Physical map of Central Asia in Russian. Asia map

Physical map of Central Asia in Russian. Asia map
Physical map of Central Asia in Russian. Asia map

Asia is part of the mainland of Eurasia. Located continent in the eastern and northern hemisphere. The border with North America passes through the Bering Strait, and with Africa Asia separates the Suez Canal. In ancient Greece, attempts to establish an accurate boundary between Asia and Europe were made. Until now, this boundary is considered conditional. In Russian sources, the border is established on the eastern step of the Ural Mountains, the Emba River, the Caspian Sea, the Black and Marble Seas, according to the Bosphorus and Dardanella Strait.

In the West, Asia is washed by the inner seas of black, Azov, marble, Mediterranean and Aegean seas. The largest lakes of the continent are Baikal, Balkhash and the Aral Sea. In Lake Baikal, 20% of all freshwater reels on Earth are concentrated. In addition, Baikal is the deepest lake in the world. Its maximum depth in the middle of the basin is 1620 meters. One of the unique Lakes of Asia is Lake Balkhash. Its uniqueness is that it is in the western part of its freshwater, and in eastern - salty. Dead Sea is considered the deepest sea of \u200b\u200bAsia and the world.

The continental part of Asia occupies mainly mountains and plateaus. The largest mountain arrays in the south are Tibet, Tien Shan, Pamir, Himalayas. In the north and northeast, the continent are Altai, the Verkhoyansky ridge, the ridge of the black, medium-grained plateau. In the West, Asia is surrounded by the Caucasian and Ural Mountains, and in the East is a big and small Hingan and Sikhote-Alin. On the map of Asia with countries and capitals in Russian, the names of large mountain ranges of the region are distinguished. In Asia, all types of climate are found - from the Arctic to Equatorial.

The classification adopted in the UN, Asia is divided into the following regions: Central Asia, East Asia, Western Asia, Southeast Asia and South Asia. Currently, 54 states are located in Asia. The boundaries of all these countries and capitals are marked on the Asian political map with cities. In terms of growth, Asia is inferior only to Africa. 60% of the entire population of the Earth lives in Asia. China with India is 40% of the world population.

Asia is the degree of the ancient civilizations - Indian, Tibetan, Babylonian, Chinese. This is due to favorable agriculture in many areas of this part of the world. According to the ethnic composition, Asia is very diverse. Here are representatives of the three main races of humanity - a non-coordinated, the mongoloid, the European one.

1. Overall characteristic, brief history of Foreign Asia

Foreign Asia is the largest in the population (more than 4 billion people) and the second (after Africa) in the area of \u200b\u200bthe region of the world, and this championship is preserved, in essence, throughout the existence of human civilization. Square of Foreign Asia - 27 million square meters. km, it includes more than 40 sovereign states. Many of them belong to the oldest in the world. Foreign Asia is one of the foci of the origin of mankind, the birthplace of agriculture, artificial irrigation, cities, many cultural values \u200b\u200band scientific achievements. Basically, the region includes developing countries.

2. A variety of countries of foreign Asian on the area

The region includes different countries in size: two of them belong to the giant countries (China, India), there are very large (Mongolia, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Indonesia), the rest, mainly refer to fairly large countries. The boundaries between them take place along well-pronounced natural borders.

Features of the EGP of Asian countries:

  1. Neighborhood.
  2. Seaside position.
  3. The deep position of some countries.

The first two features have a beneficial effect on their farm, and the third makes it difficult to external economic relations.

3. A variety of countries of foreign Asian in the population

The largest countries of Asia in population (2012)
(according to CIA)

4. A variety of countries of foreign Asia in geographical position

Asian countries in geographical position:

  1. Primorsky (India, Pakistan, Iran, Israel, etc.).
  2. Island (Bahrain, Cyprus, Sri Lanka, etc.).
  3. Archipelago (Indonesia, Philippines, Japan, Maldives).
  4. Incontinental (Laos, Mongolia, Afghanistan, Nepal, Bhutan, etc.).
  5. Peninsula (Republic of Korea, Qatar, Oman, etc.).

5. A variety of countries of foreign Asia in terms of development

The political structure of countries is very diverse.
Monarchy of Foreign Asia (according to

Saudi Arabia
  • All other countries of the republic.
  • Developed countries of Asia: Japan, Israel, Republic of Korea, Singapore.
  • All other countries in the region relate to developing.
  • The least developed countries of Asia: Afghanistan, Yemen, Bangladesh, Nepal, Laos, etc.
  • China, Japan, India, based on per capita, Qatar, Singapore, UAE, Kuwait have the greatest volume of GDP.

6. Forms of the Board and Devices of the countries of Foreign Asia

By the nature of the administrative and territorial device, most Asian countries have a unitary device. The federal administrative and territorial structure has the following countries: India, Malaysia, Pakistan, UAE, Nepal, Iraq.

7. Regions of Foreign Asia

Asian regions:

  1. Southwestern.
  2. South.
  3. Southeast.
  4. Eastern.
  5. Central.

Natural Resources of Foreign Asia

1. Introduction

The security of foreign Asia resources is determined primarily by a variety of relief, location, features of nature and climate.

The area is extremely uniform with respect to the tectonic structure and relief: within its limits there is the highest altitude amplitude (more than 9000 m), there are both ancient Precambrian platforms and the field of young Cenozoic folding, grand mountain countries and extensive plains. As a result, mineral resources of foreign Asia are very diverse.

2. Mineral Resources of Foreign Asia

Within the Chinese, Industan Platforms, the main pools of coal, iron and manganese ores, non-metallic fossils are focused. Within the Alpine-Himalayan and Pacific folded belts, ores are dominated, including a copper belt along the coast of the Pacific Ocean. But the main wealth of the region, which also determines its role in the international geographical division of labor is oil and gas. Oil and gas reserves are explored in most countries of South-West Asia (Mesopotamian deflection of earthly crust). The main deposits are located in Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Iraq, Iran, UAE. In addition, large oil and gas fields are explored in the countries of the Malay archipelago. Especially stand out by the reserves of Indonesia, Malaysia. Countries of Central Asia are also rich in oil and gas (Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan).

The largest salt reserves are in the Dead Sea. In Iranian Highlands, large stocks of sulfur and non-ferrous metals. In general, Asia is one of the main regions of the world by mineral reserves.

Countries with the highest reserves and diversity of minerals:

  1. China.
  2. India.
  3. Indonesia.
  4. Iran.
  5. Kazakhstan.
  6. Turkey.
  7. Saudi Arabia.

3. Land, Agroclimatic Resources of Foreign Asia

Agroclimatic resources of Asia are heterogeneous. Extensive arrays of mountainous countries, deserts and semi-deserts are little suitable for economic activities, with the exception of animal husbandry; The security of arable land is small and continues to decline (as the population grows and the erosion of soil increases). But the plains of the East and the south are created quite favorable conditions for agriculture. In Asia, there are 70% of the irrigated lands of the world.

4. Water resources (moisture resources), agroclimatic resources

The largest stocks of water resources have the countries of Eastern and Southeast Asia, as well as some regions of South Asia. At the same time, in the countries of the Persian Bay of Water Resources, it is not enough.

Soil resources for general indicators are most secured China, India, Indonesia.
The greatest stocks of forest resources: Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, China, India.

Population of Foreign Asia

The population of Asia exceeds 4 billion people. Many countries in the region are at the "demographic explosion" stage.

2. Birth rate and mortality (population reproduction)

All countries of the region, with the exception of Japan and some countries in the transitional stage, belong to the traditional type of population reproduction. At the same time, many of them are in a state of demographic explosion. Some countries are struggling with this phenomenon, conducting demographic policies (India, China), but most countries do not conduct such policies, the rapid growth of the population and rejuvenation continues. Under the current growth rate of the population of the country of foreign Asia, food, social and other difficulties are experiencing. Among the subregions of Asia, East Asia further retired from the peak of the demographic explosion. Currently, the greatest growth rates of the population are characteristic of the countries of South-West Asia. For example, in Yemen, an average of almost 5 children accounts for one woman.

3. National composition

The ethnic composition of the Asian population is also extremely difficult: more than 1 thousand peoples live here - from small ethnic groups who have several hundred people to the largest people in the number of people.

The largest peoples of foreign Asian in population (more than 100 million people):

  1. Chinese.
  2. Hinduscan.
  3. Bengaltsy.
  4. Japanese.

The peoples of foreign Asia belong to about 15 language families. There is no such linguistic diversity in any other major region of the planet.
The largest linguistic families of foreign Asia in terms of population:

  1. Sino-Tibetan.
  2. Indo-European.
  3. Austronesian.
  4. Dravidian.
  5. Austro-Azia.

The most complex in ethnolinguistic terms of the country is India, Sri Lanka, Indonesia. India and Indonesia are considered the most multinational countries of the world. In Eastern and South-West Asia, with the exception of Iran and Afghanistan, a more homogeneous national composition is characteristic. The complex composition of the population in many parts of the region leads to sharp interethnic conflicts.

4. Religious composition

  • Foreign Asia is the birthplace of all the largest religions, all three world religions originated here: Christianity, Buddhism, Muslim.
  • Christianity: Philippines, Georgia, Armenia, a significant proportion of Christians in Kazakhstan, Japan, Lebanon.
  • Buddhism: Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam, Myanmar, Bhutan, Mongolia.
  • Islam: Southwest Asia, Indonesia, Malaysia, Bangladesh.
  • Among other national religions it is necessary to note Confucianism (China), Taoism, Sintoism. In many countries, inter-ethnic contradictions are based on religious grounds.

Presentation to the lesson:

!? The task.

  1. The border of Russia.
  2. Subregions of foreign Asia.
  3. Republic and monarchy.
Asia map

Detailed map of Asia in Russian. Examine asia map from the satellite. Close and consider streets, houses and attractions on Asia map.

Asia - The largest of the world on the planet. It extends from the Mediterranean coast of the Middle East to the Long Far Coast of the Pacific Ocean, including China, Korea, Japan, India. Wet roast regions in the south of Asia are separated from the more cool giant mountain varnish - Himalayas.

In conjunction with Europe, Asia forms continent Eurasia. The dividing border between Asia and Europe passes through the Ural Mountains. Asia washed water in the rod of three oceans: a quiet, northern ice and indian. Also, many of the Asian region have access to the seas of the Atlantic Ocean. 54 States are located on the territory of this part of the world.

The highest mountain peak on Earth - Jomolungma (Everest). Its height above sea level - 8848 meters. This vertex enters the Himalayas system - the mountain range divided by Nepal and China.

Asia is a very extended part of the world, so the climate in Asian countries is different and differs depending on the landscape and relief. In Asia there are states with both subarctic and equatorial climatic belt. In the south of Asia, powerful winds are blowing from the sea - monsoons. Air masses rich in moisture carry heavy rains with them.

In Central Asia is located gobi Desertwhich is called cold. Her lifeless, blown by the winds, the expanses are coated with stone wreckage and sand. The wet rainforests Sumatra residents are inhabited by Orangutans - the only large monkeys living in Asia. This species is under threat of disappearance.

Asia- This is also the most populous part of the world, because more than 60% of the inhabitants of the planet live there. The most numerous population in three Asian countries - India, Japan and China. However, there are such regions that are completely deserted.

Asia - This is the cradle of civilization of the entire planet, as the most ethnic groups and peoples live in Asia. Each of the Asian countries in its own way is distinctive, having its own traditions. Most of them live along the banks of the rivers and oceans and is engaged in fishing and agriculture. Today, many peasants are moved from the countryside in the cities that greatly grow.

About 2/3 rice on the globe are grown in total in two countries - China and India. Rice fields for which young shoots are planted, covered with water.

The Gang River in India is the busiest place of trade with numerous "floating markets". Hindus consider this river sacred and commit mass pilgrimages to her shores.

Streets of Chinese cities filled with cyclists. The bike is the most popular type of transport in China. Almost all of the world of peace is grown in Asia. Tea plantations are handled manually, only the young leaflets that dried are dried. Asia is the birthplace of such religions as Buddhism, Hinduism and Islam. In Thailand there is a giant buddha statue.

Asia is washed by the Northern Arctic, Indian and Pacific Oceans, as well as - in the West - the intramicious seas of the Atlantic Ocean (Azov, Black, Marble, Aegean, Mediterranean). At the same time, there are extensive fields of internal flow - the pools of the Caspian and Aral Seas, Lake Balkhash, etc. Lake Baikal in terms of the volume of freshwater contained exceeds all lakes of the world; In Baikal, 20% of the world's fresh water reserves are concentrated (excluding glaciers). The dead sea is the world's deepest tectonic depression (-405 meters below sea level). Asian coast as a whole dismembered relatively weakly, large peninsula is allocated - Small Asia, Arabian, Industan, Korean, Kamchatka, Chukotka, Taimyr, etc. near the shores of Asia - Large Islands (Large Stern, Novosibirsk, Sakhalin, Northern Earth, Taiwan, Filipino, Hainan, Sri Lanka, Japanese, etc.), which occupy the area of \u200b\u200bmore than 2 million km².

Based on Asia, there are four huge platforms - Arabian, Indian, Chinese and Siberian. Up to ¾ of the territory of the part of the world occupy mountains and plateaus, the highest of which is focused in Central and Central Asia. In general, Asia is a contrast region at absolute heights. On the one hand, here is the highest peak of the world - Jomolungma Mountain (8848 m), on the other hand, the deepest depressions - Lake Baikal with a depth of 1620 m and the dead sea, the level of which is lower than the sea level by 392 m. East Asia - Active Vulcanism .

Asia is rich in various mineral resources (especially the fuel and energy raw materials).

Almost all types of climate are presented in Asia - from the Arctic in the Far North to Equatorial in the south-east. In the Eastern, South and Southeast Asia, the climate Mussonovon (within Asia is the wet place of the Earth - the place of Cherapundy in the Himalayas), while in Western Siberia - Continental, in Eastern Siberia and Saryarka - sharply continental, and on the plains Central, Central, Central and Western Asia is a semi-desert and desert climate of moderate and subtropical belts. Southeast Asia is a tropical deserted, the hottest within Asia.

The extreme north of Asia occupy the tundra. South is a taiga. In Western Asia there are fertile black earth steps. Most of Central Asia, from the Red Sea to Mongolia, are occupied by the desert. The biggest one is the desert Gobi. Himalayas separated Central Asia from the tropics of South and Southeast Asia.

Himalayas - the highest mountain system of the world. Rivers, in the territory of the pools of which are the Himalayas, carry Il on the south fields, forming fertile soils