Myth "Dedal and Icar. History of the character myth of ancient Greece Dedal and Icar read

Myth "Dedal and Icar. History of the character myth of ancient Greece Dedal and Icar read
The dream of a flight originated in a man in ancient times. The desire to fly like a bird was reflected in the ancient legends and myths. Over time, attempts have appeared to realize this idea. The path to him seemed to be obvious - it should be done from the rods and canvas or feathers a large wings and, imitating bird movements, climb into the air. But in reality everything turned out to be not so simple. On such "wings", the experimenters could not fly and often paid for their courage.
Legend of Ikar.
The greatest artist, sculptor and architect Athens was a grandfather, descendant Erhetia. They said that he carved such wonderful statues from snow-white marble that they seemed alive; It seemed that the statues of the Graduate were watching and moving. A lot of tools invented Santal for her work, they were invented by an ax and a bang. Far was glory about Dedal.
This artist had a Tal nephew, the son of his sister Perdyki. Tal, was a student of his uncle. Already in early youth, he hit everyone with his talent and ingenuity. It was possible to foresee that Tal would surpresent his teacher. Santal envied the nephew and decided to kill him. One day, Dedal stood with a nephew on a high Athenian Acropolis at the very edge of the cliff. No one was circle. Seeing that they were alone, Santal pushed the nephew from the rock. The artist was sure that his crime would remain unpunished. Falling from the cliff, Tal crashed to death. Dedal hurriedly descended from the Acropolis, raised the body of Tala and wanted to secretly burrow him into the ground, but caught the grandfather Athenian when he was digging the grave. The grant of the grandfather opened. Areopag awarded him to death.

Saving from death, Dedal fled to Crete to the powerful King Minos, the son of Zeus and Europe. Minos willingly accepted him under his defense. Many wondrous works of art made Santal for King Crete. He built for him and the famous palace of a labyrinth with such confusing strokes, which, once bypassing him, it was impossible to find exit. In this palace, Minos concluded the Son of his wife of Pacifia, a terrible minotaur, a monster with a body of a person and his head. For many years she lived at Minos. I did not want to let his king from Crete, only one wanted to use the art of the Great Artist. As if the prisoner kept Minos Grandfather in Crete. I thought for a long time I thought how to flee him, and finally found a way to get rid of Cretan Neil. "If I can not," Sadal exclaimed, "to escape from the power of Minos, neither dry path, nor the sea, then it is open to the sky! Here is my way! Mosnos owns everyone, only he owns air! "

He began to work for the work. He scored feathers, brought them with flaxed threads and wax and began to make four large wings of them. While Santal worked, his son Icar played near his father: he caught the flock that took off from the blow of the breeze, then the mall in his hands wax. Finally, Dedal ended his work: Wings were ready. Dedal tied his wings on his back, made his arms in the loop, fortified on the wings, waved them and smoothly rose into the air. Izmeya watched Icar on his father, who soared in the air, like a huge bird. Dedal went down to the ground and said to his son:

Listen, Icar, now we will fly away from Crete. Be careful during the flight. Do not descend too low to the sea, so that the salty splashes of waves do not dilute your wings. Do not raise and close to the sun: the heat can melt wax, and feathers scatter. For me fly, keep up with me.
The father with his son put the wings in the arms and easily rose into the air. Those who have seen their flight high above the earth thought that these two gods rushed through heavenly lazuries. Often turned around Dadal to see how his son flies. They passed the island of Delos, Paros and fly farther and farther.
Fast flight amuses Ikara, all boldly cheers with wings. ICAR forgot the father's instruction, he does not fly after him. Heavily waving the wings, ICAR took off high into the sky, closer to the radiant sun. The scorching rays melt wax, fastening feathers, they fell out and scattered far through the air, driven by the wind. I swung Icar with my hands, but no more wings on them. The striking fell from a terrible height in the sea and died in his waves. He turned around, looks around. No Ikara. He began to call the son loudly:

- Icar! Icar! Where are you? Draw!
No answer. I saw the feathers from the wings of Ikara on the sea waves and realized what happened. How hated my art that he hated the day when he conceived to escape from Crete by air!
And the body of Ikara was long worn along the waves of the sea, which was called by the name of the deceased Ikarian. Finally, the wave of Ikara's body to the shores of the island, I found him Hercules and buried. Santal continued his flight and flew finally in Sicily. There he settled at King Cocala. Minos found out where the artist hid, went with a big army in Sicily and demanded that Kokal gives him a grandfather.
Daughters of Cocala did not want to lose such an artist, as Dadal. They persuaded the Father to agree to the demands of Minos and take it as a guest in the palace. When Minos took the bath, the kokal daughter poured a boiling water boiler on his head; Minos died in terrible torment. Long lived in Sicily. The last years of life he spent in his homeland in Athens; There he became the son of the grandfather of the grandfathers, the glorious kind of Athenian artists.

Vladimir Kartashov

Galina Silina "ICAR"

Galina Shilina "Want to Fly"

Leighton Frederick (Leighton Frederick), (1830-1896) "Dedal and Icar"

"Fall of Ikara" Jacob Peter Goui, OK. 1636-1637 Madrid, Prado Museum

Peter Bruegel The Elder (Pieter Bruegel The Elder) "Drop Ikara"

Tamara Kolesnichenko "Icar. Flights in a dream and on Java" (from the "Icar" series)

Nikolai Moskvin "IKAR"

Karen Sarkisov

Sergey Belov

Kuznetsov V. I.

Viktor Mitrushin

In the distant times lived in Athens, the Grand Artist Dedal, who carved such amazing figures of gods and people from marble, which they seemed alive. For his hard work, he made a variety of different tools, including an ax and a boring, which was easily screwed into the breed. The Athenians were very loved by the artist, in every way praised and did not imagine that Dedal was able to commit a crime.

He was brought up by a nephew named by Tal. Santal taught his artist and sculptor craft. Tal soon struck his teacher by many talents, in addition, he invented many new useful tools. He was frightened by the talents of his nephew, realized that he would soon exceed his skill. They originated in his soul anger and the desire to get rid of the nephew.

Somehow, they were together at the Athenian Acropolis and approached the edge of the rock. There was no one near anyone. And then Santal unexpectedly with force pushed his nephew in the abyss. And then ran down. Having found the dead body, he began to dig a grave for him. This occupation was taken by the Athenians. The court took place, and Dedal was found guilty of the death of Tala, the artist was sentenced to the death penalty.

But Dedal did not want to die, he managed to escape from Athens. He disappeared on the island of Crete, began to serve the powerful king Minos. He built for him the famous palace of a labyrinth with confusing strokes. In this palace, Minos kept the son of his wife Pacifia, Minotaurus, a terrible monster with a body of a person and his head of a bull.

Many beautiful works of art did for the king of Mi-Nosa, the king kept him as a prisoner. And he decided to leave him. He thought for a long time to choose a way to escape. He could not float by the sea, it would be immediately caught. It remained only the sky. And he conceived to make wings.

Santal began to work. He scored different feathers, brought them together with threads and wax. Next to him was constantly his son Icar. Finally, two pairs of wings were ready. Santal attached a big pair to himself, waved them and rose into the air. When he sank to Earth, he said to Ikaru, who watched him with surprise:

My son, now we will fly away from Crete. Fly for me. Be careful, do not close to the sea, so as not to wet the wings, nor to the sun, so as not to melted wax.

They put the wings, waved them and rose above the ground. Father flashed stronger, and they rushed high above the ground. Several people thought that this was flying two God. They passed the Island of Delos, behind him Paros. I spent ahead, behind him Icar. I liked such a free flight, he forgot his father's instruction, waved the wings stronger, rose highly, high. Hot sun rays melt wax, feathers crumbled, Icar flew into the water and crashed.

I did not immediately notice the best, that Ikar does not fly. Only in the waves he saw his body without wings and understood everything. But it did not descend, flew further, and Ikara's Wave's body knocked off to the shore. And since that time, the sea became known as Ikari. Santal continued his flight and landed on the island of Sicily, where King Kokal lived. He settled himself.

But King Mosnost soon found out where his running artist hides, and with the army arrived at Sicily. He demanded a grant of the grocery of the grant. Behind the artist, the daughters of the cocala, who did not want to part with him. They sat down their father to accept Minos as a guest, to offer him to wash in the bath, and there to pour him on the head of boiling water boiler. They acted with Minos. He died in terrible torment, and Sedal remained in Sicily.

Over time, Santal still moved home to Athens, where he became the founder of the school of Athenian artists.

We all know beautiful History of Ikar.who took off high to the sun and, falling from a high height, crashed at the coastal cliffs. Many writers and artists of centuries betrayed this image a symbolic meaning consisting in courage, in the desire of a person to freedom and a dream. However, an ancient Greek myth, on the basis of which the beautiful legend was invented, speaks absolutely about in the other.

Ancient Greek myth about Ikar and Dedal. "Alt \u003d" (! Lang: "Icar and Dedal." title=""Icar and Santal." border="0" vspace="5">!}

The main hero of this ancient Greek legend is Ikara's father - Dedal, who made him the wings. Meanwhile, he was the most skilled man of his time, the greatest master, inventor of carpentry tools, a skillful architect and sculptor, his fantastic sculptures were like alive.

However, the legendary Greek craftsman, had to escape from Athens, where a crime entered the enlightened and malice: he dropped from the roof of the Acropolis of his nephew Talos, surpassed him in talent and skill.

A 12-year-old boy, despite the so-old age, invented the sample and likeness of the spine carbon dust saw, designed a potted circle, came up with a lathe and a circulation. Santal was so frightened by the superiority of the young genius, which once pushed him from the roof of the Athenian Acropolis.

By destroying the nephew, I did try to hide traces of the crime, but was caught on the hot and convicted of death. But he managed to escape to the island of Crete, where he asked the patronage of Tsar Minos. And already living at the courtyard of the ruler, Dellava had to be taped between two lights.

As the ancient Greek legend says: at first he helped Tsarice Pasifae to instruct her husband with a horn that changed him with a bull, in the most literal sense of the word; Then he helped Minos to strengthen the minotauri-born pastae - the monster with the bull head and the body of a person from an extraneous eye, building the famous labyrinth. And a few years later, he helped the enemy of the Kratsky king, the Tesheus kill the bypass Minotaur. This Dedal came up with how not to get lost in a labyrinth with the help of a thread and told about this Ariadne, who gave this thread Teshe.

But this is already a story from another myth, when the Greek Hero of Tesove went to the island of Crete in order to destroy the Minotaur who was obliged to send seven boys every nine years and seven beautiful girls on the confusion.

The angry king Minos, having heard about the awareness, sharpened to the Maze and the grandfather himself, and his son Ikara, who was born already on the island from Slave Navkart. By the way, the son of the master was a mirror copy of his killed cousin Talos and age at that time they were also one. But the sake of justice should be noted that, unlike Talos, Ikara did not have completely no talents and hobbies.

From the labyrinth of the prisoners secretly freed Pacifa. And to run from the island, a brilliant master made for himself and a son from feathers Four huge wings. With a tireless diligence, Dedal connected all sorts of bird feathers, starting with the shortest and gradually ending with longer, fastening them with wax. And when the wings were ready, he, tie their belts on his shoulders to his son, gave instructions, whatever he flew, not lifting too high, so wax did not melted from sunlight.

Father Careless Yurtsecks did not obey and approached too close to the sun, whose rays and molded fasteners. Ikar fell and drowned the non-dale from the island of Samos into the sea, which received the name of the Ikarian Sea in this part. "Alt \u003d" (! Lang: "Haming Ikara" (1898). Author: Herbert James Draper." title=""Icar mourning" (1898).

The essence of this myth in the idea of \u200b\u200bthe punishment of Grandma, the Besalism and the death of Ikara - also retribution to the Father for the deed crime. The goddess of mens was needed to arrange everything so that the young man died in the same way as his father killed Talos: that is why it falls from height. And at all you do not need to seek herogens and courage, this is just the cruel revenge of the gods for the sin of the Father." alt=" "ICAR and SADAL". Jacob Peter Movie." title=" "ICAR and SADAL". Jacob Peter Movie." border="0" vspace="5">!} "Alt \u003d" (! Lang: "Icar and Dedal".

He lived was the most skilled man of his time - a wonderful artist, a builder, sculptor, a stone carver, inventor. The name was His sought.

His paintings, statues, houses, palaces decorated Athens and other cities of ancient Greece. He made amazing tools for various crafts. The grandfather had a nephew, who was already in his youth showed the deposits even more skilled master. The young man could eclipse the glory of the grandfather, and he picked up a young rival from the cliff, for which he was expelled from Athens.

Minos kept Grandfather on Crete as a prisoner. And Santal strongly wounded in his homeland and conceived to return. The king was sure that he would not allow Minos to leave the island of the sea. And then Dedal thought that the air Minos was boundless and decided to subordinate air.

Secretly from Minos he made himself and son of the wings. When the wings were ready, Sadal attached them behind his back and rose into the air. He taught to fly and Ikara.

You could take a distant flight. But before putting in the distant path, he made his son's instruction: Once in the sky, Ikar should not fly too low, otherwise the wings are wrapped in seawater, and he can fall into the waves, but he should not fly and too high, since the rays Sun can melt wax, bonding wings.

Dedal flew ahead, I followed Icar. Fast flight as if hexicated him. Ikar Paril in the air, enjoying freedom. He forgot about the father's fell and climbed higher and higher. Icar too closer to the sun, and the hot rays molded his fastened wax wings. The swollen wings hung calmly on the shoulders of the boy, and he fell into the sea.

In vain the soutman of his son, no one had responded. And the wings of Ikara swore on the waves.

Later, people began to oppose the reckless courage of Ikara cowardly and joyless calcifications.

But what is said about these events in the poem of the ancient Roman poet Ovid "MetaMlrofoz".

Retelling Georg Grade

The descendant of Erechtea was held, the greatest artist of antiquity, became famous for his wonderful works. The rumor was far away about the many beautiful temples conceded by him and other buildings, about his statues that were so alive, which they talked about them, as if they were moving and see. Statues of the former artists had the kind of mummies: the legs are moved one to the other, the hands are tightly adjacent to the torso, the eyes are closed. Santal opened his writings, gave them a move and untied his hands. The same artist invented many useful guns for his art, what are the ax, a bang, Waterpas. The grandfather had a nephew and a student of Tal, his own ingenuity and genius who promised to surpass Uncle; Another boy without the help of the teacher, he invented a drink, for the idea of \u200b\u200bwhich his fish bone was convicted; Then he invented a circulation, chisel, a pottery circle and much more. He opened the hatred and envy in his uncle to himself, and Dedal killed his student, dropping it from the Athens Rock of Acropolis. The case was announced, and to avoid execution, Dedal had to run from his homeland. He ran into the island of Crete, to the king of the city of Kloss Mosnos, who accepted him with open arms and instructed him many artwork. By the way, Dedal built a huge building, with many winding and intricate moves, in which they held a terrible minotaur.

Although Minos friendly appealed with the artist, but soon I noticed Dadal, that the king looks at him as his captive and, wanting from his art, it is possible to extract more for himself, it does not want to ever let him go home. How soon saw Dadal, he was watching him and erase it, the bitter share of the exile became even more painful, the love of his homeland awakened in him with double force; He decided to run away in any way.

"Let the water and dry paths closed for me," I thought, I thought, "in front of me the sky, in my hands the air path. Everyos can be seen, just not heaven. " So I thought Santal and began to reflect on an unknown Dotola subject. He skillfully began to adapt the feather to Peru, starting with the smallest; In the middle associated with their threads, and below the wax and thus drawn up the wings made a small bend.

At that time, when Dedal was busy with his own business, his son Icar was standing near him and completely interfered with the work. That laughing, he ran behind flying but the air sticks, then the frown was yellow wax that the artist stuck feathers one to another. Having made the wings, I donal put them on myself and, waving them, rose to the air. He worked a couple of small wings and his son Ikarra and, handing them, gave him such an instruction: "Hold on the middle, my son; If you drop very low, the waves are mocking your wings, and you raise too high, the sun will fall them out. Between the sun and the sea avail the middle way, follow me. " And he attached his wings to his son's shoulders and taught him to rise above the earth.

Giving these instructions to Ikaru, the old man could not resist tears; Hands trembled. The touched, he hugged his son for the last time, kissed him and flew, and his son behind him. Like a bird, for the first time, flying out of the nest with the young, fearfully looking around his satellite; encourages it, indicates how to own wings. Soon they rose high above the sea, and all first went well. Many people were divided into this air swimmers. Rybar, throwing his flexible fishing rod, a shepherd, leaning on his staff, the farmer - on the plow handle, looked at them and thought, were not gods on Ether. Already behind them lay the wide sea, the islands remained on the left: Samos, Patnos and Delos, right - Lebint and Kalimna. Winged luck, ICAR began to fly bolder; He left his head and rose highly to the sky to wash his chest in his pure air. But near the sun, the wax was melted, showing wings, and they broke off. The unfortunate fatters in despair extends to the father of his arms, but the air no longer holds it, and ICAR falls into the deep sea. In the fright, he barely managed to scream his father's name, as greedy waves have already absorbed him. The father, frightened by his desperate cry, in vain looks around, is waiting for the Son in vain - he went to his son. "Icar, Ikar," he shouts, "where are you, where to look for me?" But he saw feathers wearable with waves, and everything became clear for him. In desperation, Santal descends on the nearest island and there, sickling his art, he wanders, while the waves did not beat the corpse to the bank. He buried here, and since then the island began to be called Icaria, and the sea, which turned it, - Ikariy.

From Ikaria, Dedal sent his way to the island of Sicily. It was welcome there he was the king of the Kokalom, and many art works performed for this king and for his daughters.

Minos found out where the artist was settled, and with a large military fleet arrived in Sicily to wait for a fugitive. But the daughters of the kokal, loved by the Grandfather for his art, Cunningly killed Minos: they prepared him a warm bath and, while he sat in her, warm the water so that Minos had no longer came out. Dadal died in Sicily or, if you believe the Athenians, - in the homeland, in Athens, where the glorious genus of Ladodov considers him his own sonor.

Athenian Dedal, son, was the most skilled man of his time; It was at the same time and builder, and sculptor, and a cursor on stone. In each city there were works made by his hand; About his statues said they live.

He had a nephew named by Tal, whom he dedicated to his art and who showed even great abilities than his teacher. Almost another child, he invented a pottery machine, made the first sawing of snake teeth and many other tools, and all this is quite independently, without the slightest help of teachers. Thus, still in his youth, he acquired great fame, which made him proud and arrogant.

Santal more and more envied his pupil; He was afraid to be surpassed. Envy so took possession of them that once in the evening, when there was no one, he pushed the boy from the city wall.

But when he wanted to burrow the corpse, then suddenly felt embarrassment and fear that he could be suspected in murder. He immediately disappeared on the island of Crete, where he got a favorable place of the artist in Tsar Minos. The king suggested that it for a minotaur, the creature that had a bull body and at the same time resembled a person, in which it would be hidden from the eyes of people.

Rostanoy Dadal built a labyrinth consisting of a whole network of confusing, winding corridors, in which the eye was lost, and the traveler, getting into them, was shot down from the way. All these corridors were led, then back, so it was not almost no possibility to get out. Inside this structure and was to settle minotavr.

Food for the monsters served seven young men and seven beautiful girls whom the Athenians were supposed to give the king of Crete every nine of the years. But the grandfather scared these sacrifices. A cheerful artist was hard to stay on this lonely island, among the sea, with a strict wayward king, and he sought to return to his homeland. His inventive mind soon found the opportunity to run.

"True, Mosnost surrounded me by the sea," he exclaimed, "but the air is still unqualified by him, so I will suber myself to the air!

With a tireless diligence, he began to bind all sorts of bird feathers, starting with the shortest and gradually attaching to them longer, so it seemed that these were real wings. Feathers he fastened in the middle of linen shoelaces, and with the bottom of wax, then did the barely noticeable bend.

The grandfather had a little son Icar, who watched his father with curiosity. Then he himself began to help him. After everything was finished, Santal attached the wings to his body and easily, like a bird, flew into the air. When he went down to the ground again, the son began to persistently ask him to make him the same wings and take him with him in air travel. He was angry at first, but then he gave way and soon prepared new wings for his son.

Listen that I will tell you, my son, - he then turned to the boy, - fly carefully, because if you go down too low, your wings can get into the sea water and you will fall into the waves. But you should also take care of both the sun and not to fly too high, as its rays can melt wax, fastening wings. The anniversary between the sea and the Sun, right behind me and carefully follow my flight.

With such instructions, he was equipped with a son, but his hand trembled when he attached wings, and a heavy tear rolled out of his eyes.

Here both they flew to the air. At first everything went well. They were far behind them the island of Samos, Delos and Paros, and the shore of Greece was already visible ... Suddenly, Ikar, heated by a prosperous journey, lagged behind his caring father and teacher, and one courageously headed up.

The near sun melted with its hot rays, fastened wings wax; The broken, they were powerless at the shoulders of the boy, and could not resist the wind anymore, and the unfortunate rapidly flew down. He wanted to shout his father; But the waves have already absorbed him ... When Dedal turned around, he did not see his son. He called him in vague, no one responded.

Finally, he looked at the land at his mind. And suddenly noticed the wings of the Son on the crests of the sea waves. He immediately descended to the ground and wandered on the seashore for a long time, looking for a boy. Soon the waves threw his corpse as shore of the island, on which his father buried, calling His Ikaria, in memory of his son.

So dismissed fate for the dead Tala. After Santal buried his son, he flew to Sicily. Here he was hospitably met by King Kokal. Many generations later pointed out the beautiful lake on them, from which a large and wide river followed. And on a high rock, where no tree could keep, he built a castle to which a beautiful winding road led, skillfully penetrated between the stones. Kokal elected this corner with his seat and the storage of his treasures.

The third work of the grandfather was a deep cave, in which he arranged underground heating.
In addition, he erected the Temple of Aphrodite and devoted the goddess of golden honeycombs, so well made, which seemed to be filled with real honey.

When Minos found out that the builder Santal fled to Sicily, he decided to go after him with a whole army and return it. He moved across the sea and from the shore sent to the king of the messengers with a proposal to issue a fugitive.
Kokal pretended to accept the proposal of the Cretan King, and invited him to his castle.

Minos came and was adopted with a big welcome. Since he is very tired, waving around a steep road, he was offered a warm bath. But, while he was sitting in it, the water was gradually heated until he suffocated from the heat.

The king's corpse was transferred to a retinue with an explanation that the king, fallen, choke in hot water. Kokal buried him with big honors, and over his grave near the agricultural hand was built by the Open Temple of Aphrodite.

In the continuation of the whole of his life, she remained at Kokal, and under his leadership, many famous masters were brought up. But since the death of his son, he was no longer happy and, despite the fact that his works did the country with cheerful and beautiful, the old age lived himself. He was buried in Sicily.