Myths of Ancient China. The ancient myths of China: the creation of peace and people

Myths of Ancient China. The ancient myths of China: the creation of peace and people
Myths of Ancient China. The ancient myths of China: the creation of peace and people

the text preserves the original source spell

Myth about Sui Zhene, mining fire

In ancient Chinese legends there are a lot of smart, brave, volitional heroes who fought for the happiness of the people. Among them and Sui Zhen.

In gray antiquity, when humanity still experienced a barbarian period, people did not know what fire was and how to use it. When night fell, everything was shrouded in a black darkness. People, crouching, have experienced cold and fear, the threatening upwardness of wild animals was distributed around them. People had to eat raw food, they often hurt and died, without surviving old age.

On the sky lived one God by name Fu Si. Seeing that people on earth suffer, he experienced pain. He wanted people to learn how to use fire. Then he is mine magic power caused a strong hurricane with thunder and lightning, which sheds among mountains and forests on Earth. Ground thunder, lightning flashed and a strong crackling rang. Lightning struck the tree and ignited it, the flame flavored soon turned into a raging flame. People were very frightened by this phenomenon, and ran away in different directions. Then the rain stopped, all smalch. It was very raw and cold. People gathered together again. They looked surprised on the burning tree. One young man noticed that there was no conventional foul in the animals around suddenly. He thought, really beasts are afraid of this bright sparkling fire. He came closer, and he became warm. He delighted with people: "Do not be afraid, go here. Here is light and warm." At this time, they saw nearby the animals burnt from the fire. From them proceeded with a delicious smell. People sat down around the fire and began to eat meat animals. Before that, they never if such delicious food. Then they realized that fire for them is a jewel. They continuously thrown into the fire of the brushwood, and every day was on duty around the fire, protecting him so that the fire was not fading. But in one day, the duty fell asleep and could not throw the trust in time, and the fire went out. People again found themselves in the cold and darkness.

God Fu Si did all this and decided to appear in a dream to the young man, who first noticed the fire. He told him that on the distant West there is one state of Suymin. There are sparks of fire. You can go there and get sparks. The young man woke up and remembered the words of God Fu Si. He decided to go to the country of Suymin and get the fire.

He passed high mountains, switched fast rivers, passed through dumping forestsShe has undergone a lot of deprivation and finally got to the country of Suymin. But there was not the Sun, everything was shrouded in darkness, of course, there was no fire. The young man was very disappointed and sat down under the tree "Sumima" a little rest, trampled the bitch and began to rub it about the bark of the tree. Suddenly, before his eyes, something quit and illuminated everything around bright light. He immediately got up and went to the light. He saw on the tree "Sumim" a few large birds that bugs opened a short and hard beak. They are kept once, a spark flames on the tree. The wonderful young man instantly trampled a few bitch and began to rub them about Corra. I instantly broke up sparks, but the fire did not work. Then he gathered a bitches of several trees and began to rub them about different treesAnd finally the fire appeared. In front of the young men, tears came up with joy.

A young man returned to his native edges. He brought people eternal sparks of fire, which can be obtained by friction of wooden sticks. And from that day, people broke up with cold and fear. People bowed before the courage and the mind of the young man and put forward it in their leaders. They began to respect him to Syuzyn, which means a person who mined the fire.

Tale "Yao will give way to the throne shoe"

In the long-term Chinese feudal history, the son of the emperor will always come to the throne. But in the Chinese myth, between the most initial emperors Yao, Shun, Yu, the concession of the throne related links. Who has virtue and ability, it is recommended to join the throne.

In Chinese myth, Yao was the first emperor. When he aged, he wanted to look for one heir. Therefore, he collected tribal leaders to discuss this issue.

Some kind of fan-chi man said: "Your son Dan Zhu enlightened, it is advisable to join the throne." Yao seriously said: "No, my son has no good morality, just likes to quarrel." Another person said: "Gon Gon Gon must enter the throne, it is advisable. It controls hydropower. " Yao shook his head, said: "Gon Gon Gon was eloquent, externally with respect, and in the heart with another." This consultation ended without result. Yao continues to look for the heir.

Some time passed, Yao again gathered tribal leaders. This time, several leaders recommended one simple person - Shun. Yao nodded his head, said: "Oh! I also heard that this man is good. Can you tell me about it in detail. " All people began to tell the shun's business: the father of shun, it's a stupid man. People name is His GU Sou, that is, the "blind old man." Mother Shuna has long died. The stepmother did not appeal to the shoe. The saint of stepmother is the name of Xiang, he is very squeezed. But blind old man really adored Xiana. Shun lived in such a family, but he relates well to the father of a swine and brother. Therefore, people consider him a virtuous person

Yao heard the shun's business, decided to observe Shun. He was overwhelming his daughters E Juan and Nyu In the shun, also helped the shoe to build a food warehouse, and gave him many cows and sheep. Magic and brother Shuny saw these things, they envied, and jealous. Together with a blind old man, they have repeatedly planned to harm the shoe.

Once, blind old man ordered a shower to repair the roof of the warehouse. When Shun raised to the roof of the stairs, blind old man at the bottom of the arson, so far Shun. Fortunately, Shun with him took two wicker hats, he took hats and jumped like a flying bird. With the help of a hat, shun easily fell on Earth without wound.

Blind old man and Xiang did not leave, they ordered Shun clean the well. When Shun jumped, blind old man and Xiang left the stones from above to fall asleep well. But Shun at the bottom of the well digging one channel, he got out of the well and safely returned home.

Xiang does not know what Schun has already come out of a dangerous position, he rather returned home and said to the blind old man: "This time, Shun is frightly died, now we can split the shun's property." After that, he went to the room, unexpectedly when he entered the room, Shun was already sitting on the bed played on the instrument. Xiang was very frightened, he said embarrassed, "Oh, I really miss you"!

And Shun as nothing passed, after, Shun, as before, warmly turned to his parents and brother, blind old man and Xiang no longer dare to harm the shoe.

Then Yao watched Schun many times and counted shun virtuous and business man. Deciding that he gave way to the throne shoe. The Chinese historian called this form of the concession of the throne "Shan Jean", that is, "renounce the throne."

When Shun was an emperor, he was work and modest, he worked as a simple people, all people believed him. When Shun was old, he, too, thus chose a virtuous and smart Yu as the heir for him.

People assured that in the eyelid Yao, Shun, Yu did not have demand about the rights and interests, the emperor and ordinary population were perfect and modestly lived.

Myth about five sacred mountains

Suddenly, one day, the mountains and forests embraced a huge cruel fire, Oda, who fled from under the ground, flooded the land, and the Earth turned the solid ocean whose waves reached the sky. People could not escape from their ODD overtakely, and they still threatened death from various predatory animals and birds. It was a real hell.

Nyu-Va, going, as her children suffer, was very saddened. Not knowing how to punish an evil instigator, who was not destined to die, she began to be difficult to fix the sky. The work was to have a big and difficult. But it was necessary for happiness of people, and Nyu-Ba, the hotly loved their children, I didn't want difficulties in any way, and one thing was bolder.

Before this, she collected a lot of stones of five different colors, melted them on the fire with a liquid mass and shouted the holes heaven. You look attentively - there would be some difference in the coloring of the sky, however, it seems the same as before.

Although Nyu-Va and well fixed the sky, but could not make it like that before. It is said that the north-western part of the sky has twisted a little, so the sun, the moon and the stars have become their movement to tear the side of this part of the sky and go in the West. In the south-east of the Earth, a deep paddae formed, so the Odas of all rivers rushed her side, and there are focused on the sea and oceans.

He lived in the sea a huge crab is thousandm. The water of all rivers, seas, oceans and even the heavenly river flow it and support the permanent level of ODY, without increasing and not lowering it.

In Guisyu, there were five sacred mountains: Daiyui, Yuanziao, Fanhu, Inzhou, Penlay. The height and circumference of each of these mountains were alone equal to thirty thousand whether the distance between them was seventy thousand whether, on the tops of the mountains there were smooth spaces for nine thousand whether the Golden Palaces were raised with the stairs from White Jade. In these palaces were immortal.

And birds and animals were there white colorJade and pearl trees grew everywhere. After flowering, nephite and pearl fruits appeared on the trees, which were good on Cous and those who ate them, brought immortality. Immortal, apparently, wearing white clothes, they had a small wings on his back. Little immortal often could be seen freely flying blue sky lazuries over the sea like birds. They flew from the mountain to Mount, looking for their relatives and friends. Their life was fun and happy.

And only one circumstance overshadowed it. The fact is that these five sacred mountains swam the sea without having a solid support under them. In calm weather it did not have muchAnd when the waves rose, the mountains moved away indefinitely directions, and for immortal, flew from the mountain to the mountain, it created many inconveniences: they thought quickly fly somewhere, and their path unexpectedly led; Heading any place, they discovered a friend that it disappeared, and he had to look for it. It set the work of the head and took a lot of strength. All residents suffered from the end, having encountered, sent several envoys with a complaint to Tien Di to the Heavenly Ruler. Tien Di ordered the spirit North Sea Yu-Qian immediately come up with how to help them. When Yu-Qiang was the image of the god of the sea, he was relatively kind and like the "landfish" had a body of fish, hands, legs and sunned on two dragons. Why was he had a body of fish? The fact is that initially he was a fish to the Bolshoi North Sea and the name was Her Guy, which means "Fish Kit". Kit was huge, it is impossible to even say about how many thousand lee. He could be frowning, I turn the bird of Peng, a huge evil phoenix. He was so great that one spin stretched it unknown to how many thousand lee. After accepted, he was flying away, and the two of his black wings overthrew the sky like clouds, stomping up to the horizon. Every year in winter, when the currents of the seas change their direction, he was departed from the North Sea, the bird turned out of the fish, from the god of the sea - the god of the wind. And when the roaring and moaning, chilling and penetrating to the bones, the northern wind was rising, it meant that he was blowing the turning huge bird Yu-Qiang, the god of the sea. When he turned into a bird and flew out of the North Sea, the huge shouted, reaching the sky with a height of three thousand whether in one inspiration of the wings. Customizing them with the hurricane wind, he was absorbed directly on the cloud of ninety thousand Lee. Six months flew this cloud south, and only reaching Southern Sea, Yu-Qiang descended to rest a little. This is the spirit of the sea and the spirit of the wind of Heavenly Vladyka and ordered to find a suitable place for immortal from the five sacred mountains.

Lunbo, a country of giants, was for tens of thousands of whether north of Kunlun Mountains. The people of this country, apparently, took place from the dragons, and therefore they were called "Lunbo" - relatives of the dragons. It is said that among them one Giant lived, which was sidewrd from idleness and, taking a rod with him, went to the Great Ocean that Eastern Morce, to fish. Only he stepped his feet into ODU, as it turned out to be the locality where five sacred mountains were located. Made a few steps - and I went around five mountains. I abandoned the fishing rudder once, the other, the third and pulled six hungry, a long time ago, nothing is not evident turtles. Thille thinking, he poured them on his back and ran home. He sodged the Panciri from them, began to role them on fire and guess the cracks. Unfortunately, two mountains - Daiyu and Yuanziao - lost their support and waves took them to the northern limit, where they sank the Great Ocean. No matter how hard we tried, we will not be able to find out how many immortal, ride and fell across the sky with their scharbla and how many sweats have come out of them.

Heavenly Vladyka, having learned about it, broke out a powerful thunder, called his great magic power And I did so that the country of Lunbo became very small, and the inhabitants of the lands, so that they did not go to other lands and would not be worried. Of the five Sacred Mountains Guisu, only two were killed, and the turtles that kept the other three mountains on their heads began to fully fulfill their duty. They kept their wear smoothly, and from now on it was not heard of any misfortunes.

Myth about Great Pan GU

It is said that in the gray antiquity there was no sky, no land in the world, the whole cosmos was on a huge egg, within which she was solid meal and reigned the priest chaos.It was impossible to distinguish the top of the Niza, the left of the right; That is, there was no east, nor the West, nor South, nor the North. However, inside this huge egg was legendary hero, Famous Pan GU, who managed to separate the sky from the ground. Pan GU was in the egg there is no one of all 18 thousand years old, and once waking up from deep sleep, he opened his eyes and saw that he was in a pitch darkness. Inside it was so hot that it was difficult for him to breathe. He wanted to rise and straighten into full height, but the shell of the eggs firmly shoved him that he could not even pull his arms and legs. It strongly angry Pan GU. He grabbed a large ax, which was with him from birth, and from all over Mahu stuck on the shell. There was a deafening roar. A huge egg split, and everything is transparent and pure in it slowly rose to him and transformed into the sky, and gloomy and heavy fell down and became the earth.

Pan GU separated the sky and earth, and it was very happy. However, I woke up that the sky and the earth will come together again. He is headed the sky, and the legs rested into the ground, he took 9 times a day different species, putting into the move all its power. Every day he crossed one Zhang-. About 3, 3 meters. The sky climbed with him together to one Zhang above, and the Earth, thus, became thicker for one Zhang. So again passed 18 thousand years. Pan GU has turned into a large giant, supporting the sky. The length of his body was 90 thousand. It is not known how much time has passed, but finally the land hardened and could not merge with heaven again. Only then Pan GU stopped worrying. But by that time he is strongly exhausted, his energy was exhausted and his huge body suddenly rumbled on Earth.

Before the death with his body there were huge changes. His left eye turned into a bright golden sun, and the right eye into a silver moon. His last exhalation became wind and clouds, and the last sound published to them turned into thunder. His hair and mustache scattered in Miriada bright stars. Hands and legs have become the four poles of the Earth and the High Mountains. Blood Pan GU spilled on the ground rivers and lakes. His cores turned into a road, and muscles-in fertile lands. The skin and hair on the body of the giant turned into herbs and trees, and teeth and dice-in gold, silver, copper and iron, nephritis and other treasures of earthly subsoil; Pot turned into rain and dew. So the world was created.

Myth About Nyu Va, Keeping People

In those times, when Pan GU created the sky and the land, humanity has not yet been born. The heavenly goddess named Nyu Wa discovered that this land lacks life. Once she walked on the ground with lonely and sad, she intends to create a more vital for the earth.

Nuya Wa walked on Earth. She loved the tree and flowers, but preferred cute and live birds and beasts. Watching the nature, she believed that the world created by Pan GU had not yet quite beautiful, the mind of birds and animals was not satisfied with her. She intends to create a smarter life.

She walked on the shore of Juanhe, sank down and, after killing a handful of water, began to drink. Suddenly she saw their reflection in the water. Then she took out a little yellow clay from the river, mixed it with water and looking at his reflection, began to diligently sculpt the figure. Soon the adorable girl appeared in her hands. Nuya Wa easily drove on her, and the girl came to life. Then the goddess was blinded by her friend's boy, they were the first man and a woman on earth. Nyu Wa was very happy and began to quickly sculpt other little men.

She wanted to fill them the whole world, but the world turned out to be incredibly huge. How could this process be accelerated? Nyu Va lowered the vine into the water, stirred by her river clay, and when the clay was naliple on the stem, she whipped them on the ground. Where they fell Komy clay, at her surprise. Thus, the world was filled with man.

New men appeared. Soon all the land was filled with people. But there was a new problem: the goddess came to mind that people would still die. Some will have to sculpt new others again. And this is too troublesome. And then Nyu Va called all people to themselves and told them themselves to create their offspring. So people by challenge Nyu Va took responsibility for the birth and upbringing of their children. Since then, under this sky, on this earth, people themselves create their offspring. This continued from generation to generation. That's the way it was all.

Tale "Shepherd and Tkachkha"

The shepherd was poor and cheerful bachelor. He has only one old cow and one plow. Every day, he worked on the field, and after that, he himself prepared lunch and washing clothes. He lived very poorly. Suddenly, one day, a miracle appeared.

After work, the shepherd returned home, just came in, he saw: the room was cleanly removed, the clothes were freshly washed, there was also hot and delicious food on the table. The shepherd was surprised and stacked his eyes, he thought: what is this thing? Saints saved something from the sky? The shepherd could not understand this case.

After that, in the last days, every day so and so. The shepherd could not tolerate, he decided to examine that everything turned out. This day, as usual, the shepherd went out early, he clogged near the house. Thai observed the situation in the house.

After some time, one came beautiful girl. She entered the house shepherd, and began to engage in household. The shepherd could not tolerate, and came out asking: "Girl, why do you help me do household?" The girl was frightened, embarrassed and quietly said: "My name is Tkachkha, I saw that you lived poorly, and came to help you." The shepherd was very happy, and boldly said: "Well, you will marry me, and we will work together, and live, ok?" Telchikha agreed. From this time, the shepherd and weaves have married. Every day, the shepherd works on the field, weaver in the house of fabrics of the canvas and deals with household. They have a happy life.

Some years have passed, Tkachha gave birth to one son and one daughter. The whole family is cheerful.

Once, the sky was cut into dark clouds, two gods came to the house of the shepherd. They told the shepherd that Tkachchu was the granddaughter of heavenly king. Some years ago, she left the house, the heavenly king was looking for her without a break. Two god by force took a tip to the Heavenly Palace.

The shepherd, clasping two young children, watched a forced wife, he sadded. He gave a beak to go to the sky and find a weave to meet the whole family. Well, ordinary man how to walk on the sky?

When the shepherd saddled, the old cow, which lives with him for a long time, said: "Kill me, putting my skin, and you can fly to the Heavenly Palace to look for a weft." The shepherd did not want to do it like this, but he did not overpass a cow, and because he had no other measures, finally, he fasten the heart and did with tears according to the old cow.

Shepherd put on a cow leather, carrying children a basket flew on the sky. But in the Heavenly Palace there is a strict discharge, no one respects one poor ordinary person. Heavenly king also did not allow the shepherd to meet weave.

The shepherd and children were repeatedly asked, finally, the Heavenly King allowed them to see them short. Planning Tkachchi saw her husband and children, and sadly and warmly. Time passed quickly, the heavenly king gave the team that they again took the teeth. The sad shepherd was lucky of two children and chased tilkha. He repeatedly fell, and again stood when he would soon catch up with a weave, the evil heavenly empress pulled out a golden heel from the voloves and cut one wide silver river between them. Since then, shepherd and weaves can only stand on two shores, they looked far away from each other. Only in June 7 of each year, shepherd and weaves are allowed to meet once. Then, thousands of sorts arrive, one long bridge forty is built on top of the silver river, so that the shepherd and weaves are found.

The fairy tale "Kua Fu is chasing the sun"

In deep antiquity, on the northern desert it snaps high mountain. In the depths of the forests, many giants with great difficulty live. The chapter they are called Kua Fu, two gold snakes weigh on his ears, and in his hands there were two gold snakes. Because his name is Kua Fu, this group of giants is called "Nation Kua Fu". They are good-natured, hardworking and courageous, they live blissfully and without struggle.

There is one year, the day is very hot, the sun straightened, the forests burned down, the river was dry. People hard tolerated, and one after another died. Kua Fu very much soul for this. He looked up in the sun, and spoke to her Rait: "The sun is very ugly! I will definitely guess the sun, capture it and make it obeyed to people. " Having heard his words, Raii dissuade him. Some said: "You do not go in any way, the sun is far from us, you will be tired to death." Someone said: "The sun is so hot, you will warm up to death." But Kua Fu has already decided, looking at the sad-sully rhodes, he said: "For the life of people, I will definitely go."

Kua Fu said goodbye to his rods, on the direction of the sun, ran a wide step like the wind. The sun in the sky is quickly moving, Kua Fu on the ground ran his head sowers. He ran through many mountains, crushed many rivers, the earth was shocked with the roar of his step. Kua Fu tired of running, pulled out dust from shoes, and took shape big Mount. When Kua Fu was preparing a lunch, he raised three kamia to support the pan, these three stones turned into three high opposite mountains, the height of their thousandth meters.

Kua Fu without a break ranged behind the sun, and closer to the sun, and his faith is stronger. Finally, Kua Fu caught up the sun on the spot where the sun fell. Before your eyes there is a red and light ball of fire, thousandth gold lights shone on it. Kua Fu very happy, he spread his hands, wanted to hug the sun, but the sun was so burning, he felt thirst and fatigue. He rested to the shore of the "Yellow River", he finished all the water "Yellow River" in one spirit. Then he rested to the shore of the Ui River, and finished all the water of this river. But it has not yet quenched thirst. Kua Fu ran north, there is large lakeswhich stretch along and across the thousandthly. In the lakes there are sufficient waters that can be quenched thirst. But Kua Fu did not reach big lakes and died halfway from thirst.

On the eve of death, in his heart was filled with regret. He missed his native. He threw the staff from his hand, and immediately appeared a lush peach forest. This peach forest is lush round year. The forest closes passersby from the Sun, fresh peach is thickened thirst, allow people to eliminate fatigue to speak with a boiler energy.

The tale of "Kua Fu is chasing behind the Sun" reflects the desires of Chinese ancient settlements - to defeat the drought. At least Kua Fu died at the end, but his persistent spirit always lives. In many Chinese old books, the corresponding fairy tales "Kua Fu is chased behind the Sun" were recorded. On some places in China, people call the mountains "Mount Kua Fu", in memory of Kua Fu.

Fight Juandi with China

Several thousand years ago in the pools of River Huanghe and Yangtze, there were many clans and tribes, among which the most numerous tribe was the head of which was Juandi (Yellow Emperor). There was also another no less numerous tribe, the chapter of which was called Yandy. Huangy and Yandi were brothers. And in the Basin of the Yangtze River, the Tszyuli tribe was lived, the chapter of which was sought by Chiya. Chiya was a Lychim man. He had 81 brothers. Each of them had a human head, animal body and railways. All 81 brothers together with Chiya were engaged in the manufacture of knives, onions and arrows, as well as other weapons. Under the leadership, Chiya, his terrible brothers often made raids on the lands of other tribes.

At that time it happened that I was attacked by Inti's tribe and captured his land. Yandy was forced to ask for help to Juandi, who lived in Zholu. Huangdi has long wanted to commit to Chiya and his brothers who have already become a source of many disasters. Combined with other tribes, Huangi held a decisive battle with Chiya on the plain not far from Zholu. This battle entered the story as "Battle in Zholu." At the beginning of the battle, I fed at the expense of my sharp blades and brave and a strong army. Then Juandi called on a dragon and other predatory animals to fight. Despite the valor and the strength of the troops, they were much inferior to Juandi's forces. In the face of danger, the army of Chiya appealed to flight. At this time, the sky suddenly darkened, the terrible shower went, blew a strong wind. This china caused wind spirits and rain to help. But Juandi did not show weaknesses. He turned to the spirit of drought. MiG stopped blowing the wind and pour rain, the scorching sun was on the sky. Having experienced for his defeat, I began to conjurely to cause a strong fog. In the fog, Huydi soldiers lost orientation. Knowing that the constellation of a large bears always points to the north, Juandy immediately made an amazing chariot called "Zhinanyche", which was always strictly south. It was "Zhynanche" brought the Huandi army from the fog. And the troops of Juandi eventually won. They killed 81 brothers Chiya and captured Chily. I was executed. To soul, after death, I found peace, the winners decided to bury their heads and the body by Chily separately. In the place on the ground, where the blood was sought, the forest of prickly thickets grew up. And the blood drops of the blood turned the bugger leaves on the barns.

After his death, he was still considered a hero. Huangdi ordered to portray the flags of his troops to inspire the army and intimidation of enemies. After the victory over Chiya, Juandi received the support of many tribes and became their leader.

Huangy possessed many talents. He invented the method of building the palace, wagon, boats. He also came up with the method of staining fabrics. Huydi's wife named Lajez taught people to grow tute silkworms, produce a silk thread and weave. It is from that time in China a silk appeared. After a gazebo was built for Huangdi, Lanez was invented by "singing", a movable gazebo in the form of an umbrella.

All ancient legends are filled with the spirit of respect for Juandi. Huydi is considered the investigator of the Chinese nation. Due to the fact that Juandi and Yandi were close relatives, and the union of their tribes, the Chinese call themselves "descendants of Yandi and Huangy." In honor of Juandi on Mount Tsyoshan in Juanlin, Schansi Province and Grave Huangi were built. Each spring, the Chinese from different parts of the world are going to commit the crankshaft.

Tale of Hou and

Talk about Chan E, who turned out on the moon

Mid-Autumn holiday, Spring holiday and Duang's holiday are old traditional Chinese national holidays.

On the eve of the middle of the autumn holiday in China, along the tradition, the whole family is going together to admire full moon At the night sky, taste the festive dishes: the lunar gingerbread "Yeabin", fresh fruits, Various Slavs and Seeds. And now we will tell you more about the origin of the middle of the autumn holiday.

Beauty Chan E in Chinese mythology is the goddess of the moon. Her husband, Hou and - the brave God of war, was an exclusively tagged shooter. At that time, many predatory animals were found in the Middle Kingdom, which brought people great harm And ruin. Therefore, the chief lord, the Heavenly Emperor and sent Hou and destroy these malicious predators to the ground.

   And so, by order of the emperor, Hou and, taking a charming wife Chan E, descended into the world of people. Being unusually brave, he struck a lot of disgusting monsters. When the commission of heavenly Lord was almost fulfilled, the trouble happened - in the sky suddenly there were 10 suns. These 10 suns were sons of the Heavenly Emperor. For fun, they decided to immediately appear in the sky. But under their hot rays, all living on Earth suffered from the unbearable heat: the rivers dried, began to burn the forests and harvest in the field, the Human corpses were buried everywhere.

Hou and could not further endure all these suffering and flour people. At first, he tried to persuade the sons of the emperor in turn appear in the sky. However, the arrogant princes did not pay any attention to him. On the contrary, they called him, began to approach Earth, which caused a huge fire. Seeing that the Sun Brothers are not amenable to persuasion and still ruin people, Hou and in a rummy anger snatched their magic onions and arrows, and began to shoot on the sun. One after another he was "redeemed" by 9 suns. Last Sun. It began to ask for a mercy of Hou and, and he ate him, lowered his bow.

For the sake of all living on Earth, Hou and destroyed 9 suns, it, of course, strongly angry the heavenly emperor. Having lost 9 of their sons, the emperor in anger forbade Hou and and his wife return to the heavenly abode where they lived.

And I had to stay on Earth and my wife. Hou and decided to make people as much good as possible. However, his wife, beautiful Chan Ey very suffering from full deprivation of life on earth. Because of this, she did not cease to complain hoow and for killed the sons of the Heavenly Emperor.

Once he heard Hou and that the Holy Women's Goddess of the Western Territory-Sivanmu lives on Mount Kunlun, who has a magic drug. Everyone who will drink this drug will be able to be in heaven. Hou and decided to get the medicine for anything. He overcame the mountain and river, a lot of torment and anxiety experienced he on the road and finally got to the mountains of Kunlun, where Sivanu lived. He asked for the Holy Sivanu of the Magic Drug, but unfortunately, the magic elixir Sivanma had enough for one. Hou and could not alone climb the Heavenly Dog, leaving his beloved wife to live in longing among people. He also did not want his wife alone to rise into heaven, leaving him to live on earth alone. Therefore, taking the drug, he returned to his home carefully.

A little time passed and once Chan E still found a magical elixir and despite the fact that she loved her husband very much, could not overcome the temptation to return to the sky. 15th day 8 months Lunar calendar There was a full moon, and, Chan E, having imagined the moment when her husband was not at home, drank the magic elixir Sivanma. Drinking it, she felt the extraordinary ease in the whole body, and she, weightless, began to sail, climbing higher and higher to the sky. Finally she reached the Moon, where he began to live in big Palace Guanghan. Meanwhile, Hou and returned home and did not find his wife. He was very saddened, but he did not even come to the idea of \u200b\u200bwondering his wife his magic arrow. I had to say goodbye to him forever.

Lonely Hou remained and live on earth, still making people good. He had a lot of followers who studied from him to shoot from Luka. There was among them a person named Feng Maine, who mastered the skill of archery from Luke, which soon did not give up his teacher. And in the soul to Feng Mane, insidious thought: while Hou and, not be to him the first shooter in the Middle Kingdom. And he killed Hou and, when he was in a hangover.

And since that time, when the beauty of Chan Eu took off to the moon, she lived in full of loneliness. Only little bunnywhich is a fool in the stupid grain grains and one lumberjack made her a company. Chan Eh all day, sad, sat in the lunar palace. Especially on the day of the full moon - the 15th day of 8 months, when the moon is especially beautiful, she recalled her happy old days on earth.

In Chinese folklore, there are many legends about the origin of the middle of the autumn holiday. For centuries, many Chinese poets and writers also have also set down a lot of beautiful lines dedicated to this holiday. great poet Such Shea in the 10th century wrote his immortal stanza known later:

"And in antiquity it was so he was rare, so that the joy of the earth

And the shine of the renewed moon over the years coincided.

I want one thing - so that people are in separation for a thousand

Store the souls beauty and loyalty hearts saved! "

Fighting Gun and Yuya with floods

China is very popular about the legend of the fight with flood. Gun and Yu-Father and son were heroes that acted for the benefit of the people.

In the old days in China, over a period of 22 years, there was a rapid spill of rivers. The whole earth turned into huge rivers and lakes. The population was deprived of his dwelling, was attacked wild animals. Because of the natural disasters, many gibbles. The head of the tribe "Huasya" Yao was very concerned. He collected the heads of all tribes to the advice to find a way to win a flood. In the end, they decided, CTR GUN took this task on his shoulders.

Having learned about the order of Yao, Gun broke his head for a long time and, finally, decided that the construction of dam would help to keep the floods. He developed detailed plan. But the Guri did not take stones and land for the construction of dam. Once the old turtle came out of the water. She said to Human that there is an amazing in the sky gemstonewhich is called "Sizhen". In the place where it will throw this cijan to the ground, he will germinate and MiG will become a dam or mountain. Hearing the words of the turtle, Gun, hoped with hope, went to western TerritoryWhere is the heavenly paradise. He decided to apply for help to heavenly Emperor. Reaching Kunlun Mountains, Gun saw the heavenly emperor and asked him the magical "Sizhen". But the emperor refused to give him a stone. Imagining the moment when heavenly guard was not so vigilant, Gun grabbed a stone and returned to him east.

Gun threw Sizhen into the water and saw how he grows. Soon, the dump appeared from under the ground, which stopped flooding. So, the flood was tamed. The people returned to normal life.

Meanwhile, the heavenly emperor learned that Gun stole the magic "Sizhen", immediately sent his heavenly soldiers to go down to the ground to return the jewel. They selected Sizhen at the Gun, and again the people began to dare. The flood was separated by all the dams of Gun and ruined the rice fields. Many people died. Yao was furious. He said that Gun knows only how to stop the element, and the damage of the dam led to even more tragic consequences. Yao believed that Gukin fought with flooding nine years old, but could not win the victory over him, so it must be executed. Then Gun was enclosed in the cave in Mount Yushhan. And three years later was executed. Even by death, Gun still thought about fighting flood.

Twenty years later, Yao gave way to his throne. Shun ordered the son of Gunya Yuu to continue his father's case. This time, the heavenly emperor presented Sizhen Yuu. First, Yu used father's methods. But the results were deplorable. Removing lessons from the acts of the Father, Yu realized that it was not the only way to combat flooding. It is necessary to take water. Yu invited the turtle to give him a wise advice. On the back of the turtle Yu traveled all the miserable. It raised low-lying areas with the help of the magical "siene". At the same time, he called for the help of the dragon to pointed the path among the endless flood. Thus, Yuy took the river bed, directing water into the sea.

According to the legend, Yu destroyed the mountain of Longmen ("Dragons Gate"), through which the drone of the Juanhe River began to pass. Thus formed the gorge of the Dragon Gate. And in the lower flow of the River Yu, the mountain destroyed the mountain into several parts, as a result of which the Sanmen Gorge (three gates) was formed. For many thousands of years, the beauty of Longman and Sanmen attract a numerous stream of tourists.

The people there are many legends about the struggle of Yuya with floods. One of them is as follows: four days after the wedding, Yu went out of the house to join the position. For 13 years of combating flooding, he passed three times past his home, but never came to him, so he was very busy with work. Yui gave all the strength and wisdom to this long and tense struggle. Finally, his efforts were crowned with success, and he won the elements over the water. To thank Yuya, the people chose him with their ruler. Shun also willingly gave way to the throne in favor of Yua for his merit.

IN primitive societywhich is characterized by an extremely low level of productive forces, people composed many legends in which the struggle of the person and the elements is reflected. Gun and Yu are the heroes that the people themselves created. In the process of combating flooding, the Chinese have accumulated a wealth of experience in the field of irrigation, that is, the fight against floods by blocking and removal. People's wisdom is also enclosed in these legends.

Hou di and five cereals

Ancient Chinese civilization is agrarian civilization. Therefore, in China there are many legends in which agriculture is told.

After the appearance of a person, he spent his days and nights in the care of the bread. Hunting, fisheries and the collection of wild fruits were the main activity of the life of the first people.

Once in Yuitai (the name of the place) there was one young girl who was called Jiang Yuan. One day, when she walked, on the way home she fell onto the road some big traces. These traces of her very interested. And she put her feet on one of the prints. After that, Jiang Yuan felt trembling in the whole body. And it passed a little time, and she became pregnant. After a long time, Jiang Yuan gave birth to a child. Due to the fact that the newborn boy did not have a father, people decided that he would be very unhappy. They selected it from the mother and threw one in the field. Everyone thought that the child would die of hunger. However, wild animals came to the rescue of the baby, who were all the forces of the boy. Females fed him with their milk, and the child survived. After he survived, evil people thought to throw a boy of one in the forest. But at that time, fortunately, one woodcutter was in the forest, which saved a child. So evil people again failed to destroy the baby. Finally, people decided to leave him in the ice. And again a miracle happened. Where neither take, the darkness of the birds flew out, they revealed their wings, covering them the boy from the cold wind. After that, people understood that this unusual boy. They returned his Mother Jiang Yuan. Due to the fact that the child was alone somewhere, he was called (thrown).

Greater, the little Chi has a great dream. Seeing that the life of people is conjugate with suffering, every day they have to hunt on wild animals and collect wild fruits, he thought: if people were constantly food, then life would be better. Then he began to collect seeds of wild wheat, rice, soybean, gaolyan and different fruit trees. Having gathered them, Chi sowed the seeds the field that Haped himself. He constantly irrigated and the polol, and the crop appeared on the field in the fall. These fruits were tastier than wild. To work as best and more convenient to work in the field, Chi manufactured simple tools from wood and stone. And when Chi has grown, he has already accumulated a wealth of experience in agriculture and transferred his knowledge to people. After that, people changed the former way of way of life, and began to call Chi Di Di. "Hou" means "ruler", and "di" - "bread".

To note the merit of Hou Di, after his death, he was buried in the town called "Broad Field". It was this place that possessed beautiful landscape and fruitful soil. The legend states that the heavenly staircase connecting the sky and the earth is completely close to this field. According to the legend, every fall in this place the birds were flown on the chapter with a sacred phoenix.

Initially, the Universe was only the primitive water chaos of Hun-Tun, in shape like a chicken egg, and the shapeless images wandered in the pitch darkness. In this world Egg, Pan-Gua originated.

For a long time, Pan-GU did not sleep. And waking up, I saw darkness around myself, and it was saddened. Then I broke the Pan-Gu Geruer Eggs and left out. Everything that was in the egg is light and clean, rose upstairs and became the sky - Yang, and everything is heavy and rude down and became the earth - Yin.

After his birth, Pan-gu created the whole universe of five primary elements: water, land, fire, wood and metal. I did Pan-Gu inha, and the wind was born and rains, I exhaled - thunder and sparkled lightning; If he opened his eyes, then the day came when it closed them - the night came across.

I liked Pan-Gu, what I was created, and he was afraid that he was mixed again and the earth into primitive chaos. Therefore, the Pan-Gu-Guah fell firmly, and his hands in the sky, not letting them in touch. Eighteen thousand years passed. Every day the sky was raised higher and higher, the land became stronger and more, and Pan-Ga grew, continuing to keep the sky on elongated hands. Finally, the sky has become so high, and the land is so strong that they could no longer merge together. Then Pan-Gu lowered his hands, lay down on the ground - and died.

His breathing became wind and clouds, a voice - thunder, eyes - the sun and moon, blood - rivers, hair - trees, dice-metals and stones. Pearls arose from the seed, and jade from bone marrow. From the same insects that Pan-Gui crawled around the body, people turned out. But there is another legend that is no worse.

* * *

The progenitors of people also call a couple of divine twins Fu-Si and Nui-Wu, who lived on the sacred mountain of Coon Lun. They were children of the sea, the Great God Shen-Nuna, who took the title of semi-suicide semi-love: possessed the twins with the human heads and bodies of the sea snake-dragons.

There are different stories about how Nyu-Ba became the ancestor of mankind. Some say that she first gave birth to a certain shapeless lump, cut it into small pieces and scattered throughout the Earth. Where they fell, people appeared. Others argue that one day nude, sitting on the bank of the pond, began to sculpt from clay a small figure - like himself. The clay creature was very joyful and friendly, and before it was liked Nyuy, that she caught a lot of the same little men. She wanted to populate the whole earth. To make her work easier, she took a long Lian, lowered it into liquid clay and shook. Scillage wrenches of clay immediately turned into people.

But it is difficult to sculpt clay, without rejecting, and Nyu-Va is tired. Then she divided people to men and women, commanded them to live families and give birth to children.

Fu-Si also taught his children to hunt and catch fish, extract the fire and cook food, invented "SE" - musical instrument Type of hussley, fishing net, sinks and other useful things. In addition, he drawn eight tri grams - symbolic signs reflecting various phenomena and the concepts that now we call the "book change".

People lived a happy, serene life, not knowing or enmity or envy. The land in abundance gave fruit, and people did not need to work to feed themselves. The born children were stacked as in the cradle, in the bird nests, and the birds were amused by their twitter. Lions and tigers were affectionate as cats, and snakes are not poisonous.

But once the spirit of Water Gong-Gong and the Spirit of Fire Zhu Zuong quarreled together and began the war. The spirit of the fire won, and the defeated spirit of the water in despair hit the head and Mount Buchou, who pierced the sky that the mountain was split. Having lost his support, part of the sky collapsed to the ground, broke it in several places. Underground waters were poured out of breakdowns, eats everything in their path.

Nyu-Va rushed to save the world. She scored five different colors stones, melted them on fire and embroidered a hole in the sky. In China, there is a belief that if you look closely, you can see the patch in the sky, different in color. In another embodiment, the Myth of Nyu-Va receded the sky with small brilliant pebbles, which turned into stars. Then Nyu-Va burned a lot of a strap, gathered in a bunch formed ash and protected water flows.

The order was restored. But after the repair, the world was slightly twisted. The sky bowed to the West, and the sun and the moon began to ride every day, and in the south-east, the Wpadina was formed, in which all rivers on Earth rushed. Now Nyu-Ba could relax. According to the same myth, she died, in others, ascended to the sky, where still lives in complete solitude.

Chinese myths about human origin have several options.

The first Chinese myth about the origin of man

The beginning began was laid in primitive water chaos of Hun Tun, which was similar to egg. And around in the impenetrable darkness wandered images devoid of any form. It was in this structure forms of the egg that Pan-gu was originated. For a long time he slept strong sleep, and when he woke up, he saw around one thing alone, and then Pan-Gua was so sad. Wanting to get out, he broke the shell. Part of the fragments rose up and became the sky, called Yang, the other part of the coarsest and heavy fragments fell down and turned into the ground - Yin. To create the Universe Pan-Gu used five components: water, wood, earth, fire and metal. When the creator of the universe did breathe, the rain began and dried the wind; I exhaled - the thunderstorm immediately began, sparkled the zippers and thunder rumbled. When Pan-GU's eyes were open - there was a day on the planet, when he closed them - everything around it, and the night fell.

Pan-gu really liked his creation own handsAnd he was very afraid to lose all this again. Mighty Pan-Gu firmly began to his feet, raised his hands up and harmed into the sky, now the Earth and the sky could not again connect together and create a primitive chaos. So he stood eighteen thousand years old, and every day the distance between the earth and the sky increased. Now they will no longer be able to connect, and the debt of Pan-GU has been completed. He lowered his hands outlessly, lean on the ground and fell asleep eternal sleep. According to legend, his eyes turned into the moon and the sky, blood gave rise to large rivers, the bones turned into huge stones. People on Earth appeared from those insects who crawled on the dead body of Pan-Gu.

Second chinese myth On the origin of man Also beautiful and a little bitten. According to her plot, the creators of people are considered the son and daughter of the magnificent Shen Nuna - God of the seas and water. Fu-Si and Nyu-Wu lived on the top of the Sacred Mount Kun Lun and had the type of half and receiving. And the upper part was similar to the human believing, but the body and legs were similar to the sea snake. Of these two twins, the ancestor of all people on Earth is considered to be Noya. The first version of the legend says that Noah-Wa could give birth to a certain lump, having no form at all. She then took this lump in his hands and divided into many small lumps. These little particles she threw up so that they scattered throughout the earth. People appeared on the site of each fallen lump. The second option suggests that one day, sitting on the shore of the pond, Noah in his image and likeness was blinded by a small clay figure, which came to life and turned out to be very friendly and friendly. And then a wonderful idea came to the head: to blind many such figures. She really wanted that these friendly creatures settled all the land. To sculpt such figures was very slow, and I found a solution: she took a long Liana, lowered her in a wet clay, shook over the earth. In one moment, the clay scattered with small lumps, and a man appeared from every small piece. But the earth is very big and Noah could not stick so many little people to populate the whole territory. Then she decided to give the little people female and male start, divide them with couples and told living in peace and harmony and give birth to children. Fu-si, in turn, taught the human genus useful things: to extradite food, to dry fire, prepare food. Gave the musical instrument, gave the first aces of science, or rather eight trigs. And people healed happily: no one has come, the beasts and people lived in the world, nature gave them to their riches in full. But once the spirits of water and the fire raised and started war. The victory was behind the spirit of Fire Ju-Zhun, and the Spirit of the Water Gong-Gong was so desperate that he had hit his head with all his strength, which was support for the sky. The sky broke into several places, and water was poured out of the holes, which escaped everything on his path. Noah, struggling rushed to save the earth from disaster. She melted pebbles and embroidered with them in the sky. Pebbles froze and turned into stars. Noah-Ba was able to return order and calm to the Earth. Now she deserves rest. Someone says that Noah-Wa died, and someone that she was caring at the sky and from there watches order on earth.

The ancient myths of China describe the history of the ancient civilization of China since the birth of the universe. It would be possible to say that from the moment of the big explosion, but this is part of modern scientific mythology, and in the ancient myths of China the universe is described as a kind of eggs that broke from the inside. Perhaps if at that moment an external observer existed, for him it would look like an explosion. After all, the egg was filled with chaos.

Earth creation and sky

From this chaos, with the help of the forces of the Universe Yin and Yang was born Pangu. This part of the ancient myths of China is fully combined with a modern scientific world about how from Chaos chemical elements On Earth, the DNA molecule happened. So, according to the theory of the origin of life adopted in the ancient Chinese civilization, it all began with Pangu, who broke the egg. According to one of the versions of this ancient myth, Pangu used the ax, with which it was often depicted on antique objects. It can be assumed that this tool was created from the surrounding chaos, becoming the first material subject.

Chaos broke out of the egg, divided into light and heavy elements. More precisely, the light elements climbed up and formed the sky - a bright beginning, a protein (yang), and heavy fell down, and created the ground - muddy, yolk (yin). It's hard not to notice a certain relationship of the ancient myths of China and scientific explanation creating a solar system. At which our planetary system was formed from a rotating chaotic cloud of gases and heavy elements. Under the action of rotation, heavy elements accumulated closer to the center, around the natural reasons that appeared during the natural reasons (which we will not discuss here) of the Sun. They formed solid planets, and light elements accumulated closer to the edge - gaza giants (Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune ...)

But let us return to the theory of the emergence of the life taken in the ancient civilization of China, to the fact that our science calls mythology. So, the ancient myths of China are told about how Pangu, being the first and only inhabitant of the new universe, stuffed with his legs to the ground, headed into the sky and began to grow. Within 18,000 years, the distance between the sky and the earth increased by 3 meters every day until today has reached today. After that, Panga's body broke up and reincarnated into a whole world. His breathing became wind and clouds, torso with hands and legs - huge mountains and four sides of the world, blood - rivers, flesh - soil, leather - grass and trees ... The ancient civilization of China Thereby confirms the myths of other nations in which our planet is given the role. living creature or organism.

Creation of people

According to the ancient legends, when the earth was already separated from the sky, it was all - the majestic mountains rose on it, rivers flowed, full of fish, forests and steppes were filled with wild animals, but the world was still unfinished without a human race.

As in various religious versions, in ancient China, they believed that people were created from clay. In the treatise II century " Total meaning Customs "It is written that the creator of people became Nyiva - the Great Women's Spirit. In the ancient myths of China, Nyuvi saw a landscaping of the world, and therefore depicted it with a measuring carbon in her hand or, as the personification of the female start yin, with the moon's disk. Nyva depicted S. human body, bird legs and snake tail. She took the handful of clay and began to sculpt the figures, they came to life and became people.

Nyva understood that she would not have enough strength or the time to make all people could inhale the land. And then she extended a rope through liquid clay. When the goddess shook the rope, the pieces of clay flew in all directions. Falling on the ground, they turned into people. But toli due to the fact that they were not blinded by hand, toli because the marsh clay, nevertheless, differed in its composition, from the one of which the first people were blind, but the ancient myths of China claim that people are more fast Fashion Creation differed significantly from manually created. Thus, it is believed that rich and notable - these people are created by the gods handedly from the yellow land, while poor and insignificant people are created with the help of a rope.

Next, the Nyuva's creatures made it possible to multiply independently. True, before that, she handed them the law on the responsibilities of both parties in marriage, which in the ancient civilization of China strictly observed. For the Chinese, Nyuva was considered a patronage of marriages, which could save a woman from infertility. The divinity of Nyuva was so strong that even from her internships were born 10 deities. But the merits of Nyuva do not end.

The ancestor of Nyiva protects humanity

Nyuva lived for some time calmly, not knowing worries. But the land that people have already been settled by it have grown great disasters. In some places, the sky collapsed, and there were huge black holes there. Spirit of fire Zhuzun gave rise to the spirit of the water of Gungun, the fight against which occupied, a great place in ancient mythology. The ancient myths of China describe an incredible fire and the heat, which leaked through them, as well as a fire that covered the forest on Earth. The depressions were formed in the ground through which groundwater was hung. Two opposites that characterize ancient civilization China, two elements, hostile to each other, water and fire have combined efforts to destroy people.

Seeing how human creation suffer, Nyva, as a true landscaping of the world, began to work to "patch up" the proceeding sky. She gathered multicolored stones and melting them on fire, filled out the resulting mass of heavenly holes. To strengthen the sky, Nyuva cut off four legs from a gigantic turtle and put them on four parts of the Earth as a backups supporting the sky. The sky has strengthened, but did not return to his former state. He smoked somewhat somewhat, but in reality it can be seen on the movement of the sun, the moon and stars. In addition, the southeast of the Middle Kingdom formed a huge wpadin, which became the ocean.

Ksenia is great. Great epoch

The first myths of China are narrated by the creation of the world. It is believed that he was created by the Great Deity of Pan-Gu. In space reigned the original chaos, there was no sky, no land, no bright sun. It was impossible to determine where the top, and where the bottom. There was no parties of the world. Cosmos was a big and strong egg, within which there was only darkness. In this egg and lived Pan-gu. Many thousand years spent it there, tormented from the heat and lack of air. Tired of such a life, Pan-gu took a huge ax and hit them on the shell. From hitting, she split, divided into two parts. One of them, clean and transparent, turned into the sky, and the dark and heavy part became the earth.

However, Pan-Gu was afraid that the sky and the Earth would come together again together, so he began to hold his sky, every day he was getting stronger than him.

18 thousand years old Pan-State held heavenly arch until he hardened. Making sure that the Earth and the sky would never come in touch more, the giant let go and decided to relax. But, holding him, Pan-Gu lost all his strength, so immediately fell and died. Before death, his body was transformed: Eyes became the Sun and the Moon, last breath - Wind, blood flowed on the ground in the form of rivers, and the last cry became thunder. So the myths of the ancient China describe the creation of the world.

Myth about Nyuva - goddess, created people

After the creation of the world, the myths of China are narrated about creating the first people. The goddess Nyva, living in heaven, decided that there was not enough life on Earth. Walking near the river, she saw his reflection in the water, took a little clay and began to sculpt a little girl. Having finished the product, the goddess led her with his breath, and the girl came to life. Following her, Nyiva was blinded and revived the boy. So the first man and a woman appeared.

The goddess continued to sculpt people, wanting to fill them the whole world. But this process was long and tedious. Then she took the stalk of the lotus, looked in clay and shook him. Little clay lumps flew to the ground, turning into people. Scared that she would have to sculpt them again, she ordered the creations by creating their offspring himself. This story is told by the myths of China about the origin of man.

Myth about God Fusi, who has learned people to catch fish

Humanity created by the goddess named Nyuva lived, but did not develop. People could not know anything, they just gathered the fruits from the trees and hunted. Then the Heavenly God Fusi decided to help people.

China's myths tell that he wandered for a long time in thought, but suddenly a fat carp jumped out of the water. Fusi caught him with bare hands, prepared and eaten. I liked the fish, and he decided to teach people to catch her. Yes, only the god of the Dragons of Lun-Wan, who was afraid of the Dragons, was afraid that they would eat all the fish on Earth.

The King of Dragons offered to ban people catching fish with bare hands, and Fusi, thinking, agreed. Many days he reflected on what can catch fish. Finally, walking through the forest, Fusi saw a spider whipping a cobweb. And God decided to create networks from Lian in her likeness. Having learned to fish, wise Fusi immediately spoke about his opening to people.

Gun and Yu are struggling with a flood

In Asia, the myths of ancient China about heroes Gune and Yue, who helped people, are still very popular. It happened on earth misfortune. For many decades of the river, the river loosely poured, destroying the fields. Many people died, and they decided to somehow escape from attack.

Gun should have come up with how to protect against water. He decided to build dams on the river, but he lacked stones. Then Gun appealed to the Heavenly Emperor with a request to give him a magical stone "Sizhen", who could erect dams in one moment. But the emperor refused him. Then Gun stole a stone, built a dam and restored order on Earth.

But I talked the ruler about the stealing and took the stone back. Again the rivers flooded the world, and the angry people were executed. Now his son Yu had to fix everything. He again asked Sizhen, and the emperor did not refuse him. Yu began to build dams, but they did not help. Then, with the help of the heavenly turtle, he decided to flew all the land and fix the river bed, sending them to the sea. His efforts were crowned with success, and he defeated the element. In the award, the inhabitants of China made it their ruler.

Great Shun - Chinese Emperor

China's myths are narrated not only about deities and ordinary people, but also about the first emperors. One of them became Shun - the wise ruler, on which other emperors should be equal. He was born in a simple family. His mother died early, and his father married again. The stepmother was not able to lie to the shun and wanted to kill him. Therefore, he left the house and went to the capital of the country. He was engaged in agriculture, fisheries, pottery. Rumors about the adolescence of young man reached the emperor Yao, and he invited him to his service.

Yao immediately wanted to make a shun with his heir, but before that he decided to experience him. For this, he gave him to his wife at once two daughters. By order of Yao, he also dares the mythical villains who attacked people. Shun ordered them to protect the boundaries of the state from ghosts and demons. Then Yao gave him his throne. According to the legend, Shun Mudro Rules for almost 40 years and was honored by the people.

Interesting myths of China tell us about how the world has seen ancient people. Not knowing scientific laws, they believed that all natural phenomena - These are the acts of old gods. These myths also formed the basis of ancient religions that still exist.