Sheck about the death of Ilona Novoselova. Instrupts perfume: the biography of the deceased psychic Ilona Novoselova

Sheck about the death of Ilona Novoselova. Instrupts perfume: the biography of the deceased psychic Ilona Novoselova

Alexander Sheps, a famous magician and winner of the 14th season of the popular show "Battle of Psychics", said that the death of Ilona Novoselova became a great loss for him.

Earlier, Sheps and Novoselov conducted a lot of time, Ilona prepared Alexander to participate in a mystical project, after which they began to meet.

Death of Ilona Novoselova, the latest news: Revelations of her former lover Sheps

Their relationship ended when the Estonian Witch Marilyn Kerro appeared in Sheps's life, so Ilona Novoselova treated the red-haired rival and, of course, offended by Sheps.

However, she quickly found a replacement former beloved, having loved the medium of Ruslan Barinov, who came to conquer the capital from the Chelyabinsk region. After him, Ilona lived for four years with a magician Artem Besyn, who also found himself from the Chelyabinsk region.

Death of Ilona Novoselova, the latest news: Before the death of Ilona Novoselov rewritten an apartment on a friend

A friend of the deceased participant "Battle of Psychics" spoke about suspicious events that preceded the death of a girl

The close friend of the tragically deceased Ilona of Novoselna Alsu Gazimianganov, who was also among the finalists of the show "Battle of Psychics", said that shortly before the death of the girl in the life of the black band began. According to Alsu, Ilona fell into depression. At that moment, a young man named Artem, who was engaged in black magic appeared in her life. Novoselova so much was attached to him that he even rewrote one of his two apartments on him, and also helped to launch magical practice.

As Alsu stated, one time extrasensus offered an apartment and she, in exchange for her "helped her to die." It could not go to such a woman, and soon communication between them was over. "The man did so that we are collapsed. And I told her that I had left, because I was tired of this dirt. Artem began to give me techniques with her, sat on her neck. In one day, he removed all her pages in social networks. I was also told that she wrote to him his apartment, "said Gazymzyanov" Starkit ". She also noted that she was surprised by the fact that on the frames after the fall of Ilona was in shoes, despite the fact that everything happened when she was at home. A woman is confident that her friend's death requires a thorough investigation.

Death of Ilona Novoselova, the latest news: friend Ilona Novoselova Ruslan Barinov fears for his life

Ruslan Barinov, who arrived at the shooting of the transfer "Let them say" about Ilona Novoselova, is afraid of his life. The friend of the deceased told that in the Transmission Studio, he could be a victim of the furious parents of the girl. And after filming, an unknown with a knife attacked him.

This week, the participant of the "Battle of Psychics" Ilon Novoselov suddenly died, which was one of the most scandalous participants in the history of the project. This tragic event caused a large excitement. Many of her colleagues, relatives and friends spoke on her death. One of them was Ruslan Barinov, who is attributed to the relationship with Ilona.

The guy was invited to the Transmission Studio "Let them say", where the ether was shot dedicated to Novosorova. Ruslan said that he was promised to ensure security and provide a good fee. However, it did not work in the filming.

Barinov explained: In the studio, there were such passions in the studio, which he was just unsafe appearing there. When the parents of the victim learned that Ruslan also came to shoot, responded, to put it mildly, not very friendly.

"They were categorically against my appearance in the studio. Could walk to the manual. Therefore, the editors of the program locked me in the dressing room and said that I would not be shown in the studio, "Ruslan said.

As a result, he never starred in a talk show, as planned initially, and after was forced to leave the studio through a spare way out. But after with him, the worst thing happened. Barinov told: He decided to go to the supermarket, but there was an unknown with a knife on him. The attacker advised him to keep his teeth, threatening violent. Fortunately, Ruslan was not injured, but after that case he was afraid of his life:

"A man with a knife attacked on me on the street! - "If you don't shod your mouth, you do not live!" - He came across me, putting a big knife to the throat. "

Death of Ilona Novoselova, the latest news: the astrologer told why the extrasens of Ilona Novoselov died

Rumors around the tragic death of psychics Ilona Novoselova do not subside. Someone believes that it was a murder, someone is confident that suicide. The situation was commented by the predictor and astrologer PAVSEKAKY Bogdanov. "No witch, no magician, no third party in the death of Ilona.

In the horoscope of psychics it is seen one thing - it could only kill her herself. A deep shape of a psychiatric disease is traced in the horoscope, and it has burned it all over the use of alcohol and not only it, and 2017 was the last for her, "said Bogdanov. He noted that Ilona sima sought how to finish life, attracting various troubles and scandals. The girl was treated several times in a psychiatric hospital, and all this was reflected on her health.

Recently, a friend of the deceased Ilona Novoselova told about her personal life. In particular, Alsu Gazimianov revealed the details of the novel Ilona with another participant of the "Battle of Psychic" Alexander Shepps, reports Russian Dialogue.

According to her, Sheck and Novoselov were familiar even before participating in the project. Then the man allegedly advised Ilona to spend sessions in his hometown. Why did it needed sheep, remains unknown, but Alsu is sure that Alexander never wanted a good girl.

Death of Ilona Novoselovaya Latest news, investigation: a friend of the deceased Ilona Novoselova told the whole truth about her novel with Alexander Shepps

Thanks to the efforts, Ilona's girlfriend decided to refuse to communicate with Shepps. Two years have passed, and Novoselov decided to resume their relationship. Alsu was surprised by the decision of the girlfriend. "I was shocked by learning why she led him to" battle "? If before that he was the painfulness and walked against it, "the clairvoyant expressed. She also emphasized that, ultimately, Alexander threw his girlfriend.

Death Ilona Novoselovaya Latest news, investigation: Ilona Novoselova Latest news: When and where they buried a black witch

As it turned out, recently Novoselova worked too much with people about their deceased. Clairvoyant did not regret himself and completely given to work. Also, Ilona had many enemies. A 29-year-old witch could easily configure a person against herself with his scandalous behavior or sharp statements.

so, Ilona Novoselov is cremated. Natives performed the last will of clairvoyant. This girl asked for a long time. Her dust was buried at one of the Moscow cemeteries. That's just where, the relatives did not specify.

Death of Ilona Novoselova Latest News, Investigation: After the death of Ilona, \u200b\u200bthe newly known guy is clairvoyant threatening unknown

Former guy in Moscow, the participants of the "battle of psychics" Ilona Novoselova declared threats to his address. According to Chelyabinsk, Ruslana Barinova, the first time he was "pressed against the wall" after the shooting of the program "Let them say".

The tragic death of Ilona Novoselova was discussed at the talk show. Recall, last week the girl fell out of the window of the 6th floor in the east of the capital. However, Ruslan on this occasion to speak on the air of the federal channel did not give, allegedly the guy of the deceased sordlenda opposed. And after the filming of the hotel of the former friend, Novoselova was waiting for a surprise.

Ruslan Barinov, a former boyfriend Ilona Novoselova: "A man flies on me and presses me to the wall, the knife puts to the throat. By inertia, I recline his hand like this, I attacked the knife. See, here the cut even remained. After that, he resorts, this place begins to put pressure on his throat and says: "If you do not cry your mouth about Ilona Novoselov, then you can not live."
After that, according to Ruslana, there were calls with threats. And friends increasingly began to tell that unknown people suggest references. Who are these strangers, Ruslan does not know. He believes that the boyfriend of the deceased girl is submitted to the boyfriend.

Death of Ilona Novoselovaya Latest news, investigation: Guycloth's guy Novoselova told about the circumstances of her death

As the young man of Ilona told, on the day of death, June 13, they quarreled. Artem even gathered things and was ready to leave, to which the witch began to scream and swear. As clarified demons, at the moment when Ilona fell out of the window, he was not in the room. In his opinion, the girl fell randomly, simply tritely slipping. Also on that day, extrasens drank two beers of beer.

As the mother of Ilona Novoselova told, on the day of death, her daughter premeditated something unkind, because of this she was nervous.

Recall, the body of the participants of the popular television project "Battle of Psychics" was found to visor a dental clinic located on the Enthusiast highway.

Journalists found out that Novoselov in the atmosphere of strictest secrecy was already spent on the last path. They say Ilona burned, so everything that remains at her friends and loved ones, these are warm memories of her.


With a spectacular dark-haired witch, Alexander Sheps, who attributed a novel with Novoselova. According to rumors, when a young magician came to Moscow from Samara to try his hand in the "Battle of Psychics", an experienced Ilona helped him in this matter.

She had already managed to participate in the two seasons of the show. A stubborn witch was a participant in the sixth and finalist of seventh convocations. Novoselova has repeatedly stated that it has a gift of clairvoyance from the past life. Probably he will go with her and in a new one.

Ilona has so well prepared Alexander that the student surpassed his teacher and became the winner of the project. In those days, when the sorceress advised Sheps, they supposedly had a novel. True, not long. Everyone knows that for a long time, even on the set of "battle", Magon conquered the red-haired beauty Marilyn Kerro.

Publication from Alexander SHEPS (@ Jun 14 2017 at 12:47 pm PDT

But Ilon Alexander remembers. "You were one of the strongest of us and we will not be enough for us. I learned a lot in my time from the most worthy, black witches. You knew how to be different, but always remained real ..." - turned to his former lover Sheck.

Clairvoyant communicates with the brunette, as if she was still alive. "Ilonka, we will always love you," promised the novice winner of the "battle of psychics". - And forget myself, you are unlikely to let the transition be easy, and our energy will help you at the new stage ... 🙏🏻✨ " .

We will remind, according to the information that appears in the media, the participant of the popular show "Battle of Psychics" Ilona Novoselov after a fall from the window of the sixth floor of the house located on the Enthusiast Highway in the East of Moscow.

According to preliminary data, Ilon's tragic death quickly quarreled with his young man - Artem Besyn. "He threatened her that he would leave her home in Chelyabinsk and would leave her, but she was against this categorically," the mother leaders told reporters.

Winning in the 14th season of the "battle of psychics" spoke about the deceased participant of the show Ilona Novoselova. According to rumors, after arriving in Moscow, he met with a dark-haired witch.

According to some information, when a young magician came to Moscow from a Samar to participate in the "Battle", it was Ilona that helped him. At that time, she had already managed to participate in the show.

Ilona Novoselova prepared beautifully Alexander, and as a result, the student surpassed his teacher. During such consultations on magic between young people, the novel was supposed to be, and after a relationship with Novoselova Sheps, began to meet with the red-haired beauty of Marilyn Kerro. Nevertheless, Alexander is very warm about Ilona.

"You were one of the strongest of us and we will not be enough for us. I learned a lot in my time in a decent, black witches. You knew how to be different, but always remained real ... "- addressed the Sheps to the Novoselova.

"Ilonka, we always love you. And forget yourself, you are unlikely to let us. Let the transition be easy, and our energy will help you at the new stage, "wrote the winner of the" battle of psychics ".

Earlier it was reported that the finalist of the "battle of psychics" Ilon Novoselova crashed after a fall from the window of the sixth floor of the house located on the Enthusiast Highway in the Russian capital.

According to preliminary information, the tragic death of the girl was preceded by a quarrel with a young man - Artem Besyn.

The finalist of the "battle of psychics" Ilona Novoselova fell out of the window of the sixth floor on June 13. And although the consequence came to the conclusion that the death of a 29-year psychic is an accident, her close girlfriend Alsu Gazimiangan is confident that this death is not accidental. Moreover, there are many dubious moments in it.

A few days before the emerged of Alsa premeditated someone's ambulance death. According to clairvoyant, she foresaw the death of a man who harmed her family.

"I saw in a dream that men's hands would help you to go to Ilona. They made some kind of movement, and her soul left up, "said Alsu.

According to Gazymiana, Ilona was a very trusting and simple person who could make friends with anyone.

"She always wanted attention. When she came to our house, she saw how we communicate with my mom. She was us like a daughter. I saw her suffering. After that, Ilona called her parent and apologized for behavior, "Alsu said.

Novoselova knew that she was not destined to live long. As the witch's friend told, in that difficult, Ilona contacted a man who traded black magic. He tied her a new line of life, saying that the witch would live up to 100 years. The teleproject star had two apartments in Moscow, she rewrote one of them on her beloved - Artem Besov.

"What apartment he took, I do not know. I know that I claimed housing in Pavlovsky Posad. The man did so that we are collapsed. And I told her that I had left, because I was tired of this dirt. Artem began to give me techniques with her, sat on her neck. In one day, he removed all her pages in social networks. I was also told that she wrote to him his apartment, "Alsu admitted in an interview with Starhit.

Recall, the body of Ilona Novoselova discovered an entrance for a visor. Presumably, the fortune teller fell out of the 6th floor window after a quarrel with a young man. According to the neighbors, the beloved figured out the relationship constantly, even before Drak.

Clairvoyant from Chelyabinsk threatened violence for its long tongue. He is shocked by what happened and afraid for his life.

One of the most scandalous issues of the program "Let them say" was shot. In the studio, Andrei Malakhov gathered their decent sorduny Ilona Novoselova and her colleagues in the occult sciences. Even her former lover was brought from Chelyabinsk - Clairvoyant Ruslan Barinov.

"I was called to Moscow, they promised security and a good fee for participating in the program," Ruslan told Ruslan in an exclusive interview with DNI .. - But when native Ilons found out that I was too, thundered. They were categorically against my appearance in the studio.

Could walk to the manual. Therefore, the editors of the program locked me in the dressing room and said that I was better not to appeal in the studio. About money and protection at the same time speech no longer. I was terrified from everything that happened there. "

But terrible happened later. Upon completion of the record, the transfer of Barinov was able to go outside through another way out. He went to the hotel, in which he was settled by the producers "Let them say". "I decided to go to the supermarket, it is right around the corner of the hotel," says Ruslan. - And on the street, a man with a knife attacked me! - "If you don't shod your mouth, you do not live!" - He came across me, putting a big knife to the throat. "

"I met Ilona in 2015, when she was already a girl," Ruslan told. - We lived together, we guided. But I wanted a child, and in the plans Ilona was not included. We broke up not very good, she had a resentment for me. Then we did not communicate for several years. And in Moscow, she closed from all acquaintances. "