Catholic and Christian faith. Are there many Orthodox churches? Fundamental dogmatic differences

Catholic and Christian faith.  Are there many Orthodox churches?  Fundamental dogmatic differences
Catholic and Christian faith. Are there many Orthodox churches? Fundamental dogmatic differences

Catholicism and Orthodoxy, like Protestantism, are directions of one religion - Christianity. Despite the fact that both Catholicism and Orthodoxy belong to Christianity, there are significant differences between them.

The reason for the split of the Christian Church into Western (Catholicism) and Eastern (Orthodoxy) was the political split that occurred at the turn of the VIII-IX centuries, when Constantinople lost the lands of the western part of the Roman Empire. In the summer of 1054, the Pope's ambassador to Constantinople, Cardinal Humbert, anathematized the Byzantine Patriarch Michael Kirularius and his followers. A few days later, a council was held in Constantinople, at which Cardinal Humbert and his henchmen were anathematized in response. Disagreements between representatives of the Roman and Greek churches were aggravated by political differences: Byzantium was arguing with Rome for power. The distrust of the East and West spilled over into open enmity after the crusade against Byzantium in 1202, when Western Christians went against their Eastern fellow believers. Only in 1964 did the Patriarch of Constantinople Athenagoras and Pope Paul VI officially revoke the anathema of 1054. However, differences in tradition have become deeply ingrained over the centuries.

Church organization

The Orthodox Church includes several independent Churches. In addition to the Russian Orthodox Church (ROC), there are Georgian, Serbian, Greek, Romanian and others. These Churches are governed by patriarchs, archbishops and metropolitans. Not all Orthodox Churches have communion with each other in sacraments and prayers (which, according to the catechism of Metropolitan Philaret, is a necessary condition for individual Churches to be part of the one Universal Church). Also, not all Orthodox Churches recognize each other as true churches. The Orthodox believe that Jesus Christ is the head of the Church.

Unlike the Orthodox Church, Catholicism is one Ecumenical Church. All its parts in different countries of the world are in communication with each other, and also follow the same doctrine and recognize the Pope as their head. In the Catholic Church, there are communities within the Catholic Church (ceremonies), which differ from each other in the forms of liturgical worship and church discipline. There are Roman, Byzantine rites, etc. Therefore, there are Roman Catholics, Byzantine Catholics, etc., but they are all members of the same Church. The Pope is considered the head of the Church and Catholics.

Divine service

The main service for the Orthodox is the Divine Liturgy, for the Catholics - the Mass (Catholic liturgy).

During service in the Russian Orthodox Church, it is customary to stand as a sign of humility before God. In other Churches of the Eastern Rite, it is allowed to sit during services. As a sign of unconditional obedience, the Orthodox kneel down. Contrary to popular belief, it is customary for Catholics to sit and stand during services. There are worship services that Catholics listen to on their knees.

The virgin

In Orthodoxy, the Mother of God is primarily the Mother of God. She is revered as a saint, but she was born in original sin, like all ordinary mortals, and died, like all people. Unlike Orthodoxy, in Catholicism it is believed that the Virgin Mary was conceived immaculately without original sin and at the end of her life was ascended to heaven alive.

Symbol of faith

The Orthodox believe that the Holy Spirit comes only from the Father. Catholics believe that the Holy Spirit comes from the Father and from the Son.


The Orthodox Church and the Catholic Church recognize seven main Sacraments: Baptism, Confirmation (Confirmation), Communion (Eucharist), Repentance (Confession), Priesthood (Ordination), Blessing of Oil (Unction) and Marriage (Wedding). The rituals of the Orthodox and Catholic Churches are almost identical, the differences are only in the interpretation of the sacraments. For example, during the sacrament of baptism in the Orthodox Church, a child or an adult is immersed in a font. In a Catholic church, an adult or a child is sprayed with water. The sacrament of communion (Eucharist) is performed on leavened bread. Both the priesthood and the laity partake in both the Blood (wine) and the Body of Christ (bread). In Catholicism, the sacrament of communion is performed on unleavened bread. The priesthood partakes of both the Blood and the Body, and the laity - only the Body of Christ.


In Orthodoxy, they do not believe in the presence of purgatory after death. Although it is assumed that souls can be in an intermediate state, hoping to get to heaven after the Last Judgment. In Catholicism, there is a dogma about purgatory, where souls dwell in anticipation of paradise.

Faith and Morality

The Orthodox Church recognizes only the decisions of the first seven Ecumenical Councils, which took place from 49 to 787. Catholics recognize the Pope as their head and share a single creed. Although within the Catholic Church there are communities with different forms of liturgical worship: Byzantine, Roman and others. The Catholic Church recognizes the decisions of the 21 Ecumenical Councils, the last of which took place in 1962-1965.

Within the framework of Orthodoxy, divorces are allowed in individual cases, which are decided by the priests. The Orthodox clergy is divided into "white" and "black". Representatives of the "white clergy" are allowed to marry. True, then they will not be able to receive the episcopal and higher dignity. The "black clergy" are celibate monks. The sacrament of marriage among Catholics is considered concluded for life and divorce is prohibited. All Catholic monastic clergy take a vow of celibacy.

Sign of the cross

Orthodox Christians cross only from right to left with three fingers. Catholics cross from left to right. They do not have a single rule, as when creating a cross, you need to fold your fingers, so several options have taken root.


On the icons of Orthodox Christians, saints are painted in a two-dimensional image according to the tradition of reverse perspective. Thus, it is emphasized that the action takes place in another dimension - in the world of the spirit. Orthodox icons are monumental, strict and symbolic. Catholics write saints in a naturalistic way, often in the form of statues. Catholic icons are painted in direct perspective.

The sculptural images of Christ, the Mother of God and the saints accepted in Catholic churches are not accepted by the Eastern Church.


The Orthodox cross has three crossbeams, one of which is short and located at the top, symbolizing a tablet with the inscription "This is Jesus, King of the Jews", which was nailed over the head of the crucified Christ. The lower crossbar is a foot and one end looks up, pointing to one of the robbers crucified next to Christ, who believed and ascended with him. The second end of the crossbar points downward, as a sign that the second robber, who allowed himself to slander Jesus, went to hell. On the Orthodox cross, each foot of Christ is nailed with a separate nail. Unlike the Orthodox cross, the Catholic cross consists of two bars. If it depicts Jesus, then both of Jesus' feet are nailed to the base of the cross with one nail. Christ on Catholic crucifixes, as well as on icons, is depicted in a naturalistic way - his body sags under the weight, torment and suffering are noticeable in the whole image.

Memorial service for the deceased

The Orthodox commemorate the dead on the 3rd, 9th and 40th days, then a year later. Catholics always commemorate the dead on Memorial Day - November 1. In some European countries, November 1 is an official holiday. Also, the deceased are commemorated on the 3rd, 7th and 30th days after death, but this tradition is not strictly observed.

Despite the existing differences, both Catholics and Orthodox are united by the fact that they profess and preach throughout the world one faith and one teaching of Jesus Christ.


1. In Orthodoxy, it is generally accepted that the Ecumenical Church is "embodied" in every local Church headed by a bishop. Catholics add to this that in order to belong to the Universal Church, the local Church must have communion with the local Roman Catholic Church.

2. World Orthodoxy does not have a single leadership. It is divided into several independent churches. World Catholicism is one church.

3. The Catholic Church recognizes the primacy of the Pope in matters of faith and discipline, morality and government. The Orthodox Churches do not recognize the Pope's supremacy.

4. Churches see differently the role of the Holy Spirit and the mother of Christ, who is called the Mother of God in Orthodoxy and the Virgin Mary in Catholicism. In Orthodoxy, there is no concept of purgatory.

5. In the Orthodox and Catholic Churches, the same sacraments operate, but the rituals of their performance are different.

6. Unlike Catholicism, in Orthodoxy there is no dogma about purgatory.

7. Orthodox and Catholics create the cross in different ways.

8. Orthodoxy permits divorce, and its “white clergy” can marry. In Catholicism, divorce is prohibited, and all monastic clergy take a vow of celibacy.

9. The Orthodox and Catholic Churches recognize the decisions of various Ecumenical Councils.

10. Unlike Orthodox Christians, Catholics write saints on icons in a naturalistic way. Also, sculptural images of Christ, the Mother of God and saints are common among Catholics.

Until 1054, the Christian church was one and indivisible. The split occurred due to disagreements between Pope Leo IX and the Patriarch of Constantinople, Michael Kirularius. A conflict began over the closure of several Latin churches by the latter in 1053. For this, the papal legates excommunicated Kirularius from the Church. In response, the patriarch anathematized the papal envoys. In 1965, the mutual curses were lifted. However, the schism of the Churches has not been overcome to this day. Christianity is subdivided into three main areas: Orthodoxy, Catholicism, and Protestantism.

Eastern Church

The difference between Orthodoxy and Catholicism, since both of these religions are Christian, is not very significant. However, there are still some discrepancies in teaching, the performance of the sacraments, etc. We'll talk about which ones a little later. First, let's make a small overview of the main directions of Christianity.

Orthodoxy, which is called the orthodox religion in the West, is currently professed by about 200 million people. Every day, baptism is accepted by about 5 thousand. Those who wish. This trend of Christianity was spread mainly in Russia, as well as in some countries of the CIS and Eastern Europe.

The baptism of Rus took place at the end of the 9th century at the initiative of Prince Vladimir. The ruler of a huge pagan state expressed a desire to marry the daughter of the Byzantine emperor Basil II, Anna. But for this he needed to accept Christianity. An alliance with Byzantium was extremely necessary to strengthen the authority of Russia. At the end of the summer of 988, a huge number of Kievites were christened in the waters of the Dnieper.

Catholic Church

As a result of the split in 1054, a separate denomination arose in Western Europe. Representatives of the Eastern Church called it “Catholicos”. Translated from Greek, it means "universal". The difference between Orthodoxy and Catholicism lies not only in the approach of these two Churches to some of the dogmas of Christianity, but also in the very history of development. The Western denomination, in comparison with the Eastern, is considered much more rigid and fanatical.

One of the most important milestones in the history of Catholicism was, for example, the crusades that brought a lot of grief to the common population. The first of these was organized at the call of Pope Urban II in 1095. The last - the eighth - ended in 1270. The official goal of all crusades was to free the "holy land" of Palestine and the "Holy Sepulcher" from the infidels. In fact, it was the conquest of lands that belonged to Muslims.

In 1229, Pope George IX issued a decree establishing the Inquisition - a church court for apostates. Torture and burning at the stake - this is how extreme Catholic fanaticism was expressed in the Middle Ages. In total, over 500 thousand people were tortured during the existence of the Inquisition.

Of course, the difference between Catholicism and Orthodoxy (this will be briefly discussed in the article) is a very large and deep topic. However, in relation to the Church's attitude to the population, in general terms, its traditions and basic concept can be understood. The Western denomination has always been considered more dynamic, but at the same time aggressive, in contrast to the "calm" orthodox.

Currently, Catholicism is the state religion in most European and Latin American countries. More than half of all (1.2 billion people) modern Christians profess this particular religion.


The difference between Orthodoxy and Catholicism lies in the fact that the former has remained one and indivisible for almost a millennium. In the Catholic Church in the XIV century. there was a split. This was due to the Reformation - a revolutionary movement that arose at that time in Europe. In 1526, at the request of German Lutherans, the Swiss Reichstag issued a decree on the right of citizens to freely choose their religion. In 1529, however, it was canceled. As a result, a protest followed from a number of cities and princes. This is where the word "Protestantism" comes from. This Christian trend is further subdivided into two branches: early and late.

At the moment, Protestantism is widespread mainly in the Scandinavian countries: Canada, USA, England, Switzerland, the Netherlands. In 1948 the World Council of Churches was established. The total number of Protestants is about 470 million. There are several denominations of this Christian trend: Baptists, Anglicans, Lutherans, Methodists, Calvinists.

In our time, the World Council of Protestant Churches is pursuing an active peacemaking policy. Representatives of this religion advocate the relaxation of international tension, support the efforts of states in defense of peace, etc.

The difference between Orthodoxy and Catholicism and Protestantism

Of course, over the centuries of schism, significant differences have arisen in the traditions of the churches. The basic principle of Christianity - the acceptance of Jesus as Savior and Son of God - they did not touch. However, in relation to certain events of the New and Old Testaments, there are often even mutually exclusive differences. In some cases, the methods of conducting various kinds of rituals and sacraments do not agree.

The main differences between Orthodoxy and Catholicism and Protestantism





Patriarch, Cathedral

World Council of Churches, Councils of Bishops


Bishops have little dependence on the Patriarch, subordinate mainly to the Council

There is a rigid hierarchy with subordination to the Pope, hence the name "Universal Church"

There are many denominations that have created the World Council of Churches. Scripture is placed above the authority of the Pope

Holy Spirit

It is believed that it comes only from the Father

There is a dogma that the Holy Spirit proceeds both from the Father and from the Son. This is the main difference between Orthodoxy and Catholicism and Protestantism.

The statement is accepted that a person is himself responsible for his sins, and God the Father is a completely dispassionate and abstract being

It is believed that God suffers because of human sins

The dogma of salvation

All the sins of mankind were atoned for by crucifixion. Only the firstborn remained. That is, when committing a new sin, a person again becomes the object of God's wrath.

Man was, as it were, “redeemed” by Christ through crucifixion. As a result, God the Father changed from anger to mercy with regard to original sin. That is, a person is holy by the holiness of Christ himself

Sometimes allowed

Are prohibited

Allowed but frowned upon

Immaculate Conception of the Virgin

It is believed that the Mother of God is not delivered from original sin, but her holiness is recognized

The complete sinlessness of the Virgin Mary is preached. Catholics believe that she was conceived immaculately, like Christ himself. In relation to the original sin of the Mother of God, therefore, there are also quite significant differences between Orthodoxy and Catholicism.

Taking the Mother of God to Heaven

It is unofficially believed that this event may have taken place, but it is not enshrined in dogmas.

The taking of the Mother of God to heaven in a physical body refers to dogmas

The cult of the Virgin Mary is denied

Liturgy only

Both a mass and a similar Orthodox Byzantine liturgy can be held

Mass was rejected. Divine services are held in modest temples or even in stadiums, in concert halls, etc. Only two rituals are practiced: baptism and communion

The marriage of the clergy


Allowed only in the Byzantine rite


Ecumenical Councils

The decisions of the first seven

Guided by decisions 21 (the last took place in 1962-1965)

Recognize the decisions of all Ecumenical Councils, if they do not contradict each other and the Holy Scriptures

Eight-pointed with crossbars at the bottom and top

A simple four-pointed Latin cross is used

Not used in divine services. Not worn by representatives of all denominations

Used in large quantities and equated with the Holy Scriptures. Created in strict accordance with church canons

They are considered only a decoration of the temple. Are ordinary paintings on a religious theme

Not used

Old Testament

Both Jewish and Greek recognized

Greek only

Jewish canonical only


The ceremony is conducted by a priest

Not allowed

Science and religion

Based on the assertion of scholars, dogmas never change.

Dogmas can be adjusted according to the point of view of official science

Christian cross: differences

Disagreements regarding the descent of the Holy Spirit are the main difference between Orthodoxy and Catholicism. The table also shows many other, albeit not very significant, but still discrepancies. They arose a long time ago, and apparently, none of the churches expresses a special desire to resolve these contradictions.

There are differences in the attributes of different directions of Christianity. For example, the Catholics' cross has a simple quadrangular shape. The Orthodox have eight-pointed. The Orthodox Eastern Church believes that this type of crucifixion most accurately reflects the shape of the cross described in the New Testament. In addition to the main horizontal bar, it contains two more. The upper one represents a tablet nailed to the cross and containing the inscription "Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews." The lower oblique crossbar - a support for the feet of Christ - symbolizes the "righteous measure."

Cross Difference Chart

The image of the Savior on the crucifix used in the Sacraments is also something that can be attributed to the theme "the difference between Orthodoxy and Catholicism." The western cross is a little different from the eastern one.

As you can see, in relation to the cross, there is also a quite noticeable difference between Orthodoxy and Catholicism. The table shows this clearly.

As for the Protestants, they consider the cross to be a symbol of the Pope, and therefore practically do not use it.

Icons in different Christian directions

So, the difference between Orthodoxy and Catholicism and Protestantism (the table of comparisons of crosses confirms this) in relation to attributes is quite noticeable. There are even greater discrepancies in these directions in the icons. The rules for depicting Christ, the Mother of God, saints, etc. may differ.

The main discrepancies are presented below.

The main difference between the Orthodox icon and the Catholic one is that it is written in strict accordance with the canons established in Byzantium. Western images of saints, Christ, etc., strictly speaking, have nothing to do with the icon. Typically, such paintings have a very broad plot and are painted by ordinary, non-church artists.

Protestants consider icons a pagan attribute and do not use them at all.


There is also a significant difference between Orthodoxy and Catholicism and Protestantism with regard to leaving worldly life and dedicating oneself to serving God. The comparison table above shows only the main differences. But there are other differences that are also quite noticeable.

For example, in our country, each monastery is practically autonomous and is subject only to its own bishop. Catholics have a different organization in this regard. Monasteries are united into the so-called Orders, each of which has its own chapter and its own charter. These associations may be scattered all over the world, but nevertheless, they always have a common leadership.

Protestants, in contrast to the Orthodox and Catholics, reject monasticism altogether. One of the inspirers of this teaching - Luther - even married a nun.

Church Sacraments

There is a difference between Orthodoxy and Catholicism in relation to the rules for conducting various kinds of rituals. In both of these Churches 7 sacraments are accepted. The difference is primarily in the meaning attached to the main Christian rites. Catholics believe that sacraments are effective whether a person is attuned to them or not. According to the Orthodox Church, baptism, chrismation, etc. will be effective only for believers who are completely disposed to them. Orthodox priests even often compare Catholic rituals with some kind of pagan magic ritual that operates regardless of whether a person believes in God or not.

The Protestant Church practices only two sacraments: baptism and communion. All the rest of the representatives of this trend are considered superficial and rejected.


This main Christian sacrament is recognized by all churches: Orthodoxy, Catholicism, Protestantism. Differences are only in the ways of performing the ceremony.

In Catholicism, babies are usually sprinkled or doused. According to the dogmas of the Orthodox Church, children are completely immersed in water. Recently, there has been some departure from this rule. However, now the ROC again returns in this rite to the ancient traditions established by the Byzantine priests.

The difference between Orthodoxy and Catholicism (crosses worn on the body, like large crosses, may contain an image of "orthodox" or "Western" Christ) in relation to the performance of this sacrament, thus, is not very significant, but it is still there.

Protestants usually perform the rite of baptism also with water. But in some denominations it is not used. The main difference between Protestant baptism and Orthodox and Catholic baptism is that it is carried out exclusively for adults.

Differences in the sacrament of the Eucharist

We have examined the main differences between Orthodoxy and Catholicism. This is an attitude towards the descent of the Holy Spirit and the innocence of the birth of the Virgin Mary. Such significant discrepancies have emerged over the centuries of schism. Of course, they are also present in the conduct of one of the main Christian sacraments - the Eucharist. Catholic priests administer communion only with bread, and unleavened bread. This church product is called wafers. In Orthodoxy, the sacrament of the Eucharist is celebrated with wine and ordinary yeast bread.

In Protestantism, not only members of the Church are allowed to receive communion, but also anyone who wishes. Representatives of this trend of Christianity celebrate the Eucharist in the same way as the Orthodox - with wine and bread.

Contemporary Church Relations

The split of Christianity took place almost a thousand years ago. And during this time, the churches of different directions did not manage to agree on the unification. Disagreements regarding the interpretation of Holy Scripture, paraphernalia and rituals, as you can see, have survived to this day and have even intensified over the centuries.

Relations between the two main confessions, Orthodox and Catholic, are also quite ambiguous in our time. Until the middle of the last century, serious tensions remained between the two churches. The key word in the relationship was heresy.

Recently, this situation has changed slightly. If earlier the Catholic Church considered Orthodox Christians to be almost a bunch of heretics and schismatics, then after the Second Vatican Council it recognized the Orthodox Sacraments as valid.

The Orthodox priests did not officially formalize the same attitude towards Catholicism. But a completely loyal acceptance of Western Christianity has always been traditional for our church. However, of course, some tension between Christian directions persists to this day. For example, our Russian theologian A.I. Osipov is not very good at Catholicism.

In his opinion, there is a more than noteworthy and serious difference between Orthodoxy and Catholicism. Osipov considers many of the saints of the Western Church to be almost insane. He also warns the ROC about, for example, that cooperation with Catholics threatens the Orthodox with complete submission. However, he also repeatedly mentioned that there are wonderful people among Western Christians.

Thus, the main difference between Orthodoxy and Catholicism is the attitude towards the Trinity. The Eastern Church believes that the Holy Spirit comes only from the Father. Western - both from the Father and from the Son. There are other differences between these confessions. However, in any case, both churches are Christian and accept Jesus as the Savior of mankind, whose coming, and therefore eternal life for the righteous, is inevitable.

Catholicism is included in Christianity, and Christianity itself is one of the main religions in the world. Its directions include: Orthodoxy, Catholicism, Protestantism, with many types and branches. More often than not, people want to understand what is the difference between Orthodoxy and Catholicism, how does one differ from the other? Do such similar religions and churches, which have the same root, like Catholicism and Orthodoxy, have serious differences? Catholicism in Russia and other Slavic states is much less widespread than in the West. Catholicism (translated from the Greek "Catholicos" - "universal") is a religious trend, numbering about 15% of the population of the entire globe (ie, Catholicism is professed by about a billion people). Of the three respected Christian denominations (Orthodoxy, Catholicism, Protestantism), Catholicism is rightfully considered the largest branch. Most of the adherents of this religious movement live in Europe, Africa, as well as in Latin America and the United States. The religious movement arose in the first century AD - at the dawn of Christianity, during the times of persecution and religious disputes. Now, 2 thousand years later, the Catholic Church has taken an honorable place among the world's religious confessions. Connect with God!

Christianity and Catholicism. Story

In the first thousand years of Christianity, the word "Catholicism" did not exist, simply because there were no directions of Christianity, the faith was one. The history of Catholicism began in the Western Roman Empire, where in 1054 the Christian Church was divided into two main directions: Catholicism and Orthodoxy. Constantinople became the heart of Orthodoxy, and Rome was declared the center of Catholicism, the reason for this division was the split between Orthodoxy and Catholicism.
Since then, the religious movement began to actively spread to the countries of Europe and America. Despite the subsequent multiple schisms of Catholicism (for example, Catholicism and Protestantism, Anglicanism, Baptism, etc.), it has become one of the largest denominations of the present time.
In the XI-XIII centuries, Catholicism in Europe gained the strongest power. Religious thinkers of the Middle Ages believed that God created the world, and it is unchanging, harmonious, reasonable.
In the XVI-XVII, the Catholic Church disintegrated, during which a new religious trend appeared - Protestantism. What is the difference between Protestantism and Catholicism? First of all, in the organizational issue of the church and in the authority of the Pope.
The clergy belonged to the most important class in connection with the mediation of the church between God and people. The religion of Catholicism insisted on keeping the commandments of the Bible. The Church considered an ascetic as a role model - a saintly person who renounced worldly goods and riches that humiliate the state of the soul. Contempt for earthly riches was replaced by heavenly riches.
The church considered it a virtue to support low-income people. Kings, nobles close to them, merchants and even poor people, as often as possible tried to participate in charitable deeds. At that time, the title for special churches in Catholicism appeared, which was assigned by the Pope.
Social doctrine
Catholic teaching was based not only on religious, but also on humanistic ideas. It was based on Augustinism, and later on Thomism, accompanied by personalism and solidarity. The philosophy of the doctrine was that besides the soul and body, God gave people equal rights and freedoms, which remain with a person throughout his life. Sociological as well as theological knowledge helped build a developed social doctrine of the Catholic Church, which believes that its teachings were created by the apostles and still retain their original origins.
There are several doctrinal issues on which the Catholic Church has a distinctive position. The reason for this was the split of Christianity into Orthodoxy and Catholicism.
Devotion to the mother of Christ, the Virgin Mary, who, according to Catholics, gave birth to Jesus outside of sin, and her soul and body were ascended to heaven, where she occupies a special place between God and His people.
An unshakable belief that when a priest repeats the words of Christ from the Last Supper, the bread and wine become the body and blood of Jesus, although outwardly no change occurs.
Catholic teaching has a negative attitude towards artificial methods of contraception, which, according to the church, interfere with the birth of a new life.
The recognition of abortion as a destruction of human life, which, according to the Catholic Church, begins at the moment of conception.

The idea of ​​Catholicism is closely associated with the apostles, especially with the apostle Peter. Saint Peter is considered the first pope, and each subsequent pope is considered his spiritual successor. This gives the church leader strong spiritual authority and authority to resolve disputes that may disrupt governance. The notion that church leadership is a continuation of a continuous lineage from the apostles and their teachings (“apostolic succession”) contributed to the survival of Christianity in times of trial, persecution, and reformation.
The advisory bodies are:
Synod of Bishops;
College of Cardinals.
The main differences between Orthodoxy and Catholicism are in the bodies of church government. The hierarchy of the Catholic Church is made up of its bishops, priests, and deacons. In the Catholic Church, authority rests primarily on bishops, with priests and deacons serving as their collaborators and assistants.
All clergy, including deacons, priests, and bishops, can preach, teach, baptize, enter into sacred marriages, and conduct funerals.
Only priests and bishops can perform the sacraments of the Eucharist (although others can be ministers of Holy Communion), Repentance (Reconciliation, Confession) and Blessing of Oil.
Only bishops can administer the ordinance of the Priesthood, through which people become priests or deacons.
Catholicism: Churches and Their Meaning in Religion
The church is considered "the body of Jesus Christ." The scripture says that Christ chose 12 apostles for God's temple, but it is the Apostle Peter who is considered the first bishop. In order to become a full member of the Catholic Church Society, it is necessary to preach Christianity or undergo the sacred ordinance of baptism.

Catholicism: the essence of the 7 sacraments
The liturgical life of the Catholic Church revolves around 7 sacraments:
chrismation (confirmation);
eucharist (communion);
repentance (confession);
blessing of oil (unction);
The purpose of the sacraments of faith in Catholicism is to bring people closer to God, to feel grace, to feel unity with Jesus Christ.
1. Baptism
The first and main sacrament. Cleans the soul from sins, gives grace. For Catholics, the sacrament of Baptism is the first step in their spiritual journey.
2. Confirmation (confirmation)
In the rite of the Catholic Church, Confirmation is allowed to be performed only after 13-14 years. It is believed that it is from this age that a person can become a full member of the church society. Confirmation is given through the anointing with holy Mir and the laying on of hands.
3. Eucharist (Communion)
Sacrament in memory of the death and resurrection of the Lord. The incarnation of the flesh and blood of Christ is presented to believers through the eating of wine and bread during worship.
4. Repentance
Through repentance, believers free their souls, receive forgiveness for their sins, and become closer to God and to the church. The confession or disclosure of sins frees the soul and facilitates our reconciliation with others. In this sacred ordinance, Catholics find God's unconditional forgiveness and learn to forgive others.
5. Sanctification of the oil
Through the sacrament of anointing with oil (sacred oil), Christ heals believers who are suffering from illness, giving them support and grace. Jesus showed great concern for the physical and spiritual well-being of the sick and commanded his followers to do the same. The celebration of this sacrament is an opportunity to deepen the faith of the community.
6. Marriage
The sacrament of marriage is to some extent a comparison of the union between Christ and the church. The marriage union is sanctified by God, filled with grace and joy, blessed for future family life, raising children. Such a marriage is indestructible and ends only after the death of one of the spouses.
7. Priesthood
The sacrament by which bishops, priests, and deacons are ordained receive power and grace to fulfill their sacred duties. The rite by which orders are assigned is called ordination. The apostles were ordained by Jesus at the Last Supper so that others could share in his priesthood.
The difference between Orthodoxy and Catholicism and Protestantism and their similarities
Catholic beliefs do not really differ significantly from other mainstream branches of Christianity, Greek Orthodoxy, and Protestantism. All three main branches adhere to the doctrine of the Trinity, the deity of Jesus Christ, the inspiration of the Bible, and so on. But as for some doctrinal points, there are some differences. Catholicism differs in several beliefs, which include the special authority of the pope, the concept of purgatory, and the doctrine that the bread that is used in the Eucharist becomes the true body of Christ when the priest is blessed.

Catholicism and Orthodoxy: Differences

As species of the same religion, Catholicism and Orthodoxy did not find a common language for a long time, namely from the 13th century to the middle of the 20th century. Due to this fact, the two religions have received many differences. What is the difference between Orthodoxy and Catholicism?

The first difference in Catholicism can be found in the structure of the organization of churches. So, in Orthodoxy there are many churches, separate and independent from each other: Russian, Georgian, Romanian, Greek, Serbian, etc. Catholic churches located in different countries around the world have a single mechanism and are subject to one ruler - the Pope.

It should also be noted that the Orthodox Church does not perceive changes, believing that it is necessary to follow all the canons and honor all the knowledge that was passed on by Jesus Christ to his apostles. That is, the Orthodox in the 21st century observe the same rules and customs as the Orthodox in the 15th, 10th, 5th and 1st centuries.

Another difference between Orthodoxy and Catholicism is that in Orthodox Christianity the main service is the Divine Liturgy, in Catholicism - Mass. The parishioners of the Orthodox Church conduct services while standing, while Catholics often sit, but there are services that they conduct on their knees. The Orthodox endow only the Father with the symbol of faith and holiness, the Catholics - both the Father and the son.

Differs in Catholicism and knowledge of life after death. In the Orthodox faith, there is no such thing as purgatory, unlike Catholicism, although such an intermediate stay of the soul after leaving the body and before entering the judgment of God is not denied.

The Orthodox call the Mother of God the Mother of God, they consider her born in sin, like ordinary people. Catholics refer to her as the Virgin Mary, immaculately conceived and ascended to heaven in human form. On Orthodox icons, saints are depicted in two dimensions to convey the presence of another dimension - the world of spirits. Catholic icons have an ordinary, simple perspective and the saints are depicted in a naturalistic way.

Another difference between Orthodoxy and Catholicism is in the shape and form of a cross. Among the Catholics, it is presented in the form of two crossbars; it can be either with the image of Jesus Christ or without it. If Jesus is present on the cross, then he is depicted with a martyr's air and his legs are chained to the cross with one nail. The Orthodox have a cross of four crossbars: a small horizontal crossbar at the top and an angle at the bottom, symbolizing the direction to heaven and hell, is added to the two main ones.

Faith Catholicism is also different in the remembrance of the departed. Orthodox Christians commemorate on days 3, 9 and 40, Catholics - on days 3, 7 and 30. Also in Catholicism there is a special day of the year - November 1, when all the dead are commemorated. In many states, this day is a day off.
Another difference between Orthodoxy and Catholicism is that, unlike their counterparts in Protestant and Orthodox churches, Catholic priests take vows of celibacy. This practice is rooted in the early papacy's connections with monasticism. There are several Catholic monastic orders, the most famous being the Jesuits, Dominicans and Augustinians. Catholic monks and nuns take vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience, and devote themselves to a simple life centered on the worship of God.

And finally, we can highlight the process of the sign of the cross. In the Orthodox Church, they cross with three fingers and from right to left. Catholics, on the contrary, from left to right, the number of fingers does not matter.

Christians all over the world are arguing about which of the beliefs is more correct and more important. Concerning Catholics and Orthodox: what is the difference (and is there any) today - the most interesting questions.

It would seem that everything is so clear and simple that everyone can unequivocally answer briefly. But there are also those who simply do not even know what the relationship is between these confessions.

The history of the existence of two currents

So, first you need to understand Christianity in general. It is known that it is divided into three branches: Orthodox, Catholics, Protestants. Protestantism has several thousand churches and they are spread in all corners of the planet.

Back in the 11th century, Christianity was divided into Orthodoxy and Catholicism. This was due to a number of reasons, ranging from the holding of church ceremonies and ending with the dates of the holidays. There are not so many differences between the Catholic Church and the Orthodox Church. First of all, by the way of management. Orthodoxy consists of numerous churches ruled by archbishops, bishops and metropolitans. Catholic churches all over the world are subordinate to the Pope. They are considered the Universal Church. In all countries, the Catholics' churches are in a close, simple relationship.

Similarities between Orthodoxy and Catholicism

In Orthodoxy and Catholicism, the similarities and differences are approximately in equal proportion. It should be noted that both religions have not only a number of differences. Both Orthodoxy and Catholicism are very similar to each other. Here are the main points:

In addition, both confessions are united in the veneration of icons, the Mother of God, the Holy Trinity, saints, and their relics. Also, the churches are united by some saints of the first millennium, the Holy Letter, Church Sacraments.

Differences between denominations

Distinctive features between these confessions also exist. It is because of these factors that the schism of the church once occurred. It is worth noting:

  • Sign of the Cross. Today, probably, everyone is aware of how Catholics and Orthodox are baptized. Catholics cross from left to right, we are the opposite. According to the symbolism, when we are baptized first to the left, then to the right, then we are turned to God, if on the contrary, God is directed to his servants and blesses them.
  • Unity of the Church. Catholics have one faith, sacraments and head - the Pope. In Orthodoxy, there is no one leader of the Church, therefore there are several patriarchates (Moscow, Kiev, Serbian, etc.).
  • Features of the conclusion of a church marriage. In Catholicism, divorce is taboo. Our church, unlike Catholicism, allows divorce.
  • Heaven and Hell. According to Catholic dogma, the soul of the deceased goes through purgatory. In Orthodoxy, they believe that the human soul goes through the so-called ordeals.
  • Sinless Conception of the Mother of God. According to the accepted Catholic dogma, the Mother of God was immaculately conceived. Our clergy believe that the Mother of God had an ancestral sin, although her holiness is glorified in prayers.
  • Decision-making (number of councils). Orthodox Churches make decisions by 7 Ecumenical Councils, Catholic - 21.
  • Disagreement in provisions. Our clergy do not recognize the dogma of Catholics that the Holy Spirit comes from both the Father and the Son, considering that only from the Father.
  • The essence of love. The Holy Spirit among Catholics is marked as love between the Father and the Son, God, believers. The Orthodox see love as triune: Father - Son - Holy Spirit.
  • Pope's infallibility. Orthodoxy denies the Pope's supremacy over all Christianity and its infallibility.
  • Sacrament of Baptism. We must make a confession before the procedure. The child is immersed in a baptismal font, and water is poured over his head during the Latin rite. Confession is considered a voluntary act.
  • Priests. Catholic priests are called pastors, priests (among the Poles) and priests (priest in everyday life) among the Orthodox. Pastors do not wear beards, but priests and monks wear beards.
  • Fast. Catholic canons regarding fasting are less strict than those of the Orthodox. The minimum retention from food is 1 hour. In contrast, our minimum retention from food is 6 hours.
  • Prayers before icons. There is an opinion that Catholics do not pray in front of icons. In fact, this is not the case. They have icons, but they have a number of features that differ from the Orthodox. For example, the left hand of the saint lies on the right (for the Orthodox, on the contrary), and all the words are written in Latin.
  • Liturgy. According to tradition, church services are performed at the Host (unleavened bread) in the Western rite and Prosphora (leavened bread) among the Orthodox.
  • Celibacy. All Catholic ministers of the church take a vow of celibacy, but our priests get married.
  • Holy water. Church ministers sanctify, and Catholics bless the water.
  • Memorial days. These confessions also have different days of commemoration of the departed. Catholics have the third, seventh and thirtieth day. Among the Orthodox - the third, ninth, fortieth.

Church hierarchy

It is also worth noting the difference in hierarchical ranks. According to the bit table, the highest level among the Orthodox is occupied by the patriarch... The next step is metropolitan, archbishop, bishop... This is followed by the ranks of priests and deacons.

The Catholic Church has the following ranks:

  • Pope of Rome;
  • Archbishops,
  • Cardinals;
  • Bishops;
  • Priests;
  • Deacons.

Orthodox Christians have two opinions about Catholics. First, Catholics are heretics who have distorted the creed. Second: Catholics are schismatics, because it is because of them that a split from the One Holy Apostolic Church occurred. Catholicism considers us to be schismatics, without classifying us as heretics.

This article will focus on what Catholicism is and who Catholics are. This trend is considered one of the branches of Christianity, formed due to a large split in this religion, which occurred in 1054.

Who they are is in many ways similar to Orthodoxy, but there are also differences. The Catholic religion differs from the rest of the currents in Christianity by the peculiarities of doctrine, cult rites. Catholicism has replenished the "Symbol of Faith" with new dogmas.


Catholicism is widespread in Western European (France, Spain, Belgium, Portugal, Italy) and Eastern European (Poland, Hungary, partly Latvia and Lithuania) countries, as well as in the states of South America, where the overwhelming majority of the population professes it. There are also Catholics in Asia and Africa, but the influence of the Catholic religion is not significant here. in comparison with the Orthodox, they constitute a minority. There are about 700 thousand of them. Catholics in Ukraine are more numerous. There are about 5 million of them.


The word "Catholicism" is of Greek origin and translated means universality or universality. In the modern sense, this term refers to the western branch of Christianity, which adheres to the apostolic traditions. Apparently, the church was understood as something universal and universal. Ignatius of Antioch spoke about this in 115. The term "Catholicism" was officially introduced at the first Council of Constantinople (381). The Christian Church was recognized as one, holy, catholic and apostolic.

The origin of Catholicism

The term "church" began to be found in written sources (letters from Clement of Rome, Ignatius of Antioch, Polycarp of Smyrna) from the second century. This word was synonymous with municipality. At the turn of the second and third centuries, Irenaeus of Lyons applied the word "church" to Christianity in general. For individual (regional, local) Christian communities, it was used with the appropriate adjective (for example, the Alexandrian Church).

In the second century, Christian society was divided into laity and clergy. In turn, the latter were divided into bishops, priests and deacons. It remains unclear how the community was governed - collegially or individually. Some experts believe that the government was at first democratic, but eventually became monarchical. The clergy was governed by a Spiritual Council headed by a bishop. This theory is supported by the letters of Ignatius of Antioch, in which he mentions bishops as leaders of Christian municipalities in Syria and Asia Minor. Over time, the Spiritual Council became just an advisory body. And only the bishop possessed real power in a given province.

In the second century, the desire to preserve the apostolic traditions contributed to the emergence and structure. The church was supposed to protect the faith, dogmas and canons of Holy Scripture. All this, as well as the influence of the syncretism of the Hellenistic religion, led to the formation of Catholicism in its ancient form.

The final formation of Catholicism

After the division of Christianity in 1054 into western and eastern branches, they began to be called Catholic and Orthodox. After the Reformation of the sixteenth century, more and more often in everyday life, the word "Roman" began to be added to the term "Catholic". From the point of view of religious studies, the concept of "Catholicism" encompasses many Christian communities that adhere to the same doctrine as the Catholic Church, and are subject to the authority of the Pope. There are also Uniate and Eastern Catholic churches. As a rule, they came out of the power of the Patriarch of Constantinople and became subordinate to the Pope, but retained their dogmas and rituals. Examples are Greek Catholics, Byzantine Catholic Church and others.

Basic dogmas and postulates

To understand who Catholics are, you need to pay attention to the basic tenets of their doctrine. The main dogma of Catholicism, which distinguishes it from other directions of Christianity, is the thesis that the Pope is infallible. However, there are many cases when the popes, in the struggle for power and influence, entered into dishonest alliances with large feudal lords and kings, were obsessed with the thirst for profit and constantly multiplied their wealth, and also intervened in politics.

The next postulate of Catholicism is the dogma of purgatory, approved in 1439 at the Florence Cathedral. This teaching is based on the fact that the human soul after death goes to purgatory, which is an intermediate level between hell and heaven. There she can, with the help of various tests, be cleansed from sins. Relatives and friends of the deceased can help their soul cope with trials through prayers and donations. It follows from this that the fate of a person in the afterlife depends not only on the righteousness of his life, but also on the financial well-being of his loved ones.

An important postulate of Catholicism is the thesis of the exclusive status of the clergy. According to him, without resorting to the services of the clergy, a person cannot independently earn God's mercy. The priest among the Catholics has serious advantages and privileges in comparison with the ordinary flock. According to the Catholic religion, only the clergy have the right to read the Bible - this is their exclusive right. The rest of the believers are prohibited from doing this. Only editions written in Latin are considered canonical.

Catholic dogma stipulates the need for systematic confession of believers before clergy. Everyone is obliged to have his own confessor and constantly report to him about his own thoughts and actions. Soul salvation is impossible without systematic confession. This condition allows the Catholic clergy to penetrate deeply into the personal life of their flock and control every step of the person. Constant confession allows the church to have a serious impact on society, and especially on women.

Catholic ordinances

The main task of the Catholic Church (the community of believers in general) is to preach Christ to the world. The sacraments are considered to be visible signs of the invisible grace of God. In fact, these are actions established by Jesus Christ that must be performed for the good and salvation of the soul. There are seven sacraments in Catholicism:

  • baptism;
  • chrismation (confirmation);
  • the eucharist, or communion (the first communion with Catholics is taken at the age of 7-10);
  • the sacrament of repentance and reconciliation (confession);
  • blessing of oil;
  • the ordinance of the priesthood (ordination);
  • the sacrament of marriage.

According to some experts and researchers, the roots of the sacraments of Christianity go back to the pagan mysteries. However, this point of view is actively criticized by theologians. According to the latter, in the first centuries A.D. e. some rituals were borrowed from Christianity by the pagans.

How do Catholics differ from Orthodox Christians?

Common in Catholicism and Orthodoxy is that in both of these branches of Christianity, the church is the mediator between man and God. Both churches agree that the Bible is the main document and doctrine of Christianity. However, there are many differences and disagreements between Orthodoxy and Catholicism.

Both directions agree on the fact that there is one God in three incarnations: Father, Son and Holy Spirit (trinity). But the origin of the latter is interpreted in different ways (the Filioque problem). Orthodox Christians profess the "Symbol of Faith", which proclaims the procession of the Holy Spirit only "from the Father." Catholics, however, add "and the Son" to the text, which changes the dogmatic meaning. Greek Catholics and other Eastern Catholic denominations have retained the Orthodox version of the Symbol of Faith.

Both Catholics and Orthodox understand that there is a difference between the Creator and the creation. However, according to Catholic canons, the world has a material character. It was created by God out of nothing. There is nothing divine in the material world. While Orthodoxy assumes that divine creation is the embodiment of God himself, it comes from God, and therefore he is invisibly present in his creations. Orthodoxy believes that it is possible to touch God through contemplation, that is, to approach the divine through consciousness. This is not accepted by Catholicism.

Another difference between Catholics and Orthodox is that the former consider it possible to introduce new dogmas. There is also the doctrine of "good deeds and merit" of Catholic saints and the church. On its basis, the Pope can forgive the sins of his flock and is the deputy of God on Earth. In matters of religion, he is considered infallible. This dogma was adopted in 1870.

Differences in rituals. How Catholics are baptized

There are also differences in rituals, the design of churches, etc. Even the Orthodox prayer procedure is not performed exactly as the Catholics pray. Although at first glance it seems that the difference is in some little things. To feel the spiritual difference, it is enough to compare two icons, Catholic and Orthodox. The first is more like a beautiful painting. In Orthodoxy, icons are more sacred. Many are interested in the question, Catholics and Orthodox? In the first case, they are baptized with two fingers, and in Orthodoxy - with three. In many Eastern Catholic rites, the thumb, forefinger, and middle finger are put together. How are Catholics baptized yet? A less common method is to use an open palm, the fingers of which are pressed tightly, and the large one is slightly bent towards the inside. This symbolizes the openness of the soul to the Lord.

The fate of man

The Catholic Church teaches that people are burdened by original sin (with the exception of the Virgin Mary), that is, every person has the seed of Satan from birth. Therefore, people need the grace of salvation, which can be obtained by living by faith and doing good deeds. The knowledge of the existence of God is, despite human sinfulness, accessible to the human mind. This means that people are responsible for their actions. Every person is loved by God, but at the end he will face the Last Judgment. Especially righteous and godly people are numbered among the Saints (canonized). The Church maintains a list of them. The process of canonization is preceded by beatification (canonization). Orthodoxy also has a cult of Saints, but most Protestant movements reject it.


In Catholicism, indulgence is the complete or partial release of a person from the punishment for his sins, as well as from the corresponding redemptive action imposed on him by the priest. Initially, the basis for obtaining an indulgence was the performance of some good deed (for example, a pilgrimage to holy places). Then they donated a certain amount to the church. During the Renaissance, serious and widespread abuses were observed, which consisted of the distribution of indulgences for money. As a result, it provoked the outbreak of protests and a reformation movement. In 1567, Pope Pius V banned the issuance of indulgences for money and material resources in general.

Celibacy in Catholicism

Another serious difference between the Orthodox Church and the Catholic Church is that all the clergy of the latter gives Catholic clergymen have no right to marry and generally have sexual intercourse. All attempts to marry after receiving the deacon's dignity are considered invalid. This rule was announced at the time of Pope Gregory the Great (590-604), and was finally approved only in the 11th century.

Eastern churches rejected the Catholic version of celibacy at Trull Cathedral. In Catholicism, the vow of celibacy applies to all clergy. Initially, minor church officials had the right to marry. Married men could be initiated into them. However, Pope Paul VI abolished them, replacing them with the posts of reader and acolyte, which were no longer associated with the status of a cleric. He also introduced the institution of deacons for life (not going to advance further in the church career and become priests). These may include married men.

As an exception, married men who converted to Catholicism from various branches of Protestantism, where they had the ranks of pastors, clergy, etc., can be ordained to the priesthood. However, the Catholic Church does not recognize their priesthood.

Now the obligatory celibacy for all Catholic clergy is the subject of heated debate. In many European countries and the United States, some Catholics believe that the obligatory vow of celibacy should be canceled for non-monastic clergy. However, the Pope did not support such a reform.

Celibacy in Orthodoxy

In Orthodoxy, priests can be married if the marriage was concluded before ordination to the priestly or deacon dignity. However, only monks of the lesser schema, widowed or celibate priests can become bishops. In the Orthodox Church, a bishop must be a monk. Only archimandrites can be ordained to this dignity. Bishops cannot be simply celibates and representatives of married white clergy (non-monastic). Sometimes, as an exception, for representatives of these categories, bishop ordination is possible. However, before that, they must accept a minor monastic schema and receive the rank of archimandrite.

The inquisition

When asked who the Catholics of the medieval period are, you can get an idea by familiarizing yourself with the activities of such an ecclesiastical body as the Inquisition. She was the judicial institution of the Catholic Church, which was intended to combat heresy and heretics. In the 12th century, Catholicism faced the growth of various opposition movements in Europe. One of the main ones was Albigensianism (Cathars). The popes entrusted the bishops with the responsibility to fight them. They were to identify heretics, try them and hand them over to secular authorities to carry out the sentence. The capital punishment was burning at the stake. But the episcopal activity was not very effective. Therefore, Pope Gregory IX created a special church body to investigate the crimes of heretics - the Inquisition. Initially directed against the Cathars, it soon turned against all heretical movements, as well as witches, sorcerers, blasphemers, gentiles, and so on.

Inquisition Tribunal

Inquisitors were recruited from various members, primarily from the Dominicans. The Inquisition was directly subordinate to the Pope. Initially, the tribunal was headed by two judges, and since the 14th century - one, but it consisted of legal advisers who determined the degree of "heretical". In addition, the number of court officials included a notary (certified the testimony), attesting witnesses, a doctor (controlled the condition of the defendant during the executions), a prosecutor and an executioner. The inquisitors were given a part of the confiscated property of heretics, so there is no need to talk about the honesty and fairness of their trial, since it was beneficial for them to find a person guilty of heresy.

Inquisitional procedure

The inquisitorial investigation was of two types: general and individual. At the first, a large part of the population of any locality was interviewed. Under the second, a call was made to a certain person through the priest. In those cases when the summoned did not appear, he was excommunicated. The man took an oath to sincerely tell everything that he knew about heretics and heresy. The course of the investigation and proceedings was kept in the deepest secrecy. It is known that the inquisitors widely used torture, which was authorized by Pope Innocent IV. Sometimes their cruelty was condemned even by the secular authorities.

The accused were never given the names of the witnesses. Often they were excommunicated, murderers, thieves, perjurers - people whose testimony was not taken into account even by the secular courts of that time. The defendant was deprived of the right to have a lawyer. The only possible form of protection was an appeal to the Holy See, although it was formally prohibited by the Bull of 1231. People once condemned by the Inquisition could at any time be brought to justice again. Even death did not save me from the investigation. If the deceased was found guilty, then his ashes were taken from the grave and burned.

Punishment system

The list of punishments for heretics was established by bulls 1213, 1231, as well as by decrees of the Third Lateran Council. If a person confessed to heresy and repented during the process, he was sentenced to life imprisonment. The tribunal had the right to shorten the term. However, such sentences were rare. At the same time, the prisoners were kept in extremely cramped cells, were often shackled, fed on water and bread. In the late Middle Ages, this sentence was commuted to hard labor in galleys. Persistent heretics were sentenced to be burned at the stake. If a person confessed before the trial began, then various church punishments were imposed on him: excommunication, pilgrimage to holy places, donations to the church, interdict, various types of penances.

Fasting in Catholicism

Fasting for Catholics is to abstain from excesses, both physical and spiritual. In Catholicism, there are the following periods of fasting and days:

  • Great Lent among Catholics. It lasts 40 days before Easter.
  • Advent. On the four Sundays before Christmas, believers should reflect on his coming and be spiritually focused.
  • All Fridays.
  • Dates of some of the great Christian holidays.
  • Quatuor anni tempora. Translated as "four seasons". These are special days of repentance and fasting. The believer must fast once every season on Wednesday, Friday and Saturday.
  • Fasting before the sacrament. The believer must abstain from food for an hour before communion.

The requirements for fasting in Catholicism and Orthodoxy are mostly similar.