“Man is the highest creation of nature. But in order to enjoy her treasures, he must meet at least one requirement: to be healthy.

“Man is the highest creation of nature. But in order to enjoy her treasures, he must meet at least one requirement: to be healthy.

Children and parents - a common path to health

  • The game is a journey.

A healthy person is one who -:

  • Feels good and looks good

  • Strong, sturdy, dexterous.

  • Doesn't get sick, doesn't miss class or work

  • Leads a healthy lifestyle.

  • Mentally and physically well developed.

  • Playing sports.

  • Has no bad habits.

  • Tempered.

  • Cheerful.

Health is affected by:

  • Heredity (this is what we got from our parents),

  • Ecology (water, air, food)

  • The level of medical care,

  • The behavior of the person himself,

  • Proper nutrition,

  • Compliance with the daily routine,

  • Human habits.

  • Personal hygiene,

  • Mood

  • Reasonable use of free time.

health country


  • "Movement is life".

Exercise for people who work on a computer.

  • Exercises for the eyes,

  • Exercise for the fingers,

  • Squats,

  • Jumping.

Creating a physical activity plan.

  • Do morning exercises.

  • Do not use the elevator.

  • Alternate study with physical activity.

  • Don't miss physical education classes for no reason.

  • “A person who wants to be in shape must do gymnastics every day. You have to walk, swim, ski, and go hiking a lot. The most dangerous enemy is laziness. " Sophia Venderovskaya.

Labor Island

  • "He who loves to work does not sit around idle."

Excerpts from essays:

  • “When I work with my parents at the dacha, my mood rises and a charge of cheerfulness appears”.

  • “When your brain and hands are busy, then you start thinking about the results of labor, and not about stupidity. It helps me to get rid of bad habits. "

  • When I started doing morning exercises and working with my dad, I help him in the garage, at the dacha, around the house, I began to feel better. And my mother says that I am her hope and support ”.

  • "Essential medicines: clean air, cold water, saw and ax." Sukhomlinsky

Strait of Hobbies.

  • Each person is endowed with some kind of talent, and often just wants to share with other people the wonderful that he knows how to do.

Island of Smiles

  • A gloomy day is brighter from a smile,

  • From a smile in the sky, the rainbow will wake up ...

  • Share your smile

  • And she will come back to you more than once.

Zakalyayka Island

  • Air hardening

  • Hardened by the sun

  • Water hardening

  • Hardening of the weakest parts of the body (for example, the throat).

  • Winter swimming.

  • Bath heat.


  • On which day you take a steam bath, on that day you do not grow old.

  • “The sun, air and water are our best friends.

Abandonment Island.

  • Having bad habits means always following the path of least resistance, which is much easier than achieving good, often overcoming many obstacles and making efforts on yourself.

Island Mode of the day.

  • The daily routine is a certain rhythm of life, the alternation of various types of activity, rest, sleep, nutrition, this is your external and internal organization, the key to your health and success. Whoever coped with the regime in childhood will be able to overcome many difficulties and life problems in life.

  • Stick to a certain rhythm throughout the day.

  • Correctly alternate between study and outdoor activities.

  • Strive for adequate and regular nutrition and sleep.

  • Sleep is one of the primary human needs.

The Island of Rational Nutrition.

  • "An animal is fed, a person eats, an intelligent person knows how to eat"

Healthy eating principles

  • 1. Only natural food.

  • 2. Do not rush while eating.

  • 3. Do not cook foods that can be eaten raw.

  • 4. Do not talk at the table.

  • 5. Do not watch TV while eating.

  • 6. Try to eat as many vegetables as possible.

“Our food should be a healing agent, and our healing agent should be food. Hippocrates.

Write words about a healthy lifestyle in letters of the word "health".

"How can you waste time when so much has not been done yet?" - these thoughts every day envelop each of us in a dense ring. But have you ever wondered why it can be so difficult for us to slow down a little and spend a little more of our precious time just living and enjoying life? Are we not worthy of this?

V recent times“Search for space” remains the most popular topic in my life: I decided to clear the space of my house from unnecessary things, I constantly look for opportunities to take breaks from work in order not to overload myself, and even strive to leave empty space between thoughts ( i.e. to get rid of the chaos of their continuous uncontrolled flow). Agree, not so bad. But even such good intentions do not save me from the fact that now, while I sit and write these words, in my head flashes: "Hurry up!", "You are wasting your time!" everything still needs to be done! " etc.

Such experiences often envelop everyone in a dense ring. Your chest tightens, your breathing becomes more frequent, and you practically start to panic, mixed with feelings of irritation. How can you waste time when so much has not been done yet? ..

Why is it so difficult for us to slow down a bit and spend a little more of our precious and extremely limited time just living and enjoying life? The history of each of us is unique, and therefore the reasons why we cannot afford to relax are different. For example, I think that my problems began in childhood.

It started in childhood ...

My parents' generation was raised at work. They worked all day to provide for their family, to achieve some material goals and to be confident in their future after retirement. By their example, they taught me that slowing down the pace and enjoying life should come after long years of work and increasing the well-being of the family, and, accordingly, this often happens when health is no longer the same, vitality and the very interest in life begins to dry out. Is there any justice here? And this life position of my parents automatically became a part of me. I was the first child in the family, so from childhood I learned to be responsible and disciplined. My future was predictable: it included long and hard work. This is what I have thought since childhood.

However, today I practice slowing down and relaxation and often feel how much fear and anxiety arises in me while doing so. But it remains clear that I (like you) just need to desperately indulge in this pleasure, because we all want to truly be in our body (i.e. fully feel it) and really live our life, moment after moment, and not regret in the future about the moments of a beautiful and bright life that have passed by.

But how? Can we learn to slow down the pace of our activity? Can we become that beautiful version of ourselves again, not absorbed in the long exhausting events that fill our days?
I believe we can, but the path we must take will not be easy. We should not be distracted: no books, no phone, no computer, no TV, no food, no music. It will be hard work, not physical or mental, but emotional and spiritual.

At every minute of every day, we have a choice: to fill our vital temporary space with many distracting things, or to accept it and truly experience the present moment with all our souls. Somewhere subconsciously, we all know that slowing down will provide answers to each of us. And I want to present to you my recommendations on how to start going down this path:

Step 1: dare to sit in silence for a minute

On noise-filled days, being in silence is the last thing (literally) we can think of. We do not think we deserve it and consider such a pastime a waste of time. This is partly due to the fear of what may come to our heads during this time. After all, when we work, we are distracted from what is happening inside us, and a minute of silence can release all the demons outside. Yes, your thoughts can start to appear in a completely chaotic and incoherent manner. At this point, you will realize how much anxiety has accumulated in you lately. But gradually, you will notice that more and more space begins to appear between thoughts, and, even better, you will begin to experience a sense of peace and tranquility.

Step 2: don't let doubts lead you astray

We live in a culture of immediacy and pleasure. The practice of silence is literally challenging because of the risk of potentially painful thoughts and thoughts of "we are wasting our time." If you listen to experienced meditators and silent people, they will tell you that they have been doing this for years and sometimes they only achieve a few seconds of pure and complete silence. Remember that if peace does not come to you immediately, it does not mean that you are doing something wrong. You are not wrong. Minutes of daydreaming, slowing down and controlled deep breathing will allow you to plunge into your inner world, where you will find those spiritual riches and strengths that you are constantly looking for outside yourself.

Step 3: fill your life with love

Become a loving, compassionate, patient person, a kind of healer for your life. "Relax; stay the way you are, rest, spend a few extra minutes in the shower, do whatever your heart desires. " Do not forget to fill with these words every day. You can offer radical help to yourself right now; what is the best gift?

If you fill yourself with love, care and attention, this positive energy will fill all your work and the affairs of those around you. You can choose how to be today and every subsequent moment of your life, and I hope that you will make the right choice.

Thus, in order to learn how to truly enjoy life, you don't need much: you just need to stop galloping through it, spend a couple of minutes a day in silence, clean not only the house, but also in your thoughts, and most importantly, fill yourself, everything your views, deeds and feelings with love! Enjoy every moment, because it won't happen again!

Ivan Petrovich Pavlov, (1849-1936), physiologist, creator of the doctrine of higher nervous activity, academician of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences and the USSR Academy of Sciences. 1904 Nobel Prize Laureate

Any business does not go without true passion and love.

The essence of scientific work is to combat unwillingness to work.

Human happiness is somewhere between freedom and discipline.

If I reason logically, it only means that I am not crazy, but it does not at all prove that I am right.

Life is only red for those who strive for a constantly attainable, but never attainable goal.

Dreams are an experienced combination of unprecedented experiences.

Anyone who wants to develop his will must learn to overcome obstacles.

Alcohol causes much more grief than joy to all of humanity, although it is consumed for the sake of joy. How many talented and strong people have died and are dying because of him.

Be passionate in your work and in your pursuits.

All my life I have loved and love mental work and physical work and, perhaps, even more than the second. And he felt especially satisfied when he made some good guess in the latter, that is, he connected his head with his hands.

Genius is the supreme ability to focus on the subject under study.

If an excessive and exclusive passion for food is animality, then an arrogant inattention to food is imprudence, and the truth here, as elsewhere, lies in the middle: do not get carried away, but pay due attention.

Every time, starting a difficult job, never rush, give time, depending on work, to enter this difficult job, to mobilize in order, and not pointlessly, fussy.

My belief is the belief that the progress of science gives happiness to humanity.

… Science demands from a person his whole life. And if you had two lives, then they would not be enough for you. Science requires great effort and great passion from man.

Isn't the storehouse of science the people? And the more the intelligentsia takes from this storeroom, the more fruitful the historical life of nations is.

There is nothing more imperious in the life of the human body than rhythm. Any function, especially a vegetative one, has a constant tendency to switch to the regime imposed on it.

Never think that you already know everything. And no matter how highly you are appreciated, always have the courage to say to yourself: I am ignorant. Don't let pride take possession of you. Because of her, you will persist where you need to agree, because of her, you will refuse useful advice and friendly help, because of her you will lose a measure of objectivity.

Never try to cover up the shortcomings of your knowledge, even with the most daring guesses and hypotheses. No matter how much this soap bubble amuses your eyes with its overflows, it will inevitably burst, and you will have nothing but embarrassment.

Rest is a change of activity.

Only by knowing all the causes of disease will real medicine turn into the medicine of the future, that is, into hygiene.

Joy, making a person more and more sensitive to every beat of life, strengthens the body.

The most important thing in every business is to overcome the moment when you don't feel like working.

Only empty people do not experience the beautiful and sublime feeling of the Motherland.

Physical labor under certain conditions is a "muscle joy".

Man is the highest product of earthly nature. Man is the most complex and subtle system. But in order to enjoy the treasures of nature, a person must be healthy, strong and intelligent.

A person can live up to a hundred years. We ourselves, by our incontinence, by our disorderliness, by our ugly treatment of our own organism, reduce this normal period to a much smaller figure.

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In 1986, Italian Carlo Petrini organized a demonstration against the opening of a McDonald's restaurant in the center of Rome. Opponents of fast food publicly enjoyed traditional Italian pasta, reminding passers-by that food is an important part of national culture and life. This is how the Slow Food movement was born, which fights for healthy and mindful eating and preserving culinary traditions. Then a more ambitious trend appeared, which is called differently: Slow Life, "Slow Life", "Culture of Slowing Down". It tells people how to live happily in our accelerating world.

We are in site decided to figure out why eternal haste is dangerous and how a modern person can live slowly and at the same time keep up with everything.

Where the race will lead

What a slowdown culture offers

In short: slow down. In more detail: to consciously approach life, have fun and not chase after material values. All in all, don't live like we're late for our own funeral as founder Geir Bertelsen said.

The adherents of the culture of slowing down do not at all urge a person to give up the benefits of civilization. Slow Life is the desire to enjoy life in the modern world. The most important thing is to find your rhythm. If you urgently need some information, you do not have to go to the central library on the other side of the city. Of course, it's easier to go to Google. “The whole philosophy of slow motion comes down to one word: balance. When you need to hurry, hurry. But where it is natural not to rush, do not drive. Look for what is called tempo giusto in music, correct pace", - Karl Honore writes in his book" No fuss. How to stop rushing and start living. "

If a person consciously lives the present moment, carefully examines his inner world and the world around him, life becomes more intense and enjoyable. Happy events in our memory seem to be infinitely long, although in reality they could last for several seconds. Small joys can and should be sought in everyday life, but when we want to do everything "quickly", we do not get pleasure from food, reading, music, sex and other things.

In what areas can you slow down

The culture of slowing down reminds that a person should get pleasure from work, not burnout, nervous breakdown and heart attack. The philosophy of slowness has penetrated other areas of life as well:

  • Traffic Slow Food teaches people not to eat on the go and appreciate the culture of family meals.
  • Slow art rejects running around museums and theaters for show and encourages thoughtful study of works of art that should bring aesthetic and intellectual joy.
  • Born in Norway slow tv: instead of constantly changing pictures, programs without gluing appeared, for example, monitoring the movement trains or a steamer.
  • Slow reading suggests paying attention not to the number of books read, but to the quality: to reflect on what has been read, to discuss with friends.
  • Slow travel they offer not to run from one attraction to another, but to slowly enjoy new places and culture, communicate with residents, and try the local cuisine.
  • Slow aging respects natural changes in the body and encourages people not to rejuvenate with the help of cosmetics and plastic surgeries.

Even if it's a short walk around the house, observe life around or reflect. Most importantly, don't bury your smartphone.

  • Find a hobby that involves hand work. This is a great way to slow down. You can like anyone: handicrafts, drawing detailed illustrations or assembling models. Do not rush to say that you do not know how to do anything, because a new hobby is a great way to learn.
  • Download applications that restrict internet access. With them, it is easier for a person to gradually loosen the steel grip with which he grabbed the smartphone.
  • In the middle, evaluate your condition. Ask yourself questions: How do I feel? what do I want now?
  • Do you often have to rush? Would you like to slow down the pace of life?

    “Man is the highest creation of nature. But in order to enjoy her treasures, he must meet at least one requirement: to be healthy. ” A.A. Leonov.

    Healthy lifestyle

    Take care of your health from a young age According to the official definition of the World Health Organization, health is physical, mental and social well-being. Health is an invaluable asset not only of every person, but of the whole society. When meeting, parting with loved ones and dear people, we wish them good and strong health, since this is the main condition and guarantee of a full and happy life.

    Health depends: 20% on the environment, 20% on hereditary factors, 10% on medical care, 50% on lifestyle.

    Health is something that we value little, but pay more for. The maximum duration of TV viewing: For preschoolers and younger students - 1 hour, For middle-aged students - 1.5 hours, For older children - 2 hours. Viewing can be no more than 2-3 times a week.

    You ruin your health - you can't buy a new limitation of mobility leads to a decrease and disruption of vital functions. The child's body needs from 6 to 13 thousand movements per day. Sedentary children have very weak muscles. In order to prevent diseases, 1.5-2 hours stay in the open air is of great importance. The body is weakening idle.

    Whoever smokes tobacco is his own enemy: Smoking of parents increases the risk that the child will develop asthma, cardiovascular diseases, and respiratory diseases. Parents' smoking increases the risk that their child will start smoking at a young age. Life expectancy in smokers is reduced by about 8 years

    All vices from idleness In women, alcoholism becomes chronic much faster than in men. Alcoholism leads to premature aging of the entire body. Alcoholism causes constant anxiety and fear, depression. 94% of drinking parents have children with mental disorders or become alcoholics

    Drug addiction - a disease of the 21st century Since the onset of drug addiction, a person lives no more than 3-4 years. There are about 7 million drug addicts in our country

    Observe the daily routine! Wash your face and brush your teeth in the morning and evening.

    Clean and ventilate the room often. Read and write in good lighting.

    Go in for sports and exercise. Temper yourself.

    Wash my hands before eating, after outside and after dealing with animals. Take a walk outside every day.

    Bathe every night. Watch your posture, keep your back straight.

    Eat healthy foods.

    Study on the computer and watch TV for half an hour a day. Go to bed on time.

    We are for a healthy lifestyle!

    Good luck Thank you for your attention

    Purpose: To consolidate the knowledge of children about the basics of a healthy lifestyle. teach how to use the knowledge gained in everyday life. In a playful way, reveal the creative abilities of students. The goal of health-saving educational technologies is to provide students with the opportunity to maintain health during the period of study in an educational institution in the context of comprehensive informatization of education, to form the necessary knowledge, skills and abilities not only of an educational nature, but also of a healthy lifestyle. Means of health-preserving educational technologies: Elements of movement, physical and dance exercises, physical education and active breaks, emotional relaxation and "minutes of rest", gymnastics, physiotherapy exercises, outdoor games. Massage, self-massage. Psycho-gymnastics, trainings.