the awesome edge."

So dressed in Russia

The artist has always been attentive to history and before proceeding to writing the picture carefully studied the life of the epoch. Victor Vasnetsov knew all the subtleties of the costumes. Two senior princes he dressed in Russian folk costumes.

Golden Tsarevna is depicted dressed in a deer. This type of clothing with sleeves to the floor, where there are rosters for hands, was distributed in Dopurerovskaya Russia. At her head, she is a headdress, which could only wear a unmarried girl (the Makushka remained open, that for a family woman was unacceptable). Usually, the boron was an element of a wedding dress.

Tsarevna precious stones, like the Golden Tsarevna, dressed in the queen, under which - a long silk shirt. In her hands, her own way - the element of the Russian national costume, and on the head is a low crown.

It should be noted that in Russia, the old maids did not have the right to wearing married women. They saw a braid like girls, covered their heads with a handkerchief. They were forbidden to wear Kokoshnik, Soroka, Balloon, wearing a member. They could only walk in a white shirt, a dark sundress, a breastplate.

The ornament on clothes could tell about its owner. So, for example, in the Vologda region, the tree was depicted on the shirts of pregnant women. The chicken embroidered on the clothes of married, whites swans - from unmarried girls. Blue sundress was unmarried girl preparing for a wedding or an old woman. But, for example, the Red Sarafan was put on those who had just got married. The longer the time passed after the wedding, the smaller the woman used the woman in her clothes.

Junior Tsarevna

Ancient Russian beauty could not appear on people with open hands and uncoated head. But the youngest princess in the picture is depicted in a modern dress with short sleeves. His hands are naked. This is the image of the coal coal is "black gold", which at that time ensured the movement of trains.

Anti-solving clothing princess, the artist wanted to emphasize that the beneficial properties of stone coal, humanity opened only recently. This mineral resources refers to the present and future, and gold and precious stones - to the past.

In 1883-1884, by order of Ivan Tereshchenko, another version of the picture was written, at which the artist depicts the Ivan-Tsarevich brothers, amazed by the beauty of Tsareven. Vasnetsov combines different interpretations of fairy tales. In one Ivan, it meets probe in the mountains, and in the other - descends into the dungeon of the rope, the fragment of which is drawn in the lower right corner of the picture. The brothers waited for him on the surface and at the signal raised Tsarevich, their mother and liberated captives.

"Fell in love with black"

Brother Viktor Vasnetsova Apollinaria, also a painter, wrote him about the XII mobile exhibition, where the second version of the picture was presented:
"... He was familiar with how the public belongs to your picture. It produces, undoubtedly, the impression and like many, but it is difficult to make a content, and I was led to the explanations of the plot several times. As for me personally, I just fell in love with a black, charming and golden, but little proud; Clothing on the latter, in my opinion, is done so that there is nothing at the exhibition, which would be compared by the latitude of the letter and naturalness ... "(Viktor Vasnetsov." Letters. Diaries. Memories ").