Figure on the theme of Orpheus and Evridic. Picture "Orpheus, leading heredge through the underground world" Jean Batist Camille Coro

Figure on the theme of Orpheus and Evridic. Picture
Figure on the theme of Orpheus and Evridic. Picture "Orpheus, leading heredge through the underground world" Jean Batist Camille Coro

The myth of OFEE and his beloved Euridic is one of the most famous myths about love. This mysterious singer himself, which is not so many reliable information, is not less interesting. The myth of the ORFE, about which we will tell, are just one of the few legends dedicated to this character. A variety of legends and fairy tales are also folded about the battery.

The myth of ORFEE and Euridic: summary

In Frakia, located in the north of Greece, lived, according to legend, this great singer. Translated his name means "attending light." He had a wonderful gift songs. Over all of the Greek Earth, thank about him. Eurydice, young beauty, loved him for the beautiful songs and became his wife. Myth about Orpheus and Euridic begins with the description of these happy events.

However, the short-lived was the carefree happiness of the beloved. The myth of the AFFE continues the fact that once the spouses went to the forest. Orpheus sang and played on the seven-time kifare. Evridica began to collect flowers growing in glazes.

Abduction of Evridika

Suddenly the girl preparing that someone runs through her forest. She was frightened and rushed to an orfeit, throwing flowers. The girl fled on the grass, without disassembling the road, and suddenly got a snake in around her legs and stung by Euridic. The girl shouted loudly from fear and pain. She fell on the grass. Hearing a plaintive cry of his spouse, Orpheus hurried to her help. But he managed to see only how big black wings flashed between the trees. Death carried a girl in the underground kingdom. I wonder what will continue the myth of ORFEE and Euridic, is not it?

Mount Orpheus

Very big was the mountain of the Great Singer. After reading the myth about Orpheus and Euridic, we learn that the young man left people and spent all days alone, running along the forests. In his songs, Orpheus poured his longing. They had such force that the trees came out from the seats surrounded the singer. From the holes left the beasts, the stones moved all closer, and the birds left the nests. Everyone listened to the beloved girl to the orphea.

Orpheus goes to the kingdom of the dead

Days went, but the singer could not comfort himself. His sadness grew every hour. I realized that he could no longer live without a spouse, he decided to go to the underground kingdom of Aida in order to find her. Log in there Orpheus searched for a long time. Finally, he found a stream in the deep cave of the father. He tech in the river Styx underground. Orpheus descended the stream of the stream and got to the shore of Stiks. He opened the kingdom of the dead, which started behind this river. Deep and black were stycase waters. The living thing was scared in them to stand.

Aid gives Euridic

Orpheus passed a lot of tests in this terrible place. Love helped him cope with everything. In the end, Orpheus reached the Aida Palace, the Lord of the Underground Kingdom. He appealed to him with a request to return Eurydice, such a young and beloved girl. Aid squeezed over the singer and agreed to give him his wife. However, it was necessary to observe one condition: it was impossible to look at Euridic until he would lead her to the kingdom of living. Orpheus gave a promise that throughout the path he would not turn around and look at his beloved. In case of violation of the ban, the singer threatened to lose his spouse forever.

Return trip

Orpheus quickly went to the exit from the underground kingdom. He passed the possession of Aida in the form of a spirit, and the shadow of Eurydika followed him. Lovers sat in a boat of Charon, who silently transferred spouses to the banks of life. A steep rocky path led to the ground. Orpheus slowly climbed upstairs. Around it was quiet and dark. It seemed that no one was walking behind him.

Violation of the prohibition and its consequences

But ahead began to brighten, the exit to the ground was already close. And the smaller the distance before the exit, all the brighter became. Finally, it became clear everything around. Orpheus heart squeezed alarm. He began to doubt whether Eurydick was followed. Forgetting about your promise, the singer turned around. For a moment, he saw a beautiful face, a cute shadow ... The myth of ORFEE and Euridica tells that this shadow immediately flew off, dissolved in the darkness. Orpheus with a desperate cry began to descend along the path back. He again came to the shore of Stiks and began to call the carrier. Praying Orpheus: Nobody responded. The singer sat for a long time on the styx shore and waited. However, he never waited for anyone. He had to return to Earth and continue to live. Forget Eurydich, his only love, he could not. In his songs and in the heart there lived the memory of her. Evridica is the divine soul of Orpheus. It connects with it only after death.

This ends the myth of the ORFEE. A summary of it will supplement the main images presented in it.

The image of the orpheus

Orpheus is a mysterious image that meets in general in a number of Greek myths. This is a symbol of the musician, the power of the sounds of the conquering world. It is able to move plants, animals and even stones, as well as cause the gods of the underworld (underground world) that does not have compassion. The orpheus image symbolizes also overcoming alienation.

This singer can be viewed as an impersonation of the force of art that promotes the transformation into Cosmos of Chaos. Thanks to the art, the world of harmony and causality, images and forms, that is, the "human world" is created.

Orpheus, which had incapable to keep his love, was also a symbol of human weakness. Because of her, he could not move the fatal threshold and failed in his attempt to return Eurydice. This is a reminder that there is a tragic side in life.

The orpheus image is also considered to be the mythical personification of one secret exercise, on which the planets move around the sun, located in the center of the universe. The source of universal harmony and communication is the strength of its attraction. And the rays emanating from it are the reason why particles are moving in the universe.

Image of Evridika

The myth about Orpheus is a legend in which the image of Euridic is a symbol of oblivion and silent knowledge. This is the idea of \u200b\u200babundance and silent omniscience. In addition, it is correlated with the image of music, in search of which Orpheus is.

The kingdom of Aida and the image of the Lyra

The kingdom of Aida, depicted in myth, is the kingdom of the dead, starting far in the West, where the sun is immersed in the marine punching. So the idea of \u200b\u200bwinter, darkness, death, nights appears. The elements of Aida is the Earth, again picking up his children to himself. However, the sprouts of the new life are taught in her lap.

The image of the lyre is a magic element. With it, Orpheus touches the hearts of both people and gods.

Reflection of myth in literature, painting and music

For the first time, this myth is mentioned in the compositions of publicing Ovid Name, the largest "metamorphosis" - a book that is its main work. In it, Ovid sets about 250 myths about the transformation of the heroes and the gods of ancient Greece.

The myth of the ORFE was described in this author and the times attracted poets, composers and artists. Almost all of his plots are presented in painting. Tapolo, Rubens, Coro and others. For this plot created a lot of operas: "Orpheus" (1607 year, author - K. Monteverdi), "Orpheus in hell" (Operetta of 1858, written in J. Offenbach), "Orpheus" (1762, author - K. V. Glitch).

As for the literature, in Europe in the 20-40s of the 20th century, this topic was developed by J. Anui, R. M. Rilke, P. J. Zhós, I. Gol, A. Ya and others. At the beginning of the 20th century, in Russian poetry, the motives of the myth were reflected in the work of M. Tsvetaeva ("Fedra") and in the works of O. Mandelstam.

"- a famous picture that the French artist wrote Jean Batist Camille Coro (1796-1875). The picture was written on the basis of one of the one who tells about the AFEE musician and his wife - Nymph Euridic. It is worth noting that Camille Coro is not the only artist who appealed to this myth to create a picturesque web, for example, Nikola Poussin has a painting "Landscape with Orfeps and Euridic". It is also worth aware that the Legend of ORFEE and Euridic played a very important role in the development of the opera.

Brief description of the myth "Orpheus and Evridika"

Euridica - Beautiful Nymph became the wife of the great musician Orpheus. Orpheus, in turn, was the son of the river god Eager and Music Kallopa. Orpheus loved his wife greatly, but his happiness was prevented by a bite of a poisonous snake. From the bite, his favorite muse died.

After a long sufferment, Orpheus decided to return Evening and descended into the kingdom of the dead. Here he met the carrier of the Soul of Charon, who fascinated with his music on the Lira and he caring him to the other side of the Styx River, in the kingdom of Aida. Orpheus struck and the king of Aida, so that he agreed to let go of Eurydice into the world of living, but only with one condition. Hermes will go ahead of him, behind which Orpheus should follow relentlessly. Euridic will go behind him. Whatever happens, he should not look around. If the Orpheus is at least just look back - his wife will return to the world of dead. Orpheus agreed and went after Hermes.

They walked for a long time in the twilight. Since Euridic in the world of the dead was only a shadow, he absolutely did not hear her steps and constantly doubted whether his beloved was lagging behind, wasn't he lost in the darkness? And now ahead has cut the light, which pointed to the exit to the world of alive. The path began to climb up, everything around is cluttered with stones. Orpheus was even more worried that Euridic lagged behind, because when he was already so nearby, he can just lose her ... and then turned around. Orpheus saw his wife very close, but the instruction of Aida worked and she immediately disappeared.

Jean Batist Camille Coro - Orpheus, leading heredge through the underground world

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In the north of Greece, in Thrace, the singer of Orpheus lived. The wonderful gift of the songs was with him, and glory about it was on the whole earth of the Greeks.

For the songs loved his beauty Euridic. She became his wife. But their happiness was short-lived.

Once Orpheus and Eurydick were in the forest. Orpheus played on his seven-string kifare and sang. Evridic collected flowers in the glades. It imperceptibly she moved away from her husband, in the forest wilderness. Suddenly it came to her that someone runs through the forest, breaking the bitch, chasing her, she was frightened and, throwing flowers, ran back to the Orpheus. She fled, without disassembling the roads, on thick grass and in a rapid run stepped into a snake nest. The snake was wound around her legs and stung. Evridik shouted loudly from pain and fear and fell on the grass.

Orpheus heard from published a plaintive cry of his wife and hurried to her. But he saw a big black wings flashed between the trees, "this death carried Euridic to the underground kingdom.

Veliko was Mount Orpheus. He left people and spent one whole days, running along the forests, pouring his longing in the songs. And such force was in these dreary songs that the trees went away from their places and surrounded the singer. The beasts were out of holes, birds left their nests, the stones moved closer. And everyone listened to how he was for his beloved.

There were nights and days, but Orpheus could not comfort himself, his sadness grew up every hour.

- No, I can not live without Euridika! - he said. - I do not cute the earth without it. Let my death take me, even if in the underground kingdom I will be with my beloved!

But death did not come. And Orpheus decided to go to the kingdom of the dead.

For a long time he was looking for the entrance to the underground kingdom and, finally, in the deep cave of Tanar found a river, which was in the underground river Styx. In the direction of this stream, Orpheus descended deeply under the ground and reached the shore of Stiks. Behind this river began the kingdom of the dead.

Black and deep stycase water, and terribly living to step into them. Sighs, quiet crying I heard Orpheus behind your back - these are the shadows of the dead waited, like he, crossing the country, from where there is no refund.

A boat separated from the opposite shore: the carrier of the dead, Charon, sailed behind new aliens. Silently moored to the shore of Haron, and the shadows fled down the boat. Orpheus began to ask Charon:

- Transfer me to the shore! But Charon refused:

- Only the dead I translate to the shore. When you die, I will come after you!

- shy! - Prayal Orpheus. - I do not want to live more! It is hard for me to stay on earth! I want to see my Eurydich!

The harsh carrier pushed him out and already wanted to move off from the shore, but Kifara strings were plaintively, and Orpheus soldered. Under the gloomy villages of Aida, sad and gentle sounds were separated. Cold Waves Stiks stopped, and Haron himself, leaning on the paddle, heard songs. Orpheus entered the boat, and Charon obediently translate him to the other side. Having heard a hot song of living on unreasonable love, the shadows of the dead flew from all sides. Fucking Orpheus on the silent kingdom of the dead, and no one stopped him.

So he reached the Palace of the Lord of the underground kingdom - Aida and entered into an extensive and gloomy hall. The Grozny Aid was sitting high on the gold throne and his beautiful Persephone queen.

With a sparkling sword in his hand, in a black cloak, with huge black wings, stood behind Aida, the god of death, and his servants were crowded around him, casters that fly on the battlefield and take away their lives from warriors. On the side of the throne, harsh judges of the underground kingdom were sitting and judged the dead for their earthly affairs.

In the dark corners of the hall, behind the columns, the memories were hidden. In their hands there were benefits from living snakes, and they hurt the challenge stood before the court.

Many of all sorts of monsters saw Orpheus in the kingdom of the dead: Lamyia, which steals at nights of young children in mothers, and a terrible income with donkey legs, drinking the blood of people, and fierce stygian dogs.

Only the younger brother of the God of death - the god of sleep, young hypnos, beautiful and joyful, rushed around the hall on his lung wings, interfering with a Silver Horn of a sleepy drink, to which no one on Earth could resist, - Even the great thumbs up Zeus falls asleep when the hypnos splashes In him with its potion.

Aid looked at Orpheus Grozno, and everything around trembled.

But the singer approached the throne of gloomy lord and was still inspired: he sang about his love for Eurydice.

I didn't breathe the Persephone song, and the tears rolled out of her beautiful eyes. The Terrible Aid bowed his head on his chest and thought. God of death lowered down his sparkling sword.

Singer fell silence, and long lasting silence. Then raised the head of aid and asked:

- What are you looking for, singer, in the kingdom of the dead? Tell me what you want, and I promise you to fulfill your request.

Orpheus said Aida:

- Vladyka! Protect our life on earth, and all of us ever overtake death and takes into your kingdom, - none of the mortals can avoid it. But I, alive, I myself came to the kingdom of the dead asking you: Turn back to me by my Euridic! She still lived so little on Earth, so little managed to glanly, he loved so much ... let go, the lord, her land! Let her still live a little in the world, let me enjoy the sun, warm and the light and greens of the fields, the spring delegation of forests and my love. After all, anyway after she returns to you!

So I spoke Orpheus and asked Persenefon:

- Pot the beautiful queen! You know how good life is on earth! Help me return my Eurydich!

- Let it be the way you ask! Said Aid Orpheus. - I will return to you Eurydich. You can lead it to the top, on light ground. But you must promise ...

- All you can do! - exclaimed Orpheus. - I am ready for everything to see my Eurydich again!

"You don't have to see her until you marry," said Aid. "Go back to Earth and know: Euridic will go behind you. But do not look back and do not try to look at it. You will look around - you will lose it forever!

And Aid ordered Euridic to follow the orfeggle.

Quickly headed Orpheus to the exit from the kingdom of the dead. Like the Spirit, he passed the country of death, and the shadow of Eurydika was behind him. They entered Haron's boat, and he silently translate them back to the shore of life. A cool rocky path led upstairs to Earth.

Slowly rose to the mountain Orpheus. It was dark and quietly around and quietly was behind him, as if no one was walking behind him. Only his heart pounded:

"Evridika! Eurydick! "

Finally ahead began to brighten, there was a way to enter the ground. And the closer there was a way out, the brighter became ahead, and now everything became clearly visible around.

Anxiety squeezed Orpheus's heart: Is Euridica? Does it go for him?

Forgetting everything in the world, Orpheus stopped and looked back.

- Where are you, Evridik? Give a look at you! For a moment, quite close, he saw a cute shadow, expensive, beautiful face ... But only for a moment.

Immediately flew away the shadow of Eurydika, disappeared, melted in the darkness.

- Evridik?!

Orpheus began to descend back along the path and again came to the coast of black stycase and the rank of carrier. But in vain he prayed and called: no one responded to his plea. Long sat Orpheus on the shore of Stiks one and waited. He did not wait for anyone.

I had to return to Earth and live. But he could not forget his only love - Eurydich, and the memory of her lived in his heart and in his songs.

Hood Kislyakova

Smirnova V. // Heroes Ellala, - m.: "Children's literature", 1971 - C.103-109

In the north of Greece, in Thrace, the singer of Orpheus lived. The wonderful gift of the songs was with him, and glory about it was on the whole earth of the Greeks.

For the songs loved his beauty Euridic. She became his wife. But their happiness was short-lived.

Once Orpheus and Eurydick were in the forest. Orpheus played on his seven-string kifare and sang. Evridic collected flowers in the glades. It imperceptibly she moved away from her husband, in the forest wilderness. Suddenly it came to her that someone runs through the forest, breaking the bitch, chasing her, she was frightened and, throwing flowers, ran back to the Orpheus. She fled, without disassembling the roads, on thick grass and in a rapid run stepped into a snake nest. The snake was wound around her legs and stung. Evridik shouted loudly from pain and fear and fell on the grass.

Orpheus heard from published a plaintive cry of his wife and hurried to her. But he saw a big black wings flashed between the trees, "this death carried Euridic to the underground kingdom.

Veliko was Mount Orpheus. He left people and spent one whole days, running along the forests, pouring his longing in the songs. And such force was in these dreary songs that the trees went away from their places and surrounded the singer. The beasts were out of holes, birds left their nests, the stones moved closer. And everyone listened to how he was for his beloved.
There were nights and days, but Orpheus could not comfort himself, his sadness grew up every hour.
- No, I can not live without Euridika! - he said. - I do not cute the earth without it. Let my death take me, even if in the underground kingdom I will be with my beloved!

But death did not come. And Orpheus decided to go to the kingdom of the dead.
For a long time he was looking for the entrance to the underground kingdom and, finally, in the deep cave of Tanar found a river, which was in the underground river Styx. In the direction of this stream, Orpheus descended deeply under the ground and reached the shore of Stiks. Behind this river began the kingdom of the dead.

Black and deep stycase water, and terribly living to step into them. Sighs, quiet crying I heard Orpheus behind your back - these are the shadows of the dead waited, like he, crossing the country, from where there is no refund.

A boat separated from the opposite shore: the carrier of the dead, Charon, sailed behind new aliens. Silently moored to the shore of Haron, and the shadows fled down the boat. Orpheus began to ask Charon:
- Transfer me to the shore! But Charon refused:
- Only the dead I translate to the shore. When you die, I will come after you!
- shy! - Prayal Orpheus. - I do not want to live more! It is hard for me to stay on earth! I want to see my Eurydich!

The harsh carrier pushed him out and already wanted to move off from the shore, but Kifara strings were plaintively, and Orpheus soldered. Under the gloomy villages of Aida, sad and gentle sounds were separated. Cold Waves Stiks stopped, and Haron himself, leaning on the paddle, heard songs. Orpheus entered the boat, and Charon obediently translate him to the other side. Having heard a hot song of living on unreasonable love, the shadows of the dead flew from all sides. Fucking Orpheus on the silent kingdom of the dead, and no one stopped him.

So he reached the Palace of the Lord of the underground kingdom - Aida and entered into an extensive and gloomy hall. The Grozny Aid was sitting high on the gold throne and his beautiful Persephone queen.

With a sparkling sword in his hand, in a black cloak, with huge black wings, stood behind Aida, the god of death, and his servants were crowded around him, casters that fly on the battlefield and take away their lives from warriors. On the side of the throne, harsh judges of the underground kingdom were sitting and judged the dead for their earthly affairs.

In the dark corners of the hall, behind the columns, the memories were hidden. In their hands there were benefits from living snakes, and they hurt the challenge stood before the court.
Many of all sorts of monsters saw Orpheus in the kingdom of the dead: Lamyia, which steals at nights of young children in mothers, and a terrible income with donkey legs, drinking the blood of people, and fierce stygian dogs.
Only the younger brother of the God of death - the god of sleep, young hypnos, beautiful and joyful, rushed around the hall on his lung wings, interfering with a Silver Horn of a sleepy drink, to which no one on Earth could resist, - Even the great thumbs up Zeus falls asleep when the hypnos splashes In him with its potion.

Aid looked at Orpheus Grozno, and everything around trembled.
But the singer approached the throne of gloomy lord and was still inspired: he sang about his love for Eurydice.
I didn't breathe the Persephone song, and the tears rolled out of her beautiful eyes. The Terrible Aid bowed his head on his chest and thought. God of death lowered down his sparkling sword.

Singer fell silence, and long lasting silence. Then raised the head of aid and asked:
- What are you looking for, singer, in the kingdom of the dead? Tell me what you want, and I promise you to fulfill your request.

Orpheus said Aida:
- Vladyka! Protect our life on earth, and all of us ever overtake death and takes into your kingdom, - none of the mortals can avoid it. But I, alive, I myself came to the kingdom of the dead asking you: Turn back to me by my Euridic! She still lived so little on Earth, so little managed to glanly, he loved so much ... let go, the lord, her land! Let her still live a little in the world, let me enjoy the sun, warm and the light and greens of the fields, the spring delegation of forests and my love. After all, anyway after she returns to you!
So I spoke Orpheus and asked Persenefon:
- Pot the beautiful queen! You know how good life is on earth! Help me return my Eurydich!

Let it be the way you ask! Said Aid Orpheus. - I will return to you Eurydich. You can lead it to the top, on light ground. But you must promise ...
- All you can do! - exclaimed Orpheus. - I am ready for everything to see my Eurydich again!
"You don't have to see her until you marry," said Aid. "Go back to Earth and know: Euridic will go behind you. But do not look back and do not try to look at it. You will look around - you will lose it forever!
And Aid ordered Euridic to follow the orfeggle.

Quickly headed Orpheus to the exit from the kingdom of the dead. Like the Spirit, he passed the country of death, and the shadow of Eurydika was behind him. They entered Haron's boat, and he silently translate them back to the shore of life. A cool rocky path led upstairs to Earth.

Slowly rose to the mountain Orpheus. It was dark and quietly around and quietly was behind him, as if no one was walking behind him. Only his heart pounded:
"Evridika! Eurydick! "
Finally ahead began to brighten, there was a way to enter the ground. And the closer there was a way out, the brighter became ahead, and now everything became clearly visible around.
Anxiety squeezed Orpheus's heart: Is Euridica? Does it go for him?

Forgetting everything in the world, Orpheus stopped and looked back.
- Where are you, Evridik? Give a look at you! For a moment, quite close, he saw a cute shadow, expensive, beautiful face ... But only for a moment.

Immediately flew away the shadow of Eurydika, disappeared, melted in the darkness.
- Evridik?!

Orpheus began to descend back along the path and again came to the coast of black stycase and the rank of carrier. But in vain he prayed and called: no one responded to his plea. Long sat Orpheus on the shore of Stiks one and waited. He did not wait for anyone.

I had to return to Earth and live. But he could not forget his only love - Eurydich, and the memory of her lived in his heart and in his songs.

ARNO BREKER - Orpheus and Euridic 1944

Orpheus (Orfeuz) · Son of the Thracian river god Ehagra (Option: Apollo, Clem. Rom. HOM. V 15) and Music Callopa (Apollod. I 3, 2). Orpheus was famous for the singer and a musician, endowed with the magic power of art, which not only people were conquered, but also gods, and even nature. He participates in the campaign of argonauts, the game on the forming and prayers of the palace of waves and helping the rowers of the Argo ship (Diod. 43.1; 48,6). His music soothes anger of a powerful idas (Apollod. Rhod. I 492-515). Orpheus is married to Eurydice and, when she suddenly died of snake bite, goes to her the kingdom of the dead. Dog Aida Cerber, Erinia, Persephone and Aid are conquered by the game of Orpheus. Aid promises an orfeit to return Euridic to Earth, if he fulfills his request - will not look at his wife before entering his house. Happy Orpheus returns to his wife, but violates the ban, turning to his wife, who immediately disappears in the kingdom of death (Ovid. Met. X 1-63).
Orpheus did not read Dionysus, considering the greatest God of Helios and calling him Apollo. Angryed Dionysh Look at the Menad Orpheus. They confused Orpheus, scattering a part of his body throughout, collected and buried by muses (PS.-Eratosth. 24). The death of the Orpheus, who died from wild fury of the Vakhanok, mourned birds, beasts, forests, stones, trees fascinated by his music. His head along the Gabr River floats to the island of Lesbos, where Apollo takes her.
The shadow of the Orpheus descends in Aid, where it connects with Eurydich (Ovid. Met. Xi 1-66). At Lesbos, the head of Orpheus prophesied and worked wonders (Orph. Vit. FRG. 115, 118-119). According to Ovid (OVID. Met. XI 67-84), the booths were confused by the Orpheus and were punished by Dionysus: turned into oak trees.
In the myths about the ORFEE, a number of ancient motives are united (cf. Magic impact of Orpheus music and the myth about amphiona, Laundry of Orpheus in AID and the Herakla myth in Aida, the death of the Orpheus from the hands of the Wakhanok and the Uphraise Zagrey). Orpheus is close to Muses (EUR. Rhes. 943), he brother singer Lina (Apollod. I 3, 2). Orpheus - the founder of the flavored orgies (EUR. Hippol. 953) and ancient religious rites (ARISTOPH. RAN. 1032). It is dedicated to self-defragian mysteries (Diod. 43, 1). A system of religious and philosophical views is connected with the name of Orpheus (ORPH), which arose on Apollo-Dionysovsky synthesis in the VI century. BC. In Attica.

Orpheus and Eurydica

Ryland "Young Orpheus". 1901.

Orpheus, in ancient Greek mythology hero and traveler. Orpheus was the son of the Thracian river god Eagra and Music Kallopa. He was known as a talented singer and musician.

J.M. Svan. "Orpheus." 1896.
Orpheus took part in the campaign of Argonauts, he calmed the waves with his game on the forming and prayers and helped the rings of the Argo ship.
The hero married the beautiful Eurydice and, when she suddenly died of snake bite, followed her in the afterlife. The guardian of the otherworldly, the evil dog of Cercher, Persephone and Aid were enchanted by the magical music of the young man. Aid promised to return Evening to Earth, provided that the Orpheus will not look at his wife until he entered his house.
Camille Coro, "Orpheus, withdrawing Euridic from the Kingdom of the Dead"

Orpheus could not restrain and looked at Eurydice, as a result of which she was forever remained in the kingdom of the dead.

"Orpheus and Evridika"
Frederick Leighton, 1864

George Frederick Wats Orpheus and Euridic

"Orpheus and Eurydice" by FRENCH Painter Michel Martin DROLLING 1820

T. Chasserio. Orpheus and Eurydica

Orpheus did not apply with due respect to Dionysus, but read Helios, who was called Apollo. Dionysis decided to teach the young man and laughed at him Menad, who ripped out the musician and thrown into the river.

"Death of Orpheus from Menad"
Emil Levi, 1866

Parts of his body were collected by muses that mourned the death of a wonderful young man.
The head of Orpheus floated along the GBR River and was found by the nymphs,

"Nymphs and Orpheus Head"
John Waterhouse, 1900

Then he got to the island of Lesbos, where Apollo received her.

"Orpheus head." The author is Jean Delville.

The shadow of the musician fell into Aid, where the spouses reunited.