The main idea of \u200b\u200bthe work of war and the world. The idea of \u200b\u200bunity in the novel "War and Peace

The main idea of \u200b\u200bthe work of war and the world. The idea of \u200b\u200bunity in the novel "War and Peace

Kutuzov, according to Tolstoy, was the most closest to the people with a historical figure, he was in nature a simple Russian man. He understood and had a feeling in his soul, "lying in the soul of every soldier." The soldiers felt it, so they loved Kutuzov very much. He was a comrade for them, his father, his speech was clear to everyone. "He stopped talking commander-in-chief, spoke simple an old man" "He seemed the easiest and ordinary person And spoke the simplest, ordinary things. " Even his appearance was simple: "The ordinary features of an old man", "there is no choice from the lord of the peoples in this full, swallowed old man, in his sutural figure and diving heavy gait." This man could "guess so true of the folk meaning Events that never changed him for all their activities. " According to Tolstoy, "the source of this extraordinary power The insight and the meaning of the phenomena committed lying in the folk feeling that he wore in himself in all purity and strength. " All his activities were aimed at the benefit of Russia, to defeat and expel the enemy, "facilitating how much it is possible to, the disasters of the people and troops." He understands that the fate of battle solves the spirit of the troops, "he follows this force and leads it, as far as his power. He will not come up with nothing, will not take anything ... But he will not listen, everything will remember, everyone will put in his place, it does not hurt any useful and will not allow anything harmful. " For Tolstoy Kutuzov, the ideal of a historical figure, the ideal of a Russian man.

The greatest conditions for the Russians were "to edit and attack one by one, when the case is submitted." Because "the Spirit is raised so that individuals beat without ordered by the French and do not need forced to expose themselves with the works and dangers." "The partisans destroyed great Army in parts. They picked up those fallen leaves, which themselves flew away from the withered tree - the French troops, and sometimes they shake this tree ... There were parties that adopted all the techniques of the army; There were some Cossacks, cavalry; There were small, prefabricated, hiking and equestrian, there were mugs and landlords "no one, not known." Partisan War accepted a huge scale. Tolstoy showed the actions of a guerrilla on the example of Denisov's units and Doolokhov, they were considered possible and did something, "what the chiefs of large detachments did not have to think about." Courage, patriotism, more flexible maneuverability of small detachments of Denisov and Dolokhov contributed to successful actions. Their squads, invisible to the enemy, carried out unusually risky, but successful operations designed for suddenness. An example of which is the capture of the transport of the French.

He is always busy, always in action, unusually quickly speech, even his comrades speak gently with irony: "Well, deft", "Eka Bestia". The image of Tikhon Shcherbaty is close to Tolstoy, who loves this hero, as the whole people loves, as loves the "people's thought in the novel." Even the image itself "Duby people's War"Has people's poetic origins that go to the folk folklore. This is evidenced by the expression "go out with Duby" and genuinely folk song "Eh, Dubinushka, Human." Duby as a symbol of protecting her home, his homeland from the enemy, which, if necessary, can go to the weapon of the attack, is an amazingly accurate image that reveal the views of the thick on driving forces Stories are better and thinner than entire pages of other theoretical works.

Also, a huge contribution to the victory made partisan traffic, this "Duby of People's War", which the Russian people "nails the enemies until in his soul his sense of insult and revenge is not replaced by contempt and pity." According to Tolstoy, the main engine of war is the spirit of the troops, "that is, more or less desire to fight and expose themselves to the dangers of all people who make up the army, completely regardless of whether people are fighting under the condom of the geniuses or not geniuses, in three or two lines, Dubin or guns shooting thirty times per minute. People who have the greatest desire to fight, always put themselves in the highest conditions for fighting "...

The cause of victory was in the justice of war against the conquerors, in the readiness of each Russian to stand up on the protection of the Motherland, in people's love To your Fatherland. In the novel "War and Peace", this unanimous rush of the Russians becomes even stronger on the background of the brilliantly depicted thick higher Light, full intrigue, gossip, mercenary interests, many representatives of which do not understand the dangers and of the difficult situation in which the people are located, and do not see or do not want to see how people are unanimously rising to the struggle. "Dubube of the People's War rose with all his formidable and majestic strength and, without asking against the draws of the tastes and rules, with stupid simplicity, but with expediency, without disassembling nothing, rose, descended and nailing the French until all the invasion was died." This is how "the thought of folk" in action is shown.

This victory was the goal of Kutuzov's activities, "the goal is the most worthy and most of all coinciding with the will of all the people."

The People's War was a surprise for the French who were accustomed to fight all the rules when "the defeat of one army, one hundredth of all the forces of the people, forced the people to conquer." The Russians were guided by the rules that were not invented by someone, but the noble goal of the liberation of the Motherland, and for the sake of this goal they did everything. Tolstoy surprisingly accurately depicted the war of 1812 as a fight of two fencers, "one of whom, feeling wounded - realizing that this is not a joke, concerns his life, threw his sword and, taking the first Cubin, began to grind it." This "Duby of People's War" made a huge contribution to the victory, which showed the Borodino battle. The battle for Moscow, the city-symbol of Russia, the symbol of the mother's motherland. For this symbol, the Russians and fought to the end, carrying the fire of love in their soul, "hidden warmth, which fled on all persons", which Pierre felt so much. From this feeling and depended the success of the case, in many respects because of this feeling the Russians won. They were ready for everyone, they were ready to stand until the end, "the evil to fight and humbles themselves less." This feeling united the army, it was "an insurmountable, a mysterious connection that supports the same mood at the whole army, called the spirit of the army and the component of the main nerve of war." The feeling of the "soldiers' fraternity", the consciousness that your goals coincide with the goals of all others, even more strengthened the spirit of each person. "All people walkers want one word - Moscow." People fought, realizing that the fate of their children, mothers and all of Russia depends on this, showing huge heroism and resistance. This courage is shown on the example of the Raevsky battery, from which "walked crawled and rushed on the stretchers of the crowd of wounded by the disadvantaged persons with persons", but the battery did not surrender. "The Russians were won by moral, the one who convinces the enemy in the moral superiority of his enemy and in his impotence."

In the novel of the Tolstoy "War and Peace" of the main, main and beloved for the author the thought, permeating all the heads of the novel from his beginning to the epiraloga, was the "Folk Thought." This thought lives not only in every hero, in every big scene of the novel "War and Peace", but also in every episode, in every detail. Tolstoy tries to prove the people not as a large group of people, but as a single and indivisible whole, spiritualized by their own, incomprehensible to many nobles with life, their thoughts, goals, qualities. According to the intention of the thick main reason for the victory of the Russians, in 1812 and there was this "thought of people", this is the unity of the people in the fight against the conqueror, his rising huge unshakable strength, dormant to the time in the souls of people who overturned the enemy and forced him to run.

Guys played a casual role in the partisan detachments. And one of them Tolstoy showed a larger plan. This man is Tikhon Shcherbaty, a typical Russian peasant, as a symbol of the avenger people, fighting for his homeland. He was "the most useful and brave person" in the detachment of Denisov, "his weapon was Musketon, a peak and an ax, which he owned as a wolf owns his teeth." In Denisova, Tikhon's detachment occupied an exceptional place: "When something particularly difficult to do something particularly difficult and gloomy - to pull the shoulder in the mudding, to pull the horse from the swamp, shed it, climb into the middle of the French, go a day at fifty miles, - All pointed out, laughing, on Tikhon. " Tikhon feels strong hatred for the French, so strong that is very cruel. But we understand his feelings and sympathize with this hero.

"We need ... so that my life was not for me ..."

L.N. Tolstoy.

In the novel "War and Peace" L.N. Tolstoy appears in front of us not only as a brilliant writer. An important place in the plot is its original historical views and ideas. The writer who is always more in Russia than the writer creates its own philosophy of history: a one-piece viewing system on the way, causes and goals public Development. The presentation of them are devoted to hundreds of pages of the book.

Each of the Heroes of Tolstoy is looking for his way in life, everyone is striving for some personal, but all the heroes are very different people, and therefore each of them has their own idea of \u200b\u200bhappiness. For someone, this is a profitable marriage, success in secular society, military or court career, as for Boris Drubetsky or Berg. And for someone, the meaning of life is completely different.

From his father, the participant of foreign hiking times of the Patriotic War, L. Tolstoy inherited a sense of self-esteem, the independence of judgments, pride. Enrolled in Kazan University, he showed unusual abilities In study foreign languages, however, quickly disappointed in student life. At the nineteen years he leaves the university and leaving in Clear PolyanaDeciding to devote himself to improving the lives of his peasants.

Tolstoy begins the time of the purpose of the goal in life. In painful searches, Tolstoy comes to the main cause of his life - literary creativity.

The spiritual beauty of the favorite Heroes of Tolstoy - Prince Andrei Bolkonsky and Pierre is noticed, manifests itself in a tireless look for the meaning of life, in dreams of activities, useful for the entire people. Their life path is the path of passionate quest leading to truth and good. Prince Andrei, for example, dreams of glory, similar glory Napoleon himself, dreams of committing a feat.

But these dreams do not look like the dreams of the Careerist Zherekova, because Glory for Andrei Bolkonsky- "The same love for others. The desire to make something for them. " For sake of his dream, he goes to the current Russian army, takes direct participation in battles. But this path was false, he leads Prince Andrew to deep disappointment and spiritual crisis. Yes, he makes his feat during Austerlitsky battle. Picking up the banner, Andrei Bolkonsky fonds the retreats of soldiers in the attack. But this attack could not save the already lost battle, the hero of the soldiers to senseless death and he himself gets severe wound.

And there, on the field of Austerlitz, to Andrei, an understanding of all the insignificance of his former dream comes. He understands that it is impossible to live only with his dream, it is necessary to live in the name of people, relatives and others. In the soul of Prince Andrei, there is a fracture, and after returning home, he devotes his whole life to the upbringing of the Son and the care of the peasants, becomes good father and exemplary landlord. Andrew, as it were, is closed in himself, and only a meeting with Pierre, their conversation on the ferry again awakens him to life. He again returns to society, takes part in the activities of the Speransky Commission, again there is a dream about happiness, this time it is a dream of a personal, family happiness with Natasha Rostova.

But these dreams were not destined to come true. Andrei returns to the army, but not in search of glory, but for the sewn of the Fatherland. And there, in the regiment, Andrei finally finds his calling - to serve his homeland, cares about his soldiers and officers. The path of Prince Andrei is completed by what he dreamed of at the beginning of the novel, "glory, the glory of the real hero, the defender of the Fatherland. This is a worthy end of his life path, his finding of the meaning of life.

The fate of Pierre Dzuhova is different. He does not know. What kind of expensive should go. Dreaming, makes mistakes, but always his actions leading one desire - "be quite good." Search for a sense of life leads Pierre to join the Masonic Life. He seeks to become different and help the rest of the people will change for the better. This desire for the good of others leads Pierre to the thoughts to sacrifice themselves and kill Napoleon, as the main source of all troubles and suffering.

Two months spent in captivity allowed Pierre to learn and understand the Russian people, his views on life changed. He realized that any charity was not able to feed all the poor. Pierre is directly involved in the Decembrists' uprising and then goes on long years In Siberia, from where it will return in the thirty years already an old man, but not changed his views and ideals.

So completes the search for the meaning of life Pierre Bezuhov. And, perhaps, the plot of the novel and is built around finding the meaning of the life of the heroes and the author himself. That object that allows you to learn "why?" War becomes. It is in the war that lives and death and the line between them almost disappears, only there a person can feel like a person.

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The development of the plot of this novel is determined by the real facts of the life of the people, and not the thoughts of the heroes and not their actions. Consciousness of people is in constant contradiction with action.

This is not a novel describing what events took place with people, how they lived and fought, this is a story about what happened to the people. The unity of the "War and Peace" is the unity of the story about what happened to the people's identity, about the internal solutions of the people who were, according to the thick, cause of victory. The novel shows life in all of its diversity: the inner world of a separate personality, the life of the family, the world of nobility and peasants, a separate nation and all people. In the novel, each person lives and interacts with all this manifold of worlds. The main characters seek harmony in communicating with other people. The carriers of spiritual values \u200b\u200bin the novel are not widely educated nobles, but a simple people. Only expressing the aspirations of the people, a person can become a historical person.

Napoleon and Kutuzov

In the novel Tolstoy argues about the role of personality in history. He has a folk life becomes a sensitive organism reacting to true meaning historical Development. The main feature of the Great Man Tolstoy considers the ability to listen to the will of the majority, to people's Life.

The writer is alien to the elevation of "great personalities" above the masses. "The king is a slave of history" - here is the conclusion to which he comes in the novel. Napoleon Tolstoy considers the toy brought to the surface of history with dark forces affecting french people. Selfish Napoleon, torn away from his people, acts as a blind. The limitations of Napoleon's personality prevents him from understanding moral meaning Events occurring.

Vain Napoleon Tolstoy opposes democratic cutuzov. The passivity of Kutuzov in the novel is only external. His sleep on the military council under Austerlitz is a challenge to those commander who consider themselves the creators of historical soldback. Kutuzov is great for the will of the majority. He has no actions dictated personal advantages. All his thoughts and acts are directed to the awareness of the aspirations of the masses. It is surprisingly organic with all Russian army, which is manifested even in his ability to communicate with simple soldiers. Main trait Kutuzov-commander - "The need for humility to the general course of affairs", willingness to sacrifice with their personal feelings for a common cause. Kutuzov leads the Borodino battle with an external visibility of inaction. It makes it only by agreement with the proposed actions or denial them. He alone believes that the Russians won under Borodin, because the unmistakable hunting slightly understood that the beast was mortally wounded, although he was still moving forward on inertia. Kutuzov regrets his soldiers and therefore orders his bloodless army to leave Moscow.

When the enemy left Moscow, Kutuzov takes care of the preservation human lives And he is trying to keep the army from the battle with all their might. In this offensive passivity, the humanism of the personality of Kutuzov is manifested. "Kutuzov knew not by the mind or science, and his whole Russian creature knew and felt what every Russian soldier felt that the French were defeated that the enemies were running and need to pay them, but at the same time he felt, at the same time with the soldiers, all the severity of this unheard of speed and time of year, hike. "

Pierre Duchevov

Pierre Duhov is painfully experiencing the disorder between the world around him and his soul. He becomes a toy in the hands of secular diets, hung on his huge wealth. Pierre is married to Helen and forced to fight duel with Doolokhov. He cannot solve the issue of the meaning of life surrounding it. "As if the main screw rushed in the head, on which his whole life was held." He understands the causes of individual phenomena, but can not catch a common relationship between them, because it is not in his world.

Only in terms of war comes the consent of personal and public interest. At this difficult time, many people from the Lords turn to folk life. In the life of people, a feeling appeared, called the thick "hidden warmth of patriotism," this feeling unites all the best Russian people in the "world." The new state of Russian life affects Pierre's soul. The screw falls into the thread. He can easily answer who is right, and who is to blame.

During the Borodino battle, Pierre soul understands a simple soldier, he seeks to "enter this common life to the whole being, to imbued with what makes them so." It is completed spiritual rebirth In captivity, and especially after meeting with Plato Karataev. After the scene of the shooter for Pierre, the world collapses. "The world fell apart in front of her eyes, and some meaningless ruins remained." Returns him to the life of a simple Russian soldier Plato Karatayev. His special gift of love cured Pierre's soul. For Karataev, life did not make sense as a separate life, "she had meaning only as a particle of a whole, which he constantly felt." Karatayev lives in full harmony with his surroundings. He merges with him like a drop of the ocean. It is this complete consent to life heals Pierre. Passing through the tests of the captivity and realizing the body with the world, characteristic of Karataev, Pierre understands that all the misfortune is not from the lack, but from the excess. This surplus can be not only material, but also spiritual. The burdens of spiritual surplus of civilization, a person becomes an observer who analyzes his life that he dries out the soul.

Stages of searching for the meaning of the life of Pierre

  1. The life of "Golden Youth", the death of the Father, an attempt to serve, forced marriage to Helen, a secular life, attempts to build a happy family life, a duel, disappointment in family life, gap with his wife, departure to St. Petersburg.
  2. Meeting with Mason Basmeysh, joining "Freemasonry", the desire to believe and obey the "Charter".
  3. A trip to the southern estates to create "good deeds", "reforms" in estates, donations to the temples, houses of the poor, reconciliation with his wife, gradual disappointment in Freemasonry, especially after taking Boris Drubetsky there.
  4. Reading, reflections, internal mental work, which does not appear in any way - Barin, Dobryak.
  5. War of 1812, a sense of community with the fate of Russia, a change in the views on life and behavior (bravery and softness are replaced by activities, volitional actions), the decision to serve in the militia, confidence in its destination to kill Napoleon, a trip to the army, reflections on the role of the people in the war, Saving a child and women in burning Moscow.
  6. Captivity, meeting with Plato Karataev, reflections on the price of life under the influence of terrible events, whose witness he became, spiritual revival.
  7. The decision to serve the homeland, marriage to Natasha, happiness, family, participation in the organization secret society, critical attitude towards an existing device of society.

Andrey Bolkonsky

This is an aristocrat. His father after the death of Catherine II fell into opal and lives in his estate, dealing with the economy and parenting of his daughter. It is beautiful, always exquisitely dressed, physically strong. His behavior is devoid of falsehood, very natural. He does not accept lies and false light, so he has such a bored facial expression on secular raids. But this is a living, seeking a soul, he completely changes in communicating with a spiritually close to him by a person - Pierre Bezukhov, and a sister. He is alien to dreaming philosophizing. It is sober, smart and fine educated person. He is honest with him and surrounding. His businesslike at the time of service at the headquarters causes respect for others. Patriotism of Prince Andrew is not an external. Prince Andrei close to the heart takes the fate of the Motherland, as he says even his reaction to the conversation of Zherkov and Nesvytsky. The father taught him to critically treat life, so he could not not notice the fine vanity of Napoleon at the form of the suffering of others. Life Path Prince Andrew is the constant search for the meaning of life, overcoming social limitations, awareness of the need for rapprochement with the people. The purpose of his life is to service the Motherland.

Stages of searching for the meaning of life Andrei Bolkonsky

  1. Participation in secular life, marriage, disappointment in light and family life, departure of the army, reflections on glory, a contemptuous attitude to simple soldiers ("This is a crowd of flashes, not an army"), personal courage, heroic behavior in Shenguren, acquaintance with carcass, pain for Russian The soldier, the desire for glory to Austerlitz ("read his own interest in the course of a common cause"), wound ("High Sky Austerlitz"), disappointment in Napoleon.
  2. Care after injured, the death of the wife, the birth of the son, the economy; resignation, desire to live for himself and her son; on the peasant question Prince Andrey looks from the height of his estate; The change in these views, expressed in reforms in the estate in 1808 (300 souls - to free bakery, the rest - on the lifts, organization medical care, school for peasant children); A conversation with Pierre on the ferry, the statement that life is "a particle in general universe"; First meeting with oak.
  3. Arrival in Otradny, meeting with Natasha, the second meeting with oak, understanding that it is necessary to live for others, the hope of the possibility of transformations in the army, the audience in Arakcheev, return to Petersburg, social activity, Work in the Speransc Commission in order to change the legal framework for the situation of the chair of Thayan, disappointment in Speransky, Love for Natasha, hope for happiness, travel abroad, gap with Natasha.
  4. Return to the army, but now he seeks to be closer to soldiers; Command regiment (soldiers call it "our prince"), patriotism, confidence in the victory, reflections on Kutuzov.
  5. Wound, all-saying, love for others and Natasha. Death. Prince Andrei died not only from the wound. His death is associated with the peculiarities of its character and its position in the world. Spiritual values, awakened in 1812, enaning him to themselves, but he could not fully accept them. The Earth, to which Prince Andrei reached out in the fateful moment, did not give him into his hands. The majestic sky, free from worldly alarms, has tried.

Natasha Rostov

The immediacy and sincerity of Natasha Rostova update the soul of any person. It reigns the harmony of spiritual and bodily, natural and moral. She has the highest gift of female intuition - a neural feeling of truth. The life of Natasha is free and is relaxed, and its actions warp the warmth of morality, brought up by the Russian atmosphere of the house of growth. People in Natasha is very natural. Recall the Russian dance in the estate of Uncle. "... Spirit and techniques were the most, inimitable, unaded, Russians, who were waiting for an uncle from her ..." Pierre could not understand how Natasha could exchange Bolkonsky on the "fool" of Anatoly. In Anatole, Curagin attracted his freedom and independence. That is why the princess of Marya fell under his charm. And the princess of Marya and Natasha want to live freely, without adopted conventions. Anatole is endlessly free in his egoism, Natasha obeys this feeling of complete spiritual discrepancy. But for Natasha, her "everything can be" is the desire for simple and direct relations between people, the desire of peaceful family life. Natasha error is provoked not only by Anatolem, but also Prince Andrey. It turned out to be too many spirituality and commitment to understand the immediate strength of feelings. History with Anatola leads Natasha to the mental crisis and loneliness, which is unnecessary for her. On prayer in the Church of the Razumovsky Naracha is looking for a way out of spiritual loneliness. A nationwide misfortune makes Natasha forget about his personal tragedy. Her russian Beginning It also appears in the patriotic impulse upon departure from Moscow. She completely forgets about his "me" and subordinates the life to the ministry to others. Natasha's love is strongly selflessness than and different from the calculating Sony's self-sacrifice. The transformation of Natasha in a loving mother and wife is completely natural for her. And in adulthood, she is true. The whole wealth of Natasha's nature dissolves in motherhood and the family, it can not live otherwise. When the child recovers and Pierre comes, "former fire" is lit "in its developed, beautiful body"," Bright, joyful light "is poured" threads from her converting face. " She sensiblely catches the soul, everything is good, which is in Pierre: "... The reflection of this happened not by logical thought, but by another - mysterious, direct reflection.

In Natasha, the Rostoy Tolstoy embodied his perfect view About a woman.

Marya Bolkonskaya

The severity of the father forces the princess to Marry to seek refuge in religion. Like Natasha, Marya lives the life of the heart and is capable of self-sacrifice (history with Mademoiselle Brying). A sensitive heart tells her after his brother's death, which is alive. A subtle understanding of another person helps the princes to understand that it is impossible to inform Lisa about the death of Prince Andrei. Like all the heroes of Tolstoy, Princess Marya is checked by the tests of 1812. She ravenly rejects the proposal of Mademoiselle Brying to stay on the mercy of the French. Its patriotism is as sincere, as well as naive behavior during the Bunt of Bogucharovsky peasants. Tolstoy all the time emphasizes her spiritual beauty and the desire to make people good. It is spirituality that attracts Nicholas to her. It is attractive. The marriage of the Princess Maryia and Nikolai Rostov is happy because they enrich each other.

Elene Zuhovova

Helen is opposed to the princess Mary. The spirituality of the Princess Marya makes her beautiful, despite the external urgency. Egoism and the unprincipledness of Helen cause a "nasty feeling", despite its excellent appearance. She cynically follows the laws secular society And therefore enjoys it with respect. The war checks the helen, like the rest of the heroes. During the patriotic rise of all society, she is engaged only by himself and is trying to marry with living husband, accepting the enemy faith. Helen was dead long before her physical death. This is one of the most repulsive images in the novel.

Artistic peculiarity of the novel

  1. In the novel, two main conflicts are considered: the struggle of Russia with Napoleon's army and the opposition of the progressive nobility to conservative forces.
  2. The novel is a wide socio-original and family-household segment of the era.
  3. The main reception of the composition of the novel - antithesis.
  4. When the novel is disclosed, a psychological analysis is used ("Dialectics of the Soul"). The author sometimes argues his hero himself, sometimes uses an inner monologue and dreams, helping to reveal the subconscious desires of the hero; External events are transmitted through the perception of their hero.
  5. For reflection spiritual state Hero Tolstoy often uses landscape.
  6. The novel language contains spacious, gallicizms. The complex syntactic system of the novel is a tool of psychological analysis and is explained by the complex tasks of the Roman Epopea.

In the center of the novel - Epochal historical eventPatriotic War 1812. But the temporary framework of the work is wider - events begin with 1805, and end in 1820. In the traditions of ancient Greek epic, the narration is unfolding, consistently, consistently. Epically, as the current and indestructible way of life, a lot of different social groups and classes: from the emperor and Feldmarshal to a simple soldier. In the novel over 589 characters, many of which have their own scene line. The basis of the novel form the line three semes - growth, Bolkonsky, Kuragic.

The name of the novel has a deep philosophical meaning. The word "world" means not only the state, the opposite howl, but also the community of people. In the general concept of the novel, the world denies the war. The combination of "War and Peace" is the antithesis, and the attitude of society to war is life in its versatility.

One of the faces of the life of the world as society are the brand names of the best representatives of the nobility - Andrei Bol-Konsky and Pierre Beszhova. With all the inconsistency of natur and Bol-Konsky, and the bellows tend to common goal: Open the meaning of human life.

Prince Andrey despises the light with his soulless egoism, careerism, perverted morality, but he himself before the non-white part of this light. He seeks to personal glory, Napoleon becomes his idol. Bolkonsky dreams of his "Tu-Lona", believing that the story is going on with the efforts of individual knowledge of the people. The battle near Austerlitz breaks his Napole-New Aspirations. Prince Andrei, who thought that the outcome of events depends on his personal actions, makes a feat. He can not change in the overall battle. The battle under AU Sterlitz causes a severe mental crisis. Bolkonsky understands the pettyness of its ambitious goals in front of a huge flow of life, symbolized by the "Eternal Sky".

A secluded life in their estates, state activities, Love for Natasha - the path of Prince Andrei from Austerlitz by 1812 this is an external canva. The inner, spiritual path is the path from egocentrism to life "for others." Bolkonsky felt the need for understanding, but himself is not always able to understand others: "It is necessary that not for one thing for me there is a life to be reflected in all that everyone lives with me together." Only suffering through which Andrei passes, gives rise to a understanding of the soul of another person. After the injury on the Borodino field, he thinks about universal LoveBut it feels some one-sidedness of his reasoning, he lacks concreteness and the validity of such love.

Andrei Bolkonsky passes the path from the ambitious, albeit honest egoist, through skepticism and the denial of light to love and understanding the people. If Prince Andrew was alive alone, it was possible that he would be with the Decembrists - the logic of spiritual searches was led to the effective love of the people.

Pierre Duhov is passed sophisticated way knowledge of life, pre-overcome to naivety and liberation from illusions. The direct-venous, capable of feeling deep, Pierre first gives, smacking the life of a secular slacker and a kutil, is also on the cold beauty of Helen. Gradually, he begins to understand the lie and hypocrisy of a secular society.

The search for moral improvements lead Pierre to Masons, who called on to unite on the basis of brother love. In a complex "Masonic" period, the daughters are looking for an evil. He, refusing personal interests, directs his strength to the liberation of peasants, institution of hospitals, schools. The desire to "restart" human nature, make himself a "co-crowd" man and the inability to carry out this in practice lead to hypochondria and longing. But Pierre overcomes them. He is constantly looking in other "inner man," his thought and soul are constantly working. The concept of "internal man" and " outdoor man»They are born in Pierre's consciousness during the period of disappointing in freezing. "Inner man" is the "soul in life", "external people" - the personification of the "death" and "dust" of the soul.

An important stage in the spiritual quest of Pierre becomes a boro-din field, where he pierces the "Folk Thought". Bezuhov Ponya Malets that the story creates the people, sees the optimism and wisdom of Cre-Sintyan. Communication with Plato Karataev leads Pierre to the inside-dental harmony: he "learned not by the mind, and his whole being his own, the life that a person was created for happiness, that happiness in him SA-MOM, in satisfaction of natural human needs." Pierre begins to understand the people, then critically analyze the surrounding life. In Epilogue, he is one of the leaders of the secret society, the purpose of which is the struggle against social evil.

In close connection with the spiritual searches of the heroes of the novel, there is a question about the people and role of the personality in history. Each positive hero in the end, connects his destiny with the fate of the people, the nation.

Tolstoy wrote that the main thought of the novel is "the thought of the people." According to the writer, the story is not going on with individuals, but the aggregate will of the people, the nation. Of the many motives of individual people, the spirit of nation in general is formed. From how strong the spirit of the people, historical events depend.

The war of 1812 showed the decisive role of the people in history. Before the threat of enslavement, the whole nation has gained a single "common life". Regardless social status The whole population was raised against the French. The "hidden warmth of patriotism" is called a thick feeling that determined the unity of the nation.

The writer shows two types of patriotism. One is the showful patriotism of the salon Anna Pavlovna Sherler, who has fallen in the fact that in the world they stopped talking in French, did not look at the performances french drama. It is clear that not this false patriotism determined the outcome of war. Tolstoy rises and "Hurray" -patriotism of some Moscow nobles, which, despicable arrival of the king, were going to "show Europe".

"Hidden heat of patriotism" does not need loud layers. It manifests itself in actions: the merchant of fertilizes burns his house, so as not to get the enemy; The peasants do not give the hay of a French deputy; Created partisan detachments - Big and Little - Dyachka, Old Towns Vasilisa, Poet-Gusar Denis Davydova; Heroically fight the battery Tushina and the company Timokhina; Tol-Stay depicts a war as a war folk, fair. The departure of the Fatherland became the unifying idea and "Dubube People's War" rose with all his formidable and majestic Si-Loi and ... Raised, she went down and nailing the French until all the invasion was died. " For the first time in the history of Napoleonic wars, "Personal Arbitration of Napoleon crashed on the will of the people."

Tolstoy, recognizing the role of personality in history, believes that it is only then able to determine the story when her will coincides with the will of the people. This concept is most fully expressed in Antithee Napoleon - Kutuzov. Napoleon - "superhigh-age" (so he thinks), for which it is important "only what happened in his soul", "... And all that was outside him did not have meaning for him, because everything in the world as It seemed to him, depended only from his will. " For Kutuzov, it is paramount to the fact that in the souls of others.

Kutuzov estimates its actions on the moral criteria of the people, according to the folk feeling, "which he wore in all purity and strength." For Napoleon, the criterion of moral and sieves - he himself: "... In his concept, everything that he did, it was good not because it converged with the idea that it was good and bad, but because he did it."

Personal Will Kutuzov is subordinate to that general Lifewhich all the people lived during the war. The ability to catch the mood of the in-kind is an important feature of Kutuzov. Kutuzov understands the course of events, correctly appreciates him, and it brings the final victory. He is a volition man that brightly demonstrates the decision to leave Moscow after the Borodino battle to preserve the Russian army. Despite the resistance of the entire military ruged, Kutuzov remains adamant and is right.

Napoleon acts as an aggressor, for the sake of its ambitious purposes, destroying people. He is cruel, despotic. The natural behavior of Kutuzov Tolstoy is opposed to Pozamest-in Napoleon, which utters a sprayed speech, accepting the poses of Roman commander. He is trying on the world of the worldwide.

Tolstoy reduces the human appearance of Napoleon, but does not mind his values \u200b\u200bas a commander. At the same time, comparing Kutuzov and Napoleon, Tolstoy writes: "No and there can be no greatness where there is no simplicity, good and truth." Material from site.

Tolstoy all the heroes checks the standards of folk morality, but in his image the people are not at all a homogeneous mass. Pisa Tel notes two polar types of Russian national ha-racket. One represented with rebelled Bogucharian men, another - the way Plato Karataev. Between them series folk images: Tikhon Shcherbaty, Old Town of Vasilisa, Street Dron. Everyone represents some kind of type folk character or a separate feature.

Tikhon Shcherbaty embodies top Qualities The people of the creator. He is a frustrated, smeared, cunning, master on all hands. In peacetime, such people are indispensable in the farm. In howl, he exists a courage, heroism. His hatred for the enemy was born of selfless love for his homeland.

A special place in the moral and philosophical concept of the novel belongs to Platon Karataev. In this image, Tolstoy embodies not only the patriarchal peasantry idealized by him, but also their theory of "non-resistance to evil violence." In the appearance and in the nature of Karataev emphasizes the idea of \u200b\u200broundness, completion. The most essential in his character is loyalty to itself and the immutability of its constant spiritual truth, which is enclosed in the "Roev" of POP-Nania Karataev. Karatayev is convinced that everything is done according to God's law and a person must take the world as it is, not resisting. The main type of Karataev's behavior is passivity and contemplation. Plato Karatayev can instill hope, maintain in difficult momentBut the victory over Napoleon was achieved not as punishment. Although Tolstoy gave the image of Karataev as a positive example of patriarchal-Christian morality, objectively the way of Karataev is an example of high antiputy.

Many moral, Philo Sophie, reflected in Tolstoy novel. social problems Time and your own opposition writer.

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On this page, material on the themes:

  • tolstoy theme and idea of \u200b\u200bthe novel War and the world
  • the relationship of various social groups to the war of 1812 in the novel of the Tolstoy War and the world
  • heroes and false heroes in the novel war and world
  • war and Peace positive heroes Listing
  • positive hero in understanding a fat war and the world

In the Roman-Epopea L. N. Tolstoy "War and Peace" Keyword is the word "world". It is also contained in the title of the work. What value did the author in the title use? The question arises because in modern Russian there are two homonymic words "the world". In the time of Tolstoy, they differed in the letter. The main values \u200b\u200bof the word "mip", according to the dictionary V. Daly, were: 1) the Universe; 2) earth; 3) All people, human genus. "The world" was used to designate the lack of war, hostility, quarrels. In the work of the episodes of war, the episodes of the world are replaced, that is, peaceful time. And at first glance, it seems that one antithesis concluded in the title: war - peacetime and that the word "world" should be understood only as the antithesis of the word "war". But Tolstoy everything is much more complicated. The name of the novel reflects the main values \u200b\u200bof the word "world". In addition, even these above values \u200b\u200bare not exhausted by the use of the word "world" in the novel.

First of all, it was important for Tolstoy to show that a person is not only a representative of a national-historical, social, professional world; Man, in Tolstoy, the world itself. The brightness, the plasticity of the image of a person in the "war and the world" is based on the principle of "man - a special world." Most of all in the novel Tolstoy interested in the inner world of Natasha Rostova, Prince Andrei, Pierre, Princess Mary and other close to the author of heroes. Describing them inner life, Tolstoy uses his favorite reception, named by N. G. Chernyshevsky "Dialectics of the Soul". Each Tolstsky Hero has its own world, and even the closest relationship between two people cannot unite individual worlds. Ideally close are shown in the epilogue relationship between prince Marya and Nikolai Rostov, and yet each of them had something in life inaccessible to another. Princess Marya could not understand the relations of Nikolai with the peasants and his love for the economy. "She felt that he had a special world, passionately to them, with some laws that she did not understand." But Nikolai, in turn, experienced a sense of surprise before her spiritual purity, the "almost inaccessible" to him "elevated moral worldin which his wife always lived. "

Picture inner world A man in Tolstoy is combined with the image of another, big world, part of which are his heroes. In the novel, we see a whole palette of worlds: the world of growth, Lyothogorsky world, the world of higher world, the world of staff life, peace front-line life Army, peace of people. Such an understanding of the world is associated in the novel with the image of the ball. The world-ball appears as a closed sphere, it has its own laws, optional in other worlds. In the work of thick on the heroes, various worlds with their requirements are influenced. One world is often hostile to another. In one case, a man, merging with the world, remains free and happy (Pierre Pierre falls into the world of the people, connects with him and becomes better and cleaner; in front of it is true life valuesHe finally finds an explanation of life and its meaning for himself), in the other - the world, alien to the human essence of the hero, suppresses him, deprives freedom and makes unhappy. An example of this can be an episode with Natasha in Opera.

Arriving in Opera, Natasha fell into the world's alien to her. At first, everything that happened around her and on the stage seemed to her "so prefaby-fake and unhearsal." She was not interested in opera, people are uninteresting, her surrounding her, everything seemed to her unnatural and feigned. But anatole Kuragin appeared, he drew attention to her. And here the world began to put on her for Natasha, to subordinate her will. After the third act, Natasha no longer found this (what happened near it) is strange. She gladly smiling happily, looked around him. " Natasha presented Anatol, she felt that he really liked him and he began to like it. Here the world of light has already completely seen her feelings and desires. "Natasha returned to his father in a lie, completely subordinate to the world in which she was." After that, all the sorrows and suffering in the life of Natasha began.

The subordination of the world of Natasha's light occurred in itself, everything happened not without the participation of Elena Ramuhova and, of course, Anatoly Kuragin, the main and at the same time typical representatives of this world.

In general, all the characters of the "War and Peace" are divided into people of the world and the people of war. People of the world are Prince Andrei, Princess Marya, Pierre, Rostov - others are drawn to them, and they are able to unite people around themselves. Prince Andrei in the shelf of soldiers loved and called "our prince." During the Borodino battle on the battery, Raja soldiers also attached to Pierre, let him in their friendly seven. and called "our Barin". Together, the people of the world make up the strength of the association, which confronts the power of separation, consisting of people of war, such as Anatol, Vasily and Helen Kuragin, Drubetsk and others. These characters are inappable of creating their worlds. Each of them for itself, everyone is accustomed only to use people around him, everyone always tries to snatch something, everyone is busy only by their interests, intrigues, and he has no matter to the rest. And in peacetime, these people are in a state of war. They are constantly fighting for their interests. Often, the people of the war destroy the round worlds of other people. They break up and bring a lot of grief and suffering to people in the world. It is enough to remember how many unpleasant minutes, disappointments brought Elene to the life of Pierre and how the fatal way influenced Anatol on the life of Natasha and Prince Andrew. Disconnect forces are able to act and on a larger scale. Intrigue, adventures, the fight for the benefit, the desire to snatch for themselves lead to the destruction on a global scale, they lead to the war of peoples, which destroys not only the small worlds of people, but also destroys big world. Napoleonic Wars 1805 and 1812 caused by separation by the head of which Napoleon himself stood, an evil genius, for the sake of personal glory, his pride, to satisfy his egoism capable of sacrificing other people's lives, to kill in any other people, to wash off the city and whole nations . Russia captured by the Napoleonic idea was involved in the 1805 campaign due to the struggle of interest in the highest government layers of society. The war of 1805 was absolutely unnecessary and incomprehensible to the Russian people, for the Russian soldier. IN Austerlitsky Battle Simple soldiers did not know, for the sake of what purpose they struggle, did not understand who they die for, so the forces of the Russian people did not unite, and the battle was disgraced.

War is always destruction, but, as it is neither paradoxical, and in war it is possible to unite. The Patriotic War of 1812 is an example of uniting the entire nation, the whole people before the greatest danger. Soldiers unite with each other, officers with soldiers, and then the battles are definitely won. After all, only everyone together can be defeated by the enemy. Prince Andrei Regiment, Raevsky battery perceived as big friendly families, where one for everyone and everything for one. All Russia united and defeated Napoleon.

Yes, people are able to unite in extreme situations, in the face of danger. But the danger passes, and again the struggle of people begins with each other for the inheritance, for a career, for power; War disconnects them. This is the cause of pessimism of Tolstoy. People have not yet learned to unity in peaceful, good time, do not know how to live "the world." From the world of a separate person through association with close people to universal union of people and then to unity with nature, with everyone. The idea of \u200b\u200bthe world for Tolstoy is one of the main in the novel. The main meaning of the word "world" here is the idea of \u200b\u200buniversal unity.

Happiness, in Tolstoy, can only be gained in harmony with the whole world: with other people, with nature, from the universe, from the world of a separate person through association with close people to universal union of people and then to unity with nature, from the Universe - such Tolstoy about the idea of \u200b\u200bthe world in the novel. A person who fits with the universe may be truly happy, calm, peaceful, he is not afraid of death. It is enough to recall the thoughts and descriptions of the feelings of Pierre in a very important and difficult period of his life in captivity of the French, when he begins to feel part of the limitless world.

"Pierre glanced at the sky, deep into the outgoing playing stars. "And all this is mine, and all this in me, and all this is me! - thought Pierre. - And all this was caught and planted in Balagan, apleached boards! " He smiled and went to fit to sleep towards comrades. " Feeling like a particle huge world It is also manifested in a dream that Pierre sees after the killing of Karataev.

"A lively, oscillating ball without sizes" is the Earth, the Universe; The surface of the ball "consisted of droplets, tightly compressed among themselves" - these are small worlds of people. These drops "were merged from several into one, then from one were divided into many." But they remained in the inmployed particles of this oscillating ball. Separate meant to die.

The deepest, important need for a person, according to the views of the author "War and the World", is to overcome their limitations and merge their "I" with all endless world. This need is manifested in persistent life searches Prince Andrei and Pierre. Prince Andrey all the time tormenting a burning interest in what they live than the happy other people, he experiences bitterness because they have no matter to him, he crares out to influence their fate.

Prince Andrei says: "Not only I know everything that is in me, we must, so that everyone knows this: and Pierre, and this girl who wanted to fly into the sky, you need everyone to know me to not for one I was my life, so that they did not live so regardless of my life so that she was reflected in all, and that they all live with me together! " - That's what it is main idea "Wars and the world", nested in the mouth of his favorite hero - Prince Andrew.

It is important to emphasize the fact that the unity of the heroes of the novel with the world not only does not destroy a separate human "I" in the universalness of universal, but on the contrary, expands the person and approves the true meaning of her life. The wider the world with which he feels his connection with the hero, the lighter and happier to its existence. "A person feels like a person just because it comes into contact with other personalities. If a person had been alone, he would be not a person, "he recorded Tolstoy in his diary. But how to achieve this unity, the life of the "whole world"? Tolstoy answers this question by the images of their heroes. First of all, you need to learn to understand other people, as I understood and felt their prince Andrei. "Pierre was always surprised by the ability of Prince Andrei quiet handling from all kinds of people."

You still need to be able to share with another person not only joy, but also suffering as Natasha. At the beginning of the novel Natasha could only transmit to other joy, fun, good moodBut to share suffering, it does not know how to sympathize. "No, I am too fun to spoil your fun sympathy of someone else's grief," she thought at the beginning of the novel. And only at the end, having survived a lot of suffering, she learned to divide the sorrow of the other. "My friend, Mama," she said, straining all the strength of love to somehow take off her overwhelming of her grief. "

Tolstoy pays great importance in his novel suddenly and unfortunately arising sympathies between heroes, for example, Tushina to Prince Andrei, old Bolkonsky to Pierre, Prince Andrew to the family of growth, soldiers and militias to Prince Andrei and Pjar. Sympathies that prince Andrei, Pierre, Natasha and others, have a very wide range, they sympathize with many people by different reasons. And most often on such that they could not call themselves.

"Yes, best tool To true happiness in life - this is: without any reasons to let out of themselves in all directions, like a spider, a chain web of love and catch everything that fell, both the old woman, and a child, and a woman, and a quarter, "L. N . Tolstoy in his diary.

The "web of love", disinterested sympathy of heroes overslets the whole book. Without love to live "the whole world" - it is impossible. It is noteworthy that in Epiloga, Nikoliek dreams of this "web of love", "Threads of the Virgin", she excretes him, and he feels the "weakness of love."

Thus, the idea of \u200b\u200bthe world in the novel of the Tolstoy "War and World" multifacene and multifaceted. By his novel, Tolstoy proves that, on the one hand, each person is unique, individual worldbut on the other - a particle of the universal world, land, universe. But the individual world, and the universal world can only exist in the union of people with each other and nature. The separation of all things, and the war destroys these worlds, in Tolstoy, the worst evil. In his diaries, he determined evil as "disagreement of people." L. N. Tolstoy his novel warns people from this evil, pointing out the way to happiness through the unity of people.