3 Technologies for the development of ideas about geometric shapes. Analysis of work on the development of ideas about the form in young children. If you dreamed a bad dream

3 Technologies for the development of ideas about geometric shapes. Analysis of work on the development of ideas about the form in young children. If you dreamed a bad dream

Work that provides development in children of ideas about form is devoted to the main part on 3-4 classes, as well as a small part (from 4 to 8 minutes) for another 10-12 classes.
In the classes in mathematics, children teach distinguish between modes close on the form of figures (circle and figures limited by oval), to produce an elementary analysis of the perceived figures, allocate and describe their some properties. Children introduce various types of triangles, shapes of oval shape, teach to see changes in shape, find identical figures. The guys are trained consistently examine and describe the form of objects, finding its similarity with a geometric model and the difference from it.
Representations of the form develop not only in class. The use of didactic games is essential. Didactic games are organically included in the system of this work. They allow not only to clarify and consolidate the presentation of children about the form, but also enrich them.
The widespread use of visual material contributes to the formation, generalized ideas about geometric Figures. IN senior group Each figure seems to children with models of different color, of different sizes and with different ratio parties made from different materials (paper, cardboard, plywood, plasticine, etc.). Use tables and cards for individual workon which the figures of the figures of one species or different species are located in different spatial position. All work is built on the basis of comparison and opposition of models of geometric shapes. To identify signs of similarities and differences between their models, they first compare in pairs (circle and figure of oval shape, square and a rectangle), then compared from 3 to 5 figures at once.
In order to get acquainted children with variants of the figures of one species, up to 5 variants of the figures of this type are compared: rectangles and triangles with different ratios, shapes bounded by oval, with different axis ratio. Children find identical figures (game exercises "Find a couple", "pick up the key to the lock"). The characteristic properties of each of the geometrical figures are detected by comparing 4-5 of its models, differing in color, size, material.
In the younger groups, considering the figures with children, the teacher adhered to a certain plan. Acted questions: "What is it? What colour? What size? What made? " Now, when viewed by models, the figures set questions that encourage children to highlight the elements of the figures, set the relationship between them. For example, examining a rectangle, the teacher asks: "What is a rectangle? How many sides of the angles? What can be said about the size of the parties? "
A certain procedure for viewing and comparing models is the development of skills in children consistently detect the shape of geometric figures, compare their homogeneous signs, allocate essential features (the presence of parts, their number, ratio of size) and distracted from insignificant (color, size, material, etc.) .
Children get the first inductive thinking skills. On the basis of a number of facts, they make the simplest conclusion: the red square parties are equal, in a blue square - are equal, the green square is also equal, it means that any square side is equal.
Variation of a private sign of square models (color) made it possible to identify the general characteristic of the square - the equality of its parties. Comparing the figures, the educator provides the guys to maximum initiatives and independence.
For the children of the sixth year of life, the use of adopted models of models has been essential. The teacher reminds children to accept the circuit circuit shape finger and offers them to monitor the movement of the finger or pointer along the contour. To identify signs of differences from the figures from each other continue to use applications and applications. Children consider elements of figures, compare the number of sides and angles of models of the figures of one species, but of different colors, or size, as well as the number of sides and angles of the square and triangle, rectangle and triangle.
Note. It is important from the very beginning to form them the correct elements display skills. The vertex is a point. Children must put a finger or pointer exactly to the point of connection of the parties. Polygon sides - segments. Showing them, the child should carry a finger along the entire segment from one vertex to another. The angle is part of the plane concluded between the two rays (parties) emanating from one point (vertex). Showing the angle, the teacher imposes a pointer to one of its sides and turns it to coincide on the other side. Children show the angle, producing movement with hand from one side to another.
To secure ideas about the figures, along with the receptions that were used in the middle group, use new ones. So, children share a figure on equal parts different waysMake up whole pieces of parts. Of the same figures, others are laid out of chopsticks of different lengths of the figure of the same shape with a different aspect ratio, tinted spatial figures (cube, ball, cylinder) from plasticine.
In the older group, the complication of exercises in the grouping of objects compared to the previous one is expressed in the following: increase the number of compared figures and species of figures; Use models different large quantity signs (painting, size, material); Some and the same models are grouping by different signs: form, color, size; Exercises in grouping are combined with teaching a sequence account, with the study of the composition of numbers from units and links between numbers. The teacher encourages children to make an assumption that the figures can be grouped, how many groups will turn out. By expressing the assumption, they group shapes.
Much attention pay exercises in establishing the mutual position of geometric shapes, as they are essential for development geometric representations. First, children are proposed to determine the mutual position of the 3 figures, and later - 4-5. The viewing of the pattern made up of geometric shapes is carried out in a certain order: first they are called a figure located in the center (in the middle), then at the top and bottom, to the left and right, respectively, in the upper left and right corner, in the lower left and right corner (in The latter case uses cards with 5 different geometric figures recommended by E. I. Thayeva).
Children must learn not only to sequentially allocate and describe the location of the figures, but also find the pattern according to the sample and description. Later, they learn to reproduce the pattern made from geometric figures, according to a visually perceived pattern and at the direction of the teacher.
Exercises in establishing the mutual position of the figures are more often carried out in the form of didactic games ("What has changed?", "Find the same pattern!" Find a couple! "). Children gradually acquire the skill to dismember the complex pattern on the components of its elements, call their shape and spatial position.
Prerequisites are created for the development of analytical perception of the form of objects consisting of several parts.
Analysis and description of the form of objects. It is very important since the beginning of the school year to fix the ability of children to relate objects in shape with geometric samples, describe the form of objects consisting of no more than 1-3 parts (the form is close to geometric samples). Children define the form of objects drawn in the picture represented by the application. In class, these exercises occupy 3-5 minutes. The educator offers children outside the classes to play using the Games "Geometric Lotto", "Seven in a row", "Domino".
In the future, the exercises of this species complicate: the guys propose to determine the form of objects consisting of an increasing number of parts. This contributes to mastering the ability to analyze and describe the form of objects. Much attention to this work is given out of classes. In the process of didactic games ("Find the description!", "What is the hut?", "Who will see more?", " Flower shop") Children learn not only to analyze the form of complex objects in the design of objects, but also, playing, recreate it (" We make a parsley "," fast laid out of forms ", etc.).

L.S.metlin, "Mathematics in children's garden", allowance for the teacher of kindergarten, M., 1984

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Development of abstract geometric knowledge

In accordance with this heuristic interpretation, we observed the imaging effect during tests: participants are more likely to use an angle to select an answer after a preliminary solution based on the corner. IN last years elementary school Children exceed their initial geometric knowledge in three respects. First, younger children can distinguish different values Length and angle, but they consider each value in the continuum as equal. At the age of 8 to 10, children begin to attribute a special status to direct corners, considering the right angle as "different" among the angles of different values.

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  • Introduction
  • 1. Formation in children before school age Representations of form
    • 1.1 Features of the perception of children's shapes and geometric shapes
    • 1.2 Software Analysis by section "Form"
    • 1.3 Methods of work on the development of ideas about the form of preschool children
  • 2. Analysis of work on the development of ideas about children early age
  • Conclusion
  • Bibliography


IN modern society More attention is paid to learning, education and the development of the younger generation. Special role Education belongs to preschool pedagogy. It is in preschool childhood, in the process of socio-organized and stimulated activities, becoming mental processes, identity qualities are developing (pp.p.l., L.S.Vugotsky, A.N. Lyontiev, D. B. Elkonin, etc.).

If you dreamed a bad dream

Later, the development of this tendency contrasts with the results of the research "perpendicular effect" in the figures of small children, where the corners are distorted at right angles. The effect on the figures can reflect the specific setting of the visual system on direct angles and can provide a perceptual basis for a later theoretical difference between direct angles and other types of corners in such tasks as ours, where the lines orientation varies.

What then initiates the change in the interpretation of direct corners, and how do special children think that straight angles? One of the possibilities is that children do not attribute any particular property at right angles, except that they have a special name, and their teachers taught them to monitor straight corners. It is also possible that the children noticed that the right angle is an important feature, important role In recognition of geometric properties. Such theoretical knowledge is studied only after the effect described herein and does not precede children considering direct angles as special.

Formation of readiness for school training is an important task of all educational work with preschoolers aimed at their comprehensive development - Physical, mental, moral, aesthetic. One of the most complex items in the school is mathematics.

Mathematics gives tremendous development opportunities cognitive abilitiesThese are the base for the formation of mathematical thinking in the future, and the formation of such thinking is a guarantee for the successful assimilation of mathematical content in the future.

C. Also could also know the importance of direct angles from the urban environment, in which they live, where perpendicular and parallel are outstanding. This hypothesis predicts that we should not see that the same effect occurs in the rural population. Elements in this test were conceived around abstract properties and to search for the correct response to the participants needed to determine the "all or nothing" rule used to all except one image. With age, children began to better understand this reasoning, as the performance steadily increased to adolescent age.

By the time of admission to the school, children must learn about wide circle Interrelated knowledge of the set and number, form and magnitude, learn to navigate in space and in time.

The mathematical development of preschool children is carried out mainly under the influence of targeted learning in collective classes in mathematics. In parallel with this work, working with children in everyday life And in other classes.

One of the important properties of the surrounding items is the form: it received a generalized reflection in geometric figures. In other words, geometric shapes are standards, with which you can define the shape of objects or their parts.

In preschool age, acquaintance with the main standards of form (circle, oval, square, rectangle, triangle, polygon), quantities (long - short, high - low, thick - thin, etc.), colors (basic color spectrum, white, black ) in the process of practical and gaming activities. Use of sensory benefits - Pyramid-inserts, " Mailbox"Segen Boards", "Logical Cuba" and other significantly increases the efficiency of all work.

In addition, the analysis of incorrect answers shows that children gradually avoid extreme values, and even when they cannot identify the right properties, they try to base their answers on another abstract property. According to various subjects, this evolution seems to appear in different time: For example, from the sixth year old, children cease to consider a very curved line as a possible deviant and agree that the straight line is special. For comparison, when testing items for parallel or securing lines, children converge on the most remote parallels to age.

Allocation of these properties on initial stage Dating, when children do not yet own generally accepted reference performances, it goes through the correlation of items among themselves. At a higher level of development, form recognition, values, color is achieved in the process of correlating properties of objects with assimilated standards.

The purpose of this work is to study the features of the formation of ideas about the form of the subject.

1. Formation in children of preschool age ideas about form

1.1 Features of the perception of children's shapes and geometric shapes

One of the properties of the surrounding items is their form. The form of items received a generalized reflection in geometric figures. Geometric shapes are references, using which a person determines the shape of the objects and their parts.

The problem of dating children with geometric shapes and their properties should be considered in two aspects: in terms of sensory perception of the forms of geometric shapes and use them as standards in the knowledge of the forms of surrounding items, as well as in the sense of the knowledge of the characteristics of their structure, properties, basic relations and patterns in their Building, i.e. actually geometric material. Sensory education - targeted pedagogical effects that ensure the formation of sensual knowledge and improving sensations and perceptions. Kozlova S.A. Preschool pedagogy / S.A. Kozlova, T.A. Kulikova. - M.: Academy, 2007. - p.142.

Although the test was not ideally designed to assess the ages in which these changes occur, this inconsistency tends to indicate that different properties are acquired gradually, and different elements Use different steps on this path. The third change concerns the condition of the polygons with a certain number of parties. Among the subjects studied, we found bright evidence that younger children did not identify the triangle among the varieties of quadrangles. At this age, children already have verbal labels for triangles and rectangles.

To know what and how to teach children on different stages Their development, it is necessary, first of all, to analyze the peculiarities of the sensory perception by children of the form of any subject, including the figures, and then the paths of further development of geometric representations and elementary geometric thinking and, further, as the transition from the sensual perception of the form to its logical awareness.

However, they apply these labels only to ordinary, prototypic numbers. For example, young children are much more likely to call a triangle figure, when it is an isolated and presented in a vertical orientation. While children use pattern recognition patterns, they do not participate in differences based on the number of parties, perhaps less significant for them. When he was asked to sort the set of cards formed from a triangle, a square and a circle, Dani speakers did not spontaneously organized cards according to the shape of the figure.

The primary mastering of the form of the subject is carried out in action with it. The form of the subject, as such, is not perceived separately from the subject, it is an integral sign.

SPECIFIC SPECIAL REACTIONS OF THE EXAMPLE OF THE PRODUCT OF THE PRODUCT appear at the end of the second year of life and begin to precede practical actions. The actions of children with objects at different stages are different.

The kids seek, first of all, to capture the object with their hands and start manipulating them. Children are 2.5 years old, before acting, in detail visually and communicate with the objects. There is a special interest in the perception of the form (perceptual actions). However, the value of practical action remains the main thing.

The sensory perception of the form of the subject should not be directed not only to see, recognize the forms along with his other signs, but be able to abstragging the form from a thing, see it and in other things. Such perception of the shape of objects and its generalization and contributes to the knowledge of the children of the standards - geometric shapes. Therefore, the task of sensory development is the formation of a child of skills to learn in accordance with the standard (one or another geometric figure) form of different items.

In addition, when 3 cards are presented, where two of them were based on the same figure, and the latter was based on another meaning, they did not rely on the form to indicate which of 3 was the most similar. The results obtained from Dani speakers and young young children from the United States show that the classification of numbers in terms of the number of their parties is not part of universal geometric knowledge, although they are emphasized in most cultures of the world.

Dissociation with navigation research results: two basic knowledge systems

In general, our results determine overall picture of different ages For the geometry of the plateau: preschoolers, children of younger school age, teenagers and adults demonstrate an advantage in terms of length, angle and topological relations. On the contrary, most of the age groups could not identify differences based on feeling, and adults managed to succeed only at the expense of effort and unreliable mental rotation strategies. In this paradigm, participants first observe how the experimenter hides the object in the corner of the room, and then rotates with closed eyesuntil they lose the direction of movement.

Already in the second year of life, children freely choose a pattern according to a pattern of such pairs: a square and semicircle, a rectangle and a triangle. But to distinguish a rectangle and square, square and triangle children can only after 2.5 years. The selection according to the sample figure of a more complex form is available at about the turn of 4-5 years, and the reproduction of the complex figure is carried out by individual children of the fifth and sixth year of life. Initially, children perceive the geometric shapes unknown to them as ordinary items, calling them the names of these items:

Then they are allowed to search for a hidden object. Most studies are based on a rectangular room: when it is allowed to retrieve a hidden object, the participants direct their searches either into the correct angle or in the opposite angle, which is similar to the right angle from the point of view of geometry. At the same time, participants demonstrate the ability to use signals of length and meaning: they distinguish the angles with a short wall either on the left or right. This ability to use semantic relationships provides the first dissociation in these studies, where children proved unable to use the meaning to adolescent age.

cylinder - glass, column, oval - egg,

triangle - sail or roof, rectangle - window and the like.

Under the training influence of adults, the perception of geometric shapes is gradually rebuilt. Senior preschool children no longer identify them with objects, but only compare: cylinder - like a glass, triangle - like a roof, etc. And finally, geometric shapes begin to be perceived by children as standards, with the help of which the knowledge of the structure of the subject, its shape and size is carried out not only in the process of perception of one form or another vision, but also by active touch, feeling it under the control of vision and notation by the word.

This result is a second dissociation with this task, taking into account the success of preschoolers to distinguish forms that differ in the corner. In short, we observed a double dissociation between the analysis of geometric signals in visual forms and geometrized navigation. These two systems are dissociated by the type of input, which they can process, and the type of analysis that they perform at this input.

None of these systems provide sufficient resources for complete euclide geometry. Contrary to the intuition of philosophers, the Euclidean geometry therefore should be built in the development process. This design can be spontaneous, so all people can have geometric knowledge that cover all aspects of Euclidean geometry, in an integrated format that allow you to flexibly use any length, angle or meaning in any task. Or this design can only occur during contact and experience with artifacts specific to culture that ensure the merger of domains of both systems, such as maps or a spatial language.

To better know the subject, children seek to touch his hand, take into hand, turn; Moreover, the viewing and feeling is different depending on the shape and design of the objective object. Therefore, the main role in the perception of the subject and the definition of its form has a survey carried out at the same time visual and engine-tactile analyzers with the subsequent designation of the word. However, preschoolers have a very low level of examination of the subjects; Most often, they are limited to a runaway visual perception and therefore do not distinguish close to the similarity of the figure (oval and circle, rectangle and square, different triangles).

None of these systems provide sufficient resources for complete euclide geometry. Contrary to the intuition of philosophers, the Euclidean geometry therefore should be built in the development process. This design can be spontaneous, so all people can have geometric knowledge that cover all aspects of Euclidean geometry, in an integrated format that allow you to flexibly use any length, angle or meaning in any task. Or this design can only occur during contact and experience with artifacts specific to culture that ensure the merger of domains of both systems, such as maps or a spatial language.

In the perceptual activity of children, touch-motor and visual techniques are gradually becoming the main way to recognize the form. The examination of the figures not only provides the holistic perception, but also allows you to feel their features (character, directions of lines and their combinations, formed angles and vertices), the child learns to sensitly allocate in any figure the image as a whole and its part. This makes it possible to further focus the attention of the child at a meaningful analysis of the figure, consciously highlighting in it structural elements (Parties, corners, vertices). Children already consciously begin to understand such properties as stability, instability, etc., to understand how vertices, angles are formed, etc. Comparing volumetric I. flat figures, the children are already finding the commonality between them ("Cuba has squares", "Bruus - rectangles, at the cylinder - circles, etc.).

Comparison of the shape with a form of one or another item helps children understand that with geometric figures you can compare different items or parts of them. So, gradually the geometric shape becomes a benchmark for determining the form of objects.

In the senior preschool age there is a perfection and complication of ideas about the form of the subject. Using adults, it assumes that the same form can vary by the magnitude of the angles, the aspect ratio that curvilinear and straightforward forms can be distinguished.

The first ideas about the form, size and mutual position of objects in space, children accumulate in the process of games and practical activity, they manipulate objects, are considered, feeling them, painted, are made, designed and gradually decay among other properties their form.

By 6-7 years, many preschoolers correctly show objects having a shape of a ball, cube, a circle, square, triangle, rectangle. However, the level of generalization of these concepts is still low: children may not recognize the object form familiar to them, if the subject did not meet them in their experience. The child is confused by the unusual ratios of the parties or the angles of the figures: other than always, the location on the plane and even very large or very small dimensions of the figures. The name of the figures are often mixed or replaced by the names of objects.

Therefore, the first stage of training (children 3-4 years) is the sensory perception of the form of objects and geometric shapes. The second stage of teaching children of 5-6 years should be devoted to the formation of systemic knowledge of geometric figures and the development of initial techniques and methods of "geometric thinking". "Geometric thinking" is quite possible to develop in preschool age.

In the development of "geometric knowledge", several different levels are traced in children.

The first level is characterized by the fact that the figure is perceived by children as a whole, the child does not know how to allocate individual elements in it, does not notice the similarities and differences between the figures, each of them perceives apart.

At the second level, the child already highlights elements in the figure and establishes relations, both between them and between individual figures, but not yet aware of the commonality between the figures.

At the third level, the child is able to establish links between properties and structures of figures, communication between the properties themselves. The transition from one level to another is not spontaneous, which is parallel to the biological development of a person and the age-dependent. It proceeds under the influence of targeted learning, which contributes to the acceleration of the transition to more high level. Lack of training inhibits development. Training Therefore, it should be organized so that in connection with the assimilation of knowledge about geometric figures in children developed and elementary geometric thinking. Stolyar A.A. Formation of elementary mathematical representations in preschoolers / A.A.Stolaar. - M.: Education, 1988. - p.233.

Children and the dependence between the number of parties, the corners and the names of the figures ("the triangle is called, because he has three angle"; "The rectangle is called, because he has all the corners direct"). Calculating the angles, the children are correctly called Figures: "This is a hexagon, it is a pentagon, a polygon, because he has many angles - 3, 4, 5, 6, 8 and maybe more, then it looks like a circle."

The assimilation of the principle of designation figures in the word forms in children a common approach to any new figure, the ability to attribute it to a specific group of figures. Knowledge of children are systematized, they are able to correlate private with common. All this develops the logical thinking of preschoolers, forms interest in further knowledge, ensures the mobility of the mind.

The knowledge of geometric shapes, their properties and relations expands the horizons of children, allows them more accurately and versatile to perceive the form of surrounding items, which is positively reflected on their productive activities (for example, drawing, modeling).

Of great importance in the development of geometric thinking and spatial representations have actions to transform figures (of two triangles to make a square or of five fingers of two triangles). All these varieties of exercises develop spatial representations and primitives of the geometric thinking of children, form their skills to observe, analyze, generalize, allocate the main thing, substantially and at the same time raise such personal qualities as focus, perseverance.

So, in preschool age, the perceptual and intellectual systematization of the forms of geometric shapes occur.

Perceptual activity in the knowledge of the figures is ahead of the development of intellectual systematization. Children become the knowledge of the simplest properties of geometric figures, as well as an understanding of the relationship between some species of geometric shapes.

1.2 Software Analysis by section "Form"

The program for the development of elementary mathematical representations for preschoolers is based on mandatory minimum content of the federal component of the State Standard.

Objectives of development representations of form In kindergarten conditions are implemented within the framework of a program for the formation of elementary mathematical representations. Form, as well as other mathematical concepts, is an important property surrounding items; It received a generalized reflection in geometric figures. Those., geometric figures - These are standards, with which you can define the shape of objects or their parts.

Children junior Group They are engaged in the most important activities for their age as a game, design, drawing. Much attention is paid to Sensoric classes, on which kids playing in didactic games, imperceptibly master the properties of surrounding objects as color, shape and magnitude. The program is limited by a daughter learning period, which is propaedeutic not only for account learning individual items, but also to measuring activities. Already in this group, children begin to acquaint with the form of objects, teach distinguish between spatial directions and focus on time.

IN medium group Children continue to design, drawing and artistic literaturebut at the same time decide more complex tasks. New types of classes and mathematics appear. In a programme middle group The focus is on the account with the help of words-numeral, at the same time important sections in the program of this group are "magnitude", " The form"" Orientation in space "," time orientation ". It is envisaged that the educator continues, slightly expanding and complicating, the work started in the second junior group. Continue to be more complicated and programming tasks in developing ideas about geometric Figures - Children should be able to see a geometric shape in the vital objects.

In the senior I. preparatory groups Classes in mathematics are no longer a narrowly populatory character, but generalizing.

IN senior group The complication of the exercises in the grouping of objects compared with the previous one is expressed in the following: increase the number of compaled figures and types of figures; use models that are characterized by a large number of features (color, size, material); The same models are grouped by different signs: form, color, size; Exercises in grouping are combined with teaching a sequence account, with the study of the composition of numbers from units and links between numbers. The teacher encourages children to make an assumption that the figures can be grouped, how many groups will turn out. By expressing the assumption, they group shapes. Much attention is paid to exercises in establishing the mutual position of geometric shapes, as they are essential for the development of geometric representations.

Program preparatory to school group provides for the mandatory assimilation of the materials of the material studied in previous groups, and built with the acquired knowledge, skills and skills. Supplement is the introduction of a group account (account of groups of two to three items and the inclusion of the total number of objects in these groups). Familiar to children with geometric, figures, learn to modify them (for example, make up a four-triangle from several triangles).

Contents of the program for the school year in the preparatory group:

- clarify the knowledge of well-known geometric shapes, their elements (vertices, angles, sides) and some of their properties.

Give an idea of \u200b\u200ba polygon, about a straight line, cut straight.

Learning to recognize the figures regardless of their spatial position, depict, positioning on the plane, organize in size, classify, group in color, form, sizes.

Learn to make figures from parts and break into parts, design figures verbal description and transfer their characteristic properties; Make thematic compositions from figures on their own design.

Analyze the form of objects in general and individual parts; Recreate complicated objects from individual parts by contour samples, by description, representation.

The program is drawn up taking into account interpremary links by sections:

"Designing, manual labor" - Get acquainted with geometric bodies, examine, sketch them in different positions (front view, side, top), learn to work with the plan, orient on a sheet of paper.

"Fine activity" - develop the ability to compare items among themselves, depict objects, transmitting their shape, the amount.

"Game", where knowledge and skills received in class children apply in gaming activities.

Contents of the program for school year for children 5-6 years:

Secure knowledge of geometric figures: a circle, square, triangle, rectangle, oval.

Secure the ability to see geometric shapes in the forms of surrounding items.

To acquaint with a geometric figure - a trapezium.

Learning to transform some shapes to others (by folding, cutting, laying out of sticks).

To acquaint with a notebook in a cage.

Learn to draw geometric shapes in a notebook into a cell.

Learn to draw symbolic images of objects from geometric figures in a cell notebook.

Learning geometric shapes from counting sticks: circle, square, triangle, rectangle, oval, trapezium.

Learning to spread out the counting sticks symbolic images of objects (house, boat, tree).

Secure knowledge of geometric figures: a circle, square, triangle, oval, rectangle.

Introduce geometric bodies: Ball, cube, cylinder.

To form an idea that the figures can be of different sizes.

Learning to see geometric shapes in the forms of surrounding items, symbolic images of items.

This program includes familiarity of children with sensory standards, which are samples of basic varieties of each property, including 5 geometric shapes. The initial stage of learning is to familiarize children with sensory standards. When familiarizing with basic samples, children compare different standards among themselves, select the same, remember their names. Then there is a more subtle differentiation of digestible standards: acquaintance with variants of geometric shapes that differ proportions, separate parameters values. All this makes it possible to learn the grouping of geometric forms. The program is designed for two lessons per week, duration of 15-20 minutes each. All classes are built so that ideological ideas are prerequisite performing interesting game and practical tasks for children.

Such is the common and very a brief description of Programs for the development of elementary mathematical ideas in kindergarten, including ideas about form.

1.3 Methods of work on the development of ideas about the form of preschool children

Acquaintance of children with the form of objects the best way occurs when combined various methods and teaching techniques.

Are used visual Methods and techniques: "Look and find the same figure", "What is like a figure" and others. Wide use in training find practical Methods and techniques: "Find, bring, show ... Lay out, draw, make up the pattern", etc. Along with visual and practical wonderful Methods and techniques: "What is called, what is different than they look like; Describe, tell me "...

Work on the development of ideas about the form is carried out in parallel and is organically linked to the account learning, with exercises in comparing the size of objects. Of great importance is the establishment of the connection of this work with training in different types fine activitiesSince the need to recreate the subject (draw, cut out, construct) causes the need for a clear, dissected perception of its form.

Teaching a bill, the teacher simply enshrines the presentation of children about the figures. It offers children to circulate the outline of the model, feel it, select the models of the specified form (choose, say, all squares). Children compare the number of shapes of different types or one species, but different colors or size. ("What is more: squares or triangles? Large triangles or small?", So p.). With new geometric figures of children introduced, comparing models with already familiar or with each other: a rectangle with a square, a bowl with a cube, a cylinder with a cube and a ball. First, they are compared in pairs, and then the groups of figures are compared, for example, squares with triangles, etc. Consider and comparison of figures are carried out in a certain order: "What is it? What colour? What size? What made? What is the difference? What are like? " Metnina L.S. Mathematics in kindergarten: allowance for the teacher of kindergarten / hpmetlin. - M.: Enlightenment, 1984. - 255 p.

A certain procedure of issues teach children to consistently consider and examine the figures, compares for homogeneous signs, allocate essential properties and distracted from insignificant properties (color, size, material, position in space). It is important to organize a variety of actions of children with models of figures, since the level of ideas about them is determined by the wealth of experience of perception of form.

Replanting a motor examination of models is of great importance. Connecting your hand to the work of the eye improves the perception of the form. Children feel the model with the tips of the fingers, drive its contour. The teacher encourages them to follow the movement of the finger along the contour of the figure: "Look, like a finger run!" Circuit circuit of the model is completed by hand over its surface. Acting with models, children try to roll them out, put in different positions And they detect their stability or instability. The mutual overlapping of one figure to another - a circle and square, a square and a rectangle, a square and a triangle - allows you to clearly perceive the features of the shapes of each type, highlight their elements.

Most benefits bring exercises in grouping figures in form and other properties, in folding figures in order of increasing and decreasing size. In the middle group for the exercises of children in distinguishing figures outside of classes, game exercises and didactic games "What did not happen?" or "What has changed?" Children say what kind of figure hid or replaced. The game "Wonderful Pouch" is held in different versions. Children recognize the figures, find them to the touch according to a visually perceived pattern or, on the contrary, visually find figures according to a relatively perceived pattern. Games "Find Schi Domik", "Aircraft" allow you to develop a constancy (sustainability) in the perception of the form. Houses, airfields in these games are the squares, triangles, etc. laid out of the cords, it is advisable when re-conducting these games to increase the size of such houses and airfields. For individual exercises, the games "Find a couple" are used, "pick up the figure to the card" and others. Children correlate the color and contour image of the figures, select the appropriate forms.

N.A. Sakulina proposed a methodological model for teaching children to survey objects, determining the form as their main sign, it is allocated: the theory and practice of sensory education in kindergarten / ed. A.P.USova, N.P. Sakulina. - M.: Enlightenment, 1965. - 188 p.

holistic perception of the subject;

analysis of the subject is the decaying of the characteristic essential features, the definition of the shape of individual parts of the subject (round, square, triangular, long, is spinning ...), the likeness of this part of the geometric shape, closest in shape;

motor-tactile feeling of shape - fueling movements with simultaneous pronouncing, i.e. the subject examination;

again the holistic perception of the subject;

constructing a model from specified forms or parts.

Based on this teaching scheme, a specific method was developed - a sequence in the formation of knowledge of geometric figures (3.e.lebedeva, L.A.Verger, L.I. Susueva, V.V. Kolechko, R.L.Nepomnaya): Shcherbakova E. I. Theory and Methodology mathematical Development preschoolers: studies. Manual / E. I. Shcherbakova. - Voronezh: NGO Publisher "Modek", 2005. - C.143-148.

Demonstration of the geometric shape and calling it.

Examination of the geometric shape through concrete practical actions.

Displays a few of the same geometric shapes, but different in color and magnitude. Comparison of geometric shapes. At the same time drawn the attention of children to the independence of the shape from the size and color of the figure.

Comparison of geometric shapes with objects close in shape; Finding among the surrounding items of such that are close in their form with this figure.

Comparison of objects in the form of each other using a geometric shape as a reference.

Comparison of familiar geometric figures, determination of common qualities and differences (oval and circle, square and rectangle, etc.).

Fastening the properties of geometric shapes using measurement, modeling, drawing, laying, construction, etc.

Children must learn the basic actions to survey the shape of the subjects. The examination of the geometric shape is carried out by concrete practical actions (enrolling the contour). An important element of the survey is the comparison of the figures, different in shape and magnitude. After the children have learned to compare geometric shapes with objects close to form, it is necessary to provide them with the ability to fix the properties of geometric shapes in drawing, modeling, appliqués, design.

Children should teach properly show elements of geometric figures (angles, parties, bases, etc.). When recalcifying the corners, the child should only indicate the top of the angle. The educator does not explain what a vertex is, but shows the point where the two sides are connected. Showing the parties, the child should carry out the fingers along the entire segment - from one vertex of the angle to another. The angle itself as part of the plane is shown simultaneously with two fingers - large and index. IN volumetric figures Children stand out and call the sides and bases.

In each age group, the method of familiarization with geometric figures has its own characteristics. So, in the second youngest group Children learn to distinguish the ball and cube; Circle and square using the reception of a pairwise comparison: a ball and a cube, a cube and bar - brick; Circle and square; ball and circle; cube and square. In this case, the subject should be kept in the left hand, and index finger right hand Cut it along the contour.

To demonstrate the geometric figures, it is necessary to use different in size and color of the figure. Children look at and compare the ball and cube, find the general and different in these subjects (figures). Addressing the question of the children, the teacher attracts their attention to the features of the figures: "What is it?", "What color balls?", "Which one is less?" On the instructions of the teacher, one child takes a small ball in his hands, and the other is big. Children pass balls in a circle: a little ball drives a big ball. Then the direction of movement changes. In the course of such games, children clarify the features of the ball - he is round, he has no angles, it can be rolled. Children compare balls different colors and sizes. Thus, the educator brings them to the conclusion that the form does not depend on the color and size of the item.

Similarly specify and summarized the knowledge of children about Cuba. Children take a cube in hand, trying to roll it. He does not roll. Cuba has corners and sides (face), it is steadily standing on the table, the floor. From the cubes you can build houses, columns, setting one cube to another. Most. an important point When familiarizing children with the form is the visual and tactive-motor perception of the form, a variety of practical actions that develop its sensory abilities. In organizing work to familiarize children with the form of the subject, a significant place is made by the show (demonstration) of the figure itself, as well as the methods of its survey. The educator teaches children when examining the subject to keep the subject in the left hand, the index finger of the right hand to circle it along the contour.

To develop children, the skills of the subject of the subject and accumulation of relevant representations are organized different.

So, with the aim of assimilating the names and clarification of the main features of individual geometric shapes, the educator organizes the games: "call the geometric shape", "magic bag", "Domino figures" and others. In the game "Magic bag" The educator teaches children to choose the shapes to the touch, find sample. On the table there are geometric figures familiar children, and the bag is the same. At first, attention is drawn to geometric shapes placed on the table. Children call them. Then, by instructions, the child finds such that stands on the table, and shows it. If the child cannot fulfill the task, the teacher once again resembles the ways of examination of the figure: the right hand slowly drives along the edge (contour) (you can help with your left hand). When re-conducting the game, the number of geometric shapes increases. In the game "Find the subject of the same form", "What lies in the bag?", "Geometric lotto" children exercise in finding items on geometric samples.

Such tasks are difficult, but generally affordable for children. They develop their ability to analyze the surrounding environment, abstract when perceiving the form of objects. The child, perceiving the Estamp, which hangs on the wall in front of him is distracted from the plot of the paintings, and allocates the shape of the frame (square).

In class free children age group Very love game with cutting pictures, mosaic, building material.

In the method of learning children middle group Distinctive is a more detailed examination of geometric shapes. The child is developing the ability to see which geometric shape or what a combination of a form of one or another item.

At first, children are exercised in comparison of geometric shapes with objects of similar shape. They pick item to models of figures. So it is possible to separate the models of geometric shapes from other items, give them the value of the samples. Same exercises are held: "Find the subject of the same form", "Find what I say" and others. With new geometric figures of children introduced, comparing their models with already familiar or each other: a square rectangle, a cylinder with a cube or a ball .

From the immediate comparison of items with geometric samples, children go to the verbal description of their shape to generalize. The procedure for viewing and comparing the figures may be like this: what is it? What colour? What size (values)? What made? What is the difference? What are like? For exercises, it is initially selected with simple form items that do not have parts. It is advisable to use objects as one type ( of different shapes - flags, skulls, etc.) and different types (square shawl, rectangular scarf, brazing, triangular tie). Children choose the objects of the specified form (of 4-5 pcs.), Pick pictures with the image of the objects of the corresponding form; Call what form items are drawn on the table.

Later, they are offered to find objects of the specified form in certain places of the room ("Look, whether there are objects similar to the cylinder on the shelf), they are holding a game" Traveling around the group room "," Find what is hidden. "

Constantly use receivers of the touch and motor survey of objects. Children droop the contour objects, feel them. You can ask, for example, such questions: "How did you guess that the cake is triangular, and the round plate? What are subject to objects? " Children make a generalization on the basis of form. At the end of the year, they are proposed to describe the shape of objects consisting of 2-5 parts (nevalea, car, etc.).

The main techniques can be: practical actions with objects (riding, put); imposing and applying; circuit circuit, feeling; Exercises in grouping and ordering - didactic games, exercises for the assimilation of the features of geometric shapes; comparison of the forms of objects with geometric samples; Analysis of complex shape. From children requires a deployed verbal designation of their actions (describe the shape of the subject consisting of 2-4 parts: a nevalea, a car, etc.).

L.A.Verger, L.I. Susiev, T.V.Vasilyeva developed 3 types of tasks in the field of familiarization of children of the fifth year of life with the form of objects and geometric shapes, tasks:

To absorb geometric shapes;

On comparison of shapes real objects with geometric shapes;

On spatial analysis of composite form.

In the senior group, the examination of the geometric shape becomes even more detailed and detailed. An important element of the technique is to measure the conditional measure. Work on the formation of ideas and concepts about geometric figures is based on the basis of comparison and opposition of geometric shapes. The models are first compared in pairs, then 3-4 shapes of each type are compared, for example, quadrangles.

Of particular importance is the work on the image and recreating the geometric shapes: laying out of sticks, paper strips. Based on the detection of essential signs of geometric shapes, children are summarized to the generalizing concept of "quadrangles". As a result, children master the ability to transfer learned knowledge in unfamiliar situationuse them in independent activity, in constructing.

Senior preschoolers learn to dismember the complex pattern on the components of its elements, call their shape and spatial position, to form a pattern of complex shapes from the geometric shapes of one or two species, various in size (size). Method of formation geometric knowledge In the group of the sixth year of life, it does not change fundamentally. However, the survey becomes more detailed and detailed. Along with the practical and direct comparison of well-known geometric shapes, overlapping and applying, is widely used as a methodological reception measurement of the conditional measure.

All work on the formation of ideas and concepts about geometric figures is based on comparison and comparison of their models. So, the acquaintance of children with a rectangle, they show several rectangles, different in size produced from different materials (paper, cardboard, plastics). "Children, look at these figures. These are rectangles. " At the same time drawn attention to the fact that the form does not depend on the size. Children are offered to take in left Figure, and index finger right hand to circle along the contour. Children identify the features of this figure: the sides are pairwise, the corners are also equal. Check this flexion, overlapping one to another. They consider the number of sides and corners. Then compare the rectangle with the square, find similarities and differences in these figures: the square and the rectangle is four angle and four sides, all the ducks are equal to each other. However, the rectangle differs from the square in that the square all sides are equal, and the rectangle is equal to the opposite, pairwise. Special attention in this group should be given to the image of geometric shapes; Laying from counting sticks, strips of paper. This work is carried out with both demonstration (near the table of the educator) and handouts. At one of the classes, the teacher lays out a rectangle from the strips on the flannelf. "Children, what is the name of this figure? How many sides of the rectangle? How many angles? " Children show the sides, corners, tops of the rectangle. Then the teacher asks: "How and which figures can be obtained from a rectangle (create smaller rectangles, squares, triangles)?" At the same time, additional paper strips are used. Children consider the parties to the figures received. Based on the detection of essential features of the geometric shapes, children are summarized by the "quadrangle" concept.

Comparing the square and rectangle among themselves, children establish that all these figures have four sides and four corners. This number of sides and angles is a common feature that is based on the definition of the "quadrangle" concept. Next, children compare different in the form of quadrangles. In the equality of the parties and corners, children are convinced when overlapping one to another

In a senior preschool age, children are formed the ability to transfer the mined knowledge into the situation unfamiliar earlier, to use this knowledge in independent activities.

Familiarization with the form, as a rule, occupies part of classes in mathematics, as well as on design, visual activity. During classes, imposing, applying, drawing along the contour, hatching, measurement are widely used. Flat geometric shapes The children are cut, bulk - pose from plasticine, clay. Knowledge of geometric figures are widely used, clarified, fixed in classes on visual activities, design.

First, all together consistently consider the sample, set, from which parts (figures) each part is performed. In the same sequence, children create an ornament. The teacher shows two or three ornaments and invites children to choose one of them, carefully examined it, lay out the same ornament. In bulk figures (cylinder, cubic), children stand out and called side sides and bases. At the same time, they can be shown by several fingers or with the whole palm. Children perform practical actions, manipulate with geometric shapes, reconstruct them. In the learning process, the "mathematical" speech of children is enriched.

This work is closely connected with the training of children to the elements of the letter: the circulation of cells, drawing circles, ovals, carrying direct and inclined lines. Children get acquainted with notebooks in a cage, consider how the pages in the notebook are rapidly. The educator offers children to find and circle cells in different parts Pages: at the top, below, on the left, right, in the middle; Draw seven squares in size in one cell with pass between them in two (three) cells. At the same time he shows different methods Task Performance: Designation initial contour Points, hold lines from left to right and top down.

Future schoolchildren teach to distinguish and call polygons (triangle, quadrangle, pentagon allow children to acquire skills in division complex drawing Composite elements, as well as create drawings of a complex form from one or two types of geometric shapes different sizes. So, during one of the classes, children distribute envelopes with a set of models of geometric shapes. The teacher shows the applique of the "robot" composed of a hexagon squares), call and show their elements (parties, corners, vertices), share geometric shapes on the parts, compare among themselves, classify in size and shape. The work is directed, first of all, to improve the quality of these knowledge: completeness, awareness.

The geometric material is widely used during classes as a demonstration and distribution in the formation of numerical concepts, dividing the whole to the part, etc.

Thus, over the preschool age, children teach to examine the simple and complicated form Items, adhering to a specific sequence: first allocate common contours and the main part, then determine the form, spatial position, the relative size of other parts.

It should be taught to notice them not only the similarity, but also the differences of the form of the subject from the familiar geometric shape. It has great importance To improve the visual and other types of independent activities of children.

geometric Didactic Preschool Figure

2. An analysis of work on the development of ideas about young children

IN cognitive development An early child's child's first mathematical success takes a significant place. Formation in children three-year-old age Representations on the external properties of objects: their shape, color, magnitude, position in space - it is necessary for the full perception of them by the surrounding world. Since the perception of objects and phenomena of the world, knowledge begins. In this way, sensory development The child, on the one hand, has independent importance, as it provides a clear idea of \u200b\u200bthe environment, on the other, is the foundation of the general mental development of a child, which is impossible without support for a full perception. Sensory standards are generally accepted samples of external properties of objects. Thus, the standards of the form are geometric shapes, references of the value - the ratio of objects in size as a whole and in its separate parameters, the system of conditional and ultimately metric measures.

The sensory education program in the younger group involves the formation of a common sensory ability, understood as the ability to the most elementary form of mediation - the use of sensory standards.

Objectives and tasks of the program:

1. Create evaluation criteria, regulation cognitive processes Early children.

2. Apply and adapt diagnostic techniques that correspond to the behavior of children in the process of implementing sensory-mathematical representations.

3. Firm and maintain the search for methods for solving practical problems.

4. The attention of children to the properties and relationships of surrounding items, their size, titles and quantities.

5. Organization of a variety of interesting children aimed at their sensory-mathematical development.

This program laid the acquaintance of children with sensory standards, which are samples of basic varieties of each property: 5, then 7 colors of the spectrum, 5 geometrical forms, 3 grades of magnitude.

The initial stage of learning is to familiarize children with sensory standards. When familiarizing with basic samples, children compare different standards among themselves, select the same, remember their names. Then there is a more subtle differentiation of digestible standards: familiarity with the shades of color tones; variants of geometric shapes that differ proportions, separate parameters of the value. Clear ideas about the varieties of each property appear. All this makes it possible to assimilate system links and dependencies between varieties of properties: the arrangement of colors in the spectrum, the results of their mixing, the sequence of lightboard shades, the sequence of increasing and decrease in the size, grouping geometric shapes.

The program is designed for two lessons per week, duration of 15-20 minutes each.

Training plan for the sensory-mathematical development of young children



1 time per week

Didactic Games and Exercises

2 times a day

Individual work


Self cognitive activity Children in a specially organized educational environment.

In accordance with the mode and work plan

At the discretion of the teacher

Games experimentation

4 times a month

10-15 minutes


1 time in the quarter

15-20 minutes

The content of the program is a system of conducting a cognitive sensory and mathematical content, a system of didactic games, their planning in the day.


Teach children relate to color objects; To acquaint with the concept - "round". To form an idea of \u200b\u200bthe length of objects.

Sheets of paper, with stripes pasted on them, red and yellow color. Three pictures in the image of the items of red and yellow flowers, one red or yellow ball for each child: two boxes red and yellow

Introduce children with a square; Secure the ability to distinguish and call colors red, blue, green; Learning to correlate the subject with its contour on paper by overlay.

Matryoshka in the number of children. Sheets of paper with red circle contours with a diameter of 6 cm, green square 6: 6, blue rectangle 6: 3, cut out of paper circles, squares, rectangles corresponding to size and color shown in the picture clean lists Paper, Green Pencils

Teach children correlate the figure of a certain form (a circle with the subject of the same form - the ball); learn to navigate in real space and on a sheet of paper; build grammatical structures with the pretext of "y" and "on"; The concept is big, small.

Square sheets of paper with a 3: 3 green square loop, a drawing of a red and yellow ball diameter-3 cm, a nesting thing on every child and a little bear.

Exercise in distinguishing the main colors by selecting the sample; Activate the dictionary due to words denoting color.

Flangegraph, narrow strips of paper or cardboard of different colors 15: 0.5; Six circles of the same color diameter 10 cm. Threads and balls for each child

Didactic Games and Exercises

Collect a basket from autumn leaves

Fasten the concept of "one", "a lot", "big", "small"

To guest toys

Get the ribbon

Fasten colors (yellow, red, green). Develop a shallow motor

Find what I say

On what is like this figure.

Hid from rain

Fasten the knowledge of the main colors

Determine the subject to the touch

The ability to find objects (square, krag) tactile way.

Guests came to us

Consolidate knowledge about the magnitude of the subjects of the nearest environment

Collect beads.

Fasten the name of the colors and the magnitude of the beads.

On what is like this figure.

Find in the surrounding items of the appropriate form (circle-sun, square - handkerchiefs, etc.)

To guest toys

Consolidate knowledge about the magnitude of the subjects of the nearest environment

Autumn leaves

Fasten the concept of "one", "a lot."

Continue to form in children the simplest techniques, with which you can install, are the same or different in color. Uniform items: fix the representations "one", "a lot".

Two large sheets White, green paper, gluits, tassels, one yellow and green mug for each child.

Teach children with the simplest techniques, with which you can install, are the same or different homogeneous objects in color: fix the ideas about the round form.

Two dolls in red and yellow shaders on one red and one yellow ball for each child, in red and yellow boxes. Flangegraph, 5-7 pictures with a picture of round items, 3-4 pictures depicting objects of another form.

Teach children to compare items in magnitude by imposing them on each other and find two subjects of the same value, i.e. develop the eye meter; To acquaint with the "brick" figure. Learning to fold the image according to the proposed figures.

Three green and three yellow bricks, one green and one yellow ball for each child and on the tutor: white strips, a large diameter of 6 cm and small, 4 cm diameter, cut from paper two mugs of blue colorcorresponding to the magnitude of the contours on paper.

Fasten the idea that different items can have one same form. Continue to learn, compare items in size: to acquaint with orange color: Learning to distinguish a circle, square, rectangle

Flangegraph, 5-6 pictures with a picture of round items: Blue paper sheets with green stripes pasted on them, holding a third sheet for each child.

Didactic Games and Exercises

More less

Continue learning to distinguish the value of the items.

Put on your bench

Place the shapes in accordance with the specified sample.

Determine the subject to the touch

The ability to define the form of the subject.

Multicolored lanterns

Fasten the names of colors round shape

Collect, scatter a pyramid

On what looks like.

Learning to distinguish with rounded shape (apple, cabbage, tomato, cherry, etc.)

Collect the picture

Develop creative thinking. Learning to make a whole of two parts.

Pick up

Find and select specified objects.

Find what I say

Fasten knowledge of objects and their shape. Find in the surrounding items of the appropriate form.

Geometric liners

Place the shapes according to the liner frames.

Collect, scatter a pyramid

Fasten the knowledge, colors. Develop a shallow motor.

Guests came to us

Consolidate knowledge about the magnitude of the subjects of the nearest environment

Teach children to build a house of a cube and prism; introduce a triangle; Secure the ability to lay out the figures by overlaying and combining other figures.

Psychological peculiarities Perception of the form of objects by children of preschool age. Training of preschoolers to solve puzzle problems. Organization of pilot experimental work On the development issue of senior preschoolers ideas about the form of subjects.

thesis, added 08/13/2011

Psychological features of perception of geometric shapes with preschool children. The value of mathematical entertainment in familiarizing preschoolers with them. Identify the possibilities of tasks puzzles in the development of ideas about the form of objects.

thesis, added 24.10.2014

Features of the perception of children's children's spatial arrangement of objects. Formation in children of ideas about space with the help of didactic games and exercises. Training of preschoolers orientations in classes in physical culture.

course work, added 01/14/2014

Psychological and pedagogical characteristics of preschool children. The role of game situations and didactic exercise And their use in the process of forming cultural and hygienic skills in children of junior preschool age. The main goal of the rules of the game.

thesis, added 07/17/2016

Features of education of sensory culture in preschool children. The role of didactic games and gaming exercises in the formation of sensory culture. Didactic principles and conditions for holding games, exercises and classes with young children.

coursework, Added 08.01.2011

Analysis of the methodology for the formation of elementary mathematical representations in children of preschool age. Investigation of the peculiarities of the perception of the masses of the objects and the stages of the development of this value. Descriptions of the main differences between weight and mass of the subject.

abstract, added 12/12/2011

Features of the assimilation of generalizing words of preschool children. Disclosure of the Didactic Game content as a means of familiarizing children with generalizing words. Experimental work on the development of children's speech by means of didactic games.

coursework, added 06/23/2015

Influence different species Arts on the development of children of preschool children. Experimental studies The level of perception of children of senior preschool age works of art. Technology familiarize children with still life and illustration.

course work, added 01/06/2011

Analysis pedagogical literature and systems on the problem patriotic education Preschool children. Features of the formation of ideas about nature in preschool children. Conditions for the formation of ideas about natural monuments.