The largest pyramid in Egypt. The most famous pyramids of ancient Egypt

The largest pyramid in Egypt. The most famous pyramids of ancient Egypt
The largest pyramid in Egypt. The most famous pyramids of ancient Egypt

The magic of mysterious countries still exists. Palm trees are swinging on a warm wind, Neil swims through the desert surrounded by a green valley, the sun illuminates the Karnak temple and the mysterious Pyramids of Egypt, and in the Red Sea flashes bright shoals of fish.

The burial culture of ancient Egypt

Pyramids are the grandiose structures in the form of a proper geometric polyhedron. In the construction of funeral buildings or mastags, this form, according to Egyptologists, began to apply due to similarity with the memorial pie. If you ask how many pyramids in Egypt, you can hear the answer that about 120 buildings have been found and described today, which are located in different areas along the coast of the Nile.

The first Mastabi can be seen in Sakkare, in Upper Egypt, in Memphis, Abusir, El Lahun, Giza, Havar, Abu Ravasha, Maidum. They built them from clay bricks with river Il - Adobom, in traditional architectural form. The pyramid was placed a chapel room and the burial "dowry" for travel in the afterlife. The underground part kept the remains. Pyramids had a different appearance. They evolved from a step-to-true, geometrically correct, form.

Evolution of the shape of the pyramids

Tourists are often interested in how to see all the Pyramids of Egypt, in which city they are located. There are many such places. For example, Maidum is the most mysterious point where the oldest of all great burial buildings are located. When the Snofer joined the throne (about 2575 BC), in Sakkare there was the only big derived fully royal pyramid of Josrar.

Ancient locals called her "El Haram-El-Kaddab", which means "false pyramid." Because of the form, she attracted the attention of travelers in the Middle Ages.

A stepped pyramid of Joser in Sakkare is known as the earliest form of the funeral building of Egypt. Her appearance refers to the period of the third dynasty. Connected passages from the north lead to a burial chamber. Underground galleries surround the pyramid from all sides, except southern. This is the only completed building with huge steps that were lined with a stone. But her form differed from the ideal. The first right pyramids appeared at the beginning of the period of the 4th pharaoh dynasty. The true form arose as a result of the natural development and improvement of the architectural design of the stepped construction. The structure of the present pyramid is practically the same. Building blocks laid up to the necessary forms and sizes of the object, and then they were finished with limestone or stone.

Pyramids Dakhshura

Dakhshur forms the southern region of necropolis in Memphis and contains a number of pyramidal complexes and monuments. Dakhshur was only recently opened to the public. In the Nile Valley, south of Cairo, alone, on the edge of the Western desert, over lush green fields in Maidume, is a remarkable area where you can see the transition from a step to the correct form of the pyramid. The transformation occurred during the change of the third pharaoh dynasty for the fourth. During the reign of the 3rd dynasty, Pharaoh Huni organized the construction of the first pyramid that having the right form in Egypt, where they are as a base for the construction of stepped structures from Maidum. The burial structure was intended for the son of Huni, the first pharaoh of the fourth dynasty of the Snofer (2613-2589 BC). The heir has completed work on his father's pyramids, then built his own - stepped. But the building plans of Pharaoh were minimized, as construction went not according to plan. A decrease in the angle of inclination of the side plane led to a diamond-shaped curved silhouette. This design is called a broken pyramid, but it still has intact outer shells.

The oldest pyramids in Sakkare

Saccara is one of the huge necropolis of an ancient city, which is known today as Memphis. The ancient Egyptians called this place "White Walls". Egypt's pyramids in Sakkara are represented by the first old stepped pyramid Josher. It was here that the history of the construction of these burial structures began. In Sakkare, found the first record on the walls, known as the "Texts of the Pyramids". The architect of these projects is called Imhakhod, which invented the masonry from the saddled stone. Thanks to the construction development, the ancient architect was counted to the deities. Imhats are considered the Son of the patron of crafts Ptah. In Sakkare, there are many tombs belonging to important ancient Egyptian officials.

True pearl represents the great pyramids of Egypt in the complex of the Snofra. Testing discontent with a broken pyramid, which did not allow adequate to go to heaven, he began to build about two kilometers to the north. It was the famous pink pyramid, named so because of the red limestone used in construction. This is one of the oldest buildings in Egypt, which is created in the right form. It has an angle of inclination of 43 degrees and is the second largest, yielding only the Great Pyramid in Giza. She was built the son of a Snofer in Hofu. In fact, the Great Pyramid is just 10 meters from Pink. Other major monuments in Dakhshire refer to the 12th and 13th dynasties and are incomparable on scale with the works of Huni and Snowfra.

Late pyramids in the Snowfra

Maidume has later pyramids. In Egypt, where the white Pyramid of Amenhehet II, Black Amenhehet III and the construction of SENUSERT III, dominate smaller monuments of funeral destination for minor rulers, nobles and officials.

They talk about a rather stable and peaceful period in the history of Egypt. Interestingly, the Black Pyramid and the design of SENUSERT III is not built out of the stone, but from the brick. Why this material was used - it is unknown, but in those days, new construction methods have entered Egypt from other countries, thanks to trade and international relations. Unfortunately, although it was much easier to work with bricks, compared to granite blocks that had multiple weight, this material could not stand the test. Although the black pyramid is well preserved enough, white is damaged very much. Tourists, little informed about the huge number of pyramidal burials, misunderstanding. They ask: "Where in Egypt the pyramids?" While everyone knows about the great burial structures of Egypt, there are many less significant examples of such buildings. Scattered along the Nile from Selia on the edge of the oasis to the island of Elefantin in Aswan, in the village of Naga El Khalifa, about five miles south of Abidos, in the city of Minya and many other unexplored places.

Pyramids Giza and Necropolis

For all tourists who come to Egypt, an excursion to the pyramids becomes almost ritual. The buildings of Giza are the only preserved from the seven wonders of the ancient world and the most famous sights. This sacred place is impressive with antiquity, the scope of the necropolis, the unreality of structures and the Great Sphinx. Construction secrets and alleged symbols of Pyramids Giza only add attractions to these ancient miracles. Many modern people still consider Gizu spiritual place. A number of fascinating theories were proposed to explain the "Secrets of the Pyramids". The author of the Great Pyramid project in Egypt is called Hoeop's adviser and his relative - Hemius. Giza is the most important place on Earth for many researchers who are trying to solve the geometric perfection of the burial buildings in ancient sources. But even large skeptics are tested from deep antiquity, scope and absolute harmony of Pyramids Giza.

History Pyramid Giza

Located on the West Bank of the Nile River, about 12 miles southwest from the center of Cairo, Giza (El-Gizah in Arabic) is the third largest city in Egypt with a population of almost 3 million. This is a famous necropolis on the Giza Plateau, in which the most popular monuments in Egypt are located. Great Pyramids Giza were built in 2500 BC for the burial of Pharaoh. Together they constitute the only ancient miracle of the world, still existing today. Many tourists Manit Egypt (Hurghada). The pyramids of Giza they can see in half an hour, which will be needed on the road. You can enhance this wonderful ancient sacred place.

The Great Pyramid of Hofu, or Heops, as her Greeks called (is the oldest and largest of the three pyramids in Giza), and the necropolis, bordering Cairir, remained almost intact time. It is believed that the pyramid was built as a tomb for the fourth dynasty of the Egyptian Pharaoh Hofu. The Great Pyramid was the highest artificial structure in the world more than 3,800 years. Initially, it was covered with facing stones, which created a smooth outer surface. Some of them can be seen around the base and at the very top. There are different scientific and alternative theories on how the pyramids of ancient Egypt were built, and the construction methods are directly large. Most accepted construction theories are based on the idea that it was built by moving huge stones from a career and raising them into place. It covers a slice of a little more than 5 hectares. The initial height was 146 m in height, but the pyramid is still impressive with a height of 137 m. The main losses are associated with the destruction of a smooth limestone surface.

Herodot about Egypt

When Greek historian Herodotus visited Giza, approximately 450 BC, he described what pyramids in Egypt. He learned from the Egyptian priests that the Great Pyramid was built for Pharaoh Khufu, who was the second king of the fourth dynasty (approx. 2575-2465 BC.). The priests told Herodotus that it was built by 400,000 people for 20 years. The construction was occupied to move the blocks of 100,000 people at a time. But archaeologists consider it implausible and tend to think that the workforce was more limited. Perhaps 20,000 workers with accompanying subsidiary staff from bakers, doctors, priests and others would be enough to fulfill this task.

The most famous pyramid was carefully laid out with 2.3 million treated stone blocks. These boulders had an impressive weight from two to fifteen tons. After the end of construction, the burial structure was struck by weight, which was about 6 million tons. Such weight has all the famous cathedrals in Europe, taken together! Hope's pyramid for thousands of years was registered as the highest structure in the world.

Only elegant spiers of an unusually magnificent cathedral in Lincoln, built in England, were able to beat the record 160 m high, but hit in 1549.

Pyramid Hefrena

Among the pyramids of Giza, the second size is the design, built for the diploma travel Hafra (Hefrena), the son of Pharaoh Houfu. He inherited power after the death of his older brother and was in the fourth dynasty the fourth ruler. From his born relatives and predecessors on the throne, many were buried in penny tombs. But the grandee the pyramid of Heff is striking almost the same as the "last house" of his father.

The Hafra's Pyramid is visually stretched to the sky and seems higher than the first pyramid of Giza - the funeral construction of Heops, because it stands on a higher part of the plateau. It is characterized by a coolest angle of inclination with the preserved smooth limestone coating. In the second pyramid, each side was 216 m and was originally 143 m height. Its limestone and granite blocks weigh about 2.5 tons each.

The ancient Pyramids of Egypt, such as Heops, as well as the construction of Hafra, includes five funeral holes connected by transitions. Together with the morgue, the valley of temples and the connecting dam, this is 430 meters in length cut into the rock. The burial chamber, which is underground, retained a red granite sarcophagus with a lid. Nearby is a square cavity, where the chest was located with the insides of Pharaoh. Big Sphinx near the pyramid of Heffren is considered his royal portrait.

Pyramid Micherina

The last of the pyramids of Giza is a micryer's pyramid located south. It was intended for the son of Hefren, the fifth king of the fourth dynasty. Any part of the parties is 109 m, and the height of the structure is 66 m. In addition to these three monuments, small pyramids were built for three Hofa wives and a series of flat-pasted pyramids for the remains of his favorite children. At the end of the long dam lined the small tombs of the court, the temple and morgue were built only for the mummification of the body of Pharaoh.

Like all the Pyramids of Egypt, created for pharaohs, the burial cameras of these buildings were filled with everything necessary for the next life: furniture, statues of slaves, niches for canon.

Theories about the construction of Egyptian giants

A lot of mysteries tait the centuries-old history of Egypt. Pyramids, built without modern devices, only increase curiosity to these places. Herodotus assumed that the foundation was laid out of huge blocks weighing about seven tons. And then, like from children's cubes, step by step raised up all 203 layers. But it is impossible to do, as evidenced by the Japanese attempt in the 1980s to duplicate the actions of Egyptian builders. The most believable explanation is that the Egyptians used inclined, according to which the stone blocks on the ladders were touched with a sled, rollers and levers. And the base was a natural plateau. Majestic structures have sustained not only the crushing work of time, but also numerous attacks of robber graves. They robbed the pyramids in ancient times. Owned by the Italians in 1818, Khifren's burial chamber was empty, there was no longer gold and other treasures.

There is a chance that there are still unopened Egyptian pyramids or now completely destroyed. Many express fantastic theories about the extraterrestrial intervention of another civilization, for which such construction is children's fun. The Egyptians are only proud of the perfect knowledge of their ancestors in the field of mechanics, the speakers, thanks to which the construction case developed.

Many people do not even guess what secrets in themselves are melting the majestic buildings, they do not know what the biggest pyramid and how many people built it. In fact, these are monumental tombs who have kept the buried pharaohs, rulers of Egypt of the time. But the facts about these tombs are much larger, and especially, about the biggest pyramid in Egypt.

Three giants

On the rocky desert plateau there are three majestic facilities that have perfect parameters, forms. These are the pyramids in which the bodies of such great rulers, like Heops, Hefren and Micheer. The greatest of all the pyramid is the name of the Red Pyramid, the Great.

In the 19th century, Astronomer Charles Piazzi Smith was assumed that Heops's pyramid was built to embody a number of aspects of the long-standing perfection of knowledge. After that, more and more people appeared trying to solve the secrets of the biggest pyramid in Egypt.

It was the pyramid of Heops consider it the most unique in its kind, it differs from other similar structures. Supporters of this version indicate that it wished to build the highest mind - alien creating more advanced worlds. It was also checked the fact that in this pyramid were the first letters that were based on the start of humanity. If you solve them, the secrets of humanity will open.

What are the measurements of the biggest pyramid?

When the heopsy pyramid was measured, it was marked that the perimeter of the pyramid of Giza, which was divided by a double height, giving the exact number of "PI", with all silent signs. Also interesting is the fact that when calculating how many meters, Heopse pyramid to height on a pyramidal inches, it turned out that this is a billionth component of the earthly orbit passing in full day.
Total in inches diagonally, the pyramids in Egypt give a number in years when the North Pole of the Planet is made by turnover. If the volume of the structure is multiplied by the weight of the material, the theoretical weight of the earth ball is given.

Ancient sources do not have sufficient certificates about the prerequisites for the end of the world, the fiery rain, which bought and burned everything around, but such entries were available. The pyramids for the residents of Egypt were supposed to become an uncompressed shelter from the rage of the gods, from the end of the life of all the lives. Nevertheless, so far, scientists think about the purpose and secrets of the pyramids, and letters stored for their walls can open us the secrets of the future.

There is a very large number of really huge pyramids, both modern and ancients. It is possible to determine the largest of them by many parameters, the simplest of which will simply measure the height. However, a more correct way will compare the pyramids by volume using the standard formula for determining the volume. True, there are also a number of inaccuracies, many pyramids are partially destroyed, and some still far from dug. However, I present you a list of the 8 largest pyramids of the world.

8. La Dante in El Mirador

(0.9 million cubic meters)

El Mirador was one of the main cities of Maya since the 6th century BC to our era up to 1 century of our era. The peak number of the population exceeded 8,000 people here. For unknown reasons at the end of the 9th century, our era, the city was abandoned. His ruins found in 1926, but they did not become too popular due to the location deep in the jungle in the north of Guatemala. Today, everything is burned here by the jungle, and the largest local construction is La Dante complex, more like a large green hill

La Danta complex consists of several platforms, on the highest of which are three pyramids, one of which reaches 21 meters in height

7. Sun Pyramid Teotihuacan

(1.2 million cubic meters)

The sun's pyramid is the largest building of the ancient city of Teotihuacan and one of the biggest pyramids in South America. The name comes from Aztecs, settled here a few centuries after the city was thrown

6. Hotel Luxor

(1.228 million cubic meters)

Hotel Luxor was one of the first megasofores that appeared in Las Vegas in the 1990s. In 1993, Luxor was opened after 18 months of construction. Inside there is 2526 guest rooms, a giant casino, a demonstration room, restaurants and disco club on the second floor. With a length of 183 meters and an altitude of 110 meters, Luxor is significantly inferior to the peyramid of Heops in Giza, according to which it was built

5. Pyramid broken in Egypt

(1.237 million cubic meters)

3. Great Pyramid Chelula

(1.8 million cubic meters)

The pyramid of Cheolul in Mexico is similar to a more natural hill, on the top of which the Catholic Church was built. According to the Guinness Records, this temple is actually the biggest pyramid in the world. Its total volume was estimated at 4.45 million cubic meters

However, during subsequent excavations and studies, scientists concluded that the complex consists of several structures constructed on each other at different periods of time, and the basis of the pyramid itself is much less in volume. Nevertheless, even with such calculations, it ranks third in the list of the biggest pyramids of the world

2. Pyramid Hefrena in Egypt

(2.2 million cubic meters)

The Hefren Pyramid is the second sizes of the pyramid on the giza plateau. Despite the fact that it seems above the great pyramid due to the elevation, its size is less. The length of its base is 215 meters, and the height is 143b5 meters. Also a distinctive feature is places preserved layer of facing stone

1. Pyramid Cheops

(2.58 million cubic meters)

The great pyramid of Heops is the largest pyramid of the world, as well as the only remaining miracle in the list of 7 ancient wonders of the world. Its construction was completed in 2560 BC, 2 million huge stone blocks were used for 20 years. The height of the pyramid - 139 meters, and the length at the base is 230 meters

mr. Pyramids of Egypt - The greatest architectural monuments of ancient Egypt, among which one of the "seven miracles of the world" is the pyramid of Heops. The pyramids are huge stone structures of the pyramidal shape used as tombs for the pharaohs of ancient Egypt. The word "pyramid" - Greek. According to some researchers, a large pile of wheat and became the prototype of the pyramid. According to other scientists, this word happened from the name of the memorial cake of the pyramidal form. In total, 118 pyramids were discovered in Egypt (for November 2008).

Pyramids predecessors

At the mention of the Egyptian pyramids, as a rule, mean the great pyramids located in Giza, not far from Cairo. But they are not the only pyramids in Egypt. Many other pyramids are much worse than survived and now resemble hills or piles of stones.

During the first dynasties, special "homes after life" appear - Mastaba - funeral buildings, consisting of an underground funeral chamber and a stone structure above the surface of the Earth. The term itself applies already to Arabic time and is associated with the fact that the form of these similar in the section on the trapezium of the tomb resembled the Arabs large benches called "Mastaba".

Mastabi was built for themselves and the first pharaohs. The oldest Tsarist Mastabas, relating to the times of the I dynasty, were constructed from adobs - unreleased bricks from clay and / or river il. They were built in Naga and Abidos in Upper Egypt, as well as in Sakkare, where the main necropolis of Memphis was located, the capital of the rulers of the first dynasties. In the ground part of these buildings there were chapels and premises with a funeral inventory, and in the underground - actually funeral cameras.

The biggest pyramids of Egypt

  • Heopse pyramid (IV dynasty): 230 m (146 m);
  • Pink Pyramid, Snowfra (IV Dynasty): 219 m (105 m);
  • Hefrena Pyramid (IV dynasty): 215 m (143 m);
  • Broken pyramid, Snofer (IV dynasty): 189 m (105 m);
  • Pyramid in Maidum, Snofer (IV dynasty): 144 m (94 m);
  • Joser Pyramid (III dynasty): 121 x 109 m (62 m);

Dating Building

Pharaoh Approximate dates Location
Joser oK. 2630-2612 BC e. Saccara
Snowfra oK. 2612-2589. BC e. 2 Pyramids in Dakhshire
And one in Maidum
Hollow. oK. 2589-2566 BC e. Giza
Jedyfra oK. 2566-2558 BC e. Abu Ravasha
Hafra. oK. 2558-2532 BC e. Giza
Micherine (Menkaura) oK. 2532-2504. BC e. Giza
Sakhura oK. 2487-2477 BC e. Abusir
Nephoracar Kakai oK. 2477-2467 BC e. Abusir
Niserra Isi oK. 2416-2392 BC e. Abusir
Amenheet I. oK. 1991-1962 BC e. El Lesht
SENUSERT I. oK. 1971-1926 BC e. El Lesht
SENUSERT II. oK. 1897-1878 BC e. El Lahun.
Amenheet III oK. 1860-1814 BC e. Havara

Pyramids of Pharaohs III Dynasty

Pyramid Haba

In the central part of the pyramid in enviro-el-eriaan, the structure of the masonry is clearly visible - the layers of the stone are slightly tilted towards the center and as it were, they will be based on it (because of this it is sometimes called "layer"). Building material - roughly sized small stone and clay solution. The technology of building the pyramid in envoys-el-eriane is similar to the one that was used in the construction of the Pyramid of the Szehemchta and the stepped pyramid in Sakkare.

Pyramid Josra

This is the first step type pyramid, called Joser's pyramid. The construction dates back to about 2670 to our era, it seems to be reminded by several mastabs of a decreasing size. Most likely, it was the idea of \u200b\u200bthe architect of this pyramid, Imhemepa. Imhotep has developed a masonry of trexted stone. Subsequently, the Egyptians deeply revered the architect the first pyramid, and even deified him. He was considered the son of God Ptah, the patron saint of arts and crafts.

Joser's pyramid is located in Sakkare, northeast of Ancient Memphis, 15 km from Giza. Its height is 62 m.

Pyramids of Pharaohs IV Dynasty

Pyramid broken

The historical value of the pink pyramid is that this is the first royal tomb of the correct stereometric pyramidal form (although its angle of its part has an error - only 43 ° 36 ", unlike later norms - 51 ° 52"). Although the "pink" tomb is considered the first "true" pyramid, it is inherent in the extremely low slope of the walls (the base is 218.5 × 221.5 m. At a height of 104.4 m.).

The name is associated with the color of the limestone blocks from which is composed of a pyramid purchasing a pink color in the rays of the setting sun. The entrance through the inclined passage on the north side is descended into three adjacent cameras, they are all filled with stones and are not available. This pyramid is attributed to the Snofra, because of several blocks of the sheat red paint, his name is inscribed.

Pyramid in Maidume

Great pyramids

Great pyramids in Giza

Great pyramids are called Heops, Hefren and Micheer, located in Giza Pyramid. Unlike Joster's pyramid, these pyramids have no step, but strictly geometric, pyramidal shape. These pyramids belong to the period of the IV dynasty. The walls of the pyramids rise at an angle of 51 ° (Pyramid of Mencar) to 53 ° (Hefren Pyramid) to the horizon. This angle embodies in the pyramid the mathematical value of the number "π" (at an angle of 51-53 ° the ratio of the half-version of the base of the pyramid to its height with an accuracy of up to 4% equals the ratio of the circumference length to its diameter). The face is definitely oriented on the sides of the world. Hope's pyramid is built on a massive natural raying, which turned out to be in the middle of the base of the pyramid. Its height is about 9 m.

Later, the tradition of building the pyramids was adopted by the rulers of the Ancient Sudan.

Pyramid Urikafa

Pyramid Sahura and Neferra

Pyramid of Neferra in Abusir.


In order for the surface of the pyramid to be smooth, they were laid out cladding plates (mainly from limestone).

The pyramid in Maidume is lined with polished plates from tour limestone. Nowadays, all the cladding and most of the external layers are not preserved.

The pink pyramid was lined with white limestone, but over time, the facing was removed by the local population and the blocks of rose limestone are noticeable.

The pyramid of Hefren was covered with limestone, which was preserved only at the top.

The Pyramid of Micheryina about a third of its height was lined with the red Asuan granite, then it was replaced by white plates from the tourist limestone, and the peak, in all likelihood, was also from red granite.

Alignment blocks

Some pyramids who preserved their facing make it possible to see the quality of the surface treatment of the stone. In addition to the fact that large blocks are fitted so that there are no gaps between them, the outer surface often forms an ideal plane, despite the fact that this plane is at an angle to the base. A bright example of this can serve facing of a broken and maged pyramid.

When aligning the surface of the stones at the entrance to the pyramid of Micheryin, the extreme stones were not completely aligned, and the edge of the alignment line passes continuously through all the stones of the laying, which makes it possible to make the assumption that the block surfaces aligned after laying the stones. This assumption is confirmed by the gravity of the floor, near the pyramid of Urikaf. The lower surface of the floor stones is in the sand and has natural untreated shapes; Stones Although different heights, however, the upper part of the stones forms a single level surface.

change from 03/29/2016 (do simple geometric buildings)

The Great Pyramid is considered the largest stone structure on Earth. Its foundation covers the area 52.609 m 2. - Equivalent of seven quarters of the New York Business Center (Manhattan), and the height is equal to the height of the 40-storey building. 2.3 million limestone and granite blocks took place for construction, each of which weighed from 2.5 to 70 tons, the total mass is about 6.3 million tons. No modern lifting crane is capable of lifting stones of such a mass, it is just a tip. The root underlying rock under the Great Pyramid is aligned so completely that no angle of the base of the pyramid is not higher or no lower than the other within 1,75 cm. Such an accuracy of alignment significantly exceeds the accuracy of the architectural standards of modernity.

It is also strange that the pyramid was erected precisely in the center of land sushi - on the true Axis Mundi. The East-West axis is located on the longest parallel, covering the largest land area and the smallest water area, passing through Africa, Asia and America. The longest earthly meridian crossing Asia, Africa, Europe and Antarctica also goes right through the pyramid. The probability of accidental detection of such a perfect "location" is 1: . For years, we did not understand the importance of this location, but, as we will soon be convinced, this is due to the course and location of the natural expenditures of the Earth's energy fields, which remain unknown traditional scientists in modern times.

The faces of the pyramid are aligned with the true north of rotation so exactly that the discrepancy is only 3 'arcs in any direction - less than 0.06%. Another "coincidence" - if you calculate the average sushi height above sea level, taking Miami for the lowest, and the Himalayas - the highest, you get the value 138,75 M - accurate height of the Great Pyramid.

When the construction of the Great Pyramid was completed, she it was lined with 84.984 m 2 shiny, smoothly polished white stones - in total 115.000 Pure white limestone blocks, average thickness 2,53 m. If during the day you caught a flash of reflection of sunlight from stones, it would be a dazzling bright, justifying the name of the pyramid Ta Khut. or "light." The reflections could be visible from the Mountains of Israel at a distance of hundreds of kilometers. Despite the fact that some of the cladding stones weighed 16 tons to approach one another, all six faces are cut out so completely that the gaps between them were only 0,17 See, - already than human nail. This is how Sir Flinders Pitries described at the end of the 1800s: "The thinnest optical work on the scale of centimeters", comparing it with an accuracy of pulling the lenses for a telescope. Richard S. Hoagland pointed out that even the cladding tiles of the space shuttle of NASA Shattl did not fit together with such accuracy. And what is even more amazing, the gaps are not empty, they are filled with incredibly durable cement. So far, the methods are not known how to put a solution into the gaps of 0.17 cm with a value of 0.17 cm and smoothly fit the area, the value of 1.5x2.13 m in the vertical direction. And if you are stupid enough to twist the stones of the facing with a jackhammer, you will find that the limestone itself will turn first, and then the cement.

Make simple geometric constructions and you will understand - how was it builders to cover the pyramid with cladding from hexagon plates? Obviously, it was necessary to comply with the highest accuracy in layer-by-layer laying of rectangular body blocks of the pyramid, and in each layer for further installation, the facing plates accounted for an outer layer of rectangular blocks to do not be done, but toothed. It is very difficult. In addition, the rear planes of facing tiles accurately approached the planes of the blocks of the pyramid. It all very much resembles a reflector and waveguide device.

It was even more difficult to install the hexed slabs themselves. It was not enough that they had to have a smooth polished surface, and their form herself should have been perfect - all sizes and angles, including a single angle of inclination of cladding in 52 degrees. We repeat - the plates of the facing was 115 thousand! Each weighing in 16 tons! And each slab made of fragile limestone was to be absolutely accurate, and absolutely accurately, not scratched and not damaged during transportation, lines and installation, mounted in its place!

With all the indisputable grandeur and the complexity of the task of building a pyramid to builders, for some reason, it was necessary to stoke her hexagon plates. What for? Rectangular and easier, and easier, and here such complexities. Or was there any serious reason that the pyramid could be faced with only hexed plates? Was. And more than a serious - pyramid, as a giant focusing crystal, used the wave radiation of the environment, and primarily the radiation of the highest space, i.e. The principle of interdimensional transmission of energy was implemented in the pyramids, and with any other plates of the sheel, except for the hexagonal form, the pyramid could not work in principle!

Why? Yes, because in the pyramid, the same principle of transmission of energy was implemented as in DNA of living matter with "antenna modules". It is the ability of the living space for its functioning the energy of the neighboring space, more than the level of energy in the level of energy, there is a fundamental and main difference between the alive from not living. Moving all scientific calculations that can be found in the works of Yu. Babikov on the biology of the living, we present the chemical formula of the biological transmitter and its similar scheme of the eyes of physics.

Notice that in the structural formula of adenosineryphosphoric acid necessarily present a benzene ring-hexagon? And the five-marched two - in two perpendicular planes. Here you have an antenna wave elements activating the basic reference torsion vectors of our space. Only a pair with them can work a penta receiver of an antenna module of the highest field. So in the pyramid - the volume grid of the cellular facing is just such an antenna element, and the tsaritsa camera is a penta receiver. Without six-sided skin, the entire subsequent scheme would simply not work. And the writings applied to the facing apparently played the role of filters or resonators of specific types of energy.

Moreover, she could work both as a cell phone, but much more powerful. The man went to the granite sarcophak and then the pyramid had to be included. And it turns on from the magic note, which is included in the chord of its own frequency of the planet. From the sound of this note, the pyramid begins to vibrate. Further, due to the quartzite filling of granite blocks, of which it is composed, an energy flow occurs. It excites high-frequency fluctuations in the pyramid, essentially torsion, which are capable of transferring any information to huge distances, even in sounds, even in images.

And now look at the new telescope. James Webb Space Telescope - JWST). Hexagon beryllium mirrors are covered with a thin layer of gold to achieve a high degree of reflection of infrared light. JWST's scientific tasks include research of processes in the early universe and the properties of the planets that appeal around close stars.

Remember, we wrote about the annular pulse focusing transmitter, once built by the deceased civilization around Saturn? What do we see on the Saturn Pole? Hexagon ring structures, though a slightly level and order. But this is the essence does not change. Here is the source of interdimensional energy.

But we were distracted. Realize how fantastic it can sound. One thing to see the pyramid is what it is now, - a giant mass of decaying stone blocks. And it is completely different to see it in a pristine form - a giant shining white structure in the desert, not at all similar to other technological advances that we see on Earth, whether since ancient times or in our modern world. Fortunately, many people saw cladding stones at an initial form and recorded their observations on the century. This story can be found in the book of Peter Tompkins "Secrets of the Great Pyramid of Heops".

According to Tompkins, in contrast to marble, which is subject to erosion as a result of the impact of time and atmospheric phenomena, the limestone becomes only harder, and the surface of it is more and more smooth - think about the magnificent stalactites and stalagmites that can be found in underground caves. Therefore, after centuries, the pyramid did not look more boring since his construction. Approximately 440 BC Herodotus wrote that the facing stones of the pyramids were completely polished, and the joints between them are so subtle that they are hardly visible to the naked eye. In the thirteenth century, Arab historian ADB al-Latif said that despite the polishing, these stones are made by mysterious incomprehensible lettersAnd they are enough to fill ten thousand buildings. His colleagues believed that these letters were graffiti left by the myriad of antiquity tourists. At the beginning of the 1300s, the Pyramid visited the Dominican monk William Bouldcil. He noted in his notes compiled in 1336 that the surface of the pyramid is covered with strange symbols drawn by slender rows. Over time, when facing stones were lost, any hope has disappeared to write these mysterious characters for future decoding and study.

Dioiodor Sicilian, who lived in the era, next after the era of Christ, wrote that the cladding of the stone was "completed and not touched by the slightest destruction." Roman Naturalist Pliny observed how local boys worked on polished faces to the worst tourist pleasure. Approximately 24 of our era, Egypt visited Stram. He wrote that on the northern face of the pyramid there was an entrance door installed on hinges. It could be raised, but it was difficult to distinguish with the eye against the background of the surrounding masonry.

Inside the Great Pyramid there are three different cameras. The biggest one is known as the king's camera, this is the only part of the pyramid made from red granite due to its high strength. In the 1990s, Bernard Pic analyzed twenty different stones on the floor of the king chamber and made a delightful discovery. Strange, although all the stones were either square or rectangular, they are all different sizes, except that you have identical couples on both sides. Stones are laid in a series of six different rows, and each row differs from other widths. In the book "Anatomy of the King Camera", peach represents stunningly complex and comprehensive evidence that the measurements of Mercury, Venus, Earth, Moon, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn are encrypted in the size of the stones, including periods of their orbits.

Inside the king's chamber there is an empty stone sarcophague, carved from extremely durable chocolate-brown granite and weighing, estimated three tons. Thanks to the traces of ring drilling discovered inside, the Christopher Dann engineer calculated that the sarcophagus was carved by a tubular drilling method, which could cut granite in five hundred times faster than any technology available to us today. Skeptics believe that in Egypt, it was possible to make a drill with a diamond tip, despite the impossibility of achieving the necessary speeds in any modern technology. Dann indicates that copper was the most durable material at that time. Diamonds could cut copper like oil, but hardly leave even a dent in granite.

In the sarcophagus there are grooves for the lid, but it was not found, as if she was never destined to be found. Many Pyramid Researchers, including Peter Lemeseury, interpret open tombstones as a symbol of time, when there is no longer death, that is, the coming golden age. The coffin is empty, and there are no traces that once there was a mummy. Granite sarcophagus should not be dragged through the predoxeer, which means that it should be embedded in the pyramid from the very beginning, which completely contradicts any famous grave practices in Egypt.

Although it was openly much later, the northern and southern walls of the king cameras and the queen contain ventilation channels, stretching under an acute ascending angle up to the surface of the pyramid. They provided a sufficient oxygen influx for the refreshment of the atmosphere inside each chamber. In the mid-1990s, Rudolf Gantenbrink sent a miniature robot at 65 m upwards and confirmed that in the king's chamber, the southern mine points to the star Alnica or Beta Orion. The northern mine indicates the Alpha Dragon, which was used as a polar star in the third millennium BC. Northern Mine Camera Tsaritsa is aimed at Betu Small Males, and South-Sirius. All alignments are dating about 2.500 a year before our era. It was the last time they all leveled. According to the researcher of ancient civilizations, Joseph Jochman: how the computer computing showed Bewwell and Jilbert, the alignment of constellations captured in air mines for 2450 to our era, took place before, somewhere around 10.500 of the years before our era due to precession of equinox. In reading Casey dated June 30, 1932, it is said that work on the pyramid and the Sphinx began in the same year.

In the XIII century, the Arab historian compared the pyramid with the greatest female breast, noting that it is still perfect in shape, with the exception of the entrance carved in it al-Mamun. The disaster occurred in 1356, when the first series of earthquakes equalized the significant areas of Northern Egypt, turning entire urban quarters into ruins. The earthquakes were shaking the pyramid so much that many facing stones were broken and turned into a giant mess. People desperately sought to restore the city and used fallen facing stones as raw materials for the construction of the new capital Al-Kahira ("victorious"), as well as to restore Cairo. Apparently, the already fallen stones were deliberately broken, since the quality of limestone remained very high and provided an excellent building material. According to the Frenchman Baron D "Anglyur, who visited Egypt in 1396:" Some desperate bricklayers destroyed ordered rows of masonry of a huge stone facing and scattered stones throughout the valley. "Even even built two bridges that allowed to drag the heavier stones across the Nile River Camel caravans, to deliver them to Cairo, where numerous mosques and palaces were built of them.

After centuries, the legend of (formerly facing) stones turned into a superstitious myth. However, since 1836, Colonel Richard Howard Wayz produced excavations near the pyramid. And it forever put the end of the objections of skeptics. Wayz found that the pyramid is surrounded by piles of garbage from limestone and sand fragments, which rumped over the base of 15 m. He cleared a small plot of land in the center of the North facade, hoping to get to the base and the underlying pyramid breed. There, he found two original facing stones, ending with Shkolyar doubt forever, was once a pyramid covered with a completely flat polished white surface. The original blocks still remained carved so completely that it was possible to calculate the exact measurement of the angle of inclination. According to Wezes, "the inclined plane was so accurate and neat processing, as if it was a modern work performed using optical tools. The joints were almost indistinguishable, not wider than the thickness of the silver foil. "

Wayz published detailed measurements and notes in 1840, and his assistant John Perringa published his own book. These works opened a new era in the "pyramidology". John Taylor, gifted mathematics and an astronome-lover, in the nineteenth century, who worked the publisher "London Observer" was already in fifty, when Data Wiise came from Egypt. It was then that Taylor began a thirty-year-old scrupulous study of all measurements relating to the pyramid, in search of hidden mathematical and geometric formulas. Taylor discovered if the perimeter of the base in inches is measured, it is roughly speaking, gives 100 times 366, and if you divide the perimeter by 25 inches, it turns out 366 again. So what is the one among the number 366? It is suspiciously close to the exact duration of the earth year - 365,2422 days. Taylor understood if a little to change the length of the usual British inches, the numbers become accurate reflections of the earth year. Did you have cheap mathematical chatter or priceless science? Soon they answered this question when a very timely "coincidence" happened almost at the same time.

Sir John Herschel, one of the most respected British astronomers at the turn of the nineteenth century, quite recently tried to invent a new unit of measure to replace the existing British system. He wanted it to be based on accurate earth measurements. Not knowing anything about the study of Taylor, Herschel took advantage of the more accurate measurements of the Earth available at the time, and suggested that we use inches, a little longer than ordinary, - half the width of the human hair or a 1,00106 British inch. Herschel literally shook the French, based on its metric system at the curvature of the Earth, which can be changed, and not on a straight line passing through the center of the Earth from the pole to the pole. The recent "British Ordance Survey" recorded that the distance of land from the pole to the pole is 12709.14 km or 500,000,000 British inches. It would accounted for exactly 500 million inch if the British inch would be a little longer. Herschel insisted that in order to obtain a truly scientific unit of measurements, an existing British inch should be officially lengthened.

Fifty such inches would be equal to one ten million polar axis of the Earth. Twenty-five inches would be given a very useful elbow capable of replacing the existing British yard and foot. Herschel did not know that in the measurements of the Great Pyramid, Taylor had already opened the same units. Having learned about this, Taylor was greatly worried. Now he has an exhaustive evidence that the builders of the pyramids knew true spherical measurements of the planet and built them the entire measurement system. And again, it suggests that the ancient Egyptians have much more advanced technology than we usually attribute them. Lemeresury reported that in the International Geophysical Year of 1957, the measurement of land from the poles to the pole was performed with flawless satellite accuracy, much more accurate than in the time of the Herschel. As a result, we now know that an inch of the pyramid is equal to one five hundred million diameter of the Earth on the poles. The connection is so accurate that the numbers are confirmed up to many decimal signs. This means that the pyramid was built to be mathematically perfect reflection of the duration of the year on Earth on its perimeter. Such accurate measurements on the scale of the Earth appear again and again and the most obvious images both inside and outside the pyramid.

However, a large riddle is found when we measure the diagonal of the Great Pyramid, namely, the distance from one corner through the top and down to another angle. It is 25.826.4 inches of the pyramid and is noticeably approaching the modern calculations of the true duration of the precession of the equinox in the years.

It is definitely that designers of the Great Pyramid wanted us to enjoy an Egyptian inch. Doing the diagonals of the pyramids in the amount of equal precession of the equinox in Egyptian inches, they transferred the message to pay attention to this great cycle. The same builders obviously knew the accurate measurements of the Earth and, therefore, could well travel around the world, honecing ancient myths into many ancient cultures. In the "Melnice of Hamlet" Santillian and Von Dehend again and re-revealed that the hidden message of each ancient myth prescribes us to pay attention to the precession or that many ancient cultures called the Great Year. Primitive Mountain, stone Ben-Ben, Lingam Shiva, PUP, Baethyl and Kaab's stone, not to mention the worldy symbolism of the Maja pine bump, Egyptians, Hindus, Buddhists, Greeks and Romans, also suggest a planetary awareness that the completion of the Great Year included Would awakening a sishkovoid gland. Now it seems that the Great Pyramid is another way, through which our ancestors tried to maintain this message for future generations. It seems that the Vatican is aware of this, as they placed an open sarcophagus in an Egyptian style right behind the giant statue of a pine cone, Benni / Phoenix birds are located on the sides.

Giant bronze pine cone in the Vatican is much higher than human growth and is surrounded by Egyptian symbols. At the base, the statue is guarded by two lions, they are sitting on the pedestals kept by Egyptian hieroglyphs. Behind the statue of a pine cone is an open sarcophagus in an Egyptian style, similar to the sarcophagus found in the King Chamber of the Great Pyramid. The sarcophagus is closed by a protective plexiglass coating to prevent people who wish to climb into it.

If the Great Pyramids really tells us a symbolic story, then another obvious part of the message would be that it intentionally remained externally unfinished. At the top of the pyramid there is a flat square platform, where the castle stone should be placed - another variety of Baethyl stone. If we remember how well the Great Pyramid keeps the exact measurements of the Earth, it is not surprising that Peter Lemeresa, the author of the book "The Great Pyramid is deciphered", believed that the flat top means the following: like the Great Pyramid, the Earth itself was not completed. It is likely that the peoples that built the pyramid intended to return - perhaps at the end of the Great Year - to complete the work begun. The return of the castle stone turns the pyramid from the hexagon object - with the base, four edges and a platform on top - in the five-man. According to Lemeresa, in the Egyptian numerology "Six" means "imperfection", and "five" - \u200b\u200b"divine dedication". Considering that in the perimeter we see the exact duration of the earth year, and in the diagonals there is an accurate period of precession, it can be assumed that the precession cycle will remove the imperfections of mankind, conducting us through a kind of divine dedication.

Ancient prophecies do not predict universal extinction, they predict the offensive of the Golden Age. Moreover, in the Great Pyramid, we have already found a number of significant technical details, including the true dimensions of the Earth, the exact duration of the year, the distance from the ground to the Sun, different planetary measurements, alignment of stars and precession of equinoxies. This suggests that it is the builders of the pyramids responsible for the distribution of ancient myths and prophetic religious exercises around the world. What if the pyramid structure itself is part of the message that we had to inherit? Is it to be a working technology that uses science that we have not yet discovered at the traditional level?

In the 1970s, the study of the possibilities of the pyramids was ridiculed by skeptics as a brief flash of a weightlifting on a massive scale. A great excitement caused the story of the Frenchman named Antoine Bovi, who visited the Great Pyramid at the beginning of the 20th century. According to the legends set forth in many books about the pyramid in the 1970s, in the chamber of the king of Bovi discovered a trash can with corpses of cats and other small animals. Strange, they did not smell at all, but just dried and mumfied, did not decomposed. If the Great Pyramid was a tomb, then the Egyptians did not need to work hard for the mummation of the bodies of their favorite rulers. Just put them in the sarcophagus, give a little time for making magic and pull the mummy back, and the pyramid performed all the work.

However, the story put everything in its place. In 1999, the former director of the Egyptian National Museum told Skeptics from Denmark that the king's chamber never had a garbage tank with the bodies of dead animals. Moreover, despite the fact that many authors liked what I felt, I saw and Nyukhal Bovi, finding a garbage pot, the truth is that it has never left France, and other authors composed the legend about visiting the Great Pyramid, they misinterpreted his work. In fact, the following happened: at home in France, Bovi built a wooden model of the Great Pyramid height of 75 cm and placed where the king's camera was supposed to be, a dead cat. He argued that the carcass was mummy. According to the same Danish skeptics of Jens Laygardu, it was not a rumor at all.

"Thousands of people tried to leave different foods inside the pyramid. They believed that the power of the pyramid would retain freshness of fish, meat, eggs, vegetables, fruits and milk. Having been in the pyramid, fresh flowers retained the color and freshness. Moreover, they said that after staying in the pyramid, coffee, wine, liqueur and tobacco were published more appetizing aroma. "

Despite skeptical statements, further research has discovered that in the 1950s Karel Drambal, radio engineer from Prague, successfully repeated "occult experiments" of Bovi with several different dead animals. Carcasses are perfectly preserved. The drill came to the following conclusion: "There is a certain relationship between the form of space inside the Great Pyramid, on the one hand, and physical, chemical and biological processes occurring within this space", although he did not know why this happens. Also, apparently, Drabal was the first to discovered (in 1959) that stupid razor blades were sharpened if he prevented them in a pyramidal structure made from a deck of cards.

At that time, many Eastern European countries had problems with good razor blades, so it was very interesting to see if a trick was working with a pyramid. The patent office of Czechoslovakia refused to dred in the protection of its opening until the lead scientist receives the same results, and be sure of them. Then Drabalu was issued patent No. 91304 on "Devices for sharpening a razor blade. Hope's pyramid from cardboard. " Essentially, when Lailal Watson wrote about it in his wonderful book "Superprivor" (1973), these devices were made from foam.

And that is not all. In 2001, Russian scientist Vladimir Krasnogolovets repeated the legendary experiment of the drill with blades and with the help of scanning electrons micrographs proved that the pyramid form can change the molecular structure of the edge of the razor blade. Unlike the discovery of the drill, it appears that the location of the blade in the alignment of the north-south does not make the blade sharper. However, the alignment of the East-West provided an explicit measurable effect of sharpening, transforming straight flat surfaces in tuberculous, burglar wave-like curves on a microscopic level. Traditional science does not recognize this effect.

Lailel Watson, the author of the book "Superpriroda", also repeated the original experiment of Bovi with eggs, Romhteks and a dead mouse. He found that "everything placed in the pyramid was well preserved, and the same, placed in the box from under the shoes, soon smelling and had to be thrown out. I have to come to the conclusion that a copy of the Heopse pyramid made from the cards is not just a random location of the cards, it has special properties. " Without quoting specific links, the next page Watson is divided by additional intriguing details.

"The French firm somehow patented a special container for the production of yogurt, because such a form increased the effect of microorganisms involved in the process. Czech brewers tried to change the shape of barrels with a round on polygonal. But they found that this led to a deterioration in the quality of beer, despite the fact that the processing method remained unchanged. The German researcher showed that mice with the same wounds healed faster, if contained in spherical cells. Architects in Canada report a sudden improvement in patients who suffer from schizophrenia living in the trapezoid departments of the hospital. "

Can such exciting discoveries be true? Many other majestic pyramids appear in Egypt and South Africa, and new studies indicate the pyramids in Bosnia, Italy, Greece, Slovenia, Russia and China, although many of them (with the exception of one in China) are covered with soil, trees and other vegetation, so They are difficult to recognize. Some may also be natural mountains treated in a pyramidal form. The Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun is twice as large as a great pyramid, and the geometric symmetry of this unusual mountainous terrain is indisputable.

Aerial view of the Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun, which is still not recognized by traditional archaeologists as a reasonably designed structure.

Why again and again manipulate massive multi-torque blocks, folding from them whole mountains in the form of pyramids, and / or build giant pyramidal hills from the ground, if there is no reason for this? Why many different cultures independently have come to the same idea of \u200b\u200beating structures using techniques, in many ways superior our current level of technology? As soon as you begin to explore miracles that are able to create pyramids, everything will ensure much more meaning.

Contrary to the facts, the entire concept of the power of the pyramids has become an urban myth. And so it lasted until 2001, when the site of the Association of the Pyramid Studies in Giza Jona de Calvoy first published the results of new sensational Russian studies of the Pyramids for the Western World. The story begins in 1990, when the Moscow scientist and military engineer Alexander Holod began to build large pyramids in Russia and in Ukraine. By 2001, 17 pyramids were built in the eight places in Russia and in Ukraine, and by 2010, more than 50 pyramids were built around the world, mainly again in Russia and Ukraine.

All hunger pyramids are built using an inner frame of chlorvinyl pipes covered with fiberglass sheets for the formation of smooth faces. Also, during construction, the proportions of the golden section were taken into account, the so-called fi relationship (1: 1.618), which often appears in the growth patterns of living organisms, such as shell spirals. This proportion makes the structures of hunger cooler than the Great Pyramid, the angle of inclination is about 70 o. The height is twice as high as the Great Pyramid, if we consider the relation relative to the perimeter of the base, so the hunger pyramids look more like obelski, the spiers of churches or bayels in Greek and Roman coins.

Height of the largest hunger pyramid 44 meters, weight of more than 55 tons. It took five years and more than a million dollars. Construction ended in 1999, used "non-conductive materials, without a single metal element." Hunger discovered that any metal in the pyramid structure significantly reduces magic effects, if it does not eliminate them at all, as if it absorbs some mysterious energy fields. This is one of the key design elements capable of minimizing all the attempts of skeptics reproduce the effects of the pyramids. In the US capital, Washington Monument is also built in the form of obelisk. But it has a lot of metal, so it is also so not effective as a hunger pyramids.

The site "Association for study of the pyramid in Giza" John de Calva summed the results of hunger and many professional colleagues.

"With pyramids, many different experiments were conducted, including research in the field of medicine, ecology, agriculture, physics and others. It is significantly the fact that they were carried out by leading scientists in Russia and in Ukraine, which scientifically recorded changes occurring in the pyramids. "

As you can see, this is not at all occult or cabinet science, it is perceived very seriously at the highest levels. In experiments, many times and money was invested. Hunger's pyramids provided wonderful opportunities for scientific research. The only tragic part of this story is that no traditional scientific journal has published the results, despite the meticulous use of strict scientific methods. It seems that the main reason is that the domineering groups felt the threat that all technological breakthroughs of these discoveries could represent.

The study of hunger was perceived so seriously that crystals from his pyramids flew on the world's Russian space station for more than a year. Later, the experiment was repeated on the ISS. On the site of the pyramid of life it is said that these studies were covered with "CNN, BBC, ABC, AP, Boston Globe, The New York Times and other international media."

Back in 2001, reading this study and presenting great consequences, it was realized that the pyramids are the most advanced technology ever used on Earth. They have always been with us before our eyes, waiting patiently in the wings, and only our ignorance prevents this advanced technology to recognize this advanced technology. Fortunately, many teams of recognized traditional Russian scientists have fulfilled all the work for us. The results suggest that the pyramid technology and its applied applications could save the world and significantly improve our physical, mental and spiritual health. In addition, they would not leave the stone on the stone from all that we thought we knew about our own bodies and science in general. The more you know about it, the wonderful consequences are.

Imagine, you could take a simple medicine that helps people fight viruses, and suddenly make it 3.000% stronger. This is what describes in the study of the Ivanovo Research Institute of Virology at the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences. Professor Klimenko and Dr. Nostess studied a natural antiviral compound, sampled in human beings, called venoglobulin. When the medicine was dissolved at a concentration of 50 micrograms per millimeter and for a short time was placed in the pyramid, apparently for several days, it became three times more effective in combating viruses. Strange, but the medicine worked as well when more and more dissolved, although usually ultra-plastic concentrations, such as 0.00005 micrograms per millimeter, did not have any effect in the fight against viruses.

If this is not enough, then healing, open by Professor A. G. Antonov and his colleagues from the Russian Research Institute of Pediatrics, Obstetrics and Gynecology, seems to be a miracle. In the hospital department, they routinely treated premature children with fatal medical problems, which remained to live only a few days. Since scientists knew that the pyramid enhances medicines, and that the medicine itself is not even required, they tried to do something even more blatant. Instead of using any known drug, they took placebo (40% glucose solution in distilled water) and superseded it in the pyramid. Applying only one millimeter of a solution to twenty different premature children staying on the verge of death, they fully cured everyone. Children who received a conventional glucose solution were dying as usual.

They were interested in whether the pyramid could somehow activate the naturally healing element in glucose? The only way to make sure is to switch to ordinary water and try to repeat the experiment. And one milliliter of "pyramid water" acted perfectly.

But it looks like one of the sorts of cabbage.

What happens when you put a living organism inside the pyramid? This wished to find out the medical group of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences under the leadership of N. B. Egorova. Two groups of conventional white mice was introduced with an extractor of the virus 415 (typhoid fever), in the same doses of one day. The only difference was that one group of mice was placed in the pyramid, and there is no other. Surprisingly, 60% of mice surveated in the experimental group, and in the control only 6%. Even when using large doses of infection, which would usually kill all mice, 30% of mice in the experimental group survived, and from those who were not lucky enough to be in the pyramid, survived only 3%.

Also, Dr. Egorova was poured by a pyramid water with mice infected with hazardous carcinogens, which almost always led to the formation of large cancer tumors. The control group introduced the same carcinogens, but they were pierced by ordinary water, which was never in the pyramid. In mice drinking water from the pyramid, it was much less than tumors than that of mice driving ordinary water.

As a result of such treatment, no dangerous or pathogenic effects were observed. The famine team found the following: the higher the pyramid, the stronger the effects. But even the highest pyramid was only a quarter of the height of the Great Pyramid. Of course, the construction of the pyramid requires money, but compared with the transient prices for health care and search for effective publicly available drugs, the game is worth the candle. If only one millimeter of water is sufficient to save children from death, think about how many healing water can offer at least one pyramid.

Quantum effects

Wonderful healing is just one puzzle fragment. Remember the action on the molecular structure of the razor blades? Open other quantum effects. For example, pieces of granite and crystals for months were placed on the floor of the highest hunger pyramid. As can be seen in the video from the Internet, on the tops of the stones, usually red-brown, weak, but noticeable white stripes appeared. They did not appear on the entire surface of the stones, but formed a visible ring, completely aligned with the central axis of the pyramid. From the end of 1997 and before the beginning of 1999, this result was repeated 40 times in the same pyramid, each time with another breed. Each ring covered 50-3.000 stones with a total weight of from 20 to 200 kg. The famine team gathered a certificate that suggests that when the rings were formed the most clearly, the number of epidemics decreased in the surrounding area.

Also hunger conducted air studies over the pyramid with the help of a Russian tool known as a "military locator", similar to a radar. Around the pyramid was discovered a post of "unknown energy", 500 meters wide and 2 km high. Unfortunately, Dr. Hungry did not explain what kind of energy, since the entire detection technology was still classified. Later, they discovered an even greater range of energy in 300 km width around the pyramid. The hunger team has calculated that if such a tremendous perturbation in the atmosphere was created by electrical energy, it would be necessary to create the capacity of all Russian power plants operating at the limit of opportunity. Moreover, the ozone hole right above the pyramid was dragged in two months after the completion of its construction.

Hunger built pyramids over oil wells, and then compared the results with nearby wells. It was revealed that oil under the pyramid was 30% fluid, which increased the performance on the same 30%, since such oil is easier to swing. The surrounding wells that do not have a pyramid have demonstrated any changes. Also, hunger found that oil was much cleaner. Significantly decreased unwanted impurities, such as coal trifle, asphalt and paraffins. The Moscow Academy of Oil and Gas named Gubkin confirmed the accuracy of the results, this is not a fiction.

In addition, the hunger team placed the seeds of agricultural plants in the pyramid, where they were from one to five days. Then more than twenty different types of seeds sat down at 10,000 hectares. In each case, the seeds that visited the pyramid showed an increase in yield by 30-100%. Plants did not hurt and did not suffer from pests. The same effects can be accomplished by the placement of stones that visited the pyramid, along the edges of the fields.

Hunger and his colleagues found the following: everything that is harmful to life is converted to the better if the pyramid goes inside. Poons and other toxins will be miraculously less harmful after even short-term stay in the pyramid of life. Radioactive materials disintegrate faster than expected. Dangerous pathogenic viruses and bacteria are becoming much less harmful to living organisms after placing a pyramid. Even psychotropic means such as LSD have a smaller impact on people who have been in a pyramid or nearby. If we remember that our thinking is performed directly inside the field of the source, such an antipsychotic action begins to gain more meaning.

Conventional placebo solutions (glucose in water) become effective means of treating alcoholism and drug addiction. All you need to do is first to hold them in the pyramid for several days. Treatment can be carried out either using intravenous injections, or just drink liquid.

Ancient technology

And now let's look at the discovery committed in other smaller hunger pyramids built in Russia and Ukraine. In this case, the study was coordinated by Yuri Bogdanov in the Kharkov Science and Technology Institute of Relay.

In the village of Ramenskoye near Moscow, a 12-meter pyramid increased wheat yields by 400%. Radioactive carbon disintegrated by twice. Salts showed curious changes in basic crystalline patterns. Concrete became stronger. Diamonds synthesized in the pyramid were stronger and cleaner of ordinary diamonds. Other crystals have undergone measurable changes - they became cleaner. I know, right now it's hard to believe it, but, as it continues, everything that we are discussing will acquire more meaning. Bogdanov and his colleagues found that rabbits and white rats became overlaid, and the amount of white blood taurus increased. This discovery is very interested in professional athletes. The possibilities of the body are rising without any harmful consequences to which the illegal use of steroids; Essentially, athletes are becoming healthier. If the knowledge of the magic of the pyramid was distributed through the national prestige and the investment of millions of dollars, which country would not want her Olympians to enjoy the benefits of the pyramids, not to mention all other professional sports teams, fiercely competing among themselves?

In the Arkhangelsk region of Russia there were serious problems with water, and the leadership considered hunger pyramids as a potential solution. Water was poisoned with strontium and heavy metals. The municipal administration ordered the construction of the pyramids in this area, and after a short period of time, people drank clean water. It seems that water remains clean so far. The same thing happened in the town of Krasnogorsk near Moscow. There, the only pyramid cleared all the salt, polluting water.

However, the magic of this ancient technology did not exceed the end until I read that other teams operating in the Russian National Academy of Sciences opened. They found that the pyramid protects us from the catastrophic changes of the Earth. Given the incredible destruction caused by hurricanes, tsunami, earthquakes, volcanoes, and the like, there is no reason to explore such opportunities on a global scale. And if skeptics come forward and try to say that you should not try to use this technology because it is a "pseudoscience", my answer would be: "How can we afford not to try?" How can we be so ignorant and self-confident in modern science, which completely ignore the power of cheap light in the construction of technology that could save the Earth?

Here is one convincing example of what can be done by the technology of the pyramid. Russian scientists compared the number of earthquakes in the same places before the construction of the pyramids and after. Surprisingly, instead of one and strong earthquake, several hundred minced earthquakes occurred, which did not cause any destruction. Apparently, the pyramids soften friction and geotectonic stress, which usually cause strong catastrophic earthquakes under the surface using the process remaining a mystery to traditional science.

The team of the All-Russian Electrotechnical Institute in Moscow found the following. If you take seven pieces of granite weighing one hundredth of gram, leaving in the pyramid, and place them in the form of a circle with a diameter of 1 m, the probability of lightning in the circle decreases by 5,000%. They managed to confirm this by placing granite on a flat metal plate with an electrode connected to it, released 1.400 kilovolt energy. Usually, when they included the source of energy (for a short time), the electric current created a "arc" and formed a ball zipper, driving in a metal plate and leaving the melt. They carried out a hundred different discharges, and the circle of granite, who visited the pyramid, defended the inner region from the lightning strike; Emissions were five times less - the effectiveness of 5,000%.

Remember the 500-meter energy post, which is formed around the pyramid, and a greater 300-kilometer pillar, on the creation of which would require the energy of all Russian power plants? It seems that this huge pillar is not just "sits and resting," he actively softens storms and severe weather around the pyramid. Incredible, but the storms went through this place to the party. Imagine that it could make such a technology for regions exposed to hurricanes. The cost of building the pyramid would be much smaller than the cost of recovering inevitable destruction.

Another series of observations adds even more mysteries and intrigues to the puzzle. The aforementioned three hundred cellular energy post appeared around the 22-meter pyramid built on Lake Seliger. After a few months, the ozone hole above this place has decreased significantly. After time, new water flows appeared in the surrounding countryside. The stork felt comfortable enough to twist the nest. And what is the most amazing, the surrounding fields were covered with flowers that never existed because they seemed to be extinct. In short, the Earth has been updated, healed and transformed. This suggests that the giving the life of the energy collected by the pyramid, had a significant impact on everything around the pyramid.

New pyramids or mountains of pyramidal form are opened, not part of traditional archeology. In Nakhodka, one of the largest ports in the Far East of Russia, two pyramids or mountains of the pyramidal form were found on the plain. They were called brother and sister.

At the beginning of the 20th century, the famous Russian traveler, historian and anthropologist Arsenyev said that in ancient times, these hills were saints, and many travelers from China and Korea visited them to pray. The first Korean settlers told that these were not natural education, they were built long ago, and people do not know who erected them. According to the researcher, Maxim Yakovenko: "Then and now people say that they feel happy and healthy on the hills. And I agree with them. The sides of the hills are oriented to the north, west, south and east, like pyramids in Egypt. " It is tragic that in the 1960s, the peak of his brother was blown up to extract stones for construction projects, which lowered height of 78.5 meters. But the amazing part: after the destruction of the brother's top (the hill is 5-6 km from the city) The climate in Nakhodka has changed literally in a few weeks. People said that after the explosion for several days, very strong winds blew and it was raining. " Apparently, the weather became very cold. Such a change is completely linked to the influence of the pyramids on the weather patterns, open hunger and his colleagues. Even if the brother and sister are natural formations as soon as the brother's structure broke, the weather changed markedly.

The last study of the Russian National Academy of Sciences, which I read, almost brought me crazy. It demonstrates how closely there is our consciousness with the surrounding world. If the pyramids are able to weaken earthquakes and soften the harsh weather, they can do the same with tornadoes, tsunami and volcanic eruptions. Let's not forget that 7,000 people were able to reduce global terrorism by 72%, simply meditating. If Russian pyramids are able to provide such an impact on the behavior of people without any human intervention, then we have a new relationship that it is necessary to explore.

Power of consciousness

Can our consciousness be responsible for strengthening or even the creation of earthquakes, hurricanes, harsh weather, volcanic eruptions and tsunami? Does this mean that we have a cheap and easy way to help Earth in this important transition period, so we should not just hope and pray that someone or something saved us? Does it mean that the earth acts as a feedback mechanism with our consciousness? Is our collective "disease" appear in the form of destructive changes of the Earth? Doesn't the lack of love affect the global mirror? Is the coming golden age time sufficient for people to go to a positive loving attitude with which we can protect against further problems?

The National Russian Academy of Sciences confirmed that the energy of the pyramid may mitigate criminal behavior and strengthen the feeling of love and peace. That's what they did: they kept granite in the pyramid and other crystal structures, and then unfolded them inside and around some prisons in Russia, which contained a total of about 5 thousand prisoners. According to the summary of the results published on the website of the Pyramid Studies Association: "In a few months, crime almost disappeared, and the behavior has improved." In prisons themselves, nothing has changed with the exception of the granite placed around the granite pyramids.

The last study of prisoners is one of the most significant provisions as soon as you combine it with information about the field of the source, which we shared in the first five chapters of the book. Somehow the feeling of love and world, which are usually considered abstract emotional phenomena of strictly psychological nature, have a direct impact on our environment. The energies of the pyramids create a measurable improvement in criminal behavior, as well as meditation of 7.000 people, which we have discussed earlier, reduced international terrorism by 72%. Armed with this knowledge we can heal the land. As if life itself has a non-open energy field that supports its existence and emitted directly from the ground, where it is then captured by unique pyramidal structures. You can quickly reduce the radiation, patch the ozone holes, mitigate or even eliminate earthquakes and severe weather, clean the water, increase the yield, facilitate diseases, make the buildings strong and safer and significantly reduce crime, terrorism and mental diseases, if not getting rid of them finally. We are habitually we believe that with all these problems you need to cope separately, and the ability to cope with them exceeds the possibility of one person. Now everything can be viewed as part of the interconnected whole.

As soon as you are aware of all the possibilities of new science, it becomes clear why many ancient cultures went to huge sacrifices and built giant pyramids, hills, standing stones and other forms of megaliths around the world. It seems that natural crystalline materials, such as limestone and granite, are the most effective building materials that we can only find to build the best and most durable source field generators. The laws of physics that transform the power of the pyramids into reality can work on any planet that supports life at any time - in the past, present and future. Therefore, it is very possible that the pyramids will be discovered throughout the universe. It seems that only now we appeal to the science behind the pyramids.