Symbols of early Christianity Fish. Signs and Symbols of Faith in Orthodoxy

Symbols of early Christianity Fish. Signs and Symbols of Faith in Orthodoxy
Symbols of early Christianity Fish. Signs and Symbols of Faith in Orthodoxy

As you know, the first three centuries of Christian history passed under the sign of periodically recurring persecution. In such conditions it was necessary to develop a whole system of secret signs, with the help of which one could identify brothers in faith.

In addition, theology of the image developed. Christians were looking for symbols, with the help of which could allegorically hand over the truths of the faith contained in the gospel, arrange premises for worship, so that the situation itself reminded them of God and tuned to prayer.

So a number of original early Christian characters appeared, about which there will be a further small story.

1. Fish

The most common symbol of the first centuries was fish (Greek. "Iphis"). The fish was an acronym (monogram) named after Jesus Christ and, together with the Christian confession of faith:
Jesus Christ Feu Ios Sotir - Jesus Christ, God's Son, Savior.

The fish of Christians were portrayed on their homes - in the form of a small drawing or as an element of a mosaic. Some wore a fish on the neck. In the catacombs adapted under the temples, this symbol was also very often present.

2. Pelican.

A beautiful legend is connected with this bird, which exists in dozens of some different options from each other, but very similar in meaning on the ideas of the Gospel: self-sacrifice, burning through the gender of the body and blood of Christ.

Pelicans live in coastal reeds at the warm Mediterranean sea and are often subjected to snake bite. Adult birds feed on them and immune to their poison, and there are no chicks yet. According to the legend, if Pelican's chicks will bite a poisonous snake, then he spits his own breasts to grab their blood with the necessary antibodies and those save their lives.

Therefore, Pelican was often portrayed on sacred vessels or in places of making Christian worship services.

3. Anchor

The church is primarily a solid foundation of human life. Thanks to him, a person acquires the ability to distinguish good from evil, understands what is good, and what is bad. And what could be harder and more reliable than anchor holding a huge ship of life in the stormy sea of \u200b\u200bhuman passions?

Also - symbol of hope and the future of the resurrection from the dead.

By the way, at the domes of many ancient temples, it is the cross in the form of an ancient Christian anchor, and no "cross, winning the Muslim crescent."

4. Eagle over the city

The symbol of the height of the truth of the Christian faith, uniting the entire population of the Earth. He lived to this day in the form of bishops used to solemn services. Also indicates the heavenly origin of the power and dignity of the Episcopian Sana.

5. Chrisma

The monogram, compiled from the first letters of the Greek word "Christ" - "Anointed". Some researchers mistakenly identify this Christian symbol with a two-season secretion of Zeus - "Labarum". At the edges of the monogram, the Greek letters "A" and "ω" are placed.

Christ was depicted on the sarcophages of martyrs, in the mosaics of Baptisteriyev (baptized), on the shields of warriors and even in Roman coins - after the era of persecution.

6. Lilia

A symbol of christian purity, indisputability and beauty. The first images of lilies, judging by the song song, served the decoration of the temple of Solomon.

According to legend, Archangel Gabriel on the Day of Annunciation came to the Virgin Mary with White Lillia, which since then has become a symbol of her purity, innocence and devotion to God. With the same flower, Christians portrayed the saints, famous for the purity of their lives, martyrs and martyrs.

7. Vine grape

The symbol is associated with the image to which the Lord himself often appeared in his parables. Indicates the church, its vitality, the abundance of grace, the Eucharistic sacrifice: "I am a grape vine, and my father is vinogradar ...".

Depicted on the subjects of church utensils and, of course, in temple ornaments.

8. Phoenix

The image of the resurrection associated with an ancient legend of the eternal bird. Phoenix lived several centuries and when he had time to die, flew to Egypt and burned there. Only a bunch of nutritious ashes remained from the bird in which, after some time a new life was born. Soon, the new rejected Phoenix rebelled out of it and flew to search for adventures.

9. Lamb

All clear symbol of the voluntary victim of the immaculate Savior for the sins of the world. In early Christianity, he was often depicted with a human face or with a nimber (sometimes a combined version was also met). Later was banned for the image in iconography.

10. Rooster

The symbol of the universal resurrection that awaits everyone in the second coming of Christ. Just as a crunch of a rooster awakens people from sleep, the pipes of the angels will break away people at the end of times to meet the Lord, the terrible court and the inheritance of a new life.

There are other early Christian characters that have not entered this selection: cross, pigeon, peacock, bowl and baskets with bread, lion, shepherd, olive branch, sun, good shepherd, alpha and omega, breadcrumbs, ship, house or brick wall , source of water.

Andrei Stemteda

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We all know that if the main symbol of Muslim is crescent, then the sign of Christianity is a cross. But at the same time, any religion is performed tens of signs. Some are well known to our generation, others are so old that only frescoes or mosaics at the old cathedrals can remind of times when such signs were considered sacred. In this article we will try to collect them together, and at the same time talk about the meaning of each.

Early Christian Symbols of Faith

Early Christians were often mercilessly executed, so they hid their faith. However, many wanted somehow identifying their brothers, so symbols were created, at first glance, not reminiscent of the Son of God, but in fact somehow relating to his lives. These early Christian characters still find asylum caves who served these people as the first temples. However, on old icons, and in the old churches they can also be found too.

Or "Iphis" - so this word sounds in Greek. He was not honored: the word was an acronym popular among Christians phrases "Jesus Christ, God's Son, Savior" (she sounded like "Jesus Christ Feu Ios Soder").

Also do not forget about the wonders of the Savior, in which the fish appeared. For example, about the Nagorn sermon, which many people gathered, and when they wanted to eat, he spread on all 5 breads and 2 fish (therefore, in some places, the fish was depicted along with bread). Or about the meeting of the Savior with the apostle Peter, the fisherman - then he said: "As you caught fish now, you will catch people."

This sign people wore on themselves (on the neck, as we are now a cross), or depicted on their homes in the form of a mosaic.

This is a sign of hardness, reliability of the church (after all, anchor could keep a huge ship in place), as well as hopes for resurrection from the dead.

At the domes of some old temples you can see the cross, more similar to anchor. It is believed that this sign means "Cross wins Crescents", that is, Muslim. Although other historians religion are confident: it is anchor.

According to legend, adult birds were not afraid of the serpentine poison. But if the snake crawled into the nest and cousal Pelican's chicks, they could die - so that this did not happen, the bird spread his own breast with the beak, giving his blood as a medicine.

That is why Pelican became a symbol of self-sacrifice, bloody communion. This image was more often used during worship services.

  • Eagle soaring

Means the height of faith.

Nowadays, transformed in the Bishops' Orlets (solemn service attribute).

In the old days, they believed that Phoenix lived 2-3 centuries, after which it flew into Egypt and died there, burning. From this ash rebelled new, young bird.

Thanks to this legend, the creature has become a sign of eternal life.

Sign of resurrection of all people. This bird sings woe early in the morning, and all people wake up. It will also be ringing the angels pipe for the last hour of the Earth, and the dead will rise for the last trial.

The symbol of the paradise life, which is waiting for the righteous on the other side of death.

  • Chrisma

This is a monogram of two Greek words "anointed" and "Christ". Often it is decorated with two more letters - "Alpha" and "Omega" (that is, "beginning" and "end", which means the Lord).

Where can I see this christian sign? On baptizals, sarcophagi martyrs. And also on military shields and old Roman coins (when the persecution of Christians ended and this faith became state).

Many know that this is a royal heraldic sign, but first of all it is a symbol of purity and indispensability (which is why even on modern icons, Maryia is depicted with such a flower in his hands). By the way, it can also be seen on the icons of martyrs, martyrs and saints, honored for a particular righteous life. Although this sign was honored in the Old Testament times (for example, lilies were decorated with Solomon Temple).

When Archangel Gabriel came to the Virgin Mary to notify that soon she would give birth to the Son of God, in his hand was this flower.

Sometimes Lily was portrayed in Turns.

  • Vine

As we know, Jesus said: "I am a grape vine, and my father is vinogradar." The topic of wine is often mentioned in Christianity, because this particular drink is used during communion.

The image of the vine was decorated with temples, as well as ritual utensils.

In addition to the characters described above, there were others who used the ancient Christians:

  • pigeon (Holy Spirit),
  • bowl of wine and basket of bread (saturation, faith and the Lord is enough for everyone),
  • olive tree twig,
  • spikes, ear, sheafs (apostles),
  • ship,
  • the sun,
  • house (or one wall, isolated from brick),
  • lion (power and power of God, church),
  • taurus, ox, bull (martyrdom, ministry to the Savior).

Symbols known to modern loyals

  • Ternist crown. They are jeaciously "crowned" the Roman soldiers, leading him to the execution. This is a sign of suffering voluntarily brought for someone (in this case, for all humanity).
  • Lamb. Sign of the Savior's sacrifices for the sins of mankind. Like young lambs or pigeons lay on the altar sacrifice to God at that time, and the Son of God became a victim for all people.
  • Shepherd. So denotes Christ, who is worried about the souls of people loyal to him, like a good shepherd for his sheep. This image is also very ancient. The first Christians painted the image of a good shepherd in their shrines, since there was no "Kramole" in him - it was difficult to immediately guess that this is the image of the Son of God. By the way, for the first time the image of a shepherd is mentioned in the psaltire, in the 22 Psalm of King David.
  • Dove. The Holy Spirit, the third hatch of the Trinity (the Lord, his son and the Holy Spirit). This vintage sign (like Easter images of the Agnets) people are still honored.
  • Nimbus. Means holiness and approaching to the Lord.

Orthodox signs

  • Eight-pointed cross. Also known as "Orthodox", "Byzantine" or "Cross of Saint Lazar". The average crossbar - on it they crucified the Son of God, the top is the same signboard, on which cynically wrote "Jesus Nazaryanin, Jewish king." The lower crossbind, if you believe the historians of the church, was also britched on the very cross, in which Jesus rushes his sacrifice.
  • Triangle. Someone mistakenly considers him a mark of Masons. In fact, this is the Trinity Trinity Symbol. Important: All sides of such a triangle should be equal!
  • Arrows. On icons, they are often embedded in the Mother of God (remember at least the Icon "Semistral"). This sign means the prophecy of Simeon's god reclamation, who announced that Jesus was the Son of God almost immediately after his birth. In the prophecy, he spoke to the Virgin: "You will be in the soul to you, and the thoughts of many people will open up."
  • Skull. Adamova head. At the same time a sign of death and resurrection. One legend reads: On Calvary, where Jesus crucified, there was a dust of the first man Adam (therefore, on the icons, this skull is placed at the base of the cross). When the blood of the Savior sheds into this dust, she was symbolicly washed from sins all of humanity.
  • All-seeing eye. This is the Lord's eye - the sign of his wisdom and all-living. Most often, this symbol is included in the triangle.
  • Eight-pointed (Bethlehem) Star. The symbol of the birth of Jesus. She is also called the Mother of God. By the way, in the old century, the number of her rays was different (constantly changed). Let's say, in the 5th century the rays were nine, they meant the gifts of the Holy Spirit.
  • Burning bush. More often - a burning thorn bush, through which the Lord spoke with Moses. Less often - the sign of the Virgin, in which the Holy Spirit entered.
  • Angel. Means the earthly embodiment of the Son of God.
  • . Six-colored angel from the most close to the Lord. Wear a fiery sword. It can have both one face and a lot (up to 16). This is the sign of the Lord of Love and Cleansing Heavenly Fire.

And besides these characters, there is still a cross. Rather, the crosses - the great set of them in the Christian (as well as the pre-Christian) tradition, and everyone carries some meaning in themselves. This video will help to figure out the ten most popular, although in fact they are much more:

And of course, we could not but say about how the Orthodox cross differs from the Catholic. And even though it is believed that it does not matter what crucifixion you wear, but the faith is important - still not worth a native cross to break the dogmas of your religion. Tips for choosing this not decoration, but the strongest charm and the sign of the conscious choice of life path - here:

Christianity is one of the three world world religions. The great many Christian characters can be found in various works of art and architecture. Since ancient times, ancient times enjoyed symbols to clarify the teachings, since the then the flock was mainly illiterate. The medieval art or the art of revival was abounded by symbols, especially often Christian symbolism meets at stained glass windows and wall paintings of the Councils of Europe. The most common symbols are the Nimb, pointing to the holiness, whose head he surrounds, and the cross-universal emblem of Christianity.

Latin Cross

The Latin Cross (Crux Immissa) is the easiest type of cross. The transverse line is divided vertical in half and is located on one third down from the vertical vertex. In Catholicism, a cross is common in the form of a crucifixion, and the Protestants prefer an empty cross, symbolizing the resurrection. Many medieval churches were built in the form of the Latin Cross (the vertical corresponded to the main nasty), creating the symbolic image of the cross of Jesus.

Greek cross

The very early form of the Christian Cross, the Greek Cross (Crux Quadrata) is the predecessor of Latin. Its transverse and vertical lines have an equal length and intersect in the middle. The Greek Cross comes from an ancient Babylon, where he was a symbol of the Sun God Shamash. The Greek Cross is not a symbol of the crucifixion, rather, it symbolizes the four sides of the world, where the gospel is distributed, as well as four evangelists. The Greek Cross, inscribed in the square, personifies the world power of the church.

Inverted cross

An inverted cross is called the Cross of St. Peter. According to Catholic legend, St. Peter was crucified to her head, because he considered himself unworthy of the same crucifixion as Christ. It is assumed that the Roman dads inherit Saint Peter, so the inverted cross became a symbol of the papacy, his images decorate the papal throne and papal tombstones. Often, two keys are placed next to the inverted cross, symbolizing the keys to the kingdom of heaven, which were promised to St. Peter. In addition, the keys are the symbol of the power of Pope.

Cross Calvary

Cross Calvary is a Latin cross, standing on three steps. They symbolize Calvary - the hill, located near the gate of Jerusalem, at which Christ was crucified, and Via Doloryozo - the street, on which the path of Christ passed to the place of execution. Downward steps symbolize three biblical virtues: faith, hope and mercy. Such a cross is often put on graves and called stepped. The cross of Calvary is sometimes decorated with cover or Savan pounded on the cross.


In the Christian tradition, the star shining in the night symbolizes the desire of the soul to redemption. It means that divine instructions and wisdom comes only from heaven, and not from earthly limits. The Bible states Christ as the morning star. The Bethlehem Star opened the mystery of the birth of Jesus and pointed out the road in Bethlehem. A symmetrical six-pointed star is associated with the Virgin Mary ("Marine Star"). When Maria is depicted as the Queen of Heaven, it is drawn with a crown of 12 stars on the head, which symbolizes 12 apostles.

Triumphal Cross

This cross placed on the ball - the power symbolizes the Triumph of Christ, it meets on the images of Christ the Savior of the world (Salvator Mundi). To the Christianization, the rulers - the pagans kept the power in their hands to show that they possess the authorities over all creations. Christian lords added a cross to the state to show, the domination of Christ over the whole world and the triumph of Christianity over paganism.


According to - ancient Greate Ichthys means "Fish". This is an acronym, compiled from the first letters of the Greek expression Iesous Christos, Theou Yios Soter ("Jesus Christ, the Son of God, Savior"). Early Christians used the sign of Ihtis, which consisted of two converging arcs and resembled fish as a secret symbol. They celebrated niches in the catacombs where Christians purssed by the authorities. Fish and its symbolic value are mentioned several times in the Gospel. Some of the disciples of Christ were fish, and he spoke about them as "catchers". Five bread and two fishes Jesus fed five thousand people. Speaking about who, by decision of God, after the end of the world will go to Paradise, and who, in hell, he compared it with the work of a fisherman, sorting the catch and leaving good fish after he threw bad. In antiquity, the fathers of the church were called the followers of Christ Pisculi ("Fish").

Holy Bowl

It is believed that the Holy Bowl is a vessel from which Jesus drank during a secret evening. According to the Christian legend, the Apostle Peter later used the bowl for the Mass. After the death of St. Peter, the cup was inherited from one Pope of Roman to another, until he reached the Sict II, who had the Roman emperor Valerian demanded all the treasures of the church. Pope Sikst dismissed and giving a bowl for the storage of Holy Lavrentation. Toto hid the relic in his house in Spain. Then the bowl fell to the Spanish monarchum and was in them until at 1200. King Alphonse I did not return the relic of the Spanish church. There is a completely different legend in which the bowl of the secret evening is a holy graveyle and the blood of Christ stated during the crucifixion. In Catholicism, the wine, consecrated during the Mass, becomes the blood of Christ, so the holy bowl and the holy grail are the blood-by-blood of Jesus Christ in the literal and symbolic sense.

Lamb God.

The Lamb of God (Agnus Dei) is one of the names of Jesus Christ in the New Testament. It is used to indicate the role of Christ as a lamb (lamb), brought sacrificing to the redemption of sins of the world. The very idea of \u200b\u200bLamb, possibly leads its origin from the sacrifice committed during the Jewish Easter, when a white lamb sacrificed, and his blood was offered to God as a redemption for sins. Equally, the same Christians believe that Jesus is as a pure lamb. God redeemed the sins of mankind. Litania - Prayer facing God during the Catholic Mass - begins with the words "Lamb of God": Agnus Dei, Qui Tolli Speccata Mundi, Miserere Nobis ... ("Lamb of God, taking the sins of the world, forgive us, Lord ...") . The Lamb of God is a symbol of purity, innocence and revival. He is drawn with a nimber around the head and with the banner on which the Red Cross is depicted on a white background, which symbolizes the resurrection.


In the Christian tradition, the pigeon means the purity, simplicity and redemption of sins. The pigeon symbolizes the Holy Spirit, one of the Holy Trinity hat, along with God, the Father and God Son (Jesus Christ). As a symbol of the Holy Spirit, a pigeon is present in the paintings depicting the baptism of Christ, pointing to his divine essence. After the baptism of chloride, which is ruled by francs in V c., In the Baptistery of the Reimsky Cathedral, an image of a pigeon made of gold was made. When it comes to martyrdom, the pigeon means that the Holy Spirit awards the martyr with the patience necessary for the transfer of suffering. In addition, the pigeon symbolizes the church, through which the Holy Spirit acts on Earth. The image of a pigeon carrying an olive branch, if it is placed on a sarcophagus or monument, means the world of the left soul. This symbol is taken from the legend about it and the Great Flood, which speaks of a dove that brought the olive branch to the olive branch - the evidence that the flood ended.


In the main dogma of Christian teaching about the Holy Trinity, it is argued that God exists forever and one in three faces: Father, Son (Jesus Christ) and the Holy Spirit. Belief in the Holy Trinity exists in all forms of Christian religion. The concept of the Holy Trinity appeared in the earliest works of fathers of the church. For the first time, the term "Trinity" in relation to God was used by the FEOFILOE Antioch - Christian writer who lived in the II century. The Roman Theologian Terertullian (beginning III century), developing the doctrine of Trinity, introduced the concept of "personality" ("face") and "Essence". He explained that the father, the son and spirit of the Holy "Units in essence and, however, differ as faces." The first Nicean Cathedral took place in 325, approved the Doctrine of the Holy Trinity and formulated the Symbol of Faith, one for all Christians, according to which Christ, "Born from Father, before all centuries," is "one of the Father." Triculwner formed by three interlaced arcs is a pagan character taken by Christianity to designate the Trinity and Eternity.

Christ (Chryson, Chi-Ro) is a monogram of Christ, consisting of two initial letters of the Greek writing of his name - hee and ro, crossed together. Perhaps this is one of the oldest Christian symbols: chrysm found in the catacombs and in cemeteries where early Christians buried. According to the legend, it is his chrism Emperor Konstantin Great saw in a dream on the night before the battle with Maksenzi. Konstantin made this symbol with his emblem, placing it on the imperial standard instead of an eagle. After the victory, Konstantin allowed a confession of a Christian religion, and before his death he himself accepted Christianity.

Holy Heart

The Holy Heart is a symbol of the Physical Heart of Christ and His Divine Love to all mankind. In Christian art, he is depicted as a heart-blasting heart, dissected with a bleeding wound from the blow of a spear and surrounded by a thurning crown. Wounds and a crown of Christ symbolizes the crucifixion of Christ and his sacrifice in the name of the salvation of mankind, and the surrounding flame means the transforming flame of love. The worship of the Holy Heart exists in the Roman Catholic Church.

This symbol initially included three letters of Greek writing the name of Jesus - iota, this and sigma, replaced in the Middle Ages in Latin letters. Holy Ignatius Loyola used the IHS monogram as the emblem of the Jesuit Order. Nowadays she symbolizes the cloud of communion. The sun rays around meant Daronia - an decorated vessel on which the cloud is brought. Solar symbols may have been used before, during Roman rituals. According to another interpretation, IHS is an abbreviation from the Latin expression Iesus Hominum Salvator ("Jesus -Pastener of mankind").

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The first Christian symbolic images appear in the painting of Roman catacombs and refer to the period of persecution of Christians in the Roman Empire. During this period, the symbols were the character of the Tynopisi, allowing the uninterests to know each other, but the meaning of the symbols already reflects the formative Christian theology. Protopressil Alexander Schmeman notes:

The early church did not know the icons in her modern dogmatic value. The beginning of Christian art - painting catacombs - is symbolic (...) It is inclined to depict not so much a deity as the function of the deity.

Active use in the ancient Church of various symbols, and not icon-painted images L. A. Asspensky binds to the fact that "for gradually prepare people to truly incomprehensible the mystery of the award, the church first appealed to them in the language, more for them acceptable than Direct image. " Also, symbolic images, in his opinion, were used as a way of concealing from the christian sacraments announced before the time of their baptism.

So Kirill Jerusalem wrote: "To hear the gospel to everyone is allowed, but the glory of gospel is provided with one sincere ministers of Christ. Those who could not listen to, the Lord spoke in parables, and alone spoke to the disciples ". Ancient catabase images include the scenes "worship of the wilts" (about 12 frescoes with this plot), which are dated II century. Also, the II century refers to the appearance in the catacombs of the images of acronym ιχθςς or symbolizing its fish.

Among other symbols of the catacomb painting are allocated:

  • anchor - the image of hope (anchor is the support of the ship in the sea, hope is the support of the soul in Christianity). This image is already present in the Epistle to the Jews of the Apostle Paul (Heb. 6: 18-20);
  • pigeon - symbol of the Holy Spirit; · Phoenix - symbol of resurrection;
  • eagle - a symbol of youth ("UKO Yako Youth Your Youth" (Ps. 102: 5));
  • peacock is a symbol of immortality (according to the ancient, his body was not subjected to decomposition);
  • rooster - a symbol of the resurrection (Creek Rooster awakens from sleep, and the awakening of Christians should remind believers about the terrible court and the universal resurrection of the dead);
  • the lamb is the symbol of Jesus Christ;
  • lion is a symbol of power and power;
  • olive branch - a symbol of the eternal world;
  • lily - a symbol of purity (distributed due to the influence of apocryphic stories about the presentation of the Archangel Gabriel Virgin Mary with the Annunciation of the Lily Flower);
  • grape vine and basket with bread - the symbols of the Eucharist.

Characteristics 35 of the main characters and signs of Christianity

1. Hee ro. - One of the earliest crushing symbols of Christians. It is formed by the imposition of the two first letters of the Greek version of the word Christ: Chi \u003d X and Ro \u003d p. Although technically chi ro is not a cross, it is associated with the crucifixion of Christ and symbolizes his status of the Lord. It is believed that the first used Hee RO at the beginning of the IV century. AD Emperor Konstantin, decorating them with Labarum, Military Standard. According to the Christian Apology of the IV century of lactations, on the eve of the battle of the Milvian bridge in 312 AD. The Lord appeared to Konstantin and ordered the image of Hee RO on the shields of warriors. After Konstantin's victory in the battle of the Milvian Bridge, the Cie RO became the official emblem of the Empire. Archaeologists have found proof that chi ro was depicted on a helmet and shield of Constantine, as well as his soldiers. On coins and medallions that were minted in the era of the Board of Constantine, hee also was carved. By 350 AD Images began to appear on Christian sarcophages and frescoes.

2. Lamb: The symbol of Christ as an Easter sacrificial lamb, as well as a symbol for Christians, which reminded them that Christ is our shepherd, and Peter ordered to feed his sheep. The lamb is also served by the sign of St. Agnes (her day is celebrated on January 21), the martyrdom of early Christianity.

3. Baptist cross: It consists of a Greek cross with the Greek letter "X" - the initial letter of the word Christ, symbolizing the revival, and therefore it is associated with the rite of baptism.

4. Cross Peter: When Peter was sentenced to martyrs, he asked to crucify his head out of respect for Christ. So, the inverted Latin Cross became his symbol. In addition, it serves as a symbol of the papacy. Unfortunately, this cross is also used by Satanists whose goal is "coup" of Christianity (see, for example, their "black Mass"), including the Latin Cross.

5. Icyus(Their-Tus) or ichtis in Greater means "Fish". Greek letters that wrote the word: Yota, Hee, Teta, Ipsylon and Sigma. In English translation is Ixoye. Five named Greek letters are the first letters of the words of Iesous Christos, Theou Uios, Soter, which means "Jesus Christ, the Son of God, Savior." This symbol was used mainly among early Christians in the I-II centuries. AD The symbol was brought from Alexandria (Egypt), which at that time was a crowded seaside port. Goods walked from this port throughout Europe. That is why the symbol of Ichtis was the first to begin to use sailors to refer to God close to them.

6. rose flower: Holy Deva, Mother of God, symbol of martyrdom, secret confessions. Five roses, combined together, denote five wounds of Christ.

7. Jerusalem Cross: Also known as the cross of the Crusader, it consists of five Greek crosses that symbolize: a) five wounds of Christ; b) 4 Gospel and 4 sides of the world (4 crosses smaller) and Christ himself (Big Cross). The cross was a common symbol during wars with Islamic aggressors.

8. Latin CrossAlso known as the Protestant Cross and the West Cross. The Latin Cross (Crux Ordinaria) serves as a symbol of Christianity, despite the fact that he has long before the foundation of the Christian church, he was the symbols of the pagans. It was created in China and Africa. Its images are found on the Scandinavian sculptures of the bronze century, embodying the image of the God of war and thorus. The cross is considered a magic symbol. He brings good luck and distinguishes evil. Some scientists interpret the rock painted images as a symbol of the sun or symbol

Earth, the rays of which denote the north, south, east and west. Others point to its similarity with the human figure.

9. Dove: Symbol of the Holy Spirit, part of the cult of the baptism of the Lord and Pentecost. He also symbolizes the liberation of the soul after death, is used to call the pigeon Noah, the harbinger of hope.

10. Anchor: The images of this symbol in the cemetery of the Holy Domitille are referred to the I century, they are also found in the catacombs in epitaphy of the II and III centuries, but especially many of them on the cemetery of Holy Priscilla (only there are about 70 samples), Holy Caliksta, Coetemetarium Majus. View the Message to Jews 6:19.

11. Eight Cross: The eight-spin cross is also called the Orthodox Cross or Cross of Saint Lazar. The smallest crossbar denotes title, where "Jesus Norazhai, King Jewish" was written, the upper end of the cross is the path to the Heavenly Kingdom, which was shown by Christ. The seven-party cross is the variation of the Orthodox Cross, where the title is not attached not across the cross, but from above.

12. Ship: He is an ancient Christian symbol that symbolized the church and each individual believer. Crosses with a crescent, which can be seen at many churches, just depict such a ship where the cross is a sail.

13. Calvary Cross: Cross-Calvary is monastic (or samplen). He symbolizes the sacrifice of Christ. Having widespread in ancient times, now Cross-Calvary is embroidered only in Paramanva and Analave.

14. Vine: It is the evangelical way of Christ. This symbol has its own value for the church: its members are branches, and grape clusters - a symbol of communion. In the New Testament, grape vine is a symbol of paradise.

15. Ihs.: Another popular monogram name of Christ. These are three letters of the Greek name of Jesus. But with the decline of Greece began to appear other, Latin, monograms with the name of the Savior, often - in conjunction with the cross.

16. Triangle - Symbol of the Holy Trinity. Each of the parties personifies the hyposta of God - Father, Son and the Holy Spirit. All parties are equal, and together form a single whole.

17. Arrows, or a ray piercing heart - allusion for the statement of St. Augustine in "confession". Three arrows piercing the heart symbolize the prophecy of Simeon.

18. Skull or Adamova Head Equally, it is like a symbol of death and a victory symbol over it. According to the sacred legend, the ashes of Adam was in Calvary, when Crucified Christ. The blood of the Savior, washing the skull of Adam, symbolically washed all mankind and gave him a chance to salvation.

19. Eagle - The Ascension Symbol. He is a symbol of a soul that is looking for God. Often - a symbol of a new life, justice, courage and faith. Also, the eagle symbolizes the evangelist of Jaonna.

20. All-seeing eye - Symbol of allocating, omniscience and wisdom. It is usually depicted inscribed in a triangle - the character of the Trinity. May also symbolize hope.

21. Seraphim - Angels, closest to God. They are six-cycle and wear fiery swords, can have from one to 16 faces. As a symbol, they mean the cleansing fire spirit, divine fever and love.

22. Bread - This is a reference to the biblical episode, when five thousand people were saturated with five breads. Bread is depicted in the form of non-erases (sheaves symbolize the collection of the apostles) or in the form of bread for communion.

23. Good shepherd. The main source of this image is the evangelical parable, in which Christ himself calls herself so (in 10: 11-16). The actual image of a shepherry is rooted in the Old Testament, where the leaders of the People of Israel (Moses - IS 63:11, Joshua - Numbers 27: 16-17, Tsar David in Psalms 77, 71, 23) are called shepherds, the Lord itself says - "Lord, Shepherd My" (PS Lord says - "Lord, My Shepherd" (PS 23: 1-2). Thus, Christ in the Gospel parable indicates the fulfillment of the prophecy and the acquisition of the consolation by the people of God. In addition, the woman had a shepherd It has everything a clear meaning, so that today in Christianity it is customary to call the priests shepherds, and the laity is a flock. Christ-shepherd is depicted in the form of an ancient shepherd dressed in Hiton, in the shepherd-laced sandals, often with a staff and a vessel for milk; in his hands he It can keep a cane flute. The milk vessel symbolizes the sacrament; rod - power; Flute - the sweetness of his teachings ("no one ever said like this man" - Ying 7:46) and hope, hope. Such is the mosaic of the start IV century. Basilica From Aquileia.

24. Burning bush - It is a thorns bush, which burns, but does not burn. In his image, Moses came to God, calling him to bring the people of Israel from Egypt. The unhapable buggy is also a symbol of the Mother of God, who touched the Holy Spirit.

25. a lion - a symbol of vigilance and resurrection, and one of the symbols of Christ. He is also a symbol of the evangelist Mark, and is associated with the power and royal dignity of Christ.

26. calf (bull or ox) - the symbol of the evangelist Luke. Taurus means the sacrificial ministry of the Savior, his godfather. Also, ox is considered a symbol of all martyrs.

27. Angel Symbolizes the human nature of Christ, his earthly embodiment. Also is the symbol of the evangelist Matthew.

28. Grail - This is a vessel in which Joseph Arimafi allegedly gathered blood from Rounds Jesus Christ during crucifixes. The history of this vessel, which acquired miraculous force, was set forth by the French writer of the beginning of the XII century by Coreyne de Troita and a century later, in more detail by Robert De Voronen on the basis of the apocryphal gospel. According to the legend, the Grail is stored in the mountain castle, it is filled with sacred living rooms, employees for the communion and giving wonderful forces. The fanatical search for the relics knights crusaders in many ways contributed to the creation of legends about the graveyard, processed and decorated with the participation of many authors and reached the climax in the Tale of Parsiffal and Galada.

29. Nimbus It is a brilliant circle that the ancient Greek and Roman artists, depicting gods and heroes, was often placed above their heads, denoting that these are higher, unearthly, supernatural creatures. In the iconography of Christianity Nimbi since ancient times, it became an affiliation of images of the Highests of the Blessed Trinity, Angels, Our Lady and Saints; Often, he also accompanied the Lamb of God and the figures of animals serving the symbols of four evangelists. At the same time, nimbits of a special kind were installed for some icons. For example, the Lick of the Father's Lick was placed under the namm who at first form

triangle, and then the shape of a six-pointed star formed by two equilateral triangles. Nimba Virgin Mary is always round and often deliciously decorated. Nimbi saints or other divine persons are usually round and without ornaments.

30. Church In a Christian symbolism, the Church has several values. Its basic value is the house of God. It can also be understood as the body of Christ. Sometimes the church is associated with the ark, and in this sense it means salvation for all her parishioners. In painting the church, placed in the Holy Hand, means that this saint "was the founder or bishop of this church. However, the church in the hands of St. Jerome and St. Gregory means not some particular building, but the church in general, which these saints had enormous support and became her first fathers.

31. Pelican, A beautiful legend is connected with this bird, which exists in dozens of some different options from each other, but very similar in meaning on the ideas of the Gospel: self-sacrifice, burning through the gender of the body and blood of Christ. Pelicans live in coastal reeds at the warm Mediterranean sea and are often subjected to snake bite. Adult birds feed on them and immune to their poison, and there are no chicks yet. According to the legend, if Pelican's chicks will bite a poisonous snake, then he spits his own breasts to grab their blood with the necessary antibodies and those save their lives. Therefore, Pelican was often portrayed on sacred vessels or in places of making Christian worship services.

32. Chrisma - This is a monogram composed of the first letters of the Greek word "Christ" - "anointed". Some researchers mistakenly identify this Christian symbol with a two-season secretion of Zeus - "Labarum". At the edges of the monogram, the Greek letters "A" and "ω" are placed. Christ was depicted on the sarcophages of martyrs, in the mosaics of Baptisteriyev (baptized), on the shields of warriors and even in Roman coins - after the era of persecution.

33. Lily - A symbol of christian purity, indisputability and beauty. The first images of lilies, judging by the song song, served the decoration of the temple of Solomon. According to legend, Archangel Gabriel on the Day of Annunciation came to the Virgin Mary with White Lillia, which since then has become a symbol of her purity, innocence and devotion to God. With the same flower, Christians portrayed the saints, famous for the purity of their lives, martyrs and martyrs.

34. Phoenix Represents the image of a resurrection associated with an ancient legend of the eternal bird. Phoenix lived several centuries and when he had time to die, flew to Egypt and burned there. Only a bunch of nutritious ashes remained from the bird in which, after some time a new life was born. Soon, the new rejected Phoenix rebelled out of it and flew to search for adventures.

35. Cock - This is a symbol of universal resurrection that expects everyone in the second coming of Christ. Just as a crunch of a rooster awakens people from sleep, the pipes of the angels will break away people at the end of times to meet the Lord, the terrible court and the inheritance of a new life.

Color symbols of Christianity

The most significant difference between the "pagan" period of color symbolism from the "Christian" is, first of all, in the fact that light and color are completely stopped identified with God, mystical forces, and become their

attributes, qualities and signs. According to Christian canons, God created the world, including the light (color), but he himself does not boil down to the light. Medieval theologian (for example, Avrellius Augustine), praising light and color, as manifestations of the Divine, however, indicate that they (colors) can be fraudulent (from Satan) and identifying them with God is a delusion and even sin.


Only white color remains an unshakable symbol of holiness and spirituality. Especially important was the importance of white as purity and impurity, liberation from sins. In white clothes, angels are depicted, saints, the resurrected Christ. White clothes put on converts of Christians. Also white color is the color of baptism, communion, holidays of the Nativity of Christ, Easter, ascension. In the Orthodox Church, the White is used in all worships from Easter to the day of the Trinity. The Holy Spirit is depicted as a white dove. White Lilia symbolizes purity, it accompanies the images of the Virgin Mary. White does not have negative values \u200b\u200bin Christianity. In early Christianity prevalted the positive symbolic meaning of yellow, as the colors of the Holy Spirit, Divine Revelation, Enlightenment, etc. But later, yellow acquires a negative meaning. In the era of gothic, it is beginning to be considered the color of treason, betrayal, deceit, jealousy. In the church art of Cain and the traitor, Judas Iskariot often portrayed with yellow beards.


Used in christian painting as an expression of Divine Revelation. Golden radiance embodies the Eternal Divine Light. Many gold color is perceived as a star light from heaven.


In Christianity, symbolizes the blood of Christ, shed for the save of people, and, therefore, - and his love for people. This is the color of fire faith, martyrdom and the passions of the Lord, as well as the royal celebration of justice and victory over evil. Red - the color of worships on the feast of the Holy Spirit, Palm Sunday, during a passionate week, in the days of the memory of martyrs who shed blood for their faith. Red rose points to shed blood and wounds of Christ, on the bowl, taking the "Holy Blood". Therefore, it symbolizes in this context revival. Reds were celebrated in the calendar joyful events dedicated to Christ, the Lame and Saints. From the church calendar, the tradition came to allocate festive dates. Easter Christ in temples begins in white vestments in the sign of the Divine Light. But Easter liturgy is already (in some temples it is customary to change the vestments, so the priest appears every time in the riza of another color) and the whole week serve in red riza. Often red clothes are used to Trinity.


This is the color of heaven, truth, humility, immortality, chastity, piety, baptism, harmony. He expressed the idea of \u200b\u200bself-sacrifice and meekness. Blue color as if to mediate the connection between heaven and earth, between God and the world. As a blue color blue color expresses a person's readiness to take for himself the presence and strength of God, Blue has become the color of faith, the color of loyalty, the color of the desire for something mysterious and wonderful. Blue color is the color of the Virgin Mary, it is customary to depict in a blue raincoat. Maria in this meaning - the Queen of the Heavenly, covering

this cloak, protecting and saving believers (Pokrovsky Cathedral). In the painting of temples dedicated to the Mother of God, the color of heavenly blue. Dark blue is characteristic of the image of Cherubis clothing, which are constantly in reverent reflections.


This color was more "earth" meant life, spring, blossom of nature, youth. This is the color of the Cross of Christ, Grail (according to legend, isted out of the whole emerald). Green is identified with the Great Trinity. On this holiday, according to tradition, temples and apartments, it is customary to decorate bouquets of green twigs. At the same time, green had a negative meaning - cunning, temptation, the devilish temptation (Satan was attributed to the eyes of a green color).

The black

The attitude to the black was, mainly negative, as the color of evil, sin, devil and hell, as well as - death. In the values \u200b\u200bof the black, as in primitive peoples, the aspect of "ritual death", death for the world has also developed. Therefore, the black became the color of monastic. Black raven from Christians meant trouble. But black has not only such a tragic value. In icon painting in some plots, he means the divine mystery. For example, on a black background, which meant an incomprehensible depth of the universe, a space was depicted - an elder in the crown in the icon of the Fathest of the Holy Spirit.


It is formed by mixing red and blue (blue). Thus, purple color combines the beginning and end of the light spectrum. It symbolizes intimate knowledge, silence, spirituality. In early Christianity, violet symbolized sadness, affection. This color is assimilated by the memories of the cross and a great service, where the suffering and the crucifixion of the Lord Jesus Christ are remembered for the rescue of people. As a sign of the highest spirituality, in combination with the idea of \u200b\u200bthe godniegency of the Savior, this color is used for the bishop mantle, so the Orthodox bishop as it were to have the whole to the gloor feat of the heavenly bishop, and the imitator of which the bishop is in the church.

Brown and gray

Brown and gray were the colors of commoners. Their symbolic meaning, especially in the early Middle Ages, was, purely, negative. They meant poverty, hopelessness, mildness, abomination, etc. Brown - earth color, sadness. He symbolizes humility, rejection of worldly life. Gray (mixing white and black, good and evil) - ash color, emptiness. After the ancient era during the Middle Ages in Europe, the color again returned its position, primarily as the symbol of mystical forces and phenomena, which is especially characteristic of early Christianity.

Visiting the temples and opening church books, we face with a lot of all kinds of religious symbols, the value of which sometimes happens not quite understandable. This is especially noticeable when you have to consider icons, as well as frescoes, paintings or engravings, created on biblical plots many centuries ago. To understand their secret language, we will get acquainted with some of the most frequently used characters in them and talk about their origin.

Secret signs of the first Christians

The earliest Christian symbols are found on the walls of Roman catacombs, where followers of the teachings of Jesus Christ in the situation of cruel persecution by the authorities secretly committed worship. These images differ from those that today we are accustomed to see on the walls of our temples. The ancient Christian symbols were the character of the Tyunopisi, which united the uninterests, and nevertheless they had already a completely defined theological meaning.

The Christians of the first centuries did not know the icons in the form in which they exist today, and on the walls of Catacomb were portrayed not the Savior himself, but only symbols expressing those or other sides of his essence. With their attentive study, the entire depth of theology of the early church is revealed. Among the most common images, you can see a kind shepherd, lamb, baskets with breads, grape vines and many other characters. Somewhat later, in the V-VI centuries, when Christianity from the persecuted authorities of the sect turned into a state religion, a cross was added to them.

Christian symbols and their values \u200b\u200bare uninterrupted across, that is, people who have not yet been dedicated to the meaning of the teachings and who did not accept the Holy Baptism were a kind of visual preaching for members of the Church. They became the continuation of the listeners pronounced before them, but the meaning of which he revealed only the close circle of his students.

The first symbolic images of the Savior

One of the earliest symbolic scenes of the catacomb painting is the scene of "worship of the Magi". The researchers discovered twelve such frescoes dating from the second century, that is, fulfilled around the century after the events described in the Gospel. They laid a deep theological meaning. Eastern wise men who came to bow out the Savior Christmas, as if testify to the prediction of his appearance of the ancient prophets and symbolize an inextricable connection between the Old and the New Testament.

In about the same period on the walls of the catacomb, an inscription appears, made by the Greek letters ιχθςς (translated - "Fish"). In Russian reading it sounds like "ichtis". This is an acronym, that is, a stable view of the abbreviation, which has been independent. It is formed from the initial letters of the Greek words that make up the expression "Jesus Christ of God Son Savior", and in it the main character of the Christian faith was concluded, then described in detail in the documents of the Nicene Ecumenical Cathedral, which took place in 325 in Malaya Asia. Good shepherd, as well as ichtis are considered the first images of Jesus Christ in the art of the early Christian period.

It is curious to notice that in the early Christian symbolism this acronym, which denoted the Son of God, who came to the world, really corresponded to the image of the fish. Scientists find it a few explanations. Usually indicate students of Christ, many of which were originally fishermen. In addition, they remember the words of the Savior that the kingdom of heaven is like a non-sea king in the sea, which turns out to be fish of various kinds. This also includes numerous gospel episodes associated with fishing and the saturation of the accuracy (hungry).

What is chrism?

The symbols of the Christian teaching include such a very common sign as "chrism." It appeared, as it was accepted to believe, even in apostolic times, but received widespread from the IV century, and represents the image of the Greek letters χ and ρ, which is the beginning of the word χριστος, which means Messiah or the anointed of God. Often, in addition to them, the Greek letters α (alpha) and ω (omega), resembling the words of Christ that he is Alfoy and Omega, that is, the beginning and end of everything.

Images of this sign often occurs on coins, in mosaic compositions, as well as on reliefs that adorned sarcophages. A photo of one of them is given in the article. In Russian Orthodoxy, Christ has acquired a somewhat different meaning. The letters X and P decipherate as the beginning of the Russian words Christ was born, which made this sign by a symbol of the award. In the design of modern churches, he meets as often as the other most famous Christian characters.

Cross - a symbol of Christ

Whatever enough, but the first Christians did not worship the cross. The main symbol of the Christian faith was distributed only in the V century. The first Christians of his pictures did not. However, after its appearance, he for a short time became the mandatory belonging of each temple, and then the native symbolism of a believer.

It should be noted that Christ was alive on the oldest crucifixions of Christ, and often crowned tsarist crown. Moreover, he, as a rule, was attached to a triumphant appearance. Nails, as well as wounds and the blood of the Savior appeared only in images dating from the 9th century, that is, in the period of late Middle Ages.

Lamb who became a redemption victim

Many Christian characters originate from their Old Testament Previews. Among them, another image of the Savior, made in the form of a lamb. It is concluded by one of the fundamental dogmas of religion about the victim, brought by Christ to the atonement of the sins of Human. As in ancient times, the Lamb gave himself to the silence of God, so now the Lord himself laid on the altar of his only society to get rid of people from the severity of the original sin.

In early Christian times, when followers of the new faith were forced to comply with conspiracy, this symbol was very convenient because its meaning could only understand dedicated to. For all others, he remained a harmless image of a lamb, which could not be hiding, to put anywhere.

However, on the sixth held in 680 in Constantinople, this symbol was banned. Instead, it was prescribed on all images to give Christ an exceptionally human appearance. The explanation said that this would be achieved greater compliance with the historical truth, as well as to create simplicity in his perception believers. From this day, the history of the iconography of the Savior began.

The same Cathedral issued another ruling, not lost strength to the present. Based on this document, it was forbidden to make any images of a life-giving cross on Earth. In the explanation, it was quite logical and sensitively indicated that it was unacceptable to pour my feet, thanks to which we were all eliminated from the curse, which took place over humanity after the original felling.

Lily and Anchor

There are also Christian characters and signs generated by the Sacred Tradition and Scripture. One of them is a stylized image of lily. His appearance is due to the fact that, according to Legend, Archangel Gabriel, who appeared by the Virgin Mary with the good news of her great destination, held in his hand this flower. Since then, White Lily has become a symbol of the imperfection of the Blessed Virgin.

This was the reason that in medieval iconography included in the tradition of portraying with Lily in the hands of the saints, famous for the cleanliness of his life. The same symbol dates back to pre-Christian times. In one of the Old Testament Books, which is the name "Song of the Song", it says that the temple of the great king Solomon was decorated with lilies, which tied this flower with the image of the wise ruler.

Considering Christian characters and their meanings, it is also necessary to recall the anchor image. It went into use thanks to the words of the Apostle Paul from his "Epistle to Jews." In it, a champion of true faith shall like the hope of fulfilling a safe and strong anchor, invisibly connecting the members of the Church with the kingdom of heaven. As a result, the anchor became a symbol of hope for the salvation of the soul from eternal death, and his image can often be found among other Christian symbols.

Image of pigeon in christian symbolism

As mentioned above, the content of Christian characters will often be as follows among biblical texts. In this regard, it is appropriate to remember the image of a pigeon having a double interpretation. In the Old Testament, he was assigned the role of the carrier of the Good News when he returned to the ark of Noah, giving it to know that the flooding waters retreated, and the danger passed. In this context, the pigeon was made and prosperity within not only religious, but also generally accepted in the whole world of symbols.

On the pages of the New Testament, the pigeon becomes visible personification of the Holy Spirit, who descended on Christ at the time of his baptism in Jordan. Therefore, in the Christian tradition, his image acquired exactly this meaning. The pigeon symbolizes the third hatching of a single God - the Holy Trinity.

Images symbolizing four evangelists

The Old Testament, or rather, to the psalti, which makes one of his books, belongs an image of an eagle symbolizing the youth and strength. The basis for this was the words attributed to the king David and prisonered in a hundred second Psalm: "We will refresh Yako Orly (as an eagle) Your youth." It is no coincidence that the eagle became a symbol of the Apostle John - the youngest of the Evangelists.

It will be appropriate to mention Christian characters denoting the authors of the other three canonical gospels. The first of them is an evangelist Matthew - corresponds to an angel image that embodies the image of the Messianic destination of the Son of God sent to the world for his salvation. Next after him is the evangelist Mark. Next to it, it is customary to depict Lion, symbolizing the royal dignity of the Savior and its power. The Third Blagovets (the word "Gospel" in translation means "good news") is the evangelist of Luke. He is accompanied by a sacrificial lamb or a calf, emphasizing the redemptive importance of the earthly ministry of the Son of God.

These symbols of Christian religion are invariably found in the painting of Orthodox churches. Usually they can be seen placed from the four sides of the arch supporting dome, in the center of which, as a rule, is depicted by the Savior. In addition, they, together with the image of the conventions, decorate the royal gates.

Symbols whose value is not always clear

Often, the visitors of the Orthodox churches are surprisingly the image of a six-pointed star - the same as the state seemingly, what communication can Orthodox Christian characters with this purely Jewish sign? In fact, there is nothing to be surprised here - a six-pointed star in this case only emphasizes the connection of the New Testament Church with its Old Testament Presenter, and there has nothing to do with politics.

By the way, do not remember the element of Christian symbol, along the way. In recent years, it is often decorated with the tops of the Christmas and New Year's Eve. She is designed to depict the one that in the Christmas night pointed out the road to the cave, in which the Savior appeared.

And another character calling questions. Based on the crosses of the crosses of the dome of the Orthodox churches, it is often possible to see the crescent placed in a horizontal position. Since in itself, he belongs to the Muslim religious attribute, then often such a composition is interpreted incorrectly, giving it an expression of the celebration of Christianity over Islam. In fact, it is not.

The lying horizontal crescent is in this case is the symbolic image of the Christian church, which is given an image of a ship or a chel carrying believers through the stormy waters of the life of the sea. By the way, this symbol also applies to the number of the earliest, and it can be seen in one or another embodiment on the walls of Roman catacombs.

Christian character of the Trinity

Before talking about this important section of Christian symbolism, the attention should be focused on the fact that, in contrast to the pagan triads, the composition of which always included three independent and separate "existed" deities, the Christian Trinity is the unity of three hat, inseparable, But not compound into a single whole. God is one in the three faces, each of which reveals one of the parties of his essence.

In accordance with this, since the period of early Christianity, symbols intended for the visual incarnation of this trinity were created. The most ancient of them are images of three rings or fish intertwomen. They were discovered on the walls of Roman catacombs. They can be considered the earliest that the Dogmat of the Holy Trinity, appearing only at the end of the II century, was developed in the subsequent century, and was officially fixed in the documents of the Nicene Cathedral of 325, which was mentioned above.

Also, the symbolism elements meaning the Holy Trinity, although that appeared, as it is considered, a little later, an equilateral triangle should be attributed, sometimes circled around. Like all other Christian characters, it has a deep meaning. In this case, it is emphasized not only but its infinity. Often inside it is placed image of the eye, or rather, the Oka God, indicating that the Lord is all-seeing and omnipresent.

The history of the church knows more complex on the drawing symbols of the Holy Trinity, which appeared in certain periods. But always and in all images, elements pointing to unity and at the same time inability to three components of its elements were invariably. They can often be seen in the design of many currently temples - both east and related to the Western directions of Christianity.