Excursions to the holy places of Russia. Holy places of Russia

Excursions to the holy places of Russia. Holy places of Russia
Excursions to the holy places of Russia. Holy places of Russia

The inalienable attribute of the life of a believer person is trips to holy places, or pilgrimage, is a visit to holy places outside the human residence. In such trips are sent to worship the shrines, relics.

Types of pilgrimage

Each religion has its own holy places to visit every believer. In the Christian faith, the dream of every believer is to visit Jerusalem. It was on this earth that Jesus appeared on the light and served here. There are places related to the Messiah, his apostles, the Holy Virgin Mary, as well as the Holy River Jordan and other holy sources.

In Islam, pilgrimage involves visiting Mecca and Medina. These places are important for every Muslim.

In Vaisnavisme, pilgrims seek to visit Vrindavan and Howardhan. These places are considered the most saints throughout the land. It is believed that these places attended Krishna, which came about five thousand years ago. Vaisnavisism provides for pilgrimage to the places of gods of God and his beloved Srimati Radharani. Believers perform ablution in the waters of Ganges, Jamuna and Sarasvati.

Pilgrimage is present in Shivaism. All believers who worshiped Shiva are dreaming of visiting Mount Kailas in Himalayas. Believers believe that in one of the mountain caves to this day is in the meditation of Shiva.

In Buddhism, four main holy places that should be visited. This is Lumbini, Bodh-Guy, Sarnath and Kushinhar.

All holy places, regardless of faith, have an extraordinary force that cannot be explained by scientists. For example, the dust of Vrindavana has a floral aroma, and the water of the ganggie has a cleansing effect, although millions of people live on the banks of the river, and the ashes of the dead dumped in the water. And there are no cleaning facilities.

A bit of the history of christian pilgrimage

With the beginning of the Christian Church, believers sought to get into places associated with the earthly life of Jesus, his mother. Later, people began to visit the places of the Holy Martyrs.

It is impossible to say for sure when the pilgrimage appeared. However, according to some reports, it began after 325, when Emperor Konstantin ordered to build temples in Bethlehem, and the entire Palestine declared the Holy Earth.

The word "pilgrimage" is a trip to the holy place, and the "pilgrim" is a man holding a palm branch. Usually the pilgrimage season begins with Christmas and ends with Pentecost. In the ancient times, Christians came to Palestine for the whole period.

One of the important holidays, during which the number of people who went to religious pilgrimage grown is Easter. Those who sought to meet in Jerusalem bright Sunday came in advance. All participants in the procession carried palm branches. They were taken home as a shrine and testimony of a pilgrimage trip.

Pilgrimage in Russia

In Russia, the pilgrimage gained popularity at the time of baptism. The story of pilgrimage tells how people traveled to Jerusalem and other holy places. In those days there were no means of movement, and the whole path of believers were walking. Such a journey was dangerous, long.

Gradually, national churches began to build in Russia. The first were Kiev-Pechersk Lavra, Valaam, Solovki, Trinity-Sergiyev Lavra and many other shrines. They began to attend people from all over the country.

Jerusalem for Christians

One of the oldest and important cities of various religions is Jerusalem. This is the sacred place for Judaism, Islam and Christianity. Pilgrimage in Jerusalem is a special step for believers. Of particular importance is this city for Christians. This place is stated in the Old and New Testament. According to the last one hundred days after birth, Jesus brought Jesus to the service of serving God.

There is a story about how the Messiah carried out the cleansing of the temple, driving out of him all merchants outside the Holy Land. Pilgrimage in Jerusalem provides for visiting all places where Jesus and His apostles passed.

At the end of the Gospels there is a description of the secret evening held in Jerusalem, the arrest of Messia and Gethsemane. Also on this earth, Jesus was crucified and buried. In the Holy Scripture, the resurrection and ascension of the Messiah, as well as the day, when he returns.

Holy places of Jerusalem

The place of the mystery of the evening is the Zion Torny. Pilgrimage to Israel from Moscow provides for a visit to this holy place. Also on the traveler route include a visit to the Temple of the Holy Sepulcher. According to the legend, Jesus is buried in this place. Thousands of pilgrims come here from around the world to touch the plate.

Also believers seek to visit Calvary. They hit the knees to the crucifixion. Another place that must be visited is the Watch Wall. Different believers seek to visit temples and monasteries dedicated to St. Virgin Mary.

Pilgrimage to Israel from Moscow is a reason to visit not just holy places, but to plunge into the history of faith. During the trip, believers can be in the monastery of St. Magdalene, worship the relics, icon. Also in Jerusalem is the temple of the Ascension of the Lord, where you can abandon the relics of the arch. Antonina.

On the Holy Land there is a tomb of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the tomb of the prophets of Aggey, Malachi, as well as the tomb of the king of David.

A great place that wishes to visit every believer, is the Cathedral of the Resurrection of Christ (the church of the Merry Coffin). This shrine is divided between different peoples and veras. Orthodox, Catholics and other believers pray here here.

Mecca for Muslims

In Islam, pilgrimage is a hajj in places where you can worship Allah collectively, make Namaz. Mecca is a place where the prophet was born. This place is the spiritual center of all Muslims of all Islam.

By tradition, the pilgrimage in Mecca lasts ten days. For this event, believers are preparing in advance. For Hajj, there are many rules that should take into account the believer. So, the young man can independently go to a religious journey aged from 18 years, and girls and women under 45 have the right to visit holy place only accompanied by a man: a husband or relative. Moreover, they should document the relationship before the spiritual administration of Muslims at the place of residence.

In the kingdom of Saudi Arabia, where pilgrimage to Mecca and Medina (these shrines are located in the country), there are strict rates of Sharia. At the airport there are strict rules for the inspection of each arrived guest.

Pilgrimage to Mecca is carried out under the control of the experienced accompanying. Even if believers arrive not by the group, but independently, they are determined by the custody of the accompanying custody. All institutions in the country work with eight in the morning and to twelve day and from five to seven in the evening. Weekends are Thursday and Friday. The kingdom has its own calendar, which is now 1438 in Hijra (2017 from the Nativity of Christ).

Rite in Mecca

Arriving in Mecca, after the vestments in special ritual clothes, each believer should go around the house of Allah seven times. This is the main shrine of believers. Then the seven-time run between the hills of Marva and Safa is held. After that, it is allowed to quench your thirst from the source of deputy deposits. Next, pilgrims are sent to Arafat. This valley is located not far from Mecca. In the Valley, believers should have to breathe from noon before sunset. At this time, special prayers are read. After sunset, believers are sent to the murdalif. Collective prayer passes in this valley.

The next day, believers are sent to the Mina Valley. There is a rite of casting stones in a pillar, symbolizing Satan. After that, a rite of sacrifice is held, talking about the occurrence of Al-Adha, the holiday of Kurban-Bayram. After sacrifice, the pilgrims return to Mecca for a farewell move around the house of Allah.

Optina desert

Stavropigial male monastery since a long time takes pilgrims from all over the country. According to legend, this place was founded in the fourteenth century by a person named wholesale. There was a time when Optina flourished deserts, there were times of decline. In the twentieth century, the monastery was closed, the temples were destroyed. Times changed the monastery, but the elder service did not change. To this day, this place remains the center of spiritual life. Optio desert seeks to visit many believers.

Pilgrimage to Optio Desert involves visiting temples and shrine located here. This is an introduced cathedral in which the nectarine and amvrosia are made, the icon of the Kazan Mother of God. Also Optina Desert is famous for the temple in honor of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God, the Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God, the temple of Illarion Great, the forerunner of the Baptist of the Lord, the temple in honor of the Transfiguration of the Lord.

During the day, the main temples are always open. Pilgrimage to holy places implies the worship of the shrines located in the optical desert. Here, believers worship the icons, the holy relics of elders and Ottina's fathers.

Pilgrimage in the XIX century

Most people began to visit the places of pilgrimage in the nineteenth century. At that time, there was a tradition at least once in life to visit the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra. Tens of thousands of pilgrims of all social layers are sent to the holy places. Someone is riding a horse, and someone goes on foot. All this led to the fact that Archimandrite Antonin acquires large plots of land in Palestine, which build temples, monasteries and hotels for pilgrims.

With the arrival of the revolution, the tradition of pilgrimage lost to the former force. The temples were destroyed, the plots of land abroad are lost. For many years, Russian people could not pray and visit the shrine.

Nowadays, the tradition will be returned in the holy places. Many people attend not only holy places known worldwide, but also little-known monasteries.

Pilgrimage in Orthodox Religion

Pilgrimage is a way to touch not just to the shrines, but to the origins of your past, find the right path in the future.

Orthodox believers travel to the Holy Land, Mount Athos. In the nineteenth century, a religious journey has become quite popular. People were not afraid to go to the far way, because then on the way every pilgrim could stay in any house. In those days, it was considered righteous to put on the night of the pilgrim.

After the Second World War, the number of Russian pilgrims in Jerusalem decreased, but not completely stopped.

Modern Orthodox pilgrimage in Jerusalem includes visiting places where Evangelical events took place. The bulk of people comes to the Holy Earth on the passionate week to see how the gracious fire is coming to the Great Saturday, and wash it.

Athos, or Holy Mountain

Rocky peninsula in the form of a trident is Athos. According to legend, when St. Maria wanted to divide their works with the apostles, going with them to the sermon, she was a revelation that she would have another road. So it turned out: during her journey, her ship moored to the banks of Athos. The Mother of God saved the shore and blessed the earth. After that, she began to call Holy Mountain.

Pilgrimage to holy mountain

Peninsula is the place of monks' exploits. For these lands, it is forbidden to grow women. A few years ago there was a case when one American journalist decided to dress in men's clothing and penetrate the Athos. When it was discovered, there was a serious international scandal. Women are allowed to sailing along the island, listen to stories, look from water into binoculars on the peninsula. But men can visit Athos freely. Despite the ban visit the place to women, Holy Mountain is one of the popular shrines for worship.

Each faith has its own day off. Muslims have a day off - Friday, and the Jews - Saturday. These days, Jews and Muslims do not work. Christians also have a day off, the Scripture says "CT Saturday." In some English-speaking countries, her honor, so they are customary to start a week from Sunday. In Russia on this day, weekend, and in some other countries of the world it is the beginning of the work week, but Friday and Saturday are weekends.

On Athos, time is still calculated through the sun. A day there begin at sixteen hours of the day.

Orthodox holy places of Russia. Pilgrim tours, churches, monuments and religious attractions of Russia.

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Pilgrimage in itself is a very logical thing: here it is not necessary to invent anything, it is enough to understand why and where the person wants to go. After all, genuine pilgrimage is not just a trip "there and back." The pilgrim is not only and does not travel so much in the usual meaning of this word - it is convinced by some personal and necessary event for him. It is necessary that the pilgrim felt that all his thoughts and desires coincide with the upcoming journey.

Practical moments

As you know, the level of accommodation objects in our country is very uneven, which is directly reflected in the selection of hotels for pilgrimage tours in Russia. Most often they imply accommodation in low-cost hotels. But sometimes it turns out that there are simply no such in the district: then there are either very expensive accommodation options, or overnight in monasteries or in the "private sector".

One of the most important practical moments that must always be taken into account are nutritional features (compliance with posts, environments and fridays) and the organization of liturgy. As a rule, the movement time is calculated so that the pilgrims come to place in the evening, they could defend the all-sleeping and spending the night. And in the morning - liturgy and departure. All programs are built in such a way that over the journey there is one or two mandatory liturgy.

Travel duration

By duration, all pilgrim tours in Russia can be divided into one-day (mainly the Moscow region), "weekend tours" and multi-day trips - mostly from 3 to 7 days. The maximum number of days in the tour, as a rule, is not more than 12. Most often it is either routes on the ship, or a pilgrimage to remote regions of Russia, when the road occupies a sufficient time - for example, Ekaterinburg, Tobolsk and Altai.

A good pilgrimage route should be logical and complete. For example, if the pilgrim decided to visit holy places in the vicinity of Yekaterinburg or Tobolsk, it has a direct meaning to go on a comprehensive trip, covering all the main shrines of the Urals.

Here is an example of such a route. Moving from Moscow to Tobolsk takes about two days, depending on the selected train. Most often is expected to stop in Tobolsk for 2-3 days and the inspection of nearby attractions. Then - moving to Yekaterinburg by bus or train and inspection of the neighborhood of the city. In addition, from there not far to Perm, where the Monastery of Belogorier is located - a kind of "Ural Athos". Thus, in one journey, you can combine the holy places of the Northern and Central Urals, as well as to "attach" the whole path of royal martyrs in the Urals and in Siberia.

Where and when go

If you share pilgrim tours on a regional basis, then you can highlight directions in which pilgrims are most often sent. This, first of all, the North-West and the center of Russia, the most developed part of the country, which was still in the Middle Ages, during the origin of Christianity and its development in Russia. A lot of pilgrims go on a trip to the Golden Ring, Zadonsk (Lipetsk region), Kursk and Diveevo (Nizhny Novgorod region) and, of course, to the North-West region.

North-West is not only Karelia (Valaam and Kizhi), as well as Arkhangelsk (Solovki) and the Vologda Earth, Pskov and Veliky Novgorod. Pskov is interesting not only by Pushkin Mountains and Pechora - besides them, a lot of pilgrims visits the Talap Islands, where the father of Nikolay Guryanov lived and served.

Most cities entering the Golden Ring of Russia are inextricably linked with the stories of Orthodoxy in Russia: many shrines are concentrated in them, and almost every temple and the monastery is a pilgrimage object. The most visited cities - Alexandrov, Sergiev Posad, Pereslavl-Zalessky, Rostov Great, Yaroslavl, Uglich, Kostroma, Suzdal and Vladimir.

In addition, such southern directions such as Rostov-on-Don, Krasnodar and Arkhyz have been noted - many monasteries have been restored there. Altai occupies a special place, the pilgrimage is inextricably linked with the study of the traditions of local residents.

Some of the most favorable time to travel is difficult. In the summer, driving everywhere and for a longer time - from 3 to 7-12 days. In the fall and spring, as a rule, choose relatively short programs for 2-3 days. Exceptions are only major holidays: there is already a weekend or not, it does not have much.

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A brief overview of the holy places of Orthodox Russia

All monasteries of the Russian Orthodox Church have uniform principles of organizing monastery life. But it is also necessary to note that each monastery has its own history and spiritual appearance. This is most clearly and brightly noticeable in the ancient monasteries - Kirillo-Belozoan (Vologda region), Valaam (Valaam), Pskovo-Pechorsky (Pskov region), Holy Trinity-Sergiye Lavre (Moscow region).

Savior Preobrazhensky Solovetsky Monastery Monastery is located at the Big Solovetsky Island in the White Sea, and Skits and Deserts - on other Islands of the archipelago. It was the geographical position in many respects affected the history of the development and fate of the monastery. The monastery was a kind of border fortress: he endured the siege of the Livons, the Swedes and the British, and from the end of the 16th century it was also used as a place of reference. After its closure in 1920, there were a camp and a special purpose prison.

Flying over Kolomna

The shrines of the monastery: the relics of the founders of Solovetsky - Zosima, Savvatiya and German (the noteworthy church of the Annunciation), particles of the relics of many distortions of the saints, the relics of the Relative Eleazar Anzero (Holy Trinity Anzersky Skit) and St. Job Anzersky (Calval-Creation Skit). Holidays Residents: The Transfiguration of the Lord - August 19, Rev. Zosimima, Savvatia and German - August 21, Cathedral of the Solovetsky Saints - August 22, the Cathedral of Novomartvikov and Solovetsky confessors - August 23.


Monasteries: Holy Danilov - part of the relevant prince Daniel Moskovsky, Donskoye - Patriarch Tikhon's Patriarch, Zaktyuvsky - Icon of the Mother of God "Sleepy", Novospassky - Icon of the Mother of God "Allzaritsa", Holy Pokrovsky - the relics of Blessed Matronov Moscow, Novodevichy - Ctribated Icons God's mother Smolensk and Tikhvinskaya.

Shrines: The relics of the righteous Alexia of Moscow (Mesiam) in the temple of St. Nicholas on Malaseke, Poklonnaya Kyussia Cross with particles of the relics of more than 300 saints in the temple of the St. Sergius of Radonezh in the wretch.

Moscow region

Monasteries: Trinity-Sergiyev Lavra, Vysotsky Bogoroditsky in Serpukhov - the miraculous icon of the Mother of God "Inspromandable Bowl", Savvin-Studrodezhevsky in Zvenigorod - with the relics of St. Savva Stlavshevsky, Iosifo-Voloq, Voskresensky in the new Jerusalem - with part of the relevant Tatian martyr.

Joseph-Volokolamsk Monastery

St. Petersburg

Monasteries: Holy Trinity Alexander-Nevskaya Lavra - the relics of Blessed Prince Alexander Nevsky, St. Johnsky - the relics of the righteous John Kronstadt.

Shrines: the relics of the Blessed Ksenia St. Petersburg in the chapel of Ksenia Petersburg at the Smolensk cemetery, the miraculous icon of the Mother of God "of all the funny joy with grossiks" in the temple in honor of this icon on Zelenotsky Pozdav, the miraculous icon of the Mother of God "Sign" Tsarskoselskaya in the Academic Church of St. Petersburg Spiritual Academy.

Other regions of Russia

Altai Territory: The Mother of God-Kazan (Korobenikovsky) Monastery is the miraculous icon of the Mother of God.

Kaluga region: Optina Desert, Holy Pafnutiev Borovsky Monastery, Holy Tikhonov Assumption Desert.

Kostroma region: Holy Trinity Makariyevo-Untine Monastery.

Lipetsk region: Zadonsky Christmas-Bogoroditsky monastery.

Nizhny Novgorod Region:

Pilgrim tours in 2019 - the ability to touch the sources and achieve enlightenment where everything began. At the footsteps of teachers and prophets: from the Holy Land to the Himalayas, from Istanbul to Bari, from Valaam to Solovkov - Programs, prices, reviews.

The modern word "pilgrim" dates back to the Starrus "Palmnik", which, in turn, is formed from the Latin Palmarius ("Man holding a palm branch"). So originally called the Bogomol residents - participants in the gloomy move in the Holy Land. Those who sought to meet in Jerusalem a bright resurrection in Jerusalem came in advance to spend in the Holy City and the whole passionate saddemitsa. And since the passionate sadmice is preceded by the holiday of the entrance of the Lord in Jerusalem (otherwise this holiday is also called Waiful Week, or in the Russian Orthodox tradition - Palm Sunday), and the main event of this day was a procession to the walls of Jerusalem, the pilgrims who participated in this procession, carried palm branches. Almost two thousand years ago Christ residents of Jerusalem met the same branches. As a rule, in addition to various relics, the Bogomols took care of her home and these palm branches.

Subsequently, pilgrims began to call the Bogomolers, traveling not only in Jerusalem, but also to other Christian shrines.

Pilgrimage and tourism

In our time, it is often possible to hear such phrases as "pilgrimage tourism", "pilgrimage tour", "pilgrimage excursion" and so on. All of them arise from the lack of understanding of the essence of pilgrimage, from bringing him closer to tourism for purely external similarity. Both pilgrimage and tourism are associated with the topic of travel. However, despite the similarities, they have different nature. Even attending the same holy places, pilgrims and tourists make it differently.

Tourism is a journey with cognitive goals. And one of the popular types of tourism is religious tourism. The main thing in this type of tourism is to know the history of holy places, the life of saints, architecture, church art. All this is told on excursions, which are for the tourist the most important element of the journey.

Excursion can also be part of the pilgrimage - but not the main thing and not at all mandatory, but only auxiliary. The main thing in pilgrimage is prayer, worship and religious worship of the shrines. Orthodox pilgrimage is part of the religious life of a believer. In the process of committing pilgrimage, it is not the external execution of rites during prayer, and the attitude that reigns in the heart, a spiritual update that occurs with the Orthodox Christian.

Where and why go

If we talk about Egypt, Jordan and Israel, the trips to these territories are inextricably linked with the history of the Israeli people and with the road, which Moses walked. The same can be said about traveling on the route Israel - Jordan - Syria - Lebanon. From the point of view of Christianity, all these states are in the unified territory of the Holy Land. Why? Because the Lord went and was baptized in Jordan, there are also places that are inextricably related to life and the death of John the Baptist. Syria and Jordan are associated with the apostles Paul and Peter, who walked to the sermon from Jerusalem.

If we talk about the spiritual content of pilgrimage trips, for example, in Greece or Italy, they usually follow the paths of the apostles in the European part of the continent. It is this component that is the main in the tours, including these countries.

A combination in one pilgrimage tour of such two countries, like Greece and Turkey, also has a clear ideological justification. As a rule, such travels are held along the Cappadocia route - Istanbul - Thessaloniki - Athens: this is the path of the Apostle Paul and his sermons. And, for example, the Journey of Bulgaria - Greece - Turkey is based on the Byzantine traditions of Orthodoxy. A visit to these three countries is a tribute to the memory and merit of the Slavic Saints and enlighteners of Cyril and Methodius.

The combined tours in Russia are greatly popular, the most popular among them are traveling along the North-West Region (Konevets, Valaam, Kizhi, Solovki). Travel routes are determined by geographical factors, and religion with history. For example, Tobolsk, Tyumen, Yekaterinburg and Alapaevsk are very different cities, united by the common theme of royal martyrs.

Popular directions of pilgrimage tours

All articles about pilgrimage tours on the "subtleties"

  • Europe: Greece (Athos), Italy
  • Russia: Diveevo,

Zadonsk, Lipetsk region

By train from Moscow (from Paveletsky or Kursk Station), first to Lipetsk, from where the buses and route taxis go to Zadonsk. Another, no less convenient option - a long-distance bus "Moscow - Voronezh", departing from Paveletsky railway station. The price of a ticket to Zadonsk 832 rubles. Motorists can drive from Moscow by the Federal Date of M-4 "Don" (about 400 kilometers).

Pechora, Pskov region

In one of the largest men's monasteries in Russia, Holy Assumption Pskovo-Pechersk, the relics of the St. Brand, Ions, Lazarus, Vassa, Simeon (Zlin) are resting, and the icons of the Assumption of the Mother of God and the Mother of God are kept. The monastery was founded in 1473.

The city Pechora is located 43 km from Pskov. Therefore, first from Moscow, by train, donate to the railway station Pskov. Ticket price from 1,344 rubles. From the bus station almost every hour a regular bus is sent. Fare price is 106 rubles.

Solovki, Arkhangelsk region

Faster to get to Solovkov through Arkhangelsk. Flight from Moscow will cost 5,932 rubles. Next, you need to make a transplant to Solovetsky flight, the price of a ticket is about 13,000 rubles. The second option is to go through Karelia. This way is possible only in the summer. First, you should take a train from Moscow to Belomorsk for 3547 rubles. There is a ship. Fare price 1 500 rubles.

Ipatiev Cape, Kostroma region

In the Holy Trinity Cathedral of the Ipatiev Monastery, located on the banks of the Kostroma River not far from her sign in the Volga, the Tikhvin Icon of the Mother of God is kept. The monastery was founded in 1330.

You can get to Kostroma from Moscow in 6 hours by train or for 7 hours by bus. The price of a rail along the railway will be from 615 rubles, and a ticket for a bus from 913 rubles.

Bogolyubovo, Vladimir region

The Bogolyubskaya icon of the Mother of God is kept in the Holy Bogolyubskoye Monastery. The monastery occupies the territory of the Palace-Castle Andrei Bogolyubsky. These choirs are the only civilian building of the times of ancient Russia, who has reached our time, at least partially. Near Bogolyubovo is the church of the Intercession to Nerlie.

You can get to Bogolyubovo from Vladimir on a city bus No. 18 or No. 152 in just 22 rubles. From Moscow to Vladimir, trains, trains and buses go. On the electric train the path will take just over three hours. The train costs from 539 rubles. The bus departures from Schelkovsky bus station, the fare from 388 rubles.

Optina Desert, Kaluga region

In the introduced men's monastery, the deserts founded at the end of the XIV century, the relics of St. Ambrose and Nectarians - Optina Optina, and the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God are kept.

Optina desert is located next to the city of Kozelsky. You can get there from Moscow in 5 hours by bus, it leaves every day from the Teply Stan bus station. Ticket price - 676 \u200b\u200brubles. From the bus station in Kozelsk to the monastery - about three kilometers. This distance can be held on foot, and you can drive on the minibus.

Valaam, Republic of Karelia

In the Valaam Savior-Preobrazhensky monastery, located on the most beautiful islands of the Valaam archipelago in Lake Ladoga, the relics of St. Sergius and German Valaamsky are resting. The monastery itself is founded in 1407 and is now under the supervision and canonical administration of the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia.

To get to Valaam from Moscow before the start of navigation on Ladoga can be from St. Petersburg by helicopter, but this pleasure is not cheap. In the summer, most pilgrims get to the island on the heaters or meteors from the coastal ports of the northern ligation either on the heights serving from the Northern Capital. The cost of such a trip is about 3,000 rubles. The cost of tours on the heat supply from Peter begins from 7,000 rubles.

selo Godenovo, Yaroslavl region

In the temple in the name of St. John Zlatoust, located in Godenovo, near the town of Pereslavl-Zalessky, there is a life-giving cross of the Lord.

From Moscow to the village of Godenovo can be reached by buses or by car on the Yaroslavl highway. The bus from Moscow to Petrovsk departs from the metro station "Schelkovskaya", then in Petrovsk you need to make a transfer to the bus, the next to the village is preparing, and go to the "Godenovo" stop. Tickets to Petrovsk are 1352 rubles.

Diveevo, Nizhny Novgorod region

In the Holy Trinity Seraphim-Diveev monastery, founded in 1780, resting the relics of St. Seraphim Sarovsky.

Diveevo village is located 180 km from Nizhny Novgorod. From Moscow, you can get a plane or high-speed train "Swallow". Ticket price from 4,800 rubles. From the bus station, which is located on Lyad Square once a day, go buses to Diveev. The cost of the ticket is about 400 rubles.

Sergiev Posad, Moscow region

In the Trinity Cathedral of the Holy Trinity Sergiye Lavra, located in the city of Sergiev Posad, Moscow region, the relics of the founder - Rev. Sergius of Radonezhsky are resting.

Bus route №388 Sergiev Posad - Moscow goes every 10-15 minutes from the Metro station VDNH. The fare of 200 rubles. You can also get the electric train from the Yaroslavl railway station. Trains depart every 20-30 minutes. The fare is 132 rubles.

Text: Pavel Ustinov

  • All Orthodox shrines and the relics of Moscow are not considered. Their hundreds in a variety of temples and monasteries of the city.
  • The main place among the Orthodox shrines is the miraculous images of Our Lady.
  • The main Orthodox Church of Russia is the Assumption Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin. Here are the relics of St. Peter Moskovsky Metropolitan.
  • In the Arkhangelsk Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin are the relics of the Saints Mikhail and Theodore Chernigov and the relics of the Holy Prince Dimitri Donskoy.
  • The revered shrines can be found in the Epiphany Cathedral in Elokhov, Danilovsky and Don monasteries and many others mentioned in this article by temples.
  • There are no information in the Moscow monasteries and temples.

After the conquest of the Turks of Constantinople in the middle of the XV century, an idea of \u200b\u200bthe fact that Russia is the last stronghold of Orthodoxy, the "Third Rome". The statement of the monk Philof is known: "Two Rome fell, and the fourth will not be." Such an understanding of the purpose of Orthodox Russia became the basis of Russian politics in the Epoch of the Middle Ages. Since the XVI century, Moscow has become the residence of the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia and remains it today. Therefore, it was here that the most majestic cathedrals and monasteries were erected, in which the most valuable Orthodox relics were gathered. Among them, one of the main places occupy the miraculous and revered images of Our Lady, which is considered a patronage of Orthodox Russia.

Shrine of the Kremlin Cathedrals and the Temple of Basil Blessed

The main and most revered shrine of Moscow is Assumption Cathedral Moscow Kremlin. This is the main Orthodox Church of Russia, he is dedicated to the Mother of God. Over the centuries, the cathedral was the tomb of Metropolitans and the Patriarchs of Moscow and All Russia. Here they clean the power of St. Peter Moskovsky Metropolitan, who suffered the once Orthodox Metropolitan department from Kiev. In the Assumption Cathedral, the relics of Feoganoset, Cyprian, Feto, Ions, Makaria, Makaria and Philip, as well as the relics of St. Patriarch Iova (the first Russian patriarch) and the priest of the Patriarch of the Patriarch of the Patriarch of the Patriarch of the Patriarch of the Patriarch of the Patriarch of the Patriarch of the Patriarch of the Patriarch of the Patriarch of the Patriarch of St. Many miracles and healings took place from their saints.

In the Assumption Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin is the staff of St. Metropolitan Peter, the ancient icons of the XIV-XV centuries (saved "Yellow Oko", Icon of St. Trinity, the icon of the Assumption of the Virgin). Access to all shrines is possible during infrequent worship services, which are held on the blessing of the Patriarch. In the usual time in the cathedral there is a museum.

Located on the same Cathedral Square of the Kremlin Arkhangelsk Cathedral They are in cancer of the relics of Saints Mikhail and Theodore Chernigov, as well as the relics of the St. Prince Dimitri Donskoy. In this cathedral, representatives of the Grand-Paint and Tsarskoye House were traditionally pretended. Among the graves, cancer is distinguished with the relics of St. Pazarevich Dimitri Uglichsky. In 1591, the son of King Ivan Grozny tragically died in 1591 was canonized at the beginning of the XVII century. In the Orthodox tradition, he is considered to be a holy patron of children. In the Arkhangelsk Cathedral of worships are committed in the prestitutable holidays and on the blessing of the Patriarch; The rest of the time the Cathedral works as a museum.

Probably the most famous Moscow temple in the world is considered Pokrovsky Cathedral or the Church of Basil Blessed (Red Square, D.2). Initially, the cathedral was built as a sign of gratitude after taking Kazan by the troops of Ivan Grozny in the XVI century. The second name is the temple by name saint Vasily, Christ for the sake of whims. Its relics are revered in the attack of the Pokrovsky Cathedral.

St. Basil early took the feat of nature - a special way to God known in Christianity. Walking out, he did not have no bed nor clothes. So he lived 72 years old, prophesy, instructing and correcting people who immense him immensely. Tsar himself Ivan the Terrible carried his coffin to the burial site. From the relics of Vasily blissful known many healing.

Shrines of the ancient monasteries of Moscow

Saint Alexy also founded in Moscow near the Kremlin The first women's monastery - Becacious(2nd Bezchensky per, 2). Destroyed during the years of Soviet power, the Bezchayevsky monastery was restored in the XXI century. It can be found in the burial of SVV. Julia and Eupraxia - the founders of the monastery and sisters of SVT. Alexia.
His main shrine is the icon of the Mother of God "delightful", which is considered a miraculous. It is resorted to a prayer in sorces and diseases. This icon can be found in the Main Cathedral of the Monastery - the Cathedral of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin. Identity of the monastery of the icon stayed in the neighboring the temple of Ilya ordinary (2nd Moody per., 6). It is known that the Soviet times, the Kremlin cathedrals and monasteries were closed and turned into museums, and many were destroyed at all. The temple of Ilya ordinary is the Orthodox Cathedral closest to the Kremlin, which continued to work during the years of Soviet power. In it, during these years, the shrines were gathered from the destroyed neighboring monasteries and churches. This temple is a special, "nasty" atmosphere. Temple shrines are the icon of the Mother of God "Inadequate Joy" , as well as a particle of the belt of the Virgin, the particles of the relics of saints, including St. Stephen.

Among the most famous operating Moscow monasteries - Pokrovsky (Ul. Taganskaya, d. 58). In it are the relics of sv. Matrones Moscow. From youth, Matrona possessed the gift of prophecy, people were resorted to the Council from all over the county, and later - from all over the country. Her earthly life put in an example of a large feat of the Spirit, compassion, self-denial, love and patience. Matrona died in 1952, and in 1998 its relics were acquired, which are now in cancer in the Pokrovsky temple of the monastery. St. Matron pray about the successful marriage and the preservation of the family.

The most ancient Moscow monastery is Stavropigial (Danilovsky shaft, d. 22). It was founded more than seven centuries ago by the first Moscow prince - St. Prince Daniel Moscow. It was from him that the revival of Orthodox Moscow began at the Soviet period: in 1983 the ruined monastery was transferred to the Orthodox Church and became the residence of the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia. The monastery is now located the department of external church connections and a synodal residence.

In this ancient monastery, several temples are open, the oldest of whom is the Temple of SVV. Fathers of the seven universal cathedrals, in which there is a part of the relics of the Sv. Prince Daniel Moscow. They were gained in the middle of the XVII century with nonploven. In Trinity Cathedral there is a ark with particles of the relics of St. Prince Daniel, and in the Pokrovsky temple - icons of St. Prince Daniel with particles of power. Among others, the shrines of the monastery - a particle of the relics of St. Nicholas of the Wonderworker, the power of the priest. George, the Chtii icon of the Mother of God "Troyoulist" and others.

Pilgrims also be sure to see Danilovsky bells . These bells were saved from melting in 1930 by the American industrialist Charles Krayn, who bought them at the price of a bronze scrap and handed over to Harvard University. For many years they were installed on the Tower of Student Hostel Lowell House. In 2008, the original bells were returned to Russia, and at Harvard, there are now accurate copies of them. In the monastery, excursion tours are held with a visit to the bell tower and inspection of famous bells. The monastery also employs a pilgrimage center, the store of Orthodox literature and the Danilovskaya hotel.

One of the famous Orthodox abode of the capital is Don monastery(Donskaya Pl., D.1-3). In 1925, Holy Patriarch Tikhon was buried in 1925, who headed the Orthodox Church during the years of testing, tolerated oppressing from the Soviet rulers and unshakably defended Orthodoxy. His relics were wonderful gained in 1992 and are now in the Great Monastery Cathedral.

The shrine of the Don Monastery is one of the most revered on Rus Schyodnik - Don Icon of the Mother of Godwhich was considered the intercession of Russian warriors. It is kept in the State Tretyakov Gallery in Lavrushinsky Lane, House 10, in the Hall of Old Russian Art. Every year, on the day of the day celebration, the icon, this ancient image is delivered to the Don Monastery and takes part in the solemn service.

Famous icons of the Mother of God in Moscow

There are icons in Moscow to which they are traditionally resorted to certain moments of life. For example, Iver Icon of the Mother of God(Resurrection passage, 1) is considered the intercession of the city of Moscow. It is praying in front of her when it starts an important difficult matter or a long journey. Its image can be seen in the chapel restored in the 1990s from the Iversky (Resurrection) gate of Red Square.

On Ordyanka Street there is an excellent classic temple of the icons of the Mother of God of all the grieving joy, built by the architect O. Bov (ul. B. Ordinka, d. 20). His main shrine is temple the image of Our Lady of "All Morning Joy". Near this icon pray for health and healing sick. Nearby, B. church of Grigory Neokezarovsky (ul. B. Polyanka, D.29). There is a ark with a particle of relics SVT. Gregory, Bishop Neokesa. He became famous as a fighter with paganism and, according to legend, it was he who recorded the Symbol of Faith - the foundations of Orthodox teaching. It is known that in this temple Parents of Tsar Peter I Tsar Alexey Mikhailovich and Tsarina Natalya Kirillovna were crowned. The temple is decorated with wonderful tips and is considered one of the most beautiful in the city.

Icon of the Mother of God "Power" located in Kazan Churchon the territory of the Kolomenskoye Museum-Reserve (Andropova Pr-T, 39). This icon was wonderfully acquired in this former country tsarist residence in 1917. According to legend, it happened a day when the emperor Nicholas II renounced the throne. On the icon, the Mother of God sends on the throne in the image of the Queen of Heaven with the attributes of the royal power - a scepter and power. With her appearance, she seems to indicate that after the renunciation of God's anointed, she becomes the main intercession and patroness of Russia.

; In the Tretyakov Gallery department - church of St. Nicholas in Tolmachah (M. Tolmachevsky Per, D.9) is one of the most revered images of Russia - the icon of the Vladimir Mother of God. According to legend, this image was written by SV. Evangelist Luka. In the XII century, this Byzantine icon was transferred from Kiev to Vladimir Sv. Prince Andrey Bogolyubsky, the son of the founder of Moscow Prince Yuri Dolgoruky. In the XIV century, the icon was solemnly postponed to Moscow. For a long time, the victories of Russian weapons over the invaders associated with this icon. The Tretyakov Gallery also stores a number of other ancient icons, including the famous "Trinity" of the XV century Kraschi Andrei Rublev.

In the temple of St. Trinity in Nihniki (Niktnikov Per, D.3) is revered icon of the Mother of God "Georgian". It was brought to Russia in the XVII century from Persia, and after the prayer, this icon in Moscow ceased the terrible epidemic of plague. On August 22, this miraculous icon is celebrated every year.

In the Temple of the Icons of the Mother of God, the sign (2nd Cross Per., D.17) are stored a revered list of the icon, with which numerous miracles have connected in Russia from ancient times. it the image of Our Lady "Sign".His intercession was saved by Veliky Novgorod during the siege in 1170. Lists of icons "Sign" are widespread in Russian temples. In the temple in the Cross Lane is a list dated by the XVI century. Also in the temple there is a miraculous image of St. Trifon with part of the relics. This temple also never closed and is famous for its "mantle."

One of the most famous Moscow temples is Epiphany Cathedral in Elokhov(Ul. Spartakovskaya, 10), which for almost the entire Soviet period (from the 1930s) was the Cathedral of the Russian Orthodox Church.

The cathedral is the miraculous icon of St. Nicholas and miraculous Kazan icon of the Mother of God. The most memorable relics of the Cathedral are the relics of St. Metropolitan Alexia. He was a Moscow Metropolitan at a turning point of Russian history, on the eve of the liberation of Russia from the power of the Golden Horde. Alexy struggled for the unity of the Orthodox Church and was actually the ruler of Moscow Rus during the years of Knucky Dmitry Donskoy. His power is openly cleaned in cancer. It is interesting that they were transferred to the cathedral in 1947 for the personal resolution of Joseph Stalin.

In Moscow the Surrender Church of the word in the Assumption enemy (Brucers per, d.15 / 2) is a miraculous icon "Recovery of the Died".This icon dated 1802 year. She became famous for numerous wonders and healings, those who were susceptible to drunkenness were treated for her, was in a poverty, turned out to be in a difficult life situation. She is honored by parents who pray before that way about happiness and the direction to the true path of their children.

And, of course, when visiting Moscow it is impossible to bypass the restored temples of the Orthodox Church. Kazan Cathedral On Red Square (ul. Nikolskaya, D.3) was founded back in the XVII century. Completely destroyed in the 1930s, he was restored in his original form in 1993. In his example, the typical decoration and the type of the temple of the Moscow Rus XVII century can be attached. It stores a list Kazan icon of the Mother of God.

Shrines of the christ of Christ the Savior and other temples

The Cathedral Temple of the Russian Orthodox Church is Church of Christ the Savior(ul. Volkhonka, d.15). It was also restored at the end of the 20th century. The temple ranked in this place built by architect K. Ton in memory of the Patriotic War of 1812, was Barbarian blown up by the Bolsheviks in 1931. The current church of Christ the Savior is one of the largest temples in the world, it accommodates almost 10 thousand people. Like the original temple, it is abundantly decorated with valuable finishing materials and paintings. According to the temple, you can go with an excursion or climb to the viewing platform of the upper tier, which offers a wonderful view of the center of Moscow. In the church of Christ the Savior are the most important relics: the relics of St. Filaret of Moscow and other saints, parties of the Rhine of the Lord and Risea of \u200b\u200bOur Lady, the nail of the Cross of the Lord, the Smolensk icon of the Mother of God, the icon of the Nativity of Christ and others.

Survend in Sokolniki (Sokolnicheskaya Pl., D.6) became the place in the east of the capital, where the shrines from the churches destroyed in Soviet times were transferred. This is the Iverskaya, passionate, Bogolyubskaya, Georgian icons of Our Lady, the image of St. Panteleimon, Ark with particles of the relics of forty martyrs of Sevasti and other revered shrines.

Saint John the Warrior One of the most beautiful temples of Moscow is dedicated (st. Bolshaya Yakimanka, d. 46). To his intercession resorted to everyday adversities. According to the legend, the temple is built on the project of the emperor of Peter I in memory of the victory over the Swedes when Poltava. This temple was also not closed at the existence of Soviet power. His beautiful decoration is an example of the Moscow Baroque began XVIII century. In the Altar of the Temple stores part of the finger with a minor sv. Great Martyr Varvara.

Moscow presents "church embassies." This is the foundation of other Orthodox churches: for example, Serbian (C. Peter and Paul, Petropavlovsky per., d. 4-6), orthodox church farm in America In Moscow (c. St. Catherine on Ordyanka, st. Big Ordahn, 60/2), Patriarchals: Antiochian (Arkhangelsky per, d. 15a,) and Alexandrian (Slavic pl., D. 2) and others. In Jerusalem Patriarch Patriarch (The temple of the Sunday of the word, Philippovsky Pen, 20) is stored Dandy of St. Eustafia Plochida, martyr I in. AD, as well as rare Jerusalem and Akhtyra icons of Our Lady.