Herman Virt - biography, photos. Herman Virt.

Herman Virt - biography, photos. Herman Virt.

Rotation and year as world order
There is no greatest secret in the life of a person than the mystery of life and death, dying and formation. Nothing can fill the soul of "one-room" (not yet "dual skip") person with the feeling of higher strength, except for the eternal rhythm of the natural year (Lebensjahre), in close contact and in complete harmony with whom human life is deployed. Year (1) for a person is the highest revelation of divine action in the universe. He is an expression of the cosmic law given by God, in accordance with which the formation of peace becomes in an infinite and incredit return. Magic, deepest image is in nature in nature this year of God. Many days is the year, and in each of the days the image of the year opens: the birth of the light, from which all life occurs, his rise to the highest peak, and its descent, death, descent to rebel again. What morning, noon, evening and night in days, corresponds to spring, summer, autumn and winter. In the spring "World World" again awakens all his life, straightens, develops until it reaches full deployment and growth limit at nozzy-summer time to start the path to the night and winter, hurting to death, which will inevitably follow a new birth. Nordic man contemplated the image of his existence annually and daily: early morning childhood, later youth, noon and summer mature, full ripening, then wilting up life, old age leading to winter death, and through her new life, to revive and new formation, embodied In the offspring. Circleries of the day develops in its constant continuous repetition of the round a year, and the year of human life. Circlers, movement in a circle, the rotation in itself is the highest cosmic law of God, the ethical foundation of the Universe of the whole being. In this principle, every gig-barrier is based and any legal consciousness. The law of eternal rotation, whose revelation is space and time, and especially in the year, was aware of Atlanto-Nordic (2) race in the symbol of the annual and global tree, the Tree of Life. We can trace this initial concept in all Atlanto-Nordic languages \u200b\u200band cultures. It is associated among others with the root of TR and with its reverse version of RT, which are present in the words denoting the rotation ("Drehen", "Drehung" "Vertete", "rotate", "rotation" (3), "Dorn" "tree" (4), etc.). Hence the connection T-R and R-T with a tree (as well as with a cross, gallows), and the wheel as a world tree, the tree of life. The same means "the" Nonforary "law of space," right "," ethics "," basis and source of all being ", and, accordingly," origin "," conception ". Space symbols of words with this root preserved in the word "art" ("type"), in the sense of "origin", kind, "in the Latin" Ritus ", i.e." Custom "," established order of action ", as well Art "," Science ", and especially in the ancient Indian RTA. The Ancient Indian" RTA "Rig Vedas," ASA "Avesta," Order "," Law ", was the" great establishment "" of a two-part God, Mithra Varuna, "UR-ANA ", Which is the true rotator" RTA ". The darkness wheel "RTA" runs through the sky, which will never age. Sun Fathers-Installers of the World, "Stripping from the RTA, abandoned the sky"; The sun, the revelation of Agni as the incarnation of the Son of God, is called "a bright visible face, and the Agni" Spring RTA "," born in RTA ". In the affairs of people," RTA ", as a moral law;" RTA and Truth "are closely connected. The sense of "not truth" is often used by the expression "Anrta", i.e. "What is not there". The right is that "reflects in accordance with", "goes along the RTA", "Care of RTA thinks about truth. "

Modern man and God's year
These fundamental considerations, however, are completely alien to the modern urban person. The year for him is only an abstract, temporary concept that is no different from all other time intervals that modern "economic and scientific" life operates. The year is known to him from the desktop calendar, business notebooks and a certain change of wardrobe. With the rhythm of creation, such a modern city person is no longer connected. His opposition with God's year in nature is sporadically, during rest or natural disasters. In order to return to the experience of the year, a modern person must "be treated" from his civilized existence, tearing away from the experience of being, despite the fact that the tempo of labor and life is becoming more and more rapid, and a gap with a large human year of the fate of the life of a person increases. It is to "heal" must be modern "social" people who have freed from all the natural laws of God-year, which turned the night a day, and the day in the night, seeking "best use time", whereas the time, in fact, uses them, destroying. God's year in nature would give them an update, but they cannot more find the inner path to it. If they understood their own sense, they would never start in a crazy chase for Mammon, making out of money the purpose of life, would not begin to consider the inevitability of the senseless industrialization and consolidation of cities, would not be mired in deep materialism, which sealed their poverty, weakness And the insignificance of their shower, shower "modern humanity". So clearly visible the destruction of bodily power, which is a consequence of the "modern life" of cities. They are trying to defeat weakness and resort back to God's year, when other funds do not help. But the reasons for this remaining safe and preservation, they do not notice and do not want to notice. And the main reason for their disappearance from the eternal life rhythm of God's year. Therefore, they do not live themselves, but they live something outsuning, alien; They rot for the body and soul are oldly in his youth.

God's year as a nordic experience
Of the unity and life rhythm of God's year, the whole spiritual culture of the Nordic race was once developed: the year was at the heart of Her God-acting and God, and from his impression in hieroglyphs, the signs of the "Holy Annual Rate" signs, all writing systems were developed. As today we convey knowledge through the letter, so once the letter itself arose as the transfer of higher knowledge about the divine revelation in the Universe, knowledge of the annual path of the "World of Peace", coming from God. But nowhere in our world experience of light is not so deep as there, where the opposite of light and darkness, day and night is more distinct. Only the extreme north knows God's year in the complete unity of his opposites, in the law of his return, in the infinite, eternal wealth of his movement, in which life is constantly resumed. Neither the eternal summer of tropical regions nor the pale compromises of the southern, Mediterranean climate do not know this experience. Only one single nordic winter, when the light of God is deeper and deeper in its daily path, the day is shortened, the night is lengthened, until, finally, the light will not drown in the whole day in the death of the winter night, then to come back to a new rise and awaken from death all life. Mystery of the Winter Solstice Sacred and the highest experience Nordic soul. It opens the great, the divine law of the eternal return the law, according to which every death is becoming, and death leads to life through the light of God.

1 - the Russian word "year" initially ether iteological meant "suitable", "worthy", from here the words "suitable", "good", "suitable", "profitable", "good"; It is belly to the Gothic "GUOTS", the ancient-German "guot" - "good", "good", "good". Consequently, in Russian initially, an idea of \u200b\u200bthe year as a good, i.e. As about ethical, high-quality concept, and not about the quantitative unit of time measurement. It is also striking that the "GottesJahr" often used by Wirth - "God's Year" - is contained in one Russian word "year", if, of course, adopt controversial etymologically, but by itself the suggesting parallel between the words GUT ("good") and GOTT ( "God"). - A.D.
2 - More about the racial theory of Herman Virta and his views on the meaning of the runes as the priority ideographs of the Holy Year, see A.Dugin "Hyperborean Theory", Moscow, Arctogo, 1994 - A.D.
3 - Note that the Slavic root of the word "Vertete" is relative, on the one hand, the ancient-Prussian "WIRST" ("to become"), from where the German "Werden", becoming, and on the other hand, it is in it the same combination The consonants are RT, and even a hyperkeyptic scientist Fascmer egoologically rands this root with the Greek "Ratane", where the consonant V or W is absent. By the way, the origin of this V (or W) may be a consequence of the rejection of the vowel "U", which in the ritual sounding of the oldest Nordic cult formulas often performed with "R". The famous formula "UR", the name of the most important winter-platform rune (horseshoes). Wirth Himself, the German "Werden" raises exactly to the "UR", and, consequently, the Russian "V" in "Vertet" (as well as in Latin "Verto", Lithuanian "Virsti", etc.) turns out to be quite prioritone and cultivated. From the same ancient root occurred and the Russian "time", related, in turn (by Fazmer), the ancient Indian "VARTMA" ("Kalay", Rytvini, "Road", "Gutter"), in which "T" is preserved. You should include the most important word "Rod", from Praslanjansky "* Ord" and the etymologically close word "grow". * ORD is clearly reminded by the German "Ordnung" ("order") and the Sanskrit word RTA itself. Again the proximity of the concepts. "Time", "Formation", "Growth" ... At the same time, it should be remembered that the time in tradition is understood cyclically, and therefore the concept of "kind" in the Slavic mentality meant not just the horizontal movement of the hereditary, family chain in history, and some united, Suphilistoric reality, as if obviously closed for himself, like a circle. Roma is just a cult of ancestors, but also the cult of descendants, as well as the cult of ethnic present, which makes the sacrament of the compound of two poles of being. - A.D.
4 - With regard to "DORN" (in the modern German "bush", "shrub") compliance with even more strict (we recall the phonetic identity "D" and "T", the ringing and deaf pronunciation of the same sound). The Russian word "tree", "Tree" dates back to the Indo-European root of D-R, T-R. - Greek "Doru", Ancient Indian "Daru", "Dru-", Gothic "Triu", English "Tree", etc. Thus, in Russian, several of the most important, fundamental sacred concepts associated with the ritual formula R-T, T-R are etymologically related words - "Time - Tree - Rotation - Rod." It is easy to imagine what conclusions can be learned from this simple remark to study the sacred semantics of Russian customs, texts, folklore revolutions, ritual complexes, calendar types, etc.

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early years

Activities in Nazi Germany

Theory Hermann Wirth

In the 1920s. Herman Wirth closely communicates with representatives of the Pronocystric circles of the German Weimar Republic. In 1925 he joined NSDAP (party card number 20.151), but next year he came out of her, he later hesitated to Marxist party societies later, but then, in 1926, returns to the ranks of national socialists.

During these years, Wirth issued several works, some of them were not recognized as scientific circles (in particular, he sought to substantiate the authenticity of the Frisian chronicle, which refers to the death of the Atlantis, the so-called "Chelle Linda" chronicles). At the same time, as noted by politician, political analyst and researcher of Creativity Wirth Alexander Dugin,

The theory of Hermann Wirth was the assumption of the polar, nordic origin of humanity. In the north of the Earth in ancient times was the continent of the Arctogue, which inhabited the overall hyperborers. Here appeared civilization, some monotheistic Pralaya, Prazyatik and other origins of world culture, subsequently subjected to desacralization, perversion and distortion. According to the theory of Wirth, the cause of these destructive processes was the racial mixing of hyperborers with animal-like, underdeveloped representatives of the lower southern race, which inhabited another continent - Gondwan. Because of the cooling and deterioration of the climate, the Northern Super Head began to move to the south, where its mixing occurred. The representatives of the supercise, which remained in the Arctogo most time, were given in the period of Mesolitis and Neolithic, the beginning of the Nordic race in the understanding of the contemporaries of Wirth.

Virta's work received a living response to Fulkish-Circles, and in 1932 the government of Meclanderburg organized for Wirth "ForschungsInstitut Für Geistesurgeschichte) in Bad Doberen. In 1934, Wirth is restored to the NSDAP and enter into the SS (membership number 258.776). Hitler approvingly responded about a number of Wirth's works, in particular "signs and soul of swastika" of 1933, but also stated:

The period "Anenchive"

In 1935, he became one of the founders and the first director of the Company Anecherbe (headed him until 1937). In 1938, according to ideological disagreements with Himmler, who, in particular, did not share the theories of Wirth regarding the matriarchate in the German society (Das Mutterrecht), was dismissed from Anecherb, while he remained voluntary assistant to the Company until 1945. After Wirth, Anenbe headed Walter Wuust (Him. Walter Wüst.).

After the war

In 1945-1947 He was interneed with American troops, after that he left for Sweden, but in 1954 he returned to Marburg, where the scientist's private life was led. The ideas of Wirth regarding the origin of the authon population of America in the 1970s acquired an unexpected resonance [[To: Wikipedia: Articles without sources (Country: Lua: CallParserFunction: Function "#Property" WAS NOT Found. )]] [[To: Wikipedia: Articles without sources (Country: Lua: CallParserFunction: Function "#Property" WAS NOT Found. )]] North American Indians. In 1979, Virta visited Willy Brandt, and the Government of the Earth Rhineland-Palatz offered a scientist to create a museum for his ethnographic collection.

Herman Virt is a German-Dutch scientist, a religious thinker, researcher and reconstruction of the oldest history and language of mankind. Wirth did not belong to the traditionalist school, but some of his research and intuition are close to her. The largest representative of traditionalism Julius Evol called Wirth one of his teachers.

Herman Felix Wirth (Herman Felix Wirth, 1885-1981) was born in the Dutch city of Utrecht in the family of a gymnasium teacher and folklorist Ludwig Wirth. After school, he went to Leipzig, where he dedicated himself to the study of Dutch philology, Germany, folk music and history. In 1911, Wirth defended his dissertation called " Dutch folklore decline"Where he opened certain constantly repetitive patterns associated with ideograms found in patterns and platbands of houses (mostly settlements of Dutch friezes)." In 1917-1918, Wirth taught Dutch philology in the University of Brussels, and until 1919 - in Berlin. He also lectured on Germany and Dutch history in the Leipzig and Utrecht universities.

Ariosophy and Fulkish

There is a well-established opinion that Wirth was ariosophom. It is refuted by the fact that Wirth, unlike Ariosophos, focused on racial issues, and on the topic of religion and sacred symbolism. He recognized the unified cult and symbolic source of mankind. Wirth called Ariosofs amateurs and "national science fictions", accused them of discrediting the northern idea with his hobbies of pseudo-stacked occultism and theosophism E. Blavatskaya. For its part, Ariosofa criticized him for the upset of monotheism, the protection of Christianity as the "initial Nordic religion".

At the same time, Wirth was close to movement fulkish. Wirth has tried the idea of \u200b\u200bthe synthesis of various aspects of the German tradition. He conducted historical exposition concerts (Flemish Evenings) in order to revive the Dutch folklore song. In 1919, Wirth became an inspirer of the youth nationalist movement " Landbond. dER Dietsche. TrekVogels »- Dutch German analogue fulkish-digation " Adorable birds» ( Wandervoeegel). However, it should not identify Wirth with fulkishSince often he turned out to be the object of criticism from representatives of this movement. He was accused of the so-called. "Christian activities" and "hydration" in the mill fulkish. The distortion of Germanic history (pormonotype, matriarchy).

Wirth and official science

Being already consisted of scientists, in 1928, Wirth creates a scientific " Society Herman Virta" in Berlin. The main publication of the Company was the magazine " Nordic world" The first fundamental work of Wirth became the book " The origin of mankind. Research on the history of religion, symbols and letters of the Atlanto-Nordic race"(1928). It summarizes the huge empirical material, a whole range of religious and linguistic cultures (Suchmers, Egyptians, Greeks, Indians, Phoenicians, Peoples of Siberia, etc.). He tried to create a global interdisciplinary synthesis, including archeology, ethnology, philosophy, philology, etc. Such an ambitious task could not not cause skepticism and criticism by the scientific community. He was accused of pseudoscience and dilatantism, and even in an attempt to create a new religion. In 1932 a collection came out " Herman Virt and German Science", In which the critical consideration of Virta studies was carried out. Among other things, he was accused of neglecting historical facts and dating accuracy.

The greatest criticism was the publication " Chronicles cheers Linda"(1933), in which he believed, contains an ancient history and religion of the Germans. "She did Virta outcast in the environment of official historians who believed that the very doubt in full fakes" URU LINDA"Automatically discredits the author." In fairness, it should be noted that Wirth himself did not consider it entirely authentic, since she, according to him, contains a minimum of four layers, only one of which can be considered archaic. Nazi scientists especially indignant that the "Chronicle" described the ancient Germans as monotheists and their matriarchal society, which contradicted Edde and Saga. The latter, according to Wirth, reflect the late, degraded polytestic and patriarchal phase of history. As a result, the "chronicle" was announced hostile Germany, introducing alien non-German life attitudes and the "female economy".

Ancient symbolism and protusiveness

The method of studying the symbols of Wirth called the "the most ancient history of the Spirit" ( UrgeistesDeschichte.), which was based on religious and philological comparatus. As a result of the study of the ancient symbols of many nations, Wirth comes to the conclusion that any symbol comes from the world's worldview of the North ( Miro-Review, Gottesweltanschauung), who lives in a polar year. Mythology and symbolism of the peoples of the world only reproduces the mythology and symbolism of the North. The latter, according to Wirth, always rotate around the central event for the Northern man (which is especially experienced by them) - Winter Solstice ( Great Yul.). Thus, "existence in the circumpolar zone, or rather, the annual cycle and the associated natural phenomena in this zone are key»To decipher a wide range of phenomena, symbols, signs, myths, etc.

Annual circle and map calendar become the main hermeneutic principle for Wirth. By the way, in the spirit of traditionalist philosophy, Wirth believed that initially time was experienced as cyclical. The structure of the time was determined by the "eternal rhythm of the natural year of life." The year was viewed as a revelation of divine action in the world established by God the law. The structure of the year is reflected in the daily and life cycles: spring-morning-childhood, summer-noon-maturity, autumn-evening-old age, winter-night-death. With these stages, the key solar points of the year relate: spring equinox, summer solstice, autumnal equinox, winter solstice. The latter was perceived as the main mystery of the year. History in this case is an eternal braverage, or Eternal return.

In his work " Sacred Praäwk of mankind"(1936) Wirth develops the theory of origin of writing, according to which the simplest geometric symbols go into the deepest antiquity and are the form of a graphic language. Stripping from the theory of cultural circles, Wirth speaks of the existence of a circumpolar "cultural circle of Tula", "where discovery is discovered, the formation or structuring of a certain primasted matrix, which is further moving along with the migrations of the peoples that are its carriers, penetrates worldwide and falls into the basis The most archaic layers of cultures. " This primature matrix can be called a protoductural letter. Historical runes (V-VI centuries) is just traces of an ancient system. This protoduanic system underlies all the well-known writing systems: Phoenician, Sumerian, Indian, Chinese, Egyptian, etc.

Initial religion of mankind

The main content of the protusiveness, expressed in the simplest signs, on the virtue, is the benefit of the news of the Savior ( Heilbringer.) who is coming to save humanity in the Mystery of the Great Jula. The symbolism of the Savior was the core of the original religion of mankind, which was based on a schomeriological hope. It is important to note here that if Wirth and recognized a certain primordial religion of mankind, this does not mean, like the Rena of Geon, the metaphysical unity of various religions, but only their structural-symbolic unity, by virtue of a single source (polar) origin of symbolism (and language) .

So, according to Wirth, the myth of the Savior binds all the true traditions of mankind. The essence of this myth is as follows. During the year, the Savior is moving in a circle, stopping at four points (equinox and solstice) in the images of a baby, her husband, an elder, a martyr on the "cross tree". Then he is reborn at the winter solstice point, thereby saving humanity from death. On this symbolism was based, as Wirth writes, Donikaean Christianity, which he considered as an echo of the initial Nordic religion. By the way, Genon also considered an early Christianity as rising to the hyperborean tradition, and not only to Abraham, analyzing the symbolism of the Magi-Kings and Melchizedek.

Another important "dogma" of this religion was monotheism. Wirth here is repelled from the famous Peponotize theory (Lang, Schmidt). Polyteraism he considers as a late form of degradation. By the way, in this issue, Wirth does not contradict Rene Heon, who believed that the authentic tradition could only be monotheistic.

Herman Wirth, being influenced by the Bahofen theory on the primaryness of "maternal law", argues that the matriarchy was characterized for Atlanto-Nordic society. Since the woman was perceived as a carrier of sacrality and fertility, the embodiment of Mother Earth, there was a cult of "white ladies" and propheted, the keepers of the Divine Revelation. However, as a result of mixing with the authon peoples of the South and the gradual degradation, the Maternal Law is replaced by the "paternal law" with its "patriarchal-powerful-political" perception of being. Wirth considered this event to the main tragedy of history. Julius Evola, although he did not agree with this approach of Wirth, claiming the primacy and superiority of Masque Civilization, took into account him in his theory. Evola believed that the matriarchy had a "silver century", in the "golden age", "the initial patriarchy", "which was partly restored by the heroic men's civilization of the" copper century ".

Hyperborean theory

Wirth defends North, or, more precisely, the polar origin of the original religion. Wirth develops the theory of Indian scientist Gangadhara Tilak and identifies the homeland of Indo-Europeans with Arctic (or Arcticae). The carrier of the initial religion Wirth considered "Atlanto-Nordic Ras". Echoes about this race are preserved in Irish Sagas about tribes Tuatu de Danann. It comes from an even more ancient "Arctic-Nordic". As a result of the deterioration of the Atlanto-Nordic Race climate, migrates to the south, where the various aboriginal peoples enslaves. As a result, the descendants of Atlanto-Nords amounted to higher castes of these peoples, castes of priests and rulers. They transferred sacral symbolism to the people of the world (including runes), the sacred calendar, the doctrine of the annual Mystery of the Savior. Differences in language and religious practice are due to the specifics of autochthonous peoples who could not fully learn hyperborean knowledge. An important aspect of the theory of Wirth was identified by Hyperborea, Atlantis and Tula. He called the North Atlantic Cultural Circle "" Hyperborean Atlantis. " This identification aroused the criticism of the Rena of the Geon, who also defended the hyperborean origin of the tradition. The latter believed that Atlantis was a secondary center in relation to the hyperborea and that it was located in the West, and not in the north.

Attitude to modern times

Modernity, with all its "benefits" and theories, is evaluated by Vertom, essentially, traditionalist. However, if Evol considered the cause of such elements of modernity, as evolutionism, rationalism, materialism, etc., progressive gynecocracy, then for Wirth these flavors are rooted in their father's law. The crisis of modern humanity is due to the patriarchal perception of life. Modern people, according to Wirth, are not able to survive the completeness of the Space Revelation of the Year, because "If they once again understood his whole sense, they would cease to make the meaning of their lives of mistaken chase for the Mamon and would not be to declare meaningless industrialization and urbanization of" economic "development and necessity. Then they would not turn the deepest materialism and their own spiritual statement, the lowestness and weakness in the spirit of the Spirit of the time with which the modern person should be "consonated."

Shortly before the death of Wirth in one interview, noted that his whole life was devoted to the cause of the spiritual revolution. She meant, according to A. Kondratyev, a turn to the "German ethnoreligious and symbolic-cultural exisons." Wirth sought to free the German science from the integral influence of liberal science and release humanity from "stains of civilization". Wirth put forward the following tasks for the "turn" of the German thinking: confrontation of the tendencies of the blessing technical and materialistic civilization, rethinking the role of a woman ("back to mothers!").

Wirth and Nazism

The shadow, Lighter on Wirth and all his work, became his connection with the Nazis and the fact that he was one of the founders and chapters (until 1937) of the research organization " The legacy of ancestors» ( Anenerbe). As part of it, he organizes expeditions in the North Sea, to Tibet to detect the residues of hyperborean civilization. In 1938, Wirth was excluded from Anenerbe Due to disagreements with Gimler, who, in particular, did not accept the idea of \u200b\u200bthe matriarchate in the ancient Germans. In addition, his idea that the descendants of Ariyev are present in all nations, regardless of the race and color of the skin, could not but cause resistance in the Nazi circles. After exclude from Anenerbe Wirth was under the careful supervision of the Gestapo. It is significant that "the student and follower of Wirth Wolfram Zivers is at the same time together with Friedrich Hilsher head of the antihytler conspiracy. They help many pursued, including Jews ... "

German Virt Career: Figure
Birth: Netherlands
The founder and the first leader Anecherbe Professor Herman Virt (1885-1974) was a representative of the People's Camp. The leaving from Holland, Wirth in 1910 received the degree of candidate of science for the dissertation dedicated to the Dutch folk songs.

In the 1920s, he became close to Felkish-circles of Germany, in 1924 he joined the Nazi party, after that he joined Marxist circles, followed, in 1926, once again turned out to be in the ranks of national socialists.

During these years, Wirth issued some works, some of them were not recognized as scientific circles (in particular, he sought to substantiate the authenticity of the fake Frisian chronicle, which refers to the death of the Atlantis, the so-called Chronicle of URU LINDA). At the same time, as Alexander Dugin notes, Wirth did not share the numerous prejudices of the occultists, which their hasty discredit serious research. Vasilchenko still writes that in the difference from many publicists of that time in Camp Felkish, Wirth tried that his theories had a sufficient scientific substantiation.

The basis of Hermann Wirth was the idea of \u200b\u200bthe polar, the nordic origin of humanity. In the north, there was no time the continent of Arctoga, the one inhabited the super-super-hyperboreans. A civilization, monotheistic Pralaya, Praeligia, and generally all that was subjected to desacralization, perversion and distortion was also appeared. The cause of these destructive processes, in accordance with the virtue, was a racial mixing of hyperborers with wordless and brainless animal creatures, which inhabited the continent of Gondwan. In connection with the cooling and worsening climate, North Race began to move to the south, where there was a mixing. Those who remained in the arms longer than all were given in Mesolith and Neulyate the beginning of the Nordic race in its modern understanding.

Two thousand years of history of the history is the last agony of civilization and the triumph of the gondvanic southern forces of Chaos: all modern languages \u200b\u200band religious teachings are a dead plexus more incomprehensible symbols and signs, the key to which is irretrievably lost together with the polar land and the polar race. The last form of the nordic language was the language of the Runic alphabet (or rather, Futark). All modern types of writing have developed from the protoduanic signs (the rationale for this concept of Wirth dedicated the book of the Sacred Proto-Writing of Mankind).

As we noted, Wirth believed that Praeligia inhabitants of the Arctogus wore a monotheistic temper (Praeligia of the Northern Race was pure monotheism, but not philosophical and distracted, but a specific, experimental-worried in the immediate rhythm of God's world, God's year and God of God 442)). Based on this, he attempted to decipher the Old Testament, sentence with plots, names, names, events, fragments. Wirth believed that the Old Testament is absolutely hyperborean knowledge, chibko pure, extremely Indo-European, but pre-transformed (especially in the 6th century BC. E.)

Based on his theory, he tried to clarify the incompleteness of paleoanthropology and ancient history, which there are no remains of a nordic person: ... Firstly, the form of burial of the nordic people was different (the property itself was different), and then the land on which they were They were either shifted, or sank.

Wirth for all a hundred denied the theory of evolution, insisting on the principle of involution (degeneration). In addition, he played the cyclical concept of time, based on the fact that in all cultures, so or by different, there is a myth of eternal reckoning.

The relationship of Wirth with the German scientific world was ambiguous. On the one hand, representatives of academic circles have repeatedly criticized it for the use of pseudo-propelled techniques, with another some generally accepted scientific authorities (Alfred Boymler, Gustave Sobel) gave the vibrant for an independent position and unique intuition. The Nazis first as a whole supported the survey of Wirth. Nazi philososhr Alfred Rosenberg in his Mi (re xx century marked that Wirth gave a powerful impetus to the study of the history of the ancient world 445), although he has doubted some points of his theory. Carefully followed the works of the scientist and Heinrich Himmler. After the arrival of the NSDAP to power, Herman Wirth became a professor of the University of Friedrich-Wilhelm.

In 1933, Professor organized the German heritage exhibition in Munich (Deutsche Ahnenerbe), it was in this place Wirth and met Darre and Himmler. Darre suggested unorthodox scientist cooperation and support. After the creation of the Society, Anecherbe Wirth (he became a Hauptsturmführer SS) received a post of president of the organization, the purpose of which was the study of the history of ancient spirituality (the right-religion, which was paid to the most important partition in the theory of Wirth). The Imperial Secretary of the Company Wolfram Sievers on the post-war interrogation showed that the initial task of the ancestors was to fully study the prehistoric period and ancient history in order to associate the achievements of the Indo-Hermann tribes with the achievements of modern Germany.

During his short presidency, Herman Wirth managed to establish a society's expedition to Scandinavia (in the fall of 1935 and in the summer of 1936), to personally lead the department for studying writing and symbols, to prepare an impressive work on the customs of the German peasantry. In that very segment, Wirth supported extremely close contacts with Walter Darre, helping to deepen the theory of blood and soil. Darre tried to fully expand the close impact in the legacy of ancestors, generously providing the environment with financial resources from the budget of his Ministry of Agriculture, introduced its numerous followers to the anenchia. Professor came close to Alfred Rosenberg.

With Virth in Anenbe, representatives of the people's ideology, and scientifically trained personnel and highly qualified specialists, were not enough, on the contrary, was not enough (Wirth all contributed to their appearance). It soon and played the main image in the fact that Reichsführer was disappointed in Wirth. Scientists (Relkin directions, as it turned out, was distinguished by the opposition in relation to the national activity. These are especially seen by the example of Friedrich Hilsher.

"Professor Herman Wirth (1885-1974) was a representative of the People's Camp. The leaving from Holland, Wirth in 1910 received the degree of candidate of science for the dissertation dedicated to the Dutch folk songs.

In the 1920s, he became close to Felkish-Circles of Germany, in 1924 he joined the Nazi Party, then joined Marxist circles, then, in 1926, was again in the ranks of national socialists.

During these years, Wirth issued several works, some of them were not recognized as scientific circles (in particular, he sought to substantiate the authenticity of the fake Frisian chronicle, which refers to the death of Atlantis, the so-called "Chronicles of URU LINDA"). At the same time, as noted by Alexander Dugin, Wirth "did not share numerous prejudices of the occultists, which their hastiness discredit serious research" . Vasilchenko also writes that "Unlike many publicists of that time in Camp Felkish, Wirth tried that his theories had a sufficient scientific substantiation" .

The basis of the theory of Hermann Wirth was the idea of \u200b\u200bthe polar, nordic origin of humanity. In the north there was once a continent of the Arctoga, which inhabited the overall hyperboreans. Here, civilization, monotheistic prarelyaga appeared here, Prazyask, and in general, all that subsequently subjected to desacralization, perversion and distortion. The cause of these destructive processes, according to the virtue, was a racial mixing of hyperborers with short-sighted and brainless beasts, inhabited by another continent - Gondwan. In connection with the cooling and worsening climate, North Race began to move to the south, where there was a mixing. Those who remained in the arms longer than all were given in Mesolith and Neulyate the beginning of the Nordic race in its modern understanding.

Two millenniums known to us - this is the last agony of civilization and the triumph of "Gondvanic" southern chaos forces: "All modern languages \u200b\u200band religious teachings are a dead plexus of more incomprehensible symbols and signs, the key to which is irrevocably lost with the polar land and the polar race" . The last form of the nordic language was the language of the Runic alphabet (or rather, Futark). All modern types of writing have developed from the protoduanic signs (the rationale for this concept of Wirth dedicated the book "Sacred Proto-Writing of Mankind").

As we noted, Wirth believed that Praeligia residents of the Arctogue was monotheistic ("Praeligia of the Northern Race was pure monotheism, but not philosophical and abstract, but a specific, experimental-worried in the direct rhythm of God's world, God's year and God's man" ). Based on this, he attempted to "decipher" the Old Testament, give an explanation of the plots, names, names, events, fragments. Wirth believed that "the Old Testament is certainly a hyperborean knowledge, very clean, very indo-european, but fairly transformed (especially in the VI century BC. Er)" .

Based on his theory, he tried to explain the "nonsense" of paleoanthropology and ancient history, why there are no remains of a nordic man: "... First, the form of burial of the nordic people was different (the quality of life was different), and then those lands, on whom they stayed or shifted, or sank " .

Wirth completely denied the theory of evolution, insisting on the principle of involution (degeneration). In addition, he played the cyclical concept of time, based on the fact that in all cultures, one way or another, there is a myth of eternal reckoning.

The relationship of Wirth with the German scientific world was ambiguous. On the one hand, representatives of academic circles have repeatedly criticized him for the use of pseudo-scientific techniques, on the other - some generally accepted scientific authorities (Alfred Boymler, Gustave Squel) gave a vibrant for an independent position and unique intuition. Nazis initially as a whole supported Virta's research. "Nazi philososhr" Alfred Rosenberg in his "mi (re xx century" noted that Wirth "gave a strong impetus to the study of the history of the ancient world" Although I doubted some points of his theory. Carefully followed the works of the scientist and Heinrich Himmler. After the arrival of the NSDAP to power, Herman Wirth became a professor of the University of Friedrich-Wilhelm.

In 1933, the professor organized an exhibition "German Heritage" in Munich ("Deutsche Ahnenerbe"), it was here that Wirth and met Darre and Himmler. Darre suggested unorthodox scientist cooperation and support. After the establishment of the Anecherbe society, Wirth (he became a Hauptsturmführer SS) received a post of President of the Organization, the purpose of which was the study of the history of ancient spirituality (the right-religion, which was paid so much attention in the theory of Wirth). The Imperial Secretary of the Company Wolfram Sievers on the post-war interrogation showed that the initial task of the ancestors' heritage was "to carry out a complete study of the prehistoric period and ancient history in order to associate the achievements of the Indo-Hermann tribes with the achievements of modern Germany."

During his short presidency, Herman Wirth managed to organize the Society Expeditions in Scandinavia (in the fall of 1935 and in the summer of 1936), to personally lead the department for the study of writing and symbols, prepare for the publication of an impressive work on the volume of work dedicated to the customs of the German peasantry. During this period, Wirth supported very close contacts with Walter Darra, helping to deepen the theory of "blood and soil". Darre tried to expand its influence in the "Heritage of ancestors", generously providing society with financial resources from the budget of his Ministry of Agriculture, introduced its numerous followers to the Anecherba. Professor came close to Alfred Rosenberg.

With Wirth in Anenerebe, representatives of the people's ideology, and scientifically trained personnel and highly qualified specialists, were not enough, on the contrary, was not enough (Wirth contributed little to their appearance). It soon and played the main role in the fact that Reichsführer was disappointed in Wirth. "Scientists" (Relkiniuses, as it turned out, was distinguished by the oppositional to national activity. This is especially seen by the example of Friedrich Hilsher.


) Dugin A.G. Philosophy of traditionalism. M., 2002. p. 140.

) Vasilchenko A. Anenerbe. "Legacy of ancestors" without myths and secrets. M., 2005. p. 22.

) Quote. By: Dugin A. Hyperborean theory. S., 1993. p. 12.