Test online not with different parts. Test "Spelling not with different parts of speech"

Test online not with different parts. Test
Test online not with different parts. Test "Spelling not with different parts of speech"

1. In which option is not written separately?
1) (no) interrupted (no) harassment
2) it is at all (not)
3) (not) Lew
4) it was (not) eliminated
2. In which option is not written separately?
1) commit (no) molded act
2) mumble something (not) intelligible
3) nothing (not) justified risk
4) the young man is extreme (not) polite
3. In which option is not written separately?
1) in pack (not) pulls three notebooks
2) (not) Close up at first sight
3) (no) knowing the causes
4) cost (not) cheap
4. In which version is not written separately?
1) work (not) is credited
2) behave (not) forced
3) (not) the attack fortress
4) in the morning (not) Heart
5. Which explanation is erroneous?
1) (not) I want to believe in it - not the verbs are written separately
2) ascend, (not) dummeable - not written in a punk, since the word without not
3) to respond very (not) flattering - not with adverb they are written separately, since there are adverbs
dependent words
4) (not) the bonfire - not with the communion he is written in a punch, since the communion does not
dependent word
6. In which example is not written in a punch?
1) Many manuscripts are deciphered.
2) In the book (not) enough of several pages.
3) We (not) took the patience and experience.
4) There are people on Earth, (not) who know what snow is.
7. Cutting brackets. Check those proposals in which the verbs are written with no pony.
1) (not) work and bread (not) to achieve.
2) To me on this day (not) was healthy.
3) It is goded with people - nowhere (not) is suitable.
4) The crowd (not) chewed.
5) (not) barks, does not bite, but in the house (not) letters.

8. In which proposal is not written with nouns.
1) Rador rang out. It was and (not) the beast, and (not) the bird.
2) But this, unfortunately, was (not) the lake.
3) We realized that it was (no) a calculation.
4) (no) participation demonstrated in this situation, and cold indifference.
9. Support the fusion writing of the particle is not:
1) far (not) timid remark
2) (not) who have to stop;
3) whit (not) roads;
4) (no) healthy complexion;
5) (not) Dyadin House;
6) (not) Dummeted;
7) (not) big, but convenient cabinet;
8) express (not) worship;
9) (not) what to be afraid;
10) (not) long, and short.
10.The note line in which all words are written with no psyche:
1) (not) bare, whit (not) attractive, (no) pensions,
2) (not) adultery, (not) saw, (no) desecurable;
3) (No) Development, (not) by whom, (not) adds.
11.The note line in which all words are written with not separately:
1) (not) pepping, (not) yearn, (not) beautiful;
2) (not) (s) by whom, (not) thought, far (not) timid;
3) (not) wide, but deep; (not) understood, (not) intelligible.
12.The note line in which both adjectives are written with no pits:
1) Far (not) calm, (not) Drazen;
2) at all (not) complicated, (not) dear;
3) (not) harmful, (no) loud.
13. There is an incorrect explanation regarding spelling not with nouns.
1) it is written to pry, if the word is not used without not;
2) is written pneuing if it is possible to replace synonym without not,
3) It is written individually if the proposal is opposed to the union a.
14.Ukay examples with a mistake:
1) showed indignation;
2) not a gentle look;
3) not at all easy transition;
4) was inaccessible;
5) no suspicious;
6) None uncomplicated;
7) by no means hopeless.

Spelling not with different parts of speech
1. 2)
2. 3)
3. 3)
4. 1)
5. 3)
6. 3)
7. 2), 4)
8. 3)
9. 4), 6), 7), 8), 9)
10. 3)
11. 2)
12. 3)
13. 3)
14. 2), 6)

Suitable spell test
1. In which row in all the words there are vowels checked in the root?
1) UKR..CH, dark ... that, Prov ... Russed, dock ... bust.
2) T .. items, they hurt ... Children, I am ... Tit, Out.
3) SECOND .. I, to send ... Tit, t ... Ouri, Sogr ... to give.
4) CJR ... sing, Personal ... Went, wholesale ... Mist, Follow ... Let.
2. In which row is missing the same letter?
1) ONN..VO, in ... Lased, Gus ... Melt, Victure ... Hat.
2) SP ... Suitor, M ... to deal, East ... Picks, Pop .. Neither.
3) p..teret, t ... nasty, st .. smoked, see ... a root.
4) in ... she came, h ... the database, st ... Hydweed, housing ... lured.
3. In which row in all the words let the letter E?
1) OTP .. Thanks, Sokr .. like, r..skaya.
2) Cons .. expectant, SK ... Cat, military to ... MPANI.
3) Blazdyu .. Then, IMOGLE .. The weighty, di..igonal.
4) Supplement ... Almighty, knife ... Become, P..Nuramma.
4. In which row in all words should write the letter O?
1) Just ... read, suppruate ... live, to .. fast, pl ... VIC.
2) Your ... rhenium, SPU ... read, knocked up ... Ripe, s ... Rnick.
3) OZ ... FUNNY, tilt ... Nenia, Ur ... Ven, P ... SLA.
4) I will eat ... Knot, r ... jacket, UG ... RET, PL ... VCHICH.
5. In which row in all words should I write the letter E?
1) UB ... ru, wet ... pour, op ... tat, zap ... Retain.
2) UB ... Paradise, OTP ... RET, VALY ... ST, Deputy ... Retain.
3) bl ... Stretch, selection ... Will, simple ... okay, op ... to dwell.
4) Zab ... Remka, st ... Hold, Up ... Fail, mind ... r.
6. In which row (or ranks) in all words should write the letter and?
1) Vali..t, bez ... Failure, Ott .... Lit, Pereb ... Raint.
2) OP ... Failure, Razja ... Gatch, Bl ... Severable, Perse ....
3) Sob ... Alarm, Ud ... Paradise, I'll eat ... Rail, Zap ... Through.
4) Pri ... Mother, beginning ... Nat, sn ... mother, szh ... mother.
7. In which row in all words should write the letter Oh:
1) pitch ..., quench ... thump, zh..g, sol ...
2) furnace ... NAK, IF ... lies, w ... Солко, piece ... ba
3) ... Lka, h ... rolled, ... Ngler, uch ... ba
4) W ... Collad, obzh..r, sh ... ry, h ... Porn.
8. In which row in all words should write the letter:
1) W ... TLENDAND, HYDER ... N, SC ... T, MAZH ... RNY
2) sh ... mouths, south ... rank, obzh ... ra, furnace ...
3) Kryf .. rather ... to, sh ... sweat, sh ... far
4) OK ... g (hand), Very ... RKA, Well ... Lodge, Well.
9. Mark a number where all words are written with the letter E?
1) W ... MPOL, Izge ... ha, h ... ln, experience ... p
2) h ... RT, w ... Ltovo, Well ... Rnov, Chech ...

3) Conduct ... R, W ... C & SE, Kos..ka, uch ...
4) PSH ... nnaya (porridge), mesh ... ra, sh ... vinizism, j ... nka.
10. In which row in all the words the same letter is missing?
1) C ... Cowel, C ... .Tat, C ... .. The center, c ....
2) C ... Vilization, Otz ..., Priest ...., Position ... ..
3) svts ... m, priest ... m, birds ... th, naked ... m
4) Liones ... th, water ... th, sister ... th, sandz ... m
11. In which row in all the words, the same letter is missing?
1) R..Cearm, r ... Minest, p..Volev, r..sskaz
2) ... to pass, in ... zellax, d..pare, etc.
3) pr .. ave, pr .. come, etc.)
4) pr ... knowledge, pr.. form, etc. etc.
12. In which row in all words is written to Kommersant?
1) about .. so, before .. people, p..z, once ... anchint
2) hell .. yunt, once .. soldered, once .. yid, two ... long-tier
3) in .. Yuzhny, before ... dining, Kan ... he, with ... yel
4) Boer..yan, from ... Yation, Bel ... Floor, Sub ... Seeful
13. In which row in both cases at the place of passing - b?
1) Red brick ..., sand bulb ...
2) get married ..., leave ...
3) Gray Mouse ..., Punch Bresh ...
4) Solve five tasks ..., carp fresh ...
14. In which example in the verb at the site is spelled?
1) A story about the ruin of Ryazan by Batya finishes ... I smiling in the praise of Russian defenders.
2) Cattlenines can not teach anything ... Sia and those are proud.
3) No wonder speaks ... I am, that the case of Master is ... Sia.
4) wants ... smiling in paradise, and sins are not allowed.
15. Mark a number where the letter O. is written in each word
1) Newlywall ... n, carcass ... NKA, COPE ... out, fresh ...
2) Knife ... BBK, friend ... K, Mesh ... Check, Hobby ..
3) old lady..k, sac ... k, cold, baked ..
4) Alych ... New, Parch ... New, Kumach ... New, Hurry ... To
16. In which answer is all the words where the letter is missing?
A) coolant ... begogo b) night ... in b) perch ... ny d) wolf ..
1) a, in, g 2) a, in 3) a, g 4) b, g
17. In what word does NN are written on the site?
1) faces ...
2) Decimament ...
3) asphaltir ...
4) asphalt road ... and
18. In what version of the answer correctly indicates all the numbers, in the place of which one letter n is written?
By order of Division (1), the commander of the troops were concentrated (2) on the left flank and skillfully
zamascular (3) s.
1) 1, 2 2) 1, 3 3) 2, 3 4) 1, 2, 3
19. In which answer is correctly indicated all the numbers, on the site of which two letters are written?
There is good guests (1) Itsa, especially (2) about the famous her chickens, carcasses (3) in straight (4) of the essay.
1) 1, 2, 3 2) 2 3) 2, 3 4) 1, 4

20. In what phrase in both words is missing the letter E?
1) about the distant ... M of the journey ...
2) on the raging ... m Spacious ...
3) in the invite ...
4) to early ... th thaw ...
21. Specify the sacrament with the end of -im
1) with arrival ... m commend
2) launched ... m garden
3) in the depthorn ... th village
4) about spreading ... msa plant
22. In which row in both words, the letter A (I) is written on the site?
1) leaves trembing..t, herbs stele ... tsy
2) I hear voices ... tsy, the sounds of the might ... tsy
3) Waves of the shoulder ... tsy, dogs la..t
4) bushes count ... tsy, grasshoppers shocking ... t
23. In which row in all the words I am missing the letter?
1) one hundred ... less (cheaper), (they) vysp ... tsya, rasty ... l
2) that ... "(Snow), (they) arste ... t, La ...
3) Clamp ... ny, (they) Riding ... t, Razk ... Lyya
4) Ver .... That (they) will grow ... t (crop), measured ...
24. In which row in both words, the letter is written in (YU)?
1. Teachers ... t, mistakes, gon ...
2. Air streams Kees ... t Grass, that ...
3. Count ... Total Firewood, Friends Nessness Offer ... t
4. Tailors of the workshop ... t flaws of the figure, the only tense is
25. In which sentence is not written with the word separately?
1) I kept in my hands blue, by no means (no) large envelope format.
2) Theatrical crowd, the submissive ringing (no) visible bells, began to fill the auditorium again.
3) B (not) The curtain windows poured the cold light of the moon.
4) the fate of these manuscripts (not) is known.
26. In which sentence is not written with the word separately?
1) From her breast broke (not) a human cry.
2) In the city Duma, they rummed about the subway, but somehow (not) confidently.
3) He dreamed of a huge meadow, who had never seen (not) in their colors.
4) will find their own way, and someone else's (not) why see here.
27. In which answer, all the figures are correctly indicated, in the place of which are written not?
Baron N (1) spared H (2) time, n (3) money in search of the culprit of his shame and already N (4) about what, except for revenge,
n (5) Could and think.
1) 1, 4 2) 2, 3, 4 3) 1, 5 4) 4
28. In which row all words are written through a hyphen?
1) (by) french, (as) as if, (floor) sheet
2) (counter) blow, (c) sixth, (string) brave
3) (what) or (s) bird, (southe) eastern
4) (software) easier, (ex) champion, (light) hair
29. In which row all the words are written through a hyphen?
1) (rocket) carrier, (evenly) painted, (city) hero
2) (bitter) sweet, (play) fairy tale, (floor) spoons
3) (lead) copper, (coal) metallurgical, (floor) undressed
4) (coach) instructor, (tedious) long, (counter) attack

30. In which row all the words are written in a punch?
1) (anti) trigger, hardly (whether), (forest) park
2) (floor) roads, how (), electro (goods)
3) (by) empty, (c) the result of rain, dive (c) deep
4) (light) brown, having (in) like, (by) two.
31. In which sentence, both dedicated words are written in a punch?
1) Ranevskaya comes from Paris, which would repent in their sins, and so (s) to find peace in the native
2) the first few years lived in Vienna, steel for Beethoven (software) The truth of his happiest time
life, because (what) it was here that he acquired real fame.
3) Passion for reading in Bashkirtsteva was insatiable, the ability to work-grome, (when)
for her mind were (as) as if all items.
4) (by) visible, Botticelli was a student of the famous painter Philippe Lippi, and so (as)
florentine painter and sculptor Andrevercroko.
32. Specify the right writing of the allocated word and its explanation.
Tavtology So (Same) is one of the logical tricks.
1) Also - always written pits.
2) Just - always written separately.
3) Also - here is a composite union, so it is written in a punk.
4) Also - here it is impregnated with a particle, so it is written separately.
33. Specify the correct writing of the allocated word and its explanation.
On this night, preparing for tomorrow's campaign, the fighters shifted their things so that the boots were on
the very top.
1) To - always written in a punk
2) to - here it is subject
3) what - always written separately
4) What would this pronoun with a particle
34. Specify the correct option:
1) seventy words
2) in two thousandth anniversary
3) six hundred fifty second student
4) ninety fifth composition
35. Specify the correct option:
1) in one thousand twenty-first
2) lacks one and a half meters
3) at five steps
4) to seventy two pages
36. Mark a number where the pretext is written separately
1) (c) type lack of time
2) came out (for) meeting a detachment
3) did not sleep (c) continuation of the whole night
4) boat got (c) the current
37. In which sentence, both highlighted words are written in a punch?
1) (c) the type of lack of funding Repair is carried out (for) the account of the enterprise.
2) flashed lightning, and (c) the trail (for) the thunder rushed.
3) Have (in) the mind, (for) what you are late, you will be reprimanded.
4) (not) looking at the rain, the ball rose (c) top.
38. In which sentence, both dedicated words are written in a punch?
1) We walked (not) looking at the card and (by) they were lost.
2) Go (for) the right, (for) those right.
3) (c) the current rescuers worked (c) blind.

4) (not) once they had to start (c) began
Suitable spell test
1. 2)
2. 3)
3. 2)
4. 4)
5. 1)
6. 2), 4)
7. 4)
8. 4)
9. 2)
10. 1)
11. 10.
12. 2)
13. 3)
14. 2)
15. 4)
16. 3)
17. 2), 3)
18. 3)
19. 3)
20. 2)
21. 1)
22. 2)
23. 1)
24. 2)
25. 1)
26. 3)
27. 3)
28. 3)
29. 2)
30. 3)
31. 1)
32. 3)
33. 2)

34. 1)
35. 4)
36. 3)
37. 4)
38. 2)
Test on the topic "Syntactic analysis of a simple sentence"
1. What proposal corresponds to the following characteristic: narrative, non-promotional,
simple, twisted (subject to expressed land. In the nominative case, the failed - composite
nominal), common, complete, complicated by separate definition?
1) Thunderstorming clouds from Severavostok are closed all the sky for more than half an hour.
2) the most likely object for life occurs rotating around the star
reparatively small planets.
3) a few moments lasted true, not a windowless tooltitude of the owners set in a dead end and
uncitus, sincere loss of unhappy guests burning from shame.
4) the fact of the complete lack of money from all friends from our company, which has linked to dine, was
amazing even for those who visited waiters.
2. What proposal should be considered complicated?
1) The greatest plain river begins with imperceptible spring.
2) And then the whole team of the former second division immediately turned into an unprecedented battle with the enemy.
3) In rooms with windows outside the windows at night, for some reason they were afraid.
4) It happened, it seems, in mid-February, forty-third year.
3. What proposal is not complicated?
1) The wagon lads loaded with huge ligaments quietly rushed along the river.
2) On the table stood a glass of tea and smalleled slightly.
3) And he, rebellious, asks the storm ...
4) Spring has come this year early, friendly and unexpected.
4. What is complicated by the offer?
Panorama, who stopped and admiring me, was remembered for a long time.
1) homogeneous members
2) a separate turnover
3) introductory design
4) appeal
5. What is complicated by the offer?
About Russia, Rus, where are you rushing?
1) homogeneous members
2) a separate turnover
3) Introductory Word
4) appeal

6. What is complicated by the offer?
Contrary to the prediction of my satellite, the weather cleared up.
1) homogeneous members
2) a separate turnover
3) introductory design
4) appeal
7. What is complicated by the offer?
This predatory noise is not silent to the night, but followed in a dream for Franz, surrounded him later and on the street and at home,
and in a dream and in reality.
1) homogeneous members
2) a separate turnover
3) introductory design
4) appeal
8. What is complicated by the offer?
The letter was probably destroyed.
1) homogeneous members
2) a separate turnover
3) Introductory Word
4) appeal
9. In which case is the proposal with a separate definition?
1) Then attention was attracted by an unfortunate ugly object being expressed in the souvenir shop.
2) Nothing noticed Rodrig Ivanovich frantically applauded.
3) On the right, the dotted houses turned to the wasteland of black spins.
4) Fascinated on the forest road, squeezed, ripen, he could not even turn around.
10. In which case is given a proposal with an optional circumstance?
1) Despite the acquaintance, a person remained the same impregnable.
2) Romantic, stumbling, came out.
3) Kolya stood not moving.
4) Yesterday I invited a few people to visit myself, unfamiliar, but related to each other.
the same sacred business.
11. In which case is given the correct characteristics of the offer?
I deployed a few letters (in one of them turned out to be a dried flower tied by polinted
a ribbon), he shrugged only his shoulders and threw them away.
1) the proposal is complicated by the detached time circumstance and homogeneous legend
2) The proposal is complicated by the detached circumstance of the image and insertion design
3) the proposal is complicated by a separate time circumstance, insertion and homogeneous
4) the proposal is complicated by the detached circumstance of the image, insertion and
uniformly tamed
12. In which case is given the correct characteristics of the offer?
Something for the rarity fake felt literally in every line of these articles, despite their
grozny and confident tone.
1) Offer complicated by separate definitions
2) The proposal is complicated by separate definitions and a separate addition
3) the proposal is complicated by a separate circumstance
4) The offer is not complicated.
13. In which sentence, the dedicated words are not separated?
1) Only I am a mysterious singer to the shore shaped in a thunderstorm.
2) Him grandchildren of the famous polar explorer was especially expensive to the name of his grandfather.
3) Despite the heavy weather conditions rescuers in the evening were in place.
4) Father and in the evening did not come, so the night spent no cleaning eyes.

14. In which answer is correctly indicated and explained by all the commas?
He walked (1) constantly looking around (2) and thought to meet a bone from acquaintances (3) but so and
i reached home in full solitude.
1) 1, 2 - Cell-accepted turnover
2) 1, 2 - a partial turnover is highlighted, 3 - uniform members of the sentence are separated
3) 1, 2 - involved in the involvement
4) 1, 2 - involved in the involvement of turnover, 3 - uniform members of the sentence are separated
15. In which answer is correctly indicated and explained by all commas?
Paper snakes (1) Highed high in the sky (2) began to make kakieto strange turns (3) constantly
by changing the direction of movement.
1) 1, 2 - involved in the involvement
3) 1, 2 - the involvement of the turnover is distinguished; 3 - Eliminated Cellity
4) 1, 2, 3 - Decide
16. In which answer is correctly indicated and explained by all the commas?
He (1) Broken his head (2) rushed to the river (3) trying to have time for sailing.
2) 1, 2 - a partial turnover is highlighted
4) There are no commas in the proposal
Syntactic analysis of a simple sentence
1. 4)
2. 4)
3. 1)
4. 2)
5. 4)
6. 2)
7. 1)
8. 3)
9. 4)
10. 3)
11. 2)
12. 3)
13. 4)
14. 2)
15. 3)
16. 3)

1 option


2. What proposal does not write with the word?

1) The director (not) ceases to amaze your work.

2) (not) the shallow depths of the ocean store secrets.

3) Reports (not) are signed.

4) The last paragraph remained (not) learned.

1) In dreams, he opened yet (not) the lands studied.

2) Some exercises (not) are fulfilled.

3) The old manor stood on the (not) high, but noticeable hill.

4) Paradine considered himself at all (not) a backward person.

1) The fog (not) was visible lights.

2) In the depths of the lake (not), a young month reflected a clear horn.

3) For the night, the geese choose even, (not) overgrown with reed shore.

4) Even (not) the heazed wound gave itself to know.

1) Seryozha, even (not) fastened after the disease, the sofa is sofa.

2) Zakhar passed by, (not) turning his head into my direction.

3) Suns (not) was visible.

4) In the cuvettes glitter the water remaining after (not) of the old July rains.

6. In what proposal is not written with the word?

7. In what proposal is not written with the word?

1) (not) rarely, reading the preface, we lose interest in the book itself.

2) Today, almost (not) the philosophical poetry S.Ya. Marshak is remembered.

3) Cathedrals and temples of Moscow are used by the populated glory (not) only in Russia, but also throughout the world.

4) Trees are standing (not) moving, flowers are heavy, their fragrance becomes stuffy.

8. In what sentence is not written with the word?

9. What proposal is not written with the word?

10. In what sentence is not written with the word separately?

1) We replaced (not) the castle opened at once.

2) due to slush (not) it is possible to approach the house.

3) (No) Regular logging forced me to refuse to subscribe.

4) We got to the village of software (not) of a powerful, tightly rolled road.

Spelling not with different parts of speech

Option 2

1. In which sentence does not write with the word picked?

1) (not) Tested never before the sharp feeling of pity overflowing Pierre's soul.

2) (not) Ivanovyin saw from pain in his leg.

3) I stand (not) moving.

4) Timofey (not) Hurry turned.

1) Lesnik (not) Dummeted about the sudden disappearance of geologists.

2) Barkas with (not) high sides are drawn along the Volga with watermelons.

3) This settlement (not) is indicated by any map.

3. In which sentence does not write with the word picked?

1) Nanny (not) watched twins.

2) (not) The employee who missed the meetings prepared a good report.

3) Student's responses were far (not) loyal and coming.

4) The door to the room was (not) closed ..

4. What proposal is not written with the word separately?

1) examined (nor) as was not embarrassed.

2) he always (not) when.

3) The graduate student either (c) who did not share the joy of discovery.

4) In the museum (nor) that did not please the eye.

5. What proposal does not write with the word?

1) The rays of the sun slid bright glare on (not) to fall back in the forest to the leaves of trees.

2) Far (not) a clear plan for the development of production criticized in the ministry.

3) Food store (not) has supplied part of the products.

4) This place (not) is busy.

1) By this time from the personnel department sent a replacement (not) commanded command.
2) The photo form was (not) filled.
3) (not) strong, but very cold wind braid drove dry snowflakes.
4) No dog in the world (not) considers ordinary devotion to something unusual.
1) A new vessel (not) has been familiar to the deserted shore.
2) The holiday home for responsible workers was (not) great, but very convenient.
3) Around the stoves stood a semicircle long, incomplete from (no) outcurred tables.
4) Timofey was pleased that, (not) hesitating, corrected his mistake.
1) (not) is expected against the background of the bin-bluish dawn along the appears seemed to appear.
2) (not) looking at the middle of March, spring has already boldly declared their rights.
3) BIM, as a team, lay, (no) the descent from the birds ...
4) When (not) what to say, it is easier to breed with your hands.
9. In which sentence is not written with the word separately?
1) Andrei then struggling (not) would fit the girl.
2) Talberg as a member of the revolutionary military committee, and (no) who was different, arrested the famous General Petrov.
3) The taxi driver was angry (not) the foreseen stop.
4) In recent months, BIM (not) noticeably entered my life and took a solid place in it.

1) (not) Side Under the Senznyka Senius, fresh clay is seen in the middle of the goals.
2) The puppy was (not) the big, his ears had not yet sticking out.
3) Birds love (not) every forest.
4) (not) Bright winter shadows from rare trees broke up in the snow.

Spelling not with different parts of speech

3 option

1. What proposal is not written with the word separately?

1) This settlement (not) is indicated on any map.

2) The days were (not) endowed hot, but in the Oak Locker there was a lifeful freshness.

3) Funny (not) was heating, and she early left her guests.

4) I was upset (not) a friend of a friend of a friend.

2. In what sentence does not write separately with the word?

1) Even (not) coming to the place of service, Andrei sent a telegram to Father.

2) Kosos stretched (not) that cooled evening shadows.

3) Olga went to the field, inhaling smells (not) of rosy herbs.

4) with (no) rear times, a man tried to solve the secrets of nature.

3. What proposal is not written with the word?

1) The driver (not) was able to avoid a collision with a counter car.

2) In a new dress, with (not) braided braids, Elena quietly approached the table.

3) Oblons, since childhood (not) accustomed to work, only dreams of serious activities.

4) The valley, still (not) an illuminated by the Sun, lies in the fog smoking.

4. What proposal is not written with the word?

1) Sophia Nikolaevna (not) very much for this time.

2) (not) looking around, the boy quickly passed into the entrance.

3) Victor (not) always called on time.

4) Sergey (not) Sack stopped talking to Paul.

5. What proposal does not write with the word?

1) this (no) pleasant story for a long time remained in my memory,

2) in Natashain singing already (not) had children's diligence.

3) learning without decreasing - (no) benefit, and trouble.

4) The sun, still (not) hidden by clouds, illuminates the gloomy yellow-violent cloud.
6. In which sentence is not written with the word?
1) Bald Mr. with (not) readiness considered a strange boy.
2) Because of the fluffy snow on the road (not) was heard even their steps.
3) Round bridge cobblestones were (not) similar to one another, like different brothers.
4) Korchma was hardly (not) doubled in the sizes of the peasant hut.
7. In which sentence is not written with the word separately?
1) for black (not) frozen river Bella Dahl.
2) (not) Dop coffee has long been cooled.
3) The boys shuddered: (not) the stoy of Vorobyev seen with them rose and flew out of the stable with noise.
4) I would like to name everyone, but took a list, and (not) where to find out.
8. In which sentence is not written according to the word?
1) Uvarov understood (not) the esciety of meeting with German watch.
2) On the slope stood clean, (not) littered the forest of the forest.
3) Sound saw (not) deep, but very distinct and expressive.
4) Ring music in the garden so (not) expressive grief.
9. In which proposal is not written with the word?
1) Andrei, (not) deciding to sit down, leaving his shoulder to the door jamb.
2) The heart to the heart (not) is riveted if you want - go.
3) Alexander listened to (not) who was impatient and glanced at times in the window, on a long road.
4) Alexander was spoiled, but (not) spoiled her home life.
10. In which sentence is not written with the word separately?
1) Scouts separated from the Germans (not) a wide river, crumpled reed.
2) The angle was heard (not) even steps and a lipper.
3) The car shocked a lot on the country road and stopped at the forest.
4) Levchuk was even deeper into the water, looked at the (not) shrub, the narrow edge of the coast.

Compiler: Mikhalova Svetlana Vladimirovna, Russian teacher and literature

1 option


1) (no) guarantee;

2) (not) guilty;

3) (not) thinking;

4) (not) Conditions.

"Not with full and brief adjectives are written separately, if there is a controversy with the Union A":

1) The answer was (not) correct.

4) The day was (not).

3. The row number in which all words are written with "not" separately:

4. Specify the number of the line where the wrong explanation is given regarding the spelling "not" with nouns:

2) is written pneuged if it is impossible to replace synonym without "not";

5. Specify the number of the line in which all pronouns and adverbs are written with "not" pits:

1) (not) to whom to say, (not) (for) what to hope, (not) Where to go;

2) (not) (k) who go, (not) what to get upset, (not) when to have fun;

4) (not) (from) where to wait, (not) who call, (not) to replace.

6. Specify the number of the string in which all verbs need to write with "not" separately:

"Not" with brief communities are always written separately. " :

1) grass (not) bevel;

2) (not) looking at feet;

3) (no) the studied rule;

4) (not) solved in class task.

"Not with verbalias (as with verbs) are written separately" :

1) (not) good, and evil;

2) (not) hearing;

3) (not) the owls;

4) (not) true.

1) (not) shame, whit (not) attractive, (not) pensions;

3) (No) Development, (not) by whom, (not) adds.

10. Specify the number of the line where the correct explanation of the spelling "not" with the communities is given:

4) "not" is written picked with complete single pieces.

Option 2

1. Specify the answer option in which the word writing is explained by the Rule "Not" with nouns, adjective, adverias are picked, if a new word is formed, which can sometimes be replaced by synonym without "not"

2) (not) joyful;

3) (not) believing;

4) (not) Cooking.

2. Specify a response option in which the word writing is explained by the Rule "Not with full and brief adjectives are written separately, if the words are" not "," not at all, "" is not "at all", "no one", "not at all" " (paragraph 106).

1) The answer was at all (not) correct.

2) The river was (not) deep, but wide.

3) This mountain (not) is high, but low.

4) The day was (not).

3. Digger the number of the string in which all words are written with "not" punk (paragraphs 81, 106, 118):

1) at all (not) stupid, (no) interesting, (not) shifting;

2) (not) deep, and small one; (near; (misfortune;

3) (not) messenger; (not) wide; (not) calmly;

4) whit (no) interesting; (not) far away, and close; (NOT) Green.

1) is written picked if the word is not used without "not";

2) written separately, if you can replace synonym without "not";

3) written separately if the offer is opposed to the Union of A.

5. Specify the number of the line in which all pronouns and adverbs are written with "nor" punk (paragraph 129):

1) (nor) who do not sympathize, (nor) (o) com not to think, (nor) (c) who do not meet;

2) (n n) (when) what circumstances, (nor) of any trouble, (nor) (c), not needed;

3) (nor) than not to be carried away, (nor) where not to watch, (nor) (from) where not to wait ..

6. Specify the number of the line in which all the verbs need to write with "not" shaped, since without "not" are not used (paragraph 82):

1) (not) to do, (not) will go, (not) hear;

2) (not) guarantee, (not) to make sure (not) talk;

3) (not) healthy, (not) will deteriorate, (not) to back;

4) (not) may, (not) is frustrated (not).

7. Specify an answer option in which the word writing is explained by the Rule "Not" with full pieces are always written separately, if the communion has a dependent word " (Paragraph 140):

1) grass (not) bevel;

2) (not) looked under his feet;

3) (no) the studied rule;

4) (not) Deciding in the class of tasks.

8. Indicate the answer option in which the word writing is determined by the rule "(paragraph 142);

1) (not) kind, and evil;

2) (not) forgetting about good;

3) (not) compassion;

4) (not) wide.

9. Specify the number of the line where all the words are written in a punk:

2) (not) adequacy, (no) understanding, (not) guaranteed;

3) (not) Development, (not) When, (not) is busy.

1) "not" with communities is always written in a punch;

2) "not" with communities are always written separately;

3) "not" with complete communities is written individually if they can be replaced by synonyms without "not";

4) "not" is written separately with communities that have dependent words.

Test "Spelling" not "with different parts of speech"

3 option

1. Specify the answer option in which the word writing is explained by the Rule "Not" with nouns, adjective, adverias are picked, if a new word is formed, which can sometimes be replaced by synonym without "not"(Repeat Paragraphs 81, 106, 118):

1) (no) reducing;

2) (not) high, and low;

3) (not) thinking;

4) (not) buddy.

2. Specify a response option in which the word writing is explained by the Rule "Not with adjectives is written pryo, if without" not "not used" (paragraph 106).

1) The answer was (not) full.

2) The river was (not) deep, but wide.

3) This mountain (not) is high, but low.

4) The day was (not).

1) far (not) stupid; hurt (not) interesting; (not) timid, and brave;

2) (not) deep, and small one; (near; (not true;

3) (not) messenger; (not) wide; (not) calmly;

4) whit (no) interesting; (not) far away, and close; (not) beautiful.

4. Specify the line number where the wrong explanation is given regarding the spelling "not" with noun (paragraph 81):

1) is written picked if the word is not used without "not";

3) written separately if there is no opposition in the sentence with Union A.

1) (not) (y) who know, (not) (no) what to hope, (not) where to go;

2 (no) what to look for, (not) than to console, (not) where to strive;

3) (not) where to live, (not) (in) what to believe, (not) (from) what to grieve;

4) (not) (from) who wait, (no) who call, (not) to replace.

1) (not) calculates, (not) you will reach, (not) limit;

2) (no) guarantee, (not) make sure, (not) to do;

3) (not) healthy, (not) is frustrated; (did not have;

4) (not) may, (not) evolve, (not).

7. Specify an answer option in which the word writing is explained by the Rule "Not" with full single pieces that do not have dependent words are written in a punk " (Paragraph 140):

1) (not) beveling herb;

2) (not) bevelled, and the torn grass;

3) (not) learned at home;

4) No one (not) is forgotten.

8. Indicate the answer option in which the word writing is determined by the rule "Not with verbalists are written separately"(paragraph 142);

1) (not) to be interested in;

2) (not) heard;

3) (not) by performing;

4) (not) hurriedly.

9. Specify the number of the line where all the words are written in a punk:

1) (not) shame, (not) it is pleasant, (not) pensions;

2) (not) adultery, (not) is suitable, (not) saw;

3) (not) Development, (not) appealed, (not) Failed.

10. Specify the number of the line where the correct explanation of the spelling "not" with the communities (paragraph 140) is given:

1) "not" with communities is always written in a punch;

2) "not" with communities are always written separately;

3) "not" with complete communities is written individually if they can be replaced by synonyms without "not";

Test "Spelling" not "with different parts of speech"

4 option

1. Specify the answer option in which the word writing is explained by the Rule "Not" with nouns, adjective, adverias are picked, if a new word is formed, which can sometimes be replaced by synonym without "not"(Repeat Paragraphs 81, 106, 118):

1) (not) lepo;

2) (not) blame;

3) (not) truth;

4) (not) weak, and strong.

2. Specify a response option in which the word writing is explained by the Rule "Not with nouns are written separately, if there is a controversy with the Union A".

1) Grass already (not) green.

2) We value (no) dependence.

3) Learning without decreasing (no) benefit, and trouble.

4) We had to go, but run.

3. The number of the line number in which all words are written with "not" separately (paragraphs 81, 106, 118):

1) Almost (not) complex, (not) expensive, (not) shame;

2) (not) big, but cozy; (near; whit (not) timid;

3) (not) Drazen; (not) wide; (not) calmly;

4) whit (no) interesting; (not) far away, and close; This (not) tree.

4. Specify the line number where the wrong explanation is given regarding the spelling "not" with noun (paragraph 81):

1) is written picked if the word is not used without "not";

2) it is written to pry, if you can replace synonym without "not";

3) Writing pits if there is a controversy with Union A.

5. Specify the number of the line in which all the pronouns and adverbs are written with "not" punk (paragraph 129):

1) (not) (for) Who to find out, (no) who is afraid, (not) where to go;

2) (not) (c) who go, (not) (no) what to hope, (not) (v) what to peer;

3) (not) where to live, (not) (in) what to believe, (not) (from) what to grieve;

4) (not) (from) where to wait, (no) what to look, (not) when to do.

6. Specify the number of the string in which all verbs need to write with "not" separately (paragraph 82):

1) (not) to do, (not) turns, (not) will pass;

2) (not) guarantee, (not) we achieve, (not) greet;

3) (not) healthy, (not) sad; (did not have;

4) (not) may, (not), ignites, (not) listened.

7. Specify an answer option in which the word writing is explained by the Rule "Not" with full single pieces that do not have dependent words are written in a punk " (Paragraph 140):

1) (not) disassemble;

2) (not) understanding;

3) (not) a discussed student;

4) (not dismantling in anything.

8. Indicate the answer option in which the word writing is determined by the rule "Not with verbalias (as with verbs) are written separately"(paragraph 142);

1) (not) smiling;

2) (not) heard;

3) (not) proved;

4) (not) for sure.

9. Specify the number of the line where all the words are written in a punk:

1) (not) shame, (not) attractive, (no) pensions;

2) (not) adequacy, (not) understanding, (not) saw;

3) (No) Development, (not) (from) What, (not) Failed.

10. Specify the number of the line where the correct explanation of the spelling "not" with the communities (paragraph 140) is given:

1) "not" with communities is always written in a punch;

2) "not" with communities are always written separately;

3) "not" with complete communities is written individually if they can be replaced by synonyms without "not";

4) "not" is written separately with brief communities.

1. Will a proposal in which it is written separately

Sometimes and honestly, yes (not) appropriate.

(No) ceases pain mista consciousness.

Children to have someone (not) delivered?

Not knowing the broth, (no) fall into the water.

This house (not) is big, but very cozy

2. Determine the proposal in which the word is written separately. Open brackets and write this word.

(Not) Haldiness and (not) Easyness V.K. Arsenyev in the study of the Far East struck his contemporaries.

Estrability - (not) Durable Material: Furious when the first test.

Sophia Pavlovna (not) is so to blame, as it seems

(Not) defeated and (no) conquered Leningraders became a symbol of perseverance and will to life.

Flowering Garden and (not) Love held - two topics of the play

3. Determine the proposal in which it is not written separately. Open brackets and write this word.

Her groom, (not) affectionate and (not) a kind man, was known for the entire district with his cruel temper.

Loud speeches at all (not) Always a sign of mind

(Not) the literacy of the engineer-designer has caused its (not) easy conversation with the plant's director.

Vladimir was bad and (not) is good.

The storm (not) was detected.

4. Determine the proposal in which it is not (nor) with the word is picked. Open brackets and write this word.

(NOT) The telegram obtained on time forced us to change plans.

In (no) whom the villages still be expelled from home (not) to clean.

Voivode was at all and (no) old.

(Nor) who (not) had enough courage to recognize their mistakes.

(No) to understand people like Bim found healing herbs.

5. Determine the proposal in which it is not (nor) written separately. Open brackets and write this word.

Who (not) curse of station caretakers? ...

(Not) the truth of happiness is unlikely to add

(Nor) who do not believe that you love the other

(Nor) who did not hear about the road paths to the Belovodsky kingdom.

(Not) how many days it was raining.

6. Not with the word is written punk . Open brackets and write this word.

(No) familiar lines seemed very clear.

It was decided to stop for the night in (not) by the touched corner of nature.

The writer is frightened over the heroes, but (not) evil, and good-naturedly.

We opened the door to the room, at all (not) similar to the office.

It's hard to go, (not) looking under your feet.

7. Determine the proposal in which Not with the word is written punk . Open brackets and write this word.

All outraged this one (not) justified act.

Passers around something (not) loudly told his companion.

By no means (not) just began the life of this poet.

Even (no) blossomed flowers have already decorated flowerbed.

A visit to Peter dentist (not) was postponed.

8. Determine the proposal in which . Open brackets and write this word.

(Not) It is possible to look indifferently on these pictures.

A lot in life, he (not) delivered.

(Not) deep, but the wide river blocked the path to us.

No one (not) could compare with it.

His eyes burned (not) to the taller's passion.

9. Determine the proposal in which Not with the word is written separately . Open brackets and write this word.

They met in (not) the big resort town.

The French army crashed about (not) the crushed army of Russia.

(No) knowing the past, it is impossible to think about the future.

Their separation was (not) empty.

There was a quiet, (no) hot day.

10. Determine the proposal in which Not with the word is written punk . Open brackets and write this word.

The day for me was (not) successful.

(Not) less generous was autumn.

The weather was at all (not) hot.

I (not) found what to say.

(No) waiting dinner tourists lay down to sleep


1) do not fall

2) not so

3) not always

4) Some

5) not cursing

6) unfamiliar

7) Negricko

8) could not

9) not knowing

10) Failed

Testing on the topic: "Spelling is not with different parts of speech." 1 option. 1. In which sentence is not written with the word separately? a) Study (not) fun, and labor. b) (not) the truth is evil. C) in autumn (not) Nastya seven weather in the yard. 2. In which sentence does not write with the word picked? a) the day was (not) hot, and cool. b) (not) The usual view of the parisader was surprised. c) he expected him away (not) a nice conversation. 3. In which sentence is not written with the word separately? a) I cut off (not) blossomed flowers. b) Fields (not) plowed. c) a friend was (not) an imperidious appearance. 4. In which sentence does not write with the word picked? a) (no) knowing the broth, do not fall into the water. b) I (not) was another way out. c) I (not) I will find deception. 5. In which sentence is not written with the word separately? a) the lecturer said (not) loudly. b) Much in the text was (not) clear. c) Perform the task at all (not) easily. Option 2. 1. In which sentence is not written with the word separately? a) (not) the friend retretted. b) Your deed caused (no) adultery. c) he (not) a friend, and the enemy. 2. In which sentence does not write with the word picked? a) You accepted (not) smart, and a stupid decision. B) His appearance is always (not) arms. c) it is far (not) a modest act. 3. In which sentence is not written with the word separately? a) I have done (not) little. b) I look (not) lepo in this dress. C) a friend arrived (not) well, but bad. 4. In which sentence does not write with the word picked? a) It is hard to live, (not) who have all the light. b) (not) Listening to the mother, you make a mistake. c) nothing (no) speak. 5. What proposal is not written with the word separately? a) (not) the ceased war brought a lot of grief. b) Lyed the book on the table. c) on the shelf stood by anyone (no) read the novel. Task for the development of the speed of the reaction and thinking, connect parts of words recorded in two columns. 1) not at all 2) not 3) under 4) Nela 5) the wrong 6) of it 7) ignorant 8) not TU 9) not you 10) not good 1) Yes 2) DOW 3) Lumaya 4) builds 5) and evil 6) Yes 7) Soko, and low 8) beautiful 9) to 10) th answer. 1-8; 2-4; 3-10; 4-9; 5-1; 6-2; 7-3; 8-6; 9-7; 10-5. (It is not beautiful at all; does not build; long; ridiculous; not true; indignant; ignorant; not there; not high, but low; not kind, but evil.) - Explain the spelling not with different parts of speech. - What rule does the spelling obeys not with adverias on -o, -e? Task on the development of logical thinking from a set of letters Make 2 words in each line. N E N E D O L I R G O K O (Neuarko, long) N E N E S h o n o r o sh about (it is unclear, not good) N E V. About N about (Incorrectly, incorrectly) - make proposals with vapor couples (Neyarko - not bright). - What adverium cannot be made up such a couple of proposals? Task for the development of hearing memory from the first letters listed below to make a new word: a) hippopotamus, fox, orevag, dawn, ship, glasses (close); b) night, iris, teeth, brush, island (low); c) dancing, games, bathrobe, orbit (quiet). Make up new words from the second letters listed below: a) mind, pencil case, clothing, stove, sand, intermission, antenna, village (slow); b) scrapbook, pancakes, staff, security, piano (bad); c) courage, part, hives, ceiling (little). - Choose to each word verbs and write down the resulting phrases. - Closing the adverb, remember how the verb it was chosen. - Why do we pick up verbs to adverbs? - Record to each adder first synonym with the console, and then antony: close - not far away - far away; Low - low - high; Quietly - quietly - loud; bad is bad - good; slowly - inappropriate - fast; Little - a little - a lot. Selective dictation Write out of the word text with not in two columns: it is written in a jam, written separately. We are moving slowly across the forest rich. I'm terribly terribly, since I don't even see anything, but I still do not give off my fear. Finally, we leave on the sandy bank next to a small clearing. Only now I have noticed that the night spawned a little. Fog rose from the ground. At his hedled background, the nearest pines are unclear. In their immobility, something harsh is felt. I do not know whether it takes a lot of time. Suddenly, my hearing amazed strange sounds so that I involuntarily shudder from surprise. What could it be? I can't determine what kind of sounds. They hurry seem to be the second to each other, and the forest immediately responds with a ringing and clean extermination. Verification work Open brackets. Option I (not) Decision (not) Ovyness (not) is large, but fish (not) flowers (not) Have fun at all (not) difficult to help (not) had a smart far (not) difficult task (not). not) firmly (no) true, but a lie (not) big, and the little (not) beautifully (no) is reasonable, but a stupid version II (not) pensions (not) neat (not) good, but beautiful (not) to do (not) verbally very (not) politely (no) weather (no) molded by no means (no) fresh newspaper (not) sees (not) erect (no) case, and idleness (not) kind, and evil at all (not) easy make (not) seriously, and careless