The World Festival of Youth and Students. The story of how the festival chamomile flourished - the symbol of the World Festival of Youth and Students

The World Festival of Youth and Students. The story of how the festival chamomile flourished - the symbol of the World Festival of Youth and Students
The World Festival of Youth and Students. The story of how the festival chamomile flourished - the symbol of the World Festival of Youth and Students

World Youth Festival and Students - An irregular festival of left youth organizations, held since 1947. The organizers are the World Federation of Democratic Youth (WFDM) and the International Union of Students (MCC). Since 1947, festivals were held under the slogan "For peace and friendship", from 1968 - under the slogan "For solidarity, peace and friendship"

To prepare for the festival, an international preparatory committee and national preparatory committees in the participating countries are created. The festivals program includes sports competitions on various sports, political seminars and discussions, concerts, mass festivals, as well as - a mandatory colorful procession of delegations. [ ]


After graduating from World War II (October-November 1945), the World Conference of Youth for Peace was held in London. It was decided to create the World Federation of Democratic Youth and start holding the World Youth Festivals and Students.

First The World Youth Festival and Students took place in 1947 in Prague. 17 thousand people from 71 countries took part in it. Then followed festivals in the capital of Eastern Europe countries: Budapest (1949), Berlin (1951), Bucharest (1953) and Warsaw (1955). The first festivals were conducted at inter andgeous once every two years. In the late 40s - early 50s, there was an increase in the number of participants and the number of countries they represented. The number of participants by the mid-50s increased to 30 thousand. They represented more than 100 countries.

The initial tasks of the festival were the struggle for peace, for the rights of youth, the independence of peoples, the promotion of internationalism. Active participation in festivals took communist, socialist and religious organizations. Representatives of the wide range of youth organizations opposing fascism and military dictators arrived at the festival. Representatives of radical left organizations were allowed to participate, including those outlined in their countries. Special attention was paid to the question of the inadmissibility of the revival of fascism and inciting new world war.

The festivals of young people and students provided citizens of the host country the opportunity to live to communicate with foreigners and find out what the youth is actually interested abroad. It did not always correspond to the tasks of the organizers, and sometimes - even contradicted them. For example, after the VI festival of 1957, styles appeared in the USSR, fanswoman and there was a fashion to give foreign names to children.

VI World Festival of 1957, held in Moscow, became the most massive In the history of the festival movement. 34 thousand people participated in it. They represented 131 countries of the world, which at that time became a record. In subsequent festivals, the number of participants was smaller, however, a record for the number of countries that were presented at the festival was broken.

Festivals were held not only in the territory of Socratran and the program was often so informal that the result of the festival was opposed to the expectations of the heads of socialist delegations. In 1959, the VII Festival of Youth and Students for the first time passed in the capitalist country, In the capital of Austria, Vienna. Then the festival was taken by Helsinki (1962) and Sofia (1968).

Since the 1960s, the break between festivals began to increase to several years.

A break in 6 years between the festivals of 1962 and 1968, previously spent every 2-3 years, is explained by the fact that in 1965 the IX festival was scheduled to be held in Algeria, in 1962 he received independence from France. All preparatory activities were conducted, but in 1965, a military coup in Algeria was held, Huari Bumadenen came to power, proclaimed the course for the construction of a pragmatic economic and political system, taking into account Algerian specifics and without orientation on any samples. A single-party system was established in the country. The IX festival was canceled. He only took place in three years, in 1968, in the capital of Bulgaria - Sofia.

At the festivals, delegates from countries of capitalism and a socialist camp could communicate in the festivals in a friendly atmosphere, including those who joined the military confrontation. For example, from the US and North Korea.

In the 1940s - 1960s, every new festival was held in a new country. In 1973, the X World Youth Festival and Students were secondary in Berlin. In the 1970s, the festival movement acquired a pronounced procrimonial color.

In 1978, the XI Festival first was held on the American continent - In the capital of Cuba Havana.

By the 1980s, the festival conceived for free communication became a strongly formalized event. At the XII World Festival and Students in Moscow in 1985, Soviet citizens who were not part of the delegations were not allowed to communicate with the guests of the festival, and the program was designed to minimize the communication of foreigners with random, unverified people.

In 1989, the XIII World Festival of Youth and Students broke two records. First, he for the first time passed in Asia. Having received guests of the festival Capital DPRK Pyongyang. Secondly, this festival has become the most representative - Guests from 177 countries of the world participated in it. Especially for the festival was built a grandiose stadium on May 1 for 150,000 people, who still remains the most spacious stadium of the Earth.

As a result of the collapse of socialism in the countries of Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union in the late 1980s - early 1990s, there was a day between festivals the longest break - About 8 years old. Due to the persistence of organizations - members of the WFDM and support of the Cuban government in the second half of the 1990s, the festival movement was revived. In 1997, the XIV festival in Havana took place. Formalism disappeared, the festival returned to the initial goals.

In 2001 passed the XV festival in Algeria. This festival has become the first who passed in Africa. This festival took part the smallest number of participants In the history of the festival movement - 6,500 people.

The XVI World Festival of Youth and Students has passed in Caracas (Venezuela) in 2005. 17 thousand people from 144 countries took part in it.

The XVII Festival successfully passed in Pretoria, South Africa on December 13-21, 2010, and XVIII - in Ecuador in December 2013, having collected more than 8 thousand participants from 88 countries.

The next XIX festival will be held in Russia in 2017. The decision to hold it was made on the international advisory meeting of WFDM and international student organizations at the request of Russian youth organizations in Moscow on February 7, 2016 on the request of Russian Youth Organizations - members of the WFDM. Only one of the Russian members of the VFDM member organizations is the revolutionary communist union of youth - refused to sign this application, expressing concerns that government officials will try to turn the festival to express the loyalty to the Russian authorities. Previously, the application was supported by the Administration of the President of Russia and the Federal Agency for Youth Affairs, it was presented with a delegation of Rosmolodeni during the General Assembly of the WFDM in Cuba on November 10, 2015. The Russian Union of Youth, an international youth center, etc., and other of the festival and date of his Conducts were not identified.

Dates and place of the festival, as well as logo and motto "For peace, solidarity and social justice, we fight against imperialism - respect our past, we build our future!" They were identified at the first meeting of the International Preparatory Committee in Caracas (Venezuela) on June 5, 2016, it was decided that the festival would be 14-22 October 2017 in Moscow (solemn parade of delegations) and Sochi (festival himself).


The musical emblem of the festival is the anthem of the democratic youth of the world (music Anatoly Novikova, the text of Leo Oshanin). The anthem was first executed in the Strahovsky Stadium in Prague at the opening of the I Festival.


date A place Participants Countries Motto
July 25 - August 16, 1947 17 000 71 "Young people, unite, forward to the future world!"
August 14-28 1949. 20 000 82 "Young people, unite, forward to the future world, democracy, national independence and better future for people"
III August 5-19 1951. 26 000 104 "For peace and friendship - against nuclear weapons"
August 2-16 1953. 30 000 111 "For peace and friendship"
July 31 - August 14, 1955 30 000 114 "For peace and friendship - against aggressive imperialist unions"
July 28 - August 11, 1957 34 000 131 "For peace and friendship"
VII July 26 - August 4, 1959 18 000 112 "For peace and friendship and peaceful coexistence"
VIII. July 27 - August 5, 1962 18 000 137 "For peace and friendship"
July 28 - August 6, 1968 20 000 138 "For solidarity, peace and friendship"
X. July 28 - August 5, 1973 25 600 140
XI July 29 - August 7, 1978 18 500 145 "For anti-imperialist solidarity, peace and friendship"
XII. July 27 - August 3, 1985 26 000 157 "For anti-imperialist solidarity, peace and friendship"
XIII. July 1-8 1989. 22 000 177 "For anti-imperialist solidarity, peace and friendship"
XIV. July 29 - August 5, 1997 12 325 136 "For anti-imperialist solidarity, peace and friendship"
XV August 8-16, 2001. 6 500 110 "Globalize the struggle for peace, solidarity, development, against imperialism"
XVI August 4-19 2005. 17 000 144 "For peace and solidarity, we fight against imperialism and war"
XVII December 13-21, 2010. 15 000 126 "For victory over imperialism, for peace all over the world, solidarity and social changes"
XVIII December 7 - 13, 2013 8 000 88 "The youth united against imperialism, for peace all over the world, solidarity and social change"
XIX. 14 - 22 October 2017 ~20 000 ~150 "For peace, solidarity and social justice, we fight against imperialism - respect our past, we build our future!"

Half a century ago, on July 28, 1957, the Moscow Festival of Youth and Students opened - the apotheosis of Khrushchev Thaw.

Never before the Soviet capital did not see such a number of foreigners and such freedom.

My friend who was then five years old, first saw people on the streets with another skin color. The impression remains for life.

He was also remembered by muddy in the stilts, who were packed in Gorky Park, shouting: "Wear, people, the festival goes!".

"Goodwill people"

The Moscow Festival was the sixth on account. The first took place in Prague in 1947. The Soviet Union was the main organizer and sponsor of the meetings of "progressive youth", but preferred them in the capitals of the "countries of the People's Democracy".

About how the decision was made to raise the "iron curtain", which there were discussions in the Soviet leadership, there is no reliable information. However, it is known that the preparation for the Moscow Festival began in two years, in other words, when Nikita Khrushchev was not yet the sole leader.

In the 50s, the communist country decided to learn how to smile. Soviet society was trying to get rid of the image of the closedness, disgusting and militia.

With Stalin, any foreigner, even a communist, was considered a potential spy to the USSR. To make contact with him on its own initiative, Soviet people were categorically not recommended. To communicate with foreigners were only those who were supposed to communicate.

"Thaw" brought with them new principles: foreigners are divided into bad and good, and the latter is immeasurably; All workers are the USSR friends; If they are still not ready to build socialism, then they certainly want peace around the world, and we will encounter them on this soil.

Previously, Russia was supposed to consider the "birthplace of elephants", and "their" science and culture - completely selling and broken. Now all the western stopped rejecting chole and raised Picasso, Fellini and Wang Klibern on the shield. To clean up in the USSR "Progressive", membership in the Communist Party from a foreign writer or director no longer required.

A special term appeared: "Goodwill people." Ours are not 100%, but not enemies.

They came to Moscow, and in an unprecedented quantity - 34 thousand people from 131 countries!

The most numerous delegations are two thousand people - profits from France and Finland.

In Favor, the owners had representatives of the Third World, especially Nasrew Egypt and had just gained independence of Ghana.

A number of delegations were represented by state, but national liberation movements. "Heroes", briefly broken into Moscow, tried to take particularly cardiovascular. The press painted the difficulties and dangers that they had to overcome. In the USSR, no one worried that at home they were considered members of illegal armed formations.

Soviet scope

The Soviet Union was prepared for the event as well as in totalitarian countries.

The stadium "Luzhniki" was built to the festival, expanded the prospect of the world and first purchased Hungarian "Ikarusi".

First of all, guests tried to hit with scales.

At the opening ceremony in the most Luzhniki, the dance and sports number was performed by 3200 physical consultants, and 25 thousand pigeons were released from the eastern tribune.

White pigeon made a symbol of the struggle for the world Pablo Picasso. In the previous festival in Warsaw, there was a confusion: pigeons were fed to the legs of those producing and refused to fly.

In Moscow, lovers dovers specially dismissed from work. A hundred thousand birds were raised to the festival and selected the most healthy and movable.

In the main event - a rally "for peace and friendship!" Halmillion has participated on the Manege Square and the surrounding streets. More Muscovites gathered only on a rally and rock concert in honor of the victory over the GCCP on August 24, 1991.

In total, from July 28 to August 11, more than 800 events were held, among which there were such exotic, as a ball in the grain ward and a massive swim with torches in the Moscow River.

Two thousand journalists were accredited at the festival. For them, 2,800 new telephone numbers introduced for guests - a lot by the standards of that time.

The official song of the festival was the "Anthem of Democratic Youth" ("The song of friendship is sent to young people, you will not stand this song, you will not kill!"), But his genuine musical theme was "Moscow evening", which sounded literally everywhere. This bright and tight melody has been done in the USSR a cult.

Much in those two weeks happened in the country for the first time: direct television broadcasts, the night illumination of the Kremlin and the Bolshoi Theater, the fireworks are not in honor of the revolutionary holiday or military victory.

Wind of change

Soviet youth in the harsh and scarce postwar years was not spoiled by impressions and pleasures, she rushed into a festival vortex with enthusiasm, which in our days is difficult to understand and imagine.

With a huge number of guests, it was impossible to control communication, but no one was trying.

Two weeks on the streets and in the parks went mass brother. In advance of the written regulations were violated, the events were delayed over midnight and smoothly flowed into the walk to dawn.

I knew the languages \u200b\u200brejoiced the opportunity to shine with erudition and talk about even recently forbidden Impressionists, Hemingway and remark. The guests were shocked by the erudition of the interlocutors who grew up behind the Iron Curtain, and the young Soviet intellectuals are the fact that foreigners do not appreciate happiness to read any authors freely and do not know anything about them.

Someone managed to minimize words. A year later, many dark-skinned children appeared in Moscow, who were called "children of the festival". Their mothers were not sent to the camp "For contact with a foreigner", as happened even recently.

Of course, who fell, they were not invited to Moscow. The overwhelming majority of foreign participants were "friends of the USSR", "fighters against colonialism", "people of progressive views." Others would not go to the festival less than a year after the Hungarian events. But guests brought intelligent and behavioral freedom completely unusual for Soviet people.

Everyone understood that the holiday could not last forever. But eyewitnesses remember: it was not just a grand fun, it seemed that some kind of completely new, the best life comes forever.

The miracle did not happen. But it was after the Moscow Festival that jeans appeared in the USSR, KVN, a game of badminton and abstract painting, and the Kremlin was open to the public. New trends began in literature and cinema, "Fintsovka" and the dissident movement.

In one river you will not enter twice

In the summer of 1985, Moscow again accepted the World Festival of Youth - the twelfth. As the first time, considerable funds released, prepared the program, led to the city.

However, nothing like the festival of 1957 did not succeed, and no one was not particularly remembered to anyone "Sikvel".

On the one hand, by the mid-80s for Soviet citizens, foreigners have long ceased to be unprecedented.

On the other hand, the policy of the Soviet authorities was tougher than in the time of "thaw". Mikhail Gorbachev has already been in power, but the words "publicity" and "restructuring" have not yet been made, and the relationship with the West was close to the point of freezing.

Guests of the festival tried to take tightly and keep away from Muscovites. They communicate with them mostly specially selected Komsomol members.

Today, the Moscow City Hall and the Public Organization "Federation of Peace and Consent", which is headed by the veteran of Soviet International Journalism Valentin Zorin, held a round table in Moscow and a procession on the world avenue in honor of the 50th anniversary of the 1957 festival.

An eloquent fact is evidenced by the degree of public attention: the organizers moved it from the end of July, when, in fact, the anniversary is celebrated, on June 30, so that potential participants do not go to the cottages and holidays.

The festivals themselves are no longer suitable. The Soviet era went back together with all the bad and good that it was.

The program of the 19th Festival of Youth and Students in Moscow and Sochi has recently been completed. And this means that it is time to remind the history of the festival to those who are already familiar with it, and eliminate gaps in knowledge from those who have not heard about it.

How it all began?

In the autumn of 1945, the World Conference of Democratic Youth was held in London, where the decision was taken to create the World Democratic Youth Federation.

The purpose of the organization was to assist in mutual understanding of young people on various issues, as well as ensuring security and upholding the rights of young people. It was also decided to celebrate the World Youth Day on November 10th annually.

Altern after a year, in August 1946, the 1st World Congress of Students was collected in Prague, which was created by the International Union of Students (MCC), who announced the struggle for peace, social progress and law students. It was under the auspices of the WFDM and MCC, the very first festival of young people and students in the Czech Republic took place.

Promising start

17 thousand participants from 71 countries arrived at Prague festival.

The main topic was to continue to combat fascism and the need to unite all countries for this. Of course, the results of the Second World War were discussed, the issue of preserving memory of people, whose lives were given in the name of Victory.

On the emblem of the festival, two people, dark-skinned and white-linked, their handshake against the background of the globe symbolized the unity of the youth of all countries, regardless of nationality, in the fight against the world's world problems.

Delegates of all countries have prepared stands telling about the restoration of cities after the war and the activities of the WFDM in their country. The Soviet stand was distinguished from the rest. Its part of it was the information about Joseph Stalin, about the Constitution of the USSR, on the contribution of the Soviet Union to the victory in the war and in the fight against fascism.

At numerous conferences, within the framework of the festival, the role of the Soviet Union was emphasized in the victory quite recently, they spoke about the country with respect and gratitude.


The World Festival of Youth and Students was originally held every 2 years, but soon the break increased to several years.

Recall the chronology of its holding:

  1. Prague, Czechoslovakia - 1947
  2. Hungary, Budapest - 1949
  3. GDR, Berlin - 1951
  4. Romania, Bucharest - 1953
  5. Poland, Warsaw - 1955
  6. USSR, Moscow - 1957
  7. Austria, Vienna - 1959
  8. Finland, Helsinki - 1962
  9. Bulgaria, Sofia - 1968
  10. GDR, Berlin - 1973
  11. Cuba, Havana - 1978
  12. USSR, Moscow - 1985
  13. Korea, Pyongyang - 1989
  14. Cuba, Havana - 1997
  15. Algeria, Algeria - 2001
  16. Venezuela, Caracas - 2005
  17. South Africa, Pretoria - 2010
  18. Ecuador, Quito - 2013
  19. - 2017

For the first time in the USSR

The first Festival of Youth and Students in Moscow has passed in 1957. He collected 34,000 participants from 131 countries. Such a number of delegates still remained unsurpassed.

The country was glad to open the "iron curtain", the entire Soviet Union and the capital carefully prepared for the festival:

  • new hotels were built in Moscow;
  • broke;
  • in the central television, a "festival edition" was created, which issued several programs called the "evening of funny issues" (a model of modern KVN).

The slogan of the festival "For World and Friendship" reflected his atmosphere and mood. A lot of speeches were uttered about the need for the independence of peoples and promotion of internationalism. The symbol of the Festival of Youth and Students in Moscow of 1957 was the famous "Pigeon of the World".

The first Festival of Youth and Students in Moscow is remembered not only by its scale, but also a number of very interesting facts:

  • Moscow covered the real "sexy revolution". Young girls willingly acquainted with foreign guests, started fleeting novels with them. Created entire squads to combat this phenomenon. They traveled to Moscow streets at night and caught such couples. Aliens did not touch, but the Soviet young ladies had to fall out: the warriors coated them part of the hair with scissors or machinery so that the girls did not remain anything in addition to having to have a bald. After 9 months after the festival, dark-skinned citizens began to appear and called them - "Children of the Festival".
  • At the closure ceremony, the song "Moscow Region Evenings" sounded, Edita Pieha and Marisa Liepa were performed. Until now, many foreigners have been associated with this composition.
  • As noted by one of the journalists who came to Moscow, the Soviet citizens did not want to let aliens into their homes (he believed that the authorities instructed the authorities so much), but the Muscovites were talked to them very hardly.

Twelfth or second

The twelfth of the general account, and the second in Moscow, the Festival of Youth and Students spent in 1985. In addition to participants (and there were 26,000 of the 157 countries), many famous people took part in the festival:

  • at the opening with a greeting, Mikhail Gorbachev spoke; "Run Peace" opened the chairman of the Olympic Committee Samaranth;
  • Anatoly Karpov showed the skill of playing chess on a thousand boards at the same time;
  • on the music venues performed the German musician Udo Lindenberg.

Is not the one?

Such a freedom of speech, as in 1957, was no longer observed. According to the party's recommendations, all discussions were to be reduced to a certain circle of issues prescribed in the document. Provocative questions tried to avoid, or accused Speaker in incompetence. However, most of the festival participants arrived at all for political discussions, but for communication with delegates from other countries and acquiring new friends.

The closing ceremony of the Festival of Youth and Students in Moscow took place at the Lenin Stadium (the current "Luzhniki"). In addition to the speeches of delegates and politicians from different countries, the most popular and popular artists appeared before the participants, for example, Valery Leontyev presented their songs, scenes were shown from the "Swan Lake" performed by the Bolshoi Theater troupe.

Nineteenth or third

In 2015, it became known that the 2017 Festival will take Russia for the third time (although, if one to be accurate Russia takes it for the first time, because two previous times the country-hostess was the USSR).

On June 7, 2016, the cities were named, where the XIX World Festival of Youth and Students will be held - Moscow and Sochi.

In Russia, as always with diligence, they began to prepare for the upcoming event. In October 2016, a clock, counting days before the festival, were installed in front of the Moscow State University. To this event was timed to pass the rules of the GTO, the presentation of the kitchens of the world, a concert with the participation of Russian stars. Such events passed not only in Moscow, but also in many other cities.

The opening of the festival of young people and students in started from and passed 8 km to the Sport Complex "Luzhniki", where they held a grandiose concert with the participation of modern stars of the Russian pop. The festival final was a big salute, which lasted 15 minutes.

The solemn discovery took place in Sochi, where artists also performed and the festival speakers.

Festival program - 2017

The program of the Festival of Youth and Students in Moscow and Sochi was very saturated. The capital was assigned the role of "framing" of the event, its colorful discovery and closure. The main events unfold in Sochi:

  • In the course of the cultural program, a jazz festival, organized by Igor Butman, was held by Manizha, who gained fame in the Instagram network. The participants looked at the play "The Square of the Revolution. 17" performed by the Moscow Theater of Poets, enjoyed the music of a multinational symphony orchestra and even participated in a dance battle from Egor Friend.
  • The sports program also included a lot of events: the passage of the NORM, master classes, racing for 2017 meters, meetings with famous Russian athletes.
  • No less extensive and important was the educational program of the festival. During her, participants met with scientists, businessmen, politicians and experts in various fields of science, visited numerous exhibitions and lectures, took part in discussions and master classes.

The final day of the festival was marked by a personal presence on him Vladimir Putin. He turned to participants with a parting speech.

The World Festival of Youth and Students ended in Moscow, October 22. The organizers have prepared an impressive pyrotechnic show for music, written specifically to the closure of the festival.

The Festival of Youth and Students in Moscow year from year becomes more saturated and brighter. Probably, he will return to our country not so soon, as I would like, because there are still many states want to take it on their territory. In the meantime, we will carefully store the memory of the three festivals we have passed and wait for new victories and discoveries from the Russian youth.


The VI World Festival of Youth and Students has passed since July 28 to August 11, 1957 in Moscow.

It was the most vivid event of the "thaw" era and the most ambitious of all youth festivals. The festival was attended by delegations from 131 countries of the world and 34.000 guests. The slogan of the festival is "for peace and friendship." The symbol of the festival was the drawing of the famous French artist Pablo Picasso (1881-1973) "Pigeon of the World" (dove with olive sprig in the beak). Delegates presented 5 continents of the globe - Europe, Australia, Asia, America and Africa. Black delegates were mostly representatives of Europe, Africans - representatives of Ghana, Liberia and Ethiopia.

In August 1955, active preparation for the World Youth Forum in the USSR began. The preparatory committee and the main headquarters of the VI World Festival of Youth and Students were at the address "Zubetskaya Square, 3". Dripping Komsomolskaya Construction - construction of the central stadium in Luzhniki; All metropolitan students had to work on a shock object once a week. Before MGK VLKSM, an important task was raised - to grow 100,000 pigeons for 2 years. Soon the ruling of the Moscow City Executive Committee was published: to start the pigeons to the capital and create them the best conditions for life. Moscow was supposed to look for foreigners no worse than other European capitals. On Red Square, the townspeople began to distribute envelopes with a fast-top - put the pigeons, so that they would be boldly fell into a blocking. Size pigeons were populated Red Square, Manege, Gorky Street and Pushkin Square. Thus, the pigeon became a symbol of the world and the youth festival. In Moscow, a pigeon commission was hastily created. In the cultivation of pigeons of white, black and red-colored, all factories and plants were involved. All enterprises received instructions, how to sort the color of chicks and eggs pigeons. Moscow has become a "big incubator".

The USSR quickly covered the festival race!

On July 31, 1956, the central stadium named after V. I. Lenin was solemnly opened in Luzhniki, designed for 78,360 seats. On October 10, 1956, the Gorky Automotive Plant released the first passenger cars of the GAZ-21 Volga brand. Sewing and textile factories sewed souvenir handkerchiefs with a beautiful festival symbolism. The hotel complex "Tourist" ("Street Agricultural, 17") (1956) and a hotel "Ukraine" (Kutuzovsky Prospekt, 2/1 ") were commissioned (Kutuzovsky Prospekt, 2/1) (25 May 1957). In 1957, the Riga bus factory released the first "Rafik" - the minibus of the brand "RAF-10 Festival". In Moscow, the Hungarian buses of the Ikarus brand appeared in Moscow. 400 streets, squares and bridges of Moscow were illuminated. Thousands of trees and 10,000 shrubs were planted by Komsomol and Youth, 100,000 roses were grown. Only for bouquets, participants left 8.000.000 colors! The famous songs were written "If guys of the whole Earth" (Music V. Solovyov-gray, the words E. Dolmatovsky), "Zori Moscow" (Music A. Ostrovsky, the words M. Lysyansky), "Rights guitar over the river" (Music A . Novikova, Words L. Oshanin) and others. Marsh "Friends We are glad to see you" and "Festival Waltz" (Music M. Chistova, the words O. Cornitskaya and N. Khnayeva) were published in the Moscow Pravda newspaper. At the very young central television of the USSR, broadcasting a few hours a day, 3 chest badges were released - "Press", "Cinema" and "Radio". The "Television" icon was not, and the television journalists had to work under strange bad icons. Thanks to the youth festival on the CT of the USSR, regular broadcasting began, a new genre appeared - television report. The editorial board "Festival" originated - afterwards the main editorial board of youth programs.

A few days before the festival, many Moscow students received midden envelopes by mail. In the envelopes there were multi-colored pictures with imperfall patterns. At the same time there was a text application asking: cut pictures with scissors along the contour and glue on any visible place. The next morning, Moscow was turned into a carnival city!

The opening day of the VI World Festival of Youth and Students - July 28, 1957. Millions of Muscovites of different ages came to this sunny morning on the streets. The solemn tracks of the participants of the festival began on the highway of youth from SVV to the central stadium named after V. I. Lenin in Luzhniki. In 11-45 at the intersection of the Yaroslavl Highway and the Ostankinskaya Street, there were belling fanfares - 40 people arrived on white motorcycles with blue twigs. For them drove out freight cars with festival participants from around the world. Thousands of Muscovites welcomed guests with bouquets of flowers and the "World!", "Friendship!". The authentication should have passed the distance for 2 hours, but stretched for a long time. From the organized movement of the columns, there was no trace - the multicolor masses of people were buried. Buses with foreign delegations stopped; People went out, stretched her hands and looked at each other carefully. For example, one grandmother approached Negar, whisked her finger and rubbed it in the face - was not made of brown paint. In a closed country, where the word "foreigner" was synonymous with the word "spy", everything changed overnight - Soviet people saw thousands of guests from all over the world!

Direct broadcast of the opening of the festival Central television and all-union radio led more than 100 points of the capital. The transfer from Moscow, relayed by the aircraft, was first seen by the viewers of Smolensk, Kiev and Minsk. At the same time, the event was filmed on black and white and color film. The television journalists had to say the essential texts "on a piece of paper", but the gorges of the censors of the stately everything went not according to plan. From the residential apartment in the garden ring report on the opening of the festival, the correspondent of the CT of the USSR Leonid Abramovich Zolotarevsky (r. 1930) was the recognized Material of Patriotic TV journalist. The young journalist had a tough per minute schedule of travel of delegations of different countries. In fact, the real landfill prevailed on the garden ring - for example, a delegation of Mozambique was drilled instead of the Delegation of the Congo. But Leonid Abramovich was not confused and spent a complete text improvisation, taking off from the ate of the state of GosLoto.

However, it was not without an incident, successfully hidden by the management of the CT. On the building of the Shcherbakovsky department store on the collective farm square there was a crowd of people who welcomed guests. Suddenly, a joyful cry "ride!". In a single rush, the crowd jumped on his feet, and ... the roof was collapsed - dozens of people fell down. Cameras immediately switched to another item. A few minutes later, foreigners were held here. To hide the incident, I immediately put the police officer. They began to wait for the message of the number of victims, and in a few hours it turned out - no one died! After graduating from the festival, the ill-fated department store Shcherbakovsky was demolished.

In 15-00 at the Central Stadium named after V. I. Lenin, the opening ceremony of the VI World Festival of Youth and Students began in Luzhniki. A giant bowl, joined by a cloth with the inscribed in the word "world" in Russian, English, German, French, Spanish and Chinese, was established. Members of the Presidium of the Central Committee of the CPSU Committee appeared in the central bed - First Secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU Nikita SERGEEVICH Khrushchev (1894-1971), Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the USSR Nikolai Aleksandrovich Bulganin (1895-1975), Chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR Clement Efremovich Voroshilov (1881-1969), secretary CPSSC Nikolai Ilich Belyaev (1903-1966), Secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU Leonid Ilich Brezhnev (1906-1982), USSR Defense Minister Georgy Konstantinovich Zhukov (1896-1974), First Secretary of the Gorky Regional Committee of the CPSU Nikolai Grigorievich Ignatov (1901-1966), first Secretary of the Central Committee of the CP of Ukraine Alexey Illarionovich Kirichenko (1908-1975), secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU Otto Wilhelmovich Kouusinen (1881-1964), secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU Mikhail Andreevich Suslov (1902-1982), Secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU, First Secretary of the CPSU (1910 -1974) and Chairman of the Committee of Party Control under the Central Committee of the CPSU Nikolai Mikhailovich Churchnik (1888-1970), Candidates for the Presidium of the Central Committee of the CPSU - First Secretary of the Central Committee of the CP of Uzbekistan Nuritdin Akramovich M Wichtdinov (1917-2008), Secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU Petr Nikolaevich Pospelov (1898-1979), First Secretary of the Sverdlovsk Committee of the CPSU (1906-1990), First Secretary of the Central Committee of the CP Belarus Mazurov (1914-1989), First Secretary of the Central Committee KP of Georgia Vasily Pavlovich Mzhavanadze (1902-1988) and Chairman of the State Committee of the Council of Ministers of the USSR on the external economic relations of Mikhail Georgievich Prevukhin (1904-1978). The leaders of the USSR - honored guests at the celebration of the opening of the festival - those present met with stormy long applause. On the North and South Tribunes, a ringlet of 2 groups of fanfarists began. Then the orchestra would play, and the head column of the bannamers joined the stadium. The tribunas swept the squall of greetings. Boys in white sports costumes carried a huge emblem of the festival ahead. The girls carried a 60-meter color tape from yellow, blue, green, orange and red colors, symbolizing 5 continents of the world. Then weeping twisted with the emblems of the festival and flags of nations. The passage of the delegations of 131 states dressed in bright national costumes began. Participants in the festival together lined up on a green field. Then a group of girls - representatives of the 15 Union republics rose to the central tribune. They presented bouquets of flowers to the heads of the USSR headed by the first secretary of the CPSU Central Committee Nikita Khrushchev, the organizers of the festival and the heads of delegations. With a welcoming speech on behalf of the USSR, the Chairman of the Committee of Youth Organizations of the USSR Sergey Kalistatovich Romanovsky (1923-2003) spoke. Then made up with speeches. Representatives of young people 5 continents - Charles Brezeland (Australia), Chintamoni Panigrahi (India), Roger Fereira (Brazil), Teast Comfort (Ghana) and Antoine Rzon (France). Soon the races with relaxed rods arrived on the neckway and were presented under the stormy ovations of the stadium to representatives of the International Committee of the Festival International Friendship Relay. A member of the Presidium of the Central Committee of the CPSU, Chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, was made by the Presidium of the USSR Supreme Soviet. His speech ended as healthy: "For peace all over the world!". Greetings were heard in many languages, and a huge flock of white pigeons trembled over the Luzhniki. On behalf of the International Committee of the Festival VI, the World Festival of Youth and Students opened the Chairman of the Committee of Youth Organizations of the USSR Sergey Romanovsky. Solemn fanfares rang out. On the mast slowly raised the white flag with the emblem of the festival. Over 100,000 people in different languages \u200b\u200bare friendly "anthem of democratic youth". The songs of the peoples of the world sailed over Luzhniki. The mass performances of athletes and a colorful parade of physical education institutions began. 3,200 boys and girls were made from the All-Union Voluntary Sports Society "Labor Reserves", the State Central Institute of Physical Culture named after I. V. Stalin (Moscow) and the State Institute of Physical Culture named after P. F. Lesgafeta (Leningrad). The opening ceremony ended with the dance suite "Tsveti, our youth" with the participation of amateur creative teams of the Union republics.

So, the VI World Festival of Youth and Students solemnly opened! The program of 15 festival days was filled with colorful and unforgettable events.

July 29 (2 day). In the large hall of the Moscow State Conservatory named after P. I. Tchaikovsky and in the column hall of the House of Unions solemnly opened international art contests. The speeches were made: in the Moscow Conservatory - Secretary General of the VFDM Jacques Denis, in the column hall - a member of the International Committee of the Festival, Ector del Campo Silva.

At 11-00 in the State Library named after V. I. Lenin, a philatelistic exhibition opened, on which 400 stands were presented with stamps of various countries of the world.

An international exhibition of art photography in the Moscow House of Artists opened (representatives of about 30 countries took part) and the international student club in Moscow State University named after M. V. Lomonosov.

A solemn concert of the Soviet delegation in the Central Theater of the Soviet Army was held. Concerts were held: Bulgarian youth (Sokolniki Park), Youth of Egypt and Romania (CPKIO named after Gorky), Yugoslavia's youth (Great Hall of the Tchaikovsky Conservatory), delegations of Hungary, India and Czechoslovakia (Pop Estra Vhv). The international concert of delegates of Hungary, Cyprus, DPRK and Uruguay took place on the stage of Pushkin Square. In the evening, art teams and performers from Germany, Spain, Jordan, the DPRK and the USSR were performed. The performances of the Romanian Doll Theater "Cendanike", the Polish Student Satyrian Theater "Bim-Bom" and the Dramatic Argentine Theater, Circus Representations of Poland Artists, China, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia and other countries.

Visiting the workers of the Kalibr workers visited the representatives of the Youth delegation of Finland, at the Kauchuk factory - young French chemists.

A press conference of the Romanian delegation took place in the central journalist's house.

In the evening, an international meeting of meetings opened ("Pushechny Street, 4").

July 30 (3 day). In the CPKIO named after Gorky, an international exhibition of visual and applied art opened. The international club meeting held a meeting dedicated to the 300th anniversary of the publication of the work of the Czech teacher-Humanist, writer and public figure Yana A Amos Komensesky (1592-1670) in Amsterdam. At the "Drummer" cinema opened an international film festival. More than 180 films created by young cinematographers of more than 30 countries were presented in his program.

Opened meetings on professions and hobbies. The experimental experience of young peasants, farmers and tenants occurred at VHV. The house of scientists met photographers, in the Polytechnic Museum - radio amateur, in the house of the architect - the filmuses, in the Central Aeroclub named after V. P. Chkalov - Aviamodelists. In Moscow State University named after M. V. Lomonosov opened international seminars of agricultural, cinematographic and economic educational institutions.

Sports competition began. At the metropolitan stadiums came the athletes, tennis players and volleyball players.

In the CPKIO named after Gorky, a large international concert took place with the participation of Youth of Belgium, India, Morocco and Czechoslovakia. Concerts of the delegates of young people of Bulgaria (branch of the State Academic Small Theater of the USSR) and the UK (Light Club) were held. In the palaces of culture, in clubs and open-axes, over 40 international and national concerts took place.

In the Moscow Academic Theater, Satira performed artists from Finland. The delegates of France, the Netherlands, Argentina and East Africa showed their work in Sokolniki Park. The theaters demonstrated their art dramatic artists of China, Sweden and Chile.

About 300 participants took part at the meeting of the delegates of Bulgaria and the United Kingdom. An improvised concert of the chorus of Bulgarian girls and the English brass orchestra took place.

An evening dedicated to the 10th anniversary of the I World Festival of Youth and Students took place at the Club on Bersenevskaya Embankment.

July 31 (4 day). In the morning, representatives of various youth organizations gathered in the international club of meetings and discussed issues of cooperation and the protection of young people.

At Dynamo Stadium, a large circus performance was held. Moscow theaters showed several performances for festival participants.

The exchange of experiments of young peasants, farmers, tenants, miners and workers of the tank industry continued. An meeting of young railway workers and polygraphists has opened. Film, photo and radio amateurs came to meetings for the interests. Heads of children's institutions of a number of countries discussed education issues.

The solemn national programs of the DPRK, Poland, Germany and Yugoslavia took place. The national concerts on the metropolitan pops, in parks and theaters. Young performers of Hungary, Great Britain, Italy, China, Mongolia, Romania, Czechoslovakia, GDR, Bulgaria, Spain, USSR, Sweden, Netherlands, Indonesia, Paraguay, Mexico, Norway, Finland, France, Albania, Egypt and Madagascar.

International art contests continued. Young performers competed in the game on piano, bow, wind and folk instruments, singing and dance. The International Student Club held a concert of the Amateurities Chile, West Africa, Hungary, Spain, Syria and other countries. With a big program, the Leningrad pop orchestra spoke.

A meeting of American and Chinese delegations was held at SVV. In conclusion, an improvised concert took place. At first, Chinese girls sang a few songs under the accompaniment of a small orchestra, then American jazz came out.

In the Trinity-Sergiye Lavra (Zagorsk Moscow region), young Christians met.

Volleyball players met on the summer sites of the Dynamo Stadium. The ITALY team won the Austria team with a score of 3: 0. Basketball players, Belgium, Albania, the USSR and other countries competed in Sokolniki.

The Metallurgists of the Sickle and Hammer plant were the participants of the Ukrainian Art Group. Delegates from Finland, India, Great Britain, France, Syria, Germany and Morocco also arrived at the plant.

August 1 (5 day). 10-00 began a cycling on the Kurkinsky ring highway. The best time athletes of the Leningrad Textile Institute named after S. M. Kirov, who were 99.2 km in 2 hours 31 minutes, 58 seconds. In the city of Khimki, the Moscow Region, the metropolitan youth and guests took part in the "Friendship Park" tab.

The solemn national programs of the GDR (Central Theater of the Soviet Army), Egypt (State Academic Theater named after E. B. Vakhtangov), Romania (branch of the State Academic Bolshoi Theater of the USSR) and Finland (Moscow Academic Musical Theater named after K. S. Stanislavsky and . I. Nemirovich-Danchenko).

Artistic youth of Great Britain, Netherlands, China, Albania, Mongolia, Vietnam, Indonesia, Norway, Bulgaria, Belgium, Denmark, Iceland, Bulgaria, Belgium, Denmark, Iceland, Spain, Canada, Cyprus, DPRK, Tunisia, Czechoslovakia, France, Yugoslavia, USSR and other countries .

International art competitions continued in the large and small halls of the Moscow State Conservatory named after P. I. Tchaikovsky, the October Hall of the House of Unions, the Central House of Art Workers, Moscow State Theater named after Leninsky Komsomol, club of Moscow State University named after M. V. Lomonosov, Central Cinema and Concert House Hall named P. I. Tchaikovsky. International art contests continued - brass tools, popular songs, classic singing and more.

The international student club held a meeting of delegates with famous mathematicians on the topic "Mathematics and its newest application." The deputy director of the Atomic Energy Institute of the Atomic Energy Institute of the USSR Academy of Sciences of the USSR Academician Sergey Lvovich Sobolev (1908-1989) and director of the Laboratory of Theoretical Physics of the Joint Institute of Nuclear Research of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR Academician Nikolai Nikolaevich Bogolyubov (1909-1992). They talked about the problems of machine mathematics and the technique of the future. An international seminar of lawyers has opened. The meeting was opened by the Secretary of the International Union of Students Alexander Yangov (R. 1924) (Bulgaria). On behalf of the Soviet students and teachers of lawyers, the seminar participants welcomed the dean of the law faculty of Moscow State University named after M. V. Lomonosov Dmitry Stepanovich Karev. The first day was devoted to the discussion of the principles of international law recorded in the UN Charter.

A meeting of young textiles under the motto "to live and work in peace and friendship" has opened. Factory shoes "Paris Commune" visited workers of the shoe and leather industry Italy, France, Czechoslovakia, GDR, Finland, Hungary, Bulgaria and Mongolia. Guests visited the workshops and talked with workers. In the courtyard of the factory a rally took place.

Young peasants, farmers, tenants, printing and miners conducted final meetings on the exchange of experience.

In the garden of the SWV, the Delegation of Finland took Guests from Poland.

Basketball, freestyle wrestling, swimming, table tennis and other sports took place.

August 2 (6 day). The central event of the day was the evening of solidarity with the youth of colonial countries in the park Ostankino.

Delegates of Bulgaria, Great Britain, Italy, Black Africa and other states discussed the problems of vocational education. Deputy Director of the Moscow Technical School No. 9 Solovyov introduced delegates with the history of the development of educational institutions of labor reserves.

The solemn national programs continued: Young Artists of Albania (State Academic Theater named after E. B. Vakhtangov), Artists of Bulgaria (branch of the State Academic Bolshoi Theater of the USSR), Artists of Italy (Moscow Academic Music Theater named after K. S. Stanislavsky and V. I. Nemirovich-Danchenko) and Artists of Vietnam (Central Children's Theater). National concerts of young artists, Great Britain, Czechoslovakia, Romania, the Netherlands, France, Hungary, Mexico and other countries continued.

An international seminar of philologists opened. Participants welcomed the introductory speech prominent Soviet writer Konstantin Aleksandrovich Fedin (1892-1977). The main topic of the discussion was traditions and innovation in the literature. In the central house of the journalist, a meeting of young journalists with the participation of representatives of newspapers, radio and television companies of various directions was opened.

The meeting of the artists of the Arab countries and the USSR took place. The guests inspected the exhibition of the works of the polarist artist Igor Pavlovich Ruban (1912-1996).

In the House of Scientists a meeting of young people of the Arab East was held. An international seminar has opened with about 300 students of technical universities. The Dean of the Hydropower Faculty of the Moscow Energy Institute, Professor Theodore Lazarevich Zolotarev, was made with the reports (1904-1966) and the head of the department "Machines and automata" of the Moscow Higher Technical School named after N. E. Bauman Professor Grigor Aruutyunovich Shaumyan (1905-1973), Professor from PRC Shi Ji-Yang and others.

Meetings of young teachers, dockers, employees, mail, telegraph and telephone, agricultural workers, builders, textiles and journalists took place.

Solemn national programs showed young executors of the RSFSR (Central Theater of the Soviet Army), Mexico (Central Children's Theater) and Japan (State Academic Theater named after E. B. Vakhtangov). Young people, Poland, Great Britain, France, Belgium, Switzerland and Algeria, spoke with national concerts in clubs, theaters and estrades.

More than 30 meetings of various delegations took place at VHV.

An exchange of views on the problems of the truth in the art, typical and accidental development of cinema techniques took place at the seminar of filmmarters. The results of the competition of artistic, popular science and chronic films, held during the seminar, summed up the honorary chairman of the jury, Rector of the Prague Academy of Musical Culture Professor Antonin Broucil (1907-1986). He noted the rapid growth of young cinematography talents not only Europe and America, but also many Asian countries.

A group of Austrian delegates visited the Institute of Surgery of the Academy of Medical Sciences of the USSR. Austrian guests watched operations that were conducted by the director of the Surgery Institute of the USSR Surgery, Professor Alexander Alexandrovich Vishnevsky (1906-1975) and Head of the Surgery Department of the Institute of Surgery of the AMN USSR, Professor Nikolai Ivanovich Krakowsky (1903-1976).

An evening dedicated to the famous Swedish natural scientist Karl Linneu (1707-1778) took place at the international club of meetings.

The participants took place in the Kremlin, on which thousands of young men and girls had fun until late at night.

August 4 (8 day). In the morning, students from Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia acted in the actual hall of the International Student Club. The participants of the Chelyuskin Expedition were visited by the student - the famous radist polar star, the Hero of the Soviet Union Ernst Teodorovich Krenkel (1903-1971), the naval aviation naval aviation navigator aviation (1909-1993), Meteorologist-polar star Olga Nikolaevna Komov (1902-19?), Oceanologist, Doctor of Geographical Sciences, Professor at the Department of Oceanology MSU named after M. V. Lomonosov Nikolai Nikolayevich Zubov (1885-1960), Chiefs of Polar Stations on the drifting ice floes of the North Pole Pavel Afanasyevich Gordienko (1913-1982) and the Hero of the Soviet Union Evgeni Ivanovich Tolls (1913-1987), other polar explorer heroes. Club members with great attention listened to the stories of young geographers of Mikhail Vekova and Andrei Kapitsa about the work of the expedition of Soviet scientists in the Arctic and Antarctica. The teams of drifting stations "SP-6" and "SP-7", Mirny, Wizeroviers, Mirny, sent to the club greeting telegrams. The center of attention was the indigenous resident of the Arctic delivered to the club - white bearish. The polar explosions presented a bear with Chinese friends. The youngest conqueror of Antarctica - a student of Moscow State University named after M. V. Lomonosov Vladimir Igorevich Bardin (1934-1993) presented a photo album with the views of Antarctica to the representatives of the Youth Youth - the Motherland of the Outstanding Polar Researchers Rual Amundsen (1872-1928) and Furside Nansen (1861-1930).

Hungarian music in the execution of the orchestra of folk instruments "River" was performed above the Manezhnaya Square. In Pushkin Square, the ensemble of accordionists from Germany performed the classic works of the Great German composer Johanna Sebastian Baha (1685-1750). More than 60 concerts took place, of which 4 solemn concerts are Arab countries, Mongolia, France and Czechoslovakia. Many of them have passed on open areas in the presence of thousands of Muscovites who spend their day off. The concert of delegates from Indonesia took place in the CPKIO named after Gorky. Muscovites and delegates from Ceylon exchanged each other addresses, postcards and autographs.

In the Mkate named after Gorky took place the evening of culture of the peoples of Black Africa. Artists from Senegal, Guinea, Madagascar and Congo took part in it. Numerous spectators met the musical and choreographic creativity of African peoples.

A meeting of young artists of the theater and cinema took place in the House of Journalists. Its participants spoke about the role of art in the formation of the moral qualities of young people of different countries, raised a lot of other issues affecting young people.

An international seminar of students of architectural and construction universities has opened. Delegates from 56 countries of the world participated in it. Employees of the Moscow Arproject Institute told guests about their work. In the afternoon, the participants were excursion to the South-Western district of Moscow.

Professional meetings of young shovels, knottlemen and the workers of the food industry took place.

In the evening, the evening of dancing and humor took place in the student club. Delegates from GDR, Norway and Paraguay were having fun.

For the participants of the festival there was a ball in the Kremlin - dancing, games and songs. His art demonstrated the best artistic forces of the capital. At Dynamo Stadium, there was a re-presentation of the Soviet ballet.

August 5 (9 day). In one of the Moscow clubs a meeting of the delegations of the USSR and Yugoslavia took place.

At the initiative of the delegation of Argentina, the Messengers from Latin America with representatives of the participating countries of the Bandung Conference took place. Delegates of Argentina, Syria, Mexico, Guatemala, Tunisia, India, China, Morocco, Brazil, Vietnam, Nicaragua, Costa Rica and the Dominican Republic. There was a meeting of young people from European countries. Delegates from Kazakhstan were interested in a few hours at a meeting with a delegation of China. The delegates of Ukraine met with the delegation of Hungary and traditionally presented them with bread-salt. Delegates of Belarus met with the Italian delegation, the delegates of the RSFSR - with guests from the UK. In turn, the delegation of the DPRK invited friends from Black Africa, Syria and Madagascar.

Messengers of Jordan visited the Museum named after V. I. Lenin, the USSR Revolution Museum, the State Library named after V. I. Lenin and the Institute of Marxism-Leninism. The delegation in full force visited Mausoleum V. I. Lenin and I. V. Stalin and laid a wreath.

In the International Student Club of Moscow State University named after M. V. Lomonosov opened a seminar on the peaceful use of atomic energy. The draft Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Corresponding Member of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR Dmitry Ivanovich Blochintsev (1908-1979). The seminar participants visited the pavilion of a peaceful study of nuclear energy to SVV.

The young workers of the electrical, energy and forest industry, metallurgy and machine builders met. Heads of choirs and puppet theaters met.

In Moscow State University named after M. V. Lomonosov met students who studied geography.

2 tour has begun on international art competitions. Creative teams of the USSR, Indonesia and the DPRK.

In the Moscow State Theater Theater named after Leninsky Komsomol, young flats and gobists were performed. All 17 Soviet performers on spiritual instruments participated in 2 round. In the small hall of the Moscow State Conservatory named after P. I. Tchaikovsky, 2 round of the contest of pianists took place. Competition on the classical singing of the peoples of the East has ended.

In the cinemas "Drummer", "Colosseum", "Forum" and "Art" demonstrated 48 movies from various countries.

The solemn national program presented the delegation of Hungary.

Engineer of the Moscow Electric Power Plant, Julius Zylin, in honor of the festival, wrote on the words of locksmith of William Krugov "A song about friendship". Young electrolympics and delegates from the GDR have learned her and sang her friendly:

Let this song rushes away

And every house will enter.

To the struggle for peace our festival

All young people call.

In the evening, a reception in honor of the VI World Festival of Youth and Students took place in the Kremlin. It was attended by about 4,000 people - government figures, representatives of public organizations, participants of the festival, heads of delegations, honored guests, representatives of the Soviet and foreign press, the heads of diplomatic missions and representatives of embassies. Hot applause were met by heads of the USSR: members of the Presidium of the Central Committee of the CPSU Central Committee - First Secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU Nikita Sergeevich Khrushchev (1894-1971), Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the USSR Nikolai Alexandrovich Bulganin (1895-1975), Secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU Nikolai Ilich Belyaev (1903-1966) USSR Defense Minister Marshal of the Soviet Union Georgy Konstantinovich Zhukov (1896-1974), Secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU (1881-1964), First Deputy Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the USSR Anastas Ivanovich Mikoyan (1895-1978), Secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU, First Secretary of the CPSU Ekaterina Alekseevna Furtseva (1910-1974), Candidates for members of the Presidium of the Central Committee of the CPSU - Secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU Petr Nikolaevich Pospelov (1898-1979), Deputy Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the USSR Alexey Nikolaevich Kosygin (1904-1980) and Chairman of the State Committee of the USSR Council of Ministers on External Economic Relations Mikhail Georgievich Prevukhin (1904-1978).

The first secretary of the Central Committee of the TsC VLKSM Alexander Nikolaevich Shelepin (1918-1994) spoke with a welcoming speech. He wished the participants of the festival success in their noble activity for the benefit of peace and friendship. Representatives of 5 continents of the Earth were made with response speeches: Charles Brezeland (Australia), Abbas Usman (Indonesia), Luis Pedro Bonavita (Uruguay), Olu Ozantes (Western Africa), Pavlos Vardinianis (Greece) and Bruno Bernini (WFDM). Speech guests were met by applause.

Then there was a concert of young artists and art teams of the USSR - participants of the festival.

During the reception, thousands of rockets were swayed. In different languages \u200b\u200bof youth chant: "Thanks for the warm welcome!". The youth of many countries have fun until late night in the Kremlin Garden.

August 6 (10 day). All the peoples of the Earth noted the 12th anniversary of the atomic bombing of Hiroshima. Japanese delegates met with a cruiser article of the Varyag Cruiser article by Stepan Davydovich Krylov (1879-1963). With great attention, they listened to the story of the old veteran of the Russian-Japanese war 1904-1905.

More than 400 boys and girls from the USSR, Japan, India, China, Indonesia, the DPRK, Vietnam, France and other countries gathered together, so that on behalf of the youth of the whole world to express their protest against atomic war, to require the prohibition of atomic and hydrogen weapons. In the evening, a manifestation for peace and friendship took place.

At the international competition of composers, the jury summed up final results. Many works were devoted to international solidarity, the friendship of youth and the struggle for peace. Gold medals were awarded to the following sections: Symphony works - Composers Andrei Yakovlevich Eshpai (1925-2015) and Eino Martinovich Tamberg (1930-2010) (USSR), Mikis Teodorakis (r. 1925) (Greece) and Stanislav Skrovachevsky (r. 1923 ) (Poland); Chamber works - string quartet under the control of the composer Konstantin Agaparovich Orbelyan (1928-2014); Cantate-oratorical works - composer Rada Paladi (1927-2013) (Romania). Also gold medals were awarded songs of Soviet composers - Honored Arts Workers of the RSFSR Vasily Pavlovich Solovyov-Sedoya (1907-1979), Honored Artist of the Arts of the RSFSR Vano Ilyich Muradel (1908-1970), Honored Arts Worker of the RSFSR Anatoly Nikolaevich Novikov (1896-1984), Composers of Socialist countries - Peter Ebena (1929-2007) (Czechoslovakia), Mau Ji Zsenia (China) and Ilyaran Marinezka (Romania).

The solemn national program presented the delegation of Romania.

A chess match between the teams of the Central Research Electrical Laboratory of the Ministry of Power Stations of the USSR and amateur chess players from Switzerland took place. Soviet chess players won the Swiss Match with a score of 9.1 / 2: 1/2.

Young machine builders are delegates from Finland, Denmark, Holland, France, GDR and Germany - visited the Moscow automobile plant of small cars.

A meeting of young sailors and fishermen opened. The architect's house met young painters, sculptors, graphs and art historians from almost all countries of the world. Students who studied philosophy discussed the problem: "Is it possible to scientifically foresee the phenomena of public life?"

A discussion on the topic "University and Society" took place in the International Student Club. Soviet delegates from the 15 Allied Republics met with the youth of India. The meeting of the Youth of the USSR and the Netherlands was cordially.

At Lake Seliger (Kalininsk region), the first international track of tourists opened.

August 7 (11 day). The International Student Club was pupils of Soviet choreographic schools.

In the club of the plant "Compressor" of the young man and the girls of the Kalininsky district of the city of Moscow adopted young representatives of the People of Black Africa. Many Africans spoke about their opening of the Soviet Union.

A meeting of young employees of state institutions and executives of artistic self-identity was held. An interesting conversation took place among students studying history, archeology and history of arts. It is bright and interesting to meeting young people of the USSR, Argentina, Bulgaria, GDR, India, Colombia, China, Mongolia and Syria. An evening dedicated to the 250th anniversary of the famous Italian playwright Carlo Goldoni (1707-1793) took place.

Students of architectural universities held their seminar in Leningrad. 10 delegates from 55 Strana Peace left for 2 days in the Northern Capital. The participants of the festival walked along the granite Navel embankments, visited the palace embankment and Petrodvorets. On the morning of August 7, the delegates visited the new buildings of the Moscow Ocarrow, and with admiration and became acquainted with new high-speed methods for the construction of residential buildings. In the evening, the evening of the meeting of students and young architects of Leningrad with participants of the seminar took place in the architect's house.

An international photo exhibition visited about 120,000 people. Photography of more than 300 authors from 37 countries of the world were presented. Gold medals were awarded 6 photographers - Igor Petkov (USSR), Roger Katerino (France), Giuseppe Messer (Italy), Dolph Kruger (Netherlands), Miriana Knejevich (Yugoslavia) and Chan Loya (Vietnam). 17 participants received silver medals and 25 participants - bronze medals.

August 8 (12 day). The leaders of the French delegation held a press conference. Representatives of various organizations of France participating in the festival, Soviet and French journalists took part in it.

Young envoys of the world met with active figures of the international world. Festival's participants visited Chairman of the Soviet Committee for the Protection of the Peace, Deputy Secretary General of the Union of Writers of the USSR, Poet Nikolai Semenovich Tikhonov (1896-1979), Member of the World Council of Peace, Writer Ilya Grigorievich Erenburg (1891-1967), responsible secretary of the Soviet Committee of War Veterans, Hero of Soviet Union Alexei Petrovich Maresyev (1916-2001), Chairman of the Department of External Church Relations of the Moscow Patriarchate Metropolitan Krutitsky and Kolomensky Nikolai (in the world - Boris Dorofeevich Yarushevich) (1892-1961), President of the British Protection Committee Denis Nower Pritt (1887-1972), Turkish poet Nazim Hickmet Rounds (1902-1963), Canadian Catholic priest and communist James Encott (1898-1993), Venezuelan poet Carlos Augusto Leon (1914-1997), Chinese poet Emy Xiao (1896-1983) and other figures. The President of the British Committee for the Protection of the World Denis Pritt announced the appeal of those present at the meeting of prominent public figures to representatives of 5 continents.

The Delegation of Great Britain visited the Moscow first ball bearings.

Foreign delegates got acquainted with the Moscow Metropolitan.

2.500 young men and girls from Iran, Iraq, Syria, Ceylon, Indonesia and other countries visited the House Museum V. I. Lenin in the towns of Leninsky Leninsky district of the Moscow region.

At the All-Union industrial exhibition, the guests admired the model of the passenger aircraft "Tu-104", a walking excavator and other samples of Soviet equipment.

Art contests solemnly closed. 3.109 young men and girls from 47 countries of the world participated in festival contests. 280 separate performers and creative teams were awarded with gold medals. Awarded 376 silver medals and 289 bronze medals.

Artistic performances in National Programs of Africa, Yugoslavia, Indonesia and Vietnam took place. 39 national concerts were presented. Representatives of young people took part in 6 international concerts.

August 9 (13 day). In the State Academic Bolshoi Theater of the USSR, the laureates of the festival were the winners of art contests. The concert was attended by a member of the Presidium of the Central Committee of the CPSU, the secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU Mikhail Andreevich Suslov (1902-1982), candidates for the Presidium of the Central Committee of the CPSU Central Committee - secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU Petr Nikolaevich Pospelov (1898-1979) and Deputy Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the USSR Alexey Nikolaevich Kosygin (1904- 1980). The choir of Bulgarian girls and the courageous dance of the young men of Macedonia "Oro", performed by the youth ensemble of Yugoslavia. Koreanka performed by maiden song, Chinese girls performed the Grand Dance "Peacock", Ukrainians danced the fire dance "Hopak". Young Romanian singer Ladislav Kona performed Aria Igor from the opera Alexander Borodin "Prince Igor". The soloists of the German ballet Heinrich Petzold and Ursula Heinrich danced to the music of Frederick Chopin. Japanese ballerina Kaoru Icia performed the "Antre Dance" Edward Griega, Japanese singer Takidzava Mieso penetrated the monologue of Chio-Chio-san from the Opera of Jacomo Puccini. Leningrad's ballet artists Alla Osipenko and Alexander Mushroomov talentedly performed "Adagio" from the ballet "Tale about the Stone Flower" Sergey Prokofiev. Romanian dance ensemble "Karapats" performed the "Oltyan Suite".

One of the central events of the festival was held at the All-Union Industrial Exhibition - the labor festival. Young employees more than 20 countries spent the third, final meeting day. They visited some metropolitan institutions, learned about the conditions of work of young Soviet employees and pay for their work.

More than 100 participants in the festival were visited by the Soviet Executive Committee. In a conversation with them, the Chairman of the Moscow City Executive Committee Nikolai Ivanovich Bobrovnikov (1909-1992) spoke about the activities of the Mossoveta, about the order of election of deputies and answered questions of interest.

This day has become the latest for meetings by profession. 6,500 people took part in 24 professional meetings.

Ended festival kinineonkurs.

Young workers of many industries and agriculture became acquainted with the life of colleagues from other countries, shared their experiences and exchanged opinions. The conclusion of meetings by professions was the meeting of working young people and a labor holiday.

2 international meetings opened - biologists and geologists. The only meeting of the festival that did not require the participation of translators was the meeting of Esperantists. Representatives of different nationalities easily communicated among themselves in Esperanto and talked about the role of Esperantists in strengthening international relations.

Festival participants continued to honor the memory of prominent figures of world artistic culture. An evening was held dedicated to the Great Indian writer, poet and thinker Rabinder Tagora (1861-1941). His poems sounded in Russian, Hindi, Urdu and Bengali languages. The festival delegates noted the 150th anniversary of the birth of the Great American Poet Henry Westsworth Longfello (1807-1882).

The national theaters and concert halls were performed by the national programs of Algeria, Hungary, the Netherlands, Egypt, the DPRK, the countries of Latin America, Poland, Czechoslovakia and the USSR.

In one of the Phavilions of CPKIO named after Gorky, the International Art Exhibition worked. The exhibition featured paintings by artists from France, Canada, Germany, Egypt, Sudan and other countries. Each author could leave his work in the studio and discuss it with comrades in art. Creative discussions took place daily and were the most interesting in the work of the studio. Every year, the studio visited more than 200 artists, graphs and sculptors.

August 10 (14 day). The international club meetings held the latest meetings of interest. The last meeting was named "to new meetings."

Completed the work of students. One of them was the secretary of the Union of Composers of the USSR, People's Artist of the RSFSR Dmitry Borisovich Kabalevsky (1904-1987). The famous composer spoke about the development of musical culture in the USSR. The famous violinist, Professor of the Moscow State Conservatory named after P. I. Tchaikovsky, People's Artist of the USSR David Fedorovich Oistrakh (1908-1974) gave an open lesson and fulfilled several works for the violin.

A large group of delegates from Germany visited the Moscow Electric Power Plant, met his history and production. About 500 delegates of the festival from New Zealand, Finland, Algeria, Italy, Romania, Bulgaria, Poland, Czechoslovakia, Japan, and Nigeria have visited the factory "Paris Commune".

Boys and girls from Syria, Hungary, Peru and Spain made a walk through the Moscow authority channel on the Soyuz and World waders. In total, more than 15,000 guests from different countries of the world took part in the boats of ship walks.

In parks, on the streets and squares of Moscow, a grand carnival of young people took place.

Foreign delegates were presented sets of long-playing records and rollers of films for tape recorders with records of Russian and Soviet songs. The largest delegations received the floor as a gift a whole film about the festival, which, according to the order of the International Festival Committee, prepared the central studio of documentary films.

August 11 (15 day). The last day came. Buses with festival participants from different countries of the world solemnly drove through the streets of Moscow towards Luzhniki. Along the way, there were thousands of Muscovites.

In the evening at the Central Stadium named after V. I. Lenin, the solemn closure of the VI World Festival of Youth and Students began in Luzhniki.

The members of the Presidium of the Central Committee of the CPSU Central Tribune were present - the secretaries of the Central Committee of the CPSU Averki Borisovich Aristors (1903-1973) and Mikhail Andreevich Suslov (1902-1982), Secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU, First Secretary of the CPSU CPSU Ekaterina Alekseevna Fursheva (1910-1974), Member Candidates The Presidium of the Central Committee of the CPSU - the first secretary of the Central Committee of the COP Latvia Jan Eduardovich Kalnberzin (1893-1986) and Deputy Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the USSR Alexey Nikolaevich Kosygin (1904-1980). The gathered in the stands met their appearance by prolonged applause.

The export orchestra of the All-Union Voluntary Sports Society "Labor Reserves" appeared on the emerald field of the stadium. In the center of the field, an unusual tribune in the form of a huge festival badge, which was raised by members of the International Festival Committee. Under the sounds of the march and the applause of the audience appeared columns of the bannamers. The 5 young men carried white twisters with the emblem of the festival, then carried 131 national flag of the festival member countries. The bannamers lined up in the center of the field. Thousands of multicolored balls that rose above the stadium bowl filled out the evening sky.

Chairman of the Committee of Youth Organizations of the USSR Sergey Kalistatovich Romanovsky (1923-2003) spoke with a farewell speech. President VFDM Brunini announced the statement of the International Committee of the VI World Festival of Youth and Students for Peace and Friendship "always and everywhere to fix friendship!". The application was encountered by applause and listened carefully. Chairman of the Committee of Youth Organizations of the USSR Sergey Romanovsky on behalf of Soviet youth turned with a warm farewell word and announced the VI World Festival of Youth and Students closed. The South Tribune Tower was slowly lowered by a festival flag. Participants were friendly in different languages \u200b\u200b"Anthem of Democratic Youth", the last words of which drowned in ovations. The young men and girls of all delegations were smoothly chanting 2 Russian words "peace and friendship."

In the beams of spotlights above the stadium a huge blonde dove parried. Suddenly the spotlights went out, in the dusk resulted out of the gate and the fiery river spread over the field. For the alternating sounds of Waltz Peter Tchaikovsky, fabulous pictures of fantastic dance arose. Girls danced in white outfits with scratching sparks by bulbs and scattering Bengal lights. The blue luminous wave rolled along the ranks of the eastern tribune, and the stadium is measured from delight. The stands broke out blue, green, lilac, red and purple flowers - as if a fabulous box was revealed with the Ural Gemstones! The athletes have changed the flags highlighted by the beams of spotlights in the tact of music, and 3 huge letters are tanned. This word arose in English, French, German, Spanish and Chinese zinky. A multicolor wave splashed across the podium, leaving the silhouette of a huge pigeon of the world. And the motto of the festival was lit - "For peace and friendship!".

A speaker's voice rang out above the stadium: "Dear friends, our holiday is over. Now we invite you to the territory of the stadium - sing, dancing and having fun. " On the squares and alleys of Luzhniki, on the embankments of the Moscow-river, filled with festive illuminations, a farewell festival ball took place. The huge festive fireworks flourished in the sky. So ended the VI World Festival of Youth and Students in Moscow - the most famous event of the "thaw" era.

Instead of epiloga.

During the work of the festival, it did not cost without curious cases. A pursuit of public order is rapidly created with a task - hastily to extract the annoying guests. Morally stable Komsomol members were engaged in other delicate tasks. In the USSR, a real sexual revolution happened - the appearance of foreigners in Moscow extends the head to young girls. To combat debauchery in Moscow, the autardrogada Komsomol residents provided manual lanterns and hairdressers. The Komsomol members fusked the metropolitan parks, caught the girls, politely apologized to foreigners and almost naked shawy girls. After graduating from the festival, many girls went to shocks. In the spring of 1958, young girls with children's strollers were appeared on the metropolitan streets, in which a variety of babies were lying - black, yellow, squint, arapchit and the like. These were "festival children."

After the VI World Festival of Youth and Students in the USSR, the fashion for jeans, sneakers, rock and roll and badminton spread. Music superhitis "Anthem of Democratic Youth", the song "If the guys of the whole land" and others were popular. At the closing ceremony of the festival, the song "Moscow Region Evenings" (Music V. Solovyov-Sedoya, Words M. Matusovsky) was performed by the actor of Mkat Vladimir Konstantinovich Troin (1926-2008) and the soloist of the "Friendship" ensemble, students of the Philosophy of the Leningrad State University named after . A. Zhdanova Edita Stanislavovna Piekhi (r. 1937). The "Moscow Region Evenings" hike has become a visital card of the USSR for many years. One of the festival contests has become a constant television program and laid the foundation for the mass spread of the "club of fun and resourceful" / "KVN". In memory of the Moscow Festival on December 13, 1957 by the Resolution of the Moscow City Executive Committee of the street 1st Meshchanskaya, Big Alekseevskaya, Bolshaya Rostokinskaya, Trinity Highway and part of the Yaroslavl highway were renamed the prospect of the world, which became one of the largest highways of the capital. On the wall of the house number 2 on the prospectus of the world there is a memorial plate: "The prospect of the world is named after the international movement for peace and in connection with the festival held in Moscow."

The Moscow Festival fell on the middle of the "thaw" and was remembered by the atmosphere of freedom and openness. For free visits, Moscow Kremlin and CPKIO named after M. Gorky were opened. Soviet people began to learn to talk and communicate openly. Arriving foreigners freely communicated with Muscovites - it was not pursued by the KGB bodies. Festival participants left Moscow with the most bright and joyful impressions. For the first time, Moscow was wide open for all guests from 5 continents of the Earth.

Kirill Lobanov, participant of the Kemerovo Regional Movement "Veterans Komsomol".

The worldwide festivals of young people and students like holidays of peace, friendship and freedom were based on an important concept of uniting all youth organizations of the world against war and fascism. This idea was reflected in the visual culture of the festival movement, which has its own history.

The main symbol of the World Festivals of Youth and Students is a chamomile with five multicolored petals, a globe and a white dwarf in the center. This emblem is today known all over the world and continues to remain the official symbol of the festival movement.

Few people know that the festival chamomile was born only to the VI World Festival of Youth and Students Thanks to the Soviet artist Konstantin Mikhailovich Kuzginov.

The first festivals held in Prague (1947), Budapest (1949), Berlin (1951), Bucharest (1953), Warsaw (1955), had its own symbolism combined with a single artistic style. The idea of \u200b\u200bthe world and friendship in them was expressed very brightly - in the images of young guys and girls who are holding his hands, a white dove fell over them.

White dove with Oliva's twig in the beak appeared in the symbols of festivals thanks to the Spanish artist Pablo Picasso in 1949 and flew around the whole world. The first version of Pussoso's dove, depicted on a poster of the World Congress of Peaceful People in Paris, was very different from the one we used to see on icons and postcards. It was a realistic image of a pigeon with shaggy paws and without a sprig of olive in a beak, but later this image was complemented.

Postcard I World Festival Youth and Students, 1947

Picasso loved the pigeons, the tradition of portraying these birds got him from his father. He drew pictures with the image of the pigeons and gave a little Pablo Picasso to draw them a paws.

Later, Ilya Erenburg recalled his meeting with Pablo Picasso:

I remember lunch in his workshop on the day of the opening of the Paris Congress of Peace supporters. That day, Pablo was born a daughter, which he called Palom (in Spanish "Paloma" - dove). At the table we were three: Picasso, Paul Eloir and me. At first we talked about pigeons. Pablo told him how his father, an artist, who often drawn pigeons, gave the boy to draw the legs - the paws had time to boring his father. Then they spoke at all about the pigeons; Picasso loves them, always holds in the house; Laughing, he said that the pigeons greedy and fucking birds were incomprehensible why they made the symbol of the world. And then Picasso switched to his doves, showed hundreds of drawings for a poster - he knew that his bird would fly to peace”.

(From the book of Ilya Ehrenburg "People, years, life." In 3 volumes. M.: Text, 2005).

Perhaps Picasso himself did not recognize how much the meaning for the festival movement in the world will have its picture of a dove, but in the same year the Academy of Fine Arts of Philadelphia awarded the Pokasso Pickso's Pennel Medal.

Pablo Picasso. Poster I World Congress of Peace supporters in Paris, January 1949

In 1957, an all-Union competition for the creation of the Emblem of the VI World Festival of Youth and Students in Moscow was announced before the tradition of the tradition of tradition. More than 300 sketches were filed for the competition, including a chamomile with five petals of the artist Konstantin Mikhailovich Kuzginov. By that time he had the experience of creating such materials - he made a number of posters that were decorated with Festivals Budapest and Berlin in 1949 and 1951.

In one of the interviews, Lyubov Borisov, daughter K.M. Kuzginova, told how her father came the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating a festival emblem:

I wondered: what is the festival? And she answered so - youth, friendship, peace and life. What makes it possible to symbolize all this? Working on the sketches of the emblem, I was in the country when the flowers bloomed everywhere. The Association was born quickly and surprisingly simply. Flower. The core is a globe, and around 5 of the petals continents. " Petals frame the Blue Ball of the Earth on which the motto of the festival is written: "For peace and friendship""(From an interview with love Borisova on the official website of the XIX WFMS 2017

Chamomile immediately liked the jury with his simplicity and at the same time a deep idea that she was carried in himself, the winner was defined pretty quickly.

So the festival was so laconic symbol was difficult, so in 1958 the Vienna Congress of the World Federation of Democratic Youth decided to take chamomile as the basis of all subsequent festival emblems.

Later, by the XII festival of 1985, the chamomile was supplemented with a graphically stylized image of a dove, the very dove of Picasso. The author of the updated version of the festival chamomile became the Soviet artist Rafael Masautov.

Emblems of World Festivals of Youth and Students 1957, 1985 and 2017

In 1957, at the opening ceremony, thousands of girls and boys created a bright background of the festival chamomile, then the whole world was presented for the first time a new festival symbol. A whole collection of bright postcards with a festival chamomile dedicated to the first festival in the USSR was invented.

Photo Cards are sent by the participants of the All-Russian Promotion "The diaries of the World Festival of Youth and Students - Moscow, 1957, 1985"

The festival symbolism was also harmoniously embedded in the elements of the city decor, in the pictograms, signs, signs, printed posters, which created the atmosphere of the holiday, limitless free communication at the festivals of 1957 and 1985.

Solemn procession on the day of opening of the VI World Festival of Youth and Students, Moscow 1957. Photo from

By the XII World Festival of Youth and Students in 1985, elements of the Olympic symbolism were still recognized in decorated Moscow, but the Olympic bears in shop windows were already replaced by colorful souvenir dolls in sundresses and kokoshniki.

Multicolored chamomile at the XII World Festival of Youth and Students supplemented another symbol that loved and remembered to everyone. Katyusha girl image in bright red sundress and kokoshnik. Kokoshnik on the idea of \u200b\u200bthe author emblem reminded that the most festival chamomile 1957, which was perfect for the Russian folk costume Katyusha.

In an interview with the Russian State Library for Youth, Mikhail Veremenko recalled how the idea Katyusha came:

"I went home, I sit on the bus, and suddenly the driver played the song" Katyusha ". I thought it was necessary, what an interesting idea, because the song knows all over the world. It is performed in English, in Japanese, in Chinese, and no one tried to create this image. And suddenly I immediately had the idea of \u200b\u200bturning this festival chamomile in Russian Kokoshnik. And then everything was simple, I came home and began to draw. Drew the head, drew Kokoshnik, he was very well composed. Well, Kokoshnik suggests Russian Sarafan, and at the bottom of the inscription should be - "XII. Moscow 1985. I decided to lay hands on my chest, let her hold a pigeon. The pigeon is a symbol of the world, everything is very suitable for the festival. I called the Festival Committee, came, they say: "This is, probably, what we need." And they began to develop this image further. "

In the image of Katyusha, there was a deep idea, she was bright, understandable and close to everyone, so it quickly picked up ensembles, school mugs and art workshops.

In addition, this image was very suitable from an artistic and designer point of view to create festival icons, beautiful souvenir dolls, posters with its image, postcards, marks, etc.

One of the concert speeches of the Festival program of the XII World Festival of Youthand students, Moscow 1985

The 1985 festival was manufactured 500 picturesque panels, 450 text slogans and appeals with festival symbolism, hundreds of flag compositions, 129 LED lights. Festive decorations especially spectacularly looked at the sunset lighting.