Old Testament. Old Testament Genesis 19

Old Testament. Old Testament Genesis 19
Old Testament. Old Testament Genesis 19

1 And those two angels came in Sodom in the evening. The narrative of this chapter serves as a direct continuation of the previous one: those two angels or her husband, about which they say that after a meal meal of Abraham went to Sodom (18: 1 and 22), now, by the evening of the same day, reached the goal of his journey, i.e. approached the gate of Sodom. - Lot sat at the gate of Sodom. The gate of the city, according to the ordinary East, was the same as the "Agora" of the Greeks, or the Forum in the Romans, i.e. the public place of date and walk in the city's residents, as well as the center of all judicial and trade cases (23: 10; 34:20; second 21:19; Ruth 4: 1; Proverbs 31:23, etc.).

1-3 Lot saw and got up to meet them and bowed to the face to the Earth and said: My state trucks! Go to the servant of your slave ... And your legs will be afraid ... I wished them very much ... He made them a treat and baked fresh bread. All the behavior of the lot in relation to the passing two wanderers is depicted here about the same features as the hospitality of Abraham in the previous chapter (18: 2-8). This shows that the nephew of a high degree inherited from the uncle of his strangeness and hospitality, for which he boasts and puts as an example for our imitation and at the AP. Paul (Heb 13: 2).

4 city inhabitants, sodomlyan, from the younger to the old, all the people ... surrounded the house. The rumor about the arrival of the lot and stop he has two young, beautiful young men (in the image of which angels were usually used, - MK 16: 5; Wed 1 Tsar 29: 9; Tov 5: 5, etc.) managed to spread around the city, and Here are the inhabitants of him, movable in part in celebrating curiosity, and even more criminal intentions (5 tbsp.), are collected from various ends of the city, without the difference in age and position, to the Lot House.

5 And the lot caused and said to him where people who came to you for the night? bring them to us; We know them. From these words, it is clear that the behavior of the gathered crowd of Sodomlyan was causing: it threatened both the lot - a violation of his sacred debt of hospitality, and even more of its guests - by refraining their honor. On the nature of the latter expressively indicate the words here: "Yes, they know them", having a very definite, specific meaning in the Bible (4: 1,17-25; 24:16; 37:26; 1 Tsar 1:19, etc.), Expressing the thought of sexual act. All the severity of criminal behavior Sodomlyan consisted in the abnormality and perversions of their sexual feeling, generating unnatural defects of detecting and men who received the technical name of Sodomskogo sin. On the general practice of all these monstrous crimes between the wicked Canaans and especially among the depraved sodomlyan, a number of biblical sites (Gen. 13:13; Lion 18: 24-30; 20: 23-24; RF 32: 32-33; IP 3: 9 ; Ier 6:15; Prem 10: 8; MF 10:15; 11: 23-24; 2 Peter 2: 6-8; Juda 1: 7, etc.). Therefore, it is quite natural that guests of the lot, distinguished by youth and beauty, could with a special power to excite the lustful desires of Sodomlyan.

6-8 With a danger to his own life, Lot comes out of this rings and first caress, and then even the victim is trying to reject it from her criminal intention.

7 My brothers, do not make evil. Turning to them with such a fraternal greeting, Lot thought to awaken the best feelings in them and act on their prudence; But it was in vain, since, with the domination of the disadvantage of lower instincts, all the highest and noble feelings were already dead by Sodomlyan.

8 Here, I have two daughters ... Better I will bring them to you ... Only people sim do nothing. Seeing the unsuccessfulness of his admission, the lot is solved on the extreme remedy: for the sake of salvation of their guests, he is ready to sacrifice the honor of his unmarried, although already collapsed (14 Art.), Daughters. Blag. Augustine makes reproach of lot for such a proposal, but st. John Zlatoust and most other interpretatives see in it an act of self-sacrifice, or at least the best way out of his extremely difficult position: "Of the two evils (the rugs of guests or deprivation of his daughters), he chooses the smaller," as Sv. Amvrosiy Mediolsky.

9 But they said ... Here is the allen, and wants to judge. The lifestyle and behavior of the righteous, living in the society of the short-circuited sinners is a dumb, but nevertheless, very eloquent chill of the latter. In a similar location, there was a lot, living among the sodoms and a daily tormenting, looking at their lawlessness, as AP says. Peter (2 Peter 2: 8). Seeing in him a completely different mood, Sodomlyan, had no hostile feelings to him (2 Peter 2: 7). Now, when Lot dared to speak to them with a guarantee and prevent their vile intentions, the indignation of Sodomlyan is increasing at him so much that he begins to threaten his life. - And they approached to break the door. That is, have already begun to carry out their threats.

10 Then the guys those speeded their hands, and introduced a lot. As a reward for generous protection of their honor, the heavenly guests of the lot, they save him now in a minute critical for him; This miraculously, they first discovered their true nature before the lot.

11 And people who were at the entrance to the house were striking blindly. According to the majority of exegets, the punishment of violent sodomlyan was not a simple physical blindness, or a complete deprivation of their vision, and consisted in blindness of the mind and external feelings, i.e., in some disorder of sensations and imagination, which prevented them to distinguish and recognize objects, like lesions similar The blindness of the Syrian troops on the prayers of the prophet Elisha (4 CARs 6: 15-20) or blindness of SAVLA (Acts 9: 8-9) and Wallow Elimi (Dean 13:11).

12 Who do you have here yet? All out of this place. As a reward for the lot rendered high hospitality and in memory of Abraham's petitions (18: 23-32; Wed 19:29), the Lord is a special mercy of the Lot House, promising salvation to all his members who would only take a lot with him.

13 Great scream on the residents of him to the Lord, and the Lord sent us to exterminate him. The screams of unfortunate, desecrated and oppressed by the sodoms, who did not find a fair court here on Earth, reached heaven and there they found themselves a full judge and the proper rearman (4:10; 18:20). And since the inhabitants of Sodom proved their full unrecognizance, so that the continuation of their lives would only increase their degree of guilt, the reality of God and decides to stop such their existence like that, as he had once heed and with all the doped humanity (6: 5-7) .

14 But it seemed to him that he was joking. Some bewilderment causes here the fact that the lot has already had a son-in-law, whereas it was said above, his two of his daughters still did not know her husbands (8 Art.). It usually solves so that the daughters of the lot were already engaged and were, so to speak, on the eve of the marriage itself, so the lot in this sense could call their grooms in advance. Obviously, these challenged life of the lot were true sodoms not only in the flesh, but also in spirit, since with distrust and laughter were reacted to the proposal of the lot (LC 17: 28-36).

15-16 When it went down, the angels began to rush the lot ... and how he slowed ... led him. "It seems that the obversiarizing smile of the sounds somewhat felt on the weak character of the lot, and he himself began to fluctuate to leave the city, sorry, probably, the property and not quite confident in the prediction of angels. Therefore, the angels "by the grace of the Lord" are withdrawn by its strength "(Vlasto). Attention is also drawn to the fact that here for the first time two husbands are definitely named "Angels" (15 Art.).

17 One of them said: Save his soul. Based on the entire subsequent context (18,21,24) in this one angel, powerfully leading from his face the full conversation with the lot, most of the commentators just seen the very "Angel of Jehovah", who performed the main person and in the previous chapter (18 --y). - Save your soul. "Soul" here is taken as the synonym for "life", as its main essence. - Do not look back and stay anywhere. The nearest meaning of such a prohibition was to accelerate the flight of the lot, since any delay and the stop could threate their death for him, and the further, moral - was that such a farewell look at the city abandoned by the lot would indicate his sympathy and regret The cities that, at the sight of the heavenly punishable kara, would be equivalent to the indirect hurdling of God himself for the cruelty of his court. Finally, any appeal back is disapprovingly also because it indicates a lack of human hardness and will of the Will and about some reprehensive indispensability to go to the chosen way (MF 24:18; LC 9:12; FLP 3: 13-14 and etc.).

19 Here, your slave ... But I can't save on the mountain. Mountains were assigned to the location for the lot and his family - in all likelihood, Moavitsky mountains surrounding the Valley of Jordan. But he also discovers the lack of courage and weakness of will, the tempting of the Divine Mercy with his unwell request.

20 Here, closer to run the whole city, it is small. Inspired by unimustal despair, Lot thinks that he will not have time to achieve such a distant point, like the Moavitian Mountains, and the Molite of the Lord so that he allowed him to hide halfway towards them, in one small town that received the name of Sgor (22 Article. ). Lot twice puts the kind of special insignificance of this town, on the one hand, in order to make it easier to bow the Lord to her request, on the other and therefore, to show that in it, as in a small town, there was no that horrific corruption, which reigned in big cities, and that, by virtue of this, he is more likely to be sprunged from destruction.

22 Therefore, it is called this city: Siegor. Lifestating to the request, albeit a weak will, but a pure soul, lot, the Lord is not only about the sake of the small town of Sigor, but also derete the punishment of the rest of the cities until the lot arrives in Sigor. The name of this city with a Jewish, more accurate - "Tsioar", which means in the literal translation: "Small, small"; This most indicates the cause of its renaming: it is the persistent indication of the lot on its insignificance (20). Previously, this town was called "Bella" (14: 2). Most scientists of Palestinian geographers believe that this town was lying in the southernmost point of the Jordanian Valley (13:10; second 34: 3), at an hour of the way to the southeast of the Dead Sea, in the terrain that is now called ES-Safia Shirbet. The traces of its existence are also available from the era of the Roman rule (όόαρα at Stef. Visan.), And on the time of crusades ("Sogar" or "Cogar", by whose name and the Dead Sea itself is called the "Sea of \u200b\u200bCogar").

24-25 And the Lord shed ... the rain sulfur and fire from the Lord from the sky ... and the city of Siai. Here, first of all, some strangeness of the expression remains our attention: "And the Lord shed ... from the Lord ...". According to the explanation of the fathers and teachers of the Church (Ignatius Godospher, Justin Philosopher, Athanasius Alexandria, Cyprian, Turrtullian, John Zlatoust, etc.), here it is given a separate indication of two faces of the Blessed Trinity: On the Father's God and the Son God. The Son of God or Angel Jehovah, he and Logos, was to earth and acted by the name of the Father's God, who, according to St. Scripture, does not judge the world, but all this court gave his son (Ying 5: 22-23; 2 Fez 2: 8; Revelation 1:16; 2:16; 19:15). We have a similar case in the second message AP. Paul to Timothy, where the apostle prays about the servant of Onysifora, so that the Lord would like to find mercy from the Lord on the day he "(2 Tim 1:18). As for the character of the catastrophe itself, which broke out over the four cities of Pentopoli (Sodom, Gomorrea, Admum and Sevoim, - 20:23; OS 11: 8), then, based on the data of the text itself ("Lodge sulfur and fire with heaven"), As well as taking into account the biblical parallels related to him (FI1 29:23; Ier 49:18; 50:40; 2 Peter 1: 6), testimony of Joseph Flavia and finding the latest scientists, it can be assumed that it was a two-way: started It is a terrible volcanic eruption, accompanied by a fire of resin marshes and sources, in a variety of covers with the Sididim Valley (14:10); And ended with the flooding of the whole valley from the neighboring salted lake, which occurred due to a strong lowering of the soil formed after the volcanic eruption. So God often enjoys natural actions and phenomena to detect their supreme will. It is wonderful that the sea formed on the site of the once blooming Jordanian Valley "Sididim" and usually known for us under the name of the "dead", in St. Scripture it does not wear such an epithet, but called or by the sea of \u200b\u200bplains (second 3:17), or salty Sea (14: 3; number 34: 3); Both recent names fully justify the above guessed about the nature of the heavenly punishment, committed on wicked cities. Finally, in favor of the same assumptions, the scientific research of the newest geographers of Palestine speak, according to the calculations of which the difference in the depths of the northern (ancient) and southern (subsequently formed) part of the salt sea is strongly striking, because it reaches almost 800 feet, and involuntarily makes assume Different origin. The same should add that in the southern seashore from time to time, large asphalt boulders, clearly volcanic origin, are discharged from the seabed.

26 Wife Lotov looked back behind him, and became a salt pillar. That the punishment of Lot's wife for the disobey of the commandments of the angels (17 Art.), Who served as an expression of her sympathy for wicked, not an allegory, as some thought, and a real, historical fact, the author of the CN is evidenced. Wisdom of Solomon (Prem 10: 7-8) And the Lord himself is our Jesus Christ (LC 17:32). It is assumed that at that very moment when the Lot's wife stopped to look at the city, it was covered by a devastating, volcanic swirl, which not only instantly in the same position killed her, but also covered a kind of asphalt bark; Over time, this petrified form has taken over and a number of salt sediments from the salt sea formed here and in this way with time turned into a large saline block, or a salt pillar. Joseph Flavius \u200b\u200bleads a legend, according to which one of the salt pillars near the Dead Sea was pointed to the remnants of the Lot's wife (Jew. Ancient. I, 11, §4), and modern Arabs and more consoles are called this name of a salt pillar, about 40 ft. Embroiderers, east of the town of "Snumb", consonant with the biblical "sodom".

27-28 and stood up Abraham ... and looked at Soda and Gomorra ... and saw: here, smoke rises from the ground. According to the remarks of the house, all this story is set in close relationship with the previous petition of Abraham on the rescue of the righteous in these wicked cities (18: 22-32). At the same time, it once again confirms our assumption about a terrible earthquake and a fire, the victim of which fell guarded to the death of the city.

29 I remembered God about Abraham and sent a lot. These words explain how in the perseverance of the petition of Abraham for the salvation of Sodomlyan, even for the sake of ten righteous (the figure to which the number of members of the Lotov family), and in the special favor and the grace of God to the lot, despite his some hesitation and foolishness. At the same time, this fact is an eloquent evidence of how "a lot of righteous strengthened" (IAK 5:16).

30 And the lot came out of Sigor, and began to live in Mount, and with him two daughters of him. Despite the Lot given by God, the Lot Live to live in Sigor (21-22 Art.), He again manifests his facilitates: runs out of it and hides in the mountains, probably in the most Moavitian mountains, which were originally appointed by God himself as Reliable asylum (17 Art.).

31-38 The final section of the examined chapter contains a sad story of the fall of the lot. Lot, all my life there was a lively chub on the purity of my morals (1 Peter 2: 7), at the end of his life himself, to some extent, she became like, entered into a criminal connection with their daughters. Such unnatural relationships were rarely practiced even from the pagans (1 Cor 5: 1), in the law, the death penalty (Lion 18 ch. And second 27 ch.). It is not surprising that many exegetas all this narration seems extremely seductive and unlikely. But a more thoughtful analysis of the text and the adoption of all the side circumstances significantly understand the case. As for the identity of the Lot itself, the big half of his guilt, like the noble guilt novel (9:21), relieves the fact that the criminal act was committed to them in a state of intoxication and without any consciousness of his meaning, as clearly twice is emphasized by the biblical text. (Ends 33 and 35 tbsp.). It is much more difficult, of course, to justify the behavior of the daughters of the lot, from which the considered intention and insanity of which are clearly visible. But here you can specify a number of mitigating their fault of the circumstances: first, the act of them, as clearly seen from the text, was not led by anyone, and the commendable intention to restore the fartherous seed of his father (32 and 34); Secondly, they resorted to this to the medium, as the only outcome in their position, since they, according to the testimony of the text, were convinced that, apart from her father, they had no more than any man from which they could receive offspring (31 .). Such a false belief was formed in them or because they considered everything else mankind of those who died, or, more likely, because no one wanted to communicate with them, as the people from the curses cursed by God. Finally, the explanation, and therefore, and some apologies of the Act of Lot's daughters serve as the conditions for the entire previous life in the company of corrupted sodomlyan and under direct influence not far from their fellow citizens of the mother.

1 # Life 18: 2. And they came those two angels in Sodom in the evening, when the lot was sitting at the gate of Sodom. Lot saw, and got up to meet them, and bowed to the face to the earth2 # Heb 13: 2. Life 18: 4. And said: My state trucks! Go to the slave house of yours and overnight, and your legs will be wished, and you will put in the morning and go to your way. But they said: No, we night out on the street.3 He strongly stacked them; And they went to him and came to his house. He made them a treat and baked fresh bread, and they ate.4 They still did not easily sleep, like urban residents, sodomlyan, from the younger to the old, all the people withall ends cities, surrounded the house,5 # Court 19:22. Rome 1:27. And the lot called and told him: Where are the people who come to you for the night? bring them to us; We know them.6 Lot came to the entrance to them, and locked the door,7 # Jes 16:48. And said [Him]: My brothers, do not make evil;8 here I have two daughters who did not know her husband; Better I will bring them to you, do with them that you please, only people sim do nothing, as they came to my house.9 # 2 Pet 2: 7-8. But they said [His]: Go here. And they said: Here is the alien, and wants to judge? Now we will do worse with you, rather than with them. And very much started to the person, to the lot, and came up to break the door.10 Then the guys are shooting their hands and introduced a lot to her house, and the door [at home] was locked;11 # Prem 19:16. And people who were at the entrance to the house were struck by blindness, from small to the big, so they were angry, looking for entry.12 They said the guys those lot: who do you have here? Will the son-in-law, the sons are yours, are your daughters, and whoever be in your city, all withdraw from this place,13 for we have been destroyed by this place, because it is great to the residents of him to the Lord, and the Lord sent us to exterminate him.14 # 2 pairs 30:10. Matt 24:38. LC 17: 27-28. And the lot came out, and spoke with the collaborators with his own daughters, and said: stand up, exit from this place, for the Lord will destroy this city. But it seemed to the inventions that he was joking.

15 When it was dawn, the angels began to rush the lot, saying: get up, take your wife and two daughters of your daughters who you want to not die for the lawlessness of the city.16 And as he was slow, then the men are [Angels], by the mercy of the Lord, they took him and his wife and his wife, and his daughters, and brought him out and put it outside the city.17 # Prem 10: 6. When they brought them out,then one of them said: Save his soul; Do not look back and do not stop anywhere in the surroundings of this; Saw to the mountain so that you do not die.18 But Lot said to them: No, Vladyka!19 here, the slave of yours gained your favor before the eyes of yours, and the mercy of yours, which you did with me, which saved my life; But I can not escape the mountain so that I did not care my trouble and I do not die;20 here, closer to run to this city, it is small; I run there, - he is small; And my life will continue [for your].21 And he told him: here, in the please, I will do it and this: not to the city of which you speak;22 # Exhaust 32:10. Prem 10: 6. Genesis 13:10. Hurry, save there, for I can't do things, you will not come there. Therefore, it is called this city: SIM.23 The sun rose over the earth, and the lot came to Siegor.

24 # Second 29:23. IS 13:19. Ier 50:40. Jes 16:49. AM 4:11. LC 17:29. Juda 1: 7. 2 Pet 2: 6. And shed the Lord in Soda and Gomorra Rain sulfur and fire from the Lord from the sky,25 and the city of Sia, and the whole neighborhood of this, and all the inhabitants of the city, and [all] the growth of the Earth.26 # Prem 10: 7. LC 17:32. Wife Lotov I looked around behind him, and became a salt pillar.

27 # Life 18:22. And Abraham got up early in the morning [and went] to the place where she stood before the Lord's face,28 and looked at Soda and Gomorra and saw all the space and saw: here, smoke rises from the ground, like smoke from the oven.29 And it was when God destroyed [all] the cities of this neighborhood, he remembered God about Abraham and sent a lot from the extermination environment, when the cities in which the lot lived.

30 And a lot from Sigor came out, and began to live in Mount, and with him two daughters him, for he was afraid to live in Sigor. And lived in a cave, and with him two daughters of him.31 And she said the eldest younger: our father is old, and there is no man on Earth, which would go to us by the usual of the whole land;32 # Lion 18: 7. So, we will ask our fault of our wine, and rear with him, and restore our tribe from our father.33 And drove their father's wines to the night; And the eldest entered and slept with his father [That night]; And he did not know when she lay down and when she got up.34 The oldest day told younger: here, I slept yesterday with my father; We will ask him wine and on this night; And you will enter, sleep with him, and restore the father of our tribe.35 And drank their own wine and on this night; and entered the younger and slept with him; And he did not know when she lay down and when she got up.36 And both daughters of lots are pregnant from her father,37 # Second 2: 9. And the eldest son gave birth, and made his name: Moab [Talking:is he From my father]. He is Moavityan Father Donal.38 And the younger also gave birth to the Son, and I made a name for him: Ben-Ammi [Talking:is he Son of my son]. He is the Father Ammonitian Dynam.

19: 1 And those two angel came in Sodom in the evening, when the lot was sitting at the gate of Sodom. Lot saw, and got up to meet them, and bowed to the face to the earth

19: 2 And said: My state trucks! Go to the slave's house and night, and your legs will get up, and stand in the morning and go to your way. But they said: No, we night out on the street.

19: 3 He stacked them strongly; And they went to him and came to his house. He made them a treat and baked fresh bread, and they ate.

19: 4 They still did not easily sleep, like urban residents, sodomlyan, from the younger to the old, all the people with [all] ends [cities] surrounded the house

19: 5 And the lot called and told him: Where are people who come to you for the night? bring them to us; We know them.

19: 6 Lot came to the entrance to them, and locked out the door,

19: 7 And said: My brothers, do not make evil;

19: 8 Here I have two daughters who did not know her husband; Better I will bring them to you, do with them that you please, only people sim do nothing, as they came to my house.

19: 9 But they said: Go here. And they said: Here is the severity, and wants to judge? Now we will do worse with you, rather than with them. And very much started to the person, to the lot, and came up to break the door.

19:10 Then the guys those speeded their hands and introduced a lot to her home, and the door was locked;

19:11 And people who were at the entrance to the house were struck by blindness, from small to the big, so they were angry, looking for entry.

19:12 They said those lots: who do you have here? Will the son-in-law, the sons are yours, are your daughters, and whoever be in your city, all withdraw from this place,

19:13 For we have been destroyed by this place, because it is great to the residents of His in the Lord, and the Lord sent us to exterminate him.

19:14 And the lot came out, and spoke with his son-in-law with his daughters, and said: Stand up, leave this place, for the Lord will destroy this city. But it seemed to the inventions that he was joking.

19:15 When it was dawn, the angels began to rush the lot, saying: get up, take your wife and two daughters of your who you want to not die for the lawlessness of the city.

19:16 And as he was slow, then the men are, by the mercy of the Lord, they took him and his wife and his wife, and his daughters, and brought him out and put it outside the city.

19:17 When they brought them out, [then one of them] said: Save his soul; Do not look back and do not stop anywhere in the surroundings of this; Saw to the mountain so that you do not die.

19:18 But Lot said to them: No, Lord!

19:19 Here, the slaughter of yours gained your favor before our eyes, and the mercy of yours, which you did with me, which saved my life; But I can not escape the mountain so that I did not care my trouble and I do not die;

19:20 Here, closer to run to this city, it is small; I run there, - the same small; And my life will continue.

19:21 And he told him: Here, in the please, I will do it and this: not to the city, which you speak about;

19:22 Hurry, save there, for I can't do business, you will not come there. Therefore, it is called this city: SIM.

19:23 The sun rose over the earth, and the lot came to Siegor.

19:24 and shed the Lord on Soda and Gomorra Rain sulfur and fire from the Lord from the sky,

19:25 And the city of Sia, and the whole neighborhood of this, and all residents of the cities of this year, and the growing land.

19:26 The wife of [Lotov] looked around behind him, and became a salt pillar.

19:27 And Abraham got up early in the morning and [went] to the place where the Lord standing before the Lord,

19:28 and looked at Soda and Gomorra and at all the space of the neighborhood and saw: here, smoke rises from the ground, like smoke from the furnace.

19:29 And it was when God destroyed the city of the neighborhood of this, God remembered about Abraham and sent a lot from the extermination environment, when the cities in which the lot lived.

19:30 And a lot from Sigor came out and began to live in Mount, and with him two daughters of him, for he was afraid to live in Sigor. And lived in a cave, and with him two daughters of him.

19:31 and said the eldest younger: our father is old, and there is no man on Earth, which would go to us by the usual of the whole land;

19:32 So we will ask our father's fault, and rear with him, and restore our tribe from our father.

19:33 and drove their father's fault to the night; And the eldest entered and slept with his father: and he did not know when she lay down and when she got up.

19:34 On another day, the eldest said younger: here, I slept yesterday with my father; We will ask him wine and on this night; And you will enter, sleep with him, and restore the father of our tribe.

19:35 and drove out her father and on this night; and entered the younger and slept with him; And he did not know when she lay down and when she got up.

19:36 And both daughters of lots are pregnant from her father,

19:37 and gave birth to the eldest son, and made his name: Moab. He is Moavityan Father Donal.

19:38 And the younger also gave birth to a son, and called him the name: Ben-Ammon. He is the Father Ammonitian Dynam.

01 And those two angel came in Sodom in the evening, when the lot was sitting at the gate of Sodom. Lot saw, and got up to meet them, and bowed to the face to the earth
02 And said: My state trucks! Go to the slave's house and night, and your legs will be shattered, and stand in the morning and go to your way. But they said: No, we night out on the street.
03 He strongly stacked them; And they went to him and came to his house. He made them a treat and baked fresh breads, and they ate.
04 They still did not easily sleep, like urban residents, sodomlyan, from the younger to the old, all the people with [all] ends [cities] surrounded the house
05 And the lot called and told him: Where are people who come to you for the night? bring them to us; We know them.
06 Lot came to them to the entrance, and locked out the door,
07 And said: My brothers, do not make evil;
08 Here I have two daughters who did not know her husband; Better I will bring them to you, do with them that you please, only people sim do nothing, as they came to my house.
09 But they said: Go here. And they said: Here is the severity, and wants to judge? Now we will do worse with you, rather than with them. And very much started to the person, to the lot, and came up to break the door.
10 Then the guys those handled their hands and introduced a lot to her home, and the door was locked;
11 And people who were at the entrance to the house were struck by blindness, from small to the big, so they were angry, looking for entry.
12 They said the guys those lot: Who do you have here? Will the son-in-law, the sons are yours, are your daughters, and whoever be in your city, all withdraw from this place,
13 For we have extended this place, because it is great to the residents of him to the Lord, and the Lord sent us to exterminate him.
14 And the lot came out, and spoke with the hazards with his own daughters of him, and said: stand up, exit from this place, for the Lord will destroy this city. But it seemed to the inventions that he was joking.
15 When it went down, the angels began to rush the lot, saying: get up, take your wife and two daughters who you have, not to perish for the lawlessness of the city.
16 And as he slowed, the men are those in the grace to him of the Lord, they took His wife and his wife, and his daughters, and brought him out and put it outside the city.
17 When they brought them out, [then one of them] said: Save his soul; Do not look back and do not stop anywhere in the surroundings of this; Saw to the mountain so that you do not die.
18 But Lot said to them: No, Vladyka!
19 Now, the slave of yours gained your favor before our eyes, and the mercy of yours, which you did with me, which saved my life; But I can not escape the mountain so that I did not care my trouble and I do not die;
20 Here, closer to run to this city, it is small; I run there, - he is small; And my life will continue.
21 and told him: Here, in the please, I will do it and this is: not to go to the city, which you speak about;
22 Hurry, save there, for I can't do business, you will not come there. Therefore, it is called this city: SIM.
23 The sun rose over the ground, and the lot came to Siegor.
24 and shed the Lord on Soda and Homorra Rain sulfur and fire from the Lord from the sky,
25 And the city of Sia, and the whole neighborhood of this, and all residents of the cities of this year, and the growing earth.
26 The wife of [Lotov] looked around behind him, and became a salt pillar.
27 And Abraham got up early in the morning and [went] to the place where the Lord standing before the Lord,
28 And looked at Soda and Gomorra and saw all the space of the neighborhood: here, smoke rises from the ground, like smoke from the furnace.
29 And it was when God destroyed the city of the neighborhood of this, he remembered God about Abraham and sent a lot from the extermination environment, when he left the cities in which the lot lived.
30 And a lot from Sigor came out and began to live in Mount, and with him two daughters, for he was afraid to live in Sigor. And lived in a cave, and with him two daughters of him.
31 and said the eldest younger: our father is old, and there is no man on Earth, which would have entered us by the usual of the whole land;
32 So I will ask our fault of our wine, and rear with him, and restore our tribe from the Father.
33 and drove their father's wine to that night; And the eldest entered and slept with his father: and he did not know when she lay down and when she got up.
34 On another day, the eldest told younger: here, I slept yesterday with my father; We will ask him wine and on this night; And you will enter, sleep with him, and restore the father of our tribe.
35 and drove their father and on this night; and entered the younger and slept with him; And he did not know when she lay down and when she got up.
36 And both daughters of lots are pregnant from her father,
37 and gave birth to the eldest son, and made him a name: Moab. He is Moavityan Father Donal.
38 And the youngest also gave birth to a son, and made a name for him: Ben-Ammon. He is the Father Ammonitian Dynam.

1 And those two angel came in Sodom in the evening, when the lot was sitting at the gate of Sodom. Lot saw, and got up to meet them, and bowed to the face to the earth

2 And said: My state trucks! Go to the slave's house and night, and your legs will get up, and stand in the morning and go to your way. But they said: No, we night out on the street.

3 He also stacked them; And they went to him and came to his house. He made them a treat and baked fresh bread, and they ate.

4 They still did not easily sleep, like urban residents, sodomlyan, from the younger to the old, all the people from all over the city, surrounded the house

5 And the lot called and told him: Where are people who come to you for the night? bring them to us; We know them.

6 Lot came to them to the entrance, and locked the door,

7 And said [Him]: My brothers, do not make evil;

8 Here I have two daughters who did not know her husband; Better I will bring them to you, do with them that you please, only people sim do nothing, as they came to my house.

9 But they said [His]: Go here. And they said: Here is the severity, and wants to judge? Now we will do worse with you, rather than with them. And very much started to the person, to the lot, and came up to break the door.

10 Then the guys those speeded their hands and introduced a lot to her home, and the door [home] was locked;

11 And people who were at the entrance to the house were struck by blindness, from small to the big, so they were angry, looking for entry.

12 They said the guys those lot: Who do you have here? Will the son-in-law, the sons are yours, are your daughters, and whoever be in your city, all withdraw from this place,

13 For we have extended this place, because it is great to the residents of him to the Lord, and the Lord sent us to exterminate him.

14 And the lot came out, and spoke with the hazards with his own daughters of him, and said: stand up, exit from this place, for the Lord will destroy this city. But it seemed to the inventions that he was joking.

15 When it went down, the angels began to rush the lot, saying: get up, take your wife and two daughters who you have, not to perish for the lawlessness of the city.

16 And as he slowed, the men are [Angels], by the mercy of the Lord, they took him and his wife and his wife, and his daughters, and brought him out and put it outside the city.

17 When they brought them out, then one of them said: Save his soul; Do not look back and do not stop anywhere in the surroundings of this; Saw to the mountain so that you do not die.

Flight of a lot from Sodom. Artist Yu. Sh von Karolsfeld

18 But Lot said to them: No, Vladyka!

19 Now, the servant of your favor before the eyes of yours, and the mercy of yours, which you did with me, which saved my life; But I can not escape the mountain so that I did not care my trouble and I do not die;

20 Here, closer to run to this city, it is small; I run there, -on small; And my life will continue [for your].

21 and told him: Here, in the please, I will do it and this is: not to go to the city, which you speak about;

22 Hurry, save there, for I can't do business, you will not come there. Therefore, it is called this city: SIM.

23 The sun climbed over the earth, and the lot came to Siegor.

24 and shed the Lord on Soda and Gomorra Rain sulfur and fire from the Lord from the sky,

Lot and his family runs from Sodom. Artist Albrecht Durer 1496

25 And the city of Siai, and the whole neighborhood of this, and all residents of the cities of this year, and [all] the growth of the Earth.

26 Wife Lotov looked back behind him, and became a salt pillar.

27 And Abraham got up early in the morning [and went] to the place where there was a forelock of the Lord,

28 And looked at Soda and Gomorra and at all the space of the neighborhood and saw: here, smoke rises from the ground, like smoke from the furnace.

29 And it was when God exterked [all] the cities of this neighborhood, God remembered about Abraham and sent a lot from the extermination environment, when the cities in which the lot lived.

30 And a lot from Sigor came out and began to live in Mount, and with him two daughters, for he was afraid to live in Sigor. And lived in a cave, and with him two daughters of him.

31 And she said the eldest younger: our father is old, and there is no man on Earth, which would go to us by the usual of the whole land;

32 So I will ask our fault of our wine, and rear with him, and restore our tribe from the Father.

33 and drove their father's wine to that night; And the eldest entered and slept with his father [That night]; And he did not know when she lay down and when she got up.

34 On another day, the eldest told younger: here, I slept yesterday with my father; We will ask him wine and on this night; And you will enter, sleep with him, and restore the father of our tribe.

35 and drove their father and on this night; and entered the younger and slept with him; And he did not know when she lay down and when she got up.

36 And both daughters of lots are pregnant from her father,

37 and gave birth to the eldest son, and made him a name: Moab [Speaking: He is from my father]. He is Moavityan Father Donal.

38 And the younger also gave birth to a son, and made him a name: Ben-Ammi [Speaking: he is a son of my kind]. He is the Father Ammonitian Dynam.