Cherry garden Meaning of the work. Deep meaning of the work A

Cherry garden Meaning of the work. Deep meaning of the work A
Cherry garden Meaning of the work. Deep meaning of the work A

Piez Chekhov " The Cherry Orchard "- This is a moral testament of the dying writer to descendants. I am alone (as shown in the play) the author saw Russia. Eye past, present and future. And in this image of Russian reality you can see deep symbolic meaningRussia is represented by Russia of the past (Ranenevskaya and Gaev), Russia Real (Lopakhin) and Russia of the future (Anya and Peter Trofimov) In this play, the author depicts the usual life of ordinary people. It does not have any bright events (except for sale cherry Garden), and all the conversations are just going around the fate of the garden Usual life and the usual way (everyday life) of the noble manor is the outgoing nature. Heroes - nobles live more memories of the gone happy pore when the garden gave great amount Cherries, and sold it, and poisoned, and cooked. Now it's not that. Bara is trying to live still - to arrange a ball, give the latter the last money, kutch and idle. But the old way to crack and collapse under the action of a new life. The main character Pieces are a cherry garden and this is also a symbol. The beauty of beauty, greatness, calm and former magnitude and the well-being and the main conflict of the work is associated with the attitude of the heroes to the cherry garden. There is an allegory, and a dream, and regret ... Chekhov loved the gardens himself, and a lot of them planted for their short life. For him - the garden is a whole living peace. Interestingly, there is no big in the play external conflict Between the heroes, it is replaced by the drama of the experiences of the characters of the play. (This is one of the techniques of the writer) he wanted life to go, as it goes. In life, rarely suite large conflicts and scandals. So here. The whole conflict is enclosed in how the heroes belong to the fate of the cherry garden. And here argue (conflict) implicitly the interests of the leaving noble defendant and the emerging new - bourgeois. During the Ranevskaya and her brother Gaev , and Gaev, as puddler, had a state on lollipops. And the behavior talks about noch accomplishments, easefulness and carelessness and the words diverge with the case. They are interpreted about the salvation of the garden, how well they lived among this beauty. But they do not accept sincere advice of the blades According to the real salvation of the garden, which is so expensive. Falling the sleep does not allow them to hand out the garden for rent to summer houses. Long let him disappear. Doney, sent by grandmother to pay interest (ane), Ranevskaya cynically assigns and again seeks to Paris, to a person who is again It was absorbished and deceived. Another participant of the hidden conflict - Yermolay Lopakhin, failing to convince the pretty and expensive owners of the garden, unexpectedly for herself at the auction the garden is bought. I picked up ICT is allowed. But Lopakhin is the temporary owner of the garden. He is good, generous, but neochoven, little formed. It is internal conflict (which, by the way, has every hero) in external well-being and internal low self-esteem. And yet conflict is allowed - bourgeoisie triumphs. Although in the play there is an indication that there are other applicants for the garden. I am alone with Petei Trofimov (the younger generation), according to Chekhov, are able to turn Russia into the garden (so they say: "All Russia is our garden) but The heroes of these are non-literals and weak people. The resonors (only slogans are able to give out) he does not serve anywhere, although Gord and Chvanny ... The symbol of the meaninglessness of the "eternal student" is the galoshes, which he is looking for at the end of the play. They are also not needed, as well as He. Chekhov does not assert this. But, showing honestly, "revolutionary", milks him. Annoye remember the formula of revolutions: "The revolution is conceived by romance, they carry out fans (here - Petya), and enjoy its fruits - the scoundrels by the way, he also has The play. It was guessed Genial Blit Chekhov. This is Yasha's servant who did not want to see himself. In it, there are future balls and swords ... Thus, it can be concluded that the author in the play "V.S" created a symbolic picture of Rossi and its representatives at the beginning of the 20th century, the century of terrible and unfair. Ramaturg felt. A coming fatal events in the history of his homeland had been predicted.

The theme of idyllically excellent "noble nests" is found in the past different representatives Russian culture. In the literature, Turgenev and Bunin appealed to her, in fine art - Borisov Musatov. But only Chekhov managed to create such a capacious, generalized image, which was the garden described by it.

On the extraordinary beauty of the blooming cherry garden speaks already at the very beginning of the play. One of his hosts Gaev reports that the garden is mentioned even in " Encyclopedic dictionary" For the love of Andreevna, Ranevskaya cherry garden is connected with the memories, about the youthful youth, about the time when she was so serenely happy. At the same time, the cherry garden is and the economic foundation of the estate, once-related with the suffering of the serf peasantry.

"All Russia is our garden"

Gradually becomes obvious that the cherry garden for Chekhov is the embodiment of all Russia, which turned out to be in a historic fracture. Throughout the action of the play, the question is solved: who will become the owner of the Cherry Garden? Will it be able to preserve his Ranevskaya and Gaev as representatives of an old nobility culture or he gets into the hands of a leopard - capitalist new formationWho sees only the source of income in it?

Ranevskaya and Gaev love their estate and cherry garden, but they are absolutely not adapted to life and cannot change anything. Only personWho is trying to help them save the estate selling for debts, is a rich merchant Ermolai Lopakhin, whose father and grandfather were serfs. But Lopahin does not notice the beauty of the cherry garden. He suggested to cut him out and take the released areas for rent to summer houses. Ultimately, it is the leopard that becomes the owner of the garden, and the sound of an ax, ruthlessly cutting the cherry trees, is heard in the Final.

Among the characters Chekhov play have representatives young generation - This is the daughter of Ranevskaya Anya and the "Eternal Student" Petya Trofimov. They are full of strength and, but they are not doing to the fate of the Cherry Garden. They drive other, abstract ideas about the conversion of the world and the happiness of all mankind. However, beautiful phrases Petit Trofimova, as well as the magnificent ranting of Gaeva, is not worth any particular activity.

The name of the play Chekhov is performed by symbols. The cherry garden is all Russia in a turning point. The author is thinking about how fate awaits her in the future.

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  • Works on the work of Chekhov "Cherry Garden

Usually the genre of one or another product can be determined simply by reading. Difficulties arise when the author himself gives its creation an assessment that does not fit with the impression produced by the reader. An example is Piez A.P. Chekhov "Cherry Garden", which the author called the comedy.

Is it possible to call the "Cherry Garden" of the tragedy?

Most contemporaries Anton Pavlovich Chekhov perceived the "Cherry Garden" as a tragic work. How then to understand the author's writer himself, who called this work comedy and even a farce? Is it clear to say that the sensational in due time can be uniquely attributed to a certain genre?

The answer can be searched in the definitions of different genres of literature. It is believed that the tragedy can be characterized next features: It is characterized by a special state of the situation and the inner world of heroes, it is characterized by torment and unresolved conflict between the main acting person And the world around him. Very often the tragedy crowned crying, for example, tragic death Hero or full collapse of his ideals.

In this sense, Chekhov's play can not be considered a tragedy in its pure form. The heroes of the work are not suitable for the role of tragic characters, although they inner world Folded and contradictory. However, in the play in the descriptions of the heroes, their reflection and actions, this is also slipping a light irony, with which Czechs refers to their shortcomings. The overall state of the world in which the plays are, of course, can be called a turning point, but there is nothing tragic in it.

Comedy with a taste of drama

Researchers Cehov's creativity converge that most of his comedies are ambiguous and originality. For example, the "Seagull" play, which also carried to comedies, is more reminded of a drama in which it is about the broken fate of people. Sometimes it seems that Chekhov deliberately introduces their reader to delusion.

It can be assumed that the writer, calling his plays with comedies, put another meaning in this genre this genre. It is possible, it is about irony about the flow human fatewhich is filled with a desire to not mix the public, but to make her think. As a result, the reader and the audience could determine his position in relation to the action of the play, which at times contradicted the declared genre.

From this point of view, the "Cherry Garden" - a work with " double bottom" It can be called a play with bilateral emotional color. Memories about the tragic pages of the heroes are intertwined here with severe farce, for example, with the annoying missile defensiveness or inappropriate remarks of Gaeva, who really look comic against the background, unfolding around the Cherry Garden, who has become a symbol of the past nobility Russia.

Writing essays by artistic work The system of lessons for creativity of anyone ends outstanding writer. Last Piese A.P. Chekhov "Cherry Garden" is studying in the 10th grade high School. By this work the author as if summed up the sustainable theme of Russian literature second halves XIX. century - the fate of noble nests. The copyright of the work is difficult to be perceived by schoolchildren, even more difficulty is the creation of an essay.


Start work on an essay with summary Pieces reading text. To do this, in writing answer questions:
What is the genre of the originality of the play "Cherry Garden"?
What are the differences in the organization of the plot of the play from the traditional drama?
How is the topic of the outgoing time reveal in the actions of the characters?
What techniques use Chekhov in creating the characters of their heroes?
What means is the subtext in the work?
What images and symbols can be found in the play?

Sign up the material obtained with the proposed essay themes. Think, in which one of them you best figured out and can express your thoughts.

After selecting the topic, proceed to drafting the expanded plan. The recorded material will help you entitle each plan of the plan and "build" the logic of reasoning.

Before you start writing the writings, identify the basic idea of \u200b\u200byour creative work. The disclosure of the chosen theme should lead to its presentation in the conclusion. Definition main thought It is necessary not to lose the "thread" of reasoning from the beginning speech work before it is completed. For example, the disclosure of the topic " Genre peculiarity Pieces Chekhov "can lead you to such an idea:" Characteristic feature Chekhov's work is the close interlacing of dramatic and comic starters, so close to the tragism of experiences of the heroes actively coexisted the frivolous water waters and coarse farce. "

Composite construction Works are traditional: accession, main part, conclusion. No one out structural elements Considered as a mistake and is taken into account when assessing.

Set out in the entrance part general About the problem, which, in your opinion, is behind the chosen topic. For example, at the beginning of the essay on the topic "Techniques for the creation of characters in the play Chekhov" you can talk about the author's innovation in organizing dramatic action and his refusal to divide characters to the main and secondary.

Sources for writing the main part can be your written answers and critical articles famous literary critics. Avoid a detailed movement of the plot of the work, the presentation of information that is not related to the topic. If you write, for example, about the concept of "comic" in the play "Cherry Garden", note its manifestation in the work: Consider the characters of the Epodsov, Simeonov-Moschika; Analyze the reception of a parody decrease in plot strokes in the scenes of the fatal auction and focus of Charlotte; Bring B.

13. Why is the play called "Cherry Garden"?

Answer:The play "Cherry Garden" is named so because it says there about something beautiful, gently beloved. Chekhov could not finally decide with the name or cherry, or a cherry garden. Later, he suggested poets better with cherry, since. gentle sound "Ё" in the word cherry, trying exactly with it to have the former beautiful, but

now the unnecessary life, which he with tears destroyed in his play. "Cherry Garden" income does not bring, he keeps in himself and in its blooming whiteness poetry basic Life. Such a garden grows and blooms for whims, for the eyes of spoiled aesthetes. It is a pity to destroy it, but it is necessary, since the country's economic development process requires it.

14. What is the charm of Tyutchev's poetry about nature?

Answer: Love Lyrics Tyutchev is rich philosophical thoughts, I embodied my thoughts in love for women. Love lyrics permeated with powerful dramatic, tragedy sound, which is associated with the circumstances of his personal life. Masterpieces love lyrics Tyutchev was born out of genuine pain, suffering, the feelings of irrepressible loss, the feelings of guilt and repentance. Tyutchev in his lyrics is revealed as a psychologist and a thin lyrics.

15. What is the meaning of the name of the drama "thunderstorm"?

Answer: In the title of the drama "Thunderst", concluded huge sense. This play is not only a majestic phenomenon of nature, but a social shock. In the drama, everything was reflected in public phenomena: Fixed by the public movement, the mood of people who lived in those times. Also, this is a symbol of change in " dark kingdom", In that lifefriend, which existed for several centuries in Russian life.

16. What is the meaning of the name "Enchanted Wanderer"?

The story "Enchanted Wanderer" is named this, since the word "fascinated" - means the perishable, stupor. Also, the word "enchanted" also has wide meaning. Its value is associated with the verb "Charming". The hero of the story responds to beauty, appreciates it, can describe it, whether the beauty of an animal or a woman. He is fascinated by beauty native nature, the beauty of the horse Didon, the beauty of the young gypsy pear - "..." "Wanderer" at first glance is clear: it is used in the direct value, that is, it means a lot of traveling, who wandered in his life, who had ever found out about the world. However, thinking, I realized that not everything is so simple. Flagin is a person wandering not only in the outside world, but also on the inner, exploring the secret corners of his soul and other people's shower. The whole life of a person is a big trip from the beginning to the end, from birth to death. The author leads his hero from the event to the event and brings it "to the last everyday pier to the monastery." It seems to me that the word "wanderer" in the title of the work contains both values. So, the fascinated wanderer is a man designed to go through life, taking her as it is, being under her charm, performing everything he is intended.

"Cherry Garden" A.P. Chekhov: meaning of the name and features of the genre

2. The meaning of the name of the play "Cherry Garden"

Konstantin Sergeevich Stanislavsky in his memoirs about A.P. Chekhov wrote: "Listen, I found a wonderful name for the play. Wonderful! "He announced, looking at me to focus. What? "I wanted. "Vimsnevy Garden" (with an emphasis on the letter "and"), - and he rushed with joyful laughter. I did not understand the reason for his joy and did not find anything special in the title. However, so as not to upset Anton Pavlovich, it was necessary to pretend that his discovery impressed me ... Instead of explanation, Anton Pavlovich began to repeat into different frets, with all sorts of intonations and sound color: "The vimsnevy garden. Listen, this is a wonderful name! Vimichery garden. Vimsnevy! "After that, a date was passed several days or a week ... Somehow during the performance he went to me in a restroom and with a solemn smile sat down to my table. "Listen, not a vigilant, but a cherry garden," he declared and rolled out with a laugh. In the first minute I did not even understand what this is speechBut Anton Pavlovich continued to make the name of the play, stepping on the gentle sound of Yo in the word "cherry", who exactly trying to have the former beautiful, but now the unnecessary life, which he destroyed with tears in his play. This time I understood the subtlety: "Vimsnevy Garden" is a business, commercial garden bringing income. Such a garden is needed now. But the "cherry garden" income does not bring, he keeps in himself and in his blooming whiteness poetry for the past life. Such a garden grows and blooms for whims, for the eyes of spoiled aesthetes. It is a pity to destroy it, but it is necessary, since the process of economic development of the country requires it. "

The name of the play A. P. Chekhov "Cherry Garden" seems to be quite natural. The action takes place in the old noble estate. The house is surrounded by a large cherry garden. Moreover, the development of the plot of the play is connected with this way - the estate is sold for debts. However, the moment of the transition of the estate to the new owner is preceded by a period of stupid trample on the place of the previous owners who do not want to manage the property, do not even understand, why it is necessary to do, despite detailed explanations Lopakhina, successful representative of the emerging bourgeoisie class.

But the Cherry Garden has a play and symbolic meaning. Due to the characters of the play relate to the garden, their feeling of time reveals, their perception of life. For love, the Ranevian garden is her past, happy childhood and a bitter memoir about the sinking son, whose death she perceives as a punishment for her reckless passion. All the thoughts and feelings of Ranevskaya are associated with the past. It can not be in a sense that you need to change your habits, since the circumstances are now others. She is not a rich lady, the landowner, and the raised madrod, who will soon have no generic nest, nor a cherry garden if she does not take any decisive action.

For a leopard, the garden is primarily the Earth, that is, an object that can be used in turnover. In other words, Lopakhin argues from the point of view of priorities of the present time. The descendant of serfs, who embarked in people, argues the health and logical. The need to independently put the way in life taught this person to evaluate the practical utility of things: "Your estate is only twenty versts from the city, near railway, and if the cherry garden and the land on the river are broken on country sites And then give back to rent, then you will have the smallest twenty-five thousand per year of income. " Sentimental arguments of Ranevskaya and Gaeva about Dacha vulgarity, that the cherry garden is a landmark of the province, Lopakhina is annoyed. In fact, everything they say has no practical value in the present, does not play the roles in solving a specific problem - if no action is taken, the garden will be sold, Ranevskaya and Gaev will lose all rights to their generic estate, and dispose of It will have other owners. Of course, the past of the blades is also connected with the cherry garden. But what is the past? Here his "Grandfather and Father was slaves", here he himself, "broken, small" "in the winter he ran barefoot." Not too rainbow memories are associated with a succeeding business person with a cherry garden! Maybe therefore, the leopown so bides, becoming the owner of the estate, so he says to such a joy about how he "is enough for an ax on the Cherry Garden"? Yes, by the past, in which he was nobody, did not mean anything in his own eyes and in the opinion of others, probably, anyone would be happy to be enough for an ax ...

"... I no longer love the Cherry Garden," says Anya, Ranevskaya daughter. But for Ani, as for her mother, childhood memories are connected with the garden. Anya loved the cherry garden, despite the fact that her children's impressions are far from being so cloudless, like Ranevskaya. Anna was eleven years old when her father died, the mother was fascinated by another man, and soon the little brother Grisha drowned, after which Ranevskaya left abroad. Where did Anya lived at this time? Ranevskaya says she pulled it to her daughter. From the conversation between Anja and Vāra, it becomes clear that Anya was only in seventeen years we went to the mother to France, from where both of them returned to Russia. It can be assumed that Anya lived in his native estate, with Vares. Despite the fact that all the past Ani is connected with the cherry garden, she breaks up with him without much longing or regret. Ani's dreams asked to the future: "We will put new sad, luxuriously ... ".

But in the play Chekhov can be found another semantic parallel: the cherry garden is Russia. "All Russia is our garden," Peter Trophimov declares optimism. Summary noble life and chain business people - After all, these two poles of the worldview are not just private case. This is really a feature of Russia of the turn of the XIX-- XX centuries. There are many projects in the society, how to equip the country: someone recalled about the past, someone Boyko and Delvito offered to "blow, clean,", that is, to carry out reforms that would allow Russia to put Russia in one row with leading powers World. But, as in history with a cherry garden, at the turn of the epoch in Russia, there was no real force that could have a positively affect the fate of the country. However, the old cherry garden was already doomed ...

Thus, it can be noted that the image of the cherry garden has a completely symbolic meaning. It is one of the central images of the work. Each hero applies to the garden in its own way: for someone it is rejoiced about childhood, for someone just a place to relax, and for someone a means to make money.

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"Listen, I found a wonderful name for the play. Wonderful! " He announced, looking at me to the emphasis. "What?" - I wanted. "Cherry Garden" - and he rolled up with a joyful laugh ...

The meaning of the name of the play "Cherry Garden"

Konstantin Sergeevich Stanislavsky in his memoirs about A.P. Chekhov wrote: "Listen, I found a wonderful name for the play. Wonderful! "He announced, looking at me to focus. What? "I wanted. "Vimsnevy Garden" (with an emphasis on the letter "and"), - and he rushed with joyful laughter. I did not understand the reason for his joy and did not find anything special in the title. However, so as not to upset Anton Pavlovich, it was necessary to pretend that his discovery impressed me ... Instead of explanation, Anton Pavlovich began to repeat into different frets, with all sorts of intonations and sound color: "The vimsnevy garden. Listen, this is a wonderful name! Vimichery garden. Vimsnevy! "After that, a date was passed several days or a week ... Somehow during the performance he went to me in a restroom and with a solemn smile sat down to my table. "Listen, not a vigilant, but a cherry garden," he declared and rolled out with a laugh. In the first minute, I did not even understand what was about, but Anton Pavlovich continued to make the name of the play, stepping on the gentle sound of Yo in the word "cherry", trying exactly with his help to have the former beautiful, but now the unnecessary life he with tears destroyed in his play. This time I understood the subtlety: "Vimsnevy Garden" is a business, commercial garden bringing income. Such a garden is needed now. But the "cherry garden" income does not bring, he keeps in himself and in his blooming whiteness poetry for the past life. Such a garden grows and blooms for whims, for the eyes of spoiled aesthetes. It is a pity to destroy it, but it is necessary, since the process of economic development of the country requires it. "

The name of the play A. P. Chekhov "Cherry Garden" seems to be quite natural. The action takes place in the old noble estate. The house is surrounded by a large cherry garden. Moreover, the development of the plot of the play is connected with this way - the estate is sold for debts. However, the moment of the transition of the estate to the new owner is preceded by a period of stupid trampling at the place of the previous owners who do not want to manage their property that do not even understand why it is necessary, how to do it, despite the detailed explanations of the lopakhin, a successful representative of the emerging class of the bourgeoisie.

But the Cherry Garden in the play has a symbolic meaning. Due to the characters of the play relate to the garden, their feeling of time reveals, their perception of life. For love, the Ranevian garden is her past, happy childhood and a bitter memoir about the sinking son, whose death she perceives as a punishment for her reckless passion. All the thoughts and feelings of Ranevskaya are associated with the past. It can not be in a sense that you need to change your habits, since the circumstances are now others. She is not a rich lady, the landowner, and the raised madrod, who will soon have no generic nest, nor a cherry garden if she does not take any decisive action.

For a leopard, the garden is primarily the Earth, that is, an object that can be used in turnover. In other words, Lopakhin argues from the point of view of priorities of the present time. The descendant of serfs, who embarked in people, argues the health and logical. The need to independently laid the way in life taught this person to evaluate the practical utility of things: "Your estate is only in twenty versts from the city, the railway was held near the river, and if the cherry garden and the land on the river were divided into country sites and then leased under the cottage then you will have the smallest twenty-five thousand per year of income. " Sentimental arguments of Ranevskaya and Gaeva about Dacha vulgarity, that the cherry garden is a landmark of the province, Lopakhina is annoyed. In fact, everything they say has no practical value in the present, does not play the roles in solving a specific problem - if no action is taken, the garden will be sold, Ranevskaya and Gaev will lose all rights to their generic estate, and dispose of It will have other owners. Of course, the past of the blades is also connected with the cherry garden. But what is the past? Here his "Grandfather and Father was slaves", here he himself, "broken, small" "in the winter he ran barefoot." Not too rainbow memories are associated with a succeeding business person with a cherry garden! Maybe therefore, the leopown so bides, becoming the owner of the estate, so he says to such a joy about how he "is enough for an ax on the Cherry Garden"? Yes, by the past, in which he was nobody, did not mean anything in his own eyes and in the opinion of others, probably, anyone would be happy to be enough for an ax ...

"... I no longer love the Cherry Garden," says Anya, Ranevskaya daughter. But for Ani, as for her mother, childhood memories are connected with the garden. Anya loved the cherry garden, despite the fact that her children's impressions are far from being so cloudless, like Ranevskaya. Anna was eleven years old when her father died, the mother was fascinated by another man, and soon the little brother Grisha drowned, after which Ranevskaya left abroad. Where did Anya lived at this time? Ranevskaya says she pulled it to her daughter. From the conversation between Anja and Vāra, it becomes clear that Anya was only in seventeen years we went to the mother to France, from where both of them returned to Russia. It can be assumed that Anya lived in his native estate, with Vares. Despite the fact that all the past Ani is connected with the cherry garden, she breaks up with him without much longing or regret. Ani's dreams are directed to the future: "We will put a new garden, luxuriously ...".

But in the play Chekhov can be found another semantic parallel: the cherry garden is Russia. "All Russia is our garden," Peter Trophimov declares optimism. The nobility of the noble life and the chain of business people - after all, these two poles of the world perception is not just a special case. This is really a feature of Russia of the turn of the XIX-- XX centuries. There are many projects in the society, how to equip the country: someone recalled about the past, someone Boyko and Delvito offered to "blow, clean,", that is, to carry out reforms that would allow Russia to put Russia in one row with leading powers World. But, as in history with a cherry garden, at the turn of the epoch in Russia, there was no real force that could have a positively affect the fate of the country. However, the old cherry garden was already doomed ...

Thus, it can be noted that the image of the cherry garden has a completely symbolic meaning. It is one of the central images of the work. Each hero applies to the garden in its own way: for someone it is rejoiced about childhood, for someone just a place to relax, and for someone a means to make money.