Coincidence True and false. Hitler - Napoleon

Coincidence True and false. Hitler - Napoleon

How are the dictators are born and what awaits them after death? And why are they still not killing? Astrologer Vlad Ross replied to all these questions "Observer".

Why do they become dictators: one planet is to blame

A person can become a dictator exclusively thanks to the astrological location in his birth map such a planet like Saturn. It is a tough, ambitious, selfish planet, which submaps everyone for themselves. All Saturn dictators are located on an elevation in the tenth house of the horoscope - a career house, the house of the authorities, the house of the Father.

For example, Napoleon, Hitler, Muammar Gaddafi and Vladimir Putin, this planet is in the house of power.

According to the birth map, you can immediately determine whether a person will be a hard chief, a dictator, aggressor.

Poor education, lack of father, unfavorable furnishings in the family, violence only aggravate it. We know that almost all dictators had unfavorable childhood.

But there is also feedback: often it turns out that, according to the signs of the dictator in the horoscope, you can predict that childhood in humans may be disadvantaged.

Give the dictator calmly die

Very often the next incarnation of a person is connected with his last day lived in the previous incarnation. Planets at the moment of birth in the next incarnation will be about the same as at the time of human death.

If a person commits suicide or kill him, with a lot of probability, it can be said that it will be reborn again. Therefore, it is so important that all dictators are dying with their death.

Here, as with the snake-Mountain of a fairy tale: he cut off one head, and two more in her place will grow. So with dictators. In case of their violent death in the next incarnation, they become even more cruel dictators.

Therefore, I am convinced that the same Hussein or Gaddafi had to be sent to life imprisonment, and not to kill, and watch that the hairless fell from their head.

But since Saddam Hussein was killed, for sure he will return even a big thug than it was. This time he will be born under the sign of Capricorn, since he was eliminated by this sign - December 30, 2006. And Capricorns are always tight rulers.

As for Gaddafi, his horoscope suggests that in his house the authorities Saturn is in conjunction with uranium, and uranium points to the reformer policy. Since he had a martyrdom, perhaps in the next incarnation he would not be such a bright dictator. Especially since he will be born under the sign of the scales, because he died on October 20, 2011. And the scales are always justice. Perhaps he will be able to express himself in the legislative sphere. He may be a tough dictator in the elite of the Islamic world and lead a very rigid policy, because at the time of death Saturn was in conjunction with the sun.

Hitler and Napoleon: two lives, one soul

Hitler is Napoleon's incarnation. This is the same soul. Napoleon died when his soul was in the sign of the Taurus, and Hitler was born under this sign of the zodiac. Their horoscopes have very similar characteristics. They have similarities and the main events of their lives that took place with a difference of 129 years.

For example, Napoleon came to power in 1804, and Hitler - in 1933. Napoleon lost the war in 1816, and after 129 years, in 1945, Hitler lost the war. One went to the east and the second went to the east - and both lost.

They had the same ascendant (ascending sign) - in the first degree of Scorpio, which is associated with the war.

Their cards are very similar, and I can definitely say that the previous incarnation of Hitler was Napoleon.

Napoleon was an Italian, but manifested himself in France, because Egrigrally, France is under the sign of the lion, and Napoleon was born under this sign of the zodiac. Hitler was born on April 20, at the junction of Aries and Taurus, and he showed himself in a country at the junction of Aries and Taurus - in Bavaria.

And the first, and the second died for a violent death. But let's hope that they will still be able to reach a new level.

At the time of the birth of Vladimir Putin, the sun was in conjunction with Saturn and with Neptune. This is a typical representative of dictatorship and subminding everyone under him.

Do you know why he wants to restore the Soviet Union? Because he was born on October 7, and as you know, on this day the day of the Constitution of the Soviet Union was celebrated. Such people always have a connection with calendar dates. He came to restore this tough Soviet structure, which is why it is so conservative. In the era of Aquarius, the world rules technology, new ideas, but in the horoscope Putin this is absolutely no. Russia will not see any development with him. He is Retrograd, a terry conservative dictator who wants to restore the Soviet Union at its borders.

I will say more. Vladimir Putin is the reincarnation of Genghis Khan. His Spirit is the spirit of Genghis Khan. This was written by Nostradamus in his predictions. Centuria 10, Katren 72 sounds like this: "a year of a thousand nine hundred and ninety-ninth, seventh month, the great king of horror will come from the sky: having revived the great king of Mongols (Angulers), before and after Mars happily reign." In 1999, two terrible events occurred: the strongest earthquake in Turkey and the arrival of Vladimir Putin to power. Putin clearly fits into the situation described by Nostradamus. He writes about the seventh month, but in the old style Augusta, when Putin was appointed successor to Yeltsin, was the seventh month.

In addition, Genghis Khan planets coincide with Putin's planets. The Ordinsky style of the Board, the desire of everyone to dive with itself, claims to the kingdom - all this is his features.

I think he will not calm down until the Third World War will untie. But 2017 is very favorable in order to be thrown off. God forbid and happen.

Hell for dictators: exit

There is hell, there is - paradise. Naturally, people who kill other people do not see paradise. They can only get into the kingdom of darkness.

Of course, this vicious circle can be broken. Ultimately, every person will sooner or later show, from a bad ruler, a dictator that imposes his will, he can be reborn in the Mercy leader, although this is a difficult task. The main role here is played by their own soul, their own will.

For example, the same Gaddafi has chances in the next incarnation to get rid of the negative and evil and later get to heaven.

After all, our mission is first becoming angels, then the archangels, and finally get to the sky.

The biggest punishment is to be embodied in the human body, in which the soul is enclosed as in the dungeon. The soul is committed to freedom, to flight, to the accomplishments, but, apparently, it should work out some situations here on Earth.

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In a relatively foreseeable and reliable history, our country has two bloody wars in its territory: the invasion of Napoleonic and Hitler's troops.

Napoleon and Hitler. It is not surprising that many are interested in whether there is something in these historical characters.

Type in any search engine phrase "Napoleon Hitler" and you will learn about incredible "coincidences", which are caught by Ineta's sites as a great revelation:

Napoleon was born in 1760
Hitler was born in 1889
(difference 129 years)

Napoleon came to power in 1804
Hitler came to power in 1933
(difference 129 years)

Napoleon entered Vienna in 1812
Hitler entered Vienna in 1941
(difference 129 years)

Napoleon lost the war in 1816

(difference 129 years)

Both came to power when they were 44 years old.
Both attacked Russia when they were 52 years old.
Both lost the war when they were 56 years old.

Next, we certainly follow the conclusions of the type:
"Such mysterious, even, can be said, mystical coincidences are forced to shudder and think about what we live in a world where nothing happens by chance, and all events are planned in advance by the highest forces ... carefully looks around to the dates that mysteriously fill our lives. You can see how we go through the labyrinths of fate, which is twisted on the helix, bring new oddities every time.

By carrying out short-term counting, you can see that in a short time (2018), world history will be replenished with loud names, as Hitler and Napoleon ... "

Immediately the impressions of the trusting semi-literary public:
"To be honest, terribly, I'm afraid of another Hitler, the world will not stand ..."

But let's figure out:

Napoleon was born on August 15, 1769
Hitler was born on April 20, 1889
(Difference 120 years)

Napoleon came to power on November 9-10, 1799, making a coup and establishing a dictatorship regime in the form of a consulate.
January 30, 1933 President Hindenburg appointed Hitler Reichskanzler (head of government)
(difference 143 years)

On October 14, 1809, a peace treaty was signed in the Shenbrun Palace in Vienna, according to which Napoleon was attached to almost all Western Galicia to the Duchy of Warsaw, providing Russia only a relatively small Tarnopol district.
Hitler: Annexia Austria Nazi Germany in 1938
(difference 129 years)

Napoleon lost the war in 1815 (Waterloo)
Hitler lost the war in 1945
(difference of 130 years)

So, we have the following "mystical" range: 120, 143, 129 and 130. What are the coincidences?

But we will not fall into premature despondency and continue calculations:

"Both came to power when they were 44 years old"
However, on November 9, 1799, Napoleon was full of 30 years.

"Both attacked Russia when they were 52 years old"
Alas, Napoleon in 1812. It was 43 years old

"Both lost the war when they were 56 years old"
And nothing that Napoleon died on May 5, 1821 without reaching the 52th anniversary?

Truly - Easy to be a prophet in a semi-limited country!

On this, it would seem, the theme of coincidences between two super-aggressors is over. But no, who is looking for, he will always find:

Hitler began his campaign, as well as Napoleon, on the days of summer solstice (June 22 - 24). Spring dishthele ended, the day almost does not end - the best conditions for the jerk. Is there a place to mystical coincidence?

But! In the diary of one of Napoleon's associates, Dedema has such lines:
"... I approached the group of generals belonging to the main apartment of the emperor. Among them reigned the dead silence, which was on gloomy despair. I allowed myself to say some joke, but General Knevkur ... told me:" Do not laugh here, This is a great day. "At the same time, he pointed his hand to the right bank, as if wishing to add:" There is our grave "

One of the Hitler's generals on the day of the beginning of the invasion was recorded in his diary: "... this is the beginning of our death"

Premonitions did not deceive them ...

"... running away from Moscow, the French captured with them everything that was awarded. Napoleon also took his own TRSOR with him.

The fascists, as you know, have not been limited to anything too.

If so, then this kind of coincidence is not to consider between any pair of soulless tyrants.

Napoleon - Hitler

Napoleon was born in 1760
Hitler was born in 1889
(difference 129 years)

Napoleon came to power in 1804
Hitler came to power in 1933
(difference 129 years)

Napoleon entered Vienna in 1812
Hitler entered Vienna in 1941
(difference 129 years)

Napoleon lost the war in 1816
Hitler lost the war in 1945
(difference 129 years)

Both came to power when they were 44 years old.
Both attacked Russia when they were 52 years old.
Both lost the war when they were 56 years old.

Lincoln - Kennedy

Lincoln was born in 1818
Kennedy was born in 1918
(difference of 100 years)

Lincoln became president of the United States in 1860
Kennedy became president of the United States in 1960
(difference of 100 years)

Both were killed on Friday. Both in the presence of wives. Both - a shot in the head.
Lincoln was killed in the "Kennedy" theater. Kennedy was killed in the Lincoln car

Shortly before the death of Lincoln visited the town of Monroe, which is in Marywand;
Kennedy has shortly before the death was Poman with Marilyn Monroe.

Both southerners. Both Democrats.
Before the presidents, both were US senators.

John Wilkis Booth, who shot Lincoln, was born in 1839.
Lee Harvey Oswald, who shot Kennedy, was born in 1939.
(difference of 100 years)

Both names in English (John Wilkes Booth and Lee Harvey OSWALD) is 15 letters.

Booth escaped from the theater and was captured in the attic. Oswald fled from the attic, he was arrested in the theater.

Receiver Lincoln after the murder - Johnson.
Kennedy receiver after killing - Johnson.
The first, Andrew Johnson was born in 1808
Second, Lindon Johnson was born in 1908
(difference of 100 years)

Such mysterious, even, can be said, mystical coincidences are forced to shudder and think about what we live in a world where nothing happens by chance, and all events are planned in advance by the highest forces ... Carefully look at the dates that mysteriously fill our lives, you can Related as we go through the labyrinths of fate, which twists the spiral, bringing new oddities every time.

By carrying out short-term counting, it can be noted that in a short time, world history will be replenished with two loud names, the same as Hitler and Kennedy, or Lincoln and Napoleon ...

Given that the difference between the birth of Napoleon and Hitler is 129 years old, and the divisions of Lincoln's birth and Kennedy - century, you can predict the birth of the following personalities of this magnitude.

Hitler was born, as mentioned above, in 1889. We add 129 years in the early 2018 - it means that this year of birth of the next Napoleon-Hitler. But this is not the most interesting, let us say that this year will be the beginning of a more significant event, since the next Lincoln-Kennedy will be bought in the same year! Since Kennedy was born in 1918. We add to this number100 and see the already familiar 2018 year. From here you can withdraw all the other dates: in 2060, the future Kennedy will come to power, and after him followed in 2062, Ibulyon Napoleon. You can also calculate all other significant dates. Of course, this simple mathematics does not predict anything, but who knows ... maybe this pattern should not be unnoticed.

Here's another:

In 1838, the American writer Edgar software wrote "a story about the adventures of Arthur Gordon Pima." It tells about how after shipwrecks four who saved were in the open sea. Brought to despair with hunger, three of them kill and eat the fourth. In the book of his name - Richard Parker. In 1884, the shipwreck "Magnonett" craft. Four who saved, as well as the heroes of Edgar software, were in one boat. After multi-day wandering over the army, distracted from hunger, three kill three and eat the fourth. The name of this fourth turned out to be Richard Parker.
From the logic position, this case is simply impossible to explain.

It loves our people supernatural, mysterious and proceedable-incomprehensible. True, according to some psychologists-sociologists, this belief is growing and growing in the years of chaos and uncertainty in tomorrow.

Nevertheless, I am completely amazed by the perfect and total infantilism, the complete absence of common sense and a critical attitude towards fried news.

This week, one of my friends posting the material that I seemed first drawing on his side:
Napoleon was born in the 1760s.
Hitler was born in 1889. Difference 129 years old.
Napoleon came to power in 1804.
Hitler came to power in 1933. Difference 129 years old.
Napoleon entered Vienna in 1809.
Hitler entered Vienna in 1938. Difference 129 years old.
Napoleon went to Russia in 1812.
Hitler went to Russia in 1941. Difference 129 years old.
Napoleon lost the war in 1816.
Hitler lost the war in 1945. Difference 129 years old.
Both came to power when they were 44 years old.
Both attacked Russia when they were 52 years old.
Both lost the war when they were 56 years old.

Here is such a historic parallel ...
I also hit the ball in the comments:
Lincoln was born in 1818. Kennedy was born in 1918 (the difference is 100 years old)
Lincoln became President of the United States in 1860 Kennedy became president of the United States in 1960 (the difference is 100 years old)
Both were killed on Friday. Both in the presence of wives. Both - a shot in the head.
Lincoln was killed in the "Kennedy" theater. Kennedy was killed in the Lincoln car
Shortly before the death of Lincoln visited the town of Monroe, which is in Marywand; Kennedy has shortly before the death was Poman with Marilyn Monroe.
Both southerners. Both Democrats.
Before the presidents, both were US senators.
John Wilkis Booth, who shook Lincoln, was born in 1839. They were Harvey Oswald, who shot Kennedy, was born in 1939. (difference of 100 years)
Both names in English and Lee Harvey OSWALD) consist of 15 letters.
Booth escaped from the theater and was captured in the attic. Oswald fled from the attic, he was arrested in the theater.
Receiver Lincoln after the murder - Johnson. Kennedy receiver after killing - Johnson.
The first, Andrew Johnson was born in 1808. The second, Lindon Johnson was born in 1908 (the difference is 100 years old)

I expected to be Franc and now begin to shame for such scams ... How ... Keep your pocket wider. Only one reader doubted that Napoleon "lost the war in 1816."
Go to exposure:

Napoleon was born in 1769, Hitler - in 1889, the difference is 120 years old.
Napoleon came to power in 1799 (became the first consul), in 1804 he was crowned with the emperor, Hitler came to power in 1933, in 1934 he became a great Führer of the German nation ... no matter how cool, difference - either 134 years old, or 130 years ...
Vienna occupied and attacked Russia and the other really with the interval of 129 years.
Napoleon attacked Russia in 43, Hitler - in 52.
But Napoleon was crushed in 1815, and Hitler - in 1945 ... a difference of 130 years ...

Lincoln was born in 1809, Kennedy - in 1917. 108 years.
They became presidents, indeed, with a difference of 100 years.
Both are killed on Friday, but with a difference in 102 years.
Lincoln is killed in the "Ford" theater, and not "Kennedy".
Lincoln and in fact comes from Kentucky (Southerner), but he was a Republican. Kennedy was a democrat, but born in Massachusetts, and this is not a southern state.
Lincoln was a congressman. Congress and US Senate - not the same thing.
John Wilks Booth was born in 1838, and not in 1939
Regarding the number of letters in names - it's just nonsense)
Booth was overtaken in the barn on the farm. Oswald is arrested in a cinema.
Lincoln and Kennedy successors were really born with a difference of 100 years.
Monroe is not in Maryland.

What is me that I am ... Yes, I just want to show how completely ordinary things can after several non-silent machinations become mysterious and mystically fateful ...