The fusion and separate writing of the particles is not with any different parts of speech. When it is written "not", and when "nor" with different parts of speech

The fusion and separate writing of the particles is not with any different parts of speech. When it is written "not", and when "nor" with different parts of speech

The particle does not write punk:

1. In all cases, when a word without a particle is not used, for example: adversity, inephious, indignant, unbearable, cannot be, it is impossible.

2. With noun, adit and adverbs on -O, if the particle gives the Word a new, opposite value (such words can often be replaced by words close to the value, but without a particle not), for example: misfortune (misfortune), not bad ( Good), not good (bad).


Sometimes there is a double understanding of the text depending on the fusion or separate writing of words with a particle, Wed: inexpensive coat (it is argued that the coat is cheap) - not expensive coat (only denied that the coat is expensive; it should be understood that it should be meaningful). Cf. Also: I paid inexpensively - I paid not expensive.

3. With complete communities at which there are no explanatory words, for example: unfulfilled task, unnoticed errors. Wed: Not fulfilled the task not comic to the mistake teacher.

4. In uncertain and negative pronsections, used without prepositions, for example: someone, something, no one, nothing (Wed: Ya who has nothing to do with something, etc.).

5. In the verb prefix underson denoting the inconsistency of the required norm, for example: ahead of the patient (bad, inattentively watching).


From the verbs with the prefix, it is necessary to distinguish the verbs with the prefix to be distinguished with the denying. These verbs that write with the particle are not separately, denoted to the actual action: do not see the TV show, etc.

6. In pronouns and exclusive adverbs, for example: no means, no time, there is no way, there is no reason, there is no need; Nothing, despite, despite.

The particle is not written separately:

1. When verb, including in serious forms, for example: cannot but not say without looking around.

Exceptions: Neutayte, Nemet, is neat.

2. With communion in brief form, for example: the plan is not fulfilled, the story is not written.

3. With complete parties with explanatory words, for example: not seen by the flaw controller, not published during the life of the author story.


Communions that have passed into adjectives are written with a particle not poured and in the presence of explanatory words: in centuries untouched lands, etc.

4. With nouns, adjectives, adverbs, if there is or meant contrast, for example: he is not a friend, but an opponent. It is not true (what?). Singing is not fun, and sad. This person is not good (and what?). Before the station ride not far away, but close. The doctor will take a patient, but not today (and when?).


From the opposition expressed by the Union and when one of the two opposite signs is denied, an opposition expressed by the Union should be distinguished, but when there are no signs of concepts and objects are attributed to each other. Wed: Water in the bay is not cold, but warm. - The water in the bay is non-fat, but salty.

5. With numerical, pronouns, amplifier adverbs, as well as in inconspicuous implicit adhesives used as a leaning offense (with impersonal prediction words, or state category), for example: not five, not six; Not me, not that; not very, not quite; No need, not sorry.


1. In negative pronsections, the particle is not written separately, if they are used with the pretexts: not with anyone, nothing about and so on. 2. Philosophical term Non-I am written through a hyphen. There are similar individual-author's writing particles and with nouns names: it was not-love, no meeting, non-hope, not-hi, no life. (Aksen.)

The particle is not written in a punk:

1. In pronouns, if they are used without prepositions, for example: no one, no one, nothing, nothing, no, anyone, nobody (cf.: with anyone, nothing with any such, etc.). 2. In adverbs, nowhere, never, never anywhere, nipple, and in a particle.

In all other cases, the particle is either written separately with the words that it costs it.


1. It is necessary to distinguish the expressions none other (other) and nothing other (other) from expressions is no one (other), as well as nothing else (Other), like. Nobody and nothing combined with pronsection are usually used in suggestions already have denials in its composition, for example: a) no one can do this; B) Nothing other than music, he does not fond. Combinations with pronouns Who and that and the particle not writing separately, are used in proposals in which there is no other denial, but there is an alliance as, for example: a) it was not anyone else like the front commander himself; b) The reason for the misunderstanding was nothing but a simple typo. 2. It is necessary to remember the writing of such sustainable revolutions: by all means, anywhere, be that as it may,, no matter how it happens, whenever it was, whoever you are, from where it takes .

Exercise 233. Explain the fusion and separate writing of the particle is not.

I. 1. Stood bad weather. Oneve was in the cold. (Slag.) 2. Alyosha switched to Checklock Zahar Makarych. They are together, in two dryers, made their way to the unlucky hunter. (Troop.) 3. Nearby is a undermined tank, big, spotted. (A.) 4. I feel that we will ever encounter a narrow road with him, and one of us is uncomplicated. (L.) 5. Capanadze became terribly. If this is a hoax, boom, scam, then he is a free or unwitting accomplice of scammers! (Field.) 6. Ivan was young and inexperienced in everyday affairs. (Babaev.) 7. With a unusual commonly spectability, the girl talked lively with a beard. (Field.) 8. "External Signs, Kuzmich, is not the main thing," objected Skuratov. (Babaev.) 9. The patient is only occasionally, and that briefly came to himself. (Fedos.) 10. Unworn mechanization worked with interruptions. (Field) 11. The foundation was laid, and there is nothing to withdraw the walls. (Babaev.) 12. Christmas too believed in his forces, considering himself ingenious, but underestimated the abilities of his opponent. (N.-FR.) 13. Motorcyclist demanded also a certificate, he choking the match and read, as long as she did not do to the nails. (A. N. T.) 14. The countryside was smooth, it was nowhere to hide. (Field) 15. The train dragged reluctantly, like all suburban trains. (Fed.)

II. 1. To him and the bird does not fly, and the tiger is neither: only the vikhore is black on the tree of death. (P.) 2. Young trees are flashed on the root without reaching the light. (Fedos.) 3. We have achieved what they wanted, but the path is far from complete. (Fedos) 4. The sun splashes of bright light explodes Taiga, have not yet had time to shake off the night peace. (Fedos) 5. The car slowly unfolded on a small area, which was not surrounded by no complete, modest architecture, buildings. (Folev.) 6. Ubaivov Step, Nikolai Vsevolodovich was noted to consider how much it was in the dark: a person with an increase in a low and kind of thoughts; dressed not warm and unsightly. (Cost.) 7. Not at all old, but a very modern hat. And casually abandoned on the table on the table in a nickel bracelet. (PAUST.) 8. Or start milk livestock farms. Only not as they are on the farms, twenty cowmen, and they are not thoroughly - Truly goats! (Babayev) 9. Brown eyes with gold rims, where the shadows were attached, they look not angry and without pain. (Stelm.) 10. The garden is small, but the apple tree is large. (Deputy) 11. Diva is given - not to look at what, but in the water, please - as if it will come to life. (Fedos.)

Exercise 234. Rewrite, open brackets.

1. The guy seems to be a goal, to take it (no) what. (P.) 2. (No) where in the threatened kingdom, in the thirtieth state, there was a nice king Dadon. (P.) 3. In the village boring, dirt, (not) nastya, autumn wind, fine snow. (P.) 4. The letter he sent last night probably (not) reached. (L. T.) 5. Andrei (not) volunteered at the form of a Catholic monk, who excited such (not) a housing contempt in the Cossacks. (G.) 6. Efimkin, who has already accustomed to the fact that it (not) is dilypsed on MTS, approached them with such a kind, as if, in fact, was responsible in something. (Nickname) 7. Along the train, swabs and gendarmes are moving, (not) loose on pouring rain. (Paul.) 8. (Not) The geeks that blew up is this building, and once went to school? (Stelm.) 9. Some (not) young, fat man, standing on his knees, diligently sculpted a huge female profile from the sand. (Chuck) 10. Standing (not) Touching silence, which precedes first bird voices. (Fed.) 11. In general, the usual ragosine rule was justified - to solve everything (not) slowly, but (not) rushing. (Fed.) 12. To the right of the pass, where the dog drags me, is visible to a big circus, shakeped with high and already broken cliffs. On the approaches to it, the place (not) is cool, the bug, everything in the crystal. (Fedos) 13. Filk is preferably curved, precisely from the injury, hides (not) a decorating cigarette back into the box. (Fedos) 14. Here after all, long-term PURGIs are. The wind is our (no) happiness. (Fedos.)

Exercise 235. Rewrite, open brackets.

1. Suddenly, Vladimir appeared between people and ruffled "(not) Leekary, the father died." (P.) 2. Nature (not) Temple, and workshop, and man in it worker. (T.) 3. "Well, what kind of places, in your opinion, this man?" "God knows him, Barin, his forehead (not) is written." (Mark.) 4. Returned, but three promised each other - someday, maybe (not) soon, it can be very (not) soon, but be sure to achieve Ust-Chara ... (Salge) 5. Light, as if Fucking hair. And the same bright, striking, almost (not) flashing eyes. (Chuck) 6. Once on Sunday, Kostya appeared on the street (not) Bosoy, as usual, and in rope shoes. (Kok.) 7. Gunna suddenly felt surprisingly (no) confident, (not) bold, went cautiously, as if he was afraid of some (not) expectation. (Chalk.) 8. Bulgakov wounded. He (not) could stop his writing thoughts. (Not) could throw his imagination on the dump. There is no worst execution and (not) can be for a writing person. (Paust.) 9. Major Paul's Major really appeared exactly ten minutes. High, dryish, he entered the receiving (not) hurry, but solid gait. (Fish) 10. If we gradually carry eggs from her, (not) everything is immediately, and leave one or two, the bird (no) is guessing about the disappearance. (Fedos) 11. Woman, (not) Taking off his glance from us, got a tube from a sinus with a straight long letter. (Fedos.)

Exercise 236. Rewrite, open brackets.

1. Here you are who! And I (not) I remember ... Then I still had a child ... There, on the bridge, I saw you and thought: no, it (not) OUR, (NOT) Zhuravlinsky, and travel. (Babaev.) 2. Ivan Lukich smoked and assigned his eyes. It was silent and scookers, and silence was both and (not) pleasant and painful. (Babaev.) 3. Immediately for (not) the visible street fell dark arable land (no) calm March sky. Early the clouds and in the bright bumps of a lonely burned tree shone the stars, and (not) smooth from them or the maiden song was completely lied. (Stelm.) 4. The look he was omitted and with (not) I got sophisticated but scattered on the table. (Fed.) 5. September chill (not) troundowed in the forest shadow. (Fed.) 6. The events are far away in history responded from the past (not) dying their meaning. (Fed.) 7. Kleva (not) was. Float as if frozen in (no) movable, casting the surface of the water. (Fed.) 8. What Ilya was waiting, everything came true. But why now you need to convince yourself that he really was waiting for this? Why is it might (not) exhausted, (not) waiting? (Fed.) 9. The collected, discreet, (not) allowing himself and (not) endorsed in other excessive sociability, he, apparently, hardly squeezed a smile on his face. (Field.) 10. It seemed there, behind the shafts of the raised land, aliens from some other, (not) the slave of the planet, building something, understandable and necessary only to them, ruthlessly grown the earthly womb. (Field.) 11. Even (not) People of Cucushkin, who seemed to be in a larger quarrel, received letters from the mother. (Field) 12. On any construction there is a category of workers, (no) for the housing and economic part of large complaints. (Field) 13. Capanadze once loved to observe the transformation of ordinary, sometimes (not) recovered guys-recruits in disciplined, traded sailors. (Field.)

Exercise 237. Explain the fusion and separate writing of the particles not and nor.

1. The night has come, no one in the city of the eyes of the sleepless was not closed. (P.) 2. In silence, not yet disturbed by anyone, rustling storms. (Fedos.) 3. I did not have anything like this before, none after. (Fedos.) 4. The wings acted as the chick of the cuckoo: he pushed out of the nest everything that he pretended to him, he did not get enough with anyone, he swallowed one old theory of thunderstorms, and no question could be . (Gran.) 5. Incredibly: Never and in anyone Senya did not justify. (Slag.) 6. Soldier slowed, awkwardly crossing his legs on foot. He could not imagine that after such noise suddenly peaceful conversation could begin. (Fish) 7. Wherever a person is lost, in the mountains or in a taiga is equally bad. (Fedos.) 8. Having slid under the wire, Melniki pressed so tightly to the ground, that no metal needle touched over her overcoat. (Fish.) 9. Tomsk's words were nothing but a mouse chatter. (P.) 10. Rostov recognized Napoleon. It could not be no other. (L. T.) 11. How suddenly, from where I take, the serpenty wing in the window flies. (P.) 12. Mitka, as if nothing had come to Ilya. (Ivan.)

Exercise 238. Rewrite, the opening of the bracket and explaining the spelling of the particles is not and nor.

1. In the tract there are cinema, and shops, and the house of culture, and always there is crowded. And what in the regrettable? (Nor) what. Lonely, like orphans, cost the hints, and in the evenings in the farm quietly, as in the grave: (not) heard (nor) of the harmonica, (nor) girlish votes. (Babaev.) 2. Narts cling to trees, harpper straps are rushing, but neither (y) who no longer have the strength to bind them. (Fedos.) 3. I will subjugate others, (nor) what else is I so (not) I wish (nor) (because of) why it does not live like because of this desire! (Salge.) 4. Suddenly embraced (not) a surveillance desire now to run to the hospital and for something (nor) began to see it. (Deputy) 5. This (no) famous collector was (not) who is different, like, Merim, a sharp and original writer. (P.) 6. In the forest (nor) (c) than (not) there was a spring life. (Ave.) 7. At the collections, Bochkarev was hammered into the far corner, (nor) when it (not) forced to perform. (Gran.) 8. Around (not) there was visible (nor) of the soul - (nor), (nor) of the horse, (nor) of the bird, (nor) of the car. The castle seemed to be inhabited. (PAUST.) 9. The geologist was a man good-natured, silent and (nor) (not) interfered. (Paust.) 10. I (not) knew then that these poems (not) Bagritsky, and some other poet. But this circumstance is Bagritsky, obviously considered (not) essential, since (nor) (not) told me about it. (Paust.)

Exercise 239.

1. (N ...) Limit in physics, and in music the sign heard a nightingale singing on the branch. (Kr.) 2. Pavel Alexandrovich went to the front and put on a fur coat already, as suddenly, from where (N ...) take, Nastasya Petrovna. (Estimated) 3. Bright, brilliant, but (N ...) hot sun, streams and protaly, odorous freshness in the air. (L. T.) 4. On the table of thimble, the coil of the thread, (N ...) Caught stocking. (Ch.) 5. Suddenly the thought stops - and (N ...) from the place. The head is packed tight, like a bag of flour, - (N ...) break through. (Fed.) 6. Hotly grateful to the Native Academy for Hi and good wishes. What (N ...) Make, constantly think that I serve this, how much my strength allows me, first of all my fatherland, our Russian science. (Pavlov.) 7. Volodin looked at the lieutenant colonel as a hero, completely forgetting about (H ...) a pleasant feeling that he experienced him yesterday. (An.) 8. Why (N ...) forever on earth Spring? (Fedos) 9. The old man's hair (N ...) is pliable, curled with small rings. (Lip.) 10. Appleval fledged, shelter the ground with white and pale-pink scented powder (N ...) who have time to fade the petals. (Alex) 11. With (H ...) the expected submission of the girl, putting on skis, moved in the direction of the direction. (Field) 12. The helicopter rises, taiga is already (H ...) Snow-covered sea with a large green wave, and something like a mosaic field. (Field.)

Exercise 240. Rewrite, lowering the brackets and inserting the missed letters.

1. Believe where I am (H ...) was, my soul, what (N ...) is, belongs to you and those who knew how to love. (P.) 2. Girls meanwhile sang, and especially accepted Natasha Pontin. Alloy all, she looked at the groom wide open, (N ...) blinking eyes with the courage inherent to her. (Alex) 3. You are neat, it's true, but the truth is that you sometimes abuse this excellent quality and make it even (N ...) convenience, a (n ...) convenience. (Lesk.) 4. In the spring and summer (H ...) of which, except for the farm, and in the mind (N ...) comes. (Nickname) 5. Above his head with (N ...) Loud, barely caught a born of bullets, stitching (H ...) moving hot air. (An.) 6. Dina even raised on the elbow to see how Litvinov, who is clearly (N ...) wishes to devote anyone (N ...) to be in their negotiations with Innochenty Sedy, will answer. (Field.) 7. Ragozin tilted his head - (N ...) According to, and with that expression, that, they say, (N ...) can only understand the insanity of the Izvov, but it is very good that he was offended. (Fed.) 8. All the day of Melnikov spent in the minds about his wife and children. Where (H ...) went, for whatever (N ...) was taken, there was a high deck of a steamer and to pain their native faces. (Fish) 9. (N ...) and ten minutes passed, as the whole company gathered near the harmonist. (Fish) 10. Julia Pavlovna pushed his marigolds by the scatter, correlacing, however, (N ...) how many (N ...) worried. (Fed.) 11. Trees are closely, calm, (N ...) Cocks (H ...) One twig. (Fedos.) 12. Load (N ...) Lyiv (N ...) for a minute: the cold penetrates through. (Fedos.)

Exercise 241. Rewrite, lowering the brackets and inserting the missed letters.

1. I bow to Schneider: (N ...) Who seems here (N ...) Who can inquire about his presentation. (P.) 2. Vera kind and clever, and wild (not ...) Lypuncture, (N ...) enters (N ...) What. (Goth.) 3. At first (N ...), forty people were honored, but then the people of the retired and (N ...) were awesome. (S.-TS.) 4. Ivan Lukich thought about the strange "ceiling" that exists, it turns out, even in heaven. And, in fact, surprised and puzzled him just (H ...) the heavenly ceiling, and the earth, which, too, turns out, (N ...) who (N ...) saw. (Babaev.) 5. As it were (N ...), it was sad and (N ...) a friendly place, no matter how (N ...), it always remains in the soul, and maybe love. (PAUST.) 6. We will tell about this woman (H ...) Hashe, (N ...) Lying (N ...) The slightest details from her (H ...) Lightweight life ... (Babayev.) 7. River (H ...) Green, (N ...) Blue, (N ...) Brown, and just black. (Lip.) 8. I sit on a stone - Light (N ...) Mile, (N ...) What (N ...) Glad. (Fedos.) 9. For sleep (N ...), the working day is slowly coming, (N ...) When you sneak and (N ...) Living in bed. (Fedos.) 10. For a muddy curtain of Buran (N ...) What (N ...) can be seen, only the occasionally come across stony ravines da females-larch, on (N ...) happiness their settled in this cold and gloomy gorge. (Fedos.) 11. It was (H ...) Internal struggle, but only meditation over something (N ...) clear, even (N ...) ripening, but already originated in it. (Fedos.)

Exercise 242. Rewrite, lowering the brackets and inserting the missed letters.

There are whole stripes of life, what (N ...) want to remember. And (N ...) Because they are connected with them- (N ...) Be our mistakes, (N ...) of happiness or (N ...) Good luck. In (N ...) Lucks, as my father told me, there are also good sides.

No, (N ...) Because of these reasons for me (N ...), I want to return my memory to the past sometimes. To remember about (N ...) which years have no hunt because they (N ...) What (N ...) added to the presentation of the real life, what each of us exists. On the contrary, they even cut this idea.

So bad was the time when I left in the summer of 1924 from the newspaper "on the watch" and went to work in the telegraph growth agency. There I was dragged by Fraerman, who moved to Moscow from Tiflis.

At first I earned very little in the growth. I still lived in Pushkin and (N ...) How (N ...) could arrange his life more demolished. Every month I had money ten days before paying. There was still some kind of food for me, but there remained for cigarettes (N ...).

"Shoot" cigarettes from friends and acquaintances were (H ...) deftly and in the end (N ...) perhaps. This lesson also had its own limit. Then I completely (N ...) existedly opened a simple and free method of tobacco production.

I went out in Pushkin to the northern railway canvas and walked along the paths, picking up all the cigarettes and the so-called "bulls" thrown out by passengers from the windows of cars. On the way from Pushkin to Klyazma for any (n ...) Be three kilometers, I usually gained up to two hundred cigarettes.

Gradually, I have accumulated valuable observations and over the cigarettes and over smokers. (N ...) Whose smokers I despised, and to others, however, to (N ...), many, felt sympathy and gratitude.

(N ...) I looked away those who finished cigarettes to the cardboard mouthpiece. Obviously, these were people calculating and stingy.

With approval, I treated smokers (H ...) with rational and capricious. They (N ...) When (N ...), docoupled to the end, and completely ejected them after one or two fumes.

(K. G. Powesty)

Teacher's comments on the studied material

Possible difficulties

Good advice

It is difficult to remember all cases in which it is neither written by tradition.

Refer to Appendix 1 and fill out where you need, gaps in words.

When it should not write, and when neither in cases of type

n ... believed ... what,

n ... waking up ... crumbs?

The value of such expressions is consisted of two components: the denial of anything (did not believe, did not scatter) and the strengthening of this denial (nor the crumbs). Accordingly, the negation is drawn up with a particle not, and its strengthening is using either.

You should not confuse this case with double negation of the type could not but remain (that is, it remains). Here the particle is written twice.

It is not easy to distinguish the spelling not and in the following cases:

To whom he is only ... complained!

To whom he ... complained, no one wanted to help.

In the first case, we have an exclaimatory offer with a generalizing value (in such proposals the word is often found. only). His affirmative importance can be interpreted through the question: "Did anyone remained who he did not complain?". This question is rhetorical (it does not need to give an answer). In such proposals should not write.

In the second case, we have a complex proposal in front of us, in which the pressing part has a grade value (no one wanted to help, although he complained to everyone). In the apparent part with a graded value, it should be written.

You can assume an error in writing the following combinations:

No one (other), like ...

Not other (Other), like ...

In these cases, it should be written particles not.

Particle use is not

Not - negative particle. She gives a negative meaning of a member of the sentence, before which costs (was more than once).

Neither is a particle that can perform in several values: and to express denial, and to express the gain, and to express the assertion.

The study of this orthogram requires special attention.

He is already nothing in .. asked. Which I, I, I asked, were all the hands were bred. N .. The village in the steppe. Where he is only n .. I was!

Typical cases in which a particle is not used

Typical cases in which a particle is used

The particle does not give a negative value to a member of the sentence standing behind it:

not for the first time;

not the city.

The particle is not used in exclamation and question deals (often with the word only):

Who else was not here?

Who just did not stay here!

The particle is either used to increase denial when the word with a denying value is available in the proposal:

does not know a word.

Do not confuse this case with double denial type " could not stay».

The particle is either used with the missed leakage, which expresses denial:

around neither cloudy.

(Wed: There is no cloud around).

The particle is either used to express the approval in the approval part of the complex sentence after words who, what, how, where etc.:

No matter how try, nothing will come.

He did not ask anything. (The particle does not attach a negative meaning to the verb behind it.)

Who I asked for, we all diluted with my hands. (The particle in either the approval of a complex proposition expresses the assertion (\u003d all militant).)

Neither the village in the steppe. The particle is neither under the missed fag not. ( There is no village in the steppe.)

Where he just did not happen! (The particle is not used in the exclamation sentence at the word only.)

Not either in pronoun

N .. that does not come; N .. was to blame; N .. Who to ask; N .. who did not depend on.

No one will come. No one was blamed. Not anyone to ask. It did not depend on anyone.

Xiii poor particles not

§ 48. It should be distinguished by the spelling of poor particles not and n. . These particles differ in value and consumption.

1. Particle not It is used for denial, for example: I did not talk about it. I did not talk about it. I said not about it.

It is necessary to pay attention to some cases of consumption of this particle:

a) if there is a negative particle not And in the first, and in the second part of the composite verbal led proposal receives an affirmative meaning, for example: i can not not mention ... (i.e. "Must mention"), it is impossible not to confess ... (i.e. "We must confess").

b) in the question and exclamation proposals of the particle not adjoins pronouns, adverbs and particles, forming a combination with them: like notwho is notwho is not,where not where not,than not,what is not, which is not etc.; Check out question deals with a combination not lie , eg: Well, how not to try to a native little man!(Griboedov). Who did not curse the station caretakers, who did not scold with them?(Pushkin). What are you not well done?(Pushkin). Where he just did not happen! What he just did not see! What is not work! Blurred light; Do you want to marry?(Griboedov). Yes, don't you?(Wings).

c) in conjunction with the union untilparticle not It is used in the subordinate suggestions of the time denoting the limit to which the action expressed by the legend of the main offer lasts, for example: Sit here until I come.

d) particle not It is part of sustainable combinations: hardly not, almost, hardly notdenoting the assumption not, not, not, not at all, not at all, not at alldenoting reinforced denial, for example: almost the best arrows, almost at five o'clock in the morning, not a fair decision, not at all bad goods, far from a reliable means.

e) particle not Included in writing alliances: not that; Not that - not that; not only - but; Not that not - A; not that not - and, eg: Give the ring and go; I do not do something with you what you do not expect (Pushkin). At the top of the ceiling, someone is not moaning, it is not laughing(Chekhov). Partisans were not only rifles, but also machine guns (Staken).

2. Particle n. It is used to enhance denial, for example: Neither bone could not be reached (Wings). There was not a single lume in the sky behind (Fadeev). Metelitsa never even looked at the asking (Fadeev). In the village now nor soul: all in no(Fadeev).

Repeating particle n. Acquires the importance of the Union, for example: Nowhere has no water, no trees (Chekhov). Neither muses, nor labor, no joy of leisure - nothing will replace the only friend (Pushkin). But the crowds run, not noticing him nor his longing (Chekhov). I don't know anyone you nor who he (Turgenev).

It is necessary to pay attention to individual cases of particles n. :

a) particle n. It is used before the fault deleration proposals to enhance the affirmative sense, for example: Listen to him in everything that will order (Pushkin). He could not Yamba from Chorea, as we fell, distinguish (Pushkin). Wherever I look around, there is a thick rye (Mikes). Whoever erupts, all praise (Pushkin).

Particle n. in the apparent proposals of the specified type, adjoins the relative word or to the union, and therefore the apparent proposals begin with combinations: whoeverwhoever,that neitherwhatever,no matter howno matter how muchwherever no, whereverwhere no, whereverwhat no whateverwhose no, whosewhen nor etc.

These combinations entered some sustainable turns: wherever it went, from where he will undertake, by all means etc.

b) particle n. It is found in sustainable combinations that have the value of categorical orders, for example: nor from nor a land step or a word etc.

c) particle n. Included in negative pronouns: no one, no one (no one)etc.; nothing (nothing)etc.; no, no (no)etc.; anything, drawing (no one)and so on. And the mock: never, nowhere, nowhere, nothing, no way, nipple, as well as in the particle -Theless .

Written n. In sustainable combinations, which include pronouns, for example: left with nothing, left with nothing, disappeared.

d) double n. Included in sustainable turns, which are a combination of two opposed concepts, for example: nor dead; neither neither fish nor fowl; nor give either neither whale etc.

76. The spelling of the particles is not with different parts of speech, not and nor.

1. They are written separately:

  • particles would (b), but (g), whether (I would read if it went, the same),
  • particles here, because, they say, as if, etc. (He is not; here you know it!);

2. They are written through a hyphen:

  • some particles, or, or,, not, -u, -e, -c, -the, -tho, -taki (yes, somebody, give, he de, enough),

Spelling of particles not with different parts of speech

part of speech


1. If not used (Nevezh, Neversgod),
2. If you can choose a synonym without not (not true - a lie, there is no part - friend),

1. If there is or meant contrast; not friend, but an enemy),
2. In an interpretation of a groom with a logical sub-nominal denial of nursing (a father arranged here, isn't it?

1. If the databases are not used (negligent, unprecedented).
2. If you can choose a synonym without not (rather big, GVMSLODA-old),
3. If there is opposition to the union but (the river is not-yard, but cold),
4. With briefs of adjective-AI, if the complete adjectives, from which they are formed, are written in not nullly low - low)

1. If there is or implied opposition with the Union A (not big, small),
2. With relative adjectives (the sky is south here),
3. With brief adjectives, if the complete adjectives, from which they are formed, are written with not separately (the book is not interesting, but boring)

with uncertain and negative pronouns without prepositions (several, no one, something)

always written separately (not three, not seventh)

place. with other discharges of pronoun (in not my class, not on our floor)

if not not used (hate, perplex)
Note: Typecracing verbs are picked out to be poured, since they include a single console.

with all the other verbs (not to know how to cry

if not without not used (hate, perplexed)
Note: The verbalism formed from the verbs with the prefix is \u200b\u200bnot allowed, as well as the verbs (invotional)

with all the rest of the veefronts (not knowing, on the crying)



if full of intersices do not have dependent words with them (unpleasant student)

one . If the full communities have dependent words (not a student who has come in time),
2. With brief communities (test works are not checked),
If there is or is supposed to oppose (not finished, but only the work has begun)

one . If not not used (ridiculous, carelessly),
2. Adcharations on -O, -e, if you can choose the synonym for white not (neglofo - clever)

1. Again on -O, -e, if there is or implied opposition (not ridiculous, and sad),
2, adverching on -O, -e, if they have explanatory words at all, not at all, not, not at all (not at all funny).
3. If the adverb is written through a hyphen (not in Russian)

Tasks and tests on the topic "Spelling of particles not with different parts of speech, not and nor."

  • Particle as a service part of speech - particle 7 class
  • Particles - Morphology. Speech Parts 10 Class

    Lessons: 1 tasks: 9 tests: 1

Separate and disfiscated particle writing

1. Particles would be (b. ), lie (l. ), same (j. ) They are written separately, with the exception of those cases when they are part of the whole words (so that, really, even, p.).

2. Particles -to , -or , -Theless , co- (co- ), -Taki , -Yo , - , -the They are written through a hyphen.

Particle co- (co- ), separated from the pronouction of the pretext, is written separately ( something with).

Particle -Taki writes through a hyphen only after the adverbs ( again) and verbs ( taken), in other cases - separately ( he did not come; Dacha also built). The combination is still written in three words.

Particles as if, after all, they say and others as well as combinations almost that, just etc. They are written separately.

The spelling of the particles is not

There are two different parts and consumption of particles - not and n. . Compare cases when they act under the stress: He is not? Was in school today. Who would he eat? Was you need to talk to him. But in most cases particles not and n. unbound and in pronunciation are indistinguishable. To select the correct writing, it is necessary to determine which particle is used in one or another case.

The main function of the particle is not - denial. A negative particle may relate to any independent word in a sentence, for example: He did not bought a book. He did not bought a book. He bought not a book. He bought not this book. He bought this book not in the store. He bought this book not today.

The main function of the particle is no increase in denial. Therefore, it is used in sentences with a negative lean, i.e., a tram, including a particle not or pronounced words it is impossible not. Particle n. may be solitary and repeated (as part of the Union no no).

1. Single particle n. speakers in words oneand (less often) singlewhich may be implied, for example: For a few days, he did not see a single person. None of these decisions they stopped. None of these books is needed. For all day, he did not utter a single word. In response, he did not say a single word.(In the last two cases one, onecan be omitted.) He did not publish a sound. They did not meet the soul.(In these sentences you can substitute words one, one.)

Negative legend not In sentences with a single particle n. may descend, for example: There is not a single tree around the house. There is no soul in the house. We have neither a piece of paper.

2. Repeating particle n. (as part of the Union no no) corresponds to a repeating union and an affirmative proposal, for example: They did not receive any newspapers nor magazines or books. (Compare: They received both newspapers and magazines, and books.) With him, neither brother nor sister nor parents were rewritten. (Compare: Brother, and sister and parents were rewritten with him.)

Negative leaving in proposals with a repeated union no nomay be expressed by the words it is impossible not , eg: He can not read or write. Nor in the boat, nor in the cart / one can not get here(Ahm.). There are no berries in this fruitless forest, no mushrooms or flowers.

Taken no you can notmay be absent, for example: Nor fire, nor black hut, / wilderness and snow ... (P.). Neither a row nor sound nor movement(INB). The conditions turned out to be terrible: neither wash, nor wrapping, nor even tea to get drunk.

Split combinations:

never (never) - more than once (often)

no one (no one) is not one (a lot).

Remember: 1) Not - Never, no - many times. (I have never been to the Crimea. - no matter how many times in the Crimea, all the time admire them, as for the first time).

2) A particle can be replaced by the union and or omit. For example: How much would not say nor insisted - to no avail (and spoke, and insisted). - Wherever you look, everywhere forest new buildings (where you look ...).

There are special designs with particles not and nor.

1. Design with verb be able to and double denial should be distinguished from the design with the verb be able towith preceding not and repeating amplifier n. .

Compare pairs Examples: 1) He can not do not work. - He can neither work or rest. 2) He can't not read, he can't not write, he cannot but listen to music. - He can neither read or write nor listen to music. In the first sentence of each pair, it is argued that the corresponding action is made; In each second, it is impossible to produce these actions.

2. and particle not , and particle n. can enter designs with location words who what (in different cases), how, where where, from whereetc.

a) particle design not Participated in exclamation or questioningly? Exclamation proposals in which a particle is often present only, eg: Who did not know this person! What just did not admire him at this unusual exhibition! Who does not know this house? What is the mind in my darling then?(Hold.). How not to love your native Moscow!(Bar.). Where I just did not have to go! Where he just did not appeal!

Such proposals - in the form of negative - in content always contain a statement. ( Who did not know this person! means 'everyone knew this person'; Where I just did not have to go! Means' he had to go everywhere).

b) designs with locomotive words and particles n. (often with a preceding particle would be) are always part of gradious attachments, for example: Who will die, I am all the murderer(P.). Oh or sorry, but will have to refuse it. Whatever happens, you need to keep calm. Someone asked, no one knows. Whatever the child either overwhelmed, just not to cry(Ambassador). Whatever the answer, it is better than complete uncertainty. He could not Yamba from Chorea, as we fell, distinguish(P.). Wherever he worked, he was appreciated everywhere. Wherever I look around - there is a thick rye everywhere!(Mike.). Whenever it came to him, he is always busy. No matter how much the culprit is in this case, you can't find anyway.

3. Constructions no one elselike I. nothing but, in which whoand what can stand in indirect cases without prepositions and with pretexts ( no one else like; nothing else like; not anyone else like; nothing with nothing likeetc.) should be distinguished from structures in which pronoun no oneand nothing(also in different cases without prepositions and with pretexts).

Compare pairwise following examples: 1) This is not someone else like his native brother. - No one else, besides his native brother, can not know this.2) It is nothing but the most impudent deception. - Nothing is interested in it.3) He met with no one else, as with the president of the country. "With anyone other than the president, he disagrees to meet."4) He agreed not to anything other than the leadership of all the work. - It will not agree to anything other than the leadership position. In each pair, the first proposal is affirmative, the second is negative.

4. And particle not , and particle n. parts are composed of a number of sustainable combinations.

a) particle not May be part of complex unions: not yet; not that; not that ... not that; not only but; Not that (not) ...; Not that (not so) .... For example: Wait until the transfer is over. Stop, not I'll scream! The weather is unpleasant: it is not the rain, not that snow. He is not only a poet, but also the composer. The relationship between them is not the fact that not friendly, but hostile. He is not something for ten minutes, but for an hour late. He is not a rude, but somewhat flashing. She is not so angry, but indifferent.

Particle not it is part of combinations close to the meaning to particles: it is not at all, it is unlikely that no, not, almost, hardly, not at all, no one, not, not, not, almost, almost, not; no more than no more than, no more than.

Particle not Many sustainable combinations begin, including comprising the proposed noun designs: not ahti (how, what), not a god of news (who is what, whatand t.P. ), not in the arc, not in the spirit, not in the event, not in the way, not in the freaks, not in moderation, not in the rise, not as an example, not a joy, not in itself, not in the power, not in the score, not sin , God forbid, not to fat, not to laughter, not before, not to good, not to the face, not to the place, not to the court, not to the rush, not for a joke, not at the address; not by day, but by the hour; not at the power, not on the teeth, not by the larger, in itself, not even an hour, not with the hands, it was not there, not at the case, notand etc.

b) particle n. it is an integral part of a plurality of stable combinations.

Combinations, which are in the form of the Put supply proposals: by all means, no matter how vertices, if neither throw, no matter where it is not kin, wherever it goes, from where neither takes.

Combinations with initial single n. : Neither Aza, nor Belmes, nor my God, nor the boom boom, nor into life or burn or in the tooth (foot), none in no way in any case, nor in one eye, nor so much(put), neither a penny nor a gull(die, abyss), neither tobacco(die, abyss), for nothing, nor zgi, nor a drip, no penny, nor a spear, nor crumbs, nothing, no to hell (not suitable), neither on the hair or on a penny(who is what, what) neither to eat nor on the iota, nor for a minute, nor on a step, no foot, nor with a word, nor with a place, no place(stay), neither a fig, nor the hell or a step(exclamation), nor Shisha.

Combine with repeating n. : neither be either no longer either in no one to take ahead of either in either mother or in his father, nor in the warehouse in the way, nor yes nor do nor give either two nor one and a half, Neither the bottom of the tire, neither day or night nor sulfur nor the body, nor it is cold nor alive either dead, nor for anything, nor the skin is neither faces nor the cope or the courtyard, nor Neither a lot of either a little nor a plate nor a lot nor a lot nor a little nor, nor yours, nor a response, neither of the rest, nor a long time, nor a crow or a crow, nor pass Pooh Neither the pen, nor the fish neither the meat, nor sampling neither the brother, nor the light, nor the people, nor a wallad, nor a hear of spirit, nor a dream, neither to sit down, nor with this, Neither shame neither of the conscience nor so nor there, nor there, nor the same, nor TPRU, nor there, nor here, nor dignify neither to add nor to the heart, Neither ear either digging nor it's not hot or rod nor shaky; More detailed combinations of the same structure: neither God candle is neither hell of a kocherga, neither in the city of Bogdan neither in the village of Selifan nor in the fairy tale say not to describe.