Mediterranean Sea - detailed information. Mediterranean Sea: Map, Coastal Countries, Islands

Mediterranean Sea - detailed information.  Mediterranean Sea: Map, Coastal Countries, Islands
Mediterranean Sea - detailed information. Mediterranean Sea: Map, Coastal Countries, Islands

Part Mediterranean countries includes European, Asian and African states. Tourists are attracted to them by picturesque nature, clean sea waters, a large number of architectural and historical monuments.

Pebble and sandy beaches can be found along the coast. On the wide and long coastline of the Mediterranean Sea, there are many places for budget holidays and resorts that amaze with their luxury.

Mediterranean Sea on the world map with countries around it

  1. Bizerte;
  2. Kelibia;
  3. Monastir;
  4. Sfax.

Recently Tunisia is serious competition Turkey and Egypt. The gap in the level of service with European and Asian resorts is constantly decreasing. Tourists go to Tunisia not only for a beach holiday, but also for treatment. Traditional medicine centers can be found in most Tunisian hotels. They are no less popular than the Mediterranean coast.

Interest directions

    Most quiet beaches The Mediterranean Sea is to be found on its northeastern coast - in Croatia. In these places, beach tourism is under development, so recreation is available for a large number of tourists.

    Sandy and pebbly beaches are surrounded by picturesque mountains covered with dense vegetation.

  • The beautiful beaches of Malta are worth visiting not only for those who love a comfortable stay on refined beaches, but also for those who wish to get an internship. of English language... It is one of the official languages ​​of the island nation.
  • Per noise and fun, as well as for a comfortable stay at an affordable price, it is worth going to Greece, Egypt and Turkey.
  • Exotic vacation can be found on the coast of North Africa. The best resorts in the southeast of the Mediterranean are in Tunisia and Morocco. In these regions you will feel not only exotic, but also comfort.
  • Vacationers speaking in Russian, will surround you on the beaches of Israel. Excellent service provided by local hotels will not overshadow the cost of a vacation in the Promised Land. The Red Sea and the Sea of ​​Marmara compete with the Mediterranean beaches.

Mediterranean Sea surrounded by earth on all sides. One glance at the map is enough to agree with this judgment. This was known more ancient Greek scholars.

Features of the geographical location and climate

Mediterranean Sea named for a reason, from all sides it touches with continents.

Nowhere else in the world has this been found large indoor pool, which is connected to the ocean only by a tiny, for such a scale, a jumper - Strait of Gibraltar.

The sea in its own way geographic location is between: Asia, Europe, Africa.

Total area - 2,500 square kilometers... The maximum depth is 5 121 meters.

It connects channels and straits with Black, Red and Marmara seas.

Concerning bottom relief then he has everything typical for the sea peculiarities:

  1. continental slope indented by canyons;
  2. shelf narrow.

Part The middle seas are included and inland seas:

  • Aegean;
  • Alboran;
  • Adriatic;
  • Balearic;
  • Ionian;
  • Ligurian;
  • Tyrrhenian.

In winter the weather is very changeable, regularly storms happen, and pass heavy rainfall... The temperature drops significantly due to the influence northern winds.

Summer observed here dry fog and a small amount precipitation.

Tourists come in droves to these places closer to the middle of summer. By July the reservoir warms up to +27 degrees.

Countries and islands

Towards the Mediterranean include vast territories of countries and islands. We will give examples of some of them below.


  • Turkey... There are resorts that are very fond of Russian tourists. Most of the attendants speak in Russian, which simplifies the rest in a foreign country for our tourists. There are many excellent beaches, inexpensive hotels and one of the best in the world kitchens... The reservoir washes the following large Turkish cities - Mersin, Istanbul, Antalya and Izmir.
  • Italy... It is located in the west of the Mediterranean. People come here to eat delicious pizza and spaghetti and also enjoy warm sun... Resort cities are Rome, Sicily and Milan.
  • Spain. Ibiza, Barcelona and Majorca- these are exactly the settlements where travelers come who want to have fun and have a good time. Especially it concerns youth loving noisy parties.
  • Croatia... Country attractive for tourists primarily rapidly gaining momentum yachting... For this, the state allocates multimillion investment.
  • Montenegro... Especially it is worth taking a closer look at the beach Ada Bojana... Here the purest sand, which can only be found throughout Adriatic... In addition, tourism is actively developing here among nudists.
  • Albania... Chic kitchen, beautiful landscapes- this is how local resorts are characterized.
  • In ancient times it was believed that the Mediterranean Sea is located in the center of the world... Roman aborigines called him Inland sea, since all its shores were conquered by them.

  • Morocco... Intersect here European and islamic traditions and culture. This fact attracts tourists. According to statistics, people also come here to look at cultural attractions... Especially popular Casablanca.
  • Tunisia... The ancients museums, mysterious artifacts, monuments memorable architectures markets- at the local resorts which are not found miracles.


In the Mediterranean also a bunch of big and small islands interesting for travelers. Among them stand apart:

  • Djerba... Located in the north Of Africa... From the ancient Arabic language it is translated as "Wheat city"... The island is mentioned in the famous "Odyssey" Homer. Pink flamingos, ancient synagogue, fireballs, local delicious rice- something like that simply cannot be missed if you find yourself on Djerba.
  • Sardinia... Located next to Dirk and Sicily... Archaeologists constantly find various tombs and ziggurats... These are the main attractions of the island.
  • Vulcano... Tourists come here to see the many volcanic craters.

Scientists have found out that because of the catastrophic floods, which happened 5.3 million years ago, just filling occurred Mediterranean Sea. In two years formed such a large water basin!

Eastern Mediterranean

Most often to Eastern Mediterranean include the shores of Greece, Italy and Turkey, this opinion is wrong... If we come to this question in terms of geography and look at the map, it turns out that the Eastern Mediterranean includes:

  1. Syria;
  2. Palestine;
  3. Cyprus;
  4. Lebanon;
  5. Jordan.
  6. Israel;

Pros and cons of relaxing in the Mediterranean

On the mediterranean sea perfect to have a rest in September... At this time already the heat subsides, moreover, the water remains warm. An additional plus is that the reservoir contains a large amount of useful salts and No dangerous poisonous plants and animals.

You can inspect Attraction completely different countries of the world and get to know their culture... After all, the Mediterranean Sea washes the shores of a good half continents of the world.

The resorts of the Mediterranean are very developed health resort infrastructure... Therefore, people suffering diseases of various origins can easily find a place for relaxation and recovery.

There are no cons... Unless, of course, the scorching summer sun is considered a disadvantage.

Countries and resorts of the Mediterranean: maps, photos and videos. Holidays in the Mediterranean, hotels, beaches, water temperatures off the coast of resorts.

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The cradle of civilizations, the bone of contention and the oldest trade routes - all this is the "sea in the middle of the earth", whose waves wash the shores of 22 states, most of which have managed to derive direct tourist benefits from this remarkable neighborhood. It is on the numerous coasts of the Mediterranean Sea that the most famous world resorts are located, to the storm of which millions of vacationers from all over the world rush every year. The countries of two continents - Africa and Eurasia, as well as numerous islands and archipelagos provide all the conditions for a full-fledged beach holiday: albeit not always warm, but quite clean waters, sandy or pebble coast with a remarkably wide coastline, lush fruitful nature and a lot of historical ruins around. What is especially pleasant - rest in the Mediterranean bushes can be attributed to the budget category: a little more expensive than domestic "south" and at the same time a whole range of entertainment and so far, alas, mostly unattainable at home level of service.

Mediterranean countries

Let's not twist our hearts, saying that the Mediterranean is one of those in all respects successful tourism destinations that can offer the demanding tourist almost everything, at once and at affordable prices. What is missing on the hospitable shores of the "middle sea": and plant rest in slippers and a bathing suit, and interesting excursions to the sights of almost any period known to historical science, and authentic items of souvenir interest, and rich opportunities for studying foreign languages ​​"with immersion", and terribly tasty, and most importantly healthy Mediterranean cuisine, on whose dishes more than one generation of centenarians have been raised.

Another characteristic feature of the Mediterranean, a balm for the heart of an attentive tourist, an exceptional variety of nationalities, languages, cultures.

Everyone will find something to their liking: praying at the Wailing Wall in Jerusalem or burning through the acquired "back-breaking labor" at golden parties in Monaco, inhaling the scent of eternity in the Giza Valley or listening to the chirping of cicadas on emerald Corfu, following the footsteps of the grand duchesses on the streets of Istanbul, or gazing at drowning in the red haze of Fez.

Other pleasant bonuses of the direction are a short flight (you can fly to most resorts in no more than 4 hours), a combined visa regime (we are talking about Schengen), which allows you to give up the evening to your neighbors along the coastline without hassle, in some cases even no visa formalities - like in Tunisia or Turkey. Among other things, the Mediterranean - the most financially accessible of the foreign resort seas - you can find rest here, starting from 200 EUR "from the nose". Finally, the climate here is closest to the "universal" - the swimming season from May to October, the absence of exhausting heat in summer and mild, moderately sunny winters. Of the minuses - perhaps the extraordinary popularity of Mediterranean beaches, which, in terms of the number of bodies per square meter of area, easily spit the Klondike of the "gold rush" times. However, for fans of secluded relaxation, the Mediterranean Sea has in store several secret corners, such as small Greek islands, where nothing prevents you from consigning your everyday life to oblivion.

The Mediterranean is a semi-enclosed sea located at the junction of three continents: Europe, Asia and Africa. On its shores there are 22 UN member states, of which the longest coasts in the Mediterranean are Spain, France, Italy and Greece - in Europe, Turkey - in Asia, Egypt, Libya and Algeria - in Africa. In the Mediterranean Sea, up to eleven isolated seas are distinguished, the largest of which is the Levantine Sea with an area of ​​320 thousand km², in the waters of which the island of Cyprus is located, and the smallest is the Ligurian Sea, with an area of ​​15 thousand km², but on the shores of the Ligurian Sea there are major port cities such as Genoa and Nice.

You can get to the Mediterranean Sea from Russia in different ways: by land, by air and by water. When traveling by car or bus, you will have the opportunity to visit Belarus, Poland, further to Germany, from there to France, along the way you can visit the Czech Republic, Austria, Switzerland, Italy and Spain. The duration of such a trip depends only on the route and time for walks in the cities of Europe. When flying by leading airlines, everything depends on the country on the coast of which you want to enjoy the waters of the Mediterranean Sea: a flight from Moscow to Monaco, Barcelona, ​​or Athens will take about 4 hours, but direct flights from Moscow to Naples, Rome or Tunisia no, you will have to fly with at least one change and the flight will take from seven hours to a day. And for those who prefer sailing on a yacht, a trip to the Mediterranean Sea is a great opportunity to spend a couple of months sailing. Having sailed from the Crimea, from Novorossiysk or Sochi to the Black Sea, it remains only to get to the Bosphorus Strait, walk around Istanbul, then to the Sea of ​​Marmara and from there - through the Dardanelles Strait to get into the waters of the Aegean Sea and you can sail to any port of the Mediterranean Sea.

Fishing is well developed in the Mediterranean Sea and it is a real paradise for tourists. In addition, a new opportunity has recently appeared for wealthy citizens to provide themselves with an excellent vacation on the islands of the Mediterranean Sea. Due to internal economic problems, Greece began the sale of its islands in the Ionian and Aegean Seas. Hollywood star Brad Pitt and his wife Angelina Jolie have already bought one. However, Greece knows the value of its islands: the "cheapest" of them costs more than three million dollars. But, if for some reason you don’t have three million dollars, or you simply don’t need an island, you can rent a house in Malta for only 350 dollars a month.

Mediterranean resorts

Storm on the coast of Crete

The resort town of Budva in Montenegro on the shores of the Mediterranean Sea

Shark on the Cretan beach

Monaco beach, Monte Carlo

A fish on a Mediterranean beach in Monaco loves a bun

Malta is the pearl of the Mediterranean!

Mediterranean Sea surrounded by earth on all sides. One glance at the map is enough to agree with this judgment. This was known more ancient Greek scholars.

Features of the geographical location and climate

Mediterranean Sea named for a reason, from all sides it touches with continents.

Nowhere else in the world has this been found large indoor pool, which is connected to the ocean only by a tiny, for such a scale, a jumper - Strait of Gibraltar.

The sea in its own way geographic location is between: Asia, , Africa.

Total area - 2,500 square kilometers... The maximum depth is 5 121 meters.

It connects with channels and straits, Red and Marmara seas.

Concerning bottom relief then he has everything typical for the sea peculiarities:

  1. continental slope indented by canyons;
  2. shelf narrow.

Part Mediterranean Sea includes and inland seas:

  • Aegean;
  • Alboran;
  • Adriatic;
  • Balearic;
  • Ionian;
  • Ligurian;
  • Tyrrhenian.

In winter the weather is very changeable, regularly storms happen, and pass heavy rainfall... The temperature drops significantly due to the influence northern winds.

Summer observed here dry fog and a small amount precipitation.

Tourists come in droves to these places closer to the middle of summer. By July the reservoir warms up to +27 degrees.

Countries and islands

Towards the Mediterranean include vast territories of countries and islands. We will give examples of some of them below.


  • ... There are resorts that are very fond of Russian tourists. Most of the attendants speak in Russian, which simplifies the rest in a foreign country for our tourists. There are many excellent beaches, inexpensive hotels and one of the best in the world kitchens... The reservoir washes the following large Turkish cities - Mersin, Istanbul, Antalya and Izmir.
  • Italy... It is located in the west of the Mediterranean. People come here to eat delicious pizza and spaghetti and also enjoy warm sun... Resort cities are Rome, Sicily and Milan.
  • Spain. Ibiza, Barcelona and Majorca- these are exactly the settlements where travelers come who want to have fun and have a good time. Especially it concerns youth loving noisy parties.
  • Croatia... Country attractive for tourists primarily rapidly gaining momentum yachting... For this, the state allocates multimillion investment.
  • Montenegro... Especially it is worth taking a closer look at the beach Ada Bojana... Here the purest sand, which can only be found throughout Adriatic... In addition, tourism is actively developing here among nudists.
  • Albania... Chic kitchen, beautiful landscapes- this is how local resorts are characterized.
  • In ancient times it was believed that the Mediterranean Sea is located in the center of the world... Roman aborigines called him Inland sea, since all its shores were conquered by them.

  • ... Intersect here European and islamic traditions and culture. This fact attracts tourists. According to statistics, people also come here to look at cultural attractions... Especially popular Casablanca.
  • Tunisia... The ancients museums, mysterious artifacts, monuments memorable architectures markets- at the local resorts which are not found miracles.
  • Islands

    Kara is clickable, click on it to enlarge.

    There is also a bunch of large and small Mediterranean islands interesting for travelers. Among them stand apart:

    • Djerba... Located in the north Of Africa... From the ancient Arabic language it is translated as "Wheat city"... The island is mentioned in the famous "Odyssey" Homer. Pink flamingos, ancient synagogue, fireballs, local delicious rice- something like that simply cannot be missed if you find yourself on Djerba.
    • Sardinia... Located next to Dirk and Sicily... Archaeologists constantly find various tombs and ziggurats... These are the main attractions of the island.
    • Vulcano... Tourists come here to see the many volcanic craters.

    Scientists have found out that because of the catastrophic floods, which happened 5.3 million years ago, just filling occurred Mediterranean Sea. In two years formed such a large water basin! of useful salts and No dangerous poisonous plants and animals.

    You can inspect Attraction completely different countries of the world and get to know their culture... After all, the Mediterranean Sea washes the shores of a good half continents of the world.

    The resorts of the Mediterranean are very developed health resort infrastructure... Therefore, people suffering diseases of various origins can easily find a place for relaxation and recovery.

    There are no cons... Unless, of course, the scorching summer sun is considered a disadvantage.