Symbolic value of the cross. Patriot is a person who serves the Motherland, and the Motherland is primarily the people

Symbolic value of the cross. Patriot is a person who serves the Motherland, and the Motherland is primarily the people
Symbolic value of the cross. Patriot is a person who serves the Motherland, and the Motherland is primarily the people

Rigden: True, why subsequently, they began to bind these symbols by the days of solar equinox in nature. Although all this has another subtext ... Secret meaning Knowledge of the four entities of a person invested in the concepts that were equivalent to the cross.

Anastasia: In majority views modern people The cross is connected exclusively with one global religion - Christianity. In turn, the employees of this religion makes everything so that people are not interested in great. But the cross is very ancient symbol And he appeared long before the emergence of this religion. Images of crosses and their modifications were known since the time of Paleolithic. For example, the symbol of the cross found on monuments dated with times primitive society. Take at least images of twenty thousand years ago in the seam cave (France), which are well preserved, thanks to the dungeon microclimate.

Rigden: And that, it should be noted that these finds were made relatively recently. And how many more such places, until those unknown to today's mankind! But such artifacts are valuable only when people understand original value Symbols, and not just admire the "wonderful arts of the ancients", taking these designations with the concepts of human-minded, are arranged modern religions.

Different variations of the cross symbolically designated additional information to its main interpretation. For example, if three balls were present at the conchings of the cross, this indicated the three dimensions of the world, in which a person is either the numerical characteristic of the phenomena, which was designated as an additional sign on the cross. If a bottom part The cross, corresponding to the rear essence, was elongated (the so-called long or Latin cross), then this meant the focus of attention, concentration on the rear essence (constant suffering, reminder of the past, gagging the soul, stimulating the feeling of guilt, resentment). And as you already understand, if a person stays in a state of an animal, such an activation of the rear essence is, in fact, constant stimulation of depression, fear and self-name.

Figure 22. Long or Latin Cross .

Anastasia: In fact, in Christianity, the believers are imposed on the wearing of such a form of the cross, alleged as the symbol of the sufferings of Christ. So what happens, instead of love for God, people are indirectly shut off on their thoughts about their suffering, about the past, about death? In other words, this symbol in humans subconsciously activate the negative associated with anyone, but with their own past? So it is really nothing more than stimulating the activation of the rear essence.

Rigden: This is just one of the elements of what we have already said, I mean manipulations with signs in the temples. And in this case, not only focused on the rear essence. As a rule, on such a cross, in the back of Latin Latin Latinists (Iesus Nasareus Rex Iudaeorum), which means Jesus Nazareth, King Judaian.

Anastasia: It is clear, so here it is also impossible to the subconscious of the believers of the primacy over them of a certain people ... And why is there no soul symbol here, love for God?

Rigden (with a smile): Well, you see, in the presence of knowledge, the "uncomfortable" people begin to emerge for the power of the priests. How do they put such a symbol if the goals and objectives according to their Talmudam are completely different? It is only in the theory for masses the masses speak of salvation, but in practice, you see what is happening.

Anastasia: Yes, unfortunately, in practice, unlike the theory, no one has canceled slavery, it was simply improved and we were well-tucked for democratic freedom, thereby creating only the illusion of freedom and equality.

Rigden: I will say even more so I have already mentioned that the Latin cross, as a symbol of Christianity, was introduced in the fourth century of our era, when the teaching of Jesus was turned into religion, and the religion gained the status of the state. By the way, the Latin cross in genealogy usually designate the death of a person, the date of death. So, in Christianity, in addition to this four-pointed long cross, intended for wearing believers, there are also six-pointed and eight-pointed so-called "patriarch crosses" with two or three additional crossbars, which, as a rule, cross the front entity. They are worn by Archbishops, Cardinals. In the overall concept of religion, the presence of this upper crossbar is treated as a board (plate) for the above-mentioned "title" of Jesus in Latin abbreviation (INRI). And if there was also the lower slanting crossbar in the sign, then the believer was simply explained, in the material context of religious interpretation, that these are allegedly crossbar for the legs of Christ.

Figure 23. :

1) Patriarchal Cross - six-pin cross with two crossbars;
2) PR A entry Cross - Eight-Spoile christian cross with the upper crossbar and lower oblique crossing (renunciation from the human past);
3) P.
apsky cross - three horizontal crossbars - a symbol of material power in the three-dimensional world. In all cases, the upper crossbind, crossing the front essence, forms an equilateral cross. That is, an equilateral cross is standing above the long horizontal line - a human symbol (human power).

And now we consider hidden from the masses of the interpretation of the symbolism of the cross, which was used long before the origin times christian religion. For example, in Ancient Egypt Such designations of crosses were popular, which are now known as Tau-Cross and Cross Anh. Tau-Cross in secret knowledge meant, speaking modern tongue, human life In the material world, the manifestation of emotions and thoughts initiated by the rear and side entities. But the cross Anh joined two in himself different elements: The dominant circle and a Tau-Cross suspended to him. The Cross Anh personified a perfect person with a dominant spiritual beginning, the prevalence of an anterior essence over three others, spiritual - above the material. Why Cross Anh and put in the hands of the highest ancient Egyptian gods as spiritual symbolas the designation of immortality eternal life. The Cross Anh is also known as the "key of life", the "key to energy", the "Renaissance" key, spiritual transformation. Such values \u200b\u200bwere associated with a symbolism of a certain stage of spiritual practices, when the self-discovery occurred, the qualitative transformation of a person in a completely different spiritual being. And knowledge about this cross and his symbolism was not only in Ancient Egypt (Africa), but also in ancient Europe, Asia, America.

Figure 24. Tau-Cross and Cross Anh :

1) examples of the image of the Tau-Cross;
2) PR and M eRAP images of the Cross Anh.

So, when an equilateral cross was placed on Tau-Cross, this meant the power of a person over the entities in the three-dimensional world with the domination in it of the human (animal beginning). Usually in ancient times, such a symbol was used in magic at fortune-war, extinguishing, healing, and so on. If the equilateral cross was in the circle and put on the Tau-Cross, then it was about the death of a person who during his lifetime dominated material (the animal began), simply speaking, this symbol meant the care "to reincarnation". But there were other values \u200b\u200b...

Anastasia: So the patriarch crosses are, in fact, the human equilateral cross over the Tau-Cross, the symbol of power over the material world through magic. It is also the crossing of the front essence, it comes out of the spiritual for the sake of the material.

Rigden: Quite right. The crossbar in the lower part of the cross means the refusal of his human past and dedication to the ministry. Only the question remains open: "Someone's service?" The answer to it is contained in the value of the dominant sign in this symbol. As for the long cross with the designation of three crossbars, as the steps of the leading up, which is now called the "Papal Cross", then since ancient times, there was such a sign of who seeks to power over the three-dimensional world, if it concerned the symbolism of a separate person. But believers, naturally, such "delicate" details are not reported. This is partly due to their concealed by a hierarchical top, partly from ignorance of this information by ordinary ministers who adhere to the traditional interpretation in this religion. And the last in the formation of the overall concept of this religion, in fact, is a contrived interpretation to explain the masses of this ancient symbol.

Perhaps, for a better understanding, I will give a simple example. If you ask the believer person who wears native CrossWhat he feels when recalls him, sees his reflection in the mirror in his body or touches him, then you can hear the answer standard in such cases. A person will say that at this moment he recalls the sufferings of Jesus Christ during his crucifixion, which is feeling guilt and its own sinfulness. Such a response is characterized by almost all believers of this religion. Note, at that moment they do not remember the doctrine of Christ, his sermons and instructions, do not think about the salvation of their soul, about love for God, and feel guilty, suffering and experience fear. Why? Because the rear and right essences are activated in their energy design. That's what it is indicative example How work (subconsciously affect) signs and symbols and how they are used in their control systems for the masses of the priests. It is not surprising that they hide the original knowledge from people. Otherwise, leading about them, people would have asked "uncomfortable" for the religious top questions. For example, why they (believers) wear a symbol that imposes a sense of guilt, subconsciously introducing into depression, stimulating suffering and negative memory of their past, and religious figures - Symbol of power over the material world? After all, by definition, both those and others should strive for the love of God, the salvation of the soul, to the spiritual world.

Anastasia: Yes, when you start to realize what they surround you signs and symbols from all sides, an understanding comes, why the material mind dominates in society, even where people are trying to find a spiritual dosushin for themselves.

Rigden: I have already spoken it many times and now I will repeat: to change the situation in the hands of the people themselves, it all depends on the dominant choice of every person. But back to the topic of the signs of four entities. If an equilateral cross was a symbol of just a person, then the oblique cross (rugged cross) and its variations (often with a circle in the center) already denoted the personality moving along the path of knowledge, eating sacred information about a person and meditative practices for four entities. I emphasize the person who has been knowledgeable, and how he uses them (which dominant in consciousness) is already his personal choice.

Figure 25. Equilantic oblique cross with a circle in the center - a symbol of knowledge about the four entities of a person and the soul .

Oblique cross - symbol of movement in knowledge, conditional separation of space on the fields (zones) of the influence of entities; Circle - the designation of the soul. The interpretation of the symbol scheme is provided by the type "Print".

But most often in the sacred texts, the symbol in the form of a slant cross (or its variations) indicated knowledge about the human energy construction, its entities, interrelations with measurements. Measurements were conditionally depicted in the form of the number of steps of a truncated pyramid or stairs, details of patterns (lotus buds, its petals, contours of mountains, zigzag lines), circles in a circle, cerebral, grain, dots. In quantity, as a rule, they were equal to 3, 4, 5, 6, 7. The number of 3 identical elements of the symbol specifically indicated on a three-dimensional measurement. 4 - three-dimensional measurement and fourth - time, and could also serve as the designation of four entities. 5 - five-dimensional measurement, but mostly with this figure, an image of a five-beam star was associated with one of the symbols of the female start, the sign of the manifestation of allala forces in the fifth dimension. 6 Meaning the sixth dimension, the maximum possible for a person with material dominant, from which he can influence the material world in the changed state of consciousness. But the presence of seven identical elements of the figure marked the seventh dimension indicating a perfect person, the structure of the world to the 7th dimension or the concept of "paradise", "Nirvana", "Liberation of the Soul". Sometimes the conditional marks in the amount of 8, 9, 12, 13, as well as 33 or 72, indicating knowledge of the universe, were depicted next to the symbolic designation of the seventh dimension. Such sacred information was often fixed in patterns of ritual items, clothes or sacred structures.

The error that we, Christians, because we consider the cross with our symbol that Jesus Christ was crucified on the cross. However, if you think about such a fact. Christ met with John the Baptist before his crucifixion. The latter was baptized in the river of the people and dedicated them to his ideas. For some time, Jesus remained with the Baptist, he learned his lot. Actually, with this meeting, he stopped being the same young men, diligent Jews, and became such as he is known to us. John the Baptist opened Jesus Truth. And he was baptized. In general, it turns out that people were baptized before the crucifixion of Christ. What does it mean? Where did the cross become a symbol of Christianity? "

First of all, we must say that under the baptism then it was understood by the adoption of a rite in the water (dedication to the faith of John the Baptist, the modification of Judaism, and John, the creator of the sect known then did a huge impact On the ideas of Jesus with their revolutionary views, it was essentially his spiritual father, a teacher), and the cross here, apparently, did not appear.

As for the cross himself, at which Jesus Christ was crucified, then, according to modern German scientists who conducted research in Palestine and Israel, he was rather not in the form of a cross, well, well, and in the form of the so-called "Andreevsky Cross", That is, the letters X. In any case, in the era under consideration in the Roman Empire, almost all crucifix crosses were made precisely in the form of the letter X, since it was this form that the most "fits", or the needs of the executioner: ensures reliability of the execution. Plus, the manufacture of such a cross is simpler and did the treasury cheaper. Plus other nuances. When excavations belonging to the epoch, the archaeologists also discovered the crucifixions themselves, and their images in the letter X, but the "traditional" cross was not found.

If this is true, then it turns out that it is more correct to baptize otherwise: in the cross in the form of the letter X ("Andreevsky").

But the point is actually not in this. The cross was the mascot of many nations long before Christ. The most famous historian and explorer of the occultism and myths Charles William Heckertorne (who lived in the XIX century) in the book " Secret societies All the times and peoples "writes that, for example, in ancient Egypt," the Egyptians were put on her children and sick little cross "(Crux Ansata). What other nations learned this custom, and the cross became familiar to those who were attributed to eternal life. Also heckertorne reports that even in distant Ancient India Believers long before Christ was the custom of the sign of the cross (that is, to be baptized), which - quoting - "in the most ancient nations was a symbol of the universe due to the fact that he points to four countries of the world; and the temples to erect on the cruciform plan relates to such an ancient era, That it coincides with the emergence of the architecture itself. "

That's where the cross became a symbol of Christianity, and not from the crucifixion. But the cross was not a symbol of Christianity to about 300-400. Early Christians had a completely different symbol star.


That is what: the true and primary symbol of Christianity is the star. Cross as a symbol of Christianity was accepted much later and invented in Europe, since this star was jewish origin. And all of the first Christians for a minimum of more than a century were only Jews.

Anton Periushin in the book "Occult Secrets of the NKVD and SS" ("Olma-Press", 1999, p.14) writes: "... This pentagram in the early Christian symbolism personified five wounds of Jesus or, in the numerical interpretation, the dual nature of Christ: Divine and Human. At the ends of the pentagram, Jewish letters "Yod", "Hee", "Tires", "Wav" and HE ", which make up the name of Jesus" at the ends of the pentagram.

This star was initially accepted as a symbol of Christianity by the apostles, and was considered such, emphasized, by all the apostles of Jesus and all evangelists (by the authors of the Gospels). They didn't know any cross as a symbol of faith, about him, as a symbol of faith, the word does not say in the gospels, such as the fact that the Christian needs to be baptized. In essence, the tradition is baptized - this is a heresy, because not from the Bible and not from God, but the amateurness of the Romans. There was only the star of the Apostles and Jesus, the star named the Savior on jewish language. This Christ The character of faith for all his followers.

Otherwise, it could not be, for the Christians were only Jews, all the apostles and evangelists were Jews, Jesus himself (Yeshua) was Jews. In addition to the Jewish, no other language was needed, and often not understood. Moreover, according to their "patriotic" ideas made in the Bible, the Creator himself knows only one language - Jewish, since he chose the Jews as the only nation Earth, which he, Creator, leads to the light. That is, according to their Jewish ideas, God allegedly is not able to understand and hear other languages \u200b\u200bexcept Jewish. Many or do not remember, or do not want to remember that the Jesus himself, and all the apostles and evangelists were primarily the Jews of Israel (not with pagans), and in the second followers of Christ. I advise you to read the Bible, in it only about the Jews and is written, there are no other people there, they are garbage for God. Other nations if they are mentioned, then only as the enemies that the Creator punishes.

I understand that the authors of the Bible are quite ordinary people, patriots are homeland. And, let's say, if the Bible wrote the chronicles of Muscovy Epoch, Ivan Grozny, then there would be a Tatars enemies, God would have helped the Muscovites to destroy and burn Novgorod, enjoyed the darkness and rain from frogs to Smolensk, Kiev and Minsk, which Moscow fought. In general, everyone would be "cursed" by God, as it is in modern textbooks russian history And in the texts of the Bible in relation to the rivals of the Jews. The focus is that Judea and Moscow believe it (each in its, of course). And others do not believe. And how to separate in the Bible really divine from chauvinism? Here is the question to anyone to her reader. Associations with Moscow are strong that the USSR history has been replaced by the history of the Moscow Region, as in the Bible, the history of civilization is replaced by the history of the Jewish people. Everywhere the same principle far from truth.

Where is the star, then?

And there, where everything else is the rest of the Jewish in the essence of faith. Jewish names Yeshua, apostles, evangelists and the characters of the New Testament were replaced by Greco-Latin. Accordingly, the symbol of Christianity in Europe, who has the Jewish letters, which make up the name of Jesus in his tongue, became "inappropriate". This editing, I need to think, was introduced already or during the lifetime of the Apostle Paul (Shaul ha-Tagsi) or later, when, contrary to the will, beliefs and understanding of the faith, Pavel, who lived after the death of them all, offered to take into Christians and non-Jews. For that, he began to call him in Europe the apostle, although the Christians of Israel did not believed him, and Jesus Shaul ha-Tarsi had nothing to do with Jesus (I saw Jesus only in a dream - only from his words, as it was born after Events and after the death of all truly apostles, disciples of Christ). In fact, the apostle Paul Apostle is not, as it lived at another time, much later. Jesus himself chose the apostles himself, and here the unknown Jesus Paul attributed to the list. A big difference.

The situation will be more clear modern manIf you recall the place of a small vassal Judea in a huge Roman Empire. If, let's say, these events occurred today somewhere in Russia, it was originally all should be unfolded, say, in the tiny Muslim republic of the Caucasus. There is a Messiah, who calls the people to "New Israel" (that is, the new Republic of the Caucasus) as the ideal of a new Muslim life. It offers a number of revolutionary spiritual values, is the clarifier of the Koran, before the genius of the wisdom of the Quran is blunt. Orthodoxs are lunged on the Messiah, the Muslim people splitted in two: Some still believe in the Quran, others believe in the Messiah and modernization of Islam. And here the Caucasian Apostle Paul (some raffik or Musa) appears, which suggests this new faith only for Muslims, but to distribute it throughout Russia. As a result, the Caucasian names of the Messiah, his apostles and evangelists are reworked in Russian, faith is modified by the Russian manner, the coran as an addition to new Veter Adapts under the Russians, and the symbol of faith that has Caucasian letters, here is unacceptable - he is alien for Russians. Therefore, they are given new symbol, without the "Caucasian exotic". The language of faith is made Russian (Analog Latin), and the language of the Messiah (Jewish or Caucasian) is not going to learn at all. Again the chauvinism, creating a great myth.

Although the Mayakovsky wrote that he learned Russian only for the fact that Lenin said. BUT true christian I would learn Jewish only for the fact that Jesus Christ said on it. Instead, Latin was taught, as if Jesus turned to people in Latin. Perhaps he knew Roman, but he was not his relatives, but was someone else's hated - the tongue of the occupants and executioners. And the language of friends, the language of the family, the language of the apostles and their people, Jesus was another. Jewish.

I am striking that anti-Semites pray to God, which is a Jew. This is another paradox, something out of logic and understanding. As you can pray to Jesus and at the same time do not want to know more about him, that is, being closer to it, is incomprehensible. Who comes to whom - a person to God or God is obliged to adjust to political views and ignorance of other province, and the view, degrading his nationality, his relatives, his apostles? They say: this is the adoption of faith under the tradition of this region. But this adaptation is already heresy!

Virgin Mary lived in Kazan or in Moscow? Not. What is the start of this icon of the Russians in the war went against the Germans, Italians, Romanians? And icon miracles showed. Or did the enemies believed in the virgin Mary? But every Italian, Romanian on the chest icon, and they are only the Virgin and prayed, and there were their miracles, the Russians fled from them. All this is ridiculous, if only because the Virgin was not Russian and not Romanian, but the Jewish pogroms were rigged here. What is the way to take this or this side in the bloodshed of Christians, and even the Kazan to call himself - in honor of the Updutal Victory of Muscovy over Kazan? What does Capture Capture have to go to God? Yes, no. God generally rejects violence, and if the icons, also miraculous, devote to the fact of violence and bloodshed, military victories and mass murders, then this means complete lack of understanding of the essence of Christianity.

With this approach of the United States, dropping atomic bomb Hiroshima could create an icon of the Hiroshim Mother of God (as an analogue of Kazan) and carry it in front of them in the wars in Iraq, Yugoslavia, Afghanistan, Vietnam. To miracles showing US politicians. In Russia (as, however, and everywhere) do not understand that this is absolutely the same. That dirty hands and dirty minds The Mother of God make an accomplice of murders. Is it - from God? Or is it from Satan? Rather, from the scorement.

As for the star, then - why not? - You can and "felt". In the novel Worthanovich "Moscow 2042" new communist priests are starring and carry a star on the chest with the image of the Savior. Perhaps Voinovich himself did not know how close he was to the truth. The five-pointed communist star also comes from the Jews, this is a typical symbol in general secret Knowledge And the secret faith, namely, was Christianity in the first centuries of its existence. And to the Bolsheviks, the star fell from Masons, as we have already told in the newspaper. And this star of Masons is just, apparently, and took from rejected original Christianity, while also all "adapting" for their needs.

Star of David

Two words about the symbol of Jews. Now in Israel, two crossed triangles are submitted as allegedly an ancient symbol of the Jewish state. This is another myth. This is what Charles William Heckertorn writes to the book mentioned above, published in Russia in 1876 (quoting on the reprint publication): "Kabbalistic ideas spread throughout. In the Middle Ages we meet them in many strange customs and rites. Here I will mention only about one that explains the sign, still used in some European countries. A double triangle was considered the Jews with a cubalistic figure, which was attributed to the power to disgust fire. Therefore, in the Middle Ages, German Jews put a triangle over the entrance to their workshops and the factors. Subsequently, this customer was limited to alone brewery. Now the triangle is a porter sign. "

Like this. In 1876, hegerton could not assume that in the twentieth century. The state of Israel will appear with the coat of arms, which in all of Europe the centuries was a sign of restaurants and eaters, and not necessarily Jewish.

This sign was "reanimated" under a new sauce at the turn of the twentieth century. Zionists, and his former importance did not interest them. The cross was "reanimated" under the new European sauce in the Roman Empire - as a new sign of Christianity.

Truly, symbols are something more than just a sign. They have special Life. Why is the vampire, following the fashion of Hollywood, is obliged to be afraid of the cross? After all, the true symbol of Christianity is a star! It turns out due to the fact that they simply believe in the cross. And from this expires that such a symbol can be anything, any combination of sticks, drops and other geometry. The force is not in them, not in the "cross of a vivory", as in our literature and cinema more than once said, and in the soul of our vivory and bright. She gives the power to sticks and darling, and not they.

So what is the cross?
On the issue of the history of the cross
Grabbing once, they were wires this symbol through the darkness of the centuries. Bristingly from domes in the sky, rooted in the headboard of someone's dust, hanging out personal Calval on millions of thirsting salvation and grace, two crash lines are perceived non-otherwise isoons symbol It is known whose faith. The church received a peclacial monopoly on this sign (it remains only to officially register as its own Trade Mark).
However, can this symbol be called really Christian by definition? I suppose, many believe that the cross, as a sacred, endowed with the power of the sign, was a generation christian faith and used by its adherents from the very beginning. The Holy Father may tell for hours about the great value of the Cross for seeking the road to heaven, but will be silent about the history of the emergence and adoption of this symbol of faith Christians. The past is reliably drowning in dust ...
Meanwhile, the cross is indeed from ancient times, he was a sacral symbol, but he didn't gain its strength at all after it took place, obviously, the most famous execution in the world.
The occurrence of the cross of the cross refers to the neolithic, although the individual elements of this figure arose in upper Paleolitis. This symbol is directly related to solar cults.

Cross as religious symbol Significantly ancient Christianity, and Christians accepted this symbol forcedly, because they could not eradicate him in the so-called pagan communities, which they paid in " true faith" Gentiles, becoming Christians, never wanted to part with an ancient symbol - a cross. It was then that Christian missionaries appeared in Christian missionaries, the thought did not reject the cross, but to accept it, but to fill in a completely different content, namely, to make a symbol of that very cross, on which the man was executed. For this, however, I had to change his shape a little, making a cross inelenia. Later, one more crossbar added another short at the top - where the head had to be headed, and another crossbar was added at the bottom - where the feet had to be located. So it turned out the eight-spin cross, which we see from Orthodox Christians. At the Catholic and Protestanian Cross of the Crossbar, their cross is four-spin.

However, how can I regard the fact of reverence believers of the tools of death of Christ? After all, the cross (if you take a church point of view that God's Son was crucified on the cross) is nothing more than weapons who killed Jesus. Consequently, Christians are assessed by the glory of this tool and death to this! Moreover, people who consider themselves "Christians" cover this weapon with gold, decorate it with flowers, hang on the walls of their homes and on their neck, kiss him and pray with it. Is this a similar attitude towards the murder tool full of absurdity and a sign of the lack of elementary sanity?

In antiquity there were many other torture instruments and types of weapons for the murder and punishment of criminals. To do this, used, for example, daggers, spears, hanging on the gallows, cut off the head of the ax or clogging to death. So, the Bible reports that James - Brother John - "killed by the sword" (Acts 12: 2). We think that they would have done "Christians" if Jesus was executed in some kind of way, and not by crucifixion. We have to conclude that in this case the symbol of "Christianity" could well be the gallows, a film or ax! And as a result, "Christians" would pray to these subjects, they would put them on the roofs of their churches, covered with gold and would be taught to be holy to read them as a symbol of human "salvation." Is it possible to imagine this?

It is not surprising that this was considered unacceptable first Christians who did not occur to do from the instrument of death of Christ the shrine honored! As Zenon Kidosovsky recognizes in his book, "the cross has long remained in their perception by the embodiment of monstrous humiliation and death. It was difficult for them to get used to him as a symbol of salvation and a new life, because in everyday reality he was familiar with them as a terrible torture gun, as a symbol of death, not a celebration. This is evidenced, in particular, frescoes in Roman catacombs. They are depicted as symbols of Jesus Good Shepherd, sacrificial Lamb (in accordance with Isaiah Prophe's 3: 7 and Jeremiah 11:19), most often - the mysterious sign of the fish, the cross is not anywhere "(the tales of evangelists. M., 1977. p.215 ).

According to the book "At the origins of the Christian Church," Christians did not immediately become the most important symbol new religion. IN early Christianity, in I, II and even in the III century, the cross as an instrument of execution of Jesus Christ despired believers. In this regard, the discretion of Felix wrote: "As for the crosses, we do not read them at all; We do not need them, we are Christians; It is you pagans, you for whom are sacred wooden idols, you will honor wooden crosses "(Golubsyova N.I. At the origins of the Christian church. M., Science, 1967. P. 83).

"Even the cross did not serve as a decoration of the church ... The oldest symbol of Christ was fish (II century); On the oldest cave graves, he is depicted as a kind shepherd. The first Christians did not read the cross as a symbol of virtue, but rather looked at him as a "damned tree", as a weapon of death and shame. The apostles did not read the cross and did not speak about the cross, which you need to hang on the chain and wear on the neck or in your hand, like an amulet or keychain. In the Roman Empire, the execution on the Cross was considered a shameful, so the first Christians the cross hated. " (Inna Smirnova. Secret History Cross. Moscow: "Eksmo", 2007. p.47).

Photo 1. Tagged pagans. On banners depicted an equilateral four-star cross - the symbol of the sun. This is a cross-giving cross.

Photo 2. Church in the village Semenovskoye Yaroslavl region. The domes are installed eight-spin orthodox cross.

It is well known that the equilateral cross is the symbol of the sun. Such a cross is found in Buddhist temples and is generally widely represented in China, Japan, India, Nepal, Tibet. The cross in the pagan church can be seen on the Roman coin 311; Crosses are found on images of the pagan deity Mitra. The drawing of the cross was discovered at one time and in the ancient monuments in Decolumbovoy America.

The cult of the cross was among the Indians North America: They associated cross with the Sun; One Indian tribe from time immemorial called himself with crosses. The cross was also the Slavs-Gentiles, so, Serbov, at one time, distinguished the Christian cross ("Krsti") and the pagan cross (Paganska Krsta).

The eight-pointed cross is crowned with the masks of most Orthodox churches, it was seen everything.

Photo 3. Eight-pointed Orthodox Cross.

But the poppies of some Russian churches decorate the cross with a crescent at the base or, more precisely, the cross, at the base of which the crescent placed. What is the origin of such a cross, which means such a cross, with which Christian or pre-Christian tradition is it connected? The Orthodox Church of the Enforcement Answer does not give these questions.

Photo 4. The eight-pointed Orthodox cross with a crescent at the base.

Photo 5. Ancient equilateral cross with crescent on Celtic burial. The burial time is at least 2.5 thousand years ago.

Photo 6. Ancient cross In Tibet. In all likelihood, this symbol was an attribute of faith in Religion Bon, which in Tibet has complied Buddhism.

Photo 7. A complex equilateral cross is a symbol of communication of this and other world peace. Religious supporters of Bon and Buddhists Tibet and Mongolia.

Photo 7a. Ancient Egyptian symbol of the universe, whitic than three intertwined triangles, black and white, inscribed in a circle. In the center there is a cross, which means eternal Beginning Life. Nowadays, the hexagonal star is used in Judaism, and the whole symbol is in Masonov.

The question of the origin of the cross with the sickle at the base was still worried by Maxim Grek,. Which called the Serpic at the base of the Cross "Aki Mons Mons". It is also appropriate for another question: Is the cross with a crescent at the base of a pure Russian phenomenon? It is usually believed that such crosses appeared after liberation from the Tatar-Mongolian dominion to commemorate the victory of Orthodoxy over Muslim. But the cross with the crescent on the dome we see at the Vladimir Dmitrievsky Cathedral, built long before the appearance of Tatar-Mongol in Russia, namely in 1194-1197. This cross preserves its initial shape. The same crosses are available on other ancient and modern Orthodox churches.

Such crosses are found on the images of churches on miniatures and stamps icons. For example, we encounter it on miniatures of the office of Anthony Romans began the beginning of the XIV century, Fedorovsky Gospel 1321-1327, Simon Psalti of the second quarter of the XIV century, Chronicles of George Amartol Mid-XIV century, Sylvestrovsky collection of the XIV century, Psalrty 1424 g. . Kirillo-Belozersky Monastery, the palmings of the end of the XV century, on the stamps of the Kiev icon of Nikola Zagaysky began the XIV century., Novgorod Icons of Nicola with the Life from the Church of Boris and Gleb XV-XV century. And on the icon Nikola Mozhaysky from the Trinity-Sergian monastery began the XV century. We note an even similar configuration of the cross on the staff of the Apostle Peter, the image of which is represented on the Grand Sion XII century. From the Novgorod Sophia Cathedral, as well as on the staff of John the Forerunner on the miniature of the Simon Psalti XIV century.

Photo 8. Four-pin cross with a sickle at the base.

Photo 9. Four-spin crosses with a crescent on the domes of the Orthodox church.

Photo 10. Crosses with a crescent on the domes of the temple in Zagorsk.

Photo 11. Crosses with a crescent on the domes of the Orthodox church in the surroundings of the city of Kholmogory in the Arkhangelsk region.

The cross with the crescent is one of the oldest forms of the cross on Russian temples. Another common form of the Russian Dome Cross is the so-called eight-pointed cross, that is, the cross, as close as possible to the crucifixion image (with the upper crossbar, symbolically representing a table with the inscription above the head of Christ, and the oblique lower crossbar, denoting the foot). Both forms are canonical, but at the same time the dome cross with the crescent is older, and the eight-spin cross is relatively more new form. The eight-pointed cross on the dome of the Assumption Church in the Moscow Kremlin, supplied immediately before the stamp cathedral (in 1550), was a new phenomenon for that time. At the same time, it was noted that earlier the crosses were put on an ancient law. It is likely that the crosses with the crescent at the same time were in mind. By decideding, the eight-pointed crosses in the churches will continue, the stallal cathedral did not decide on the replacement of old crosses set by "an ancient law". Crosses with a crescent continued to exist after the cathedral, but the situation changed after the split of the Russian Church in the middle of the XVII century. It is known that the Old Believers could recognize only the eight-pointed cross, refusing to read the cross four-ring. From here the eight-pointed cross began to be perceived as a typical old-proof.

Photo 12. Lithuanian cross with crescent.

Crosses of such a form are common in Lithuania, where they are found on roadside, memorable and positive places. The Grand Principality of Lithuanian formed as a result of accession to the historical (ethnic) territory of Lithuania of East Slavic land, on which the Orthodox Christians lived, and Lithuanians. Up to XIV. were pagans. Consequently, the Orthodox Churches were the first Christian temples in the territory of the Lithuanian state. After the official baptism of Lithuania at the end of the XIV century. And the adoption of Catholicism in 1385. Orthodoxy here is displaced by Catholicism. However, traces of ancient Orthodox influence are found in the form of some Lithuanian crosses. Thus, Russian and Lithuanian crosses with a crescent may have a general origin.

Photo 13. Cross with crescent and swastika on the dome of one of the temples in the Yaroslavl region.

Solar symbolism is represented in the varieties of the equilateral Cross of the Swastika. The swastika is a typical solar sign, where the circular movement of the sun is transmitted by hooks at the ends of the cross directed to the right - "along the sun". The swastika actually refers to the "hook-shaped cross". As a solar symbol, the swastika is widespread in various cultural traditions. It meets in the Slavs, for example, in the folk embroidery, scorched on the hut in the tatras. Cross and crescents in the so-called pagan religions symbolize the sun and the moon. In the Christian religion, the meaning of the symbol cross acts as a symbol of Christ, while the moon in christian tradition Symbolizes the Virgin. Christ in Christian texts is called the "Sun of Truth" or the "Sun of Righteous," and the Virgin Mary associates with the image "Wife clothed in the Sun; Under the legs of her moon, and on the chapter of her crown from twelve stars. " On the Vilensk Icon of the Ostrogen God's Mother The image of Our Lady is combined with a crescent, on which the Mother of God is. IN western tradition The Mother of God is considered to be the Queen of Heaven.

Christ appears as the sun coming under Earth and ascending from under the ground, and the Virgin - as a moon, his born. Thus, the combination of the cross and crescent is taken from the pagan solar lunar symbolism, but filled with other meaning and symbolizes the connection of Christ and the Virgin, and since Christ is associated with the Sun, and the Virgin and the Moon, this combination and Christianity turned out to be very sustainable.

Photo 13a. Image of crosses on the jug. Europe before the adoption of Christianity.

Photo 13b. Equilaf cross in royal symbolism in Western Europe.

Photo 13B. The so-called Anchor Cross. In all likelihood it is not an anchor image, but the compound of the ancient Egyptian cross with a crescent. The symbol of the male (cross) and female (crescent) began.

Photo 13g. Cross swastika on the German helm of the Second World War. The Nazis considered him an Aryan sign and assigned it, not knowing that this sign was used not only in Tibet, but also Huns, Mongols and Slavs. Now he is state symbol in Mongolia.

Photo 14. Image of Our Lady of Christ.

The combination of stars and crescent is widespread in the east. This combination was once state emblem Sasanid Iran, then became a symbol of Islam. A versatile cross with a crescent from Christians and a star with a crescent in Islam detect striking parallelism, since the sun is a star. During Crimean war (1853-1856) in turkish army There was a Cossack squad (Old Believers-Cossacks), successfully fought with Russian troops. Sultan Abdul-Medzhid presented the Cossacks with the image of the Cross and Crescent - as a symbol that unites Muslims and Orthodox.

The equilateral cross, inscribed in the circle, was a common symbol at the Celts of more than four thousand years ago. But this kind of crosses are found not only at the Celts, they were in Russia before the adoption of Christianity. According to Pavlin Nolansky († 431), the circle near the cross indicates the celestial sphere. Dome crosses on Russian temples are often combined with sun rays, diverging from the medianity. Booting the satema (by the sun) during the cross move, which insisted in their time opponents of Patriarch Nikon, can be understood as a peculiar image of the cross - swastika.

Photo 15. Sophisticated cross inscribed in a circle. Here, the octagonal Orthodox cross is depicted on the equilateral pagan quadrangular cross inscribed in the circle. Small mugs planted on a circle should be considered symbolizing planets and stars that are at different levels of the celestial sphere.

The Christian Church first did not take the cult of the Sun and fought with him as a manifestation of pagan beliefs. So, in the middle of V c. Dad Leo I (Great) with condemnation noted that the Romans included in the Basilica of St. Peter, turned east to greeting the rising sun, turning to her back to the throne. Speaking that the pagans are worshiped by the Sun, Dad indicates that they also do some Christians who "imagine that they behave piously when, before entering the Basilica of St. Peter's apostle, dedicated to the One God and True, rising to the steps leading to the top platform [in Atrium], turn to the whole body, referring to the rising sun, and bent the neck, bow to the shining shining. " The admonition of the dad did not reach their goal, and people continued to turn around to the door of the temple at the entrance to the Basilica, so in 1300, Jotto was instructed to make a mosaic on the eastern wall of the Basilica with the image of Christ, St. Peter and other apostles so that the prayer of believers is facing them. As you can see, the tradition of worshiping the sun turned out to be unusually stable and in a thousand years. The church did not remain anything, how to adapt the solar-lunar pagan symbolism and adapt it to the myths of Christianity.

Photo 16. The execution on the cross.

But even after 5 centuries after the birth of Christ, the Christian preacher Evsevia Alexandria (approx. 500 g) wrote: "Mount to those who worship the sun, the moon and the stars. I know many who worship the sun and pray to him, saying "nice us," and so do not only the sun-fans and heretics, but also Christians, retreating from faith, mixed with heretics. "

In the ancient Russian "teaching of the father of spiritual to children in spiritual", the one condemns the one, "who ... to the sun, or the moon, or the stars, or otherwise, that is, the fading law." In "Tale of the consecration of temples" (1481), a protest is made against those who identify Christ with the Sun and prays the Sun, the Moon and the stars who attaches special meaning The movement of the embonodents: "I curse the ilk of Christ the verbal to the life of the sun and praying the sun, and the moon, and the stars and in any way of those who are god to the east of the gods of nursing and the same to the east of the true God of praying, but the solar movement to you."

However, the fathers of the Church of the Church of the Church were swelling to worship the sun as God heaven. We had a case about the Old Believers of Vasily Zholovsky (1680s), who did not go to the Nikonian (new proper) church, saying: "Our God is in the sky, and there is no God on Earth," and "baptized, looking at the sun."

Photo 17. Four-pin complicated cross with crescent on orthodox church In Vladimir. At three ends there are mugs in which four-spin crosses with a crescent are inscribed.

In the East, according to the Bible, God asked Paradise. The West appears, in such a way as the area of \u200b\u200bSatan, and the East - as the region of Christ. This follows the rite in orthodox baptism, the priest draws a peasant first to the wee, and says: "Does Satan deny anyone ...?" "After that, turns it to the east and tells him:" Does it see for Christ? "" Cappadocian Christian Ascetic Elpidius, for example, never turned to the West and did not look at the sun after the sixth hour when it began to be cloning to the sunset. The Khazars, convinced by the Christian sermary, forbidden to go to the West under the fear of death. Joseph Volotsky at the beginning of the XVI century. He mentioned that some were not worshiped by icons and churches in the West. In general, the appeal to the East is similar to the appeal to the sky, and thereby the opposition of the East and West corresponds to the opposition of the sky and the underworld.

Amazing, but it really is. All terrible misfortunes in Russia came and come from the West. So now, as soon as the Russians "pray" to the West began and bowed to all Western, so immediately smelled of death. Saves the same Russia is always East: from the east, the force in the XIII century, which helped to stop the onslaught of Teutons and prevented the onbirth of Russia, from the east at the beginning of the XVII century, the force, who freed Moscow from sales Moscow Boyars and Poles, came from the east, which in December came from the east 1941 stopped fascists near Moscow. And today, Russia saves its economy from the east from the east and rich (some of the Russians), as it is once a rich (some of the Russians) with furs from the east. There is something to think about Russians ... Salvation should be looking for and today not in the West, but in the East, for "burning the east of the new".

In the spread of Christianity - in a variety of historical periods And in different ethnic groups - the church was definitely and purposefully adapted to paganism, in particular, to the pagan festivals and pagan rites. She deliberately adapts to existing forms, seeking to give them new meaning, Rethink them in a new Christian key, seeking to adapt them to new beliefs. The symbolism used in Christianity is often much ancient Christianity, in distorted new beliefs, this symbolism reached the present day. According to the modern historian of the Church, "Christianity perceived and made his many" forms "of the pagan religion ... because ... that the whole idea of \u200b\u200bChristianity is that all" forms "in this world will not be replaced with new ones, but fill new content.

Baptism of water, religious meal, anointing of oil - all these customs came from a very distant past. The pagans celebrated on December 25, the birth of an invincible sun, Christians were timed to the celebration of the Nativity of Christ, who had learned people "to worship the sun of the truth, to know him from the height of the East," the pagans of January 6 had a Holiday "Epiphany", and the same date was the date and Christian Epiphany . Christian temples, for example, were raised, as a rule, on the site of pagan capits. Initially, the pagan temples were usually previously previously destroyed, but starting with V c. The process of turning them into christian churches Without destruction, in some cases a direct relationship between the Christian and pagan dedication of the temple is seen. And in the same way, finally, the Christian saints are substituents pagan gov, absorbing in yourself, respectively, those or other features of pagan origin.

Accordingly, a number of rites and a number of moments of cult behavior reveals a certain pagan origin, for example, the custom to wear a native cross, replaced by pagan lass, the cultory role of eggs and kulukhai in Easter (the pagans were so worshiped with phallus), as well as wax candles and reverence of sacred images - icons.

Initially in Christianity was the course of the iconoborets who tried to eradicate this pagan custom. But it was not there! I had to accept the church and with the reverence of icons. In the same way, the combination of a cross and crescent, which acquired a fundamentally new content in a Christian cult, is also explained.

Photo 18. The ancient Egyptian cross Crux AnSata, symbolizing a phallus.

Edward Carpenter (Edward Carpenter, Op. Cit., P .183) wrote: "A well-known T-shaped cross was used in pagan countries as an image of a male member. IN different cultures The cross had the very following various values. Sometimes he symbolizes a phallus, and sometimes the planet Venus. " And in the book " Short story Fallic cults "We find such a conclusion:" Crosses of various shapes are found everywhere on Egyptian monuments and tombs. Many specialists consider them symbols or phallus (images of the male genital organ), or copulation. "

In the Egyptian tombs, Crux Ansata is adjacent to the phallus (Cutner H. A., Short History of Sex-Worship, London, 1940, p.16.17). In view of such facts, as well as the fact that "Christians" are so accustomed to this symbol, it does not seem to be an amazing critical attitude towards them from other believers. So, for example, the Indologist Swami Shankrananda referred to the fact that the cross is a phallic pagan symbol, which means that he concludes, "Christians ... participate in a phallic cult" (Sankarananda S. The Rigvedic Culture of the Pre-Historic Indus).

Photo 19. Inverted Cross - Satan Symbol.

Alarming is famous fact Use the cross as one of the main characters in coalches of Satan fans. Perhaps the inverted cross here is the most famous here. According to one of the interpretations, the lower end of such a cross symbolizes the superiority of Satan over the three faces of the Trinity.

The ancient Slavs believed in the Beloboga and the Black Bog as in the two hypostasis of God's uniform. Christians were excluded from the host of the Divine Ipostasiy Chernobogo, but they presented the Beloboga in the form of Holy Trinity - God Father, the Son and God of the Holy Spirit. Chernobogok in Christianity turned into a devil.

However, everything that happens in this world has two shades: white and black, good and evil, good and bad, life and death, man and woman, attraction and repulsion, love and hatred, etc. And the world is equilibrium opposites. As soon as one opposite somewhere begins to prevail over another, it immediately happens in that place and at that time trouble. In this truth we make sure we constantly, this truth is the essence of dialectics.

Photo 20. Author on sacrificial stone. I found this stone in 2007 50 meters from the place where in 1955 was orthodox Church The Nativity of Christ in the village of Allyshtsky in the north of the Yaroslavl region.

In this article, I do not pretend to truth in the last instance. But I wanted to draw the attention of readers to frequently encountered facts associated with Christian symbolism, and make you think about them. The distant past came to us in the form of quite familiar things who carry considerable information about those people who lived thousands of years before us. In ancient symbolism, the representations of the ancients about the world and the place in it in it are reflected, and it is necessary to confess that these ideas were not primitive. Just ancient when graspting the world more than we used symbols and allegories, their thinking was more figurative than ours. Images of gods and all sorts of spirits replaced them with the concepts that we use. In general, there is something to think about ...

Christian religion did not arise from a scratch, she absorbed many beliefs that existed long before the birth of Christ. Many cults and rites came to Christianity from Bon's religion, from Buddhism, from Mitrisms, from Vedic beliefs, from the Old Russian religion, which is called paganism. But most of all Christianity adopted in the sun.

Mithra - the Persian God God. According to legends, he was the son of immobally conceived heavenly Virgin and was born on December 25 in the cave. He had 12 students. He was killed by taking the sins of his followers, rose and worshiped him as the embodiment of God. Mitraisters had seven holy sacraments, among which there are baptism and the sacrament when "the communion fell into the Divine nature of the Mitra in the form of bread and wine." The sign of the cross was worn on his forehead. Mitra. He received religious and mystical importance at Gallean Druids (Celts). In ancient Gaul, the image of the cross is found at many monuments. Two figurines of the Gull God with crosses on clothes are stored in the Louvre. The swastika is depicted on the small Gallic altar in the Toulouse Museum, and the cross is on the Gallic altar of a quadricular house in Nimea.

Osiris - the Egyptian God God. Born on December 29 from the virgin called "Virgin Mira". He had 12 students, one of them tonphon betrayed him, as a result of which he was killed, buried, but then he was resurrected after staying in hell for 3 days. He was considered the incarnation of the Divine, and he was the third in the Egyptian triad of the gods.

It is known that the cross was used as a sacred symbol in ancient religious practices of Egypt, Syria, India and China. "The cross, called Crux Ansata [Circles of An Asat - Cross with a loop or an eye at the top] ... held in the hands of Egyptian priests, as well as the kings who were at the same time supreme Priests. He served as a symbol of their power, as representatives of the God of the Sun, and was called the "Sign of Life" "(" Colonel J. Garnier, The Worship Of the Dead.", London, 1904, p.226). Another name for Anha - Crux AnSata [i.e. "Cross with a loop (with an eye)"], he served as the emblem of the Egyptian gods and the symbol of immortality. "

Indians Navajo wore on his chest silver crosseswho had to protect them from evil spirits. They believed that with the help of a cross, folded from the branches so that his ends would definitely indicate north, south, east and west, you can heal any disease, it is only worth putting a patient for this cross.

There is a collection of crosses and in the free Liverpool library "(Abdul Hamid Kadri" Dogmata of Christianity ". Chapter 3. Christian doctrines. Cross).

Famous traveler Captain James Cook was amazed by the customs of New Zealand's natives to put the crosses on the graves. (Y.Panasenko, A. Shmaro "Cross, Titlo". Science and religion, 1992, №9).

How do you look at what you have a horns? ... what, you do not have them? .. And I will prove! .. "Brad!" - You will say. And I will say - "Sophistic!", And I will prove.
1) "What you did not lose, then you have."
2) "Horn You did not lose."
3) "So you have a horns."
Wait to object, I know that there is not everything is clean! And if you want to argue with me, it's better to argue with Ebbulid, by the way, this is his conclusion.
What is the value of walking on this staircase?
Sophisticatics is the proof of this or that thesis erroneous way. This science, at least earlier it was believed that it was science, goes his roots in ancient Greece. The greatest minds of that time gave sophistry great value. Sofists - "Colding". Equivalent of wisdom was considered not knowledge, but the ability to reason. But Sophisticatics as educational science existed extremely long. Everything that this teaching has abounds - Tavtology, the game of words, unsuccessful logic, was presented to the idea of \u200b\u200bher uselessness. And soon she had to be enjoyed and not to get lost among the fundamental accurate sciences and reinforced concrete logic.
Throughout human life, interest in Sophistic flashed more than once. People attracted the opportunity to prove or challenge anything. Sophisms were particularly popular among intellectuals from the aristocratic layer of society. Light loved to amuse, proving, sometimes, absurd things.
Want to prove that theft is not a sin at all? You are welcome! There is nothing easier!
No one will argue with me that it is pleasurated, to make gifts to themselves and make yourself a native in every way - it is good. After all, so? .. Well, at least there is nothing wrong with that. So here. The thief goes to theft in order to make himself a pleasure, make a gift to himself and to mild himself in every way. Accordingly, steal is good, well, at least there is nothing wrong with that!
Sophisticatics has several crushing. This is a mathematical sophistic. This is political sophisics. This is the so-called sophistics dispute. Sophistication is also used in religion. The spiritual world clicked tenaciously for sophisms about God, about Rae and Herde. Church mentors of the eighteenth century urged people, especially commoners using all the same sophisms. Far from the science of people, did not embarrass "some shortcomings" in theses of preachers. The power of the church was stronger and in the educated circles of society, the benefit, the aristocracy of that time also practiced "wise reasoning".
You will not believe it, but later there was a place under the sun and for Sophistic Atheism! The favorite occupation of this direction was the exposition of church mains and canons. Often, the theses of atheists differed from the abstracts of the clergy only the first paragraph in the chain of evidence. They replaced "God exists, because ...." On "God does not exist, since ....". Moreover, the chain successfully closed for both sides. Here is a banal example of atheistic exposure using sophistic:
1) "Lord God is immortal and omnipotent."
2) "If God is Almighty, can he create what is able to destroy it?".
3) "If so, it is not immortal, if not, then not omnipotent."
In modern times, sofics do not exist, or rather, it exists, but does not represent any value. People who consider themselves sophists still make their work and break their heads over new conclusions. They drive pure enthusiasm and lively interest. In our time between sophishes and delusion, there is a bold sign of equality. Surely you heard such a phrase: "This is Sophistic clean water...... ". This is meant, this is nonsense, tautology, absurdity. But do not forget that it is also pretty funny. After all, it is really fun to prove what is obviously paradoxical. So, you should look carefully, maybe you still have a horns?
So what is the cross? What is his mystery? What is it generally related to Jesus?

Stone cross. This form is depicted on the press of the governor of the Byzantine emperor in Corsun.

Lauren Cross

16. Cross Four-inner "Immissa"

Such crosses appear in Roman catacombs, starting from the III century n. e. This is the most popular shape of the cross and to this day.

Cross "Immissa"

17. Cross "Papal"

This shape of the cross is most often used in the bishops and papal worship services of the Roman Church in the XIII-XV centuries and therefore got the name of the Papal Cross.

Papal Cross

18. Cross Stone "Russian Orthodox"

The lower crossbind of the cross means the scales, Merilo, who will be met by each of his share, award or punishment.

Six-pin cross

19. Cross Eight-Spoile Orthodox

The most appropriate shape of the cross of the one on which Jesus was crucified. The eight-spin cross is exactly the cross shape in Calvary.

Eight-spoard cross

20. Cross Seven Sounds

The seven-party cross mystically indicates the atonement by the Savior of all seven sins of human.

Seven-pin cross

21. Cross "Ternist Crown"

The image of the cross with a ternger crown is used for many centuries among the different peoples who took Christianity.

Cross "Ternist Crown"

Adam said: For the fact that you listened to your wife's voices and ate from the tree, about which I commanded you, saying: Do not eat from him, cursed the earth for you; With sorrow you will eat from her all the days of your life;
turning and the wolf she will grab you; And you will eat wild grass.
At the same time, denotes the punishment of the expelled Adam, the torment of the Savior and the award, glory.

22. Cross "Viselice"

It is often used to decorate temples, liturgical items, saint closures.

Hanging cross

23. Cross "Vine Vine"

Cross "Vine"

I am a true grape vine, and my father is vinogradar.
All I have a branch that does not bring the fetus, it cuts off; And all that, bringing the fruit, cleans the fetus more.

24. Cross "Lepalic"

The petal cross is often used in the design of temples, mosaic paintings, stained glass. It can be seen among the main elements of the Rosencraser symbolism (read more in the section "Rosa").

Petal cross

25. Cross "Greek", Korsunchik

Often, for instructions on the universal value of the Cross of Christ, as a microcalaned cross is depicted inscribed in a circle, symbolizing the cosmologically sphere of heavenly. Traditional shape for Byzantium.

Greek cross

26. Cross "rapid"

Used for temple dome decorations. Crescent is interpreted as the Bethlehem cradle of Christ, the Eucharistic bowl, a church ship, anchor of hope, ancient sniped.

Cross slaughterhouse

27. Cross "Trilispe

It is most often used for the manufacture of hand-drawed crosses.

Triliste Cross

28. Cross "Maltese" or "Georgievsky"

The shape of the cross adopted by the Order of St. John Jerusalem, formed on Malta Island and openly fought against Masonry.

St. George Cross

Maltese cross

29. Cross "Refractory-Konstantinovsky"

The equilateral cross, supplemented by a monogram "ic.xp.nika", which in Greeting means "Jesus Christ is a winner." This "Refractory" seal means the redemption of sinners from sinful captivity.

Konstantinovsky cross

30. Cross Stainer "Braided"

This weaving is obtained from ancient Christian art, where it is known in the thread and mosaic. Byzantine weaving, in turn, moves to the Slavs, in which it is especially common in the vigorous manuscripts in the ancient era.

Braided cross

31. Cross "Crypidoid"

The symbolic image of the cross from lily petals is one of the symbols of the Savior.

Criminal cross

32. Cross Quartwear "Doodle"

The cross, complemented by the drops of Christ, leaked from the wound from the throat wreath (at the top), nails in the hands (left and right) and legs (below).

Drop-shaped cross

33. Cross "Crucifix"

The images of Christ on the Cross differ depending on the era, the interpretation of church dogmas and the geography of religion. Christ was portrayed on the cross not only alive, risen, but also triumphant, with crossed and divorced feet, nailed with one and two nails, as well as savory on their hands.

Cross Crucifixion

34. Skimnic or Golgotha \u200b\u200bCross

The monogram on the samplen cross means the following:
"M.L.R.B." - Lob's place will crucify
"G.G." - Mount Golgotha
"G.A." - Head of Adamov
"IC" "xs" - the name of Jesus Christ
"Nika" - winner
"SN" "BZHI" - Son of God
"I.N.S." - Jesus Nazhai King Jewish
"CZP" "Clamps" - the king of glory

Cross "Calvary"

35. Cross "Gammatic", in the West "Crux Gammata", he is a swastika

An ancient solar symbol (read more in the section "Swastika").
Such a simple symbol is two line crosses. And so many values, so much meaning, so much sacral weight.

Gamma tichetic cross

History of the symbol

The history of the cross as a symbol goes its roots deep into antiquity. The emergence of this sacred sign is not associated with Christianity and not with the figure of Jesus Christ as such. His story begins much earlier, in ancient times, during the appearance of fire.
Once people have learned how to light fire, they began to improve this technology. A tool for ignition served two crucifically folded piece of wood with a deepening at the crossing point.
Such a method is used in some Australian tribes so far.
Since the ancient people have the concept of the sun and the fire are closely connected, and the tool in the shape of the cross served to mining this very fire, the sign of the cross began to tie with the sun, fire, life.
Often the symbol of the cross fit into the circle - the sign of the Sun, thereby emphasizing the immediate connection of these concepts. It is because of the close connection with the sun, the cross and received such widespread.

"The connection of this symbol with priestly or royal title is also becoming clear, as well as the cult of fertility and vegetation gods. For all these gods were the personification of the life-giving heat, they are all relative in their origin, if not directly originate from him, that primary deity, the most old modification of which we are known under the name of the Vedic Agni. "
People understood that the fire could protect their home from predators, cold and bad weather, so they decorated their homes with the symbols of the cross to attract the sun to their homes and give them protection. They applied the same symbols on clothes, utensils, decorations, weapons, religious structures.
Even in the pre-Christian times, the cross was used as a religious symbol among non-Christian peoples. In many cases, this phenomenon was due to the worship of nature as such.

Fragment of a wall painting in the Egyptian tomb of the "Ancient" Pharaoh Ramses III

When and where for the first time a person draws this symbol - unknown. The image of the cross is found on the monuments of the Stone Age. Vases preserved before our times bronze Age With the images of the cross. Often this image is found at home dishes of the same time. On the island of Crete, for example, a vessel is found with the image of a Greek equilateral cross. The vessel is about five thousand years.
In ancient Egypt, the cross was a symbol of immortality. He was portrayed on the clothes of the priests, the great gods painted with him in his hands. Especially often with a cross in hand depicted Isido and mountain.
A large number of images of the cross was found on antique items during the excavations of the Troy famous archaeologist Schlifiman. IN Ancient Rome The keeper of the sacred fire, Vestniki, wore the image of the cross - the emblem, symbolizing his position. During the initiation of the cross in Greece. Here is the rite of baptism, overtaking Christian for many centuries.

Penalty on the cross

Cross was a type death penalty In ancient Rome, which was prepared by slaves or dishonest people. Shameful penalty, the last, terrible. "The name of the cross is opposed to the Roman um, the eyes and hearing," the Cicero wrote so. And, nevertheless, later the image of the execution on the cross began to be reheared by millions of people on earth.

"Death on the cross concluded all that only there is a terrible and outrageous in torture and death: dizziness, convulsions, decay, insomnia, feverish state as a result of wounds, tetanus, publicity of shame, the duration of suffering, Antonov fire in open wounds- all this, taken together, and in the most high degreeBut without deprivation of feelings, which would be the one to become for a sufferer of some relief. The unnatural position was made to painful any movement, inflamed and indiscriminately repaired wounds near the nails corrosion of Gangren; Arterys - especially in the head and stomach - flipped and strained from the tide of the blood. With all these diverse and ever-increasing torment, unbearable heat and painful thirst were joined. The combination at the same time all these MUK produced such a unbearable longing, which is the very kind of death, of this terrible unknown enemy, with the approach of which every person trembles, made a pleasant, dream about her - secrecy. "

Cylindrical "Ofic" seal 300 years. Antique orphea, crucified on the cross.

During the execution, the cross first put the end, then the convicted one was attached to it. Hands nailed with nails, legs tied ropes, or also nailed with nails. At the height of the legs, they usually nailed a horizontal plank for support. All this was done not for the convenience of sentenced, but in order for death from the lower body, it was too fast.

"The cruel peculiarity of the godgropus was that in this terrible state it was possible to live in terrible flour three or four days. Bleeding from the Russian Academy of Sciences In the hands soon ceased and there could not be fatal. True reason The death was an unnatural position of the body, which caused a terrible circulatory disorder, terrible headaches, heart pain and finally stupid members. Crucified on the cross if they have a strong physique, could even sleep and died only from hunger. The main thought of this cruel execution was not a direct killing of convicts with the help of certain damage to his body, and the exploration of a slave with the naughty hands, of which he failed to make good use, to shameful post.where it was provided to rot. "

Sacred geometry of the cross

In the symbol of the cross, two lines and the center are distinguished clearly. The idea of \u200b\u200bthe fact that the cross is the intersection of two guides - and is the main one. For example, the circle and square also focus on a certain area of \u200b\u200bspace. However, the clear center is not observed in them, the specific point is not important here. The cross is the opposite, focuses on the center of space, without paying attention to the surrounding planes.
In addition, the cross is often correlated with the system geographic coordinates. It is often traced in the ideas of ancient people (rock paintings, images on animal skins, ceramics, walls of houses and temples), as well as in ancient myths. For example, four rivers flow from the Paradise Garden of Eden on four sides of the world.
Lines share space for four sectors (four - sacred number For many nations), based on the center of the four rays. As already mentioned, the cross often correlated with the cult of the Sun, so his appearance You can interpret both the figure from the sunny rays outgoing from one point.
The cross symbolizes the four elements on which the world is based. Symbolizes Macrocosm: crossing the horizon line and vertical axis of the world. Symbolizes microcosm: man with stretched hands. Symbolizes both the struggle, the collision of the opposites, their merger and harmony: matter and spirit, sky and earth, male and female began.

Triangle. Divine Triad.

In the sky both eyes of the Lord and his forehead form a triangle, and their reflection forms a triangle in the waters.
Book Sarch

Triangle in the very wide sense Indicates any triple concepts: the sky-earth-man, father-mother-child, body-soul spirit (ether), triad gods, Holy Trinity. This is a symbol full harmony and equilibrium.
Bridges from the plates laid in the form of a triangle are already found in the ancient tract of Lepensky Vir on Don (in the VII millennium BC), and the triangular scratches on the bones have even greater age. The triangle is one of the unique figures. Her unusual sacred meaning It is that this very meaning varies depending on the direction of the triangle. Thus, its symbolic interpretation is determined by the direction, location and shape of the triangle. Its values \u200b\u200bvary depending on where its vertex is directed.

Equilateral triangle awarded up

The personification of Divine Perfection and Harmony. Since ancient times, all symbols with the rising direction mean a close relationship with divine spirits. Therefore, the ancient shamans threw their hands up to call rain on dry lands. Communication with the Sun, Fire, Life, Spiritual Lifting - All this is included in the symbolism of the equilateral triangle, aimed up. Male sunny sign denoting creative male strength, fertility, phallic power. Isosceles triangleAwarded up and painted in red means royal grandeur.

"This symbol initially indicated a man," he said Sophie. - Reminds Rudimentary Fallos.
"That's it," Sophie agreed with him.
"So it was," confirmed Tibiing. Langdon continued:
- This symbol is known called the blade, or sword, and is designed to emphasize aggressiveness and masculinity. By the way, the same foolos symbol is still used in Chevron military form For the notation of the rank.
- Yeah! - neglected Tibing. - The more penises you have, the higher your rank. Guys - they are always guys.
Brown D. Code Da Vinci. M.: AST, 2003.

Equilateral triangle

This direction of the triangle is the inverse of the previous one, is the sign of the moon, water and rain. The interpretations of this symbol are many, but they will ultimately be reduced to one direction. The triangle direction is directed down - the involution triangle is a symbol of softness, inside, female start. Here they remember the designation of the female womb, the female womb, in which the fruit of the child is launched, the female pubis, which represents the same shape, female genitals. It would seem that a completely trivial phenomenon was parallelized with the Great Mother Goddess, inhaling the Divine Spark in all living on Earth. All physical, bodily, symbolically associated with this triangle.
Thus, we have a "towering" triangle - the personification of the Sun, the sublime, divine, phallic, and the triangle "Discount" - the sign of the moon, earthly, physical, psychological, feminine. Two different triangles connected together are as a result of cosmic harmony, sexual harmony. In the occult, this symbol is referred to as the "shield of David" or "Solomon's seal" (read more in paragraph "Hexagram"). Two triangles that are in contact with the vertices mean the cyclicality of the existence of the whole living, beginning and end, life and death, the unity of opposites.

Triangle in religious and scientific interpretation

Funny interpretation with different triangles gave Ancient Greece Xenocrat from Kalhadon, head of the Platonov Academy. An equilateral triangle, regardless of the direction, he called the Divine, arguing that the sacred harmony was embodied in it. He called demonic and attributed to him, despite the external seeming harmony. The versatile in his interpretation was human and reflected the imperfection of human nature.
In the philosophical system of Pythagora, the Greek letter "Delta" due to its triangular form is considered a symbol of creating space.
IN Ancient China The triangle was a symbol of a female start, and with suspended swords symbolized recovery. In Tibetan Tantrizme combination of two equilateral triangles In the form of hexagram, he was "penetration into feminine male fire."
In the ancient alexic manuscripts, a triangular symbol is a sign of the "Year" concept.
In Hinduism, this is a symbol of female animal power - Durga.
In the early Christian era, the Manicheans used a triangle as a symbol of the Trinity. However, later, the equilateral triangle directed upwards, became the sign of God. The God of Christian Trinity is represented by an eye inside a triangle or a figure with triangular nimbers. The same symbolism has a triangle in Judaism.
In the religion of Egyptians, Hindus, Celts, Scandinavians, Aztecs, Incas and many other peoples, a triangle could personify the triad of the main gods. Egyptians, for example, the vertical side of the triangle was associated with Osiris, horizontal - with Isida, and hypotenuse - with their son's mountain.
In the Christian iconography, the three Ipostasses of God (God Father, the God of the Son and the Holy Spirit), which make up the Holy Trinity, were depicted either in the form of an equilateral triangle, or in the form of a triangle formed by three intersecting circles. The symbols of the Triune Christian God were also triangular hinders and eyes in a triangle (emblem "God's eye").
In the Blue Freemasonry, the Golden Emblem of "Full-Grants God" has been replenished additional element Perfections - nine rays emanating from her center. As the "47th task of Euclidea", a triangle is a symbol of the head of the Masonic lodge and the sign of the senior master.
In alchemy, two equilateral triangles with tops, directed up and down, were indicated, respectively, fire and water. Taken together, they symbolized the unity of opposites: the essence and substance, stability and variability, spirit and matter, etc.

Illustration of the book of Vasily Valentine "Douze Clefs de Saggese"

In allegorical art triangle as musical instrument He belonged to Muse Erato, who performed lyrical songs under his accompaniment.
When pronouncing ritual magic spells, the triangle also fits into the magic circle. The sign of the triangle can be veiled to interpret as a trillery (triple leaf of clover), which is considered a symbol of a male genus.

Sacred figures - occult signs - you can not contemplate with impunity (the tilted triangle is not that straight: tilted - self-awareness facing spirit, direct - on yourself); Contemplation of the triangle on Kalosh, which we are taught (the sign of the Divine!) There is a parody of the rite: and no reason for the holy by this sign for a long time to stamping Kalosh and, daily we have a top of the dirt in the mud. And this is the case of "their" hands ...
The triangle symbol is often used for occult rituals in western ceremonial magic, theurgies, ceremonial demonologies, satanis and some rituals of necromagity.
The image of the occult triangle has the following sacral meaning:
- the triangle concentrates energy, symbolizes higher power, their manifestation;
- the triangle manifested by the creature within the framework of the test triangle, not allowing it to spread energy beyond its limits;
- Each side of the triangle means a creature contributing to the manifestation of energy;
- The triangle is used to facilitate contact with the creature, as well as to offer Dani to him. In this case, the triangle works like a lens, helping to convert three-dimensional space to us in four-dimensional.

Triangular symbols of four elements

In addition, the triangle is often used at intermediate stages of occult rituals.

Xxvi. To draw a magic tool in the east a hexagram of fire, saying: "Ararit".
This hexagram consists of two equilateral triangles facing the tops up. Start from the top of the upper triangle and draw it clockwise. Then specify the top of the second triangle and draw it clockwise. The top of the lower triangle must coincide with the center of the top.

Xxvii. In the south hexagram of the Earth, saying: "Ararit".
In this hexagram, the top of the lower triangle is drawn down, so it can be drawn by one circular motion.

Xxviii. In the West hexagram air in the west, saying: "Ararit".

This hexagram reminds the hexagram of the Earth, but the foundations of two triangles are coincided here, forming a rhombus.
XXIX. In the north hexagram water, saying: "Ararita".
In this hexagram, the lower triangle is placed above the top so that their vertices coincide.

Illustrations - from the book of Alistair Crowley "Book O"

The magic triangle of Christian theosophists is the famous "Abrakadabra", which they attributed extraordinary properties. Used in quality magic formulaThis word usually fit or lined up in an inverted triangle (RATP) as follows.

For this universal principle of hermetic philosophy of alchemists, the cross (symbol of the material world) and a triangle with the edge, facing up - the hieroglyph of the elements of the fire used as a sign.

IN soviet time The triangle was familiar with the difference between the junior command of the Red Army. One triangle indicated the link commander; two triangles - commander of separation, calculation, light tank or armored car; Three triangles - Assistant commander of the platoon, and four triangles - a landslide of the company, battalion, batteries, division or substituent political officer.
Widespread use has a triangle and in modern system emblems. Road warning signs in the form of triangles with conventions, technical signs (exclamation mark in a triangle, zigzag lightning in a triangle) that warn about possible danger or attract attention.

Cross in Decolumbovy America

According to Harcilaso de Vega, when the Spaniards first appeared in Cusco, they saw the Incas Kings Cross from Red-White Jasper. He was from very long time, and what, they did not really know. In 1560, Garcilaso saw this cross"In Risnice cathedral of the city in which he hung on a nail with the help of a cord passing through the hole done in the tips of the cross .... The cross was square, equal in length and height; In length, he had about three quarters of Vary, rather less than more, and the width of three fingers and almost the same thickness; It was made entirely of one piece, very well separated, with very well-carved angles, all the same [size] forming the square; The stone was well polished and polished. He was kept in one of the royal houses in the back room, which is called Waka, which means sacred place ".
Incas did not worship this cross, but they treated him with respect, the reason they could also explain. So they kept the cross until Francisco Pisarroe seized Cusco. In the future, the Spaniards built a Christian temple and hanged this cross in it - in the place in which Garcilaso de la Vega was seen.

Equally, Greek or Roman Cross

Equipical cross, which Spaniards saw in Cusco, is called the Greek or Roman Cross. This sign (Quadrata) was used from prehistoric times in the most different values - assymbol of the God of the Sun., God of rain and elements, of which the world has been created: air, earth, fire, water, together constitutingsymbol of Life . In early Christianity, the Greek cross symbolized Christ, later began to be memorized as a symbol of mercy and patience; In this meaning, he reached the present day, meaning, first of all, medicine and everything connected with the help of a person. The modified form of this cross is today's Christian cross, one of the sides of which is longer than others.

In addition to Greek exist a large number of differing in the form of crosses:


Tau (TAB) resembling the letter "T", which issymbol of life . In Kabbalists, he indicated the sky, all-concrete wisdom and world-building, in Pythagoreans - Tetraxis, which, in fact, was the same. This cross was widely used in the Mitra Miter (God of the Ancient Zoroastrians and Indians);


Ankh or Anh (Ankh, Crux AnSata) - the sametau cross (symbol of life), only topped with a circle or oval (symbol of eternity). Is an symbol of immortality. It is also called Tau-
cross - Crux Ansata,
as well as a cross of life . According to one of the ancient Christian legends, such a form had the key from the doors of Paradise, which was given to St. Peter. In ancient Egypt, Ankhit was also understood as the key to whom the gate open to the divine knowledge.
In more late period Ankh contacted the image of the village of Seta, whom the Greeks were identified with a typhony, in chains and, as such, was suspended on the neck of the patient as an amulet, reviving vitality. The same cross was
symbol of heaven and immortalityscandinavians, rejuvenation and liberation from the physical suffering from Maya.His form is interpreted as the ascending sun, Unity of opposites or source of inexhaustible vitality;


The swastika is a cross with curved ends ("rotating"), directed either clockwise ("correct" swastika, denoting the movement of the Earth around the Sun), or counterclockwise ("wrong" swastika). "Right" swastika is considered assun symbol I.
life source , light, good luck, happiness and creation.
It is perceived as a wheel of life and indicates the visible movement of the Sun around the Earth and dividing the year for four parts - four seasons. Sometimes the swastika is identified with another sunny sign - a cross in a circle, where the cross is the sign of the daily movement of the sun.
In early Christianity, the swastika was known as
hammated Cross. According to the Fresorist researcher, the religious tradition of the XIX-XX centuries. Rene Heonu, to the end of the Middle Ages, she was one of the emblems of Christ. It can be seen on old Orthodox icons;

Conducting Nyb

Conducting Nimbe over the head of Christ, and sometimes of the Holy Spirit, uniting the Nimb (the symbol of divine energy, holiness or power), and the Greek cross (symbol of life).

There are a large number of options and combinations of listed above and other crosses.

Spreading the cross in the ancient (before the Nativity of Christ) world

Irck picturescross , sculptures and bas-reliefs with a cross, cross-shaped products, structures in the formcross are found around the world - in India, China, Indochita, Iran, Iraq, Egypt, in Europe and other places, and date back from the III Millennium BC. Until III Millennium AD They are an important component of the culture of almost all the peoples of the world - both living on earth and living earlier on it.
During the time of the Konkists, the Spanish and Portuguese sailors and monks (since Christopher Columbus) have not worked out with surprise that the cross was famous for the Indians long ago. About the cross stored in Cusco, I just told you. Other crosses (most often Anhy) decorated the breasts of statues and bas-reliefs in Palenk, Copane and other Maya cities. The same sign was discovered on the back of the statue of the Easter Island.
William W. Seymour in the book "Cross in traditions, history and culture" reports:

"The Aztec Rain Goddess keeps the cross in his hand, and Toltec claims that their deity Cetzalcoatle taught them the signs and rituals of the cross, and therefore his rod, or a scepter of power, reminds Egyptian staff (Anh), and his mantle covered with red crosses".
The cross was the overall symbol of American Indians before the appearance of Europeans in the north and south. According to I. Smirnova, north American Indians Navajo wore silver crosses on the chest, which had to protect them from evil spirits. They believed that with the help of a cross, folded from the branches so that his ends would definitely indicate north, south, east and west, you can heal any disease, it is only worth putting a patient for this cross. And the Indians of Volpi during their sacred dances held in their hands the emblem depicting a black swastika on a white background, surrounded by rays.
Pretty many crosses were found in archaeological excavations on the territory of Peru and Mexico. At first, the researchers thought that it was the "crosses of the winds", symbolizing the four directions of the wind and the arrival of the rains. But then there was an assumption that they are inherent in solar (sunny) or stellar character.

Many followers of the Christian religion, the reverence of the cross at first caused a protest only because he was considered " pagan symbol" . But for the bulk of the newly directed cross was the usual sacred sign. In IV century The church officially recognized and legalized him.

Cross - a million-year symbol of solar gods from hyperborea .

In this way, the cross is inextricably linked with the sun, light, comprehensive wisdom, eternal life or immortality. He was an integral attribute of solar gods - AdidivAnd, probably, those who lived with them.The origins of this symbol are lost in the depths of the centuries separated from us by many millions of years, and closely connected with the ancient continent of Hyperborea-Svarga-Jambudvipwhere "at the beginning of the century" lived white gods. In the future, individual representatives of the Divine People were separated by this sign worldwide.The cross began to relate to the world harmony, life in the unity of nature and according to its laws (with the identification of nature with live superboriganism with the size of the universe), the world, happiness, well-being, the struggle against the dark demonic forces, which are usually not similar to people reasonable inhabitants Our planet. This value was supposed to give him the hell themselves. However, in later times, due to the development of our society on the way other than the inhabited gods (wars and the destruction of world harmony), the functions of the crosschanged. Now it seems to be for many, first of all, as an element of protection against the whole dark and demonic, and only then - as as a symbol of immortality and the unity of the soul with God.

Cross - schematic image of another sun symbol - birds

In addition to cross, there are other signs denoting the sun, or associated with sunny (heavenly) gods. This is primarily widespread in the ancient religions of many nations birds (often eagle or falcon, at the Hummingbird Aztecs).

Image of a bird - a double-headed eagle in the temple of the Holy Sepulcher in Jerusalem.

For me, a surprise was the discovery in the Church of the Holy Tomb (the church of the Merry Coffin) in Jerusalem the characteristic symbols of the solar gowns - a solar disk with diverging rays and a double-headed eagle. A similar sunny disk form was widely represented in the "pagan" culture of South American Indians and is part of Argentina banners, Uruguay and Peru. The eagle is also known from the "pagan" times in the culture of the most of different nations (Slavs, Egyptians, Aztecs, etc.) and is one of the most characteristic symbols of the sun or solar gods - Yarm's opponent of snakes. Two-headed eagle - The coat of arms of Russia, inherited to her from the ancient Slavs.
The origin of all these characters, like the cross (many historians believe that the cross is the image of the bird) is lost in the depths of the centuries on the distant northern continent of the hyperborea, on which the white gods of a bright day lived. The worship of them laid the beginning of the cult of solar gods. Leaders of solar gods in different time Different nations were Varuna, Indra, Mithra, Svarog, Ahura Mazda, Enlil, Amon-Khnum, Zeus, Inti, perhaps Yahweh Symbol of the Sun on the Semi Church of the Holy Tomb in Jerusalem Close-up


It is believed that the equilateral four-beam cross is younger brother Swastiki, symbol of fire, sun brother.

The cross is a derived from the couch, this fire or a fiery body, temporarily not exposed to rotation, and therefore, which does not have a swirl swivel tail - flame languages, hence, by the way, "Chairs" - fire.

The camera is a sacred ritual, ritual fire. Our ancestors considered fire the basis of nature along with earth, water and air, and the worship of fire has endless historical roots Many nations of the world. The worship of fire still exists in the tradition of the Russian people. Candles light on new Year's tree (True, in lately They are crowded with light bulbs), lit candles decorate a festive birthday cake. Our memory has not yet forgotten the ancient ritual, which is called the "peasant". The Slavic-Rusich Mc was a fire that gives and reviving life. In the "Word about the regiment of Igor", you can read: "And Igor Harbrago does not cross the regiment ...", which means, do not resurrect. The peasant is a spiritual revival and cleansing from "psychological garbage." It makes sense to think where there were such concepts like "Sunday" in general and "Resurrection of Christ", in particular. Christians put inspired candles for health and behind the rest, but procession, this is a kind of borrowing an ancient Vedic Ritual, who had previously named the heading. From the word "camera", but not "cross."

The leaders of the Third Reich revived this magic ritual In the form of torch processions, but it turned out that for world domination is extremely not enough compliance with external attributes. It should also be noted that the most gifted Soviet pioneers, with the correct formulation of the issue, could be formed to the mature age in Casta of strong priests. Magic Pentagram is a filling star, a ritual fire, a very hard discipline and a constant readiness "At night and the day" - a good set for beginner moisters. There was no only healthy national idea, however, it is not surprising.

In the teaching Kabbalah, which was formed on the basis of ancient Vedic knowledge, there is its explanation of the essence of the equilateral cross, which is decomposed into two components. The BEPTING line personifies the active element of the life-giving male start. It is often designated in red, reminding about the seemingly swelling flame. This same semantic load Obeliski, steles, the imperial scepter, the Marshal rod and even the conductor wand, are symbolizing power, strength and energy.

Horizontal line - ancient sign horizon, earth surface. Denotes black or ultramic color. She personifies the great, but passive feminine, in this case is not negative. When combining both lines, a balanced figure is obtained - an equilateral cross as a symbol of perfection and harmony. This is the material world with four sides of the light formed by four elements.

By the way, this very old and beautiful sign not a country symbol ascending sun. The sign was often used as a tagged people who had served in the harsh northern regions of our immense homeland. The horizontal line personifies the surface of the Earth of the Russian Polar region.

But the well-known medical red cross and there is the same cub - the symbol of the Renaissance and the victory of life over death. He has a very distant attitude towards Christianity and to a cross, on which Jesus crucified.

Mentioning various organizations of the Red Cross and their branch should look into the near-long past, more precisely in the first three centuries of the second millennium from PC. It was at that time that it was born (rather, a brotherhood of the so-called hospital players was born) - the spiritual and knightly Order at the Hospital in Jerusalem (Maltese Order). True, hospitalries became knights a little later, coping the management structure from the Knight's Order of the Temples - Templars. After several ambitious defeats, hospitallers settled on Malta Island and completely forgot about medicine. Only some memories of signs and symbols remained. Former hospitallers wearing white Cross On the red (up to the 13th century - on the black) raincoat, and the former Templars are a red cross on a white background. IN mid XIX. A century numerous groups of help for wounded soldiers united under the sign of the Red Cross.

Along with a direct four-bearent cross, in Russia there is a braid X-shaped cross, which is called Andreevsky. The researchers of the ancient Slavic-Russian artistic embroidery argue that the oblique cross symbolizes the martial spirit of God-threshold, he was used long before the arrival of the Byzantine missionary Andrei Prolonnoye. Oblique cross was a symbol Navy Russia is officially only from the XVII century, but it is unlikely that his image fell on such an honorable place only because a foreign preacher was crucified on such a cross. Most likely, on the fighting flag depicted a sign of valor and military glory. Nextblowing, probably, also recall that one of the Western ideologues of the Order of Rosenkreyers who use the oblique cross was a certain priest of Andrei. Isn't it name?

Numismatists in Germany believe that over 200 varieties of the cross differ in Heraldry. Of particular interest are: branchy, Jerusalem, trilding, crutch, Maltese, and also lapto.

"The Cross Cross, all 4th end of which end with small transverse crossbars, which is why the similarities with crutches ..."

("Numismism Dictionary", Transpress, Berlin)

Fantasy at the level of the provincial injury, and after all, someone is willing to challenge the fact that the birthplace of Indo-European culture is Russia. By the way, the ancient Russian version " cross crust "mentioned in the section "Swastika Kolovrat".

A "Dictionary of Numismat" offers the following variety: "The cross with an eye, ancient Egyptian immortality symbol, in shape reminds the letter" T "with an oval ear ... is found, in particular, on the coins of Cyprus, where the Egyptian influence was particularly strong ..."

Egyptian hieroglyph "Anh" - from and there is a "cross with an eye." Drunvalo, member of the esoteric Order of Melchizedek, writes about it like this :: "Anh is a symbol of eternal life. Anh - Extremely significant symbol Ancient Egypt. There is an electromagnetic energy field around our bodies, like a resembling anch. The memories of this, according to Egyptian beliefs, is the beginning of returning home, to eternal life and true freedom, so anch is the most important key. "

In the old Slavonic language there were sounds that the letters corresponded Yus small and yus big.YUS Small means now simply "I", and the LIGHT is not used at all, most likely he was transformed into "y". There is an assumption that this "y" has been preserved in the words of Spirit, soul, breathing, and in ancient Egypt has become the basis of the hieroglyph "Anh". Egyptologists interpret the hieroglyph "Anh" (Ankh) is like a symbol of life.

The link to the letter "T" (Tau) is quite relevant. YU N, Lukin assumes that " Mystical "Tau" -one of the letters of the most ancient alphabet and is considered as the forerunner of the Christian Cross. But this letter, apparently, has more deep meaning.

Here is how the mysterious adonorary mysterious adoniram sign: "... climbed adonions on nearby granite bluing and became visible on it from everywhere, and he raised right hand His, and our banned on the air hand a horizontal line, and from the middle it was lowered by a perpendicular, depicting a mystical "Tau". And for a momentall the sides were to bother to adoniram workers of all kinds of skill, tribes and adverbs. And all this more thanone hundred thousand the army of workers instantly built in the ranks like an army to battle ... and seeing this power, I enabled Queen South, that adonorars above the person. And I understood "Solomon, that his power and power - a miserable powerlessness of the adoniram ..."

There is a lot of explanation to the meaning of the magical letter "Tau" - the Egyptian Cross - but, probably, closer to the truth of Melchizedekovskoe, that is, communication with human energy bioplashes. If you put an oval over the "Tau" - the hieroglyph "Anh" ..., and if you place the symbol of revival and cleansing - the menu. It turns out the cross, which is accepted today to call Christian. Something similar is offered by investigors of solid literacy. There is no doubt that the so-called Christian cross existed long before the birth of Christ, the Christian was not a completely different philosophical meaning. This value we forgot. We must remember it.

Yes, now there is still a rather sustainable opinion in Russia that the Christian cross, proudly towering over the defeated crescent, symbolizes the victory of the Christian world over Muslim in a distant Russian-Turkish war (Fig. 1). The version, of course, is beautiful, but it looks today somehow not very tolerant, for it borders with a frank religious chauvinism. In parallel, the Cavernous Hick shy; Ros: what, in this case, means the picture from the book S. Nilus "Is there at the door" (Fig. 2) and caricature on it, taken from the newspaper "Priokskaya Pravda" from 1998 (Fig. 3 ) - Cross and Malendovide (David's star), who will determine the framework of the permitted?

Answers on the surface. In the first case, the Crescent is by no means a symbol of Muslim religion, - he is the mighty voice of the distant pre-Christian past, pierced the time and reached our days. Enough to compare the first and last pictures (Fig. 1, 4),to dispel all doubts. Cross persongower Slavic God Horsa (Sun) crossing the huge heavenly ocean on the sacred roaster, which is depicted in the form of a crescent. And this sign has been preserved in Russia only because it is here that his roots are.

It is easier for all the importance of the Cross of Russian Christians described by Yu. N. Lukin in his work "in the world of characters" (Harbin 1936). "... eternal and the only meaning of this christian symbol Does not need a believer in the explanation, except for a private question about the reason for the draw eight-pointed cross Lower crossbars as if overwhelmed. An indirect explanation of this is in the service of the 9th hour, in words: "... By two robber, the robberry righteous, the righteous cross the cross is yours: a hawl of a child who is absorbed into Hell's hugs, and the rest of the lack of interest and knowledge of theology ..

In other words, in Calvary for two robbers, and in life for each person the cross serves as a measure, as ifscales its internal state. One robber "... who is herself into hell with hugs ... It became like a risk of weights bending down under this terrible weight; The other, liberated by repentance, the cross assumes the kingdom of heaven ... "

Everythingmuch more difficult and more interesting. But the information invested in the "Service of the 9th hour", of course, is correct. Kosy crossbind is really designed to associate the upper spiritual world with the bottom, - right with Navo, crossing our mortgage world in which we now live. True, there is a statement that between the terrible height with its boiling resin and blessed paradise with apples, the boundaries do not exist. But this is the topic of another conversation.

Three hundred years after the death of Christ, Christianity represented the usual teaching - something like Marxism. And only on the first Universal Cathedral In 325, it was issued in religion. By whom? Clear! For whom? I. and Zhervnskaya and L. V. Shamanov in the book "Where the Sphinx Alley leads": " ... what time is the courtyard - this is the Messiah. He was born in a stall for livestock, carpented, missed injustice, persecution, treason, humiliation and died, how slaves were dying, rebels, criminals. He called to himself all - poor, chrome, blind, beggars, ugly ... "

Here the authors have a little shy, but, indeed, strong Mira This only pretends to believe in Jesus, for religion is power over the crowd. Apparently, strong live in other coordinates of spiritual dependence and responsibility. Such were Mikhail Paleolog, John Grozny, Peter the first (the list can be continued until today's day). Only now weak, humbly bowing his head, the badly accepted one of the numerous teachings as religion, and before fanaticism they believe that God shook hypocrites. The rest, their majority, are in the soul not a primitive religion - opium for the people - and until the time asleeping the Vedic worldview, and so far they are unconsciously looking for physical and astral communications with the mother's nature on the suburban dumart sites.

In drawings from above, a variety of cross is depicted - symbols of the Russian Christian faith. Why in Western Europe catholic cross did not undergo serious changes for almost two thousand years, and in Russia underwent? Probably because the peoples of Europe in the 1st millennium N.E. There were no ethnic homogeneity and, therefore, mighty genetic memory. They accepted the crucifixion. "Holy Inquisition" in the Middle Ages only saddled everything beyond the framework of Christian decency. Russia took someone else's religion for a long time and painful. The first cross is the late version of the Old Believers. It has no drink on it, but the religions have been rendered for a long time. old faith With elements of Christianity and sluggish subordination of Byzantium, which soon lost its influence. The next redistribution of peace began. Crusaders have been settled by this time, learned to work secretly, penetrated power structures tsarist Russia, deception and bribery formed the column to betray the shy; lei in the Russian and pseudorussian intelligentsia.

After the church reform in the middle of the XVII century, the Top "Russian Orthodoxy", retaining the Byzantine (Greco-Cafe) originality, fell under the influence of the West. On the cross, besides Christ, the eye appeared, unfortunately not the Vedic Almighty, and the Masonic "Great Architect of the Universe." Russia has covered a powerful Masonic movement, which, like rust, was running not only the basics of the monarchy, but also the ancient Vedic roots of society ... Now, on the church of Christ the Savior, a cross shines, crowned with twelve six-pointed stars, without a sense - David's stars, in the number of knees of Israel. And yet, the Christian (in the European understanding) of Russia did not and to this day.

In conclusion, it should be reckoned by the official (scientific) version of the arms of the cross as a symbol of fire. It's believed that primitive I mined the fire with a simple tool, which consisted of two sticks folded "Cross-Low". With the zealous friction of one stick about another, both warmed up to the ignition temperature and gave birth to the divine fire. Fire is light, warmth, hot food and predator protection. Over time, the symbol of the Divine Fire - the Cross - became a symbol of eternal life and guarded from evil spirits. And a little later, the Mediterranean administration of execution of punishments has found a crust of other use.