Cathedral - what it is and what is different from the church. What is a cathedral and what it differs from the church

Cathedral - what it is and what is different from the church. What is a cathedral and what it differs from the church

Probably there is no such person who would not read, or at least I did not hear about the most famous Cathedral of France - the Cathedral of the Paris Mother of God or Notre Dame de Paris. But this cathedral, which has a very interesting story, is a vivid example of the Cathedral. But the cathedrals are not only in European countries. There are such cathedrals in Russia. They are not so much, but they are all widely known. This is the Vladimir Cathedral in Kiev, the Church of Vasily Blessed in Moscow, Petropavlovsky Cathedral in St. Petersburg, the Assumption Cathedral in Vladimir ... So what is the cathedral of the cathedral differ from all other cathedrals?

The most important difference between the Cathedral is that in such a cathedral necessarily there is a department. The department (from a Latin word, which means "chair" or "throne") is the most honorable place in the temple, where the chair is intended for the bishop. But sometimes this chair symbolizes not only the honorable place, but also the symbol of the power of the bishop. In our language from the word "department" there was the name of the most important cathedral of the diocese - the cathedral, but in the European language, the word "Cathedral" occurred in the European language. That is, it turns out that each European Cathedral is considered to be a cathedral.

The department appeared for a long time.Even during the times of Christian catacombs and chapel during worship for the bishop, a special chair was always installed. In the future, the department was located in the niche of the aspid of the temple, that is, in a special semicircular deepening of every Christian temple, and around the bishop there were chairs of other priests. This order was established by John the Bologosov, who had exactly the location of priests and bishop during worship. But this word has another origin. The department is the center of the bishop power. It is believed that the bishop team receive from the apostles themselves.

However, today there is no single location of the department in the temples. For example, in the Russian Cathedrals, the Episcopian throne is located directly opposite the throne on the mining place. In the elelda church, the department is located on the closer, that is, before the same iconostasis.

The status of the "Cathedral" is assigned once and for all. This rule is valid not only in Russia, but also in all European countries. However, if the bishop decides that for holding worship, he needs another cathedral, and this new cathedral will be built, the title of the Cathedral of the Old Building has no right to take away.

There is another feature of the cathedrals - They can be any sizes, and the department is not at all necessary to be constantly in the building of the cathedral. It can only be taken in cases where the service will hold the bishop. The rest of the time this portable department can be in the most secluded place.

In addition to the cathedral itself, there is also a smoke-hearth cathedral - The building in which there is a second department, and a plumbing cathedral - a building that temporarily performs the function of the Cathedral.

Orthodoxy has always been famous for its magnificent temples. Since ancient times, the Slavs tried to build churches with beautiful gold dips and a special painting of the icons, which was often the mosaic. Just look at the temples of the Kiev-Pechersk and Pochaevsky Lavr. But especially the Grasse was crowned with temples with status cathedral. This status received not every temple.

In antiquity and today, the status of the Cathedral receives those temple where the department of the bishop and they are constantly committed by bishop worship. Also, the Cathedral may become a temple, which is located in a big city (without the Episcopian Department), in the monastery. Such a main temple of a certain city, or the monastery will be called the cathedral. If there is a bishop department, then the cathedral is added to the cathedral. The most famous cathedrals of Ukraine is: Assumption Cathedral of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra, Cathedral of St. Alexander Nevsky in Yalta, Saint Sophia Cathedral, Holy Assumption Cathedral of the Pochaevsky Lavra.

The status of the cathedral is given on the blessing of the ruling bishop once and all the time.

How do the cathedral choose?

The question arises: "For what criteria determine that the temple can become a cathedral?". Criteria There are several. First, as already mentioned above the cathedral becomes the temple where there is a bishop department. Secondly, Sunday worships, especially the worst worships are committed by the Cathedral of priests, which, as a rule, at least twelve.

This symbolic number means twelve apostles. Since the bishop of the image of Christ, he, like Christ, must surround the twelve apostles. By the way, in some cathedrals, the head of the department is worth, constantly, in the middle part of the temple. The department is a special design that is an elevation in the form of a square, at which the bishop is during certain moments of worship. Basically, such a bishop department is portable. She put in the temple only for the time of the bishop worship service. At the end of the worship, she climbs and put somewhere in the side of the temple, so as not to interfere with people. It should be noted that recently there are bishops in small temples in small in size, where only two or three priests serves. Apparently, this is due to the fact that there is currently a trend towards an increase in the number of bishopata of the church.

The cathedral always collects many parishioners and pilgrims for prayer. No wonder. When the temple holiday is celebrated, not only the priests of the diocese are coming to the cathedral, but also many bishops from other departments

The overall stock of lexicia (from Greek. Lexikos) is a complex of all major semantic units of one language. The lexical meaning of the word reveals the generally accepted idea of \u200b\u200bthe subject, property, action, feeling, abstract phenomenon, exposure, event, and the like. In other words, determines what denotes this concept in the mass consciousness. As soon as an unknown phenomenon acquires clarity, specific signs, or awareness of the object arises, people assign the name (sound-alphabet), or rather lexical meaning. After that it falls into a dictionary of definitions with the interpretation of content.

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Lords and highly specialized terms in each language so much that all their interpretations simply unrealistic. In the modern world there are a lot of thematic reference books, encyclopedias, thesaurus, glossaries. Let's run on their varieties:


In the Middle Ages, all Western Europe belonged to the Roman Catholic religion. Each community had its own church. These churches were grouped inside the districts called dioceses. Each diocese was under the jurisdiction of the bishop. The main church of the Diocese had a bishop throne - the Department. Translated from the Latin name of such a church as the "Cathedral Church".

Most Cathedrals were built in the form of a cross. The long part of the cross is the non-church, serving to collect praying. He is crossed as if cross cross. In the "top" of the cross was the altar and a place for the choir. The dome in such churches most often built over the intersection of two elongated spaces.

Cathedrals were built in almost all architectural styles. But most of the most famous cathedrals were erected or in the styles of Byzantine, Romanesque, Gothic, or in the style of the Renaissance. Most of the most famous cathedrals, such as Notre Dame de Paris, are built in ...

Temples are: parish, cemetery, houses, crusades (church in the bishop or patriarchal house) and cathedral. The cathedral received its name because the worship service in it can be committed by the clergy of several temples (Cathedral ministry). Usually, the cathedrals call the cathedrals in the diocesan cities or the main temple in large monasteries.

Temple (from the Starus. "Choir", "Temmina") - an architectural structure (building), intended for the commission of worship and religious rites. The Christian Temple is also called the "Church".

The cathedral is usually called the main church of the city or the monastery. Although the local tradition may not be too strictly adhered to this rule. So, for example, in St. Petersburg there are three cathedrals: Isaac, Kazan and Smolny (not counting the cathedrals of urban monasteries), and in the Holy Trinity Sergius Lavra Cathedrals two: Assumption and Troitsky. The church, where the Department of the Ruling Bishop is located (Bishchi), is called the Cathedral. IN…

The cathedral is customary to call a Christian temple having a special status. As an example, the Cathedral is considered a temple in which there is an episcopal department, and which is the main in the district. As a rule, in the cathedral temple or cathedral, the bishop serves.

- (gr. Russian). Church attributed to the bishop department. A dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian language. Chudinov A.N., 1910. Cathedral of Greek. Rus. Church attributed to the bishop department. Explanation of 25,000 foreign ... ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

Cathedral - Cathedral in the residence of the bishop. In South Germany, the Cathedral is called Münster. (Dictionary of terms of architecture. Yusupov E.S., 1994) * * * The main temple of the diocese with the bishop department. (Architecture: Illustrated Directory, ... ... Architectural dictionary

Department, s, g. Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Swedov. 1949 1992 ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

SUT., Number of synonyms: 1 Temple (57) Dictionary of Synonyms ASIS. V.N. Trishin. 2013 ... Synonym dictionary

Cathedral - The urban temple in which the Department of Bishop is located ... Source: SP 31 103 99. Buildings, structures and complexes of Orthodox churches (adopted by the Resolution of the Gosstroy of the Russian Federation dated December 27, 1999 N 92) ... Official terminology

Cathedral - The urban temple in which the Department of Bishop is located. Source: MDS 31 9.2003: Orthodox churches. Volume 2. Orthodox churches and complexes. Manual for Design and Construction (to SP 31 103 99) ... Dictionary directory terms of regulatory and technical documentation

The main temple of the diocese, in which the Department of Bishop is located ... Catholic encyclopedia

Cathedral - ♦ (ENG CATHEDRAL) (from Greek. Kathedra, lat. Cathedra armchair, throne) Church, in the swarm there is a throne or official sedator (lat. Sedes) bishop of this diocene. From this place, the bishop leads the leadership of the liturgy, and in a wider ... ... Westminster Dictionary of Theological Terms

Cathedral Cathedral of Him. Königsberger Dom (Königsberg Cathedral) ... Wikipedia

Cathedral Cathedral of Him. Königsberger Dom Former Cathedral of Königsberg Modern Cathedral Cathedral ... Wikipedia


  • Cathedral of immaculate conception in Moscow. Album ,. This book talks about the cathedral church of the Catholic Archite Spirit of the Mother of God in Moscow, consecrated in honor of the immaculate conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary on December 21, 1911. History of the cathedral from ...
  • Vilnius Cathedral, N. Y. Kitkauskas. The former cathedral belongs to the most remarkable monuments of architecture of ancient Vilnius. Erected in the city center - on the territory of the former Nizhny Nizamka - the Cathedral became an eyewitness ...

Temples are: parish, cemetery, houses, crusades (church in the bishop or patriarchal house) and cathedral. The cathedral received its name because the worship service in it can be committed by the clergy of several temples (Cathedral ministry). Usually, the cathedrals call the cathedrals in the diocesan cities or the main temple in large monasteries.

Temple (from the Starus. "Choir", "Temmina") - an architectural structure (building), intended for the commission of worship and religious rites. The Christian Temple is also called the "Church".

The cathedral is usually called the main church of the city or the monastery. Although the local tradition may not be too strictly adhered to this rule. So, for example, in St. Petersburg there are three cathedrals: Isaac, Kazan and Smolny (not counting the cathedrals of urban monasteries), and in the Holy Trinity Sergius Lavra Cathedrals two: Assumption and Troitsky. The church, where the Department of the Ruling Bishop is located (Bishchi), is called the Cathedral. In the Orthodox church, they necessarily allocate the altar part, where the throne is located, and the meal is a room for praying.

In the altar part of the temple, on the throne, the sacrament of the Eucharist is committed. In Orthodoxy, the chapels are customary to call a small building (construction) intended for prayer. As a rule, the chapels are erected in memory of events important to the heart of a believer. The difference between the chapel from the temple is that the chapel does not have the throne and liturgy is not performed there.

The word Cathedral comes from the Old Slavonic words: Congress, meeting. So is usually called the main temple in the city or the monastery. The cathedral is designed for daily ministry to God at least three priests. Here the worship service of higher spiritual persons is held: Patriarch, Archbishop, bishop. Significant sizes of the cathedral allows you to collect in one place to a large number of parishioners and clergy. Although the Cathedral in the area may not significantly differ from the usual parish temple, but it should be designed to be the fact that mostly festive worship will be performed by the clergy from the state of the temple.

Ideally, there must be 12 priests in addition to the abbot of Christ and the 12 apostles. Cathedrals have their graduation: monastic, cathedral. The church where the department of the ruling bishop or bishop is called the Cathedral. The cathedrals are a numerous clergy, in the main churches of the diocese, where the bishop department is located, which is a permanent elevation in the center of the temple, where there is a bishop conducting services.

The word Temple comes from older words: "choirs", "Temmy". The temple is an architectural building or structure designed to carry out services and religious rituals - the departure of religious cult. The Christian Temple is called the Church. In the Orthodox church, they necessarily allocate the altar part, where the throne is located, and the meal is a room for praying. In the altar part of the temple, on the throne, the sacrament of the Eucharist - bloodless sacrifice is committed.

In parish temples, in urban - necessarily, there is a remote department - usually a wooden square platform in the case of ministry of the bishop. But, justice it is worth noting that the Cathedral of the 2nd diocesan city can often be very small in size, rarely visited by the bishop, which in the aggregate does not make it necessary to constantly find in the center of the temple of the department, and the priests there are 2-3 at best.

Main in the male monastery, where the sachers from the number of monks often have a sacred-san, especially those who occupy the key positions, dear, ecclesiarh, sacristy and others, as a rule there is always a cathedral temple. Ecclesia - the common name of the National Assembly in ancient Greece. This term, we often meet in the Greek Old Testament to designate the meeting of the Favorite People before God. Especially when it comes to a meeting at the Mountain of Sinai, where Israel got the law and was established by God as His Holy People. Calling himself "Ecclesia", the first community of those who believed in Christ recognizes himself the heiress of this meeting. In it, God "convenes" his people from all over the world. The term "Kiriake", from which "Kirche", "Church" and the Russian word church occurred.

The word "church" comes from the Greek word and in translating means the house of the Lord, God's house. Churches have at least an altar part focused on the east and adjacent premises for the praying trapez. There are churches with a complex of interrelated spaces: a chapel and akin, crypt and refectory. Lutheran churches are called Kirk or Kirchi, Polish Catholic churches - churches.

For another version, the status of the church is determined by the preparation of a cross with a cross. The temple has three or five, seven or 11, 12, or even 13 domes, respectively, the adhesives. In the church, usually one priest and he can serve only one liturgy. Even the second priest in the same advance can not serve as the next liturgy in one day. In churches, where there are several adhesions, you can serve as the number of liturgium per day, how many feathers, but different priests. In addition, the cathedral can be called the church in which there are shrines. This for some judgments is considered the main difference of the temple from the church and the cathedral.

In Orthodoxy, the chapel is a relatively small building, building or structure ascribed or subordinate to any urban or rural church and intended for prayers. Chapel can be devoted to any saint; Christian holiday; Meaning event, important for the heart of a believer person. The chapel does not provide for the altar, but services in it or about it can be carried out, but relatively not regularly. In the chapel there are no advance, the throne, the liturgy does not serve.

Summarize. The main difference between the Cathedral from the Church and the Temple - a special status, once assigned to the church construction due to any special situation, is usually the main temple of the settlement or the monastery. The status of the cathedral is not subject to revision. There is no difference that when moving the bishop's department, the title of the cathedral is assigned to another temple. Services are made by the Cathedral (collection) of the clergy, the staff consists of several priests.
The main difference between the temple and the church presence in the temple of the altar or altar.

In Christianity, the altar was committed by a bloodless sacrifice, the Eucharist. The importation of the architecture of the temples is wider than religious ideas and ritual functions. Decorative decoration and architecture of the temple reveals an idea of \u200b\u200bthe universe, are the place of solemn ceremonies and public assemblies. The buildings of the temples are usually located in the iconic and nodal points of the city - give the difference in architectural appearance and contribute to strengthening belief.

archpriest Alexander Ilyashenko