"Moonlight Night on the Dnieper": Mystical Strength and the tragic fate of the painting of the Archip of Quinji. "Moonlight Night on the Dnieper": Mystical Strength and Tragic Fate Pictures of the Archproun

"Moonlight Night on the Dnieper": Mystical Strength and the tragic fate of the painting of the Archip of Quinji. "Moonlight Night on the Dnieper": Mystical Strength and Tragic Fate Pictures of the Archproun

Painting Queenji Moonlight Night on Dnieper is written by an artist in 1880. After writing the picture of the Birch Grove and the Kindji conflict with his colleague Klodtom, the Queenji in his will out of the membership of the artists of the Mobile.

The lack of paintings of Queenji immediately was noticed by visitors to the eighth exhibition, which caused a considerable disappointment at his fans, on this occasion, even Tretyakov P.M. He wrote the artist Kramsky I., expressing his deep regret.

The work of the Moonlight Night on the Dnieper caused considerable interest among the then public, while working on the picture quickly crawled rumors about the extraordinarily lyrical beauty of the lunar night. Those who wanted to see the picture was so much that the artist was still working on at night for visitors for 2 hours the workshop on Sundays. Among the first visitors were famous personalities Kramskaya I., Chistyakov P., Turgenev I. Mendeleev D. I., et al.

The paintings quickly found and her future buyer, who did not embarrass the high price of 5 thousand rubles, at the time, this is a huge amount of money, leaving the right to buy the lunar night. Subsequently, Quinji found out that it was no other, as the Grand Prince Konstantin himself, who had long dreamed of a similar picture.

The picture of the moonlight on the Dnieper was decided to exhibit in St. Petersburg on a large sea street. The uniqueness of this exposure was extraordinary, that is, only one picture was exhibited, the more small size of the canvas 144 cm by 105 cm.

Since the picture is executed in dark colors, the artist was decided to demonstrate the lunar night on the Dnieper during electrical lighting, curtaining all the windows and sending a beam of light on the canvas, in which the perception of the pattern with the effect lunar Siana It was the most having.

All this spectacle hurt the guests of the exhibition, they admired both the most painting and the uniqueness of the exposition. Some viewers even thought that the light source was placed under the cloth, the moon actually shone brightly.

They rumored that Queenji uses various illusionistic techniques when demonstrating the picture and even wanted to turn it in the quantity, others thought that the artist uses unusual paints when writing the lunar night, whose secret wanted to know the third perch, about the connection of the artist with the unclean power.

In fact, the artist has always been in new searches and he often managed to find the right and reliable solutions In order to be fascinated by the public, so Quanji was sometimes called the artist of light. The success of the picture Moonlight on the Dnieper was impressive, Kramskaya very enthusiastically responded about the lunar night and said that no one had ever written.

The artist demonstrates the viewer who goes deep into the depths of the night space, mysteriously shines the moon surrounded by rare clouds. Calm and Majestic River Dnipro Jowl goes into the distance, Magically reflecting moonlight. On the shore of a full-breeding Dnieper, the dilapidated Ukrainian houses are located. The quiet state of nature fascinates and gives the soil for deep reflection on the not surpassed beauty of nature, which opened in his picture wonderful artist Archka Queenji.

Thanks to the great popularity of the painting, Quinji created two more copies of the moon night, the first picture is stored in the state Tretyakov Gallery, the other is located in the Livadia Palace in Yalta and the Third in the State Russian Museum in St. Petersburg.

In 1880, one opened in St. Petersburg unusual exposition. The building on a large sea street lined up a huge queue of those who wish to get into showroom. After waiting for several hours on the street, visitors went inside to look at one-sole picture.

It was a landscape of the Russian Movie Artist Archka Ivanovich Quinji entitled "". Very small on the size of the canvas, and the sky, the moon and the river are drawn on it. It would seem that nothing special ... However, the audience were amazed. It seemed to them in the bombardment hall that they were somehow magic from the gray St. Petersburg morning to the lunar Ukrainian night.

They saw a wide plain, according to which Dnipro slowly carries their waters, and in the embroidery tightened by the clouds of the sky, through a small rush shines the moon, mysterious silver light illuminating the river and its shore. Admiring this beautiful scenery, the visitors of the exhibition remembered the words of the Great N.V. Gogolwho challenged the beauty of the Ukrainian night.

Singer Light

In my own way I felt poetry this night and Quinji, after all, it was not found for "singer of expanses and light." He like no other than one who knew how to create a stunning illusion Sveta.

This silver-green light in the picture was so bright and visible that many viewers tried to find some trick, trying to understand how the artist managed to achieve such an effect. It was rumored that the picture was written not to smears of oil on canvas, but by some mysterious lunar paints on the glass and highlighted with a lamp with back side. Curious looked at the picture and did not find any lamp, and the moon continued to shine mysterious witchcraft lights.

Of course, competently selected lighting of the hall played a role. The picture was especially winningly looked at artificial lighting and dotted curtains. And paints QuinjiIndeed, in fact, were not entirely ordinary and typical. The artist devoted a lot of time to a serious study of the properties of the paints, spending a lot of hours in the university laboratory, using even special devices to achieve the shades and effects.

The process of creating a picture was long - Quinji Long picked up the paints, for a long time, thought about every smear with a brush, stiffing in the creative job.

Paints or feelings?

But nevertheless, the main thing in his canvas is not special paints, but the ability to pass with their help all the magnificence of nature, her mood. He was able to pass the space, silence and poetry of the warm Ukrainian night. And that is why people standing for a long time in the picture, unable to tear their eyes from her. Many even left the hall with tears in her eyes, such a strong impression was on them this work Quinji.

The audience was delighted. Then the whole press wrote about this exhibition, the reproductions of the picture were sorted by huge circulations across the country. Inspired by this work poet K. Fofanov Created a poem "Night on the Dnieper", which later laid on music.

The picture itself for huge money was bought by the Grand Duke by Konstantinovich Konstantinovich, who so much appared it that he did not want to part with the masterpiece, even going into the marine journey. Unfortunately, the sea air had a detrimental effect on the canvas, and the paints were somewhat darkened, but did not sweat the lunar light, so and now people do not get tired to admire outstanding work art.

Give me the beauty of this world ...

Quinji Developed and masterfully applied his own, the unprecedented decorative plastic system has come up with unusual fine techniques With light effects, intense tones and sharp compositional angles.

But chief Secret Clotts Archka Ivanovich Quinji that he knew how to transfer and convey to the audience in his works feelings. And if in his other famous landscapeBirch Grove") The main thing is the joy that is literally spilled in the air, then it is peace here, and harmony, and admire the extraordinary beauty of nature.

In his paintings, the painter created his perfect world, where life and the space around us are perceived as a good, which can be serving the good, beauty and joy of impressions.

I.E. Repin wrote that A. Kindji "Returned the scenery enthusiastic beauty feeling and the extraordincks of the world. "

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Moonlit night on the Dnieper Queenji produced a real Furior and practically immediately acquired mystical glory. Many have not believed that so the light of the moon can be conveyed only by artistic means.

In the summer and in the fall of 1880, the archite Quinji worked on new picture. By that time, he had already broken his relationship with the comrades of the Movements, considering it too commercialized. Rumors that the artist creates something enchanting, spread to the Russian capital instantly. On Sundays, for two hours, opened the workshop and wishes could get acquainted with the work before it was completed. So the picture gained truly legendary glory. The writer Ivan Turgenev, the artists of Jacob Polonsky, Ilya Kramskaya and Pavel Chistyakov, and Pavel Dmitry Mendelev, came to the Ivanovich Archka Workshop. A well-known publisher and a goat of a goat of Soldatenkov asked for the picture. However, everyone was ahead of the Grand Duke Konstantin Konstantinovich. He bought the "lunar night on the Dnieper" before her submission to the general public for five thousand rubles.

Showed a canvas in St. Petersburg, and it was the first exhibition of one picture in Russia. The Arkhip of Queenji has always been very closely exhibiting its work. He placed them so that each was well lit and did not interfere with the neighboring canvas. In a separate room of the Society for the promotion of artists "Moonlight Night on the Dnieper" hung on the wall alone. The room was not covered, but a bright electric beam fell on the picture. The image from this is even more "deepened", and the Moonlight became just a dazzling.

Visitors entered the adolescent hall and stopped in front of the cold radiance of the lunar light. In front of the audience, a wide, leaving distance of the distance was revealed. Plain, crossed by a greenish ribbon of a quiet river, is almost merged at the horizon with a dark sky, covered with rows of light clouds. The silver-greenish disk of the moon poured the earth with mysterious light. There are no people on the canvas, and the main thing in the image is not the river and not the moon by itself, although it is better than Quinji, she did not give anyone from painters. The main thing is the light that gives peace and hope. This phosphorescent light was so strong that some of the audience tried to look at the picture to find a lantern or lamp. Curious expected strong disappointment - no lamp there, of course, was not.

So about the Dnieper sang only Gogol

This majestic spectacle still plunges the audience in thought about eternity and the irreversive beauty of the world. So about the Dnieper to Queenji sing only great Gogol. The number of sincere admirers of the artist's talent grew. There were no indifferent among the spectators, and someone allegedly considered the picture by witchcraft.

After decades, witnesses of that triumph continued to remember the shock, which the audience was tested, "inequate" before the picture. Word this is how it is impossible to suit the description of the exhibition. According to contemporaries, the big marine, where the exhibition was held, was so tightly clogged with Karet, which had to expect a clock in order to see this extraordinary work. To avoid the pressure, the public was allowed in the hall groups.

Nikolai Roerich still found a living minister of Maxim, who received on the ruble (at that time, the amount is just a huge, - aut.) From those who tried to get to the picture out of turn. Speech by an artist with a personal exhibition, and even consisting of only one small picture, has become an unusual event. Success exceeded all expectations and turned into a real sensation.

There were rumors that Queenji draws "magic lunar" paints from Japan. Enviousness with contempt argued that they were not necessary to draw them - a big mind. The superstitious accused the masters in the fact that he is in collusion with the unclean power.

The secret of the "Artist of Light" was in his fantastic ability to play in contrasts and long experiments over color reproduction. In the process of creating a picture, he mixed not only paints, but also added to them chemical elements. In this, Queenji helped him close friend Dmitry Mendeleev. Unfortunately, due to the careless mixing of chemically incompatible paints, the canvas was very darkened.

The decisive role in creating the impression of the use of phosphorus was played by an unusual color of the canvas. Applying additional colors in the picture, reinforcing each other, the artist managed to achieve an incredible effect of moonlique illusion. For example, a warm reddish tone of the Earth, he contrasted with cold-silver shades and thereby deepened the space. Small dark strokes in the illuminated places created a feeling of vibrating light.

People went with tears in their eyes

People, according to Ilya Repin, stood in the "prayer silence" in front of the Kindji web and left the hall with tears in their eyes. "So there were poetic spells of the artist on selected believers, and those lived at such moments best feelings Souls and enjoyed the heavenly bliss of art painting, "the great artist wrote.

Newspapers and magazines responded to the exhibition enthusiastic articles. The reproduction of the "Moon Nights on the Dnieper" thousands of copies were separated throughout Russia. Poet Jacob Polonski wrote: "I don't remember positively that before any picture for so long formed ... What is it? Picture or reality? We saw this month in the gold frame or in the open window, these clouds, this dark distance, these "trembling lights of sad villages" and these overflows of light, is it a silver reflection of the month in the jets of the Dnieper, the dal, this poetic, quiet, majestic night? " And the poet Konstantin Fofanov impressed by the picture wrote the poem "Night on the Dnieper", which was then laid on the music.

Ilya Kramskaya foresaw the fate of the canvas: "Perhaps, Queenji joined together such paints that are in natural antagonism among themselves and after the expiry of a well-known time or ground, or will change and decompose before the descendants will immediately shrugs in bewilderment: what came to Delight good-natured audience? But in order to avoid such an unfair relationship in the future, I would not mind to make up, so to speak, the protocol that his "night on the Dnieper" is all filled with real light and air, and the sky is real, bottomless, deep. "

Unfortunately, our contemporaries cannot fully estimate the initial effect of the picture. Until our time, she reached a distorted form. And wines everything is a special attitude to the canvas of its owner, the Grand Duke Konstantin, which is due to great love I did not want to part with her and drove with me everywhere. The picture was even in around the world swimmingthat could not do not affect its preservation.

It is worth saying that thanks to the great popularity of the painting, Queenji created two copies of the "Lunar Night on the Dnieper." One of them is stored in the State Tretyakov Gallery, the other - in the Livadia Palace in Yalta. The original is located in the State Russian Museum in St. Petersburg.

Queenji's childhood childhood information is very fragmentary and incomplete. Even the date of his birth is unreliable. A few documents have been preserved, on the basis of which the Kindji biography researchers call the day of birth on January 15, 1841. It happened this event in the suburbs of Mariupol called Karasu.

Talent and poverty (1841-1854)

It is believed that the ancestors of the artist were the Greeks who lived in the Crimea in close proximity to the Tatars. There was a gradual interpenetration of cultures, the language barrier was erased, mixed marriages arose. Therefore, it is quite possible to presence in the family of Queenji Tatar blood, although the artist himself always said that he considers himself Russian.

The surname "Kindji" (in the initial transcription of Kuyumji) in Tatar language means the name of the craft: "Golden Affairs Master." It is known that grandfather the artist was really a jeweler. Brother The archup transferred the surname into Russian and became golden.

Birth of a talented child in poor family It does not promise him any privileges. Father Queenji, Ivan Christforovich, was a shoemaker and could not provide his children wealth. When the archup was turned three years old, the father suddenly died. Mother lived very long after that. Little orphans remained on the care of his brother and sisters of Father Queenji, who are alternately as they could have cared for them.

Thanks to the support of relatives, the boy mastered the diploma, engaged in a familiar GREK teacher, and later visited the local city school for a short time. He didn't like learning there and was given with great difficulty. In this period, for the first time, his abilities for drawing were brightly manifested. Drinking, baby drew not only on random scraps of paper, but also on furniture or fence. This occupation brought him genuine joy.

Poverty forced him to work as shepherd, then an assistant to a boss trader, then a tuch of bricks on the construction of the church. But drawing was still it main passion. So it lasted until 1855, when someone from adults, noticing the boy's talent, advised him to go to the drawing to Aivazovsky, in Feodosia. The archite Quinji has done this small way on foot, as they have nothing to pay for the passage.

New turn (1855-1859)

Crimean landscapes struck the imagination of an impressionable teenager. Aivazovsky at that time was absent, so his copist, Adolf Fesser, on the goodness of the souvenous participated in the fate of the young archhar. He taught him the first real drawing lessons. For a poor and shy archup, this meant that he has hope to become an artist.

He stayed in Feodosia for several months. The daughter of Aivazovsky in his memoirs described it as a low, strongly curly guy in a straw hat, very quiet and shy.

Ayvazovsky himself did not manage to consider the Kindji talent and did not work with him. True, he entrusted him to mix the paints and painting his fence. Frustrated and oppressed by such a turn of the young man returns home.

Good luck with the third attempt (1860-1868)

IN hometown Quinji several months running a retauster at the photographer, and later it is sent in search of earnings first in Odessa, and from there - to Taganrog. This city met him more friendly. The archup is hired in the photo studio S. S. Isakovich, again as a retouchear. And continues to draw.

Finally realizing that he will not be able to realize his dream in such conditions, Quenji throws everything and moves to St. Petersburg, where he is trying to enter the Academy of Arts. However, fate made him a new grimace - a failure in exams. The second attempt was also unsuccessful.

But talent and love for painting demanded the output and pushed to overcome obstacles. Kindji is stubbornly engaged in drawing and in 1868 puts his first picture called Tatar Sacl in Crimea. This work opens to him access to the Academy of Arts, where it is credited as a solo luster.

In this grace period, Quinji creates an incredibly piercing paintings "Autumn Rasputle", "Forgotten Village" and "Chumatsky Tract in Mariupol".

They are written in an innovative manner. Signlessly selected shades are very accurately transmitting the gloomy and sadness of bladder landscapes. Unusual paints and a special game of shadows were very impressed by the public, but got ambiguous assessment In the environment of artists.

"Northern" period (1869-1873)

Queenji very attracted work on landscapes. He produced his special paint appliance technique that allowed to create so unusual spectator illusionsthat friends for their eyes were called his hoax.

Inspired by the views of the Northern Nature, the artist in a short period created such masterpieces as "Lake Lake", "Snow", "on the island of Valaam", " Saint Isaac's Cathedral With lunar lighting. "

Again turn and rapid takeoff (1874-1881)

In 1874, the lives of the Archip of Quinji receives a new filling: the artist marries the faith Leontievna Kethergi. He was in love with her yet with youth years. Earlier, this marriage was impossible because of the extreme poverty of the Queenji and the rich origin of the bride.

Now the sale of paintings made by the artist with a secured person. He was able to visit England, France, Austria, Switzerland and other countries to get acquainted with various painting schools.

A new, more joyful period of life has come. And the paintings of the artist acquired another tonality. Written at that time " Birch Grove"," Dnipro in the morning "," Moonlight Night on the Dnieper "," Ukrainian night "made an incredible impression on the public.

Bright, almost decorative paint game made paintings simply shining. Some even tormented to look for the canvas to make sure that the moon's artificial illumination was lacking. Sovremnik Queenji, Poet Ya. Polonsky, considering paintings, in bewilderment asked: is it a picture or window frame, which opens the landscape of incomprehensible beauty?

Silence of genius (1882-1910)

After such a noisy success, Kindji's friends reasonably expected new paintings and plots. But the artist has its own logic - he stopped the exhibition for 20 years. At that time, he continued to write, stitched literature, engaged with students, built a cottage in the Crimea.

Despite the active and offended character, the archite Quinji was very good man. He constantly supported the money of his students and accommodated the premium to the best young artists. His kindness also spread on animals and birds.

From the written memories of contemporaries of the artist, it is known that every day about noon he went into the yard to feed birds. Sparrows, crows, pigeons and other winged brethren are flying to this ritual. The birds were not completely afraid of him, sat down on the hands, which only pleased the owner.

In 1901, Queenji interrupted his "silence", submitting new masterpieces: "Evening in Ukraine", the theological plot "Christ in the Garden Garden" and new option "Birch grove." They still worry and fascinate the viewer, causing a look for a long time.

He no longer exhibited and many paintings became known only after his death. Died brilliant artist July 11, 1910. The cause of death was the patient heart.


Before us landscape. The artist chose a point of view from from above, leaving most Canvas for the sky. The shining moon stains the contours of the clouds in the cold tone. Light fluctuates on dark waters The river, which, according to the remark of Kramsky, "commits its majestically."

"Moonlight Night on the Dnieper." (Wikipedia.org)

As in most other works, Quinji wanted to convey the phenomena of nature, who are not amenable to long-term Scripture from nature. The artist had unique vision - he remembered the colors, due to which he imprinted on the ages of those moments that in nature last minutes.

"After the rain", 1879. (Wikipedia.org)

"The illusion of the world was His God, and there was no artist equal to him in achieving this miracle of painting," his friend and mentor Ilya Repin wrote about the Quinji.


Especially for the "Lunar Night on the Dnieper", Queenji organized an exhibition of one picture - the first of its kind in Russia. Even before her in St. Petersburg, rumors were walked about an unprecedented painting picture, which Quinji writes. Under the windows of the artist gathered wishing to see the canvas. Every sunday, he las in all curious workshops for two hours.

For a larger effect of the window in the hall were curtained, the ray of light fell only on the canvas. When visitors entered the parulfary hall, they could not believe their eyes - a greenish moonlight poured the whole room.

"Sea. Crimea ", 1890s. (Wikipedia.org)

People did not understand why such an unusual light comes from the picture. It seemed that only with the help of oil could not create such an effect. Some even tried to look at the picture - there is no lamp there. What only rumors did not go through Petersburg! What Quanji draws "magic lunar" paints from Japan. Someone even remembered unclean. Noise has risen such that the artist decided to go to the gate for 20 years.

In fact, the secret was simple - long years Work. Queenji was a passionate experimenter. He mixed not only paints, but also added chemical elements to them. It was not here without hand the Chemist of All Russia Dmitry Mendeleev.

Picture bought Grand Duke Konstantin. He was so fascinated by the cloth, which even took him with him in a world journey.

Fate artist

Queenji was born in the family of a poor shoemaker. A small archup, early lost parents, studied from the hands badly. He liked to draw anymore, so everything that seemed to him suitable for this was dressed up with drawings.

The boy lived in great poverty, so with early childhood Hired to work - Pace Gusey, led the record of bricks at the construction site, helped in a bakery. Once he was advised to go to the Crimea to Ivan Aivazovsky - learn to draw. What was his disappointment, when Aivazovsky allowed him only to push the paint and paint the fence.

Archka Queenji. Portrait of work V. M. Vasnetsova, 1869. (Wikipedia.org)

The next 10 years, Quinji retouted photography, until once decided to keep the exam in the St. Petersburg Academy of Arts. It turned out only with the third time. At the Academy, the archup met the Movies, under the influence of which he wrote the first successful, according to academicians, canvas.

Glory came to him with " Lunar at night On the Dnieper. " After putting after it a few more paintings, Quinji unexpectedly went to the gate. "... the artist needs to perform at exhibitions while he has, like a singer, there is a voice. And as soon as the voice subsides - it is necessary to leave, not to appear, so as not to be ridiculous. "," Said Quanji.

He wrote the next 20 years, but did not show his work to anyone. Queenji came out of the navel in 1901. In November of the same year, the last public exhibition of the painter works was arranged, after which no one had seen new pictures before his death in 1910. All that I had, Kindji handed over to the society of artists, which organized shortly before the death.