Hippies against war. Hippie subculture: Children of flowers for free love (all about movement, photos)

Hippies against war. Hippie subculture: Children of flowers for free love (all about movement, photos)

In a traditional society, the function of raising children and youth is entrusted to the institution of the family, the church and the state, in particular the school. The upbringing process is carried out according to the principle of the structural management method. Despite the primacy of the institution of the family, the church plays the most important role in traditional culture. The hippie youth subculture was to be created to replace the Protestant church in the process of educating young people. At the same time, it was planned to move from a structured management method to a structureless method. Thus, creating the illusion of absolute freedom and full confidence in their own righteousness among young people. The experiment was carried out as the first stage in the creation of a unified world ideology and religion, therefore, as it was successful in the United States and Western Europe, the process of the geographical spread of the subculture had to take on a global character. The execution time of this scientific project of the Tavistock Institute of the Rothschild family was calculated over several decades. The amount of money allocated for the project is still a mystery. It was also planned, as necessary, using the subculture matrix as an initial one, to create new youth subcultures. At the same time, it was allowed to involve the world's leading universities in the work. The leading electronic and print media were supposed to provide information support, giving the movement a progressive character and exalting its purpose and objectives. Hollywood also participated on a large scale. Take Francis Copala's film Apocalypse Now, for example. They even had to sacrifice the war in Vietnam, transferring it from the category of transient and victorious wars to the category of a long and bloody conflict. Thus, hippie pacifism cost the lives of about 50,000 American soldiers and several million Indochina residents. A bloody sacrifice in the name of "peace", or rather the New World Order, took place. This kind of goal justifies any means of achieving the goal. The Pentagon's contractors have also reaped their super profits.

The hippie youth subculture is one of the oldest youth subcultures in the world and in the post-Soviet space. It was created as a youth movement for people from the middle class. It is the genetic matrix of the entire rock and narcotic sex counterculture. The study of the deep foundations of this matrix allows us to understand the mechanisms of the origin and development of all other subcultures. The hippie subculture contains all three components of any culture or type III affenced society: the spiritual core, the core, and the outer shell or shell. All these components are connected with each other according to the hologram principle. In other words, if the outer shell or core gets inside another subculture, they transform it in their own image and likeness. Thus, this subculture contains all the structural and functional components of the supersystem and the algorithm for its development, which were disclosed by Arnold Toynbee in his work "Comprehension of History".

Hippie (eng. hippy or hippie; from rass. hip or hep, - "understanding, knowing";) a youth subculture that emerged in the mid-1960s in the United States. Since hippies often weaved flowers into their hair, distributed flowers to passers-by and inserted them into the gun muzzles of police and soldiers, and used the slogan "Flower Power", they became known as "flower children." Such a seemingly unpretentious PR campaign was overwhelmingly successful, as it activated in people watching this scene their favorite childhood memories, with their magical world of fairy tales. This is the world of good fairies and their faithful servants - elves. At the same time, it should be recalled that in Scandinavian mythology, the spirits and children of flowers are elves. They are familiar to us from the tale of G.Kh. Andersen's "Thumbelina". Thus, hippies themselves became the "flowers of romantic love." And many adults believed in the sincerity of the slogans of this subculture and the good intentions of this youth movement.

This subculture flourished in the late 1960s and early 1970s. Hippies protested against the puritanical morality of traditional America. They promoted the desire to return to natural purity under the slogan "love and pacifism." The hippie slogan: "Make love, not war!", Which means: "Make love, not war!" was quite popular during the Vietnam War

The hippie movement developed in “waves”: the first wave dates back to the late 60s and early 70s, the second to the 80s. Since about 1989, there has been a sharp decline, expressed in a sharp decrease in the number of adherents of this movement. However, in the mid-90s. the "third wave" of hippies has declared itself. The neophytes of the movement are young (15-18 years old) and are mainly schoolchildren and junior students. In quantitative terms, girls prevailed over boys. But this wave quickly subsided.

The appearance of a hippie is quite traditional by modern standards: long loose hair, jeans, often frayed, or a denim jacket, sometimes a hoodie of an indeterminate color, on the neck there is a "ksivnik" (a small leather handbag), decorated with beads or embroidery. On the hands - "fennecs" or "baubles", i.e. homemade bracelets or beads, most often made of beads, wood or leather. But, having become a fashionable "brand", it went beyond the subcultural framework, spreading among young people: "fennecs" can adorn the hands of both schoolgirls and university teachers. From the "classic" hippies, the "third wave" is distinguished by such attributes as a backpack and three or four rings in the ears, less often in the nose (piercings). But if you look at it through the eyes of the 60s, you can see that fashion is not so simple and that it is ideologically consistent and carefully thought out. The hippie clothing style is called unisex and it symbolizes the equality of men and women, destroying the individuality of the style of clothing, her personal taste in a woman, as if they were all cloned in one test tube. The clothes of men are identical to those of women and this is an external, but sure sign of the loss of the Hero archetype. And the long flowing hair of men is a sign of their feminization. Serving in the army is too much for that. Therefore, instead of patriotism, there remains naked pacifism and, allegedly, a struggle for peace. Former "flower child", that is, former hippie and pacifist, US President Bill Clinton in 1999 will order NATO aircraft to bomb Orthodox churches and monasteries in Kosovo and Serbia in the name of human rights and freedoms. The result of such a struggle for peace - 22 churches and monasteries were destroyed, included in the register of monuments of world culture. And the dead monks have long been forgotten. Meanwhile, the backpack of the third wave is a symbol-attribute of the absence of a root base and the transformation of a person into a tumbleweed. So much for a neo-nomad. In the fifth century, nomadic Goths began to settle in Europe, and at the end of the twentieth century a youth subculture of Goths would emerge. An interesting historical analogy.

Hippie communes (communities) are the main form of their self-organization, where hippies can live their own special way of life and where neighbors are tolerant of them. Usually these are unpopulated and empty houses in cities, or estates in forests far from civilization. The communal charter of such a commune is free and uncontrolled drug use, promiscuous sex with frequent change of sexual partners - free sex, begging as the main way of food, and a lot of rock music. And this phenomenon is not accidental. Hippie communes are a powerful tool for the destruction of the traditional institution of the family, as well as the destruction of the mechanism of continuity between generations. And, of course, the launch of the degeneration mechanism of the white race using the mechanism of epigenomic heredity - telegony, thereby accelerating the aging of European civilization. In genetics, such a disease is called progeria or Hutchinson-Guildford syndrome. It was this subculture that became the basis for the process of the emergence of "new nomads", about which Jacques Attali would later write in his bestseller "Horizon Line".

The movement peaked in 1967. It was the so-called "summer of love" when the unofficial hippie hymns "San Francisco (Be Sure To Wear Some Flowers In Your Hair)" were released by John Philips. performer Scott Mackenzie; and "All You Need Is Love" and "She's Leaving Home" by The Beatles. Psychedelic rock music became the musical basis of the movement. In 1967, the premiere of the psychedelic musical Hair took place in New York. It was the Beatles that became the core of this youth subculture. Scientists from Tavistock, as part of the secret program "Change the image of the person", put into this musical group and its repertoire all the transforming power of the Eleusinian, Dionysian mysteries and Babylonian magic. This is how CIA Colonel John Coleman recalls this: “No one would have paid attention to the Liverpool group and their twelve-tone system of 'music' if the press had not raised a real stir around them. The twelve-tonal system consisted of heavy repetitive sounds taken from the music of the priests of the cults of Dionysus and Baal and subjected to "modern" processing by Adarno, a close friend of the Queen of England ... ". Jimi Hendrix, who died of an overdose of sleeping pills in 1970, and who worked closely with the Beatles, did not hesitate to say: “With the help of music we hypnotize people, reducing them to a primitive level, and there, finding their weak point, you can hammer into their heads anything".

The Beatles sang the lyrics of the shamanic companies:

"Turn off your brain, relax, go with the flow,

This is not dying, this is not dying

Stop your thoughts, surrender to emptiness

She is a glow, she is a glow ... "

The philosophical foundations are quite varied and represent a complex compilation of various schools of Eastern beliefs, Freudianism, existential philosophy and Manichaeism. Psychedelic music became the musical projection of the movement. In 1967, the premiere of the psychedelic musical Hair took place in New York. The participants appeared on stage naked. Popularization of nudism is associated with the hippie movement. And this is no coincidence, since hippies were the main driving force behind the sexual revolution. Like the Marxist doctrine, here, often invisibly, were their great teachers - Z. Freud, Antonio Gramsci, Heinrich Marcuse D. Rabin and Erich Fromm. Fromm wrote a work titled Utopian Communal Socialism. With the implementation of this theory, hippie communes arose. Particularly distinguished was Marcuse, who wrote his bestseller "Eros and Revolution". D. Rabin in the book "Do" very frankly expressed: "We have mixed youth, music, sex, drugs and the spirit of rebellion with betrayal. And such a combination is difficult to beat. " Under the slogans of abandoning outdated bourgeois morality, Marcuse, Rabin and their associates destroyed the last remnants of Christian ethics and morality in Western civilization. The rebellious and godless spirit of the "hippie" movement replaced the Christian ideas of good and evil with Manichean views, in which good is equal to evil, and light is darkness, thereby opening the way for a new type of revolution. The largest theorist of Marxism, Antonio Gramsci, argued: “A revolution is coming. It will be different from all the revolutions of the past. It appeals to people, not classes, and affects culture, and the change in the political structure occurs only at the last stage. It does not need violence to succeed, and it also fails to suppress it with violence. It spreads with amazing speed, and already our laws, our institutions and social structures are changing under its influence. These are the revolutions of the new generation. "

Brzezinski prophesied about the beginning of the revolution back in 1968: “Our era is not just revolutionary, we have entered the phase of metamorphosis of all human history. The world is on the verge of a transformation that will be more dramatic in its historical and human consequences than that caused by the French or Bolshevik revolutions. Robespierre and Lenin were too soft. "

And since the sexual revolution was global in nature, to say that hippies were out of politics is just deliberately lying. They were an instrument of internal, external and even geopolitics. Created with the help of psi-technologies by scientists from the Tavistock Institute in the UK and Harvard University in the United States, the subculture has become a material substrate and a driving force for the export of this revolution to continental Europe and the camp of socialism. It even created its own "symbol of faith." This symbol in its dogmatic basis is based on such an existential essence as "Freedom". On the basis of this philosophical category, a political myth about "freedom" was created, where the original essence of this concept was deliberately perverted. Political myths represent the most powerful element of psychological warfare and total manipulation of consciousness.

The German philosopher Ernst Cassirer made a notable contribution to the study of political myths of the twentieth century. Here is an assessment of the understanding of myths made by this researcher. “The myth has always been interpreted as the result of unconscious activity and as a product of the free play of the imagination, but here the myth is created in accordance with the plan. New political myths do not arise spontaneously, they are not just the product of unbridled imagination. On the contrary, they are an artificial creation created by skillful and dexterous "craftsmen". Our twentieth century - the century of the great era of technical civilization - was destined to create a new technique of myth, since myths can be created in the same way in accordance with the same rules as other modern weapons, be they machine guns or airplanes. This is a new moment of fundamental importance. He changed our entire social life. Methods of suppression and coercion have always been used in political life. But in most cases, these methods focused on tangible results. Even the most severe despotic regimes were satisfied only by imposing certain rules of action on a person. They were not interested in the feelings and thoughts of people. Of course, in major religious clashes, the greatest effort was made to strengthen not only actions, but also the consciousness of people. But these efforts were in vain - they only strengthened the feelings of religious independence. Modern political myths operate in a completely different way. They don't start by authorizing or prohibiting actions. They first change people in order to then be able to regulate and control their actions. Political myths work like a snake paralyzing a rabbit before attacking it. People fall prey to myths without serious resistance. They are defeated and subdued even before they are able to realize what actually happened. Conventional methods of political violence fail to produce this effect. Even under the most powerful political pressure, people do not stop living their private lives; there is always a sphere of personal freedom that resists such pressure. Modern political myths destroy such values.

The "Symbol of Faith" of the subculture contains 7 dogmatic truths:

  • 1- a person must be free;
  • 2 - freedom can be achieved only by changing the inner structure of the soul;
  • 3- the actions of an internally relaxed person are determined by the desire to protect their freedom as the greatest treasure;
  • 4 - beauty and freedom are identical to each other and that the realization of both is a purely spiritual problem;
  • 5 - young people who share the above beliefs form a “spiritual” community - a commune;
  • 6 - "spiritual" community - an ideal form of community;
  • 7 - everyone who thinks differently is mistaken.

The number 7 in numerology is sacred and is an expression of the fullness of Being. As you know, even in the mid-60s, the Law of God was taught in many American schools, which spoke of the seven deadly sins. Thus, one seven was replaced by another, while granting the youth an indulgence for any sin. Everything turned out like in Dostoevsky's novel The Demons.

The parable of the blind. P. Bruegel - senior. The picture can serve as a figurative illustration of the "philosophical wisdom" of hippies.

Hippie symbolism.

One of the key symbols of the hippie movement is the old Volkswagen minibus, which was traditionally painted by hippies in the “power of flowers” ​​pychedelic style. The second basic symbol is the Pacific ("paw") - a symbol of peace. Nuclear Disarmament Organization logo used for anti-war demonstrations. The third is a symbol of the Taoist philosophy of Yin and Yang.

Brief analysis of basic symbols.

Thus, in any case, the hippie symbolism reflects the desire to build a "paradise" on Earth not with the help of the world communist revolution, but with the sexual one.

At the beginning of the study of the issue, let us figure out what the word "politics" means when translated from Greek into Russian. Literally - this translates as "many interests." Since there are no people without interests, therefore, living in society, one cannot be outside politics. Hippies actively participated in US domestic politics, undermining and destroying the foundations of the state and the state system. This is evidenced by the facts below.

From the article by A. Nikitin “October 21: One-two –free”. Newspaper "Mirror of the week" №40 19 October. 2002, we present the following excerpts:

“The siege of the Pentagon was carefully prepared. The journalists were notified in advance. They decided not to inform the military. Several hippies were sent on public reconnaissance. With the air of people deeply immersed in their business, they wandered around the Ministry of Defense. When the concerned guards went out to find out what was the matter, they were explained that the huge pentagram, the devil's mark on America's body is the cause of all the troubles and misfortunes of the country. The Pentagon must be cleansed of the spirit of hatred, the demons must be driven out of it. And then, already for the journalists, it was clarified that the Pentagon would be lifted into the air during the magical cleansing. It was planned to lift it 100 feet, but the generals only agreed to 10.

On October 21, 1967, a 50,000-strong peaceful hippie army surrounded a dull concrete building. At the forefront were Buddhist monks with rattles, the poet Allen Ginsburg, the Indian shaman with a tambourine ... The organizer of this outrage, Eddie Hoffman, was dressed as an Indian leader, and his wife Anita was dressed as Sergeant Pepper. A light smoke with the characteristic scent of marijuana drifted over the crowd.

The Pentagon was defended by the cordons of the National Guards. From the crowd they were shouting "Come here ..!", They were shooting at them with patented means to increase potency ... From the back rows a hippie from the West Coast made his way to the cordon. He put a flower in the barrel of the Guardsman's rifle. In general bedlam, almost no one noticed, but a camera clicked nearby and the most famous photo of the sixties was taken.

In the evening, when the beams of searchlights glided over the crowd, and helicopters hovered overhead, tens of thousands of voices followed Ginsburg and pulled on the Om-m. Hoffman later recalled that he was even surprised at how easily the building rose into the air. Under the roar of helicopters, in the dazzling harsh light of searchlights, a huge flying saucer, the Pentagon ascended and hovered over the assembled demonstrators. It was not only Hoffman who saw this, many participants in the action remember how it happened. Only the National Guards did not see ...

The siege of the Pentagon was not the most massive action organized by Hoffman, but it became a key one. "

In the United States, a radical youth movement was founded on the basis of hippies. Yippies were an explosive mixture of hippies and Trotskyists. They staged many-thousand-strong marches and demonstrations against the Vietnam War. Their most famous action, which caused a stormy resonance in society, is considered to be the nomination of a candidate for the presidency of the United States from their party. This candidate was a pig named Pigasus (Swintus).

Foreign policy. In 1968, the "flower children" revolution spread to France, and its first victim was General de Gaulle, disliked by the New York bankers. France has lost its best president. Then came the turn of the countries of Eastern Europe. In the countries of socialism, they carried the destructive flame of the world sexual revolution, in the fire of which the communist dictatorships fell.

Globally, they acted as the gravediggers of Christian culture and revived Babylonian neo-paganism. Since, for example, the entire repertoire of the Beatles group is nothing more than a modern arrangement of the Babylonian mysteries of the goddess of war, love and fertility Ishtar (Inanna), supplemented by ancient mysteries.

In terms of using the manipulation of mass consciousness, the ideological slogans of the subculture deserve attention. For example, the hippie slogans of the 60s are a clear example of the effective use of neurolinguistic programming techniques to fool young people.

  • "Make love, not war" ("Make love, not war!".)
  • "Off The Pig!" ("Turn off the pig!") (A play on words - the M60 machine gun was called "pig", an important attribute and symbol of the Vietnam War)
  • "Give Peace A Chance" (title of the song by J. Lennon)
  • "Hell No, We Won’t Go!" ("Not a damn thing we're not leaving!")
  • "All You Need Is Love!" ("All you need is love!") (Title of The Beatles song)

As stated at the beginning of our research, the hippie subculture is the basic matrix of the entire rock-drug-sex counterculture and therefore all its components - psychedelic rock, drugs, complete freedom of sexual relations and counterculture, that is, not respect and reverence for older people, are fully present in its structure.

Particularly noteworthy is the interpenetration of rock and drugs. Even the very name of the hallucinogen or psychedelic LSD is associated with the name of John Lennon and his song "Lucy in Heaven, in diamonds." In English LSD. Lennon wrote his work under the impression of taking lysergic acid diethylamide. All the creativity of the Liverpool quartet is unthinkable without marijuana and lysergic acid. The hippie subculture suffers from social "schizophrenia" in relation to drug use. Within the hippie subculture environment, there is a persistent stereotype that the use of marijuana and psychedelics is one of the main prerequisites for belonging to their movement.

At the same time, in the subculture at the level of rumors, another opinion, alternative in its meaning, circulates, which says that drug use is not an obligatory component of ego transformation. And it should be admitted that this statement, based on the data of ethnographic research, looks much more convincing.

The great red dragon attacking Virgo. William Blake.

Studies by ethnographers of the life of Indian tribes are scientific confirmation of this fact. Whereas psychedelics are only one of the means to help break down the boundaries of ordinary ego consciousness. From this point of view, in addition to mescaline, an extract from peyote and LSD, there are other methods of proactive practice. When using drugs, there is no guarantee that the initiation process will end with the necessary type of personality transformation. Taking drugs, as a rule, instead of transformation gives drug addiction, with all the ensuing health problems. And after taking LSD, some patients develop symptoms of the schizophrenic type and hallucinatory syndrome. In transpersonal psychology, it is known as an obsession-type spiritual crisis. “In this type of transpersonal crisis, people experience distinct sensations that their psyche and body are captured and controlled by entities and energies that they perceive as coming from the outside world, hostile and disturbing. These may be restless, differently embodied entities, demonic creatures or evil people who have mastered them with the help of black magic and witchcraft procedures.

There are many different types and degrees of these conditions. In some cases, the true nature of the disorder remains hidden. The problem in this case manifests itself as a serious psychopathology: antisocial or even criminal behavior, suicidal depression, the thirst for murder or destructive behavior itself, chaotic and perverse sexual urges or excessive consumption of alcohol and drugs, ”writes psychiatrist S. Grof. In the mid-60s, in the framework of the pharmacological study of the mechanism of the effect of psychedelics on human consciousness, an experiment was carried out on thousands of volunteers from among Harvard University students, the results of which are classified to the present day. The time of the experiment clearly coincides with the time of the origin of the hippie subculture.

Thus, there is a clear ambivalence of the subculture even on such a fundamental issue for human health as taking narcotic drugs. Such a paradoxical logic makes it easy to manipulate public opinion on this important issue for society. Thanks to this duality, it became possible to legalize drugs in the countries of the European Union, and the leading intelligence services of the world, the CIA and MI6, oversee the drug business among young people. The economic component is also important, since the drug business is the second largest market for services in the world and is second only to the world energy market in size. And above all, drugs are the control of the minds of the most active part of young people and their formal and informal leaders. It is no coincidence that since 1864, when Great Britain unleashed the first opium war against China, the entire world drug market, from production to distribution, has been controlled by the British ruling monarchy and its secret services.

The communist subculture originated in London. Two agents of British influence of German origin and a Russophobe lived and worked in it, the founders of its cultural core - Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels. The personality of the creator, that is, Marx, was extremely contradictory. Being a revolutionary, he hated all the monarchies in the world, but idolized the British, being an atheist, secretly lit candles at night. True, according to eyewitnesses, their fire was for some reason black and very much reminiscent of a hellish flame.

As befits every subculture, it consists of three main parts - the cultural core, core and outer shell. Every Soviet person who received a higher education was familiar with the cultural core or the Soviet communist cult. This quaternary education included four myths: Marxist-Leninist philosophy, political economy, scientific communism, and scientific atheism. The latter deprived this core of at least any spiritual principle and created the effect of its absence. On the basis of this ideological core, the core was built, that is, morality, morality and Soviet culture itself, as well as the outer shell - the state, the economy and its power structures. Thus, in the information and psychological war against the United States, the Soviet Union entered with the ideology of the nineteenth century, written for the collapse of the Russian Empire. Many educated people began to understand the degree of squalor of the communist, cultural core and communist ideology. Actually, only Stalin was the real reformer of the communist subculture, but his reforms touched only the outer shell and core. He almost eliminated the proletarian culture of Lenin-Trotsky-Lunacharsky.

And in addition, the new Soviet culture was ennobled by the features of the Russian national tradition. And even the Soviet empire began to look somewhat like the world's last Orthodox empire of the Romanov dynasty. But the atheist cultural core remained unchanged, and this foreshadowed a sad fate for the country. The Marxist myth was dying in the souls of the Soviet people. Under Khrushchev and Brezhnev, due to the instinct of self-preservation in the Kremlin gerontocracy, no one dared to reform the "shrine". Meanwhile, Mikhail Gorbachev, his wife Raisa and reformers who had completed an internship at Columbia and Harvard universities in the United States decided that it was possible to reform the basis of the Soviet communist cult - the "spiritual core", diluting it with the hedonism of the glamor subculture. In other words, the patient was decided to undergo resuscitation with a transplant of a part of the head. They decided to call this chimera "socialism with a human face." The Soviet "titans of thought" and the "fathers of democracy" could not give birth to a chimera, but they ruined the country. Or in a simpler way - instead of reanimation, they made decapitation, since by removing Article 6 from the Constitution, they liquidated the vertical of power and destroyed the hierarchical principle of governing the country. Everything turned out as with the head of Berlioz, which was cut off by a Komsomol member - a tram driver. In real historical life, the old Komsomol member was called Raya "Gorby". And young charlatans-reformers staged a performance for the Soviet people at the Variety. There were candy wrappers instead of money and Parisian glamor. And most importantly, the entire gold reserve of the USSR was stolen. But the main act of the reformers was the genocide of their own people. And it took Yeltsin, Kravchuk and Shushkevich to hold it. But the real leaders were the priests of the golden calf

“Our golden calf feeds not on the creation of wealth, not even on their use, but above all on their entire mobilization, which is the soul of speculation. The more wealth passes from hand to hand, the more of it remains with us. We are brokers who take orders for all shady operations, or, if you like, we are publicans who control all the nooks and crannies of the globe and charge a duty on any movement of anonymous and vagrant capital, as if sending money from one country to another or fluctuating its exchange rate. To the calm, dull, monotonous melody of prosperity, we prefer the passionately excited voices of rising and falling rates. To awaken these voices, nothing beats a revolution or war, which is the same revolution. The revolution weakens the peoples and brings them into a state of less resistance to enterprises alien to them. " Comments, as they say, are superfluous.

In the future, for convenience, we will call the Soviet communist subculture a counterculture, since it has always opposed the traditional Orthodox culture of Holy Russia.

The complex process of interaction between the hippie subculture and the traditional culture of the USSR was carried out within the framework of the famous directive of Allen Dulles. The problem for the Soviet Union, first of all, was that the Soviet society lived in the conditions of an uncompleted civil war, and the Soviet counterculture, even during the time of Khrushchev, launched an offensive against the traditional Orthodox culture, deciding to destroy its core - the Orthodox Church. The best forces of the special services were thrown into this war. As a result, the country turned out to be unprepared for cultural aggression from outside. In 1961, the famous XXII Congress of the CPSU took place, and at it a program for building communism in the USSR was adopted. The third point of this program is the global special project "Education of a new Soviet man - the builder of communism." This project failed shamefully. It was the appearance of hippies in 1967, from among the former Komsomol members, that in practice clearly demonstrated the collapse of the plans of the communist utopian Leninists. 1967 turned out to be significant, since it was in this year that the USSR celebrated the 50th anniversary of the Great October Revolution. But it was precisely this year that LaVey's "The Satanic Bible" was published in the USA at the same time, and the Gospel of Woland, with the poetic title "The Master and Margarita", was published in the USSR. This Manichean "gospel" will become an obligatory work of the school curriculum already in the years of Perestroika. And it, by all "progressive" humanity, is recognized as the best work of world literature of the twentieth century. Thus, the transplantation of the genetic core of the subculture was brilliantly carried out in the form of mimicry - a literary work. The deed is done, and the "Khrushchev thaw" has exhausted itself.

The zoologist and anthropologist K. Lorenz formulated a scientific law: “A radical rejection of the paternal culture - even if it is fully justified - can entail disastrous consequences, making a young man who despised parting words a victim of the most shameless charlatans. Young men who have freed themselves from tradition usually readily listen to demagogues and accept with full confidence their cosmetically decorated doctrinaire formulas. " But the humanities in the USSR did not enjoy the honor of the party nomenclature.

Representatives of the hippie subculture (in common parlance - hippies, hippans, hippies) in the late 60s and 70s could be found in almost every major city of the USSR, on the so-called. "Get-togethers".

Having appeared at the end of the "Khrushchev thaw", the hippie subculture in the USSR was widespread among a few young people. Student youth and future creative intelligentsia became the social environment for the subculture. As a rule, these were the children of the party nomenklatura and the intelligentsia. The basis for involvement in the subculture was an addiction to fashionable clothes, a desire to listen to rock music in good quality. The neophyte was introduced to the full program of the pedagogical experiment. First, harmless jeans, then sessions of psychedelic rock, then access to slang, and the next stage was free sex, demagogic discourses about freedom of speech and initiation to alcohol and drugs, and even acquaintance with dissidents. After such treatment, the former Soviet Komsomol member became a convinced hippie. Of course, many, having matured, left the subculture and returned to ordinary Soviet life. But it is precisely the rebellious spirit of the hippie that will still manifest itself during perestroika, for example, in the rating program "Vzglyad" and the economic program of Yavlinsky "500 days" and of course Chubais, Gaidar, Khodorkovsky. The issue of introducing the subculture was supervised by the best employees of the Western special services, and they knew that they were working for the future. They raised the demons of a new revolution and genocide of the peoples of the USSR. The "blacksmiths" actively worked with the subculture, making their own, by the standards of the Soviet era, a good business in the trade of branded clothing and footwear. And yet I would like to end the thought with a quote from the famous philosopher and economist from the United States L. Larouche: “Many of them, considered to be highly educated, become, with few exceptions, victims of fictional“ cooking ”when it comes to facts of international politics that are well known to American and Western European researchers ... post-Soviet and Western leaders "actually became agents of the policy of mass murder of people and others associated with these means, which in their essence are even more genocide than the practice for which the Nazis were convicted and received their sentence in Nuremberg."

In the minds of the common people, the word "hippie" evoked rather negative associations - "hippie" was perceived as a slovenly dressed young man with long hair. In life, he is a slacker, a drunkard or even a drug addict. He is often apolitical and unprincipled - the opposite of the then cultivated image of a "Soviet man", a "builder of communism" - neatly dressed and short-cropped, purposeful, with clear political views on the "party line". The existence of representatives of "hippies" not only abroad, but also in the USSR from legal sources of information could only be learned from critical articles in the central press of the early 70s. Such reticence undermined the authority of the authorities in the eyes of young people. And it glorified "freedom of speech" in the West. Thus, it was the ideological apparatus of the CPSU Central Committee that became the agent of Western influence. At the same time, everyone could easily get all the information that was hushed up by the official authorities from the “enemy” voices. The radio stations "VVS", "Voice of America" ​​and "Svoboda" broadcast around the clock and, moreover, in Russian. Moreover, the secret listeners were, as a rule, Komsomol workers. It was they who suffered from "social schizophrenia". Due to the debt of the Komsomol work during the day they "branded" the "decaying" West, and in the evening they secretly listened to the "voices of the enemy" and listened with reverence to "forbidden" rock music and were ready to sell their mother for branded, with "label", American jeans was worn by all the "golden youth" of the early 70s. Thus, without much difficulty, the hippie subculture in the form of its shell and core easily passed through the notorious "iron curtain" and only after receiving a rebuff from the Orthodox traditions of the people, it did not collapse the USSR even during the Brezhnev era. But it caused a transmutation of Soviet culture and made it defenseless against the new subculture of glamor.

The hippie subculture of the Soviet period formed its own specific slang, based on a combination of English and argot. This slang is a special form of Newspeak, a form of perversion and desacralization of the Russian language. Thus, this Newspeak is a weapon for killing the living language of the Russian people. If a living language dies, then human thought dies with it. M. Heidegger writes about this process in Letters on Humanism: “Language is the house of being. A person lives in the dwelling of the language. Man dwells in the being of language. The everywhere and rapidly spreading devastation of language not only undermines the aesthetic and moral responsibility in all uses of the language. It is rooted in the destruction of the human being. " Now let's take a look at what this chimera looks like. For example: "ksivnik", from "ksiva" - a document, a small bag for carrying this document. "Hairatnik" from the word "haer" - hair. The ribbon on the forehead was worn according to superstition, so as not to "blow off the roof." "Fenichka" is a bracelet made of threads, leather strips or beads, given "as a keepsake" to friends. There is a symbolism of baubles. An example of hippie slang words that have survived time: "vpiska", "girl", "people", "session", "track", "civil", "pioneer", "old", "flat" ...

Here's a short example of a dialogue oversaturated with hippie slang around the end of the 1980s:

People fits in with the girl. She says:

Only I have one troubles, and on the ground you are wondering, we will have to place on it together. Just don't sign me up for a fact, okay?
Maine (tired): - Let it bi. Well, how are you, are you subscribing?

Gerla: - Well, I've already signed it!

S. Pechkin "100 hippie carts"

Few people, at that time in history, understood the depth of the impact of this spiritual and psychological sabotage.

Modern man lives in the world of culture and in this world there is a special formation, which we call the sphere of the Logos. It includes language as a means of human communication, as well as various forms of "verbal thinking".

Language is a complex system of concepts and words, thanks to which a person perceives the world around him and society. It is through language that the mechanism of subordination of a person to society or some social groups is carried out. "We are slaves of words" - Friedrich Nietzsche liked to repeat. The power of the word is enormous and it manifests its main suggestive effect not through the mind, but through the sensory sphere. In psychotherapy, the suggestive therapeutic method of Liebeau-Bernheim is known - "re-education of the will", which found wide application already at the beginning of the twentieth century and neurolinguistic programming according to V.M. Bekhterev, who received recognition in the second half of the twentieth century.

Suggestibility through the word is a deep property of the psyche, and it arises in the development process earlier than the ability for analytical thinking. This process was studied in detail by psychologists who studied the period of childhood in humans. The suggestive meaning of the word manifested itself at an early stage in the development of mankind in the process of the formation of special code words - words-symbols, which have always been the basis of spells. They have survived to this day, and are widely used today by healers, shamans and modern psychotherapists.

It should be noted such an important detail that the suggestive influence of words did not diminish at all with the development of civilization and the formation of a rational intellectual form of thinking. Rather, on the contrary, the emphasis of modern man on rational thinking has increased their suggestive impact.

The Russian language is our greatest wealth. This language, already in its present rather simplified form, to a large extent continues to be a spiritual language. For example, if the Russian language is compared with the English language, then the latter is much more simplified and primitive. Modern English cannot be without losing the meaning of the content of the Bible. If you open an English-Russian dictionary, then for many English words, one English word is associated with a dozen Russian words. In other words, one rough English word corresponds to a dozen different shades of the meaning of Russian words. But it's not just about words anymore. For example, American speech is more primitive than Russian speech. It is characterized by the exchange of speech patterns. For example, when greeting an American, he says, “Hi Haw are you? (hello, how are you?) "and everyone should answer the same:" Fine. Haw are you? " (Wonderful, how are you?). If the interlocutor answers not Fine, but in a different manner, then this will no longer be considered American.

There is a well-known rule: "The more primitive the language, the more primitive a person's thinking, the more primitive the person himself becomes and the easier it is to control such a person." Thus, the introduction of the slang of the subculture is an attempt to cultivate a special type of a primitive and archaic savage from a Russian person. Which would be easy to manage from outside the country by the method of structureless management. And this attempt succeeded, as if there had never been great Russian literature. The slang of the subculture was further developed among the subcultures of the new generation.

The hippie subculture fruitfully collaborated and spiritually nourished the dissident environment, actively promoted the ideas of the sexual revolution and made a significant contribution to the collapse of the USSR. The collapse of the USSR served as the starting point for the decline of this subculture, so it fulfilled its task.

Genuine science only becomes a science when it acquires the features of a mythologeme, says Joseph Campbell, one of the best psychoanalysts of the twentieth century. And therefore, the decline of the subculture is somewhat similar to the end of any fairy tale. Today, it may seem to many that the subculture is in a state of clinical death or suspended animation. And this is partially true. The number of hippie communes in Europe is numbered in units, three communes survived in the United States, one on the African continent. The number of active hippies around the world is in the thousands. Cyber ​​hippies have also appeared on the Internet. There are hippie "parties" in some cities of the former USSR. All these are remnants of the "former greatness".

Nevertheless, it is not yet necessary to talk about her biological death as a hippie. Many items of clothing have become classics. The hero of the psychedelic attack on the Pentagon Hoffman by the British Queen Elizabeth II was promoted to a noble title and became an aristocrat. In memory of the Indian shaman with a tambourine, many representatives of the subculture of punks and Goths wear the Iroquois Indians. The famous "Beatles" were awarded titles of nobility. And music critics ranked their work as modern classical music. The soul of the four was John Lennon. And he, often jokingly, told reporters that the Beatles sold their souls to Satan for the success. And only Lennon was unlucky, since he was killed in 1980, under mysterious circumstances, on the steps of the hotel where Roman Polanski filmed his film "The Omen". He died a plebeian. The title of nobility is not awarded posthumously. In memory of the hippies from the West Coast with a flower, Russian "scoops" dedicated the film "City of the Sun". And the notorious Sergeant Pepper came to life, and in the guise of a Marine brings the hippie revolution to its logical conclusion in the psychedelic film "Avatar", cult director D. Cameron. The defeated are not offended either - Gorbachev (aka Mikhail "Marked") is celebrating his 80th birthday to the sound of "The Wind of Change" performed by the Scorpions at the London Opera. The ticket price is 50,000 euros. Entrance only for the elite. Due to illness, Baroness Margaret Thatcher is absent from the celebrations.

And this ball, partly luxurious and a little glamorous, takes place almost according to the script of the famous novel by Bulgakov. Only the host of the ball is missing - the old witch "Queen Margot".

There will be no peace of mind for Mikhail "Marked" in his old age. Everything else - as it should be in a good fairy tale, the heroes received their awards from the "good" wizard (Professor Woland). And all this looks like a chain of random phenomena and events. Or is it a game of characters in the Meta game? On the site of the once numerous hippie subculture, a whole new generation of youth subcultures has grown, entangling our young citizens with its network.

From a young age, the inhabitants of the USSR were taught the magic slogan: "Lenin lived, Lenin is alive, Lenin will live!" And this slogan was invented by the commissar of proletarian culture Kazimir Malevich. The one who painted the famous "Black Square". But the slogan itself was voiced by the poet Mayakovsky. Now they want to talk about J. Lennon like that. In the CIS, an artist appeared who paints 40 portraits of the great pacifist John Lennon, against the background of the flags of 40 countries of the world. And it smacks of sympathetic magic. And this whole ending is reminiscent of the end of the famous novel The Master and Margarita. " And on January 16, all progressive mankind celebrates the day of the Liverpool Four. He who has eyes, let him see, and ears - hear, or at least try to do it.


Thus, we should admit that the hippie subculture we have considered was created within the framework of the global project “Changing the face of a person”. The project is based on the Anthropic principle developed by the Eastern Orthodox Church. In the Middle Ages, he was unconditionally followed by all the philosophical and scientific thought of Western Europe. But in the enlightened twentieth century it was used by pundits from "civilized countries" to the detriment of people. The principle states that a person consists of three interrelated substances - spirit, soul and body. And to change all three of these substances, the core, core and shell were created. The core of the subculture is Manichaeism, which is mainly focused on changing a person's spirituality. The core, represented by psychedelic music and drugs, affects the soul and partly the body. Sex and fashion predominantly relate to bodily substance and are involved in the mechanisms of physiological transformation. In addition, free sex with frequent changes in sexual partners is a powerful factor in epigenomic hereditary variability or telegony. Such sex causes degeneration in offspring already in the first generation. Statistical analysis is given in the book by P. Bukinen "Death of the West". All components of the subculture are interconnected with the help of sympathetic magic. In other words, if a person follows the hippie fashion, then there will be sex and rock music, and then drugs. And if he is an intellectual, Manichaeism will open to him, and then visionary experience.

In the above work, we carried out a morphofunctional analysis and genesis of the main stages in the development of the hippie subculture, and also identified the algorithm of its functioning and the mechanisms of its destructive impact on the individual and society. A systematic analysis of the above spiritual disease of the Western European local civilization makes it possible to create effective mechanisms of prevention, etiotropic and pathogenetic treatment of this kind of social conditions and diseases.


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Nikolay Golovachev, Dnepropetrovsk. January 2013

In the sixties, hippies, without warning, turned fashion upside down and turned it inside out. They brought the typhoon of new styles and colors to fashion that had never been seen before. Hippies have taken the fashion of the whole world on their psychedelic journey. The rule of fashion in the sixties was - there are no rules. Everything went as far as possible from the colorless, conservative styles of the early 60's.

Interesting article about the times of hippies

A very bright and colorful film with the Beatles songs about ... about what? Of course about love;)

Russian name "Around the Universe", English name Across the Universe

Hippies are a specific subculture of the subculture that emerged in the United States in the early sixties of the twentieth century, which quickly spread throughout the world, and almost disappeared by the mid-seventies. In the original, hippies were part of a youth movement made up almost entirely of white teens and fairly young adults between the ages of fifteen and twenty-five who inherited a cultural rebellion from the bohemian and beatniks. Hippies disdained established concepts, criticized the values ​​of the middle class and acted as radical opposition to the use of nuclear weapons, the Vietnam War. They popularized and illuminated aspects of religions other than Judaism and Christianity that were practically unknown at that time. The hippies literally pushed through the sexual revolution; they encouraged the use of psychedelic drugs in order to expand human consciousness. Hippies created a kind of communes, where their values ​​were cultivated.
Hippies protested against political and social generally accepted norms, choosing for themselves an ideology of non-violence, free from doctrines, advocating peace, love and personal freedom. A synopsis of this worldview was summed up in The Beatles' song “All You Need is Love.

Hippies perceived the dominant culture at that time as a corrupt and immoral monolithic structure that, through forceful influence, changes people's lives. What they opposed, hippies called "System" (in the CIS), "Big Brother" or "Man" (in other countries). Due to the fact that they were constantly in search of meaning and adhered to a certain philosophy, hippies are sometimes called a religious movement.

The year 1965 was legendary in the history of hippies. At that time, Europe and North America, in particular the United States, succumbed to the hippie tide. By 1968, hippies made up a sizable minority - 0.2 percent - of the American nation. In 1966, the first points were opened where all representatives of the subculture could receive free food, medical care, housing and join travel. Such places were called free cities, the largest of which - the hippie paradise of free Christiania - was recorded in Holland. The hippie music culture was a mixture of rock, folk, blues and psychedelic rock. This culture is also reflected in literature, drama and the visual arts, including films, posters announcing rock concerts, and album covers.

Nonviolence was one of the core values ​​of hippies. They did not recognize the framework established by society for a free person, considering them one of the main manifestations of pressure. Because of the philosophy they practiced, many hippies became committed vegetarians. They meditated for long periods of time, driven either by personal impulses or by ingested LSD or marijuana. Hippies dressed in loose-fitting clothes of bright colors. Their hands were decorated with numerous bracelets, called "baubles" in slang.

Indeed, sometimes they weaved flowers into their hair (one of the hallmarks of this subculture is long hair), or they gave them to random passers-by or inserted them into the muzzles of firearms, proclaiming their main slogan
"Make love, not war" ("Make love not war").

Hippie flowers were also depicted on buses, which were widely traveled. In their trucks or minibuses, whole houses were arranged, which freely moved from city to city.

In the countries of the Soviet Union, the hippie movement also existed. However, the departments of morality defined it as the result of a flaw in dealing with young people and equated it with mass psychosis. Most of the youth of those times, who either dared to preach free-thinking, or were somehow knocked out of the general mass, fell under this definition.

Famous representatives of the hippie movement include Janis Joplin, Jimi Hendrix, and the notorious Charles Manson. In the post-Soviet space, hundreds and thousands of people can be named among the fans of the hippie movement, but today Olga Arefieva, Umka, Yuri Morozov, Boris Grebenshchikov and others come to mind.

In the 60s. of the last century, there was simply a "mind blowing" cultural movement, which carried away millions of people sympathizing with the suffering planet - the hippie youth movement. This subculture could not pass without a trace, and, undoubtedly, forever remained in the memory of mankind. Further in the article you will learn the history of the hippie movement and other nuances accompanying these events.

The emergence of hippies

The first wave of the hippie movement in the United States emerged between 1964 and 1972, when America was fighting the Vietnam War. This was the first war in the history of the country, which the Americans themselves loathed. This alignment of affairs led to the spread of pacifist sentiments, which served as the beginning of the hippie movement. The subculture included young people who were distinguished by strong personal beliefs in the injustice of social rules. Wealth and satiety, the lack of spirituality of philistine life, bourgeois boredom - all this became the reason that the hippie movement arose among the rebellious youth.

The first use of the word "hippie" is dated April 22, 1964. It was the text of a broadcast from one of the New York TV channels. The word was given to a group of young people with long hair in T-shirts and jeans who protested against the Vietnam War. At that time, a slang expression was considered popular among young people, which implied the Russian "to be in the subject, to whip a chip" - to be hip.

The TV people used the word hippie in a derogatory manner, alluding to the pretense of slovenly dressed protesters from the suburbs of the city to be hips.

We can say that since the mid-60s, the time of the birth of the hippie movement has begun.

Hippies are children of flowers

The main slogan of the subculture was pacifism. The value attitudes of the hippie movement included the following: peacefulness and non-violence, protest against hostilities, refusal to military service. Initially, pacifism was aimed at fighting the Vietnam War, only later it moved into all spheres of human life.

Hippies are characterized by a protest against the "rules" imposed by "people in ties", against the orderliness and gray boredom of everyday life, a departure from the formal institutions of society. Reminds me of a kind of peaceful anarchy.

Supporters of the hippie movement refused to be part of the established system and created their own alternative system, which would not be based on social hierarchy.

Representatives of this subculture are characterized by apoliticality. The common desire of the supporters is aimed at changing the world through creativity, and not military coups. In their opinion, the revolution should take place, first of all, in the mind, and not in society.

Instead of material values, the hippie movement promoted spiritual, instead of building a career, self-improvement and creativity.

The main "postulates"

The hippie movement welcomed naturalness in everything. The call to return to the origins of humanity seemed to tell people that civilization had reached a dead end, and the only salvation for people would be to remember their roots, to merge with nature.

The symbol of the hippie movement - a flower - expresses a protest against hostilities and various inequalities, in addition, it personified youth and naturalness.

The subculture has come to the fore the beauty of the world, joy, an abundance of sensuality. However, negative consequences also took place: excessive licentiousness of views led to drunkenness, drug addiction and promiscuous sexual relations. The "sexual revolution", as some believe, is the brainchild of this subculture.

Flower Children deny timelines. The calendar, the clock are elements of civilization alien to them, imposing their order on the real "living" world.

As the famous journalist of that era, Hunter Thompson, wrote at one time, there was a feeling that everything around was striving for good, that the inner energy of good-natured guys from the hippie movement was able to stop the atrocities that surrounded them everywhere.

Distinctive features of hippies

Girls and boys from this movement called their long hair "haier" and were fond of rock and roll, meditation, hitchhiking, eastern mysticism, lived mainly in communes and loved to weave flowers into their curls - a symbol of peace. This is the way of life that characterizes the "children of flowers".

Representatives of the subculture reject any things, conditions that the world of "unfreedom" offers them, namely: work for hire, social dogmas and morals, rules and structures. After all, freedom and independence are the main criteria for a quality life for real hippies. The hippie movement in the USSR was smaller and struggled to break through the ossified views of the Soviet people. Hippies were considered street kids and worthless members of society.

As mentioned earlier, flower children live in communes that allow like-minded people to come together and share ideas, as well as provide a wide field for creativity. Many communes had strict codes against smoking, drinking and using drugs. In such "monasteries" the ideas of brotherhood and universal love were promoted.

The main rules of interaction with others were expressed in the following: "mind your own business", "do not fuss", "do not interfere with the life of others", "share with others."

In such a team, each person is complete and has the right to self-improvement, his own opinion and interests. It is a law for any hippie to honor the interests of others as their own, to consider their wealth as the property of the whole collective, to share everything that they have.


As hippies believe, the spiritual unity of people is created as a result of a common truth revealed to each member of the collective, which sooner or later is achieved on the path of anyone looking for it.

The life of the "flower children" is rather unpretentious: they regard the temporary lack of shelter and food as a common nuisance that is not worth attention. Such people live by "lucky chance".

There is another rather interesting concept in the hippie environment, like “just being”.

This expression refers to the time when a person is not doing anything, that is, contemplating the world, enjoying the sunlight, closing his eyes, and just being in carefree solitude.


Gatherings of representatives of hippies are called hepenings (sessions). Such events take place in some hot spot where hippies can gather in large numbers to listen to music, dance or talk together. A distinctive feature of parties or so-called sessions is the simultaneous actions of different people, creating an atmosphere of relaxed chaos.

This confusion can be clearly seen during the dances - in crowds of supporters of the movement enter and leave the room, dance in colorful or simple costumes with or without musical accompaniment, in pairs or alone, often out of time with the music, to loud conversations, everything in its own way. Half of the people don't dance at all, they just sit on the floor near the stage. Children screech past them. Such a meeting is called a Happening.

Hippie appearance

This part of life is also important in the life of any hippie. Various jewelry, long hair, frayed jeans - all this is this subculture. A hippie would rather spend on another bauble than food.

In search of ideals, the movement's representatives turned to the East. This culture has significantly influenced the appearance of the hippie. Since then, their clothes have been replete with ethnic motives: multi-colored caftans, Afghan robes, beads with several rows of threads, homemade things made from scraps of fabric.

Blue jeans, which did not enjoy a special love of society, they were decorated with fringe, pictures, leather and beads. "Hippari" preferred to walk with bare feet and headbands for long, loose hair. As the legend says, the bandages served them as a kind of amulet against the "kryshesnos".

Hippie fashion has borrowed many aspects of the "gypsy style": flowery skirts, dresses with exquisitely embroidered bodices, coin-shaped decorations. Fresh flowers and natural materials were also considered quite popular.

"Ksivnik" - a small chest bag for documents - is still found among the accessories of the youth wardrobe, although its purpose has changed a long time ago.

Braids made of macrame threads in the form of "baubles" were considered quite popular. They had their own symbolism: a wish for a good hitchhiker could be conveyed with a bracelet in black and yellow stripes, a declaration of love was expressed in the gift of a red and yellow accessory.


An important part of the life of a hippie is the use of drugs, due to the use of which they confirm their renunciation of the life foundations of the inhabitants, as well as seek "expansion of consciousness."

Many supporters of the movement believe that drugs help to gain spiritual liberation, open up a huge field for creative activity. But this is just one of the points of view. Other hippies may tolerate drug use, but they do not consider it to be anything sublime. In certain communes of a “monastic” nature, the use and distribution of drugs was prohibited.


Like any subculture, hippies are distinguished by their characteristic music. A revolutionary discovery - rock 'n' roll shocked not only "ordinary people", but also adherents of the subculture in question.

In 1967, hippie anthems (unofficial) were released: San Francisco (Be Sure to Wear Flowers in Your Hair), sung by Scott Mackenzie, and the famous The Beatles song All You Need Is Love.

Hippari also became the trigger for the invention of psychedelic rock. Doors, Jefferson Airplane, Grateful Dead, etc. are noted among the initiators of the psychedelic culture of that time.

Such music is like drugs - it expands consciousness. Psychedelic sound is achieved through the use of live instruments and the constantly changing intonation of the lead voice. It is said that this effect is achieved through the use of a spectrum of forbidden frequencies that supposedly affect the human brain.

It's time for beautiful days ...

Hippies, like most subcultures, have their own pros and cons.

You should not idealize this movement or, conversely, reduce everything to psychedelia and drug addiction. We can only hope that the modern generation of hippies will inherit from their ancestors peacefulness, love of life, positive and bright.

"With the help of music, we hypnotize people, reducing them to a primitive level, and there, finding their weak point, you can drive anything you want into their heads." Jimi Hendrix

“We have mixed youth, music, sex, drugs and rebelliousness with betrayal. And such a combination is difficult to beat. " D. Rabin

“A radical rejection of the father's culture ... can have disastrous consequences, making a young man who despised parting words a victim of the most unscrupulous charlatans. Young men who have freed themselves from tradition usually readily listen to demagogues and accept with full confidence their cosmetically decorated doctrinaire formulas. " K. Lorenz

Memorable sign of the hippie subculture established for its services to all "progressive" humanity

Youth subculture of hippies - Hippies and politics - The hippie subculture and its connection with drugs and psychedelics - Hippies in the USSR. Soviet communist subculture. A brief description of. Prophet, the founder of the communist subculture - War of the hippie subculture and the Soviet communist nomenclature subculture - The hippie subculture. Modern stage

In a traditional society, the functions of raising children and youth are entrusted to the institution of the family, the church and the state, in particular the school. The upbringing process is carried out according to the principle of the structural management method. Despite the primacy of the institution of the family, the church plays the most important role in traditional culture.

The hippie youth subculture was supposed to replace the Protestant (Christian) church in the process of educating young people. At the same time, it was planned to move from a structural method of management to a non-structured method, making control completely invisible to young and inexperienced people in life. Thus, creating the illusion of absolute freedom and complete confidence in their own righteousness among young people. The experiment was carried out as the first stage in the creation of a unified world ideology and religion, therefore, as it was successful in the United States and Western Europe, the process of the geographical spread of the subculture had to take on a global character. The execution time of this scientific project Tavistock Institute of the Rothschild Family was calculated for several decades ...

The hippie youth subculture is one of the oldest youth subcultures in the world and in the post-Soviet space. It was created as a youth movement for people from the middle class. It is the genetic matrix of the entire rock and narcotic sex counterculture. The study of the deep foundations of this matrix allows us to understand the mechanisms of the origin and development of all other subcultures ...

Hippie(eng. hippy or hippie; from rass. hip or hep, - "understanding, knowing";) a youth subculture that emerged in the mid-1960s in the United States. Since hippies often weaved flowers into their hair, distributed flowers to passers-by and inserted them into the gun muzzles of police and soldiers, and used the slogan "Flower Power", they came to be called "flower children." Such a seemingly unpretentious PR campaign was overwhelmingly successful, as it activated in people watching this scene their favorite childhood memories, with their magical world of fairy tales. This is the world of good fairies and their faithful servants - elves. At the same time, it should be recalled that in Scandinavian mythology, the spirits and children of flowers are elves. They are familiar to us from the tale of G. H. Andersen "Thumbelina". Thus, hippies themselves became the "flowers of romantic love." And many adults believed in the sincerity of the slogans of this subculture and the good intentions of this youth movement.

This subculture flourished in the late 1960s and early 1970s. Hippies protested against the puritanical morality of traditional America. They promoted the desire to return to natural purity under the slogan "love and pacifism." Hippie slogan: "Make love, not war!" Which means: "Make love, not war!" was quite popular during the Vietnam War

The hippie movement developed in "waves": the first wave dates back to the late 60s and early 70s, the second to the 80s. Since about 1989, there has been a sharp decline, expressed in a sharp decrease in the number of adherents of this movement. However, in the mid-90s. the "third wave" of hippies has declared itself. The neophytes of the movement are young (15-18 years old) and are mainly schoolchildren and junior students. In quantitative terms, girls prevailed over boys. But this wave quickly subsided ...

The appearance of a hippie is quite traditional by modern standards: long loose hair, jeans, often frayed, or a denim jacket, sometimes a hoodie of an indeterminate color, on the neck there is a "ksivnik" (a small leather handbag), decorated with beads or embroidery. On the hands - "fennecs" or "baubles", i.e. homemade bracelets or beads, most often made of beads, wood or leather. But, having become a fashionable "brand", it went beyond the subcultural framework, spreading among young people: "fennecs" can adorn the hands of both schoolgirls and university teachers. From the "classic" hippies, the "third wave" is distinguished by such attributes as a backpack and three or four rings in the ears, less often in the nose (piercings).

But if you look at it through the eyes of the 60s, you can see that fashion is not so simple, and it is ideologically consistent and carefully thought out.

The hippie style of clothing is called unisex and it symbolizes the equality of men and women, destroying the individuality of the style of clothing in a woman, her personal taste as if they were all cloned in one test tube. The clothes of men are identical to those of women and this is an external, but sure sign of the loss of the Hero archetype. And the long flowing hair of men is a sign of their feminization. Service in the army is too much for such a guy. Therefore, instead of patriotism, there remains naked pacifism and, allegedly, a struggle for peace. Former "flower child", that is, former hippie and pacifist, US President Bill Clinton in 1999 will order NATO aircraft to bomb Orthodox churches and monasteries in Kosovo and Serbia in the name of human rights and freedoms. The result of such a struggle for peace - 22 churches and monasteries were destroyed, included in the register of monuments of world culture. And the dead monks have long been forgotten. Meanwhile, the backpack of the third wave is a symbol-attribute of the absence of a root base and the transformation of a person into a tumbleweed. So much for a neo-nomad. In the fifth century, nomadic Goths began to settle in Europe, and at the end of the twentieth century a youth subculture of Goths would emerge. An interesting historical analogy.

Hippie communes (communities) are the main form of their self-organization, where hippies can live their own special way of life and where neighbors are tolerant of them. Usually these are unpopulated and empty houses in cities, or estates in forests far from civilization. The communal charter of such a commune is free and
uncontrolled drug use, promiscuous sex with frequent change of sexual partners - free sex, begging as the main way of food, and a lot of rock music. And this phenomenon is not accidental. Hippie communes are a powerful tool for the destruction of the traditional institution of the family, as well as the destruction of the mechanism of continuity between generations.

Exactly " The Beatles"Became the core of this youth subcultures. Scientists from Tavistock, as part of the secret program "Change the image of the person", put into this musical group and its repertoire all the transforming power of the Eleusinian, Dionysian mysteries and Babylonian magic. This is how the CIA colonel remembers it. John Coleman:“No one would have paid attention to the Liverpool band and their twelve-tone 'music' system if the press hadn't created a real stir around them. The twelve-tonal system consisted of heavy repetitive sounds taken from the music of the priests of the cults of Dionysus and Baal and subjected to "modern" processing by Adarno, a close friend of the Queen of England ... ".Jimmy Hendrix, who died of an overdose of sleeping pills in 1970, and who worked closely with the Beatles, did not hesitate to say: “With the help of music we hypnotize people, reducing them to a primitive level, and there, finding their weak point, you can drive everything into their heads, anything".

The Beatles ( scarab beetles - servants of Set) sang the texts of shamanic rhymes:

"Turn off your brain, relax, go with the flow,

this is not dying, this is not dying

stop your thoughts, surrender to emptiness

she is a glow, she is a glow ... "

Popularization of nudism is associated with the hippie movement. And this is no coincidence, since hippies were the main driving force behind the sexual revolution. Like the Marxist doctrine, here, often invisibly, were their great teachers - Z. Freud, Antonio Gramsci, Heinrich Marcuse, D. Rabin and Erich Fromm. Fromm wrote a work with the title: “ Utopian communal socialism ". With the implementation of this theory, hippie communes arose. Particularly distinguished was Marcuse, who wrote his bestseller “ Eros and revolution ". D. Rabin in the book “ Do "Expressed himself very frankly:" We mixed youth, music, sex, drugs and the spirit of rebellion with betrayal. And such a combination is difficult to beat. " Under the slogans of abandoning outdated bourgeois morality, Marcuse, Rabin and their associates destroyed the last remnants of Christian ethics and morality in Western civilization. The rebellious and godless spirit of the "hippie" movement replaced Christian ideas about good and evil with Manichean views, in which good is equal to evil, and light is darkness, thereby opening the way for a new type of revolution.

The largest theorist of Marxism Antonio Gramsci asserted: “ A revolution is coming. It will be different from all the revolutions of the past. It appeals to people, not classes, and affects culture, and the change in the political structure occurs only at the last stage. It does not need violence to succeed, and it also fails to suppress it with violence. It spreads with amazing speed, and already our laws, our institutions and social structures are changing under its influence. These are the revolutions of the new generation. "

About the beginning of the revolution, back in 1968, he prophesied Brzezinski: “Our era is not just revolutionary, we have entered the phase of metamorphosis of all human history. The world is on the verge of a transformation that will be more dramatic in its historical and human consequences than that caused by the French or Bolshevik revolutions. Robespierre and Lenin were too soft ".

And since the sexual revolution was global in nature, to say that hippies were out of politics is just deliberately lying. They were an instrument of internal, external and even geopolitics. Created with the help of psi-technologies by scientists from the Tavistock Institute in the UK and Harvard University in the United States, the subculture has become a material substrate and a driving force for the export of this revolution to continental Europe and the camp of socialism. It even created its own "symbol of faith." This symbol in its dogmatic basis is based on such an existential essence as "Freedom". On the basis of this philosophical category, a political myth about "freedom" was created, where the original essence of this concept was deliberately perverted. Political myths represent the most powerful element of psychological warfare and total manipulation of consciousness.

The German philosopher Ernst Cassirer made a notable contribution to the study of political myths of the twentieth century. Here is an assessment of the understanding of myths made by this researcher. " The myth has always been interpreted as the result of unconscious activity and as a product of the free play of the imagination, but here the myth is created in accordance with the plan. New political myths do not arise spontaneously, they are not just the product of unbridled imagination. On the contrary, they are an artificial creation created by skillful and dexterous "craftsmen". Our twentieth century - the century of the great era of technical civilization - was destined to create a new technique of myth, since myths can be created in the same way in accordance with the same rules as other modern weapons, be they machine guns or airplanes. This is a new moment of fundamental importance. He changed our entire social life. Methods of suppression and coercion have always been used in political life. But in most cases, these methods focused on tangible results. Even the most severe despotic regimes were satisfied only by imposing certain rules of action on a person. They were not interested in the feelings and thoughts of people. Of course, in major religious clashes, the greatest effort was made to strengthen not only actions, but also the consciousness of people. But these efforts were in vain - they only strengthened the feelings of religious independence. Modern political myths operate in a completely different way. They don't start by authorizing or prohibiting actions. They first change people in order to then be able to regulate and control their actions. Political myths work like a snake paralyzing a rabbit before attacking it. People fall prey to myths without serious resistance. They are defeated and subdued even before they are able to realize what actually happened. Conventional methods of political violence fail to produce this effect. Even under the most powerful political pressure, people do not stop living their private lives; there is always a sphere of personal freedom that resists such pressure. Modern political myths destroy such values. "

The "Symbol of Faith" of the subculture contains 7 dogmatic truths: 1- a person must be free; 2 - freedom can be achieved only by changing the inner structure of the soul; 3- the actions of an internally relaxed person are determined by the desire to protect their freedom, as the greatest treasure; 4- beauty and freedom are identical to each other and that the realization of both is a purely spiritual problem; 5 - young people who share the above beliefs form a “spiritual” community - a commune; 6- "spiritual" community - an ideal form of community; 7- everyone who thinks differently is mistaken.

The number 7 in numerology is sacred and is an expression of the fullness of Being. It is known that even in the mid-60s, the Law of God was taught in many American schools, which spoke of the seven deadly sins. Thus, one seven was replaced by another, while granting the youth an indulgence for any sin. Everything turned out like in Dostoevsky's novel The Demons.

P. Bruegel - senior. The picture can serve as a figurative illustration of the "philosophical wisdom" of hippies.

Hippies and politics

At the beginning of the study of the question, we will figure out what the word means "politics" when translating it from Greek into Russian. Literally - this translates as “Many interests”. Since there are no people without interests, therefore, living in society, one cannot be outside politics. Hippies actively participated in US domestic politics, undermining and destroying the foundations of the state and the state system ...

In the United States, a radical youth movement was founded on the basis of hippies. Yippies were an explosive mixture of hippies and Trotskyists. They staged many-thousand-strong marches and demonstrations against the Vietnam War. Their most famous action, which caused a stormy resonance in society, is considered to be the nomination of a candidate for the presidency of the United States from their party. This candidate was a pig named Pigasus (Swintus).

Foreign policy... In 1968, the "flower children" revolution spread to France, and its first victim was General de Gaulle, disliked by the New York bankers. France has lost its best president. Then came the turn of the countries of Eastern Europe. In the countries of socialism, they carried the destructive flame of the world sexual revolution, in the fire of which the communist dictatorships fell.

Globally, they acted as the gravediggers of Christian culture and revived Babylonian neo-paganism. Since, for example, the entire repertoire of the Beatles group is nothing more than a modern arrangement of the Babylonian mysteries of the goddess of war, love and fertility Ishtar (Inanna), supplemented by ancient mysteries.

In terms of using the manipulation of mass consciousness, the ideological slogans of the subculture deserve attention. For example, the hippie slogans of the 60s are a clear example of the effective use of neurolinguistic programming techniques to fool young people. "Make love, not war" ( "Make love Not War!".)

The hippie subculture and its connection with drugs and psychedelics

... The hippie subculture is the basic matrix of the entire rock-drug-sex counterculture, and therefore all its components - psychedelic rock, drugs, complete freedom of sexual relations and counterculture, that is, not respect and reverence for older people, are fully present in its structure. Particularly noteworthy is the interpenetration of rock and drugs. Even the very name of the hallucinogen or psychedelic LSD is associated with the name of John Lennon and his song "Lucy in Heaven, in diamonds." In English LSD. Lennon wrote his work under the impression of taking lysergic acid diethylamide. All the creativity of the Liverpool quartet is unthinkable without marijuana and lysergic acid. The hippie subculture suffers from social "schizophrenia" in relation to drug use. Within the hippie subculture environment, there is a persistent stereotype that the use of marijuana and psychedelics is one of the main prerequisites on which membership in their movement is based.

Michael Bulgakov

« It was 1905. One night the baby woke up his sister: “Do you know where I was now? At Satan's ball! " The boy's name was Misha ", writes Yu.Vorobyevsky. He goes on to say: “Years will pass and the Baltic sailor will write on her slogans in a slightly different way“ Anarchy is the mother of order ”. 1917 will bring a new vision to the boy who attended Satan's ball. It happened in Nikolskoe, Smolensk province. In the morphine "insight" the Zemsky physician Mikhail Afanasyevich Bulgakov will see the Fiery Serpent, squeezing in death rings. This vision will amaze. You will need to set out on paper. And he will take hold of the handle. "

Studies by ethnographers of the life of Indian tribes are scientific confirmation of this fact. Whereas psychedelics are only one of the means to help break down the boundaries of ordinary ego consciousness. From this point of view, in addition to mescaline, an extract from peyote and LSD, there are other methods of proactive practice. When using drugs, there is no guarantee that the initiation process will end with the necessary type of personality transformation. Taking drugs, as a rule, instead of transformation gives drug addiction, with all the ensuing health problems. And after taking LSD, some patients develop symptoms of the schizophrenic type and hallucinatory syndrome. In transpersonal psychology, it is known as an obsession-type spiritual crisis. “In this type of transpersonal crisis, people experience distinct sensations that their psyche and body are captured and controlled by entities and energies, which they perceive as coming from the outside world, hostile and harassing. These may be restless, differently embodied entities, demonic creatures or evil people who possessed them with the help of black magic and witchcraft procedures..

There are many different types and degrees of these conditions. In some cases, the true nature of the disorder remains hidden. The problem in this case manifests itself as a serious psychopathology: antisocial or even criminal behavior, suicidal depression, lust for murder or self-destructive behavior, chaotic and perverse sexual urges or excessive consumption of alcohol and drugs ",- writes the psychiatrist S. Grof... In the mid-60s, in the framework of the pharmacological study of the mechanism of the effect of psychedelics on human consciousness, an experiment was carried out on thousands of volunteers from among Harvard University students, the results of which are classified to the present day. The time of the experiment clearly coincides with the time of the origin of the hippie subculture.

Thus, there is a clear ambivalence of the subculture even on such a fundamental issue for human health as taking narcotic drugs. Such a paradoxical logic makes it easy to manipulate public opinion on this important issue for society. Thanks to this duality, it became possible to legalize drugs in the countries of the European Union, and the leading intelligence services of the world, the CIA and MI6, oversee the drug business among young people. The economic component is also important, since the drug business is the second largest market for services in the world and is second only to the world energy market in size. And, above all, drugs are the control of the minds of the most active part of young people and their formal and informal leaders. It is no coincidence that since 1864, when Great Britain unleashed the first opium war against China, the entire world drug market, from production to distribution, has been controlled by the British ruling monarchy and its secret services.

Hippies in the USSR. Soviet communist subculture. A brief description of.Prophet founder of the communist subculture

The communist subculture originated in London. Two agents of British influence of German origin and a Russophobe lived and worked in it, the founders of its cultural core - Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels. The personality of the creator, that is, Marx, was extremely contradictory. He, being a revolutionary, hated all the monarchies in the world, but idolized the British, being an atheist, secretly lit candles at night. True, according to eyewitnesses, their fire was for some reason black and very much reminiscent of a hellish flame.

One of the most brilliant biographers of Karl Marx, R. Payne, expressed the essence of the subject of his research in these words: He had a demonic view of the world, there was demonic malice. Sometimes it seemed that he knew that he was on a devilish errand ».

As is known from the biography of Marx, the future classic of communism in his youth was passionately fond of writing poetry. In the poem "Violinist" he described the following feelings: “Hellish vapors rise and fill my brain until I lose my mind and my heart changes radically. See this sword here? The prince of darkness sold it to me. " In 1837, in a letter to his father, Karl wrote the following words: "The curtain fell, my inner sanctum was torn, and I had to leave the other gods." In the same year, the founder of "scientific" socialism writes the mystical poem "The Pale Maiden", where the following words are present:

I lost the sky

I know that very well

My soul, once faithful to God,

Chosen for Hell.

A number of researchers who have studied the activity and work of Marx of this period believe that it was then that young Karl underwent the rite of occult initiation. He entered into a symbolic agreement with the prince of darkness and devoted his entire future life to the struggle against Christianity and Christian civilization. One of K. Marx's disciples, M. Reed, cites a fact from his life that suggests that Marx's connection with Satan extended much further than simple symbolism, and was associated with the administration of rituals. Reed said that saddened by the news of the death of his beloved teacher, he went to London. The family of the author of "Capital" has already left the house where he died. Reed managed to talk only with the old maid who lived there. She said simply amazing words about Marx: “He was a God-fearing man. Being very ill, he prayed in his room in front of a row of burning candles, wrapping something like a band around his head. " " It resembled, - noted R. Wurnbrandt, - a kind of phylactery that Jews wear during their morning prayers. But Marx was baptized in the Christian religion and raised all his children as atheists. What was this ceremony that the ignorant maid took for prayer? Jews who say prayers with phylacteria on their foreheads never have candles in front of them. Could this be some kind of magic ritual?". The last days of the life of the prophet of socialism remained shrouded in secrecy.

Communist subculture

As befits every subculture, it consists of three main parts - cultural core, core and outer shell... Every Soviet person who received a higher education was familiar with the cultural core, or the Soviet communist cult. This quaternary education included four myths: Marxist-Leninist philosophy, political economy, scientific communism and scientific atheism... The latter deprived this core of at least any spiritual principle and created the effect of its absence. On the basis of this ideological core, the core was built, that is, morality, morality and Soviet culture itself, as well as the outer shell - the state, the economy and its power structures. Thus, in the information and psychological war against the United States, the Soviet Union entered with the ideology of the nineteenth century, written for the collapse of the Russian Empire. Many educated people began to understand the degree of squalor of the communist, cultural core and communist ideology. Actually, only Stalin was the real reformer of the communist subculture, but his reforms touched only the outer shell and core. He almost eliminated the proletarian culture of Lenin-Trotsky-Lunacharsky as a form of conquest and destruction of Russian civilization.

Demon of the Revolution - Leiba Bronstein (Leon Trotsky)

The essence of this culture is best reflected in the words of one of the leaders of the Bolshevik regime Leon Trotsky in the book " My struggle»: « We must turn it (Russia) into a desert inhabited by white blacks, to which we will give such tyranny that the most terrible despots of the East never dreamed of. ... The only difference is that this tyranny will not be from the right, but from the left, and not white, but red, in the literal sense of the word, for we will shed such rivers of blood, before which all the human losses of capitalist wars will shudder and pale. The largest bankers from overseas will work closely with us. If we win the revolution, crush Russia, then on its burial debris we will strengthen the power of Zionism and become such a force before which the whole world will kneel. We will show you what real power is. Through the terror of bloody baths, we will bring the Russian intelligentsia to complete idiocy, to an animal state ... In the meantime, our young men in leather jackets are the sons of watchmakers from Odessa and Orsha, Gomel and Vinnitsa, oh, how magnificent, how admirably they are able to hate everything Russian! With what pleasure they destroy the Russian intelligentsia - officers, engineers, priests, generals, academicians, writers ... ”.

Thus, Stalin destroyed Trotsky's tyranny and his savage proletarian culture. And, in addition, the new Soviet culture was ennobled by the features of the Russian national tradition. And even the Soviet empire began to look somewhat like the world's last Orthodox empire of the House of Romanov. But the atheist, cultural core remained unchanged, and this foreshadowed a sad fate for the country. The Marxist myth was dying in the souls of the Soviet people. Under Khrushchev and Brezhnev, due to the instinct of self-preservation in the Kremlin gerontocracy, no one dared to reform the "shrine". Meanwhile, Mikhail Gorbachev, his wife Raisa and reformers who had completed an internship at Columbia and Harvard universities in the United States decided that it was possible to reform the basis of the Soviet communist cult - the "spiritual core", diluting it with the hedonism of the glamor subculture. In other words, the patient was decided to undergo resuscitation with a transplant of a part of the head. They decided to call this chimera "socialism with a human face." The Soviet "titans of thought" and the "fathers of democracy" could not give birth to a chimera, but they ruined the country. Or, in a simple way, instead of reanimation, they made decapitation, since, having removed Article 6 from the constitution, they liquidated the vertical of power and destroyed the hierarchical principle of governing the country. Everything turned out as with the head of Berlioz, which was cut off by a Komsomol member - a tram driver ...

And, of course, we cannot ignore the figure of General Secretary M.S. Gorbachev and his role in the collapse of the USSR. The first president of the USSR was precisely the same refined product of Bolshevism and spiritual degradation. He became an agent of influence for the British-American Empire and a traitor to the people. This is evidenced by his own words at one of the seminars held at the Turkish University of Istanbul in 1999. Here is what Gorbachev says: “The goal of my whole life was the destruction of communism, the unbearable dictatorship over people ... When I got to know the West, I realized that I could not retreat from my goal. To achieve it, I must replace the entire leadership of the CPSU and the USSR, as well as the leadership in all socialist countries. I managed to find associates in realizing these goals. Among them, A. Yakovlev and E. Shevardnadze occupy a special place. "

And young charlatans-reformers staged a performance for the Soviet people at the Variety. There were candy wrappers instead of money and Parisian glamor. And most importantly, the entire gold reserve of the USSR was stolen. But the main act of the reformers was the genocide of their own people. And it took Yeltsin, Kravchuk and Shushkevich to hold it. But the real leaders were the priests of the golden calf

“Our golden calf feeds not on the creation of wealth, not even on their use, but above all on their entire mobilization, which is the soul of speculation. The more wealth passes from hand to hand, the more of it remains with us. We are brokers who take orders for all shady operations, or, if you like, we are publicans who control all the nooks and crannies of the globe and charge a duty on any movement of anonymous and vagrant capital, as if sending money from one country to another or fluctuating its exchange rate. To the calm, dull, monotonous melody of prosperity, we prefer the passionately excited voices of rising and falling rates. To awaken these voices, nothing beats a revolution or war, which is the same revolution. The revolution weakens the peoples and puts them in a state of less resistance to foreign enterprises». Comments, as they say, are superfluous.

In the future, for convenience, we will call the Soviet communist subculture a counterculture, since it has always opposed the traditional Orthodox culture of Holy Russia.

War of the hippie subculture and the Soviet communist nomenclature subculture

The complex process of interaction between the hippie subculture and the traditional culture of the USSR was carried out within the framework of the famous directive Allen Dulles... The problem for the Soviet Union, first of all, was that the Soviet society lived in the conditions of the civil war that had not ended, and the Soviet counterculture, even during the time of Khrushchev, launched an offensive against the traditional Orthodox culture, deciding to destroy its core - the Orthodox Church. The best forces of the special services were thrown into this war. As a result, the country turned out to be unprepared for cultural aggression from outside.

In connection with the declared in 1959 the XXI Congress of the CPSU "the complete and final victory of socialism", trials began over the clergy and the widespread closure and destruction of churches. The repression took on a special scale in 1961, when the XXII Congress of the CPSU proclaimed the construction of communism by 1980, in which no place was envisaged for the Church as “the only legally existing enemy of Marxism”. If in 1959 364 parishes were closed, then in 1960 - 1398, in 1961 - 1390, in 1962 - 1585. Many churches were barbarously blown up - like, for example, the Cathedral of St. Alexander Nevsky in Kharkov. (In this row is the blasphemous "orange deal" in 1964 in the Holy Land, when Russian Orthodox shrines were given to the anti-Christian state for a pittance in exchange for oranges for nomenclature distributors.)

In addition, traditional pilgrimages were prohibited, access to holy springs was closed (700 springs and holy places were filled up, destroyed or fenced off). Bell ringing was prohibited. Compulsory registration of baptisms, weddings, funeral services was introduced with the provision of lists to the authorities - as a result, believers were subjected to dismissals from work, expulsion from educational institutions or penalties; it became impossible for a believer to enter a university and make a professional career. Lawsuits began to deprive believers of parental rights. Local authorities were untied their hands for arbitrariness, up to the conclusion of believers in psychiatric hospitals as carriers of "delusional ideas."

As a result, if in 1948 there were 14,329 parishes and 85 monasteries in the USSR, in 1958 - 13,372 and 63 respectively, then by 1966 there were 7,523 churches and 18 monasteries ... The great shrine of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra was closed (1963) and theological seminaries: Volyn (in Lutsk), Zhirovitskaya, Kiev, Saratov, Stavropol - after which three seminaries and two theological academies remained throughout the country. The selection of students in them, the ordination of priests and bishops began to be carried out under an even stricter control of the "commissioners for religion." The 1961 Council of Bishops approved the authorities' demands for the restructuring of parish life, making the priest a hired employee of the “twenty” parishioners controlled by the “authorized”. At the same time, parishioners did not have the right to own church property acquired with donations from believers - it, including liturgical items, was confiscated by the state after the church was closed.

Of course, this was perceived by the believers (they then made up about a third of the population) as sacrilege and forced them to defend churches; in some places this resulted in clashes of thousands of crowds with troops, as in Klintsy, Bryansk region. It was very rarely possible to defend the churches, like the Pochaev Lavra in 1964. More often, resistance ended in trials: from 1961 to 1964, 1,234 people, including hundreds of clergymen, were sentenced to imprisonment and exile in such cases.

During these years, the third major battle took place in the atheist war of the Communist Party against the Orthodox people (the first in 1917-1923, the second in 1932-1939). As a result, there was a significant outflow of believers from the officially authorized Church to the Catacomb, which existed since the 1920s, which significantly strengthened it: in the 1960s, millions of believers belonged to it.

In 1961, the famous XXII Congress of the CPSU took place, and at it a program for building communism in the USSR was adopted. The third point of this program is the global special project "Education of a new Soviet man - the builder of communism." This project failed shamefully. It was the appearance of hippies in 1967, from among the former Komsomol members, that in practice clearly demonstrated the collapse of the plans of the communist utopian Leninists. 1967 turned out to be significant, since it was in this year that the USSR celebrated the 50th anniversary of the Great October Revolution. But it is precisely this year that LaVey's "The Satanic Bible" is published simultaneously in the USA, and the Gospel of Woland, with the poetic title "The Master and Margarita", is published in the USSR. This Manichean "gospel" will become an obligatory work of the school curriculum already in the years of Perestroika. And it, by all "progressive" humanity, is recognized as the best work of world literature of the twentieth century. Thus, the transplantation of the genetic core of the subculture was brilliantly carried out in the form of mimicry - a literary work. The deed is done, and the "Khrushchev thaw" has exhausted itself.

Zoologist and anthropologist K. Lorenz formulated a scientific law: “A radical rejection of the paternal culture - even if it is fully justified - can have disastrous consequences, making a young man who despised parting words a victim of the most unscrupulous charlatans. Young men who have freed themselves from tradition usually readily listen to demagogues and accept with full confidence their cosmetically decorated doctrinaire formulas. " But the humanities in the USSR did not enjoy the honor of the party nomenclature.

Representatives of the hippie subculture (in common parlance - hippari, hippies, hippo) in the late 60s and 70s could be found in almost every major city of the USSR, on the so-called. "Get-togethers".

Having appeared at the end of the "Khrushchev thaw", the hippie subculture in the USSR was widespread among a few young people. Student youth and future creative intelligentsia became the social environment for the subculture. As a rule, these were the children of the party nomenklatura and the intelligentsia. The basis for involvement in the subculture was an addiction to fashionable clothes, a desire to listen to rock music in good quality. The neophyte was introduced to the full program of the pedagogical experiment. First, harmless jeans, then sessions of psychedelic rock, then access to slang, and the next stage was free sex, demagogic discussions about freedom of speech and initiation to alcohol and drugs, and even acquaintance with dissidents. After such treatment, the former Soviet Komsomol member became a convinced hippie. Of course, many, having matured, left the subculture and returned to ordinary Soviet life. But it is precisely the rebellious spirit of the hippie that will still manifest itself during perestroika, for example, in the rating program "Vzglyad" and the economic program of Yavlinsky "500 days" and, of course, Chubais, Gaidar, Khodorkovsky. The issue of introducing the subculture was supervised by the best employees of the Western special services, and they knew that they were working for the future. They raised the demons of a new revolution and genocide of the peoples of the USSR... The "blacksmiths" actively worked with the subculture, making their own, by the standards of the Soviet era, a good business in the trade of branded clothing and footwear.

And yet I would like to end the thought with a quote from the famous philosopher and economist from the United States L. Larouche: “Many of them, considered to be highly educated, become, with a few exceptions, victims of fictional“ cooking ”when it comes to facts of international politics that are well known to American and Western European researchers ... In practice, the question of today is to understand why so many leading post-Soviet and Western figures "actually became agents of the policy of mass murder of people and others associated with these means, which in their essence are even more genocide than the practice for which the Nazis were convicted and received their sentence in Nuremberg."

In the minds of the common people, the word "hippie" evoked rather negative associations - "hippie" was perceived as a slovenly dressed young man with long hair. In life, he is a slacker, a drunkard or even a drug addict. He is often apolitical and unprincipled - the opposite of the then cultivated image of a "Soviet man", a "builder of communism" - neatly dressed and short-cropped, purposeful, with clear political views on the "party line". The existence of representatives of "hippies" not only abroad, but also in the USSR from legal sources of information could only be learned from critical articles in the central press of the early 70s. Such reticence undermined the authority of the authorities in the eyes of young people. And it glorified "freedom of speech" in the West. Thus, it was the ideological apparatus of the CPSU Central Committee that became the agent of Western influence. At the same time, everyone could easily get all the information that was hushed up by the official authorities from the “enemy” voices. The radio stations "VVS", "Voice of America" ​​and "Svoboda" broadcast around the clock and, moreover, in Russian. Moreover, the secret listeners were, as a rule, Komsomol workers. It was they who suffered from "social schizophrenia". Due to the duty of the Komsomol work, during the day they "branded" the "decaying" West, and in the evening they secretly listened to "enemy voices" and listened with reverence to "forbidden" rock music and were ready to sell their mother for branded, with "label", American jeans, which was worn by all the "golden youth" of the early 70s. Thus, without much difficulty, the hippie subculture in the form of its shell and core easily passed through the notorious "iron curtain" and only after receiving a rebuff from the Orthodox traditions of the people, it did not collapse the USSR even during the Brezhnev era. But it caused a transmutation of Soviet culture and made it defenseless against the new subculture of glamor.

The hippie subculture of the Soviet period formed its own specific slang, based on a combination of English and argot. This slang is a special form of Newspeak, a form of perversion and desacralization of the Russian language. Thus, this Newspeak is a weapon for killing the living language of the Russian people. If a living language dies, then human thought dies with it. Writes about this process M. Heidegger in "Letters about humanism»: « Language is the house of being. A person lives in the dwelling of the language. Man dwells in the being of language. The everywhere and rapidly spreading devastation of language not only undermines the aesthetic and moral responsibility in all uses of the language. It is rooted in the destruction of the human being ”...

Few people, at that time in history, understood the depth of the impact of this spiritual and psychological sabotage.

Modern man lives in the world of culture and in this world there is a special formation, which we call the sphere of the Logos. It includes language as a means of human communication, as well as various forms of "verbal thinking".

Language is a complex system of concepts and words, thanks to which a person perceives the world around him and society. It is through language that the mechanism of subordination of a person to society or some social groups is carried out. " We are slaves of words"- I liked to repeat Friedrich Nietzsche... The power of the word is enormous and it manifests its main suggestive effect not through the mind, but through the sensory sphere. In psychotherapy, the suggestive therapeutic method of Liebeau-Bernheim is known - "re-education of the will", which found wide application already at the beginning of the twentieth century and neurolinguistic programming according to V.M. Bekhterev, who received recognition in the second half of the twentieth century.

Suggestibility through the word is a deep property of the psyche, and it arises in the development process earlier than the ability for analytical thinking... This process was studied in detail by psychologists who studied the period of childhood in humans. The suggestive meaning of the word manifested itself at an early stage in the development of mankind in the process of the formation of special code words - words-symbols, which have always been the basis of spells. They have survived to this day, and are widely used today by healers, shamans and modern psychotherapists.

It should be noted such an important detail that the suggestive influence of words did not diminish at all with the development of civilization and the formation of a rational intellectual form of thinking. Rather, on the contrary, the emphasis of modern man on rational thinking has increased their suggestive impact.

The Russian language is our greatest wealth. This language, already in its present rather simplified form, to a large extent continues to be a spiritual language. For example, if the Russian language is compared with the English language, then the latter is much more simplified and primitive. It is impossible to translate the Bible into modern English without losing the meaning of the content. If you open an English-Russian dictionary, then for many English words, one English word is associated with a dozen Russian words. In other words, one rough English word corresponds to a dozen different shades of the meaning of Russian words. But it's not just about words anymore. For example, American speech is more primitive than Russian speech. It is characterized by the exchange of speech patterns. For example, when greeting an American, he says, “Hi Haw are you? (hello, how are you?) "and everyone should answer the same:" Fine. Haw are you? " (Wonderful, how are you?). If the interlocutor answers not Fine, but in a different manner, then this will no longer be considered American.

There is a well-known rule: "The more primitive the language, the more primitive a person's thinking, the more primitive the person himself becomes and the easier it is to control such a person." Thus, the introduction of the slang of the subculture is an attempt to cultivate a special type of a primitive and archaic savage from a Russian person who could easily be controlled from outside the country by the method of unstructured management. And this attempt succeeded, as if there had never been great Russian literature. The slang of the subculture was further developed among the subcultures of the new generation.

The hippie subculture fruitfully collaborated and spiritually nourished the dissident environment, actively promoted the ideas of the sexual revolution and made a significant contribution to the collapse of the USSR. The collapse of the USSR served as the starting point for the decline of this subculture, so it fulfilled its task.

Hippie subculture. Modern stage

True science only becomes a science when it acquires the features of a mythologeme, says Joseph Campbell, one of the best psychoanalysts of the twentieth century. And therefore, the decline of the subculture is somewhat similar to the end of any fairy tale. Today it may seem to many that the subculture is in a state of clinical death or suspended animation. And this is partially true. The number of hippie communes in Europe is numbered in units, three communes survived in the United States, one on the African continent. The number of active hippies around the world is in the thousands. Cyber ​​hippies have also appeared on the Internet. There are hippie "parties" in some cities of the former USSR. All these are remnants of the "former greatness". Nevertheless, it is not yet necessary to talk about the biological death of hippies. Many items of clothing have become classics. The hero of the psychedelic attack on the Pentagon Hoffman by the British Queen Elizabeth II was promoted to a noble title and became an aristocrat. In memory of the Indian shaman with a tambourine, many representatives of the subculture of punks and Goths are worn by Iroquois Indians. The famous "Beatles" were awarded titles of nobility. And music critics ranked their work as modern classical music. The soul of the four was John Lennon. And he often jokingly told reporters that the Beatles sold their souls to Satan for their success. And only Lennon was unlucky, since he was killed in 1980, under mysterious circumstances, on the steps of the hotel where Roman Polanski filmed his film "The Omen". He died a plebeian. The title of nobility is not awarded posthumously.

In memory of the hippies from the West Coast with a flower, Russian "scoops" dedicated the film "City of the Sun". And the notorious Sergeant Pepper came to life, and in the guise of a Marine brings the hippie revolution to its logical conclusion in the psychedelic film "Avatar", cult director D. Cameron. The defeated are not offended either - Gorbachev (aka Mikhail "Marked") is celebrating his 80th birthday to the sound of "The Wind of Change" performed by the Scorpions at the London Opera.

The ticket price is 50,000 euros. Entrance only for the elite. At the celebrations, due to an illness, the diagnosis of which the doctors carefully conceal, Baroness Margaret Thatcher is absent. The one who argued that the population of the USSR must be reduced to 50 million people, and surpassed Hitler in her Russophobia and hatred of Orthodoxy.

And this ball, partly luxurious and a little glamorous, takes place almost according to the script of the famous novel by Bulgakov. Only the host of the ball is missing - the old witch "Queen Margot".

for the last 11 years of her life she suffered from a severe form of Alzheimer's disease - senile dementia. She died in April 2013 without repentance and absolution.

There will be no peace of mind for Mikhail "Marked" in his old age. Everything else - as it should be in a good fairy tale, the heroes received their awards from the "good" wizard (Professor Woland). And all this looks like a chain of random phenomena and events. Or is it a game of characters in the Meta game? On the site of the once numerous hippie subculture, a whole new generation of youth subcultures has grown, entangling our young citizens with its network.

From a young age, the inhabitants of the USSR were taught the magic slogan: "Lenin lived, Lenin is alive, Lenin will live!" And this slogan was invented by the commissar of proletarian culture Kazimir Malevich. The one who painted the famous "Black Square". But the slogan itself was voiced by the poet Mayakovsky. Now they want to talk about J. Lennon like that. In the CIS, an artist appeared who paints 40 portraits of the great pacifist John Lennon, against the background of the flags of 40 countries of the world. And it smacks of sympathetic magic. And this whole ending resembles the end of the famous novel "The Master and Margarita". And yet - on January 16, all "progressive" humanity celebrates the day of the "Liverpool Four". He who has eyes, let him see, and ears - hear or at least try to do it ...

Pictured here is Professor Kevin Warwick with his RFID chip. The latest modification of 2013 assumes implantation into the brain and direct control of a person through a supercomputer. Thus, the possibility of creating an avatar opens up. The Human Shape Changes project is entering its final phase.


Thus, we should admit that the the hippie subculture was created within the framework of the global project "Changing the face of a person". The project is based on the Anthropic principle developed by the Eastern Orthodox Church... In the Middle Ages, he was unconditionally followed by all the philosophical and scientific thought of Western Europe. But in the enlightened twentieth century it was used by pundits from "civilized countries" to the detriment of people. The principle states that a person consists of three interrelated substances - spirit, soul and body.... And to change all three of these substances, the core, core and shell were created. The core of the subculture is Manichaeism, predominantly focused on changing a person's spirituality. The core of psychedelic music and drugs, affects the soul and partly the body... Sex and fashion predominantly relate to bodily substance and participate in the mechanisms of physiological transformation... In addition, free sex with frequent changes in sexual partners is a powerful factor in epigenomic hereditary variability or telegony. Such sex causes degeneration in offspring already in the first generation. Statistical analysis is given in the book P. Bukinen "Death of the West». All components of the subculture are interconnected with the help of sympathetic magic. In other words, if a person follows the hippie fashion, then there will be sex and rock music, and then drugs. And if he is an intellectual, Manichaeism will open to him, and then visionary experience.

In the above work, we carried out a morphofunctional analysis and genesis of the main stages in the development of the hippie subculture, and also identified the algorithm of its functioning and the mechanisms of its destructive impact on the individual and society. A systematic analysis of the above spiritual disease of the Western European local civilization makes it possible to create effective mechanisms of prevention, etiotropic and pathogenetic treatment of this kind of social conditions and diseases.


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Nikolay Golovachev, Dnepropetrovsk. April 2013

The emergence hippie the world owes to the Vietnam War, when young people took to the streets and urged everyone to get away from violence, not to succumb to it and "Make love, not war." It is this slogan that is popular to this day and accurately characterizes this insanely interesting subculture.

The movement of peace lovers grew every day, they believed that the world can be changed without shedding blood, only the love of people for each other and the whole world can radically change it, it is she who is able to unite humanity against violence.

Long hair, bright loose-fitting clothes, countless colorful baubles and a happy look - this is the image of a typical hippie, be it a man or a woman. The main motive of this trend is "freedom in everything" and "love for everything." The ethnic component of the hippie image indicates that representatives of this trend do not see the differences between races and peoples, in their opinion, everyone is one and everyone deserves love, regardless of origin and level in society.

Hippies were the first to challenge the entire society, they broke all frames and stereotypes, refuted censorship and showed him a new life. "Children of flowers" - it is this widespread definition that is firmly entrenched in the representatives of the new movement. Hippies promoted love in everything, including for nature: they weaved flowers into their hair, wore flower wreaths, planted whole greenhouses of beautiful plants. Hippies opened the colors of the world to society, showed that he was far from gray and prim, as many saw him, but bright, interesting and multifaceted.

Representatives of this subculture first began to explore their own "I" and the path of unity with this world. Hippies believed that the world is beautiful and one should be in harmony with this beauty. This is how many meditation techniques came into being, collected from all over the world. Spiritual practices were especially popular among hippies, because by changing the inner layer of the soul, freedom and enlightenment can be achieved. Having united in the so-called "spiritual communities", hippie people discovered more and more facets of a person.

A complete rejection of any restrictions led to the fact that these people tried everything on themselves, and this often led to irreversible consequences. The study of his inner world was accompanied by smoking marijuana and using stronger drugs. The world then did not yet know about the strong harm of such "self-indulgence". Many representatives died from an overdose.

The accepted restrictions in the institution of marriage were also rejected by the freedom-loving hippies who believed that it was not necessary to get married in order to have sex. You can practice whenever you want and with anyone without getting anyone's approval for it, except your partner, whom you can also choose at will. This led to the start of a massive sexual revolution. The upside down idea of ​​the relationship between a man and a woman has greatly shaken the moral foundations of society. Group orgies, promiscuous sexual intercourse, the involvement of minors in their sexual activities led to a significant degradation of society. It was at that time that feminist-minded women appeared who did not want to be only the object of a man's sexual desire, but to have equal rights with him. This marked the beginning of female feminism.

Hippies were not attached to home, they traveled all over the world, studying and getting to know him and themselves. The freedom they proclaimed manifested itself in everything: they did not attend educational institutions, easily moved from place to place, made new acquaintances with their own kind and carried their culture to the masses. Gatherings, accompanied by conversations, listening to music, dancing, were considered a favorite way of spending time for hippies. The “flower children” paid much attention to self-realization and creativity of each of them.

Despite the fact that the popularity of hippies is far in the past, this subculture literally blew up the world and left behind many principles that have become firmly embedded in our lives, which are still relevant and have many followers.

The material was prepared by Ekaterina Serezhina.