Nazi symbolism value. Myths about Swastika

Nazi symbolism value. Myths about Swastika
Nazi symbolism value. Myths about Swastika

In his autobiographical and ideological book, Mein Kampf Hitler said that it was him that he belongs to the brilliant idea to make a swastika with a symbol of the national-socialist movement. Probably, for the first time, a small adolf swastika saw on the wall of the Catholic monastery near the town of Lambakh.

Sign of the Swastika - Cross with curved ends - enjoyed popular from ancient times. He was present on coins, household subjects and coat of arms from the VIII millennium to the Nativity of Christ. The swastika personified life, the sun, well-being. Hitler could see this archaic solar symbol in Vienna on the emblems of the Austrian anti-Semitic organizations.

Habenkreuz in Hakenkreuz (Hakenkreuz translates from German as a hook-cross), Hitler assigned to himself the fame of the discoverer, although the swastika as political symbol In Germany appeared before him. In 1920, Hitler, who was a non-professional and talentless, but still an artist, allegedly developed a party logo design, which is a red flag with a white circle in the middle, in the center of which was a black swastika with predatory hooks.

The red color, according to the leader of the National Socialists, was chosen in the imitation of Marxists. Seeing the one-sightedness of the left forces under Alaya banners, Hitler noted the active impact of the bloody color on simple man. In the book Mein Kampf, the Führer mentioned the "great psychological meaning" of characters and their ability to powerfully influence a person. But it was precisely using the emotions to manage the crowd Hitler managed to an unprecedented way to introduce the ideology of his party into the masses.

By adding a swastika red to red, Adolf gave a diametrically opposite value to the favorite defense identity. Attracting the attention of the work acquaintances in the color of the posters, Hitler, as it were, "fluttering" them.

The red color in the interpretation of Hitler personified the idea of \u200b\u200bmovement, white - heaven and nationalism, a hoo-like swastika is the work and anti-Semitic struggle of the Aryans. Constructive work mysteriously interpreted as a sign of anti-Semitism.

In general, to name Hitler by the author of the national-socialist symbolism can not be, contrary to its allegations. He borrowed the color from Marxists, a swastika and even the name of the party (slightly rearrangement of the letters) - in the Viennese nationalists. The idea of \u200b\u200busing symbolism is also plagiarism. She belongs to the oldest member of the party - Dantistist named Friedrich Cron, who submitted a memorandum back in 1919 by party leadership. However, in the Bible of National Socialism, the Book of Mein Kampf, the name of the smart dentist is not mentioned.

However, the crowns put a different meaning in these characters. Red Color Steag - Love for Motherland, white circle - innocence for the unleashing of the First World War, the black color of the cross - sorrow about the loss in the war.

In the decoding of Hitler, the swastika became the sign of the Aryan struggle with "Neochoralovka". Cross claws seem to target the Jews, Slavs, representatives of other peoples that do not belong to the race "Blond Bestiy".

Unfortunately, an ancient positive sign was discredited by national socialists. Nuremberg Tribunal in 1946 banned Nazi ideology and symbolism. The ban hit both the swastika. IN lately It is somewhat rehabilitated. Roskomnadzor, for example, in April 2015 acknowledged that the demonstration of this sign outside the propaganda context is not an act of extremism. Although the "reprehensive past" do not cross out, and today the swastika is used by some of the organizations of the racist direction.

The version that it was Hitler who squeezed the brilliant idea to make a swastika with a symbol of the national-socialist movement belongs to the Führer himself and voiced in Mein Kampf. Probably, for the first time, the Swastika Nine-year-old Adolf saw on the wall of the Catholic Monastery near the town of Lambakh.

The swastika sign was popular from ancient times. The cross with curved ends appeared on coins, household subjects, coat of arms from the eighth millennium to the Nativity of Christ. The swastika personified life, the sun, well-being. Again to see the swastika Hitler could be in Vienna on the emblem of the Austrian anti-Semitic organizations.

The surroundings of the Archaic Solar Symbol of the Hakenkroyman (Hakenkreuz translates from German as a hooking cross), Hitler assigned to himself the priority of the discoverer, although the idea of \u200b\u200bthe swastika as a political symbol launched roots in Germany to him. In 1920, Hitler, who was a non-professional and talentless, but still an artist, allegedly developed a party logo design, offering a red flag with a white circle in the middle, in the center of which predatoryly spread the hook black swastika.

The red color, according to the leader of the National Socialists, was chosen in the imitation of Marxists who used it. Seeing the one-sighted deduction of the left forces under Alaya banners, Hitler noted the active impact of a bloody color on a simple person. In the book MEIN KAMPF, Führer mentioned the "great psychological meaning" of characters and their ability to powerfully influence emotions. But it was precisely using the emotions to manage the crowd Hitler managed to an unprecedented way to introduce the ideology of his party into the masses.

By adding a swastika red to red, Adolf gave a diametrically opposite value to the favorite defense identity. Attracting the attention of the work acquaintances of the poster, Hitler produced "flipping".

The red color in the interpretation of Hitler personified the idea of \u200b\u200bmovement, white - heaven and nationalism, a hoo-like swastika is the work and anti-Semitic struggle of the Aryans. Constructive work mysteriously interpreted as an anti-Semitic.

In general, to name Hitler by the author of the national-socialist symbolism can not be, contrary to its allegations. He borrowed the color from Marxists, a swastika and even the name of the party (slightly rearrangement of the letters) - in the Viennese nationalists. The idea of \u200b\u200busing symbols is also plagiarism. She belongs to the oldest member of the party - Dantistist named Friedrich Cron, who submitted a memorandum back in 1919 by party leadership. However, in the Bible of National Socialism, the Book of Mein Kampf, the name of the smart dentist is not mentioned.

However, the crowns invested a different content in decoding symbols. Red Color Steag - Love for Motherland, White Circle - An innocence symbol for the discontinuation of the First World War, the Black Color of the Cross - Sorrow for Losing In War.

In the interpretation of Hitler, the swastika became the sign of the Aryan struggle with the "Neochoralov". Cross claws seem to target the Jews, Slavs, representatives of other peoples that do not belong to the race "Blond Bestiy".

Unfortunately, an ancient positive sign was discredited by national socialists. Nuremberg Tribunal in 1946 banned Nazi ideology and symbolism. The ban hit both the swastika. Recently, it is somewhat rehabilitated. Roskomnadzor, for example, in April 2015 acknowledged that the demonstration of this sign outside the propaganda context is not an act of extremism. Although the "reprehensive past" from the biography will not strike out, and the swastika is used by some of the organizations of the racist direction.

Right holder illustration Hulton Archive. Image Caption. Is it possible to rehabilitate the swastika, which for many has become a symbol of fascism?

In the West, the swastika has become an integral symbol of fascism. But few remember that for thousands of years and in different cultures She was considered a symbol that brings good luck.

Will I ever get ancient sign Shake Nazism with itself and associated negative associations related to it?

In ancientindian literary language Sanskrit "Svasti" means the wish of prosperity and good luck. Hindus, Buddhists and followers of Jainism for thousands of years have enjoyed this symbol. Most researchers believe that the symbol itself was born in India.

The first travelers are western countries, coming to Asia, favorably reacted to the positive associations, who carried a swastika with them, and actively began to use this symbol of the house.

American schedule and designer Stephen Heller in his book "Swastika: a symbol without the right to redemption?" Shows what popularity it enjoyed in architectural motifs and advertising before the arrival of Hitler.

Right holder illustration BBC WORLD SERVICE Image Caption. Packaging on a drawer with fruit, koka-cola tool and deck of cards from the USA, beginning of the 20th century

"She was decorated with Bottles of Coca-Cola and Beer" Karlsberg ". She was adopted by the boy-scouts, and the American club of young girls called his Magazine" Swastika ". His editors sent to readers who participated in the distribution of the magazine, swastika icons as a small gift" , - says Heller.

American military units used the swastika during the First World War. Her images decorated the wings of some aircraft of the Royal UK UK until 1939. However, the "peaceful" swastika came to the end after in the 30s of the last century, fascism came to power in Germany.

Nazis gave themselves the swastika for no accident. In the XIX century, French-writer-romantic and sociologist Joseph Gobino wrote work called: "Incommunication Research human races"In which the term" Aryans "introduced. So Gobino called the blonde and blue-eyed representatives of the White race, who considered as the highest step of all mankind.

In the second half of the XIX century, German scientists, translating the texts from Sanskrit, discovered similarity between him and olderman adversions, from which it was concluded that the ancient Indians and the ancient Germans had common ancestors: the same god-like raus warriors - Aryans.

Right holder illustration BBC WORLD SERVICE Image Caption. Hindu boy with vruit head and vase in buddhist temple in Japan

This idea was enthusiastically picked up by groups of nationalists who announced that the swastika is a symbol of the Aryans, and visual demonstration The ancient roots of the German nation.

The black cross with curved ends (the so-called "rotating cross" with rays directed clockwise), on the White Circle, located on the Red Square, became one of the most hated emblems of the XX century, inextricably linked with the crimes of the Third Reich.

Right holder illustration BBC WORLD SERVICE Image Caption. Freddie Noller, survived the Holocaust

"For the Jewish people, the swastika remains a symbol of fear, oppression and destruction. This symbol we can never change," said BBC Freddie Noller, who survived the Holocaust. "When the nationalists draw a swastika on our tombstones and synagogues, we begin to be afraid." It should never be repeated. "

The swastika has become a prohibited symbol in Germany after the end of World War II. In 2007, Germany tried to spread this ban on all countries of the European Union, although unsuccessfully.

The irony lies in the fact that the European roots of the swastika is much deeper than it seems to many people. Archaeological finds have long shown that it is very ancient symbolwho used not only in India. He met B. Ancient GreeceHe was a sign of the Celts and Anglo-Saxons, and the oldest samples were generally found in Eastern Europe from Baltic to the Balkans.

One of the most ancient ornaments with the image of the swastika is stored in the state historical Museum In Kiev.

Right holder illustration BBC WORLD SERVICE Image Caption. Ancient ornament 15 thousand years ago from the Swastik

Among the most valuable exhibits of the museum there is a small bone figure of a bird carved from the mammoth tummy. It was found in 1908 during the excavations of the Paleolithic parking near the village of Mizine in the Chernihiv region of Ukraine.

On the body of the bird engraved a complex pattern of intertwined swastik. He is an oldest officially recognized ornament with a swastika in the world. Radio carbon analysis showed that bone bird was carved 15 thousand years ago. When excavations, the bird took place among a number of phallic objects, which, according to scientists, supports the theory that the swastika served and the symbol of fertility.

Right holder illustration BBC WORLD SERVICE Image Caption. Swastika is one of the oldest characters in the world

In 1965, the Soviet paleontologist Valentina Bibikov found that the Messenper ornament from the Swastik could be a conscious reproduction of ancient artists of natural cut on the mammoth bone. Maybe the inhabitants of Paleolitis simply reproduced what they saw in nature? And the huge mammoth logically became a symbol of welfare and fertility?

Single swastikas began to appear in the Neolithic culture of Vinka-Vinca in Eastern Europe about 7 thousand years ago. However, this symbol in Europe was truly widespread in Europe only in the Bronze Age.

In the collections of the Kiev Museum there are clay pots with swastika, encircling the top of the vessel whose age is about 4 thousand years. When the fascist troops occupied Kiev in World War II, the Germans were so confident that these pots prove the existence of their own Aryan ancestors, which took them with them to Germany. After the war they were returned to Kiev.

In the Greek Collection of the Museum, the Swastika is widely present in the form of a widespread mesmering ornament, which is used to this day.

Right holder illustration BBC WORLD SERVICE Image Caption. Meandrol ornament on ancient Greek vase and at the Academy of Music in Brooklyn, New York

In ancient Greece, the motif from the swastika was decorated with pots and vases.

But, perhaps, one of the most unexpected exhibits of the museum in Kiev is the dilapidated flap of fabric, miraculously preserved from the XII century. It is believed that he was part of the collar of a dresses of some Slavic princess, and decorations from the Swastik and the Golden Crossings were to drive evil.

Right holder illustration BBC WORLD SERVICE Image Caption. Embroidery with swastika and crosses on the collar of the XII century dresses

Swastika remained a popular motive in the embroidery of countries of Eastern Europe Up to World War II. The associate professor of the Smolny Institute Pavel Kutenkov, managing the Russian museum of nations in St. Petersburg, counted about 200 species of the Swastik in this region.

At the same time, the swastika remains one of the most emotional-negative symbols of our world. In 1941, in Babi Yar in Kiev, the Nazis destroyed, according to the minimum estimates, more than 150 thousand people - Jews, prisoners of war, mentally ill, Roma, and so on. The swastika is not to blame for her own symbol National Socialists, but a little to get rid of this association.

Some sincerely believes that the swastika can be revived as a positive symbol. The owner of the tattoo salon in Copenhagen Peter Madsen says that the swastika serves an important element of the Scandinavian myths.

Madsen became one of the initiators of the action called "Learn to Love the Swastika" last November 13 last year. The idea was that the tattoo masters around the world offered to customers on this day to apply for free three swastikas as a symbol of its glorious cultural past.

"The swastika is a symbol of love that Hitler mercilessly distorted. We are not trying to revive the" rotating cross ", it would be impossible. And we do not want people to forget about the horrors of Nazism," says Madsen.

Right holder illustration BBC WORLD SERVICE Image Caption. Promotion Promotion "Learn to Love the Swastika"

"We want people to know that the swastube exists in a variety of forms, none of which was previously used for something terrible. We also want to demonstrate to all these right fascists that they do not have the right to use this symbol. And if we succeed Teach people to understand the true meaning of the swastika, then maybe we will be able to take it from the fascists. "

But for those who like Freddie Noller tested all the horrors of fascism, learn to love the swastika - the matter is almost impossible.

"For people who survived the Holocaust, forget that such a swastika is impossible. For us, this is a symbol of absolute evil."

"However, we did not know that the swastika was born for many millennia ago. Maybe people will and it will be interesting to know that it was not always the symbol of fascism," noller concludes.

Eagle is one of the most common figures depicted on herbs. This proud and strong king bird symbolizes not only power and domination, but also courage, courage and insight. In the XX century, Nazi Germany elected an eagle as an emblem. Read more about Imperial Orel 3 Reich, read below in the article.

Eagle in Heraldik

For symbols in Heraldry, there is a certain historically established classification. All symbols are divided into heraldic and negrolegal figures. If the first, rather, show how different color areas are divided by the field of the coat of arms and have an abstract value (cross, border or belt), then the latter depict images of objects or creatures, fictional or quite real. Eagle refers to natural negrolegal figures, it is believed that he is the second most prevalence in this category after a lion.

As a symbol of the Supreme Power Eagle is known since the time of antiquity. The ancient Greeks and Romans identified him with the Supreme Gods - Zeus and Jupiter. This is an impersonation of active solar energy, power and irregularities. Often he became the personification of heavenly God: if the celestially reincarnated in a bird, then only in such a majestic as an eagle. The eagle also symbolizes the victory of the Spirit above the earthly nature: Reference to heaven is nothing more than constant development and ascension over their own weaknesses.

Eagle in the symbols of Germany

For historic Germany, the king of birds served as a heraldic symbol for quite a long time. Orel 3 Reich is just one of his incarnations. The beginning of this story can be considered the basis of the Sacred Roman Empire in 962. Two-headed eagle He became the coat of arms of this state in the XV century, and before owned one of his rulers - Emperor Heinrich IV. From that moment on, the eagle is invariably present on the coat of arms of Germany.

During the monarchy over the eagle, the crown was located as a symbol of imperial power, during the republic - disappeared. The prototype of modern is the heraldic eagle of the Weimara Republic, adopted as state Symbol In 1926, and then restored in the post-war time - in 1950. At the same time, a new image of an eagle was created to the authorities of the Nazis.

Eagle 3 Reich

After coming to power, the Nazis used the coat of arms of the Weimara Republic until 1935. In 1935, Adolf Hitler himself established a new coat of arms in the form of a black eagle with open wings. This eagle holds a wreath of oak branches in the paws. Swastika is inscribed in the wreath center - a symbol borrowed by the Nazis from Eastern Culture. Eagle looking to the right, was used as state symbolism And was called state or imperial - Rayhsadler. Eagle looking to the left, remained as a party symbol called Partyadler - party eagle.

Distinctive features of Nazi symbolism are clarity, straight lines, sharp corners, which gives the symbols of a formidable, even a sinister look. This uncompromising acuity of the corners has reflected on any creation of the cultural time of the Third Reich. Similar gloomy majestity was present in monumental architectural buildings, and even in musical works.

Symbols of Swastika

Has passed more than 75 years since the defeat nazi Germany, and her chief symbol - Swastika - still causes many complaints in society. But the swastika is a much more ancient symbol, the Nazis only borrowed. He meets in the symbolism of many ancient cultures and symbolizes Sutty - the move of the shone in the sky. At the very word "swastika" Indian origin: on Sanskrit, it means "well-being". In the Western Culture, this symbol was known under other names - Gammadion, Tetracelion, Philfoth. The Nazis themselves called this symbol "Hackenkroitz" - a cross with hooks.

According to Hitler, the swastika is chosen as a symbol of continuous struggle aryan race For domination. The sign was deployed at 45 degrees and placed in the white circle on the background of the Red Pathroom - the flag of Nazi Germany looked like this. The selection of the swastika was a very successful strategic solution. This symbol is very spectacular and memorable, and the one who first meets his unusual form, unconsciously experiences a desire to try to draw this sign.

Since then, for the ancient sign, the swastika has come for oblivion. If earlier the whole world was not bent used to use a rectangular spiral as a symbol of well-being - from advertising "Coca-Cola" to greeting card, in the second half of the twentieth century, the swastika was expelled for a long time western culture. And only now, with development intercultural communication, the true meaning of the swastika begins to revive.

Symbols of oak wreath

In addition to the swastika on the coat of arms, another symbol was also present. In the paws, the eagle 3 Reich keeps this image means for the German people much more than the swastika. Oak has long been considered an important tree for the Germans: like lavra wreath In Rome, the oak branches became the sign of power and victory.

The image of oak branches was designed to endow the owner of the coat of arms with the power and resistance of this royal tree. For the Third Reich, it became one of the symbols of loyalty and national unity. Symbols of leaves were used in the details of the uniform and orders.

Tattoo with Nazi Eagle

Representatives of radical minorities tend to bring the degree of their dedication to the group to the limit. Nazi symbolism often becomes a detail of tattoos, including the eagle 3 Reich. The designation of the pallows lies on the surface. In order to decide to perpetuate the fascist eagle on his body, it is necessary to absolutely separate and agree with the views of the National Socialists. Most often, the eagle is applied to the back, then the contours of the wings lie clearly on the shoulders. There are also similar tattoos and other parts of the body, for example on a biceps or even heart.

After the war: the fallen eagle

In several museums of the world, the Bronze Eagle 3 Reich is demonstrated as a military trophy. During the capture of Berlin, allied troops actively destroyed all sorts of Nazi symbols. Sculptural images of eagle, swastika and other meaningful images They knocked off the buildings, especially not a ceremonial. In Moscow, a similar eagle is demonstrated in ( former name - Central Museum Red Army) and in the Museum of the FSB border service. The photo below is a similar bronze eagle in the exposition of the Imperial Military Museum in London.

Eagle of the Wehrmacht without Swastika

Today the Eagle of the Wehrmacht is still associated with the Nazi symbolism. The characteristic silhouette and contour allows you to identify in any, it would seem, the neutral image of the bird of the eagle of the Third Reich and without a swastika. For example, in the city of Orel in December 2016, a scandal broke out due to the fact that in the decor of new benches nazi symbol. However, the local press notes that such discussions are relatively similar / dissolve and associations with fascists arise almost around each new image of an eagle not only in the city of the same name, but in general in the whole country. Remember, for example, a symbol of special community - an eagle with open wings was approved back in 1999. When comparing it with the subject of our article, it can be noted that the logo really resembles an eagle of 3 Reich in the photo.

In addition to the part of the population, which perceives any hint of fascist symbolism In the logo as a personal insult, there is also a category of people who belong to this with humor. Frequent entertainment designers - cut the swastika from the image of the coat of arms with an eagle so that you can insert anything there. Moreover, even caricatures are found, where any other character with wings can be instead of an eagle. For the same reason, the eagle 3 Reich is popular without a background, drawn in vector format. In this case, it is much easier to "pull out" from the initial document and add to any other image.

Today, many people, having heard the word "swastika", immediately represent Adolf Hitler, concentration camps and horrors of World War II. But, in fact, this symbol appeared before new era And has a very rich history. He received great distribution in slavic culturewhere there were many of its modifications. Synonym with the word "Svaistics" was the concept of "solar", that is, sunny. Have any differences in the swastika of Slavs and Fascists? And if yes, what are they expressed in?

To begin with, we recall how the swastika looks like. This is a cross, each of the four ends of which is bent at right angles. And all the angles are directed in one direction: right or left. Looking at such a sign, it creates a feeling of its rotation. There are opinions that the main difference between the Slavic and Fascist Swastik is to send this very rotation. The Germans have a right-hand movement (clockwise), and our ancestors have left-hand (counterclockwise). But this is not all that distinguishes the swastika Arya and Aryans.

External differences

Also important distinctive feature It is the constancy of color and form at the sign of the army of the Fuhrera. The lines of their swastika are quite wide, absolutely straight, black. The background is the white circle on the red canvas.

And what about the Slavic Swastika? First, as already mentioned, there are many welder signs that differ in shape. As the basis of each symbol, of course, a cross is adopted with straight corners at the ends. But the cross can not be four ends, but six or even eight. On the lines it can appear additional elements, including smooth, rounded lines.

Secondly, the color of the swastor signs. There is also a variety, but not so sharply pronounced. Red color symbol over white background. Red color is not accidental. After all, he was the personification of the Sun in Slavs. But there are blue and yellow colors On some of the signs. Thirdly, the direction of movement. It was previously said that it was the opposite of the fascist. However, this is not quite true. We meet and right-sided swastika from Slavs, and left-sided.

We reviewed only the external distinguishing attributes of the swastika of the Slavs and Swastika Nazis. But much more important facts The following are:

  • Approximate time of the sign.
  • The value that was attached to him.
  • Where and under what conditions this symbol was used.

Let's start with Slavic Swastika

Time when she appeared at the Slavs, it's hard to call. But, for example, the Scythians, it is fixed in the fourth millennium BC. And since a little later, the Slavs began to stand out from Indo-European community, then, for sure, they have already been used by them then (the third-second millennium to the new era). Moreover, Praslavyan, they were fundamental ornaments.

Swasting signs were overcome in use of Slavs. And therefore it is impossible to attribute the same value to all. In fact, each symbol was individual and carried its semantic load. By the way, the swastika could be as an independent sign, and to enter more complex (at the same time, it was most often located in the center). Here are the main values \u200b\u200bof Slavic Wastic (solar characters):

  • Sacred and sacrificial fire.
  • Ancient wisdom.
  • Unity of the kind.
  • Spiritual development, self-improvement.
  • The patronage of the gods in wisdom and justice.
  • In the sign of ValkikiChariya is a wisdom of wisdom, honor, nobility, justice.

That is, in general, we can say that the meaning of the swastika was some kind of sublime, spiritually high, noble.

Archaeological excavations gave us a lot of valuable information. It turned out that in ancient times the Slavs applied similar signs to their weapons, embroidered on a suit (clothes) and textile supplies (trenches, towels), cut out on elements of their home, homemade ego (dishes, bark and other wooden devices). Did all this mainly with the purpose of protection, in order to save themselves and their home from evil forces, From grief, from fire, from a bad eye. After all, the ancient Slavs were very superstitious in this regard. And with such protection felt much more protected and confident. Even mounds and settlements of the ancient Slavs could have a swastic shape. In this case, the ends of the cross symbolized the definite side of the world.

Swastube of the Nazis

  • Adopted this sign as the symbol of the Socialist Movement Adolf Hitler himself. But, we know that he came up with it. And in general, the swastika was used by other nationalist groups in Germany before the emergence of the National Socialist German Workers Party. Therefore, take the time of appearance for the beginning of the twentieth century.

An interesting fact: a man who offered Hitler to take a swastika as a symbol, initially presented a left-sided cross. But the Führer insisted on replacing it to the right-hand.

  • The value of the swastika in the fascists is diametrically opposite to such in the Slavs. According to one of the versions, it meant the purity of German blood. Hitler himself said that the cross of black color symbolizes the struggle for the victory of the Aryan race, creative work. And in general, Führer considered the swastika an ancient anti-Semitic sign. In his book, he writes that the white circle is a national idea, a red rectangle - social idea Nazi movement.
  • And where used fascist Swasta? First, on the legendary flag of the Third Reich. Secondly, the military she was on the belt buckles, as stripes on the sleeve. Thirdly, the swastika "decorated" official buildings, captured territories. In general, she could be on any attributes of the fascists, but these were the most common.

So in the way, the swastika of the Slavs and the swastika of the fascists has tremendous differences. This is expressed not only in external features, but also in semantic. If the Slavs have this sign personified something good, noble, high, then fascists - it was truly nazi sign. Therefore, it is not necessary, having heard something about the swastika, immediately think about fascism. After all slavic Swastastics It was brighter, more humane, more beautiful.

Swasty and six-pointed star-stolen Slavic symbols.