The difference between Catholics from Orthodox Christian Table. Daily life: rites and ministry

The difference between Catholics from Orthodox Christian Table. Daily life: rites and ministry
The difference between Catholics from Orthodox Christian Table. Daily life: rites and ministry

Catholicism is one of the three main Christian denominations. There are three confessions: Orthodoxy, Catholicism and Protestantism. The youngest of three - Protestantism. He arose due to an attempt to reform the Catholic Church by Martin Luther in the XVI century.

Separation in Orthodoxy and Catholicism has a rich history. The beginning was the events that occurred in 1054. It was then that the Legs of the ruling Pope Lion IX at the time were an exclusion act at the Constantinople Patriarch Mikhail Kerullaria and the whole Eastern Church. During the liturgy, in the Saint Sophia Cathedral, they put it on the throne and retired. Patriarch Mikhail replied the cathedral, on which, in turn, left the church of papal ambassadors. Dad accepted their side and since then in the Orthodox churches ceased to remember the dads in worship, and Latinians began to be considered schismists.

We have collected the main differences and similarities of Orthodoxy and Catholicism, information about the dogmas of Catholicism and the features of the denomination. It is important to remember that all Christians are brothers and sisters in Christ, so neither Catholics nor Protestants can be considered the "enemies" of the Orthodox Church. Nevertheless, there are controversial issues in which each denomination is closer or further from the truth.

Features of Catholicism

Catholicism has more than a billion followers worldwide. At the head of the Catholic Church there is a Pope, not the Patriarch, as in Orthodoxy. Pope is the supreme ruler of the Holy See. Earlier in the Catholic Church so called all bishops. Contrary to the problem of the total infallibility of the Pope, the Catholics consider only the verstal statements and decisions of the Pope. At the moment, the head of the Catholic Church is Pope Francis. He was elected on March 13, 2013, and this is the first Pope for many years, which. In 2016, Papa Francis met with Patriarch Kirill to discuss the most important questions for Catholicism and Orthodoxy. In particular, the problem of persecution of Christians, which exists in some regions and in our time.

Dogmata of the Catholic Church

A number of dogmas of the Catholic Church differs from the appropriate understanding of the Gospel Truth in Orthodoxy.

  • Filioque is a dogma that the Holy Spirit comes from the God of Father and from God Son.
  • Colebat is a dogma of the clergy of clergy.
  • The sacred legend of Catholics includes decisions taken after seven universal councils and papal messages.
  • Purgatory - Dogmat about the intermediate "station" between hell and paradise where you can redeem your sins.
  • Dogmat about the immaculate conception of the Virgin Mary and about her bodily ascension.
  • The sacrament of laity only by the body of Christ, clergy - body and blood.

Of course, this is not all differences from Orthodoxy, but Catholicism recognizes those dogmas that are not considered true in Orthodoxy.

Who are Catholics

The greatest number of Catholics, people who profess Catholicism lives in Brazil, Mexico and the USA. Interestingly, in each country, Catholicism has its own cultural features.

Differences of Catholicism from Orthodoxy

  • Unlike Catholicism, in Orthodoxy it is believed that the Holy Spirit comes only from God's god, as stated in the Symbol of Faith.
  • In Orthodoxy, celibacy observes only monastic, the rest of the clergy may marry.
  • The sacred tradition of Orthodox does not include except the ancient oral tradition, the decisions of the first seven universal councils also decisions of subsequent church councils, papal messages.
  • In Orthodoxy, there is no dogmat about purgatory.
  • In Orthodoxy, the doctrine of the "Treasury of Grace" is not recognized - the overaffect of the good deeds of Christ, the Apostles, the Virgin Mary, which allow you to "draw" from this treasury. It was this teaching that an indulgence was allowed that at one time became a stumbling block between Catholics and future Protestants. Indulgences were one of those phenomena in Catholicism, which deeply outraged Martin Luther. His plans did not include the creation of a new confession, but the Reformation of Catholicism.
  • In Orthodoxy, the laity are commued by the body and the blood of Christ: "Press, Fly: Sieu is my body, and piyti from the DSI: This is my blood."

All three shares the fundamental principles of Christianity: they take the Nicene Symbol of Faith, adopted by the first Cathedral of the Church in 325, recognize the Holy Trinity, believe in death, the burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ, in His Divine Essence and the coming coming, take the Bible as the Word of God and agree, That repentance and faith are needed to have eternal life and avoid hell, do not recognize Jehovah's Witnesses and Mormons Christian churches. Well, still, the Catholics and Protestants of Heretics mercilessly burned to the bons.

And now in the table, see some differences from those that managed to find and understand:

Orthodoxy Catholicism Protestantism
(and Lutheranism)

Source of faith

Bible and lives of saints

Only Bible

Access to the Bible

The Bible reads the Bible and treats it, according to the decrees of church cathedrals, other words, on the sacred legend

Each person reads the Bible himself and can himself interpret the truth of his ideas and actions, if it is confirmed in the Bible. Bible translation is allowed

Where does it come from
Holy Spirit

Only from the Father

From Father and Son

a priest

Not chosen by the people.
Can only be men

Posted by the people.
Maybe even a woman

Chapter of the Church

Patriarch has
right to the error

Infallibility I.
dictate of the Roman Pope

There are no chapters

Wearing Sutan

Wear rich outfits

Ordinary modest clothes

Appeal to the priest



No appeal "Father"



there is



there is



As the highest manifestation of faith

There are no them, people themselves are born, multiply and strive for success


From the cathedrals, temples and churches

In any building. The main thing is the symbol of Christ in the heart

Openness of the throne during worship

Closed by iconostasis with royal gates

Relative openness


The Saints

There is. Man can be judged by his affairs

Not. All are equal, and a person can be judged by his thoughts, and this is the right of only God

Cross sign
(gesture depicting the cross movement of the hand)

Up down-
right left

Up down-

but the gesture is not considered obligatory

to the Virgin Mary.

Immaculate conception is rejected. She pray. Do not recognize the phenomenon of the Virgin Mary in Lourdes and in Fatima True

Her immaculate conception. She is sinless and pray to her. Recognize the phenomenon of the Virgin Mary in Lourdes and in Fatima True

She is not sinless and she does not pray, like another holy

Making decisions of seven universal councils

Followed by holy

Believe that there were mistakes in decisions and follow only what the Bible correspond to

Church, society
and the state

Symphony concept of spiritual and secular authorities

Historical desire to rule over the state

The state is secondary to society

Attitude towards relics

Pray and read

Do not believe that they have power


The priest is released

They are released only by God


there is


Interior of the church
or cathedral

Rich decoration

Easy, no statues, bells, candles, organ, altar and crucifixes (Lutheranism left it)

Salvation of the believer

"Faith without deeds"

Acquired both faith and affairs, especially if a person takes care of the enrichment of the church

Purchased personal faith


Communion from infancy. Liturgy on a kvass bread (prosfora).
Alupation - immediately after baptism

Combination from 7-8 years.
Liturgy on Fresh Bread(Holidays).
Miropomanazing - after reaching conscious age

Only baptism (and communion in Lutherancy). Believers man makes his following 10 commandments and sickless thoughts


In childhood by immersion

In childhood by sprinkling

Should go only with repentance, so children do not cross, and if they are sacred, then in adult life should be baptized again, but with repentance


Believe in God, and not a bad one. There is a life path

Depends on a person

Each predetermined before birth, thereby justified inequality and enrichment of individuals


It is impossible

It is impossible, but if you bring the argument that the intentions of the groom / the bride were false, then


(in% of the number of the country's total population)

Greece 99.9%,
Transnistria 96%,
Armenia is 94%,
Moldova 93%,
Serbia 88%,
South. Ossetia 86%,
Bulgaria 86%,
Romania 82%,
Georgia 78%,
Montenegro 76%,
Belarus 75%,
Russia 73%,
Cyprus 69%,
Macedonia 65%,
Ethiopia 61%,
Ukraine 59%,
Abkhazia 52%,
Albania 45%,
Kazakhstan 34%,
Bosnia and Herzegovina 30%, Latvia 24%,
Estonia 24%

Czech Republic,
21 state
Lat. America
Mexico, Cuba
50% of residents
Germany, Netherlands,

Great Britain,
New Zealand.
50% of residents

What faith is better? For the development of the state and life in pleasure - Protestantism is more acceptable. If a person is moving the thought of suffering and redemption - then Orthodoxy and Catholicism. To each his own.

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July 16, 1054 A Cathedral of Saint Sophia in Constantinople official representatives of the Pope announced the deployment of the Patriarch of Constantinople Mikhail Keruralia. In response, Patriarch betrayed the Anathema of Papal Messengers. Since then, there are churches that we are here today by Catholic and Orthodox.

Determine in the concepts

Three main directions in Christianity - Orthodoxy, Catholicism, Protestantism. There is no uniform Protestant Church, since the Protestant churches (denominations) in the world is much hundred. Orthodoxy and Catholicism are churches with a hierarchical structure, with its creed, worship, their internal legislation and its own, inherent religious and cultural traditions.

Catholicism is a holistic church, all components and all members of which are subject to Pope as their chapter. The Orthodox Church is not so monolithic. At the moment it consists of 15 independent, but the mutual friendly friend ...

Catholicism and Orthodoxy, as well as Protestantism - directions of one religion - Christianity. Despite the fact that Catholicism and Orthodoxy belong to Christianity, there are significant differences between them.

The reason for the split of the Christian church to Western (Catholicism) and Eastern (Orthodoxy) was a political split that occurred at the turn of VIII-IXVEK, when Constantinople lost the lands of the Western part of the Roman Empire. In the summer of 1054, the Ambassador of Pope Pope in Constantinople - Cardinal Gumbert betrayed Anathema Byzantine Patriarch Mikhail Kirlaria and his followers. A few days later, a cathedral took place in Constantinople, at which Cardinal Gumbert and his minions were devoted to the response anathema. The disagreements between representatives of the Roman and Greek churches were sharpened and because of political disagreements: Byzantia argued with Rome for power. The mistrust of the East and the West flowed into the open enmity after the cross campaign on Byzantium in 1202, when Western Christians went ...

The difference in Orthodox and Catholic symbols of faith, in fact, only one thing. In the Orthodox symbol of faith there is a statement:

"I believe ... In the Holy Spirit, the Lord, who gives life coming from the Father ...".

In the Catholic Symbol of Faith, this statement sounds like this:

"I believe ... In the Holy Spirit, Lord's life-giving, from the father and the son of the outgoing ..."

That is, Orthodox claim that the Holy Spirit comes from the Father, and Catholics from Father and Son. The difference between these utensils is very thin, it is important only at the level of deep theology. But, at the same time, it became one of the reasons for the split between the Catholics and Orthodox in the 11th century. Now, when there is increasingly talking about rapprochement, theologian and with that, and on the other hand, they do not consider this difference in principle ...


In modern Catholic theology, attitudes towards Philobov, oddly enough, has changed much. So, on August 6, 2000, the Catholic Church published the Dominus Iesus Declaration ("Lord Jesus"). The author of this declaration was Cardinal Josef Ratzinger (Pope Benedict XVI).

In this document in the second paragraph of the first part, the text of the Faith symbol in the editorial office is given ...

The Orthodox and Catholic Church, as we know, are two branches of one tree. And those and others worship Jesus, carry crosses on the neck and suffer. What do they differ? The separation of the church occurred in 1054. Actually, disagreements between the Pope and Patriarch of Constantinople began long before that, however, it was in 1054 Pope Leo Lion IX sent to Constantinople Legatov led by Cardinal Humebert to resolve the conflict, the beginning of which was put on the closure in 1053 Latin churches in Constantinople upon order by Patriarch Mikhail Cirlaria, in which his skellaria Konstantin threw the holy gifts from the Darochranitors, cooked on the Western custom from fresh bread, and trampled their legs. However, it was not possible to find a path to reconciliation, and on July 16, 1054, in the Cathedral of Saint Sophia, papal legats announced the deployment of the Cirlaria and its excavation from the church. In response to this, on July 20, the Patriarch betrayed Anathema Legates.

Although in 1965 mutual anathemas were removed and ...

Difference of Orthodoxy from Catholicism
The dogmatic difference is known to each Orthodox: first, contrary to the decisions of the Second Ecumenical Cathedral (Constantinople, 381) and the Third Ecumenical Cathedral (Ephesus, 431, Rule 7) Catholics introduced into the 8th member of the Faith Symbol. Addition of the Outness of the Holy Spirit not only from the Father, but also from Son ("Philoca"); Secondly, in the XIX century, Dogmat was joined to this that Virgo Maria was conceived by immacably ("De Immaakulat Concept"); Thirdly, in 1870, a new dogma was established on the infallibility of the Roman Pope in the affairs of the church and the creed ("Ex Cathedra"); Fourthly, in 1950 another dogma on the posthumous bodily ascension of the Virgin Mary was established. These dogmas are not recognized by the Orthodox Church. These are the most important dogmatic differences.

The church-organizational difference is that Catholics recognize the Roman high priest, the crying of the Church and the Deputy Christ on Earth, whereas Orthodoxy recognizes the one ...

Most people know precisely about the Orthodox faith, and other Christian faiths are practically known to them. That is why it is necessary to know what Christianity differs from Catholicism and that they have in common.

Catholic faith is also Christianity. Among them are Orthodox, Catholics and Protestants. But there are no churches for Protestants, but Orthodox and Catholic churches are. All these churches communicate with each other, nor looking at some differences in faith.

The common holy in Catholics and Christians are: Jesus Christ, Nikolai Mirajor, Virgo Maria, Seraphim Sarovsky and Sergius Radonezh, and Olga also before the division of churches of the common saint.

The item is presented in that each of the churches is a different unity. Christians perceive faith and the sacrament, and the Catholics are still necessary and dad.

The item is presented in that both churches are a different concept of tapping and uniformity. Orthodox is important ...

The believer by the rules wears the cross. But how to choose the right and not get confused in their manifold? You will learn about the symbolism and the meaning of the crosses from our article.

The types of crosses are a lot and many people already know what you can not do with a nice cross and how to wear it right. Therefore, first of all, the question arises about which of them are related to the Orthodox faith, and which - to Catholic. In both types of Christian religion, there are several types of crosses in which it is necessary to understand not to be confused.

The main differences of the Orthodox Cross

it has three transverse lines: the upper and lower - short, between them - long; At the ends of the cross can be decorated three semicircles resembling a shader; On some Orthodox crosses at the bottom instead of the oblique transverse line, there may be a month - this sign got from ...

The Orthodox and Catholic Church, as we know, are two branches of one tree. And those and others worship Jesus, carry crosses on the neck and suffer. What do they differ?

The final separation of the Unified Christian Church in Orthodoxy and Catholicism occurred in 1054. Nevertheless, the Orthodox, and the Roman Catholic Church consider only themselves "United Holy, Catolytic (Cathedral) and the Apostolic Church."

First of all, Catholics are also Christians. Christianity is divided into three main directions: Catholicism, Orthodoxy and Protestantism. But there is no uniform Protestant Church (a few thousand Protestant denominations in the world), and the Orthodox Church includes several churches independent from each other.

In addition to the Russian Orthodox Church (ROC), there is Georgian Orthodox Church, Serbian Orthodox Church, Greek Orthodox Church, Romanian Orthodox Church, etc.

Orthodox churches by patriarchs, ...

The separation of the Christian church on the Western and East occurred after a political split in the Roman Empire in the 9th century. Pope focused in his hands church and secular power in the West. In the East, the mutual understanding and mutual respect of the two branches of the emperor and the church reigned.

Finally, the unity of believers in Christianity was disturbed in 1054. This date is the time of the formation of the Eastern Orthodox Church and Western Catholic. The moment of separation of universal faith is reflected in various creeds of the West and the East.


The Orthodox Church of the Church is Jesus Christ. It remains the territorial division into independent local churches, which may have their own characteristics in the field of canonical issues and rites. The Orthodox Church includes seven universal cathedrals.

The adoption of new members to the church occurs three times, in the name of the Most Holy Trinity, through the sacrament of baptism by immersing into the water. Every new member ...

The struggle of Catholicism and Orthodoxy Dogmatic differences of Orthodoxy from Catholicism canonical differences between the Catholics and the Orthodox mutual influence of religions on each other

Christianity is the most common religion of the world with huge number of followers. Meanwhile, not all adherents of Christianity find a common language. Over the centuries, certain traditions of Christianity were formed, which differed depending on geography. To date, the three main directions of Christianity, which, in turn, have separate branches. Orthodoxy was entrenched in Slavic states, however, the largest direction of Christianity is Catholicism. Anticatolic branch can be called Protestantism.

Wrestling of Catholicism and Orthodoxy

In essence, Catholicism is the initial and most ancient form of Christianity. The politicization of the church power and the emergence of heretical flows led to the split of the church ...

The key dogmatic discrepancy of the Orthodox and Catholic churches is "Philocava" (Lat. Filioque - "and Son") - adding to the Latin translation of the Faith symbol adopted by Western (Roman) church in the XI century in dogmat about Trinity: about the state of the Holy Spirit not only from God-Father, but "From Father and Son."

Pope Benedict VIII in 1014 included the term "Philocove" into the symbol of faith, which caused the storm of indignation by the Orthodox theologians.

It was the "Philoca" that became a "stumbling block" and was the reason for the final division of churches in 1054.

It was finally approved on the so-called "unifying" cathedrals - Lyon (1274) and Ferraro-Florentine (1431-1439).

In modern Catholic theology, attitudes towards Philobov, oddly enough, has changed much. So, on August 6, 2000, the Catholic Church published the Dominus Iesus Declaration ("Lord Jesus"). The author of this declaration was Cardinal Josef Ratzinger (Pope Benedict ...

What is the difference between the Orthodox faith from Catholic?

What is the difference between the Orthodox faith from Catholic?

Hello, our dear visitors!

One of the visitors to the portal asked the following question to the priest:

Battyushka, please answer what the conceptual differences of our faith and the Catholic and their consequences in the Canon of Orthodox life, prayers and cases? Thank you!

Replies of Jeromona Pimen (Reline):

Dogmatic deviations of Roman Catholics:

a) The Doctrine of the Holy Spirit:

And in the Spirit of Saints, gentlemen, the Lord's life-waggnogo, izh, the Father is outgoing, - so he taught us, the Church of His, Christ himself, so the spellifers of the word, the apostles, approved the universal cathedrals.

Starting from the XI century, the Roman Catholic Church confesses that the Holy Spirit "from the Father and Son comes": in ...

I am sure that most do not understand the difference between these denominations, but they only know that Orthodoxy is ours, and everything else is wrong.

They differ many. For example, Catholics emphasize the meaning of the secretory words of Christ in Anaphore instead of epiclase, which, as you understand, is completely unforgivable. Many rejected their heads and less.

But if you list the differences that you can not understand not only you, but also we, then the main, perhaps, can be considered the following.

1. Catholics worship Mary Maria as a virgin, and Orthodox see it primarily by Mother God. In addition, Catholics are confident that Virgo Maria was as immortally conceived as Christ. And the Catholics believe that she was ascended alive on the sky, and the Orthodox has an apocryphic story about the Assumption of the Virgin, so that no one doubted: this decent lady died, like everyone else ...

In the CIS countries, most people familiar with Orthodoxy, but there are few people about other Christian denominations and non-Christian religions. Therefore, the question is: "What is the difference between the Catholic Church from Orthodox?" Or speaking, it is easier to "the difference of Catholicism from Orthodoxy" - Catholics set very often. Let's try to answer it.

First of all, Catholics are also Christians. Christianity is divided into three main directions: Catholicism, Orthodoxy and Protestantism. But there is no uniform Protestant Church (a few thousand Protestant denominations in the world), and the Orthodox Church includes several churches independent from each other.

In addition to the Russian Orthodox Church (ROC), there is Georgian Orthodox Church, Serbian Orthodox Church, Greek Orthodox Church, Romanian Orthodox Church, etc. The Orthodox Churches of Patriarchs, Metropolitans and Archbishops are managed. Not all Orthodox churches are communicating with each other in prayers and sacraments (which ...

This quote

Than Orthodoxy differs from Catholicism.

Orthodoxy differs from Catholicism, but the question is, not everyone will answer the question of what exactly consist of these differences. Differences between churches are in symbols, and in the ritual, and in the dogmatic part.

Different crosses

The first external difference between the Catholic and Orthodox symbolism concerns the image of the cross and crucifixion. If there were 16 species of the Cross forms in the early Christian tradition, today traditionally the four-sided cross is associated with Catholicism, and the cross is the eight-spin, or six-pin with Orthodoxy.

Words on a plate on crosses are the same, only languages \u200b\u200bare distinguished, on which the inscription "Jesus Nazi Tsar Judaian is made. In Catholicism, this is Latin: INRI. In some Eastern churches, the Greek Abbreviation Inbi is used from the Greek text ...

On February 11, the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia, Kirill begins his first pastoral visit to Latin American countries, which will last until February 22 and will cover Cuba, Brazil and Paraguay. On February 12, at the International Airport named after Jose Marty Cuban Capital, the head of the ROC will meet with the Pope Francis, which will stop on the way to Mexico. Prepared for 20 years the meeting of the charters of the Russian Orthodox and Roman Catholic churches will be held for the first time. As the Chairman of the Synodinal Department for the Relationships of the Church with Society and Media, Vladimir Legoyda, noted, the upcoming historical meeting is caused by the need for joint actions to help Christian communities of the Middle East. "Although many problems between the Russian Orthodox Church and the Roman Catholic Church remain unresolved, the protection of Middle Eastern Christians remain unresolved From genocide - the challenge that requires urgent joint efforts, "said Legogly. According to him, "the outcome of Christians from the countries of the Middle East ...

In 1054, one of the most important events in the history of the Middle Ages - the great schism, or split. And despite the fact that in the middle of the 20th century, Konstantinople patriarchate and the holy throne were removed mutual anathemas, the world did not unite, and the cause of this was the dogmatic differences between both denominations and political contradictions, closely related to the church throughout its existence.

Such a state of affairs is preserved even though the majority of states where the population professes Christianity, and where it let its roots still in antiquity, are secular and the share of atheists is great. Church and its role in history They became part of the national self-identification of many nations, despite the fact that representatives of these peoples often did not even read the Scriptures.

Sources of conflict

The United Christian Church (hereinafter - the EC) originated in the Roman Empire in the first centuries of our era. She was not somewhat monolithic in the early period of its existence. Sermons of the apostles, and then apostolic husbands lay down on the consciousness of a person ancient Mediterraneanand it was significantly different from those of the people of the East. The finally a single dogmat of the EC was produced during the period of apologists, and in addition to its formation, in addition, the Scriptures actually had the strongest influence, namely: Plato, Aristotle, Zeno.

The first theologians, who developed the foundations of Christian dogma, were people from various parts of the Empire, often had a personal spiritual and philosophical experience behind the shoulders. And in their works in the presence of a common basis, we can see some accents that will later become contradiction sources. For these contradictions and will be clinging for the power of immanent in public interest, little caring about the spiritual side of the issue.

The unity of the general Christian dogmaker was supported by the Universal Cathedrals, the formation of a clearing as a separate class of society was on the principle of the continuity of orders from the Apostle Peter . But forerunners of the future split Already clearly looked at at least in this case as proselyticism. During the early Middle Ages in the orbit of Christianity, new peoples began to enter into the orbit, and then the fact that the people take their baptism from whom the people themselves did not play a big role. And this, in turn, was strongly reflected on how the relations of the church and the new flock are collapsed, because the community of converts has not so much made a creed, as it consisted into the orbit of a stronger political structure.

The difference in the role of the Church in the East and in the West of the former Roman Empire was due to the different fate of these parts. The western part of the empire fell under pressure of internal conflicts and barbaric raids, and the church actually formed society. The states were formed, decayed, created again, and the Roman attraction center existed. In fact, the church in the West rose over the state, which led its further role in European politics to the era of the Reformation.

The Byzantine Empire, on the contrary, had its roots in the Doharistian epoch, and Christianity became part of the culture and self-consciousness of the population of this territory, but did not replace this culture entirely. The Organization of Eastern Churches walked on another principle - statements. The church was organized from below, it was a community of believers - In opposition to the power vertical in Rome. Konstantinople Patriarch had the championship of honor, but not a legislative power (Constantinople did not shake the threat of excommunication from the church as a stick to influence the disadvantageous monarchs). The relationship with the latter was implemented on the principle of symphony.

Further development of Christian theology in the East and in the West also went differently. In the West, the spread of scholasticismwho tried to connect faith and logic, which ultimately led to the conflict between faith and mind in the Renaissance era. In the East, these concepts have never been mixed, which is not bad reflects the Russian proverb "Nading God, yes, it's not a root." On the one hand, it gave great freedom of thought, on the other - did not give the practice of a scientific dispute.

Thus, the political and theological contradictions led to the split of 1054. As he passed - a big topic worthy of a separate presentation. And now we will tell you how modern Orthodoxy and Catholicism differs from each other. The differences will be considered in the following order:

  1. Dogmatic;
  2. Ritual;
  3. Mental.

Principal dogmatic differences

Usually they say a little about them, as not surprising: a simple believer before that, as a rule, there is no case. But there are such differencesAnd some of them became a reason for the split of 1054. We list them.

Reviews to the Holy Trinity

Stumbling stone between Orthodox and Catholics. Nice Filioque.

The Catholic Church believes that the Divine Grace comes not only from the Father, but also from the Son. Orthodoxy confesses the excess of the Holy Spirit only from the Father and Genesis of Three Persons in a Unified Divine Entity.

Looks at the Immaculate Conception of the Virgin Mary

Catholics believe that the Virgin is the fruit of immaculate conception, that is, it was free from the original sin initially (we recall that original sin the disobedience of the will is considered God, and the consequences of the disadvantage of adam of this will we feel so far (Gen. 3:19)).

Orthodox do not recognize this dogma, as in Scripture there are no instructions on this, and the conclusions of Catholic theologians are based only on the hypothesis.

Views on the unity of the church

Orthodox under unity understand the faith and the sacraments, the Catholics also recognize the dad with a governor of God on Earth. Orthodoxy considers it quite a self-sufficient every local church (for it is the model of the Universal Church), Catholicism at the head of the corner confesses the power of the Pope above it and all sides of the human life. Dad in the views of Catholics infallible.

Resolutions of the Universal Councils

Orthodox recognize the 7 Ecumenical Councils, and Catholics - 21, the last of which took place in the middle of the last century.

Dogmat about purgatory

Present from Catholics. Purgatory represents the place where the souls of the dead in unity are sent with God, but not paid during their sins. It is believed that living people should pray for them. Orthodox do not recognize the teachings on purgatory, believing that the fate of the human soul is in the hands of God, but it is necessary to pray for the dead. Finally, this dogmatic was approved only on Ferraro-Florentine Cathedral.

Difference in the views on dogmas

The Catholic Church adopted by Cardinal John Newman the theory of dogmatic development, according to which the church should clearly verbally formulate their dogmas. The need for this arose to counteract the influence of Protestant denominations. The problem is quite relevant and wide: Protestants are honored the letter of the Scripture, and often - to the detriment of his spirit. Catholic theologian Put in front of them difficult task: formulate dogmas with a support for writing so as to eliminate these contradictions.

The Orthodox hierarchs and theologians do not consider it necessary to somehow clearly express dogmatics of the creed and develop it. In the presentation of the Orthodox churches, the letter does not give a complete understanding of faith and even limits this understanding. Church legend is quite complete for a Christian, and his own spiritual path can be in any believer.

External differences

This is what rushes into the eyes first. Oddly enough, but they are, despite their not fundamentality, became the source of not only small conflicts, but also the big shocks. It was characteristic of For the Orthodox and Catholic churches, the differences within which, at least about the views of the hierarchs provoked the emergence of heresies and new splits.

The rite was not something static - nor in the period of early Christianity, nor during the Great Sismma, nor during the period of separate existence. Moreover: Sometimes there were cardinal changes in the rite, but they did not get closer to the unity of the church. Rather, on the contrary, every innovation chose a part of believers from one or another church.

To illustrate, you can take a church split in Russia of the XVII century - and after all, Nikon sought not to split the Russian church, but, on the contrary, to unite the universal (he was ambulance, of course, shook).

Also remember well - Under the introduction of Ordus Novo (services in national languages) in the middle of the last century, part of the Catholics did not accept this, believing that the Mesha was needed to serve in the Triedent rite. Currently, Catholics enjoy the following types of rites:

  • The tried rite, according to which the priest is obliged to lead Mass, if the advent of the majority of votes "for";
  • Grequocatolic and Armenian Catolytic rites.

There are many myths around the topic of ritual. One of them is dictate of the Latin language from Catholics, and this language does not understand the language. Although the Latin rite was replaced by the national relatively recently, many do not take into account, for example, the fact that uniate churches subordinate to the dad maintained their rite. Also do not take into account the fact that Catholics also began to publish national Bibles (and where did they come? Protestants often took it).

Another error is the primacy of the rite over consciousness. This is partly due to the fact that the consciousness of a person remains the pagan in many respects: he confuses the rite and the sacrament, and uses them as a kind of magic in which, as is known, following the instruction plays a decisive role.

In order for you to better see the ritual differences of Orthodoxy from Catholicism - the table to help you:

category subcategory orthodoxy catholicism
sacraments epiphany full immersion spill
miropomanazing immediately after baptism in adolescence confirmation
communion at any time, from 7 years - after confession after 7-8 years
confession at Analia in a special place
wedding it is allowed three times marriage negust
temple orientation altar to the East the rule is not observed
altar fenced by iconostas not fenced, maximum - altar barrier
benches missing, pray standing with bows present, although in the old days there were small benches for standing on the knees
liturgy scheduled you can order
musical accompaniment only hor. may be organ
cross the difference between the Cross of Orthodox and Catholic sketchy naturalistic
the Omen triplee, top down, right left open palm, top down, left right
clergy hierarchy there are Cardinals
monasteries each with its own charter organized in monastic orders
celibacy for monasticists and officials for all above the diacon
posts eucharist 6 o'clock 1 hour
weekly wednesday and Friday friday
calendar strict less strict
the calendar saturday complements Sunday sunday replaced Saturday
calculus julian, Novoyulianskoye grigorian
perkhalia alexandria grigorian

In addition, there are differences in the worship of the saints, the order of canonization of those, holidays. Also, the vestments of the priests, although the Orthodox, and Catholics, the latter has common roots.

Also in Catholic worship The identity of the priest has a greater value; The formulas of the sacraments, he pronounces from the first person, and in Orthodox worship - from the third, as the sacrament does not make a priest (unlike the rite), and God. By the way, the amount of the sacraments and Catholics, and the equal Orthodox. The sacraments include:

  • Epiphany;
  • Miropomanazing;
  • Repentance;
  • Eucharist;
  • Wedding;
  • Ordination in san;
  • Solving.

Catholics and Orthodox: what's the difference

If we talk about the church, not as an organization, but as a community of believers, then there is still a difference in mentality. Moreover, both the Catholic and the Orthodox Church have greatly affected both the formation of civilizational models of modern states and on the attitude of the representatives of these nations to life, its goals, morality and other aspects of their existence.

And this affects it now when the number of people who are not incoming in any denominations are growing in the world, and the Church itself loses its position in regulating different aspects of human life.

The usual temple visitor rarely thinks about why he, for example, Catholic. For him, it is often a tribute to tradition, formality, habit. Often, belonging to a particular confession serves as an excuse of its irresponsibility or way to gain political glasses.

So, representatives of the Sicilian mafia representatives were made by their belonging to Catholicism, which did not prevent them from receiving income from drug trafficking and commit crimes. At the Orthodox to such a hypocrisy there is even a saying: "Or crossed, or panties are dressed."

Among the Orthodox, such a model of behavior is often found, which is characterized by another proverb - "So far, the thunder is not born, the man will not cross."

And yet, despite such differences in both dogmas, and in the rite between us really more common than differences. And the dialogue between us is necessary to preserve peace and mutual understanding. In the end, Orthodoxy, and Catholicism - branches of one Christian faith. And remember this is not only hierarchs, but also a simple believer.

Theme: similarities and differences of Catholics and Orthodox.

1. Catholicism- From the Greek word Katholikos - the universal (later universal).

Catholicism - Western variety of Christianity. It appeared as a result of a church split prepared by the division of the Roman Empire to Western and Eastern. The rod of all activities of the Western Church was the desire to unite Christians under the rule of the Roman bishop (Pope). Catholicism finally took shape as a creed and a church organization in 1054.

1.1 Development history.

The history of the development of Catholicism is a long process, stretching for the century, where there was a place and high aspirations (missionary, education), and the aspirations of secular and even the world power, and a place of bloody inquisition.

In the Middle Ages, the western church in the religious life includes lush and solemn services, worship of numerous holy relics and relics. Pope Gregory 1 included music in catalytic worship. He also tried to replace the cultural traditions of antiquity by "Saving Church Enlightenment."

Catholic monasticism in the West, the approval and distribution of Catholicism in the West.

Religion in the Middle Ages ideologically justified, justified and sanctified the essence of relations in the feudal society, where the classes were clearly divided.

In the middle of the 8th century, an independent secular papal state appeared, i.e. At the time of the crash of the Roman Empire, it was the only real power.

Strengthening the secular power of the Pap Soon gave rise to their desire to dominate not only over the church, but also over the world.

On the board of Pope Innokentia 3 in the 13th century, the church achieved his highest power, Innokenti 3 managed to achieve the supremacy of spiritual power over secular, not least due to the crusades.

However, in the fight against the papal absolutism, cities and secular sovereigns, whom the clergymen were accused of heresy and created the Holy Inquisition, designed by the "fire and a sword to harde the heresy."

But the fall in the supremacy of the spiritual power was not to avoid. There was a new era of reformation and humanism, which undermined the spiritual monopoly of the Church, destroyed the political and religious monolithicness of Catholicism.

However, after a century, after the French revolution, the Vienna Congress 1814-1815. Restored the Papal State. Currently, there is a theocratic Vatican State.

The development of capitalism, industrialization, urbanization and deterioration in the life of the working class, raising the working movement led to the spread of an indifferent attitude towards religion.

Now the church has become the "church of dialogue with the world." New in its activity is to protect human rights, especially the right to religious freedom, the struggle for family and morality.

The area of \u200b\u200bactivity of the church is culture and cultural development.

In relations with the state, the church offers loyal cooperation, without submission to the Church by the state and vice versa.

1.2 Features of the creed, cult and structures

religious organization of Catholicism.

2. The source of Catholics is recognized as the Holy Scripture (Bible) and the Holy Tradition, which (in contrast to Orthodoxy) includes the rulings of the universal fees of the Catholic Church and the judgment of the Dad.

3. Adding to the symbol of faith Filiological Holy Spirit comes from the god-father. The addition was approved that the Holy Spirit comes from God's God and from God-Son (Orthodoxy rejects Philoca).

4. The peculiarity of Catholicism is the exalted reverence of Our Lady, recognizing the legend of the immaculate conception of Maria her mother Anna, and her bodily ascension after death on the sky.

5. The clergy gives celibacy - celibacy. Artified in the 13th century to prevent the land section between the heirs of the priest. Colebat is one of the reasons for the refusal of many Catholic priests in our days from Sana.

6. Dogmat about purgatory. Catholics are an intermediate place between the paradise and hell, where the sinners who did not receive forgiveness in earthly life, but not burdened with mortal sins before gaining access to heaven, burn in cleansing fire. This test of Catholics understand differently. Some interrupt fire as a symbol, others recognize his reality. The fate of the soul in purgatory can be facilitated, and her stay there is reduced by "good deeds", committed in memory of the deceased relatives on earth relatives and loved ones. "Good deeds" - prayers, mass and material donations in favor of the church. (The Orthodox Church rejects the doctrine of purgatory).

7. Catholicism has a lush theatrical cult, widespread relics (the remains of "Christ's clothes", the pieces of "the cross on which he was crucified," nails, "which he was nailed to the cross", etc.), the cult of martyrs, saints and blissful.

8. Indulgence - Papal diploma, certificate of liberation of both committed and not performed sins, issued for money or for special merits in front of the Catholic Church. Indulgence is justified by the theologians by the fact that the Catholic Church allegedly has a certain margin of good deeds committed by Christ, the Virgin Mary and the saints that can cover the sins of people.

9. The church hierarchy is based on the Divine Authority: the mystical life takes the beginning of Christ and through the dad and the entire structure of the church is descended to the ordinary members. (Orthodoxy refutes this statement).

10. Catholicism, like Orthodoxy, recognizes 7 sacraments - baptism, worldware, communion, repentance, priesthood, marriage, cobble.

2. Orthodoxy- One of the directions of Christianity, formed in 4 - 8th centuries, and independence found in the 11th century as a result of the church split prepared by the division of the Roman Empire to Western and Eastern (Byzantium).

2.1 Development history.

Orthodoxy did not have a single church center, because Church power focused in the hands of 4 patriarchs. As the Byzantine Empire is collapsed, each of the Patriarchs began to head an independent (autocephal) Orthodox Church.

The beginning of the approval of Orthodoxy in Russia as a state religion was supposed by Kiev Prince Vladimir Svyatoslavovich. At his disposal in 988, the Byzantine clergy dubbed the residents of the capital of the Old Russian state of Kiev.

Orthodoxy, as well as Catholicism, justified and sanctified the social inequality, the operation of man, called on the masses to humility and patience, which was very convenient for secular power.

The Russian Orthodox Church for a long time depended on Constantinople (Byzantine). Only in 1448 she gained autochefali. Since 1589, in the list of local Orthodox churches of the Russian, the honorable 5th place, which she still takes.

To strengthen the position of the church within the country in the early 17th century, Patriarch Nikon held church reform.

Inaccuracies were corrected and discrepancies in liturgical books, a church service is somewhat shortened, earthly bows were replaced by the waist, not two, and three fingers were baptized. Due to the reform, the split occurred, which led to the emergence of the flow of old goods. Moscow Local Cathedrals 1656 - 1667. They betrayed the curse (Anathema) old rites and their adherents who were pursued using the state repressive apparatus. (The curse of the Old Believers was canceled in 1971).

Peter 1 reorganized the Orthodox Church into an integral part of the state apparatus.

Just as Catholicism, Orthodoxy actively interfered with secular life.

In the times of the revolution and the formation of Soviet power, the influence of the church was negated. In addition, temples were destroyed, the clergy was subjected to persecution and repression. In the Soviet Union, it is necessary to be an atheist - such was the line of the party in the question of freedom of conscience. We looked at believers as weakly, they condemned and oppressed.

Whole generations grew into disbelief in God. Belief in God was replaced by faith in the leader and in the "bright future".

After the collapse of the Soviet Union, the temples began to recover, people are quietly visiting them. Killed clergymen are counted for holy martyrs. The church began to cooperate with the state, which began to return previously requested church lands. From abroad, invaluable icons, bells, etc. return. A new round of fortification of Orthodoxy has begun in Russia.

2.2 Creation of Orthodoxy and comparison with Catholicism.

Their differences and similarity.

1. Orthodoxy does not have a single church center, like Catholicism, and represents 15 autocephae and 3 autonomous local churches. Orthodoxy denies the dogma of Catholics about the primacy of the Pope and its infallibility (see paragraph 1 about Catholicism).

2. The religious basis is the sacred Scripture (Bible) and the sacred legend (solutions of the first 7 universal cathedrals and the works of the fathers of the Church 2 - 8 V.V.

3. The symbol of faith obliges to believe in a single God speaking in three persons (hypostatas): God-Father, Son's God, God's God (Saint). The Holy Spirit is declared emanating from the Father's God. Philocove did not adopted Orthodoxy in Catholics (see paragraph 3).

4. The most important dogma of the award, according to which Jesus Christ, remaining God, was born from the Virgin Mary. Catholic cult of reverence Mary in Orthodoxy is not recognized (see paragraph 4).

5. The clergy in Orthodoxy is divided into white (married parish priests) and black (monastic, giving vinds of celibacy). Catholics the same cellary gives all the clergy (see paragraph 5).

6. Orthodoxy is not recognized by purm (see paragraph 6).

7. In Orthodoxy, the importance is attached to the ritual, the cult of saints, the remains of the saints are reliced, the icons, i.e. The same as Catholics, but there are no relics in Orthodoxy (see paragraph 7).

8. In Orthodoxy, there is a notion of scape of sins after confession and repentance. Indulgence of Catholics Orthodoxy does not recognize (see paragraph 8).

9. Orthodoxy denies the church hierarchy of Catholics, their divinity, continuity of the apostles (see paragraph 9).

10. Like Catholicism, Orthodoxy recognizes all seven Christian sacraments. Also in Orthodoxism and Catholicism, the general norms of church life (canons) and the most important components of the rituality: the number and nature of the mission, the content and sequence of worships, the layout and the interior of the temple, the structure of the clearing and its appearance, presence of monastics. Worship is conducted in national languages, and the dead languages \u200b\u200bare used (Latin).


1. Protestanism: an atheist dictionary (under the general editor of L.N. Mitrokhin. - M: Politicism, 1990 - p. 317).

2. Catholicism: an atheist dictionary (under the general editor of L.N. Velikovich. - M: Politicization, 1991 - p. 320).

3. Peaks B.A. Knights church. M: Politicize, 1991 - with. 350.

4. Grigulevich I.R. Inquisition. M: Politicize, 1976 - s. 463.