The myths of the ancient China on the origin of the world. Legends and myths of China

The myths of the ancient China on the origin of the world. Legends and myths of China
The myths of the ancient China on the origin of the world. Legends and myths of China

The mythical period in the history of any country, in my opinion, is the greatest interest. Many millennia have passed since then, every time it strikes the imagination of the scale of the activities of the ancient goddesses and gods, as well as the similarities of many of their feats among the peoples living at the opposite ends of the Earth.

According to the Chinese version, the world created the divine Pugu. Initially, he slept in a huge egg in the middle of the world chaos, the state of the Great Infinity, in the Taoist tradition of U-Tzu (無極, Wújí). It reminds Indian legends about the night of Brother, when there is no day, nor night, nor sky, no land, the universe is sleeping. Then Pugu woke up, got up and divided the sky and land, Yin and Yang, putting the beginning of Thai Tzu (太极, tÀijí). The world became Dualien, the polarity began to interact. By doing this great act, Pugu was immediately died, and our visible universe appeared from his body, and rivers, lakes, mountains, plants and many creatures arose on the ground, among whom was Giant Hua. Apparently, he was punishable, but gave life to two children, brother and sister, Fusi (伏羲) and Nyuwe (女 媧), creating with a human face and a torso, but a snake tail, like Indian. Here, of course, I want to screw the theories about arrival to the land of reptiloids, but will leave it for another article.

Nyuva (女 媧),undoubtedly, is much more ancient character than her brother. Even chronologically, Chinese historians begin to mention Fusi with her only since the first century of our era. Obviously, in tribute to the progressive patriarchy, when all the merits are already inconvenient to save the Earth and the creation of the human race to attribute to one woman. Before the chronicle testimonies, Nyva plowed for two, and horse at the race, and in the burning hut.

As the goddess of mother is supposed, she climbed human figures from yellow clay, and then lived them. At first I tried very hard, I looked every detail, emperors, high-ranking officials, generals and scientists were made of these figures. But then, as a real woman, traveled, and decided to speed up the process to the detriment of quality. Skid the rope in the clay alive and shook. Craftsmen and peasants appeared from these lumps.

When four pillars supporting the sky were broken, and the arch did not completely cover the land, the World Flood began. But the goddess, melting the stones of five colors (representing five sacred elements, metal, water, wood, fire and earth), shut up with the heavenly holes, and, branches four legs from a gigantic turtle, made new pillars from them. Humanity was saved. True, the design slightly glanced (nevertheless, not feminine this work), so all rivers in China flow southeast.

Being half the snake, Nyva has kept the ability to update, dropping the old skin. Therefore, it remained forever young and beautiful. Her body was so divinely that he incentively produced new living beings. Therefore, she became a patronage of marriage, wealth and fertility. Her semi-milestone entity resembles the powerful strength of Kundalini, the fiery helix of energy, rising along the spine.

Nyuva and Fusi. Figure on Black

Fusi (伏羲), brother and husband of the Almighty Nyuva, became one of the first three rulers of China. With its appearance marks the transition from the matriarchate to the patriarchal society. He is attributed to the introduction of the Institute of Marriage. As the historian Ban GU writes in the second half of the I century AD, before Fusi, people did not know their father, they knew only the mother, greedily devoured crude foods, without reserves, were dirty and did not have laws. Like promoter in Greek mythology, Fusi taught people agriculture, fishing, hunting, crafts, and also invented writing, seeing the first eight trigs on the shell of a huge divine turtle.

He developed the first laws, and ordered everyone to observe them, and also taught people to follow the will of the gods, asking for a blessing. According to the legends, when there were no people on Earth, he wanted to take his sister in his wife (remember Idice and Osiris), but Nyva was opposed at the beginning. Then they decided to get a sign over, separated from different mountains and lit bigs. Their smoke has connected, it was interpreted as a favorable omen. Nyuva and Fusi got married, and began to be depicted together, with woven snake tails, as a symbol of male and female connections. Agree, very much resembles Caduceus Hermes, the rod capable of reconcile. Or urea Egyptian pharaohs.

Fusi, according to legends, rules from 2852 to 2737 BC. He died in the province of Henan, where there is his monument.

© Elena Avdyukevich, site

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Myths of Ancient China

Each people creates a unique mythology in which, as in the mirror, its image of thinking is reflected. In Chinese myths, the ancient beliefs and legends, the philosophical teachings of Buddhism and Taoism, folk legends and legendary events, because the ancient Chinese assumed that the mythical events actually took place many, many centuries ago.

In this section, we have to meet with the mythical characters of Chinese history. Some of them are already familiar to us: the female snake Nyuva, the emperors Fusi and Huangy. However, if so far mythology has been interested in us as a reflection of possible historical events, now we will try to look at it from another point of view. After all, with the help of myths, you can see than the Chinese look like other nations and what makes them completely unique. Let's start from the very beginning - from the creation of the world.

Myth about the creation of the world has every nation. Such myths are often attempts to an inquisitive mind to imagine what was before everything appeared. But there is another point of view on the myths about the creation of the world. According to the works of Oriental and Writer, Mircea Elyad, the myths about the creation of the world were used in the rituals of the New Year celebration. Man, approves Eliad, is afraid of time, the mistakes of the past remained behind him, in front of him - an unclear and dangerous future. To get rid of fear before time, a person created a New Year's ritual, in which the former world was collapsed, and then with the help of special magical formulas recreated again. Thus, a person was released from sins and mistakes of the past and could not be afraid of dangers awaiting him in the future, because each subsequent year is completely similar to the previous one, and therefore he will live, as the oldest.

According to Chinese beliefs, the world was created from the original water chaos, which in Chinese is called "Huntun". This water chaos was filled with terrible monsters, one appearance of which caused horror: these monsters had a fragile feet, teeth and fingers. Interestingly, it looked like a similar way, on the ideas of the Chinese, some of their mythical first-enders.

The collection of the sayings of philosophers from Huainan (Huainanji) talks about those times when there was no sky, no land and only shapeless images wandered in the pitch darkness. Two deities arose in those distant times from chaos.

Another myth says that the first event of the creation of the world was the heaven separation from the Earth (Chinese-Kaipi). In written in III century. Philosopher Xujen Treatise "Chronological records of three and five ruler" ("San in Lytsi") It is described that the sky and the earth were in chaos, like the contents of chicken egg. From this chicken egg and published the first man Pangu: "Suddenly the sky and the earth separated from each other: Yang, bright and clean, became the sky, Yin, dark and unclean, became the earth. The sky began to rise up one day every day, and the land in the day became thicker for one Zhang, and Pangu grew up on Zhang. Eighteen thousand years passed, and the sky rose highly high, and the Earth became dense and thick. And Pangu himself became high-high. " As he grew up in aqueous chaos, the sky was further removed from the ground. Each act of Panga gave rise to the phenomena of nature: the wind and rain was born with his breath, with exhale - thunder and zipper, he opened his eyes - the day came, closed - the night fell. After the death of Pangu, his elbows, knees and head turned into five sacred mountain peaks, and the hair on his body is in modern people.

This version of the myth became the most popular in China, which was reflected in traditional Chinese medicine, physiognomy and even in the theory of Chinese portrait - artists sought to portray real people and mythical characters in such a way that they were to some extent similar to Pangu mythological first person.

The Taoist legend, contained in the "notes about the first immortal," tells about Pangu, otherwise: "When the earth and the sky have not yet been divided, Pangu, the first who called himself to heavenly king, wandered among chaos. When the sky and the Earth were divided, Pangu began to live in the palace, standing on the mountain of the Yashmovoy Capital (Yujinshan), there he fed to heaven dew and drank key water. A few years later, a girl of unprecedented beauty named Taiyune Sinyuy appeared in the mountain gorge of the blood gorge. She became his wife Pangu, and their firstborn was born - the son of Tianhuan (Heavenly Emperor) and the daughter of Juguancuiannye (pure maiden nine rays) and many other children. "

Comparing these texts, we see how much myths have changed and rethought over time. The fact is that any myth, in contrast to a historical fact or an official document, allows some interpretations and interpretations, so it can be understood by different people in different ways.

The following myth tells us about the familiar half-milestone-half-mounted Nyuwe. She did not figure the universe, but created all the things and was the Ramateria of all the people whom she cut out from wood and clay. Seeing that creatures created by it die, not leaving the offspring, and the Earth will quickly empty, she taught people sex and created special marriage rituals for them. As we mentioned, the Chinese depicted a nude in the form of a figure with heads and hands of a person and a snake body. Her name means "Woman - Ulitko-like creature." The ancient Chinese believed that some mollusks, insects and reptiles, capable of changing the skin or shell (house), possess the power of rejuvenation and even immortality. Therefore, the nude, reborn 70 times, 70 times converted the universe, and the appearance she took in their rebirths gave rise to all creatures living on earth. It was believed that the divine magical power of Nyuva was so great that even from its internships (intestines) 10 deities were born. But the main merit of Nyuva is that it created humanity and divided people on the higher and lower: those whom the goddess climbed out of yellow clay (yellow in China - the color of the heavenly and earthly emperors) and their descendants subsequently formed the ruling top of the empire; And those who appeared from the pieces of clay and dirt scattered by the nude with the help of a rope are peasants, slaves and other subordinates.

According to other myths, Nyuva saved the earth from death during a disaster when heavenly fire and flood could destroy all the living. The goddess gathered multicolored stones, melted them and shoved heavenly holes, through which water and fire was poured into the ground. Then she chose the legs with a giant turtle and these legs, as pillars, strengthened the sky. Nevertheless, the sky somewhat glanced somewhat, the earth went to the right, and the sky left. Therefore, rivers in the Middle Kingdom flow south-east. His brother Fusi is believed to be a spouse of Nyuva (it is he who is identified with one of the first emperors). They are often depicted with intertwined snake tails facing each other or unscrewed. Nyuva's sign, which she holds in his hands, is a compass. In her honor, temples were built, where in the second month of spring, abundant victims were brought and holidays were arranged in her part, as the goddess of love and marriage. In Late China, the image of the nude and fusi also carved on the tombstones to protect the graves.

Historians suggest that in ancient times Pangu and Nyuva were the deities of various tribes, later those who felt in the nation of Han, and therefore their images are so unlike each other. So, it is known that the cult of Nyuva was distributed in Sichuan and on the southeastern outskirts of the Chinese Empire, and the cult of Pangu - in the south. In history, it often happens that two images similar in their functions are merged into the marriage or nearby (mother - son, father - daughter, brother - sister) pairs of deities, but in the case of Pangu and a nude this did not happen, most likely because They were too different from each other.

The created world for the Chinese was not a list of natural objects located at different distances from each other, but was populated with numerous spirits. In each grief, in every crime and in every forest, good or evil spirits were happressed with legendary events. The Chinese believed that such events did occur in distant antiquity, and therefore historians recorded these legends in the Chronicles on a par with real historical events. But in neighboring settlements, the same legend could be told in different ways, and writers, having heard her from different people, entered various legends into their records. In addition, historians often redid the vintage myths, trying to submit them under the desired angle of view. So the legends were woven in historical events, and the incidents that took place in the distant mythical time became modern for the Great Chinese Dynasties.

The spirits who worshiped the Chinese were a great set. Among them were many perfumes of the ancestors, i.e. the spirits of people who have once lived on Earth and helped their relatives and fellow villagers after their death. In principle, anyone after death could become a deity, enter the local Pantheon and receive the honors and sacrifices laid perfect. For this, he had to possess certain magical abilities and mental qualities. The Chinese were convinced that after death, all evil, which was in man, goes when the body is elapsed, and the cleansing bones serve the console forces. So, when meat on the bones elapsed, the dead turned into spirits. People believed that they often meet them wandering along the roads or in places, their loved ones during their lifetime, and they looked the same as before, when were alive. Such spirits could come to fellow villagers and ask, and often even demand that they brought them victims. If the inhabitants of this area refused to bring sacrifices, the spirits could cause a lot of troubles: send a flood or drought, spoil sowing, catch up clouds with strong hail, snow or rain, to deprive the fertility of cattle and local women, cause an earthquake. When people brought the necessary sacrifices, perfumes were to treat living favorably and stop harming people.

Often, people arranged in spirits check, asking them to perform some magical instructions of a different level of "difficulty" - to ensure fertility of livestock and crops, win in the war, a successful marriage of children. If, after the victims of the spirits, the desired events did not come, the spirits were called impostors and the victims did not bring them anymore.

The ancient Chinese worshiped the many gods whose cults were preserved to the present day. Until now, the most revered goddess of China is the goddess of Mercy Guanin, called Guanshini or Guangzizai. The Chinese proverb "Amitofo in every place, Guaniain in every home" testifies to the vast popularity of Guaniain in the people. It is honored by representatives of all the religious flows of the country, and China's Buddhists consider it by the embodiment of Avalokiteshwara. According to Buddhist visual canon, it is depicted as Bodhisatat in the female appearance, which in general, contradicts the religious dogmas of Buddhism, who claims that Bodhisatatatat. Buddhists believe that the Divine Essence of Bodhisatatva can manifest itself in the form of any creature or even the subject. His destination is to help live creatures to comprehend the World Law (Dharma), and therefore there is no reason to portray Bodhisatatv in the female. Buddhists believe that the main destination of Bodhisatatva Guanshin is to carry all people the doctrine of their true nature and how they can be implemented in the surrounding world to go along the path of enlightenment. But the popularity of this goddess was so great that Buddhists went on a direct violation of their own canon.

Buddhist name Guanin - Avalokiteshwara - comes from Indian (Pali) verb "Watch down, explore, inspect" and means "Master of the World, which looks at the world with pity and compassion." Close to this and the Chinese name of the goddess: "Guan" means "to consider", "Shi" - "Peace", "Yin" - "sounds". Thus, her name means "considering the sounds of the world." The Tibetan name of the goddess Spryaneraz-Gzigs - "Ladyman, contemplating with his eyes" - also draws attention to the visual, visual aspect of the goddess.

Traditional Chinese Silk Wedding Dress

According to the Buddhist treatise, "Manicabum", Avalokiteshwara - a man, not a woman. He was born on the created Buddha's pure sacred land of Padmavati, in which the ideal ruler named with the name of the Zzangpokhog reigned. This ruler had everything that could be wished, but he had no son, and he passionately wished to get the heir. For this, he made a lot of offerings to the saint of three jewels, but his desire was not carried out, although for each sentence he ordered to collect lotus flowers. One day, his servant informed his lord that he found a giant lotus on the lake, whose petals were, as the wing of the Korean. The flower is about going to bloom. The ruler considered it a good foreman and suggested that the deities support him in the desire to have a son. The Zzangpokhog gathered his ministers, approximate and servants and went with them to the lake. There they saw the bloom of a wonderful lotus. And it happened unusual: among his petals was sitting a boy of sixteen, dressed in white clothes. The sages examined the boy and found the basic physical signs of the Buddha on his body. When it was dark, it turned out that the glow occurs from it. A little time, the boy said: "I feel pity for all reasonable beings that are immersed in suffering!" The king and his subjects were brought to the boy the gifts, fell in front of him to the ground and invited him to live in the palace. The king gave him the name "Born by Lotus", or the "Essence of Lotus", because of his amazing birth. Amitabha's Buddha informed the king, that this boy is a manifestation of virtues of all Buddhas and the essence of the hearts of all Buddhas, and he also said that the heavenly name of the boy - Avalokiteshwara and his destination is to help all living beings in their troubles and suffering however countless they would not be.

According to ancient legend, the daughter of the king of one of the Chinese states named Mohozhan was so righteous in his earthly life that he got a nickname "yes Tsyu Yes Bay Jiu Qui Tszy Nan on Mo Lin Gan Guan Shi Yin Pusa" (premium, saving from torque and disaster , refuge by resorting, the miraculous Lord of the world of Bodhisatv). It is believed that Mohozhan was one of the first incarnations of Guan-Yin on Earth.

Guanishin's phenomena were numerous in China, but it was especially common to people in the X century, during the reign of five dynasties. During this period, it was in the image of Bodhisatatva, then in the form of a Buddhist or Taoist monk, but never in the form of a woman. But in earlier times, she took its original female appearance. That is how it was depicted in the paintings of early time. So I depicted it, for example, the Conditions, the famous artist of the Tanning Emperor Xuanzuna (713-756).

In China, it is believed that Guanin has a miraculous force that allows you to get rid of the bonds and shackles, as well as from execution. According to beliefs, it is only worth saying the name Guanin, like the shackles and the bonds themselves fall, swords and other execution guns break, and this happens every time independently of whether a convicted criminal or an innocent person is. She also frees from suffering from weapons, fire and fire, demons and water. And, of course, Guaniain pray women who want to give birth to a child, and a child whom they will be able to give birth at the appointed time will be provided with the blessings of good deities, advantages and wisdom. The female qualities of Guanishin manifest themselves in her qualities of the "Great Peeling", the granitor of children, the Savior; And also in the appearance of the warrior, actively struggling with evil. In this case, it is often depicted together with the Deity of Erlanšene.

The functions of the Divine, like his appearance, could change over time. As an example, you can bring the goddess Sivanu - West Lady, the keeper of the source and fruit of immortality. In more ancient myths, she acts as a formidable master of the country of the dead, which was in the West and the hostess of heaven and diseases, primarily the plague, as well as natural disasters that she sends people. Artists depicted her woman with long disheveled hair, a tick tail and a tiger claws sitting on a tripod in a cave. Food brought three blue (or green) three-year sacred birds. At a later time, Sivanmu turns into a heavenly beauty living in the extreme West, in the Kunlun Mountains in the Jade Palace on the shore of the Yaszym Lake, near which a peach tree with fruits giving immortality. She always accompanies a tiger. The goddess here is the patronage of the "immortal" Taoist saints. Her Palace and nearby Garden with Peach Tree and the source of immortality surrounds the Golden Shaft, protected by magical creatures and monsters.

The Chinese are often mythologized and really existed people. One of them is Guaniui - the commander of the kingdom of Shu Epoch of three-chairs. Subsequently, he became one of the main characters of the Troyzaria medieval novel, which is represented as the ideal of nobility. The historians of Chinese literature are even called his Eastern Robin Hood. According to the legend, he and two of his friend (Zhangfi and Lyo) were swore to stand at each other, after the manufacturer of straw sandals Lyube spread the Guanuy's fight with the butcher Zhangfay in the Garden Peach. When fate highly raised Loebe and he founded the kingdom of Shu, he made Guanuya his supreme warlord. However, the relationship between real guangui and love was not so idyll. Around 200, the first fought in the regime of Caoitsa, and Lyo was on the side of his chief enemy (Yuanshao). Nineteen years later, the real Guanius, together with his son and the squire, was captured by Sunzuan and KazNen. Sunzuan after execution sent the head of Guanuyu Emperor Tsaozo, who with honors and buried her. Shortly after the burial of the head, the legends appeared, who said as if Guan'ewly managed after the murder of a unclean judge, to pass unrecognized by the guard, since his face fantastically changed the color. From the XVII century. Guanuali began to read in Korea. According to local legends, Guanius allegedly defended the country from the Japanese invasion. Later he began to read in Japan.

Since the time of the dynasty, Sui Guanway began to read not so much as a real person, how much as God of war, and in 1594 he was officially deified under the name Guandy. Since then, thousands of temples have been devoted to him in the Middle Kingdom. In addition to the military functions, Guandy Guaniui performed both the judicial functions, so, in his temples were kept the sword, who were executed by criminals. And besides it was believed that the spirit of the deceased would not bother to take revenge the executioner if he would make cleansing rites in the Church of Guangi.

Guandy is depicted accompanied by a squire and son. His face is red, and he dressed in green vest. Guandy's hands holds the historical treatise "Tshojuan", allegedly born by heart. Thanks to this, it is believed that Guangdi patronizes not only soldiers and executioners, but also writers. It is possible that the Tibetan God of Gaser (Gasar), which was a deity and a historical person, a commander of the Ling region, had a great influence on the image of the Writer Warrior. Later, the image of Gesera was perceived by the Mongols and Buryats, for which he became the main epic hero.

As in any ancient culture, the Chinese's mythological ideas closely intertwined the real and fantastic. What is the proportion of real in the myths about the creation and existence of the world, it is impossible to say. How can not say what the share of fantastic in the descriptions of real rulers (unless, of course, they are real). Most likely, what is told in many Chinese myths, is an allegorical embodiment of power, courage, wealth, malice and destruction, etc.

Of course, in the book, so small in size, it is impossible for some kind of detail about the mythology of China. But both of what we managed to tell, suggests that the Chinese civilization is unique in its attitude to mythology, to the relationship of myth and real history. Therefore, in China's history, it is often possible to see that the Chinese create some kind of myth from the real story and live in it, firmly believing that this is reality. Probably we can say that the Chinese live in myths and create myths about life. This is the myth-making history of the history and historicity of the myths and is, in our opinion, the main difference between the Chinese from the rest of the peoples of the world.

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In the heading about the myths of ancient China, children will learn how the world and the life of people were created, about brave heroes that protect their people from evil. As people mined food, defended themselves from the angry Chinese gods, sent difficulties, and how they learned to experience feelings and emotions. They will understand that the origin of the language, rites, etiquette - all this went from the ancient Eastern legends!

Myths of ancient china read

Myths of Ancient China638
Myths of Ancient China698
Myths of Ancient China741
Myths of Ancient China513
Myths of Ancient China24309
Myths of Ancient China893
Myths of Ancient China662
Myths of Ancient China1136
Myths of Ancient China755
Myths of Ancient China2005
Myths of Ancient China371

China for a long time is famous for rich mythology. Her history lay old Chinese, Taoist, Buddhist and late folk tale of the peoples of China. She has several thousand years.

The main volitional characters became Chinese emperors and rulers who were honored and respected by peoples as a sign of gratitude. Secondary heroes passed in dignitaries and officials. Ancient people did not know the laws of science, but believed that everything that was happening with them was the acts of the gods. Thanks to mythology, Chinese holidays appeared, relevant to this day.

Mythology is the way of thinking of the people, his legends, beliefs and teachings. She captures the spirit of his legends and plots. Usually, the characters in the legends are represented by bold, unpredictable and infinitely kind. These bravers are impossible to confuse with any of other mythologies! Unfortunately, over time, the Chinese began to forget their myths, and in our time only individual excerpts of the tales are preserved.

On our site you can read the myths of ancient China with interest, because Chinese legends are unique in their kind. It was the teachings that bearing wisdom and kindness. Due to this, human-humidity, responsiveness, inner harmony and morality are cultivated in man. And it is so necessary for children in the future.

The history of the ancient civilization of China or the birth of the Universe

The ancient myths of China describe the history of the ancient civilization of China since the birth of the universe. It would be possible to say that from the moment of the big explosion, but this is part of modern scientific mythology, and in the ancient myths of China the universe is described as a kind of eggs that broke from the inside. Perhaps if at that moment there was a certain external observer, for him it would look like an explosion. After all, the egg was filled with chaos.

From this chaos, with the help of the forces of the Universe Yin and Yang was born Pangu. This part of the ancient myths of China is fully combined with a modern scientific world about how the DNA molecule was accidentally obtained from the chaos of the chemical elements on Earth. So, according to the theory of the origin of life adopted in the ancient Chinese civilization, it all began with Pangu, who broke the egg. According to one of the versions of this ancient myth of China, Pangu used an ax, with which it was more often depicted on the subjects of antiquity. It can be assumed that this tool was created from the surrounding chaos, becoming the first material subject.

Pangu divides the sky and the land chaos broke out of the egg, divided into light and heavy elements. More precisely, the light elements climbed up and formed the sky - a bright start, protein (yang), and heavy fell down, and created the ground - muddy, yolk (yin). It is difficult here not to notice a certain relationship of the ancient myths of China and the scientific explanation of the creation of the solar system. At which our planetary system was formed from a rotating chaotic cloud of gases and heavy elements. Under the action of rotation, heavy elements accumulated closer to the center, around the natural reasons that appeared during the natural reasons (which we will not discuss here) of the Sun. They formed solid planets, and light elements, accumulated closer to the edge - Gaza Giants (Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune ...)

Life on Earth in the ancient myths of China

But let us return to the theory of the emergence of the life taken in the ancient civilization of China, to the fact that our science calls mythology. So, the ancient myths of China are told about how Pangu, being the first and only inhabitant of the new universe, stuffed with his legs to the ground, headed into the sky and began to grow.

Within 18,000 years, the distance between the sky and the earth increased by 3 meters every day until today has reached today. Finally, he seeing that the Earth and the sky would no longer be connected, his body was reincarnated into a whole world. According to the ancient myths of China - Panga's breath became wind and clouds, torso with hands and legs - huge mountains and four sides of light, blood - rivers, flesh - soil, leather - grass and trees ... The ancient civilization of China thereby confirms the myths of other nations in which our planet takes the role of a living being or organism.

According to the ancient myths of China, when the Earth has already separated from the sky, the majestic mountains rose to rise, rivers flowed to the seas, full of fish, forests and steppes were filled with wild animals, the world still remained unfinished without human race. And then the history of humanization of humanity begins. As in other religious versions, the religion of the ancient civilization of China believed that people were created from clay. In the treatise II of the century "the general meaning of the customs" by the creator of people became Nyiva - the Great Women's Spirit. In the ancient myths of China, Nyuvi saw a landscaping of the world, and therefore depicted it with a measuring carbon in her hand or, as the personification of the female start yin, with the moon's disk. Nyva depicted with the human body, bird legs and a snake tail. She took the handful of clay and began to sculpt the figures, they came to life and became people. Nyva understood that she would not have enough strength or the time to make all people could inhale the land.

And then Nyva stretched the rope through liquid clay. When the goddess shook the rope, the pieces of clay flew in all directions. Falling on the ground, they turned into people. But that is due to the fact that they were not blinded by hand, Toli because the marsh clay did not differ in its composition, from the one of which the first people were blinded, but the ancient myths of China argue that people of a faster production method were significantly different From hand-created. That is why the rich and notable are people made by the gods handedly from the yellow earth, while poor and insignificant people are made using a rope.

Next, the Nyuva's creatures made it possible to multiply independently. True, before that, she handed them the law on the responsibilities of both parties in marriage, which in the ancient civilization of China strictly observed. Since then, for the Chinese, the ancient myths of China, Nyiva, is considered a patronage of marriages, in the forces of which to rid a woman from infertility. The divinity of Nyuva was so strong that even from her internships were born 10 deities. But the merits of Nyuva do not end.

The ancestor of Nyiva protects humanity

People then lived for a long time and happily - so they usually end fairy tales in the European tradition, but there is no fairy tale, but the ancient myths of China, so they happily lived to the pore. Until that time, the first war of the gods began. Between the Spirit of Fire Zhuzun and the Spirit of Water Gungun.

Nyuva lived for some time calmly, not knowing worries. But the land that people have already been settled by it have grown great disasters. In some places, the sky collapsed, and there were huge black holes there. The Spirit of Fire Zhuzun spawned the spirit of Gungun, the struggle with which he occupied a large place in ancient mythology. The ancient myths of China describe an incredible fire and the heat, which leaked through them, as well as a fire that covered the forest on Earth. The depressions were formed in the ground through which groundwater was hung. Two opposites that characterize the ancient civilization of China, two elements, hostile to each other, water and fire combed their efforts to destroy people.

Seeing how human creations suffer, Nyva, as the true landscaping of the world began to work to "patch up" the proceeding sky. She gathered multicolored stones and melting them on fire, filled out the resulting mass of heavenly holes. To strengthen the sky, Nyuva cut off four legs from a gigantic turtle and put them on four parts of the Earth as a backups supporting the sky. The sky has strengthened, but did not return to his former state. According to the ancient myths of China, he twisted somewhat, but in reality it can be seen on the movement of the sun, the moon and stars. In addition, the southeast of the Middle Kingdom formed a huge wpadin, which became the ocean.

They are something complicated and incomprehensible. Their idea of \u200b\u200bthe world, spirits and deities are very different from our, which leads to a certain dissonance when reading them. However, if you delve into their structure a little, realize everything that happens, the perfect new picture of the universe, filled with amazing stories and discoveries, will open before your eyes.

Features of Chinese myology

Let's start with the fact that all Chinese legends were born as songs. In the past, they were played at the Palace of the emperor, in taverns, at home at the hearth and even on the streets. Over the years, the Chinese wise men began to endure myths on paper in order to preserve their beauty for descendants. At the same time, the largest number of ancient tests was listed in the collections "Book of Songs" and "Book of Stories".

In addition, many Chinese legends have real roots. That you mean, the heroes of these myths really lived in certain temporary epochs. Naturally, their abilities and skills were clearly exaggerated, in order to give the story of greater epicness. However, this does not cancel the fact that the ancient myths of China are of great importance for historians, as they allow you to see the past of this nation.

The appearance of the Universe: the myth of chaos

In Chinese mythology there are several versions of how the world appeared. The most famous says that initially only two great spirits lived in a shapeless chaos - Yin and Yang. In one fine "day" they are tired of the emptiness, and they wanted to create something new. Yan imagined the male beginning, becoming heaven and light, and Yin is a female, turning into the ground.

Thus, two great spirit created the universe. In addition, all the living and non-living in it will obey the initial will of Yin and Yan. Any violation of this harmony will certainly lead to troubles and catastrophes. That is why most Chinese philosophical schools are built on compliance with universal order and harmony.

Great Pratcher

There is another myth about the appearance of the world. He says that at first there was nothing but a huge egg filled with the pristine darkness. Also inside the egg was the Giant Pan GU - the progenitor of all alive. He spent 18 thousand years in a deep dream, but one day his eyes opened.

The first thing that Pan GU appeared before the gaze was a pitch darkness. She pressed against him with an exorbitant cargo, and he wanted to drive her away. But the shell did not give it to this, and therefore the angry Giant broke it with his huge ax. In the same moment, all the contents of the egg scattered in different directions: darkness dropped down, putting the earth, and the light rose the top, turning into the sky.

But the freedom of Pan Gua was unhappy. Soon he began to pursue the idea that the sky could fall to the ground, thereby destroying the world around. Therefore, the progenitor decided to keep the sky on his shoulders, as long as it will not finally be fixed. As a result, 18 thousand years old Pan GU pulled the sky.

In the end, he realized that he had reached his goal and fell to earth. But his feat did not disappear. The body of the giant turned into great gifts: the blood became rivers, the veins - roads, muscles - fertile lands, her hair and trees, and the eyes - the heavenly luminais.

Basics of the world

The Chinese believed that the whole universe was divided into three parts: the sky, the earth and the underground world. At the same time, the sushi itself holds on eight pillars, which do not give her to drown in the sea underground. In the same supports, the sky is held, which in turn is divided into nine separate zones. Eight of them are needed for the movement of heavenly shining, and the ninth serves as a place to concentrate the higher forces.

In addition, the whole land is divided into four sides of the world or four celestial kingdoms. They control them four gods, personifying the main elements: water, fire, air and land. The Chinese themselves live in the middle, and their country is the center of the whole world.

The appearance of the Great Gods

The ancient myths of China suggest that the gods appeared in heaven. Shan-di was the first supreme God, since the Great Spirit of Yan was reborn in him. Thanks to his strength and wisdom, he received the throne of the emperor of the sky and began to rule the whole world. Two brothers helped him in this: Sia-Yuan and the God of the Land of Zhong Yuan. The rest of the deities and spirits were also born through the energy of Yin and Yan, but at the same time they had much less forces than the Supreme Lord.

The same palace of celestials was on Mount Kun Lun. The Chinese believed that this is an amazing beauty place. There, the spring reigns all year, thanks to which the gods can always admire the Fusan tree blossom. Also in the heavenly monastery live all the good spirits: fairies, dragons and even fiery phoenix.

Goddess Nyva - Mother of mankind

But on these two Nyuva did not stop. Soon she blinded about a hundred figurines, which lightningly scattered throughout the district. The new life was pleased with Nyuva, but she understood that he would not be able to make many people with their snow-white hands. And therefore, the celeurant took Lian and immersed it in a thick dirt. After she stretched out the branch, and she shook pieces of swamps with straight to the ground. From the drops of mud one after another people argue.

Later, Chinese aristocrats will say that all rich and successful people went from those ancestors that they were blinded by the nude manually. And the poor and slaves are just the descendants of those drop of mud, which was reset from the Lian branches.

Wisdom of God Fusi.

All this time, her husband Fusi's gods watched on the acts of Nyuva with curiosity. He loved people with all his heart, and therefore he hurts to see what they live like wild beasts. Fusi decided to give mankind wisdom - to teach them to get food and build cities.

To begin with, he showed people how to felt the fish using networks. After all, thanks to this discovery, they could finally settle in one place, forgetting about collecting and hunting. Then he told people how to build at home, erect protective walls and process metal. Thus, it was Fusi that led people to civilization, finally separating them from animals.

Water tamers Gun and Yu

Alas, life near the water was too dangerous. Spindlers and floods constantly destroyed all food reserves, which is strongly in humans. Gun caused this problem. To do this, he decided to build the first Damb in the world, which would block the path of the Great River. In order to create such a shelter, he needed to get the Magic Stone "Sizhen", the power of which allowed to instantly erect stone walls.

The artifact of the heavenly emperor was stored. Gun knew about it, and therefore tearfully asked the Vladyka to give him a treasure. But the celever did not want to answer reciprocity, and therefore our hero stole a stone from him. Indeed, the power of "Sushena" helped build a dam, but the angry emperor took the treasure back, because of what Gun could not complete his work.

Help the father and save people from the Flood volunteered Yu. Instead of building the dam, he decided to change the river bed, turning the flow from the village to the sea. Having enlisted the support of the Heavenly Turtle, Yu did it. In gratitude for salvation, the villagers chose the yuyia with their new ruler.

Hou-Ji - Lord of millet

To finally conquer the land of mankind helped by the young man Hou-Ji. Give the saying that his father was Thunder Giant Lei Shen, and his mother is a simple girl from the genus Yutta. Their union spawned an incredibly smart boy, who since childhood loved to play with the Earth.

Subsequently, his fun led to the fact that he learned to cultivate the earth, plant grains and collect the harvest of them. He presented his knowledge to people, thanks to which they forever forgot about hunger and collecting.