Magic signs and symbols that bring good luck. Magic symbols for attracting money - signs of wealth and prosperity

Magic signs and symbols that bring good luck.  Magic symbols for attracting money - signs of wealth and prosperity
Magic signs and symbols that bring good luck. Magic symbols for attracting money - signs of wealth and prosperity

A certain little thing that helps a person in his affairs, in love and achievement of goals, is called "an amulet for good luck." Such items are usually made for each person individually, as it is an intimate thing. They help to achieve wealth, "catch the tail" of your luck, fulfill your cherished desires.

Hand-made talismans are considered to bring good luck and money more actively than purchased ones. After purchasing talismans and amulets in the store, a person can be sure that he was made by a soulless mechanism. But the talisman of luck and wealth, made by hand, absorbs the warmth of human hands, its energy.

Also, a positive moment is the fact that such an amulet does not have someone else's program, someone else's energy. On the contrary, such an amulet is charged with the pure energy of its owner. Talismans and amulets can be represented by baubles and beads, pendants and boxes, figurines and dolls.

Materials such as paper and metal, wood and stone, embroidered fabric are perfect for making an amulet to attract money and good luck. On pieces of paper or cardboard, special signs are applied - pentacles, which attract good luck, success and wealth to the owner of the talisman. On the fabric of pentacles, a note with an inscribed symbol is embroidered or wrapped in a red triangle of cloth.

You can make amulets from a variety of materials. Clay is considered one of the best, since it can absorb the properties and meaning of the symbolism that the manufacturer applies to the amulet. The solar energy of clay can increase during firing - in contact with the fiery element.

Salt dough amulet

But it is not always possible to get natural clay. Then amulets can be made from polymer clay - you can buy it in special stores. And it's even easier to make talismans for good luck from salted dough.

Flour for the dough is taken by volume 2 times more than salt, the dough is steep, like on dumplings. The figurine should be well dried, painted, and varnished. But what kind of symbol the master decides to fashion depends on his taste and desire.

Popular figures and symbols


An extremely strong amulet for good luck and protection from people with bad thoughts and intentions, from injustice and evil eyes, is a figurine or image of a tiger. Tigers are especially strong, acting as a symbol of happiness and good luck to people born in the Year of the Dragon or in the Year of the Tiger. After all, the sign of the zodiac itself already indicates the strength of this talisman.

Talismans depicting this amazing amphibian sitting on coins serve to increase wealth, attract money. A cute toad holding a coin in its mouth will be a beautiful and effective symbol of good luck and wealth. - one of the most powerful talismans for.

Coin pedestal

It goes without saying that piled up coins are a symbol of wealth. It does not matter at all whether it is old money or modern, in which state it is used and in general, real or just a fake. And you can enhance the effect of this amulet by placing an animal figurine on a pedestal.


Figures of rhinos are considered amulets for good luck, amulets against theft and robbery.

Talismans that bring money are everything that, in one way or another, resembles coins. And the golden petals of a sunflower meet these requirements.


Who does not know that the symbol of happiness is a horseshoe? But the figurine of a horse itself, which drags money lying on a cart or wagon, is a symbol of wealth, success, recognition, and a high position in society.

Someone needs fame for happiness, and someone needs an apartment. Talismans with which you can improve living conditions are all that are associated with houses and apartments. The symbol of housing is the key. Therefore, the golden keys are the main amulets for purchasing an apartment or your own house.


Good luck charms are often made in the shape of a cat with a raised paw. The Chinese simply adore such figures, believing that the pussy brings good luck and helps to achieve success. Talismans in the form of a cat with a raised paw can be placed anywhere in the home, especially at the entrance, carried with you or depicted on clothes. And to attract happiness in love, you can use an affectionate pussy, presenting it to your chosen one.


Talismans that attract money often look like a turtle with coins on their backs. But the most powerful sign of luck and wealth is the dragon turtle figurines. After all, they combine the courage and fearlessness of the dragon, enhanced by the protective properties of the turtle. This symbol of good luck is very useful for businessmen and creative people. He brings not only money, but also changes the very essence of a person, making him courageous, helping to implement any projects and undertakings, to achieve happiness, recognition and success.

This symbol of wealth is extremely revered in China. The Chinese believe that golden garlic means uninterrupted cash flow. Having a figurine of golden garlic with you is a very good sign.

Talismans for attracting wealth are often performed in the form of aravana dragon fish. This is the most popular symbol through which money flows to the owner of the amulet in an endless stream.

Ruyi's Rod

This amulet is a symbol of untold wealth, luck and success. Its effect on people in leadership positions is especially noticeable. After all, the rod is a symbol of power, a scepter of the fulfillment of desires, of a high social position.

Four-leaf clover

This plant is known to everyone as a symbol of love, wealth, luck and success. And not only the four-clover found in nature has such power, but also talismans made in the form of a unique twig. It is believed that even dried clover grass, which is carried in a bag with you, is able to ward off troubles from a person, bring him good luck, and help him achieve success in everything. Carry it with you and luck will always be there.

Paired animals

Since ancient times, paired animal figures have been considered symbols of good luck and success in love and family life. Swans, wolves, and pigeons were especially popular. Although a couple of dolphins are a symbol of true love and happiness. It is not for nothing that in Russian families of the last century, young people were given “bowing down” carpets with images of a pair of deer or swans - for good luck in family life.

In the old days, people paid special attention to the occult sciences, of which ancient magical symbols were part. These graphic images have retained their power to this day. Today they can be found on protective talismans, ordinary household items. Some signs on the human body are also a kind of amulets. Magic signs and symbols and their meaning is a topic that we will consider in detail.

There is a well-known ritual symbolism, but a person who is well versed in graphics can himself compose signs that suit him in terms of energy. In such a case, in addition to the amulet and talisman, magical signs and symbols can become a beautiful decoration. The emergence of certain graphic images is associated with a particular religious orientation. Each nation has its own talismans and amulets that have been protecting people from dark forces and diseases for many millennia. These are special signs of magic that people use in our time. After all, then magical forces begin to be attracted into our life, protecting it from all evil.

Magical signs and symbols and their meaning are detailed in many occult sciences. Let's describe the main ones.

Magic symbols that bring good luck according to the science of Feng Shui. The Dragon

The dragon image accumulates positive energy, which fills the space with joy. Happy destiny breaks into the owner's house, brings him fame, success, power and high social status.

If the image or figurine of a dragon is installed in the east direction, then the owners of the house promise good health and longevity. To attract good luck, a dragon figurine is made from jasper, agate or carnelian.


This strong hardy animal endows those who use talismans with its image with the same qualities. The turtle brings stability and consistency to the home. This symbol is especially beneficial for family people, as it attracts peace and tranquility. Since ancient times, some mothers have decorated their children with talismans in the form of turtles. So they protected their children from the evil eye and negativity from the outside world. It was believed that a whole family would become the protection of such a child.

If the talisman consists of three turtles, this means that its owner will be protected by three generations at once. When making talismans for children, eye quartz is most often used, which is referred to as a traditional amulet stone. You can also use amethyst, turquoise, or jasper.

A fish

It is a symbol of wealth and prosperity. Most often, the image of a fish is placed in the office to develop business and attract cash flow. If the fish looks up, it contributes to the rapid advancement of the career ladder, brings fame and recognition. Most often, the talisman is made in the form of a goldfish or dragon fish. A fish with a coin in its mouth is considered a symbol of good luck in business.

The stone fish figurine is best placed in the finance area. You can also use this talisman as a key ring. Traditionally, these talismans are made from rhodonite. This stone helps a person gain confidence and focus on their main goals.


In the symbolism of Feng Shui, the horse plays an important role. It is a talisman of success, courage, speed, optimism, endurance and perpetual movement. The horse brings positive changes to a person's life, removes stagnant energy, and also awakens all kinds of talents. It is the traditional mascot of artists, poets and musicians.

A horse figurine as a talisman brings success in business to its owner, and also creates an image of a purposeful and agile person. The traditional metal of manufacture is onyx, but sardonyx or jasper can also be used.


One of the most powerful symbols in Feng Shui practice. With its help, life is filled with happiness and romance. The lotus talisman, located in the southwest of the room, will bring incredible luck to the inhabitants of the house.

This powerful amulet helps its owners find material well-being in an honest way. It protects against risks and mismanagement of funds. A talisman is especially valuable for investors. People wearing this amulet are endowed with abilities and new talents. This unique amulet also protects against evil spirits and the evil eye. Most often, the Pentacle of Solomon can be found in the form It can be carried with you or kept in the workplace

This symbol is known to us thanks to the Jewish people. The star consists of two equilateral triangles, which symbolizes harmony. It is not for nothing that this sign was chosen as the emblem of Judaism. It carries in itself protection from helping to easily overcome all obstacles in life. For several hundred years, the Jewish people endowed this symbol with special power, strength and energy of their people.

Pyramid with an eye

This Masonic symbol is also called the "all-seeing eye". The sign carries the energy and message of the Higher Mind. It helps a person to develop intuition, and also endows with magical power. There is an opinion that the symbol "all-seeing eye" symbolizes the hierarchy of the whole society, therefore the one who possesses it is endowed with special power.


The most common occult symbol. Sometimes it is attributed to Satanists and followers of the devil. But this is a misconception, since the main purpose of the pentagram is protection from dark forces.

Christian symbol of the Trinity

This symbol of magical power brings unprecedented luck in all endeavors. The owner of such a talisman is always under the auspices of good forces. Those who wear this sign never encounter disappointments and obstacles in their lives.

Perun's sign


It is also called the rune of movement or change. This symbolism carries the energy of Mercury. The rune allows you to get out of the stagnation phase. This can apply to any business. It also facilitates the course of the disease and promotes a speedy recovery. The talisman helps travelers navigate their way without hindrance. This sign indicates a change in habitat or a transition to a new level of self-awareness. The main purpose of the rune is to carry constant development and progress. The symbolic color is green.

If the rune is in an inverted position, then this symbolizes some obstacles or a stop in business, for example, rest. It should be understood that human capabilities are limited, so difficulties may arise. If the rune is in an inverted position among others, then it carries a direct meaning.


Endowed with the energy of Saturn with an admixture of Mercury. The rune implies two aspects. The first is the termination of what has already exhausted itself, and the second is the acquisition of something new. This symbol is associated with inheritance, property, winnings and acquisitions. But it can also mean that before you get anything, you will have to part with something. Often the rune predicts help in business from the older generation, and also indicates a person who seeks to satisfy his desires through hard work.

In the inverted position, the rune indicates the need for flexibility. Sometimes she warns of losses. Remember that you no longer need to hold on to the old conventions. Flexibility, fluidity should be shown. The planet Saturn is associated with delays. Also, this rune carries information about delays and disappointments. But they arise only when a person is too striving for rapid progress. Be patient, pay more attention to detail.


Direct meaning is strength. The rune is endowed with masculine and feminine principles. Therefore, it carries in itself the creation of a new one. Something ends and something begins. There is never stagnation in the place where power is present. You should leave the old form and allow the powerful energy to create a new one. Outwardly, new opportunities may look like some kind of loss, but this is just a transition to a new level.

"Uruz" symbolizes work and courage. Sometimes the rune indicates strong emotions in men in any relationship. As for financial matters, the symbol indicates an improvement in affairs, however, only as a result of great efforts.

An inverted position indicates a missed opportunity. Small losses will help you look deeply and analyze your own personality.


A symbol of partnership, unity, unification, cooperation. There is no success where everyone wants to be famous at the expense of others. The symbol indicates the unification of the forces of several people and the creation of a more powerful collective force. The rune also means the gift of freedom that brings joy to the heart. This is a good sign indicating a favorable outcome of any business. Often the rune portends a quick meeting of your soulmate or marriage. She also says that good forces are always on your side and ready to help. Listen to your intuition and allow all-round generosity to come into your life.


Destruction symbol. Endowed with the energy of Mars. Helps to get out of the vicious circle, symbolizes a complete break. Indicates that it is necessary to completely free oneself from the material concept. This is the main rune of delays and restrictions. In the scenario, it indicates that any undertaking can bring collapse. In combination with other runes, it can also speak of success in business, but as a result of hard work. Sometimes this rune can predict illness or even death. Pregnant women carry a sign of the upcoming birth.


The symbol helps with the invasion of harmful forces, blocking their power. This rune of protection allows a person to feel the onset of danger in order to take the necessary measures in time. The rune also denotes a new beneficial influence that will come into life through instincts and subconsciousness. If you get "Algiz", take care of your health, as well as analyze your connections and get rid of unnecessary ones.

Not all people can fully realize what benefit magic signs and symbols carry in themselves, and their significance for the development of the culture of the people is simply invaluable. They are passed down from generation to generation, and our task is to convey to descendants all the significance and power of magic in its original form, as much as possible, since, unfortunately, a lot of knowledge has already been lost.

Remember: magical powers are always present in your life, you just have to believe and turn to them for help.

  • Luck Symbol - Goldfish
  • Luck Symbol - Ladybug
  • Luck Symbol - Chimney Sweep

Since luck is a windy, capricious and fickle lady, people have developed many methods to attract and retain her. First of all, without fail, it is necessary to place on your body, in your home and at your workplace special lucky symbols... The most famous of which are:

Symbol of Fortune - Four Leaf Clover

Clover, aka shamrock, aka shamrock, is the national symbol of Ireland. Although this simple plant grows not only in the country of Guinness and leprechauns, but in all countries located in the middle latitudes. In Ireland, clover is associated with the name of St. Patrick, the patron saint of the emerald island. Using clover as an example, Patrick explained to the ingenuous Irish pagans the structure of the holy trinity: "as three leaves grow from one stem of clover, so God is one in three persons."

Clover flowers and leaves have been used in medicine for a long time. Ancient herbalists may not have known such words, but clover is a source of magnesium, copper, calcium, chromium, iron, phosphorus and vitamins A, C and a complex of vitamins of group B. Clover flowers are used for anemia, colds, cough, malaria, rheumatism, and also as an expectorant, diuretic, lymphogenic and antiseptic.

The four-leaf clover is one of the most widely recognized symbols of good luck. It was popularly believed that if you find a four-leaf clover, then you will surely have great luck in life. The clover leaf should be dried and carried with you at all times. He will protect from evil people, witchcraft, ward off diseases and attract all the best.

Luck Symbol - Lucky Horseshoe

In order to have its lucky properties, a horseshoe must be made of copper, gold or metal. You need to place it above the door. A horseshoe will attract good luck, wealth to the house and protect you from the unkind thoughts of other people. There is an opinion that the horseshoe must be weighed strictly with the ends up, otherwise you can scare off your luck.

A horseshoe that could bring good luck cannot be bought. It can only be found, although in our time this can be difficult. In 18-19th century Great Britain, the value of a horseshoe was so great that even honorable citizens, seeing a lost horseshoe on the ground, were not lazy to run out of their carriage and pick it up. And all their further successes, as a rule, were associated with this case.

In Europe, it is believed that the horseshoe acquired its magical power thanks to the gods, because in its shape it resembles a month. But here's how to hang a horseshoe for good luck? Horns up or horns down? And where exactly should it be hung?

In the East, in Europe and Latin America, horseshoes are hung on the wall with their horns down - so that happiness pours on you. But the British and Irish are convinced that it is necessary to hang her horns up so that happiness does not flow out.

Mexican horseshoe - decorated with ribbons and coins, with the faces of saints hanging high - no one should touch it. And the Italians, on the contrary, hang a horseshoe so that everyone who enters touches it.

Symbol of Fortune - Three-legged Toad

Three-legged toad with a coin in its mouth on a par with good luck hieroglyph- a very popular symbol, a symbol of great luck. Most often, the three-legged toad is depicted sitting on a stand of coins with the Yin-Yang symbol. The coin in the mouth represents gold. This is one of the most effective wealth zone talismans. The easiest way to activate monetary energy with this talisman is to place one toad in the southeastern sector of each room, or place it on the table, but not directly in front of you. Brings wealth, increases monetary luck. Once upon a time, the Three-Legged Toad was a malevolent creature. But one day the Buddha came and conquered her and committed to helping people. Since then, the Toad pays for the trouble caused by spitting out gold coins. Typically, a three-legged toad figurine is placed near the front door so that it looks like it is jumping into your house.

Luck Symbol - Sailboat Model

This symbol, attracting good luck in business, appeared at a time when the sailing ship was associated with the arrival of goods and money. Accordingly, this talisman signifies the symbolic "arrival" of good luck. For the talisman to work efficiently, it is necessary that the sailboat is turned with its nose inside the house, that is, it “arrives”. Placing pieces of gold or imitation gold on the deck of a ship will greatly increase the effectiveness of the talisman. Placing ships at home or in the office is a very effective technique. It simulates the creation of a "harbor" where each sailboat represents one source of income. The more ships, the more sources of income. The prosperity of business in the "harbor" and the profitability of the company depend on their number. Sailboats should not show nails or cannons, which act as hidden "poison arrows" emitting harmful energy into the space of the premises. A painting of a sailing ship in the wealth sector (southeast) or in the director's office also brings good luck.

Luck Symbol - Goldfish

In China, fish has always been considered a symbol of abundance, because In Chinese, the word "fish" and the word "abundance" are equal in meaning. Also, the fish is the emblem of the harmony of marital happiness. By placing a medium-sized aquarium at home with goldfish, you can bring happiness, luck, and prosperity to your home. In the aquarium, the water should be clean and saturated with oxygen, watch out, because the health of the fish depends on it.

In the aquarium, you should have eight gold (silver-red, red) and one black fish, since the number "9" is a symbol of the harmony of heaven and earth. It is this combination that will ensure happiness, prosperity and good luck. "Goldfish" - in China it symbolizes wealth and prosperity, has literally two meanings: "Gold in abundance", or "Goldfish".

Luck Symbol - Ladybug

Ladybugs are. Finding a ladybug was considered a good omen. For many peoples, the ladybug is associated with various myths and rituals. For the Dutch, a ladybug that has flown onto a hand or clothing is considered a good omen. The Czechs also believe that the found cow will bring good luck, and the French believe that the amulet with her image protects children from misfortune, warns of danger. The name itself speaks of the role this insect played in the life of our ancestors. It was believed that the ladybug lives in heaven and only from time to time descends from heaven to convey the will of God to man.

Many peoples believed that the gods themselves feed on its milk, so the ladybug could not be killed under any pretext.

In English-speaking countries, the ladybird is called Ladybird, Ladybug or Lady Beetle. The word “Lady” that unites these names means the Virgin Mary, respectively, the ladybug in Catholic countries is considered an insect of the Mother of God. It goes without saying that you cannot kill him. And in many other European countries, the ladybug was associated with the Mother of God (hence its names in different European languages: the bird of the Mother of God, the beetle of Mary).

In Bulgaria it is called "God's beauty"; in Germany and Switzerland - "God's candle", Mary's beetle, God's bird / horse, golden cockerel, sunbird, sun cockerel, sun calf, in France - God's chicken, God's animal, St. Michael's chicken; in Lithuania - "God's Maryushka"; in the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Ukraine - the sun; in Argentina - the cow of St. Anthony, and in Tajikistan - the red-bearded grandfather.

The talisman with the image of ladybirds has always brought good luck. And the more black spots there were on the back of this insect, the stronger the talisman was. One speck - a ladybug will help in any new endeavor; two spots - a symbol of internal and external harmony; three - a person will learn to be reasonable and be able to make the right decisions; four - protection from robbers and bandits (a talisman with such a ladybug is good to take on long trips); five - will increase the ability to creative work; six - will help in learning; seven is a divine sign, a ladybug with seven spots will bring its owner good luck in all matters and happiness.

Luck Symbol - Chimney Sweep

In Germany, Austria, Norway, Denmark, Poland and a number of other countries, the chimney sweep has long been considered a symbol of good luck and prosperity. Therefore, the inhabitants of these countries donate objects with his image.

Why is it believed that meeting a chimney sweep brings good luck? This belief came from Germany. The fact is that in the old days a chimney sweep's broom was made of birch, and this tree has been a symbol of fertility since pagan times. It is the same with soot, which symbolizes fire and life-giving warmth. And in folk myth-making, everything that warms and bears fruit brings happiness. There is also another explanation. The profession of a chimney sweep is quite dangerous. So people think - since a chimney sweep can do anything on top of it and nothing happens to him - it means that he is lucky and should not be too lazy to touch it.

These are not all symbols that bring good luck. For Americans, the "irredeemable penny" is the "first dollar earned" that brings good luck in finances. For the Japanese, the symbol of good luck is Maneki-neko, also known as the "money cat", "the cat of happiness" or "the cat of luck", traditionally depicted with a raised left or right paw: the left one "invites" financial prosperity and success, and the right one - happiness and good luck. For every Italian, the key is a symbol of happiness and good luck, perhaps this went from ancient times, when Genoese merchants carried the keys to their treasures around their necks, considering them to be talismans.

In order to understand what will become your symbol, you just need to say what you are striving for, and observe what good luck signs the first to emerge in your mind. This will be your personal symbol. Do not try to come up with this image, let it appear on its own. And the main thing to remember is that positive mood and the power of thought multiplies the power of any symbol and talisman.

P.S. For those who do not believe in symbols that bring luck and money, or for those of you, dear readers who believe that symbols alone are not enough, we recommend reading our article " How to attract good luck«.

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Fortune is a fickle lady. Today you are lucky, but tomorrow your luck may turn away from you. But there are ways that you can attract good luck - this is the use of symbols of good luck. With the help of them, you will be able to be under the special patronage of Fortune for a long time. Everything that you desire will appear in your life. If you want to be lucky in all matters, then there is nothing easier than equipping yourself with symbols of success. Let's look at the most effective talismans of good luck, which since ancient times have protected people from evil and brought love, wealth and health into their lives.

Chimney sweep- a symbol of good luck and luck. In the countries of central Europe and in Scandinavia, this symbol has brought people success from time immemorial. As a token of gratitude and good attitude, people still give each other chimney sweep figurines. Why does a chimney sweep bring good luck? The belief in this symbol was born in Germany. In the old days, the chimney sweep's broom was made of birch, which has been considered a symbol of fertility since pagan times. There is another version of the origin of this belief. The profession of a chimney sweep was previously considered the most dangerous, because he had to climb on roofs with practically no safety net. Therefore, people believed that if nothing happens to the chimney sweeps when they go about their business, then luck is on their side. Accordingly, the chimney sweep figurine should attract good luck.

gold fish Is a symbol of family happiness and abundance. This is still believed in China. According to feng shui, the number 9 brings wealth and harmony to the house, so to enhance the influence of Fortune, there should be nine fish in the aquarium: eight gold and one black. Start an aquarium and see for yourself how quickly money will fill your wallet!

Four-leaf clover- a symbol of health and luck. Belief in this symbol came to us from Ireland. There, the origin of this plant is associated with the name of St. Patrick. In addition, clover has excellent medicinal properties. According to ancient beliefs, if you suddenly find a clover with four leaves, then incredible luck awaits you. This sheet should be dried and carried with you at all times. In this case, he will protect you from negativity, help in difficulties, bring health and financial well-being. This talisman is so powerful that no illnesses and difficulties will get to you!

Three-legged toad Is one of the most popular symbols of wealth. According to feng shui, a toad with three legs and a coin in its mouth brings money and luck in all financial matters. There is a myth about the origin of this symbol of good luck. Once upon a time, a three-legged toad brought people only grief. She bothered everyone and harmed the harvest. But Buddha came, tamed her and ordered to help people. Since then, the three-legged toad began to do only good deeds, and until now it pays for its past sins by spitting out coins from its mouth. So get a Chinese toad figurine and you will be financially successful!

Sailboat- a symbol of luck and money. A small sailboat model in your home will bring luck and financial stability to you. Since ancient times, many people associated ships with wealth, goods and gold. To this day, the sailing ship is considered one of the strongest talismans of money and luck. In order for it to really bring goodness into the house, it must be placed with its nose towards the center of the house, that is, to create the impression of an arriving ship. This symbol can be placed in a study or at home, preferably in the southeastern part of the room. With the appearance of this talisman, all things will go smoothly, you will feel a surge of energy and strength, and your problems will be resolved by themselves.

There are a great many symbols of good luck and prosperity. But how to choose the talisman that will become your personal protector and patron? To do this, just think what you really want: money, love, health, harmony, fame? Feel the connection with the talisman of good luck, mentally charge it with your positive energy and your dreams, try to hold it in your hands more often or focus your gaze on it. Then your symbol will become your individual assistant, you will feel that some kind of force protects you, and everything bad bypasses you. Believe in your luck! And don't forget to press the buttons and

12.08.2013 14:38

Nauz is an ancient Slavic weaving of knots, aimed at attracting what you want. Nauzes weave from everything that lends itself to weaving: ...

Modern man is characterized by a craving for everything mysterious, just like his distant ancestors at the dawn of humanity. And he is also characterized by fears, the predominant of which is fear of the unknown. It is not surprising that even inveterate skeptics sometimes carry various amulets with them and put tattoos on the body - images of magical symbols, trying to enlist the support of unknown Higher powers.

Secret symbols of luck and wealth with pictures

If earlier, at the time of their emergence, the meaning of esoteric signs belonged to the field of sacred knowledge, accessible only to a select circle of initiates, today every curious person can get comprehensive information about them. It is important to know: this kind of knowledge should be taken with respect and gratitude, and used with caution.

All secret signs have come down to us since pagan times, later supplanted by the Christian, which firmly linked everything pagan with witchcraft and evil spirits. This opinion still finds many supporters.

For practical use, you can choose any magical artifact in accordance with personal preferences and goals. It is important not to use it thoughtlessly, but to perform a certain ritual in order to recharge with your energy. It is advisable to make a talisman yourself, using natural materials: wood, leather, metal, bone, clay.

It is imperative to monitor your inner state during the manufacturing process, excluding negative thoughts and emotions. The finished talisman should be held in your hands, while inhaling, pronounce its name and exhale at it. Thus, it is activated. The runes have their own names; other amulets are allowed to come up with names.

All occult sciences claim: using magic signs, you can significantly improve your life, in particular, bring more luck and material wealth into it. Signs that bring good luck and wealth:

  • Fehu - the first rune of the futarka- the Scandinavian alphabet. A symbol of wealth and possession. Runes are perhaps the most popular and common magic signs. The graphic representation of the runes is a set of interconnected lines of various configurations.
  • Dazhdbog- Slavic welfare. The invariable attribute of Dazhdbog is a cornucopia. Slavic runes appeared later in time on the territory of modern Russia, Belarus and Ukraine. There is reason to believe that they were borrowed from the Scandinavians, with whom the Slavs were in close contact.
  • Pentacle of solomon... In the center of the pentacle is a magic shield that protects against financial risks and unreasonable spending. Will help increase income. Refers to kabbalistic signs. Kabbalah is one of the most mysterious movements in the history of world religions. It is an offshoot of Judaism and has a developed system of magical signs, many of which were used in the Masonic movement, shrouded in an even denser veil of secrecy.
  • "All-seeing eye"- the sign, traditionally considered Masonic, depicts an eye inside a triangle. Sometimes the eye is located at the top of a truncated pyramid. Symbolizes the Great Architect of the Universe, provides control over world finances.
  • Feng Shui - Chinese coin of happiness... In ancient China, it was used for payment; such coins were available among noble persons with a special disposition of power. With the advent of printed money, it became a rarity and acquired its current status of “lucky”.
  • "Wheel of Fortune" symbolizes cyclicality, the succession of ups and downs, birth and death. It will bring the owner good luck in business where luck is the main factor: lotteries, gambling, etc.

Amulets and protection

Mystical signs, among others, perform the function of protecting the owner from negative energy from the outside.... In the people, such a negative influence is called or damage, and is also explained by the influence of evil spirits, evil spirits.

At the energy level, you can suffer from outside hostility even if the person did not have a conscious intention to harm. In hearts, a pronounced curse can come true if it is pronounced by a person with strong energy, accompanied by intense emotions.

To enhance your own biofield and protect yourself from external influences, the following are recommended:

  • Pentacle "The Power of Light"- a five-pointed star inside a circle. Each ray denotes one of the four elements - water, fire, earth and air, and the fifth symbolizes the Spirit. It is no coincidence that a star, pointed upwards, means the Divine principle, in an inverted position - devilish. Provides power over supernatural forces and protects against their possible harmful effects.
  • Atlantean sign. It was discovered during archaeological excavations in 1860. Possesses radiation that gives strength to resist aggressive external influences, including deliberate ones (evil eye, damage, curse). Promotes the development of intuition and paranormal abilities.
  • Yin-Yang (Taiji)- the ancient Chinese sign of the fusion of the feminine and masculine principles, personifying the Unity of opposites. Protects from evil spirits.
  • Abracadabra. A triangle with the point downward, inside which a mantra is written in descending order from the full word to the last letter. It is recommended to wear it as an amulet and recite a mantra. With the created vibrations, it is easy to strengthen your biofield and protect yourself from diseases, needs, accidents.

Runes are also powerful amulets:

  • Algiz. Provides protection not only from someone else's harmful influence, but also from accidents. In addition, it strengthens, thereby helping to anticipate future troubles.
  • Berkana... Protects women during pregnancy, childbirth, lactation. Brings harmony and prosperity to the family.
  • Alatyr. The ancient Slavs considered this rune to be a strong protection for children.
  • Raido (among the Slavs, Rainbow) will protect you on the way, and also help you find a way out of a difficult situation.

Ancient spells

“In the beginning there was the Word” ... It is difficult to overestimate the meaning of words as symbolic meanings of objects and phenomena, not only those around us, but also abstract, imaginary ones. Scientists conducted a demonstrative experiment: words of various contents were pronounced over a glass of water.

Words carrying a negative semantic load have deformed the water molecule, making it shapeless and ugly. If you remember that a person is 80% water, you can come to completely unambiguous conclusions.

In antiquity and the Middle Ages, conspiracies and spells were actively used by mystics for a wide variety of purposes: treatment, exorcism, love spell, removal of the evil eye and damage, exorcism, communication with the other world. Adepts of black magic did not hesitate to inflict direct harm on others in their personal selfish interests.

For those who decided to use the knowledge of the ancients in practice, there are a number of conditions:

  1. Observance of the fast.
  2. Spiritual cleansing... Prayer, meditation, mindfulness.
  3. Unity with nature... It is desirable both during preparation and during the performance of the ritual.
  4. Sincerity and Purity of Intention while casting a spell.

A sample of the ancient Slavic spell -:

In the name of Svarog and Perun, I will drink my fate to the bottom. In the name of Veles, I call on the blood of ancestors. Get together, kinda strength. Get up, ancestors, from the grave. Protect your son (daughter) (name), endow it with the purity of the clan. So that the evil eye does not touch, so that he wakes up with a smile, so that the path and the heart are open. The doors of truth and essence will open! I call on Svarog, I cover him with the protection of his son (daughter) (name). It will truly become, it will not part with the Gods.

Eternity and immortality

All sacred knowledge is designed to ensure eternal life for its followers. There are various ways to achieve this goal: the same magical signs and symbols, as well as agmas and mantras.

Mantras came to us from Hinduism, they are also used in Buddhism. They are a set of sounds that need to be pronounced with concentration, in a meditative state, with a high degree of awareness. They are analogous to a prayer or spell. One of the most impressive is the mantra Mrityunjaya Conquering Death.





Worship to the Three Eyed Lord,

Shiva, the Fragrant One that Bringes the Good!

Able to break the bond of birth and death,

May He grant us freedom from death for the sake of Immortality! "

The mantra is a powerful defense against fatal diseases, snake bites, accidents.

A variety of Vedic mantras are Slavic agmas- short spells of one to three words, capable of establishing a connection with the utterer with the Gods and the forces of nature. As a rule, they are pronounced 77 times. They change the internal energy of a person and thereby provide an opportunity to change the surrounding reality. The main agma of the Slavs sounds like "Rode-for-sake-rado".

Of the talismans associated with immortality and eternity, the most notable are:

  • Ankh- an ancient Egyptian cross with a rounded top, which symbolizes a second birth. The key to health and longevity. It is a kind of key that opens the door to another world.
  • Longevity knot- a complex geometric figure without beginning and end, personifying infinity. Tibetan sign. It reveals to those seeking the secrets of immortality and eternal youth, brings health and harmony.
  • The above Tai chi, better known as Yin - Yang, which signifies infinity and eternal life.
  • Yantra Shambhala- found in ancient manuscripts in the foothills of the Himalayas. Shambhala, according to Tibetan legends, is a mythical country, where only an enlightened person, pure in heart and mind, can go. This sign provides a connection with a parallel world.

Eternal life surrounds us throughout our lifetime. These can be plants, animals, objects, etc. Thus, the pomegranate is a symbol of eternal life in Christianity, and the peach is in China. The well-known symbol of Eternity is the snake biting its tail.

In ancient Egypt, the scarab beetle was revered as the emblem of immortality, and in ancient Greece - the butterfly... The Egyptian pyramids with their special energy fields, called torsion fields, are associated with immortality and eternity.

Our Universe is full of mysteries, and many of them were known to the ancients. The revival of interest in the centuries-old sacred knowledge will bring undoubted benefits to humanity and will reveal the endless possibilities of the Spirit.