Radishchev Alexander Nikolaevich Family. Biography Radishchev

Radishchev Alexander Nikolaevich Family. Biography Radishchev
Radishchev Alexander Nikolaevich Family. Biography Radishchev

Date of birth: August 31, 1749
Date of death: September 24, 1802
Place of birth: Village Upper Ablyazovo, Saratov province

Alexander Radishchev - Famous Russian writer, Radishchev A.N. - Poet, lawmaking, lawyer and one of the leaders of the St. Petersburg customs. Alexander Nikolaevich Radishchev On August 31, 1749, in a small village of Upper Ablyazovo in the Saratov province.


Nikolay Afanasyevich Radishchev, Father of the writer, was a very rich landowner. The mother of the writer, Fekla Savvichnaargamakov, was also very high origin. Alexander himself was the most eldest child in a large family, in which there were 6 more boys and 4 girls besides him. Radishchev were famous for their very soft, almost liberal attitude towards their serf. Alexander himself raised the fortress Peter Mamontov.


At the age of 7, Alexandra took to Moscow, where he passed home education in the house of the relatives of the mother. The big house took the most different people, among whom were professors. Gutener boy was a French Republican. In adolescence, he became a PJ with Empress Catherine II. Arcamakov was attached to this position.

Although the Prazie Corps itself could not be called an excellent educational institution, but it was there that Radishchev first met the royal life and received a court education. His efforts in a new place did not remain unnoticed and at the age of 17 sent him to the University of Leipzig, where he received an excellent humanitarian and legal education, which became an excellent help in his follow-up work for the state's benefit.

In 1771, he returned to the capital of the Russian Empire to take his place in the state apparatus of the country.

Service State:

Immediately upon returning from Germany, he received a chin titular adviser and became an ordinary protocolist in the Senate. This position did not meet his requirements at all, and therefore he left the service shortly after the appointment. He took him under his wing Ya.A. Bruce, appointing to the headquarters of the St. Petersburg General Governor.

Here Radishchev again ran into the horrors of serfdom and left the post just after a few years. In 1778, Radishchev returned to public service, but now in the commerce-board, in ten years he became the head by the customs and successfully managed the department for several years.


Throughout the life of Radishchev writes a lot, but his first success was the "Life of Fyodor Vasilyevich Ushakov", which he dedicated to his close friend, who delivered housing with him in Leipzig during training. After the release of the imperial decree on the resolution of free printing houses, Radishchev opened his own typography at home. It was from here that the "Travel from St. Petersburg to Moscow" was published, in which a lot of what was actually fortified Russia and how it affects the state.

This book has become a very important point in the life of the writer. It was not only a deafening success, but also the beginning of long-term proceedings with the authorities. Empress, of course, did not like the product of Radishchev. He was soon arrested and concluded in the Petropavlovsk fortress. The court himself was very short and ended with an unequivocal verdict: the death penalty. The Empress still did not put the imperial printing on the sentence, a successful state official and Volnodumz decided to send to Siberia, reference to ten years.

Personal life:

In 1775, Radishchev married Anna Vasilyevna Rubanovskaya, who was a niece of friends at the University of Leipzig. She also caused care from the public service. The wife gave him 4 children, but died during the next childbirth. The death of his beloved wife was the cause of long depression. For a long time behind him and his family carefully cared his sister of his wife, Elizavet Vasilyevna. Having supported him in difficult years, she was an excellent replacement for his wife and a reliable friend.

It was she who followed him to the catguard when Radishchev was exiled to Siberia. The secular society was resolutely against such an act and Elizabeth Vasilyevna criticized from friends and relatives. However, it did not interfere with the ambulance and birth to the light of still three children. Unfortunately, upon returning back to the estate Nemtsovo after the end of the reference under the emperor Paul I due to weak health, it died.

Last years:

Radishchev was returned from reference by Paul I. His correspondence was under control, but he could easily live in the estate Nemtsovo. Under Alexandra I and the beginning of a slightly more liberal state policy, he received complete freedom. Given its extensive experience in the field of jurisprudence and government, they invited him to the lawmaking committee. Career in the Commission was short. He made a project on equality before the law, looking at the liberal European views, for which he received a strictest reprimand from the bosses.


After leaving the Radishchev Commission died. The circumstances of his death are still discussed by researchers. Some of his friends talked about the weak mental health after the loss of two wives and a heavy reference. The official version states that his death was the result of suicide. It is believed that the writer drank a glass of poison and died for a long time and painfully. Documents of the Volokolamsky cemetery claim that the writer died from consumers.

An important achievement of Radishchev was the "travel from St. Petersburg to Moscow." The work discovered the eyes of many contemporaries on how much disgusting and stagnant the system with serfdom itself and how terrible it looks in terms of the modern morality. In many ways, this particular product brought the uprising on the Senate Square.

Important milestones of the life of Nikolai Radishchev:

Born in 1749.
- Moving to St. Petersburg to Argamakov in 1756
- Purpose of empress in 1762
- Ride for study at the University of Leipzig 1766-1771
- Purpose in the Senate as a protocolist in 1771
- Appointment in the headquarters of the St. Petersburg Governor General in 1773
- Marriage on Anne Rubanovskaya in 1775 and care from civil service
- Purpose in the Commerce College in 1778
- The death of Anna Rubanov's wife in 1783
- Appointment to the post of head of the St. Petersburg Customs in 1788
- Publication of "Life of Fyodor Vasilyevich Ushakov" in 1789
- Edition "Travel from St. Petersburg to Moscow" in a home typography, arrest, link to Siberia in 1790
- Return from Siberia in 1796
- restoration of all rights in 1801 and invitation to the lawmaking committee

Entertaining facts from the biography of Nikolai Radishchev:

Catherine II wrote on the fields of "Travel from St. Petersburg to Moscow": "Buntingman, worse than Pugachev."
- The book "Traveling from St. Petersburg to Moscow" was sentenced to public burlors; Many predicted this, handwritten copies were made, some of the books were secretly exported abroad
"Pushkin woven the cousin of Radishchev's cousin, but received a refusal.

Alexander Nikolaevich Radishchev became famous as a talented prose and poet, but on a par with this, he was a philosopher and held a good position at the court. Our article presents a brief biography of Radishchev (for grade 9, this information can be very useful).

Childhood. Moving to Moscow

Alexander Nikolaevich was the son of the wealthy landowner Nikolai Afanasyevich Radishchev. He was born in the Saratov province, in the village of Upper Slipping in 1749. His father was a cultural man, so he tried and to give his son a great education. The Mother of Radishchev was Fekla Savvichna. She was from the family of the Moscow Nobility Intelligentsia. Her maiden name - Argamakov.

It is noteworthy that Radishchev's parents were very well to their serfs, which was taught and the Son. Alexander Nikolayevich's childhood has passed in buzzing. It is known that their home was rich and big, there were always many people in it. Radishchev had four sisters and six brothers, children on an equal footing with serfs were rushed with them in the village. The teacher of Radishchev was, apparently, also serf, his name is Peter Mammoths. Radishchev recalled with love, as the uncle told fairy tales.

When the boy turned 7 years old, the parents took him to Moscow. There he lived on the care of the mother's relative. Along with the host children, he studied at the university professor and French teacher. They were the old Frenchman who fled from his country.

The surroundings of the boy was unusual. He listened to lectures of advanced thinkers, disputes about serfdom, construction, education, bureaucracy. Guests of Argamakov were unhappy with the Government of Elizabeth, and during Peter the third discharge did not happen, on the contrary, the outrage only grew. In such an environment, Alexander Nikolaevich Ros.

Page case

When the boy turned 13 years old, he was pressed into a fizz. It made Empress Catherine Second. For little Radishchev, his relatives of Argamakov were patted.

Until 1764, Catherine, together with the government, was in Moscow, where the coronation occurred, and after with his faces, including Radishchev, returned to St. Petersburg.

The Piece Corps was not a "decent" educational institution in those years. All the boys were trained at the teacher - Mrambert, who was obliged to show them how to make sure the empress on the balas, in the theater, in trains.

The brief biography of Radishchev, the most important place in which is given to his creative successes, will not describe those workers of the boy, which out of the atmosphere of serious conversations and public interests was moved to the court environment. Of course, he already absorbed all the hatred of despotia, a lie, bowling, and now I saw it all with my own eyes, and not somewhere, but in all the magnificence of the palace.

It was in the Page Corps Alexander Nikolaevich met Kutuzov, who would be his best friend for many years. And although their path will subsequently disperse, the commander will not say a single bad word about Radishchev. A brief biography of the latter is a direct confirmation.

In Leipzig

Two years after moving to Peterburg Radishchev, together with another five young man, was sent to Germany to study at the university. Catherine The second wanted them to become educated lawyers and served in the foregoing.

Gradually, their small group grew. For example, Fyodor Ushakov arrived in Leipzig, who was at that time a young official. He left the service for university knowledge. Fedor was the oldest and quickly became the leader of the group of youth.

Radishchev spent almost five years on someone else's land. All this time, he was diligently practiced and almost received a medical education, but still literature attracted him the most. The brief biography of Radishchev indicates its interest in the preconanomantic direction nascent in Germany.

The country was shocked by a seven-year-old war, which ended quite recently, therefore, many ideological ideas developed in society, you can say that are free, if not revolutionary. And Russian students were in the center of all this. Together with them in the university he studied Goethe, they listened to the lectures of the outstanding philosopher of the Planner, who was a supporter of liberalism.

In Germany, young people were not very good, since their head of the Bums, the impressive, was a real Samodor and the Zhada. He selected all the money from young people sent for the content. And then the students decided to rebel. This decision came to them sideways because they were arrested and sent to court. But the Russian ambassador intervened.

The side was fired a lot later, in front of the departure of Radishchev to their homeland.


The brief biography of Radishchev mentions that in 1771 he came to St. Petersburg along with Kutuzov and Rubanovsky. Young people were full of optimism and decisiveness, having soaked in advance social ideals, they wanted to serve society.

It seems that for the years spent by them in Germany, the Empress completely forgot about the goal of sending aparts abroad. Radishcheva was scheduled to work in the Senate, the protocolist. This caused a sea of \u200b\u200bindignation in a young man, and soon he threw the service.

In 1773, he entered the headquarters of General Bruce, where he was appointed by the Military Prosecutor. This work also did not inspire Alexander Nikolayevich, but he had a blow. Thanks to its charm and education, he began to enter the Great Living Rooms and Writers' Cabinets. Alexander Nikolaevich did not forget about his literary hobbies for a minute. Even a very brief biography of Radishchev is not able to keep silent about his work. Yes, it is not necessary.

Literary way

For the first time, Alexander Nikolaevich appealed to literary creativity in Leipzig. It was a translation of a political and religious brochure. But his young couple did not finish, because the "Vedomosti" was published another, less acute passage.

In St. Petersburg, he met the publisher of the magazine "Painter" Novikov. Soon there was an essay called "Travel excerpt", but he was printed anonymously. The brief biography of Radishchev, the most important thing in which is always on the surface, confirms the fact that the writer almost never indicated his name on the works.

In the "passage" the life of the fortress village was brightly shown, with all its gloomy events. Of course, the top of power did not like it, and the landowners were offended. But neither the author nor the publisher was frightened. And soon in the same journal, an article "English Walk" was published, protecting the previous edition. And then the continuation of the "passing".

Actually, from this publication and the tragic creative path of Radishchev began.

Many Alexander Nikolaevich was engaged in translations, which also published novikov. By order of Catherine, the book "Reflection on Greek History" was translated by Mabies. But at the end, he left several of his marks, thereby entering the author to the controversy, as well as several definitions (including the words "autocracy").

In 1789, the book "Life F. Ushakov" was published, which raised a lot of noise. She again was published anonymously, but no one doubted the authorship of Radishchev. Everyone noticed that in the book a lot of dangerous expressions and thoughts. However, the authorities ignored her out, which served as a writer to the signal to further actions.

The brief biography of Radishchev for grade 9 is not so meaningful, but it also noted that not only the authorities, but also members of the Russian Academy, and many nobles, were dissatisfied with the works of this person.

Radishchev did not calm down. He wanted some radical actions. Therefore, I began to perform in the society of friends of verbal sciences, which included many writers, as well as sailors and officers. And achieved his: his speeches did not listen.

The society began to release the magazine "Clearing Citizen," where the works fused by Radishchevsky ideas were printed. There was also a published article of the philosopher himself, more like a campaign speech ("conversation that there is the son of the Fatherland). By the way, he had to very try to be sent to print. Even his like-minded people understood how dangerous it could be.

The writer seemed to not notice how the clouds were condensed over him. But this clearly describes the biography. Radishchev Alexander Nikolaevich, whose work she served him a unkind service, was under the sight of the authorities. Oils in the fire poured his next publication.

"Travel from St. Petersburg to Moscow"

The brief biography of Radishchev contains one amazing fact. Its main work without problems has passed a censorship check. It would seem that it is impossible, but it was. The thing is that the Ober-Political Makerstems of Pious Administration simply lazy to read it. Seeing the name and table of contents, he decided that it was just a guide. The book was printed in the author's home typography, so no one knew about her content.

The plot is pretty simple. A certain traveler rides from one settlement in another and, driving past the villages, describes what they saw. The book is very loudly criticized by autocratic power, it is described about the oppressed peasants and the permissiveness of the landowners.

A total of six hundred copies were printed, but only twenty-five fell on sale. For a long time, readers wishing to hold the revolutionary edition in their hands.

Of course, such a work could not not find a response from readers, no ruling top. The Empress compared the writer with Pugachev, and he won the riotrist in comparison.

Were besides the authorities and other persons who did not appreciate the work of Radishchev. For example, Pushkin responded about the book very coldly, noting that this is a "mediocre work" written by the "barbaric syllable".

Arrest and reference

By order of Catherine, the second Radishchev was arrested. This happened on June 30, 1790. According to official documents, the cause of the detention was only the authorship of the "Travel". But, since the Empress has long known about the nature of the ideas and activities of his subject, the other literary work was introduced to the case.

Because of the connection with the Optic, the Society of Friends was dispersed. The investigation was commissioned by the head of the secret police Stepan Sheshkovsky, who was a personal executioner of the Empress. About this somehow learned Alexander Nikolaevich Radishchev. A brief biography (9-graders consider this topic within the framework of the school program) pointed out the fact that the remaining copies of the book were destroyed by the author personally, which is truly scared.

Radishcheva was sharpened in the Petropavlovsk fortress. He escaped terrible torture only because his wife's sister attributed all his jewels to the executioner. When the "rebel" understood how the game was dangerous, in which he got involved, his horror was taught. Above him hung the threat of the death penalty, over his family - stigma of traitors. Then Radishchev began writing letters with repentance, however, not very sincere.

From the writer, they wanted him to name the names of accomplices and like-minded people. But Radishchev did not say any name. Following the court, on July 24, a death sentence was made. But since the writer was a nobleman, it was necessary to approve all state structures. His Radishchev waited until August 19. But for some reason, the execution was postponed, and on September 4, Catherine replaced the hanging by reference to Siberia.

Information about the ten years spent in Ilmensky Ostrog could be replenished with his brief biography. Alexander Radishchev, whose writers turned away from reference, lived there only six years. In 1796, Emperor Paul, known for his confrontation with his mother, freed the writer. And 1801 he was amnestied.

Last years

Alexander first called the writer to St. Petersburg and appointed him to a position in the Commission on the preparation of laws.

After the reference, Radishchev was written several poems, but he had no pleasure from literature. It was difficult for him to drown out freedom-loving thoughts. In addition, life in Siberia has greatly undermined his health, he was already elderly and unhappy. Perhaps all these moments and forced the writer to leave life.

The brief biography of Radishchev contains information that there are two options for his death. The first is associated with the work. I supposedly offered to introduce laws that equalize the rights of citizens, and the chairman made him a reprimand, threatening Siberia. Alexander Nikolaevich took it close to his heart and poisoned.

The second version states that he mistakenly drank a glass of royal vodka and died in front of his son. But in funeral documents, natural death is indicated as the cause of death.

Before this day, the grave of the writer was not preserved.

Fate literary heritage

Up until the twentieth century, writer's books were not found. It was known only as a resident ("Countryman") of the Penza region - Radishchev. The writer, biography (brief in the presentation, but such a rich events) of which was very tragic, was not appreciated by contemporaries. All his books burned. Only in 1888 in Russia there was a small circulation "Travel". And already in 1907 - the collection of writings of prose and poet.

A family

The writer was married twice. With the first wife, Anna Rubanovskaya he had four children. But the woman died during the birth of the last son Paul. Sister Anna Ekaterina agreed for the remaining without mother children.

She became the second spouse Radishchev, following him in the link. In their marriage, three more children were born. On the way back to St. Petersburg, Catherine fell ill and died. This loss was seriously experienced by all children and radio.

A brief biography and creativity of the writer are truly dramatic. Despite all the events of his life, he did not refuse his views and followed it to the last sigh. This manifests the power of the human spirit!

Alexander Nikolaevich Radishchev - Russian writer, poet, philosopher - appeared on August 31 (August 20, Art. Art.) 1749 in Moscow, was the son of a major landowner landowner. It is in his near Moscow estate, p. Nemtsovo, the childhood of Radishchev passed; For some time he lived in the upper ablyap. The home education received by the boy was wonderful, and in Moscow, where he found himself at the age of 7, Sasha had the opportunity to deal with the children of his native uncle A.M. Argamakova, who several years was the director of the recently open Moscow University. Here with Alexander and his cousins \u200b\u200bwere engaged in professors and teachers from the gymnasium at the university, and the boy was engaged in a boy personally, a former adviser to Parliament was engaged in the persecution of his government. Therefore, without visiting the educational institution, the future famous writer, most likely, was held if not the entire program of the gymnasic course, then at least partially.

At the 13th age, Radishchev becomes a pupil of a privileged educational institution - the Prazian corps, where he studied until 1766, after which it was among the 13 young nobles, which were sent to the University of Leipzig to study at a lawyer. In addition to the right, Radishchev was engaged in literature, medicine, natural sciences, studied several foreign languages. The worldview of young Radishchev was largely influenced by the works of Gelving and other French encyclopedists enlighteners.

Upon returning to St. Petersburg in 1771, Radishchev was appointed to work in the Senate by the protocolist. For 1773-1775 He served in the headquarters of the Finnish division by Ober-Auditor, thanks to which he had the opportunity to learn not at the slip of the slogans, proclaimed by Pugachev (just about his uprising), to get acquainted with the orders of the military department, the deeds of soldiers, etc., which imposed a noticeable imprint on his Idea development. Soon he resigned, although he treated his duties in good faith.

Since 1777, Radishchev serves in the commerce on the commerce, headed by A. Vorontsov, negatively relating to Catherine II policy. The liberal official made it with his close, and in 1780 due to its recommendation Radishchev began working in St. Petersburg customs; Being a civil servant, he is in the 80s. Supported Novikov's enlighteners, Krechechov, Fonvizin. Parallel Radishchev acts as a writer: So, in 1770 his philosophical article "Word about Lomonosov" appears, in 1783 - Oda "Velost". Radishchev was a member organized in 1784 in St. Petersburg "Societies of friends of verbal sciences", which included former university students.

Since 1790, Radishchev worked as a customs director, in the late 90s. I saw the main work in the creative biography of Radishchev - a philosophical-journalistic story "Travel from St. Petersburg to Moscow," who has existed the socio-political system of serfdom existing at the time, sympathizing with the life of a simple people. The book was immediately confiscated, and after 3 weeks after its publication, a consequence was started under the personal control of the empress itself. They entered the history of Catherine II that Radishchev - a buntmer worse than Pugachev. The author of the Kramol Book was sentenced to the death penalty, but at the order of the Empress, the punishment was replaced by 10 years of reference to the distant Ostrog in Siberia.

During the years of references, Radishchev was not inactive: fulfilling orders A. Vorontsov, he studied the economy of the region, folk crafts, peasant life. They also wrote a number of works, in particular, philosophical work "On a man, about his mortality and immortality." In 1796, who took the throne of Paul I in 1796, issued the resolution of Radishchev under the strict police supervision to live in Nemtsovo, his own estate. True freedom, he acquired only under Alexander I.

In March 1801, this emperor attracted Radishchev to the work of the Commission on the preparation of laws, however, on the new post of Radishchev offered to cancel the serfdom, class privileges. He headed the work of the Commission, Count Zavadovsky put a rushing employee in place, hinking him about the new link. Being in a strong spiritual confusion, Radishchev on September 24 (September 12 under Art.) 1802 took poison and deprived himself life. There are other versions of his death: tuberculosis and an accident associated with the fact that the writer by mistake drank a glass of royal vodka. Where is the grave of Alexander Nikolayevich, unknown.

Biography from Wikipedia

Alexander Nikolaevich Radishchev (August 20, 1749, Upper Ablyazovo, Saratov Province - September 12, 1802, St. Petersburg) - Russian prose, poet, philosopher, de facto Head of Petersburg Customs, Member of the Commission for Composing Laws under Alexander I.

He became most famous thanks to his main work "Travel from St. Petersburg to Moscow", which issued anonymously in June 1790.

Childhood spent in the father's estate in the village of Nemtsovo Borovsky Caluga province. In the initial training of Radishchev, she apparently took direct participation to his father, a devout person who was well-owned Latin, Polish, French and German languages. As was accepted at the time, the child was taught by the Russian diploma and psalrty. By his six years, a French teacher was attached to him, but the choice was unsuccessful: the teacher, as they learned later, was a runa soldier. Shortly after the opening of Moscow University, about 1756, the father is led by Alexander to Moscow, in the House of Uncle for Mother (whose native brother, A. M. Argamakov, was in 1755-1757 by the University director). Here Radishchev was instructed by the concerns of a very good Frenchman-goverr, the former adviser to the Ruan Parliament, who fled from the persecution of the Government of Louis XV. The children of Argamakov had the opportunity to study at home with professors and teachers of the university gymnasium, so it is impossible to exclude that Alexander Radishchev was preparing here under their leadership and passed, at least partly, the program of the gymnasium course.

In 1762, after the coronation of Catherine II, Radishchev was granted to a piece and sent to St. Petersburg to study in the PJUST Corps. The Page Corps was prevented by scientists, but courtesy, and the fizz were obliged to serve the Empress on the balas, in the theater, behind the front dinners.

Four years old, among the twelve young nobles, he was sent to Germany, at the University of Leipzig for learning right. During the time spent there, Radishchev trembally expanded its horizons. In addition to a solid scientific school, he perceived the ideas of advanced French enlighteners, whose works were to a vastly prepared the soil for the bourgeois revolution over twenty years.

From the comrades of Radishchev, Fedor Ushakov is especially remarkable by the big influence, which he rendered on Radishchev, who wrote his "Life" and published some of the writings of Ushakov. Ushakov was a person more experienced and mature than other companions, who recognized him immediately. He served for other students an example, led them to reading, inspired hard moral beliefs. Ushakov's health was upset before the trip abroad, and in Leipzig, he still spoiled him, partly bad food, partly excessive activities, and snorted. When the doctor declared him that "Tomorrow he will no longer be involved," he firmly met the death sentence. He said goodbye to his friends, then, calling for one Radishchev, handed over all his papers to his order and told him: "Remember that you need to have rules in life in order to be blissful." The last words of Ushakov "An indelible feature was marked at the memory of Alexander Nikolayevich Radishchev.

Service in Petersburg

In 1771, Radishchev returned to Petersburg and soon joined the service in the Senate, the protocolist, with the rank of the titular advisor. He briefly served in the Senate: the partnership of ordinary, the rude appeal of the authorities. Radishchev entered the headquarters of Bruce General-General Bruce in St. Petersburg as an Ober-Auditor and stood out by a conscientious and bold attitude towards his duties. In 1775, he resigned and married, and two years later he entered the Commerce-College, made in commerce and industry. There he made friends very closely with Count Vorontsov, who later helped Radishchev in every way during his reference to Siberia.

Since 1780, he worked in the St. Petersburg customs, having reached 1790 before her boss. From 1775 to June 30, 1790, he lived in St. Petersburg at: Dirty Street, 24 (now Marata Street).

Literary and publishing activities

The foundations of the radiation worldview were laid in the earliest period of its activities. Returning in 1771 in St. Petersburg, after a couple of months later sent a passage from his future book "Travel from St. Petersburg to Moscow to the editorial office" Journey from St. Petersburg to Moscow ", where he was anonymously printed. Two years later, the translation of Radishchev's books "Reflections on Greek History" was published. This period includes other works of the writer, such as Officer Exercises and the Diary of the One Week.

In the 1780s, Radishchev worked on the "journey", wrote other writings in prose and verses. By this time there is a huge public rise in all of Europe. The victory of the American Revolution and the French followed by her created a favorable climate to promote the ideas of freedom than and used Radishchev. In 1789, he had a typography at home, and in May 1790 printed his main essay, "Travel from St. Petersburg to Moscow."

Arrest and reference 1790-1796.

The book began to spit quickly. His bold reasoning about the fastest right and other sad phenomena of the then public and public life, the attention of the Empress itself,,, whom someone delivered the "travel" and which called Radishchev - " buntingman worse than Pugacheva" A copy of the book was preserved, which fell on the table to Catherine, which she was cushed with its cynical remarks. Where the tragic sale scene is described at auction, the empress wrote: " The premierant story of the family sold from the hammer for the debts of Mr." In another place of the composition of Radishchev, where he tells about the landowner, killed during the Pugachev Bunta with his peasants for the fact that " every night sent him led to him for a victim of dishonoring the one that he appointed that day, it was known in the village that he overshadowed 60 girls, depriving them"The Empress itself wrote -" almost the historius of Alexander Vasilyevich Saltykov».

Radishchev was arrested, it was rearmed by S. I. Sheshkovsky. Lailed to the fortress, in interrogations of Radishchev led the protection line. He did not call a single name from among his assistants, to remove children, and also tried to preserve his life. The Criminal Chamber applied to the Radishchery article to " attempted state health", About" conspiracies and treason "and sentenced him to the death penalty. The sentence passed to the Senate and then to the Council was approved in both instances and presented Catherine.

On September 4, 1790, a registered decree was held, which recognized Radishchev guilty of a crime oath and the post of published by the publishing book, "Filled with the most harmful states who destroy the public, with respect to the authorities, desires, seeking to produce indignation of the bosses and bosses and finally offensive and frantic meals contradicts of San and the power of the Tsarist.; Radishcheva wines such that he fully deserves the death penalty to which he was sentenced by the court, but "according to mercy and for general joy" a penalty is replaced by him with a decade reference to Siberia, in Ilimsky Ostrog. At the order on the expulsion of Radishcheva, the Empress wrote his own hand: " it goes to mourn the deplorable fate of the peasant state, although it is indisputable that the best destiny of our peasants has no good landlord in the whole universe».

The treatise "On a person, his mortality and immortality", created in the reference, is a numerous paraphrase of the compositions of Gerder "Study on the origin of the language" and "On the knowledge and sensation of the human soul".

Emperor Paul I shortly after his top of the first time (1796) returned Radishchev from Siberia. Radishchev was ordered to live in his estate of the Kaluga province, the village of Nemtsov.

Last years

After the top of Alexander I Radishchev received complete freedom; He was summoned to St. Petersburg and appointed a member of the Commission to compile laws. Together with his friend and the patron of Vorontsov, he worked on a constitutional project, entitled "The All-Merciful Chrunned Grand".

There is a legend about the circumstances of the suicide of Radishchev: called to the commission for drawing up laws, Radishchev amounted to a project of liberal deposits, which spoke of the equality of all before the law, freedom of press, etc. Chairman of the Commission Count P. V. Zavadovsky made him a strict suddenness for his The image of thoughts, having reminded him of the former hobbies and even mentioning Siberia. Radishchev, a man with highly upset health, was shocked by reprimanding and threats of Zavadovsky, which decided to commit suicide: drank poison and died in terrible torment. Employment of this version is obvious: Radishcheva buried in a cemetery near the temple on the Orthodox rite with a priest, suicides in That time was buried in special places behind the cemetery fence.

In the book "Radishchev" D. S. Babkina, published in 1966, a different version of the death of Radishchev was proposed. The sons, who were present at his death, testified about the difficult physical ailment, hitting Alexander Nikolayevich already during the Siberian reference. The immediate cause of death, Babkin became an accident: Radishchev drank a glass with "cooked sturdy vodka for the burning of the old officers of his elder son" (royal vodka). The burial documents are referred to natural death. In the Vedomosti of the Church of the Volkovsky Cemetery in St. Petersburg, on September 13, 1802, "College Advisor Alexander Radishchev; Fifty-three years old, Chakhotko died, "the priest was Vasily Nalimov.

Radishchev's grave has not yet been preserved. It is assumed that his body was buried near the Resurrection Church, on the wall of which a memorial plaque was installed in 1987.

Radishchev's perception in the XVIII-XIX centuries.

The idea that Radishchev is not a writer, but a public figure, distinguished by astounding mental qualities, began to develop immediately after his death and, in fact, determined his further posthumous fate. I. M. Born in speech to the society of lovers of the elegant, uttered in September 1802 and dedicated to the death of Radishchev, speaks of him: "He loved the truth and virtue. The fiery humanity was eager to illuminate all his congratulations to the simer ray of eternity. " As an "honest person" ("Honnête Homme") described Radishcheva N. M. Karamzin (this verbal evidence was given by Pushkin as an epigraph to article "Alexander Radishchev"). The idea of \u200b\u200bthe advantage of the human qualities of the Radish above his writing talent, especially Exko expresses P. A. Vyazemsky, explaining in the letter A. F. Waykovoy desire to explore the biography of Radishchev: "We are invisible to the writer. In Radishchev, on the contrary: the writer falls on the shoulder, and his head is higher. "

At the interrogations of the Decembrists to the question "from what time and from where they borrowed the first liberal thoughts" many Decembrists called the name of Radishchev.

Obviously the influence of Radishchev and the creativity of another Wolnoduum writer - A. S. Griboyedov (presumably, both bonded blood relations), which, being a personnel diplomat, often traveled around the country and therefore actively tried his forces in the genre of the literary "travel".

A special page in the perception of the personality and creativity of the Radishchev, the Russian society was the attitude towards him A. S. Pushkin. Having become acquainted with St. Petersburg to Moscow, "Pushkin obviously focuses on the Radishchevskaya ODU" Wolney "in his Ode-One (1817 or 1819), and also takes into account the experience of the" Bogatyrs "son of Radishchev, Nikolai Alexandrovich," "Ruslana and Lyudmila" Alyosha Popovich "(by the author of this poem, he mistakenly considered the Radish-father). The "journey" turned out to be consistently by the thirantobic and anti-refresh sentiment of Pushkin in front of the Decembrists' uprising. In a letter A. A. Bestuzhev (1823) he wrote:

How can I forget Radishchev as possible in the article about Russian literature? Who will we remember? This default is not fortunate ... You ...

Despite the change in political positions, Pushkin and in the 1830s retained interest in Radishchev, acquired a copy of the "travel", former in the secret office, threw a "travel from Moscow to St. Petersburg" (conceived as a commentary to the Radishchevsky chapters in reverse order). In 1836, Pushkin tried to publish fragments from Radishchevsky "Travel" in his "contemporary", accompanying their Article "Alexander Radishchev" - the most unfolded by his statement about Radishchev. In addition to the bold attempt for the first time after 1790, acquaint the Russian reader with a prohibited book, here Pushkin gives a very detailed criticism of the writings and the author.

We never revered the Radishcheva a great man. Its act always seemed to us a crime, nothing apologized, and "Journey to Moscow" is very mediocrely book; But with all that we cannot do not recognize the criminal with the spirit of unusual; Political fanatics, which is mistaken, of course, but acting with amazing selflessness and with some kind of knightly conscientiousness.

Critica Pushkin, in addition to auto-joint causes (however, the publication was still not allowed by Censure) reflects "enlightened conservatism" the last years of the poet's life. In the drafts of the "Monument" in the same 1836, Pushkin wrote: "Equitled Radishchev recalled Freedom."

In 1830-1850, the interest in Radishchev decreased significantly, the number of lists of "Travel" decreases. The new revival of interest is related to the publication of "travel" in London A. I. Herzen in 1858 (he puts Radishchev to the number "of our saints, our prophets, our first sounders, first fighters").

Radishchev's assessment as the forerunner of the revolutionary movement was adopted by the Social Democrats of the beginning of the XX century. In 1918, A. V. Lunacharsky called Radishcheva "Prophet and Forehouse of the Revolution." G. V. Plekhanov believed that under the influence of Radishchev's ideas "the most meaningful social movements of the end of the XVIII - the first third of the XIX centuries were committed." V.I. Lenin called him the "first Russian revolutionary."

Up until the 1970s, the opportunity to get acquainted with the "Travel" for the mass reader were extremely limited. After in 1790, almost the entire circulation of "traveling from St. Petersburg to Moscow" was destroyed by the author before arrest, until 1905, when a censorship was removed from this essay, a total circulation of several of his publications hardly exceeded one and a half thousand copies. The overseas edition of Herzen was carried out on a faulty list, where the language of the XVIII century was artificially "refinered" and there were numerous errors. In 1905-1907 several publications came out, but after that, 30 years old "travel" was not published in Russia. In subsequent years, he was published several times, but mainly for the needs of the school, with bills and meager for the Soviet standards of circulations. Back in the 1960s, the complaints of the Soviet readers are known for getting the "travel" in the store or the district library it is impossible. Only in the 1970s, the "journey" began to produce truly massively.

Research Radishchev essentially began only in the XX century. In 1930-1950, edited by gr. Gukovsky carried out a triple "Complete Collection of Radishchev's writings", where many new texts were published or attributed to the writer, including philosophical and legal ones. In 1950-1960, romantic, not confirmed by the sources of the hypothesis about the "sweated Radishche" (G. P. Storm, etc.) - that Radishchev continued allegedly after reference to the journey and distribute the text in a narrow circle of like-minded people. At the same time, it is planned to refuse a straight-agitational approach to Radishchev, emphasizing the complexity of its views and a large humanistic identity value (N. Ya. Eidelman, etc.). In modern literature, philosophical and journalistic sources of Radishchev - Masonic, moral-educational and others are investigated, the multilateral issues of its main book are underlined, unavailable to the fight against serfdom.

Philosophical views

The main philosophical work is a treatise "On a person, his mortality and immortality", written in the Ilimsk link.

"The philosophical views of Radishchev bear tracks of the influence of various areas of European thought of his time. He was guided by the principle of reality and materiality (physicality) of the world, arguing that "the Being of Things, regardless of the strength of knowledge about them and exists in itself." According to his epistemological view, "the basis of all natural knowledge is the experience." At the same time, sensual experience, being the main source of knowledge, is in unity with the "experience of reasonable". In the world, in which there is nothing "Occupying a physicity", a person is occupied by his place, the creature is just as bodily as all nature. The person has a special role, he, on Radishchev, is a higher manifestation of physicity, but at the same time is inextricably linked with animals and a floral world. "We are not humiliated by a person," Radishchev argued, - finding similarity in his addition with other creatures, showing that it should be the same with him in existence. And how can I be different? Is it distound? "

The fundamental difference of a person from other living beings is the presence of a reason he has, thanks to which that "has the power of things about things." But an even more important difference is the ability of a person to moral actions and estimates. "Man is the only creature on Earth, knowledgeable, evil", "a special property of a person is a lawless way to be improved and corrupted." As a moralist of Radishchev did not take the moral concept of "reasonable egoism", considering that by no means "self-love" is a source of moral feeling: "Man has a creature sympathy." Being a supporter of the idea of \u200b\u200b"natural law" and always defending the idea of \u200b\u200bthe natural nature of a person ("in a person never runs out the rights of nature"), Radishchev at the same time did not share the planned opposition of society and nature, cultural and natural in man. For him, the public being of a person is just as natural as natural. In the meaning of the case, there is no fundamental border between them: "Nature, people and things - man caregivers; Climate, local position, board, circumstances essence educators of peoples. " Criticizing the social defects of Russian reality, Radishchev defended the ideal of a normal "natural" life support, seeing inappropriate in the society of injustice in the literal sense of the social disease. This kind of "illness" he found not only in Russia. Thus, assessing the state of affairs in the slave-owned United States of America, he wrote that "one hundred proud citizens will be buried in luxury, and thousands do not have reliable food, neither from the heat and mrane (frost) of the Ukrainian. In the treatise "About a person, about his mortality and immortality" Radishchev, considering the problems of metaphysical, remained faithful to his naturalistic humanism, recognizing the continuity of the connection of the natural and spiritual began in man, the unity of the body and the soul: "Does the soul grow not with him Does it takes and attack, isn't it sluggish and stupid? ". At the same time, he did not have a sympathy quoted thinkers who recognized the immortality of the soul (Johann Gerder, Moses Mendelssohn and others). Radishchev's position is a position not atheist, but rather agnostic, which completely answered the general principles of his worldview, already enough secularized focused on the "naturalness" of the world order, but alien to the gogglelessness and nihilism. "

A family

Unknown artist. Portrait of Anna Vasilievna Radietie. 1780s

A. P. Bogolyubov. Portrait of Athanasius Aleksandrovich Radishchev. 1855 year

Alexander Radishchev was married twice. For the first time, he married in 1775 on Anna Vasilyevna Rubanovskaya (1752-1783), who had a niece of his comrade for training in Leipzig Andrei Kirillovich Rubanovsky and his daughter, the official of the Chief Palace Chancellery Vasily Kirillovich Rubanovsky. Four children were born in this marriage (not counting two daughters who died in infancy):

  • Vasily (1776-1845) - Headquarters-captain, lived in Ablyazov, where he married his fortress sharul Savateevna. His son Alexey Vasilyevich became a surrender adviser, the leader of the nobility and the urban head of Piaralsk.
  • Nikolai (1779-1829) - Writer, author of Alyosha Popovich's poem.
  • Catherine (1782).
  • Paul (1783-1866).

Anna Vasilyevna died at the birth of Paul's son in 1783. Shortly after the expulsion of Radishchev, the younger sister of his first wife Elizabeth Vasilyevna Rubanovskaya arrived in Ilimsk, together with his two younger children (Catherine and Paul) (1757-1797). In the link, they soon began to live like her husband and wife. Three children were born in this marriage:

  • Anna (1792).
  • Focla (1795-1845) - married Peter Gavrilovich Bogolyubov and became the mother of the famous Russian painter-Marinist A. P. Bogolyubova.
  • Athanasius (1796-1881) - Major General, Podolsky, Vitebsk and Koven Governor.


  • Radishchevo village, Ulyanovsk region, the former noble thread, the estate of the nobility of priebacins
  • In Kiev, there is a Radishchev Street
  • In Moscow, there are streets of the Upper and Lower Radishchevskaya, on the top there is a monument to the writer and poet.
  • Radishcheva Street is in the Central District of St. Petersburg.
  • Also in honor of Radishchev, streets in Kursk, Ust-Kuta, Ryazan, Kaluga, Maloyaroslavets, Petrozavodsk, Kaliningrad, Irkutsk, Murmansk, Tula, Tobolsk, Yekaterinburg, Saratov, Kuznetsk, Barnaul, Biysk, Alchevsk, Gatchina, Tambov, Smolensk, Tyumen , Boulevard in Tver, as well as in Togliatti.
  • In Irkutsk, one of the urban reviews is called Radishchevo.
  • In the village of Fistovovo, the Babukovsky district of the Omsk region, Obelisk was installed in 1967, in honor of Radishchev, who passed and happened in the village in 1790.
  • In the village of Arthn, the Muromets district of the Omsk region in 1952, an obelisk was installed in memory of his following to the Siberian link and return from the reference in 1797.
  • In honor of the passage of Radishchev, A. N. was renamed one of the villages, the name - the village of Radishchevo of the Nizhnevsky district of the Omsk region.
  • In the village of Evgaschino, the Bolshechensky district of the Omsk region is called Radishchev Street.
  • In the village of Taksk, the Bolshechensky district of the Omsk region is called Radishchev Street.
  • In Ulyanovsk from 1918 to the present, there is a Radishchev Street.
  • In Maloyaroslavets and Kuznetsk are annual Radishchevsky Readings
  • State Art Museum of the Radishchev (Saratov).
  • In Saratov, there is Radishchev Street.
  • Platform Radishko Oktyabrskaya Railway in Solnechnogorsk district of the Moscow region.
  • Rostov-on-Don has Radishchev Street.
  • In Novokuznetsk, Kemerovo region has ul. Radishcheva (Ordzhonikidze district).
  • In Khabarovsk, there is Radishchev Street (industrial area).
  • In Simferopol there is ul. Radishchev (not far from Ave. Vernadsky)
  • In Krivoy Horn there is st. Radishchev (Zhovtnevy Rn)
  • In the city of Ust-Ilimsk Irkutsk Region in 1991, an obelisk of the memory of Radishcheva A.N.
  • In Zheleznogorsk-Ilimsk (Irkutsk region. Nizhneilim district) there is a Radishchev Street, School. A.N. Kradishcheva, Central Inter-Seless Library named after A.N.radishchev
  • In the Nizhneilim district of the Irkutsk region there is a village of Radishchev.
  • In Veliky Novgorod there is st. Radishcheva (passes the perpendicular from the working 19, to B. St. Petersburg, 116).
  • The protagonist of the fantastic novel "way signs" of the Metro 2033, who traveled from Moscow to St. Petersburg and back, is a complete launcher of the poet.

Alexander Nikolaevich Radishchev (August 20, 1749, the village of Upper Ablyazovo Saratov Province - September 12, 1802, St. Petersburg) - Russian writer, philosopher, poet, de facto Head of St. Petersburg Customs, Member of the Commission on Compiling Laws under Alexander I.

He became most famous thanks to his main work "Travel from St. Petersburg to Moscow", which issued anonymously in 1790.


Alexander Radishchev was the firstborn in the family of Nikolai Afanasyevich Radishcheva (1728-1806), the son of the Starodubsk Colonel and major landowner Afanasiya Prokopyevich.

In the initial training of Radishchev, she apparently took direct participation to his father, a devout person who was well-owned Latin, Polish, French and German languages. As was accepted at the time, the child was taught by the Russian diploma of the child and Psalrty. By his six years, a French teacher was attached to him, but the choice was unsuccessful: the teacher, as they learned later, there was a runaway soldier. Shortly after the opening of Moscow University, about 1756, the father is led by Alexander to Moscow, in the House of Uncle for Mother (whose native brother, A. M. Argamakov, was in 1755-1757 by the University director). Here Radishchev was charged with care very good Frenchman-Gutera, the former adviser to the Ruan Parliament, who fled the persecution of the Government of Louis XV. The children of Argamakov had the opportunity to study at home with professors and teachers of the university gymnasium, so it is impossible to exclude that Alexander Radishchev was preparing here under their leadership and passed, at least partly, the program of the gymnasium course.

In 1762, after the coronation of Catherine II, Radishchev was granted to a piece and sent to St. Petersburg to study in the PJUST Corps. The Page Corps was prevented by scientists, but courtesy, and the fizz were obliged to serve the Empress on the balas, in the theater, behind the front dinners. Four years old, among the twelve young nobles, he was sent to Germany, at the University of Leipzig for learning right. Fedor Ushakov is especially remarkable from the comrades of Radishchev, according to the enormous influence, what he had on Radishchev, who wrote his "Life" and published some of the writings of Ushakov.

Service in Petersburg

In 1771, Radishchev returned to Petersburg and soon joined the service in the Senate, the protocolist, with the rank of the titular advisor. He shortly served in the Senate: prevented the bad knowledge of the Russian language, the partnership of ordinaries, the rude appeal of the authorities. Radishchev entered the headquarters of Bruce General-General Bruce in St. Petersburg as an Ober-Auditor and stood out by a conscientious and bold attitude towards his duties. In 1775, he retired, and in 1778 he again entered the service at the Commerce-College, afterwards (in 1788) by going to St. Petersburg Customs. Russian language classes and reading led Radishchev to their own literary experiments. At first, he published the translation of the composition of the "Reflections on Greek History" (1773), then began to draw up the history of the Russian Senate, but written destroyed.

Literary and publishing activities

Undoubtedly, the literary activity of Radishchev begins only in 1789, when they were printed "Life of Fyodor Vasilyevich Ushakov with the introduction of some of its writings." Taking advantage of the decree of Catherine II on free printing houses, Radishchev began his printing house at home and in 1790 printed its "letter to a friend to a resident in Tobolsk, on the debt of his title."

Following him, Radishchev released his main essay, "Travel from St. Petersburg to Moscow." The book begins with a dedication to Comrade Radishcheva, A. M. Kutuzov, in which the author writes: "I looked at me - my soul was the soul of the sufferings of human voiced." He realized that a person himself was to blame for these sufferings, because "he looks not directly to the items around him." To achieve bliss you need to take a veil that closes natural feelings. Everyone can make an accomplice in the bliss of themselves like this, opposing the misconceptions. "This thought that prompted me to draw me that you will read."

The book began to spit quickly. Her bold reasoning about the fastest right and other sad phenomena of the then public and public life was attention to the empress itself, which someone delivered the "journey". Although the book was published with the permission of the established censorship, pursuit was raised against the author. Radishchev was arrested, it was "presented" by S. I. Sheshkovsky. Lailed to the fortress, at the interrogations of Radishchev, he declared his repentance, refused his book, but at the same time, in the testimony of his own, they often expressed the same views as they were driven in "Travel." The Criminal Chamber applied to the Radishchev of the article to "attempt to the state of health", about "conspiracies and treason" and sentenced him to the death penalty. The sentence passed to the Senate and then to the Council was approved in both instances and presented Catherine. On September 4, 1790, a registered decree was held, who recognized the Radishcheva guilty of a crime oath and the post of subject to the publication of a book, "Filled with the most harmful qualities, destroying the Public, Ummieving due to the authorities, aspiring, seeking to produce indignation of bosses and bosses And finally, offensive and frantic meals against Sana and the Government of the Tsarist "; Radishcheva wines such that he fully deserves the death penalty to which he was sentenced by the court, but "according to mercy and for general joy" a penalty is replaced by him with a decade reference to Siberia, in Ilimsky Ostrog. Emperor Paul I shortly after his top of the first time (1796) returned Radishchev from Siberia. Radishchev was ordered to live in his estate of the Kaluga province, the village of Nemtsov.

Last years. Death

After the top of Alexander I Radishchev received complete freedom; He was summoned to St. Petersburg and appointed a member of the Commission to compile laws. There is a legend about the circumstances of the suicide of Radishchev: called to the Commission to compile laws, Radishchev amounted to the "project of liberal deposits", in which he spoke about the equality of all before the law, freedom of seal, etc. Chairman of the commission Count P. V. Zavadovsky made him a strict sudden For his image of thoughts, heavily reminded him of the former hobbies and even mentioning Siberia. Radishchev, a man with strongly frustrated health, was shocked by reprimanding and threats of Zavadovsky, which decided to commit suicide, drank poison and died in terrible torment.

In the book "Radishchev" D. S. Babkina, published in 1966, a different version of the death of Radishchev was proposed. The sons, who were present at his death, testified about the difficult physical ailment, hitting Alexander Nikolayevich already during the Siberian reference. The immediate cause of death, Babkin became an accident: Radishchev drank a glass with "cooked sturdy vodka for the burning of the old officers of his elder son" (royal vodka). The burial documents are referred to natural death. In the Vedomosti of the Church of the Volkovsky Cemetery in St. Petersburg under September 13, 1802, among the buried, "Collegian Advisor Alexander Radishchev; Fifty-three years old, Chakhotko died, "the priest was Vasily Nalimov.

Radishchev's perception in the XIX-XX centuries

The idea that Radishchev is not a writer, but a public figure, distinguished by astounding mental qualities, began to develop immediately after his death and, in fact, determined his further posthumous fate. I. M. Born in speech to the society of lovers of the elegant, uttered in September 1802 and dedicated to the death of Radishchev, speaks of him: "He loved the truth and virtue. The fiery humanity was eager to illuminate all his congratulations to the simer ray of eternity. " As an "honest person" ("Honnête Homme") described Radishcheva N. M. Karamzin (this verbal evidence was given by Pushkin as an epigraph to article "Alexander Radishchev"). The idea of \u200b\u200bthe advantage of the human qualities of Radishchev, above his writing talent, especially Exko expresses P. A. Vyazemsky, explaining in the letter A. F. Waykovoy the desire to study the biography of Radishchev: "We can be invisible to the writer. In Radishchev, on the contrary: the writer falls on the shoulder, and his head is higher. "

At the interrogations of the Decembrists to the question "from what time and from where they borrowed the first liberal thoughts" many Decembrists called the name of Radishchev.

Obviously the influence of Radishchev and the creativity of another Wolnoduum writer - A. S. Griboyedov (presumably, both bonded blood relations), which, being a personnel diplomat, often traveled around the country and therefore actively tried his forces in the genre of the literary "travel".

A special page in the perception of the personality and creativity of the Radishchev, the Russian society was the attitude towards him A. S. Pushkin. Having become acquainted with "Traveling from St. Petersburg to Moscow" in his youth, Pushkin is clearly focused on the Radishchevskaya ODU "VOLOSTI" in its same name (1817 or 1819), and also takes into account the experience of the "Bogatyrs" Son Radishchev, Nikolai Alexandrovich, in Ruslana and Lyudmile. , Alyosha Popovich (Pushkin mistaken all her life by the author of this poem of the Radish-father). The "journey" turned out to be consonant with the tyranoborological and anti-refresh mood of the young Pushkin. Despite the change in political positions, Pushkin and in the 1830s retained interest in Radishchev, acquired a copy of the "travel", former in the secret office, threw a "travel from Moscow to St. Petersburg" (conceived as a commentary to the Radishchevsky chapters in reverse order). In 1836, Pushkin tried to publish fragments from Radishchevsky "Travel" in his "contemporary", accompanying their Article "Alexander Radishchev" - the most unfolded by his statement about Radishchev. In addition to the bold attempt for the first time after 1790, acquaint the Russian reader with a prohibited book, here Pushkin gives a very detailed criticism of the writings and its author: "We never revered the Radishcheva a great man. Its act always seemed to us a crime, nothing apologized, and "Journey to Moscow" is very mediocrely book; But with all that we cannot do not recognize the criminal with the spirit of unusual; The political fanatics is mistaken, but acting with amazing selflessness and with some kind of knightly conscientiousness. "

Critica Pushkin, in addition to auto-joint causes (however, the publication was still not allowed by Censure) reflects "enlightened conservatism" the last years of the poet's life. In the drafts of the "Monument" in the same 1836, Pushkin wrote: "Equitled Radishchev recalled Freedom."

In 1830-1850, the interest in Radishchev decreased significantly, the number of lists of "Travel" decreases. The new revival of interest is related to the publication of "travel" in London A. I. Herzen in 1858 (he puts Radishchev to the number "of our saints, our prophets, our first sounders, first fighters").

Radishchev's assessment as the forerunner of the revolutionary movement was adopted by the Social Democrats of the beginning of the XX century. In 1918, A. V. Lunacharsky called Radishcheva "Prophet and Forehouse of the Revolution." G. V. Plekhanov believed that under the influence of Radishchev's ideas "the most meaningful social movements of the end of the XVIII - the first third of the XIX centuries were committed." V.I. Lenin called him the "first Russian revolutionary."

Up until the 1970s, the opportunity to get acquainted with the "Travel" for the mass reader were extremely limited. After in 1790, almost the entire circulation of "traveling from St. Petersburg to Moscow" was destroyed by the author before arrest, until 1905, when a censorship was removed from this essay, a total circulation of several of his publications hardly exceeded one and a half thousand copies. The overseas edition of Herzen was carried out on a faulty list, where the language of the XVIII century was artificially "refinered" and there were numerous errors. In 1905-1907 several publications came out, but after that, 30 years old "travel" was not published in Russia. In subsequent years, he was published several times, but mainly for the needs of the school, with bills and meager for the Soviet standards of circulations. Back in the 1960s, the complaints of the Soviet readers are known for getting the "travel" in the store or the district library it is impossible. Only in the 1970s, the "journey" began to produce truly massively.

Research Radishchev essentially began only in the XX century. In 1930-1950, edited by gr. Gukovsky carried out a triple "Complete Collection of Radishchev's writings", where many new texts were published or attributed to the writer, including philosophical and legal ones. In 1950-1960, romantic, not confirmed by the sources of the hypothesis about the "sweated Radishche" (G. P. Storm, etc.) - that Radishchev continued allegedly after reference to the journey and distribute the text in a narrow circle of like-minded people. At the same time, it is planned to refuse a straight-agitational approach to Radishchev, emphasizing the complexity of its views and a large humanistic identity value (N. Ya. Eidelman, etc.). In modern literature, philosophical and journalistic sources of Radishchev - Masonic, moral-educational and others are investigated, the multilateral issues of its main book are underlined, unavailable to the fight against serfdom.

Philosophical views

"The philosophical views of Radishchev bear tracks of the influence of various areas of European thought of his time. He was guided by the principle of reality and materiality (physicality) of the world, arguing that "the Being of Things, regardless of the strength of knowledge about them and exists in itself." According to his epistemological view, "the basis of all natural knowledge is the experience." At the same time, sensual experience, being the main source of knowledge, is in unity with the "experience of reasonable". In the world, in which there is nothing "Occupying a physicity", a person is occupied by his place, the creature is just as bodily as all nature. The person has a special role, he, on Radishchev, is a higher manifestation of physicity, but at the same time is inextricably linked with animals and a floral world. "We are not humiliated by a person," Radishchev argued, - finding similarity in his addition with other creatures, showing that it should be the same with him in existence. And how can I be different? Is it distound? "

The fundamental difference of a person from other living beings is the presence of a reason he has, thanks to which that "has the power of things about things." But an even more important difference is the ability of a person to moral actions and estimates. "Man is the only creature on Earth, knowledgeable, evil", "a special property of a person is a lawless way to be improved and corrupted." As a moralist of Radishchev did not take the moral concept of "reasonable egoism", considering that by no means "self-love" is a source of moral feeling: "Man has a creature sympathy." Being a supporter of the idea of \u200b\u200b"natural law" and always defending the idea of \u200b\u200bthe natural nature of a person ("in a person never runs out the rights of nature"), Radishchev at the same time did not share the opposition of society and nature, cultural and natural in man. For him, the public being of a person is just as natural as natural. In the meaning of the case, there is no fundamental border between them: "Nature, people and things - man caregivers; Climate, local position, board, circumstances essence educators of peoples. " Criticizing the social defects of Russian reality, Radishchev defended the ideal of a normal "natural" life support, seeing inappropriate in the society of injustice in the literal sense of the social disease. This kind of "illness" he found not only in Russia. Thus, assessing the state of affairs in the slave-owned United States of America, he wrote that "one hundred proud citizens will be buried in luxury, and thousands do not have reliable food, neither from the heat and mrane (frost) of the Ukrainian. In the treatise "About a person, about his mortality and immortality" Radishchev, considering the problems of metaphysical, remained faithful to his naturalistic humanism, recognizing the continuity of the connection of the natural and spiritual began in man, the unity of the body and the soul: "Does the soul grow not with him Does it takes and attack, isn't it sluggish and stupid? ". At the same time, he did not have a sympathy quoted thinkers who recognized the immortality of the soul (Johann Gerder, Moses Mendelssohn and others). Radishchev's position is a position not atheist, but rather agnostic, which completely answered the general principles of his worldview, already enough secularized focused on the "naturalness" of the world order, but alien to the gogglelessness and nihilism. "

Alexander Nikolaevich Radishchev became famous as a talented prose and poet, but on a par with this, he was a philosopher and held a good position at the court. Our article presents a brief biography of Radishchev (for grade 9, this information can be very useful).

Childhood. Moving to Moscow

Alexander Nikolaevich was the son of the wealthy landowner Nikolai Afanasyevich Radishchev. He was born in the village of Upper Slip in 1749. His father was a cultural man, so he tried and to give his son a great education. The Mother of Radishchev was Fekla Savvichna. She was from the family of the Moscow Nobility Intelligentsia. Her maiden name - Argamakov.

It is noteworthy that Radishchev's parents were very well to their serfs, which was taught and the Son. Alexander Nikolayevich's childhood has passed in buzzing. It is known that their home was rich and big, there were always many people in it. Radishchev had four sisters and six brothers, children on an equal footing with serfs were rushed with them in the village. The teacher of Radishchev was, apparently, also serf, his name is Peter Mammoths. Radishchev recalled with love, as the uncle told fairy tales.

When the boy turned 7 years old, the parents took him to Moscow. There he lived on the care of the mother's relative. Along with the host children, he studied at the university professor and French teacher. They were the old Frenchman who fled from his country.

The surroundings of the boy was unusual. He listened to lectures of advanced thinkers, disputes about serfdom, construction, education, bureaucracy. Guests of Argamakov were unhappy with the Government of Elizabeth, and during Peter the third discharge did not happen, on the contrary, the outrage only grew. In such an environment, Alexander Nikolaevich Ros.

Page case

When the boy turned 13 years old, he was pressed into a fizz. It made Empress Catherine Second. For little Radishchev, his relatives of Argamakov were patted.

Until 1764, Catherine, together with the government, was in Moscow, where the coronation occurred, and after with his faces, including Radishchev, returned to St. Petersburg.

The Piece Corps was not a "decent" educational institution in those years. All the boys were trained at the teacher - Mrambert, who was obliged to show them how to make sure the empress on the balas, in the theater, in trains.

The brief biography of Radishchev, the most important place in which is given to his creative successes, will not describe those workers of the boy, which out of the atmosphere of serious conversations and public interests was moved to the court environment. Of course, he already absorbed all the hatred of despotia, a lie, bowling, and now I saw it all with my own eyes, and not somewhere, but in all the magnificence of the palace.

It was in the Page Corps Alexander Nikolaevich met Kutuzov, who would be his best friend for many years. And although their path will subsequently disperse, the commander will not say a single bad word about Radishchev. A brief biography of the latter is a direct confirmation.

In Leipzig

Two years after moving to Peterburg Radishchev, together with another five young man, was sent to Germany to study at the university. Catherine The second wanted them to become educated lawyers and served in the foregoing.

Gradually, their small group grew. For example, Fyodor Ushakov arrived in Leipzig, who was at that time a young official. He left the service for university knowledge. Fedor was the oldest and quickly became the leader of the group of youth.

Radishchev spent almost five years on someone else's land. All this time, he was diligently practiced and almost received a medical education, but still literature attracted him the most. The brief biography of Radishchev indicates its interest in the preconanomantic direction nascent in Germany.

The country was shocked by a seven-year-old war, which ended quite recently, therefore, many ideological ideas developed in society, you can say that are free, if not revolutionary. And Russian students were in the center of all this. Together with them in the university he studied Goethe, they listened to the lectures of the outstanding philosopher of the Planner, who was a supporter of liberalism.

In Germany, young people were not very good, since their head of the Bums, the impressive, was a real Samodor and the Zhada. He selected all the money from young people sent for the content. And then the students decided to rebel. This decision came to them sideways because they were arrested and sent to court. But the Russian ambassador intervened.

The side was fired a lot later, in front of the departure of Radishchev to their homeland.


The brief biography of Radishchev mentions that in 1771 he came to St. Petersburg along with Kutuzov and Rubanovsky. Young people were full of optimism and decisiveness, having soaked in advance social ideals, they wanted to serve society.

It seems that for the years spent by them in Germany, the Empress completely forgot about the goal of sending aparts abroad. Radishcheva was scheduled to work in the Senate, the protocolist. This caused a sea of \u200b\u200bindignation in a young man, and soon he threw the service.

In 1773, he entered the headquarters of General Bruce, where he was appointed by the Military Prosecutor. This work also did not inspire Alexander Nikolayevich, but he had a blow. Thanks to its charm and education, he began to enter the Great Living Rooms and Writers' Cabinets. Alexander Nikolaevich did not forget about his literary hobbies for a minute. Even a very brief biography of Radishchev is not able to keep silent about his work. Yes, it is not necessary.

Literary way

For the first time, Alexander Nikolaevich appealed to literary creativity in Leipzig. It was a translation of a political and religious brochure. But his young couple did not finish, because the "Vedomosti" was published another, less acute passage.

In St. Petersburg, he met the publisher of the magazine "Painter" Novikov. Soon there was an essay called "Travel excerpt", but he was printed anonymously. The brief biography of Radishchev, the most important thing in which is always on the surface, confirms the fact that the writer almost never indicated his name on the works.

In the "passage" the life of the fortress village was brightly shown, with all its gloomy events. Of course, the top of power did not like it, and the landowners were offended. But neither the author nor the publisher was frightened. And soon in the same journal, an article "English Walk" was published, protecting the previous edition. And then the continuation of the "passing".

Actually, from this publication and the tragic creative path of Radishchev began.

Many Alexander Nikolaevich was engaged in translations, which also published novikov. By order of Catherine, the book "Reflection on Greek History" was translated by Mabies. But at the end, he left several of his marks, thereby entering the author to the controversy, as well as several definitions (including the words "autocracy").

In 1789, the book "Life F. Ushakov" was published, which raised a lot of noise. She again was published anonymously, but no one doubted the authorship of Radishchev. Everyone noticed that in the book a lot of dangerous expressions and thoughts. However, the authorities ignored her out, which served as a writer to the signal to further actions.

The brief biography of Radishchev for grade 9 is not so meaningful, but it also noted that not only the authorities, but also members of the Russian Academy, and many nobles, were dissatisfied with the works of this person.

Radishchev did not calm down. He wanted some radical actions. Therefore, I began to perform in the society of friends of verbal sciences, which included many writers, as well as sailors and officers. And achieved his: his speeches did not listen.

The society began to release the magazine "Clearing Citizen," where the works fused by Radishchevsky ideas were printed. There was also a published article of the philosopher himself, more similar to ("conversation that there is a son of the Fatherland). By the way, he had to be very tried to be sent to print. Even his like-minded people understood how dangerous it could be.

The writer seemed to not notice how the clouds were condensed over him. But this clearly describes the biography. Radishchev Alexander Nikolaevich, whose work she served him a unkind service, was under the sight of the authorities. Oils in the fire poured his next publication.

"Travel from St. Petersburg to Moscow"

Brief contains one amazing fact. Its main work without problems has passed a censorship check. It would seem that it is impossible, but it was. The thing is that the Ober-Political Makerstems of Pious Administration simply lazy to read it. Seeing the name and table of contents, he decided that it was just a guide. The book was printed in the author's home typography, so no one knew about her content.

The plot is pretty simple. A certain traveler rides from one settlement in another and, driving past the villages, describes what they saw. The book is very loudly criticized by autocratic power, it is described about the oppressed peasants and the permissiveness of the landowners.

A total of six hundred copies were printed, but only twenty-five fell on sale. For a long time, readers wishing to hold the revolutionary edition in their hands.

Of course, such a work could not not find a response from readers, no ruling top. The Empress compared the writer with Pugachev, and he won the riotrist in comparison.

Were besides the authorities and other persons who did not appreciate the work of Radishchev. For example, Pushkin responded about the book very coldly, noting that this is a "mediocre work" written by the "barbaric syllable".

Arrest and reference

Radishchev was arrested. This happened on June 30, 1790. According to official documents, the cause of the detention was only the authorship of the "Travel". But, since the Empress has long known about the nature of the ideas and activities of his subject, the other literary work was introduced to the case.

Because of the connection with the Optic, the Society of Friends was dispersed. The investigation was commissioned by the head of the secret police Stepan Sheshkovsky, who was a personal executioner of the Empress. About this somehow learned Alexander Nikolaevich Radishchev. A brief biography (9-graders consider this topic within the framework of the school program) pointed out the fact that the remaining copies of the book were destroyed by the author personally, which is truly scared.

Radishcheva was sharpened in the Petropavlovsk fortress. He escaped terrible torture only because his wife's sister attributed all his jewels to the executioner. When the "rebel" understood how the game was dangerous, in which he got involved, his horror was taught. Above him hung the threat of the death penalty, over his family - stigma of traitors. Then Radishchev began writing letters with repentance, however, not very sincere.

From the writer, they wanted him to name the names of accomplices and like-minded people. But Radishchev did not say any name. Following the court, on July 24, a death sentence was made. But since the writer was a nobleman, it was necessary to approve all state structures. His Radishchev waited until August 19. But for some reason, the execution was postponed, and on September 4, Catherine replaced the hanging by reference to Siberia.

Information about the ten years spent in Ilmensky Ostrog could be replenished with his brief biography. Alexander Radishchev, whose writers turned away from reference, lived there only six years. In 1796, Emperor Paul, known for his confrontation with his mother, freed the writer. And 1801 he was amnestied.

Last years

Alexander first called the writer to St. Petersburg and appointed him to a position in the Commission on the preparation of laws.

After the reference, Radishchev was written several poems, but he had no pleasure from literature. It was difficult for him to drown out freedom-loving thoughts. In addition, life in Siberia has greatly undermined his health, he was already elderly and unhappy. Perhaps all these moments and forced the writer to leave life.

The brief biography of Radishchev contains information that there are two options for his death. The first is associated with the work. I supposedly offered to introduce laws that equalize the rights of citizens, and the chairman made him a reprimand, threatening Siberia. Alexander Nikolaevich took it close to his heart and poisoned.

The second version states that he mistakenly drank a glass of royal vodka and died in front of his son. But in funeral documents, natural death is indicated as the cause of death.

Before this day, the grave of the writer was not preserved.

Fate literary heritage

Up until the twentieth century, writer's books were not found. It was known only as a resident ("Countryman") of the Penza region - Radishchev. The writer, biography (brief in the presentation, but such a rich events) of which was very tragic, was not appreciated by contemporaries. All his books burned. Only in 1888 in Russia there was a small circulation "Travel". And already in 1907 - the collection of writings of prose and poet.

A family

The writer was married twice. With the first wife, Anna Rubanovskaya he had four children. But the woman died during the birth of the last son Paul. Sister Anna Ekaterina agreed for the remaining without mother children.

She became the second spouse Radishchev, following him in the link. In their marriage, three more children were born. On the way back to St. Petersburg, Catherine fell ill and died. This loss was seriously experienced by all children and radio.

A brief biography and creativity of the writer are truly dramatic. Despite all the events of his life, he did not refuse his views and followed it to the last sigh. This manifests the power of the human spirit!