Types and variations of the death penalty. Hanging

Types and variations of the death penalty. Hanging
Types and variations of the death penalty. Hanging

Korean R, living in Japan, sentenced to the death penalty for the murder and rape of two women. The film begins with the fulfillment of the death sentence, but it was not crowned with success: somehow sentenced to death survives. Witnesses and sentences (prosecutor, his secretary, representatives of the prison administration, servants of prison, priest and a doctor - in the future I will call them just "executions") long-term debate begins in how to determine the further fate of the surviving criminal. Everyone, of course, had different views on this occasion. The situation complicated the fact that R absolutely lost after hanging R absolutely lost memory. As a result, the "executioners" concluded that it was necessary to first restore the memory R, \u200b\u200band then hang him again

As you know, in Japan, to this day, there is a death penalty as the highest penalty for particularly dangerous criminals. In this film, the director reflects on the topic of whether there is a line between the legitimate execution, which the people are appointed in the person of the state, and the illegal murder that the criminal commits. Who should pay for this murder sanctioned by the state? But what is the likelihood that a person who has just happened, did not actually kill anyone? Should the state in this case be the same repentance for the criminal act committed by it, which the criminal should be exercised before execution?

In addition to the controversial issue of the nature of the death penalty, the director affects one very sharp problem of the post-war Japanese society: the problem of discrimination of Zainichi Koreans (???) - the ethnic group of Koreans, immigrated until 1945 in Japan and in the future they became its citizens. Allegedly restoring the memory of R, "executioners", whose idea about Koreans is built on stupid stereotypes, determined the child's child's poor and unhappy, because, in their opinion, it certainly did not have money in his family, and his father and brothers drank dusty. And in general, R simply had no chance of a happy life, because he is Korean, a representative of the "lower race". Hate with which the Japanese belongs to migrants, reminds us of relations between condemning and convicted. The "executioners" decide that his carnal desires declined to the murder of R, but, reproducing moments of murder, "executioners" reveal their true essence and their own dark fantasies. It turned out that representatives of the law were more obsessed with the ideas of a crime than any other criminal. A absurd situation is created when potential criminals are given the authority to commit justice over other criminals who have already committed an illegal act.

The unexpected appearance of the sister R, which inspires his brother that he was a Yaryt Nationalist, also makes sense to show a certain stereotype that the Koreans due to their own poverty and the origin of this evil remains, except to be avenged by the Japanese (for example, to rape and kill them women) and spoil their lives in every way.

Through the criticism of socio-economic and socio-cultural barriers between people of different nationalities, the director condemns stupid prejudices arising in society.

Thus, the director created the greatest picture, which can be described as an evil satir about the society, which, without noticing, creates a favorable atmosphere for the prosperity of crime, and in some situations it becomes a killer, without thinking about the crime of its own actions.

The information below is drawn from many sources, including textbooks on pathology, judicial medicine magazine, the stories of survivors after hanging, reports of the XVII - XIX centuries, photographs made in a later era, as well as officials of the official, whose duties include observation Execution of sentences and which, along with many flawlessly perfect executions, witnessed two cases of "marriage".

In the usual slow hanging, the stroke, as a rule, comes not from pressure on the trachea, respiratory throat. Rather, the loop pressure shifts the base of the back language - up and thus causes the breath.

Many pathologists believe that quite a relatively small pressure to completely overlap the air intake, and this means that the hanging is completely unable to breathe. It can again depend on the position of the loop. If the node is located in front, it is possible that the respiratory tract is experiencing a small pressure.

Another cause of death is the cessation of blood supply to the brain due to the sample of carotid arteries. It would be enough for this to cause death - a fact proven by several cases of people who accidentally hanging to death, while the lumen of the respiratory tract remained sufficient for breathing.

Blood still gradually enters the brain - there are vertebral arterys, which are in the place where the loop is usually located, pass inside the spine and are protected from squeezing, but this is not enough to maintain the viability of the brain for a long time.

Hanging process

● Starting stage (15-45 seconds)

The loop is sharply lifted, causing the mouth closing (normal error when staging scenes in films - often show open mouth). The language is rarely falling out of the mouth, because the lower jaw is pressed with a considerable force. There are exceptions when the loop was superimposed low and shifted upwards, pressing into the tongue before it suppr.

The survivors indicate a sense of pressure in the head and the arted jaws. The feeling of weakness prevents to grasp for the rope. Also they also say that the pain is mainly felt from the rope pressure, and not from suffocation. The feeling of suffocation, of course, is growing with time.

Often, just a hung victim in a panic begins to ball or trying to reach the fingertips to the earth. These convulsive movements are different from real agony, which begins later.

In other cases, hanged first hanging almost motionless, perhaps because the body is numb from pain. If the hands are connected in front, they rises sharply until the middle of the chest, usually compressed in fists.

In most cases, blood does not stick to face. The loop stops the blood supply to the head, so the face remains white and as staining will shine. In some cases, if the blood supply is partially saved, the face is blushing.

Sometimes there is bleeding from the mouth and nose. Most likely, it is actually nasal bleeding in cases where blood pressure rises in the head.

Sometimes a foam or bloody foam is distinguished from the mouth - apparently, in cases where the respiratory tract is not completely closed and some air is falling into the lungs, despite the loop.

● Loss of consciousness

Generally speaking, hanged preserves consciousness only for a short time, although it may seem like eternity. Judging by the stories of survivors and on pathological research, the loss of consciousness can occur after 8-10 seconds due to the cessation of blood circulation, and maybe about a minute later. Few experienced execution via hanging reported that they were conscious and in the period of convulsions, so they felt suffocation and could feel convulsive movements of legs and bodies, but this apparently, rather an exception than the rule.

Here is the position of the node. If the loop did not transfer both carotid artery, the blood supply can continue. If the loop turned out to be in front (deliberately imposed or slipped during the fall of the victim), blood circulation and partially breathing may be preserved, and then the loss of consciousness and death may occur later.

The victims often lose control over the urinary bubble. This, apparently, occurs in an unconscious state or most often before the loss of consciousness. Patology specialists sometimes use this fact to determine whether the victim in a standing position is strangled. The long trail of urine on a skirt or trousers indicates that the victim lost consciousness in a vertical position, and then was lowered by a killer to the floor. A shorter trace testifies that the victim at that moment was lying. The use of such judicial nuclear evidence again suggests that the control over the bladder is lost immediately before the loss of consciousness.

● Phase of convulsions (usually after 45 seconds)

This phase begins approximately 45 seconds after hanging. The real agony begins when what we associate with suffusion from pain becomes unbearable. A more scientific explanation is that convulsions begin when in the brain the centers for determining carbon monoxide in the blood are overloaded, and the brain begins to send messy signals.

At this stage, powerful chest movements are usually beginning - the victim is unsuccessful trying to breathe air, and the speed of these movements is rapidly growing. Witnesses of hanging female spy during the First World War say that her agony reminded the seizure of hysterical laughter - her shoulders and chest were shocked so quickly. This stage is rapidly replaced by convulsive movements of the whole body. They can acquire various forms, and one form can go to another.

One of the forms is a strong shiver, the muscles alternately quickly are spasmodically reduced and relax, as if vibrating.

With one "unsuccessful" execution, the victim hanging was out of sight after the opening of the hatch, but the witnesses heard the buzz of the rope due to the spasmodic movements of the body. These movements should be very strong and happen with a high frequency so that the rope makes the audible sound.

Clonic spasm is also possible when the muscles simply shrink. In this case, legs can pray under the chin and stay for some time in such a position.

A more spectacular form is a well-known "Hangrian Dance", when the legs are quickly twitching in different directions, sometimes synchronously, sometimes separately (in a number of executions of the XVII century, the musicians were really played by Jig, while those hung jerked on the ropes)

These movements are sometimes compared with a cycling ride, but they seem sharper. Another form (often the last stage, if there were several of them) consists in long-term voltage, to a completely incredible degree, all body muscles.

Since the muscles on the back surface of the body are much stronger than the front, the victim begins backwards (my familiar observer for bringing sentences to execution shows that in some cases hanged heels almost get to the nape.

There is also a photograph of a person strangled in a lying position; The body is randomly not so strong, but is curved almost by semicircle.

If the hands are connected in front, they are usually rising until the middle of the chest and fall only when convulsions are stopped.

Often, but not always, hanged losing control over the bladder. Apparently, this is happening during these convulsive movements, after the loss of consciousness, maybe as a result of the reduction of abdominal muscles, despite the fact that the control over the bladder is already lost.

My friend who saw hanged, explained that the feet of the victims are associated so that the feces do not flush on their feet and did not figure out on the parties at convulsive movements.

Convulsions continue to death or almost to death. Talk reports noted that the duration of convulsions varies widely - in some cases only three minutes, in others - whole twenty.

Professional English executioner, who watched the Americans volunteers hung the Nazi war criminals, crushed themselves that they did it inevitably, so some of the hanged agonated 14 minutes (probably he watched on the clock).

The reasons for such a wide range are unknown. Most likely, we are talking about the duration of convulsions, and not about the time of the occurrence of death. Sometimes hanged dies at all without convulsions or all agony comes down to several movements, so, perhaps, short agony does not mean fast death.

Death without a struggle is sometimes associated with the "excitation of a wandering nerve" - \u200b\u200bthis is the nerve passing in the neck and control of heart cuts. It is difficult to understand, because if the loop stops the blood supply of the brain, then the difference is great, the heart beats or not.

● death

The irreversible changes in the brain begin in about 3-5 minutes, and if they continue, continue and convulsions. In the next five minutes, these irreversible changes are enhanced.

The convulsions slow down and gradually stop. Typically, the last convulsive movement is the bustling of the breast after the rest of the body is motionless. Sometimes convulsions are returned to already, it would seem calmed the victim. In the XVIII century, hanged, who was already deceased, hit a man, who had shot his clothes from the body.

The heart continues to beat some time after all functions are terminated until the acidity of blood due to the increase in the content of carbon dioxide will not lead to its stop.

Other phenomena

Sometimes two phenomena that cannot be checked.

● Diezhemical sounds

First, in the old reports about hanging through the hanging there are reports that the victim at the time of death (that is, when convulsions are stopped, the only sign that witnesses can judge) makes something like a moan (in Kipling in the "hanging Danny Divers" soldiers , Witness execution, hears the head of the head; he is explained that it departs the soul of the victim). It seems incredible because the respiratory tract is reliably closed, but these messages exist.

● Ejaculation in men

This phenomenon is often noted, almost in all cases. Ejaculation, like the often noted erection, can be caused by the same reactions of the nervous system that cause convulsive movements. This happens at the end of hanging.

There is a report of the American military police officer and the German overseer, who found the hanging German-prisoner. An American was surprised to watched the German wardrift unbuttoned the studio hanging and announced that it was too late to remove it from the loop: ejaculation had already happened.

May 20th, 2012

For a segish day, the death penalty on our planet is canceled on the territory equal to South America ... so
what if you think the electric chair is a relic of the past, you are deeply mistaken. Truth,
the guillotine is no longer used - since 1939 ...

It's terrible, but everything is what you read in the most terrible books in Democratic North America
it still exists so far ... and this country still has something to boast in the sense of guns
executions, and in different states they have a variety of modifications! .. And everything began with ships
Lynch - that is, mass hanging ...

Sometimes guilty for confidence also burned ...

Blacks hung, at least in the south, everywhere (the court of Lynch has a huge number of victims in the XX century, in 1901
the year was subject to a lynching of 130 people) ...

Indians often executed the punishers who were meant for cutting out the white population. In the wild west at the same time
sheriffs actually executed at their discretion (sometimes personally). The death penalty was used in the USA
also for political reasons against socialists, communists, anarchists.

By the end of the XIX century, there was no longer somehow, but professionally. Was approved, so to speak, "Professional" Visigar,
on which it was possible to hang people of any growth ... She in front of you ...

The hands of the prisoner necessarily contacted ...

A special bag was dressed up on the head - the impression of the face was not shocked for the execution
hangster ...

At the end of the XIX century, an electric chair was invented in the USA, first applied in 1890 ... it was a breakthrough ...

He very soon entered into universal use and in many states pushed his hanging. And with the advent of the chair
invented the so-called "open executions", where the city administration was invited (in special cases
state) and relatives of the victim of the criminal ...

Gradually, the chair was improved and improved ...

On the head of the sentence began to wear a special mask ...

Separate contacts attach to hand ...

But from these improvements to the suffering of the prisoner changed little ...

Although death for an average person comes quickly, in the history of executions there are cases when sentenced
i had to "kill" 20-30 minutes ...

The Americans have introduced the gas chamber even earlier than in Germany, namely in 1924 ...

For execution, consuming cyano potassium pairs are used, and if the convicted deep breathes, death comes almost

Then a truly hello invention appeared - the death chair. The method is still running in Utah and Idaho,
as an alternative to mortal injection. To perform execution, prisoner ties leather belts to the chair
across the waist and head. The chair is surrounded by sand bags that absorb blood. Black hood dress on
head sentenced. The doctor determines the location of the heart and attaches a round target. At a distance of 20.
futs cost five shooters. Each of them aims the rifle through the slot in the canvas and shoots. Prisoner
dies as a result of blood loss caused by a gap of a heart or a large blood vessel, or a break
lungs. If the arrows skip the heart, randomly or deliberately, the sentenced dies slowly ...

Soon there was a last form of an American execution, now the most common, and in many states is the only one:
deadly injection ... in front of you a special couch (Gurney) for sentenced ...

The composition of the deadly injection was developed by the doctor of the Doych. It consists of three chemical components. First
substance - Penotal Sodium - immerses sentenced to deep sleep. Pavlon is marshed. Finally,
potassium chloride stops the work of the heart muscle. After the examination at the University of Texas
the method was approved. Soon he got widespread. Opponents of the death penalty gave him
the name of the "Texas cocktail". Today out of 38 states, which after 1976 again introduced on their territory
the death penalty, only Nebraska does not resort to injections, preferring to them an electric chair.

Poisons are stored here this is the way ...

The killing of the prisoner occurs in the poison introduced into the vein on the right foot ...

But the most terrible state of things with executions is still in Asia and the Middle East ...
executive executions from ancient times: beaten by stones, cutting off the head with a sword and hanging. Before you frame
urban execution - a man just linch crowd ...

But these quite decent people throw these stones into it ...

And this guilty is trying to just turn ...

The corpse that fiber demonstrate the "boss" ...


And just miracle ...

And in China, the shooting is still widely used. Shot in this country the main houses of public houses,
unclean on the hand of officials, dissidents, etc., and so on ...

Moreover, especially mass executions are before the new year ...

Among other things, such sentences are taken public, with a large crossing of the people ...

The execution is executed by soldiers of the urgent service ...

And bodies buried in specially reserved places, - relatives do not give ...

Russia ... On May 16, 1996, the President of Russia, Boris Yeltsin, was issued a decree "about phased reduction
applications of the death penalty in connection with the entry of Russia into the Council of Europe. " Since August 1996, in accordance with this
by decree, sentences for the death penalty are not given. Squaders serving life imprisonment ...
Before you a very rare picture of the prisoners of the Orenburg Prison "Black Dolphin" ...

Three more similar prisons in Russia. They do not go out. Nobody never. So human rights defenders are bitterly joking "if
the inhabitants were able to participate in the voting about the use of the death penalty, most of them would vote "for".

See how she carelessly looks like, this most famous prison of Russia ... those who are inside this
a red-winged building built by Ekaterininsky times when there was already a lifelong cat cargo here, never
did not see the sculptures of those most dolphins from fountains, which gave this terrible institution
poetic name ...

To date, Russia has over three and a half thousand people sentenced to life
conclusion. And "Black Dolphin" today is the largest specialized suicide prison ...

Hello respected!
I read another book here, and decided whether we would not talk about such an important topic as the "Higher Measure of Social Protection", as I once called the Casting and Communist convictions? The topic is complex, difficult, but interesting. Moral aspects (can not / can not, and judges who, etc., etc.) I propose to miss and talk solely on the mechanism of deprivation of life by the state of its citizens as the measures of the highest possible punishment.
At the moment, more than 80 countries of the world or completely abolished the death penalty, or joined the moratorium (including the Russian Federation). But the phenomenon itself as it was left. And most likely it will always be. For....
If you remember a little a little, then on the same turning out of 1649, all death penalty were divided into ordinary (simple) and qualified. If you look even further, in century 15, then the number of these punishments could be found a tent of 2, and some very very cruel ...
But no matter how there it was - the world goes forward, and as not paradoxically, it becomes kinder and tolerant. It is clear that it is possible now this is not so visible, but I repeat, if you compare with previous centuries - the difference is obvious.
It can be seen, including at the highest punishment. Mortal executions have become less and they are more humane, or ...
Therefore, I propose to talk about some of them. Let's start with the currently existing, and if there is interest, remember those that were previously.

Classics of the genre.

Let's start with the most common execution in the world - from hanging.
This type of execution is considered for some reason the most shameful. Apparently, this is due to the legend that after his betrayal Judas hanged himself on aspen. If the military executed exactly on the gallows - he considers it a great insult. The same German Gering decided not to wait for the rope and was able to kill himself.
Modern technology of this punishment is as follows: " the convict is hanging on a rope that is choking neck; Death occurs as a result of the pressure of the rope on the body under the influence of gravity. Loss of consciousness and death occur as a result of damage to the spinal cord or (if this is not enough for death) due to the asphyxia from squeezing the trachea".

G.Goring in the Nuremberg process.

And despite the seeming simplicity - it's not too simple.
It is clear that a more humane death speaking about the qualification of the executioner was death from damage to the spinal cord and vertebrae. After the loop was put on the neck of the convict, he had a hatch under his feet. At the same time, the length of the rope (and, accordingly, the distance of the fall) is selected taking into account the growth and weight of the convicted person - to achieve a sprinkle of the spinal cord. Otherwise, or a long and painful agony from choking, or a head of the head.
Well, the worst option is the option when the rope does not withstand the body weight and breaks. It turns out the people executed twice ... The most famous example of such a casus was the execution of the Decembrists in 1826 let's give the word eyewitnescent of those events: " When everything was ready, with the sighs of the springs in the scaffold, the platform, on which they stood on the benches, fell, and at the same instant three broke down - rings, Pestel and Kakhovsky fell down. Flying the cap fell, and the bloody eyebrows and blood was visible behind the right ear, probably from the bruise. He sat raising, because I fell inside the scaffold. I approached him, he said: "What misfortune!" Governor's general, seeing that three fell, sent Adjutant Bashutsk to take other ropes and hanged them, which was immediately fulfilled. I was so busy with Rylev, which did not pay attention to the rest of the collapsed with the gallows and did not hear, whether they said something. When the board was raised again, then the rope of Pestel was so long that he got socks to the slowdown, which was supposed to extend his torment, and noticeably there was some time that he was still alive».

Decembrists before execution

Therefore, I repeat, there can be little small things. The material of the rope and its proper fixation and of course the length is important. There are special tolerance tables length depending on growth and weight, and the loop itself is made with the help of a special node called the hung or Lynch node. An ideal node is the one that is rotated on 13 revolutions. The shape of the gallows T sampled or in the form of a Russian letter G, went from ancient Rome. Why is impossible so, now I find it difficult to say - I will still explore. But the tradition is tradition ... However, each country had its own characteristics. In Europe, for example, the robbers hung on the trees along the roads. And in Russia, it was accepted for some reason, to build for the rioters and the rebels of the gallows on the rafts and to let such rafts with the downstream.

Old version

The rope (which in Russia was often often called the "Stolypinsky tie") use most of the executors now, although earlier in Asia could have variations of the type of string from piano or barbed wire.
All nuances before execution should provide a executioner. And only it depends on whether the victim will suffer or die relatively easily.
Sergeant of the American army John Wood, who spoke as a executioner for criminals convicted by the Nuremberg Tribunal, knew his work well and they all died quickly. But the Japanese, who hung in Richard Zorge, were amateur. Even after he was removed from the gallows, his heart beat for 8 minutes.

Nuremberg Palach John Wood

Among the most famous people who are executed in this way, we can recall the former Prime Minister of Pakistan Zulfikar Ali Bhutto (Father Benazir Bhutto), Saddam Hussein and his younger brother Barzan Ibrahim Hasan At-Tikriti, who was beheaded with a rope.

PER. Bhutto

At the moment, the death penalty is used by 18 countries (North Korea, South Korea, Singapore, Japan, Malaysia, India, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Egypt, Somalia, Nigeria, North Sudan, South Sudan and Botswana )
As well as 2 US states - Washington and New Hampshire. Let me remind you, in the United States, the death penalty is bored in 32 states.
To be continued...

People from a long time cruelly straightened with their enemies, some of them even eaten, but mostly they were executed, deprived of life with terrible and sophisticated ways. The same was done with criminals who violated the laws of God and human. For a thousand-year history, a great experience of the execution of the sentences was accumulated.

The physical branch of the head from the body with the help of an ax or any combat weapon (knife, sword) later for these purposes was used by a car invented in France - guillotine. It is believed that with such execution a head separated from the body maintains vision and hearing for 10 seconds. Defaulting was considered a "noble execution" and was applied to aristocrats. In Germany, decapitation was abolished in 1949 due to the failure of the last guillotine.

Human suffocation on the rope loop, the end of which is fixed motionless. Death occurs in a few minutes, but not at all from suffocation, but from the transfer of the sleepy arteries. At the same time, the person lens consciousness first, and later dies.
The medieval gallows consisted of a special pedestal, a vertical pillar (pillars) and a horizontal beam, on which hung sentenced, placed above the similarity of the well. The well was designed for the hopping parts of the body - the hung remained hanging on the gallows until a complete decomposition.
In England, a type of hanging was used when a person was discharged from a height from the loop on the neck, while death comes instantly from the break of the cervical vertebrae. There was a "official table of falls", with the help of which the necessary length of the rope was calculated depending on the weight of the convicted person (with a too long of the rope, the head is separated from the body).
The type of hanging is garrot. Harrot (iron collar with a screw, often equipped with a vertical spike on the back) actually do not stroke. She broke her neck. In this case, the executed in this case is dying not from suffocation, as happens, if it is stuck with a rope, but from the crushing of the spine (sometimes, according to medieval testimonies, from the fracture of the skull - depending on where to wear) and fracture the cervical cartilage.
Last loud hanging - Hussein Gardens.

It is considered one of the most cruel executions, and applied to the most dangerous criminals. With quartering, the victim was invented (not to death), then the belly was poured, cut off genitals and only, then they cut the body into four or more parts and cut off their heads. Parts of the body exhibited an universal review "Where the king considers comfortable."
Thomas Mor, the author of "Utopia", sentenced to quartering with the burning of the Nutra, was pardoned in the morning before the penalty, and the quarters were replaced by beheaded, for which Mor replied: "Get rid of my friends from such a mercy."
In England, the quarters were used until 1820, was formally canceled only in 1867. In France, the quarters were carried out with the help of horses. The convicts were tied by arms and behind the legs to four strong horses, which, heated by the executioners, moved in different directions and broke the limbs. In fact, it was necessary to shorten the tendons convicted.
Another execution by breaking the body in half, marked in the pagan Rusi, was that the sacrifice was tied to his feet to two tendered young trees, and then they released them. According to the Byzantine sources, the prince of Igor was killed by the Dwarons for the fact that he wanted to gather tribute to them twice.

Completed in antiquity and medieval view of the death penalty. The Middle Ages was distributed in Europe, especially in Germany and in France. In Russia, this type of execution is known since the XVII century, but the wheelchair began to be regularly used only under Peter I, having received a legislative statement in the military charter. The wheel stopped applied only in the XIX century.
Professor A. F. Kistyakovsky in the XIX century described the process of the charters used in Russia: to the scaffold tied in the horizontal position, the Andreevsky cross, made of two bushings. On each of the branches of this cross, two notches were made, the distance is one of the other for one foot. On this cross, the criminal was stretched so that he was addressed to the sky; Every tip him lay on one of the branches of the cross, and in each place of each articulation he was tied to the cross.
Then the executioner armed with iron quadricular scrap struck the part to the part of the member between the articulation, which was just laying over the recess. In this way, the bones of each member in two places were shifted. The operation ended with two or three shots on the stomach and rejecting the edge of the ridge. The criminal broke into the horizontally supplied wheel so that the heels converge with the posterior part of the head, and left him to die in that position.

Burning on the fire
The death penalty in which the victim is burned in public. Along with the stirring and imprisonment, the burning was widely used in the Middle Ages, since, on the presentation of the church, on the one hand, it happened without "blood shedding", and on the other hand, the flame was considered a means of "cleansing" and could save the soul. Eretics, "Witches" and perpetrators in husbandhood were especially unloaded.
The execution was widespread during the period of the Holy Inquisition, and only in Spain was burned about 32 thousand people (excluding Spanish colonies).
The most famous people burned at the fire: Georgano Bruno - like a heretic (engaged in scientific activities) and Jeanne d'Ark, who commanded the French troops in century war.

It was widely applied to the stake on the stake in ancient Egypt and in the Middle East, the first mention of it belongs to the beginning of the second millennium BC. e. The execution of the execution received in Assyria, where the stake planted was the usual punishment for the residents of rebeling cities, so in the instruptant goals of the scene of this execution were often depicted on bas-reliefs. This execution was used on the Assyrian law and as a punishment of women for abortion (considered as an option of detectivity), as well as for a number of particularly serious crimes. On the Assyrian reliefs there are two options: with one of them, the chest was singered with a coolant, with a different squeeze, the cola was into the body from below, through the rear pass. The execution was widely used in the Mediterranean and in the Middle East at least from the beginning of the II millennium BC. e. She was known to the Romans, although he did not receive a special distribution in ancient Rome.
Throughout the large part of the medieval history of the execution, planted on the thief was very common in the Middle East, where he was one of the main methods of painful death. Were widely distributed in France during the times of Fredegerond, which first introduced this kind of execution by adding a young girl of a noble family to her. The unfortunate put on the stomach, and the executioner knocked him into the back pass the wooden stake with a hammer, after which the stake was watched vertically into the ground. Under the weight of the body, a person gradually slid down while after a few hours the amount did not go through her chest or neck.
Special cruelty distinguished the Lord of Valahiya Vlad III chapel ("Colochet") Dracula. According to his direction, the victims were sitting on a thick amount, whose top was rounded and lubricated with oil. The thief was introduced into the anus to the depth of several tens of centimeters, then the stake was installed vertically. The victim under the influence of the severity of his body slowly slid down on the cola, and the death threatened only in a few days, since the rounded number did not pierce vital organs, but only it was even deeper into the body. In some cases, a horizontal crossbar was installed on Claus, which did not give the body to crawl too low, and ensured that the number would not reach the heart and other major organs. In this case, the death of the division of internal organs and the big bloodsture was very soon awake.
Sits on Count was executed by the English king-homosexual Eduard. The nobles raised the rebellion and killed a monarch, lifting it into the rear pass the hot iron rod. Pake plant was used in the speech by the compulculated up to the 18th century, and many Zaporizhia Cossacks were executed in this way. With the help of smaller cools, the rapists also executed (picked in the heart) and mothers who kill their children (they pierced with a stake pre-jamming alive in the ground).

Hanging for rib
The appearance of the death penalty at which the iron hook was imposed in the sacrifice and suspended. Death fell from thirst and blood loss in a few days. The hands of the victim associated so that he could not free himself. The execution was common in Zaporizhzhya Cossacks. According to the legend, in this way, Dmitry Vishnevetsky founder of Zaporizhia Snish, the legendary "Bida Vyshnietsky" was executed.

After the appropriate decision of the authorized legal body (king or the court), a crowd of citizens who killed the guilty stones in him. The stones at the same time followed the small, so that the convicted on the execution did not mess too quickly. Or, in a more humane case, it could be one executioner, discharged from above on a convicted one large stone.
Currently, rocking with stones is used in some Muslim countries. As of January 1, 1989, stones have persisted in the legislation of the six countries of the world. The international amnesty report provides an eyewitness story about a similar execution held in Iran:
"A variety of stones and pebbles were poured next to the wastewater from the truck, then two women dressed in white, their heads were put on their heads ... Grad stones collapsed on them, painted their bags in red ... The wounded women fell, and then the guards of the revolution struck They head shovels to finally kill. "

Throwing predators
The oldest view of the execution, common in many nations of the world. Death fell because the crocodiles, lions, bears, snakes, sharks, piranhas, ants snorn sacrifice.

Walking in a circle
A rare way of execution practiced, in particular, in Russia. The belt in the intestinal absenteeism was poured, so as not to die from the loss of blood. Then they got the intestine, nailed her to the tree and forced to walk in a circle around the tree. In Iceland, a special stone was used for this, around which we went to the sentence of Ting.

Burial zalway
Not very common appearance in Europe, which, as believed, came to the Old Light from the East, but there are several documentary evidence of the application of this type of execution to our time. The burial was alive to Christian martyrs. In the medieval Italy, the unrepellied killers buried alive. In Germany, female pleating women alive in the land. In Russia, the XVII-XVIII century burned alive on the neck of women who killed her husbands.

The condemned to death was knitted by nails and legs to the ends of the cross or fixed the limbs with the help of the rods. In this way, Jesus Christ was executed by Jesus. The main cause of death in the crucifixion is asphyxia caused by the developing eighty edema and the fatigue of the intercostal muscles involved in the respiratory process and muscles of the abdominal press. The main body support in this posture is the hands, and when breathing the abdominal muscles and the interrochemical muscles were supposed to raise the weight of the whole body, which led to their rapid fatigue. Also squeezing the chest intense muscles of the shoulder belt and the chest caused a stagnation of a liquid into the lungs and the edema of the lungs. Additional causes of death served dehydration and loss of blood.

Welding in boiling water
Welding in fluid was a common type of death in different countries of the world. In Ancient Egypt, this type of punishment was used mainly to the persons who had a disadvantaged Pharaoh. Slaves of Pharaoh at dawn (especially in order to see the criminal), bred a huge bonfire, over which there was a boiler with water (and not just with water, and with the most dirty water, where waste was merged, etc.) sometimes they executed the whole families.
This kind of execution was widely used in Genghis Khan. In medieval Japan, welding in boiling water was used mainly to the ninja that failed the murder and were captured. In France, this execution was applied to counterfeiters. Sometimes the attackers were welded in boiling oil. The testimony remained, as in 1410 in Paris, the pocket thief in boiling oil was hidden.

Pouring into the throat of lead or boiling oil
It was used in the east, in medieval Europe, in Russia and the Indians. Death fell from the burn of the esophagus and stroke. The punishment was usually established for counterfeitness, and the metal was often poured, from which the criminal cast coins. Those who have not died for a long time, cut off the ball.

Execution in a bag.
lat. Poena Cullei. The victim was sewn into a bag with different animals (snake, monkey, dog or rooster) and thrown into the water. Practiced in the Roman Empire. Under the influence of the Roman law's reception in the Middle Ages, it was assimilated (in several modified form) in a number of European countries. Thus, in the French arch of the usual law "Livres de Jostice et de Plet" (1260), created on the basis of the Digest of Justinian, the "execution in the bag" with a rooster, dog and snakes (monkey are not mentioned, apparently, for reasons of this animal for medieval Europe). A little later, an execution based on Poena Cullei appeared in Germany, where it was used in the form of a criminal (thief) upside down (sometimes hanging was carried out in one leg) together (on the same gallop) with a dog (either two dogs hanging on the right and left from executed). This execution was the name of the "Jewish execution", since over time it began to be applied exclusively to Jewish criminals (Christians were used in the rarest cases in the XVI-XVII centuries).

Slim skin has a very ancient history. Another Assyrians took off the skin from prisoners or rebel rulers and nailed to the walls of their cities as a warning to those who would challenge their power. The Assyrian ruler Ashursarpal boasts, which sorted so much skin with the defendant know what she covered the columns.
Especially often used in Haldea, Babylon and Persia. In ancient India, the skin was removed by fire. With the help of torches, it was burned to meat all over the body. With burns convicted for several days to suffer before death. In Western Europe, it was used as a punishment method for traitors and traitors, as well as to ordinary people who were suspected of lovers with women of royal blood. Also, the skin was trampled from the corpses of enemies or criminals for intimidation.

Ling Chi.
Ling Chi (Kit. "Death from a thousand cuts") is a particularly painful way of death by cutting off from the body of the victim of small fragments over a long period of time.
It was used in China for the state treason and the otceubium in the Middle Ages and at the Qing Dynasty until its cancellation in 1905. In 1630, this execution was subjected to a prominent Minsk warlord Yuan Chonguan. With a proposal, her cancellation was made back in the XII century, the poet Lou Yu. Under the Qing Ling Dynasty, for the purpose of frightening, was held in public places with a large setting of Zewak. The preserved descriptions of the execution diverge in detail. The victim, as a rule, was pumped by opium - either from mercy, or to prevent the loss of consciousness.

In his "history of torture of all time," George Riley Scott cites from the notes of two Europeans who had a rare opportunity to attend with such an execution: their name was Sir Henry Norman (he saw this execution in 1895) and T. T. ME-Dawz:

"There is a basket, covered with a piece of canvas, in which the set of knives is. Each of these knives is designed for a specific part of the body, as evidenced by the inscriptions engraved on the blade. The executioner takes at random from the basket one of the knives and, based on the inscription, cuts off the appropriate part of the body. However, at the end of the last century, such a practice, in all likelihood, was supplanted by another, which did not leave the place of chance and providing for cut off in a certain sequence of body parts using a single knife. According to Sir, Henry Norman, convictedly tie to the likeness of the cross, and the executioner slowly and methodically cuts off the fleshy pieces of the body, then the joints cut off, cuts separate members on the limbs and finishes the penalty with one sharp blow in the heart ...