White flag with blue cross which country. Curious symbol - oblique cross on various flags of the world

White flag with blue cross which country. Curious symbol - oblique cross on various flags of the world
White flag with blue cross which country. Curious symbol - oblique cross on various flags of the world

Against the background of common concerns about the formation of Russia as a maritime power, Peter the Great to avoid spraying of naval forces already in 1724 signed a decree creating a customs fleet. The decree demanded from the commerce-collegium "to have customs yachts with ministers for all shipments of merchant affairs"; important milestone In the formation of the marine border service of Russia, the publication in 1731 of the "maritime duty charter", which regulates the course for the creation of a special border customs flotilla, intended exclusively for the protection of maritime borders in a customs relationship.

In the middle of the red coat of arms three silver crosses Andrei the First Called is shown on the black strip. Andreevsky crosses are named after Andrei Apostle, who deceased from martyrdom on such a cross. The origin of the emblem is unknown. The black strip can represent the water on which the city lies. On the other hand, it is also believed that three crosses represent three defeats with which Amsterdam fought: plague, fire and water. Two lions were added to the coat of arba as sled carriers.

Today you can find three Crosses of St. Andrews throughout the city. Among other things, they decorate the ubiquitous street stands that demarcate sidewalks in Amsterdam from the street. But also on many souvenirs and other Amsterdam products, you can find three Crosses Andrei Andrei from the coat of arms of Amsterdam. Fashionable slogan city in the form of red and white letters before State Museum became a particularly popular photo. The flag indicates the belonging. If two different flags come into play - whether it is an overlay or official appearance of representatives of one nation is complicated.

His desire to bring Russia to new level - The powers of the world marine value - Peter spread on symbolism, preferred the flag with the Andreevsky cross - the symbol of the coming lift, emphasizing that the Andreev flag is chosen to them in honor of St. Andrew of the First-Called "For the fact that Russia received from this apostle holy Baptism" Additionally, the Andreevsky flag on the thought of Peter I showed that Russia has access to four seas. It is logical to assume that the flag of Scotland's selected in Europe (blue with the White Andreevsky Cross) was influenced by Peter's choice. St. Andrey was considered the patron saint of Scotland long before the introduction of his cult in Russia. And Peter could well copy the famous Scottish Order of St. Andrei, deciding to transfer to Russian land and the Andreevsky flag, only changing his colors.

For example, when white Cross Appears to hang next to twelve stars on a blue background. During the World Cup on Many windows hung small and large Swiss flags - at least to Round 16 - throughout Switzerland: the White Cross in the Red Field! Some members of a more solid and very solid residence also noted their relations with two flags. In addition to the Swiss flag, they raised, for example, Italian or Portuguese.

Thus, they expressed their double attachment. By the way, as in some discharges during the year. However, due to a special problem, the flag of which can be or not to be at the top of the flagpole. With this car, you could signal double identification, since, fortunately, the car has two sides: on the one hand, for example, the obligation of Switzerland, on the other hand, in Germany or the German Elf.

In 1701, instead of a single feed flag, three varieties were introduced (for different parts Fleet): White (Cordbatalia), Blue (avant-garde) and red (Ariergard) with St. Andrew's Cross in the White Canton. The names of the fleet parts originated from French words: "Corps de Bataille", "Avant Guarde" and "Arriere Guarde".

Finally, the Andreev flag formed by 1712, the ends of the crosses began to reach the corners of the flag (before that, the cross was often "free"). "Colored" flags have been preserved in a Russian fleet until 1865, although they were canceled in 1732-1743 and 1764-1797 ... In 1868, the Baltic Customs Cruising Flotily establishes, to which the borders in the customs, quarantine, political and police and police relationships.

All these are familiar phenomena that do not require further consideration. On the other hand, official press conferences broadcast by television media in the Media Center of Bern are serious problem: There are two Swiss flag each, one left and one right. Why two, one unwittingly asks himself. Are there two at least one? And if a few, is it not just a whole wall of flags, how do you sometimes see in the speeches of the American president?

Flags of countries say they transmit content, on the one hand, and require relationships on the other side. In both directions, we are talking about almost the highest: about a whole country, its values, its history, its peoples, etc. As well as about great devotion with a margin of special and egoistic interests.

The customs sales flag approved on September 2, 1827 (September 2, a note is dated a note by the Minister of Finance "On Flags on Customs Buildings and Courts"). He was light green with the White Andreevsky Cross.

Significant processes can also be expressed by moving flags: in case state Funds, Government appeals, anniversaries, for example, flags rise, are canceled in the event of surrender or are placed on a half mast with official traw.

Own, the French tricolor was excluded. This general approach was specially directed against Algerian fans. In other countries, national flags are always combined with the European flag. Thus, nationalism is somewhat relating to the recognition of a supranational umbrella organization.

In 1865, this flag was abolished, and by the Decree of March 1, 1871, the flag of customs courts for the whole empire was introduced - blue with the national flag in the canton and crossed caduces under it; Before that, he was the flag of the Customs Service of Finland (1813-1872).

In 1893 at the proposal of the Minister of Finance of Count S.Yu. Witte Alexander III signed a decree to the Governing Senate on the creation of a separate corps of the Border Guard (OKPS). After the enhancement of the body with new courts in 1896, the swimming of the vessels of the flotilla was already under the special flag of marine border guard. A little run ahead, it is necessary to note the fact that the councils in 1919 decided to eliminate the RAWSHPS, condemning themselves to start solving everything border Problems "From scratch", instead of borrowing perfectly well-coordinated (albeit the royal) system.

Usually it consists of fabric, but other materials, such as paper, plastic or metal, are used. Flags serve to visually transfer information, initially for greater distance, from the ship to the ship. Often this means affiliation or representation of communities and corporations.

Let's go back to the strange dual presence of Swiss flags. This sharply contrasts with the presence of an official flag in other states. We are talking About the national, truly operating France or, possibly, no less than national, configured Slovenia: Since national flags always coincide with the European flag. This can be reassuring the impact on the audience of other states. Because it shows that nationalism is not absolutized, but something relate to the commitment of a supranational umbrella organization.

Until 1917, organizational changes in the flotilla was not, and such a system of maritime border and customs supervision was carried out to last days The existence of a separate border guard hull. This practice is not only preserved, but also gained further development in Soviet times.

IN time of Troubles Transition from Russian Empire To the USSR, the young republic had its own border flotilla. Flag of flotilla was red with lites "P.F." And the inscription "RSFSR" in the canton.

This little relativization is not necessarily due to the national confession. Both characters are at different levels. Often, such relativization is allowed to the bottom, not only in Switzerland. Even in non-Swiss regions of Europe, municipal and regional flags are quite common. This leads to the fact that a person is recognized in three-part symbolism.

Blue Star Banner belongs to the Council of Europe, to which Switzerland is a member of more than half a century. Thus, the holding of two Swiss flags can be understood so that one of them is only aggregate. Filler for the European Flag, which could be created with the appropriate opportunity.

Pennant flotilla was also red with the literals "PF", the male star and the gold letters "RSFSR" were placed on the white square.

Due to the end Civil War And the need to ensure reliable protection of the RSFSR borders acutely arose about the recreation of border troops. On September 27, 1922, the STR made a decision on the transfer of land and sea border RSFSR State Political Office (GPU) under the NKVD and on the formation of a separate border corps (OPK) of the GPU troops. So since 1924, the first banners and pennants of the sea forces were made for the USSR.

However, the Blue Star Banner belongs to the Council of Europe, to which Switzerland is a member of more than half a century. To demonize this sign, it would be equivalent to the children's attitude of anti-European funds, which demonstrately turn away from this melody with the final passage of the Symphony of Beethoven, because it is also used as the anthem of the European Community - as in the case of the opening of the new European Parliamentary authority.

Swiss commitment to Christianity?

To fill this renunciation, the phrase was adopted "created from the cultural, religious and humanistic heritage of Europe." In the context of the national day, you can want to have less "cunning" thoughts set before the new explanation where Switzerland has a cross on its flag. However, superstitious supporters believe that the flag is under threat, because "left reformers" wanted to end this due to inappropriate respect for Muslims living in Switzerland. This accusation is not only deceiving, but also consciously poison our social coexistence.

The feed flag of the border flotilla of OGPU (1924) was the green flag with a reduced flag of the Navy in the canton (he was the personal flag of the chairman of the OGPU).

After changing the flag of the Navy in 1935, the green flag with the naval flag in the canton was first the feed flag of the border guard ships of the NKVD of the USSR, then became the naval flag of ships and vessels of the border troops of the USSR.

In any case, Switzerland with his cross is not more Christian than all countries that "simply" have a tricolor: from France to the Netherlands, Belgium, Germany, Italy, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria to Russia, but on the contrary - English, Scottish and Irish , as well as the Scandinavian states having a cross in national symbol, not particularly Christians.

On the one hand, the cross is indeed christian signBut in the flag language, it will definitely have only secular meaning. Anyone who sees the cross on the tail part of the Swiss car, for example, will not feel the same as if he saw him during the procession in the corps-Christie. This ordinary sign should not and should not be a problem for most Muslims living in Switzerland. To assume that they work on its elimination, is also one of the defamations that will damage the entire Switzerland.

The red-known naval flag of ships and vessels of the border troops was also green with the Red Banner Naval Flag of the USSR in a hatch. The pennant of the border troops was green, the maternity flag of the USSR.

After the collapse of the USSR, the task of creating border troops Russian Federation. In 1992, border troops of the Russian Federation were created, which were subordinated to the Ministry of Security. In 1993, a federal border service was formed - the main command of the border troops of the Russian Federation with the status of the Federal Ministry, which since 1994 was renamed the Federal Border Guard Service (FPS of Russia).

It is said that in the battle of Laumina Bern and immigrants from Central Switzerland sewed this sign from crossed linen bands as a practical function on their clothing. The explanatory thread of Swiss and Schwitz Heraldry actually leads to Christian symbolism.

Another thread of explanation emphasizes the practical and non-religious side of this mark. The sign can already be seen in "especially in the battle of Laupin", Bern and immigrants from Central Switzerland, as they say, sewed this sign, probably, from crossed linen bands, as a practical function on the items of clothing to distinguish themselves from opposite Habsburgs, whose There is a red cross wore. The sign was also used for a century on the banners of mixed, sometimes special formative troops, because the cantonal authorities with their signs were not responsible for them.

In early 1992, the All-Armenian Officer Assembly requested about the replacement of the USSR Naval Flag at the Russian Flag of Russia - Andreevsky Flag, and on January 16 at the meeting of the CIS Chapters, it was decided to raise on ships former USSR Andreev flags, that is, the flags of the USSR - Russia successors (courts transmitted by other CIS countries raised the flags of the relevant states). Then new drawings of all fleet flags were developed, and on July 21, 1992, decree No. 798 was signed by the President of Russia on the approval of new flags. On July 26, new flags were solemnly raised on the ships of the Navy.

The creator of the flag and the flag of Heinz Heenner with pride believes. He discovers with a misunderstanding. Grilled ships custhela. If you start with a well-smelling chest to "at dawn", the distinguishing Swiss flag rose highly on Synnis - "640 square metering fabric weighing 700 kilograms," says Heinz Heger. The fact that three undersecated from the flag of Wheeler and the creator of the flag named Heimgartner worked for all days.

IN national holiday The gigantic flag makes his big appearance. Strictly speaking, it is not a flag. But the flag - says Heinz Heger. At least, not for this exhibit with a national appeal. In Germany, on the other hand, the terms are strictly separated from each other: "Since the flag, for example, blows into the sea, this is also the name of the flagship," says Heinz Heger. And before the ship can be sold to another country, it will need to mark it. Since the flag is on the shore, deserters perform desertion. The flag arises from Latin: Fano means "fabric".

In 2003, in accordance with the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation, the border service became part of the FSB of Russia. At the meetings of the Security Council of the Russian Federation in September 2003 and the State Border Commission in November 2003, it was decided to form a unified system for the protection of the national interests of Russia in the border sphere.

No more than five equal squares

The term comes from "drapery", and in French also means "fabric" or "fabric". In any case, this Swiss pancake is almost unique in its form. There is another square flag in the world: Vatican. Previously, a square shape of gelvetov was selected. In January of this year, it is established by law. In addition, the Swiss Cross at that time consisted of five equal squares in the middle of the square flag.

But the Swiss Cross is still similar to the cross than on the plus sign. He is still popular today. "Swiss people are proud again," says Heinz Heger, and this real color" It was not so long ago. For lovers of the distant north of Great Britain, the look at the flag of Scotland continues to beat the heart: the white cross on a light blue background seems to be a clear statement in his simplicity, the expression of the pride of the Scottish nation and a reminder of the people who never wanted to be beaten. The flag of Scotland is one of the oldest flags in the world, and his story dates back to the time when King King Hungus in 832 led the Army of Pictites and Scots in the war against the Anglo-Saxons, who pushed up the highlands from the south, he saw white clouds formed in the morning White cross against blue sky.

The close connection of the marine border space and the sea coast of Russia, border activity in them is naturally demanding the creation of a single organizational structure border authorities performing tasks both in the sea and on sea coast. Currently, work is underway to form the border guard bodies of the coast guard as a single organizational structure of border bodies operating in the offshore directions.

At night he dreamed that the Apostle Andrew was talking to him, assuring him that his army would win. The diagonal cross was important for Honggu that the apostle was crucified on the diagonal cross. After him, he also bears the name of the St.herreyevsky Cross. After the victory of the Pictites and the Scotch, the relics of the saint were brought to the city on the east coast, which today also carries his name: St.

Order your Scotland flag here. And so the flag of Scotland remained a symbol of courage and will to the fight, determined not to be defeated and be confident in the victory in the struggle for freedom and independence. The Scots still explode them with pride in the wind, and their eyes have something relating to at least from the moment of the film "Brave Heart" for non-Scottish. I wonder what blue flag It was not identified to this day. Thus, you can detect a wide variety of shades of blue in the flags of Scotland.

"The Navy creates and maintains the conditions for ensuring the safety of the Morchean activity of the Russian Federation in the World Ocean, provides the naval presence of the Russian Federation in the World Ocean, the demonstration of the flag and military force, visits of ships and courts Navy, participation in military, peacekeeping and humanitarian actions that meet the interests of the Russian Federation carried out by the global community.

The sea doctrine of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2020 was approved by the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin on July 27, 2001 No. PR-1387.

P.S. The encyclopedia diverged among specialists instantly. It got this superable manual with a small tolia of military film director. It is extremely clear - the publication should be collaborated. Or Olympic Games We are more expensive than the protection of the Fatherland?

JULY 28TH, 2014

Hello respected!
We will continue our topic of oblique cross in various banners and steaks. In previous parts, we mentioned countries and areas: Today it's time to talk about the cities.
As not paradoxically, the country itself will be .... There is no Scotland, but Malta! As much as 5 (!) Cities have twigs with a slash cross.
But I propose not to start with them, but with one very beloved famous domestic literary Character city. In the place where everything is "stolen in white pants" :-)) Yes, yes - I am about Rio. "January river", and it is so literally translated by Rio de -Zhanairo, it is at the heart of the stale, which pleases the eye to any Russian sailor. That kind Andreevsky :-)

Flag of Rio

In the middle of the flag there is a modernized (other colors) of the coat of arms of the city - the sphere with 3 arrows and the Frigian cap with the municipal crown and 2 dolphins as a pawn. Sphere - communication with Portugal; 3 arrows - symbol of the patron of the city of St. Sebastian, and the hood is a famous symbol of freedom. Blue-white color Flag is the vintage colors of Portugal. The first Portuguese county had a straight flag blue Cross On a white cloth.

Ostap's dream :-)

Arkhangelsk was never twinned by Rio, but if you look at the flag ..... Although in fact this stable flag is identical to the banner of the whole area, but I decided to remember it here, and not in the previous part. On Andreevsky oblique cross, symbolizing crucial roleHe played and plays Arkhangelsk for the formation and development of the Russian fleet, the center of Archhangelsk is imposed in the center. As you understand the city received my name in honor of one of the ArchRearts (more about heavenly troops can be read here :), and specifically - Archangel Mikhail.

Coat of Arch of Arkhangelsk region and de facto city Arkhangelsk

One and depicts on the coat of arms, drinking the devil with a flaming blade in his hand. Everything is beautiful and noble, if not only one. The fact is that there is some conflict of interest. Saint Michael has his own cross. This or equilateral red on a white background, or a golden straight or even in the form of a blade on a blue background. But not oblique. Therefore, some disharmony in the beautiful flag of Arkhangelsk and the Archangelogo region is present.

He is:-)

Similar to the flag of 2 previous cities can also be found in Brazil. This is a large millionth called Fortaleza - the capital of Seara. In the center of the Andreevsky Cross is the coat of arms of the city of Golden Tower among the waters. This is a hint of Fort Fortalez de Nos Senor de Assuneau, from which the city arose. In general, Fortaleza translated from Portuguese this is the "fortress".

Fortaleza banner

3 cities in Florida have an oblique cross in their banners. However, the Red Cross (like the Flag of the State) is only one - in Panama City. In the center of the Cross - a medallion with a seal (coat of arms) of the city.

Panama City Flag

The remaining 2 cross of other colors. In Hollywood (Florida, not California - it is important not to confuse) the cross is green.

Hollywood, yes not :-)

At the capital of the state - Tallahassee - flag repeats Scottish with medal and seal in the middle.

And at the town of Coral Springs, the cross and the three-color - green and white-blue.

Three-color cross

In Spain, there are also 2 deck, where we can observe the oblique cross on municipal banners. This Wine Capital Country is the city of Logrono in the province of La Rioja. This town is also known for fans of football. In now, Logrones, Oleg Salenko, who ceased to exist, won the departivo Logrones 2 years.

Salenko in Logrones

Red cross in the center is crown of coat of arms of the city. Red Cross - Allusion on Burgundy, and we can see the bridge in the coat of arms. At the place of crossing through the full-flow river Ebro, once a long time ago, this city has arisen.

Flag Logrono

But Castro-Urdiales, that in the province of Kanabaria, a flag is a bit different. The cross is white on a green background. This color is mad, since this region is often called "Green Spain" - here the coldest climate in the country, but the richest vegetation. In the center of the flag, the complex coat of arms of the city,which displays its rich history. The basis is the coat of arms of Castile and Leon, the kingdom, under the control of which the city was when it was (a little more details, you can see here :).

The bottom portion shows the port and fishing boats - 2 industries that always fed the city. Between them, apparently depicts the Biscay whale - the subspecies of southern China family of smooth whales, which theoretically can be contemplated in those latitudes. And on the same shield you can see 2 Iberian wolves under one of the oldest symbols of that region - the oak of Gernikov, a sheephair cross.

And coat of arms Castro Urdiales

In the Netherlands, the topic of the oblique cross in the municipal flags also takes place. Community Kauthek (Dirgon's homeland Kyuta, by the way), which will soon become one city in the province of South Holland has the Andreevsky flag with a red and yellow triangle. These are the colors of the coat of arms that are displayed in the flag.

Banner Kathek

One of the Dutch Brad cities in South Brabant in the middle of the 20th century developed a new banner in which on the red field we can observe 3 small oblique cross. The banner is made on the basis of the coat of arms of the city. And in the coat of arms, the crosses appeared because of one of the branches of the princes Nassau, which belonged to the code of Breda. Although at all 3 oblique cross the topic in Dutch heraldry is very popular - I have about 35 coat of arms at one time with the like.

Brad flag

Well, the most famous flag of the Netherlands, in which oblique crosses are used, is definitely the capital. In the middle of the Red Flag on the black strip, which denotes the Amstel River, we can see 3 Kosy Andreevsky Cross, and not the letters XXX, as an indicator of entertainment for adults, as many think :-)

Staging Amsterdama

According to one of the versions, three crosses mean "Valor, Hardness and Mercy", on the other - should protect the city from the main misfortunes, with whom he often came across all his history - these are floods, fires and plague.

Capital of Netherlands

Stoying the South African Town Potchefstrum, the first capital South Africa RepublicIt is a blue cloth with an overlaid white and red oblique cross.

This is :-)

Well, at the end of our narrative of the municipal century, it is worth mentioning Malta. On this wonderful island, all the tiny, including the city. But 4 of them have flags with oblique crosses. Luke where is located international AirportHas a red cross on a silver background.

Flag bows

The largest town in the north-east of Marsswalkk, completely repeats the Russian naval flag.

Marshalokka flag

Barbar has a white Andreevsky cross on a red background.


And 2 cities have very bright flags. One of the so-called 3 cities in the Metropolitan District of Senglea has a yellow flag with a black oblique cross and 5 white sinks on it. This city is named after 48 Great Master of Master of Hospitallers Claude de la Senglan. And the city's banner displays the generic emblem of this French nobleman.

Flag Salnea

The coat of arms of the town of the sewers is simply rosy (from a positive point of view this term) Adorable. Yellow-red zigzag is hints on the fields and valleys, and white-blue - on the waves of the sea.

Flag of Shex

To be continued...
Good day!