Planning on the topic People's culture of tradition. Thematic plan "Acquaintance with folk culture and traditions" Middle Group

Planning on the topic People's culture of tradition. Thematic plan "Acquaintance with folk culture and traditions" Middle Group

Planning educational and educational work (for week 13.03. On 17.03. 2017)

Subject : "People's Culture and Tradition" Tasks:1. To introduce the spring folk holidays. 2. Create conditions for the integrated integration of children's knowledge through the familiarization of preschoolers with folk holidays and the traditions of the Russian people. 3. Relief respect and positive attitude towards the spiritual and moral values \u200b\u200bof Russian folk culture. 4. To form a sense of love for a large and small homeland based on the study of national cultural traditions; 5. Enrich musical impressions and develop the musical abilities of children by means of musical folklore.


Group, subgroup



Morning gymnastics. Conversation: "What do you have fairy tales" Russian folklore songs, shakes, fun "Tili-Bom! "," Raduga-arc ... "People's p / game" Topals "" Gus-Swans "Development of motor activity.

Prophyractors Purpose Purpose: Exercise in the pronunciation of cleansers. . Daniel H., Glory, Artem, Vova, Varya, Alina, Dasha, Vita

Scene-role games - "Family" (waiting for guests), "Store" (Division of toys). Building games with the designer "Build a house for nesting houses."

Table print games at the request of children Goal: Secure the rules of the game

Ask to bring folk toys to look at the group to view with children.

Artistic creativity (drawing) Lykov Zan. 75, page 164, the theme of the Golden Cockerel. Tasks: Drawing a fabulous cock based on the literary work. Development of imagination, feelings of color, shape and composition.

Lumen learning (according to the plan of the speech therapist)

Music (according to the plan of the musical employee)


Watching birds at the kindergarten. Objectives: - to learn to recognize and distinguish between birds on the boobs, size, voice; - develop observation, memory; Rail a friendly attitude towards birds.

Di"Broken phone" . purpose : Develop an auditory perception, attention, to generate a skill to adjust the voice volume, clearly pronounce words. Daniel H., Glory, Artem, Vova, Varya, Alina,

Gaming exercises : "Equilibrists" . purpose : Teach children walking on a log, keep balance, form and improve the skills to properly perform the main types of movements ..

Look at the site, clean the tracks from snow. Purpose: to bring up the ability to bring the work started to the end. Independent motor activity of children on the plot

Work before bed

S. Topelius. "Three rye spices"


Gymnastics after sleep. D. and. "I'll start, and you will continue" D. and. "Guess the speech" Development of attention, logical thinking. Gaying mysteries about birds Movable games "Once, two, three - run", "hares and wolf"

Di"Repeat each other" . purpose : Development of auditory attention, children's memory.

Scene-role games - "Family" (waiting for guests), "Store" (Division of toys). Descriptive story about the work of adults (potter) goal: to educate interest in life and labor of adults

Attributes for s / r games, set of illustrations for collage, equipment for artistic productive activities. Independent gaming activities in employment centers.


Observation : Day arrives.purpose : Suggest children to note the characteristic features of this phenomenon in the spring, help draw up a collective story"Daily stay" .

Day of the week


Joint activity of adult and children, taking into account the integration of educational regions

Organization of the Developing Environment for Independent Activities of Children (Activity Centers, All Rooms Group)

Interaction with parents, social partners

Group, subgroup


Educational activities in regime moments


Morning gymnastics. Conversation with the viewing "What kind of folk toy most like?" N / game "Rouh"; "Fisherman and Fish"

Gaming exercise "Look and remember" Objective: Develop memory, logical thinking. Daniel H., Glory, Artem, Vova, Varya, Alina, Dasha, Vita

D / and "earlier and now. What first, that then "(play-lotto with the image of the objects of the surrounding world) Purpose: expand naturally-historical representations

The duty in the corner of nature - the price of indoor plants goal: to educate hard work.

Ind. Conversations with parents about the health of children

Consultation for parents "Russian Folk Traditions in Family Education"

Ask parents to hold houses conversations with children about Russian traditional traditions

Directly educational activities

Cognition. (Familiarization with nature) Ryzhova , Topic: Walk to the zoo.Tasks:to introduce children with wild animals of other climatic zones (lion, tigr, elephant, giraffe, crocodile, etc.), give an initial idea of \u200b\u200bwhere they live, what they feed on how to make themselves food, as adapted to the environment.Materials : Illustrations with the image of wild animals of various climatic zones, the audio cassette "Voices of Animals", poems and riddles (cards), the book "Atlas for the smallest", the poem of S.Ya. Marshak "Where Dinked Sparrow", Globe.

Physical education According to the instructor on the physical education instructor.


Monitoring changes in nature.

N / games "Who is the most damked?", "Dogon"

"Pass on the bridge" . purpose : Teach children to walk along the inclined board with overpaying through the objects of Glory, Artem, Vova, Varya, Alina, Dasha

Observation of seasonal changes.purpose : To form a concept about changing the time of the year, give ideas about the peculiarities of each season. Talk about the first spring monthmarta .

Labor on the site is to scatter the snow for his faster melting. Purpose: to educate the ability to work together. Independent motor activity of children on the plot.

Work before bed

Cultural - hygienic procedures. Reading fiction: fairy taleB. Potter. "The fairy tale about Jamaima drank", Per. from English I. Tokmakova


Gymnastics after sleep. Rehearsal of scenes "Girl Irishka in a small house." The purpose of the development of acting abilities.

D / and "I'll start, and you will continue" goal: teach children to take poetic passages from familiar fairy tales, develop memory

P / I."Empty place" . purpose : To form in children the ability to run easily and rhythmically, vigorously pushing out from the support, comply with the consistency of the movements of the hands and legs.

Independent gaming activities in employment centers.


Watching birds. They have fun twist in the sun, rejoicing warm. Secure the names of non-accurate birds. P / and "Birds on a tree"

Day of the week


Joint activity of adult and children, taking into account the integration of educational regions

Organization of the Developing Environment for Independent Activities of Children (Activity Centers, All Rooms Group)

Interaction with parents, social partners

Group, subgroup


Educational activities in regime moments


Morning gymnastics. Situational communication: "The kitten will be released in the garden - all the people will be angry" goal. Acquaintance with additives and songs about pets, involvement of children in moving folk games. Russian folk mobile game "Carousel". Purpose: Development of general motor skills, development of attention.

Game "Rhymes" Goal: Exercising in speech creativity. Play in the game "What I saw" (learn to memorize pictures, and then list by memory) Daniel H., Glory, Artem, Vova, Varya, Alina, Dasha, Vita

A situational conversation about that "Why do you need to help girls and protect them" to issue a book illustration exhibition Objective: to expand the idea of \u200b\u200bartists -illustors, develop aesthetic taste.

Dining room duty target: Educating the ability to serve the table to breakfast.

Independent Gaming Activity Children in Employment Centers

Ind. Conversations with parents about the health of children

Ind. Conversations with parents "What to read children"

Directly educational activities

Cognition. FAMP. Pomorava, Pozin Zan.8, page 117,Continue learning to independently compile and solve problems for addition and subtraction. Consider the views on the quantitative and order values \u200b\u200bof the number, the ability to answer questions "How much?", "Which is in order?", "On which place?". Improve the ability to simulate geometric shapes. Develop attention, imagination.

Artistic creativity (modeling) Lykova Zan.73 p.160Topic: Miracle - Bouquet. Tasks: Creating floral compositions with plastic products based on folk art (bouquet, vase, wreath). Acquaintance with the art of creating tiles.

Physical education (evening , Street) according to the instructor on physical education instructor.


Observation of the sky. What kind of heaven in early spring? P \\ and "birds and chicks". Purpose: Learning to run, not pushing at each other, to quickly find your place to help P / and "Wand-Correction"

P.I. "Do not miss the ball." Objectives: Learn to pass the ball, not dropping and stopping; Educate friendliness.

The "Environmental Interview" game (examination of the site in order to detect bad and good actions of people with objects of nature) Objective: consolidate the rules of behavior in nature.

Labor on the site is cleaning snow. Purpose: to educate hard work.

Independent motor activity of children on the plot

Work before bed

A. Lindgren. "Princess, who did not want to play dolls," per. with the Swede E. Solovyva


Gymnastics after sleep. Speeding for combing hair "grow, braid, to a belt" situational communication: "Our hostess". Purpose. Acquaintance with new boom. Show how to use the main objects of home utensils.

Word Word "Letter Lost" goal: Exercise in reading, develop arbitrariness

Attributes for theatrical activity, artistic and productive activities.

Independent gaming activities in employment centers.


Watching changes in the weather ever occurred. D / and "from morning to evening" goal: develop observation. N / and "bell"


Joint activity of adult and children, taking into account the integration of educational regions

Organization of the Developing Environment for Independent Activities of Children (Activity Centers, All Rooms Group)

Interaction with parents, social partners

Group, subgroup


Educational activities in regime moments


Morning gymnastics. Agra: "We are from the fairy tale." Purpose. Learn to "play a fairy tale", stinging it with adults. View teremok and call the traditional elements of the Russian home: Stavenki, Konk, Plug, Pillchko. Learn to dance, playing yourself on the simplest tool. Educating friendliness and hospitality.

D / and "Proverbs" Purpose: Develop speech skills, consolidate knowledge of proverbs. Daniel H., Glory, Artem, Vova, Varya, Alina, Dasha, Vita

D / and "confusion" goal: develop knowledge of plants, develop the skills of the team game. Wallpaper-print game

Child duty in classes. Objective: Learning to prepare a workplace for classes.

Independent gaming activities in employment centers

Ind. Conversations with parents about the health of children

Directly educational activities

Cognition (holistic picture of the world ) Dybina. As a protein, hare and elk spend winter in the forest. To form in children the presentation in children about the life of animals in the forest, their fitness to the winter period.

Detergery . Ushakov Zan. 22, Page 178 Drawing up a story "How the I got into trouble" on a series of scene paintings to learn to transfer the plot, laid down in a series of pictures, determine the basic idea of \u200b\u200ba fairy tale. Teach chosen definitions, synonyms, antonyms. Educating love for the native language.

Physical education (according to the instructor of physical education instructor)


Monitoring birds on the sector of the kindergarten P / and "Catch - throw"; P / and "Salki"

N / and "from bumps on a bodie" goal: exercise in jumping on one leg with advance

A situational conversation "If it were not for spring, it was always winter, then ..." goal: to develop imagination, the ability to express your point of view

Labor on the site - ondet the veranda. Purpose: to bring up the ability to bring the work started to the end. Independent motor activity of children on the plot.

Work before bed

Cultural - hygienic procedures. Reading fiction:per. K. Chukovsky; "White and rose", it., Per. L. Kon; From the fairy tales of S. Perso (Franz.)


Gymnastics after sleep. The game "Katya got sick" goals: diversify the role participation of children in the game with a doll; contribute to enrichment of the plot of children's games; Develop the speech of children and enrich the vocabulary.

D / and "What color didn't" go: to develop attention. Daniel H., Glory, Artem, Vova, Varya, Alina, Dasha, Vita

Handmade work "Knikina Workshop" Purpose: Develop the skills of manual labor. Restore books in the group, teach care to books.

Attributes for s / r games, d / and, equipment for manual labor.

Independent gaming activities in employment centers.


Wind observation. It should be noted that the winds that have south to the north are warm. Suggest playing with the wind using the turntables. Create a joyful emotional mood. N / and "come up with a figure"


Joint activity of adult and children, taking into account the integration of educational regions

Organization of the Developing Environment for Independent Activities of Children (Activity Centers, All Rooms Group)

Interaction with parents, social partners

Group, subgroup


Educational activities in regime moments


Morning gymnastics. Situational Communication: "My favorite fairy tales" goal: to develop a dialogic speech; Attention, visual perception, memory, thinking. Secure the knowledge of Russian folk fairy tales and their heroes.

D / and "who from what fairy tale used this item?" Purpose: develop memory, consolidate the knowledge of fairy tales. Daniel H., Glory, Artem, Vova, Varya, Alina, Dasha, Vita.

D / and "Guess the song" Goal: Secure knowledge about fairy tales - Multi-Films and their heroes. D / and "solve the name of the fairy tales" (TRIZ) Purpose: develop creative imagination

Duty in the corner of nature d / and "What has changed?"

Independent gaming activities in employment centers.

Ind. Conversations with parents about the health of children

Directly educational activities

Cognition. FAMP. Pomorava, Pozin Zan. 1, Page 119 Tasks: Continue to learn to independently compose and solve arithmetic tasks. Improve the ability to share a circle on 8 equal parts, correctly denote parts and establish relations between them. Exercise in the ability to determine the time by the clock up to 1 hour. Develop attention.

Artistic creativity. Painting . on the bulk figure of Lykov, Zan. 77, p. 168 Topic: Miracle - Pyanki. Tasks: clarifying the idea of \u200b\u200bthe composition and elements of the decor of Slavic pussy. Mastering the technique of decorative final drawing on a volume form (egg).

Music (according to the plan of the musical leader)


Stroll. Monitoring the work of the postman.C. ate: continue to observe the work of the postman; enrich vocabulary due to specific vocabulary; Relief respect for people of labor. P / games"Solar bunnies", "Gusi-Guse".

Exercise children in a rapid race with the change of direction on the signal. Purpose: develop the reaction of movement

A situational conversation "How to safely behave on the street early in spring?" Purpose: Secure the rules of safe behavior on a walk

Labor on the site - Clean snow benches. Purpose: to educate the ability to fulfill labor orders. Independent motor activity of children on the plot.

Work before bed

Cultural - hygienic procedures. Reading fiction:per. with it. L. Kyvyan; M. Eme. "Paints", per. With Franz. I. Kuznetsova.


Gymnastics after sleep.The talendor's story: "What toys the grandparents played" (viewing illustrations). Game on Russian folk music. Tools:

Creative game "Cutting out of paper" Purpose: Improve in the skills of working with scissors and paper, develop fine motility of hands.

Economy-equipment work in the group. Purpose: to bring up labor skills when washing toys, washing dolls. Independent gaming activities in employment centers.


Observation of clouds, explain. D / and "what the clouds look like?" Purpose: develop creative imagination, fantasy. P / and "STOP"

Planning educational and educational work in group number 5 (6-7 years) for a week from 27.03 to 31.03

Theme of the week: "People's Culture and Tradition."

Goals. Acquaintance of children with folk traditions and customs. Expanding ideas about the arts, traditions and customs of the peoples of Russia. Continued acquaintance with folk songs, dances. The expansion of ideas about the diversity of folk art, art crafts (various types of materials, various regions of our country and the world). Education of interest in the art of the native land; Love and careful attitude towards artwork.

Day of the week









Educational activities

in regime moments



Speech development

Cognitive development

Physical development

Morning gymnastics.

Conversation"Where did you come fromrussian folk fairy tales» . Purpose: Z.raving and expanding children's knowledge abouttales.

Consider illustrations of Russian folk costumes, photographs, dolls, identification of the features of a Russian costume.

Conversations with children "What I saw on the way to kindergarten" - continue to develop a coherent speech.

Situational conversations about the rules of cultural behavior at the table during.

D / and "earlier and now. What first, that then "(play-lotto with the image of the objects of the surrounding world) Purpose: expand naturally-historical representations

Exhibition of books: "Russian folk tales."

Games with construction material - to teach creative design, invent unusual designs.

Selection of material for productive activities on the topic of the week: strokes, stencils, coloring.

Registration of the parental corner on the topic "People's Culture and Tradition".

Attracting parents to the manufacture of attributes and scenery to theatrical productions

fairy tales




Retelling Fairy Tales "Fox and Kozel"

Improve the ability of children to retell a fairy tale "in persons".

"Speech development in kindergarten",V.V. Herb, p. 75


According to the plan of a specialist.


"My favorite fabulous hero"

Teach children to transmit fairy tales in the drawing, characteristic features of a loved character. Fasten the ability to draw watercolor paints. Develop figurative views, imagination. Contest


Speech development

Cognitive development

Socio-communicative development

Artistic and aesthetic development

Physical development

Observation of the sky. Purpose: ask for children to compare the sky in different seasons.

Mordovian folk game "Circular".

Rus. nar. the game"Rouh" - create a joyful

mood and friendly relationships.

"Who will doless steps? ",

D / and "look". Purpose: to teach properly use adjectives, coordinating them with nouns.

Situational conversation "Is there any benefit of a person from birds and the birds benefit from a person?». Expansion of the horizons of children, speech activation, vocabulary stock.

Labor activity: Performing seasonal work on the site of kindergarten. Purpose: develop labor skills.

Lunch, work before bed

Reading epicsSadko. Purpose: Continue to acquaint with Russian folklore, the genre features of the epics, to teach children to comprehend the characters characteristics, educate the love of popular genres.

Duty on the dining room.


Healthgymnastics after sleep,walking on massagetracks.

S / r game"Library".

Teach children to correctly use the services of the library, to apply the knowledge of literary works. Secure the knowledge of the librarian profession.

Hearing a musical fragment from Opera N. A. Rimsky-Korsakov "Sadko".

D / and "I'll start, and you will continue with Veronica, Vitaly. Purpose: Teach children to take poetic passages from familiar fairy tales, develop memory.

Socialization, development of communication, moral education:

Joint activities of the teacher and children on the manufacture of the doll "Kormalki"

Attributes for s / r games.

Registration of screen for theatrical activity.


Continue monitoring changes in nature. Purpose: develop observation.

N / and "who will not drop longer". Purpose: develop dexterity.

D / and "Guess what in the bag." Purpose: Describe signs perceived to the touch.

Independent games of children. Purpose: Acqualing children to play together, independently choose role games, actions.

Day of the week





Joint activities of adult and children, taking into account the integration of educational


Organization of the development environment for independent activities of children

Interaction with parents, social partners




Educational activities

in regime moments



Speech development

Cognitive development

Socio-communicative development

Artistic and aesthetic development

Physical development

Morning gymnastics.

Consider and discussing illustrations with the image of the harmony, hussley, balalaiki, porridge, swirls, horn-to know Russian folk musical instruments.

N / and "needle, thread, nodules"

purpose: learning to run and walk, changing the direction in the column one by one, play together.

With Vika, Pasha watch the weather from the window. Purpose: I exercise children in the ability to determine the weather, develop the speech of children.

d / and "who will call more actions."

Suggest children to decompose the materials for classes. Purpose: develop hardworking, the desire to help adults.

D / and "How the peoples of Russia are dressed." Exercise in the ability to find and call the nationality of Russian residents in clothing, some of the items of their national clothes: Sarafan, Kosoporotka, Chapan, Ichigi ...

Duty in the corner of nature and on the dining room. Purpose: consolidate the skills of execution of duty duty.

Board game "Lego". Cross children to work. Promote the development of shallow motility, thinking.

Individual advice on requests to parents.

Consultation for parents "The Effect of People's Fishes on the aesthetic Education of Preschool Children."



Lumen learning

Working with a proposal "in the meadow there was a bug."

Improving the ability to analyze the offer and draw it out of the letters. Acquaintance with the letterJ. and the rule of writing a combinationfat Development of the History of Reading. Development of the ability to select words to a four-sided model.

N.S. Varentsova, "Training of preschoolers of diploma. Manual for teachers. For classes with children 3-7 years old, "p.37

Soc. Whom development

According to the plan of a specialist.

Physical education

According to the plan of a specialist.


Speech development

Cognitive development

Socio-communicative development

Artistic and aesthetic development

Physical development

Observation bybirds onplotkindergarten.Objectives: learning to distinguish between birds on boils, size, voice; develop observation, memory;

emotionally positive attitude towards birds.

Nar. the game"Rouh" - create a joyful mood and friendly relationships

Relay race: "Obstacle track"- develop a feeling of rivalry.

Games of the peoples of the North."Peretrani "," empty place. "

Exercising Sasha B. Sashug. In hop from the hoop in the hoop in different ways.

Conversation On compliance with the rules of safe behavior during sports games and relay.

The "Environmental Interview" game (exploring the site in order to detect poor and good actions of people with nature objects).

Purpose: consolidate the rules of behavior in nature

Di"Name three subjects." Purpose. Exercise in the classification of objects.

Independent gaming activities with remote material.

Objective: Develop a desire works, help adults.

Experimental activity: "The dependence of growthherbs from OS.substratiahabitat. "

Lunch, work before bed

Reading "How I bees Karaulil" -introduce children S.mary's fairy tale Pto risk children to oral creativity.

Fix the sequence of proper washing of hands and wiping with a towel. Purpose: Development of the CCN.

Duty on the dining room.


Healthgymnastics after sleep,walking on massagetracks.

S / R game "Family". Purpose: Develop game interaction, learn to pick up attributes.

Dance improvisation of children under Russian folk melodies.

Theatrical game "Sister Alyonushka and Brother Ivanushka" Objective: to develop expressiveness of speech, improve the facial expressions and pantomime.

Reading T. Alexandrova "Kuzya Domenok". (chapters)

Viewing road signs -fastening road rules with a group of children

Formation of initial ideas about a healthy lifestyle

Food and health.

To form an idea of \u200b\u200bthe health benefits.Di "Find the hero on the description". Purpose: Z.rangeing knowledgerussian folk fairy tales; Development of attention, memory, logical thinking, speech.

Independent gaming activity of children.

Selection of material for productive activities: strokes, stencils, coloring.

Organization of observation of the state of parsley in the "garden on the windowsill", fixation in the "Surveillance Diary".

Board games: "Lotto", "Mosaic", "Cutting pictures" - Writing the idea of \u200b\u200bfolk toys, traditions, small motility of hands.


Continue watching birds. Purpose: Find out what kinds of birds inhabit next to human housing.

P / and "Paints". Purpose: Learning to play children in folk games, to develop interest in them.

D / and "who is like moving". Purpose: Learn to belong to one group of animals by the method of their movement.

Day of the week





Joint activities of adult and children, taking into account the integration of educational


Organization of the development environment for independent activities of children

Interaction with parents, social partners




Educational activities

in regime moments



Speech development

Cognitive development

Socio-communicative development

Artistic and aesthetic development

Physical development

Morning gymnastics.

D / and "find out the fairy tale on Cockup." Purpose: Z.rangeing knowledge

The dance "in the field of Berez stood."

Duty in the corner of nature - care for indoor plants. Objective: Teach children to determine which plant needs watering.

D / Game "Measure the subject" with polyna, Vadim - exercise in the ability to measure the length and width of objects using conditional measurement.

Remind children how to put the cutlery correctly.

Suggest children to decompose the materials for classes. Purpose: develop hardworking, the desire to help adults.

D / and "confusion" Purpose: Develop knowledge of animals, develop team game skills.

Duty in classes.

Purpose: Exercise children in the ability to prepare a workplace for classes.

Duty on the dining room.

Independent gaming activities in employment centers.

Work in the center of creativity: sketches of silhouettes of toys - observation development,

fastening knowledge about folk art.

Ind. Conversations with parents about the well-being of children.

Consultation to parents "Do not forget folk





"Name the items of the same form"

Exercise in the ability to navigate on a sheet of paper.

"Formation of elementary mathematical representations",I. A. Pomorava, V. A. Pozin, p.134

Physical education

According to the plan of the expert


"Cover for a book of fairy tales" to teach children to transfer the features of building a drawing or ornament on the front and rear book cover; Beautifully select colors for the pattern to the paper color selected for the cover; Reflect in the drawing and selection of colors the content of the selected fairy tale. Abstract


Speech development

Cognitive development

Socio-communicative development

Artistic and aesthetic development

Physical development

Observation "What has changed on the site compared to winter?" - to systematize ideas about the days of the year for significant features, develop observation.

Tatar folk game"Clappers".

P / and: "Baba Yaga" Purpose: Enhance motor activity.

Nar. the game "Gori, Gori clear ..." "- create a joyful mood and friendly relationships

With Tolik, Ilya play the game "Pass Carefully." Purpose: Continue to learn to go snake between objects without knocking them.

A situational conversation "If Spring did not occur, and there was always winter, then ..." goal: to develop imagination, the ability to express your point of view.

D / and "who will come up with more words." Purpose: intensify the dictionary, expand the horizon.

Labor activity: Performing seasonal work on the site of kindergarten. Purpose: develop labor skills.

Independent motor activity of children on the plot.

Scene -Rolving games for choosing children.

Remove equipment for labor on the plot.

Lunch, work before bed

Reading "Matti - Meschak" - Karelian fairy tale»

Fix the sequence of proper washing of hands and wiping with a towel. Purpose: Development of the CCN.

Duty on the dining room.


Gymnastics after sleep.

S / r game

"Pedestrians and drivers" -ploping the rules of the road.

Conversation about folk humor (binding fairy tales, patterings, teasers).Drawing up creative story

"Invent the end fairy tales". The development of children's creativity.

Creative game "Cutting out of paper" Purpose: Improve in the skills of working with scissors and paper, develop fine motility of hands.

Cognitive-research activities:

. Railways

Exercise in constructing schemes and subsequent design

A situational conversation "What would happen if ..".

purpose: solution of non-standard situations, thinking, imagination.

Didactic game "Supposition" - development of speech activity, intelligence.

Attributes for s / r games, board games.

Independent gaming activities in employment centers.

Selection of material for productive activities: strokes, stencils, coloring.

Games with building material - learning creative design.


Continue observing the melting of snow and ice. Purpose: Mark, in what weather the snow melts faster.

P / and "Kolzebros". Purpose: develop the eye meter, accuracy.

D / and "What is around us?". Purpose: Talk to divide two - three-sided words to pieces, utter each word.

Labor activity: Performing seasonal work on the site of kindergarten. Purpose: develop labor skills. Independent games of children. Purpose: Acqualing children to play together, independently choose role games, actions.

Day of the week





Joint activities of adult and children, taking into account the integration of educational


Organization of the development environment for independent activities of children

Interaction with parents, social partners




Educational activities

in regime moments



Speech development

Cognitive development

Socio-communicative development

Artistic and aesthetic development

Physical development

Morning gymnastics.

Listening and singing Russian folk songs.

Consider and discussing illustrations "Wooden architecture of my native land."

P / and "The Sea is worried". Purpose: Develop an excerpt in children, the ability to coordinate movements with words, dexterity.

Play with a subgroup of children in the game "How many words". Purpose: Fasten the ability to divide words to syllables.

Suggest children to decompose the materials for classes. Purpose: develop hardworking, the desire to help adults.

Di "Whose souvenir?"- deepen knowledge of some types folk crafts and crafts. Wake up interest in talents folk craftsmen.

A situational conversation "What does it mean to be different?" Objective: Teach children to understand the reasons for their own actions, find ways of reconciliation with friends.

Duty in the corner of nature is to pour plants.

Independent gaming activities in employment centers.

Ind. Conversations with parents about the well-being of children.



The world

"Adjust, spring comes."

expanding the presentation of children about spring changes in nature, learn to notice them.

it is determined using a thermometer that the air temperature is determined using a thermometer.

systematize knowledge about the life of animals, mammals, birds, amphibians and fish in the spring.

to form the ability to determine the weather with the help of people will accept.

Implock / Applique

Applique "Raduzhny Horovod"

Learning children to cut several symmetrical pieces of paper, folded by the accordion and still in half. Develop visual control over the movement of hands, coordination of movements. Fasten the knowledge of the spectrum colors and their sequence. Develop composite skills.


According to the plan of a specialist.


Speech development

Cognitive development

Socio-communicative development

Artistic and aesthetic development

Physical development

"How people began to dress"

purpose: continue to form ideas about seasonal clothes, clarify the names of the parts of the clothing, the name of the material from which it is sewn ..

Games of the peoples of the North. "I am","Catching deer."N / and "burners".

Purpose: Secure the skill to act across the signal. Develop dexterity.

Disadvantaged children in length jumps. Purpose: develop jumping.

D / and "Find that I will describe" - to teach to learn items on the listed features.

A situational conversation with children on the topic: "Spring Signs". Purpose: clarify children's knowledge of seasonal changes in nature.

Independent motor activity of children on the plot.

Scene -Rolving games for choosing children.

Remove equipment for labor on the plot.

Labor activity: Performing seasonal work on the site of kindergarten. Purpose: develop labor skills.

Lunch, work before bed

Readingtales of the peoples of North"How a friend's dog was looking for" - Continue to acquaint the fairy tales of the peoples of Russia.

Fix the sequence of proper washing of hands and wiping with a towel. Purpose: Development of the CCN.

Duty on the dining room.


Gymnastics after sleep.

S / R."Book Shop"
Purpose: Formation of social experience of children by means of gaming activity.

Recall already familiar artists-illustrators Tales Yu.A. Vasnetsova, E.M. Racheva. Deepening the ideas about book illustration and used by the master of expressive means, with the help of which it creates an artistic image.

The hearing of the Russian folk song "In the forge".

Reading T. Alexandrova "Kuzya Domenok". (chapters)

Exercise Vlad, Artem Bazh. In the ability to determine the time by the hour. Purpose: expanding the horizons of children.

Di "Find Silhouette". Purpose: Z.rangeing knowledge russian folk fairy tales; Development of attention, memory, logical thinking, speech.

Creating conditions for the occurrence of S / R games.

Independent gaming activities in employment centers.

Sharpening pencils.

Purpose: to educate accuracy.

Building games.


Welcome observation. Purpose: develop cognitive interest; Educating sustainable attention, observation. D / and "Nature and Man." Purpose: Fasten to systematize the knowledge of children about what is created by a person, and what gives man nature. P / and "Who is faster?". Purpose: Learning to break freely without pushing at each other.

Labor activity: Performing seasonal work on the site of kindergarten. Purpose: develop labor skills. Independent games of children. Purpose: Acqualing children to play together, independently choose role games, actions.

Day of the week





Joint activities of adult and children, taking into account the integration of educational


Organization of the development environment for independent activities of children

Interaction with parents, social partners




Educational activities

in regime moments



Speech development

Cognitive development

Socio-communicative development

Artistic and aesthetic development

Physical development

Morning gymnastics.

Consider and discussion of illustrations "Vologda lace". Purpose: Acquaintance with the type of Russian lace, woven on Cockles (Wooden sticks), common in the Vologda region.

Di"What changed?" (game-fun). Develop in children observation.

With a subgroup of children, watch the weather from the window. Purpose: I exercise children in the ability to determine the weather, develop the speech of children.

Duty in the corner of nature - care for indoor plants. Objective: Teach children to determine which plant needs watering.

Formation of safety bases

"Hazardous items."

To form ideas about life-threatening and health subjects that are found in everyday life.

"Formation of the basics of safety of preschoolers." K. Yu. White; p.25

Di"Yes or no".

Purpose. Fasten children's knowledge about autumn signs.

The course of the game. The educator reads a poem, and children should listen carefully and answer "yes" or "no".

Exhibition of books in a book corner on the subject of the week.

Selection of material for productive activities: strokes, stencils, coloring.

Independent gaming activities in employment centers.

Individual E conversations and consultations on requests.




"Name the day of the week"

Fasten the skill in the consecutive name of the days of the week.

"Formation of elementary mathematical representations";I. A. Pomorava, V. A. Pozin, p. 136

Physical education

according to the plan of a specialist.


Speech development

Cognitive development

Socio-communicative development

Artistic and aesthetic development

Physical development

Comparative observation of the dove and crow. Purpose: On the example of a comparison of a pigeon with a crow to acquaint with the peculiarities of their structure, a lifestyle.

P / and "Faster wind", "Who is higher?". Objectives:

develop the speed of running; Teach jump easy.

Dagestan folkgames. "Puting the cap",

"Raise toy."

Exercise "Towns" with Nastya K., Nastya C-exercise in a wide range and accurate, strong throw by bat .

Situational conversation "What do you know about the spring?" - to form a presentation of children about the spring.

Di"When it happens?". Purpose. Clarify and deepen the knowledge of children about the days of the year.

Labor on the site is to offer to free up the construction of the snow.

Purpose: to educate the ability to work together.

Independent motor activity of children on the plot.

Games with remote toys.

Lunch, work before bed

Reading evenkaya fairy tales "Wolverine and Lisitsa" - to acquaint themselves with the fairy tales of the peoples of Russia.

Fix the sequence of proper washing of hands and wiping with a towel. Purpose: Development of the CCN.

Duty on the dining room.


Gymnastics after sleep.

View the cartoon "Vovka in the Trident Kingdom".

S / R. "Visiting grandmother in the village." To acquaint children with the characteristic features of the Russian village, buildings on the village house, their inhabitants.

Literary quiz

"What a fairy tale is a hero."

Purpose: enrichment and activation of the dictionary reserve of children; Education of interest and respect for the multinational culture of Russia.

Reading T. Alexandrova "Kuzya Domenok". (chapters)

D / and "answer fast". Purpose: Exercise in the classification of objects.

Di"What it is?".

Purpose. Teach children to create images on the basis of characteristic signs of objects, notice unusual in the most common things; Develop fantasy.

Games experiment with water, clay, wood, sand.

Production of attributes for S /

Household work - attract children to washing toys.

Purpose: to educate hard work.

Independent gaming activities in employment centers.


Continue monitoring changes in nature. Purpose: develop observation. P / and "Hide your hands behind the back" Objective: Develop the speed of the reaction to the signal in children. D / and "Boarding Sloves". Purpose: develop thinking. Labor activity: Performing seasonal work on the site of kindergarten. Purpose: develop labor skills. Independent games of children. Purpose: Acqualing children to play together, independently choose role games, actions.

Elena Erofeev
Planning educational and educational work for the week "Culture and traditions of the Russian people"

. (Monday)

Subject: «» .

Folk traditions: "Tea Party".

Ind. work on Famp: Did. the game: "Cutting table for tea drinking". Fixing a quantitative account, orientation in space (left, right, shape, colors, size of objects.

Proverbs and sayings about self:

Do not miss tea - you drink three cups.

Tea drink is nice to live.

Let's drink a seagull - forgive melancholy.

From tea Lich does not happen.

If you do not drink tea - where you take the strength.

Consider illustration of samovar.

Make a reproduction of the painting: A. Morozov. "Tea Party".

FCKM: « Culture and traditions of the Russian people» .

Tasks: Clarify the knowledge of children about the concept « Tradition» , expand knowledge about traditions of Russian people, culture(oral folk art, people's-Realous art). To attach to the origins russian folk culture.

Methods: Conversation O. traditions of Russian people, viewing illustrations for fairy tales, djew game, discussion traditional dishes.

Funds: N. V. Aleshina, s. 123.

Music. By plan Muz. leader.

Painting: "Sick Tula samovara".

Tasks: Fastening the ability of children to use the elements of Khokhloma, Dymkovskaya, Gorodetskaya Rospis. Exercise in skills brush work, promote the development of artistic taste, education of respect for the work of folk craftsmen, admiration for their creativity.

Methods: Conversation about samovars, viewing illustrations with painted samovars, discussion of painting techniques, showing children some techniques drawing the element of painting, male. work, view drawings.

Funds: Internet - resource, illustrations depicting samovarov different times, modern painted samovars, silhouette of a sickness of paper, gouache, brushes.


What a miracle - Winter Forest,

How many fabulous miracles!

In the fairy tale of this forest,

Sleep Ile Jaw in front of me?

Here birches are a luxury row,

Shawls are bang

Silver - but on the sidelines

In the fur coats of the Christmas tree-girl.

Ah, what silence,

White and white country! M. Stepanov

Individual work - Long Jumping. Exercise in long jump;

repel two.

P / I.: "Hunters and hares". Improving jumping skills and throwing into a target on both legs. Development of agility, speed and orientation in space. Observation of trees and shrubs. Expansion and deepening of knowledge of plants.

After the snowfall, free shrubs and trees from heavy snow. Pay attention to the careful attitude towards trees, shrubs. Why you can not run around shrub, play near the trees? Talk with children about trees: Why are they not growing in winter, how are the kidney winter, is it necessary for the winter for our trees, why does not birch in the rainforest? In frosty weather, listen to the crackling of trees and creaking under your feet, consider trees in the winter journey. Why do not frozen trees in winter? (Cork layer, snow blanket, rest, no sludge.) Questions.

What trees differ from shrubs?

What are the trees that throw leaves?

What benefits do trees and shrubs bring?

Research: Skip deep snow where the grass grew. Under the snow cover you can see little green plants with weak leaves pressed to the ground. Test children to the conclusion that snow protects the soil without letting it cool.

Work: Snow smooth to trees. Promote education Human-active attitude towards trees.

The game: "What is growing in different parts?". Fastening the names of trees.

Literary living room - D. Harms "Ivan Ivanovich Samovar". Call interest in children russian folk traditions. enrich the vocabulary of children with words: Bread and salt, tea drinking, feast to the whole world, samovar, treat, feast mountain, pleased.

Ind. work: Cutting on a template of a samovar, its decoration using an applique.

Folk traditions: conversation O. traditions of Russian tea drinking. Intensify the attention of children on the history of samovar. Expanding the ideas about proverbs, sayings, booms about russian hospitality.

Household household work: "In our group, as if in the Hube will be pure and light". Cause a desire to bring order in the group to promote the development of labor skills.

Di "Slug the picture" (samovar, bagels). Promote the development of attention, thinking.

Offer Expand Plot for Game "Tea drinking at Samovar".

Making from salty test of pretzels, ram, karabav, silent.

Planning educational - educational work 2016. (Tuesday)

Subject: « Culture and traditions of the Russian people» .

Morning gymnastics. Complex number 10.

Folk beet: conversation about the old dishes (from which they did, as used).

Ind. work on drawing utensils based on people's painting(City, Khokhloma, Gzhel). Promoting the development of the ability to apply the knowledge gained on decorative art, use the style of color features inherent russian.

Putting down riddles of objects national Most.

I feed all the hunt,

And the sadness itself. (The spoon)

Then back, then forward

The steamer is walking.

Stop it - schinkuvit

(Iron) and etc.

Viewing wooden, clay dishes, castles, trays.

Illustrations depicting russian folk beet.

Detergery: Retelling fairy tales "Fear has big eyes".

Tasks: To ensure the development of the ability to retell the text of the fairy tale sequentially, without skipping and repetitions, expressively passing the speech of characters.

Methods: reading fairy tales, conversation in content, re-reading, retelling fairy tales by children, game "How to say right?", verse. L. Stancheva "Is it true or not?",the game "House - Domysch", the game "Finish Proposal".

Funds: O. S. Ushakov, s. 168.

Applique: « Russian doll» .

Tasks: Promote the formation of interest in russian applied art - wooden toy; skills work with stencil, cut out of the fabric, fix the skills of symmetric cutting colors, leaves; promote education Desires to create and create on the reasons.

Methods: mysterious mystery, brief conversation about matryoshki, showing matryoshki, viewing colors, patterns, suggest choosing the desired material for appliques: Fabric, color. Paper, male. workThe result.

Funds: Internet - resource, fabric with flowers for cutting, color. Paper, glue, scissors.

Physical Education.

By .




Watch where the snow melts fastest - on a mitten or hand. Why? What is formed from the snow?

Labor activity: Building a labyrinth. Acquest to bring the case to the end;

educate The ability to act together.

Outdoor games "Two frost", "Wolf in Ravy".

Contribute to the development of attention and ability to act on the signal educator.

Individual work"Walk carefully". Exercise walking "Snake" between objects without knocking them.

Surveillance for snowflakes. Pay attention to the fact that snowflakes are different in shape; Compare, develop cognitive activity.

What kind of stars through

On the scarf and sleeve,

All through, cut-off

And take - water in hand?

Became in the stars

In the air a little

Village and melted

On my palm. E. Blaginina

Just over the snow, what is he?

Look at your mittens, what are snowflakes?

Pay attention to beautiful cutting snowflakes, their different pattern.

Why do snowflakes come cut? Why are they melting on his palm?

Find two identical snowflakes. (Single snowflakes do not happen.)

Gymnastics after sleep. Complex number 5.

Literary living room - fairy tale "Golden spindle". Expansion of children's knowledge about antiquity objects, their appointment. Activate in speech the words: Spread, spine, sparkle, Kudel, etc.

Ind. appliqué work: "Patchwork Blanket".

Call the desire to create a composition based on russian folk art.

Circle: "Young Researcher".

Subject: "Games with water".

purpose: Fastening the properties of water.

Create a joyful mood from water games. Promote the development of imagination, curiosity.

Consider illustrations of a peasant workers and a story about their appointment. Riddles on the instruments of the farmer of the peasant. Top up knowledge about crafts and adult classes in Russia (PAKAR, TKKHAKH, Potter, etc.). Based on these knowledge, to show the significance of labor for a person. D / and: "Items russian life» . Fastening the names of items, their purpose.

Drawing of household items russian peasant(Coloring). Promote the development of small motility.

Planning educational and educational work 2016. (Wednesday)

Subject: « Culture and traditions of the Russian people» .

Acquaintance S. russian costume: Conversation about symbols of red and black in patterns russian folk costume.

Ind. speech Development Work: Suggest schemes for drawing up narrative, descriptions, modeling russian folk fairy tales. Contribute to the development of a coherent.

Horovoic game: "On the grief of Kalina". To attach to the origins russian folk culture.

Work. Order: Cleaning in a natural corner. Promote education responsible attitude to the case, labor skills.

Consider dolls in national russian outfit, illustrations with the image of the old russian clothing.

Games in the corner of rude.

Games for the development of shallow motoriki:

"Matters Matrion Spit",

"Collect beads for Alyonushka".

Famp: "Addition and subtraction of numbers one by one".

Tasks: To ensure the development of the ability to create silhouettes from geometric figures, compare the values \u200b\u200bin depth. Exercise in addition and subtract numbers one by one, in performing tasks in logical games, drawing arcs and direct horizontal lines in tetraja. Methods: Mat. Workout, deficiency deficiency, tasks in tetraja.

Funds: L. V. Minkevich with. 94, No. 35, water bucket, pelvis, doll, cards with examples, set of numbers, game "Pythagoras", logical squares, tetradi., the pencils.

Acquaintance with Hood. l- roy: Small folklore forms. Drawing up stories, fairy tales of proverbs.

Tasks: To help understand the figurative meaning of words and phrases, contribute to the formation of the ability to draw up stories, fairy tales on the proverbs, invent riddles.

Methods: Exp. "Explain, show", explanation of the meaning of proverbs, inventing a story on the proverb, make up the riddles, utter a patter with different intonation.

Funds: O. S. Ushakov, s. 163, illustrations for phraseologists, puzzle pictures.

Music. By plan Muz. leader.

Role: Adjusts children before occupation, brings up the culture of the right answer, it carries out an individual approach, sings with children, executes its own option, encourages good performance for a good execution, performs an individual approach, plays with children.


Di "Guess-ka" - ensure the development of the ability to describe the subject and recognize it.

Ind. work For the development of movements - jumping on the right and left. Strengthening the muscles of the legs.

Winter observation. Ensure the development of the ability to determine the weather status, compare different winter periods, draw conclusions and conclusions.

What time of year on the street?

How did you find out that winter has come?

Neither leaves. Neither blades! Quiet became our garden.

And birrors, and doried oxes stand.

Only Christmas tree is one cheerful and green.

It can be seen, it is not afraid of frost, it can be clear, she is bold.

What is the weather today?

Vocabulary work:

Winter (what is he doing) - comes, flies, frowning, leaves, etc.

Work: Clean the track to the trough. Promote education Thoughtful relationship to feathery.

The game "Live - not alive"

purpose: division of nature on live and not live items.

Games - relay: "Snowballs in the basket", "Change of places". Create a cheerful mood, contribute to the development of physical qualities, hardening the children's body.

Gymnastics after sleep. Complex number 5.

Literary Living Room - Story K. D. Ushinsky "As a shirt in the field has grown". Expansion of cultivation knowledge and flax processing, weaving. Promote the development of artistic and aesthetic perception of works of folk art(linen embroidered products, russian suit) .

Sport games: "Who is faster Kushak will start", "Who quickly" (running in the laptops).

Contribute to the development of physical children quality: speed, dexterity, eyelash.

Hearing russian folk music. Attach to spiritual and folk music.

Weaving from the threads of the belt for the doll. Promote the development of small motility.

Decoration of stencils russian costume. Promote education In children of aesthetic feeling, artistic taste.

Planning educational and educational work 2016. (Thursday)

Subject: « Culture and traditions of the Russian people» .

Morning gymnastics. Complex number 8.

Russian folk art: conversation O. russian fishery khokhloma, Gzhel, Zhostovo. Album viewing "Decorative - Applied Art".

Ind. work: sound analysis of words.

Gaying mysteries O. russian people musical instruments.

Singing danced songs: "Like ours at the gate", "How to thin ice". Promotize to choral singing.

Consider illustrations of objects russian fishing.

Photos of wooden houses and vintage buildings.

Suggest to build according to the scheme russian hut.

Literacy learning.

Tasks: Improve the skills to perform sound analysis of words using a mixed model. Repeat the rules for writing vowels after consonant sounds. Exercise in the title of words with a given sound.

Methods: Sound analysis words "time", the game "Who is the most attentive?", Changing words, game "Name words with sounds B and BJ.

Funds: N. S. Varentsova, s. 86, № 18.

Painting: "Bouquet of flowers" (based on Zhostov's trays).

Tasks: Call a desire to create a decorative composition in a certain color scheme based on national Decorative - applied creativity. Secure the knowledge of warm and cold tones. Promote the development of composite skills.

Methods: Show illustrations with the image of bouquets made in warm colors, clarify the knowledge of warm tones, to propose to create a bouquet in such a range, male. work, view drawings.

Funds: T. S. Komarova, p. 73, white paper or light yellow, watercolor, brushes, cakes, napkins, water jars.

Physical Education. By plan the instructor on physical education.

Role: aiming for occupation, assistance in the distribution of attributes, sports equipment, assistance with OR and ATS, follow posture and breathing.


"Flight of birds". Contribute to the development of excerpts, skills to move across the signal. Exercise in running and equilibrium.

"Sly Fox". Development of agility, speed, coordination, education of honesty, creative imagination, the ability to behave in the team comrades.

Surveillance behind the snow. Systematize the knowledge of children about the snow as a natural phenomenon.

What is snow on the smell? How does the snow fall when the wind blows, and when it is not? When the snow is easy to raw (when walking flakes or inflates the wind? Snow is heavier or lighter than the Earth? Does the snow need to live on earth? And why?

Z. Alexandrov "Snow".

Snowball flies, spinning,

On White Street.

And turned the puddle

In transparent glass.

Where in the summer they sang angles,

Today - look! -

Like pink apples

On branches of bullfinch.

Mystery: In winter I was lying in the spring in the river ran (snow).

Vocabulary work:

Snow (what is he doing) - falls, spinning, falls, melting, etc.

Drawing with chopsticks in the snow.

Work: Cleaning the section from snow. Promote education of hardworking.

Gymnastics after sleep. Complex number 5.

Literary living room - Listening to the fairy tales "Sadko" (audio recording).

Consider illustrations for a fairy tale.

Ind. work: Production folk toys: whistle, Dymkovsky toys, painting them with different paintings.

Folk game: "Towns", "Rouh". Call a desire to use folk Games in everyday life.

Teathedralization: russian folktale(by choosing children). Promote the development of creative, artistic skills.

Make books with fairy tales, epics, hollows of illustrations of different artists.

Collective building "Village".

Game on folk Musical tools: Dudge, balalaica, horn, spoons, whistles. Promote musical development culture.

Planning educational and educational work 2016. (Friday)

Subject: « Culture and traditions of the Russian people» .

Morning gymnastics. Complex number 8.

Oral folk art: Conversation about the features of the content of lullabies

songs and sentences.

Ind. work: "Continue row" (work in the notebooks in a cage) . Heading Schecks "Ay, Forky, My Baby ...", "Washeronushki-Fleep". Promote education of love for Russian folklore.

Horovoic game: "Where was Ivanushka".

Attach to choral singing russian folk culture.

Illustrations with picture russian Bogatyrey.

Create Conditions for C-R game "A family". Gaming exercise "Snack doll Dasha". To attract knowledge about lullaby songs to apply.

Famp: "The independence of the number from the value of objects".

Tasks: Promote the development of logical thinking. Exercise in addition and subtraction, work with the plan, drawing arcs and straight vertical lines. Secure the concept of the independence of the number from the value of the items.

Methods: work with logical cards, finding patterns, correcting errors, solving problems, tasks in tetraja. Funds: L. V. Minkevich with. 95, No. 36, cards with objects of different values, cards with geo. figures, cards with logical tasks, set of numbers, drawing and room Plans, tetradi., the pencils.

Manual labor: "Sewing buttons".

Tasks: To ensure the development of the skill to sew a button.

Methods: Reminder of the rules work with needle, show how to measure the thread, in a needle in needle, sew a button. Calm. work. Evaluation.

Funds: L. V. Kutsakova with. 105, buttons, fabric, needles, threads, scissors.

Physical culture in air(folk Games) .

P / I.: "Burleys". Exercise in a race in pairs for speed, start running only after the end of words. Develop the speed of movements in children, dexterity. "Zarya - Zarina". Contribute to the development of the power of the run, exercise in a clear utterance of words.

"Metelitsa". Contribute to the development of motor activity, the formation of a feeling of equilibrium.


Individual work - Fixing the ability to focus on the kindergarten area, find an object by description.

Observation of the frost. To summarize the knowledge of children about the natural phenomenon - frost.

Who painted the windows with beautiful patterns? -Why does the slide poured in the cold? -Why does snow and ice - water? -Why is ice appear on the street? -What do the wipers in Holly?

I. Nikitin

Zhiguchi frost Trescchiy

In the yard dark;

Silver Inay

Fastened the window.

Experience with water:

If the snow and ice melted, water will appear; And if it takes the water to the frost, it will turn into a lot.

P / I.: "Jack Frost" - Perform the rules of the game.

"Find your color". The formation of the ability to navigate the space, teach acting on the signal, the development of agility, attention.

Proverb: Frost is not great, but not to stand.

Work: Build a slide for dolls. Cause interest in creating construction. Promote the development of skill to rack the snow into a bunch, and form a slide.

Gymnastics after sleep. Complex number 5.

Literary living room - reading to choose epic: "Healing Ilya Muromets", "Ilya Muromets and the Beast", "Dobryna Nikitich and Snake Gorynych", "Alesh Popovich and Tugarin Zmeyshevich". Show children beauty russian language through oral folk creativity.

Consider view russian epic.

Ind. work: Quests B. notebooks - Alyona, Sasha, Alesh.

Listening to the lullabies in audio recordings. To attach to the origins folk culture.

Work. Order: Guidance of the order in the group. Call positive emotions from

completed assignment, atmosphere of comfort and purity.

Director game « Russian bogatyrs» .

Building games: "Fortress for Ilya Muromets".

Sedova Olga
Planning educational activities for the week "People's Culture and Tradition"

Planning educational activities for the week(14.03-18.03)

Group __Shole group ___

Subject:. Folk culture and traditions.

purpose: continue to acquaint children with folk traditions and customs, from people Decoratively applied art (Dymkovo, Gorodets, Gzhel). Expand reports O. folk toys(Matryoshka, Gorodetskaya, Bogorodskaya, Biryulki). To acquaint with national decorative applied art.

Final event Sports leisure "Trekking in the Spring Forest"_ Date of the final event_18.03.2016_

Responsible for conducting the final events:

Day weeks

Integration mode


tey joint activity


activities of children general. institutions).


Individual Education


in regime moments

Monday 14..03.2016 Morningbreakfast, Games Social and Communicative Development, Cognitive development, Development of speech, art. -strettich. Development, physical. Development Morning anthem. Conversation: {!LANG-dc2444cf44f45efe27f13d4df1e7d51e!} {!LANG-8686609a500474a5690c55fa20659019!}» purpose{!LANG-0d878e7671f53fbc267f641b89b3d07d!} {!LANG-0bfbf12c993c4def799c7d7d0ad543f4!}{!LANG-60f30f0cd739b49d391be8bb62fd40b4!} the game: {!LANG-3281cbfa630b548df7c9e93219884e3f!}. purpose{!LANG-98e19e888fdee3afd9fdc4939be44a02!}

{!LANG-d91c982909c2addbe470dadcb7ffd5ba!} {!LANG-91e126cd3b53c403f0840c962d25e28a!}. purpose{!LANG-9115ccc5ac4a32e921438d3f68d04558!}

{!LANG-89b5ed465d0121c588eacac8f6354324!} purpose{!LANG-2d178b6a0d3dba09e889d8892ac1a13e!} activity{!LANG-59d7eba557b6fd7b2610c7bd101ec87d!} {!LANG-cb7929e6925e83c97ec621f9ecb0a3aa!}: {!LANG-d7458b9fe3a01ff1061ade1c7c722bdb!}







stroll{!LANG-190e85d1c7fc47a85da5431ec6f71c48!}{!LANG-370ce53a74fa9472f9e710a20383d1d3!} purpose{!LANG-5588611df43ea3ddc284a9364f39e490!} {!LANG-134bd578e76c1d2686136d2895f6593c!}{!LANG-acdf90a2ecb4c33955bd642757ce9ef4!} {!LANG-8fc81b7edf354bdc19ee001054309ea8!}.


{!LANG-a7b7bc7c5a94498c22476dbfdef4f9cb!} {!LANG-41d1bb45c5f198e31cff0a7f39cb1b1a!}: {!LANG-0d3ba8bbdb84ea8171d730b498378e08!}. purpose{!LANG-240d584c861c4fd213bda2cae0d997d0!}

{!LANG-2d3dcf5b015c2fe75e9b4de533206d30!} purpose{!LANG-9d35cf3401fb9ae079adc49834619dc9!}


Evening {!LANG-e2b0732887306515e977591c2c64afd6!}{!LANG-db0114a55e3d94fbd6debe190019f260!}

{!LANG-a585c2f79ffb5dabcfbdf8c7cde24365!} {!LANG-9f5c3480491644e4939bb590360e039b!}: {!LANG-841a72b182bf6381037fadeea6bfc564!} {!LANG-7170d51780ccca66b37dadd114be4f36!}» . purpose{!LANG-0266b7de1859920e019ed6db6bd7ea46!}

{!LANG-24a178967b7527861718193e0032b496!} {!LANG-7581046d20b8d1dd7a1746a38ebad8cd!}. purpose{!LANG-a972c1aba460558e7c225ed670adeab7!}

{!LANG-f2da59969698d95f3c695b0c2c2a649b!} {!LANG-6404b69e3dfef1b33ea9e9a6d820b779!}


Di "Whose souvenir?". purpose{!LANG-7769cdd4111cfee6176cdb42cb9d7e33!} {!LANG-0ac1c78f651fa6cc7f1d46aea040a4c5!}{!LANG-8675eef75f3898ef24f785e1b307e269!} folk craftsmen

{!LANG-dcc740bedd96d33b083e91b9db0de4f1!} purpose

{!LANG-0ecf29c1f24fab705355f46111b9c4f5!} activity{!LANG-892e768508bfb210fd8b92bbf722a659!}


Day weeks


{!LANG-b1ba9227b74047b5de82599915528e03!} activity{!LANG-2234da16a8ae96981e63347529002a79!}


activities of children{!LANG-d5253a0ab7fa0ede7f1347a3af2afef2!}{!LANG-841b4a70249f53e9739c51671a1034e3!} {!LANG-b5b831ed4d3ea91f5c888236a6ebcaec!}. institutions).


Individual Education


in regime moments



{!LANG-9a684d415d31e0168f404a66a985931c!} {!LANG-50aa312e9edeff50675b650cbdaf23ff!}: {!LANG-5535c2a262e617753e059c328d838378!}, {!LANG-c6585495743389456aa6ba00db7e34b2!}. purpose{!LANG-460afe8d567411830f636594616d5992!}

Di {!LANG-a9163b7b60d155ef8cad7c08e50ce396!}. purpose{!LANG-1d1f5163d152550aeeabea25b7dd6b80!} {!LANG-6ef79b0aa4a18d9fefc9aaf12dc67f63!}. purpose{!LANG-613720adfb75a4e175f55c000956542f!} {!LANG-a3c1cdbe43a1205f09d8350f7f9a1fad!}. purpose{!LANG-82a9c8c10b0d4fd5a4123a9527b6c409!}



{!LANG-e09d86dacac52d7fb2484ca787636298!} {!LANG-90e75d9ca15961234a9605d60144ed1d!}




{!LANG-3d19ead50a12a7dc4833068fed4319b7!} {!LANG-b2184c56897755901947ff6968305dee!}





stroll{!LANG-0b8afca55b41adad4bd2f4781009fb35!} {!LANG-190e85d1c7fc47a85da5431ec6f71c48!}{!LANG-04eaf08fe4d3a7a03bad0569e77a184c!} {!LANG-41336c2f57a561b54eea97f8f920c4c1!}.

purpose{!LANG-7f59077545fdcaefae727b01414d78cc!} {!LANG-ed1026f4bf5085176433ec0698f0afc2!}.

{!LANG-524e0717edd45fc9ad5550b36926f155!} {!LANG-b6bd755f9a4788660852013f5eb038a3!}.

purpose{!LANG-f093d28caa3642144a50aca597ef5f53!} {!LANG-87f6e1838bfc90ef163004bc7167747b!} purpose{!LANG-28f7390c3b99ff7d777030a097a041ce!} purpose{!LANG-da23e29e317aba4f6dd2f856ef16ca9f!} {!LANG-5b13df1232ab53b02e53f864cba35a88!}.

{!LANG-92aa485097f03524bea4c746bed891c4!} {!LANG-36bf222f7a252b506a51887f09d72090!}.

Evening{!LANG-e189757e3a6a57845f7fcfa728aa09ec!} {!LANG-e2b0732887306515e977591c2c64afd6!}{!LANG-db0114a55e3d94fbd6debe190019f260!}


{!LANG-e141a3aa9f2a86bd8d028058578d0de6!} {!LANG-f903f25365130af8eb3ed8e2f3eef57d!}. purpose{!LANG-1d1ebdb5198e7cb0520412d4af11d447!} {!LANG-cf6a8bade9bda1f01691ba73cd3596f9!}. purpose{!LANG-99bd57319897335306b4ceda0dc45870!}

{!LANG-5e96f771786e8297f4fb61caa8d4515d!} {!LANG-c636368dc0cdd31309311c066787ac23!} purpose{!LANG-fd0ff171d085afbcd6dd3493a2495ebe!} {!LANG-87213b748585160567d82a5bef7b245f!}. purpose{!LANG-511ffdc4c50f180025c7d1b5b109f6a5!}




{!LANG-6d2a5fc38eec03942777d7cab998af6f!} purpose{!LANG-57946bebd5180d8c6668fa6d228033d2!}

{!LANG-524e0717edd45fc9ad5550b36926f155!} {!LANG-51a6cc0e644190579b5f6cf8d506ef68!}.purpose{!LANG-7334c6426fc566affcdc3b80a50c439a!}

Day weeks


{!LANG-b1ba9227b74047b5de82599915528e03!} activity{!LANG-2234da16a8ae96981e63347529002a79!}


activities of children{!LANG-d5253a0ab7fa0ede7f1347a3af2afef2!}{!LANG-841b4a70249f53e9739c51671a1034e3!} {!LANG-b5b831ed4d3ea91f5c888236a6ebcaec!}. institutions).


Individual Education


in regime moments




{!LANG-af8cd2216ad19dda7da4fa2f23ee1785!} {!LANG-8686609a500474a5690c55fa20659019!} purpose{!LANG-689430ccd7a107a36ee29c239ccc50a6!} {!LANG-cf66d46e3ad6947cef854dc5753588d2!}.

purpose{!LANG-5d72064622bb31e23869309109804ceb!} {!LANG-af4aa00a780c5bf89f95d4d69e9a13e7!}{!LANG-3fc4de23296e6145a6c468f65a50a0ae!}


{!LANG-c4e5c4ea8f3fe135ff594901798e7202!} {!LANG-a5e513aa18ea8c69342df5d3b23c6285!}{!LANG-b2e1f1a079b1a92e3c43d52c92ebb601!} {!LANG-99ff9ca0e27a9fdda9c369ee953caf6d!}.


{!LANG-89b5ed465d0121c588eacac8f6354324!}{!LANG-1a3122f30d461247200c8d95cb2d45e2!} purpose{!LANG-ca50b22f3fe716f63334cf23e729856d!}






{!LANG-ee00f2c15035f096cf7079bff10980fd!} {!LANG-7fc1d327fe3f964a7cf893304688c3e4!}{!LANG-ea916f2d7f4c62ee0d97534a6c688583!}


stroll{!LANG-0b8afca55b41adad4bd2f4781009fb35!} {!LANG-190e85d1c7fc47a85da5431ec6f71c48!}{!LANG-02def3f7af3302c68f4ab67355390e84!}

purpose{!LANG-e3e6bafac7b98285b36f3098e0e2c595!} {!LANG-c40f83eb3f0f939e4dc11db544a00635!}.

purpose{!LANG-ceba317f181204174f46486537f47f03!} {!LANG-4e5d9bed82e85866bf7b5037ffd08893!}.

{!LANG-8ca5f701e3136267879356e28da6cab5!} {!LANG-b612bacdf65e65d3beeb3ed00c9b07a1!}.

purpose{!LANG-4f3255be813b8ab631793c4da836d7c2!} purpose{!LANG-17002bfda3cf87be911f8408fc85d975!}


Evening{!LANG-e189757e3a6a57845f7fcfa728aa09ec!} {!LANG-e2b0732887306515e977591c2c64afd6!}{!LANG-db0114a55e3d94fbd6debe190019f260!}

{!LANG-34f6b9a806b6e6795476facdc64ca21f!} {!LANG-96dc158dfe1b7924fe7a94ab896ffdad!} purpose{!LANG-87cca888e4b7747c55ad2d03e4a0df0d!} {!LANG-aa179d3e057c10e98e5d9c8d2ae09852!}. purpose{!LANG-2faa5fa174523fff8d3d2fa82ef5f908!} {!LANG-c9d44b2317521dfc018e8d00efc80217!}.


{!LANG-d6211eb8bfac63adfd23967fb9a0d7d2!} {!LANG-033328c18063918319678e3acffe87b0!}.

purpose{!LANG-c836f7b7805b420d348691a8437caedd!} activity{!LANG-5d3af1a9d9d4e5da45787e01f749a4e8!} {!LANG-587cef42ae23c28e1f01b93f6a7e0e1d!}.





{!LANG-24d640f04a459e4496e51bacd31532a6!} purpose{!LANG-faa292150aeb7b626169092293fb526f!} {!LANG-de7394f40cafc67aa6827f1fe4a9a18c!}{!LANG-eeffd16937c1e7e0b1dace61022b645c!}

Day weeks


{!LANG-b1ba9227b74047b5de82599915528e03!} activity{!LANG-2234da16a8ae96981e63347529002a79!}


activities of children{!LANG-d5253a0ab7fa0ede7f1347a3af2afef2!}{!LANG-841b4a70249f53e9739c51671a1034e3!} {!LANG-b5b831ed4d3ea91f5c888236a6ebcaec!}. institutions).


Individual Education


in regime moments




purpose{!LANG-8c105713cfdf9306073c1a0b9c17c2fa!} {!LANG-c5f094e93210ad906949b6861b08ea79!}{!LANG-99f82c87cdbdd248d1eaeb0716770b62!}


{!LANG-95a8e8578ceb197964efbd3c86a233a3!} {!LANG-aff795187662cf85991ab0823bf81584!}.

purpose{!LANG-5c0c996541408798d53717988440b642!} activity{!LANG-16f1fe70a41e7e117c8677f968e61cac!}

{!LANG-29831c3951a593e1a6e72d2bf36f9128!} {!LANG-7ec2e5e21abeb7456f918ddec55c6cf6!}{!LANG-4ff67fb969f97bfc82c15f1ccbb78bc9!} {!LANG-7ec2e5e21abeb7456f918ddec55c6cf6!} purpose{!LANG-58fbb2e0b18313b0095e9948a2167069!}


{!LANG-bbd1134d453c006c3ecd4a35f02a4c48!} {!LANG-0fb23a30a679a060d0e8eb9becc2cd01!}




{!LANG-ee00f2c15035f096cf7079bff10980fd!} {!LANG-7fc1d327fe3f964a7cf893304688c3e4!}{!LANG-71f3375305a81d6e008d39f8f1625e8b!}


stroll{!LANG-0b8afca55b41adad4bd2f4781009fb35!} {!LANG-190e85d1c7fc47a85da5431ec6f71c48!}{!LANG-04eaf08fe4d3a7a03bad0569e77a184c!} {!LANG-6781f0b90676b1224a59ba380a11a167!}.purpose{!LANG-d7b0175770a5bd828bc00f309f31a824!} {!LANG-c8660e554c8b15c60ac71f24786eeb77!}.

{!LANG-dc1bf1737ce738083fbea828219c69dc!} {!LANG-f52e3220a21c604338b6dcdf370bf815!}.

purpose{!LANG-c9b3e025f64a36b4e03d9977c784832a!} {!LANG-6366a36cf87bd5616a525ec6c0c23c74!}.

purpose{!LANG-ebf275b7a43d708b5b99c49ce0d1d22c!} {!LANG-650dc0591ad26c2071b4c22e410c899c!}{!LANG-b2e1f1a079b1a92e3c43d52c92ebb601!} {!LANG-07a5a72e05878218518f0c11bc4b8f96!}.

purpose{!LANG-1fdd2a5597d2b5ea89db5524646f6207!} {!LANG-e3f7d9c973fc12a91279f706d35678d8!}{!LANG-f3aace5ffebf90146e7ca3dc697cf356!}



{!LANG-459f51cbc482ff393a94d667dfa3c0db!} {!LANG-b6c258fccc5b2e5889e3e653598b1c5e!}

Evening{!LANG-e189757e3a6a57845f7fcfa728aa09ec!} {!LANG-e2b0732887306515e977591c2c64afd6!}{!LANG-db0114a55e3d94fbd6debe190019f260!}

{!LANG-15fffd895aa17bf7eafde19461f4a983!} purpose{!LANG-ec6de6e24e703ae40e2a1cc070a10a4c!} {!LANG-5e4d593d586856430ebf43cbb061c2eb!} Subject: {!LANG-09473cf631d9146cb625c9f37afee1f3!}. purpose{!LANG-7d652137741574c5897429a138bd8595!} {!LANG-9177345b58f7ad0991e0e194cebd0ea4!} .purpose{!LANG-9d49ac585f6b31625292a2c82f209958!} {!LANG-e0750a801e6ec724fc8eee6d827621f3!}.

purpose{!LANG-fa4ca4530cc36e43add0dede82e8b503!} {!LANG-e10a82ee97d69961e829c9d3ffefd351!}{!LANG-9e7d28b826ef70ee94774179a87ad66a!}

{!LANG-4535ac7086e8f60f2e6fb2414f3c5177!}{!LANG-b2e1f1a079b1a92e3c43d52c92ebb601!} {!LANG-80fdb48beff616ea85cb2cb55370b691!}





{!LANG-52e28abe71b51452544b775740d227f4!} {!LANG-c6da2d69ddb57a5500b146d219a1d106!}.purpose{!LANG-e5765e0afceb87a839db0e5deaff100b!} {!LANG-0f123bd10d41694e40ac53e6012d4a91!}.purpose{!LANG-ff808ffb17ec532f91f0a0f5d319f203!}

Day weeks


{!LANG-b1ba9227b74047b5de82599915528e03!} activity{!LANG-2234da16a8ae96981e63347529002a79!}


activities of children{!LANG-d5253a0ab7fa0ede7f1347a3af2afef2!}{!LANG-841b4a70249f53e9739c51671a1034e3!} {!LANG-b5b831ed4d3ea91f5c888236a6ebcaec!}. institutions).


Individual Education


in regime moments

{!LANG-d69184e2735ca2e56c439bb1c8e7900a!} Morning{!LANG-a198a7c1fcee71682c5f71d3a6488628!}


{!LANG-b5e2ed854d226a5f0e5e3ab856513e4d!} {!LANG-99cb18b7bd4e4e1998b3baf9ec2f33ea!} {!LANG-0d60fe84cf7b99e56a30e2c4fcfb73d2!}{!LANG-0f976c12278420e9188c733bd89af83c!} purpose{!LANG-fd721b01c74635296b43d8cdd1325ec8!} {!LANG-a16d0b2449fda449ee521dd0a1492e9e!}.

{!LANG-4e652b7e740094b3cfc095ce9b4dba64!}{!LANG-97758dbb0ba93a8e71bb2c38acb3cee4!}{!LANG-b646ab5777c9c9b38f1143c2911e2bd1!} {!LANG-85f04d6475a6f9b256bc60bf13ea0c36!}{!LANG-d45e5f36ae4a8210fcc6597cf77e93ce!}

purpose{!LANG-69576b6e9ee025c01b58fd5a0eddf595!} {!LANG-c409c03405f3810bf24ac953f1f7448c!}{!LANG-eda3921e6ab182ff53a77d088c98a073!} {!LANG-19035761ae252ad9145e2739350429c8!}.

purpose{!LANG-ce7767e17542515151dbef4047bde8c5!} {!LANG-b73be6d35282dab18ec0762ac8417ba2!}).

{!LANG-3580585d5b438d213256a55c022a9b38!}{!LANG-6ed140b88434dc1da37835d338a788a1!} {!LANG-87213b748585160567d82a5bef7b245f!}.





{!LANG-ee00f2c15035f096cf7079bff10980fd!} {!LANG-7fc1d327fe3f964a7cf893304688c3e4!}{!LANG-39c8a8e90b345b7884d987fe62e54aef!}



stroll{!LANG-0b8afca55b41adad4bd2f4781009fb35!} {!LANG-190e85d1c7fc47a85da5431ec6f71c48!}{!LANG-18e0803875d5bc41af5f01fada5947d1!}

purpose{!LANG-a3463354123df639de8910243376c292!} "Hunters and hares".purpose{!LANG-3c377743842cf2b690460434f46aed21!} {!LANG-9609ace3d2c0e4b409f2388bd5ce2fe5!}



purpose{!LANG-b977365aac638bf7f806945c34701b9d!} activity{!LANG-698cbc4ff8ca74093523bb589ec58791!} purpose{!LANG-6502bc42c26e95abd5525ed1ae6265bd!}


Evening{!LANG-e189757e3a6a57845f7fcfa728aa09ec!} {!LANG-e2b0732887306515e977591c2c64afd6!}{!LANG-db0114a55e3d94fbd6debe190019f260!}


purpose{!LANG-57f24799a1ed577392686c27741d98b0!} {!LANG-22b96750362a2e3b76b0105c8de069a0!}{!LANG-a876f9162d18ee57bbbee98d6c50b936!} {!LANG-28ef47363b3817d0d0169fb8d6276d0c!}{!LANG-80aa37a33961f17f75a9c63e2084bbe7!} {!LANG-4e0669f6e91bd036984ed19d17c1004c!}.

purpose{!LANG-f4a00f63ab67b005dbbac3af639a4668!} {!LANG-4ed5d61b371ef6b6282e4ba5b02034f6!}.

purpose{!LANG-6794fafcd9c5a5e9d2bc87534c2a893e!} {!LANG-3466048bbc908a81bbeb99a8df04db75!}{!LANG-005e6bda57ed538e95352f41d9f82532!} {!LANG-152fe0c90cd161f6195d98e1c49ea80e!}.

purpose{!LANG-c4f9ea055b995070cbb4d3f25cb41215!} activity{!LANG-774d5e8c0e14b60e098b7a53357184b6!}




{!LANG-76ff8faf5eccc67e963cbdcb8ae9c8d6!} purpose:{!LANG-f134b2a345cb1617e070803a7313a6e7!}{!LANG-cdf80c6938b3d4c2e1a825a0314539ca!} {!LANG-e127743a8f7c96e81e6d69c6360c8916!}.















{!LANG-f932b1518dfb68b95955e17a9b5efd12!}Cognitive developmentSpeech developmentPhysical development


{!LANG-f932b1518dfb68b95955e17a9b5efd12!}Socio-communicative developmentCognitive developmentSpeech developmentArtistic and aesthetic developmentPhysical development