What does SPQR mean as translated. Abbreviation spqr.

What does SPQR mean as translated. Abbreviation spqr.
What does SPQR mean as translated. Abbreviation spqr.

and expansion in the east
Allied War
Civil War 83-82 BC e.
Consult a cylinder
First triumvirate
Civil War 49-45 BC e.
Second triumvirate

The value of the abbreviation


The exact value of the abbreviation S.P.Q.R., most likely, had an archaic origin even in the time of ancient Rome. This meant: thanks to the Senate and the Roman people.

  • S. Almost probably means the first letter of the word S.enatus - "Senate".
  • Origin P. ambiguously, different researchers see here the first litter of words P.opulus or P.opulusque, "People" or "and the people", respectively.
  • Origin Q. is also a reason for disputes, it meant or q.uE - "and" or Q.uirites, or Q.uiritium. Both the latter are a plural from Quiris "Warrior with a spear", but also a "citizen" that has happened on behalf of Quirinus (Quirinus), the original Sabinian deity, whose sanctuary was on Quirinal, one of the seven hills on which the city had. After the conclusion of the Romulos of the world with Sabinas, Quirin entered the Roman Pantheon of the gods. Under the name Quirin, the degeniduous Romulus was reheard. In honor of Quirin, Roman citizens called themselves by Quiriti. Quirin is the God of the People's Assembly, hence the full name of the Romans "Roman people of Kuritium" (Populus Romanus Quirtium) (used in official appeals). At a later time, Cult Quirin, pushed by the cult of Jupiter and Mars, did not play a special role. But the name "Kirimits" has been preserved.
  • R. Most likely means R.omae, R.omanus or R.omanorum, which is translated as "Rome", "Roman" or "Romans", respectively.

All these values \u200b\u200blead to the following abbreviation options S.P.Q.R.:

  • S.enatus. P.opulus. Q.uiritium. R.omanus.
    • Senate and citizens of Romewhere Quirtium comes from Quiris - "Citizen".
    You can bring some more less consigning translations, but more precisely transmitting the meaning of the phrase:
    • "Senate and the free people of Rome" (some historians attribute the word "Cvirim" - "free").
    • "Senate and People of Kvirith Rome" (the fact is that "Quirin", in fact, is a term denoting a citizen of Rome and analogues in Russian has no).
    • "Senate and civilian population of Rome."
  • S.enatus. P.opulus. Q.uE. R.omanus.
    • Senate and the people of Rome. This version was used from the founding of the Roman Republic and continued to use throughout the existence of the Roman Empire. In this form, it appears on most of the well-known monuments and documents. Wonderful examples of this is the Arch of Tita, built about 81 years. e. To assist the titles and his father, Emperor Vespasiana. Also this version can be found on the Tracan Column, which was built in 113 N. e. In the sign of respect for the Emperor Triana. It should be remembered that all citizens were military without exception. The concept of the "people of Rome" also included women and children (but not slaves). However, these latter, in contrast to adult men, did not have full civil rights.

New time

Currently used in the coat of arms of the city of Rome, also depicted on many urban buildings and hatches. During the risorman period, this abbreviation began to be used in the symbolism of the revived Italian state; It can be found in the Italian posters of the First World War.

In fine art

In the Christian art, the monogram is found in various scenes of the passions of Christ and for the illustrations of Roman history, pointing to the presence of Roman soldiers.

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  • Dieter JanSsen: Gerechte, Heilige Und Zivilisatorische Kriege. Legitimation Des Krieges und Bedeutung Von Feindbildern in der Angelsächsischen Welt Der Frühen Neuzeit, CA. 1550-1650. Verlag Dr. Kovac, Hamburg 2004, ISBN 3-8300-1610-7.

Excerpt characterizing SPQR

- Not worth ... Here is beautiful-svovo-Ivo ...- the same mild voice. - And good-oh ...
Lilis suddenly raised one of his sparkling "petals" and gently stroked Stella on his cheek.
- Baby ... good-seamy ... Stella-la-a ... - And Stella has a fog chalk over his head, but this time he was multi-colored ...
Lilis smoothly waved with transparent lobes and began to slowly rise, until he joined his. Savia was worried, and suddenly, very brightly flashed, disappeared ...
- And where did they go? - Surprised baby.
- They're gone. Here, see ... - And Miarda showed at the very far away, in the side of the mountains, smoothly wandering in the pink sky illuminated by the sun of wondrous creatures. - They went home ...
Suddenly, VEY appeared ...
"You're time," said the "star" girl sadly. - You can not be here for so long. It's hard.
- Oh, but we haven't had anything else anything else! - Stretched Stella. - And can we come back here, cute posi? Goodbye good Miard! You're good. I will definitely come back to you! - As always, turning to everyone immediately, Stella said goodbye.
VEY waved his handle, and we again jerked in a mad whirlpool of sparkling marines, through a short one (and maybe it seemed short?) For a moment "Two" us on our usual mental "floor" ...
- Oh, how interesting is there! .. - I was delighted with Stella.
It seemed that she was ready to endure the greatest loads, just once again return to the colorful Wayin world who loved her. Suddenly I thought that he really had to like her, since he was very similar to her own, which she loved to create here, on the "floors" ...
I have a little enthusiastic, because I have already seen this beautiful planet for myself, and now I wanted something else for me! .. I felt that dizzying "taste of an unknown one," and I really wanted to repeat it ... I already He knew that this "hunger" would poison my further existence, and that I would not be enough all the time. Thus, wanting to remain even a little happy person, I had to find some way to "open" for myself the door to other worlds ... But then I still hardly understood that it was not so Just ... And that there will be a lot of winters, while I am free to "walk" where I want, and that it will open this door for me. Someone else ... And this other will be my amazing husband.
- Well, what will we do next? - I broke me out of my dreams of Stella.
She was upset and sad that could not see more. But I was very glad that she again became her own herself and now I was quite sure that from this day she would definitely stop Handing and will be ready for any new "adventure" again.
"You'd sorry me, please, but I probably will not do anything more today ..." - apologizing, I said. - But thank you very much, which helped.
Stella Zasia. She loved to feel necessary, so, I always tried to show her how much she means for me (which was absolute truth).
- Okay. Let's go somewhere another time, she agreed complacently.
I think she, like me, was a little exhausted, just as always, she tried not to show it. I waved her hand ... And it turned out to be at home, on my favorite sofa, with a bunch of impressions, which now calmly needed to comprehend, and slowly, slowly "digest" ...

To my ten years I was very much attached to my father.
I always adored him. But, unfortunately, in my first orphanages he drove a lot and was too rare at home. Every day spent with him at that time was a holiday for me, which I then recalled for a long time, and I gathered the words all the words spoken, trying to keep them in your soul, like a precious gift.
From the Small Years, I always had the impression that I should earn dashing. I do not know where it came from and why. No one has never interfered with him to see him or communicate with him. On the contrary, Mom always tried to prevent us if we saw us together. And Dad has always with pleasure spent with me all his remaining from work, free time. We went to the forest with him, put strawberries in our garden, went to the river to swim or just talked, sitting under our favorite old apple tree that I loved to do almost most.

S.P.Q.R. - Latin abbreviation, which was portrayed on the Roman legions on the standards and which was used in the Roman Republic and the Roman Empire.

Coat of arms of Rome.

Currently used in the coat of arms of the city of Rome, also depicted on many urban buildings and hatches.

The exact value of the abbreviation S.P.Q.R., most likely, had an archaic origin even in the time of ancient Rome.

S Almost probably means the first letter of the word Senatus - "Senate".
The origin of P is ambiguous, different researchers see here the first liter of the words populus or populusque, the "people" and "and the people", respectively.

Jean Auguste Dominique Engr (1780-1867) Romulus, Conqueror "Acron"

The origin of Q is also a reason for disputes, it meant or Que - "and", or quirtes, or quirtium. Both the latter are a plural from Quiris "Warrior with a spear", but also a "citizen", which happened on behalf of Quirinus, originally Sabinsky Divine, whose sanctuary was in Quirinale, one of the seven hills on which the city had. After the conclusion of the world with Sabines, Quirin entered the Roman Pantheon of the gods. Under the name Quirin, the deified Romulus was reworked.

In honor of Quirin, Roman citizens called themselves by Quiriti. Quirin is the God of the People's Assembly, hence the full name of the Romans "Roman people of Kuritium" (Populus Romanus Quirtium) (used in official appeals). At a later time, Cult Quirin, pushed by the cult of Jupiter and Mars, did not play a special role. But the name "Kirimits" has been preserved.

Ofort Waclav Hollar.

R most likely means Romae, Romanus or Romanorum, which is translated as "Rome", "Roman" or "Romans", respectively.

All these values \u200b\u200blead to the following abbreviation options S.P.Q.R.:

Senatus Populusque Quirtium Romanus
o Senate and citizens of Rome, where Quiritium comes from Quiris - "Citizen".

Mosaic Fragment in Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II in Milan

You can bring some more less consigning translations, but more precisely transmitting the meaning of the phrase:

o "Senate and the free people of Rome" (some historians attribute the word "Quirin" - "free").
o "Senate and the people of Kviritov Rome" (the fact is that "Cvirim", in fact, is a term denoting a citizen of Rome, and no analogues in Russian has no).
o "Senate and civilian population of Rome".

Senatus Populusque Romanus

O Senate and the people of Rome. This version was used from the founding of the Roman Republic and continued to use throughout the existence of the Roman Empire. In this form, it appears on most of the well-known monuments and documents.

At the Tita Arch.
The wonderful examples of this is the Arch Tita, built about 81 N. e. To assist the titles and his father, Emperor Vespasiana. Also this version can be found on the Tracan Column, which was built in 113 N. e. In the sign of respect for the Emperor Triana.

SPQR in Arezzo.

It should be remembered that all citizens were military without exception. The concept of the "people of Rome" also included women and children (but not slaves). However, these latter, in contrast to adult men, did not have full civil rights.

In 1998, a new Rome organization was created.

flag of new Rome.

Nova Roma. (New Rome) - an international organization dedicated to the revival of ancient Rome, created in 1998 in the United States (or in MMDCCLI A.U.C. according to the Roman calendar) to Flaviem in Germany and Mark Kassiem Krass. Registered as an educational and religious non-profit organization. Nova Roma "aims to restore the classic Roman religion, culture and virtue." Declaration, signed by the founders of the organization, read

We, the Senate and the people of the fourth Rome, for the sake of restoring the foundations of European civilization, declare the creation of fourth Rome as a sovereign state. We proclaim the Nova Roma by an independent state and the republic, with his own constitution and legal government, with all international rights and obligations that such status carries ...

At the ruins of the ancient Roman altar.

Since Nova Roma has a structure borrowed from the ancient Roman Republic, with the Senate, Magistrates, and the laws taken by voting, as well as for the reason that its members call themselves the citizens of the new Rome or simply by the Romans, this organization is often referred to microns. At the same time, many of its members consider its educational and religious functions more important than the reconstruction of the state.

Nova Roma conducts fees for its citizens and festivals, in which, often in historical costumes, they discuss an ancient culture, are practiced in Latin, visit historical places.

The members of Nova Roma also have their own Roman names used at festivals, when doing business within the organization, and when communicating on Internet forums. For beginners there is a guide for the choice of the Roman name provided by the censors.

According to January 2008, Nova Roma has about 1,000 members around the world, and another 1600 of those who have not contacted the Group over the past year, but has the opportunity to restore their membership as soon as possible by contacting censors.

Almost all tourists walking through Rome, pay attention to the abbreviation S.P.Q.R., which is posted almost everywhere, where the look falls: on the coat of arms, houses, monuments, ancient columns and on all hatches. There is a feeling that you go along the sealed city :) For those who still do not know, I will tell you what these 4 mysterious letters mean.

Official interpretation S.p.q.r. From the Latin "Senatus Populus Que Romanus" is known from 509 BC. (the year of the founding of the Roman Republic) and translates as "Senate and the People of Rome".

According to another version, the abbreviation is decrypted as "Senatus Populus Quirtium Romanus", but translates exactly - "Senate and Citizens of Rome". Such a interpretation transfers us during the times of Romulus and the famous story with the abduction of Sabineanok. After the conflict between the Romans and Sabinians was established peacefully, the latter settled on the Quirinal Hill. Together with the dwellings in a new place, they erected a sanctuary in honor of God Quirin, whom they began to read and Romans. Since the most power, the people of Rome became officially called the "Roman people of Kvirith", i.e. "Populus Romanus Quiritium".

In addition to the two most common versions, there have also had many interpretations that arose in different centuries depending on the political events, the board and mood of the citizens. As an example, the following options can be given:

"Sapiens Populus Quaerit Romam" - the wise people love Rome.

"SALUS PAPAE QUIES REGNI" - if dad in health, then in the kingdom everything is calm.

"Sanctus Petrus Quiescit Romae" - Saint Peter reveals in Rome.

The cinema also did not stay aside and suggested a couple of his interpretations, little pleasant Romans. The hero of the popular comedy asterix decrypt S.P.Q.R. As "Sono Pazzi Questi Romani!", That is, "crazy these Romans", and another character of the Italian comedy spoke "Sono Porci Questi Romani" - "These Romans of Pigs."

Let me give you a small advice: leaving the eternal city, buy some souvenir on the memory with an abbreviation S.P.Q.R., and the Particle of Rome will always be next to you :)

One of the features of Rome, you can say its business card is the inscription SPQR. Of course you can say, you never know the inscriptions in Rome, you never know features. For example, on old houses, the Roman numbers are indicated very often (well, it is logical - where to be in large quantities, as not in Rome, Hehe). Nevertheless, the SPQR abbreviation seems to me more interesting, besides, noticing her once you begin to notice her everywhere.
For example, under your feet (I generally love to look at the sewer hatches and for some time on the trips they actively remove them):

But not only hatches - for example, in the urns:

On different columns:

Yes, even like this - in the form of tablets:

What does this mysterious combination of letters mean? No one knows for sure!
The exact value of the abbreviation S.P.Q.R., most likely, had an archaic origin even in the time of ancient Rome. Well, that is, there is a standard version - that this abbreviation phrase "Senatus Populus Que Romanus" ("Senate and Citizens of Rome", literally "Senate and Citizens is Rome"). But it is not exactly.
- s Almost probably means the first letter of the word Senatus - "Senate".
- The origin of P is ambiguous, different researchers see here the first liter of Populus words or populusque, "people" or "and the people", respectively.
- The origin of Q is also a reason for disputes, it meant or que - "and", or quirtes, or quirtium. Both the latter are a plural from Quiris "Warrior with a spear", but also a "citizen" that has happened on behalf of Quirinus (Quirinus), the original Sabinian deity, whose sanctuary was on Quirinal, one of the seven hills on which the city had. After the conclusion of the Romulos of the world with Sabinas, Quirin entered the Roman Pantheon of the gods. Under the name Quirin, the degeniduous Romulus was reheard. In honor of Quirin, Roman citizens called themselves by Quiriti. Quirin is the God of the People's Assembly, hence the full name of the Romans "Roman people of Kuritium" (Populus Romanus Quirtium) (used in official appeals). At a later time, Cult Quirin, pushed by the cult of Jupiter and Mars, did not play a special role. But the name "Kirimits" has been preserved.
- R most likely means Romae, Romanus or Romanorum, which is translated as "Rome", "Roman" or "Romans", respectively

All these values \u200b\u200blead to the following abbreviation options S.P.Q.R.:
Senate and citizens of Rome, where Quiritium comes from Quiris - "Citizen".
You can bring some more less consigning translations, but more precisely transmitting the meaning of the phrase:
"Senate and the free people of Rome" (some historians attribute the word "Cvirim" - "free").
"Senate and People of Kvirith Rome" (the fact is that "Quirin", in fact, is a term denoting a citizen of Rome and analogues in Russian has no).
"Senate and civilian population of Rome."

Senatus Populusque Romanus.
Senate and the people of Rome. This version was used from the founding of the Roman Republic and continued to use throughout the existence of the Roman Empire. In this form, it appears on most of the well-known monuments and documents. Wonderful examples of this is the Arch of Tita, built about 81 years. e. To assist the titles and his father, Emperor Vespasiana.

Currently, SPQR is used in the coat of arms of the city of Rome (the inscription is included in the official coat of arms of Rome in the XIV century), also depicted on many urban buildings and hatches. During the risorman period, this abbreviation began to be used in the symbolism of the revived Italian state; It can be found in the Italian posters of the First World War. Benito Mussolini often used SPQR to propaganda its regime.

In short, we say "SPQR" we understand "Rome" - you can use this entry for example in hashtags if you want to impress an advanced tourist who knows all sorts of features. Although personally, for example, I like all sorts of hashtags with jokes (let's say I used to record "Romanash!", Hehe)

Latin abbreviation, which was portrayed on the Roman legionnaires and which was used in the Roman Republic and the Roman Empire. At present, it is used in the coat of arms of the city of Rome, also depicted on many urban buildings and hatches. Benito Mussolini often used SPQR to propaganda its regime.

The exact value of the abbreviation S.P.Q.R., most likely, had an archaic origin even in the time of ancient Rome.
S Almost probably means the first letter of the word Senatus - "Senate".
The origin of P is ambiguous, different researchers see here the first liter of the words populus or populusque, "people" and "and people", respectively.
The origin of Q is also a reason for disputes, it meant or Que - "and", or quіrіtes or quіrіt. Both recent words mean "Warrior with a spear". At the beginning of the existence of Rome, all his citizens were soldiers.
R most likely means Romae, Romanus or Romanorum, which is translated as "Rome", "Roman" or "Roman", respectively.

All these values \u200b\u200blead to the following abbreviation options S.P.Q.R.:
Senatus Populus Quіrіt_um Romanus

Senate and citizens of Rome, where quіrіt_um comes from QUIRIS - "Citizen".
Senatus Populusque Romanus.

Senate and people of Rome. This version was used from the founding of the Roman Republic and continued to use throughout the existence of the Roman Empire. In this form, it appears on most of the well-known monuments and documents. The wonderful examples of this is the Arch Tita, built about 81 N. e. To assist the titles and his father, Emperor Vespasiana. Also this version can be found on the Tracan Column, which was built in 113 N. e. In the sign of respect for the Emperor Triana.

It should be remembered that a citizen of Rome had to fight for the Roman republic. The concept of "people of Rome" also included women, children and, perhaps, even slaves. All these people were part of the people of Rome, but were not citizens of the Roman Republic. That is why citizens could also call QUIRIS - "Warrior with a spear".

All this shows the ancient origin of the abbreviation S.P.Q.R., most likely in the era of the Roman kings or even earlier.

Inscription on the Tita Arch.

Abbreviation S.P.Q.R. Also used to be used for the chasing of Roman coins, both during the republic and the time of the empire. In Rome and Roman provinces, this sign was located on all state buildings, he was knocked out on the armor and weapons of Roman warriors. One form of this symbol of the power and grandeur of Rome plunged enemies in fear. Now this symbol is considered a symbol of the city of Rome and can be found in the city hall and on sewer hatches in Rome.