Full moon rites and rituals. Full moon magic rituals

Full moon rites and rituals.  Full moon magic rituals
Full moon rites and rituals. Full moon magic rituals

The full moon is a special mystical time of peak energy rise, therefore, most rituals are recommended to be performed during this truly magical period. Experts believe that full moon rituals are endowed with the special, wonderful power of the full moon, so when they are carried out, you can get maximum results with a minimum of effort.

What rituals and ceremonies are performed on the full moon?

Traditional techniques for the full moon are rituals for money, love, and wish fulfillment.

In this article, we will analyze in detail all the most powerful and effective practices carried out during the full moon period.


How to prepare for full moon rituals

Before starting to carry out any rituals, you must first of all prepare well for them, and above all psychologically. Since all the rituals for the full moon are mainly carried out at night, and this time of day traditionally causes natural fears and natural instincts in many people, they need to be overcome or neutralized.

Here are some tips for performing the rituals:

  • First of all, determine for yourself, do you really need it? Are you really ready to attract money, love, success and fulfillment of desires into your life in this way? If so, then feel free to proceed and throw away all doubts.
  • Be sure to check the lunar calendar in order not to be mistaken. All full moon rituals are performed during the full moon period, namely from the 15th to the 17th lunar day. At this time, the "night mistress" concentrates in herself all the forces accumulated over the previous periods and is in her most active phase.
  • Basically, all rituals and ceremonies are carried out with the pronunciation of texts aloud - conspiracies, sayings, whispers. Prepare well, memorize them so as not to get lost during the practice.

Well, let's move on to the rituals themselves?

Full moon rituals to raise money

If a monetary crisis has come in your life, if you are tormented by money problems, if you cannot get out of debt in any way, or you just want to improve your financial situation, then wait until the next full moon and perform one of the following rituals to raise money.

Money water ritual

You will need:

  • 1-1.5 liter bottle
  • melt water
  • paper
  • pen
  • paper glue

On a full moon night, pour melt water into a bottle and place it in front of you. Close your eyes and for about one minute create a picture on your mental screen of money falling from the sky on you (paper or metal - no difference). Then take a breath, open your eyes, clasp the bottle with your hands and as you exhale, mentally "transfer" this picture into the water, while simultaneously charging it with your energy through your hands.

After that, write the dollar sign $ on a small piece of paper, stick it on the bottle and transfer it to the windowsill, which is exposed to the moonlight. Look through the window at the full moon and say out loud three times: "Moon-sorceress - shine, charge some water!" Leave the water bottle on the windowsill for two to three hours. After that, allocate space for her in the refrigerator and once a day drink 2-3 sips of "money water" from it.

Ritual for money "Money Magnet"

You will need:

  • 3 coins of any denomination
  • small magnet
  • small white or green candle

Before carrying out this ritual to attract money, you need to cleanse your home, since money is very fond of cleanliness and order.

Wait until complete darkness falls and thoroughly clean your apartment or house. After that, place 3 coins in the form of a triangle, in the center of which place a candle. Light it up and let it burn to the end. Then, put coins in the left pocket of the clothing you wear most often. Put a small magnet in the right pocket. Carry it all with you for exactly 7 days. If you change clothes, put money and a magnet in it. The monetary situation should improve within a week.

Money bank ritual

This rite of passage to raise money should be carried out in the event that you urgently need a specific amount of money.

You will need:

  • Jar with lid
  • 7 coins of the same denomination
  • Paper
  • Pen

Wait for the full moon. Exactly at midnight, on a piece of paper, write in a pen the amount that you really need at the moment. Write it 2 times - in numbers and in words. Roll up the piece of paper and place it on the bottom of the jar. Then, with the hand with which you wrote, take 7 coins and in turn throw them into the jar, while saying: "The coins are ringing, the light of the moon is reflected, wealth and money are attracted to me!" Leave the jar overnight on the windowsill on which the moonlight falls. In the morning, remove it from the window, hide it in a secluded place and every day, until the next full moon, add 3 more coins (of any denomination) to this jar, repeating the same words.

Lunar Wallet money ritual

You will need:

  • wallet or purse
  • paper money and coins

Wait for the full moon. After midnight, fill your wallet or purse with money "to capacity." Use both paper bills and coins. The main thing is that your wallet is filled with money completely, as they say, “bursting at the seams”. Put it on that windowsill, which is illuminated by the moonlight, and looking at the moon through the window, say the following words out loud: "As the moon is full, so is my wallet full of money!" Leave it on the windowsill until morning. You can start spending money from your wallet only from the 18th lunar day, when the moon goes down.

Ritual for money "Moon Meditation"

This rite of passage for raising money stands out from the rest, as it is based on meditative practices. It is very powerful, and if you are good enough with the technique of meditation, then the correct execution of this ritual will attract money to you with a very high degree of probability.

You will need:

  • New banknote of any denomination (preferably larger)

Wait until midnight on a full moon day, go outside and sit in a moonlit area. Take a comfortable position, take the banknote with both hands by the ends and gaze intently at it for 2-3 minutes. Imagine that a banknote is filled with moonlight, is saturated with it, and itself begins to glow and shine. And the moonlight begins to turn into a ray of light connecting the moon and the banknote. Get out of meditation when you feel that the banknote is filled to the maximum with the power of the full moon. Put this “charged” bill in your wallet and do not change it until the next full moon, it will serve as a money magnet for you and will significantly increase the incoming cash flow.

Ritual for money "Coin of Happiness"

You will need:

  • Coins of any denomination

After midnight on any full moon day, collect all the coins you have in your house. Think of one of the sides of the coin that will be lucky for you (heads or tails). Collect them in a handful, shake them several times with the words: "I shake, I am fortune, I find a coin of happiness", and like dice, throw them on some surface, for example on a table.

After that, select only those coins that were dropped by the "lucky" side. Repeat this procedure several times until you have only one coin left. Happened? Congratulations! Now this is your "coin of happiness". Never waste it and always carry it in your wallet as a money talisman. It can also be used in fortune telling as an answer to the question posed (the happy side will mean "yes").

Do not be discouraged if at the very end the last coins did not fall out in a hidden direction - there was simply no “happy” one among them! Just repeat the ritual for the next full moon.

Money spice ritual

You will need:

  • a tablespoon of raisins
  • a tablespoon of sugar
  • half a teaspoon of cinnamon
  • a tablespoon of walnuts

Mix all the ingredients well, wait until midnight on the day of the full moon, go outside and address the Moon with the following words: "Mistress of the night - take a gift, and bring a lot of money!" After that, you need to scatter this mixture around you, making 3 turns counterclockwise.

Full moon rituals to attract love

I want to note right away that rituals to attract love and magic love spells are NOT the same thing. The difference between them is that love spells are always aimed at a specific person and act against his will.

Rituals that attract love are designed to attract the Energy of Love, to increase the frequency of a person's inner vibration to the level of the Frequency of Love.

Rituals for attracting love, unlike love spells, are absolutely safe, they only help the practitioner meet his soul mate and become more attractive to the opposite sex.

Love ritual "Love note"

You will need:

  • 2 small red candles
  • small piece of paper
  • pen
  • scissors

Wait for the full moon. After midnight, place two candles on the table in front of you. One of them will be yours, the second - your betrothed. Write your love wish on a small piece of paper with a pen, for example: "This year I meet my soul mate and get married!" Use scissors to cut the "love note" in half and burn them one by one in the flame of a candle - one above yours, the other above your betrothed's candle.

Love ritual "Rose of Love"

As you know, the rose is an ancient symbol of love and it is very often used to attract love into your life. If you are lonely and passionately want to meet the love of your life, then you definitely need to carry out this romantic ritual.

You will need:

  • red rose flower
  • vase
  • 2 red candles

On a full moon day, go to a flower shop and buy a beautiful red rose. Place it in a beautiful vase at home and glance at the flower from time to time, creating a romantic mood for yourself. After the clock strikes twelve at night, light the candles and place a rose between them. Turn on a romantic melody, sit on a chair and look at this "composition" for a few minutes, enjoy, inhale the pink scent, mentally imagining the image of your soul mate. After that, say out loud three times: “Love in the present, love in the future, love forever. Love-heaven is above me, love-earth is below me, love is around me. I attract love, I welcome my betrothed! "

Watch this video. In it, I show 3 rituals to attract love on a full moon.

Love ritual "Talisman of Love"

This ritual to attract love can be performed at any time of the full moon, regardless of the time of day.

You will need:

  • personal photo
  • large flat plate
  • cinnamon
  • basil
  • large red candle with candlestick
  • Red thread
  • ceramic bowl
  • natural red fabric

Take a red candle, hold it between your palms, and with your eyes closed, visualize yourself happy next to your loved one for a couple of minutes. Try to "send" the "picture" through your hands to the candle. After that, place the candle in the previously prepared candlestick and light it. Place a flat plate in front of the candle and place your photo on top of it (you should be alone on it).

On a plate around your photograph, sprinkle a circle of cinnamon clockwise, while saying, "Let love surround me!" Above the cinnamon circle, make another circle, this time from the basil, repeating the same words again. And at the end, pour the third circle again from cinnamon (above the basil), again saying out loud the conspiracy "Let love surround me!".

After that, pour the spices into a ceramic bowl and stir them with your hands, saying at the same time: “Magic herbs, send me my betrothed! Our love is mutual! Let it be so!".

Then pour the spices from the ceramic bowl onto the red natural cloth and place your photo on top. Connect the ends of the fabric together with a red thread to make a bag. This will now be your love talisman. Leave it near the candle for exactly 7 minutes, then hide it in a secluded place. Do not throw away the rest of the candle, but every day, putting your talisman of love in front of it, light it for 7 minutes until it completely burns out.

Love ritual "Wax heart"

This ritual to attract love can be used both to find your betrothed and to enhance passion between spouses.

You will need:

  • red rose petals
  • juniper twig
  • Dill seeds
  • red wax
  • red pouch made of natural fabric
  • scissors
  • tablespoon
  • wooden mortar
  • small plate

On a full moon day, after midnight, take dry petals of one red rose, dry juniper twig and cut them into small pieces with scissors. Mix them together and place 2 teaspoons of this mixture in a wooden mortar. Add one teaspoon of dill to it and crush it all into a powder.

Then put a small piece of red wax in a tablespoon and melt it over the fire. Add 3 pinches of "love" powder to the melted wax and pour it onto a plate.

Let the spiced wax cool a little (so it doesn't burn your hands, but at the same time remains pliable), and mold a small heart out of it. At the same time, imagine the image of your beloved and draw mental pictures of your happy future.

When you finish this "love magic", put the heart in the previously prepared red bag and attach it to hang at the head of your bed. If you are in a relationship and your bed is a marital bed, tuck the bag of wax heart under your pillow.

Full moon rituals to fulfill wishes

As mentioned above, the full moon is a period of maximum lunar activity and the most peak energetically time, therefore, the fulfillment of desires made in this time period occurs much faster.

Indeed, for the realization of desire, for its speedy materialization in reality, energy is needed, and during the full moon the energy background is maximally increased.

Ritual for the fulfillment of wishes "Magic Note"

It is a very simple ritual to perform, but its effectiveness does not diminish in any way.

You will need:

  • small piece of paper
  • pen

Wait for the full moon to come. After 12 o'clock in the morning, write your cherished wish on a piece of paper with a pen. It should be written in the present tense, without negations and the word "I want". For example: "I'm getting a high-paying job!" Put a magic note with a written desire on the windowsill, where the light from the moon enters. Leave the leaf on the windowsill for 3 consecutive nights (pick it up from the window in the morning). During this time, your desire will be "saturated" with active lunar energies and will soon begin to come true. Hide the leaf with the desire away until the desire is fulfilled. After that, you need to burn it and thank the Universe for fulfilling it.

Lunar Magnet ritual for fulfilling desires

With this ritual, you can fulfill any desire pretty quickly.

You will need:

  • 2 candles (green, red or white *)
  • paper
  • pen
  • dressing tape (green, red or white *)
  • small magnet

*Note: the color of candles and dressing bands in this ritual is selected depending on the type of your desire (for money - green, for love - red, for others - white).

On one full moon day, after the clock strikes midnight, light two candles. Write on a piece of paper your desire in great detail, in all details. Avoid the future tense, the word "want" and all kinds of negations (no, no, never). Place your wish sheet between two candles. Look closely at the fire and imagine your desire already fulfilled. Enjoy the emotions of its implementation! At the end, say the following words out loud 3 times: "The hostess moon is filled with power - my desire has already been fulfilled!" After that, wrap a small magnet in a leaf with a wish, tie it with a dressing tape and carry it in your bag or pocket until the wish comes true.

Ritual for the fulfillment of wishes "Moon mirror"

One of the most powerful lunar rituals that grant wishes. To carry it out, you only need one accessory - a small mirror.

Wait for the full moon night. After midnight, go outside near your house (you can go to the balcony). The main condition is that the full moon must be clearly visible and you must be in the stream of moonlight. Take a small mirror in your right hand, turn your back to the Moon, catch the moon's reflection in the mirror, and without taking your eyes off it, say out loud:

“The moon, beauty, all the stars like it. Share the moonlight, stand up for me. What I want - let it come true, your strength will descend to me. Your light pours out on the earth, my desire is fulfilled. Let it be so!"

After that, one cannot look into the lunar mirror until the next full moon. During this time, your desire should be fulfilled.

Watch this short video. In it, I show 2 rituals for the fulfillment of desires.

Friends, do not miss the wonderful time of the full moon and be sure to perform magic rituals to attract money, love and fulfill desires!

May your Dreams Come True!

Alena Golovina

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Full moon ceremonies have been considered the most effective since ancient times. The fact is that during this period the moon becomes the most powerful energetically. That is why the ceremonies performed at this time, act faster, and you get what you want even before the onset of the new lunar month.

In the article:

The lunar calendar and its influence on magical rituals

Traditionally, the lunar cycle is divided into several phases. The new moon lasts the first two days of the new lunar month. During this period, the sky is clear, the new moon is not yet visible, but this does not mean that it is not there. New Moon is a great time to make plans and actions for the month ahead. Also during this period, rituals are held associated with undertakings in various fields, new ideas, attracting wealth, romantic relationships, good luck.

The period of the growing moon is called the next two weeks from the new moon to the fifteenth lunar day. At this time, the moon is gaining strength and potential. It has a beneficial effect on the rituals associated with the acquisition and appearance of the desired in life. Effective on the growing moon will prove to be, training, travel.

The next phase is full moon... This time is from the fifteenth to the seventeenth day of the lunar calendar.

Witchcraft rituals usually take place on special Days. On full moon nights or during the eight days of power, celebrating the old European agricultural and seasonal festivals. These rituals are usually for spiritual purposes, but may include magical acts.
Scott Cunningham "A Textbook on Witchcraft"

During this period, the moon is most active. She realizes all the strength accumulated over the previous days. At this time, her influence on people is the strongest.
How is it expressed? Basically, emotional people feel the power of the full moon. On full moon days, you can experience frequent unmotivated mood swings, sudden changes from joy to anger, and outbursts of aggression and other strong emotions.

As for the magical actions at this time, then opinions differ. Some magical currents advise against performing any rituals during the full moon, considering it the most dangerous. Others say that this is the best time during the lunar month when rituals of any kind can be performed, since the opening energy corridor or channel will fill the rituals on the full moon with special power.

The final lunar phase is called waning moon... The lunar power decreases at this time. The period symbolizes decrease, withdrawal, loss. Therefore, they are good in this phase. We are talking about excess weight, material problems, boring relationships, difficult situations.

So what rituals can be performed on a full moon? The first most popular rite is called "Lunar Road"... It is used mainly by women, as it is believed that it helps to fill with lunar energy, which reveals femininity in full force.

To perform this rite, you need to swim in the warm season in any body of water. It is important that the lunar path is reflected in the water. It is in her that a girl should bathe if she wants to become even more attractive in the eyes of the opposite sex. It is noteworthy that during the ritual she should not be wearing any clothes. Bathing is carried out either in the company of women or alone, but so that no outsider sees the bathing person.

Other popular full moon rituals include various options for making a wish. Below we give one of the simplest and most effective options.
On the first day of the full moon, write your wish on paper, but in such a form as if it came true. For example, instead of: "I want to have a good rest next month", you need to write: "I had a great rest next month."... A note with a desire should lie by the window for three nights so that the light of the moon falls on it. On the first day of the full moon, don't forget to thank her:

"Thank you Patroness Moon, thank you, healer for getting rid of the disease, enemy, difficulties (you need to choose)."

One of the most effective magic rituals on the full moon is rituals to attract and maintain wealth. It is not difficult to carry them out. For example, the following conspiracy works great during this period.
Show the moon your wallet. Do not forget to pronounce the conspiracy:

“Money for money, I don’t save up - I multiply, I protect myself from debts and waste. As you, the moon, are full in the sky, so let my treasury be full. "

Then hide the largest bill and do not waste it for thirty days. She is your talisman, opening up new cash flows and maintaining your existing wealth.

But the following full moon rituals are a mixture of Christian influence. We are talking about charmed water. The ancient Slavs had a lot of various diseases, nightmares and fears. This water is used to clean the premises. Later, when Christianity fully developed on the territory of Russia, holy water began to speak.

It is believed that such water purifies the mind and body of the person who drank it. With its help, they fight alcoholism, night fears. It is useful for her to wash and clean the premises at home or at work.

For the ceremony, bring holy water from the church yourself and on one of the three days of the full moon read the following:

"As you, the moon, are white, full and indivisible, so let the water take part of your strength, fill your body, house and soul with it, cleanse everything from filth, fill the eyes of the wicked with strength and keep everything whole."

The water must stand overnight in a transparent vessel so that the moonlight falls on it.

Water is drunk daily for thirty days.

We should also say about weight loss rituals. Such rituals must be performed on the third day of the full moon. This is due to the fact that the phase of the waning moon will follow, which symbolizes loss and decrease. That is why the process of losing weight, with a properly performed ritual, will be easy and comfortable.

The weight loss conspiracy is read over a burning candle. Which candle you choose doesn't matter. You can take a church one, or you can take a regular white one. Over a candle flame on a clear moonlit night, say three times:

“As you stoke the fire with candle wax, as you, the moon, melt in the darkness of the night, so my fat melts, leaves me. He will not come back, he will not be typed again ”.

Hide the extinguished candle until the next full moon. The conspiracy is carried out every month until you achieve the result.

The full moon period gives you an excellent opportunity to use your power for personal purposes. Perform ceremonies on clear nights. Read the astrological news carefully before this. It is not advised to carry out rituals during eclipses. In the process, be clear about what you want. And be sure to thank the moon when you get the result.

This moon phase is the strongest. On the Full Moon, money-raising rituals work much better than on other days. In these rituals, the energy of the Moon is used, and since it is Full, there is a lot of energy on this day.

Strong Full Moon Ritual for Money

Take three coins and one magnet. Put three coins in one pocket of clothes you wear often and a magnet in the other pocket. Turn off the lights throughout the house and put a small candle in the hallway. Let it burn out to the end. After this ritual, expect profit in 7 days.

Full Moon Ritual

Take 7 coins and put them in a clear glass of water. Place the glass on the windowsill so that the moonlight falls on it. Talk a conspiracy for money: “As the moon is full, so the bowl is full of water, as the stars around you shine, so the coins in the water shine. Let them shine with a full cup, scatter in handfuls in their pockets, so as not to know my needs, sorrow, poverty, so that I can go by. "

Leave the glass with coins on the windowsill all night, and put the sutra in your wallet and do not waste it until the next Full Moon. These charged coins will serve as talismans that attract money.

Full Moon Ritual with Water

Place holy water in a clear glass on the windowsill. Speak a conspiracy for money: "As you are the Moon is white, full and indivisible, so let the water take part of your strength, fill your body, house and soul with it, cleanse everything from filth, the eyes of the evil, fill with strength and keep everything whole."

Let the holy water stand all night under the moonlight. This water can be used until the next Full Moon. You can drink it, you can sprinkle your house or things with it, you can wash your wallet with it.

Full Moon Ritual with Wallet

On the Full Moon, when it gets dark, take your wallet, open it and show it to the Moon. Say the conspiracy to the moon: “Money is for money, I don’t save up - I multiply, I protect myself from debts and waste. As you are. The moon in the sky is full, so let my treasury be full. " Keep the wallet open for a while, so that the light of the moon falls on it.

It is advisable to do this ritual without strangers, you can near your window. On the Full Moon, the number of crimes and thefts increases. Be careful.

Money Full Moon Ritual with Candles

Prepare two new green candles in advance. If you wish, add a few drops of patchouli essential oil to them, it attracts money. Place these candles on a table with a white tablecloth, wait until they stop popping. Looking at one candle, think about the material goods that you dream of. As you look at another candle, think of the luck and success you dream of. Put out the candles and go straight to bed.

Light these candles every time you have an important decision to make. Look at the flame and wait for the correct answer to the question in your thoughts.

Full Moon Ritual with a Jar

Take a square jar, seven coins, and a bay leaf. Write your material desire on a piece of paper and put it in the jar. Then, one by one, drop coins into it with the words: "The coins are ringing and sparkling, they are in the bank account!"

Throw in a bay leaf and close the jar with a lid. Pour a few coins into the jar every day.

Full Moon Ritual "Money Rain"

This ritual, despite its simplicity, is very powerful and powerful. Take all the bills you have, sit in the middle of the room and throw them up over your head. Create a real money rain over yourself and plunge into the world of well-being and happiness.

Full Moon Ritual "The Right Amount"

This ritual is especially beneficial for those who do not have enough money for something. Take all the large bills you have and start counting them. When you have counted the entire stack of money, turn it over and count on. Turn the stack over until you have the amount you need. Then thank the Universe for its help and wait for cash receipts. These bills will attract the missing amount for you.

Full Moon Ritual "Money Box"

Take the box that you purchased for this particular ritual. Write your material desire on a piece of paper, take a few banknotes and put your note and money in the box. Hide the box from prying eyes. Money from it cannot be spent until the wish comes true. When the desire is fulfilled, take the money out of the box and on the same day give it to the beggar, and burn the note with words of gratitude.

Money Spice Ritual

Take ginger, cinnamon or basil, rub a few bills with them and put them in your wallet. Dried basil leaves or a cinnamon stick can also be put in a wallet to attract money.

At the same time, pronounce the conspiracy: “Money and luck come to me, the Moon gives me opportunities and success. I am opening up to a new life full of abundance and wealth. "

You will also be interested in:

The full moon is coming - the time when the energies of Nature, and with them our internal energy, reach the peak of activity and can be directed with maximum success (and minimum efforts!) To attract money.

On a full moon, all money rituals are filled with very strong energy, so they are very important in attracting money into your life.

Those who follow the lunar calendar must have noticed an extraordinary surge of energy during this period. There is more than enough strength, you are ready to "move mountains", the energy boils and splashes over the edge, there is so much of it that it is difficult even to fall asleep at night.

The wisest decision is to direct this powerful stream towards achieving the goal - wealth, abundance, prosperity.

The full moon itself usually falls on the 15th lunar day, but the day before and after it is also very strong, so they are combined together. In each of them, you can carry out monetary rituals. And then your money dream will receive an incredible boost of energy and will come true as soon as possible.

On the full moon, information sources are being opened, therefore, all cases started during this period, especially on the 14th lunar day, initially carry a focus on implementation.

Try to lay down as many cycles as possible: calls, meetings, starting projects, concluding contracts, etc. Then the business you started will go on by itself, with minimal effort on your part. New sources of information will be connected to it and will correct, direct it in the right direction.

The next such chance will have to wait for a whole month, especially if it falls out that enhance money magic!

How to tune in to a full moon money ritual

Since the full moon is an unfavorable period, it is advisable to throw off the negative and balance the emotional state before the ceremony. To cleanse the body, thoughts and soul, ablution is usually performed before the ritual.

Shower to cleanse yourself physically, then soak in a sea salt bath. After 10-15 minutes, open the plug and stay in the bath until all the water has drained out. As the water level decreases, imagine that with it all your thoughts about everyday affairs and all the negative energy that has accumulated in you go away. A feeling of purity and peace will indicate that the goal of bathing has been achieved.

During cleansing, do not let your thoughts scatter, set them up for the ceremony, for it has already begun. Yes, the ceremony begins from the moment you just started thinking about it! The energies have already begun to move, and the Higher Forces are listening to your words.

After bathing, you are almost ready for the ceremony. It remains to prepare the premises where it will be held. This preparation is about cleansing. After all, our houses, being closed rooms, accumulate energy dirt - it must be eliminated so that it does not interfere.

This is especially important on a full moon. You can choose any method of cleansing. The easiest way is to walk around the room with a candle or fumigate it with incense.

List of money rituals

Magic bill (from N. Pravdina)

Retire to the room, relax and close your eyes. Pick up the highest denomination bill you have. Imagine that golden sunlight from the Cosmos enters your head through the upper Sahasrara chakra and descends, filling you with its light. When the beam of light reaches your heart chakra, imagine a bright beam of light coming out of your heart and charging the bill you are holding in your hands. Imagine that it starts to glow, shine. When you feel that you have “charged” the bill enough, release it mentally into the Universe. Now imagine how various banknotes literally flock to you from all sides. Let this snowfall of money whirl around you, and then mentally arrange all the bills in neat columns around you. Do not be greedy, let the posts do not exceed your height. This bill must be spent or changed within 24 hours.

Simoron ritual with semolina

To take possession of a fortune commensurate
With the capital of Alfa Bank,
Wheat small groats are purchased -
The so-called semolina.
At midnight when the full moon is light
will spill through the window
You need to put a hundred dollars on the windowsill,
you can and a little euro.
After that, take out one grain
From a heap of semolina
And put it in a transparent cap
From a gel pen.
This is a converter.
Now bring it to the money,
And convincingly and seriously
Say to a semolina:
Become one or the other!
Punish your own severely:
Each grain through a transformation known to her
Let it turn into a bank bond immediately!
Oh you, semolina - money - lure-mania bait!
And since LARGE three kilos -
I think I was BIG lucky!

Money to money

Three days before the full moon, you must put a paper bill under the rug on the right side (when looking at the door) on the inside of the front door (or under the rug in your room). She should lie under the rug until the full moon. It is necessary to get it out a few hours after the moment of the full moon, so that the "money" would gain strength. Put it in your wallet and carry it there until the next full moon. Repeat every full moon.

The banknote can be changed to a higher denomination only at the moment of gaining strength “under the rug”. This irreplaceable "money" will attract other money to itself (in your wallet) during the lunar month, you will get the opportunity to earn money, because it opens up cash flow for you.

Silver coin ritual

On a full moon night, go outside or onto the balcony. If the Moon is not visible, face south, it is there from 7 pm to 9 pm. Do the following:

As you look at the full moon, imagine its light filling your entire head. Feel the purity and radiance of the Moon in your head, and then "shine" the Moon back: imagine that your head is a miniature Moon and you are sending light back to the large Moon.

Then fill your heart with the light of the moon, hold its light in your heart, and then let that light fly back to the source. Do this 3 times.

Then take a silver (you can just five rubles) coin and say:

“Silver coin, silver moon, bring me wealth, bring me in full”, “Lucky coin, lucky moon, bring me luck, bring me in full. This is how I want, and this is how it is. "

Repeat 3 times. At the end, kiss a coin and thank Luna for her help and beauty.

A ritual to attract wealth

For this ritual, you need to pour water into a cup and put a silver-colored coin in it. The cup must be positioned so that the moonlight falls on it. Move your hands over the surface of the water, as if you were collecting silver in your palm and say:

“Beautiful Mistress Luna! Bring me wealth, bring me in full. Fill my hands with silver and gold. I can take whatever you give! "

Then you need to pour the water onto the ground, and keep the coin in your wallet.

Money bank

Prepare a paper, a pen, a square screw-top jar, seven coins, a bay leaf. Spread it all out in front of you. Now, on a piece of paper, write the amount you require, put it in the jar. Take a coin with your right hand and also put it in the jar, while reading this text:

“Coins are sparkling, coins are ringing! I have more and more of them! Where I don't wait, I get income, money in my account is coming! "

When you throw coins, imagine how they grow, increase, bring other coins. Take a bay leaf and write your name on the seamy side of it and put it in the same jar. Screw the lid on tightly, and hide the jar so that no one can see it. Be sure to add one or two coins to the bank every day, and imagine how money comes into your life from completely unexpected sources. When you save up exactly as much money in the bank as you ordered, take out the piece of paper and bury it in the ground (either on the street, or, if it's winter, in any flower pot).

Rite of passage of getting rid of lack of money

On a full moon, you can not only attract something positive into your life, but also get rid of something bad, unnecessary, including lack of money. But such a ritual must be carried out after the full moon, that is, on the 16th lunar day, and certainly at the rising of the moon (the time of rise is indicated in the lunar calendar - it coincides with the time of the beginning of the lunar day). It is imperative to see the moon, without this the ritual loses its meaning. If you are busy at this time, or the sky is covered with clouds, abandon this rite in favor of some other.

Stand with your back to the Moon and take a small mirror in your hands - so that the Moon is fully reflected in it. In this position, our energy in relation to the Moon turns out to be inverted, we kind of turn it on in reverse. Looking at the moon, say three times: Mother Moon, I beg you, take away poverty and lack of money from me.

Nine Node Money Ritual

Take a green silk ribbon about 30 cm long. Tie 9 knots on it, sequentially for each knot saying:

The first knot begins witchcraft.

With the second node, the job is done.

With the third node, the money goes to me.

With the fourth knot, new possibilities are knocking at my door.

With the fifth node, my business is booming.

The sixth knot fixes witchcraft.

With the seventh node, I have been given success.

With the eighth node, income is multiplied.

With the ninth node, it's all mine now!

Wallet ritual

1 day before the onset of the full moon, place a completely empty open wallet on the windowsill so that the moonlight falls. In this case, you need to pronounce the following words:

"As there are a lot of stars in the sky, as there is enough water in the sea, so my wallet should have a lot of money and always have enough"

This must be done 3 nights in a row: the night before the full moon, during the full moon and the night after the full moon. And at 3 nights of the new moon, put a purse with money on the windowsill, saying the same words.

Ritual to attract random money

There is another interesting ritual for attracting random money. For this ritual, we will need money that is not received in the usual way, that is, won or received in the form of some kind of gratuitous gift. From this money, choose the largest bill and put it in the oldest wallet that you haven't used for a long time.

On the first night of the full moon, whisper the following into your wallet:

Like a lost dog runs to its owner, like a lost cat returns home, so all lost and lost money would rush to me today and tomorrow and always. May my wish come true!

Then you need to remove the bill from the wallet, fold it along the length and repeat the spell. Then fold this bill again, but this time in width and put it in your wallet. And do not touch this bill for a while, it must summon other money to itself.

The ceremony must be repeated for every full moon for three months, and each time a new banknote of random money must be put into the wallet. After three months, this money needs to be spent and you will notice how your income will increase significantly.

The full moon is the time of the energy peak, when the maximum result can be achieved with a minimum of effort. The moon generously endows us with its vibes. Therefore, any of your actions aimed at raising money receives a double charge of energy. This is the time of magic, the time of miracles. Do not miss your chance! One ritual performed on a full moon will do more for you than ten on other days!

The Full Moon is one of the most favorable days for white magic. When the Moon reaches its peak in growth, it manages to accumulate strong energy and allows you to get the maximum result from the rituals. Traditionally, during this period, ceremonies are held that attract love, money and good luck. It is especially good to make wishes on a full moon and turn to higher powers for help in fulfilling them.

IT'S IMPORTANT TO KNOW! Fortune teller Baba Nina:"There will always be plenty of money if you put it under the pillow ..." Read more >>

You should not independently determine the night of the full moon, for this it is better to look at the lunar calendar. After all, if you make a mistake with the period, all efforts will be in vain. Moreover, some conspiracies spoken at other times can backfire.

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      Full moon ritual rules

      It is customary to carry out all rituals for the full moon only in the dark. Even if the moon has already risen, but it is light outside the window, you need to wait until it is clearly visible in the black sky.

      • Midnight rituals are performed with loose hair and bare feet, wearing clothing that is natural for sleep.

        An important feature of the full moon rites is that they must be performed alone. The presence of outsiders during mysterious activities is not allowed. If someone sees you during the ritual, it is best to postpone the process until the next full moon.

        Artificial light should be excluded. If the action requires lighting, then you can use candles, but the main part of the work should be carried out in the reflections of the moon. You should also turn off the phones so that an unexpected call does not break the sacrament. Extraneous sounds are unacceptable, the ritual must not be carried out with the TV on or playing music. Complete silence provides the greatest focus and efficiency.

        Full moon table for 2018.

        Pay attention to the Sun, if it shines in the sky at the same time as the Moon, in no case should you start the ceremony.

        Raising money

        The following rituals will help bring prosperity and good luck into life. You don't need to spend them all in one night. From this they will not gain additional strength, but they can damage each other.

        You need to carry out ceremonies to attract money in a clean, tidy room. Money does not tolerate clutter, so calling in a cluttered room is unlikely to work.

        Water conspiracy

        Money water works quite efficiently when properly charged. To do this, you need to collect the liquid in a suitable container. A jug or bottle will do, but it is more convenient to carry the latter with you later in order to water and spray the necessary places with it.

        If stars are visible in the sky, this is a good sign. The more there are, the higher the profit will be. A lonely moon in the sky means that this month there is no large growth in finances, but small amounts can still be attracted to yourself.

        It is necessary to take a container with water in your hands, directing the neck towards the moon, and look at the sky for several minutes. Then close your eyes and imagine that cash flows are falling on you from heaven, as if someone is dumping coins from a huge bucket. Imagine that money is covering you with your head. This mental process must be continued until there is a feeling that all streams from the sky have dried up. Then you should open your eyes and pronounce a conspiracy on water:

        "As the moon is full, so is my treasury. The sea is full of water, and my wallet is bursting with money. My word cannot be interrupted, the power of the circle cannot be pierced, all the stars shine, and I must be rich (rich). Key. Lock. Language. Amen. ".

        After these words, you need to leave the container of water on the windowsill until morning so that it is charged. In the morning, you should wash from it, and then spray all the corners of the house. Apply the remaining liquid until the next full moon as needed. If you go shopping, then first wash your hands with charmed water so that profitable goods go to them. At work, you also need to spray the corners and your workplace with it. It is good to moisten large bills a little with such water, in this case they will be able to purchase much more purchases than usual.

        Financial magnet

        For this ritual, you will need the following props:

        • church candle;
        • three coins;
        • magnet.

        Coins can be of any denomination. And the magnet from the refrigerator will perfectly cope with the task assigned to it. At midnight, you need to spread the coins in a triangle on the table. A candle is installed on a magnet in its center. You need to light it up and wait until it completely burns out, watching its flame and thinking about a life of abundance.

        When the fire goes out, you should wait for the wax to cool, and then put the magnet in a secluded place. Coins must be kept in a wallet, which must be carried with you everywhere. In this rite, they are charged to attract others to themselves, and the magnet pulls them home.

        Until the next full moon, you need to carefully monitor how your financial wealth changes. If the increase in money is insufficient, the ritual should be repeated with the same magnet and coins, increasing their effect.

        Money vessel

        This ceremony is carried out for a specific situation, when an amount is needed for a specific purpose, but there is not enough money. You need to take any glass vessel with transparent walls. An ordinary jar or jug ​​will do, as long as the moonlight can get inside. The container should be installed by the window. On the bottom, you need to put a large denomination note, which is already intended for your purpose. You can also put a wad of money. It is important that everything set aside for the necessary work is in the vessel. Until the next full moon it is by no means possible to take money from there, but it is not only possible, but also necessary to report.

        Prepare as many coins as possible, it is better to accumulate them in advance or change them beforehand. Each of them should be brushed to a shine. They must be poured over the bills in such a way that they are completely covered with them. The seven brightest coins should be left, and at midnight they should be thrown into the jar one by one, saying:

        "Coins are ringing, the light of the moon is reflected, wealth and money are attracted to me."

        The plot must be repeated three times, and the vessel must be left until morning. The next day, you can put the jar in a secluded place. Within a month, you need to throw three shiny coins there every day, reciting the same conspiracy three times. Money that will begin to appear for your purpose should be put into this vessel closer to the walls so that it does not interfere with the ringing of the added coins.

        On the next full moon, count the contents. If there is not enough money, repeat the ritual. This process is similar to ordinary accumulation, but the conspiracy really works: money for your goal will begin to flow rapidly. The main thing is not to forget to put them in a money jar.

        For love

        It should be noted right away that magic rituals for love on a full moon are in no way connected with love spells.

        The full moon works on natural attraction, so the feelings of the chosen ones, evoked on such a night, will be sincere, and not bonded.

        These rituals help not only to kindle love in the heart of the chosen one or the chosen one, but also affect the meeting with your other half. Therefore, you should not be surprised if a new person appears in your life, and your feelings for the one you thought about during the ritual will fade away. This is a natural action of the lunar attraction, so before enchanting, think about whether you are ready for this turn of events. If love has left the family, and the wife conducts a ritual on the full moon, it may well happen that the moon will not attract her husband to her, but the feelings of another man who is more suitable for her in life. And then you will have to make a very difficult choice.

        Red Rose

        For this ceremony, you will need two candles and a red rose. You need to buy the most beautiful flower on the eve of the full moon, put it in a vase in front of you. Place two candles on the sides, one of which will symbolize you, and the other - the betrothed.

        Light the candles and pronounce the conspiracy:

        “Love is, love will be, love is forever. The sky of love is above me, the land of love is below me, love is around me. I welcome my beloved, I attract love to myself. Amen. Amen. Amen".

        After reading the conspiracy words, inhale the scent of the rose and put out the candles. The spirit will enter your life with this breath, therefore, in the near future, dramatic changes for the better will take place in your destiny. Do not discard the rose when it begins to fade. Disassemble the flower into petals and place them on the windowsill so that they are soaked in the moonlight. When they are dry, put them in a nice glass and place them in a prominent place in the house. They will create a corresponding aura in the surrounding space. And when feelings are attracted, take a bath filled with these petals with your loved one. This will cement the love.

        Love talisman

        The talisman of love created on the full moon will be a very effective tool. To make it you will need:

        • a wooden plank or a thick piece of cardboard in the shape of a heart;
        • transparent varnish with silver glitters;
        • a red pen, pencil, felt-tip pen, or paint of that color.

        In advance, you need to write the word "love" on both sides of the heart, and then cover the surface of the amulet with a transparent varnish with silvery sparkles, symbolizing moon shine. When the moon shines in the sky, you need to open the window, stretch your right hand with the talisman in your palm up, towards the luminary and read the conspiracy:

        "As the full moon shines brightly, so my love will be hot, as the night light shines, so love fills my life. I close my heart to love (close my hand with the amulet into a fist), I call on love. Key. Lock. Language. Amen. Amen. . Amen. "

        After reading the conspiracy, the fist with the talisman must be pressed to the chest, close the window and go to bed without letting go of the amulet from the hand. From the next day, carry a charmed heart with you everywhere. If necessary, find a suitable box, bag, or plastic badge. There is no need to make holes in the talisman for hanging it on a chain, this will disrupt its effect.

        Mirror of love

        For this ceremony, you need to purchase a round mirror, which symbolizes the full moon. This is one of the easiest and most effective ways to attract love to yourself. You just need to wait for the full moon and mentally imagine your life filled with this feeling.

        Take the mirror in your hands and catch the moonlight with it, so that the moon is fully reflected in the reflection. If you cannot do this from the window, go outside. Throughout the entire process, you need to think about an existing loved one or imagine the man of your dreams. The brighter the pictures will be drawn in thoughts, the more accurately they will then appear in life.

        After you managed to catch the lunar reflection in the mirror, you need to press it to your heart and whisper a conspiracy:

        "Stars-maidens, look around, find my betrothed. Let him go to my moon, all his roads to me. I stole the moon from you, no one will be of any use from you until my betrothed appears at the door. Look for him, call, lead to me and to the moon. As he finds the way to me, I will return the moon to the firmament. My word is strong, no one can interrupt. Amen. "

        Do not let anyone look in a charmed mirror, but carry it everywhere with you. Very soon you will see that everything is embodied in reality. This rite can be performed both to attract new love into life, and to return the lost one. In addition, this mirror adds beauty to its owner.

        Do not use double mirrors for rituals. When they are closed, one reflection meets another, and this should not be. If a single mirror could not be found, you need to get one from the frame of the double.

        Fulfillment of desire

        The ritual for the fulfillment of the plan works very effectively if it is carried out on the full moon. What was envisioned during this period comes true completely, so you should think very carefully about what you dream about. The slightest missing details will be reflected in the embodiment of desire in reality. You can use this method on other nights, but only on the growing moon.

        You will need a pocket mirror for the ritual. It is desirable that it be new, but the one that only you looked into will do. At midnight, you need to stand with your back to the moon, holding a mirror in your right hand. Catch a lunar reflection in it and read the conspiracy:

        “The moon, beauty, all the stars like it. Share the moonlight, stand up for me. What I want - let it come true, your strength will descend to me. Your light pours out on the earth, my desire (to say it) is being fulfilled. Amen".

        After reading the conspiracy, the mirror must be removed to a secret place so that no one can find it. You can't look into it until your plan is fulfilled. Usually, the wish is fulfilled before the next full moon. After that, you can use the mirror for its intended purpose.

        For good health

        For those suffering from ailments, as well as for the healthy, it will be very good to have a spoon at home charmed at the full moon. With its help, you can quickly recover or prevent diseases. This requires

    1. 1. Take two cups.
    2. 2. Pour hot water into one, and pour granulated sugar into the other.
    3. 3. You should rake in sugar with your favorite spoon and put it in a cup of water, saying: "I'm not raking in sugar, but health."

    After you read the plot three times, you need to stir the granulated sugar in water and drink it, and wash the spoon and put it on the rest of the cutlery. Until the next full moon, it will protect your health. When you eat it, it will give the body vitality.

    If a person is sick, then all medications must be taken from a charmed spoon in order to get better sooner.

    Good luck in everything

    You can attract good luck and luck with the help of a horseshoe. The signs of the magical effect of such a talisman are known to everyone, only on a full moon you will not need a real product, but a wax figurine. To make it, you need to purchase several multi-colored candles, each of which will symbolize a certain area of ​​life. If you are unlucky in love, then they take red, for good luck in work - green or blue, but the color does not matter in principle. It is important that this shade is associated with where the desired success needs to be attracted.

    Additionally, you need to purchase aromatic jasmine oil. It can be bought or ordered at any pharmacy, as well as in specialized stores.

    On a full moon, you need to take a flat plate and drop a few drops of oil into its center. Lubricate the bottom to make it easier to separate the figurine later. Then you should light a candle and drip melting wax onto a plate, drawing an oval.

    When you see that the drawing has turned out, place the candle closer to the edge of the plate, but so that it does not touch the oval. If several candles are taken, then such a procedure is carried out with each. You need to apply drops over the first image.

    After that, carefully separate the pattern from the plate and break it in half. A piece should remain in each hand that resembles a horseshoe. Next, you need to call luck - read the call, holding a half of a horseshoe in each hand and looking at the flickering candles:

    “As power enters a horseshoe, so the all-merciful Lord blesses the entire house of God's servants (name the names of all family members), protects doors, gates and windows from evil. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".