The ratio of Georgians to the Russians. Georgians - Main on Holidays and Ancient Traditions

The ratio of Georgians to the Russians. Georgians - Main on Holidays and Ancient Traditions
The ratio of Georgians to the Russians. Georgians - Main on Holidays and Ancient Traditions

Georgian girls are distinguished by incredible beauty and bright appearance. Georgia is a country rapidly developing on a European manner, but the local population still honors the traditions of ancestors and keep them. How does Georgians live today and what are they noticeably different from women of other nationalities?

Georgian families

Over the past centuries, women were brought up in both men. Even today, the overwhelming majority of Georgian families reigns a full patriarch. Wife is still lucky if her husband is a senior child. According to the customs of this country, younger sons Must live with parents even after marriage. At the same time, their wives are completely and unquestioned not only to their husbands, but also mother-in-law, which in this situation plays the role of the "older hostess". All this sounds too unusual for the European man, isn't it? Historically, the decision of all household issues lies on fragile female shoulders. In mountain villages and today every family has a large economy. In this case, the function of a man is to work and ensure their family. At home, the real Georgians do not help with their spouses. A woman should be not only an excellent hostess, but also an excellent homework.

Education of Georgians

Everything without exception, a woman in Georgia is wonderful mistresses. Many families B. modern cities Choose a European lifestyle. But even in this case, for the mother, a real shame, if her daughter does not know how to prepare national dishes and follow the house. Today, all girls in Georgia receive secondary education. Residents of cities often end the institutes. Special attention is paid to home education of children. Georgian girls are distinguished by pride, high morality, incredible love for their homeland and their own family. In this country, Georgians are very respected often look soft and bad, but at the same time most of them differ incredible power Spirit and have a steel character.

Etiquette of Georgian women

In Georgia, it is not customary to look into the eyes unfamiliar peopleespecially men. This behavior is considered to be causing. Many Georgian girls since childhood can watch "through people", it is this look that is considered permissible and acceptable. During the conversation in this country, it is customary to keep a distance of at least meter. Only close relatives or good acquaintances can approach each other. Separately, it is worth noting the norms of casual wear. Traditional color for Georgians - black. Most often, women wear skirts below the knees. Blouses and blouses they also choose dark shades. Accordingly, the accessories are selected in the tone.

Beauty in Georgian

How do you look very beautiful girls in Georgia? Georgians are beautiful from nature. Thick dark hair, dark skin and expressive eyes. Among the representatives of this nationality, it is simply impossible to find a clearly unattractive person. Many Georgians will value with their hair and grow long braids. Short haircuts Among local women are not popular. From the nature of Georgian slender and have very feminine figures. However, in adulthood, many women begin to recruit overweight. Most often the reason for this is the passion national Kitchen In combination with a slowdown of metabolism. For the correction of the figure, beautiful Georgian girls choose diet, but sports loads in this country are considered to be a neleval case. Many Georgians are happy to wear jewelry and jewelry. Cosmetics residents of many Georgia provinces enjoy only large holidays. Otherwise, the situation is in big cities. Here women face daily, black eyeliner is very popular. All without exception, Georgians are not indifferent to perfumery.

Women's Georgian names

Many Georgians even in our days are very serious about how to name the newborn baby. National in Georgia is often borrowed from ancient legends and legends. In this country, it is important not only how musically the personal appeal to a person sounds. Georgians believe that the name can affect the character and fate of the person. Jamaliya ("beauty"), Mariam ("decisive"), MzSevinar ("Sun"), Tinatin ("Landlink of the Sun"), Theon ("The Thought of God"), Aliko ("all-knowing") - exactly called girls in this Country for many generations. However, it is worth noting that old names Do not really like young people. And often from full and complex names invent cuts used in everyday life. Many "modern" parents in Georgia call their daughters as well as Europeans or Russians. Diana, Christina, Catherine, Marina, Maya, Natalie, Nelly, Polina, Sofia - this is modern georgian names Girls. Most Georgians are Christians. Many families choose biblical names for their kids.

Relationships with men and wedding traditions

Most Georgian girls get married at a young age. In some regions, the country is still distributed ancient custominvolving the abduction of the bride. Nevertheless, most marriages in this country lies in mutual agreement and agreements between the newlyweds. Young Georgian girls should be modest and chaste. Young Georgians are advised to behave so that none of the neighbors could not even inflate something bad. Wedding in Georgia is a special event. For some time, everyone relatives and friends are preparing for a celebration. Even in large cities today, many are observed vintage customs. Wedding in Georgia is very colorful and interesting event from traditional dancing and songs, beautiful toasts and atmosphere of universal fun.

Features of life in cities and villages

Modern Georgia is a country of contrasts. Small villages and villages live as well as dozens of years ago. And here big cities Few difference from European megacities. The upbringing of Georgian girls largely depends on how strict the father's family. In most villages, even swim in the reservoirs follows in clothes. At the same time, fashion boutiques, cafes and nightclubs are open in cities. Many representatives of modern youth dress up as they want, and look quite extravagant. But, of course, such behavior is unacceptable in countryside. Actions and appearance of Georgian girls in the provinces are discussed for years. The mistakes are unacceptable, because even today, for most young Georgians, a priority goal is a successful marriage. This means that the local population is trying to take care of his youth.

The legendary Queen Tamara is the perfect image of a Georgian woman

Many creative people We were looking for inspiration in the landscapes of Georgia and the beauty of local women. Main Muse and the most real Georgian - Queen Tamara. This woman went down in history due to their wisdom and great achievements. The Queen was built the city, took significant state decisions, and in their free political affairs time personally engaged in raising children and needlework. If you believe in the words famous poets, Tamara was incredibly beautiful and feminine. It was often called simply "perfection." Many modern very beautiful girls in Georgia seek to develop their character and dream of at least remotely to become like the Great Queen Tamar.

All people in their own way appearance They are divided into the type. In Georgia, this is especially noticeable, and more this concerns men. IN different corners Georgia you have to deal with different types Georgians: lys and dark-haired, thin and autonous, puzzles and skinny, vicarious and similar to "Italians" or on "Armenians".

How many regions in Georgia

In Georgia, 12 regions. People of these regions are characterized by character, appearance, kitchen and surnames. Representatives of some regions are fooling over others, but not at all with evil.

The most popular region in the number of jokes is Svanetia.
The ethnic group of savas is rather small and is isolated. In a joke, the Swan is called "wooden-heads", the logic of the behavior of the cooks is very difficult to understand, often stubbornness to extremely overlaps the logic. About them is invented by the mass of jokes, sometimes even offensive.

And many of the savas are afraid, more precisely, they are stuck to communicate with them, since they are quick-tempered, conflicts, and in their veins, instead of blood the spirit of "blood revenge" flows.

Surname and them are similar to Italian and end on - ina, such as, for example, the famous Alpanist Hergiani, the ruler of Svaneti Dadiani, Iosedian, etc.

Svants have their own language, and Svan cuisine is famous for meat with meat "Kudbari", "Chvishtar" and the Svan Solu.
Svants always famous for courage. Brave warriors differed wide shoulders and high height. I have never been conquered by anyone, they retained the initial genotype with blond hair and eyes.


Megrella are the nearest neighbors of the Swan. They are called "Georgian Jews." By nature, they are very enterprising and cunning. Of these, it turns out good businessmen, tricks and just entrepreneurs.

In this ethnic group There is also your own language, like the Svan, incomprehensible to anyone else. Megrellas differ from Georgians from other regions externally, they are bright, redheads, blue-eyed, high and slim.

I consider myself purebred and prefer not to mix with other nations, including Georgians from other regions. Megrella are very hardworking and called themselves the "Georgian elite".

The surnames of Megrelov ends at -iya, like, for example, Beria, Gamsakhurdia, Deloia, etc. By the way, sometimes Megreles are called Mengrels, and Megrelia Mengrelia.
Out of megrel's cuisine, such dishes like Gomi, Elaragee, Megrelskie Kuchmachi, Megrelski Kharcho and Khachapuri were included in the general transportation. Usually the megrelsk cuisine is very tasty and a little sharp.


Rachu is called a little Switzerland. Mountains, lakes, forests, waterfalls ... The nature of this edge is surprisingly beautiful. People are calm and kind. There was no blood revenge here, as in the neighboring Svanetia. Racha, located outside the main trading and military paths, has never been conquered by anyone.

Racha live in Rarth. Radiers are the most slow from all famous Georgians, but also the most fun. The people are laugh and called "brakes". On their slowness in soviet times A film called "The fastest in the world" was shot. Looking at it, it is possible to understand the nature of Ranchintsev.

Radiers are known as excellent chefs. You are tightly lucky if you get to the Ranchinians on a feast, which does not cost without chanting and traditional Ranchin dishes: Rachinskaya ham, Lobiani, Shkmeruli and, of course, without famous "Hwwankra".


Adjarts live in the Black Sea. Batumi - the capital of Adjara. Who just did not try to conquer this tasty, port, entering the sea. Greeks and Romans, Persians and Turks constantly claimed not only for coastal territories, but also on mountain plots.

Adjarts had to be taken around with different neighbors, to endure conquerors, remain under the rule of the Turks and even change faith.

Dancing, songs and cuisine in Adjara is very different from all other regions. And from the dishes the most famous and favorite guests have become "Adjar Khachapuri" in the form of a boat with an egg that resembles the sun of this warm edge. The rest of the Ajara cuisine is very fat, severe, with the presence of baked oil in almost all dishes.


Imeretinians live in Imereti. The capital of Imereti - Kutaisi. By the way, one of the most ancient constantly populated cities in Europe. Imerters are proud of their glorious history, because they are descendants of the people of the famous Kolkhid.

Imprintins are pigeon, nose with a hubber or meaty. You are called sweet-speaking. They always say pleasant things, compliments and all that will get away your ear.

In principle, "Aquarius" are found throughout Georgia, "but Imeretinians deserved a special reputation. It remains only to hope that compliments to your address are pronounced sincere.

Years are very welcoming, they will pour into a glass and put in a plate, just not allowed utensils. They will patiently wait until you "roll out" because of the table, there are no chances for anyone.

By the way, we read about the universal Georgian hospitality.
Years Khachapuri, Historine Cheese, Fight with Mint, Wine Zolikauri and Cytsk are the main acting dishes of Imeretian cuisine.


Outly-free Guriians love to invent rhymes, jokes, booms and know exactly how to "prick." But no one is offended by them, because everyone knows the nature of Guriyan. They got swampy lands, with malarious mosquitoes and other horrors that contributed to the formation of the rigid nature of Guriytsev.

Guri residents are calm people, but it's not worth quarreling with them. If the Georgian has a wife from Guria, then sooner or later he regrets the choice made. Women Guriy good owners, but powerful and tough.

The Kitchen of Gurius brought Guriy Khachapuri to Georgian culinary culture, special cheese and from their kitchen to us Guriysi Khachapuri.

Eastern Georgia

Kakheti fertile wine edge. Kakhetintians are called hardworking docks, because from spring to autumn they will have to work in the fields. Vineyards, watermelon Bakhchi, sunflowers, peaches, nuts and grenades - Kakheti gives all these gifts of nature.

Alazan Valley, Southern Sobs Caucasian Gor., Iori and Alazani rivers. Through this territory was trading paths, and therefore merchants paid the dutin. A rich, fertile land did not give peace of enemies. Kakheti constantly suffered from enemy raids.

And the Persian Shah Abbas, who ruined Kakheti at the beginning in the XVII century, forcibly moved to different areas Iran is 200 thousand Georgian-Kakhetintsev, settling the Alazan Valley by Turkmen.

That is why Kakhetintsy Brunettes, many blacks and Chernobrov. They are often depicted by puzzled, because long winter evenings Nothing remains how to drive time behind the jug of his own cooked wine, biting reserves, harvested until the next summer.

Kakhetinti love meat dishes - Shashlik, Hashlam, and, of course, wine.

There are several more regions in Georgia as, for example, high-mountainous trees, hevsuretia. Georgians are in the minority in Samtzhe-Javakheti, since the Armenian or Azerbaijani population is dominated by the region in the region.

What are the other people talking about the Georgians

Georgians - beautiful nation, with characteristic mentality. Do not try to convey to the Georgian "subtle hint" in Russian, you will not be understood. In total, Georgians are very characterized by excessive pride, stubbornness and susceptibility.

Concerning general damn Georgian nation, it is worth noting that external beauty Georgians were noticed in antiquity Herodotus, Gibbon and Strabo.

What do Europeans say about Georgians

« Memoire Sur L'Ethnographie De La Perse"(Paris, 1866)" The Georgian nation has long been distinguished by the grace of its type and that the purity of the Georgian [...] are obliged to the Persians and Turks to improving their gross type, which helped countless evictions, for a long time, produced from Georgia [...] "(Bakradze : "Archaeologist. Traveling around Guria and Adjara", p. VI)

The traveler Charrad (1671) was left indifferent to the Georgians, which was the first guidebook for Europeans, Abbot Joseph Deploit, German scientist Ritzel, Pushkin and Lermontov.

Particular attention is worth noting the beauty of Georgian women. Their beauty was captivated by the Byzantine emperors, Shakhov and Sultanov. For example, the mother of Sultan Abdul-Medzhide was before the Georgian slave, "even a noble posture and beautiful face The founder of the Trapezian Empire of Historians is ready to explain the origin of great comanons from Georgian ancestors, "the mother of the shine orthodox church Athanasius the Great was also Georgian.

The wife of the last Byzantine emperor Konstantin Paleologus was to be the daughter of Tsar George XVIII, if not the final fall of Constantinople in 1453.

Traveler and writer Schweiger-Lhernefeld writes:

"... However, the Georgians sold to slavery were not at all so unhappy, as ordinary we think. In essence, the change in their position could be called shiny, dazzling. Georgians are much intelligent than Cherkishenok, dominated and more artistic in intrigues; so they not only quickly worked out with new participation, but also knew how to achieve strongly complete power in the Hammeca Magometan venel. "

and, finally:

"Since the time of Shah Abbas I, the deceased prof. Paukupov, the Persian Shakhov got into wiser to surround himself by Georgian buddy and commission georgian princes Important posts of the Commander-in-Chief, Divanbega, Spanish Taruga and Khanov in individual provinces. In the Sephid Epoch most of Georgians, the highest estate in Persia, - in Kandahar, Horasan, remaining temporary or forever in these countries. Their number of them in Persia during this time was so great (we also understand the Georgians in the harem of Shah and nobles) that they had a significant impact on the racial modification of the persecution of the highest classes. "

To get acquainted with representatives of different regions and learn something interesting about the country, feel free to choose local resident With their author's excursions in

"There was it, right next to the bomb fell, - a resident of Gori Konstantin Tsuladyzeshows from the window of its apartment for the burnt ruins of the military base of the Army of Georgia. - Our soldiers even resistance russian troops They did not, immediately fled. " To the question of how he belongs to Russia, Culadze smiles: "Excellent. August 8, 2008 - this is a personal adventure of the former president Saakashvili. I did not quarrel with your people. " He liberates guide M-Aria, museum worker dedicated to Joseph Stalina: "When you occupied Gori, nothing disappeared from the exhibits. Everyone was afraid - the war, there are valuable things, plunder, but not a single item touched. And even then we suffered fear, I do not have complaints about your country. " On the streets of Tbilisi, Russian speech sounds - for last year Georgia visited more than a million tourists from Russia. At stores - advertising signs in Russian, inviting to drink "familiar with Soviet Union»Georgian wine and foaming phrase Vakhtanga Kikabidze From the movie "Mimino" "Larisa Ivanovna want!". It seemed that after a long anti-Russian hysteria, Under the rule of Mikhail Saakashvili, it is impossible. However, the Observer "AIF" was convinced himself - Georgia opened the second breath of love for the Russian Federation.

"Katsu, Russians respect"

"Listen, Genatvale, the whole" Goebbelschina ", which against Russia was going on here, - her seriously was simply not perceived," the doctor says Joseph AronashviliHaving dining with me in Khinkal in Tbilisi suburb. - I know people who worked on TV. So even they confessed: "Katsu, we respect the Russians, but we pay good money to scold them and every nonsense to invent!" You want, I will now tell the owner that we have a Russian journalist away, and he immediately for you to make a bottle of Cherch to the table? Saakashvili - Clown, it is to blame for everything. How could it be born with such a powerful country? Russia is an elephant, Georgia - ant. You have just been involved in a couple of divisions, and our army has not become. And I do not want to talk more about politics. Come on better wine Let's drink! "

This proposal ended approximately 99% of conversations throughout Georgia. The youth former president is not interested at all, but older generation (especially those who remember the USSR), covered the "Miho" on what the light is worth. The republic has long canceled a visa for citizens of the Russian Federation, they are not taken to work in travel agencies and restaurants without the knowledge of Russian. Saakashvili, at one time, forbidden the teaching of the Great and Mighty in Georgian schools, put a pig to his own people - many have to re-study Russian on courses to get workplace. "I lost salary at the end of 1991 - the first president Zviad Gamsakhurdia forbade trade in Russia, - tells the former employee of the winery in Telavi Guivi Kobali. - Types will not give Russian to our Churchhel, Hwwankar and grapes - it is necessary. As a result, production in Georgia collapsed by 40%, Million Georgian went to Russia to trade in the markets and boil on construction projects. This is what the anti-Russian attacks lead - they only hurt themselves. Why was it again for the same rake? "

Photo: / Georgy Zotov

Residents of the country still infuriates the fantastic lie regime Saakashvili on the economic achievements of Georgia - they, as we remember, some politicians in Russia naively admired. Yes, the center of Tbilisi is well renovated, but these are solid Potemkinskie villages: the facade of the house is made great, and behind the finger of Tkni - collapses. There were plenty of buildings in the capital of the republic, and it seems that they were not repaired since the collapse of the USSR. "I have no water at home since 1991," an old man explains to me, who came to the courtyard with a bucket. - Neither hot, nor cold - I go and gain! "

"Saakashvili dumped into Russia any problems of Georgia - a businessman smiles Avissal Chakvetadze. - No water at home? Russian aggression is to blame. People dismissed from work? Russians are building economic goats against our democracy. For heating expensive to pay? Damned Kremlin sells gas at a speculative price. Protection of the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs beat a innocent man to death? There was no such thing, it's all the terrible Russian propaganda. For 10 years ex-president The plate was accomplished, as a result, it was terribly tired of people. Voices began to be heard - and why to host Russia? When we were friends with her, life was much better, and America is not very money to us with money. Our wine in the US and the EU turned out to be a gift to anyone. The consequences of a quarrel, economic sanctions and war with Russia we are looking around and now - Georgia remains a very poor country, the average pension here is 150 lari, or 3500 rubles. And yes, I also think - this is Saakashvili fought with russian army, not Georgians. I did not support the war then completely. "

"Propaganda, Genatvale"

At the same time, the Soviet occupation Museum, which is pompous, open in Tbilisi in 2006 for the ex-president of Georgia, still works. The entrance is free (unlike the Stalin Museum in Gori), but there are no visitors. "Guests from Russia do not come here, foreigners are also small, except that the group of American tourists will lead the guide," the exhibition employee said. By the way, the museum building itself (like the entire Central Rustaveli Avenue) was built in the XIX century by the Russian governor of the Caucasus - Count Mikhail Vorontsov. I ask about it Georgian youth, boys and girls shrugs - they say nothing to this name. But they are aware of the "Soviet occupiers", they are aware of the wellness, they tell the school. Nevertheless, it can be seen - many Georgians want to make up with Russia, so in conversations diligently, and the August war of 2008, and the humiliating defeat of the Georgian army in five days, and Saakashvili assured the whole country that "We are standing on combat qualities at the level NATO". "The Americans reassured our heads, and everyone believed," the peasant in the village of Gori says to me. - Uh, yes, we need them! We were saved by the Russians 200 years ago from the Persian massacre, and we are Taldychat - they were Georgia occupied! Propaganda, Genatvale.

I sit in a cafe on Leselidze Street - Soviet Colonel-General, a participant in the Great Patriotic and Hero of the Soviet Union, defeated by the Nazis Transcaucasia. Of course, it was also renamed by Mikhail Saakashvili in the framework of reforms, but Tbilisites call the address in old age. In the neighboring table communicates Russian couple. "You see," says the guy to the girl. - And you were afraid - such as the war with us was, the Russians probably hate. Nothing like this".

Looking at Georgia, you know: the several neighboring republics that do not like us so much that - again I will quote "Mimino" - "I can't eat anything," after some time it is definitely "sang" and grab the head. "But for now we will not relax," I smile to my companion from Georgian deputies. "Suddenly you are still surrounded by any propaganda." He frankly wrinkles. "Listen, dear, enough about politics! Let's drink better about the friendship of good wine! "

Georgia - Historically close to us, and many of her representatives live in Russia, so marriages with Georgians have long become quite familiar. But one thing to marry the Georgian living in our country and, in general, not different from Russian in love and everyday life, and completely different - to leave him in Georgia.

Before it decides to such a step, it is worth a closer to get acquainted with the customs and ski of the life of this country to living together I did not become an unpleasant surprise and did not cause only one desire - to leave back quickly. Georgia, though Russia is close, and has the same faith, still differs in many ways, so let's get acquainted with Georgians and with the country itself.

What girls like Georgians

Like representatives of all southern nations, Georgians are very panty on blondes, and it has nothing to do with the vulgar stereotype about "blondes". It's just that for Georgia, that for Spain blondes - a big rarity, so they are initially perceived as something exotic and therefore especially attractive.

But just like it, and even spin the novel does not mean becoming a wife, and to lure the Georgian to the registry office, you will have to try.

First of all, keep in mind that the Georgians are very loving. They just adore to communicate with women, especially with beautiful. Flirt with a stranger, compliments with each convenient case - all this is the usual thing for them, and often such libations are allowed in the presence of their permanent girlfriend. They know how to like and pick up the key to all people, so often in five minutes after exploring the Georgian there is an impression that old friends.

Therefore, if avalanche of beautiful and pleasant words is collapsed on you, do not hurry to seduce and take them for a clean coin. Georgians are literally filled with love and vital power, so they like all the girls immediately, but only units can count on the status of legal spouse. Married Georgian men take only modest and decent.

Windy ladies, whatever they were attractive, are practically no chance, since in this country it is accepted not only following the call of the heart, but also considering the traditions of society. First of all, it concerns the distribution of roles - a man is always the main, so the most chances have feminine, good and compliant girls who are not aspiring to emancipation and character manifestation.

Moreover, it also applies to those of the Georgians who, in general, depart from the traditions of their people, as the genes will not be deceive. The main thing is always a man and in no way.

Georgians in relations

Representatives of all Caucasian peoples are beautiful and romantic. You will always hear beautiful words about your appearance and charm, getting huge bouquets of roses and dear gifts. It is never boring with them, and often even excessive talkativeness and obsession looks very cute and attractive.

Georgian guys constantly write SMS, often call just talk and strive to spend together all free time. Do not try to hover such a hot dust and deposit your cavalier, just let him be yourself and wear you in your arms. But do not be fooled by a completely such disadvantageous love - after the wedding everything can change, and the Georgian will be sharp and demanding as a husband, constantly jealous to each post.

They honor the traditions of their people and in general are quite conservative people. Therefore, instead of the promised golden mountains, you can only see the mountains of the Caucasus and the patriarchal lifestyle, which seems absurd many of the Russians, especially those inclined to Emancipation. Most of our girls do not want to put up with such a role in the family, begin to defend their rights, which is most often ends with divorce.

During the beginning of the relationship, the nature does not need to show, but also completely obey, too - try to abide by the subtle line between these extremes, which will find out the true views on the life of your cavalry, and his reaction to yours. Will he accept you like that or will you strive to remake to yourself? Does it really really or more pretending to the romantic game?

Before the wedding it is very important to understand whether the groom is hidden homely despot, which is often found in the Caucasus. Especially obviously such features are manifested with Russian women who are not educated since childhood for a subordinate role.

Georgian family

Of course, for any family, the ideal option is life in a separate house, away from the parents. But the Russian bride need to be finished and to the fact that for a while you will have to settle in the house of the Father. As in all patriarchal cultures, in Georgia deeply respected the elders, and regardless of their social status.

In order to reign a peaceful atmosphere in the house, the young wife will be necessary to obey the mother-in-law, always leaving behind her the last word. Any breakdowns and disputes will definitely lead to conflicts in which you will not see support from your husband, as it will always be on the side of the mother. Therefore, if you like your husband and do not want to divorce - you will have to be friends with his parents.

In general, B. georgian culture Developed family ties And families are almost always very strong. The family is holy, like her members. If the father dies or happens something else, the elder from the brothers is responsible for unmarried sisters, and financially too. Georgians rarely follow the opinion of the family, and each marriage is considered not as a separate union, but as part of one large team. Therefore, you will have to be friends with all the brothers, uncle and the rest of the relatives.

The positive side of such a mistake is the financial side of family life completely falls on the shoulders of a man. Provide wife and children - all this will be only his concerns, the wife does not even think about such matters.

Of course, if you wish, you can work, since the people of Georgia are still not the most "dense" and modern trends to him are not alien to him, but still men prefer caring housewives, and not the wayward careerists.

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The ancestors of Georgians are mentioned in the Bible, the legendary Kolkhida, where the argonauts sailed, was located on the territory of Georgia. It seems to us that we know a lot about the Georgians, but their history and culture keeps a lot of mysteries.

1. Georgians call their country Sakartvelo. This toponym is translated as "all maps" and goes back to the title of the same name. Toponym "Georgia" dates back to the name "Gurdzhistan" (country of wolves), which occurs in the Arab-Persian sources.

Georgia's European name is also compared with the Arab-Persian name associated with Georgian cults of St. George. Gold sculpture saint rises on central Square Tbilisi.

2. The number of Georgians in the world - more than 4 million.

3. Georgians were one of the first peoples who adopted Christianity. According to one of the most common versions, it happened in 319. It is significant that, despite the global tendency, the number of believers in Georgia is growing. Today, 80% of Georgians are considered to be Orthodox.

4. Georgian - ancient-test language. Ancient written monuments on ancient georgian date back to the V century. These include the mosaic inscription of the first half of the V century near Jerusalem, as well as the inscription in the Bolnisian sion (60 km south of Tbilisi) of the end of the V century.

5. Georgians have a unique alphabet. In the carrier there are various hypotheses about the prototype of the Georgian letter. According to various theories, the basis of the Aramaic, Greek or Coptic letter is included.

6. Samokhanging Georgians - Carvelebi.

7. The Kolkhida kingdom is considered the first state referred to historians in Georgia. For the first time, it is mentioned in the middle of the 11th millennium BC. e. Greek authors Pindar and Eschil. It was in Colchid that the argonauts were floated.

8. There is no stress in the Georgian language, only the tone increases on a specific syllable. Also in Georgian there are no capital letters, and the genus is determined by the context.

9. The most famous Georgian deservedly consider Joseph Stalin deservedly.

10. In Georgian language, a twenty system is used for the name of the numbers. To say the number between 20 and 100, you need to split it for twenty and call their number and balance. For example: 33 - twenty-thirteen, and 78 - three to twenty or eighteen.

11. Familiar from childhood, the words in Georgia have not the meanings to which we are accustomed. "Mom" in Georgian - Dad, "grandfather" - Mom, "Bebia" - Grandma, "Babua" or "Dad" - Grandpa.

12. In Georgian, there is no sound "f", and in borrowed words, this sound is replaced by the sound "P" with a strong intimacy. The Russian Federation Georgian will sound like: "Rusheys Paderacia".

13. According to the economist of Kennan Eric Scott from the Washington Institute, during the Soviet Union, Georgians were supplied to Soviet counters 95% of tea and 97% of tobacco. The lion's share of citrus fruits (95%) also went to the regions of the USSR from Georgia.

14. On the territory of Georgia in 1991 found the remains of Dmaniysk hominids, initially called Homo Georgicus. They are almost 2 million years old (1 million 770,000). They were given the names of the Zezba and Mzia.

15. Skewers and chinki in Georgia are made by hand.

16. Despite the fact that in Georgia traditionally high level Homophobia, level tactile contact between georgian men Very high. During the walk, they can hold hands while sitting in the coffee shops - touch each other.

17. In everyday communication, Georgians use the words that they for some reason consider Russian, although they will not always be understood for us. Slippers Georgians are called wobwood, wallpapers - trellis, beans - Lobio, T-shirts often call everything that are above the belt, and the botas sneakers.

18. Georgians are legally proud of their wine. It began to produce 7,000 years ago, and today in Georgia, 500 varieties of cultivated grapes. Every year in the country is a feast of harvesting grapes "Rtels".

19. Georgians are known for their hospitality. The guest in the house is more important than the owner. Therefore, in Georgian houses it is not customary to remove shoes.

20. Georgians are known for their love for long toast, but do not everyone know that at a time when Georgians drink beer, the toasts are not accepted.

Illustrations: Niko Pirosmani