Who transported the dead across the river Styx. The kingdom of the dead god Aida

Who transported the dead across the river Styx. The kingdom of the dead god Aida
Who transported the dead across the river Styx. The kingdom of the dead god Aida

I was depicted in a gloomy older in a bug. Charon transports the dead on the waters of underground rivers, receiving a fee (naval) in one Ool (on the mortgage rite at the dead at the language). He transports only those decers whose bones found peace in the grave. Only the golden branch, torn in the grove of Persephone, opens a living person to the kingdom of death. Under no circumstances in no circumstances.

Etymology named

The name Haron is often explained as formed by άάρων ( charon), the poetic form of the word χαρωπός ( haropos.) What can be translated as "possessing a sharp look." Also referred to him as on with ferocious, sparkling or feverish eyes, or eyes of a bluish-gray. The word can also be euphemism for death. Flashing eyes can mean anger or flareness of charonics, which is often mentioned in the literature, but etymology is not fully defined. The ancient historian Diodor Sicilian believed that the boatman and his name came from Egypt.

In art

In the first century, BC, the Roman poet Vergili described Charon during the descent of Enee to the Underground World (Aneida, Book 6), after Syville from Kuma sent a hero for a golden branch, which will allow him to return to the world of living:

Gloomy and dirty haron. Klocheted gray beard
The whole face covered - only eyes are burning motionless,
Cloak on the shoulders is tied with a node and hanging ugly.
He drives the boat sixth and rules himself sails,
The dead on the utulible through the dark stream transports.
God is already old, but he keeps and in old age beware.

Original text (Lat.)

Terribili Squalore Charon, Cui Plurima Mento
Sordidus ex Umeris Nodo Dependet Amictus.
ET Ferruginea Subvectat Corpora Cymba,

Other Roman authors also describe Haron, among them - Seneca in their tragedy Hercules Furns.Where Charon is described in 762-777 strokes, like an old man dressed in a dirty robe, with a grumbling cheeks and an untidy beard, a brutal ferry, managing his vessel with a long pedez. When the ferryman stops Hercules, without giving him a passage to the shore, the Greek hero proves his right to pass, defeated Haron with his own pole.

In the second century of our era, in the work of Lukian "Conversations in the kingdom of the Dead" Haron appeared, mainly in parts 4 and 10 ( "Hermes and Charon" and "Charon and Hermes") .

Mentioned in the Poem of the predica from Fokey Miniad. Pictures on the painting of the polygnostum in delfes, carrier through Aheront. The acting face of the comedy Aristofan "Frogs".

Underground geography

In most cases, including descriptions from PAsania and, later, Dante, Charon is located at the Aheron River. Ancient Greek sources, such as Pindar, Eschil, Euripide, Plato and Callima, are also placed in Haron's works on Aheron. Roman poets, including the Properration, Publishing, and the Station, are called the Styx River, perhaps following the description of the Underground World in Vergil in Aneida, where he was associated with both rivers.

In astronomy

see also

  • Dead Island - Picture.
  • Psychopomputer - the word denoting the guards of the dead to the next world.

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  1. Myths of the peoples of the world. M., 1991-92. In 2 tons 2. S.584.
  2. Euripid. Alkestide 254; Vergili. Aneida VI 298-304
  3. Lycker F. Real Dictionary of Classic Antiquities. M., 2001. In 3 t. T.1. P.322.
  4. Liddell and Scott, A Greek-English Lexicon (Oxford: Clarendon Press 1843, 1985 Printing), entries on χαροπός and χάρων, pp. 1980-1981; Brill's New Pauly (Leiden and Boston 2003), Vol. 3, Entry On "Charon," PP. 202-203.
  5. Christiane Sourvinou-Inwood, "READING" GREEK DEATH (Oxford University Press, 1996), p. 359 and p. 390.
  6. GRINSELL, L. V. (1957). "The Ferryman and His Fee: A Study in Ethnology, Archaeology, and Tradition." Folklore. 68 (1): 257–269 .
  7. Versery Aeneid 6.298-301, Translation into English John Dryden, into Russian - Sergey Osherov (English Lines 413-417.)
  8. See Ronnie H. Terpening CHARON AND THE CROSSING: ANCIENT, MEDIEVAL, AND RENAISSANCE TRANSFORMATIONS OF A MYTH (Lewisburg: Bucknell University Press, 1985 and London and Toronto: Associated University Presses, 1985), p. 97-98.
  9. For the analysis of these dialogs, see Terpening, p. 107-116.)
  10. To analyze the description of Charon Dante and its other appearances in the literature with ancient times and up to the 17th century in Italy, see Tripenin, Ron, Charon and The Crossing.
  11. Pausania. Description Elfla x 28, 2; Miniad, FR.1 Bernabe
  12. Pausania. Eldla X 28, 1
  13. See for Collected Source Passages with Work and Line Annotations, As Well As Images From Vase Paintings.

15. Oleg Igorin two shores of Charon

An excerpt characterizing Charon (mythology)

I gradually came to my senses and felt more and more how my warlike spirit was returned to me. There was nothing to lose anyway ... and no matter how I tried to be pleasant - Karaff did not worry. He was eager for only one - get answers to his questions. The rest was not important. In addition, maybe one thing is my complete submission ... But he knew perfectly well that this would not happen. Therefore, I was not obliged to be with him a polite or even tolerable. And if you feel honest, it gave me sincere pleasure ...
- You are not interested in what happened to your father, Isidor? You love him so much!
"Love !!!" ... He did not say - "loved"! So, so far, my father was still alive! I tried not to show my joy, and as calmly said:
- What is the difference, Holiness, you will kill him anyway! And it will happen before or later - no value no longer ...
- Oh, how are you mistaken, dear Isidor! .. For everyone, who gets into the basements of the Inquisition, it is very important! You don't even imagine what a big ...
Karafa was again "Karaffoy" again, then I mean with a sophisticated tormentman, who, for the sake of achieving his goal, was ready with great pleasure to observe the most brutal human torture, the most terrible stranger pain ...
And now, with the interest of a gamban player, he tried to find at least some kind of open greek in my insistered pain of consciousness, and whether fear, anger or even love - did not have any meaning for him ... he just wished to strike, and which of My feelings will open to him "Door" - was already a minor business ...
But I did not give up ... Apparently my famous "long-suffering" helped, which was amused everyone around since I was still a little baby. My father once told me that I was the most patient child, whom they had ever seen with her mother, and which was impossible to bring out almost nothing. When the rest about something has already completely lost patience, I still said: "Nothing, everything will be fine, everything is formed, you just need to wait a little bit" ... I believed in a positive even when no one believed in it . But precisely this my trait of Karaff, even with all his great awareness, did not apparently still did not know. Therefore, he was silent my incomprehensible calm, which, at the present, was not calm, but it was only my inexhaustible long-suffering. I just could not allow, making us such inhuman evil, he also enjoyed our deep, sincere pain.
Although, if you have completely frank, some actions in the behavior of Karaff, I still could not explain myself ...
On the one hand, it seems to be sincerely delighted by my unusual "talents", as if it were, however, it had something for him ... And he was always sincerely admired by my "famous" natural beauty, what was the delight In his eyes, every time we met. And at the same time, Karaff, for some reason heavily disappointed any flaw, or even the slightest imperfection, which he accidentally discovered and sincerely infant any of my weakness or even the slightest mistake, which, from time to time,, like any person, It happened to do ... sometimes it even seemed to me that I reluctantly destroyed some kind of, they were created for themselves, a non-existent ideal ...
If I didn't know him so well, I could even tend to believe that this incomprehensible and evil person in his own way and very strange, loved ...
But, as soon as my exhausted brain came to such an absurd conclusion, I immediately reminded myself that we were talking about Karaffe! And he also did not exactly exist inside any clean or sincere feelings! .. And even more so, such as love. Rather, it was like a feeling of owner who had a dear toy who had a dear toy, and would be able to see it, no more and no less, as soon as his ideal. And if the slightest flaw suddenly appeared in this toy - he was almost immediately ready to throw it straight to the fire ...
- Does your soul be able to leave your body during life, Isidor? - I interrupted my sad reflections to the next unusual issue of Karaff.
- Well, of course, your Holiness! This is the easiest of what any Venne can do. Why is it interested in you?
"Your father uses this to get away from pain ..." Karaff said thoughtfully. - Therefore, there is no point in tormented by ordinary torture. But I will find a way to talk, even if it takes a lot more time than I thought. He knows a lot, Isidor. I think even much more than you can imagine. He did not open you and half! ... don't you want to know the rest?!
"Why, Your Holiness ?! .." - trying to hide my joy from the heard, I said how calmly I said. - If he did not open something, it means that for me there was still no time to recognize it. Premature knowledge is very dangerous, your Holiness - it can, how to help and kill. Therefore, sometimes you need a lot of caution to teach someone. I think you had to know it, after all, did you study there for some time, in Mateor?
- nonsense !!! I am ready! Oh, I've been ready, Isidor for so long ago! These fools simply do not see that I need only knowledge, and I can be much more than others! Maybe even more than they themselves! ..
Karafa was terrible in his "desire of the desired", and I realized that in order to get this knowledge, he would meet any obstacles that fall on his way ... And I will be or my father, or even the baby Anna, but He will achieve the desired, he "will choose" him of us, What I preferred better not to know to finally not lose hope in the victory over him. Karafa was truly dangerous for humanity! .. His ultrasound-free "faith" in his "genius" exceeded any familiar norms of the highest existing self-existent and frightened, when it was a matter of "desirable", which he did not have the slightest presentation. , but just knew what he wanted it ...
To cool him a little, I suddenly began to "melt" right in front of his "holy" eyes, and after a moment I completely disappeared ... It was a children's trick of the most simple "blowing", as we called instant movement from one place to another (I think So they called teleportation), but on Karaff, it should have been "refreshing". And I was not mistaken ... When I returned a minute later, his dumbfounded person expressed a complete confusion, which I managed to see, I am confident, very not many. Without sustaining this funny picture longer, I laughed from the heart.
- We know a lot of tricks, your holiness, but these are just tricks. Knowledge - it is completely different. This is a weapon, and it will be very important to what hands it will fall ...
But Karaff did not listen to me. He was like a small child shocked by what he just saw, and immediately wanted to know this for himself! .. It was a new, unfamiliar toy that he had to have right now !!! Not a minute not a minute!
But, on the other hand, he was also a very clever person, and despite the thirst for something to have, he almost always knew how to think. Therefore, literally after some moment, his glance began to darken, and the expanded black eyes stared at me with a dumb, but a very persistent question, and I saw with satisfaction that he finally began to understand the present meaning shown to him, my little "Trick" ...


(Greek) Egyptian Ku-En-Ua, Hawk-head Steering Barka, Interviewing the souls through black waters separating life from death. Charon, the son of Ereb and Noks, is an option for Ku-En-Ua. The dead had to pay Obol, a small amount of money, this inexorable stycase ferry and Aheron, because the ancients always laid the dead under the coin. This custom has been preserved up to the present day, for most of the lower classes in Russia puts copper coins into the coffin under the head of the deceased for posthumous expenses.

A source: "Theosophical Dictionary"


Watch what is "Charon" in other dictionaries:

    - (Charon, άάρων). The son of Ereb and Night, the old, dirty carrier in the underground world, which is carrying the shadows of the dead through the hellish rivers. For transport, he received one obol, which was kept dead in the mouth. (Source: "Brief dictionary of mythology and antiquities." ... ... Encyclopedia mythology

    In Grech. Myth., Son of Ereb and Night, the carrier of the died of died through Styx, the River of the underground kingdom. A dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian language. Pavlenkov F., 1907. Charon Greek. Charon. In the ancients: the carrier of the dead shower through the hellish rivers ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

    Charon, Pluto satellite opened in 1978. Its diameter is 1270 km, in relation to the accompanied planet (Pluto) is the largest of the satellites in the solar system. According to different estimates, the mass of charonon is from 8% to 16% of the mass of the pluto. Charon ... ... Scientific and Technical Encyclopedic Dictionary

    Charon: Charon (satellite) Pluto Charon's largest satellite (mythology) in Greek mythology The shower carrier of the souls who died across the Stix River in Aid. Charon: Charon (browser) Inferno operating system browser. Charon (group) ... ... Wikipedia

    Carrier dictionary of Russian synonyms. Charon South., Number of synonyms: 3 Carrier (15) ... Synonym dictionary

    In Greek mythology, the carrier of those who died through the rivers of the underground kingdom to the Gate of Aida; For payment for transport, the deceit was put in the mouth of the coin ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    In the myths of the ancient Greeks, the carrier of the underground rivers deceased along the waters of the Aida; I received a fee for this in one oblave (according to the funeral rite of the dead under the tongue). I was portrayed by a gloomy older in a rubbish ... Historical Dictionary

    Charon - (Greek. άάρων charon) In Greek mythology, the son of Ereb and the night, an elder, the carrier of the shower of the dead through Aheron, the river in the kingdom of the dead. The Greeks fled the custom to put the dead in his mouth with a small coin so that he could pay from H. Etrusca considered ... Antique world. Dictionary-directory.

    CHARON Certain Handbook on Ancient Greece and Rome, by mythology

    CHARON - In Greek mythology, the carrier of the souls of the dead across the Aheront River in Aida; At the same time, a funeral rite and a fee of one obol (small coin), laid under the dead man, should have been observed. Charon was known to Homer, but by the end of the 6th century. BC ... ... List of ancient Greek names

    Carrying acher the souls of the dead across the river. (Greek. Myth.) Wed Who is my word in the darkness of Pluto, the word will take it? Always walks by Chelna Charon, but only the shadows he takes. Zhukovsky. Complaints of Ceres. Cf. The desperate spouse is drunk into the vodka, which is ... ... ... Mikhelson's Big Thick-Frazological Dictionary


  • Charon, Bokkov Valery Borisovich. They say Charon - the carrier of the souls of the dead in Aid - is distinguished by ferocious blue eyes. American Commondo Nick Summers, he is Russian orphan Nikolai Korolev, tozhulub, and fierce and too ...

We have already mentioned a gloomy figure, which is necessary for the intersection of the dismissal essence of the verge of worlds. Many nations saw the face of the worlds in the form of a river, often fiery (for example, Slavic River-Smorodinka, Greek Styx and Aheron, etc.). In this regard, it is clear that the creature that translates the soul through this face was often perceived in the image boatman carrier .
This river - River oblivionAnd the transition through it means not only the movement of the soul from the world of living in the world of the dead, but also a breaking of any connection, memory, attachment to the aboveground world. That is why this is a river without return, because there are no more motives for its intersection. It is clear that the function Carrier, exercising this bond breaking, is critical for the process of relaxation. Without his work, the soul will again and again attract the places and people, expensive for her, and therefore will turn into utukku- Stray dead man.

Etruscans first performed the role of the carrier Tourism(Greek Hermes, who retained this feature of a psychopompu - a driver's driver and in the later mythology), and then - Haru (Harun), who apparently perceived by the Greeks as Charon. The classic mythology of the Greeks divided the views on the psychopompe ("conductor" of the souls responsible for leaving the souls of the manifested world, the importance of which we have already discussed) and the carrier carrying the function of the Guardian - gatekeeper. Hermes Psychopomp in classical mythology seated his wards in Radia Charon. Interestingly, Hermes-Psychopomputer was often portrayed in the image of the Kininefala.

Old man Charon (Άάρων - "bright", in the sense of "sparkling eyes") - the most famous personification of the carrier in classical mythology. For the first time, the name of Xaron is mentioned in one of the poems of the epic cycle - miniature.
Charon transports the died on the waters of underground rivers, receiving a fee for this in one Ool (according to the funeral rite of the dead under the tongue). This custom was widespread among the Greeks not only in Hellensky, but also in the Roman period of Greek history, remained in the Middle Ages and is even complied to the present. Charon transports only those dead whose bones found peace in the grave. Virgilia Xaron has a mud-covered old man, with an exhaust gray beard, fiery eyes, in dirty clothes. Protecting the water of the River Aheron (or Stiksa), he is transporting the shadows on the shuttle to the shoon, and he takes it into a shuttle, others who did not receive the burial distilts from the coast. According to legend, Xaron was chained for a year in chains for transporting Hercules through Aheron. As a representative of the underground kingdom, Xaron later began to be considered a demone death: he crossed in this meaning, under the name of Charos and Charontas, to the modern Greeks, which represent it in the image of a black bird descending on their sacrifice, then in the image of the rider pursuing in the air The crowd of the dead.

Northern mythology, although it does not focus on the river surrounding the world, however, knows about it. On the bridge through this river ( Gyelle), for example, Hermode meets with the Giant Modgud, passing it into Hel, and, apparently, through the same river one (Harbard) refuses to transport torus. Interestingly, in the last episode, the Great AC itself takes on the carrier's function, which once again emphasizes the high status of this usually unobistant figure. In addition, the fact that the torus found himself on the opposite bank of the river, indicates that, except for Harbard, there was another boatmanFor which such crossways were commonplace.

In the Middle Ages, the idea of \u200b\u200ba breaking shower found a development and continuation. Prokokii Caesarian, historian of the Goths War (VI century), leads a story about how the souls of the dead are sent by the sea to Britia Island: "Along the coast of the mainland, fishermen, merchants and bumps live. They are the subjects of francs, but do not pay the filings, because from time immemorial, they lies a heavy duty to transport the souls of the dead. Carriers waiting for every night in their huts of the conditional knock on the door and the voices of invisible creatures that call them to work. Then people immediately get out of beds, prompted by an unknown force, descend to the shore and find boats there, but not their own, and others, completely ready to go on the road and empty. Carriers sit in the boats, they are taken for the veins and see that from the severity of numerous invisible passengers of the boat sit deep in the water, on his finger. An hour later, they reach the opposite shore, and meanwhile, in their boats, they could hardly be overcome this path and on the whole day. Having achieved the island, the boats are unloaded and become so easy that alone alone touches water. Carriers do not see anyone on their way and on the shore, but hear a voice that calls the name, the title and kinship of each arrived, and if it is a woman, the title of her husband. "

Christianity introduces the image of an angel of death, often known under the name Azrail (Ancient Russia. "God helped"). In Christianity, the angel of death is sometimes called Archangel Gabriel. In any case, it is recognized as a creature that helps overcome the threshold between life and death.

Thus, in addition to the conductor, helpsing the soul to pass the way from life to death, a figure is needed on this process that makes this process irreversible. It is this feature of the carrier of the shower that makes it the greatest character of the process of relaxation.

Charon - Pluto satellite

Charon (134340 I) (English. Charon from Greek. Άάρων) - Open in 1978 Pluto satellite (according to another version - a smaller component of the double planetary system Pluto Charon). With the opening of the two other other Luns - Hydra and Nikti - Haron began to call as Pluto I. Named in honor of Charon - the carrier of the shower of the dead across the Stise River in ancient Greek mythology. The Mission "New Horizons" ("New Horizons") will reach Pluto and Charon in July 2015.

It should not be confused by Charon with chiron - a planet-centaur.

Pluto and Charon (drawing).

Traditionally, Charon is considered a Pluto satellite. However, there is an opinion that since the Mass Center of the Pluto Charon system is outside Pluto, Pluto and Charon should be considered as a double planetary system.

According to the draft resolution 5 XXVI of the General Assembly of MAS (2006), Charon (along with Cerens and the 2003 UB 313) was assumed to assign the status of the planet. In notes to the draft resolution, it was indicated that, in this case, Pluto Charon will be considered a double planet.

However, in the final version of the resolution contained a different solution: the concept of a dwarf planet was introduced. Pluto, Ceres and Object 2003 UB 313 were attributed to this new class of objects. Charon was not included in the number of dwarf planets.


Haron is located 19,640 km from the center of Pluto; Orbit is inclined by 55 ° to ecliptic. Charonel diameter 1212 ± 16 km, weight - 1.9 × 10 21 kg, density - 1.72 g / cm³. One turnover of Charon is 6.387 days (due to tidal braking, it coincides with the period of rotation of the pluto), so Pluto and Charon are constantly addressed to each other by the same side.

The opening of charonus allowed astronomers to accurately calculate the mass of Pluto. Features of the orbits of external satellites show that the harrine weight is approximately 11.65% of the mass of the pluto.

Charon is noticeably darker pluto. It seems that these objects differ significantly in composition. While Pluto is coated with nitrogen ice, Charon is covered with water ice, and its surface has a more neutral color. Currently, the Pluto - Charon system formed as a result of a collision independently formed pluton and proto-charon; Modern Charon formed from fragments thrown into orbit around a pluto; At the same time, some objects of the belt of the Kuiper could also form.


In Greek mythology, the carrier is dead in Aida. I was depicted in a gloomy older in a rubish; Xaron transports the died on the waters of underground rivers, receiving a fee in one Ool (according to the funeral rite of the dead under the tongue). He transports only those decers whose bones found peace in the grave (Verg. Aen. VI 295-330). Hercules, a pouron and tesse and forcibly forced the XARON to transport them to AID (VI 385-397). Only the Golden Branch, Torn in Grove Persephone, opens a living person a way to the kingdom of death (VI 201 - 211). Showing Xaron the Golden branch, Sibilela forced him to transport Meneu (VI 403-416).

Characters and cult facilities of Greek mythology. 2012

See also interpretations, synonyms, the meanings of the word and what is Charon in Russian in dictionaries, encyclopedias and reference books:

    (Greek) Egyptian Ku-En-Ua, Hawk-head Steering Barka, Interviewing the souls through black waters separating life from death. Charon, Son of Ereb and Noks, ...
    - the carrier of those who died through the rivers of the underground kingdom to the Gate of Aida; For payment for transport, the deceit was put in the mouth of the coin. // ...
    (Charon, ?????). The son of Ereb and Night, the old, dirty carrier in the underground world, which is carrying the shadows of the dead through the hellish rivers. Per …
  • CHARON in the dictionary-directory who is in the ancient world:
    In Greek mythology, the carrier of the souls of the dead across the Aheront River in Aida; At the same time, the funeral rite and ...
  • CHARON in the big encyclopedic dictionary:
  • CHARON in the Big Soviet Encyclopedia, BSE:
    in ancient Greek mythology, the carrier of those who died across the rivers of the underground kingdom to the Gate of Aida. To pay for the procurement, the dead man put in the mouth ...
  • CHARON in the encyclopedic dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron:
    (?????, charon) - in the staff of the Folk beliefs of the Greeks - the gray carrier. I shifted on the shock across the Ahern River in the underground kingdom ...
  • CHARON in the big Russian encyclopedic dictionary:
    Charon, in Greek. Mythology is a carrier of those who died through the rivers of the underworld to the Gate of Aida; For payment for transport, the deceit was put in ...
  • CHARON in the encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron:
    (?????, Charon)? In the staff of the folk beliefs of the Greeks? gray carrier. I shifted on the shock across the Ahern River in the underground kingdom ...
  • CHARON in the dictionary of synonyms of the Russian language:
    carrier, character, ...
  • CHARON in the new intelligent-word-formative dictionary of the Russian language Efremova:
    m. Older carrier, crossing the shadows of the dead in Aid through the underground rivers Styx and Aheron (in antique ...
  • CHARON in the dictionary of the Russian language of Lopatina:
    Har'on, ...
  • CHARON in the spelling dictionary:
    har'on, ...
  • CHARON in the modern explanatory dictionary, BSE:
    in Greek mythology, the carrier of those who died through the rivers of the underground kingdom to the Gate of Aida; To pay for transport, the deceit was put in the mouth ...
  • CHARON in the explanatory dictionary of Ephremova:
    Charon m. Older carrier, crossing the shadows of the dead in Aid through the underground rivers Styx and Aheron (in ancient ...
  • CHARON in the new Russian English language dictionary:
    m. Older carrier, crossing the shadows of the dead in Aid through the underground rivers Styx and Aheron (in antique ...
  • CHARON in a large modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language:
    m. Older carrier, crossing the shadows of the dead in Aid through underground rivers Styx and Aheron and received a coin, laid in ...
  • The most distant planets; "Pluto - Charon" in the Book of Records Guinness 1998:
    The Pluto system is Charon, being from the sun on average at a distance of 5.914 billion km, makes a full turn around it for 248.54 ...
  • The second invasion of Martian in the quotation of Wiki.
  • HADES in the Index of the Teosophical Concepts to the Secret Doctrine, the Teosophical Dictionary:
    (Greek) or aid. "Invisible", i.e. The country of shadows, one of the regions of which was tartar, the place of absolute darkness, such a region of deep sleep ...
  • Underground gods in the Myth Dictionary of Ancient Greece:
    - Aid and his wife Persephone, which he kidnapped her mother demeters, dominated in Ereb above all underground gods ...
  • Aid in the Myth Dictionary of Ancient Greece:
    (Gades, Pluto) - the God of the Underground Peace and the Kingdom of the Dead. Son of Kronos and Rei. Brother Zeus, Demers and Poseidon. Spouse Persephone. ...
  • HELL in a brief dictionary of mythology and antiquities:
    (AID or GADES, - INFERI, "?????). View of the underground world, the kingdom of the dead, the dwelling of the god of Aida or Pluto, which is in deep antiquity ...
Charon (mythology)

I was depicted in a gloomy older in a bug. Charon transports the dead on the waters of underground rivers, receiving a fee (naval) in one Ool (on the mortgage rite at the dead at the language). He transports only those decers whose bones found peace in the grave. Only the golden branch, torn in the grove of Persephone, opens a living person to the kingdom of death. Under no circumstances in no circumstances.

Etymology named

The name Haron is often explained as formed by άάρων ( charon), the poetic form of the word χαρωπός ( haropos.) What can be translated as "possessing a sharp look." Also referred to him as on with ferocious, sparkling or feverish eyes, or eyes of a bluish-gray. The word can also be euphemism for death. Flashing eyes can mean anger or flareness of charonics, which is often mentioned in the literature, but etymology is not fully defined. The ancient historian Diodor Sicilian believed that the boatman and his name came from Egypt.

In art

In the first century, BC, the Roman poet Vergili described Charon during the descent of Enee to the Underground World (Aneida, Book 6), after Syville from Kuma sent a hero for a golden branch, which will allow him to return to the world of living:

Gloomy and dirty haron. Klocheted gray beard
The whole face covered - only eyes are burning motionless,
Cloak on the shoulders is tied with a node and hanging ugly.
He drives the boat sixth and rules himself sails,
The dead on the utulible through the dark stream transports.
God is already old, but he keeps and in old age beware.

Original text (Lat.)

Terribili Squalore Charon, Cui Plurima Mento
Sordidus ex Umeris Nodo Dependet Amictus.
ET Ferruginea Subvectat Corpora Cymba,

Other Roman authors also describe Haron, among them - Seneca in their tragedy Hercules Furns.Where Charon is described in 762-777 strokes, like an old man dressed in a dirty robe, with a grumbling cheeks and an untidy beard, a brutal ferry, managing his vessel with a long pedez. When the ferryman stops Hercules, without giving him a passage to the shore, the Greek hero proves his right to pass, defeated Haron with his own pole.

In the second century of our era, in the work of Lukian "Conversations in the kingdom of the Dead" Haron appeared, mainly in parts 4 and 10 ( "Hermes and Charon" and "Charon and Hermes") .

Mentioned in the Poem of the predica from Fokey Miniad. Pictures on the painting of the polygnostum in delfes, carrier through Aheront. The acting face of the comedy Aristofan "Frogs".

Underground geography

In most cases, including descriptions from PAsania and, later, Dante, Charon is located at the Aheron River. Ancient Greek sources, such as Pindar, Eschil, Euripide, Plato and Callima, are also placed in Haron's works on Aheron. Roman poets, including the Properration, Publishing, and the Station, are called the Styx River, perhaps following the description of the Underground World in Vergil in Aneida, where he was associated with both rivers.

In astronomy

see also

  • Dead Island - Picture.
  • Psychopomputer - the word denoting the guards of the dead to the next world.

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  1. Myths of the peoples of the world. M., 1991-92. In 2 tons 2. S.584.
  2. Euripid. Alkestide 254; Vergili. Aneida VI 298-304
  3. Lycker F. Real Dictionary of Classic Antiquities. M., 2001. In 3 t. T.1. P.322.
  4. Liddell and Scott, A Greek-English Lexicon (Oxford: Clarendon Press 1843, 1985 Printing), entries on χαροπός and χάρων, pp. 1980-1981; Brill's New Pauly (Leiden and Boston 2003), Vol. 3, Entry On "Charon," PP. 202-203.
  5. Christiane Sourvinou-Inwood, "READING" GREEK DEATH (Oxford University Press, 1996), p. 359 and p. 390.
  6. GRINSELL, L. V. (1957). "The Ferryman and His Fee: A Study in Ethnology, Archaeology, and Tradition." Folklore. 68 (1): 257–269 .
  7. Versery Aeneid 6.298-301, Translation into English John Dryden, into Russian - Sergey Osherov (English Lines 413-417.)
  8. See Ronnie H. Terpening CHARON AND THE CROSSING: ANCIENT, MEDIEVAL, AND RENAISSANCE TRANSFORMATIONS OF A MYTH (Lewisburg: Bucknell University Press, 1985 and London and Toronto: Associated University Presses, 1985), p. 97-98.
  9. For the analysis of these dialogs, see Terpening, p. 107-116.)
  10. To analyze the description of Charon Dante and its other appearances in the literature with ancient times and up to the 17th century in Italy, see Tripenin, Ron, Charon and The Crossing.
  11. Pausania. Description Elfla x 28, 2; Miniad, FR.1 Bernabe
  12. Pausania. Eldla X 28, 1
  13. See for Collected Source Passages with Work and Line Annotations, As Well As Images From Vase Paintings.

15. Oleg Igorin two shores of Charon

An excerpt characterizing Charon (mythology)

"Sick, Princess ... Prince ..." Dunyasov said his voice.
"Now, I go, I go," Princess spoke to him, without giving the time of the Duny, to finish her what she had to say, and, trying not to see Dunyshi, ran to the house.
"Princess, the will of God is committed, you should be ready for everyone," said the leader, meeting her at the entrance door.
- Leave me. It is not true! She shouted viciously on him. Doctor wanted to stop her. She pushed him down and ran to the door. "And why do these people with frighteners stop me? I do not need anyone! And what do they do here? "She opened the door, and a bright daylight in this before a huge room terrified her. There were women and nanny in the room. They all pulled away from the bed, giving her the road. He lay still on the bed; But the rigorous appearance of his calm face stopped the Princess Mari on the threshold of the room.
"No, he did not die, it can not be! - She told himself the princess of Mary, went to him and, overcoming the horror that embraced her, pressed his lips to his cheek. But she immediately pulled away from him. Instantly all the power of tenderness to him, which she felt in herself, disappeared and replaced by a feeling of horror to what was before her. "No, there is no more! He is not, but there is immediately, in the same place, where he was, something alien and hostile, some kind of terrible, terrifying and repelled secret ... - And, closing his face with his hands, Princess Marya fell on the hands of the doctor who supported her.
In the presence of Tikhon and Dr. Women, she was labeled what he was tied with a scarf head, so as not to establish an open mouth, and was tied up with the other hand-made feet. Then they dressed in a uniform with orders and put a small pursuing body on the table. God knows who and when it took care of it, but everything was done by itself. By the night, the coffin burned around the coffin, the coffin was covered, juniper was sprinkled on the floor, a printed prayer was put on a dead head, and a dece was sitting in the corner, reading a psalrty.
As the horses shake, crowd and snort over the dead horse, so in the living room around the coffin, the people of someone else's and their own - the leader, and the older, and women, and all with those who stopped frightened eyes were baptized and bowed, and kissed the cold and crustaceous hand of the old prince.

Bogucharovo was always, before the settlement in it, Prince Andrew, the gallazic imbey, and the men Bogucharovsky had a completely different character from Lisogorsk. They differed from them and talking, and clothing, and in the nravami. They were called steppe. The old prince praised them for their concern in work, when they came to extract cleaning in the Bald Mountains or dig ponds and ditch, but did not like them for their wildness.
The last stay in Bogucharov Prince Andrei, with his innovations - hospitals, schools and lightening of the lifestyle, did not soften their morals, but, on the contrary, they strengthened those traits of character that the old prince called wildness. Between them always went any unclear sense, then about the listing of them all in the Cossacks, then about the new faith, in which they will turn, then about the royal sheets of some, then on the oath of Pavel Petrovich in 1797 (which they said that then The will went out, but gentlemen were taken away), then about the existing seven years to reign Peter Feodorovich, in which everything will be voluntarily and so it will be just that nothing will be. Rumors about the war in Bonaparte and his invasions were connected to them with the same unclear ideas about the antichrist, the end of the world and clean will.
In the neighborhood of Bogucarov there were all large villages, stateless and rural landlords. Living in this area of \u200b\u200blandowners was very small; Very little was also yard and competent, and in the life of the peasants of this area were more noticeable and stronger than in others, those mysterious jets of people's Russian life, the causes and importance of which are inexplicable for contemporaries. One of these phenomena was manifested twenty years ago, the movement between the peasants of this area to the resettlement on some warm rivers. Hundreds of peasants, including Bogcharovsky, began to sell their cattle suddenly and leave the families somewhere south of the east. As poultry fly somewhere behind the sea, these people with wives and children there, south-east, where none of them was. They climbed the caravans, milled, fled, and drove, and went there, on warm rivers. Many were punished, exiled to Siberia, many from the cold and hunger died along the road, many returned themselves, and the movement subsided by itself the same way as it began without an obvious reason. But the underwater jets did not cease to flow in this the people and were going for some kind of new power, having to manifest the same as strange, unexpectedly and at the same time simply, naturally and strongly. Now, in 1812, for a person who lived with the people, it was noticeable that these underwater jets produced a strong work and were close to manifestation.
Alpatych, having arrived in Bogucharov several time before the death of the old prince, noticed that there was an excitement between the people, and that, disgusting, what happened in the bald mountain lane on a sixtiethly radius, where all the peasants left (giving the Cossacks to ruin their villages), in the steppe strip , in Bogucharovskaya, the peasants, as heard it was, had intercourse with the French, received some papers that went between them, and remained on the ground. He knew through the devotees of the courtyard people who traveled the other day with the treated pit, who had a big impact on the world, returned to the news that the Cossacks ruining the villages from which the inhabitants come out, but that the French do not touch them. He knew that another man was brought yesterday even from the village of Volukhov - where the French were stood - paper from the French General, in which the inhabitants were announced that they would not be harmful and for everything they would be taken, they would pay, if they remain. In the proof of that man brought from Volukhov a hundred rubles to the assignments (he did not know that they were fake), issued to him forward for the hay.
Finally, the most important thing, Alpatych knew that on the very day, as he ordered the Strost to collect training for the export of the princes princes of Bogucharova, in the morning there was a girlfriend, on which it was not exported and wait. Meanwhile, time did not tolerate. The leader, on the day of the death of the prince, August 15, insisted by the Princess Mary on the fact that she left on the same day, since it became dangerous. He said that after the 16th he does not answer anything. On the day of the death of the prince he left in the evening, but he promised to come to the funeral for another day. But the next day he could not come, because, according to the news herself, the French suddenly moved away, and he only managed to take away his family from his estate and all valuable.
About thirty Bogucarov managed the elder of Dron, whom the old prince called the drone.
Dron was one of those strong physically and morally men, who, as soon as they enter the year, will turn the beard, so without changing, live up to sixty - seventy years, without one gray hair or a lack of tooth, the same straight and strong in sixty years , like thirty.
Dron, shortly after the relocation to the warm rivers, in which he participated, like others, was made by the old-fashioned burmistrome in Bogucharov and since then twenty-three years he has been perfect in this position. The men were afraid of him more than Barin. Gentlemen, and the old prince, and young, and the manager, respected him and jokingly called the Minister. In all the time of his service, Dron NN was not drunk, nor sick; Never after anyone's sleepless nights, nor after any works, did not show out the slightest fatigue and, not knowing the certificate, never forgetting a single account of money and pounds of flour on the huge drives that he sold, and no dick Bread on every tithing Bogucharovsky fields.