Gallery: What is the world of future modern artists see the world. Presentation of "Predictions in Art" Utopia about suburb and reality

Gallery: What is the world of future modern artists see the world. Presentation
Gallery: What is the world of future modern artists see the world. Presentation of "Predictions in Art" Utopia about suburb and reality

Argentinean artist and sculptor Benjamin Solary Parravichini back in the 1930s predicted a catastrophe in Japan, an atomic bomb, the September 11 terrorist attack in New York and a flight into space.

At all times, not only pious priests became the prophets, but also people of art, which is unknown the highest strength of the pushing plots of novels and paintings. For the Argentine artist and sculptor Benjamin Solary Parravichini, it became not just an inspiration, but a prophetic gift.
- Sometimes something was found at him, he feverishly enough pencil, who seemed to himself drove his hand on paper, as if someone had something dictated to him, - told the father of Benjamin Florencen during his lifetime.

In one of these attacks of inspiration, he painted crying over the huge whirlpool and signed - Japan.
In the margins in the fields, he told that the big "f" will explode and produces a lot of noise throughout the earth. It was possible that under the "f" he meant the Japanese nuclear power plant "Fukushima-1". After the devastating strike, the tsunami occurred four explosions in power units.

Back in 1936, the sketches of the master and signatures were much more strange and unusual, but they did not immediately pay attention to it. At the beginning of the century, this was considered for the fancy manner of the artist. Only many years after the mysterious stories depicted in the drawings, with an amazing accuracy began to come true, about Parravichini spoke in Argentina as a prophet.

- "Home Television! On a small screen, it will be possible to observe the external events on the low screen. "(1938).

The first black and white television receivers entered use only in the 50s. Parravichini managed to even make the sketch of the future TV.

In the same 1938, they were made by the following entry:
"The world will become an impersonal under the authority of the home screen. Each family will spread the negative impact of a new device, which in the future in pursuit of masses will be very commercialized. Higped with beautiful pictures of the beautiful paradise, humanity simply swears. The day will come when, like sheeps in the sheepskin, they will easily be manipulated ".

- "The struggle for power between the Yankees and the Russians. The struggle for the territory and conquest of outer space. Oddly enough, the power cup will still get America(1941).

The phrase "conquest of outer space" appeared at all hearing only 16 years after the prediction of Benjamin, who managed to foresee American Triumph in the creation of a series of 3-seater spacecraft "Apollo", which allowed to make the first successful landing of astronauts on the moon.

"A person will fly to the stars, will overcome the sound, knowing the shine and will understand that the Earth is only the lowest and undeveloped from all existing planets" (1937).

The first person overcoming the sound barrier will be Charles Elwood after 10 years after the prophecy indicated by bennese.

- "In the 60-70 years, people will fly with might and main!"(1938).

Russian Pilot-Cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin will make the first in the history of cosmonautics flight on board the ship "East-1" in 1961.

After that, in the 60-70s. All new and new achievements in the cosmonautics shocked humanity.

Later, Parravichini will write:
"People get to the Moon. They will be able to achieve it, however, they will not be able to overstub. They will see her, but will not be able to look at her subsoil. Listen, but will not hear. Return without returning. Caution!"(1940, 29 years before the first landing of a person on the moon).

"The dog will be the first one who will fly into space" (1938).

Benjamine for 19 years foreshadowed the flight of the dog husky, the first living being, to the outer space. The successful flight of the first animal, derived to the orbit of the Earth, took place in 1957.

"Flying plates in the form of bright circular flashes of light will visit the Earth, bringing with them strange creatures from other planets. These will be those who flood the land. Those who in the Old Testament called themselves angels and all will see them again and will be placed " (1938).

It is curious that the term "flying plate" itself was first published in public only in 1947 after the Arnold Kenneth described by the UFO seen by him.

"Atom will come and will rule over the world." (1939)

Taking into account the fact that the first attempts to create an atomic bomb occur in 1945, and the first atomic reactor was launched only in 1951, the prophecy seems impossible.

"In Spain, a dictator will come to power, which will destroy the country. Following him, Bourbon will go to the throne, and then a weakened Tyrant will run away to Argentina, unless he will allow health " (1938).

The prophecy is written in the midst of civil war in Spain, a year, in the year of birth of the future king Juan Carlos Bourbon. Parraravinis already then foresaw the victory of Franco, his coming to power after the Civil War in 1939 and the subsequent transfer of the Crown Huan Carlos after the death of Tirana.

Franco died from Parkinson's disease in 1975, did not have time to fulfill its intention to move to Argentina.

"Russia will subordinate to himself China and distribute his dogmas there" (1939).

10 years after the Civil War, Mao Zedong, in China, came to power, proclaiming communism as the national ideology of the state.

"The papacy will take new forms. The fact that yesterday also seemed evil, cease to be. Mesa will be Protestant, not being such. Catholics will turn into Protestants, not being them. Dad will move away from the Vatican because of his trips and will get to America; Humanity falls " (1938).

Benjamin foresaw the revision of the reforms of the Catholic Church at the II Consilium of the Vatican in 1962, as well as the appointment of the new Pope John Paul II in 1978, known for his regular travel around the world, especially in Latin America.

"Hitler - Mussolini. They are waiting for one end; One end " (1939).

7 years before the overthrow of the fascists, Benjamine drew related and defeated Nazi leaders.

"The heart of the world will fall in the 40th year. Falls and will belong to the Germans up to the 44th " (1938).

In 1938, even before the beginning of World War II, Parravichini already knew about France's fall in the face of fascist Germany. The Figure of the Prophet is perfectly distinguishable by the Eiffel Tower, against the background of which the French flag is evaporated.

"A man with a beard, who will seem to everyone, will light the Antilles" (1937)

The revolution in Cuba occurred 22 years after the prophecy. When Benjamine predicted an event, Futhel Castro's future revolutionar was only 11 years old.

"Beardachi won a victory in Cuba"(1938).

"Absolute darkness. After the "Caribbean chaos", one-sole "eye" will see with the only "palm" "light from the south." The planet is waiting for cardinal changes, and only the south will forever remain south. "(1938)

In Figure, Benjamine clearly depicted a zipper that many specialists interpret as a program of high-frequency active Avroral studies of Haarp, facing the layer of ionosphere and provoking powerful underground shocks.

Under the palm tree, in all likelihood, hence the island of Haiti, where in the course of the last earthquake, at least 200 thousand people died, and the earth's axle shifted several centimeters.

"Freedom of North America will go out, her torch will no longer shine as before, the attack will be performed twice." (1939)

Benjamine even drew the famous twin towers who were attacking on September 11, 2001. The most amazing thing is that at the time of creating a picture, the towers were not even built.

"An ingenic ship will prove the population on earth the existence of a different form of life. One fine moment, the South Pole will turn northern. But only for a while! "(1960)

"The atom will postpone the world. Planet will blind. A person provokes random storms and natural cataclysms, new forms of diseases, sexy messy, mass clouding reason, universal redequance. The world will plunge into darkness. " (1934)

"The beginning of the end comes! A man himself will damage his essence to reproduce the offspring of a person's sex will cease to be needed. Human organisms will be carried out on light without any offspring. And all this against the background of atomic explosions, which will destroy humanity. People will kill radiation; Monsters of monsters of animal and vegetable origin will appear from the wrath of mothers to the light. Because of strontium, people will be born with bones, similar glass; He also generates their brains. Blood cells; Cancer will become a completely normal phenomenon. As a result of the nuclear war in a privileged position, Russian and yolksome will be. " (1936)

Art predictions amounted to: teacher MBOU SOSH No. 3 of the village of the Krylovsk Krasnodar Territory of the Krylovsky district of Shikul Elena Nikolaevna

Any artwork is directed to the future. In the history of art, you can find many examples of the prevention of the artists of their fellow citizens about the impending social danger: wars, splits, revolutions, etc. The ability to anticipate the great artists, perhaps it is in it and consists of the main force of art.

Albrecht Dürer German Painter and Renaissance Chart Albrecht Dürer (1471-1528) created a series of apocalypse (Greek. Apokalypsis Creature - This word serves as the name of one of the ancient church books, which contains the prophecies about the end of the world).

Albrecht Durer artist German painter and schedule, recognized as the largest European master of xylography, raised it at the level of real art. One of the greatest masters of the Western European Renaissance. The first theoretical of art among Northeur-European artists was born: May 21, 1471, Nuremberg, Germany died: April 6, 1528 (56 years old), Nuremberg, Germany in marriage with: Agnes Dürer Parents: Albrecht Dürer Senchi ̆

woodography is xylography (Dr. Greek. ξύλον - wood and γράφω - I write, draw) - type of printing graphics, wood engraving, the oldest wood engraving technique or writing on paper made with such engraving. In this technique, a series of engravings of A. Durera "Apocalypse" was performed.

The artist expressed the alarming expectation of world-historical changes, which, indeed, shocked Germany after a while. The most significant of this series is the "four riders" engravings. Riders - Death, Court, War, Mor - fiercely rushed on the ground, without a sparingly of kings, no commoners. Blanky clouds and horizontal background touches increase the speed of this mad gallop. But arrow arrow rests on the right edge of engravings, as if stopping this movement.

According to the plot of the apocalypse, the riders appear on Earth alternate, but the artist specifically placed them nearby. Everything, as in life - War, Mor, death, the court come together. It is believed that the solidification of such placement of figures - in the desire of Dürer to warn contemporaries and descendants about the fact that, crushing the wall, which the artist erected in the form of edge of the edge of the edge of the edge of engravings in the real world.

Examples of predictions in the art of social change and shocks can also be considered the etchings of F. Goya, the paintings "Gernik" P. Picasso, Bolshevik B. Kustodiev, "New Planet" K. John and many others.

Francisco Jose de Goya-I- Lusatenes (Span. Francisco Jose De Goya Y Lucientes; March 30, 1746, Füventodos, near Zaragoza - April 16, 1828, Bordeaux) - Spanish artist, Engraver.

So captured Guya feat of the young Maria Agostina, the defenders of the Zaragoza (a sheet "What courage!").

K.Uon "New Planet". This work depicts an unusual phenomenon - the birth of a new planet. Using symbols and allegories, reflecting on the past grand events, K.F. John is trying to comprehend the significance of the October Revolution. This is the phenomenon of an universal scale. And the reaction of people to such an unprecedented event is ambiguous.

In the picture "New Planet", the birth of a new cosmic body is accompanied by bright floors that illuminate people. Witnesses of an unusual phenomenon that destroys the usual way of life, the old world react differently to what is happening. Someone sees the birth of a new, beautiful world. Hopefully stretch their hands towards bright light.

Some have no strength to go. They fall in exhaustion and crawl out of the last forces to this new. Other collapse of the old world causes panic horror. They may perceive the appearance of a new planet as the end of the world. People fall in fear of NIC, closing their heads, trying to hide, escape from the impending catastrophe. No one space cataclysm leaves indifferent.

In the painting "Bolshevik" Boris Mikhailovich Kustodiyev (1878-1927) used the metaphor (hidden meaning), which for many decades was not solved. In this example, it is possible to understand how the content of the picture is filled with a new meaning as the era with its new views, changed value guidelines invest new meanings.

For many years, this picture was interpreted as a solemn anthem with a resistant, solid spirit, an unreleased revolutionary, towering over the ordinary world, which he autokes wrinkling in the sky with the Red Flag. Events of the last decade of the twentieth century. They gave the opportunity to understand what consciously or, most likely, an unknowingly felt the artist at the beginning of the century. Today, this picture, like the "new planet" K. John, is filled with new content. But how artists at that time managed to feel so accurately to feel the coming social changes, remains a mystery.

In musical art, an example of this kind of foresomy can serve as a play for the orchestra "Question left without an answer" ("Space landscape") of the American composer Ch. Ivza (1874-1954). It was created at the beginning of the XX century. - During when scientific discoveries in the field of conquering space and the creation of aircraft (K. Tsiolkovsky) were performed. This play, built on the dialogue of strings and wooden wind instruments, became a philosophical reflection on the place and role of a person in the Universe.

C. ivz (1874-1954).

The Russian artist Aristarkh Vasilyevich Lentulov (1882-1943) in its dynamic compositions sought to express the internal energy of the object. Fraction of objects, coming to each other, shifting the plane and plans, he created a feeling of a lightning-changing world. In this restless, shifting, carrying and split space, the familiar outlines of Moscow cathedrals are guessed, the types of Novgorod, historical events expressed in allegorical form, flowers and even portraits.

Aristarkh Vasilyevich Lentulov (1882-1943) Self-portrait

Lentulov worry the bottomless depths of the human consciousness in constant motion. It is attracted to convey that in general, for example, a propagating sound in the "ringing. Ivan the Great belltower".

A. Lentulov. Ringing Ivan the Great belltower

In the paintings "Moscow" and "Vasily Blessed" unprecedented, fantastic forces shifted well-established forms and concepts, chaotic color mixing transfers kaleidoscopic, fragile, disintegrating into countless elements of the image of the city and individual structures.

Vasily Blessed

All this appears in front of the audience as moving, shimmering, sounding, emotionally rich world. Wide use of metaphor helps the artist ordinary things to turn into bright generalized images.

P. Picasso

picture "Gernik" P. Picasso

Grannie - Pablo Picasso. 1937 Picasso expressive canvas 1937 was a public protest against the scarce of the Nazis of the Basque city of Gerns. His painting is full of suffering and violence. In the right side of the picture, the figures run away from the burning building, from the window of which a woman falls; On the left, the sobbing mother holds his child on the hands, and the triumphant bull of the fallen warrior.

Broken sword, crushed flower and dove, skull (hidden inside the body of a horse) and the pose of the fallen warrior, resembling crucifix, are all generalized symbols of war and death. Bull symbolizes cruelty, and the horse is the suffering of innocent.

Together, these frantic figures form a collage like, standing out by silhouettes on a dark background, brightly lit by a woman with a lamp and an eye with a light bulb instead of a pupil. Monochrome painting, reminiscent of newspaper illustrations, and sharp contrast of light and darkness enhances the powerful emotional impact.

Kuzma Sergeevich Petrov-Vodkin Soviet painter, Honored Artist of the Arts of the RSFSR, was born in the city of Pokalynsk Saratov province. In 1897-1905 He studied at the Moscow School of Painting, Scary and Architecture in the class of V.A. Serov, after which he continued his studies in Studio A. Azhbe in Munich and in the private academies of Paris. At the beginning of his creative activity, Petrov-Vodkin experienced a strong influence of the German and French masters of symbolism and "modern". He became one of the first to reflect symbolistic trends in Russian painting.

Swimming red horse

The history of the creation In 1912, Petrov-Vodkin lived in the south of Russia, in the estate near Kamyshin. There is an opinion that the picture was written in the village of Gusevka. The first sketches were made for the painting. And also written the first, lost version of the canvas, known in the black and white photo. The picture was a lot of household rather than a symbolic, as it happened with the second option, simply several boys with hors were depicted on it. This first option was destroyed by the author, probably shortly after his return to St. Petersburg. Horse Petrov-Vodkin wrote from a real stallion named a boy inhabited in the estate. To create an image of a teenager, sitting on it with riding, the artist used the features of his shure nephew.

It is believed that it was originally a horse, and that the color of his master changed, having acquainted with the colorist gamut of the Novgorod icon, which was shocked. Gathering and clearing icons in 1912 experienced their flourishing. The picture from the very beginning caused numerous disputes, in which it was invariably mentioned that there were no such horses. However, the artist claimed that he took over the color of the old Russian icon painters: for example, a horse is depicted completely red on the Icon of the "Miracle of Archangel Mikhail". As in the icons, there is no mixing of paints in this picture, paints are contrasting and as if faced in confrontation.

The perception of contemporaries The picture was so hit contemporaries with their monumentality and fatefulness, which was reflected in the work of many masters of the brush and words. So, Sergei Yesenin was born lines: I now became a storm in the worst. My life! Ile you dreamed of me! As if I am a spring bunker, I had rumped up on a pink horse. Red horse acts as a fate of Russia, which is unable to keep fragile and young sedoxes. According to another version, a red horse and there is Russia herself, identified with the block "steppe mare". In this case, it is impossible not to note the valid gift of the artist, symbolically predicted by his picture "Red" the fate of Russia of the 20th century.

Posted on November 20, 2013

Today you fall a rare case to move many years ago. You will see how humanity imagined the 21st century long before computers, cell phones and even electricity.

Cinema and Television: no chance of success

At the end of 1925, Sam Warner (one of the four founding brothers of the Warner Bros. Entertainment concern) acquired its own broadcast radio station. Inspired by her work, he suggested his brother Harry to use the recorded voice and in the cinema, synchronizing audio with the movements of actors on the screen. At that time, the cinema was no longer completely dumb, but only incomprehensive sound was used in the films.

At the proposal of Brother Harry Warner issued an amazing phrase: "Yes, who, damn, in general, I care about what actors say there?". Just two years later Warner Bros. Representing The Jazz Singer - the first film, in which the audience could hear the voices of the actors.

However, unfortunately, the brothers themselves missed his premiere because of Sam's death. That one who first filed the idea to make such a film.

For some reason, not everyone believed in the prospects of television. So one of the leaders of the studio 20th Century Fox Darryl ZaNUK (Darryl Zanuck) said in 1946: "Television will not be able to hold out in the market for more than six months. People just get tired of staring for plywood box every night."

By the way, at that time, television has already been about to become a massive phenomenon. For example, in our country, the Moscow television center in Shabolovka from March 1, 1939 broadcast regular broadcasts for two hours four times a week.

As the artists of the past seen the future

Arthur Radebo: the future is closer than we think

Many artists of the last century, inspired by rapidly (as it seemed) the development of science and technology, tried to prove with their works to all the others that "the future is closer than we think." This is the name of the artist Arthur Radebo (Arthur Radebaugh) gave a series of drawings that were published in the period from 1958 to 1962.

Figure comics contained many interesting ideas and concepts. For example, Arthur assumed that in the future, fully automated agricultural land will appear on which the plants will be grown under the control of numerous sensors, irrigation systems, etc.

Some of the futuristic predictions were made by the artist not on scratch. For example, on one of the pictures, the author shows that in the future cars can be repainted in a matter of minutes using electromagnetic pistols. Such an opportunity was to appear thanks to new materials that were supposed to be used when designing new cars.

And this is not quite fantasy. About similar perspectives at the time mentioned D.S. Harder (D.S. Harder), Vice-President of Ford. He hinted that in a short time, cars could appear, which will be resistant to pollution, and will also have other amazing properties, for example, they themselves can be cleaned of dust.

The postal posts of the future must be equipped with reactive stans. A similar device has shown time, not only difficult to realize, but also completely impractical. The few copies of such RANTS were too noisy, demanded a huge amount of fuel and, moreover, they represented a real threat to the "Letuna", since it was very difficult to manage them.

In the future, according to the artist, the car will become the main way of moving for an ordinary person. Therefore, it would be advisable to build something like stores for cars. They work, about the principle of Macrave - the driver approaches a special parking lot and makes the order of grocery products, which along the move along the "Shelves" are loaded to the buyer in the trunk. Most likely, Arthur Radebaugh did not suspect how hopeless would be a similar project in the conditions of the magnitude "motorization". Just a top ten cars, so that at this point of sale formed "cork".

As for medicine, here Arthur has practically guess. If you close your eyes to technical details and leave only the essence of the prediction, it can be said that the artist almost foresaw in his comic laser therapy, thanks to which very complex operations, without blood and complications, were possible.

Educational institutions of the future should be overcrowded to those who want to gain knowledge. Here the artist shows optimism. In his opinion, or rather, according to forecasts of scientists, whose ideas he embodied in drawings, in the future remote forms of training will be actively used. Automated systems should give and check the tasks of students.

The next concept is particularly interesting because it directly affects us with you. The artist expressed the assumption that Alaska and Russia will be interconnected by a direct highway, which will pass through the tunnel on the bottom of the Bering Strait. It is a pity that since then the ideas about the construction of such a tunnel were never embodied in reality.

The artist also predicted in its drawings, transported by robots, hospitals in space, rotating buildings. And he confidently stated that a device would appear in a short time, with which you can write any television programs, and then watch them at a convenient time. This is a miracle "television tape recorder". In the future, read books can be right from the ceiling, lying on the sofa. The projector system will display an image using microfilms. The main thing is not to fall asleep from such a convenience.

Thoughts on canvas: the city of the future in the presentation of ancestors

At the beginning of the last century, many manufacturers of cigarettes, confectionery goods and other things were often inserted into the postcard packaging. Colorful pictures could simply advertise the goods itself, and collectors collected them. For example, one of the manufacturers of cigarettes of that time without unnecessary modesty stated that in 2500 in the city of the future (apparently, in London) will be a factory that produces this particular tobacco brand.

In the goods that were sold in Russia, you could also find such cards. For example, in 1914, the confectionery "AEINEM ADMINISTURE" (later - the Red October Factory) released a batch of Candy "Moscow in the future." In the boxes with candy, special postcards were invested - with the views of Moscow, after 200 years. These wonderful works were performed by the Russian-based battalist Nikolai Nikolayevich Karazin. On the back of each postcard were comments.

And what do we see in these prediction postcards? Moscow River is now overwhelmed by commercial vessels. In the air biplans and monoplas, the pier takes off the hydroplane, and a commodity airship with the inscription "EINEM", flies in Tula with a margin of chocolate. There is an Aerosani, cavalry and a policeman with a saber. However, something from the predicted still came true: see, for example, on the trains of the subway and road "traffic jams".

About how New York the Future should look like, can be found, for example, from the works of the artist Richard Rammel (Richard Rummel). In 1910, he painted futuristic illustrations of the city of skyscrapers, which were subsequently used for the design of postcards.

The American Political Journal of Harper "S Weekly (a Journal of Civilization) was published in New York since 1857. In his state, a talented cartooner with German roots Thomas was present. In his task it was the creation of cartoons to politicians and all sorts of the apparatus of the authority. Something It seems such drawings.

However, in the work of this cartoonist there is an interesting episode. In 1881 he tried to portray what New York will be many years later. The artist of the 19th century was also not doubted that it would grow this city not only stitching, but also up.

France 100 years later: Forecasts of artists

Man always dreamed of conquering air. It was almost his first desire when he realized that he could do his own progress. He constantly tried, experimented, failed and nevertheless, did not lose optimism. The man believed that the conquest of air element is a matter of time. And of course, in the future everyone will fly. This belief is very well traced in the works of French artists-cartoonists of the late nineteenth - the beginning of the twentieth century.

Everyone flies. Firefighters in Batman costume extinguish a fire, and the wrong wife distracts her husband while her lover, as if Carlson with a propeller on his back, flies into the opened window.

Many of the futuristic illustrations of the late 19th century of the year belong to the artist named Jean-Mark Côte (Jean-Marc Côté). Perhaps, no one would never know about the creativity of this person if Isaac Azimov in 1985 did not accidentally stumble upon a large set of 50 postcards with a series of works of EN L'An 2000 French artist.

Famous fiction, without thinking, acquired them, and a year later released a whole book of Futuredays: A Ninetenth Century Vision of the Year 2000. In it, Azimov analyzes each drawing and argues about why certain plots could come to mind a person from another era .

Azimov has enough of his predictions of the future, but when a talented futurologist holds his own investigation of the artifacts of the past - this is damn interesting.

So, for example, Jean-Mark on one of his works shows a real bomber, and on the other - armored cars for battles. On postcards there are robots with remote control, submarines and many, many other various ideas.

Many of the plots of paintings are shown in elements previously inaccessible to man. Under water, people play a crockety, the bus harvested by China takes passengers for the bottom of the ocean, and air battles go over the water stroke.

Space view from the past

Almost all futuristic forecasts now look naive and cause only surprise - as it was possible to just think that it was possible? People of that time did not have a luggage of knowledge that we have. They had to do it, improvise and think of those images that surround them. Perhaps that therefore their recreated future was often similar to their own world in which people wear the same hairstyles and cylinders, and the most complex machines still have an exhaust pipe.

Even if for the creation of a picture of the future was taken very thoroughly, the result was still the same. For example, in 1935, the Soviet spectator saw the stunning film "Space flight" for that time. It was a story about the group of Soviet scientists who travel to the moon. To make this film, consultations were held with Konstantin Eduardovich Tsiolkovsky.

That is why in the film there is a lot of smallest things that no one would not pay attention to at that time. The film shows the weightlessness that the team members are experiencing in space, and when walking through the moon weak attraction is demonstrated. But at the same time, the rocket emptylane itself resembles a airship, the most fantastic flying agent of that time.

It is unlikely that someone has doubts about the fact that people will fly to Mars soon. How will their first steps on the red planet look like, most likely, we will see in direct broadcast mode. When this happens, seen on the screens can be compared with George Bakaks, made back in 1964 to the book Rockets to Explore The Unknown ("Rockets explore the unknown").

Or maybe everything is just logical? After all, creative people have a very developed imagination and figurative thinking. So they come to different vision of a couple with a winged pegasus. And how to interpret them - this is the case of scientists or just ordinary people. Whatever it was, and stories are known at least three artists who became famous for their predictions. Moreover, these predictions really come true!

Albert Robida

He was born in southern France in 1848. It was not bad for his childhood. The teenager began to portray different illustrations and caricatures for periodicals. Already during these years, he had a passion for two things - journey and literature. After his book was published under the title "Twentieth Century", all sorts of senses began. The fact is that, in the opinion of critics, the writer is too swung. In his work, Albert described what people are waiting for people in the 20th century to the smallest details. In addition, he supplied the book with his own illustrations. For example, the author described the plague in the form of AIDS and a Chernobyl accident. In addition, the creation and distribution of nuclear weapons, the development of chemical science, the creation of artificial food. In the drawings, he often portrayed such fabulous designs as air ships, metro, telephoneoscope, phonograph, chemical artillery tools, underwater armor and torpedoes. There are still unfulfilled predictions. But if all the above has come true, it is quite possible that "because of the feverish hasty of the life of the XX century, people will quickly become old: in 45 years old will look like a 70-year-old. Rejuvenation will occur under the special cap ... ".
After the First World War got raged, Robida begins to torment depression. The main reason is his literary plots began to come true. In the end, he burned all his diaries and died in 1926 at the age of 78. The whole note remained: "The mind and knowledge contribute to the development of cynicism, ingenious and technical inventions are used to bring harm to humanity."

Leonardo da Vinci

This is a name to this day for hearing at all - whether, photographers, mathematics, poets or people of other professions. Of course, first of all know him painting. And used to see his personality only as a great master of fine art. But at the same time sculptor, scientist, engineer-inventor, architect, mechanic, an anata, nerd - also were his professions. What to say - he was really a genius. The abilities to all these sciences manifested him very early. And his father in every way helped the growth of the education of the Son. It turned out to be the fact that the child with his mathematics questions put in a dead end of teachers. Further more - he also managed to study music and played perfectly on Lira. Quotes that have become prophetic, at that time, of course caused many laughs. But now a smile somehow not at all goes to the place:

  • People will talk to each other from the most remote countries and respond to each other.

  • It will be seen as the trees of the great forests of brand and blue, Apennin and Atlanta run through the air from the east to the west, from the north to south; And they will carry great many people through the air. Oh, how many vows! Oh how many dead! Oh, how many parting friends, relatives! And how many people who will no longer see their edge, nor their homeland and who will die without burial, with bones, scattered in different countries of light.

  • Those who will die, will be thousands of years old, who contains at their own expense of many lives.

To questions "Why and where do these fantasies come from?" The wizard either answered evasively and vaguely, or in generally chopped. Thus, Leonardo predicted the emergence of many things in the future. But people began to study his records very late and learned about it only in the 19th century.

A person can do and makes a lot. He fights the elements and conquers other planets. He is looking for life at the very bottom of the ocean and seeks to find a way to extend his existence by defeating the disease. But there is one thing that is not given to him - know his future. What is it "beautiful far away"? Will there be war there or at least a hundred years will the world reign? What will be at home where technical progress will be headed? These questions were and will be relevant at all times. A person can only make forecasts and learn to foresee the coming.

And, perhaps, if you carefully see what people thought from the past about our days, we can in the following forecasts to allow less mistakes.

⇡ If the cows of the whole country together could predict

There is an opinion that creating forecasts is an ungrateful occupation. Well, probably the share of truth in this is. If you guess in your prediction, it will seem to everyone that your forecast was banal and obvious. If not, then the "predictor" risks losing the authority and be commemmed.

The best example of a "hopeless forecast" is the weather forecast. Very often, meteorologists are mistaken, promising rain instead of cloudless weather or, on the contrary, predicting a clear sky instead of precipitation. In service with the Hydromet Center, there is complex equipment and data analysis software, as well as numerous information received from satellites. And if the forecast is in inaccurate with the entire technological base, the fact that we can talk about the accuracy of the weather determination by meteorological services of half a century, when computer and satellite technologies were still in the wonder.

In 1975, a note about the curious competition was published in Time magazine, which was held in the town of Huntsville.

One of the local farmers named John McADams said that his cows and pigs better determine the weather than the national meteorological service with its "satellite images and stupid computer printouts." According to the farmer, when a three-year bull named Breamer felt the worsening of the weather forecast, a day before that, the animal went to the stall and fell on the hay. Jokes for the sake of the local newspaper Huntsville Item agreed to conduct a competition between the Farmer's bull and the Houston weather forecast bureau. The result showed that John was absolutely right - 19: 8 in favor of Breother.

⇡ Computer forecasts

William Henry Gates - Forecasts that can be checked

When the cow wins the technically sav-weather forecast bureau, it's funny. But if she had lost, no one would put it in the reproach. Another thing is when the forecast is made by a person who claims to be called an expert.

Perhaps there is no more unsuccessful predictor than Bill Gates. Some kind of incomprehensible way, this man managed to make short-sighted forecasts and at the same time to erect the Microsoft Empire.

It would be possible to assume that the opinion of one of the main computerists of the planet is distorted deliberately, let's say, in order to disinfect competitors. However, how to be with the statement of Bill: "Two years later, no one will remember about spam", made in 2004 at the World Economic Forum in Davos? A very bold statement, akin to the promise that communism will come in two years.

Almost ten years passed, but the spam was penetrated into the mailboxes, it continues to flow into them. Neither smart filters nor complex mechanisms for eliminating unnecessary correspondence are still unable to defeat this garbage. The patented idea of \u200b\u200bcharging the symbolic fee for sending an email message was not helped.

The earlier "forecasts" of Bill Gates more than once became the subject of criticism and the reason for jokes. In 1980, Bill in the periodic edition Microcomputing was convinced by the following: "I don't know anyone who earned on writing software." And in 1989, he left another Pearl, speaking at the MSX presentation: "We will never create a 32-bit operating system." This statement has already been refuted in four years, a 32-bit system from Microsoft - Windows 3.1 was published.

Oh, these 640 kilobyte!

The curious situation was formed with another legendary "prophecy" Bill Gates. Many people know that in 1981 he said literally the following: "640K Ought to Be Enough for Anybody" ("640 kilobytes should be enough for everyone").

The anecdote about Pope, who flew to Paris comes to mind. Untime, he came down from the plane's ladder, paparazzi was made to him and blurted out: "How do you feel about public houses in Paris?" Dad crazy asked: "And what, in Paris there are public houses?" And local newspapers the next day came out with loud headlines - "The first words of Pope in Paris were:" And what, in Paris there are public houses? "

With a story about 640 kilobytes of RAM - approximately similar situation. In fact, these words if they were told by Bill, they simply are pulled out of context. They most likely meant only that at that time for computers with Intel 8088 processors the opportunity to work with 640 KB of RAM was a tangible advantage, since it was an order of magnitude more than an eight-bit computers such as Apple II + or Commodore 64.

Gates itself about this phrase in one of the interviews very unequivocally said: "At the beginning of the eighties, I spoke a lot of nonsense, but this phrase is definitely not one of them."

To many quotes attributed to Bill Gates, sources have long lost, so it is impossible to establish their authenticity. So, for example, a well-known replica of Microsoft's father, spoken by him at the beginning of the nineties: "Internet? We are not interested in us, "and also" Internet is temporary fun. " Probably, these phrases could be told by Gates - taking into account Microsoft policies in those years. In one of the later interviews, Bill admitted that when the Internet appeared only, he hardly entered the top five of the company's main priorities.

Peter Norton and other crocodile catchers

Antivirus software is used at each step. It is already installed by default on your new laptop, you can find it on a drive with drivers or on a DVD to a glossy magazine. Many the word "antivirus" causes a persistent association with a man in glasses, which crossed his hands on his chest - Peter Norton.

For a person who considers himself a specialist in the field of computer technology, there is nothing worse than to exercise excessive self-confidence in his knowledge. This is what happened to Peter. In the eighties of the last century, Norton gained the fame of the experienced programmer, as well as in 1985, published a book Programmer "S Guide to the IBM PC, which became a best-selling. On the cover of this book, a young Peter Norton was photographed in a characteristic position with his arms crossed on his chest. You will be surprised, but this image is patented: only Peter Norton can be in the pink shirt and with arms crossed hands on the covers of books is a trademark.

By the opinion of the author's bestsellers, Peter Norton listened, his word could be considered an expert opinion. In 1987, computers have not yet been popular so to stand in every home. However, the owners of the first PCs have already encountered the problem of computer viruses. Peter Norton was very skeptical about a new threat, it was too incredible. In 1988, in an interview with Insight Magazine, Peter raised those who set the problem of computer viruses: "We are dealing with a city myth. It is like stories about crocodiles in the sewage system of New York - everyone knows about it, but no one has ever seen them. "

Peter's opinion has changed very quickly. Already two years after these words, the legendary antivirus under the name "Norton" was released.

In its frivolous attitude to viruses at an early stage of their development, Peter Norton is not alone. Another anti-virus software specialist, John McAfee, also dropped the phrase, which says that in the eighties no one seriously treated viruses.

He said that the problem of viruses is a momentary character and for the year should come to no. Although in fact, the words of this person should be treated very carefully, it hurts it eccentric and often says strange things. A person whose name is used in the title of one of the most popular antiviruses, conducted a very bright and eventful life. His last years, generally remind some kind of detective in the style of the agent 007. After selling his business, John Macafa had a state of one hundred million, but at one moment it was broken due to the gorgeous crisis. With some "miserable" a few million dollars, he disappeared in Beliza and there attempted to organize a new business for the production of drugs. At the moment, John Macafa is deported to the United States from Guatemala, where it was illegally hit from Belize, hiding from the persecution of the local police on suspicion of murder and still hundreds of other sins. From time to time, Macafi makes strange things - hints in an interview with some conspiracies, complains of the hackers pursuing his hackers and posts on a network video where the laptop is shot.

John Macafa has long sold the right to his antivirus and today it is extremely negative about the product that now wears his name.

The Russian legend of Anti-virus in Evgeny Kaspersky at a press conference "Review of viral activity for 2003" in an interview with the Internet publishing, said the following: "Normal mobile phones, malicious programs have never threatened and are unlikely to threaten in the future."

The interview was given at the end of the press conference and, as it seems to us, the fatigue is simply felt in these words. But what is said, it is said. The incorrectly formulated phrase looks funny ten years later, because the problem of malicious software for mobile devices is relevant more than ever, Kaspersky himself does not get tired. ERRARE HUMANUM EST.

However, it is often possible to predict the future much better in people who are not directly related to a certain industries. For example, in 1981, the British musician and the writer Neil Ardley (Neil Ardley) wrote an entertaining book School, Work and Play ("School, Work and Recreation"). She was part of the World of Tomorrow series ("The World of Future").

In this book, which, we recall, appeared at the time when the concepts of "personal computer" were not as such, the author writes not only about the general computerization, but also how it will affect the nature of criminal crimes. The computer will protect your home and car from thieves. Thanks to computers, there will be no need for cash, and nobody will rob on the streets. But a new one will appear, a very dangerous kind of crime - computer fraud. Penetrating computer systems, attackers will be able to steal money from bank accounts. Police will create special departments to combat such fraudsters, but it will be quite difficult to prove their guilt every time.

Computer of the future: a thousand lamps and a half thousand kilograms

If you already make loud predictions, then you need to do them on a very long time. In order to do not feel embarrassed with the hard refutation of your thoughts. In March 1949, one of the most reputable scientific and popular publications Popular Mechanics published an article by Andrew Hamilton (Andrew Hamilton) entitled "Brain That Click), in which the author argues about the potential of computing technology.

For 1949, any device (and the more electronic), capable of making calculations automatically, was a big miracle. So, for example, in this article, the author admires the incredible speed of the superfront calculator, which is capable of multiplying two decadymal numbers in just some ten seconds.

This prediction, causing a smile today, becomes clear if you remember that one of the most advanced "computers" of that time was ENIAC (Electronic Numeric Integrator and Computer - "Electronic Numeric Integrator and Computer"). The component base of this device included 18 thousand lamps, and its weight was close to thirty tons.

So how to imagine what is so good and not? Too big breakthrough in the development of mankind, so that the consequences of universal computerization can be assessed. For example, Thomas Watson, the head of IBM, according to a famous legend, in 1943 said the following: "I think that there is a global market, maybe for five computers."

This man who did not fully understand the prospects for computer technology, and could not imagine that more than half a century millions of people will buy computers produced under the IBM brand. And on the case of laptops there will be a word proposed by Watson himself. The word slightly changed - from the motivating Maiden of Think! In a more modern combination of ThinkPad.

⇡ Scientists - about the future

Follow the future did not know even very smart people. For example, the Nobel Prize winner in 1908 Chemistry, New Zealand (well, or English - as you like) Scientist Ernest Rutherford. He was one of the few physicists who knew a very simple and convincingly to tell about complex processes that go at the atomic level. Rutherford did not really actively used mathematics to describe its theories and relied on the experiments. He is called the father of nuclear physics, he opened the alpha and beta radiation, showed the entire planetary model of the atom.

Nevertheless, in 1930 he said: "Energy that is formed as a result of the splitting of an atom is very small. He who thinks that it can be used for some purposes - just fell from the moon. " Two years later, Albert Einstein said almost the same thing: "There is no reason to believe that nuclear energy will ever be available."

Perhaps these ingenious people did not fully realize the grandeur of the discoveries made. Or maybe, on the contrary, do we underestimate these people? It is possible that they just understood very well what a box Pandora was touched.

Promahi Kelvin

On the role of William Thomson (he is Lord Kelvin - the name taken from the Kelvin River flowing through the University of Glasgow, where the scientist worked) in the development of science, it is possible to judge at least for the fact that today its name is inextricably linked with the physical size - temperature. In many ways, he is obliged to this his father, the professor of mathematics, who has completely encouraged the desire of the Son to science and contributed to the fact that Thomson Jr. in the 22nd year received a professor of natural philosophy at the University of Glasgow. In 1892, Thomson Jr. for his merit was erected by the Queen Victoria to the nobility and received the title of Baron.

Being a talented scientist in his field, William Thomson was very self-confident and often released ridiculous comments regarding the prospects for technical progress. So, for example, he has a saying: "The radio does not have any future." Also, the Irish physicist completely noted the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating flying cars. It is known to say: "Machines are heavier than air impossible."

Robert Boyle: A man who looked through the century

So what happens, in the environment of scientists has never had intelligent forecasts for the future? Of course there were, albeit in small quantities. Some scientists managed to predict the development of technologies even for many centuries.

For example, we all studied the laws of thermodynamics in the lessons of physics and shuffled the Formula of Boyle Mariotta. According to justice, the second name in the title of the famous law should not have been, as Robert Boyle came to his discovery for fourteen years earlier than a colleague. Although, a member of the London Royal Society, Robert Boyl entered, mainly as a talented physicist and chemist, among other things, this man was also a diploma of the doctor of medicine.

In the 1660s, Robert Boyl wrote an interesting document, so to speak, the "wish list", which contains 24 points. In it, the scientist imposes assumptions about which inventions and discoveries in science can be implemented in the future. Predictions affect a variety of areas - medicine, physics, chemistry. The most amazing thing in this small work is that almost all the points of the list, with the exception of several, come true!

Among the predictions of Robert Boyle were, for example, the following "wishes": the possibility of extension of human life, organ transplantation, the development of the "arts of flights", non-contact or remote treatment of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the creation of light and very strong armor, unspexed ships that can swim in any direction , Eternal light source, psychotropic agents and anesthetics, the possibility of instant definition of geographic coordinates and much more.

About the benefits of articles for housewives

About the American engineer John Elfrit Watkins (John Elfreth Watkins) before a certain point, no one knew. This man lived over a hundred years ago and did not leave any noticeable traces in history.

However, several years ago, his name was resurrected, and Watkins himself became a very popular figure. Sucho - a detected article, which John Elfterpect wrote in 1900 in the women's magazine Ladies "Home Journal. The publication has enjoyed such great popularity that by 1907 it had a record number of subscribers for that time - more than a million.

Amazing, but among the assumptions of Watkins there are many forecasts. What was written in this article?

Photos can be broadcast over long distances. If in China after a hundred years (2000) there will be a battle, the pictures of its most impressive moments will fall into the newspapers after a few hours. The shops will sell finished food, about how now the bread in bakeries. A person will be able to watch the whole world. Any people, any items and things - all this will be fixed with cameras and transmitted by electrical wires to the screens of other people in thousands of miles. Multi-torque fortress on wheels will participate in battles and rush with the speed of modern express. They will replace cavalry. Cars will become cheaper horses. Horses will disappear from the life of a person, they will be left only for racing and hunting. Aircases will appear, which will be used for military purposes and take photos from the air. From special cranes in homes there will be cold air, cooling rooms in hot time.

Air conditioners, aircraft, Internet, webcams, television, digital photography and semi-finished products ... For 1900, these are very bold forecasts, and for our time - amazing in its accuracy. John Alfriti even managed to predict that the average growth of the American in a hundred years will increase by two inches. How did he know all this?

Probably, this person could think very productively, and maybe he simply discarded the conventions and tried to come up with a "nonsense" to steal the readers of the magazine. Elfreh argued that before writing these predictions, he conducted consultations with different people competent in one sphere or another. Anyway, but Watkins, which is called, got into a dozen in many respects. There are in his predictions and misses, but they are not so significant, however effectively its coming forecasts. The American builder engineer said that in a hundred years, mosquitoes, flies and cockroaches will die, and cars will disappear in large cities - they were to replace underground and air transport highways. He also suggested that some sounds would disappear from English.

⇡ Prophecies of sciences: and could be labors

The vision of the future brighter appears in front of us in the works of the first science fiction writers. Arthur Clark, Herbert Wells, Robert Jeinline, Robert Shekley - Here are the names of those who knew how to look into the future and disclose secrets on the pages of their novels. Of course, many of their assumptions are too naive and cannot withstand any criticism from science, but how many curious they could predict! Submarine, launch of satellites, space stations, flights to other planets, mobile phones and more. Sometimes science fictions directly affected the future with their works. Like, for example, Karel Chapek.

Karel Chapek was not a science writer in the familiar sense of the word, although some of his works and worn anti-dietary character. Once he came to his brother Josef, who was an artist and just worked on a new picture. Czech writer needed advice.

"I," Chapek said, "I work on a new play and I don't know how to call human-like artificial beings." I thought to call them laborators (from Latin Labor - "work"), but this word seems to me too much paper. " Joseph did not even take out a brush from his mouth, was so fascinated by his work, but still answered: "So call them robots."

Contrary to seemingly consonant, the word "robot" is not formed from the Russian word "to work". In Slovak, this word meant "Katorga" or "hard work".

Chapec and his brother could not even be assumed how firmly this word will enter the lexicon of different languages. But not by contacting the Council Karel to Josef, and, maybe artificial mechanisms would be called today laborators, and experts in robotics were laboratory equipment.

Piece Chapeca R.U.R. ("Rossom universal robots") has become an inspiration source for many engineers of that time. Some of them rushed to recreate these robots.

Especially very popular "Chapeca robots" used in Britain. They were not only created there, but also demonstrated at exhibitions. For example, this motorized robot named Eric was shown in London at an exhibition organized by Model Engineer.

His creation took half a year. He could stand, walk, sit, talk, move through his eyes and even knew how to shake his hand. "I voiced" the owner himself, but however, it remains a mystery, even the drawing of the insides of the car does not make clarity. Eric weighed about 45 kg and worked from a 12 volt battery.

Interestingly, in the USSR, the history of Chapeca was reworked, and in 1935, a very free interpretation of the play called "Sensation" was published on the screens. Robot Jim Ripple. " It was no longer a dumb, but a sound film. Its content was redone with an emphasis on the struggle of workers with capitalists.

⇡ Cinema and television: no chance for success

At the end of 1925, Sam Warner (one of the four founding brothers of the Warner Bros. Entertainment concern) acquired its own broadcast radio station. Inspired by her work, he suggested his brother Harry to use the recorded voice and in the cinema, synchronizing audio with the movements of actors on the screen. At that time, the cinema was no longer completely dumb, but only incomprehensive sound was used in the films.

The offer of Brother Harry Warner issued an amazing phrase: "Yes, who, damn, takes, generally, what are the actors talk about?" Just two years later Warner Bros. Representing The Jazz Singer - the first film, in which the audience could hear the voices of the actors.

However, unfortunately, the brothers themselves missed his premiere because of Sam's death. That one who first filed the idea to make such a film.

For some reason, not everyone believed in the prospects of television. So, one of the leaders of Studios 20th Century Fox Darryl ZaNUK (Darryl Zanuck) in 1946 said: "Television will not be able to hold out in the market for more than six months. People just get tired of staring for plywood box every night. "

By the way, at that time, television has already been about to become a massive phenomenon. For example, in our country, the Moscow television center in Shabolovka from March 1, 1939 broadcast regular broadcasts for two hours four times a week.

⇡ Like the artists of the past seen the future

Arthur Radebo: the future is closer than we think

Many artists of the last century, inspired by rapidly (as it seemed) the development of science and technology, they tried to prove with their works to all the others that "the future is closer than we think." This is the name of the artist Arthur Radebo (Arthur Radebaugh) gave a series of drawings, which were published in the period from 1958 to 1962.

Figure comics contained many interesting ideas and concepts. For example, Arthur assumed that in the future, fully automated agricultural land will appear on which the plants will be grown under the control of numerous sensors, watering systems, and so on.

Some of the futuristic predictions were made by the artist not on scratch. For example, on one of the pictures, the author shows that in the future cars can be repainted for counting minutes with the help of electromagnetic pistols. Such an opportunity was to appear thanks to new materials that were supposed to be used when designing new cars.

And this is not quite fantasy. About similar perspectives at the time mentioned D.S. Harder (D.S. Harder), Vice-President of Ford. He hinted that cars could appear, which would be resistant to pollution, and will also have other amazing properties, for example themselves can be cleaned of dust.

The postal posts of the future must be equipped with reactive stans. A similar device, as shown time, not only is difficult to relate, but also completely impractical. The few copies of such RANTS were too noisy, demanded a huge amount of fuel and also represented a real threat to Letun, since it was very difficult to manage them.

In the future, according to the artist, the car will become the main way of moving for an ordinary person. Therefore, it would be advisable to build something like stores for cars. They work, about the principle of "Makavto" - the driver approaches a special parking and makes the order of grocery products, which along the move along the "Shelkov" are loaded to the buyer in the trunk. Most likely, Arthur Radebaugh did not suspect how hopeless would be a similar project in the conditions of magnitude motorization. Just one and a half dozen cars, so that a traffic jam formed at such a point of sale.

As for medicine, here Arthur has practically guess. If you close your eyes to technical details and leave only the essence of the prediction, it can be noted that the artist has practically foresaw in its comic laser therapy, thanks to which it became possible to carry out very complex blood and complications.

Educational institutions of the future should be overcrowded to those who want to gain knowledge. Here the artist shows optimism. In his opinion, or rather, according to forecasts of scientists, whose ideas he embodied in drawings, in the future remote forms of training will be actively used. Task students and check their execution must automated systems.

The next concept is particularly interesting because it directly affects us with you. The artist expressed the assumption that Alaska and Russia will be interconnected by a direct highway, which will be held on the tunnel on the bottom of Bering Strait. It is a pity that since then the ideas about the construction of such a tunnel were never embodied in reality.

The artist also predicted in its drawings, transported by robots, hospitals in space, rotating buildings. And he confidently stated that a device would appear in a short time, with which you can write any television programs, and then watch them at a convenient time. This is a miracle "television tape recorder". In the future, read books can be right from the ceiling, lying on the sofa. The projector system will display an image using microfilms. The main thing is not to fall asleep from such a convenience.

Thoughts on canvas: the city of the future in the presentation of ancestors

At the beginning of the last century, many manufacturers of cigarettes, confectionery goods and other things were often inserted into the postcard packaging. Colorful pictures could simply advertise the goods itself, and collectors collected them. For example, one of the manufacturers of cigarettes of that time without unnecessary modesty stated that in 2500 in the city of the future (apparently, in London) will be a factory that produces this particular tobacco brand.

In the goods that were sold in Russia, you could also find such cards. For example, in 1914, the confectionery "ATEM ADMINISTOME" (later - the Red October Factory) released the Moscow in the Future Candy. In the boxes with candy, special postcards were invested - with the views of Moscow, after 200 years. These wonderful works were performed by the Russian-based battalist Nikolai Nikolayevich Karazin. On the back of each postcard were comments.

And what do we see in these prediction postcards? Moscow River is now overwhelmed by commercial vessels. In the air biplans and monoplas, the pier takes off the hydroplane, and the goods airship with the inscription "EINEM" flies in Tula with a margin of chocolate. There is an Aerosani, cavalry and a policeman with a saber. However, something from the predicted yet came true: see, for example, on the trains of the subway and road traffic jams.

About how New York the Future should look like, can be found, for example, from the works of Richard Rummel (Richard Rummel). In 1910, he drew a futuristic city of skyscrapers; Subsequently, these images were used for postcard design.

The American Political Journal of Harper "S Weekly (a Journal of Civilization) was published in New York since 1857. In his state, a talented cartoonist with German roots Thomas was present. In his task, it was the creation of cartoons for politicians and all sort of rizuing the authority. It seems like such drawings.

However, in the work of this cartoonist there is an interesting episode. In 1881 he tried to portray what New York will be many years later. The artist of the XIX century was also not doubted that this city would grow not only styling, but also up.

France 100 years later: Forecasts of artists

Man always dreamed of conquering air. It was almost his first desire when he realized that he could do his own progress. He constantly tried, experimented, failed - and nevertheless did not lose optimism. The man believed that the conquest of air element is a matter of time. And of course, in the future everyone will fly. This belief is very well traced in the works of French artists-cartoonists of the late nineteenth - the beginning of the twentieth century.

Everyone flies. Firefighters in a Batman costume extinguish a fire, and the wrong wife distracts her husband while her lover, like Carlson with a propeller on his back, flies into the opened window.

Many of the futuristic illustrations of the end of the XIX century year belong to the artist named Jean-Marc Côte (Jean-Marc Côté). Perhaps, no one would never know about the creativity of this person if Isaac Azimov in 1985 did not accidentally stumble upon a large set of 50 postcards with a series of works of EN L'An 2000 French artist.

Famous fiction, without thinking, acquired them, and a year later released a whole book of Futuredays: A Ninetenth Century Vision of the Year 2000. In it, Azimov analyzes each drawing and argues about why certain plots could come to mind a person from another era .

Azimov has enough of his future predictions, but when the talented futurologist holds his own investigation of the artifacts of the past - it is damn interesting.

So, for example, Jean-Mark on one of his works shows a real bomber, and on the other - armored cars for battles. On postcards there are robots with remote control, submarines and many, many other various ideas.

Many of the plots of paintings are shown in elements previously inaccessible to man. Under water, people play a crockety, the bus harvested by China takes passengers for the bottom of the ocean, and air battles go over the water stroke.

⇡ Space view from the past

Almost all futuristic forecasts now look naively and cause only surprise: as it was possible to just think that it was possible? People of that time did not have a luggage of knowledge that we have. They had to do it, improvise and think of those images that surround them. Perhaps so the future created by them often it was like their own world in which people wear the same hairstyles and cylinders, and on the most complex machines there are still an exhaust pipe.

Even if for the creation of a picture of the future was taken very thoroughly, the result was still the same. For example, in 1935, the Soviet spectator saw a stunning film "Space flight" for that time. It was a story about the group of Soviet scientists who travel to the moon. To make this film, consultations were held with Konstantin Eduardovich Tsiolkovsky.

That is why in the film there is a lot of smallest things that no one would pay attention to at that time. For example, the weightlessness is shown that the team members are experiencing in space, and when walking through the moon weak attraction is demonstrated. But at the same time, the rocket plane itself resembles the airship - the most fantastic flying agent of that time.

It is unlikely that someone has doubts about the fact that people will fly to Mars soon. How their first steps on the red planet look like, most likely, we will see in direct broadcast mode. When this happens, seen on the screens can be compared with George Bakaks (George Bakacs), made back in 1964 to the book Rockets to Explore The Unknown ("Rockets explore the unknown").

⇡ House, which has long been wondering: concept of at home of the future different time

The idea of \u200b\u200bhow to make his home is smarter, does not leave man for many years. Now Smart House, or, simply speaking, smart home is not fantastic, but an objective reality. Such a house monitors the climate, selects the lighting, identifies the owner, as well as every minute guessed about certain domestic needs of the inhabitants, if possible, satisfying them. The functions of a smart home can be controlled using voice commands over the Internet. In short, the possibilities of a smart home are limited only by the fantasy of his owner. The greatest enthusiasts have already found a way to independently implement the concept of a smart home, and are constantly divided into Internet communities and social networks in the experience of computerization of residential premises. The arrangement of smart houses is now delivered to the stream. If there is money in a smart home, you can turn any housing or even to purchase real estate, already stuffed with the desired electronics "turnkey".

Every year, the management of the functions of a smart home is easier and more convenient. At the moment, this goal is enough power of a conventional smartphone or tablet PC. But if you think that such houses have become only possible with the advent of computers, you are very mistaken.

Back in 1956, short ribbon Design for Dreaming was released on the screens.

It was a musical vocabulary of the Auto Show General Motors Motorama. In one of the episodes of this music video, a smart kitchen of the future appears, which is controlled by touch buttons and is equipped with a color display. The girl takes a small card with perforation and inserts it into the slot, after which the dispenser shows a dish that should be prepared.

It is worth noting that this kitchen is not completely scenery. In 1957, there was indeed such a project from the American brand Frigidaire, which was demonstrated at the Paris Exhibition of Future exhibition. This kitchen was with an induction slab, an infrared grill, washing the ultrasound machine and a mass of useful devices that allowed for a long time to store products and quickly cook them. In more detail about this kitchen tells Czech Faken.

"Wonderful cuisine" 50s from whirlpool

The well-known Whirlpool company, producing household equipment, also did not lag behind the trends. Her engineers made their own version of the kitchen of the future, which was called "Miracle Cuisine" (Miracle Kitchen). Designing this smart kitchen, engineers went even further. If Frigidaire has a kitchen consisted of leaving shelves and automated instruments, then the Whirlpool cabinet with dishes went to the hostess himself, and after, filled with dirty plates, returned to the place, it served as a dishwasher.

And in 1959, at the American exhibition in Moscow, WHIRLPOOL representatives showed a portable cleaner robot.

MONSANTO: Future - behind plastic

In the middle of the last century, many businessmen were obsessed with the idea of \u200b\u200busing plastic. Recall at least the film "Graduate" of 1967 with Dustin Hoffman in the lead role. At the beginning of the picture there is an episode in which one of the guests persistently try to convince the main character, which is behind the plastic the future.

It seemed to many that plastic was a universal material that would be used everywhere in the future. The plastic will be carried out without dishes, it will be possible to make durable, light and cheap furniture, and the most bold "forexistors" saw an excellent material for the construction of houses in plastic. To convince everyone in the wonderful prospects of such plastic housing, the American chemical concern Monsanto in 1957 launched an attraction in Disneyland, which was called the "House of the Future Monsanto".

All this house, as well as its situation, were made of plastic materials. Plastic was used everywhere - in facing, for furniture, to organize sound and light, and so on. In total, more than thirty different types of plastic were applied.

At first, people had to look at Monsanto crowds, and most of the visitors really left with a secret desire to ever settle in such a house. In fact, the production of smart houses Monsanto was impossible due to too high cost. Yes, and the real strength of plastic materials from which this house was made, it was unlikely to correspond to the reliability referred to in advertising.

The house was performed in the form of a cross. The center of this cross was a big hall, and the bedrooms, a living room and a dining room were located in the wings. Initially, it was thinking that all this house would rotate, turning to the sun, but when they considered how this "carousel" would be poured, they decided that the house and without rotation looks solid, - the builders left him stand still on a concrete basis.

The house not only was distinguished by an unusual design, but also was a stuffed with different electronic wonders. In it, for example, there was a smart kitchen, and behind the temperature inside the house watched the climate control system, cooling or heated room. In addition, the smart home of the future was equipped with humidifiers and air purification system.

The interior of Monsanto reminded the transformer - many internal elements of the interior and the situation now and then change their position, adjusting to its inhabitants. For example, in the kitchen, hidden shelves with products were traveled in the kitchen, the furniture was rolled out and hidden in the place specifically provided for this, and in the bathroom it was possible to change the position of the shell under human height. By the way, the bathroom was an electric shaver and an electric toothbrush. And a completely incredible thing - in the house there were intercoms with displays, on which you could see who calls on the door.

Approximately the same time the interesting concept of the video fon of Western Electric advertising. Indeed, some predictions lie on the surface, and see them - not such a difficult task. And when a person got used to a telephone connection, he immediately suggested that a similar connection with visual accompaniment appears in the future.

Futuro: Flying Plate in which you can live

In addition to the plastic house in Disneyland, in the middle of the twentieth century there was another attempt to prove that houses from plastics have a future. This project, called Futuro, was invented at the end of the sixties in Finland by the man named Matti Suorren.

It must be said that Futuro was waiting for the best destiny than the project of Concern Monsanto. Initially, the structure was conceived as a compact and convenient ski house, which could be used for dressing and temporary breaks between skiing. Its walls were really made of plastic, but not an ordinary, but enhanced by a fiberglass layer providing improved thermal insulation. The house could be built in any climate and any conditions for record short time. But the most awesome was the design of the house.

Rounded outlines of walls, oval portholes and the metal basis on which the house was located, as well as the retractable ladder, with which it was possible to rise inside, - all this attached the structure of the "alien" appearance. People ambiguously reacted to such design. On the one hand, it was very original, but, on the other hand, many provincial residents were categorically opposed to the construction of mobile homes. They seemed to them not only to others and ridiculous, but also caused the harm of ecology.

Nevertheless, slowly these houses were sold. Futuro's houses were even purchased by the Soviet Olympic Committee to accommodate foreign guests who arrived at the Olympics.

But all the prospects for the construction of plastic houses crashed about a crisis associated with a sharp rise in price of oil in 1978. The production of material for construction has become too expensive.

The first house of the future with electricity

Literally in every room Popular Mechanics Magazine of the first half of the 20th century it was possible to read that the future of any area depends on electricity. Aviation development, automotive, shipbuilding and many other spheres will evolve under the influence of discoveries in electrical engineering. In 1939, an article about the house of the future appeared on the pages of this publication.

And of course, the main thesis of this article was the fact that the house of the future is all electrified. In such a house everywhere there is a light, it is a lot, very much, and it can be different color - for the mood of the tenants. The light is obtained thanks to the last novelty - special highly efficient energy-saving lamps, capable of giving daylight bright light (how many years have passed, and nothing changes, right?). This house also has a unheard of a miracle - electrically heated walls!

One of the illustrations demonstrate a completely new way of cooking - with high frequency waves. Unfortunately, a person in a picture is not aware of which stupid danger he exposes himself, warming up a sandwich right in his hand.

The first prototype of the modern music cinema can be considered the concept of the early 1940s from the industrial designer from the US Samuel Marx (Samuel MARX). He drew a device that called the Radio of the Future. It has not only radio, but also a vinyl record player, as well as a built-in TV.

⇡ Clothes of the Third Millennium: A light movement of the hand trousers turn ...

Pretty strange, but in clothes, a person turned out to be quite conservative. Despite the creation of a large number of synthetic materials, we still with a "real" clothing that breathes, does not rub and is made of natural materials - cotton, silk, and so on.

But in 1939 it seemed that with the arrival of the new millennium, a person should radically change the wardrobe. And of course "Future's Clothing" will be somehow connected with electricity. After reviewing the Pathetone Weekly: The Spice of Variety, be prepared for shocks.

Judging by the fact that we demonstrate the footage of a hundred years ago, ladies in the "distant two thousandth" are dressed in aluminum and wear a light bulb in the head, which mysteriously signals the honesty of their satellites. In addition, women in the future have an electric belt that helps the body adapt to climate change.

Even for us who survived Millennium, such a fashion show seems ridiculous, and in 1939 these clothes seemed even more fun. Demonstrating one of the dresses, leading behind the scenes cannot be kept from a joking comment: "One of the future dresses is made from a transparent network. Probably in order to catch her men. "

Clothing for men from a two thousandth year, according to American designers of thirties, should be with a mass of offices - for coins, radio, for keys and God knows for what purposes. The film of the thirties shows a man whose clothing includes a compartment for a handset. Its socks are disposable, and the suit is deprived of buttons and a tie.

You can say almost guess - pockets for phones today have almost any clothes. True, the phones themselves since this chronicle was shot, changed strongly, and the metal hats somehow did not fit.

This video was preceded by the opening of the New York World "S Fair exhibition and was released simultaneously with the next issue of the Vanity Fair mod magazine (February 1939), in which designers made forecasts regarding the fashion of the future.

⇡ Automotive: Forecasts Ponaroush

If you bet on the forecasts of the future, predictions can end with bankruptcy. That is why many automotive giants were in no hurry, and now and now they are not in a hurry to do a revolutionary new design. But how then keep the brand and stimulate the interest of buyers to their products? The answer is simple - conceptual cars.

Many manufacturers of vehicles were kept in their "fleet" several exclusive models of cars, which should hit the imagination of fastest riding lovers with an unusual design and opportunities.

These cars were exhibited in the salons, shown at car exhibitions and fugged in commercials. In fact, many of the last "supercars" of the last century were Butaforia. Most of them are not simply not fitted with the stated characteristics, but they could not even move away due to the lack of ... engine.

Such cars were created to cause admiration from the public and served as a working material for experiments with form and functionality. In production, such cars did not go for many reasons, the main one of which is unreasonably high cost.

If you familiarize yourself with the conceptual machines of the past Read more, you can get an idea that you thought about the cars of the future at the dawn of the automotive industry. The technical capabilities of the middle of the last century imposed certain restrictions on the designed cars. Nevertheless, unusual models of "Car cars" was very and very much. We hope to consider this topic in more detail in one of the future articles, but for now we want to show you several developments that beat your time.

In many ways, the cars of the future were to remind something unearthly, such an aircraft. Therefore, the designers of the last century deliberately attached resemblance to it, adding characteristic elements to the appearance of a conceptual car.

Silver paint, similar sensors on the dashboard, imitation of the air intakes and exhaust pipes on airplanes, all kinds of wings - all this means that the cars of the future one way or another were to be "cosmic" or, at worst, "airplane".

The electronic filling of concept car was also at height. In the Ford X100 model, released in 1953 to the fiftieth anniversary of the brand, had a telephone (it was not clear how it could be used). The heating system was built into the seating, and an electric shaver was attached to the car so that it was possible to shave on the way.

There were even more stunning "gadgets" who had a different concept car - Buick Centurion, produced in 1956. In this car, a clear roof was used and there were no rearview mirrors. Their role was played by a television screen mounted in the dashboard. It was transmitted an image from the camera installed in the back of the car. This is more than incredible for the fifties, after all, to this day, such a wonderful equipment is a rarity.

But the gas tank in the car was not as such - the car was intended only for the demonstration on the tower. A man will look under the hood, will see an eight-cylinder engine with a volume of 5 liters, will consider a futuristic radio and a TV in the cabin, shocks the tongue and leave, in full confidence that the car on the go.

Gas - Soviet cars of the future

And what about domestic cars of passenger transport? Of course, for a variety of reasons, our auto industry could not take effect on the effects and entertainment of conceptual cars with Western colleagues. Almost the entire popular fleet produced in the USSR models was a tracker with products of Western firms. We had no bright auto show, and the few advertising of goods was very different from what was in other countries. Rare experimental projects were associated with the defense industry, and few people knew about them. But if our designers have been taken for the matter, then their cars were not butafory without a gas tank - they traveled, and even as.

Fortunately, in the archives the information about some attempts to our designers do something out of a series of outgoing. One of these projects was a GAZ-16 airbag, developed under the leadership of the constructor Alexei Andreevich Smolina, who had experience in designing aircraft.

Made at the beginning of the sixties, this model and today affects its futuristic forms. This car could go like a solid soil using a four-wheeled chassis with a hydraulic chassis with a suspension (according to the type that was in the "Volga" gas-21), and on any other surface, depending on the ground. The car weighed more than two tons, had two seats and could develop a cruising speed of 70 kilometers per hour.

And here's another miracle from Smolina - Gas-SG3 (it is gas-tr), designed even earlier - from 1952 to 1953. The estimated speed of this model was no less than 800 km / h, and under the hood (if it can be called the hood at all) the power of a thousand horsepower was hidden.

The secret of such a crazy traction was the turbojet engine VK-1, borrowed from the MiG-17 fighter.

⇡ Conclusion

From the foregoing, only one conclusion can be made: only science fiction writers can predict, and the usual experts simply lack imagination to see the coming changes.

They say that the word is not a sparrow, will fly away - you can't catch. If the prediction was not justified, the conclusion suggests that the author of this forecast showed short-sightedness. But do not forget that the story tends to repeat.

In the song Happy New Year, New Year's hymn of the famous Swedish quartet ABBA, there are words: "Who knows what awaits us for a line eighty ninth?" The authors did not think that their work would be remembered for a long time, and 1989 at the time of writing this song seemed very far away. But the time passed. Everyone learned that the very 1989 year was in himself. And unexpectedly, the song gained a new meaning, as if offering to learn to once again what will be there in the future, in the new 89 year. Therefore, if the forecast did not come true, perhaps it is just worth waiting. Perhaps his time has not yet come.

In recent years, mankind has become so quickly advanced in science, which is already difficult to assume that he is waiting for him in a year, not to mention the century. There is only one way to check any forecast - to live called any problems. And if it is not even destined to find out what the world will be in the distant future, not trouble. The main thing is to believe in the best and try so that the descendants remain something else, except for forecasts.