In art and in life. Botticelli and Dark Subtext "Mystical Christmas Christmas of Christ: Value of Holiday

In art and in life. Botticelli and Dark Subtext
In art and in life. Botticelli and Dark Subtext "Mystical Christmas Christmas of Christ: Value of Holiday

"Mystical Christmas" Botticelli often decorates christmas cards and calendars. This beautiful image of the Nativity of Christ, accompanied by the flight of angels, looks like an personification of the Renaissance era of the Renaissance. What the postcards do not speak us is that this picture was created during very dark times in the history of Florence, and even in the history of Western art. For the theme of the deliverance and the celebrations depicted at this work, the religious heat and persecution driven by horror - which led to the reducible loss of the cultural heritage of Florence. As a result, the work remaining to us, just a part, an incomplete record of what was created during the time to 1490s.

Botticelli uses dramatic images of a terrible court and inscription about the apocalypse to send a message

"Mystical Christmas" is often described as a "double" picture - it combines the traditional christmas theme with a terrible court. Significantly below the vortex of angels can see demonic figures - not the traditional part of the Christmas scene. By adding these elements of the terrible trial of Botticheli, it was sought not only to show the appearance of Christ to the light, but also his subsequent return described in the Book of Revelation.

"Mystical Christmas" is more than an image of a child in the manger.

Botticelli did not limit himself alone with symbolic messages - at the top of the "mystical Christmas" he placed the inscription with the following disturbing words:

This picture was written by Alessandro, at the end of 1500, during the riots in Italy. In the midst of those times that came after the execution of the eleventh chapter of St. John, in the second revelation of the apocalypse.

Here we have to stop to figure out, in which psychological condition was Botticelli. It is quite certain that it is not a word of a man who wrote the "birth of Venus" or the playful "Venus and Mars". Although these pagan paintings have a Christian religious subtext, it is not so pronounced.

From a drunken satiren, compressing a hallucinogenic fruit, to the apocalypse - a wonderful illustration of the change in the mental state of Botticelli

A question should be asked - what happened to Botticelli in the 1490s? The answer is simple - Dominican monk, Dzhirolamo Savonarola.

Wonderful angels, circling under the skies, in "Mystical Christmas" perfectly performed. From the time of time, the inscriptions on the ribbons they hold, faded - hiding a direct connection between the picture and the teachings of Savonarola. An observational researcher named Rab Hatfield (Syracuse University of Florence) considered wooden engravings depicting the sermons of Savonarols in the book that was preserved in the library. He drew attention to the crown, describing the 12 mystical properties of the Virgin Mary.

Illustration for sermons Savonarola

The subsequent infrared analysis of the angelic tapes revealed the inscriptions - they exactly corresponded to 12 mystical properties from the sermon of Savonarola. Thus, "mystical Christmas" is not just religious work - this is the Declaration of Botticelli's commitment to Savonarol and his teaching.

As you know, the last part of the creative path of Bottichell passed in obscurity and opal. It can be assumed that they never completely and did not recover from the Troubles of the 1490s, turning from the handseller of satirs and goddesses in the tormented spiritual shock of man. Since we have no letters of Botticelli of that time, we can only specify what was happening in his soul. What can be said with confidence - the radiant energy of the artist's youth, striking when looking at the "worship of the Magi", left him.

Dosleballol Botticelli trustfully looks into the world at the "worship of the Magi" (1475-6)

It is interesting to note that Savonarola was raised by extremely political frauds than charity and good deeds. As often happened in history, desperate times lead to the power of desperate people - in Florence, the mid-1490s, it was just that time.

To continue the story, you need to consider 3 important aspects that influenced the social dynamics of Florence of those times. The combination of these factors gave the weight to the sermons of Savonarols, which had a prophetic bias, with warnings about the invasion and plague. These factors are:

1. The attack of the French in 1494.

2. The spread of syphilis (which also connected with France!)

3. The impending "end of days" is from the book of Revelation, "in the midst of those times", which, as believed, was supposed to be taken in the 1500th. In the minds of many God-fearing Florentines, the end of the world was no longer around the corner.

In such an atmosphere of horror, it's not so surprising that someone like Savonarola acquired a similar effect.

The main purpose of the French army in 1494. There was a capture of Naples, but they also wanted to destroy the dominance of a Medici in Trade in Tuscany. In confirmation of the saying "The enemy of my enemy is my friend," they had a common goal with Savonarol - who spoke against Medici from the preacher's department. After the unauthorized attempt by Piero Medici (nickname stupid) to guarantee the benefits to the French, without approval of the Florentine government - Medici soon expelled from Florence, at the end of 1494.

Dominican monk Dzhirolamo Savonarola

In this picture, Botticelli depicts a vision where the image of the world appears without borders, where there is no way to organize a perspective, where heaven is mixed with earth. Christ was born in the wretched hut. In front of him, Maria, Joseph and pilgrims, who came to the place of a miracle bent in awe and amazement.

Angels with Olive branches in their hands lead the dance in the sky, the mystical birth of a baby and, having descended to the ground, worship him.

The artist treats this sacred scene as a religious mystery, posing by her "common" language. In his wonderful "Christmas" Sandro Botticelli expressed the desire for updating and universal happiness. It deliberately prompts forms and lines, complements intense and motley paints with an abundance of gold.

Sandro resorts to symbolism of large-scale ratios, increasing the figure of Mary in comparison with the rest of the characters, and to the symbolism of parts, such as the branches of the world, the inscriptions on the ribbons, wreaths.

In the upper part of the picture is made in Greek:

"This picture was written by me, Alexandro, at the end, be afraid after the time when John was predicted in chapter 11 and the second sorrow of the apocalypse, when Satan was released on Earth for three and a half years. Then he will be sharpened again in the chain and we will see it defeated, as presented in this picture. "

Remembering the prophecy of Savonarola, Botticelli sees in the rows of the apocalypse. Communication with shocks dropped into the share of native Florence.

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"Mystical Christmas" (Ital. Natività Mistica) - one of the last paintings of the Florentine artist Sandro Botticelli, created in the period noted in his work with a layer of optimism of the Quatrochet, the growth of religiosity and sharply tragic perception of the world.

The canvas was practically not known until he saw him at Villa Aldobrandini and did not acquire the Englishman. Botticelli was "renounced" with art critics with the beginning of the movement of Pre-Faelitis, it was then John Ryuskin gave his chille his current name. In 1878, a London National Gallery acquired a picture for 1500 pounds. In the upper part of the web, a Greek inscription is preserved, which says:

She was written at the end of 1500 during the riots in Italy, me, by Alexander, in half of that period, at the beginning of which the head of the IX of St. John and the second revelation of the Apocalypse, when Satan reign on the ground three and a half years. According to this period, the devil will be chained again, and we will see the overthrown, as in this picture.

Original text (Greek)

Εγώ, ο Αλέξανδρος, ζωγράφισα το έργο αυτό, στο τέλος του έτους 1500, σε καιρούς ταραγμένους για την Ιταλία, στο μισό του χρόνου, κατά την εκπλήρωση της προφητείας του 11ου κεφαλαίου [της Αποκάλυψης] του Ιωάννη, στην εποχή της δεύτερης πληγής της Αποκάλυψης , όταν ο Διάβολος αφήνεται ελεύθερος για τρεισήμισι χρόνια. Μετά θα αλυσοδεθεί σύμφωνα με σύμφωνα με και κε εάλαιο και θα τον Δούμε να συντρίίβεται, όπως σε αυτό τον πίνακα.

To give any interpretation of this text with apocalyptic alluses is extremely difficult. Obviously, the work belongs to Botticelli, as it is signed ( Alessandro, Sandro - Derivative from Alexander) and dated 1501 year (Florentine year ended on March 24, and the artist mentions the end of 1500). In addition, the author mentions political riots in Italy, that is, the picture is written during political and military unrest, shook the native to the artist Tuscan after the death of Lorenzo magnificent.

John's Apocalypse is most likely due to the end of long tests (the beginning of which Botticelli's creativity researchers are referred to by the burning of Fra Dzhirolamo Savonarola or with cruel military campaigns of Cesare Bordjia), when evil will be defeated.

In the composition of "Mystical Christmas", the artist relied on both the sacred submission and the sermons of Savonarolls. This is evidenced by the illustration of one of the collections of the sermons of Fra Dzhirolamamo (1496, Florence, the National Library). The iconography of the picture, as well as the intonation of the inscriptions, is noted by the influence of mysticism and the rigor of the teaching of the preacher.

About the speeches of Savonarolls, in particular about his Christmas preaching, spoken under the Florentine 1494, where he called on the inhabitants of Florence to turn the city into a new Nazareth, remind those who came to worship the infant of the figure in the modern artist's clothes, peaceful by saving arms with the angels; Meanwhile, the demons at the bottom of the paintings are rushing to hide in the gap exposed in the ground.

On the roof of the hut - three angels dressed in white, red and green. These colors personify grace, truth and justice, often figured in Savonarolls speeches. The scene dominates the theme of peace and peace, undertaken by the symbols of olive wreaths and branches accompanying characters. Olive branches are kept in hands and circling angels over the hut - a plot borrowed from practicing churches of churches for sacred representations.

see also

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  • "Botticelli", Los Grandes Genios Del Arte, N.º 29, Eileen Romano (Dir.), Unidad Editorial, S.A., 2005, ISBN 84-89780-97-8


  • In the database of the London National Gallery (English)

Fragment characterizing mystical christmas

- You ... - What? !! Can you see him?! - Anna nodded frightened. Apparently I was so dumbfounded that my appeals scared her. - Can you pass through his defense? ..
Anna nodded again. I stood completely shocked, unable to understand - how could she do it ??? But it was not important now. It was important that at least someone from us could "see" him. And this meant - perhaps and defeat it.
- Can you see his future? Can you?! Tell me, my sun, will we destroy it ?! .. Tell me, Annushka!
I was shaking from excitement - I was eager to hear that Karaff would die, dreamed of seeing him defeated !!! Oh, how did I dreamed about it! .. How many days and nights I made up fantastic plans, one crazy friend, so that only to clean the earth from this bloodthirsty viper! .. But nothing worked, I could not "read" his black soul. And now it happened - my baby could see Karaff! I had hope. We could destroy it together by combining our "Witches" forces!
But I was glad too early ... Easy to read my, raging the joy of thought, Anna sadly shook her head:
"We do not beat him, Mom ... It will destroy all of us." He will destroy very many as we. From him there will be no salvation. Forgive me, Mom ... - Bitter, hot tears rolled down the louds of the broth Anna.
- Well, you, my native, that you ... This is not your fault if you see not what we want! Calm down, my sun. We do not lower your hands, however, how?
Anna nodded.
"Listen to me, a girl ...- Easy to shook the daughter for fragile shoulders, as I can whispered. - You should be very strong, remember! We have no other choice - we will still fight, only by other forces. You will go to this monastery. If I'm not mistaken, wonderful people live there. They are like us. Just probably even stronger. You will be fine with them. And during this time I will come up with how to get away from this person, from the dad ... I will definitely come up with something. You believe me, right?
Baby nodded again. Her wonderful big eyes were drowned in the lakes of the tears, pouring entire streams ... But Anna cried silently ... bitter, hard, adult tears. She was very scary. And very lonely. And I could not be a house with her to calm her ...
The earth went from under my feet. I fell on my knees, clasping my cute little girl with my hands, looking at her rest. She was a breath of live water, which was crying my exhausted loneliness and soul pain! Now Anna is now gently stroking my tired head with his little palm, something quietly finding and soothing. Probably, we looked very sad couple trying to "relieve" for each other at least for a moment, our insight life ...
"I saw my father ... I saw him dying ... it was so painful, mom." He will destroy us all, this terrible man ... What did we do to him, mommy? What does he want from us? ..
Anna was not childish serious, and I immediately wanted to calm her, say that it is "not true" and that "everything will definitely be fine," say that I will save her! But it would be a lie, and we both knew it.
- I don't know my native ... I think we just got up on his way, and he from those who sweep away any obstacles when they interfere with him ... and even ... it seems to me that we know and have something For which dad is ready to give a lot, including even his immortal soul, just to get.
- What does he want, mommy?! - Further raised her wet from the tears of Anna's eyes.
- Immortality, honey ... just immortality. But he, unfortunately, does not understand that it is not given simply because someone wants it. It gives when a person is worth it when he knows what is not given to others, and uses it for the benefit of the rest, worthy of people ... When the Earth becomes better because this person lives on it.
- Why is it, Mom? After all, immortality - when should a person live for a very long time? And this is very difficult, right? Even for her short life, everyone makes a lot of mistakes, which then try to redeem or fix, but can not ... Why does he think he should be allowed to make them even more? ..

Sandro "Mystical Christmas", 1501

"Mystical Christmas" is one of the last paintings of the Florentine artist Sandro Botticelli, created in the period noted in his work with a layer of optimism of the Quatrochet, the growth of religiosity and the sharply tragic perception of the world.

The canvas was practically not known until he saw him at Villa Aldobrandini and did not acquire the Englishman. Botticelli was "renounced" with art critics with the beginning of the movement of Pre-Faelitis, it was then John Ryuskin gave his chille his current name. In 1878, a London National Gallery acquired a picture for 1500 pounds. In the upper part of the web, a Greek inscription is preserved, which says:

"She was written at the end of 1500 during the riots in Italy, me, Alexander, in half of that period, at the beginning of which the head of the IX of St. John and the second revelation of the Apocalypse, when Satan reign on the ground three and a half years. According to the minimization of this period, the devil will be chained again, and we will see the overthrown, as in this picture. "

To give any interpretation of this text with apocalyptic alluses is extremely difficult. Obviously, the work belongs to Botticelli, as it signed (Alessandro, Sandro - derived from Alexander) and dated 1501 (Florentine year ended on March 24, and the artist mentions the end of 1500). In addition, the author mentions political riots in Italy, that is, the picture is written during political and military unrest, shook the native to the artist Tuscan after the death of Lorenzo magnificent.
John's Apocalypse is most likely due to the end of the long tests (the beginning of which Botticelli's creativity researchers are referred to by Fra Dzhirolamo Savonarola or cruel military companies Cesare Bordjia), when evil will be defeated.

In the composition of "Mystical Christmas", the artist relied on both the sacred submission and the sermons of Savonarolls. This is evidenced by the illustration of one of the collections of the sermons of Fra Dzhirolamamo (1496, Florence, the National Library). The iconography of the picture, as well as the intonation of the inscriptions, is noted by the influence of mysticism and the rigor of the teaching of the preacher.

About the speeches of Savonarolls, in particular about his Christmas preaching, spoken under the Florentine 1494, where he called on the inhabitants of Florence to turn the city into a new Nazareth, remind those who came to worship the infant of the figure in the modern artist's clothes, peaceful by saving arms with the angels; Meanwhile, the demons at the bottom of the paintings are rushing to hide in the gap exposed in the ground.

On the roof of the hut - three angels dressed in white, red and green. These colors personify grace, truth and justice, often figured in Savonarolls speeches. The scene dominates the theme of peace and peace, undertaken by the symbols of olive wreaths and branches accompanying characters. Olive branches are kept in hands and circling angels over the hut - a plot borrowed from practicing churches of churches for sacred representations.