Heroes of Greek mythology. Ancient Greek heroes

Heroes of Greek mythology. Ancient Greek heroes
Heroes of Greek mythology. Ancient Greek heroes

Thanks to them with exceptional joy, we recognize the names and feats of Hercules, Edipa, Tekes, Achille, Odyssey or hetero. In the "death of heroes", recently edited by Turner, Carlos Garcia Gual tells about the death of 25 heroes. This is a Lapidaric book: she speaks of her turning and, above all, how they died, about the beginning of their glory as an immortal. And although no hero copes with his fate, they all participate in their superhuman acts: there are those who are looking for fame in the battle, others - in conquests, others - travel and adventures, and there are those who already prefer to defend their community . His family.

Ajax - the name of the two participants of the Trojan War; Both fought under the Troy as Elena's hand applicants. In "Iliad", they often appear hand in hand and compared with two mighty lions or bulls.

Bellorofont. - One of the main heroes of the older generation, the son of the Corinthian Tsar Level (on other sources, God of Poseidon), Sisif's grandson. The initial name of the BellerFonfield - Hippon.

Heroes, except for Orpheus, do not sing: They are angry and remember the epic, tragedy and Greek lyrics. Carlos Garcia Guala announces that Andrei young in battle is the vital part of the warrior-hero's profile and, nevertheless, does not turn out heroic death. It is not enough to be brave, you can notice between its pages. There are several cases of heroes that deserve "beautiful death." Paphos manages the life and death of heroes over the hills, glory. From this strange state of the tragedy, it extracts its raw material: the hero suffers from a hybrid, which extols the triumphs and strengthens the character, but also immobilizes the hero in the face of inevitable agony.

Hector - One of the main characters of the Trojan War. The hero was the son of Heekba and Priama - Troy Tsar. According to legend, he killed the first Greek, which pulled into the land of Troy.

Hercules - National hero of the Greeks. Son of Zeus and the death woman of Alcmena. Gifted by powerful force, performed the hardest work on Earth and made great feats. Having redeemed his sins, ascended to Olympus and reached immortality.

Thus, Garcia Gaal reveals a fragile and ambivalent state of heroes. On the one hand, the force in the hands, and on the other - the sealed fate. Only the gods know the exact moment of death. That day deep sorrow. Patrolery crying abundantly Achilles. Hector, horses tamer and murderer of men, argues his father after the desecration of his corpse.

Achilles killed by an arrow running Paris. Peter Paul Rubens and his workshop "Death of Achilles". Talent, Humanism and the vision of Professor Garcia Guala is so wide that he recreates myths and death of heroes from the most traditional versions of those who are more anecdotic. Stories about mythical heroes are not always extracted from primary sources, in some cases the author refers to the late texts.

Diomed. - Son of the Etolian king Tidea and the daughter of Adrasta Dapil. Together with Adraist, he took part in the campaign and ruin of FIV. As one of the grooms, Elena Diomed fought subsequently under Troray, heading the militia on 80 ships.

Meleagr - Hero of Etolia, son of the Calidon king Oynaja and Alfia, the spouse Cleopatra. Participant of the argonauts. The greatest fame to Meleagru was involved in the Kalidon hunt.

Accounting for their death is unusual: the Oedip is dying, according to the version of Sofokla, the victims of expulsion, blind and unhappy, to contemplate the death of Yokasta, his wife and mother. Hercules dies, rushing to the fire of Lam, after putting on Tuni, who sent him his dear Actra with the blood of the Kentupus. Perseus dies, moving his head Gorgona to himself. Orpheus, which is sent to Aid in search of Euridic, succumbed to bakhans. Jason was crushed by the mast Argo ship and died instantly. Alkmeon dies from family intrigues. Testa, the hero of Athenian democracy, reaches his appointment, stumbling and falling out of the ravine.

Meneli. - Tsar Sparta, son of atreya and aircraft, Elena's husband, younger brother Agamemnon. Meneli, with the help of Agamemnon, gathered friendly kings to Ilion's campaign, and he himself put sixty ships.

Odysseus "Angry", the king of Islands Islands, the son of Laerta and Antiklei, Husband Penelope. Odyssey is the famous hero of the Trojan War, also famous for its wanders and adventures.

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Sisif suffers from one of the three endless sentences of the gods: to forever shive the stone to the mountain to see how he falls again and again. Belerafont falls from the mountain Pegasus, his winged horse, in an attempt to join the assembly of the gods and comes to his death.

On the other hand, the heteric world is experiencing blood, tears and smells of death. In Iliad, there is no song that does not speak about the death of some kind of warrior. Myth says that Agamemenon, the king of Mycene, Brother Meal, Helm Helen, sacrifices his daughter Iphigenia before you go to Ilion. In this scene, his wife, cliques, will take part. Together with Egisto, he plotted the murder of Agamemnon with a double-edged ax. The tragic story of this family ends with the death of the cliques from the hands of his son, vengeful oriest.

Orpheus - The famous singer of Thracians, the son of the river god Eager and Music Kallopia, spouse Nymph Eurydiki, who brought the trees and rocks.

Patrokl - The son of one of the argonauts of the gene, relative and the associate of Achille in the Trojan War. Being a boy, he killed his comrade while playing the bone, for this his father sent him to Pelle in the Fthia, where he was raised with Achille.

Achilles dies, according to each version, ambushed, arrow or spear. His fate differs from the fate of other heroes who come to the Trojan War. The son of Titanide Tetis and mortal peads, he knows that when he goes to Troy, his death will be safe. He is a cruel, angry and majestic warrior, who decides to go to war, because Glory will be great, and he knows that his glory will make him immortal.

Garcia Gaul is seduced by the death of hetero. He is the heir to Priama, loves his wife Andromaha; Love your son, Astinact; He loves his community and fulfills its duty to protect the land of Troy. Homer sings his death with the same glory as the victory of Ellini. The Trojan Hero is dying, pierced by a spear in battle with a veil, and unfortunately, his body stretches between stones. However, despite the damage, his corpse never loses beauty. Gods love him and support him even in death.

Peel - Son of the Eginsky king Eak and Endida, spouse Antigona. For the murder of his pylon brother of Fock, who defeated Pelia in athletic exercises, he was expelled by his father and retired to the Fthia.

Pelop - King and National Hero of Frigia, and then Peloponnese. The son of Tantalla and Nymphs of Evrianssa. Pelop grew on Olympus in the society of the gods and was a pet's favorite.

Trojan War - Short Retelling

Thus, Garcia Gual chooses the death of heroes and considers them with special care. As a mature fruit, which refuses to fall, the author dedicates several pages to three heroines of the Greek World: Cliqueness, Cassandra and Antigone. All three were punished for the display of insomnia and for freedom of women.

Come from Greece, Rome or any other culture, myths inhabit our lives. From cinemas to comics passing through literature. Cover: "Gods and heroes of Greek mythology." The action takes place in a long time, in Greece and regions bordering the Mediterranean Sea. And we will find the following characters: the gods of Olympus and heroes.

Perseus - Son Zeus and Danai, daughter of the Argos Tsar Akrismia. The winner of Medusa Gorgon and the Savior Andromeda from the draws of the dragon.

Talphibium - Vestnik, Spartan, together with Evurybat, he was heating at Agamemnon, fulfilling his instructions. Talphibians together with Odyssey and Menelham collected the army on the Trojan War.

Tevkr. - The son of Teamamon and the daughter of the Trojan Tsar Hesians. The best arrow of onion in the Greek troops under Troy, where from his hands fell over thirty defenders of orone.

The book is open by the author's prologue, which refers to the appeals and validity of the myths. Recall that the myth is a traditional story telling about the unusual events committed by the characters of Divine or heroic nature. For the people who have conceived them turn out to be sacred narratives, since they are part of their religion, the system of values \u200b\u200band beliefs offered by some models of behavior.

It should be noted that the myth can perform different functions: explain the appearance of certain elements; answer the main questions about the functioning of a person and the surrounding world and in this sense to ensure peace of mind in the face of existence; And finally, legalize some social structures and actions.

TEXE- Son of the Athens Tsar Eney and Efer. He became famous for a number of features, like Hercules; Abducted with Peyryman Elena.

Trofonium - Initially, a chtonic deity is identical with Zeus underground. According to common belief, Trofonius was the son of Apollo or Zeus, Brother Agameda, the pet goddess of the earth - Demeters.

Foronee- Founder of the Argos State, the Son of the River God of Inach and Gamadryad Melia. He was honored as a national hero; Sacrifice was committed on his grave.

Frasmed - Son of the Pilos Tsar Nestor, who arrived with his father and brother Antilich under Ilion. He commanded fifteen ships and took part in many battles.

Oedipus - Son of Finnish king Laya and okasts. Killed his father and married her mother, not talking about it. When the crime opened, the okasta hanged himself, and Oedip himself blinded himself. He died, pursued by Eriniami.

Aeneas - The son of Angeis and Aphrodite, relatives of Priama, the hero of the Trojan War. Enei is like Achilla in the Greeks - the son of an excellent goddess, lovers of the gods; In the battles they defended Aphrodite and Apollo.

Jason "The son of Ayson, on behalf of Pelish, went from Fessels for the golden rune to Collid, for which the argonauts campaign equipment.

Kronos.In ancient Greek mythology, was one of the titans born from the marriage of the god of the sky uranium and the goddess of the earth of Gay. He succumbed to mother's persuasion and slept her father Uranus to stop the infinite birth of his children.

In order to avoid repeating the fate of the Father, Kronos began to swallow all his offspring. But in the end, his wife could not stand this attitude towards their offspring and gave him to swallow the stone instead of the newborn.

Reya hid the Son, Zeus, on the island of Crete, where he grew up, fed by the Divine Goat Amalfiah. He was guarded by the jackets - the warriors who drowned the crying of Zeus to shields to the shields so that the Kronos did not hear.

Mattering, Zeus overthrew his father from the throne, made him to deprive his brothers and sisters from the womb and after a long war took his place on the bright Olympus, among the monitor of the gods. So the Kronos was punished for his betrayal.

In Roman mythology, Kronos (HROOS - "time") is known as Saturn - a symbol of an inexorable time. In ancient Rome, God Kronos was dedicated to the festivities - Saturnalia, during which all rich people changed their servants with duties and began fun, accompanied by abundant recovery. In Roman mythology, Kronos (HROOS - "time") is known as Saturn - a symbol of an inexorable time. In ancient Rome, God Kronos was dedicated to the festivities - Saturnalia, during which all rich people changed their servants with duties and began fun, accompanied by abundant recovery.

Reia ("Ρέα), in the ancient myth-making Greek goddess, one of the titanide, daughter of uranium and gay, the spouse of the Kronos and the mother of the Olympic deities: Zeus, Aida, Poseidon, Gesty, Demeters and Gera (Gesiod, Theogony, 135). Kronos, afraid, that he will deprive the power of any of his children, devoured them immediately after birth. Reya on the advice of parents saved Zeus. Instead of the born his son, she put a squeezed stone, which Kronos and swallowed, and his son in secret from Father Ray sent to Crete, Dicks. When Zeus was groaned, Ray attached a son Vinolrypie to Kronosu and he was able to notice a vomit in the Father's Cup, freeing his brothers and sisters. According to one of the names of the myth, Reia deceived the Kronos and at the birth of Poseidon. She hid her son among grazing sheep, and Kronosa gave to swallow the foal, referring to the fact that it was His she gave birth (Pausania, VIII 8, 2).

The cult of Rei was considered one of the most ancients, but was not very common in Greece itself. In Crete and in Malaya Asia, she was mixed with the Asian goddess of nature and fertility Kibely and the worship of her came to a more prominent plan. Specially in Crete was localized by a legend of the birth of Zeus in the grotto of Mount Ida, who enjoyed special reverence, which is proved by a large number of initiations, partly very ancient, in it found. In Crete showed the Tomb of Zeus. Rei's priests were called Curett here and were sneezed with Coribanti, the priests of the Great Frigian Mother Kibel. It entrusted to the conservation of the baby Zeus; Studging weapons, the jackets drove his crying so that Kronos could not hear the child. Reia was depicted in the matrous type, usually with the crown from urban walls on the head, or in a bedspread, mostly sitting on the throne, near which lions dedicated to her. Her attribute was Timpan (an ancient musical shock tool, predecessor Litavr). In the period of late Antiquity, Reia was identified with the Frigian Great Mother of the Gods and received the name of Rei-Kibel, whose cult was distinguished by an orgiastic character.

Zeus, Diy ("Light Heaven"), in Greek mythology, the Supreme Divine, the son of Titans of Kronos and Rei. Almighty Father of the Gods, Lord of Winds and Clouds, Rain, Thunder and Lightning Squeezer's Storms and Hurricanes, but could also calm the forces of nature and clean the sky from clouds. Kronos, afraid to be overthrown with his children, swallowed all the older brothers and sisters of Zeus immediately after their birth, but the Ray of the younger son filed a stone wrapped in a diaper, and the baby secretly was taken out and raised on the island of Crete.

Immull Zeus sought to pay with his father. His first spouse, a wise of methda ("thought"), the daughter of the ocean, advised to give the father of the potion, from which he will take off all swallowed children. Okole Hypoded their Kronos, Zeus and brothers divided the world among themselves. Zeus chose the sky, aid - the underground kingdom of the dead, and Poseidon - the sea. Earth and Mount Olympus, where the name of the gods was located, decided to consider common. Over time, the world of Olympians is changing and not so cruel. Ore, daughter Zeus from the femis, his second wife, made gods and people order, and Harites, daughters from Evrinoma, the former Lady of Olympus, - joy and grace; The goddess Mnemosina gave birth to Zeus 9 muses. Thus, in human society, the law, science, art and norms of morality took their place. Zeus was also the father of the famous heroes - Hercules, Dioskurov, Perseya, Sardonon, the glorious kings and wise men - Minos, Radamanfa and Eak. True, Zeus's love ties both with mortal women and with immortal goddesses, the most important to many myths, caused a constant antagonism between him and his third wife of the hero, the goddess of the legitimate marriage. Some children of Zeus, born out of marriage, such as Hercules, goddess brutally pursued. In Roman mythology Zeusus corresponds to Almighty Jupiter.

Hera (Hera), in the Greek mythology of the queen of the gods, the goddess of the air, the patroness of the family and marriage. Gera, the eldest daughter of the Kronos and Rei, brought up in the house of the ocean and the Theth, sister and the wife of Zeus, with whom she, on the self-leaking, 300 years old lived in secret marriage, until he announced her openly with his wife and queen of the gods. Zeus honors her highly and informs her his plans, although he keeps it with the case within its subject position. Gera, Mother Ares, Geba, Hephaesta, Ilfii. It is distinguished by power, cruelty and jealous temper. In particular, Iliad Gera deals with welders, stubbornness and jealousy - the character traits that have passed into oriada probably from the oldest songs that glorified Hercules. Gera hates and pursues Hercules, like all the favorites and children of Zeus from other goddesses, nymph and mortal women. When Hercules returned on a ship from Troy, she, with the help of a dream of Sleep Hydnos, whipped Zeus and, through her raised, the storms almost destroyed the hero. In the punishment Zeus tied a cunning goddess with strong gold chains to Efira and brought two heavy anvil to her feet. But it does not prevent the goddess to constantly resort to tricks when she needs to achieve something from Zeus, against whom she cannot do anything.

In the struggle for Ilion, she patronizes with his beloved aheitsam; Ahasey city of Argos, Mycenae, Sparta - her favorite location; She hates the Trojans for the court of Paris. Marriage of Gera with Zeus, who had originally natural importance - the relationship between heaven and the earth is then attributed to the civilian institution of marriage. As the only legitimate wife in Olympus, Hera is the patroner of marriages and childbirth. She was dedicated to a granacious apple, a symbol of married love, and a cuckoo, herald of spring, pores of love. In addition, her birds were considered Peacock and Crow.

The main place of its cult was Argos, where her colossal statue was stood made by a policlet of gold and ivory, and where every five years in honor of her was celebrated so-called helee. In addition to Argos, Hera was also honored in Mixes, Corinth, Sparta, Samos, Payments, Sikion and other cities. Art represents a gerier in the form of a high, slim woman, with a majestic posture, a mature beauty, a rounded face, wearing an important expression, beautiful forehead, dense hair, big, strongly opened "violence" eyes. Its a remarkable image of it was mentioned above the statue of the polyclet in Argos: here Hera sat on the throne with the crown on his head, with a grenade apple in one hand, with a scepter to another; At the top of the scepter - cuckoo. Above Long Hiton, who left uncovered only neck and hands, reserved Himathy, accused around the mill. In Roman mythology, the heer corresponds to Junon.

Demetra (Δημήτηρ), in the Greek mythology, the goddess of fertility and agriculture, civilian device and marriage, the daughter of Kronos and Rei, sister and the spouse of Zeus, from which she gave birth to Persephone (Gesiod, Theogony, 453, 912-914). One of the most revered Olympic deities. The ancient chtonic origin of Demers was witnessed by her name (literally, the "earth-mother"). Cult appeals to Demeter: Chloe ("Greens", "Sowing"), Carpofor ("Podriznica of Fruits"), Fesmofor ("Lawlist", "Organizer"), Sieve ("Bread", "Flour") indicate the demeter functions as Goddess fertility. She is a benevolent to people of the goddess, a wonderful eye of the colors of ripe wheat, assistant in peasant works (Homer, Iliad, V 499-501). It fills the agriculture barns with reserves (Gesiod, Opp. 300, 465). Demmere appeal to the grain to come out full and in order to be a Pahot. Demetra taught people in Pakhote and sowing, having combined in a holy marriage on three times plowed in the island of Crete with the Cretan God of Agriculture by Yasay, and the fruit of this marriage was Plutos - God of wealth and abundance (Gesiod, Theogony, 969-974).

Gestiya.- Bogming Virgin of the home hearth, the eldest daughter of the Kronos and Rei, the patron of the restless fire, uniting the gods and people. Gesti never answered courtship. Her hands asked Apollo and Poseidon, but she swore forever to remain a virgin. One day a drunken god of gardens and fields Priap tried to escape her, sleeping, at the holiday, where all the gods were present. However, at that moment, when the patron siest of the Sweistance and Sensual pleasures, Priap prepared to make his black business, shouted loudly, the price was woken up, he called on the aid of the gods, and the approaches appealed to the fence.

Poseidon, in the ancient Greek mythology, the god of the underwater kingdom. Poseidon was considered the Lord of the Seas and Oceans. The underwater king was born from the marriage of the goddess of the land of Rii and Titan of Kronos and immediately after birth was with his brothers and sisters swallowed by the Father, who was afraid that they would take power from him over the world. All of them freed them later Zeus.

Poseidon died in the underwater palace, among the armor of the gods obedient him. Among them was his son Triton, Neread, Amphitrite sisters and many others. The god of the seas was equal to the beauty of Zeus himself. By sea, he moved on the chariot, which was pronounced wonderful horses.

With the help of the magic trident, Poseidon ruled the marine puchin: if the sea was a storm, then it was worth it to stretch the trident, as the begging sea calmed down.

The ancient Greeks very much read this deity and to achieve his location, brought underwater lord a lot of victims, throwing them into the sea. It was very important for the residents of Greece, as their well-being depended on whether trading ships pass by the sea. Therefore, before going out into the sea, travelers threw the victim to Poseidon. In Roman mythology, it corresponds to Neptune.

Aid, Gades, Pluto ("Invisible", "terrible"), in the Greek mythology, the God of the Kingdom of the Dead, as well as the kingdom itself. Son of the Kronos and Rei, Brother Zeus, Poseidon, Gera, Demeters and Gesti. In the section of the world after the overthrow of the father Zeus, Zeus took himself the sky, Poseidon - the sea, and Aid - the underground kingdom; The earth brothers agreed to rule together. The second name of Aida was Poladagmon ("Recipient of the Darrass"), which is associated with countless shadows of the dead, living in his possessions.

The messenger of Gotmes gods translated the souls of the dead to the Ferry Kharon, who was transported through the underground river Styx only those who could pay for crossing. The entrance to the underground kingdom of the dead guarded the three-headed dog Kerber (Cerber), who did not allow anyone to return to the world of living.

Like the ancient Egyptians, the Greeks were believed that the kingdom of the dead is located in the depths of the Earth, and the entrance to it - in the extreme West (West, the sunset is the symbols of dying), behind the river Ocean, washing the Earth. The most popular Aid myth is connected with the abduction of Persephone, the daughter of Zeus and the goddess of fertility Demeters. Zeus promised him his beauty-daughter, without asking the consent of her mother. When Aid by force led the bride, Demeter from grief almost lost the reason, I forgot about my duties, and the land covered hunger.

The argument of Aida and Dememors about the fate of Persephone allowed Zeus. For two thirds of the year, she is obliged to spend with his mother and one third - with her husband. So an alternation of the seasons arose. Once, Aid fell in love with Nymph Mintu or mint, which was associated with the water of the kingdom of the dead. Having learned about this, Persephone in the rustling of jealousy turned the nymph into a fragrant plant.

Greek myths telling about the gods, goddesses and heroes, go to the bronze age, the time of oral legend. For the first time they were recorded at the beginning of the VI. BC. And since then continues to live in Western literature. Myths were closely related to the beliefs of the ancient Greeks and interpreted the secrets of nature. They narrated the creation of the world about the acts of the deities, about the golden age of an ancient Greek society, about the age of the heroes of the demigods, such as Teshen and Hercules, whose feats inspired ordinary people. The Greeks represented the gods in the image of the ideal people who had all the feelings inherent to man. The gods lived on Mount Olympus. The Supreme God Zeus was considered the father of many Olympians. Each of the members of the Olympic family was intended divine role.

Zeus - Father of the gods and people, ruled them from the Mount Olympus.
Erida The goddess of discord.
Climen, Mother Prometheuswho gave people fire.
Hera Zeus's wife was very jealous.
Athena It was out of the head of Zeus in full combat closure, in Greek mythology there was a goddess of wisdom, strategy and war.
Poseidon, God of the seas, one of the Zeus brothers. The symbol of his power is a trident. Myths convey to us stories about treasures of Poseidon Wife, the sea goddess Amphitritewhich was in the Greek mythology of the goddess of the sea. This statue is kept in the National Archaeological Museum in Athens.
Paris Must award the gold apple is the most beautiful of the goddesses. Paris's dog helped him graze herd on Mount Ida, where Zarevich grew up.
Dionysus, the god of viticulture and wine, Zeus gave birth from his hip.
Aid and Persephone Rules to the kingdoms of the dead and souls and the dead. Aid kidnapped her mother's demeters, goddess fertility. The angry, Demeter sent hunger to Earth, and then Zeus decided that part of the year of Persephone would live at the mother.
Artemis, Virgo-goddess Hunt, daughter Zeus and Sister Apollo. It is armed with a bow with arrows. Always young goddess surround dogs and nymphs. The vowiness of the chastity, nevertheless was also a goddess of childbearing.
Hermes He was the messenger of the gods.
Aphrodite, the goddess of love, was born from the marine foam.
Apollo, son of Zeus and brother of Artemis, God-healer and a dozen, patron of art, was unusually beautiful.

Feats Hercules. Hercules (Romans - Hercules) - the greatest of the Greek heroes, the son of Zeus and the death female of Alcmen. Endowed with superhuman strength, he achieved success and immortality, fulfilling 12 tasks of the Mycena Tsar Eurysfy, who seemed impossible.
At first he defeated the Nemoye Leo, whose skin he had always worn on himself.
The second feat of Hercules was victory over the Lerneysian hydra. The severed heads of this poisonous monster grown by the hero immediately grew again. As in other his exploits, Hercules helped Athena.
Then I was catching a huge vaccination, the eristic erymanf. Hercules delivered him to the king Eurisfei alive. The king was so frightened that he was hidden in a large jug.
The sixth feat was the extermination of the pimfali birds. Hercules delivered Lake Steamfali from the Birdwood Birds with Copper Wheels: Scared Birds with bronze cracks, Oon interrupted them with stones released from the main.

The heroes of Greek myths and legends were not immortal as their gods. But they were not and simple mortals. Most of them led their origin from the gods. Their great feats and accomplishments that were imprinted in the myths and famous artistic creations give us an idea of \u200b\u200bthe views of the ancient Greeks. So what was famous for the most famous Greek heroes. Tell me below ...

The king of the island of Itaca and the favorite of the goddess Athens, was known for the extraordinary mind and courage, although no less - with his cunning and slyness. About his return from Troy to the Motherland and Adventures during these wanders narrates "Odyssey" of Homer. At first, the strong storm nailed the ships of Odyssey to the shores of Thrace, where wild kikons killed 72 of his companion. In Libya, he blinded the cyclopa of the Polyfem, the son of Poshondon himself. After many tests, the hero hit Ey Island, where he lived in the magician Kirk. Splasing past the island of Sweet Siren, Odyssey ordered himself to tie himself to the mast, so as not to be seduced by their magic singing. He safely passed through a narrow strait between the hexagon Szillo, devouring all the living, and Charibda, absorbing everyone in his whirlpool, and went out into the open sea. But lightning struck his ship, and all his companions died. Saved only Odyssey. The sea threw it to the island of Ohigiya, at which seven years he kept Nymph Calypso. Finally, after nine years of dangerous wanderings, Odyssey returned to Itha. T Amp Together with his son Telemach, he interrupted the grooms, precipitated his faithful wife Penelope and the state missing his condition, and began to edit it again.

Hercules (Romans - Hercules), the most nice and mighty of all Greek heroes, the son of Zeus and the death female of Alcmen. Forced to serve the Mikansky king by Eurisfei, he made twelve famous exploits. For example, killed a nine-round hydraulic hydraulic hydraulic hydraulic hydraulic hydraulic hydraulic hydroelectric time, strangled the invulnerable Nemoy Lion and dressed in his skin, erected on the shores of the Strait separating Europe from Africa, two stone pillar (Hercules pillars - the ancient name of the Gibraltar Strait), supported heavenly The arch, while Titan Atlant mined him miraculous gold apples guarded by nymph hesperdami. For these and other great feats of Athena, after death, herakla attributed to Olympus, and Zeus gave him eternal life.

, the son of Zeus and the Argos Tsarevna Danai, went to the country of Gorgon - the winged monsters covered with scales. Instead of hair on their heads, poisonous snakes were wriggled, and a terrible look turned into a stone of anyone who dared to see them. Perseus flawed Gorgon Medusa and married the daughter of the Ethiopian king Andromeda, which was saved from the sea monster, meaning people. The former groom, who organized a conspiracy, he turned into a stone, showing a severe head of jellyfish.

, Son of the Fessensky Tsar Pelia and Maritime Nymphs Fetis, one of the main characters of the Trojan War. The mother dipped him in the sacred waters of stycles, why his body became invulnerable, with the exception of the heel, for which the mother kept him, lowering in styx. In the battle for Troy Achille was killed by the son of the Trojan Tsar Paris, the arrow of which Apollo, who helped the Trojans, sent him to his heel - the only vulnerable place (hence the expression "Achilles Fifth").

, the son of the Fessensky Tsar Eson, went with satellites in the distant colchid on the Black Sea to get a guarded dragon with the skin of the magic sheep - Golden Fleece. Among the 50 Argonauts participants in the campaign on the Argo ship were Hercules, the pepper Orpheus and the twins of the Daizkura (sons of Zeus) - Castor and Paldhevk.
After numerous adventures, the argonauts delivered a fleece to Ellad. Jathson married the daughter of the Kolkhidsky king, the wizard of the copper, and they had two boys. When a few years later, Jason decided to marry the daughter of the Corinthian king Creus, Medea killed a rival, and then his own children. Jathsone died under the wreckage of the dilapidated ship "Argo".

Oedipus, Son of the FVAN king Laya. Odip's father was predicted death from the hands of his own son, so Lai ordered a child to eat wild beasts. But the slave sorry and saved it. Junior Oedip received the prediction of the Delphic oracle that he would kill his father and marries his own mother. Fastened by this, Oedip left his adoptive parents and went to West. On the road in a random quarrel, he killed a noble elder. But he met the way to the hair, he met the Sphinx, who erased the road and asked the travelers a riddle: "Who goes on four legs in the morning, in the afternoon, and in the evening on three?". Those who could not answer the monster devoured. The EDIP solved the riddle: "A man: he crawls on all fours, adults walks straight, and in old age rests on a stick." Crushed by this answer, Sphinx rushed into the abyss. The grateful fivans chose Edipa their king and gave him a widow of King Iokast. When it turned out that the old man killed on the road is his father Tsar Lai, and Iokasta - his mother, edid in despair blinded himself, and Iokasta cumshots of suicide.

, Son Poseidon, also made a lot of glorious affairs. On the way to Athens killed six monsters and robbers. In the Knos Maze destroyed the Minotaur and found an outlet from there with the help of a tangle of threads, which gave him the daughter of the Kratsky king Ariadne. I also worshed as the creator of the Athenian state.

In ancient Greek mythology, there was a class of characters called "heroes". Heroes differed from the gods that were mortal. More often it was the descendants of God and the death woman, less often - the goddesses and mortal men. Heroes, as a rule, possessed exceptional or supernatural physical abilities, creative dating, etc., but did not possess immortality.

Achilles (Achilles)

The son of the mortal pan, Tsar Mirmidonyan, and the marine goddess of Fetold. During the long-term siege of Ilion, Achilles has repeatedly undertaken raids on various neighboring cities. Achilles is the main character of Homer's Iliad. Achilles joined the campaign against the Troy at the chapter of 50 or even 60 ships, taking with him the tutor of the Phoenix and a friend of childhood Patrole. I splinter the many enemies, Achilles in the last fight reached the Skier gate of Ilion, but here an arrow, brushed out of Louka Paris's hand of Apollo himself, struck him on the heel, and the hero died. Achilles is buried in Golden Amfor, which Dionysus gave fetide.

Son of God Zeus and Alcmen, daughters of the Mycena King. Numerous myths have been created about Hercules, the newest cycle of the tale of 12 exploits performed by Hercules, when he was in the service of the Mycena King Eurysfi.

There are many legends about the death of Hercules. According to Ptolemy, Hephaestion, having survived to 50 years and finding that she could no longer pull his bow, he rushed into the fire. Hercules ascended to heaven, was taken in the number of gods, and Hera reconciled with him issues his daughter Gebu, the goddess of eternal youth. Happily lives in Olympus, and his ghost is in Aida.


The son of Laerta and Antiklei, Spouse Penelope, the grandson of Avtolik and the Father of Telemakha, famous as a participant in the Trojan War, was smart and a quiet speaker. One of the key characters "Iliad", the main character of the poem "Odyssey".


Son of Zeus and Danaja, the daughter of the Argos Tsar Akrismia. He won the monster Gorgon Medusa, was the Savior of the princess Andromeda. Perseus will be mentioned in the "Iliad" of Homer.


the son of the Athens Tsar Egea and Efra, the daughter of the king Russene Pethhei. The central figure of attic mythology and one of the most famous characters of all Greek mythology. Mentioned already in Iliad and Odyssey.


The brave leader of the Trojan troops, the main Trojan hero in Iliad. He was the son of the last Trojan king Priama and Hugeba (the second wife of King Priama). According to other sources, was the son of Apollo. His wife was Andromaha. Killed Patrole, ahilla friend, and he himself was killed by Achille, who several times dragged his body with his chariot around the walls of the Troy and then I gave a commission for the ransom.


Nickname Hippona. Son of iron and EuroMedia (or Poseidon and Euvinoma). After he killed Corinthian Beller, he was called "Beller's killer". In the myths about this, the heroes were not enough exploits.


The legendary singer and musician - the artist on Lira, whose name personified the power of art. Son of the Thracian river god Eager and Music Kallopa. Participated in the campaign of Argonauts for the golden rune. Dionysis did not read, and worshiped the Sun-Apollon, going to the Panjeh mountain to the sunrise.


The son of Tantalum and Euryriassa (or Dionee), Brother Natro, King and National Hero of Frigia and then Peloponnese. The oldest mention of Pelop is contained in the "Iliad" of Homer.


Son of Inach and Melia. Tsar of all Peloponnese, or the second king of Argos. Foroney first combined people to society, and the place where they gathered were called the city of Foronikon, after Hermes translated people's languages, and a discord began between people.


Hero of the Trojan War from the royal genus Dardanov. In Iliad killed 6 Greeks. According to the calculations of the gigar, everything killed 28 warriors. Satellites of Enai in his wanders described in Latin Ancient Roman poet versgil in "Enievid".


The son of Tsar Iwlka Eson and the polymedia (Almavedi). Hero, a member of the Kalidon hunt, the leader of the Argonauts, who went on the Argo ship in Kolkhid for the Golden Room. Mentioned in "Iliade" and "Odyssey". According to one version, Jason ended the life of suicide, having having fun, or he died along with the master, or was killed in the hera sanctuary in Argos, according to another version, he lived to old age and died under the wreckage of the dilapidated "Argo", suffering in his shadows.

The following features can be distinguished, allowing the characters of the Greek myths to the heroes. First, they all have divine origin. Prometheus - the son of Titan Japet, a cousin of Zeus, his mother - Oceanid of Kloman. Perseus - the descendant of Hercules, the son of the Argos Tsarevna Danai and Zeus. Testa from the mother comes from Zeus, and his father is Poseidon himself. Orpheus - son of the Thracian river god Eager and Music Callopa. Hercules - son of Zeus and the death woman of Alcmen. Dedal is the grandson of the Athens Tsar Erehfhey and the son of Meetion.

Ancient Greece is one of the richest sources of myths about the gods, ordinary people and
mortal heroes that defended them. For many centuries, these stories were created
poets, historians and simply "eyewitnesses" of the legendary feats of unreasonable heroes,
having the forces of demigods.


Special honor among the heroes was famous for Hercules, son of Zeus and mortal woman
Alcmena. The most famous myths from all can be considered a cycle of 12 exp.
Which alone made the son of Zeus, being in the service of Tsar Eurisfay. Even
In the heavenly constellation you can see the constellation of Hercules.


Achille is one of the most brave Greek heroes who made a campaign against
Troy under the leadership of Agamemnon. Stories about him are always full of courage and
courage. No wonder he is one of the key figures in the writings "Iliad", where he
It is reserved more honorable than any other warrior.


It was described not only as a smart and brave king, but also as
Magnificent speaker. He was the main key figure in the "Odyssey" story.
His adventures and return to Wife Penelope found echoes in the hearts
of many people.


Perseus was an equally key figure in ancient Greek mythology. It
Describes like the winner of the monster of the gorgon of jellyfish, and the savior of the beautiful
Tsarevna Andromeda.


Terese can be called the most famous character of all Greek mythology. It
More often than everyone appears not only in "Iliad" but also in Odyssey.


Jason - the leader of the Argonauts of the golden rune of the golden rune in Collid.
This task was given to him his brother of his father Peliyem to destroy him, but it
brought him eternal glory.


Hector in ancient Greek mythology appears before us not only by Tsarevich
Troy, but also a great commander who died from Achilla's hands. It is put on a par with
Many heroes of that time.


Ergin is the son of Poseidon, and one of the argonauts, which went for the Golden Room.


Talay is another of the argonauts. Honest, fair, smart and reliable -
This was described by Homer in his "Odyssey."


Orpheus was not as much as a hero as a singer and a musician. However, it
The image can be "meeting" in many pictures of that time.