People who disinterestedly help others. Altruist is the highest degree of egoist or its full opposite

People who disinterestedly help others. Altruist is the highest degree of egoist or its full opposite
People who disinterestedly help others. Altruist is the highest degree of egoist or its full opposite


The concept of Altruism introduced the French philosopher and the founder of sociology Auguste Cont. He characterizes them disinterested persuading of a person who have learned the actions for the benefit of other people. According to the touch, the principle of Altruism states: "Live for others." According to O. Congest, Altruism is opposite, antonimicious egoism, and implies such behavior and human activity, which he brings more benefits to other people than it requires any costs.

Charlie L. Hardy, Mark Van Vugt, David Miller and David Kelly, who have shown David Miller and David Kelly, who have shown in their research that altruism and altruistic behavior are not related to the direct benefit, or with combinations of various benefits, but ultimately, in long-term The future create more advantages than was spent on making altruistic actions.

Belief in what people should assist those who need it without reference to the possible benefit in the future is the norm of social responsibility. It is this norm that encourages people, for example, raise the book that a man dropped on crutches. Experiments show that even when assisted remain unknown and do not expect any thankfulness, they often help those who need.

Those who love, always seek to recover the lover. However, an intuitive, unconscious desire to help does not necessarily have to relate to the human being, with whom you are associated with the bonds of love or friendship. A completely vice versa, an altruistic desire to assist a completely unauthorized person has been considered to be evidence of particularly exquisite nobility. Such disinterested gusts of altruism are quoted in our society, it is extremely high and even, according to experts, as if they themselves carry moral remuneration for the troubles caused to us.

"No matter how selfish doesn't have a person, in its nature, certain laws are clearly laid down, forcing him to be interested in the fate of others and consider their happiness necessary for themselves, although he himself does not receive anything from this, except for the pleasure of seeing this happiness."

Main species, forms and practices of Altruism

Moral and regulatory altruism

The moral, the moral side of Altruism can be comprehended through the moral imperative I. Kant. An interior by man, a particular understanding of morality, can become such intraperially as a conscience, based on which, and not from the aspirations for one or another benefits, a person will act. Thus, the moral / moral altruism is in action in accordance with its own conscience.

Another form, or one understanding of the moral altruism, is his understanding in the framework of the ideas of justice or justice, the social institutions of which are widespread in Western societies. As part of the idea of \u200b\u200bjustice, a person is seen as often ready to selflessly act for the truth and its celebration in the world of social relationships, as well as against various kinds of injustices.

Actions in compliance with obligations (which a person gives himself or other) and expectations (which other people have in relation to a person) are sometimes considered as a certain degree of altruism. At the same time, this kind of action can often be provided with actions on the calculation.

Altruism from sympathy and sympathy

Altruism may be associated with various kinds of social experiences, in particular with sympathy, sympathy for another, mercy and benevolence. Altruists, the benevolence of which extends beyond related, neighboring, friendly relations, as well as familiar relations, are also called philanthropy, and their activities are philanthropy.

In addition to good will and compassion, altruistic actions are often made from affection (for something / someone) or a total thanks to life.

Rational altruism

Rational Altruism is balancing (as well as an attempt to comprehend it) between its interests and interests of another person and other people.

There are several directions of rationalization of altruism:

Social psychology of altruism and altruistic behavior

With the development of empirical psychological research, such fuzzy concepts as an altruism, utility, are gradually replaced by a more common term "Prosocious behavior".

There are sexual differences in altruistic behavior: women tend to show more long-term prosocial behavior (for example, concern for loved ones). For men, more likely, unique "features" (for example, in a fire), in which specific social norms are often violated.

There are also research from the field of evolutionary psychology, which showed that people survive at the expense of cooperation and normal reciprocity. As Herbert Simon put it, prospective behavior has an advantage in a situation of natural selection / evolution, and in a sense, altruism can be considered as a genetically laid program program.

According to socio-psychological research of altruistic behavior, the personal responsibility of man plays an important role in it. Decision making requires responsibility for these decisions. If the decision is made by a group of people, the responsibility for it is distributed to members of the Group, reducing the personal responsibility of each of them. As Dmitry Alekseevich Leontyev writes, referring to the research of social psychologists described in Lee Ross book (eng.)russian And Richard Nisbett (eng.)russian : "If something happened, if you have become bad, you need help, and there are people around, without stopping, you can not call for help simply, without contacting anyone. Choose any person, look at it and contact it personally and the likelihood that you will come to help, will increase several times. "

Other varieties

In general, the concept of Altruism is distinguished separate under-concepts describing some specific types of altruism. For example:


  1. Solovyov. V.S. Justification of Good, 3,11, I
  2. Modern Psychological Dictionary / Edited by B. G. Meshcheryakova, V. P. Zinchenko. - St. Petersburg: Prime-Evnognak, Ast,. - 496 p. - (Psychology is the best). - 3000 copies. - ISBN 978-5-17-046534-7, ISBN 978-5-93878-524-3
  3. Manuela Lenzen. EvolutionStheorien In Den Natur- und Sozialwissenschaften. Campus Verlag, 2003. ISBN 3-593-37206-1 (Google Books)
  4. Charlie L. Hardy, Mark Van Vugt. Giving for Glory in Social Dilemmas: The Competitive Altruism Hypothesis. University of Kent, CANTERBURY 2006.
  5. David Miller. 'Are my poor?': The problem of altruism in a world of strangers. In: Jonathan Seglow (HRSG.): The Ethics of Altruism.: Frank Cass Publishers, London 2004. - ISBN 978-0-7146-5594-9, S. 106-127.
  6. David Kelley. Altruism and Capitalism. In: iOS journal. 1 Januar 1994.
  7. JONATHAN SEGLOW (ED.) The Ethics of Altruism. ROUTLEDGE CHAPMAN & HALL. London. - ISBN 978-0-7146-5594-9.
  8. Solovyov V. S. Meanure of good. Part one. Chronicles. Pity and altruism
  9. Dokinz, Clinton Richard. Does morality occurred in the process of evolution? // God as an illusion \u003d The God Delusion. - Hummingbird ,. - 560 p. - 4000 copies. - ISBN 978-5-389-00334-7
  10. Christoph Lumer. Rationaler altruismus. Eine Prudentielle Theorie Der Rationalität und Des altruismus. Universitätsverlag Rasch, Osnabrück 2000.
  11. Howard Margolis. Selfishness, Altruism, and Rationality. A Theory of Social Choice. Chicago and London, 1982.
  12. Eagly A.H. Sex Differences in Social Behavior: A Social-Role Interpretation. - Erlbaum, Hillsdale, NJ 1987.
  13. Hoffman M.L. Is Altruism a Part of Human Nature? In: Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. 40 (1981), S. 121-137.
  14. Ross, Lee D. (eng.)russian , Nisbett, Richard E. (eng.)russian Man and Situation: Social Psychology lessons \u003d The Person and the Situation: Perspectives of Social Psychology / Translation from English V. V. Romanian, edited by E. N. Emelyanova, B. C. Maguna. - m.: Aspect-press, January 12, 1999. - 429 p. - 5000 copies. - ISBN 5-7567-0234-2, ISBN 5-7567-0233-4
  15. Leontyev, Dmitry Alekseevich. Identity labyrinth: not a person for identity, but identity for man (rus.) // Philosophical Sciences : magazine. - 2009. - № 10. - P. 6.


  • R. Corsini, A. Auerbach. Psychological Encyclopedia - Altruism
  • Psyjournals - Altruism with pleasure: Psychology of Volunteering

see also

  • Maternity


  • Ethics
  • Face features
  • Motivation
  • Actions and behavior
  • Social Psychology
  • Main social values
  • Social obligations

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.



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    - (FR. Altruisme from Lat. Alter Other) The moral principle that prescribes disinterested actions aimed at the benefit of the interests of others. The term "A." O. The concept was introduced to fix the concept opposite to the concept of "egoism"; ... Philosophical encyclopedia

    Altruism - Altruism ♦ Altruisme Auguste Cont (***) called Altruism "Life for the sake of others". So, to be an altruist is to be guided in life not by its interests, but the interests of another person (other people). In fact, this is almost no ... Philosophical Dictionary Sponville

    altruism - (from Lat. Alter Another) The system of value orientation of the person, in which the central motive and criterion of moral assessment are the interests of another person or social community. The term "A." introduced by the French philosopher O. Kontka as ... ... Big psychological encyclopedia

    - (Lat. Alter Other). The feeling opposite to selfishness and arising under the influence of sympathy for other people. A dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian language. Chudinov A.N., 1910. Altruism [FR. altruisme dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

    - (Altruism) Caring for the good or interests of other people. Household opposition of altruism, egoism leads to various interpretations of the meaning of the first so, under this term often understand certain traits, intentions or behavior ... ... ... Political science. Vocabulary.

    Personalism, dedication, selflessness dictionary of Russian synonyms. Altruism, see Unfortunately Dictionary of Synonyms of the Russian Language. Practical directory. M.: Russian. Z. E. Alexandrova ... Synonym dictionary

    Altruism - (fr altruisme, Latin alter -.. Basқa) - basқanyң mүddelerі ushin өzіmshіldіktі tezhep, oғan zhanқiyarlyқpen қyzmet etuge dayyndyқty bіldіretіn іzgіlіk principle basқalarғa riyasyz, Paid іzdemey (tіlemey) Shyn, pelvis kөңіlmen kөmektesu, қol ұshyn receive, ... ... Philosophyclyard TermanderDің Sөzdigі.

    - (Lat. Alter - another) - disinterested care of the welfare of other people. Altruism is opposite to egoism. The moral principle concluded in disinterested ministry to other people, the term is introduced by O. Conte as opposed to egoism. Large… … Encyclopedia of cultural studies

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The concept of Altruism is closely connected with good and love for all mankind. People sincerely admire those who are ready to devote their lives to selfless service to others and disclose their best character qualities in cooperation with others. Who is altruist? Obviously, the one who knows how to take care of just like that without requiring and not expecting anything in return on the opponent. This article proposes in detail to deal with this issue.

Essence of concept

What is altruist? What should be such a person, his personal features and individual characteristics? First of all, of course, he has generosity of the heart, a thin soulful organization. It is distinguished by a high desire to provide all the assistance to other people, participate in their lives.

Unlike the Egoist, Altruist is absolutely not concerned about the question of individual success. It cannot be said that this person does not care his own well-being, he simply finds a special pleasure and satisfaction that selflessly gives his warmth, care to others without intent to get something in return. In fact, such people are extremely small. After all, mostly each of us is concerned about personal benefits.

Form of expression

Who is altruist? How can you understand that before you a typical representative? Such a person, as a rule, behaves more than modest in communication: he does not seek a lot of talk about himself, he is often confused and shy. Interest in life around him sincere, genuine. If he gives promises, it always performs them regardless of whether it is convenient for himself or not. Nobody can blame the man of an altruistic warehouse of character in the fact that he is inattentively belonging to people. Such a person will never substitute, will not betray. If there is an interseny and self-sufficient person next to you, know that you are very lucky.

Good and creation

Who is altruist? In essence, it is a person whose life has a wide focus on being as useful as possible. With its best quality characteristics, such an personality can serve a large number of people: to help them overcome significant difficulties, to make the right choice. Permanent creation is an integral characteristic of altruistic consciousness. For him, it is unacceptable not just to offend the interlocutor, but even causing him some small inconvenience, to upset.

Altruistic mood involves a conscious desire for charity. The disinterested dedication very soon makes such people known in their circle of communication: they are treated for help, their advice is asked and appreciated. Sometimes, however, there are those who want to take advantage of this complacency and generosity. Altruist is less prone to suspicion, absolutely not protected from deception and losses.

The opposite of Altruist - Egoist. Such a person, as you know, is able to take care of only your own well-being. She is absolutely not interested and do not touch the needs of other people. The egoist will never be completely happy, because his consciousness is limited: he does not know how to give, but wants only to receive.

Desire to see the best

Altruist is distinguished by persistent life, faith in selflessness of other people. Even if the surrounding does not justify his hopes and expectations, it continues to make his daily feat: do everything possible to be useful to close, relatives and just people with whom it is familiar with. Sometimes even the fate of an outsider can interest him more than his own. The desire to see the best helps him to survive the failures and significant fate.

We hope this article clearly and fully responds to the question of who is such an altruist, and emphasizes its main features.

Altruism as a personality quality is a tendency to disinterested care for the well-being of others and the willingness to sacrifice for others with their personal interests.

Once the disciples asked their teachers: "Say, teacher, why some people break in difficult situations, and others show resistance? Why for some world collapses, others find the strength to continue to live; The first go to depression, and for the second it is not terrible? " "This is why" said the teacher, "that the world of each person is similar to the starry system." Only the first in this system has only one-sole celestial body - they themselves. The entire universe rotates exclusively around them themselves, and therefore any disaster leads to the death of the whole world. The second is inhabit the surroundings of other celestial bodies, they are accustomed to thinking not only about themselves, but also about those who are near. In difficult moments of life, their thoughts are not focused only on their own problems. The need to take care and help others take the top over grievous thinking. By participating in the lives of others and supporting them in a difficult moment, such people themselves are not recognized, they save themselves from the death of themselves. "

The phenomenon of Altruism is extremely mysterious. The identity in the material world by default is an egoist, the question is only in what extent is a benevolent, passion or ignorance. A person, as a body impregnated with the false ego, feeling, mind and mind, should take care of his own survival first. Man as a soul (the nature of the soul is consciousness) neither selfish, nor altruistic. And suddenly - the willingness to disinterestedly sacrifice its own interests for the interests of another person or for the sake of a common good.

Altruism - inexplicable for most people gusting generosity and dedication.

Altruism contradicts the nature of a living being with its basic instincts of self-preservation and survival.

The term "altruism" was proposed by the French thinker with an Auguble right (1798-1857) in order to express the concept opposite to egoism. The Kontov principle of Altruism said: "Live for others." In the desire to give - the essence of Altruism. But not everything is so simple, altruism can be considered concern for foreign people, if neither the conscious, nor on the subconscious levels there are completely absent thoughts about their own interests and pegs. By sacrificing something for his loved ones, a man, albeit in a small share, can count on appreciation, reciprocity and response. Even a mother regarding her child is experiencing selfish feelings, counting on, for example, on retaliatory love, care and attention to themselves in old age.

A person with the personality-manifested as an altruism quality wishes just to give - without a PR, without positive expectations of some preferences for himself in the future. Altruism has no tomorrow. His nature corresponds to solidarity with other people, the predominance of their interests over their own and disinterested ministry. Being the opposite egoism, he draws his strength in adversity, love for people, mercy, kindness and willingness to come to the rescue. A kindness is an altruism business card.

Having a set of such advantages, the altruist, as a rule, is modest, soft and calm. Recall the poem "Story about an unknown Hero" S. Marshak. We are talking about altruist - a guy who saved the girl on a fire and disappeared, without waiting for gratitude. The beginning of the poem: "Looking for firefighters, looking for militia ... looking for photographers in our capital, looking for a long time, but can not find a guy of some years twenty." Altruist, with undisguised interest, is able to carry on the making of other people's affairs for a long time, forgetting his own, it is problematic to eat for him, when he delivers someone joy, he shines himself from happiness. He sincerely rejoices someone else's happiness and successes. All its kind is radiated by the signal: "I wish you all happiness."

Altruism is not everyone to give away to people, but to remain without pants and feel in something disadvantaged and flawed. It's stupid, absurd altruism, which, for sure, people will take advantage of the hands. For example, donations and patronage only then bring moral satisfaction when their owner is firmly confident in the correctness of its choice to assist. Outlessly forgetting about himself, the altruist is not wise and shortensually. Wise altruism is not coming from feelings, emotions or sentimentality, but from the mind. He involves prudency, rationality and sanity.

An ordinary person impregnated with egoism is difficult to understand the taste of happiness, which is experiencing the owner of Altruism. At the same time, each at least once in life experienced as "sings the soul" after a person made any disinterested deed for people. This is when you drag the wounded puppy home, knowing that it will multiply your care, it's when you help an unfamiliar old woman to bring the bags to her house, this is when you carry a stranger to the hospital, without even thinking about any remuneration. Creating good, Altruist does not live anticipation of those feelings that he will experience later, it would be a care. He is unconditioned as the love of mother to the baby. People tech from time to time to light up the mysterious magic light of Altruism.

Altruism has nothing to do with recklessness, indispensability and oddificity, on the contrary, he is friendly with awareness. The mind is the space between the causative agent and the reaction to it. For this short time (sometimes) a person makes a choice - to rush to save the child from under the wheels from the car or not to risk his life, to enhance the woman in front of the hooligans or a cowardly "squeeze the tail" and flush away. From the standpoint of common sense, Altruism is harmful, because a person sacrifices his own, not getting anything in return. The false ego of an ordinary person is ready to arrange a grand scandal every time, when they are attempted by his security and property, but altruista it is in the background and does not have the right to vote. Altruism is freedom from the tyranny of the false ego .

Adam Smith in the "theory of moral feelings" wrote: "No matter how selfish person seemed to be, in his nature, certain laws were clearly laid down, forcing him to be interested in the fate of others and consider their happiness necessary for themselves, although he himself does not receive anything from this, An exception to see this happiness. "

The highest form of Altruism is to give a man spiritual knowledge about how to achieve happiness. With the luggage of spiritual knowledge, he has no life attacks and difficulties scary. Becoming a mature personality, a person himself can become capable of performing altruistic actions, and this is already the highest pilot for a mentor.

Peter Kovalev 2013 year

In our world, everything is quite balanced. If there is evil, that is, and good, hatred is opposed to love, and life is death. Similarly, the term "egoism" has the opposite meaning - "Altruism".

Both of these concepts characterize the attitude of a person to others and are associated with disinterested care - to themselves or to people. Who are such altruists and egoers and what do they differ from each other?

Who are altruists?

Word "altruism" Comes from Latin Alter and translates as "Other, Other". Under this term is a disinterested attitude towards other people, care for their well-being and well-being.

Altruists tend to sacrifice themselves and abandon their benefits for the sake of common good. The values \u200b\u200band interests of society for such people are above all. They are not looking for a reason for their actions and make them only because they consider their actions with proper, kind and useful people.

Altruistic behavior of women and men can vary somewhat. The representatives of the beautiful gender usually demonstrate a long social behavior, for example, throughout their life care about relatives.

Men are more prone to one-time aids: to save the impeding or victim in a fire - they are taking their decisions under the action of momentary gusts.

In general, the Altruists are characterized by good deeds that are not designed to receive profits or any bonuses. They are always ready to take care of the dying animal, give all their money to the needy or help to help a person, even if this help carries risks to their lives.

Such behavior is usually explained by the reluctance to observe other people's suffering and moral installations, grafted from childhood.

Who are called egoists?

The concept of egoism is laid in Greek eγώtranslated as "I". Hells with egoistic inclinations takes care only about himself, it only thinks about its own benefit and puts its benefit above the others.

The term "egoism" arose in the XVIII century and meant the principal priorities of a person over the interests of other people. Over time, researchers began to distinguish between rational egoism, when a person estimates the possible consequences of his actions, and irrational, in which the actions are influenced by impulse or short-sightedness.

There is a theory that each of us is subject to egoism at the genetic level. We are born with instinct of self-preservation and try to satisfy first of all our interests throughout life.

Such a theory is explained by the continuous struggle of humanity for survival and natural selection, in which people had to exist in primitive society. Some researchers believe that even the most disinterested, at first glance, we do actions from egoism, because we should easily hope to get a high assessment of our actions and the approval of others.

According to the conclusions of scientists, the egoist is usually the only child in the family or the one who in childhood has often poured, who grew up in an atmosphere of permissiveness and excessive guardianship. A child-egoist will never allow another to use his toys, and an adult will not give his work supplies, which can facilitate the work of a colleague and make it more noticeable in the eyes of the bosses.

If everyone is languishing from the heat, the egoist will not allow to open the window, motivating that it is cold. Egoist spit on the interests and needs of other people, because his priorities are their own physical and spiritual comfort.

What is the difference between altruists and egoists?

Thus, the altruist lives for the sake of others, the Egoist is for itself. The first does not think about the benefit and makes actions for the benefit of people, the second focuses on his "ego" and is not considered with the desires of the rest.

At the same time, the immetic value of human life does not allow to call egoism evil, and the altruism of good, because if other people do not suffer from human egoism, then the desire for personal benefits is quite possible and justified. In addition, throughout life, under the influence of education and society, a person can change and easily turn from altruist to the egoist and vice versa.

Negrannik, Personalubets, Dad Carlo, Selfless Dictionary of Russian Synonyms. Altruist selflessness (statute.) Dictionary of synonyms of the Russian language. Practical directory. M.: Russian. Z. E. Alexandrova. 2011 ... Synonym dictionary

Altruist, Altruista, husband. (Book.). A man who is guided in his behavior by the rules of Altruism. Explanatory dictionary of Ushakov. D.N. Ushakov. 1935 1940 ... Explanatory Dictionary Ushakov

altruist - A, m. Altruiste ADJ. 1863. Lexis. He who is characterized by altruism. Bass 2. Recently, we even have learned in the chords of music to be altryists. 1913. Abeldyaev Shadow 15. Lex. Eras. 1934: Altrui / St ... Historical Dictionary of Gallicalism Russian Language

altruist - Altruist1, A, M man who wants to show mercy in his actions, kindness, disinterestedly concerned about the welfare of others and ready to sacrifice for others with his personal interests; ANT: Egoist. // F Altru's, and, MN Rod. Current, dates. Facilities ... ... ... Explanatory dictionary of Russian nouns

Man showing altruism in his actions. New dictionary of foreign words. By Edwart, 2009. Altruist A, m., Odush. (FR. Altruiste). A person who is distinguished by altruism; Antip. egoist. Altruistal Altruist, Altruists ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

M. He who is peculiar to altruism. Explanatory dictionary Efremova. T. F. Efremova. 2000 ... Modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language

Altruist, Altruists, Altruista, Altruists, Altruists, Altruists, Altruistam, Altruists, Altruist, Altruists, Altruist, Altruists (Source: "Full accentuated paradigm by A. A. Zaliznyaku") ... Word Forms

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Egoist ... Dictionary Antonyms

altruist - Altra East, and ... Russian spelling dictionary


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