What can and can not be put in the coffin. The burial of the dead according to the tradition of the Orthodox Church

What can and can not be put in the coffin. The burial of the dead according to the tradition of the Orthodox Church
What can and can not be put in the coffin. The burial of the dead according to the tradition of the Orthodox Church

Very many things can not put in the coffin! Otherwise, you will bury anything in your own hands: health, money, well-being, personal life ...

When I disassembled the next portion of the letters who came to my address from readers of my publications, I discovered the next story about the problems caused by a common mistake: when the funeral was left in the coffin something, "extremely necessary on that light." I will quote the essence of the letter:

"My husband died in 1975 as a result of an accident. And when he was buried, I removed my wedding ring and gave him. In addition, I placed in his pocket of his costume 10 rubles, cigarettes, matches and new handmade watches, bought by her husband on the eve of death ... Now, reading your articles, I began to think about whether I did right? I have not got married more, although the applicants were there. Now I live alone, children are far away. Bouquet of diseases in full assembly ..."

I have already answered such letters many times, and first I again wanted to restrict ourselves to a short answer, like: "It was impossible to do this," but then I thought, what a significant scale in Slavic countries the most harmful tradition to leave in the coffin or throw money in the grave, wedding Rings or photos of living people! At me, I visited a huge number of people, the various problems of which were caused by following this very erroneous and dangerous tradition: to leave money in the coffin, their clothes, photos, personal belongings. For twenty years of cooperation with the newspaper "Zodiac", I received hundreds of letters from her readers who made the same mistake. Below are several typical examples taken from publications in different years.

"The fact is that in 1999 my son died. When he was brought from the morgue, I took off my chain with a cross and dressed him on the neck. Before that, I had problems with the thyroid gland, and in 2001 I was removed. But soon again the feeling of lumps in the throat appeared. Is this not connected with my act?"

"Help! Since 1993, after the death of the Father, my failure band began. Lost work at the mine, took up the business, but went bankrupt. The family fell apart as a card house, the son became unlikely. In 2000 he was in prison, the wife took a divorce and married another. Recently paralyzed mother, lies chained to bed. There is no livelihood. Strike hitting, failure for failure! It remained one step to suicide. Most recently, I learned from my mother that she put a paper bill in the coffin of his father. Maybe this is the reason for my troubles?"

"In recent months, I began to lose weight very much. For such a short time, I lost 10 kg of weight, gone appetite, the condition worsens every day. There was a diagnosis of all organs, doctors say that I have everything in order. Perhaps the reasons for my problem are in one story I want to tell you. For some time I lived with a guy. We lived normally, our mother visited. One of our joint photos remained in his mom's house. It so happened that my boyfriend died of hemorrhage, and his mother decided that I was guilty of her son's death. Even at his funeral, I could not attend. And after a while, a neighbor of my failed mother-in-law came to visit me, and told me that Mother of the deceased put my photo in the coffin on the son of his son ..."

"The fact is that on my age I was repeatedly observed, as in the funeral, people throw a trifle in the grave. And in one newspaper I recently read a note, where among other things he is written: "In the grave, the money is thrown to the dead man, the first to make relatives. Then they throw the earth ..." If this can not be done, as V. Shhazan writes, how then Can you advise it to do other people? So I, buried last year of my brother, threw a handful of trivia on the coffin. Although I remember that I really didn't want to do this. And so I noticed that my financial affairs became clearly worse after those funerals ..."

"Hello, dear Vladimir Petrovich! In the autumn of 1995, I became a widow, my husband drowned at night when fishing at a bet. The boat turned over and her husband with his companion was not destined to emerge due to a large number of warm cotton clothes. A few years after the funeral, one woman told me that we did something wrong at the funeral, but did not specify what it was. You wrote that the dead money in the coffin is not put, otherwise, for the one who did it, life will turn into a solid financial difficulty. Explain to me, be kind, how exactly the dead do not put money in the coffin: everyone or just those who have died before the last period? After all, the people there is a belief that money needs to lay certainly and to be a trifle. I put 10, more Russians, rubles. I really ask you to answer, what could be done wrong and how can I fix the situation?"

"Dear Vladimir Petrovich, one hope for your advice. Twenty years ago, my photo was buried with the dead man. Since then, I suddenly got my leg. Doctors tried to treat me, but they could not even be diagnosed. The leg was half worse and constantly hurts, nothing helps ..."

"Hello, Vladimir Petrovich! Decided to contact you with a request for help. In March of this year, we buried my husband's grandmother, and we took coins to quit in the grave. We did not know what could not be done, only after some time they read about it in your publications. Now materially has become much harder, although we all work. My husband began to sneak, although she did not pain before. Maybe all this is really somehow connected with the money thrown into the grave? It would be possible to write many more, as the salt was found with earth, etc. How do we be? Thank you for helping people and hope that we will help us.".

"Hello, dear Vladimir Petrovich! We, several women, decided to contact you for help. Each of us at different times, thinking that it comes correctly, threw money in the coffin on the tip of the old women. Later we felt the fear of this act. If, until then, we all developed successfully in business, in financial matters, then the difficulties appeared later in these matters. We have serious financial difficulties, troubles in personal life. This is now we understand that "there" money is not needed, but then it seemed to us that we would do the right thing. We are very pleased to assist us either by the Council or at a personal meeting.".

"Three years ago, at the funeral of the father, I put my pillow in the coffin, and my husband gave a little thing. And all these three years tormented problems with head: pain, pressure, dizziness. And material problems suffered. Can you help us?"

"Vladimir Petrovich, help! The fact is that in December 2000, my grandfather died, and on the prompt of "good people" I put the late trifle in my pocket. During this year, our family budget came to zero. The husband is trying to fix something, takes money, works, but nothing happens, although it is also profitable. He became irritable, angry, started drinking on the nervous soil. Failure comes from our family, no joy, one losses, eternal debts. Help fix my error!"

"In 1985, during the funeral of my brother, someone told me that I put money in his coffin with trifle. I prepared a little thing, but I remembered her when we had already moved away from the grave. Then I returned and threw a trifle in half a rapid grave. Now, reading your articles and analyzing everything that happens in my family since then, I understand that I made a big mistake. My husband is a good, working person, an excellent specialist, all the money always carries home, but they float like water. I went to earn money in Russia for 5 years, brought a lot of dollars, but we didn't buy anything so much, I could not even be repaired in the apartment. Now my two sons grew up, we all work, but the constant lack of money and the debts suffer from us. Can I fix what I did then?"

"Quite by chance I read your note that it is impossible to wear things of another person on the deceased, and measured. This is what my husband did nine years ago, giving his suit and shirt to dress a deceased cousin. Now, knowing about it, you can put a lot in our places ... In recent years, the husband has become a completely different person. From confident in herself, energetic, a healthy man, he turned into an intimidated sick person. He is now 54 years old, but he has a memory with memory, he is tormented by an inexplicable fear, he is irritable, insecure. Often sharply increases the pressure, but even under normal pressure, the well-being suddenly worsens, something presses in the chest and it cannot explain his condition. Panitically afraid to die and touched the whole family. Maybe you can help him with your help? And thank you for covering us, injecting people, many dark sides of this life".

Perhaps the endless flow of letters of this kind requires an unfolded and detailed comment. I will begin with a reminder that there are many rituals associated with the funeral in magical practice. For example, to get rid of a certain disease, a certain item is put in the coffin and, thus, the disease is "buried" along with the deceased. When a photograph of a person with a concompressive plot is put in the coffin, thereby burying and the victim of such a witchcraft - a person begins to hurt and wake. There are many examples of such magic, but the principle is united here: what falls into the coffin or in the grave, then "buried".

Accordingly, if you throw money in your hand to the grave from your pocket, you "bury" their finances. Your wedding ring in the coffin of the late spouse is a very reliable damage to yourself for loneliness. Your photo in the coffin "For Memory" - damage to the disease. If a kind of clothing belonging to the living person is in the coffin, the body or part of the body will suffer, which the thing corresponds to: to give a shirt - to the diseases of the internal organs, pants and shoes - to the diseases of the feet, the chain with a pendant - neck, throat or chest etc. So I repeat again: do not put anything in the coffin of the deceased relative at the funeral!Unfortunately, I have the impression that I am the only person who tells people in bulk people about the inadmissibility of the implementation of this ritual.

Moreover, when the coffin cover is clogged, you need to follow even that the shadow of a living person does not accidentally hit the coffin, not to mention some of his things. Still ancient knew that you need to carefully follow your shadow and, for example, builders did not allow their shadow to be there, where the stones under construction. Especially dangerous was always considered if someone's shadow fell into a coffin before he was lowered. The consequences of this incident may be the most negative, there is even a risk that a person can prematurely go after the deceased.

Understand that the deceased is not needed "there" money, because "there" no shops! The deceased will not be able to smoke, look at the clock, get married photos from pocket, etc. Losing close people, many at the funeral are inclined to make some inadequate and, most importantly, harmful acts, in confidence that the late in the afterlife is needed a certain set of things. But, leaving in the coffin some kind of one thing, you are hurrying anything in your own hands: Health, sincere equilibrium, money well-being or the ability to create a new family.

It is hard to say to say where the tradition of the Slavs appeared to throw in the grave of a trifle "for the sputter of a place on that light." Perhaps we are dealing with the remnants of the ancient Scythian ideas about the posthumous existence, but I repeat, this tradition is dangerous and harmful!

The idea of \u200b\u200bthe need to put in the coffin is a trifle, allegedly in order to "buy a place for the next place," rather meaningless in its essence. It turns out if the soul of man leaves this material world, then in another world (namely, to his home!) The soul will not be allowed without ... several coins! You can imagine this picture: at the entrance to the afterlife sits Archangel Mikhail for the ticket office and collects a penny, cents, euros and yen "for the entrance"?! Here it is necessary to have a rather sick imagination. Where are the souls of people missing, remaining at the bottom of the reservoirs who died during explosions and collaps, etc., that is, under circumstances, excluding the funeral and the presence of money in the coffin? By the way, a significant part of people ever known on our planet did not know what coins were. Money is a relatively freshest invention of humanity, so that billions of the souls of our ancestors were nice to any coins.

There are many questions "on the backup" here, and the answer is one: the mentioned practice with money in the coffin is meaningless and, moreover, extremely harmful. Anyone who left their money in the coffin at the funeral experienced the painful consequences of such a act. Fix the error is very hard, well-being is already "buried." A good specialist can only try to raise the state of your financial affairs to some extent. If you personally have ever managed to put something in the coffin, press the button at the bottom of this page and write the letter.

People for some reason forget that, coming into this world, we do not have anything. Why many of us are so difficult to understand how and we should leave this world "with empty hands"?

Additional information on the topic considered is contained in my article:

If you have the need for personal appeal to me for any explanations, consultations or due to the need to solve certain problems, click on the button and write me a letter:

Funeral - sad, but inevitable reality. Death was always incomprehensible, scared with his inevitability, the inability to predict what was there, for her threshold? Perhaps that is why the rite of the funeral is perhaps more than everyone else, surrounded by a halo will take, rules, superstitions. People tried to distance the deceased, save the lives to other family members. This in childish is an infertime faith, the desire to eliminate the frightening unexplored remained to the present day. Signs, superstitions turned into almost mandatory rules for conducting a ritual.

The first requirement is be sure to close the mirrors where the dead man is. It is believed that the soul can go to the mirror, stay there. She will scare relatives, will not be able to leave this world.

According to another version, if the dead man affects the mirror, he "dips out", will take someone from his friends or relatives.

Funeral signs are proposed to be sure to close the eyes of the deceased. Previously, it was done with the help of copper pyatakov, today enjoy large coins. The open eyes of the dead man, believed our ancestors, vowed out among those present who the next die.

Conducting improper, it should be sure to put several coins, a handkerchief, comb. This set, as previously thought, will help to overcome the long path to paradise, pay off the road, to appear before the Most High in a lifestyle.

But the photos of the living putting into the coffin can not. Otherwise, they will also be buried.

The deceased person was necessarily washed to clean the body. The soul is cleared by itself, for this, it is necessary to put a glass with water on the windowsill. He will focus for the soul.

Signs at the funeral are forbidden to wash the body with pregnant women or close relatives. To bear the coffin, too, not blood relatives. Otherwise, the deceased will decide that his death is glad. Better if it is just friends or acquaintances. Their hand, as a sign of gratitude from the dead man, tied up with a new towel, sometimes - handkerchief.

Where they say goodbye to the dead, it is not recommended to wash or sweep the floor. It was believed that so living would die, "let off" behind the dead man. You need to do it immediately after the home will carry from the house. The table where the houses stood, flip, and the bed, dead man, throw away.

Signs at the funeral advise how to do with things, the property of the deceased. Up to forty days, they are not recommended to touch them, and after the soul goes, all things need to quickly distribute the needy, attribute to the cathedral, church.

Almost all commendations at the funeral are aimed at the wubble of others from the damage that evil people can apply using the funeral props.

Before laying the dead man in a coffin, his hands-legs bind. A ritely explained from a modern point of view was considered a way that does not allow the dead to get up, walk on the ground, frighten the living. Before close the cover of the coffin, and then lower it into the grave, legs and hands are unleashed.

These ropes can be in death, so the witches or black signs always try to steal ropes. In order for this not happened, they put a special observer. Usually it is an elderly woman who is familiar with rites.

Signs and superstitions at the funeral are prescribed how to behave during the rite. You can not step on the towels where the coffin is installed, bring any items, flowers from the cemetery. When returning home, it is recommended to rinse your hands.

You can not cross the road before the dead: you will die very soon.

It is necessary to remember the deceased on the day of the funeral, on the ninth and forties, on the anniversary.

Signs at the funeral were formed by centuries. They contained intuitive experiences of common grain. People, not knowing or not knowing how to find an explanation to the laws of nature, instinctively felt how to behave in difficult situation, developed a line of behavior enshrined in the signs and rites.

The funeral in many people cause fear and anxiety feelings. And it is not surprising. After all, in this rite of farewell, there is not only sad, but something mysterious, and even mystical. The knowledgeable people claim that one awkward movement during the ritual may interfere with the soul of the deceased on the eternal suffering, as well as to stick trouble by living. Is it really really unknown. But in any case, everyone should know what to do at the funeral. And, most importantly, how to do it correctly, in order to not write off your problems in the future and failures at the moment of mistakes.

What is the funeral?

The rite of farewell with the dead has been held all over the world. He is designed to express the tribute and respect to people who have suffered death. Despite significant differences between the funeral rituals of different cultures and religions, all of them are considered sacred and maintain the main principle: relatives, close and familiar departed meet all together to spread with him forever and spend on the last path.

Also, the funeral carry a powerful informational promise. They are reminded those present that their existence on earth is short-lived, and sooner or later death will come for each. It makes many seriously think about your life and reconsider our views.

Thus, this rite is an important part of our culture and hereby influence the right life.

Orthodox funeral

The Orthodox Church looks at death as a transition from earthly life into eternal. And in order to get to heaven, a person must pass special training. This preparation consists of several stages:

  1. Cutting. Before death, the priest should hold the sacrament of the core.
  2. Absolution. A dying person must confess the church in his sins and ask for forgiveness from God and loved ones.
  3. Participle. The priest necessarily sends the dying before death.
  4. Canon reading. The clergyman must read the dying prayer farewell before death. Also, relatives or relatives can do it.
  5. Olion and dressing. After the dying emptying the spirit, it is necessary to be washed with clean water and wipe it dry, so that he will be pure before God. Also, the deceased is dressed in elegant clothes and are covered with Savan.
  6. Sound lithium. 1-1.5 hours before the tomb of the coffin from the house, the clergy sprinkles the coffin and body of holy water and conducts a funeral service with each.
  7. Funerary. Before the burial, the priest reads a number of prayers and chants. Only after the fulfillment of all these stages, it is believed that the deceased will be able to find eternal life in the world in another.

Funeral rules

During the preparation of the body, burial and at a certain period after funeral, there are a number of rules, the violation of which, according to the Orthodox Church, is fraught with severe consequences. Here is some of them:

  1. Funeral is better to spend on the third day after the death of man.
  2. It is impossible to bury the dead on Sunday and for the New Year.
  3. Immediately after death, all mirrors in the house must be curtained, and the clock is to stop. In such a state, they must be 40 days.
  4. For a minute it is impossible to leave the deceased one in the room.
  5. It is forbidden to endure the deceased from home to noon and after sunset.
  6. Do not advise participating in the rite for pregnant women and children.
  7. From the moment of death and before the burial, the dear must continuously read the psaltry.
  8. You can wash the body of the deceased only in the bright time of the day.
  9. Pregnant women and those who have menstrual bleeding can not wash the deceased.
  10. The burial wear should be elegant and light, savan - white. If the unmarried girl died, it is dressed in a wedding dress.
  11. In the house where a person died, until the end of the funeral should burn a candle or lamp. As a candlestick, it is better to use a glass with wheat.
  12. It is impossible to wash, sweep and dig dust if the dead is in the house.
  13. It is not recommended to find animals in one room with a coffin.
  14. In the presence of the deceased greeting not by voice, but the nod of the head.
  15. The eyes and mouth of the deceased should be closed. To this end, the lower jaw is tied with a handkerchief, and coins are put on his eyes.
  16. At the forehead of the departed, a whisk is stacked, a long paper or tissue strip with prayers and images of saints.
  17. Be sure to wear on the deceased native cross.
  18. Together with the body, all his personal belongings are stacked in the coffin: prostheses, glasses, hours, etc.
  19. The hands of the deceased need to be folded on the chest cross. And right to put on top of the left.
  20. The legs and hands of the deceased must be connected. Before the burial is removed and stacked in the coffin.
  21. Under the head, shoulders and legs of the late in the coffin you need to put the pads from the wool.
  22. The heads of dead women should be covered with a golk. Also, all those present at the funeral women need to have a headdress.
  23. It is forbidden to put alive flowers in the coffin, only artificial or dried.
  24. The coffin with the deceased to carry out his feet forward and accompanied by church chant.
  25. After making a coffin from the house, you need to vote: "The dead man is one of the house" and close a few minutes in the house or in the apartment there are people there.
  26. After carrying out the coffin, it is necessary to wash all the floors.
  27. Blood relatives cannot bear the coffin and lid.
  28. From the beginning of the ritual and until the burial in the left hand, the deceased should be a cross, and on the chest - the icon stacked by a face to the body. Women on the chest laid the image of the Mother of God, men - the image of the Savior's Christ.
  29. By going around the coffin with the departed, you can only at the head, bowing to him at the same time.
  30. During the funeral around the coffin, 4 lit candles should stand: at the head, at the feet and hand.
  31. The funeral procession should go in a strict sequence: the cross, the icon of Christ the Savior, the priest with the candle and cadyl, the coffin with the dead, relatives, other participants with flowers and wreaths.
  32. Everyone who will meet the funeral procession must cross. Men are additionally required to remove the headdress.
  33. Saying goodbye to the late, you need to kiss the whisk on his forehead and icon on the chest. If the coffin is closed, applied to the cross on the lid.
  34. All participating in the mourning procession must throw in the grave handful of earth.
  35. On the day of the burial it is impossible to visit the tag of other relatives or acquaintances.
  36. It is not recommended to look at the coffin with the dead from the windows of the house or apartment.
  37. After the funeral, the relatives of the deceased should be done by those present by cakes, candy and nose handkerchiefs.
  38. The chairs on which the coffin stood, for the day you need to put the legs up.
  39. On alcohol, only vodka is served from alcohol. You need to drink without changing.
  40. During the commemoration for the deceased pour a glass of vodka and cover it with a chop of bread. After the glands, a glass with bread costs another 40 days.
  41. On the memorial table must be attended by Kuta. From it and starts a memorial lunch.
  42. Before entering your house after the funeral, you need to clean the shoes and hold your hands over the candle fire.
  43. After the funeral during the day it is impossible to walk on guests.
  44. The next morning, after the burial, relatives and relatives should be attributed to the grave breakfast.
  45. During the week from the date of death, it is impossible to make anything from the house of the deceased. Things of the deceased can be handed out no earlier than 40 days after burial.
  46. 6 weeks after the funeral in the house where the deceased lived, a glass of water and a plate with food should stand on the windowsill.
  47. At the graves of boys and girls, the heads are recommended to be treated Kalina.
  48. About the dead person can only speak well.
  49. Behind the dead can not cry and kill.

Signs and superstition

With a funeral associated with a lot of acceptance and superstitions. All of them are designed to protect their relatives, close and acquaintances who came to say goodbye to the dead, and explain to them how to behave correctly during the rite, so as not to cause damage. The most common of them are the following beliefs:

  • If, during the funeral, the eyes of the deceased will open, then the one who falls on his eyes will go to the world next.
  • If you hold down the deceased feet, the fear of him will take away.
  • If you put the willow under the dead man, consecrated in the church in Palm Sunday, it will drive the evil.
  • If wheat, which was used with a glass as a candlestick at a funeral, feed the bird, she will die.
  • If you go through the road to the funeral procession, you can get seriously sick.
  • If you take the tumor with all the fingers of the right hand of the deceased, at the same time reading "our own" 3 times and flatly coming down after each time through the left shoulder, you can go completely from it.
  • If, seeing the dead man in the coffin, touch herself, then a tumor can develop in touch.
  • If there are other people's things in the coffin and will be buried together with the body, then the trouble will happen to the owners of these things.
  • If, together with the departed, burn a photo of a living person, this person can get sick and die.
  • If a pregnant woman is present at the funeral, then he will give birth to a sick child.
  • If you come on a towel that priests during the ritual are closed near the coffin, then you can get sick.
  • If drinking water from a glass for the deceased or eat it, follows a significant deterioration in health.
  • If someone died in the street and to put a sorrodine to his funeral, there will be no harvest.
  • If the funeral is postponed for a week or more, the deceased will take someone from relatives with him.
  • If someone died in the neighborhood, you need to replace drinking water that stood in the dishes or in bottles not to hurt.
  • If you pour water in the house, which washed the dead man, living in this house can die.
  • If during the deposancy of the coffin with the deceased from home to hurt the threshold or jamb, his soul can return to the house and bring trouble.
  • If on the 40th day after death, do not arrange a comment, the soul of the deceased will be launched.
  • If you sleep when the coffin is carried on the street, you can go to the very light at the deceased.
  • If the legs of the deceased warm, calls someone.

Magic rites with dead man

Despite the fact that the time of witches and sorcerers remained far behind, some still practiced black rituals. And the funeral for them is still a favorite event. They will certainly take advantage of the opportunity to perform a magic rite or to get the necessary details for it.

During the rite of farewell and burial, these people can do such actions:

  • go to the place where a person died;
  • ask for a sheet, on which the deceased was lying;
  • stealing strings from the hands and feet of the deceased;
  • to clam the lips of the late needles and then imperceptibly pick them up;
  • replace the personal things of the departed;
  • sleep the grain from the candlestick;
  • pick up the water or soap that was performed by the died of the deceased;
  • go over the coffin back forward;
  • standing near the coffin with the departed, tie up nodes on rags;
  • to take the land from the grave and put it on my sinus;
  • slip someone from those present by salt;
  • put in the coffin of other people's things;
  • purge things or objects into the grave;
  • pick up a glass with vodka of deceased or water from the windowsill, etc.

All these actions are aimed at tieting live people with dead and obrace them for illness and death. Therefore, you need to carefully treat a stranger at the funeral, not to allow other people's people to the coffin and in the root to stop suspicious manipulations and theft.

It is also necessary to know that if during the care of the grave, surpassed items were discovered, they must be burned. At the same time, it is forbidden to touch them with bare hands!

How to behave at the funeral

Today, the funerals are headed by ritual agents. They know exactly all the rules for holding a rite and always prompted by those present how to behave and what to do.

As for the rest: accepts and magical rites, it all depends on you. You make a decision: adhere to advice or not, avoid suspicious personalities at the funeral or not to pay attention to any. But in any case, during the funeral, it is necessary to behave restrained and carefully, and to the deceased testing only positive feelings.

Let such events bypass you and do not give a reason for fears and doubts. Be healthy!

The funeral is not only a tragic event, but also a ritual shrouded in a variety. Compliance or ignoring the prescriptions is the personal matter of everyone, but we would advise you to listen to the traditions.

Many nations (including Slavs) have a custom putting certain things in the coffin. It is believed that some items will help the soul on the world, alleviating her fate. What should I put next to the body, and what is it categorically impossible?

What are the deceased in the coffin: a man, a woman?

At first, put the rope in the coffin, which the hands of the dead man were associated and the measurements for the coffin were filmed. The same applies to the comb, which was combed the deceased. These items are carriers of dead energy. Poor people use them for witchcraft, if the subjects fall into their hands.

Usually, to put in the coffin, choose the items that the deceased loved during life. It can be:

  • clothes;
  • books;
  • accessories;
  • part of the collection;
  • military uniform.

If a man was a military or employees in the internal affairs bodies, the coffin lay a cap. For a woman, do not make a headdress: a handkerchief, a hat, cape. Unmarried girls often bury in a wedding dress, next to a veil. Regardless of the floor of the deceased, the coffin often put a native cross. If the decoration remains in the house, it can not be worn.

If a child died, her favorite toys are placed next to him. Also toys can put in the coffin at the funeral of a pregnant woman. In the coffin to suicide, the sorcerer or the criminal is put by sanctified bread, holy water, it used to be taken to put incense near the body and aspen.

If you want to put flowers in the coffin, use dried or artificial ones. Of course, it is impossible to collect and bring in a residential premises. Live flowers are taken to throw on the road before the funeral procession and put on the grave.

What can not put?

There is a list of things that should not be placed in the grave along with the dead. This applies primarily by personal things of another person. It is impossible to dress the dead in the clothes of the one who is still alive. It is forbidden to put photos of living people in the coffin: some want to implement it so that the soul could look into the photos of relatives, but it is strongly recommended.

According to the signs, if you put a thing in the coffin, belonging to a living person or his photo, now the living risks hard to get sick or even go after the dead.

If you doubt whether it is possible to put any thing in the coffin, ask the recommendations from the clergy. Priests respond to such questions without any surprise, the opinion of the Church.

The death of a person, especially close, is always an unpleasant event. However, the task of relatives - worthy to carry out the deceased in the world of others. Correctly prepare for the ceremony, to hold it in accordance with the established traditions, the rules will help them. There are several of them, and one of the important concerns what needs to be put in the coffin.

How does this usually happen?

Many clergymen claim that people, without thinking, put things in the coffin to the deceased. Such a hurry leads to the fact that the soul of the deceased does not acquire due rest. At the same time there is no peace and his relatives. Often, the died man comes to them in a dream and asks something. In this case, the one to whom he is, should go to church, put a candle and pray. And the thing that was needed by the dies, it is recommended to give the poor, to the one who needs it in it ... You can explain this phenomenon by the fact that the deceased rarely remember, and he asks attention to himself.

Do I need to put flowers in the coffin?

During the procession, the flowers need to be thrown onto the road in which the coffin is carried. However, it is not recommended to put them on the deceased. It is also not recommended to step on the abandoned flowers and even more so, bring them to your home. Otherwise, you can transfer the illness of the late for yourself. If for some reason put flowers in the coffin still need to be better to stop the choice on a dried version or artificial.

Do I need to put an icon in the coffin?

According to Orthodox traditions, in the hand of the deceased need to put a small cross, and on the chest is a small icon. However, the attributes are removed before the burial itself. The icon is subsequently stored at home and get on special days. It will not be wrong to bury together with an icon, but this will not bring additional benefit. A common question concerns what kind of icon should be chosen for the funeral. There are no strict standards here, however, many agree that it should be either the icon of the Virgin, or the icon of the patron of the deceased.

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Do I need to put money in the coffin?

The custom putting money to the coffin towards the deceased goes back to an ancient tradition that he will certainly need the funds to which he will support himself. For the same purpose, previously buried with homemade utensils, knives and other "familiar" subjects. Now a lot of time has passed since then, but the tradition of putting the coin in the coffin is still relevant.

Do I need to put the deceased things in the coffin?

Houses do not need to leave anything as concerning the deceased. That is why in the coffin it is necessary to put a board, ropes. The same applies to the comb, which was used for the deceased. The accessory is either put into the coffin, or thrown into the river. And the water must be flowing. The lake or pond will not fit. And it is possible to explain such a decision by the fact that, like water, the misfortune that came to the house will take place over time.

An important point - none of the children should be broken down by such a row.

Do I need to put in the coffin of the deceased cross?

Often the emerging question concerns whether it is necessary to put in the coffin with the deceased his cross, which he wore during his lifetime. And if not necessary - where to give it? In fact, many clergymen come to a unanimous opinion - the deceased is needed. However, before putting it in the coffin, you need to go to church and highlight.

Do I need to put in the coffin to the late curl of the hair?

Hair is the personification of vitality. Often they are used to conduct magical rituals. According to the ancients, the hair strength is so strong that they can take their strength and energy. It was often that the curls were stored, and after the death put in the coffin to answer for each of the hairs.

In addition to the list of things that you can or need to put in the coffin, many relatives of the deceased concerns the question of how the status or position at the time of the death of a person will affect his afterlife. How can you help the crash, so that his soul gains peace.

So, if a person was a military man, then in the coffin to him, in the headboard, be sure to lay a cap or header. For a woman, it will be a cape or handkerchief. But if we are talking about a woman who was preparing to become a mother, in the coffin with her there should be toys and baby diapers.

Criminals and suicides are a separate category. In the coffin to such people should lay sanctified herbs, Easter bread. And if a person was noticed in some "dark" affairs - not unnecessary for him will be poppy, incense, crosses.

The general rule for things that are put in the coffin is that they should be a positive character. Therefore, if any doubts arise - it is recommended to find out the correct answer from the clergy. They will prompt that you need and that you do not need the deceased for his afterlife. Explain one or another incomprehensible situation.
