An outline of an excursion to the geological museum for preschoolers. Abstract nood "excursion to the local history museum"

An outline of an excursion to the geological museum for preschoolers.  Abstract nood
An outline of an excursion to the geological museum for preschoolers. Abstract nood "excursion to the local history museum"

Abstract of the GCD "Excursion to the Museum of Hours" in the educational area "Cognitive Development" in the senior group

Purpose: acquaintance with the variety of watch movements and the ways of their application in human life.


1. To acquaint children with the history of clocks; different types of clocks (pocket, wrist, alarm, wall, sand, electronic);

2. To acquaint children with a dial and two hands - minute and hour;

3. Fix the names of the parts of the day by type of activity and the position of the sun in the sky.


1. To develop logical thinking;

2. Develop a cognitive interest in the past and future of the watch.


1. To cultivate the ability and ability to save your personal time and the time of others.

Preliminary work: acquaintance with the clock, reading encyclopedias, didactic game "What time is it?" work on cards, learning poetry.

Equipment: a mini-museum of clocks created by a group of parents, which contains clocks of various shapes and sizes (wall, wrist, alarm, oil, electronic, floor), pictures depicting clocks, pictures depicting activities and the position of the sun in the sky.

Course of the lesson

Educator: -Hello, dear visitors!

Do you want to learn a lot of interesting things?

Educator: Today we invited you to our mini-museum,

Get comfortable soon.

And what will our conversation be about,

You will find out if you guess the riddle.

Day and night they go.
They never get tired.
They whisper monotonously to the beat:
Tick, tock, tick and tock.
Arrows like a mustache.
Called ...

Educator: YES, today we will talk about watches. In our mini-Museum, together with my parents, we have collected various types of watches. What kind of clock do you see?

Children: wall, wrist, electronic.

Educator: You are absolutely right. It even has an alarm clock. And what is it for?

Children: To wake up, show the time, so as not to be late, etc.

Educator: Cuckoo clock, sundial. Of course, without the clock, people would be late for work, for planes, for the train, get lost in activities ... Listen to N. Chuprov's poem "Clock"
The clock is knocking all night.
They are not silent for a minute!
I ask: "Watch, wait,
You don't bother me
Let me sleep some more
So I don't want to get up! "
And the clock answered: "Tick-tock,
Wake up, weirdo!
The night is somewhere far away
The sun is high in the sky
A nice day awaits you
Open your eyes, my friend! "

Educator: And now I invite you to see what types of clocks are collected in our mini-museum. Various clocks are presented here. There are alarm clocks on the top shelf. Do you know what an alarm clock is? Probably, each of you has alarm clocks at home. The alarm clock helps me a lot, it stands by my bed and wakes me up to work every morning. Guys, raise your hands, who has alarms at home? I am very glad that every house has an alarm clock. This is a very useful thing. Guys, what do you think, which alarm clocks should be purchased, large or small? (Answers of children). I think the ones that the person likes.

Educator, pointing to the wall: What kind of clock should be here? LISTEN.

G. Tereshkova "Clock"

On the wall in the room watch,
They are not hanging for beauty.
And to the beat of the beat: tick - tock, tick - tock.
Everyone is given a conventional sign.
Day - night change outside the window.
The dawn is wonderful. And then
A person has all the year round
It's time for daytime worries. (Wall). What other types of clocks do you know? (Solar, sand, floor, etc.

Educator: Guys, what kind of watch do you choose for yourself? (beautiful, large, practical, sandy) And of course, so that the owners like the bell, and the hands show the correct time. Look, all watches have two hands. Guys, do you know what the big hand at the clock is called? (Answers of children) That's right. It shows minutes and is called minute. Who knows what the little arrow is called? (children's answers) Right. This is the hour hand. From it we find out how many hours. Guys, what do you think is the fastest moving arrow, small or large? (Answers of children.) Well done, they answered everything correctly.

But now I want to tell you a little about the history of the watch. What do you guys think there was a time when there were no clocks? (Answers of children)

Educator: I agree with you, in ancient times there was such a time. In those days, people determined the time by the sun. The sun rose and people woke up, the sun went down and people went to bed. Guys, what do you think, when people slept longer - in winter or summer?

(Answers of children)

Educator: Right. People slept less in summer, because the night is short in summer, and people have a lot of work in the fields and gardens. So they tried to sleep less and work more. No wonder they said a summer day - the year feeds. And in winter people slept longer, why?

Children: Because the night is longer and the day is short. People rested more in the winter, and ate what they prepared in the summer and the animals were also fed with summer preparations.

Whiskered Sun
Hidden behind a glass.
Wiggles his mustache, his name is ...

Children: for hours.

Educator: Guys, what is the shape of our watch: (answers) what did people do before, while there were no clock mechanisms. The time can be determined by the sun. When the sun is shining, a shadow leaves the trees. Take a look at this picture. A shadow falls, and in the old days a person determined the time by it. Guys, do you know when the shadow is longer, in the morning, afternoon or evening?

(Answers of children)

Educator: When the sun rises or sets over the horizon, the shadow is longer, and during the day the shadow is shorter. When a person noticed the properties of the shadow, then he invented a sundial. Look, in our museum there is a picture with such a clock. But this clock did not always help a person, since such a clock works only in sunny weather. And the man came up with an hourglass. Here they are, standing on the shelf. They come in different sizes. These are for three minutes, and these are for ten minutes. But this watch was not very comfortable either, because it had to be turned over all the time.

Let's play with you, while the sand is pouring, we will walk around our museum, and then sit down in our places. Let's go to the cuckoo clock.

Physical education

Tick-tock, tick-tock,

Who knows how to do this in the house?

This is a pendulum in a clock

Beats every beat (bends to the right, left).

And the cuckoo sits in the clock,

She has her own hut (sat down in a deep squat).

Time will bite the bird

Hiding behind the door again (squats).

The arrows move in a circle

Do not touch each other (rotation of the trunk to the right).

We will turn with you

Counterclockwise (trunk rotation to the right)

And the clock goes, goes, (walking in place),

Sometimes they suddenly lag behind (slowing down the pace of walking).

And sometimes they are in a hurry,

As if they want to run away (running in place).

If you don't get it out,

Then they get up completely (children stop).

Educator: You and I walked for 2 minutes, and now we will rest and talk further about the clock. People decided to pour oil into the clock instead of sand and they got an oil clock, such a clock did not show the time accurately. And this, guys, is good or bad when the clock does not show the exact time. (Children’s advice)

Educator: What can happen when we do not know the exact time?

(Answers of children)

I. Shimko
I teach my clock to walk:
-In the morning you better not be in a hurry.
After all, people want to sleep so much,
And you: "It's time to get up, get up!"
I'll sneak to the beach -
Twist the antennae arrows
Please slow down
To dry the forelock and panties.
But when in the garden-
You run quickly!
And then you will look at you,
And you seem to be asleep.
And if suddenly they are punished
For anything me -
Let the arrows flash so
Like sparks of fire.
So that I leave the corner
As soon as possible
And I was able to do it with the guys
Time to play hockey.

Educator: And now I will show you a very unusual clock - this is a flower clock. These are the most common natural flowers. The buds of some of them open in the morning and close during the day, while others open flowers only at night, and are always closed during the day. They can also be used to determine the time.

Educator: Guys, there is a candle clock in our wonderful built mini-museum. Look, the divisions are plotted here. The candle burns out, decreases in size, and by the divisions it was possible to determine what time it was. Over time, a person came up with a special mechanism, and various clocks appeared. Now I will show you the most important clock in our country. Such a clock is located in Moscow on the Spasskaya Tower, we are all anxiously waiting for the hands to connect and everyone listens to the chimes.

Educator: There are different watches in our museum. Raise your hands for those who don't have a clock at home. I do not see a single hand, because each person values ​​their time and tries to do everything in their own time. During the opening of shops, kindergartens and schools. Planes fly and ships sail according to the schedule.

Educator: Let's check if you know all the watches that are in our museum.

What is the name of the clock that hangs on the wall? (wall)

What is the name of the clock on the table? (tabletop)

What is the name of the watch that is worn on the wrist? (wrist)

And what is the name of the clock that wakes us up in the morning? (alarm clock) Waking up always on the alarm clock, you will have time to do all the things that you have planned.

Educator: Friends, but on this shelf there is an electronic clock. I also want to draw your attention to the wall where we have a cuckoo clock. They are really beautiful, but they are also accurate. They help us to do everything on time and according to the schedule. During the time you are fed, planted in classes, taken for a walk.

Listen to the poem by E. Cotillard, which is called "Clock-watch".

There are no clocks in the world!

And each has its own secret.

There is a clock on the floor

Bass speaking: Bom, Bom, Bom.

For the whole house.

This is a street clock on a pole

Familiar to you?

They are really needed here:

Shooters giants

Visible from afar.

And the walkers in the hut!

Cuckoos live in them.

The window will open

Cuckoo "cuckoo", "cuckoo"

Like a bitch in the woods.

And you will set the alarm clock in the evening

And you will go to sleep peacefully.

He will not forget to wake up the alarm.

Educator: Now, guys, guess the riddles. Let's sum up what we learned interesting, what new did they give you?

1.We do not sleep for a day,

We do not sleep at night

And day and night

Knocking, knocking (Clock)

2.Two sisters one after another

Run round and round

Shorty - just once

The one higher - every hour (Arrows)

3.On the arm and on the wall,

And on a tower above

They walk, walk at an equal pace,

From sunrise to sunrise. (Watch)

I have babies.

Call them minutes.

If you put them together

You will know about me. (Hour)

Educator: Our excursion has come to an end. Thanks to everyone who visited our mini clock museum. What was interesting for you? What do you remember?

Everyone visited the museum,

We have learned a lot

And about the arrows, about the minutes

We will not forget history.

See you soon in an interesting place.

E.Krylatov's song "SONG ABOUT BELLS"

"The clock strikes on the old tower,

Continuing the day yesterday

And the bells are ringing ...

Alla Sarsania
Summary of the lesson in the preparatory group "Excursion to the Museum"

Abstract GCD for cognitive development

v preparatory group« Excursion to the museum» .

Prepared by the teacher

Sarsania A.E.


Introduce the concept « Museum» and its purpose.


To acquaint with the interior design and purpose of the premises museum... Continue to form an interest in the history and culture of your people, the people of your hometown. Show basic skills to use the map.

Refine knowledge museum terms, develop a monologue speech, the ability to prove and draw conclusions, to acquaint children with the rules of behavior in the museum.

To foster a respectful attitude towards the cultural heritage of Russia, to form patriotic feelings and feelings of citizenship.

Integration of educational areas:

Cognitive development, speech, social and communicative, artistic and aesthetic.

Material and equipment:

Title cards museums(ethnographic, local history ..., map, photographs of children in museums, presentation "We go to the Museum» , materials and exhibits mini museum group"Bells", video film about the art gallery, images of national costumes.

Working on the dictionary:

Museum, exhibit, excursion, guide, sightseers, map.

Preliminary work:

Cooperative activity:

Museum Tours Petrodvorets district and Strelna;

Guided tour of the kindergarten museum: v group"Grasshoppers";

Viewing photos after visiting museums;

Watching videos;

Visual activity "I was in the museum";

Reading fiction and children's encyclopedias;

Memorizing poems about your hometown;

Acquaintance with the national costumes and life of the peoples of Russia.

Interacting with family:

Excursions in the city museum with the whole family

Conversation "Why are we going to Museum?" (questions: What Museum? What is there? Who works there? (professions) What is their job? What are they doing? Who goes there? Why go there? etc.);

Viewing antiques at home and telling how they came to be at home;

Involving parents in recruiting museum exhibits.

Course of the lesson:

Guys, we live in the city of St. Petersburg - this is our small homeland, and you love your homeland?

And what does it mean to love your homeland?

(Answers of children: love your family, your home, cherish and protect everything that surrounds us, know the history of your people and your land).

Would you like to look into the past and see how our ancestors lived on our land many, many years ago? Unfortunately, scientists have not yet invented a time machine,

Maybe you know how to go back in time?

Well ...

Today is our special day

I invite you friends

Are you ready to go with me?

I am calling you to the wonderful world!

I suggest watching the presentation "We go to the Museum» .

Slide 1:

guess a riddle:

US the guide said:

Come into this hall.

We looked at the mummy, saw the exhibits.

Even the mammoth lies here, his eye closed as if he were sleeping ...

Do you want to see too?

Do not be shy, go quickly to the wonderful (Museum) .

Slide 2:

Museum - collects, studies, stores and displays objects (history and culture).

Slide 3:

V museums you can learn a lot, see a lot of new and interesting (Russian Museum) .

Slide 4: The very first in the world museum founded by Ptolemy.

And here in Russia is the first the museum was created by Tsar Peter-1(Cabinet of curiosities or cabinet of rarities).

Slide 5-6:

And this is the world's largest Alexander library.

It housed statues, paintings and other works of art. They were dedicated to the Gods.

Slide 7:

In the 18th century, the first public museums with spectators.

Slide 8:

Currently, there are a wide variety museums:

Local history Museum talks about the history and culture of their region.

Artistic museums- keeps collections of paintings, sculptures, jewelry art.

Museums- Reserves preserve nature, architecture of memorable places for us.

There is also a palace - park museums, historical, theatrical, musical.

Slide 9:

And museums dedicated to certain themes:

-"Universe water"- water museum, « Cat museum» , « Museum of dolls» , « Lego Museum» , « Weapons museum» and many others.

Slide 10:

There are even museums Snow Maiden and Baba Yaga.

Guys, what do you think is needed museum to people?

(Children sayings).


- Museum is useful!

- Museum is interesting!

Dynamic pause "In zoo":

Children imitate habits beasts:

The day was very hot yesterday

We walked in the zoo.

We saw animals and birds

Both deer and foxes.

We learned that the bear

Uncle Fedya is called.

We fed the ducks in the pond,

We bought a bunch of balls.

They drank the juice, hiding in the shade.

You will remember this day.

Search situation "In which museums would you post these items? "

The teacher draws the attention of the children to the table set napkin:

Guys, under this napkin are things that can tell us a lot. What do you think is there?

Didactic game "Yes-no":

The teacher invites the children to guess with the help of leading questions what is on the napkin.

All these things can be summed up in one word - museum exhibits and they should be (v the museum) .

In which museum you place them?

Problem situation:

The teacher invites the children to speculate in what Museum you can identify the exhibits.

Didactic game "Place Correctly":

The teacher invites the children to lay out the exhibits on different tables and name which museums they may belong.

Working with the map:

The teacher offers to determine the location of these museums... Asks what else museums children know(children's answers).

Working with a photo exhibition:

The teacher invites you to look at the photos museums where the children have been before. Asks to remember the names of these museums, to name the most memorable exhibit.

Situational conversation:

What to remember when visiting museum?

(Children conduct a situational conversation and develop rules of behavior for themselves).

Rules of conduct in the museum:

V the museum you must not speak loudly, so as not to disturb other visitors and the guide to lead the excursion.

Listen attentively guide and do not interrupt him.

Can't be touched with your hands museum exhibits.

You can't make noise, run around the museum talking on the phone.

If you want to take pictures, ask permission.

Our kindergarten also has its own mini museums and we have already visited some of them.

(Children remember the name museum group"Grasshoppers", discuss what they saw, what they liked and what was remembered the most).

Game situation "We are in the museum of our group":

Guys, and in our the group also has a mini-museum? What is it called? ( "Cheerful chime".)

Let's remember why our this is the name of the museum, about the exhibits museum. (Children's stories about their exhibits).


Guys, today in our the museum another exhibit appeared. This exhibit is for our mini the museum was given by the guys of the group"Grasshoppers"... Let's hear how it sounds (melodic, gentle)... And now I propose to remember the melodies of your bells, let's arrange an orchestra. (Children choose bells for themselves and play along with the sounding melody).

When we want to touch history,

Or a hunt to plunge into a wonderful world

We go to the museum, we walk through the halls,

And for ourselves we have a lot of interesting things

we find.


with children of the preparatory group


To give knowledge that the local history museum is the keeper of authentic monuments;

material and spiritual culture of our city;

To acquaint children with the life of our ancestors;

Raise a sense of pride for your land, love for it, the desire to keep

and multiply its history.

Preliminary work:

Acquaintance of children with the history of the emergence of the city of Novokhopersk;

Acquaintance with household items (spinning wheel, jar, grapple, trough, etc.)

Excursion progress

Guys, today we will go on an excursion to our local history museum. The museum contains exhibits - real objects that existed in those distant times. Now, let's remember the rules of conduct in the museum. (In the museum, you need to be quiet, because other tourists come there and we should not interfere with them. In the museum, you cannot touch anything with your hands without the permission of the museum workers).

The teacher complements and refines the children's answers.

The city of Novokhopyorsk dates back to the middle of the 17th century, when Cossack towns were formed in Prikhopyorsk: Pristansky, Belyaevsky, Grigorievsky. During the peasant war, under the leadership of Stepan Razin, the insurgent detachment of the Razin ataman Nikifor Chertk concentrated in the town of Pristansky. From the fall of 1695 to the spring of 1696, on the territory of the Voronezh Territory, by the decree of Tsar Peter 1, several shipyards of the first Azov military flotilla in Russia were founded, this marked the beginning of the creation of the Russian navy. One of the shipyards was located on the Khoper River in the Pristanskiy town.

In 1710, by order of Peter 1, a military fortress was founded on the site of the Pristanskiy town. From this time the chronology of the city of Novokhopyorsk begins.

Since 1779, the city of Novokhopyorsk has become a district center. The emblem depicted a river in a green field with the inscription "New Khoper". In the period from the end of the 18th to the middle of the 19th century, the city lived a quiet measured life, typical for Russia of this period. During the Crimean Wars, the Khopyorsk Cossack Regiment was formed in Novokhopyorsk, which distinguished itself in battles with Turkish troops in the Balkans. The last decades of the 19th century are the years of intensive construction and renovation of the city of Novokhopyorsk. Navigation on the Khoper River is developing,freight turnover for the transportation of wheat, alcohol, timber, the grain trade is expanding, offices for the purchase of grain are opened. In 1866, the Epiphany Fair was transferred from the Mikhailovskaya stanitsa to Novokhopyorsk. Orthodox churches were erected, industrial enterprises, educational and medical institutions were built. The Resurrection Cathedral, erected in 1861, was built at the expense of the merchant V.M. Stepanov, following the design of the churches of the architect K. Ton. operates to this day.

In 1895, the Valuyki - Povorino railway was built, passing through Novokhopyorsk. The 20th century brought with it tremendous changes in the life of Russia. The revolutions of 1905, 1917, the first and second world wars passed bloody paths in the history of the Novokhopyorsk Territory, but it was these years that became significant.At different times from 1900 to 1920, famous people visited the Novokhopyorsk Territory: artist S. Petrov-Vodkin, composer S. In Rachmaninov, the writers Arkady Gaidar, Andrei Platonov, they collected here material for the novel "Chevengur".

a memorial complex dedicated to the 30th anniversary of Victory, the Alley of Heroes dedicated to the 55th anniversary of Victory opens. Since the middle of the 20th century, the region and the city have been developing and expanding.

A number of food and processing enterprises operate on the territory of the region. One of the largest in Russia, the Elan-Kolenovsky sugar plant, a vegetable oil plant, a milk processing plant, two distilleries, a cannery and a mechanical repair plant. The products of the enterprises have found their consumers, are highly appreciated in the domestic and foreign markets. Currently, more than 50 thousand people live on the territory of the district. The nature of Prikhoperye is famous for its pristine nature. The rivers of the region Khoper, Savala, Elan, Tatarka are recognized as ecologically clean in Russia. Khopersky State Reserve is famous for its unique flora and fauna far beyond the borders of Russia. The guests of the region are given a great opportunity: to admire the wonderful landscapes, see the beauty of Prikhoperye, get acquainted with the sights of the region.

Children start their examination by visiting the historical department

Guys, we came with you to the peasant hut. The main thing in a peasant hut is a stove. Why do you think? (Children's answers ). That's right, the stove is warm, this is the place for cooking, the place where you slept. They built next to the stovecabbage roll - for storing household items. They used cast-iron dishes, but they also used earthenware. Guys, look where they put the iron pot, it's very far away. And imagine that there is fire, what can be done? How did the hostess not get burned? And for this they had a special device-grip.

Everyone has a water supply in the house, they turned on the tap and the water started flowing by itself. Apeasant women, water had to be brought from the well. For thiswomen carried water in buckets, hanging onrocker .

And this is a spinning wheel, wool, fluff was spun on it and then knitted socks, scarves, mittens from the resulting yarn. But this is a loom, on which peasant women weaved canvases, homespun rugs. On long winter evenings, girls and women were busy with needlework. Spun, weaved, embroidered - look what a beautiful embroidery on the bedspread that lies incradle. The cradle is suspended from the ceiling on a metal hook. A baby was swinging in it. Women sewed and decorated clothes, and men made shoes. See what is on the chest? Right,bast shoes ... Bast shoes are the traditional footwear of peasants. Bast shoes were woven from bast - this is linden bark. And also weaved from bast:purses (large shopping bags) , boxes, hats.

Look, in the center of the room, what's on the table? Yes, it's a samovar.Samovar - this is part of the life and fate of the Russian people. This item on the table was necessary for the Russian tea-drinking ceremony. He became a symbol of kindness and home comfort. Children received knowledge, absorbed traditions, learned to speak and listen from a samovar.

During the Great Patriotic War, more than 8 thousand Novokhopyorsk residents defended the state. 13 Novokhopyorsk citizens became Heroes of the Soviet Union. In 1943, a separate Czechoslovak brigade was formed in Novokhopyorsk under the command of Ludwig Svoboda. In the post-war period, monuments and memorial plaques to the main historical events were opened on the territory of the Novokhopyorsk Territory, in 1924 at st. Novokhopyorsk, the first monument to V.I. Lenin, cast at the Novokhopyorsk repair and mechanical plant, a Soviet-Czechoslovak and local history museum is being created in the city. Thanks to the "Immortal Regiment" campaign, a wall of memory with photographs of soldiers who defended our Motherland appeared in the museum!

In this exhibition, you can see items from the war years. Here you can already see objects that you know: field glasses, weapons, a tablet, a soldier's overcoat, and much more.

At the end of the excursion, the teacher asks:

What is the name of the museum?

What did you see in the museum?

These items are called exhibits. The museum keeps our history. The exhibits are collected not only by the museum staff. Many people, residents of our city, took part in the creation of the museum: they brought objects, documents that reflect the history of our city, the collection is constantly replenished with new exhibits.

This concludes our excursion and we return to the kindergarten.




Prepared by the teacher

I qualification category

MKDOU "Kindergarten No. 3" Sun "

Evtukhova O.A.

Description of the material: Dear friends, I bring to your attention a report on the excursion for preschoolers to the local history and local history museum in Safonovo. This material will be useful for preschool teachers.

Bringing older preschool children to museums is highly advisable. A museum for preschoolers is a means of forming an integral personality, introducing a child to cultural values ​​and traditions. At the same time, the most important tasks for the formation are solved:
- cognitive motivation;
- needs to visit museums;
- culture of behavior in the museum;
- aesthetic taste.
Employees of the Safonovo Museum of History and Local Lore successfully cooperate with many preschool institutions in our city. Excursions for preschoolers to the local history and local history museum, as one of the ways to organize direct educational activities with children in our preschool, are now often practiced. We are well aware that excursion activities are the best way to acquaint children with objects and phenomena of nature, with the peculiarities of organizing human life in a natural setting.
The role of the museum in introducing children to the world of museum treasures is invaluable. The museum, like a huge magic box, keeps an unusual treasure - time that lives in the form of museum objects created by man. Excursions around the museum contribute to the development of cognitive interest, coherent speech of preschoolers. Here they receive a patriotic upbringing, the essence of which is to cultivate in a child's soul the seeds of love for their native nature, home and family, history and culture of their country, for everything that has been created by the labor of relatives and friends.
Quite recently, for the pupils of our speech therapy group, another sightseeing tour of the halls of the Safonov Museum of History and Local Lore was held. In an accessible form for preschoolers, they were told about the history and culture of their small homeland. It was a significant event for the children, they took new information with interest and imbued with new impressions.

I invite everyone to a sightseeing tour of the halls of the Safonov Museum of History and Local Lore!
"Today is a solemn and strict day.
The door is open, the museum welcomes guests,
Within the walls of those who enter it welcomes,
It is only worth crossing its threshold. "

Such a stupa from the century before last and a TV set from the last century meet us in the museum.

The clothes of our grandmothers.

Household items.

"I saw household items
From the revived antiquity.
It is now open to me
The past of my country! "

Peasant hut.

Good little shoes!
"Look at a couple of bast bast shoes,
They are worthy of a look by the way.
In our age among intricate things
There are no shoes that are simpler and simpler. "Burchak Mikhail

Grandma's "mixer".

The miracle of the iron.

How unusually melodic the music from the gramophone sounds.

Hall of Military Glory.

Machine gun during the Great Patriotic War 1941-1945.

Automatic machine of the times of the Great Patriotic War 1941-1945.

A rifle from the First World War.

Soldier's overcoat.
"With tears of pride
To the first corner of the room
Mother will hang the old one
Gray overcoat. "Yuri Mikhailenko

The literary hero of A.T. Tvardovsky is the legendary Vasily Tyorkin.
"The fighter just took a three-row,
It is immediately evident - the accordion player.
For the beginning, for order
He threw his fingers up and down.
Forgotten Rustic
Suddenly he started, closing his eyes,
The sides of the native Smolensk
Sad memento ... "

Portrait of V.V. Griboyedova - cousin of the poet A.S. Griboyedov

Violin of the Soviet military leader, Marshal of the Soviet Union M.N. Tukhachevsky

Antique gramophone.
"What was, then goes away
Forgetting like a dream
It's a pity that rarely does anyone start
An old, kind gramophone ... ". Ignatov Alexander

At the portrait of Yuri Gagarin.
"Fading, the glow of the sunset is extinguished.
Twinkling, the first star whispers:
“Gagarin didn’t leave, believe me guys.
He is with you, here, stayed forever! " Yu Goverdovsky

Banner of the city-forming enterprise of the Avangard plant

Our famous fellow countrymen.

Exhibition of toparia.

Synopsis of direct educational activities in the educational area "Cognitive development". Acquaintance of 5-6 year old children with the profession "Museum worker" within the framework of the project "How many professions and all are good, everyone is able to find for the soul"



State budgetary educational institution of the Samara region basic comprehensive school No. 20 named after V.F. Grushina of the city of Novokuibyshevsk, urban district of Novokuibyshevsk, Samara region, structural unit "Kindergarten" Vasilek "

"Tour of the Museum"

Synopsis of direct educational activities in the senior group in the educational area "Cognitive development"

within the framework of the territorial methodological week on the patriotic education of preschoolers in the context of the implementation of the FSES DO

Sycheva Galina Vasilievna, educator of the first qualification category of JV "Kindergarten" Vasilek "GBOU OOSH No. 20

g. Novokuibyshevsk 2017

"Tour of the Museum"

Integration of educational areas: "Social and communicative development "," Speech development "," Cognitive development "," Artistic and aesthetic development "," Physical development ".

Target : Preparing children to perceive the world of the museum


1) Create conditions for children to perceive the world of the museum ("Social and communicative development")

2) Introduce the professions "Guide", "Restorer" ("Cognitive development")

3) Promote the formation of children's artistic perception of museum exhibits ("Artistic and aesthetic development")

4) Promote the manifestation of independence in children in communication with peers and adults ("Social and communicative development")

5) Contribute to the enrichment of the vocabulary in children and the activation of speech skills ("Speech development")

5) Create conditions for relieving static stress in children through physical exercise ("Physical development")

Methods and techniques:

- verbal: talking about the museum, guessing riddles, answering questions;

- visual: electronic educational resource "My city", "People's toy", "Exhibits", "The profession of a museum worker."

- practical: "excursion around the museum", d / and "Guess the object from which fairy tale", d / and "Each exhibit has its own place", d / and "Find the differences", work "on the restoration of the exhibit."

Materials and equipment:creation of a mini-museum in the "Russian hut" group (exhibits of household items: embroidered items, towel, spinning wheel, samovar, iron, cast iron, roller, pot, grab (stag), rocker, wooden spoons, bowl), clothes, shoes: sundress , shirt, apron, bast shoes,), folk toys: Semyonovskaya matryoshka, Dymkovo toy (young lady), Filimonovskaya toy whistle, Kargopol plot toy, Bogorodskaya toy-fun.

Children's activities

Forms and methods of organizing joint activities

Perception (fiction and folklore)

Telling a fairy tale with the help of a flannelegraph theater.


Game situation ("Flying carpet"), games with rules


Questions, guessing riddles


Physical education

You are not a shawl in the museum, Do not speak loudly!

Listen to everything carefully, Remember it!

We cannot touch the exhibit with our hands museum.

It is invaluable for people of different generations!

We cannot take objects out of the museum

Neither a painting nor a bouquet Neither valuable portraits

Visitors will come. They won't find anything here!

Right-left swing the index finger

Put a finger to the lips with the Palm, in turn, cover the ear and turn left and right,

In turn, touch the left palm with the right hand and vice versa

Spread their arms forward and to the sides

Turn the torso behind the arm to the right. Turning the torso behind the arm to the left

Raise the right hand up Raise the left hand up

They walk and spread their arms forward and to the sides

The logic of educational activities

The activities of the educator and the leading child

Pupils' activities

Expected results

The teacher brought the children on an excursion to the museum / playroom /. Before entering / signboard / she asks them:

Where did we come from?

What is a Museum?

Why do people create museums?

Who works in the museum?

The teacher asks the children how to behave in the museum.

They are met by the 1st CHILD GUIDE and tells the rules in verse

Children give hypothetical answers to the teacher's questions

Children are included in a group equipped with a mini-museum.

Children show movements.

Conditions have been created for children to perceive the world of the museum

Children are in the mood for the upcoming activity

The first child guide offers to take a virtual tour of the city of Novokuibyshevsk.

/ film "My city" /

Asks the children if they have guessed why we started the tour of the museum with a film about the city?

Our city is growing, changing, becoming more beautiful, thanks to the inhabitants, working at different enterprises, so that everyone can live well.

People of what professions work in our city?

What is the name of the profession, where workers decorate entire rooms with antique objects and tell interesting stories from the past of objects.

1st child guide - Each person has objects that are very dear to him. People keep them as a memory of something pleasant. People have always wanted to keep something unusual, interesting or beautiful in order to show their children and grandchildren. Some collected paintings, other books, antiques.

These collections, various antiques, could be seen in their home only by a small number of people. And then people began to place their collections in special rooms (in large houses, where everyone could come and look at objects of the past, antiques.

Children give conjectural answers:

The museum is located in the city;

The city has its own history;

In February 2017, the city has a 65th birthday.

Children name familiar professions and explain their importance: a janitor, so that it is clean in yards, on playgrounds, etc.

Children call the profession "museum worker"

Children get acquainted with the profession "Museum worker", listen to the story of the guide, answer questions

Children have developed ideas about the sights of the city

Children are familiar with the profession "Guide", they are able to perform actions in accordance with the role

Children have an idea of ​​the museum's activities

Children show independence in communication with peers and adults

Children are met by the 2nd CHILD - EXCURSION GUIDE and informs that residents should know the history of their native city and its people.

Therefore, we suggest visiting the "Russian hut" exposition.

With the help of riddles, he introduces the ancient household items that are in the "Russian hut"

  1. Every time in the morning I put on a pipe. But you cannot guess, He is called .../ sundress /

Are you wearing a sundress now? - Do they look like old sundresses? - What is the difference?

Children guess the riddle about clothes and find a solution among the museum exhibits and talk about it

Children have formed an artistic perception of the museum's exhibits

The guide asks a riddle:

  1. Along the country of linen, along the river Sheets. The steamer sails, back and forth. And behind him is such a smooth surface, not a wrinkle to see!/iron/

The guide asks the children questions:

Do you have an iron at home? - How are modern and antique irons different and similar? - With what did you iron things many years ago?/ roller /

The guide asks to show you how to iron with a roller.

Children who want to try to show how they ironed the linen with a roller

The guide asks a riddle:

  1. Above a hole, a hole below. And in the middle there is fire and water/samovar/

The guide asks the children questions:

Why did you need a samovar? - Who has a samovar at home? - What is there now instead of the samovar? /Electric kettle/

Children guess riddles about household items and find answers among museum exhibits and talk about them

Children have enriched vocabulary and increased speech skills

The guide asks a riddle:

  1. Three brothers went to the river to swim, Two are swimming, and the third is lying on the bank. Bathed, went out and hung on the third/ rocker and buckets /

The guide asks the children questions:

Do you need a rocker in the house now?

The guide invites children to remember fairy tales that have a rocker using clues-pictures.

Find clue pictures and name fairy tales that have a rocker

Children have enriched vocabulary and increased speech skills

The guide thanks the children for their good memory, ingenuity and asks to remember fairy tales: Geese-Swans, Morozko and answer:

What did you use to take out bread and pies from the oven? If the children do not name, then the guide will ask a riddle:

Not a bull, but butting, not eating, but grabbing what he grabs - he gives, he goes to the corner himself./ stag, grip /

Children guess riddles about household items and find answers among museum exhibits and talk about them.

Children have formed social and communication skills

The 3rd CHILD EXCURSOR invites children to watch the film "Folk Toys" and draws their attention to the fact that children at all times remain children. Only their toys are different.

He asks to find and tell what the children of their grandmother and great-grandmother played. - Why are the toys called Dymkovo, Kargopol, Semyonov, Bogorodsk.

Children watch a film about old toys, find them among museum exhibits and tell them what they are made of, how to play with them.

Children have formed initial knowledge about folk crafts

The teacher asks the guides a question: the children and I also brought a very old book as a gift to the museum. Only it is so old that it is difficult to read it.

The guide tells the children that there is another profession in the museum: a restorer or a museum doctor whoreturns color and missing fragments to a book, painting or icon, glue a broken pot, fix an old table. The task of the restorer is not just to glue, sew up, finish writing, but to do it so skillfully and reliably so as not to disturb the original appearance of the thing.

But we will talk about this profession at the next meeting with you.

Children listen carefully

Children got acquainted with the profession "restorer"

Who sells tickets, book places for organized excursions?
-Who takes away clothes, gives out a number and shoe covers?

Who meets tourists, talks about expositions, answers questions, demonstrates exhibits?
- Who comes to the exhibition at the museum, listens to the guide, asks questions about the exposition, photographs the exhibits, shares his impressions of what he saw?

Who is called a museum doctor, who restores the original appearance of a thing?

Ticket-keeper Cloakroom attendant Tour guide Sightseers Restorer

Children have ideas about the activities of the museum and the profession of "museum worker"

Used Books:

  1. N.V. Aleshina Familiarization of preschoolers with the environment and social reality / older group /, Moscow, 2004
  2. Krasnoshchekova N.V. Role-playing games for preschool children / Ed. 6th Rostov-on-Don Phoenix, 2011
  3. Electronic library A series of talks about the museum for preschoolers

Appendix # 1

Appendix # 2