Geography of Central Asia. Tourism Report in Central Asia

Geography of Central Asia. Tourism Report in Central Asia
Geography of Central Asia. Tourism Report in Central Asia

Central Asia is an extensive region that does not have access to the ocean. All sources include Countries: Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan. Many are here of Mongolia, part of China, Punjab, Kashmir and North. A specific feature of the region Central Asia is an intram-moisture position with mountains in the outskirts that protect it around the perimeter.

Central Asia includes deserted and semi-desert plains, highlands and plateaus. Limited:

  • in the east, the southern part of Big Hinghan and Thaihanshan Range,
  • in the south - the longitudinal tectonic depression of the Upper Inde and Brahmaputra (Tsangpo),
  • in the West and the North, the border of Central Asia corresponds to the mountain ranges of East Kazakhstan, Altai, Western and East Sayan.

The Central Asia Square is from 5 to 6 million square meters from 5 to 6 million sq.m. Central Asia population is Mongolian peoples, Chinese, Uigur, Tibetans, etc. The relief of Central Asia is distinguished by significant high-altitude marks, and two main tiers are distinguished. On the lower tier (500-1500 m relative to the sea level ) located desert Gobi, Alashhan, Ordos, Dzungskaya and Tarim Plains . Upper tier is a Tibetan highlands, middle heights on which up to 4-4.5 thousand m. . And the highest points of the Mount Tien Shan, Karakorum, Kunluna reach 6-7 thousand m.

Central Asia is unevenly populated. Mastered by people mostly valleys of rivers and intermountion gorges, where there is water. In the north, areas with a favorable climate have a large area, there and the area of \u200b\u200bthe lodged lands (Kazakhstanskaya virgin). But in general, within the region, large areas do not have a permanent population at all. The cause of all lack of water.

Scientists believe that the first state of nomads in this region created Scythians. Although who were these Scythians - still arguing. If you believe scientists, Scythian tribes lived in a state of fragmentation. They created a power called Hunna (209 T.N.E - 93 N.E), which was the first empire of nomadic peoples of the world.

Central Asia. Climate

In winter, anticyclones prevailed in Central Asia, and the incentive atmospheric pressure with the predominance of arid air masses, which came from the ocean, but lost moisture on such an extended path. The climate is sharply continental, dry, temperature fluctuations are significant both during the season and during the day. The average temperatures of January on the plains -10 to -25 ° C, July from 20 to 25 ° C). The annual amount of precipitation on the plains in separate places is sometimes less evaporation. The greatest precipitation falls in summer. In the ridges of precipitation more than on the plains. For Central Asia, strong winds and sunny days are characterized (240-270 per year).


For the most part of the Central Asian plains, elevated vegetation cover, vegetation deserted and semi-deserted, its species composition is poor. Shrubs prevail. Significant Square, Solonchakov, Last Sands, are generally or almost deprived of vegetable cover.

At Tibetan Highlands, vegetation is often represented by grinding shisks, and in the hollows, which are covered from cold winds, breads, kobrezia, remyoria, mint, tichard.

In the north of the semi-desert and deserts pass into the steppe. On the northern slopes of the mountains, areas of coniferous forests of ate, fir, larchs appear. According to the valleys of many transit rivers (Tarim, Hotan, Axa, Conguery), in the deserts and in the foothill oasises - strips of tugai forests with a predominance of a discharge poplar, sucker and sea buckthorn. On the shores of the reservoirs - cane and reeds thickets.

2.4. Tourist resources of Asia and countries of the Asia-Pacific region (APR)

Recreational potential and modern development of tourism in Asia. Recreational potential and modern development of tourism in Australia and Oceania.

The Asia-Pacific region is the most dynamically developing region of the world. But the flow of tourists here is still not so great as in the countries of Europe and America. It is expected that in the near future, some countries of this region will come to advanced positions and by the number of tourists visiting them.

2.4.1. Recreational potential and modern development of tourism in Asia

The most popular from the point of view of international tourism demand for Asian countries can be attributed to Turkey, Cyprus, Japan, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Nepal, Jordan, Lebanon, Mongolia.

Relatively recently, tourism has become actively developing in countries such as South Korea, Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam. In Asia, you can visit the unrecognized state - Taiwan Island.

TURKEY It is one of the most popular tourist routes for Russian tourists. The capital of Turkey is Ankara.

Turkey, like Russia, is located in two parts of the world - in Europe (Eastern Frace) and Asia. Turkey is divided into European and Asian parts important in strategic terms of Bosphorus and Dardanelles, as well as marble sea. Turkey is predominantly a mountainous country. In the west of its Asian part there is a low-union highlands. In the east of Turkey there are Anatolian Mountains. Turkey is rich in chrome ore, Nude experiences a serious deficit in fuel and energy resources.

Continental, with sharp drops of winter and summer temperatures The climate is characteristic of most of the country. On the Mediterranean coast, where the most popular resorts are located, the temperature in the summer reaches more than 40 ° C. Therefore, in the daytime, it is not recommended on the beach.

Turkey is a fairly large population country - about 65 million people. The serious national problem of Turkey is the struggle of the Kurdish minority for its sovereignty. However, there is also a layer of wealthy Kurds who have hotels on the coast. And any significant violations of the order at the resorts associated with the manifestation of terrorism are not marked in the country. The Turkish leader of Mustafa Kemal Ataturk ("Father of the Turks" was a significant impact on the course of the newest history of Turkey ("Father of the Turks" in translated from Turkish), which was at the beginning of the XX century. During the period of political and economic decline, the Turkish nation is to limit the fundamentalist Islamic traditions and turn the country to the throat of European development. This trend takes place now. It is expressed in the persistent attempts of Turkey to join the EU. Economically, Turkey strongly depends on external commodity and industrial markets. The basis of its international specialization is the mining, light, food industry, construction, active emigration of labor, small wholesale trade with neighboring countries. The absence of a "rod" in the economy leads, in particular, to the high rates of inflation. The Turkish Lather is depreciated by an average of 100% annually.

Tourism acts as one of the options of international specialization of the country. Turkey has a large number of environmentally friendly resorts, combining in most cases the relative cheap and high-class service. Tourism development in Turkey, comfortable rest attracts tourists from European countries, especially from Germany and Russia. In addition, the Turks were invalidly considered good merchants, and tourists can make favorable and relatively cheap purchases here. It attracts here traveling from many countries. To the most famous resorts can be attributed to Alanya, Belek, Kusadasi, etc. The hotels on rest often combined with various animation programs, demonstration and sale of various goods.

Kemer Located on the slopes close to the sea of \u200b\u200bTarusk Mountains, in the shade of magnificent pine forests, where there is a network of modern hotels and clubs. Several dozen years ago, Kemer was a picturesque fishing village. Now you can not only relax on the beach, but also ride a yacht. Excursion to the yacht includes fishing in the open sea, lunch, swimming, not far from Kemer are the ruins of the ancient city of Olympa, founded in the middle of the I thousand BC.

Fethiye. - Young port city with developed tourist infrastructure. It is located at the foot of the mountains covered with pine and cedar forests. The city is named in memory of the famous Turkish test pilot, died during a plane crash in 1913. Fethiye is in the zone of seismic activity. In its surroundings in 1956 and 1957. There were two large earthquakes. A popular holiday destination is Kusadasi that translated from Turkish means "bird island". On the territory of this tourist area there is a Dick National Park, where various species of birds and animals live. Kusadasi - seaport.

Not far from the city are open after archaeological excavations the ancient Greek cities of Ephesus, Millet, Didima, Priene, Aphrodisias.

Pamukkale Translated from Turkish means "cotton lock". In this picturesque place, the action of hot sources containing calcium oxide has led to the formation of lime white deposits of the bizarre form. Tourists admire the extraordinary view of these white mountains and bathe in the "Cleopatra" pool, the water of which contains mineral salts. There are many medical and wellness centers. Side with its modern tourist complexes and beautiful beaches is today one of the most lively resorts.

Marmaris Located at the junction of the Aegean and Mediterranean and grew on the site of the ancient city of Fiscos. Here monuments of ancient architecture are combined with luxurious hotels. Numerous restaurants, bars, discos, music and dances made it possible to call this city dancing. In Alania, tourists come from different countries of the world. In winter, well-known sports teams are carried out here.

South of Turkey is located CYPRUS - The third island in the Mediterranean. The distinguishing features of this state are the binary composition of its population (Turks and Greeks).

In Cyprus, a favorable Mediterranean type of climate and a relatively developed economy: mining, light and food industry, 150 engineering, construction of building materials. Agriculture specializes in the cultivation of grapes and olives. In 1974, the most economically developed areas of the country were occupied by the Turkish troops under the pretext of protecting the Turkish Cypriots due to the attempted Greek military junta on the island of a military coup. This caused a well-known damage to the country's economy. As an important alternative to economic growth in these conditions, international tourism and offshore business became. From 1975 The authorities of the country took the course to encourage the influx of foreign investment and the development of international tourism. Favorable investment climate, low crime in combination with excellent recreational capabilities contribute to the infractions of capital investigated in real estate, tourist infrastructure and other sectors of the economy.

Until 1960, Cyprus was an English colony. Therefore, the official language on the island is English, and the British are dominated among tourists. Currently, the country's economy has a strong depends on income from international tourism.

The largest tourist centers of Cyprus are: the capital of Nicosia state, located in the center of the island, but divided into two parts by ethnic sign; Limassol winemaking center; Tourist center with Larnaca International Airport; The historical capital of the western part of the island - Paphos; Youth resort Aia Napa; Famagusta, famous for its beautiful golden beaches.

Cyprus tourists offer a number of excursions, in particular, to Egypt, Jordan, Israel. You can make mini cruises, inspect the beautiful shores of the island. You can get acquainted with the richest ancient history of the island by making a trip to Paphos. In Russia, Cyprus - "Aphrodite Island" - is known primarily as the center of beach and entertainment tourism. But it is a one-way view. Cyprus has numerous monuments of the ancient Greek and ancient Roman culture, as well as Christian history, many holy places of Orthodoxy, where pilgrims come, including from Russia. Caskos and Limassol can be attributed to the pilgrimage centers.

A small state in the southwestern part of Asia is small in size (about 5.5 million people) is predominantly binary population (Jews and Arabs).

The basis of the economy of Israel is the industry, in particular, the cut diamonds, subtropical agriculture. Important importance for Israel has international tourism, which is developing in the following directions: beach, cultural and historical and health and wellness. The most famous tourist 151 centers of Israel include the oldest religious center - Jerusalem, therapeutic and wellness resorts of the Dead Sea, located 395 m below the world's ocean.

In 1996 Jerusalem celebrated its 3000th anniversary. Thirty centuries ago Tsar David suffered here the capital of his new kingdom. The stones of Jerusalem keep the memory of the Roman, Byzantine, Arab Board, the dominion of the Crusaders and Mameluch. The status of Jerusalem as a sacred city for the Jews, Christians and Muslims, the abundance of historical monuments and holy places, and at the same time, the intensive life of modern multi-crank and the visibility of Mecca tourism makes this city the only and unique.

In the south, Israel has access to the Red Sea. On his coast is the resort of Eilat. Interesting for tourists and city Haifa. Here are various layers of modern and ancient culture, among which the most famous landmark is the Bahi Temple. The capital of Israel is Tel Aviv with a large international airport of Bengorion. On the Mediterranean coast, the resort district of Tel Aviv-Jaffa is located. The development of international tourism in Israel is constrained by the Palestinian-Israeli conflict.

JORDAN - The state in Southwestern Asia, the capital is the city of Amman. It is predominantly an agricultural country. In the territory of Jordan, there are monuments of ancient culture with II mil. BC. to V in AD. At the end of the XIX century. In the mountains of South Jordan, the city of Peter was opened by archaeologists - the capital of the Nabatean Kingdom II century. BC. - I century AD Tourists come here to see the temples, theaters, tombs built from pink stone. Pilgrimage to Jordan is associated in many respects with religious traditions. Many of the Sacred Text Researchers directly associate the events described in the Bible from the Valley of the Jordan River. Therefore, more and more religious pilgrims begin today their trip to the east with Jordan, to then continue him in the ancient Canaan, on the territory of modern Palestines and Israel. Moving this way, they seem to pass through the time in the footsteps of the Old and New Testaments, repeatedly surviving the entire history of the relationship between God and the person from the first pages of the Book of Genesis to the present day. In biblical history as a place of religious events is mentioned salty, now the Dead Sea. The Dead Sea in itself is a global attraction, performed amazing natural beauty, deep symbolic meaning and truly dramatic charm.

Today, the eastern coast of the Dead Sea throughout is one of the most popular among Jordanian and foreign 152 tourists holiday destinations. Before its famous thermal sources can be easily accessible from Central and South Jordan for any of the numerous roads equipped with an excellent modern coating. In the south of Jordan, the Red Sea is located, also a popular holiday destination. Thus, Jordan can captivate tourists for whom rest to the sea - the main goal.

LEBANON - Parliamentary Democratic Republic, which occupies a relatively small area (10.4 thousand square meters km) with a population of 2.5 million people. Lebanon borders with Israel and Syria. The capital is Beirut. Lebanon is known as a major regional banking center. Banking is one of the main sectors of the country's economy. His distinctive feature is strict confidentiality. There are more than 80 banks in the country. Important sectors of the country's economy are also trade and tourism.

The soft Mediterranean climate gives Lebanon a special attractiveness, but unique mountain nature provides the opportunity to all those who wish to admire the golden rain of leaf falls, snowy blobs, a bright sunny palette of spring dispersion and sultry sunsets of an infinite summer. For Lebanon, the development of the following types of tourism is characterized by: business, cultural and historical and environmental. Business trips to Lebanon are associated with financial and credit activities, the ability to make profitable purchases. A relatively liberal tax system creates favorable conditions for foreign investment and entrepreneurship. Cultural and historical tourism in Lebanon is related to the acquaintance with the ancient monuments. The historic attractions of the country include the ancient cities open by archaeologists - Baalbek, Biblos and Anzhar. The capital of the country Beirut combines ancient with a century today. Lovers of outdoor activities are waiting for numerous flights of a fancy mountain trail, where next to your bone, - how to know maybe there was a fire of an ancient person.

United Arab Emirates (UAE) - Federation from seven Arab states located on the Arabian Peninsula. The history of the UAE has a little more than 30 years. In a short time, the Emirates made an unprecedented leap in the future - a rich and highly developed country arose at the site of anhydrous desert with a few settlements on the seashore. Tourists from all over the world seek to get here. Abu Dhabi is the largest emirate with a population of about 900 thousand people, the capital and residence of the President of the Federation. Dubai is the second largest city and Emirate of the United Arab Emirates, one of the world's business and commerce, recreation and entertainment centers.

Sharjah - "Cultural capital" of the UAE, the third largest emirate. There are many museums, historical monuments, mosques, bazaars. Ajman is the smallest of all Emirates, in the past was known as a place of pearl production (now it is famous for the developed fishing industry and the manufacture of single-old Arab ships, Dow. Umm-El-Kaiveuz - Emirate, where fishing is developed and is a fish farming center. Ras-Al-Heima - Emirate in the northern part of the United Arab Emirates. From the XVI century. He was constantly subjected to captures and therefore got a name that means "Pirate Coast". Emirate Fujairah, located in the eastern part of the UAE, is recommended for recreation of nature lovers and those Who prefers a secluded silence. In Fujairah, three protected areas: the waterfalls of Al Vourida, the An-El Madhab gardens and hot springs of Ain-Eyan Gamur. In the deserts of the Emirates pass camels running.

The UAE is a country that has more than a two-thousandst history, has long been mastered by Russian tourists, unlike nearby Oman. Oman is a country, the economy of which largely depends on the extraction and export of oil, until recently it was closed for tourists.

Oil deposits created the well-being of Oman. And its long-term isolation allowed the national characteristics of the culture and life of the local population. Therefore, Oman is an amazing country that allows its guests to familiarize himself with the way of Arabic life and stay in prestigious international hotels. The most common view of the rest in Oman is scuba diving. The climate of Oman is deserted, dry, with a higher level of humidity on the coast compared to the internal areas, on average, several hundred millimeters of precipitation falls per year.

The average temperature in July plus 32 ° C, and in January - 21 ° C. The capital of the country Muscat is considered one of the hottest capitals of the world.

SAUDI ARABIALocated north of Yemen, it takes most of the largest in the world of the Arabian Peninsula and at the same time the desert occupies most of the country: in the north is part of the Syrian desert, and in the southeastern part of the country - a large desert (Rub-El -Hell). The leading sector of the country's economy is the oil industry. Saudi Arabia accounts for most of the world's explored oil reserves (about 20%).

Saudi Arabia is a country with orthodox Islamic traditions, which manifests itself, in particular, in tourist formalities: the importation of alcohol is prohibited; Transportation of drugs is punished by the death penalty; It is forbidden to import books on Hebrew, as well as goods with the marking of Israel; Women overlooking the street, desired, 154 but put on a barge. The main view of international tourism in the country is the religious, carried out in the form of pilgrimage. Pilgrimage to Saudi Arabia is based on the traditions of the Islamic cult. Each Muslim at least once in life must make a pilgrimage (hajj) in the sacred cities - Mecca and Medina. The city of Mecca is a place of pilgrimage, since here, according to legends, the founder of Islam The Prophet Mohammed was born, and in Medina, the tomb of the Prophet Mohammed.

There is a state on the territory of South-West Asia SYRIA - The last stronghold of the Crusaders, who went to the Epoch of the Middle Ages under the auspices of the Catholic Church to free the holy earth from Muslims. Remind the Cross campaigns of the illuminators of the Crusaders. The capital of Syria is the city of Damascus - one of the oldest cities in the world. Among the architectural monuments of the city, the colonnade of the sanctuary of Jupiter Damassky, Mosque of Omeyadov, Hospital of Nur-Ad-Dina. In the capital more than 200 mosques.

Syria has long been known to handicraft crafts - the manufacture of cold weapons ("Damascus blades"), copper dishes, brocades.

The length of the coastline of the Mediterranean coast of Syria is about 200 km. In the vicinity of the fourth largest city of Syria and the main seaport - Latakia - is the main sea resort of Shatt Al Azrac. In Syria, there are several modernly equipped mountain resorts, which belongs to Slanef and Masht Al Helu. The development of international tourism in Syria is hampered by a number of historically established circumstances. Syria, like many other Arab countries, does not accept the existence of an independent state of Israel. In 1973 Syria, together with Egypt, began a war against Israel, which ended with the signing of the Separate world. This historical fact led to the presence of intense relations between Syria and Israel. Visa to Syria is not issued to persons having any Israeli marks. And entry into the area along the Syrian-Israeli border is prohibited. In the authorities in Syria is B. Assad - the Son of the former Communist Dictator of the Country X. Assad. The existence of such a regime gave the basis of the United States to include this country in the so-called "axis evil" of countries with anti-democratic regimes.

On the territory of South-West Asia there is a state IRAN.

The mountains and deserts are occupied by a significant part of this country. The center of the country is engaged in the Iranian Highlands and Deserts to the Diatep- Kevir (large salty desert) and the cheat lie. In the territory of Torii Iran, three natural climatic zones can be distinguished:.

The coast of the Persian and Oman bays with a tropical hot climate, the central regions with a arid subtropical hot climate, the central regions with a arid subtropical climate and mountain areas with a moderately cool climate.

From the almost 70 million population of Iran, most (about 50%) make up Persians. The official language is Farsi (Persian), and the prevailing religion - Islam Shiite sense.

Iran is a country with the traditions of Islamic fundamentalism, where the tone is asked spiritual leaders - Ayatols.

What country facilities need to be considered when visiting this country? In Iran, in fact there is a "dry" law - alcohol cannot be purchased in stores and even hotels. It is strictly forbidden to enter into the country of all types of alcoholic beverages, video products of erotic and propaganda content and books in Hebrew. If there is any state marks in the passport, Israel entry into Iran is prohibited. Also, the border will not miss women in clothing that does not meet the Islamic rules.

By virtue of the existing traditions of Islamic Fundamentalism, international tourism in this country has not been widespread, and the main income of Iran receives from the extraction and export of oil and gas raw materials. The development of tourism is hampered by a number of other circumstances. So, there is no modern hotel base in the country. At the same time, Iran has great potential for the development of international tourism for a variety of areas.

The cultural and historical direction is associated with a visit to the ancient cities - Tehran, the capital of the country, Isfahan, Chiraza, Tabriz.

Here you can see many historical sights: medieval mosques, monuments of antiquity, the tombs of Persian figures of science and art.

Medical and health tours can also be promising for Iran. On the shores of the largest in Iran, Lake Urmia are the balneological spa-bathing resorts that use the properties of salt water close to the content of the water of the Dead Sea.

In Iran, medical services such as eye surgery, orthopedics, treatment of cardiovascular diseases are available. Tourism for the purpose of entertainment and recreation in Iran has focal nature.

The most famous vacation spot in Iran is a fashionable Iranian resort on the island of Kish in the Ormuz Strait. Shop tours to Iran is also a promising direction of international tourism.

There are many eastern bazaars, where you can buy famous Persian handmade carpets, as well as beautiful silver products.

CHINA Located in Central and East Asia, on the western coast of the Pacific Ocean. This is the third of the area and the first in numbers (about 1.3 billion people) the state in the world.

China is a multinational country. Of the 56 nationalities, the most numerous nationality is Han (over 90% of the inhabitants of the country). Therefore, the Chinese often call themselves "Hans". Many Chinese live abroad. They are called "Huanceo". The relief of China is a multistage terrace, gradually descending from the west to the east. By the territory of China, two large rivers - Juanhe and Yangtze proceed. China is very rich in natural resources: hydropower and mineral resource (primarily reserves of non-ferrous metals ores).

China has an ancient history. China gave the world one of the religious areas - Confucianism, deifying the power of monarchs and preaching self-improvement. It is not by chance that in the historical tradition of China, the reign of monarchical dynasties, the last monarchical dynasty in China - Qing (1644-1911) is traced. In the course of the revolutionary struggle on October 1, 1949 Mao Zedong proclaimed the creation of the People's Republic of China (PRC). Ancient China gave the world Four inventions: paper, typography, compass and powder. In Europe, China first learned on the books and stories of the legendary Italian traveler Marco Polo. In 1271-1275 He traveled to China, where he lived for about 17 years.

The paradox of modern China is a combination of communist ideology and one of the highest economic growth rates in the world, the economic relics of the state and poverty of the overwhelming part of the population. China is the world's largest manufacturer of cotton fabrics, the world's third manufacturer of cast iron. In China, the concept of * territorial development is implemented, based on the involvement of foreign investment in free economic zones.

China is divided into an administrative plan on 22 provinces, five autonomous districts and four cities of central subordination: Beijing, Shanghai, Tianjin and Chongqing. China includes two special administrative district Xiangan (Hong Kong) and Aomyn (Macau). Capital of China - the city of Beijing.

According to some estimates, China in the XXI century. It will be the leader in the world to visit tourists. In China, many attractions. One of the most ambitious architecture monuments is the Great Wall of China in Northern China. The total length of the CO-157 wall is 6,700 km. In II century BC. Emperor Qin Shihuandi has an idea to protect China from the north of the Mongols, and the wall served as a huge bastion. It was built until 191 1g., Driving a huge number of peasants and soldiers for construction from all over the country. They all died on this construction, so the wall is also called the great cemetery. There are many temples around the Chinese wall, today they are valid. Now the overall preserved length of the wall is 5 thousand km.

The following most popular international centers of international tourism can be distinguished in China: Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Macao, Xiangan (Hong Kong), Hainan Island, Tibet. The history of the capital of China - Beijing - has more than 3 thousand years. There is a large number of cultural and historical attractions that make it possible to comprehend the past, to understand the present, to make an idea of \u200b\u200bthe future of this country. In Beijing is the largest Gugun Museum in China - the former imperial palace, the residence of 24 emperors of the Ming and Qing dynasties. 20 km navigated from the center of Beijing, the Summer Imperial Palace - Parisia Eyeaan is located. 50 km north of the city in the Valley of the Tomb rests the dust of most emperors of the Ming dynasty. On the southern outskirts of Beijing rises the temple of the sky (Tien Tan). Here on the day of the summer solstice, the services of monks were held with the participation of the emperor asking for the sky to send a good harvest. In the northeastern part of the Chinese capital, the famous currently operating Lamisian Temple of UNHEGUN was built. In many cities of China, including in Beijing, there are temples of Confucius.

ShanghaiLocated at the mouth of the largest river China - Yangtze, is more known as a business center. This is one of the largest financial and economic megalopolis in Asia. In the past 158, many Russian emigrants lived here, whose paths were lying through this city in the USA, Australia and Canada. The most famous Nanjinglo Street extended from the embankment through the entire city by 14 km, there are best shops and restaurants Shanghai. Shanghai's attractions include the Buddhist Monastery, Chianhuangmäo and Yufesta Temples and Yufens with the Jade Statue of the Buddha, Pyhyrupical Pagoda Longhua, Garden of Joy, Tenerbashne.

Guangzhou - Large trading and industrial agglomeration in the south-east of China. International exhibitions are held in Guangzhou, which allow Western firms to receive an idea of \u200b\u200bChinese goods. In the immediate vicinity of Guangzhou there are former English and Portuguese Anklava Xiangan (Hong Kong) and Macau (Aomyn). Sianggan in translation means "fragrant harbor," because once there was exported fragrant spices and incense. Now it is one of the world's largest financial centers. The tourist attractions of Siangan include zoological and botanical gardens. Macau is the former Portuguese colony, which has now become a tourist Mecca with a casino and gambling houses. In recent years, Hainan Island is very popular, located in the south of China. Here, modern hotels have placed to beach holidays and recovery. Climate on Hainan tropical.

Tourists always attracted Tibet and impregnable tops of Himalayas, who are constantly trying to storm climbers.

The administrative center of Tibet is the city of Lhasa ("Holy Place"), located at an altitude of 3660 m above sea level.

The world fame of this place was brought by monasteries - the centers of Buddhism and Lamanism, where solemn rituals and ceremonies are still held. In China, you can make profitable purchases.

Here, first of all, it is worth buying green tea, natural silk and river pearls. Tourists will certainly be lucky on the tea ceremony, a silk and pearl factory.

TAIWAN - The state in East Asia, located on the island in close proximity to the Continental China. In 1949, after the victory in China, the bourgeois Chinese government headed by Chan Kaisi, who announced Taiwan, who declared Taiwan with an independent state and enlisted by the United States to Taiwan, ran into the Chinese Socialist Revolution. Since then, the PRC places its rights to the island, considering it one of its provinces.

Taiwan is a dynamically developing state. In terms of life (GDP per capita exceeds $ 12,000) Tai-159 Wan to be incomparable with the Continental provinces of China. The capital of this officially not recognized by the global community of the state - Taipei (Taipei). The capital concentrates main attractions. Whoshed Memorial Chan Kaisha with a park - a favorite place of resting citizens. Emigrating from China, Chan Kaisha took out part of the exhibits from the Winter Imperial Palace (Googo) in Beijing. These invaluable artistic treasures are presented at the Taiwan National Museum in Taipei. In Taipei, there is a traditional night market where you can taste local food, make a massage, and also buy a variety of local souvenirs. Russia has no direct air report with Taiwan. Therefore, the most acceptable version of the trip to the island is flight through Xiangan.

MONGOLIA - State in Central Asia. The capital of the country is the city of Ulan Bator. The creator of the Mongolian state - Genghis Khan. With him and his successors in the XIII century. The Mongol Empire was created, which broke up in the XIV century. on individual states. The economy of Mongolia has an agrarian-commodity character (nomadic cattle breeding, mining of mineral resources).

Mongolia exports a variety of products, including sheep and camel wool, leather products, carpets, knitwear, sheepskin products.

Mongolia, like many other countries, encourages the development of tourism.

The most promising for this country can be environmental, ethnographic and historical tours. Mongolia, stretching for more than 1.5 million square meters. km, - one of the few places in the world, in whose possession is a rich combination of ecosystems. The Gobi Desert, which occupies more than half of Mongolia, is distinguished by a large variety of flora and fauna. "Here you can find and large stony deserts with rare vegetation, and sand veryans. The most interesting area is the Southern Gobi, where the main attractions and tourist journey centers are concentrated.

The famous tea and silk paths were held through the territory of Mongolia and from ancient times, the peoples leading the nomadic and settling lifestyle were associated. Mongolia and today retains the lifestyle, the ancient traditions and the original culture of nomads. The ancient Mongol Empire extended from the Pacific Ocean to the Black Sea coast. Mongolia - Kollybel of the nomadic civilization of Central Asia, the abode of ancient history and culture. Historical tours will allow to explore the ancient burial sites and cult facilities. The history of Mongolia is known thanks to the ancient Empire of Genghis Khan. Since-160 Genghis Khan is not yet found. Maybe you will find them in Mongolia ...

JAPAN - Island state in the Asia-Pacific region with a predominantly one-directional population of 125 million people.

Japan is attractive amazing nature by nature. The country is located about 6,800 islands in the Pacific Ocean. 68% of Japan's territory occupy mountains. The highest mountain Fuji is a national symbol of the country. A distinctive feature of Japan is the poverty of the mineral resource base.

"Trade or die" is the slogan of the Japanese, which stimulates the development of the local industry and services. The country occupies one of the first places in the world in shipbuilding, the production of products of radio electronics, passenger and trucks. The traditional remains the production of porcelain, toys and articles.

The world's energy crises of the late XX century, associated with an increase in oil prices, not only did not weaken, but even rallied the Japanese nation, forcing the development of high-tech industries, as well as the financial sphere. Now Japan is not only one of the world's largest producers of industrial products, but also the technological "brain" of the Asia-Pacific region and one of the world's largest financial centers.

For a long time (up to 1868), Japan was a "closed" state, which necessitated the originality of Japanese culture. Tokyo is one of the largest megacities of the world, the capital of Japan. Tokyo's attractions include Buddhist temples Kannon, Majsei, Rakanji, Shinto Sanctuary Yasukuni, Imperial Palace, National Museum, Sogetsa Art Center. Osaka is the largest city in Western Japan. This city is proud of its world's largest ferris wheel and aquarium. Nara - the ancient capital of Japan, the city museum, is known for its architectural monuments and the imperial treasury. In recent decade, numerous sports and spectacular events are attracted to Japan, in particular, the Olympic Games, the World Cup.

Warm climate, the presence of many islands and extended coastline make Japan a favorable place for maritime tourism. Nevertheless, coastal resorts here, unlike other countries of the world, are practically absent. The inner Japanese Sea is no exception, although it is often called the Japanese Mediterranean Sea. For the development of tourism in the country, material investments in infrastructure are needed, and the Japanese prefer rest abroad.

INDONESIA It is located on a huge archipelago, comparable in size with Europe. The largest islands - Sumatra, Java, Kaliman, Sulawesi. Life on each of the 13 thousand islands is on its own way. Muslims (Java) live on one island, on the other - the Hindus (), on the third - Christians (North of Sulawesi). The capital of Indonesia is the city of Jakarta.

Bali Island is one of the most important tourist centers of Indonesia.

Here are ancient Hindu temples, as well as numerous hotels with magnificent beaches. The handicraft industry is represented by chased silver products, ceramic and wicker products, the objects of artistic threads on the bone, which is in demand for tourists.

Indonesia is of interest to environmental tourism. Here is a number of national parks and reserves. Widely known recreation park Gunning on the island of Sumatra. Tourists are attracted here the possibility of tracking on mountain forests, as well as visiting the center of rehabilitation of orangutans.

THAILAND On the territory they are comparable to France, its population is about 60 million people. Thailand still retained its ancient Buddhist culture. The tin-tungsten belt passing throughout the country provides Thailand one of the leading places for tin extraction. The main agricultural culture - rice. Thailand has retained its political independence throughout the centuries-old history of the country. Personal ties between Russian and Thai monarchs and friendly relations between Thailand and Russia are known in the past.

Currently, Thailand is a tourist Mecca of Southeast Asia. Tourists attract a favorable climate and developed travel infrastructure, historical sights, including Buddhist temples and the possibility of free and liberated behavior. The most famous tourist centers of Thailand include the capital of Bangkok, Pattaya city, Phuket, Samui. There are about 400 Buddhist temples in Bangkok. Among them are the most interesting temple of dawn with a tower with a height of 104 m and the temple of the Emerald Buddha.

INDIA - A huge subcontinent, located in South Asia. In India, more than a billion people live. Considering that the country is not so tough as in China, the family planning policy is being held, according to the forecasts of demographers in the medium term, this country will become the most populated in the world. In addition, 162 India is considered the most multinational country in the world. Physico geographically, India can be divided into three natural areas: Himalayas, Indo-Ganga Lowland and Deanskoye Plateau.

Economically, India can be described as a "key developing country", which is comparable in macroeconomic indicators with great powers (GNP - about $ 500 billion in 200 2; 11th place in the world), and in terms of income per capita One of the poorest countries of the world ($ 480 per person in 200 2; 159th place in the world). In the agrarian industrial economy of the country combines the development of basic industries with multi-degraded agriculture.

The textile industry received widespread.

The country's subsoil is rich in various mineral resources (coal, iron ores, diamonds, manganese, etc.).

From the point of view of tourism, the largest cities of the country are the greatest interest in India: - the capital of India, Bombay, Calcutta, Madras, the former Portuguese enclave, and now the 25th state of India - Goa; National Parks Corbet, Sarisian, famous Mausoleum Taj Mahal. Calcutta - the Motherland of the world famous Indian writer Rabindranat Tagora. Here is the "House of Tagora". The most popular Indian resorts are located on the west coast of India, in Goa. Until 1963 There was a Portuguese colony. This area is considered to be the most developed in the tourist plan and is very popular among Europeans. It is more likely to love those who prefer a comfortable, calm beach holiday with lunches in hotel restaurants. But Goa is far from the only popular holiday destination in India.

The state of Kerala is fame - the southernmost West Coast and one of the most developed states of India.

A classic trip to India is considered to be a tour of the "Golden Triangle" with a visit to the world famous Taj Mahala - a monument of Indian architecture, a five-football of white marble with a mosaic of colored stones, as well as the ancient city-ghost of Fatihpur Sicry and the exotic pink city of Rajasthan. India is also the center of religious pilgrimage. The main centers of the communities of Hindus are located in this country. India attracts ecotourists who dream to conquer the mountain peaks.

Ecotourism associated with mountaineering is also characteristic of Nepal, the only Hindu kingdom in the world. Until the mid-1950s, Nepal was closed for foreigners and therefore largely retained the originality and national flavor. This poor country, whose people do not consider themselves poor, has their own human values \u200b\u200band lives in their rules.

Tourists are attracted here the highest peaks of Himalayas, the original jungle in the south, the picturesque Valley of Kathmandu with unique pagodas and the elegant architecture of residential buildings, bright holidays, as well as the original culture of the population.

In the spurs of Eastern Himalayas there is another small state of South Asia - BUTANE (Translated into the "Country of Thunder Dragons"). Over the course of many centuries, Bhutan's relationship with Tibet was very close, therefore, Lamisian Sensual Buddhism, Tibetan National Language and Writing. The kingdom of Bhutan refers to the number of underdeveloped, forgotten by the time of patriarchal states of the world. The country prevails natural economy. The main production sector of the economy is agriculture. Rice, wheat, barley are grown here. South of Bhutan in the town of Cherapundy (India) is the wet place in the world, where more than 11,000 mm of precipitation falls per year. Wet jungle butane are poorly studied and less investigated. Here is the highest density of elephants per unit area.

Butane is still largely closed for traveling country.

Modern Butane is reminded by the royal Russia of the beginning of the XIX century, when the departure permission had to be received personally at the emperor, and the passport cost 500 rubles with silver.

A similar situation has developed in modern Bhutan. There are a large number of places where you can get only after a special permission signed by the king personally. At the same time, it is necessary to stock considerable amount of money, much more than the official cost of the trip. At the same time, the exoticism of this country is able to estimate only a true adventure lover.

The main attraction of Bhutan - Buddhist monasteries, the largest in Takhimphu - the capital of the country.

Subject to India are important objects of international tourism: Sri Lanka Island and Maldives. Since 1984, the capital has since Sri Lanka Is Colombo. Mixing cultures and religions, times and peoples left their mark on the unique look of the city: the vintage mansions of the colonial style are adjacent to both skyscrapers and the ancient eastern temples. The largest number of historical and cultural monuments focused on the center of the island and forms a "cultural triangle": Anuradhapura is the first ancient capital of Sri Lanka, Polonnaruva - the medieval capital of the state, Candy - the last bastion of the rulers of the independent Sinhalese state-164. Sri Lanka is also known for its elephant nurseries. Nowadays, the country is considered one of the leading exporters of tea, Maldives - This is an archipelago in the Indian Ocean, located south-west of Sri Lanka Island. Maldives consist of 1190 tiny coral islands, of which only 220 are mastered. On 77 islands there are category hotels from 2 to 5 stars.

Maldives - a funny race, on the formation of which influenced emigrants of Sri Lanka, India and Arab countries. The population of the islands is about 240 thousand people, a quarter of which lives in the capital of Male.

The famous center of modern international tourism has become SINGAPORE, Large financial, industrial and transport center.

In Singapore, many natural and cultural attractions.

Singapore Zoo, Bird Park, Art Festival, Ethnic Quarters (Chinatown, Little India) - These objects that tourists usually visit are usually visited. A very original open-air memorial museum - Tiger Balzam Park, created in Singapore local Chinese financial magnates from the AU family. Singapore Delta-Chinese - Brothers Au Bin-How and Au Bin-Couple - Relochers at the production of healing ointments - "Tiger Balzam", which has gained great popularity not only in Singapore, but also in other countries so means of treatment from rheumatism, radiculitis and other countries Diseases. Business at the "Tiger Balsam" became a source of enrichment of the AU family, which turned into one of the largest financial groups of Singapore.

In an effort to perpetuate your name, the brothers bought a plot of land on the hillside near the sea and created the park here. The facility of the park was completed in 1937. And he was presented by the Hau's brothers and couples to the city with the condition that, after their death, this park will become a family memorial. The will of the brothers was performed. On the upper terrace of the hill were installed monuments to the brothers, and the park was called the "Park of Tiger Balzam".

In recent years, more and more tourists attract MALAYSIA - The state in Southeast Asia, the western part of which is located in the south of the Malacca Peninsula, and the eastern part - in the north of the island of Kalimantan (Sabah and Sarawak). Malaysia differs from other countries in the region a unique combination of exotic, ancient culture and the highest level of development.

Malaysia is divided into 13 states. The capital of the state is the city of Kuala Lumpur, he grew up at the place of the camp of the first tin geters. The most interesting for visiting in the capital of Malaysia Person-165 Chiy Park, where about 5 thousand birds lives, a deer park, where the unique small "mouse deer" lives, and the park of butterflies. Malaysia is a dynamically developing "new industrial" country of Southeast Asia. In the international division of labor, the country is known as a major manufacturer of tin, rubber, as well as products of a number of manufacturing industries, primarily home appliances, as well as a major rice manufacturer.

In recent years, the country has been carried out in the country to stimulate international tourism as a promising industry of international specialization. Many areas of Malaysia have their own unique features and attractive for tourists. The staff with the population of over one million people is located in the north-west of the Malaysia Peninsula. On the territory of the state is the so-called "rice bowl of Malaysia". There are many archaeological monuments in the state. Not far from the coast of Kedah is the resort - Langkawi Island. The island is covered with tropical vegetation, however there are beaches. Approximately 112 km south of Langkawi, not far from the northwestern coast of Malaysia Peninsula, is the Penang Island, which is called the "Pearl of the East". Beautiful beaches and beautiful landscapes turned the island to a popular holiday destination.

The staff with a population of about 2 million people are often called a "silver state", as there are large deposits of tin ore. PERAB is attractive for tourists with numerous attractions, in particular limestone caves. On the territory of the state there is a number of resort places: the coastal town of Lamut, Pangkor Island, Pangkor Laut Island.

Selangor is located on the west coast of Malaysia Peninsula. This is the most populated staff in the country and at the same time the largest industrial center. The staff has resorts Maurib, Bagag Lalang, as well as on the islands of Karey, Ketam, Indeh and Angss.

The main resorts of Negri Sembilan (West Coast of Malaysia) are located in a 48-kilometer coastal strip in the Dixon port area.

Malacca is occupied by the southwest of Malaysia Peninsula and is known as the center of mixing many cultures: Indian, Chinese, European and Japanese. Therefore, there are many historical attractions in the staff - temples, mosques, mausoleums, churches.

There are also resorts - Tanjung Bidar, Tanjung Kling and others.

Johor is considered to be the southern gate of Malaysia. There is a railway line connecting Malaysia with Singapore. The staff has historical sights, 166 national parks, resorts. Pakhang on the east coast of Malaysia is the largest country in the country. There are highland resorts, national nature reserves, picturesque lakes. Tioman Island refers to the category of prestigious international resorts. The staff of Terenghan on the east coast of the Peninsula Malaysia is the center of the country's textile industry.

Here painted "Batika" and souvenirs from copper who buy tourists are made. This is one of the most picturesque states of the country. The wonders of the nature of the state include the Alpine Lake Kunyir, as well as Sinaia Waterfall. Redang Island in the state of the state is considered one of the best places in Malaysia for swimming with a mask and aqualung. The state of Kelantan, located in the northeast, on the border with Thailand, is called the "cradle of Malaysian culture." Here on the coast of the South China sea, many spa places with golden sand beaches framed by coconut palm trees.

Sabah is located in Eastern Malaysia, in the northeast of Borneo Island, this is a mountain state with wild jungle and a long coastal feature with beaches, destroyed by coral reefs. Sarawak staff, which means "Rhino Bird Country", is the largest of the Malaysian states. Located on Borneo Island, this multinational state is a country of thick jungle, rich in resources such as pepper, cocoa, palm oil, wood and oil. There are many national parks in the state that organize safaris. There are beautiful beaches. Labuan has a dynamically developing port, this is one of the international financial centers. Within the territory of the state there is a number of islands, the coast of which lie the remains of sunken ships, which is of interest to diving lovers.

Malaysia is also known for its marine reserves. Marine reserves are a limited water area of \u200b\u200bthe sea, which is considered a closed ecosystem in order to preserve its flora and fauna and coral reefs with fish and microorganisms living there.

Reserves are created to preserve and protect coral zones from the influence of industrialization, protection of underwater flora and fauna, recreation organizations without damaging wildlife.

Being in marine reserves, it is necessary to follow certain rules. For example, underwater photographing, swimming, but forbidden fishing, coral collection, racing on high-speed boats are allowed.

Malaysia is the center of religious tourism. Most residents of the country of Muslims. About 30 km from Kuala Lumpur there are caves Batu. Every year in late January - early February, a religious holiday is held here, collecting numerous pilgrims from Malaysia, Singapore and other countries. It is important to note that the country has a number of strict rules. So, the illegal importation of drugs in Malaysia is punishable by the death penalty.

In the north-western shore of the island of Kalimantan, the prosperous microgenousness of Southeast Asia is located BRUNEI.

The well-being Brunei is based on income derived from oil production. Sultan Brunei is considered one of the richest inhabitants of the planet. Capital Brunei - Bandar Seri Begavan. Here at a compact area of \u200b\u200b6 thousand square meters. CM lives about 300 thousand people. Most residents are Malayse (65% of the total population). In the capital, there is one of the biggest mosques in Asia - the Mosque of Omar Ali Simipudin. There are also national parks and reserves with Equatorial Flora and Fauna. In 1994 The country is open to the theme park Judong.

Myanmar - "Country of gold pagodas" - is known primarily as one of the most powerful enclaves of Buddhist culture in all Asia.

The national symbol of the country is the Grand Pagoda-Stupa Swedagon, built 2500 years ago and located in the capital Yangon. In the country, power belongs to the military junta, which is ruled from 196 2g. As a result, Myanmar (in the past Burma) is a poor agricultural country, where the car is considered to be rare and the population continues to move on horseback and bulls. Such a state of affairs inhibits the development and international tourism, which, with the exception of pilgrimage and inspection of Buddhist cultural attractions, is practically not developed in the country.

At the same time, in Myanmar there are interesting places and attractions. Mandalay - the former capital of the Burmese kings. Here, as in other parts of the country, a lot of shrines Buddhism. The extinct volcano - the mountain ass is considered one of the most mysterious mountains of the country and is a place of pilgrimage throughout the hundreds of years. This is a sacred place for residents of the country. In Yangon there is exotic floating hotels. These are old vessels put on jokes along the bank of Rangoon River and equipped under hotels.

To the northeast of Myanmar, the state of Bangladesh is located - one of the poorest and overpopulated states of the world formed in 197 1. After separation from Pakistan.

Most of the inhabitants are Bengali, professing Islam. Bangladesh's agrarian economy specializes in deliveries on the world-168 jute market. International tourism in the country is poorly developed, since Bangladesh has a reputation between the area of \u200b\u200bpermanent cyclones and floods, as well as the ubiquitous mosquitoes. At the same time, true travelers will appreciate the sights of this distinctive country.

In the capital of Bangladesh Dhaka, many mosques, Hindu and Christian temples, unfinished Labach, noisy oriental bazaars are of the greatest interest for tourists. This is the capital of Ricks. It is famous for Dhaka and Muslin. As natural attractions, it is worth noting the evergreen mangrove forests in the south-west of the country, the population of Bengal tigers, the herd of elephants and a large number of leopards. Bangladesh is a country of water vehicles. Common means of movement are ferries and steamboats.

The only sea resort of Bangladesh is Coke Bazaar, located near the border with Myanmar and has a pronounced Burmese flavor. Hotel infrastructure is poor here. Tourists attract huge beaches over longness and clear sea, free from sharks. Islamic moral rules do not allow women to bare their bodies. And they can swim here, only putting the balls.

In the immediate vicinity of Chittagong, the second largest city of Bangladesh, there is an old Portuguese enclave of Patter Hut, one of the few areas in the country who retained Christianity.

PHILIPPINES - State in Southeast Asia, located on the archipelago, consisting of more than seven thousand islands. The capital of the state is Manila. A significant part of the islands occupy tropical forests. Numerous national parks (Canlaon, Mount-Apo, Volkano, etc.) make a promising development of ecological tourism in the country.

In the history of the Philippines, a number of significant milestones can be noted. In the XVI century F. Magellan landed on the islands in order to spread Christianity here, but he was killed in a skirmish with local residents.

For a long time, the Philippines were Spanish colonia, and then became a dependent state from the United States. In 1946 The country received sovereignty. The structure of the economy dominates the production of industrial and agricultural products. Mostly developed mining and a number of manufacturing industries. In agriculture, the leading industry is crop production (sugar cane, tobacco, tropical fruits and citrus). In the south-east of the country there is a province of Davao, the population of which specializes in the cultivation of a unique technical culture of Abaki used for the manufacture of tissues.

Tourism in the Philippines is mainly associated with visiting exotic places, as well as untouched corners of wildlife. The capital of Manila is a major industrial, financial and cultural center.

The city has survived the medieval church of San Augustine and the construction of the times of Spanish conquistadors; There are National Museum of the Philippines, the Museum of Natural History and Archeology, Museum of Art.

SOUTH KOREA. The Korean Peninsula was divided in 1953. After the Korean War into two parts, the demarcation line spent approximately 38 parallels. To the south of the demarcation line there is a Republic of Korea, and north - the Korean People's Democratic Republic (DPRK). On the territory of South Korea area of \u200b\u200babout 100 thousand square meters. km lives about 46 million people. In administrative terms, the country consists of nine provinces and six cities - metropolis. The capital Seoul is a city with a special status.

The last ruling dynasty in Korea was the Lee dynasty (1392-1910), the ancestor of which whether Son Ga founded the state of Coson ("Country of Morning Freshness"). In 191 0g. The country was annexed by Japan, after the defeat of which in the Second World War and the formation of the American military responsibility zone in 1948. The Republic of Korea was proclaimed.

Republic of Korea is a state with a dynamically developing economy. In terms of GNP - 473 billion dollars per year (200 2) - this small-size industrial-agrarian country occupies the 13th place in the world. In the extraction of tungsten, South Korea occupies one of the leading places in the world, as well as widely known for the development of manufacturing manufacturing industries: electrical, electronic, chemical, refineries, textile, as well as automotive, shipbuilding, electric power industry and military industry.

Seoul is the center of the political, economic and cultural life of the country. Numerous architectural monuments of the Choson era are preserved in Seoul: the ancient gate, five palaces. Eydo Island - Center for Financial and Business Life Capital. Here are the Korean Stock Exchange, the main offices of firms. The best purchases can be made in the TDDEMUN market. Main goods:.

Textiles, clothes, leather products. The port of Incheon is the Western Gate of South Korea. Located in the central Peninsula, the city of Tuchon is a typical city of science.

The hot springs of Suson (11 km from the city) are famous throughout the country with their healing properties. The city of Tagu is famous for apples and textile industry. For several centuries, the city served as the main center of the wholesale trade of medicinal drugs: honey, as well as ginseng, mushrooms, nuts. The city of Chonzhou is the center of Korean culture and art. Ulsan is the leading center of such industries of the Korean industry, such as oil refining, automotive, petrochemistry, shipbuilding. Busan - Chief International Trade Port of South Korea. More than 90% of the total turnover of container cargo passes through this port.

He island Jedjudo - one of the nine provinces of Korea. Thanks to its isolated position and favorable climate, the island is a popular holiday destination. The southwestern regions of the country are famous for fertile fuel rice fields. These places are often referred to as Korea "Hitter". The fields are descended to the coast itself, which is raised by numerous small bays. In the southeastern regions of Korea, the largest number of tourist attractions are concentrated. The main cities in these places are Kenzhu, Busan and Tag. Several hotels located along the coast, beaches and mountains turn the east coast in the perfect place to relax. In small coastal towns and in the depths of the thick forest of the mountains, you can find many historical monuments. For lovers of outdoor activities in the mountains, ski resorts were built. The central regions of South Korea are the ground covered with wide flap of the filthy rice fields located in the middle of numerous mountains and hills.

CAMBODIA. The Kingdom of Cambodia is located in Southeast Asia, in the south of the Indochina Peninsula. Population of 12.5 million people (200 0). State religion - Buddhism. The symbol of Cambodia-Angkord is a unique complex of ancient temples. It is the towers of the temples built in the XII century, depicted on the national flag of the country.

Cambodia is an agricultural country (the share of agriculture in WFP is 53%, and the industry is 5%). In it, the civil war ended relatively recently, which carried out a huge number of lives. For tourists who arrived in Phnom Penh, the capital of the Kingdom of Cambodia, the mandatory part of the program is a visit to the Museum of Genocide. In one of the four museum buildings from 1975 to 1979, when the country ruled the "Red Khmer", torture cameras. As follows from statistical data, Cambodia is almost the poorest country of Asia. The per capita income is about three hundred US dollars per year. Cambodia's economy is based on the receipts from the textile industry and tourism. The textile industry is presented mainly by small factories, where they sew windbreakers, trousers, T-shirts for America, 171 Japan, Western Europe. A small number of tourists (about 400 thousand per year) is explained by instability, backward infrastructure, high crime levels.

In nearby Cambodia Vietnam Tourists visit the central cities of Ho Chi Minh City and Hanoi. One of the most famous sights of the country is Mausoleum Hoshimin, the head of the Communist Party and the Organizer of the Liberation War against French Colonizers. Despite the saved socialist status, Vietnam is a country with a dynamically developed economy. In the country, in particular, in Hanoi - its capital is conducted active hotel construction. In recent years, Vietnam has been published in leaders in a number of positions, such as coffee production.

Visits turnover and tourist industry. In Vietnam there are a number of modern resorts: Nha Trang, Phantheet, Danang, Dalat.

Nha Trang is the most famous resort of Vietnam, located on the shore of the bay of the same name. The resort is famous not only by snow-white beaches, but also healing sources. The air filled with eucalyptus aroma has a beneficial effect on people suffering from respiratory diseases.

Fanthiet is a famous resort located in the south of the country, with golden beaches and equipped golf courses.

Danang is a major seaport. In the vicinity of the city there is a resort area - a place for lovers of rest to the sea. In addition to bathing in the sea, tourists can enjoy sailing, water skiing, diving. The highlight resort of Dalat, which attracts the beauty of local nature is popular with popularity: waterfalls, lakes, pine forest, flower beds.

In Vietnam, many architectural monuments resembling the time of the reign of the Dynasty of Emperors Nguyen. It is tombs, pagodas and the most famous among them is the seven-story pagoda "Theyena My". A significant part of the country's territory is occupied by tropical jungle. In Vietnam, the Industry of National Parks is gradually begins to form, where tourists can enjoy the types of virgin forests and exotic animals.

Vietnam, Cambodia - countries where Buddhism is a state religion. These countries have numerous Buddhist monasteries, temples and pagodas that are constantly visited by religious tourists.

Geographical position. Central Asia is located in the center of the mainland of Eurasia. In the north, this country is bordered by Siberia, in the East - with East Asia, in the south - from Southeast and South Asia, in the West - with Central Asia. Within the country, the mountains and plains of China and Mongolia are located. Through the central and southern part of the country, the Alpine-Himalayan seismic belt is held. In the center and in the north are Mongolian Altai, Tien Shan, Tibet and Karakorum.

Mountains are composed of magmatic and metamorphic rocks, and intermountain depressions and plains are sedimentary.

Central Asia is rich in mineral deposits.

Relief. The relief of Central Asia is distinguished by contrast and variety. Here are the highest mountain systems (Tibet; Karakorum; East, or Chinese, Tian-Shan; Altai (Mongolian); Kunlun Mountains) and extensive anhydrous plains (tacla-man, Gobi).

The highest point of Central Asia - the CHODI Mountain (8611 m) is in Karakorum. The lowest point of Central Asia - Wpadina Turfan (-154 m), which is located in the tacla makan desert.

Climate. A moderate and subtropical climatic belt is distinguished within Central Asia.

In the formation of the climate of Central Asia, the Central Asian maximum (winter month) and Pacific air masses play a major role.

The least moistened (no more than 100 mm / year) Central Tibet, Takla Maka and Gobi. In the southeast of this physico-geographical country, on the eastern slopes of Tibet and Kunlujuna drops up to 1000 mm / year of precipitation.

In the north of the field of winter is cold (the average annual temperature of January -24 ° C). Summer is relatively cool (the average temperature of July + 16 ° C). In the center (Takla-Makan desert) The average temperature of January -8 ° C, and July +24 ° C. In the southern regions, in the mountains of Tibet, the average temperature of January -20 ° C, and the average temperature of July +10 ° C.

The river network is well developed in the mountains, and within the limits of anhydrous plains there is practically absent. The exceptions make up the Tarim, Zulayho river in the summer of the indoor pool, Zulayho, and others. The Lobnor river flows into Lake Lobnor, the outlines of which vary from month to month and from year to year. The lakes are rich in the northern regions of Central Asia, where Cucunor, UBSU-Nur, Orin-Nur, etc. are located.

At the foot of the Tibet, the forest-steppe, steppe, semi-desert and desert zones are developed, which apply to absolute marks of 4000 m. The vertices of the mountains (starting from a height of 6000 m) are covered with eternal snow and glaciers.

On the plains there are steppe and desert landscapes. Due to the low population, the anthropogenic landscape is extremely rare. The population is concentrated in areas provided with drinking water, as well as in the development places of the mining and ore industry.

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The collapse of the Soviet Empire dramatically changed the geopolitical situation not only in Europe, but also in Asia. Therefore, in addition to traditional macroregions of the South-Western, South, Southeast and East Asia, there is a need to allocate another region - Central Asia.

It includes the former republics of the USSR - Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan. In addition, Afghanistan should be attributed to this area, which is also much closer to countries in Central, than South-West Asia.

As part of these six countries, the area area is more than 4.6 million km2, or 10.5% of Asia Square. And its population has about 80 million people (2000), which is 2.4% of the population of Asia. Central Asia extends from the Caspian Sea in the West to the Altai Mountains in the East (3000 km) and from the wins of Western Siberia in the north to Gindukus mountain ranges in the south (almost 3000 km.). Almost throughout the entire territory, a sharply continental arid climate is dominated and deserted landscapes prevail.

The remoteness of Central Asia from the seas and oceans makes it difficult to develop foreign economic relations. The ports of the Indian Ocean for them, the ports of the Indian Ocean are not available for them, since there are no transit roads through the mountain ranges of Hindukush, Copetdag and Iranian Highlands.

Despite the complex natural conditions, the area has a huge natural resource potential, which can be a good base for the development of diversified economy. Large deposits of coal, oil and gas, iron, copper and polymetallic ores, gold, phosphates, sulfur and tens of other types of minerals are explored and operated. Newly open oil deposits in Western Kazakhstan (before the Tengiz deposit) indicate that the countries of Central Asia remain exporters of oil and gas raw materials for a long time. Significant role they can play in the global non-ferrous metals market.

The presence of powerful mountain systems with maximum heights of more than 7000 m. Causes loss on the slopes of the mountains is large compared to the adjacent plains of the amount of precipitation (more than 500 and even 1000 mm). Mountain glaciers, which are formed here, give rise to full-breeding rivers: Amudarya, Syrdarya, Gilmende, Gerud, or. Therefore, the alpine regions of Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Afghanistan and Eastern Kazakhstan have a large hydropower potential. Water rivers, in all directions spread from the mountains, serves as the basis for the development of irrigated agriculture. This explains the greatest concentration of the economy in the river valleys, and in the meantime, extensive desert territories remain almost uncomfortable. With the exception of the Far East of Kazakhstan, the area is extremely poor on forest resources. Significant damage to forests is caused by an unorganized wood blank for household needs.

Natural recreational resources of the region in combination with the centers of ancient culture can serve for the development of international tourism of various profiles. The terrain around Lake Issyk-Kul is favorable for leisure tourism, mountain ranges and tops are covered with glaciers, attract skiing and climbers, architectural ensembles of many old cities (before Bukhara and Samarkand) are interesting facilities for cognitive tourism.

The population of Central Asia, despite the small number, is very dissimilar in the language and anthropological signs. After all, the formation of the peoples of this region occurred on the border of two races (European and mongoloid) and two major linguistic families (Indo-European and Altai). Turkmen, Tajiks and most of the peoples of Afghanistan are related to the southern branch of the European -ide race, Kazakhs and Kyrgyz - to the Mongoloid, and Uzbeks - the people of mixed origin, has certain signs of both races. In the language relations most of the peoples of Central Asia (Kazakhs, Uzbeks, Kyrgyz Karakalpaks, Turkmen, etc.). Belong to the Turkic group of the Altai language family. And only the Tajiks and the peoples of Afghanistan belong to the Iranian language group of the Indo-European family.

In all states of Central Asia, which were previously in the USSR, the proportion of migrants of Slavic origin (Russian, Ukrainian, Belarusians) was high. From Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, hundreds of thousands of Eastern Slavs have already returned to their homeland in recent years, and in Kazakhstan they now make up almost half of the population.

The countries of Central Asia are characterized by high rates of natural population growth (2-3% per year). Moreover, they are high in the poor countries in the region - Tajikistan and Afghanistan, and the lowest in Kazakhstan, which has a high level of urbanization and a significant proportion of non-indanted population.

Only in Kazakhstan, the urban population prevails over rural (58%), otherwise it is 30-45%, and in Afghanistan - 20%. The region has no such hypertrophied growth of large cities, as in other areas of Asia. Only Tashkent has more than 2 million inhabitants and Almaty - 1.5 million. By the beginning of the Civil War in Afghanistan, the city was a millionaire, but now his population has fallen twice.

Low-average population density of Central Asia - 18 Osib / km2 - little talks about the real placement of the population in this territory. Huge spaces of deserts and highly uncomplicated, and well-water river valleys have a population density of 200-400 Osib / km2. The Fergana Valley is unique in this respect, where the most densely populated areas of the three states are located: Uzbekistan, Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan.

The economy of the countries of Central Asia was formed as the raw materials appendage of the Soviet Empire. Therefore, the branches of the agro-industrial complex and the extractive industry prevail here. Having lost the traditional markets for their products, almost all countries reduce industrial and agricultural production. Therefore, the volume of GNP in Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan for 1990-1998 decreased by 1.5-2 times, only in Turkmenistan, which is exported by a transcontinental system of pipelines to Western Europe, GNP has slightly increased. Afghanistan, in which civil war is coming, remains one of the least developed countries not only in Asia, but also in the world.

Most inter-sectoral complexes formed in Central Asian states do not have the final stages of raw materials processing and manufacturing finished products, and this reduces the effectiveness of their functioning. Fullly here are the complexes: fuel and energy, color and ferrous metallurgy and agro-industrial.

More stone and brown coal is mined in Kazakhstan (Karaganda and Ekibastuz basin), oil - in Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan, Gaza - in Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan. Mountain States of Central Asia (Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Afghanistan) Poor fuel minerals, but have a powerful hydropower potential. In Tajikistan, a cascade of hydroelectric station was created on Vakhsh, and in Kyrgyzstan - on the city of Naryn, who practically provide the needs of these countries in electricity and serve as the basis for some energy-intensive industries. The greatest problems with the provision of fuel and energy has Afghanistan, where only a small amount of gas is mined and no powerful hydropower plants. A significant share in the fuel balance of the country is occupied by firewood.

Countries of Central Asia are large manufacturers of non-ferrous metals. Important areas of non-ferrous metallurgy were formed: in the Rudal Altai (Polymetals), in Central Kazakhstan - the city of Balkhash and Zhezkazgan (copper, lead, zinc) in Kyrgyzstan and East Uzbekistan (Polymetals, Gold). On the basis of the cheap energy of the hydroelectric power station in the cities of Tursun-Zade (Tajikistan) and Pavlodar (Kazakhstan) built powerful aluminum combines. Given the already explored raw materials base, new non-ferrous metallurgy centers may arise in Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan.

Well-developed ferrous metallurgy has only Kazakhstan. A favorable combination of coal coal deposits of the Karaganda basin and Saclovsk-Sarabai iron ores, as well as stocks of manganese ores, nickel, chromium and other alloying metals contribute to obtaining high-quality and cheap steel. The Metallurgical Combine of the Complete Cycle is valid in Temirtau. In other countries there are only small steel-smelting factories or workshops in engineering enterprises.

The region has significant reserves of raw materials for the chemical industry. Now they are mainly used by its types that are necessary for the production of minudging. On the basis of the production of phosphorites, Karatu-Zhambylskaya industrial complex in Kazakhstan, sulfur and Mirabilite mined in Turkmenistan, in the cities of Navoi and Fergana (Uzbekistan) is a nitrogen-tucker plant. The grandiose reserves of Mirals of the Gulf of Kara-Bogaz-goals are partially used, but its comprehensive processing in this region is not carried out.

Most Machine-building enterprises of Central Asia work for the needs of agriculture. Here tractors (Pavlodar), cotton harvesters (Tashkent) and many other types of agricultural machinery for local consumers are produced. A more diversified structure of the machine-building complex is only in Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan. In addition to enterprises of mining equipment and machine-building (Karaganda, Almaty), aircraft construction (Tashkent) It is planned to build car assembly enterprises here, to create new industries, in particular instrument making and radio-electronic. New productions will primarily focus on cheap labor in the southern regions of these states.

But the basis of the economy of the countries of Central Asia will still be agriculture, whose specialization was formed by millennia. The natural conditions of this territory are favorable for the development of extensive semi-oxide animal husbandry, which is combined with intensive irrigation agriculture in oases. In the second half of the XX century. New areas of farming (Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan) on virgin lands were created here. But the productivity of these lands is low, and the yield is unstable - for several non-market years there are one - two years with high gross gatherings.

A certain difference in moisturizing of individual territories, the presence of a natural feed base determines the different specialization of animal husbandry. In the north of Kazakhstan, meat predominates - dairy and meat cattle breeding in combination with sheep and pig breeding. On the desert lands of southern Kazakhstan and other countries, they graze fine-like and Karakul sheep, as well as camels. In the northern foothills of Tien Shan, especially in Kyrgyzstan, and also in Turkmenistan has been well developed horse breeding. In the foothills of the speckdag is the main district of breeding worldwide Akhalteinsky horses. Skinservation, beekeeping, milk-meat cattle breeding, poultry farming are also developing, but pig breeding is practically absent, which is due to the prohibition of Islam on the use of pork.

In most Central Asian states, the area of \u200b\u200barable land does not exceed 10% of their territory, and in Turkmenistan - only 1%. The geography of agriculture is closely related to the availability of water resources (there is no wonder there is a proverb "without water there is no land"). Therefore, the main agricultural areas are confined to river valleys and well-wetted foothills. Lack of arable land causes the local population to grow the most labor-intensive technical cultures before cotton. A significant share of lands occupy bulk cultures, gardens and vineyards. Central Asia is famous for the best varieties of melons, watermelons, grapes, apples, pears and other fruits. Warm dry climate contributes to the mass production of dried fruit: raisins, kishamis, kuragi, and more.

Grain and fodder crops (mainly wheat, rice, alfalfa) are predominantly used in crop rotations with technical crops. Only on the mastered virgin lands of Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan in the structure of crops, grain crops are sharply dominated: spring wheat, barley, millet, and in warmer areas - corn.

Significant crops of opium poppy, previously grown for the needs of medicine. But the lack of a clear control over its processing and implementation can lead (as it has already happened in Afghanistan) to the production of poppy products for the needs of the drug business.

Proclaiming independence, the state of the region, except for Afghanistan, at the same time remained adherents of the CIS strengthening, that is, they fully remain under the military-political "care of Russia", which its southern border continues to consider the southern border of the former USSR. This explains the considerable military presence of Russia in this region and its participation in local conflicts, primarily in Tajikistan. The ownership of the Russian military-industrial complex on this territory is still a huge number of objects. The Russian military, the movement of which is not at all controlled by local authorities, can be transported freely (as an example of Afghanistan) dozens and hundreds of kilograms of narcotic raw materials, which contributes to the development of drug business.

The hot spot in Central Asia remains Afghanistan, in which after decades of the Civil War only in 2002, a shaky world was established. Meanwhile, the availability of many peoples and political forces that have their armed formations can lead to uncontrollable conflict growth to other countries of the region.

The Soviet Empire left the local peoples of the big "bouquet" of environmental problems. Mass hydrotechnical construction, water overrun when irrigation leads to salinization of land, caused the problems of Aral and Balkhash. The Aral Sea decreased more than half, and from his dry bottom winds with wind thousands of tons of salts. The unique lake of Balkhash, which was fresh in one part, and in the other - salty, in the near future can turn into a very salty. In addition, there are also poor natural vegetation on huge spaces, which led to active wind erosion and dust storms.

The problem of the integration of the states of the region to the world economy cannot be solved without creating the root of the new transport network. The existing system of railways, roads, gas and oil pipelines was created in the conditions of the Empire and mainly represented by highways going to Central Russia. The network of internal routes, especially railways, does not provide modern needs of the farm. Central Asia is almost cut off from the nearest ports of the Indian Ocean through the complete absence of railways in Afghanistan and weak communication with Iran's transport system. Therefore, besides the designed road through Iran, countries in the region it is advisable to create ways to maritime ports through Afghanistan and Pakistan. Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, in addition, can look for additional ways to export products through China and the ports of the Pacific Ocean.

Of great interest in this region are the firms of Japan and South Korea. Of the traditional partners, in addition to Russia, Ukraine may have great importance for the region. The Ukrainian economy is experiencing the need for energy, non-ferrous metals, cotton and other products of Central Asian countries. On the other hand, Ukraine's enterprises can supply in this region products of ferrous metallurgy, mechanical engineering (oil - and gas-producing equipment, tractors, machines, techniques for agriculture) and the food industry. The construction projects for new gas and oil pipelines also provide for an active part in Ukraine, and some of them can pass directly through the territory of our country. Such cooperation allowed Central Asian states to find significantly cheaper the ways of selling their products, and Ukraine get additional reliable sources of providing raw materials and energy. Closer cooperation between the countries of Central Asia and Ukraine requires the decisions of individual social problems.

It is from this region that the deported Crimean Tatars are returned to Ukraine. While all the costs of their resettlement are forced to take over the Ukrainian side, although in Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan, there are solid houses and entire settlements in which Tatars lived. Significant support for Ukraine and promoting the governments of Central Asian states in national cultural development requires a numerous Ukrainian diaspora. After all, in Soviet times, even in Kazakhstan, where hundreds of thousands of Ukrainian people live, as a result of the policy of Russification, the educational and cultural interests of the Ukrainian settlers were not satisfied at all.

Southwestern Asiaincludes the states of the Middle and Middle East with an ancient history and mainly Muslim culture. The exception is Israel - the country of immigration and the widespread spread of Judaism with its shrines. Historically, it was now in Israel, the city of Jerusalem is currently located, in which the shrines are three religions: Judaism, Christianity, Islam, which, on the one hand, attracts a very large number of tourists, partially pilgrims, and on the other - it creates the ground for Permanent acute conflicts, which affects the extent of tourism.

In the countries of this zone, tourists attracts the warm sea (especially widespread - Mediterranean, washing the shores of Turkey, Cyprus, Lebanon, Syria, Israel), a favorable subtropical climate. Attracting lovers of cognitive tourism ancient cities or their ruins, numerous cities with their historical and cultural population. Among them - Istanbul (Turkey), Amman (Jordan), the ancient cities of Lebanon - Baalbek, Side, as well as the organizing tourist center of the country - its capital Beirut, Nicosia (Cyprus), the Iranian city of Tehran, Isfahan, Shiraz, Hamadan. Many interesting historical and cultural and archaeological objects and outside these centers.

Individual countries of the Arab East, as well as Turkey attract many "shuttles" - participants in the shop tours. Afghanistan possesses interesting tourist opportunities, but the events of the last decades make it impossible to use their. As part of the South-West Asian Tourist macroraions: Turkey and Cyprus, Palestine, Arab States (Middle East), the Middle East.

Turkey and Cyprus connected both their history and modern relationships. The fact is that the northern part of Cyprus is occupied by Turkish troops: the Turkish Republic of Cyprus has been proclaimed there, but not recognized, however, none of the state except Turkey. In this northern part of Cyprus, Cypriots are Muslims, speaking in Turkish, while in the rest of the island are predominantly Orthodox, speaking Greek. Naturally, the Cyprus section creates excessive tensions, but this does not interfere with the large number of holiday tourists to enjoy the benefits of the Mediterranean Sea and the gracious Mediterranean climate. In addition to resting on coastal beaches, tourists have the opportunity to visit low mountainous areas, take the baths near mineral springs. In the capital of the state of Nicosia, tourists inspect the Mosque of Selima, the Cathedral of St. Sophia, the six-meter venetian column, the ruins of the fortress wall, rich in the Items of the Bronze Age and the masterpieces of historical art Museum; In Famagusta and its surroundings - the ancient ruins; In Paphos - Ruins of the Temples of Aphrodite and Apollo; Near Limassol - Tower of Chaise. Cyprus has mastered the tourists "Shubles" from the CIS countries.

They are private visitors of neighboring Turkey. At the same time, the latter attracts tourists recrehensors: seaside areas (along the Mediterranean, Aegean, Marble, Black Seas) are known for their numerous swimming seasons (the warm sea, subtropical climate), which contributed to the emergence of famous Mediterranean resorts (Antalya, Alanya, etc. ). There are internal areas of Turkey resorts based on the use of mineral springs. For example, sources near the city of Bursa were used by the Byzantines.

But, of course, Turkey attracts tourists and its historical and cultural values. Many of them are focused on the shore of the Bosphorus Strait in Istanbul (in the past - Constantinople, in the ancient Russian documents - Tsargrad). The transformation of the Orthodox Byzantine capital in the Muslim city led to a change in the appearance of the city: Orthodox churches turned into a mosque. There are many of them, therefore, many minarets. The most famous temple is an outstanding work of the Byzantine architecture of Ayia Sofia. After capturing Konstantinople by the Turks in XV. A large number of new mosques were built, including those outstanding with their architectural advantages. There are in Istanbul and museums, among which the archaeological (with the sarcophagus of Alexander Macedonsky), monuments of civil architecture. In the twentieth century Istanbul is largely European.

Other centers of cognitive tourism in Turkey: the capital of Ankara (where there are old buildings, and the Mausoleum of the founder of modern Turkey Ataturk (Kemal Pasha); Izmir (who is famous for the ancient and annual fairs); Bursa, Adana, Erzurum (with their monuments of antiquity and numerous mosques).

Most Turkey is a plateau and low mountains, which in the east of the country are moving to high-mountainous areas, where high-altitude exemplary is well expressed (up to the nival zone), there is a sacred for Armenians (but after 1 World War in Turkey) Ararat array, where , on biblical legend, she completed her way Naev Ark, a large and very picturesque lake Wang. So in the east of Turkey many elements of natural attractability. However, so far this, undoubtedly, the potential resort area is mastered little.

Palestine . This macrorayon includes the state of Israel, inhabited mainly by Jews (indigenous people and immigrants), and Arab territories, which many decades are struggling for the creation of the Arab Palestinian state.

The territory of Palestine saw in his century many historical events that left their mark in her ancient monuments. Suffice it to say that in the Valley of Jordan "found the very first city in the world - Jericho (" City of dates "), whose age consists of seven millennia. Archaeological excavations are being conducted on a large hill that attract the attention of many tourists. " The south of the largest city of Palestine Jerusalem is located the city of Bethlehem, over which, according to legend, the star was lit in a moment when Jesus Christ was born in modest nurseries. The Grand Temple was built here.

But, of course, the largest number of tourists attracts Jerusalem himself associated with the relics of Jewish, Christian, Muslim religions. This is really a city of three historical denominations and therefore attracts their countless representatives, as well as, just inquisitive tourists. Among the historical and cultural monuments, it is enough to call the Jewish wall of crying, Christian shrines - the chapel of the Mernel of the Lord, Golgotha, where Christ was crucified, the rock where he prayed (and many more places associated with evangelical plots). According to Islam, from the cliff, where Christ prayed, later the Muslim prophet Muhammed was ascended to the sky (the magnificent mosque of Omar) was built here. It is not by chance that in the Palestine section after the IImic War of the UN issued a decision on the special status of Jerusalem, who is historically divided into an old and new city.

From other cities of the district, the actual capital of Israel Tel Aviv should be called (although the leadership of the state considers the capital to Jerusalem, which is not recognized by the majority of the states of the world) with his Museum of Mediterranean art "Gaaretz", art gallery. Among the streets of Tel Aviv there is Korolenko Streets, Zola and others. With Tel Aviv, Jaffa practically merged, unlike the very young Tel Aviv, there are several centuries of its existence. In this city, you can go through Pushkin Street, Pestalozzi, Michelangelo, M. Gorky, Obyshko, Dante.

Another ancient other city of Israel on the Mediterranean Sea is Haifa. Therefore, in these cities there are also historical and cultural objects of the former centuries. On the coast of the Mediterranean, especially in the area of \u200b\u200bNatanya and in the Eilat area in the Arabic Gulf of the Red Sea are sea resorts. The resorts are on the coast below the ocean level of the Dead Sea, the very high salinity of the water of which allows bathing fluidly to stay on the water. For tourists in Israel, an appropriate infrastructure has been created.

Arab countries of South-West Asia include almost all of this zone, with the exception of two districts, characterized above and the states of the Middle East. Practically it is about the Middle East or most of the anterior Asia (from Lebanon in the north-west to Yemen in the south-east). All this is Muslim Arab states.

With the exception of its outskirts - Mediterranean Lebanon and partly Syria in the North-West and "Happy Arabia" (southern Yemen) on the edge of the Arabian Peninsula - all countries of the district are arid desert and semi-desert areas. Therefore, civilization has developed there only in areas where it was possible to create irrigation systems at the expense of rivers (both in Mesopotamia) or groundwater - in oases. From the middle of the twentieth century In many countries, the area began to be mined in large quantities of oil, and this led to the formation of oases on an "industrial basis" due to water supply from deep horizons or the desalination of sea water. During these processes, modern civilization is formed with all its pros and minuses. In particular, the foci of this new civilization attract a large number of tourists from the CIS countries to the countries of the district. In some states of the district on the shores of the seas, modern seaside resorts appeared. In the cities of Lebanon there are mountain resorts. All this serves as the development of recreational tourism. However, it is impossible to forget that in almost all Macroregion countries there are many historical and cultural attractions - the monuments of distant millennia and centuries.

So, on the territory of Lebanon is one of the earliest settlements of people - Baalbek, "where the ruins of cult facilities dedicated to Jupiter, statues, sculptural images of Venus, Bahus, rows of columns and sculptures, stairs are preserved. One of the ancient settlements in Lebanon is the city of Side. The very capital of the country - Beirut, along with the old quarters, is distinguished by a completely modern building corresponding to the role of Beirut as a center of finance and culture.

In Syria, the ancient cities of Palmyra and Haleb with their monuments and Hellenistic art are of great interest for tourists. The capital of the country Damascus attracts the objects of Muslim culture, among which one of the most famous shrines Islam - Omajad's mosque.

Muslim architecture is typical and for most regions of the capital Iraq - Baghdad. Largely fame enjoys the mosque by Nazimia, or the Golden Mosque, decorated with four minarets with gilded domes (which is rare in such structures). There are many modern buildings and monuments in the city stylized in the spirit of Muslim traditions. Aside with the capital, located on the shores of the famous Tiger River, there are ruins of ancient cities, including the famous Babylon. There are in Iraq (in the north and northeast of the country) and summer highland resorts. Despite the undoubted tourist attractiveness of Lebanon, Syria and Iraq, the flow of tourists to these countries due to political instability is limited.

Significantly less interesting for cognitive tourism Other Arab countries of the Middle East: Jordan, Yemen, Kuwait, Qatar, Bahrain, United Arab Emirates. The latter, as a rule, attract a large number of tourists "Chelnts". In these countries, the economy of which is based on oil extraction (Kuwait, Qatar, Oman, Bahrain, United Arab Emirates), attract the attention of modern cities.

Special place among the countries of the Middle East occupies Saudi Arabia. It is on its territory that the main places of the Muslim pilgrimage are located - the sacred town of Mecca (with black stone Kaaba) and Medina, cities related to the activities of the Prophet Mohammed and the origin of Islam. Hundreds of thousands, and in some years and millions of Muslims from all over the world come here as pilgrims. Pilgrimage (Hajj) gives huge revenues of the country, and pilgrims "join themselves for eternal life in paradise. On the Krasnomorsk coast of the country - the city of Jeddah, through which thousands of pilgrims are sent. There are several historical monuments here, among whom, by legend, the grave of the first female Eve.

Countries of the Middle East - This is Iran and Afghanistan. From the point of view of tourism, Iran is especially interesting - a country of very diverse nature and ancient history. Nature lovers will meet in the Iran of the sea and rivers, plains (low-albele and raised) and high mountains Elbrus with the main vertex of Demavennd (in the north of the country), a variety of forests, dry steppes, semi-deserts and deserts, healing mineral springs and medicinal dirt. In Iran - numerous monuments of Muslim culture (civil and religious structures) in the capital of Tehran, cities of Isfahan, Tabriz, Mashhad, Kazvine and others. Currently, in connection with the complex international position of Iran (largely with its insulation), the flow of tourists to the country is very limited, and the external forces and the activity of Islamic fundamentalists contribute.

It is practically impossible in our days of tourism to Afghanistan - a multinational mountainous country, where military actions have been going for many years. Therefore, as well as due to a very low level of development of the tourist infrastructure, remain unclaimed and harsh, but the impressive nature of Afghanistan, and its historical and cultural facilities located in the capital Kabul, the cities of Herat, Kandagar and others. Almost unavailable and one of the most famous tourism facilities throughout Asia - Biamine. In this depression, located at an altitude of more than 2 thousand meters, in the central part of the country there is a rock, exist with hundreds of caves. In the rocks - two carved 50-meter statues of the Buddha, and in the hill there is a fortress Shahar-and-Gulgula. The possibilities of the Jelalabad Winter Resort, and the possibility of hunting, and observing local ritual holidays.